#asa shows her love through cooking for others
peanutty · 1 year
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their 1st harvestfest together <3
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
Hii! I read the chapter and I really wanted an Asa Denji kiss not Yoru 🥲. Also I think Asa is a bit interested in Denji because she gets embarrassed?
Anyway do you know why did Yoru kissed Denji?
I don't know if it's customary to thank ano who ask questions but thank you very much for your question! <33
I'm also disappointed to see a Yoru/Denji kiss and not with Asa, but that's still to be accepted. Fujimoto knows exactly what he's doing and created with Asa and Denji so he's not ready to give us what we want right away (let him cook lol)
Describing Asa as a bit interested in Denji is the right way to describe their relationship for me! She certainly is! But I wouldn't say in a particularly healthy way. Asa's personality is not that of a fEmCeL but that of a teenager going through a lot of loneliness. I never see many people point this out but Asa's life is tragic: even when she wants to do something good, her bad luck takes over.
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She builds a rather cold, even haughty shell to hide a chronic lack of self-confidence, every action Asa takes is done by analysing the looks of others (the absolute opposite of Denji). Because she's a teenager who wants to fit in, but can't, creating social difficulties for her, including a school phobia. (I mean she is so demanding and wants to do well that she has memorized entire documentaries on starfish!!)
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As if she didn't want others to see behind her shell and suffer again. Asa suffers from loneliness, but at the same time… she is terrified of getting out. But human contact and the recognition of others are two things that teenagers in search of an identity pursue. So Asa tragically hopes to be interesting, but refuses to take a step towards the other. What she did with Denji on their date at the aquarium, because he is the very symbol of living life without worrying about looks. As being herself is an achievement for Asa, she thought he was going through the same thing, and that he would be interested in her as she is in him. And he is! That's for sure! But neither of them are in love yet: Denji wants a girlfriend while Asa doesn't want to be alone anymore. That… that's for part 2 to develop!
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Like any person suffering from loneliness, Asa clings to the slightest sign of kindness and compassion. We can see that she has quickly become attached to Denji, which also shows a potential dependency. Even if Denji is still weird, the whole of the first part has given him the opportunity to be more emotionally balanced. He also thought (90% certain) that Asa loved him, but it's not a sudden attachment it's a teenager's impatience to have a girlfriend. We can see that in this part 2, he puts up several barriers (whether it's distrusting Yoshida, or realising - even if it's afterwards - that he's being manipulated and used). Asa shows attachment issues and Denji shows trust issues.
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All this to say that Yoru is what pushes Asa to the front of the stage despite herself. Whether it's asking Yoshida to be her boyfriend (making her look desperate) or kissing Denji when Asa rejected him (a nest of misunderstandings). Because Yoru, like a general, a warrior or the war itself, is all about satiation, revenge and winning. Which is a super frank and even childish personality because she is literally a bad player. You can tell she was frustrated that Denji didn't turn into a weapon. Because she wants to fight Chainsaw Man right now! Without waiting!
This makes Asa's fate even more tragic and contrasts her goals with those of Yoru: Asa wants friends, wants an entourage, wants to build relationships with others, while Yoru waits (impatiently) for the slightest relationship, a trace of affection to create a weapon.
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Yoru is getting to know Asa and also knows how scared she is of others and even if Asa's rejection in this chapter was justified (considering the bullshit Denji was insinuating), Yoru doesn't care because once again, like the war, her goal is to sow chaos, and to only take into account her pride and personal interests. We are faced with a young teenager curled up inside herself, with a demon inside her on the verge of explosion. And Denji finds himself lost between these two extremes.
Added: to explain Yoru's choice to proceed with a kiss: because she is a demon. The discussions between Asa and Denji are just background noise to her ears. She has noticed that Denji desires physical affection (while he expresses it awkwardly, and "sex" represents his urgent need to be loved as it is the most demonstrative + the fact that he doesn't really have more experience, and doesn't know how a date goes), which Asa refused to offer him (JUSTLY). For Yoru, the more demonstrative and direct it is, the sooner she will have her prey's heart and her weapon!
But it all serves one purpose for me: building the relationship between War and Nayuta, the control demon. Who, if we follow the logic of Makima and Fami should be sisters. Yoru is childish, she wants now while Nayuta is possessive. All this would serve to make their dynamic clear in chap 120 :
Yoru : I want!
Nayuta : you won't have
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chilled-ice-cubes · 2 years
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one of my favourite small bits of makima characterisation is the opening of the katana arc which starts with makima remembering the drinking session the devil hunter gang had
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and ends with her almost-disappointed but unsurprised when kurose and tendou quickly say that they won’t transfer to the special division. what she says out loud is that they’ll be missing out on the restaurants tokyo has. fujimoto shows bonding through the sharing of food (denji sharing food with pochita, aki cooking for power and denji) and it feels like he’s underlining how makima can’t connect with others - the two devil hunters who witness her abilities immediately rush to go back to kyoto.
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kurose and tendou also reiterate the division between makima and the other devil hunters - even in a dangerous profession where people die quickly, makima is still not part of the group. in part two, denji as chainsaw man is in makima’s position - he’s feared, respected and hero worshiped but its precisely because of this that he feels unsatisfied. can you really connect properly when you’re a higher existence, a “hero” to others? hierarchies naturally create isolation. fujimoto explores isolation both through ostracisation as well as worship.
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yuko is ostracised and seeks to become like chainsaw man so she will be loved but ends up having to leave behind asa, the one friend she’s made. meanwhile denji tries to reveal his true identity so that someone can see him as denji and not as chainsaw man and still love him.
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Cube reads: Chainsaw man Chapter 131
Typical warnings for canon typical violence, vomit, and SPOILERS!!
Okay aside from Fujimoto literally just flexing his art skills again. THERES SO MUCH GOING ON!!?!?!?
Ok first thing that caught my attention:
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Meal made with love. We saw parts of her cooking process, and I don’t know what to make of that statement? Her love of murdering people? Her love of cooking? More interestingly, love seems to be the weakness of devils, so then how would she make something with love if it is dangerous to her? Personally I think that it refers to Denji’s love for Asa, or just Denji’s love in general. He loves the world and believes good things can happen, despite all he’s been through. Also apparently Chainsaw man tastes bad to devils in general, as the both the Bat and Fox devils stated that denji tasted very bad to them. 
It’s funny that she gets so upset about this, but also shows in what ways devils are similar to humans. She does have feelings, and her feelings can get hurt. She likes what she does, she has hobbies, she has relationships with others (Famine, as her employee but still). On another note, it also highlights the differences because most humans don’t point at someone and explode them with their mind whenever they are insulted. 
Also. Famine devil is her employer??? Kind of makes sense I guess lol. 
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Famine devil states that she can make the “starved” into her pawns, which is why she wanted to starve Asa/Yoru/the war devil. In a literal sense her pawns seem to become very small, and while not COMPLETELY controllable by her Famine definitely has power over them. Does she just keep her pawns in her pocket? They are very small, so I wonder what will happen to Falling now. She is obviously still alive! Tbh giving me pokemon returning to the pokeball vibes.
Again to the prophecy, it very clearly has to do with Denji, and now with Famine’s plan to stop it, Asa/Yoru. I love her motive for preventing an “age of devils”. She’s right. Pizza and chinese food would stop existing if humans stopped existing. She’s right, and what’s even funnier is that she describes this as the “worst possible scenario”. For her it makes sense, we see how much she loves food from the cafe scene with yoshida. (speaking of, WHERE IS YOSHIDA?!?!?!?!!). Nayuta though. She’s the control devil, she doesn’t really have any motive to stop a devil revolution? Of course, she is a reincarnation of the control devil being raised by denji, so she probably appreciates food on a similar level to Denji. Also that she was basically born by Denji eating Makima, so food and eating is somewhat important to her in that sense. I don’t know if she knows how she was born, but she knows about devils and her own powers and doesn’t question Famine and her being sisters. 
Though she is very powerful, she is very much a child! She has been through a lot and is constantly at risk of losing the only person she cares about. I love that she prioritizes school over literally saving the world. I think that reflects a lot of Makima in her, in her pursuit of knowledge. Makima was the only one who remembered the names of the devils chainsaw man ate. Makima was very clever, and knew a lot, although she didn’t go about using her skills in a helpful way. Makima’s main motivation as a character was to have an equal and caring relationship with someone. Nayuta already has that, with Denji. 
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While Denji supports her and encourages her to go to school, he never went to school, and he is also a child! He prioritizes saving other people over himself, and there is no way that Nayuta doesn’t know this with him running off to fight devils and save people. Denji mentioned that Nayuta is very smart, and with this combined with her prioritizing school over preventing an apocalypse, gives us much better insight into her character and motivations. She’s a nerd.
Nayuta is a very interesting character because while she is a child, she’s also a devil, and there is no precedent in the manga for how she will behave and grow up. It’s a very Nurture vs. Nature situation. I think that if she were growing up in a safe and stable environment she would turn out much like any human child. However, she is a devil, and has devil powers, and could be influenced by other devils like Famine. Famine has her own interests, but she was easily able to convince Nayuta that actually, an age of devils wouldn’t be fun, despite Nayuta having the exact opposite opinion before their conversation. I think this sets up Nayuta’s character arc for a conflict of her inherent nature as both a devil and being created by Denji, and outside influences both from Denji raising her, and other devils. 
I’m so hyped for the next chapter omg i love this manga aaaaaaa!!!!!
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Could I get some slashers of your choice reacting to their s/o ( 5'5) needing to climb on the kitchen counter to reach the top shelf?
The Slashers reacting to their S/O climbing on the kitchen counter to reach the top shelf:
Thomas Hewitt
Luda May is usually in the kitchen the most, at least for actually cooking anything. And she’s not exactly tall, so you can normally reach things with relative ease.
However, there are moments when you have to grab something from the top shelf...and that’s always a problem for you.
You’re used to climbing onto the counter to reach it, not really having a problem with it, but Thomas wasn’t a fan when he caught you doing it for the first time.
He panics a little, just worried that you’re going to fall and hurt yourself.
He’ll walk over to you and lift you down with ease, even when you protest, and grab whatever it was that you needed for you.
If you need something off of a high shelf, just ask him to get it for you, don’t risk hurting yourself like that!
Of course you still do it when he’s not around to catch you, but whenever he is you ask him to reach it for you. Mostly because he’ll only scold you for climbing for it.
Michael Myers
Michael just watches you do it, it’s good entertainment.
Watching you climb up onto the kitchen counter to reach the top shelf. 
He’s silently teased you about your height before, so this is amusing to him.
If the item is still out of reach, he will put you out of your misery and get it for you.
However, you might just head into the kitchen to find that the things you need have somehow been placed on the top shelf...you know it was Michael.
Jason Voorhees
When Jason walked into the kitchen to see you climbing up on the kitchen counter to reach the top shelf, his eyes widened and he hurried over to you.
He won’t lift you off of the counter but he will gently usher you down, even as you complain about just needing something.
He will grab the item you needed and hand it to you before telling you that if you need something you can’t reach, just ask him to get it for you.
When you next go into the kitchen, you’ll find that everything has been moved down to the lower shelves so that you could reach them without risking climbing up onto the counter.
Brahms Heelshire
When Brahms first sees you climb onto a kitchen counter, it’s before you know he’s there. He’s watching from behind the walls, worried about what would happen if you fell.
He thinks it’s kind of cute when you strain to reach for something, but he is still a little worried about you falling.
Once you’re aware of him, and things have gone back to normal, he will grab things off of the top shelves for you when you ask.
However, he will only do it for you if you reward him with a kiss.
Bo Sinclair
Bo will just watch you with an amused smirk on his face, not helping you at all.
He thinks it’s funny, watching you climb up onto the counter just to reach the top shelf.
He will definitely tease you about it, about how you can’t even reach the shelf.
Oh, he’ll ask if you need help but not give it.
He just likes to see people struggle, just chuckling when you complain about him not helping you.
If he does finally decide to help you one day, it will involve him pressing himself against your back while he reaches over you.
Vincent Sinclair
When Vincent walks into the kitchen, to see you up on the kitchen counter and looking for something on the top shelf, he just worried that you would fall.
He would rush over to you, standing behind you with his hands held out slightly, ready to catch you if you fall.
You repeatedly assure him that you’ll be fine as you grab the item, but he isn’t going to risk it.
Finally, you climb down without incident and Vincent relaxes. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek to further reassure him.
Next time you mention needing something from the top shelf, Vincent will be quick to grab it for you instead.
Lester Sinclair
Lester walks into the kitchen and does a bit of a double take. Obviously, he hadn’t expected to find you had climbed up onto the kitchen counter to rummage through the top shelf of the cabinet.
He is a little worried about you falling, so he walks over to you just to make sure he’s there to help it you do, but he’s sure you have it handled.
Lester just tells you to be careful when you’re doing that, or to just move the things you regularly need to a lower shelf.
You just tell him that you’re fine, you do it all the time and he doesn’t need to worry. 
And, well, he isn’t going to argue when you give him a quick kiss.
Bubba Sawyer
Concerned babbling as soon as he sees you on top of the kitchen counter.
What if you fell and hurt yourself?!
Please, if you need something that you can’t reach, just ask him to get it for you.
Bubba would be happy to help so it’s not like you’re bothering him at all!
Hell, he’ll even lift you up to help you reach it, he just doesn’t want you to fall and get hurt.
Billy Lenz
Billy pretty much just lets you get on with it.
Before you knew about him, when he was just watching you, he thought it was pretty cute watching you struggle and climb up to reach something.
Now that he’s standing in the kitchen with you, he still things it’s cute to see and makes him giggle.
Of course, if you ask him to get something that you can’t reach, he will get it for you. 
He just isn’t likely to help without being asked, he finds it amusing.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Asa just sighs when he sees you climb up on the counter to reach the top shelf.
He’ll just walk over to you and silently usher you down with an exasperated look on his face, grabbing the item you needed and handing it to you.
You would thank him and he would tell you to just ask him to get something if you couldn’t reach it in the future.
That’s pretty sweet for Asa, it just shows you that he cares. He doesn’t want you climbing up on kitchen counters for things that you need.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
When Jesse walks into the kitchen and sees you on top of the kitchen counter, he just stops and watches for a moment.
...he didn’t expect this.
He’s a little amused by your efforts but decides he should step in before you hurt yourself. 
Strolling over, grabbing the thing you were reaching for before placing it down and helping you down from the counter.
Next time, before you climb up on to the counter, he will come up behind you, pressing himself against your back while reaching to get what it is that you needed. He knows exactly what he is doing and you know it. He just likes getting you flustered.
Otis Driftwood
When Otis walks into the kitchen and sees you had climbed up on the kitchen counter to reach something, he just laughs at the sight.
He’ll let you grab the item and hop back down, giving you some assistance if you need it.
He’s seen stranger things happen in this house, but he does let you know that if you can’t reach something, you can ask him to get it for you.
When he sees you struggling, Otis is definitely the type to walk up to you, place one hand on your hip as he presses himself against you, while using the other hand to reach for what you needed.
Baby Firefly
Baby often teases you about your height, but always in a loving and playful way.
So, when she sees you climbing onto the kitchen counter to grab something from the top shelf, she can’t help but giggle at the sight.
She tells you to be careful and will come over to make sure you don’t fall.
While she does find amusement in your struggle, she will grab things for you in the future, since she is still taller than you.
Will always place a kiss on your forehead when she hands you the item, laughing when you huff in complaint...not that you would ever complain about her giving you a kiss.
Yautja (Predator)
I mean...it’s an effective strategy. You have the item that you needed.
As long as you’re careful and don’t hurt yourself, he doesn’t mind you doing it.
However, if he is around when you need something that’s out of your reach, he will get it for you rather than making you climb for it.
Both to save you the effort but also because he doesn’t want you accidently hurting yourself.
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anonslash · 2 years
Heloo could I request some general slasher headcanons? Anything ranging from fav food to hobbies- Anything is fine :D (for the characters, Anyone is fine but please include leslie I love sm and there's not much leslie content)
Of course! These were fun to write! I ended up going with Leslie, Asa, and Freddy, hope that’s okay.
Content: General slasher things, bug mentions, suggestive text because Freddy.
General Headcanons
Leslie Vernon:
Lemme start off with my gender/sexuality hcs, he’s a bisexual trans man.
Leslie was most definitely a theater kid. He got quite good at it, both as the lead role or multiple side parts. It’s part of why he was able to be so convincing about his story, and it’s where he was able to learn a lot of the archetypes that he relies on for his victims.
He’s always considered getting a dog, but he knows he wouldn’t be able to take care of it. He still thinks about it though, he wanted to have a trained attack dog to help him with his hunts.
He could probably recite to you some of Grimm’s fairy-tales, they were his favorite growing up and even now he has a soft spot for them.
He’s not one to cook for himself, his house is full of instant meals and protein shakes. He has more important things to do.
When he does want to indulge, though, he’ll find himself a competent butcher and he’ll get a blue steak. He can’t really explain why, but he likes it a lot more than preparing any other way.
For less special meals, he just really enjoys eating with Eugene and Jamie (hehe that’s my name), their cooking isn’t anything spectacular, but it’s better than what he’s got at home, and he’ll never pass up an opportunity to get some advice from his mentor.
For hobbies, he always says that he doesn’t have time for them, he’s preparing for his next hunt and all, and he has to keep in shape. If he ever does let himself have free time, he’ll listen to podcasts or audiobooks while he writes horror stories.
Kind of a side note to the last one, he’s insanely good at multitasking, to the point where he can be writing while skimming through a book and listening to music.
Asa Emory:
Asa is a masculine non-binary, using any pronouns except she/her. He’s androsexual.
Of course, some of his hobbies we already know about, like taxidermy, kidnapping, etc…
he also enjoys sculpting! He’s not very fond of other mediums, but he likes working with clays a lot.
He spends the little free time he has enjoying sculpting whatever comes to mind.
He’s got a more expensive taste than he should on the budget of a college professor. He goes to fancier restaurants sometimes, when he can afford it, eavesdropping on the other patrons while he waits for his food. He always ends up getting some type of “strange” delicacy like tripe, cow tongue, or escargot. He’s definitely up to eating bugs, and he insists that animal parts shouldn’t be wasted.
When he can’t afford to spend that much, he goes for a more balanced homemade meal, usually something spicy.
His dogs are mostly strays that he’s found and their offspring. He takes very good care of them!
He had a lot of respect for Arkin, seeing his skill and potential. If he hadn’t already planned on collecting someone, he would’ve definitely taken him.
He’s very proud of those that make it into his collection, especially Abby. He always introduces his bait to them, taking pride in how far they’ve come under his guidance.
He only does this because his bait isn’t intended to live to tell the tale, he’d like to show more people, like a museum. He’s a little upset that he can’t show the world his collection, but he’s smarter than that.
Freddy Krueger:
He’s a cisgender man, and he’s bisexual with a male lean.
He’s the type to sit there and debate the pros and cons of dating someone with every type of body shape, but his conclusion is always that he doesn’t really care.
In his life, when he was bored, he’d go out and loudly judge people in public. He always liked to see them get upset, especially when it was parents trying to keep their cool around their kids. It’s just incredibly amusing to him.
He can’t really eat actual food anymore, but when he was alive, he was a fan of barbecue. Yes, he sees the irony in that now.
He gets bored easily if he’s not scaring or harassing people in their dreams. During the day, he likes to do wood carving, which he always liked, and now he has the benefit that he can’t slice up his hand in the dream world.
Sometimes he’ll watch people's dreams for fun, particularly the ones where the person is super embarrassed. He thinks it’s funny to watch a middle aged man panic because he needs to use the bathroom, but the only toilet is in the center of a giant crowd. To be fair, I think that’d be pretty funny, too. He also, unsurprisingly, enjoys watching people’s more risqué dreams. He hasn’t seen or touched a swimsuit magazine in like 53 years, give him a break.
He adamantly refuses that he’d ever have a romantic relationship. He is wrong.
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slasher-sweetie · 4 years
Can I get a imagine of some slashers( Michael,asa,Jason,jennifer,Jesse, Billy,stu, and Hannibal reacting to there s/o who can eat really spicy food like it's nothing and how would they react when they try there s/o food
I'm sorry, honey, I don't write for Hannibal, but I included everyone else you asked for! ❤
Slashers x Reader who loves spicy food
Michael Myers (RZ):
• Michael thinks you're dumb, he loves you, but anybody that willingly hurts themselves like that has to have something mentally wrong with them.
• He isn't at all impressed, he's worried, but at the end of the day, it's you who has to suffer through it.
• If you even THINK about feeding Michael any of the spicy things that you eat, he'll leave you. Michael doesn't like pain at all, he'll destroy everything you love if your food causes him any pain.
• One time you put a little too much cinnamon in some Snickerdoodle cookies, and Michael thought he was seeing Jesus. To punish you, Michael crushed every single cookie in his hand and left the mess for you to clean up.
• This big boy can't handle spice at all, just do yourself a favor and keep it simple.
Asa Emory:
• Asa isn't necessarily impressed with your ability to handle spice, but he's happy that you've found something you enjoy.
• Asa will test your ability by making food and adding pepper extract straight into it from little bottles that he bought from the internet. He still hasn't found any that overwhelm you, but he's still searching.
• Asa likes some spicy food, Indian being some of his favorite cuisine, but he doesn't enjoy pure pain in his mouth, he wants his food to still have other flavors.
• If you make food for Asa and decide to sneakily put in some of your spicy ingredients, Asa simply won't eat it.
• You really think he can't smell the spice, Y/n? You would be in big trouble for trying to trick him.
Jason Voorhees:
• Jason thinks everything you do is amazing, your ability to withstand spice is included.
• He thinks you're so cute when you find some new novelty item that you haven't tried yet. Your excitement takes over your whole face.
• Jason himself can't really taste spice. It's a strange anomaly that he noticed when you first introduced him to spicy food.
• His mother had never cooked anything spicy when he was a child, so he didn't know if he had always been unable to taste spice, or if it was something that came about after he was brought back.
• Either way, Jason is happy to eat anything you make, the spicier the better, it's not like it bothered him anyway!
Jennifer Check:
• It doesn't really matter to Jennifer that you can withstand spicy food, she has literally eaten a good portion of the male student body at her school.
• She does indulge your cravings for spicy food, though. She's constantly bringing you new spicy things to try.
• Jennifer does have one "spicy" food that she really enjoys.
• If she didn't have to consume human flesh, Jennifer could survive solely on hot cheetos, her kryptonite.
• Jennifer will occasionally eat something you cook, but she gets most of her sustenance in, uh, other ways.
Jesse Cromeans:
• Jesse LOVES showing off the spicy food you can eat. He encourages you to make a YouTube channel to show off your talent.
• When you accompany him to business dinners, Jesse is ALWAYS ready to show you off, he thinks that you're the most interesting human in the world. Even if you weren't a pro at handling spice, he'd find some other quality of yours to brag about
• Jesse doesn't really enjoy spicy food himself, he likes hot wings, but that's about the extent of it.
• Jesse will however give in and try some of the food you make, he can't deny your cute little excited face when he agrees to be your guinea pig in the kitchen.
• Though his inability to tell you no did cause him to have a pretty bad nose bleed when he ingested too much Carolina Reaper hot sauce, once.
Billy Loomis:
• Billy thinks it's super cool that you can handle spice, but he doesn't want you kissing him for at least 24 hours of you eating anything spicy.
• Billy likes to think of himself as pretty tough, but the boy can barely handle a drop of Frank's Red Hot sauce.
• He'll 100% be down for you to sign up for those spicy wing challenges at restaurants. He'll act like your some sort of celebrity, and he's your manager.
• So far you've won him 30 t-shirts from various restaurants across the country.
• Billy thinks you'll be on FoodNetwork  one day.
Stu Macher:
• Stu thinks you're so strong and tough, this sweetie loves that you can handle literally any spicy challenges that people throw at you.
• He watches in awe as you eat spicy chips, spicy sauce, spicy noodles, spicy everything. He wants to taste it so bad. So he does.
• Immediate regret.
• He's coughing, spitting, tears are streaming down his face and he feels like he's gonna puke.
• Stu wants to eat your food so bad, but he just can't handle it. This poor baby!
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kumikoshortcake · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask headcanons for GoM? Their team know that they are in love (but not confessed yet) and begins to joke and give advice.
Hi there! Yes, of course! Here you go! There may be a few similarities in the reactions due to similar traits and such but otherwise, enjoy! This was a fun request to write. Also, I have no idea how long headcanons are generally supposed to be but these are kinda long hehehe...
At first, he was going to make it this grand gesture with a handwritten poem (that sounds more like an essay) and chocolates and plushies and flowers...lots and lots of flowers. Think rose petals trails and large bouquets like in the movies.
“Sei-chan, I understand that you want to show how much you adore her, but this is going overboard.”
Reo-nee gets him to calm down and offers pro tips to woo his crush aka you with something more low-key.
And let’s be honest, Reo’s sense of fashion is freakin amazing, he is the trendsetter so he would definitely be up for having a meeting at Akashi’s house and helping him pick out clothes because this poor boy has a very *ahem* unique sense of style, at least in putting outfits together.
Sei knows a lot of high-end places but remember low-key. Not to say that you two won’t go there once you’re official. So, Hayama would suggest some nice cafes with a cheerful and homely atmosphere. I’m talking about the cute ones nestled in the corner with aromatic coffee and delicious cakes and pastries.
I don’t think any of the team members would tease him solely because they don’t want to fear his wrath on the court.
But whenever you pass by, Hayama and Nebuya get this twinkle in their eyes as they observe him watching you.
Nebuya tries to help and Hayama and Reo shoot his ideas down.
“Akashi, what about impressing them with your muscles?” “Nebuya, shut up. Just...no.”
But he does suggest inviting you to a game which is a wonderful idea!
Mayuyu straight up doesn’t give a damn. Secretly slips him a light novel.
“Ne Mayuzumi-senpai, did you give Akashi that light novel?” “What? Of course not. Why would I waste my time on such matters.”
They all care for and support him in their own ways whether that is actively giving him advice or watching in the shadows.
*cue Kise getting kicked by Kasamatsu for not shutting up about his crush on you during practice* 
“Kasamatsu-senpai, did you see how cute (Name)-chan looked with her hair done like that, did you?”
“Oi Kise, shut up! We’re at practice!”
It’s pretty obvious that he likes you by the way he interacts with you compared to other girls. He’s more sincere and he doesn’t have to maintain his ‘perfect model image’.
After being on the same team as Kise, they’ve learned to pick up on the subtle things so they’d probably figure his crush on you before he himself does.
Moriyama always trying to give him cute pick-up lines
And Hayakawa would be excited and try to help but no one can understand the poor child.
Tbh, I think Kobori and Kasa would give pretty good advice.
Kasa would give him some ideas like going on a picnic or stargazing while Kobori would be more logistical like the best days and times to go and what to bring and all the preparation he’s a mom like that
He would begrudgingly offer to teach Kise how to play some simple songs on the guitar.
Kaijo 10/10 would support him and try to help him confess no matter how much they grumble about it.
“I d-don’t have a c-crush on her, nanodayo! Stop talking nonsense, Bakao!”
Full tsundere mode on.
His face is redder than his lucky item (a crab plushie)
Let’s be honest, Takao would definitely tease him for a great deal of it because Shin-chan is blushing and we might never see his face this color again.
“Shin-chan, Oha Asa said today is the perfect day for Cancers in romance hehe…” or “Oh, Shin-chan you’re asking me about relationship advice for a friend? Do I know them?”
But in the end, he’d be a huge help and his primary confidant. Midorima would probably practice his speech to Takao to the point where Takao has it memorized.
But for real, we’ve seen Carrot!Midorima but imagine a blushing Shin-chan as a watermelon.
Someone please draw this
Otsubo, the kind soul he is, would encourage him but more indirectly than Takao. Think a pat on the shoulder or gentle knock on his back.
Kimura and Miyaji low-key tease him but they would give him advice on when and how to ask her out.
But he stills has his idiosyncrasies and checks your compatibility and all which annoys them.
Yep, you were right…“Kimura, get me a pineapple.”
But deep down and I mean deep, DEEP down in their hearts (they refuse to admit) they all do help him as much as they can because he’s their friend teammate.
Takao and some of his other teammates would definitely spy on his confession in interest.
Momoi would be hands down the biggest help and we all know it.
Imayoshi and Wakamatsu would use this opportunity knowledge to tease him mercilessly especially after all he’s put them through.
Once they’re satisfied, they would properly give him ideas.
*Sadistic megane sighs* “No, Aomine you don’t get a girl just by showing off.”
“Oi Ahomine, stop staring at your crush and focus on the drills, you idiot!”
Momoi would help him choose a nice location (somewhere nice but casual), pick an outfit, etc.
Sakurai would be his practice partner on how’d he ask them out and everything.
Honestly, despite how he acts, Aomine isn’t the most confident about these kinds of things cause he’s a dork but he’s trying his best okay.
And he does know how to treat a girl even if he is sometimes a jerk. (Momoi trained him as his childhood friend in preparation for this day lol)
Okay, but imagine this. Aomine is getting ready to confess and he’s really nervous and he tries to play it off but his teammates can totally tell. So they like, try to pump him up and cheer him on and it’s totally adorable. Bonding moment.
Momoi is all teary-eyed, “Well, this is definitely going in the scrapbook.”
They would all definitely spy on Aomine to make sure he’s fine/for entertainment/blackmail because a blushing Aomine Daiki.
They show Aomine the pictures they took of his confession with his blush and everything.
Aomine.exe has stopped working...until he snaps out of it and chases them trying to steal their phones to delete the pictures.
It all happens when someone notices Mura sharing his snacks with you. Because Mura doesn’t share his snacks with just anyone.
His confession is the cutest and anyone who disagrees can fight me.
Mura would confide in Himuro and the latter would give him tips on how to confess and show his crush how much he appreciates them.
Mamabear! Himuro. He would help him plan everything and would offer to cook delicious food for them and this boy is so excited to see Atsu grow up. *wipes tear away* But actually, Himuro would be completely supportive and sweet about the whole thing and answer all of Atsu’s questions with careful thought and patience.
“Muro-chin, what kind of flowers should I get?”
“Hmm...well you could go with roses, but if you know her favorite flower you could give her that? Or there’s always hanakotoba, and you could give her a bouquet with flowers that represent how you feel about her.”
Atsu is actually really into the whole process of confessing it’s adorable. He puts in a lot of time and effort and Fukui and Liu Wei would watch in amazement as this lazy giant is actively looking up nearby flower shops and recipes for chocolate and your favorite foods. Like, who are you and what have you done to Murasakibara Atsushi?
Okumura offers to help him (this boi needs more love, he’s such a sweetheart) and convinces the coach to let Mura leave practice early for his preparations/confession.
Mura might go to Masako to get a female’s opinion.
They are all really supportive throughout the process and are willing to help in whatever way they can. He may be a bit eccentric but he cares in his own way, and they’re one big family.
All watch his confession and a few of them slightly tear up at the adorableness.
“The hell are you talking about? I'm not crying! I got something in my eye...give me a tissue.”
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chicagocityofclans · 3 years
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Siobhan Cooke → Hilarie Burton → Kodiak Shifter
→ Basic Information 
Age: 62
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: September 1st
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Religion: Irish Catholic
→ Her Personality The Cooke family is made of hard workers, and Siobhan is no exception. They never really climbed the ranks in the clan, and Byron remained at his same position for over 70 years without much fanfare and retired quietly back in Ireland. It is her family’s situation that has driven almost all of Siobhan’s choices in life. Her father was never recognized for his service by the Fields, so Siobhan decided to rise through the ranks in whatever way she could. She put in the legwork and hours of showing to prove to Sam that she could fit into the world of expensive real estate. Siobhan learned how to dress, how to speak, how to walk all in order to become the “best” version of herself. She believes she built herself from the ground up and is very proud of her image and lifestyle.
Siobhan thoroughly believes all members of her clan, regardless of their position, deserve respect. She makes an effort to say hello to everyone from her clan, whether just in passing or while one of them is working and has a good reputation amongst the workers at the hotel. Many of them knew her from the time she was a child and she tries to maintain those relationships. She has always been a more serious person and takes what she says seriously too. This may strike people as blunt or sharp tongued, but she rarely means it like that.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Designer Clothing and the Smell of Citrus Cleaning Supplies
Two Dislikes: Fake wood and Sugary Coffee
Two Fears: Losing everything and having to work at the Hotel and Byron dying
Two Hobbies: Flipping properties and Playing piano
Three Positive Traits: Industrious, Equitable, Graceful
Three Negative Traits: Serious, Proud, Dogmatic
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Byron Cooke (Father): Byron taught his daughter the value of hardwork. He spent every day of his life working to provide his family with everything he could. He made sure to send his daughters to a private school so they could get the best education possible. And when his daughters were finally grown, he chose to move back to Ireland. Siobhan is very close to her father and sees it as her duty to push herself as far as possible to show him all of his hard work paid off. 
Clare Cooke (Mother): Clare had to leave for Ireland when Siobhan was a teenager. Her father had become ill and she went to go take care of him. When he finally passed, she had to help her mother and siblings and wasn’t able to get back to Chicago for almost 15 years. Her missing so much of Siobhan’s childhood has made their relationship more strained than hers and Byron’s. She still loves her mother and is glad that she and Byron were able to live out their retirement dream of owning a small bed and breakfast outside of Killarney.
Sibling Names:
Elodie Cooke (Sister): Elodie and Siobhan have very different personalities. Where Siobhan is focused so often on the things that must be done, Elodie has always been the inventive dreamer of the two. However, her spoiled attitude often causes arguments between the sisters and led to Elodie moving to Ireland, leaving Siobhan alone in the city.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Dante Parisi (New Acquaintance/Interest): Siobhan was introduced to Dante by Anna. She knows he is one of the newcomers and is interested in getting to know him better.
Platonic Connections:
Sam Thompson (Boss): Sam was the first person who offered her a job as an agent. She has as little tolerance for him as she does for the Fields, but he has given her the opportunity she needed and she’s willing to stomach that to get what she wants. She doesn't feel particularly loyal to Sam, but she has grown to see some of his good traits. 
Mason Harley (Friend): Once her parents and Elodie left the city, Siobhan often sat alone during church. During one of those times, Olivia and Mason introduced themselves to her and they became some of her closest friends. She was heartbroken when Olivia died, and unlike Geri, isn’t trying to force Mason back into the church. 
Geri Beckham (Flipping Partner/Good Friend): Siobhan met Geri after a pair of clients asked to bring her to a potential home purchase. They became friends quickly, and she was more than willing to hear her out when she talked about house flipping. She handles the real estate aspects of it, while Geri deals with the design and construction. After they began working with one another, they saw each other at mass and became close personal friends after that.
Hollis Sony (Competitor/Potential Boss): Hollis has been competing with Sam for years over their business, something Siobhan kept her head down about. She didn’t have a bone in either fight. A couple of months back, however, Hollis offered her a realtor position at her group. Siobhan is considering it, but has made a decision yet.
Eliza Meyers (Friend): Eliza and Siobhan met at work and became friends quickly. They often spend holidays together, whenever Eliza isn’t with Sam. Her personality reminds Siobhan of Elodie, but they get along better.
Riley Anderson (Friendly Rival): Riley has stolen properties from her in the past. And she’s done the same. When things become competitive, they tend to have a bit of a competition, but don’t hold grudges when everything has settled
Michael Johansen (Former Client): Siobhan helped Michael find his home in Chicago. She found him a pleasure to work with and makes a purpose to greet him whenever she’s at the hotel. 
Anna Johansen (Possible Future Client): Anna and Siobhan met when Michael was house hunting. Though his adopted daughter is living with him now, she’s mentioned wanting to find a place of her own in the future.
Sarah Harris (Friend): Sarah and Zack both go to the same church as Siobhan. She has been invited to their house for dinner quite a few times and enjoys their company. They were especially kind to her after her parents and sister moved away from her.
Zack Harris (Friend): Sarah and Zack both go to the same church as Siobhan. She has been invited to their house for dinner quite a few times and enjoys their company. They were especially kind to her after her parents and sister moved away from her.
Hostile Connections:
Clara Fields (Resents): Byron worked his fingers to the bone for the Fields family, working decades upon decades, and they barely acknowledged what he did for them. From a young age Siobhan knew she’d never work directly under the Fields. She can play nice with anyone, and has made it a point to stay neutral in her eyes.
Asa Fields (Resents): Byron worked his fingers to the bone for the Fields family, working decades upon decades, and they barely acknowledged what he did for them. From a young age Siobhan knew she’d never work directly under the Fields. He walked in and was placed at a job she knows other people have worked for years to get.
Molly (Border Collie): Siobhan adopted Molly after Elodie left. She found herself becoming lonely and wanted a companion. Molly has a ton of energy and Siobhan now goes on daily runs to get her energy out.
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
Into the Darkness and Unknown: Ch 9. Into the Enlightened Light
Malik took his helmet off, setting it down on his porch. With no word of warning, he took a few moments to prepare himself mentally. Finally, he opened the door to his house.
As soon as Malik stepped through the doors, Asa pulled him directly through the hallway with her magic into the living area, almost nose to nose with her. She had the darkest scowl on her face. With gritted teeth, the Kovina said angrily, "Give me one good reason why I ought to not kick your ass."
Malik looked down at his wife, feeling the fury radiated off her flow through his being. Every hair on his body stood up and he didn’t have an answer until he saw his son put down a toy and waddle to his father. “Daddy!”
Little Revan didn’t even realize his mother had Malik in her magical grip, simply reaching up to receive a hug from his father. Malik couldn’t quite give his boy what he wanted yet due to his armour being locked. “Because it would frighten our son?”
"... you're lucky he's awake and was too stubborn for a nap." Asakonigei released her husband so he could pay attention to their son. "This isn't over."
“I know.” Malik knelt down to pick his son up, hugging him deeply. “I missed you all dearly.”
“I missed you too papa. Where were you?”
“I was held up by enemies my dear boy. They kept me from sending word to you. Did you look after your mother and sister in my absence?”
“I did! Did you fight bad guys?”
“I did.”
“Mommy says you were in a land of monsters. Were they the bad guys?”
Malik shook his head, loving every moment of ruffling his son’s hair. “No, my dear boy. They were actually my allies.”
Donoma, however, did agree to nap time. She was a newborn and still slept soundly. Asakonigei did have to remind Revan constantly to be gentle. He was impatient, and wanted his baby sister to grow faster so the two of them could play together and spar. It was pretty cute to see him pout when Asakonigei told him he would have to wait a long while. Still fuming, the Kovina was not going to let Malik get off so easily. Though firstly, she had to get Malik alone.
"... Revan, will you go check on Donoma for me? Make sure she hasn't kicked off her blanket?"
“But I want to be with Papa.” Revan frowned at his mother, not understanding her reasoning. He only just got back and she wanted them separated?
“It’s ok my son. Go look after your sister. I’ll cook you dinner and play with you later.”
“Ok papa.”
Malik set Revan down, the little boy running off to valiantly guard his sister. Once he heard the door close, Malik pointed to the couch. “Wine before we talk?”
"No, I'm still breastfeeding. I cannot drink." Asakonigei put her hands on her hips. "No word. No indication that you were alive. Nothing for a whole month, Malik. What. The. Fucking. Hell."
Malik carefully set down letter after letter after letter he wrote to his family on the table from his travellers’ pouch. “I tried Asa. But the situation in Omisha grew dangerous. There was to be no communication sent in case it would be intercepted.”
"You could have still found a way, even if it wasn't a letter! What about all the spells I've taught you? Was there no water for a enchanted mirror? Nothing?!"
“It was forbidden. And given that the princess and I were attacked by a wizard of Teufel, I did not want them finding that you were by yourself.” Malik looked at her, sad, tired, and worried.
"... I'm still mad at you." Asakonigei crossed her arms and looked away from her husband, trying to hold back tears. She really was worried for him.
“Yet you know I am correct.” Malik gently took one of her hands, using his eyes to ask her to look at him. “My work was important for the kingdom to create an alliance... yet there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t long to return to you or the children. I feared constantly of an additional attack. Every day without a way back to you, or letting you know I was alive and well tore me up inside. I love you Asa. I’m sorry for making you worry.”
"... don't do it again." Asakonigei told him firmly and wiped at a couple of tears. "I don't like having to explain to Revan that I don't know when you'll be back... or spirits forbid, if you're coming back at all one day."
“It’s the grim reality of our world Asa... one I hope to have the power to change.” He held her chin gently to look her gaze up at him, the other hand round her waste. “Know I will never leave you.”
"If you do, I'll find you and kick your ass. You'll wish that death was an option." Askaonigei then pulled him into a tight embrace and huffed. "Take off the stupid armor already and hug me. I missed you."
Malik stripped down to clothing, immediately picking up his wife in a warm encasing hug, followed by a deep kiss. “Those monsters you feared weren’t so bad you know.”
"Well, of course you think that, you've fought dragons. And dragons are much, much worse than any monster out there." Asakonigei still had that teasing habit as her husband continued to kiss her... down her neck... onto her shoulder. "If you want that then you're going to have to convince Revan to take a nap."
“The question is, do you want it?”
"Hm... well... you have been a bad boy..." Asakonigei hinted at the type of intercourse. "It's been a long while... that and you've made your wife very lonely. You need to be punished."
“Daddy! When are we going to play!” Revan suddenly ran out, jumping between his mother and father. Seems like a lover’s intimacy would need to wait.
“Doesn’t your sister need you?”
“No. She’s asleep as a dragon.”
"Later." Asakonigei whispered to her husband. "Why don't you show your Daddy the new outfit Queen Zarazu got for you?"
Revan scampered off to his room and then a few moments later returned with a... dragon themed pajama onesie. Blue in color. Like Ba'puu.
"Like it?" Revan asked, having no idea of the tension between Ba'puu and his father. "Queen Zarazu told me that you would."
Malik looked down, narrowed eyes and dropped mouth that Asakonigei knew he loathed a little, but his son did not. “It looks good on you my boy.” His father scooped Revan up and placed him on his lap. “My little dragon warrior. Want to see what the monsters of Omisha think of your old man?”
“I do!”
Truth was, Malik himself wondered what they thought of him. Grabbing the journal Mother gave him, the Gerudo Lord opened it up to see what her people’s thoughts were of him, careful to sensor any potential swearing from Revan.
'Humans are weird creatures, and you are no exception. What is normal for us, is not exactly normal for you. Yet, in the short time you've been here, you've proven to be trustworthy, stubborn, and loyal. You trusted me to keep you safe and the children underneath my power. You were most stubborn in your negotiations, which I do respect, wanting the best for your kingdom. Lastly, your Lorleidian queen is very fortunate to have a friend and soldier in you. Yet, I warn you against the desire for power, young one. Your cousin had the blood of Demise running through his veins, and you are related to him. Do not lust after conquest or lest, you might meet your end and risk losing everything. Seek the daughter of the Lorleidian queen, young lord. You must train her to become the next queen and to prepare for a war. Remember the prophecy lullaby, and the words of our friend Modoc:
Darkness and shadow bring nothing but dread, two can keep a secret if one is dead. –
“You see? Nothing to concern yourself with Asa.”
"Nothing to worry? When you say that, there's always something to worry about." Asakonigei then pointed to the last sentence. "And secret? What does this mean?"
“Strong allies can keep any secret with each other. I believe it’s a symbol of trust.”
“That’s so cool daddy!”
“I know my boy. Now, how about I start cooking you both a meal, eh?” Didn’t matter what dangers might come in the future. Malik knew that he had at least one more powerful ally in his corner.
Leere walked the castle halls with her daughter in hand. She was still a little thing, only eight years of age. “Joy. Are you alright being looked after by your cousins? Your mother needs to wait and discuss some business with your uncle Ralnor and an old friend.”
“Is Skyla at the castle?”
“Perhaps. I’m sure Luimaya would love to let you know. Now run along dear.”
With great speed, Joy pranced off to find family to play with. Leere smiled fondly as she entered Ralnor’s office, waiting for him and Bonegrinder to arrive and discuss issues regarding Omisha. She had a habit of rubbing the shadow medallion around her neck when she was alone killing time. Didn’t surprise her they’d be late. “Men...”
Taking out an old binder, Leere read the old letters of Mother and Solani that were given to her so many years ago upon her first visit into a land of darkness and unknown.
'Seeing that you're the first human I ever met, I have so many questions for you, like, why don't humans have feathers? Do you really have these 'machines' made of metal that moves? What about magic, how did you obtain it? Why don't humans like monsters? Did you come from an egg like me? I think that's it for now. I miss you and hope you come back soon! ~Solani'
'Leere, I appreciate you being a friend to Modoc all this time. Stay by his side, for I know he will need you. Please make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe. There is much to come in the future. Lastly, do you have a curiosity about the mating rituals of my people? I can give you several books for references next time. ~Mother of the Monsters'
Leere had only seen Solani once or twice since then, able to answer most of her questions. The one about humans not liking monsters was still an answer she did not have a concrete solution to. She hoped that she was well, along with the rest of her family. Hopefully she could meet her little Joy soon.
It was like the shadows themselves whispered to Leere of Ralnor and Bonegrinder’s arrival before they physically appeared, one coming from the hallway, the other the tile of the rooftops. “Gentlemen. You are once again late. Predictably so at this rate.”
"It's his fault." Ralnor grumbled as he walked into his office, Bonegrinder coming through the ceiling. He still had the age old habit of pulling up the chandelier and squeezing through the hole to enter the room. Flopping down onto the couch, the Anagari had a bottle of wine from the cellar. Another trick of his that never died.
"He just wanted to make a pit stop for wine, there is nothing wrong with that, right, tiny princess?"
“You exhaust my time Bonegrinder. Lucky, your blatant disregard of it gives my daughter more time to spend with the rest of the family. Now Ralnor, we’re both getting old, so let us get started. My organization looks after the well being of Hyrule, selected by the goddesses for our loyalty to the holy land and our elemental mastery.” That last part Leere wasn’t fully devout, but felt obligated to say. “I myself the darkness and shadows of Hyrule. So, with that in mind, how is our allies of Omisha faring these days? Any news of when the next negotiations over there can take place?”
"Mother has informed us that the next negotiations are to take place on Saturday." Ralnor then gestured to Bonegrinder on the couch, drinking directly from the bottle. "He will be your escort, as always. Mother wishes to have more information on our trade with Uskar. To see if the land of the Direnors would be interested in trade with their..." He cleared his throat. "Distantly related cousins."
“Understood. I have a request, if it is safe to do so.”
"Of me or of Bonegrinder?"
“Both. I wish to bring my daughter to Omisha. She is a symbol of purity amongst humanity, untainted by the mindset of most humans. As my daughter she is very aware of monster kind, finding little to no fear from them. I believe she can be shown humans and echidnans can be friends on an even deeper level. Do you deem it safe?”
“A child has no place in---"
“We love children!" Bonegrinder flicked his tail. “Mother has many children, what is one more?"
"... you talk like she's going to adopt Joy."
"Might as well, that is why we all call her 'Mother'. She may not be our biological mother, but she is our protector, our nurturer, and our leader."
"Joy is not going to such a place of horrors!"
"You only call it that because we had to drag you there the first time."
"I. Was. In. My. Pajamas."
"At least you weren't naked."
Leere raised a brow at Ralnor. “A place of horrors? You mistaking Omisha for Malus brother?”
"Blondie is just sore over the fact that---"
"Mother called him 'pretty' and Bonegrinder licked him once when drunk."
"... good goddesses, have mercy on me." Ralnor rubbed his achy temples.
Leere snapped her finger, rather aggressively to get them both back on topic. “Bonegrinder. Quit acting like a child. Ralnor, when’s the last time you’ve been to Omisha?”
"Bleh." Bonegrinder flicked his tongue at her. "He never acts like a child, he simply acts how he wishes, when he wishes. And he loves to tease Blondie."
"I went five months ago to meet with Mother alongside Bonegrinder." Ralnor informed his sister. "Why?"
“Then why a ‘land of horrors’? Surely you’d have more respect for the lives there.”
"... sister, you like the attention from the monsters. I don't. Do you know how many times I've had monsters approach me for sex?" Ralnor had a disgusted expression on his face. "I have no wish to be part of their 'experiments'."
"He saw Bonegrinder's dick once and fainted."
"I most certainly did not!"
“Shut. Your. Mouth.” The glare Leere gave Bonegrinder was piercing him with the force of a guillotine. “And I too have put off similar advances since being married. Honestly Ralnor, they are still a people. Try interacting with them like it, and perhaps they’ll treat you the same. Or be smart enough to pick your proper company.”
"I don't pick the company, the company picks me. Have you been paying attention?" Ralnor pointed to the Anagari. "I've tried to get rid of this one for years, but he keeps coming back."
"You love Bonegrinder, you know it."
"I don't!"
"See, tiny princess? Just trying to break an old snake's heart." Bonegrinder then suggested. "If you wish to take Joy to Omisha, Mother would be delighted to meet her. It has been a long while since they have see human children."
“Any other matters to discuss?” Leere felt she gathered the information she desired from the two.
"It's a bad idea."
"It's a good idea, Mother isn't going to eat her! She didn't eat you!"
"You're not making me feel any better about allowing my niece to go there."
"We will... keep her away from the most dangerous of my kind?"
"You are the most dangerous thing there next to Mother!"
"Aw, thank you!"
"That's not a compliment, you big oaf!"
"See, tiny princess? He loves him."
Leere stood up, tired of their company. “One final note. A dragon has been seen flying closer around the borders of Malus.”
"... well, that's not good." Bonegrinder set down the wine. "We need to alert the queen. It appears Luimaya's role is coming sooner than later."
"More of that prophecy?", Ralnor inquired.
"Unfortunately, yes."
Leere knew no immediate solution could be made at the moment. “My organization is concerned with such a prophecy coming to fruition. I’ll let the Queen know, and we should let Mother know of this building seed of destruction brewing.”
"You do understand, tiny princess, that once you are involved in this prophecy that there is no going back." Bonegrinder did think it was fair to give her a clear warning. "You will be at risk, though there is always the chance that loved ones may be targeted as well. You will have to give deep thought to what you value and what you wish to do. While your help would be an advantage, you must realize at some point in time, that your sunshine and your little bundle of happiness may not be safe here."
Leere’s hand rested on the doorknob, taking a breath to calm her nerves. “Bonegrinder... we are all in this fight. It is inevitable as shadow being cast from light. I value the lives of the innocent. And one must step forward and fight to protect those who can’t defend themselves. And given what we know about world ending prophecies, where exactly is truly safe? My family, Ralnor’s, yours, and everyone’s are always in the presence of looming danger. To fret over it constantly is foolish. We all can only do our best to be vigilant. Is that understandable enough for you?”
"He understands... he just wanted to make sure you did as well, tiny princess." Bonegrinder told Leere. "The prophecy is soon to be fulfilled with Luimaya on the throne. It is now just a matter of time."
“We can only hope that the darkness which creeps from the unknown won’t catch us by surprise. Now then gentlemen, I will see you both Saturday.” She politely shook their hands, thanked them for their time, and left. Very least, Omisha didn’t seem so secretive to her anymore. Hopefully her Joy could bring about more smiles among the monsters.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190959464556/into-the-darkness-and-unknown-ch-8-connection-to
Thank you for reading! Written with @ridersoftheapocalypse
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coralnatura · 5 years
As a fan of many sports animes, Oofuri is my favorite above all else!
What makes it stand out to me more than the others, is that it goes beyond a story about winning and becoming the best. It really digs into the team growing as people, and the progression is so natural that through my several rewatches I notice new little moments I hadn't seen significance in before.
It's not just about them all getting better as a team and as baseball players, it's about them growing from their past and trusting eachother as friends. Every player has a personal issue to overcome but none is ever really "resolved" like I see a lot of stories doing. It just naturally progresses. Asa Higuchi is so amazing at removing her characters from tropes and making them feel realistic. This also goes for the fact that none of the characters are too "over the top" or dramatic, it's just teens playing baseball. (Drama isn't bad though, I love different authors approaches, like Yowapeda and Haikyuu have crazy characters but I love them for it!)
As someone with social anxiety, Mihashi was a revolutionary character for me. The way his anxiety and past trauma from his school was treated was something I had never seen in a male anime character before, especially in a protagonist. While some characters saw him as pitiful and weak, it was clear that was their view and not the authors own. And Mihashi is never "cured", but instead slowly bit steadily learns to cope.
It was also amazing to me to see the way his team reacted. Hanai and Abe really dislike Mihashi at first, but as they get to know him, they not only accept him for who he is but they actively go out of their way to make it easier on him, like the scene where Abe makes and effort to lower his voice and remain calm (thought he goes back to shouting later, but he's getting there!!).
And I love how you can see the team warm up to Mihashi at different paces, like how Izumi and Tajima learn how to "speak Mihashi" while Abe and Hanai are still getting annoyed when they don't understand him. The author doesn't rush it, and takes into account each character's perspective when writing their feelings about Mihashi. AND ALSO I love how she writes the progress of the team generally feeling Mihashi is kinda weird and pathetic, to them cheering him on during games not just because it's what you do, but because they know what Mihashi struggles with and they are there to lift him up extra high when he can't stand, and they think of him as the pillar of their team and one of the strongest players.
I also love Abe's growth during the story. Usually loud/aggressive/bossy characters never change because it's not really seen as a negative trait. But Higuchi shows that the way Abe acts can be harmful when he doesn't intend, and that communication is a two way street where both people need to make effort to understand one another. He even has a moment when he realizes that the way he acts pushes friends away. I love how other characters will call him out on it, like Oki putting aside his own anxiety to tell Abe he is making Mihashi scared, and Shinooka telling Abe that Mihashi doesn't need to be treated like a child when they cook together.
I feel like Abe and Mihashi have such an incredible slowburn friendship that is only possible due to Asa Higuchi's wonderful writing style (Like in Haikyuu Hinata and Kageyama start out as ENEMIES and become close a lot faster than Abe and Mihashi do. It takes until the end of s1 for Abe to see Mihashi SMILE around him. Higuchi really dedicates herself to Mihashi's long journey of growth.) I rarely see stories with male sports players (or just any male characters) where the author doesn't make them out to be weak for their emotions and feelings (not to mention the hand holding and crying)
This manga/anime is just so incredible and revolutionary in the sports genre, it deserves so many more fans
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sportsarenotoxygen · 5 years
GOM valentine’s HCs
some late gom+kuroko+momoi x reader (separately) valentine’s hcs that have probably been done to death before but i still wanted to write some so here! please enjoy!
akashi definitely shows how happy and grateful he is when he gets your chocolates. so much that he’s almost acting strange if you didn’t know him so well
(because he remembers all those days his mother tried to give his father love and never received any acknowledgement in return. he is not repeating that with you)
he’s super freaking happy and smothers you with kisses and cuddles
then he starts giving back
really giving back like he stays with you the whole day, is a complete gentleman (but more than usual because let’s be real he always is), more affectionate, really does not let you lift a finger
you: sei you know it’s okay, i can carry one bag
akashi: nonsense, it’s my thanks for those chocolates you made. which i absolutely loved by the way
you: you...you said that when you paid for lunch. and when you drove us to the park. and--
akashi: it’s my thanks. for the chocolates i loved. did i mention they were delicious--
you, blushing: ohmygod okay okay fine
if it’s your unlucky day, midorima’s gonna be watching your back and making this day as good as it could get because yes he believes in oha asa but he will not allow bad luck to ruin your day because he knows you’ve been working so hard to make this day good for the both of you
if it’s his unlucky day, he’s gonna be on edge maybe even entertaining thoughts of whether he should be near you so you’ll have to reassure him that all will be fine
you, over the phone: but i have to give you my gifts!!!!!
midorima: your chances of having a good day will be drastically lowered if i’m with you, so i’ll pick them up tomorrow, nanodayo
you: shintaro! dont! you! dare! think! you! could! ruin! my! day! you make my day so you better!!!! 
midorima: i’m sorry y/n, but i don’t want to risk it
you: well i guess i’ll just wait at the cafe by myself...with all these couples around me...
midorima, guilty: fine. but only for an hour
he’s got your lucky item ready and his own when he gets there
you don’t make a letter for him though, you merely just give a speech about every thing you love about him from his belief in oha asa, to the way he looks out for you, to his love for basketball, his manner of speech and everything else (yes right in that cafe. the elderly couple in the next table over are giving you such fond looks)
by the end of it, he’s a blushing mess and that’s what your goal was all along let’s be honest
he pretends to think valentine’s a really tacky and stupid day and how ‘theres no point giving anything on this particular day its just stupid’
so much so that you hesitate when giving your chocolates 
you hesitate so much so that he notices and now that he notices he feels slightly bad and tries to drop some hints 
you, reluctantly: it’s really...all in your face huh 
aomine, swearing at himself: it’s not too bad
but when you go the whole day without giving him anything he starts getting worried
aomine, thinking: crap did you think i meant all that
of course, if you actually got him nothing that’s fine too but he doesn’t want the reason you got him nothing was because he thinks it’s stupid
especially when he sees how you’re pointedly trying to ignore every other couple
so, just as you two are about to part ways, he goes
‘look, you know i didnt mean any of that stupid shit. i dont mind valentines chocolates or anything i was just being stupid’
he’s scared to look at you but when he does
youre giving him this shit-eating grin
you, smug: so you finally admit it huh
aomine: what the hell y/n
you reveal that you just wanted him to say all that and now that he has, you’ve won!
he’s half red because of frustration and half because of embarrassment but well
that’s one of the reasons he loves you ofc
kise, murasakibara, kuroko, momoi under the cut!
patiently waits for his chocolates
but he has to wait hourrrrssss because he has a photoshoot that day which sucks because he’d wanted to stay over so he wouldn’t get caught with fans going over
and inevitably he does get caught by a bunch of fans and gets given loads of chocolates from them
but of course he’s waiting for yours
so he can’t wait until he meets up at your house and you greet him with a bright smile and his is equally as bright
he’s really not subtle at all
kise: hey hey y/n-cchi did you make me some chocolates?????? im really craving chocolates today!!!!!! chocolates you made!!!!! because i love you!!!!! (he had been too excited to realise mayyybe bringing over the chocolates his fans gave him would give the wrong impression so he hastily shoved them all under his coat at the last minute this boy)
you: you can just say you want some you know...i know its valentines 
when you give it to him he’s over the moon. he’s...very dramatic when he tastes them. like a lot
you, slightly worried: thanks. i think. you know if they’re bad you can just say so--
he’s crying tears of joy this silly boy
don’t go outside with this boy during valentine’s 
he will see all those chocolates and sweets and will need them
goodbye money 
you have to promise to buy them all when the clearance sales come out but you and murasakibara enjoy a day-in together maybe baking some sweets yourself because you know that he does actually like to bake despite how ‘lazy and unreluctant’ he seems
he unintentionally does the move where he kisses you and says ‘oh there was something on your face’ because there was genuinely something on your face and he does not realise what a cliche cheesy romance film move that is
you already have some sweets ready so he munches on them whilst you wait for the others to finish
and surprisingly, murasakibara gives you half of what you both made. its special because he usually just gives like...a quarter which is fair because your appetites are nowhere near the same let’s be honest
he does it because he vaguely recalls muro-chin saying something about how “valentine’s day is a special day for y/n-san” and slightly misinterprets it 
it’s a touching gesture coming from him of course
you gotta cherish it because once you two go buy those leftover sweets the next day...
you know him well enough by now that you understand that despite how small his smile is, he’s smiling wide inside when you give him the vanilla milkshake you made and maji burger coupons you made/got
he asks for the recipe to make and even though you’re more than willing to tell it to him, he insists that you need to show it to him
you, explaining: so then you just add the rest of the--
kuroko: i apologise, i do not understand, y/n-san. can you please show it to me instead?
you: are you sure? i’m sure you can do it fine!!! here, i’ll write it down!!
kuroko: no, please. i am not confident in my ability. i will be more confident with you by my side 
you blush at his words because they are so genuinely truthful but also cheesy af
so, kinda like murasakibara, you guys make some vanilla milkshakes together
kuroko smiles a heck of a lot but it’s always when you’re back is turned whether it’s getting the ingredients from the cupboard or turning the blender on so you miSS A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL SMILES FROM THIS BOY 
but in the end you two make more than enough for the both of you so you have to store some for later
it only makes the memories last all the more
well its canon that shes not...great at cooking and that goes for baking 
and contrary to popular belief, she is aware of that fact (she just tries realllllly hard to deny it because her food tastes fine!!! maybe burnt or salty af but fine!!!)
so she tries this time
employing kagami to help her through saying dai-chan will do a one-on-one with him (its not true but. but she will get the redhaired boy to help her make these chocolates the best damn thing you’ve ever tasted or else)
its hard work (kagami thinks he’s worked harder than any basketball game ever)
but the work pays off and the chocolates taste..................good!!!!
momoi is sooooooo excited to give them to you (because of course she is she’s a romantic)
you on the other hand are searching on google for “how to eat food you don’t like” “how to not gag” “how to lie”
because you love love love momoi and do not want to hurt her feelings but h o w will you eat what she makes
so you get such a huge surprise when you anxiously bite into the chocolate and it’s.......
and maybe it’s just your love for momoi making you really biased but damn it’s so good!!
momoi, worriedly because you haven’t really moved for a few minutes: is it good????
you: ...no--
momoi, panicking: *thinking* nononono but but kagami said it was good did he lie i am going to kill him ohmygodohmygod
you: it’s the best chocolates i’ve ever eaten
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Slashers with a cute reader who dresses in pink and is really adorable and delicate, but is secretly kind of a psycho, and the slashers find out when they see her murdering someone and giggling, please?
The Slashers with a cute but murderous S/O:
Thomas Hewitt
Loves your cute appearance and how delicate you are with him. He really does think that you’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen and that makes him super protective over you. Even more than your cuteness, he loves how delicate you are. The way you touch him so gently, speak so softly, and give him light kisses that make his heart flutter. He nearly cried when you first touched his face without the mask, you had been so delicate, like he would break, your touches so light and loving.
A little concerned about your murderous side. It had come to a surprise to both him and the rest of the family. Luda May was certainly surprised and wasn’t too fond of it. Thomas was more concerned about how...giddy you seemed as well as about how you had been in a dangerous situation. Hoyt was just glad that there was somebody doing some of the hard work. Thomas won’t hold this against you, especially when you go right back to your soft, delicate self when you’re with him.
Michael Myers
Likes your adorable, delicate nature more than he lets on. Of course, he seems mostly indifferent to nearly everything, including the way you present yourself but he must like something about it. You’re completely different to the rest of his life, cute and sweet. You’re delicate with everything you do and he simply isn’t used to sure tender touches. Everything about you is so foreign to him, but it is welcomed.
Is silently surprised by your uncharacteristic behaviour. It definitely wasn’t expected. You had been so gentle and delicate with everything but now you were the exact opposite and giggling about it. Not much can surprise him after his stay in Smith’s Grove, but you just managed to do it. The murdering doesn’t bother him, it’s more the enthusiasm you do it with, that’s something he’s less familiar with. He’s likely to just calm you down before escorting you away, slightly impressed with this new side of you. He underestimated you, he won’t make that mistake again.
Jason Voorhees
Loves your cuteness. He thinks you’re so sweet, absolutely adorable. He loves you and knows that his mother would too. A s/o with a delicate touch is exactly what Jason needs, he needs those gentle loving touches. The way you place a hand on is arm, kiss his mask playfully but sweetly, the way you caress his face and whisper sweet compliments to him.
You’re going to give him a heart attack. Seriously, when he sees you dealing with a loose camper, he could have died right there. The thought of you being in danger and having to resort to this, it pains him. But you didn’t seem to mind so much, you were giggling as you stood up, a smile on your face as you straightened out your clothes. Jason is more focused on getting you back to the warmth and safety of the cabin, getting you cleaned up and into clean clothes, than anything else.
Bo Sinclair 
You’re just the sweetest little thing...God, you are the only thing that could make Bo’s rough edges soften. He thinks you’re the most precious thing he’s even laid eyes upon, and you’re all his. He loves the cute pink outfits/dresses, you always look like the prettiest little thing when you make your way through town.
It’s weirdly nice to know that even you have a dark side. Seeing you kill one of their newest victims while you giggled to yourself was...surprising to say the least and he’s definitely taken back by it. But if you can have a dark side, anyone can. It makes him feel a little better about himself and his own darker side. Maybe this was why you stuck around, why you seemed to understand him more than anyone. He tells you to leave the body to Vincent while the two of you go back to the house to clean up.
Vincent Sinclair
Loves your delicateness more than anything. You make him feel so good about himself with all your loving touches. You have something about you that is just exactly what Vincent needs when living in a town so filled with death and living with a brother who can be so volatile at times. You are exactly what he needs and he absolutely cherishes you.
He’s concerned but tries not to judge too quickly. When he found you killing that person and giggling to yourself, you made him think that maybe you weren’t all of those things I just mentioned. But as soon as you’re with him again, you go right back to your adorable, delicate self, proving that he hadn’t been wrong at all. You just had another side to yourself, just like him and Bo and Ambrose. And he still loved you all the same, nothing could change that.
Lester Sinclair
Absolutely adores you. Oh God, he loves you so much. You’re so sweet and cute. Sometimes he feels like he shouldn’t even be touching you because you’re so damn precious. You’re so careful and delicate with everything you do, whether it be cooking or showing him affection. He could watch you pick flowers all day, it makes his heart warm.
Accepts that darker side of you. Of course he is taken back when he first discovers you killing somebody while giggling to yourself, but you were still you when you skipped over to him, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. You accept him for exactly who he is so he will accept you for who you are. You have a darker side just like this town does, that could be why you fit so well here despite seeming far too sweet to be a part of any of this.
Bubba Sawyer
Loves the cute look! He adores your style, always babbling a compliment or two about what you’re wearing. He thinks you’re adorable. The two of you are just so cute together that it makes the others a little sick but neither of you would have it any other way. 
Honestly, he’s glad you’re having a good time. Killing and gore has become such a normal thing in his life that it doesn’t bother him too much, he’s more concerned about you being in dangerous situations. He wouldn’t ever want you to hurt somebody if you didn’t want too but if you do want too...then he’s okay with it. As long as you’re still the sweetheart you usually are, and that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon so it’s all good!
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Appreciates the cute look. Asa thinks it’s precious, thinks you’re precious. Your adorableness mixed with your submission to him just makes him adore you. But it’s not just the look, it’s everything about you. He likes how delicate you are with everything, he appreciates that, and secretly likes all of your gentle touches. He likes the gentleness, it’s something he’s no used too and probably won’t confess to liking.
Tries to reign you in. The murderous tendencies in you is surprising it but, being who he is, he can overlook it. He’s more curious about the...giggling. You’re like the opposite of him. He’s cold and harsh, you’re sweet and gentle. He’s stoic and calculating, you’re giggly and enthusiastic. If you want in on this part of his life, he can do that for you, but you’re going to have to follow orders like you usually do. He’s curious about this but that doesn’t mean he can have you running around doing whatever you want, he has to reign you in a little.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) 
Will buy you all the cute outfits/dresses you want. He loves making you happy and he loves seeing them on you. He will buy you whatever you want as long as you’ll wear it for him. You’re so adorable and pretty as you dance around the house, dropping yourself down onto his lap. He just adores you, you’re like his prized possession...
Takes you on ‘business’ trips more often. When he found out about the murderous side of you, it was when he took you on one of his trips. A victim escaped him...you dealt with it. As soon as he saw you giggling over the bloody body, he was fascinated. Coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around his waist. What else had you been hiding from him?
Loves the aesthetic of your cute pink dress splattered with blood. His usual aesthetic is a tidy black suit but this is a much better look for you. Don’t worry about it being ruined, he’ll get you three more.
Otis Driftwood 
Is a little too into it. As soon as he sees you’re cute little self killing somebody, he’s almost as giddy as you. You knew he wouldn’t mind catching you like this, considering what he does, so you just smiled and skipped over to him when you noticed him. He grinned, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his chest. Why didn’t you tell him about all of this sooner? 
Seeing your cute pink outfit/dress stained with dirt and blood...it just does something to him. Everything about you is just so adorable and delicate and yet you can do and enjoy something so fucked up. He loves it. And you’re about to find out just how much he loves it.
Baby Firefly
You are oddly similar. Baby has a childlike excitability about her and you have a certain adorableness about you, this causes people to underestimate you both in the same way. But Baby loves it about you. She loves all the pink attire and how you present yourself. We all know she loves a good look!
A perfect team. Because people tend to underestimate you both, you work incredibly well together. After she discovers the murderous side of you, of course. When she discovered this about you, she couldn’t but smile as you watched you back away from the body while giggling to yourself. She instantly knows that the two of you are going to have a lot of fun together.
Yautja (Predator)
Hasn’t got much of an opinion on your attire but thinks how delicate you are is adorable. Your alien mate doesn’t have much opinion on fashion, other than whether it seems practical or not. It’s more your personality and demeanour that he thinks is adorable. You’re just so sweet, so delicate with everything you do. You’re even delicate and gentle when you touch him, like you could hurt him, he thinks you’re cute...it’s as simple as that.
He likes your enthusiasm...okay, it all depends on the situation. If you’ve killed a worthy opponent, he is filled with pride! If it wasn’t a worthy kill...he’ll teach you better, teach you the honour code. He does like your enthusiasm though, he might just take you on a hunt or two with him and see how you do.
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(Haikyuu!!) Thank You - Asahi X Reader
Anime / Crossover: Haikyuu!!
Songs: None
Request: No
Modern AU or just AU: None
NSFW/R-18: No
I giggle as I see the volleyball team practising outside. Sucks for you guys. I shrug and begin drawing in my book. You deserve it though. Knocking the vice principle's wig off again. I scoff and continue drawing before the door burst open. "Y/N-san!" I hear someone yell out. "H...Hinata? What's wrong?" I ask in shock as he ran into the year 3 classroom. "It's Asahi-senpai!" He says as he runs over to me. My eyes widen and I stand up. "What's wrong with him?!" I ask demandingly before Hinata grabbed my arm and pulled me away from my break.
Time Skip
"Asahi..." I mumble as I see him sitting on a concrete slab in the distance. "He's been like this since yesterday." I hear someone say. "Noya! Have you tried cheering him up?" I ask my childhood friend and best-friend and he nods. "Nothing worked." I sigh and turn back to Asahi. I furrow my brow as I try to think of something to cheer my boyfriend up. "How about you talk to him about whatever it is that's bothering him?" Hinata suggests and I shrug. "It's worth a shot I guess." I slowly make my way over to my boyfriend and sit next to him gingerly. "Hi Asahi, how are you?" I ask as I place my hands on my knees. He shrugs and continues his staring contest with the ground. "I...I was thinking that maybe after school w...we could go to that new restaurant that just opened in town. Just you and me, on a nice date. How does that sound?" I ask and he shrugs again. "What's wrong?" I ask in concern. "Nothing." He mumbles. "Come on babe, I know something's wrong. How about we turn that frown upside down?" I giggle as I place my hand on his knee. My eyes widen in shock as he flicks me off and stands up. "A...Asahi" I say as I reach for his wrist. "God, you're so annoying! Just leave me alone!" He growls before walking off and leaving dumbfounded.
"Y/N!" I hear my friend yell as he gets closer. "What did you sa-" Noya's sentence cuts short as he turns me around to face him. "I...I'm not annoying, am I?" I ask as I get pulled in for a hug from him. "No! Of course not." He says calmly. "B...but Asahi said-" "You're not! Don't listen to him." He says and I nod. "O...okay." I say before Noya opens the gym doors. "Where is Asahi?" Tanaka asks as he looks to me. "He....he...he hates me..." I mumble to myself as I sit down. "Huh? Hates you? You do know this is Asahi we're talking about ri-" "I SAID HE HATES ME!" I scream, my voice echoing through the gym. "He said I was annoying...that I should leave him alone..." I whimper before bursting into tears. "I know I can be mean, but that's a little extreme for someone like him." I hear Tsukishima say surprisingly. "I didn't do anything to him...why would he hate me?" I ask before Hinata gasps. "I got it!"
"What? Got what?" I ask and he grabs my hands. "Make him something nice for lunch tomorrow! Give it to him tomorrow morning!" He says. I think for a minute before Noya gasps as well and jumps up. "Yeah! You've always been a great cook Y/N! I'm sure Asahi would enjoy it!" I think for a while before cracking a smile and nodding. "Un! Now what to make...." I hum as I ponder over the many things I could cook. "I know! I'll cook a feast for everyone! For dinner! I've got a lot of stuff to use up and it'd be a waste to use only a little bit of it." I say, causing Tanaka, Hinata and Noya to cheer and jump in victory. "Alright!" They yell in unison. "Is Y/N-san's food that good?" Hinata asks and all the third years begin explaining all the food I've cooked for them over the years. "It's restaurant quality." Noya says and I laugh. "Well, I gotta get going. Start cooking all that food for you guys tonight. I should be done around 7 - 8 p.m, so feel free to come around then!" I say happily. "Are you sure you can cook that much in that short amount of time?" Kageyama asks and I give him a thumbs up with a wink. "Count on me!" I say before waving goodbye and running to get my bag. I smile to myself as I run home.
Time Skip
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I, while cooking the meals, hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" My sister yells out as she runs to the door. "Oh! Nee-chan! It's your friends!" My sister yells out and escorts them to the dining room (A/N: Meals on the plan). "Hi! Please take a seat, get comfy, I'm just finishing up. Noya, show 'em where to drop their bags." I say and he nods as I continue to cook, fry pan flipping the fried rice. I sieve it around the pan a little before putting it into a bowl. "Woah! There's so much food!" Hinata says as I place the rice down on the table. I smile and gesture to their seats. "Dig in!" I say happily and they all begin eating the food like animals. "Nee-chan! There's not gonna be any food left for me!" My little sister says and I walk her over to the kitchen. "Shh, I saved a bit of everything for you. You can eat it in the living room and watch TV while you eat, but I want you to sit on the floor and in front of the coffee table." She nods happily and runs to the little feast I left in the living room for her. "Thank you for offering to do this Y/N. We had a rough practice today." Daichi says and I bow with a smile. "No problem. Where's Asahi by the way?" I ask as I look around the room. "He wouldn't pick up his phone, maybe you could call him?" I nod my head at Suga's suggestion and walk to my bedroom (Bedroom 1 on plan), dialling my boyfriend's number.
"Hello?" He asks. "Hi, Asahi! I was just wondering if you wanted to come around to my house and have some dinner? The rest of the team is here enjoying the food and I thought you might like to-" "No." He says bluntly. "C...come on Asahi, I'm sure it'll cheer you up!" I say with just a slither of hope. "I said no, stupid bitch! Why can't you just listen to me for once?! I don't want your shitty food!" He yells as tears fall down my cheeks. "I...I see. W...well, goodbye Asa-" I heard the dial-tone in my ear. He hung up before I even finished saying goodbye... I think as I hold the phone to my heart and try my best to hold in my cries. I crouch down and cover my face as tears wet my palms. "Y/N-san? The upperclassmen asked me to check on you." I hear that killer setter first year ask from beyond the door. "Y/N-san?" He asks with another knock and I break down. The door opens and I look up at the first year. "A...are you okay? What happened?" He asks as he kneels down to me. "N...noya-san!" Kageyama yells out, keeping his eyes on me, and Noya comes running soon after. "Y/N! What happened?!" He asks as he too kneels down to me. "...he really does hate me..." I mumble before hugging Kageyama tightly, crying into his shirt. "He said no...he called me a stupid bitch and my food shitty...what happened to the nice Asahi..." I whimper sadly as I receive a back rub from Kageyama. "Tch, I'm giving him a piece of my mind next time I see him. He's gone too far." Noya says with a snarl as he rolls up his sleeves. "In fact, we're all going. Now. To his house. Kageyama, you and Hinata can come along, I'll leave Suga with Y/N, make sure she doesn't do anything drastic." Noya says as he walks out.
"M...my food wasn't bad...was it?' I ask. "No, it was actually quite nice. I though Noya-san was joking around when he said restaurant quality, but I think it was better than that. And I'm sure everyone else did too." He says before my door was burst open. "Y/N-san!" Suga yells as he runs over and hugs me. "Your food was amazing! Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise!" He says quickly. "I'll leave you to it Sugawara-san." Kageyama says as he walks out. "S...suga...does he really hate me?" I ask, only to be met with silence. I looked up at Suga and saw a sympathetic look on his facing, making me burst into tears again. "I'm sorry Y/N..." He says before rubbing my back and pulling me closer into the hug. I cried and cried until my voice gave out, becoming weak and croaky. "He...I love him so much...I put so much effort into the relationship...why does he hate me?" I ask with my quivering, brittle voice. "I don't know Y/N. I don't know."
Time Skip
"Suga, answer your phone. It's going berserk." I say and he reluctantly opens it. "It's not good, signed Noya." Suga says before tapping a few buttons. A few seconds later a 'ping' sound could be heard coming from his phone. "He...oh no..." I turn around in Suga's lap, which he refused to let me leave, ending up in him hugging me. Anyway, I turn around and ask him "What? What's 'oh no'?". He shakes his head and smiles weakly at me. "N...nothing Y/N! Don't worry about it." I frown and snatch the phone out of his hand, running a few steps away and opening it. "N...no, Y/N don't!" Suga warns, but it was too late. I had read the text, I had seen the picture that Noya took, and I had felt my heart turn to dust. "H...he...wh...who is this? Why did he choose her over me...why did he lie to me..." So many questions were spilling out my mouth, some of them I already knew the answer to.
"Why..." I whimper before dialling my EX'S number into Suga's phone. "What Suga?" His voice asks from the other end. "Come get your things tomorrow. I don't want to talk to you ever again." I say. "Y...Y/N?! Wait, I-" I hung up and handed Suga his phone back before grabbing his things and packing them in a box or 2, ready to be collected by him at my door. "Y...Y/N. I...I know that must've been had for you to do, bu-" "Get out, tell the others to come get their bags and leave straight after collection." I say before walking out to my sister. "Nee-chan! Lookie!" She says as she holds up Mr Fluffles, her stuffed bear, and Mrs Snuggles, her stuffed rabbit. I put on my best smile for her. It's hard enough for her without a mom or dad, she doesn't need a depressed sister who is crying over some shithead cheater.
Time Skip
After everyone had collected their bags and left, I put my little sister to bed and began tidying up. "Stupid Asahi..." I grumble and a knock was heard from the front door. "If it's you Asahi, just grab your shit and leave." I say angrily. "Y/N, come on. Open up. We can talk about this. I'll explain everything." I angrily swing the door open with eyes that could kill. "Explain what? That it was all fake? Who that girl was? That it was all a dream I had? What exactly do you want to explain to me Azume-san?!" I growl and he stutters for a minute before looking down. "I...I don't know what to explain. Hell, I don't know if I have anything to explain. You can hate me, you can hit me, you can...you can set me on fire or empty a clip of bullets into me, just...don't leave me." I scoff. "And why not?" I ask as I lean against the door frame. "Look, I know I was stupid and I was mean and I totally don't deserve you, but you can't say you've fallen out of love with me...please stay with me..." He begs, now on his knees.
I felt bad for him actually. Here he was, trying to win back my heart, but my pride kept shutting him down. "I...I don't know Asahi... You've ripped my heart out with what you've done." I say sadly. "I know I have, and I know I've ruined any trust you had in me but please..." He says and I sigh. "I...I guess we can start again....but if you pull another stunt like that-" "I won't. Promise." I look down on him with a stern expression before sighing. "Get up. You'll get cold if you stay out here." I say walking inside and leaving the door open for him. I jump as I was pushed forward a little and look up at Asahi who was hugging me tightly. "Thank you, Y-" "I suggest you save the sweet talk and affection until I trust you completely again." I growl lowly and he backs away a little. "S...sorry..." He says and I sigh before hugging him. "Now you're making me feel bad." I say and he hesitates to hug back. "Go ahead, hug me. I feel like an ass after what I said." I say and he hugs me quickly.
"Thank you."
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How Nico Learned to Love from Five Days that Used to be Meaningless For Him (+ One Special Day) - Chapter 6 (FINALE)
Summary: There were days in a year that Nico could not care less about, even though people seemed to make quite a big deal of those days. But along the way of his relationship with Will, those days start to have special meaning for him.
(Day #1: Valentine’s Day || Day #2: April Fools’ Day || Day #3: Thanksgiving Day || Day #4: Christmas || Day #5: New Year’s Eve ) Read on AO3
Chapter Summary: It was not like Nico did not like it when he woke up to Will's kisses all over his face in the morning. But really, it's Saturday, for goodness sake! Why Will had to wake him up so early??
Waking up to Will’s soft kisses all over his face was one of favorite Nico’s things in life. Despite the 5 years of marriage that they have gone through, Nico did not think that he would ever get bored of it.
But it didn’t change the fact that it was a Saturday morning.
Saturdays and Sundays were almost sacred for Nico, as weekends were the only days where they could stay in bed for a little longer. On weekdays, Will had to be in the hospital where he worked early in the morning. Nico himself, after getting his degree in social works, he got a job as one of the counselors in the Social Service Centre in New Rome. His job at the Center started at 9. Now they have adopted two kids, mornings on weekdays were usually hectic.
Nico made a small grunting noise. He opened one eye to peek at Will for a second, then closed it again.
“Good morning, darling,” Will whispered. He kissed the patch of skin next to Nico’s ear, making Nico shiver.
“Will, it’s Saturday,” Nico said, voice still raspy from the sleep.
Will laughed lightly. Nico groaned. How Will could laugh so happily like that in an early morning, Saturday morning, it was something about Will that Nico still could not understand.
Nico opened his eyes, finding Will half-lying next to him, propping himself on his elbow.
“What time is it?”
“Five minutes past 8,” Will answered, gently brushed away a lock of Nico’s hair from his forehead.
Nico closed his eyes again, letting Will rake his fingers through his hair.
“Why you’re up so early?” Nico asked. He opened his eyes, and Will smiled at him with that soft smile.
“Why not?”
“It’s Saturday, right?”
Will chuckled and leaned to place a quick kiss on Nico’s temple. “Yeah.”
“So why you’re up so early?”
“Is that all that you remember about today? That it’s a Saturday?”
Nico’s brows furrowed down, trying to remember whether there was anything that he supposed to do.
“Rosa’s training is at 10.30, right?”
Rosa, a legacy of Mars, was one of their two children that they adopted three years ago. Now ten years old, Rosa had soccer training 3 times a week. She started playing soccer about a year ago, at first just because a boy in her class told her that girls should not play soccer because sports were for boys, not girls. Will and Nico had to come to her school as she kicked the boy and then punched him.
When the teacher asked her why she did that, she simply told her that she just ‘wanted to show him how a girl punches properly’. Will had to kick Nico’s leg under the table when Nico grinned as the teacher repeated her words.
When she got home after her third training session, she stood in the kitchen, still wearing her soil and grass-stained kit. She confidently told Will and Nico that she realized that soccer was more than just a sport, it was a way of life.
“Yeah. As usual.” Will nodded, gently rubbing the creases between Nico’s brows.
“So she usually won’t wake up until 9.”
Will hummed.
“Or is it Asa’s cooking class today? No. His cooking class is on Sunday. Not today.”
Asa, a legacy of Venus, was the other child that they adopted. Just a year younger than Rosa, Asa was more quiet. But there was one thing that the boy seemed to be passionate about. Cooking.
When he was asked why he liked cooking, the dark-haired boy only shrugged his shoulder and said, ‘People look happy when they eat. I like making people happy’.
“Yes, it’s on Sunday,” Will said, now running his fingertip along Nico’s jawline. “But his violin’s lesson is today.”
That’s another thing that Asa liked to do. Violin. Again, he came up with the same reason for why he liked cooking. ‘Music makes people happy. I like things that make people happy.’
“Yeah, I remember that,” Nico said. “But it’s in the afternoon, right?” He traced imaginary abstract on Will’s chest with his finger.
“Yeah. At 3.”
“So we still have time to stay in bed…” Nico said, a small smirk playing on his lips. He pressed a kiss on Will’s collarbone.
Will laughed and sneaked a hand around Nico, pulling him closer. Nico nuzzled his nose against Will’s chest.
“You’re really not getting off the bed?” Will asked, rubbing Nico’s back.
“Later,” Nico said, voice muffled as he still had his face buried against Will’s chest. “Give me half an hour.”
“You really don’t remember?”
Nico huffed. His mind was still hazy as he did not really want to wake up yet. But he tried his best to remember what it was that he supposed to remember. He pulled back a bit from Will’s chest, and started counting with his fingers.
“Our dating anniversary is next month. Our wedding anniversary is on May. Your birthday is on July. Rosa’s birthday is on August and Asa’s is on September.”
He looked up at Will and huffed. “That’s all, right? Am I forgetting anything?”
Will smiled at him softly but there was a bright light twinkling in his eyes.
“You know,” Will said, cupping Nico’s cheek with his hand. “Sometimes I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have a husband like you, who really care so much about me and the kids.”
Despite all those years that they have spent together, Nico still felt his heart fluttering pleasantly to hear Will’s words.
“Of course I care. Because I love you all so much, remember?” Nico said as he looked up at Will.
Will gently pressed his lips on Nico’s forehead.
“I love you too, darling.”
Nico snuggled against Will’s chest again, looking for the comforting and familiar warmth. Will kissed the top of Nico’s head, but much to Nico’s disappointment, he pulled his arms away from Nico, and get off the bed.
“Will…” Nico whined. “Where are you going?”
“Kitchen,” Will said as he took his sweatshirt from the foot of the bed.
Nico huffed as he flipped so he was lying on his back again.
“Why?” He asked, slightly frowning at Will who was now putting on the sweatshirt. “Are you going to make some breakfast in bed for me?”
Will turned his head to Nico, “Do you want it?”
Nico rolled his eyes. “If you really are making breakfast for me, make sure that you make some for the kids too.”
Will chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry about them,” Will said. He winked at Nico then opened the door.
But Will had already disappeared.
Nico rubbed his eyes with the side of his hand then checked the alarm clock on the nightstand. The digital bluish number told him that it was 8.15.
Nico groaned and buried his face in Will’s pillow. If Will really was leaving him alone in their bed this early on a Saturday morning, it was better be for a good reason. Like some breakfast in bed.
He closed his eyes back, the silence of the morning softly wrapped him back in peace.
Nico was about to drift back to sleep when he heard muffled laughter from the door. He lazily opened his eyes, right when the door swing opened.
“Happy birthday, Papa!”
Rosa and Asa standing by the opened door. Asa was holding a tray, and there was something that looked like a cake with two candles on the tray. Rosa was holding a black gift bag, decorated with silver ribbons. Will was grinning just a step behind the kids.
Nico quickly sat up, rubbing his eyes again. Rosa, Asa and Will sang Happy Birthday as they walked closer to the bed. Nico shifted so Will had some space to sit close to him, and he crossed his legs so he was sitting Indian style.
“I forgot that it’s my own birthday,” Nico said, shaking his head in disbelief.
Will chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to his temple. “Yeah,” he said. “You kept on thinking about others, you forgot about yourself.”
Nico could not help but smile as Asa carefully placed the tray on the bed in front of him.
“Let me guess,” Nico said and looked up to his son. “Asa, you made this?”
Asa nodded shyly. “Daddy and Rosa helped too,” he said.
“I was the one putting the candles,” Rosa said, beaming a smile. “I remember last year it was your 29th, but Daddy said you are actually more than 100 years old.”
Nico chuckled and looked at his daughter. “Do I look like 100 years old?”
Rosa stared at him for a while, like she was contemplating it. But then she shook her head. “No,” she said. “Uncle Percy is 33 and you look younger than him.”
Nico laughed at her words.
“Come on,” Will nudged his shoulder lightly. “Make a wish.”
Nico nodded. He closed his eyes, knowing that the only wish he had was to always be surrounded by the people that he loved the most. He opened his eyes, taking a deep breath, then blew the candles.
Asa and Rosa clapped their hands and Will kissed his temple gently.
“Before we eat the cake,” Will said as he reached out for the tray then put it on the nightstand. “Let’s open your present first.”
“Yes! Present!” Rosa handed out the black gift bag to Nico. She took a seat on the bed in front of Nico while Asa sat close to Will who wrapped an arm around the boy. They watched Nico pulled out his gift from the bag.
Nico stared at the album photo that he just took out from the bag. The cover was black. And in the middle of the cover, was a black and white picture of the four of them, glittery silver washi tape held the picture on place. He slowly ran his fingertip over their frozen smiles.
“It was Rosa’s idea,” Asa told him.
“Really?” Nico lifted his head up from the album to look at Rosa, who beamed a smile.
“Asa and Daddy helped too. Collecting the pictures and the notes,” Rosa said.
Nico looked back to the photo album. He opened it, and started flipping the pages. On each page were two or three pictures of Nico with someone else. The first two pages were pictures of him with Will, and then pictures of him with Rosa, then Asa in the next pages. As he kept on flipping the pages, he saw pictures of him with Jason, Percy, Reyna, Hazel, and all the others. But more than that, there were small notes that each person wrote about what they think of Nico. Nico’s heart swelled with warmth as he read the lines that his friends have written about him. Some of them wrote about what they remember most about Nico, some wrote their most treasured memories about him.
“Do you like it, Papa?”
Nico looked up to Rosa.
“Like it?” Nico closed the photo album and put it aside. “Rosa, dear, I love it!”
He opened his arms and Rosa grinned widely as she leaned into Nico’s embrace.
Nico hugged her, and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Rosa. I love it.”
“We want a hug too!” Will said from. Nico laughed and let a giggling Asa wrapped his arms around him. Will joined them in a messy but warm group hug.
“I love you, darling,” Will said, and pecked his lips.
“I love you, Papa!” Rosa kissed his right cheek.
“I love you, Papa!” Asa kissed his left cheek.
“And I love you all too,” Nico said, kissing his husband then his children. “I love you all so so much.”
In between the hugs, kisses and laughter, Nico could not think what else that could make him happier than this, being surrounded by the people that he cared the most, and to feel how much he was loved by them.
Author’s Notes:
Last chapter! Yeay! I managed to finish another multi-chaptered fics! Yeah I know it's only like 10k words and it's nothing compared to other fics but well, at least I finished something. Ahahahaha... Anyway, thank you so so much for everyone who has read this fic from the first chapter to the last one. Thank you for you who have left kudos, and even comments. Those comments really brighten up my day (yo, make a writer's day brighter by leaving a comment to them, seriously, it takes you less than 5 minutes but they will smile for the whole day).
I really hope that you enjoy the fics. I mean, even if in the real life I kind of suck at everything, at least there's something that I can do quite decently and not that sucks? So at least I can put 'i can somehow write something' into my list of staying alive?
If any of you thought that I use the name Asa because I am currently obsessed with Asa Taccone from Electric Guest, you got me right, dude!
Anyway, I really hope that I can still write something. I hope. So probably, maybe, see you in another fic?
- Utami -
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
11 tag meme
1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people Tagged by @pengwenno the good bean that doesn't like beans 1. To you, what is the best number of tabs to have open on your computer? Honestly I hate having tons of tabs open but I always gotta have em open ;v; idk probably 10? 2. Favourite type of soap? Bar vs liquid vs foam? Best smell? Liquid soap for life, and as for scent, idk pomegranate? It's nice... either that or lemon/lime! 3. Can you cook? If so, what’s your favourite meal to make? I have limiting cooking skills, but I make a damn fine al dente penne pasta with bacon, sauce and parsley and egg 4. Quote from your favourite book? Honestly, what Gwen says, anything from No Longer Human. However, "Everything passes..." is one particularly close to my heart, because it was something my Nonna said to me and my dad. (Though she probably wouldn't find the context fitting, bless her heart) 5. Do you prefer books with just text, graphic novels, etc? Honestly I'm not a fan of extremely long books with no text. Because I'm always nervous to spend money online, I generally settle for pictureless books, but I do like some manga and graphic novels (touhou's FS and WaHH, Pandemonium, and I'd really like to read Scott pilgrim one day) but because of my challenge (to read every bsd's character 'ability' piece) I'd go with just text. 6. Ideal place you would like to be right now The mountains of San Candido, writing poetry with the goats 💜 7. Are you a nail biter? Absolutely. Which kinda sucks because my mum's a beautician and she's always angry I can't 'model' for her with nails (which is, admittedly, intentional) I have a habit of just picking, scratching and biting anything, especially on my hands. 8. What kind of instrument sounds the best to you? Vibraphone, harp, cello and piano! The first I tried to learn, the second special for...other reasons ',://^)c, the third being my favourite of the 'lin family and the latter I play 9. Song lyric you like? From Asa-Turney and Lori-Hime's fanlyrics (I love their work so much, and it's hard to choose just one) of Greenwich in the sky: "Every day in our field is a field day, searching each sign for a meaning; with no more barrier in the way, we can do anything!" It conveys that 'renmerry' feeling of dabbling in the absurd with passion perfectly! That by overcoming the obstacles you can make your dreams into a reality (a pun, considering Maribel's ability) Aside from that "I'm a shooting star racing through the skyyyyy like a tiger, defying the laws of gravitttttttyyyyy- I'm a racing car, passing by, like Lady GodiiIIIVA IM GONNA GO, GO, GO, THERES NO STOPPING MEEEEEEEE" 10. How do you feel about milk? And soup? I can't stand milk by itself, and would rather eat cereal plainly. As for soup, I'm alright with udon/soba/ramen broth but I can't stand regular thick stuff ;; 11. If you could be granted with the knowledge of 1 thing in the world, what would it be? Aaaaaaaa that's a lot of power wow, um, idk how to stop overthinking and hating myself? How to achieve world peace? Understand people? Reach the galaxy? Bleh, I'll settle for 'How to communicate effectively with crabs', the rest of the things I'll have to learn myself I guess :^T My questions: 1. Favourite band? 2. Favourite plant/flower/fungus? 3. Opinion on 'yellow candy' 4. How do you sit on a couch? 5. Favourite genre of books/shows/etc? 6. Music, art or theatre? 7. Favourite meme? 8. Weather you feel represents you? 9. Languages you're learning/would like to learn? 10. Something you've always wanted to wear? 11. If you could describe yourself if 20 words or less? Tagging @theembodimentofjustice @5h1take @wyverninkath @soupcocku @nolongertainted @badtechnician @anime-is-ruining-my-life @akuchuus @auntkailen @nyatsushi-nekojima @thunder-roll-pizza!
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