#asagiri's comments
bsd-intent · 1 year
Комментарии Кафки Асагири с выставки. Часть 9.
"Клетка, что зовётся мозгом, промывка мозгов, что зовётся эмоциями". Ваши душа и тело – рабы мозга. Процесс определения того, что вы чувствуете, как видите окружающий мир, что вы любите и что не любите  – всё это определяется и внедряется в вас органом, называемым "мозгом", который обрёл свою текущую форму лишь из-за эволюционной необходимости. И до тех пор, пока препятствие в виде мозга стоит на пути, ваша душа не может быть свободна. Кое-кто рассуждает таким образом. Гоголь. Его мотив для убийств – самый шокирующий во всей истории. Он объяснен в данной сцене.
"Природные и спонтанные эмоции", такие, как доброта, вина или симпатия, для него – контроль со стороны мозга, промывка мозгов, клетка. Вот почему он убивает – чтобы доказать свою свободу от них. Он убивает, зная, что это неправильно. Он не безумен, но добровольно выбирает сумасшествие.
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Перевод на русский: well_hell  
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kitsquared · 11 months
I'm so so sorry but asagiri calling dazai a donut
Doesn't Oda mention dazai having a lonely hole inside him
Oda calling dazai a donut as his last words
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when he could almost taste the most expensive french wine but his least favourite anemic turned out not to be dead after all
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[ID: An edited "Disappointed man" meme. Instead of the man's face, there's Chuuya looking down with a mix of disappointment and annoyance. End ID]
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jollywasnthere · 28 days
I found this comment on TikTok and now I can't stop thinking about it.
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I'm scared
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Me after reading chapter 113 of bsd and hearing all the theories and theriosrs about Dazai and Ada members
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elizais · 3 months
"ranpo is the smartest!" this
"fyodor is the smartest!" that
asagiri is the smartest for not showing his face considering all the shit he pulls
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note-boom · 5 months
I still will never understand that comment by Asagiri saying that Dazai was the best thing to happen to Akutagawa when even Dazai himself doesn't believe that. I mean, from what I heard, the BEAST novel does a pretty good job in showing that Dazai knew Akutagawa would thrive and do better under people like Odasaku and Kunikida, right? Dazai throwing Atsushi at Akutagawa and kind of evading saying anything to Akutagawa sometimes did make me wonder if he was trying to force the boy from dependency on Dazai's approval (though, I also do believe Dazai doesn't fully want let go of his control over Akutagawa, which is another can of worms)
I mean, yes, Dazai wants to control Akutagawa, but I also think he knows objectively (not self-deprecatingly) that he just...wasn't good for him asides from the whole sort-of-saving-his-life thing. What I'm saying is that the relationship between the mentors and mentees of BSD are more complicated than saying "he/she was 100% good/bad for them" but also that generally we do see a progression of growth for the mentor with each "student" they take under their wing. In this essay
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lesbianyosano · 15 days
deeply hypocritical of asagiri to try to pivot the story into the fake deep commentary on the state while completely ignoring the question of carceral system even with mersault at the heart of the story for years
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nazurabbit · 1 month
at this point i dont even think asagiri knows where bsd is going
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dazaistabletop · 11 months
I just spent 30 minutes trying to find the livestream of Asagiri's panel only for me and the rest of bsdtwt to realize that they're not streaming it
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caffeiiine · 10 hours
ah! i am in shock!
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bsd-intent · 1 year
Комментарии Кафки Асагири с выставки. Часть 11.
“Герой, порожденный романом” Ода Сакуноскэ — персонаж, который никогда не появлялся в манге, но оставляет сильное ощущение присутствия в фильме, постановках и аниме. Раз уж мы здесь, я воспользуюсь этим случаем, чтобы раскрыть перед вами два аспекта его внутреннего мира, которые были представлены только в оригинальной новелле. 1. Одасаку после того, как Дазай безумно упрашивал вражеского солдата застрелить его: В иных обстоятельствах, будь между нами другие отношения, можно было врезать ему прямо здесь и сейчас. (с) ТЭ, глава 1 2. Мысль Одасаку о Дазае, который приходит в восторг от того, что Анго стал его врагом: Может, кому-то стоит регулярно привязывать Дазая к стулу, откидывать крышку его сердца и пылесосить внутри. Дазай будет вопить и вырываться, но нужно дать ему подзатыльник, вытащить всё исковерканное из его души на яркий свет и безжалостно растоптать одно за другим. Жаль, что таких пылесосов не существует. И чужое сердце не откроешь, откинув крышку.  (с) ТЭ, глава 2
Одасаку относится к тому типу людей, которые никогда никого не поучают. Потому что он не считает себя человеком, имеющим право учить и направлять других. Однако это не значит, что ему нечего сказать. Чувства, которые он не смог выразить в этих двух сценах, были переданы Дазаю в последней сцене через слова «Стань хорошим человеком». Эти сцены обретают множество смыслов, если читать их в совокупности.
Перевод на русский: well_hell  
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aroacehanzawa · 10 months
does anyone have the twitter thread where asagiri/staff comment on atsushi & akutagawa, i heard of it but i don't have twt
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daturas-are-pretty · 1 year
Benefit of the Doubt
Premise: ADA!Chuuya and ADA!Dazai, both going straight after a life in the PM, but they don't know each other.
Chuuya had a hunch.
A grave, destructive hunch whenever he saw Dazai's eyes darken when he thought all heads had turned away.
The Agency was ruthless, but only when it needed to be. It had been carved into them, one way or the other.
Switching sides was more than shedding a coat, but symbols made it easier to draw a line in the sand.
This is who you are |This is who you were
Now, in face of the truth, Chuuya sometimes wondered if Dazai abhorred black for the same reasons as he did.
If he looked in the mirror and realized how dangerously easy it would be to just slip into the grooves of what they had once been.
If his sins were the demons that kept him up at night.
Or if it was the mistakes, the losses, the screw-ups that writhed and crawled in his veins, failure a bone-deep, burnished black he would never cleanse his hands from.
Chuuya would wade through an ocean of corpses if it meant the Agency's safety.
Those two years had been so lonely. Hanging between the underground and the surface world like a stray mutt who had been only trained to kill, kill, kill, and knew nothing else.
Waiting for the light had been so lonely.
Surely, Dazai knew what it felt like.
Chuuya didn't know Dazai, but the Agency had given him the benefit of a doubt when he'd first joined, and then time and time again as a fully qualified member.
Assholery did not guarantee suspicion, and unless and until he gave off the slightest hint of malice, Chuuya would find it in himself to keep making excuses for him.
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zukkaoru · 8 months
ik asagiri said that the anime can do things with timing that a manga can't but like. the pacing of bsd is actually so much better in the manga
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yarrayora · 1 year
see, like, sometimes i see bsd fans commenting about how it's weird for asagiri to make the tanizaki siblings incestuous or the whole lolicon gag with mori and elise but the thing is both of those things are based on the real life tanizaki junichiro and mori ougai's works
naomi is, of course, based on the novel naomi, a story about a man who groomed a young girl into a westernized woman and it ends up with her turning the table by dominating his life. which is why the junichiro in the manga is unable to say no to his sister. while the irl work is mostly a commentary about the cultural change in taisho period, the siblings in the manga focuses on the unhealthy relationship of the protagonist jouji and naomi. you might find it disgusting and that's okay. but the character dazai is also created based on the real dazai osamu's uncomfortable depiction of humanity's ugliness. it just doesn't make sense to allow one depiction but not the other.
elise is named after the love interest in the dancing girl, but the power that creates her is named after the real mori ougai's erotic novel that is secretly about his own sexual experiences. you can argue that there is no need for elise to be a child because the character in the dancing girl isn't one, and vita sexualis itself is more about the author-slash-protagonist's struggle with having sexual desires in a society that champions moral purity.
but the thing is elise isn't even a fanservice character. she isn't depicted as someone the audience should find desirable for one. when it comes to lolicon fanservice you can expect either excessive depiction of innocence or at the very least elise getting jealous when mori gives attention to someone else. but even her mocking is just that, mocking. we were never shown her returning mori's affection even in a tsundere way.
the biggest hint is actually the fact that in beast au, a timeline where mori gives up his position as the mafia boss, elise is an adult. it shows that the child form of elise is symbolic of mori's desire to control those with the power he wants to obtain i.e. dazai and yosano. it's so much easier to gain power over other when they're a child and you're the authority figure, after all. so when he no longer chases after that ambition, elise becomes an adult.
tldr; asagiri didn't necessarily make tanizaki siblings and elise for the sake of fanservice but it's definitely because he actually pays attention to the literature that inspires him
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