#asahi day
dreamingpartone · 4 months
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some asny commissions I did for @marshmali late last year!
if you're interested in the story behind them, these are based on scenes from their fic Warm, Like Sunshine on Skin ₊⊹
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randomminty · 5 months
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A million ras sketches be upon ye
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atomicvoidjellyfish · 1 month
Buckle up love's this is going to be a LONG POST! FLUFFY AND SPICY HEADCANONS!!!
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~ Dachi Sawamura ~
 • HE IS ALL MAN! He is scrumptious and extra juicy on a super special day like Valentines day. Expect this man to show up with a big bokay of Red roses, a black suit and red tie to match along with a pink love heart shaped box of chocolates with a cute red bow on it.
• He personally was never super into Valentines day but putting all the effort in to see your bright beautiful smile made it all worth it. Like wining a Volleyball game but a million times better!!! Cause the prize he won is his and his ALONE!
• Dachi is a true gentleman and respectful, he'll kiss you on the cheek, paying attention to every detailing taking in the beauty of the moment and offering you his arm. His touch would be very soft yet firm, the grip of his hand on your hip or taking your hand when leading you through a crowd of busy people around the city.
• He would take you out to a nice restaurant not to busy or overwhelming for you to ensure you enjoy the night. You chat, laugh and dine whilst taking in the extravagant view of the city. Everyone was lively as usual the chatter of foot traffic and the bright neon lights.
• Dachi would give you his blazer if you were to get cold. You would see the outline of his muscles though the shirt and he would notice you staring. " Haha Do you like what you see beautiful" he would have the most heart warming smile on his face. That could make you jsut melt into your seat.
• Dachi would wait till you get home before getting into anything cheeky. He'd politely keep his urges to himself throughout the night emphasising how beautiful you are because of course you are and he would never want you to get the wrong impression!
• Once you get home this man would just want to embrace you, hold you close, to feel your body pressed up against his. Expect a lot of passionate kissing. In a hungry yet controlled way! He wants to make you want him but he's already lost this game. You know what makes him tick.
• Once you sit down on the bed Dachi would kneel down brushing you dress fabric aside before planting kissing down your leg till he gets to your ankle and takes your heels off.
• When you stand up he'd lead you to the mirror and hold you in his arms from behind. Brushing the sleeves of your dress off of your shoulders and helping you unzip. Whilst giving you the softest kisses and whisper sweet things in your ear.
• Dachi is very soft and passionate and that is how he has always loved you and will continue till this day. You have both grown very close and can trust each other with anything.
~ Sugawara Koushi ~
• Sugawara is more of a day guy and he would plan Valentines day more around the things you like. He'd eventually found the perfect place to take you for valentines day!
• He'd show up to your house holding a shoe box in had with a a ribbon tying a letter to the front. You'd both sit down to open it, the box was filled with chocolate hearts, photos of all the special moments you spent together, little trinkets that reminded him of you and this little black box placed in the centre. You open it to reveal a stunning gold ring with your birth stone shinning brightly.
• "Do you like it.." Suga would ask nervously, he'd overthink, he'd been planing for so long and he really wanted everything to be perfect for you. You'd just pull him into a big warm hug, such a beautiful gesture could bring you to tears. Giving him a kiss on the cheeky, you thank him for always being so kind and place the ring on your finger.
• "With this promise ring Y/N I promise to never change, to always make time for you, to always love you and to never let you go. I need you to understand that I am serious and I'm not dating for the thrills but because I can see a future with you. It will take time so let's not rush I've got forever to spend with you.
• You'd immediately shower him in kisses, pulling him into a cuddle, laying on the floor staring into his eyes. You're both very giggle and defiantly the goofy couple.
• Suga would eventually take you to a CAT CAFE! He knows how much you'd love it. You'd both take heaps of cute photos of the food, each other and the kitties. It was a very special valentines day and one you were never going to forget.
~ Asahi Azumane ~
• Asahi would take you to his favourite place THE BEACH! But not during the day time. On Valentines day a hot summer night at the beach watching the sun set is OP! He'd bring a beach towel, some glasses for your Champagne and he would never forgot the food board!
• You both strip down and enter the water together hand in hand and take some very cute and so VERY SEXY sunset photos. He's cradle you in his arms, hands on his super toned chest. The water only make the muscles ALL OF THEM JUCIY MUSCLES glisten in the fading lights. Your foreheads would touch enjoy the peace of the moment.
• You'd both go diving seeing what you could find, shells, sea weed, maybe a treasure chest who knows.
• Ashai and you would make sure to print out your photos and keep the shells to add to your little scrap book of all your adventures. You love to flick through the pages and remanise.
~ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ~
• Tanaka knows you really well sometimes its a little scary. On the day of valentines he'd show up at your door. Give u a big cuddle and lots of kisses before revealing a handful of shopping bags.
• He'd place them on the bag before turning to you with a cheeky little smirk. One of the bags said "BRA'S AN THINGS" another had a sexy land pattern on it, one was half orange, white and a little black it was from MYERS and the final one was from "VICTORIA SECRET"
• Your jaw would just DROP!!! He hands you a card and with excitement and respect you read it first. "Dear Y/N I hope these little gifts can express how much you mean to me, nothing and no one can compare to you! I'm sorry if my actions have ever made you doubt my loyalty to you. YOU ARE MY GODESS YOU ARE TO BE WORSHIPPED! (He made a secret shrine dedicated to you). Thank you for always giving me a chance and seeing my worth through my many flaws.
• His obession with Kyoko did cause some frustration and breakdown in your relationship. You'd still smile seeing the effort he's put in, the changes he's made and the gifts were amazing
• A two piece linger with leather, rings and studs from BRA'S AND THINGS, a whip, blind fold and collar from SEXY LAND, from MYERS he got you a more innocent 1 piece linger suit with intricate detailed lace in a pastel colour, with some body jewellery here and there and finally he got you Bombshell Intense Eau de Parfum from VICTORIA SECRET. The bottle was a gorgeous sexy red colour, the smell he picked out personally he found it very alluring.
• You were very surprised with he blind fold, whip and collar but its not like Tanaka wasn't a freak! That would be the start of lots of late night sexy land shopping sprees! Be prepared to be broke gurl!
• At that moment with all your gifts you had to give Tanaka a little fashion show. Tanaka would cheer and ogle at you even play some cat walk music, turn his flash on and take some cute photos of your little poses (on your phone ofc)
• Tanaka would still remain respectful until you give him the signs for sexy time. He was just a well rounded freaky guy like that. But what he didn't know that he has just sparked your DOMINATRIX'S ERA!!!
• You tied that mans hands behind his back, blind folded him, grabbed your whip and told him "We are gonna have such a good time baby" HE WAS SOOO INTO IT. This man got the shivers up and down his spine.
~ Nishinoya Yuu ~
• Nishinoya would love to have a more personal valentines day he'd invite you over when his parents had gone out to dinner. He'd set the dinner table with some vodka cruise, some roses candles and re heat some of his moms cooking. He'd tell you he made it with a cheeky grin but you know his tricks. It was ok tho you didn't want to die from some experimental pasta!
• After eating he prep the bath! He make sure to add plenty of bubbles a pink glittery bath boom, and some rose petals scattered around in the bath bubbles and he scooted back in to light the candles.
• Nishinoya being the libero his muscles can get pretty sore sometimes and the bruising is sometimes concerning. So for him a nice hot warm bath always helps.
• After dinner he'd lead to the dimly lit bathroom. You would both help each other strip down with the occasional bite and kiss here and there.
• The water was so warm and soothing, laying back on Nishinoya's chest you'd just want to melt. His touch is very soft a precise and giving you shoulder kisses. Hugging up to you, wrapping his armds around your tummy. He was in absolute bliss and didn't want this moment to end. Until you splashed him of course hehe, you'd give him a cute bubble mane and he would GRRR and pull face at you making you giggle.
• You both noticed something was missing... You popped up your phone and borrowed Nishi's blue tooth speaker. It started with playing gangster music like Knife talk, Thuggish ruggish bone, love me and end with Pretty privilege, MMM HMM and SkeeYee. Nishi would play along doing his sassy getto girl impression, make double D's out of bubbles, pouty face and your fake nails. It was a hilarious jam sesh.
• You both eventually got tired and decided to watch your favourite Netflix series "HOW TO MAKE A SEX DUNGEON" it was quite funny but Nishinoya was getting very into it. It was cute seeing his eyes light up and then giving you these puppy dog eyes. Winning bout oh bad he wants to try some things.
~ Tuskishima Kei ~
• Due to timing Valentines day would come early. He bought some ticks to go to a carnival. The bright lights, everyone smiling, screaming rides the whole atmosphere mad eye feel excited and warm. You could smell donuts and cotton candy everywhere and the arcade machines something Tsukishima loved being a super secret gamer boy. (His user Dwarfkiller)
• His brother was nice enough to drop you both off, Tuski wouldn't like to admit it but he was nervous when it came to rides. You'd bring it up cause YOU HAVE TO GO ON A RIDE! You wanted to go on the roller coster!!! You had to drag him over there by force, gave him the pouty face cause you didn't want to go alone and psychological tactics like "you don't love me enough to go on the ride" sad face. He would get flustered and frustrated eventually giving into you.
• When at the top Tuski would be literally shitting himself, looked like he was going to go to heaven. Whilst you were smiling like an idiot, shouting in excitement for the drop, you gave him the most evil look. Then "EEEAHHh" Tuski screamed so loud his voice cracked and you just laughed you ass off the rest of the ride. He was so pissed at the fact he just screamed like a little girl. Yeah you bullied him the rest of the night.
• To make it up to him you bought some candy floss to share and took a nice relaxing ride on the Ferris wheel. You took some selfies and looked out at the sunset. For once Tuski looked at peace not snarky, mean, grumpy or poker faced.
• He place his arm around your shoulder pulling you into him giving you a kiss on the forehead. A bright red tint stained his cheeks looking away he'd state "You were too far away from me" looking away going back to pokerface.
~ Tobio Kageyama ~
• Kageyama was aiming for a very chill Valentines day. He wanted to spend the whole day with you. Not worry about Hinata, volley ball or anything else living in his head rent free.
• He's gave a large black box, you open it to see an envelope with a little heart sealing it. You open it up to read
Dear Y/N
I'm not very good when it comes to words... But I hope you can still feel my ever growing love for you. You continue to help me become a better version of myself. Thank you for always been there even when your not around my mind always finds a way back to you.
Love Kageyama
• Kageyama is still learning to understand the context of love and companionship, it was very rough to start off. He was still very consumed with Volley Ball and the drive to get better hurt him and it ultimately hurt a lot more. You would often fight and bicker but you never crossed the line with each other and he never ever gave up on you.
• You look up to see him looking down. You place you hands on his face and make him look up at you. He looks away his eyes were filled with conflicting emotions.
• You wrap your arms around his neck and you whispered in his ear " As long as you understand what you did wrong and your willing to change...I will always have the heart to forgive you and there will always be hope. So let it go baby. I can't have you being all sad on Valentines day." You pull back caressing his cheek and planting a kiss. He looked so much more at piece an his eyes now looked very warm and kind. "Thanks..."
• You tosh the tissue paper to the side to find to matching hoodies, with a really cool front and back graphic design. You smiled as you and Kageyama both put them on. The hoodie was well made very warm and cossy.
• "You know there's this new light art exipediton in the city, i was wondering if you wanted to go" you smile "Of course silly i love to go anywhere as long as its with you.
• You both rug up in your gloves, pants, scarves, bum bags and hit head to the train station. "HURRY QUICK!!! YOUR SO DAMN SLOW!", "SHUT UP KAGEYAMA BEFORE I MAKE YOU SLOW!!!" You both run down the stairs catching the train just in time.
• "AAAHH im so puffed" you wine "Well you know you can always come for a jog with me", ".....No" Kageyama rolls his eyes before taking your hand and leading you to a seat next to the window. You look out at the beautiful city lights, cars, trams everything. Kageyama on the other hand was staring at your face through the reflection of the glass. You looked so beautiful, happy you were gonna become his everything and that did scare him a little bit.
• You eventually reach the light show, you were estatic the colors, patterns and effect were all so unique. Kageyama was pretty impressed to. You took a tone of cool poses, the lights were the perfect back drop.
• "Hey we should go to the BBQ", "Hhhmm whats that?" he smirks "It an all you can eat buffay" he was already drooling thinking bout all the meat and delicious sea foods. "Wow sounds delicious" your eyes lit up. Kageyama smiles softly taking you by the hand leading you through the crowds of people glaring at most of them to make them move. "Typical of you to size everyone and everything up" he give you a look. He knows your just being playful.
• You lined up outside, Kageyama cuddling you from behind, resting his chin on your head and putting his hands in your pocket to hold yours and make sure they are warm.
• Kageyama would pig out mans always hungry. You on the other hand were feeling a bit cheeky. You slipped your foot out of your shoe. You started off my touching his foot then feeling up is calf with your toes, then his thigh as well lets just say you defiantly got him going. He'd glide his hand across your soft silky legs and give you a look of pure desire.
~Tadashi Yamaguchi ~
• Tadashi made such an effort in planning your Valentines day surprise it took all morning setting up and putting everything together and in the right place.
• He take you to the back yard asking you to cover your eyes, he place his hands around your for arms and slowly lead you to the right spot. "Okay you can open your eyes now"
• GASP " TADASHI DID YOU REALLY DO ALL THIS" you looked out at a tee pee set up with lights and wines scattered around the base and up the top of the wooden pools holding everything together. In the centre was a big picnic blanket with some pillows, you also noticed some canvas and some paint.
• Tadashi took you by the hand and led you to the middle, he had a the picnic basket hidden on the side. He pulled on a wood board, some chips, lollies, cheese, salami, olives, nuts, chocolate and so much more delicious foods. Not to mention your a 6 pack favourite soft drink. (sorry Im Aussie deal with it! hehe)
• You'd spend plenty time chatting, cuddling, holding hands and you'd take turns feeding each other food. Tadashi is a very connect, soft emotionally driven guy and he always loves learning more and more about you. He looks at you with fondness in his sweet eyes.
• You both played plenty games, took some cute polaroid photo and painted some canvas together. You both took turns swapping and adding to each others creation. You ended up painting the ocean and he ended up painting the sky with the minor odd details like a pink whale with lashes and lips and his a goose with a knife in the sky haha. Very cute odd, retro style you goth gifted each other your art pieces with a date and thumb prints in the shape of a heart.
• After all the games were over it has started to get dark. Yuo both watched the sun set together and the star's that started to shine into view. It was a truly beautiful sight then "WOW Tadashi look!!! It's a shooting start" it flashed before your eyes. "Well make a wish Y/N.....What did you wish for." "Tadashi i cant tell you haha..but I do hope it comes true." You looked at Tadashi and notice his golden eyes glowed like the stars in the sky and the reflection of the stars was so breath taking. He took a hold of both your hands, and leaded in till your noses where touching. Tadashi was a truely beautiful sole. You blushed before leaning just a little bit more sharing a soft gentle kiss.
~ Hinata Shoyo ~
• Hinata has no idea what to do for valentines at-least what any women would want to do so all he could do was share something special to him with you of course.
• It would be a nice sunny day and Hinata would take you to the city. You'd both walk around and occasionally buying odd snacks to try, laughing and catching up with life.
• You tend to worry about him being so positive all the time it makes you wonder how he really feels and how hes really doing.
• Hinata would lead you the outskirts of the city. "Hinata where are we going?" "Don't worry its not far and i promise you will love it." Hinata takes your hand leading you through some trees, long grass, thorns, brushed EVERYTHING! You eventually reach an abandoned drain only big enough for you both to shuffle through. "Hinata are you crazy" "No I'm not Y/N i understand if your nervous but please just trust me." he grabs the hand in his softly caressing it before taking you through the drain tunnel. It wasn't all that damp, wet or swampy, the only thing that put you on edge was the echoing sound. You were getting claustrophobic to say the least (Im sorry if you are genuinely claustrophobic, i am sure the anxiety is real ;( )
• "Not long now Y/n" As you neared the exit you could smell something familiar it was a very strong salty smell and you could hear there odd sound. As you approach the light at the end of the tunnel it lead you a small opening enough space for you both to sit. "This is my favourite spot to come and clear my head. I call it The look out cause you get to look out at the ocean.
• You peered out to see sand with not a single imperfection, untouched to man kind, Skeletons of Debra and trees that once stood, a small boat that had capsized off sure, lots and lots of sea weed. You could see the rock formations and cliffs and where the sea meets the sky. It look liked it went on for miles. It was beautiful Nature in her natural form completely uninhabited.
• "Wow Hinata how did you find this place?" you saw hinata rummaging around in the bags he had brought "Well I was running laps as i do for Volleyball practice and i got lost ahah then i stumbled on this drain and i got curious." he pulled out pulled out a bracelet with a little tiny orange starfish ornament, "I had to ask my sister to help me but i hope you like it Y/N." "Oh and the starfish is real, I went all the way over there and has to drive really deep to find he best shells and starfishes." He smiles so brightly proud of his achievement.
• "I love it Hinata, the orange starfish remind me of you" "Well i hope you don't mind i managed to stuff Arrggh all these Grraaa pillows and blankets in here. I wondering if you wanted to stay late and enjoy the view with me." He started to place down the pillows, sleeping bags and many many blankets. "Of course i would Hinata."
• You both decided to scavenge some old sticks and leaves to start a little fire along with some rocks. The fire was so toasty and warm, you cuddled up to Hinatas chest, it was cold but not too cold.
• You were surprised Hinata was changing, he's shoulders were slightly broader, his arms were beginning to look more sculpted, his leg muscles were starting to pop and he was radiated heat.
• "You changed a lot Hinata." you blush avoiding eye contact. "Haha Well i hope you like it Y/N but I'm still your same fun loving Ninjashoyo and that wont change." Hinata despite slowly coming into puberty has always be respectful when it comes to your body, what your comfortable and not comfortable with and he never puts any pressure on you.
• "You worry too much Hinata, Love doesn't exclude touch or desire but I can understand if it is all a confusing and scary. I want you to focus on volleyball and not to get addicted to well...sourcing inappropriate things i guess you could say. Your right I like you the way you are." Hinata looks down "Thank you Y/N I-Im just not ready for that stuff and-" You take his hand placing your forhead on top of his "Hinata I don't doubt your love for me" you looking into his sweet soft eyes before planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "Come on im getting cold and need someone to cuddle to." you huffed.
• "Haha I also brought some binoculars if you wanna watch the wildlife, if your lucky you might sea some sea gals, penguins or even maybe some whales passing by...i don't know there migration patterns but still!" You smile both cuddling up to enjoy the view, Hinata was so warm, his heart beaut was calm and his body was so inviting to take away all your stress, that why you loved him so much.
• He's your sweetheart never tries to do anything wrong and hes always there to catch you if you fall. A part of him really needs you to but thats something still left to explore.
Author note:
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Ive been really busy re decorating my room its GOTH THEMED and i love it so much. This was such a long post but i really hope you all enjoy it. Leave a like or a repost that would really make my day. THANKS HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!
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ecoplasma · 2 months
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the gang's all here
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weezmancer3 · 5 months
Snow Day!!
We got some snow where I live (and I'm finally out of my slump) so here are some Haikyuu characters enjoying a Snow Day!!
Kageyama and Hinata try to play volleyball but the cold makes it hard for Kags to use his hands (he refuses to touch the ball through gloves) so they go insane and start a snowball fight that turns into an all out war.
Tsukki is making snow-men. Yamaguchi helps him. They make snow-man versions of the entire team and send pictures to the rest of the team.
Noya and Tanaka find Kageyama and Hinata and join the war efforts. They text the other 2nd years for re-enforcments (Who show up with sleds to use as shields).
The third years show up to watch some of the war, but leave for Suga's house to drink hot chocolate and watch a movie.
Asahi falls asleep at Suga's house and Daichi wakes him up by dumping a bucket of snow on his head while Suga records it.
Asahi catches a cold from his wet hair, so the team shows up at his house to caroll him back to health (Nishinoya's idea). Asahi's parents have to shoo the team from their property.
I was planning to post more over break but kind of did the complete opposite. Consider this an apology. :)
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linagram · 29 days
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so that raincoat collab..
notes about the meanings of everyone's poses are under the cut!
akio: akio doesn't have an umbrella, he just has his hood on and he has this angry look on his face. back in season 1, akio just wanted to be voted innocent and truly believed he deserved to be forgiven and even though being voted guilty made him change as a person, he still doesn't care about the "moral side" of his verdicts, since now he just wants to be forgiven because being punished again can literally cost him his life. he still doesn't want to do anything with the guards or the verdict system, so he doesn't have an umbrella, but he still doesn't want to die, so at least he has his head covered.
shun: shun was very happy when the guards voted him innocent, since he believed his crime wasn't a crime at all and his thoughts were affirmed. however, he got "betrayed" by the guards since they decided to vote him guilty in season 2. this is why he has his umbrella lying on the ground: he really believed that the guards will still be on his side, but he was wrong.
kei: kei is holding his umbrella. he is accepting his verdicts. even though he was voted guilty by his own brother and brutally punished by him as well, he loves him too much to get mad at him. it also looks like he's offering his umbrella to shun which might look cute OR look like a reminder of how unhealthy their relationship is (kei was more than happy to flirt with shun back in season 1 and shun just acted shy and claimed to be taken, but in season 2, shun gladly joined eiko when she started to basically bully kei and shun got a new outfit to look more like kei) but also.. kei is winking here. the eye that he has closed here is the same eye that shun lost because of kei. think about the implications <3
asahi: he has his umbrella closed, but he's still holding it. asahi doesn't like eiji and he sure will not like hinode, but he likes miki. she's the only guard that he cares about, but he cares about her A LOT. so you can interpret his pose as him still being suspicious of the other guards, but wanting to be as close with miki as possible.
riku: my boy doesn't have an umbrella AND he doesn't have his hood on. sure, riku wants to be forgiven, but also.. he understands that even an innocent verdict won't make his pain go away. in fact, he will most likely just hurt himself even more to keep making the guards feel sorry for him and continue forgiving him. a little spoiler for his trial 3 vd, but there's a moment when he says that there is no verdict that will help him or make his situation better. so his head is not covered, he doesn't have an umbrella with him and he's also holding his hand out to feel the raindrops. riku kuroki why are you like this
aimi: her pose is similar to asahi's and the meaning is similar as well: she only cares about miki. however, i tried to make her pose look a bit more desperate, like she's even more dependent on her than miki's own brother. aimi doesn't care about her verdict. she only cares about finally having a friend.
naomi: naomi has claimed multiple times that she doesn't care about her verdict and she doesn't care about the other prisoners' verdicts as well (not counting asahi. the fuck them kids mindset is still there) so she doesn't have an umbrella with her and it also looks like she's taking her hood off. however, i like to think as this naomi in particular as t2 naomi: getting an innocent verdict and starting to become more confident. confident enough to feel like you don't have to protect yourself anymore. she still got a guilty verdict though so maybe an umbrella wouldn't hurt.
eiko: oh this girl is so happy about her umbrella! look at the way she's holding it! this totally doesn't have anything to do with her obsession with eiji at all! eiko really doesn't care about the verdicts, but she loves her poor little meow meow too much, so she still cares about milgram in some way. there's also her brother being the fourth guard that never got an opportunity to actually do his job and the possibility of her parents having something to do with it.. her pose is also kinda similar to kei's pose which is a nice bonus since they're a pair.
yurika: THE GIRL IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT HER TWO GUILTY VERDICTS. she's the only prisoner that's sitting on the ground. she doesn't have an umbrella with her, showing that she HATES the guards and she HATES her verdicts (and how verdicts work in general), but she still has her hood on. the girl doesn't want to die. she REALLY doesn't want to die. (and her t3 vd will show it well </3)
reina: reina doesn't have an umbrella with her, which was to be expected from miss "i'm actually a serial killer hehe >:D please vote me guilty please please guys i'm begging i would rather die than live with the knowledge of what i've done". she doesn't care about the guards' opinions anymore. she does have her hood on, but in her case it's not related to her life, i simply thought it would fit her vibe well, since she's a person who finds it hard to be honest with others and is very secretive.
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misty-wisp · 4 months
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Happiness is your responsibility!
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weathertheraine · 1 year
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Happy TDOV!!
I couldn’t possibly include all my trans hcs, bc I probably have at least one for every character in the show. So here are my most usually ‘canon’ ones - ones you can assume are at play in my art and writing even if it’s not stated outright.
Kiyoko - Trans girl (she/her)
Asahi - Nonbinary, Bigender (he/she)
Nishinoya - Nonbinary trans boy (he/him)
Kageayama - Agender (he/him)
Hinata - Trans boy (he/him)
Takeda - Trans man (he/him)
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Tsukishima Yumiko - trans demigirl (she/her)
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eleanorenchanted · 9 months
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When you’re as much of a monkey as he is
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dreamingpartone · 6 months
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the joys of an unhurried sunrise, a slow dawn ⛅
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adhdtsukasa · 21 days
first we got asahi sakurako childhood friends (and therefore i'm assuming elementary because i don't think middle school still counts as a childhood experience) m/f and now we got shousuke and this-new-guy-i-forgot-his-name uni yaoi. do you know what's left? high school yuri so i truly do hope it will be the time for hinata otori to get her own insane npc lore. you want to do it so bad colopale
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apotelesmaa · 2 months
Barebones framing of that 1 ruikasa au I talked about forever ago (may never see the light of day or may end up posted in its entirety fully written one day with no author) 🔽
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linabirb · 3 months
actually maybe people should vote linagram women guilty more often bc i'm drawing t3 naomi design rn and. ma'am. ma'am your eyebags are worse than ever and your hair is a mess and overall you just look insane but ma'am you really are serving and not just a sentence
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treasureloversclub · 10 months
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the name of the disease was love. i'm sure it's a serious illness. no matter what I do, no matter how much I cry — there's no way to fix it
Treasure | Lovesick / 病 / 병
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mofffun · 8 months
Metaverse TV SHT Movie Collab Special (23 July) - King-Ohger pop quiz: LED Wall
Ace & Tsumuri + Gira & Himeno (+ Yanma in the making & Director Kamihoriuchi interview )
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screamin-abt-haikyuu · 2 months
Mood all day every day
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