#ascending to the 5th dimension
cosmichighpriestess · 8 months
As I feel my emotions and move through them to become more aware of the pain in my physical vessel I in turn help heal my world and I am able to give more by giving myself the self forgiveness and self love that I needed. We help benefit everyone we are worried about by changing ourselves first because we are one, we are everything, we are the entire Universe and we affect the entire multiverse by changing ourselves. We could all use some good news right now don't you feel that way?
Don't you feel like something is coming? Well I have good news. The apocalypse is not coming. But all your dreams are. You can relax. Breathe. You get to choose whatever timeline feels the best for you. There is not one future, there is not just one Earth, and there is not just one human collective. You shift by changing your vibration. You shift to another planet when you change yourself. The end of the world and doom and gloom predictions will not play out for you. You are too far on the ascending timelines to ever have to worry about being on those dark worlds where they have forgotten their humanity. We want to give you the keys to the kingdom. 🗝️
Because even if you're not ready, you will be soon and you will ascend to the fifth dimension and beyond. That is a guarantee. Here is the curriculum you've given yourself. You must face this challenge to be love in the face of evil, the wicked ones, the evil-doers, the bad guys, the ones who trigger you in real life and behind a screen playing their roles in the dark. Because what are they doing? They are there to trigger you. Once you say, " oh thank you demon, thank you fear, thank you trauma, thank you person pretending to be something they are not which is Source which is love. Thank you for triggering what needed to be triggered within me to heal this trigger. Thank you for reminding me to come back to Source /God. Thank you for reminding me to be forgiving of others who do evil, our oppressors who do unjust things, and to forgive myself for reacting negatively out of character before and giving myself these opportunities to grow."
Now, what I just said may have triggered you. You may be thinking, "Be love to my abusers? Be love to the darkness? HOW? Are you crazy? After what they did? Don't you know what they did to me? To those innocent children and people all over the world hurting people? HOW?" Believe me, I know. It's ridiculous how many people betrayed me. It's ridiculous how abused I was. The state of these evil people is so insane. It's ridiculous how much we saw innocents go through. I know. But, the pain serves a higher divine purpose. What did this pain teach you? It taught you a lot. This is a game. Remember it's a simulation. If you want to move to the next level of the game you must do this: Our oppressors give us the opportunity to be love everyday they do something to oppress us.
We are creating our realities, this is your Earth, your kingdom, you are everything, we are one. That person spewing hate, racism, bigotry, misogyny and anything else that separates us and causes more division, that person or group will not go away just because you pointed out their ignorance and flaws. Instead of focusing on teaching them a lesson, you actually create more of them in your reality. And they become more popular. It doesn't make them go away. It creates more of them. The more we fight, the more your reality responds to that vibration and your oppressors will rise up to be fought. Put your swords down. You don't need them anymore at this level. They used to serve you to protect yourself but now you're ascending to the 5th dimension. There's no war in the fifth dimensional level of consciousness.
The more you love, forgive, and have compassion for them, the more of them will change. The more we judge them and call them negative the more they stay the same. When you accept them completely as they are and you offer forgiveness and compassion to them, that is the only way they will ever change. They will change to reflect the change in you when you lay down your sword and you offer yourself up as a being of unconditional love. And you may be saying "okay, I can do that but what happens to the innocent children and people then if we don't defend and fight for them?" Remember this always. You are always helping yourself whenever you offer love to someone else, someone who is in great need of that love. When you change yourself, you change everything, EVERYTHING, you shift to another parallel Earth version including the number of people being oppressed in your reality. YOU must change, reprogram yourself, forgive yourself first, then you can forgive others if you want to free those innocents who are enslaved, you must change your inner world to see it reflected outwardly.
Why? Because it will give you the opportunity to evolve and not stay stuck in a reality you don't prefer. But you must accept everything and everything in your reality as it is now, and don't judge it negatively, just be neutral to it from there you can create positive change within yourself. Some of you want to impact and help as many people as possible in your lifetime, then all you have to do is be love, that's how you do it because you already are unconditional love you just have to remember that you are Source. The only way to get to a place of self-forgiveness and self-love is by being honest with yourself. So start there and work your way up to having compassion, forgiveness and love for yourself and for others. You are affecting the totality of the entire human collective by forgiving everyone.
That is how you level up, that is how you demonstrate your superpower of forgiveness to the higher dimensions and earn the respect from the entire Universe and change the entire world by changing yourself first. The next step of your Ascension will be so much easier and you will feel so much more peace, ease, love and joy. Do it by being the love you want to see first. Level yourself up and you will be living in the fifth dimension before you know it.
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layered-love420 · 2 years
ArchAngel Michael's Discourse~ ( Ronna Herman Vezane)
We will now help you build your Pyramid of Power, where you will go in your quiet time and sleep time to receive healing, nurturance — to create that which you desire, and to also seek a Divine Solution for any situation or challenge that you may face.
In whatever way you perceive, envision a Pyramid of Light. Through your intent, state that this pyramid is manifested in the fifth dimension. There is a capstone on your pyramid and it contains a spiraling Rainbow Ray of Light, which contains all the colors, virtues, and attributes of our Father/Mother God.
As you move into the interior of your pyramid, look around: the walls and floor radiate an inner Light, and there are twelve crystal chairs in a circle. (You may wish to add more from time to time.) There is a Crystal Table in the center, and when you lie on it, it conforms perfectly to your body. There is a magnificent clear quartz crystal hanging over the center of the table. The crystal is faceted at both ends and the upper portion penetrates the capstone of the pyramid.
This is the basic structure of your pyramid. However, we suggest that you add your own personal touches as you visit your Sacred Temple, and make it your own.
We will give you several examples of how you may most effectively use your pyramid.
Healing Conflict with Another
Let us say that you have a situation of conflict with someone in your life. In a meditative state, go into your Sacred Pyramid; be seated in one of the crystal chairs, and envision the other person sitting across the room from you, with the Crystal Table in the center. Ask the Higher Self of the person to join you two, as you wish to have a dialog with this person. Please, place your ego in the passive mode, and speak from the heart with your Soul as the director.
Objectively state your case. And then place the situation on the Crystal Table, asking for a Divine Solution with the highest outcome that serves you both. Envision the Violet Flame of transmutation blazing up from beneath the table, surrounding the situation as it balances and harmonizes the energies within the thought-form/situation.
Now, see the Great Crystal hanging over the Crystal Table begin to glow, and streams of Golden Light flow forth (they will look something like your strikes of lightning that you see in the skies during a thunderstorm). First, these streams of Lightning will focus on the Crystal Table and the situation. Then they will spread out to each of you, as they eventually fill the room. You will have tapped into the energy of the Divine Source. And you, the other person, and the situation will be charged with the cosmic Life Force of Creation.
Then, you must relinquish the outcome to the wisdom of Spirit. You must switch to autopilot, you might say, whereby you cannot know where you are going or what the exact outcome will be, but trusting that it will be of the highest order.
Healing Ourselves
If you wish to focus on your physical vessel — an illness, or an imbalanced situation — place yourself on the Crystal Table. State your desire, which may be specific or just for a general tune-up. Ask your Higher Self or I AM Presence to be your cosmic facilitator and oversee the process as the Violet Flame blazes up and surrounds you, and then the beams of Lightning are activated.
This will greatly enhance and speed up the process of releasing any residual impacted negative energies within the physical structure, and building your vessel of Light. You will find that you will not be allowed to place anyone else on your Crystal Table without their permission (or, in special cases, the permission of their Higher Self).
Decision-Making and Manifestation
Spend time within your Pyramid of Power when you have a decision to make, and to solidify and energize your visions and aspirations. Here, you may use the Universal Laws of Manifestation in their most dynamic form as you become proficient as a Master of Co-Creation.
Spend time clarifying your vision of the future in all areas: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. ... Apply [your understanding of the laws of manifestation] within your Pyramid of power, and watch as the miracles unfold.
If there is a group situation — say, within the family or the workplace — see everyone involved seated in the crystal chairs and place the situation in the center. Ask each person's Higher Self to stand behind and oversee the process.
Again, place the situation on the Crystal Table, envisioning and asking for the highest outcome for all. Ask for the Divine Solution. And then spend as much time as necessary focused on the energy of the situation. See the Violet Flame magically neutralize it, and the Lightning of Spirit transform it into its highest form.
At times you may wish to be in your Pyramid of Power by yourself, and at other times you may expand it to any size you wish, as you bring in great numbers of people and situations, both large and small, that need to be transmuted into the highest form of expression.
By accessing your fifth-dimensional Pyramid of Power, you are bypassing the negative, distorted energies of the third dimension, and the conflicting, ambiguous energies of the fourth dimension. It is time for you to regain the ability to function within the rarefied planes of Light where only perfection is possible.
Beloved friends, you are becoming multidimensional Beings of Light as you integrate your Soul-Self and gradually become transpersonal. Many of you have integrated your Solar-Self and your Galactic-Self, and are well on your way to accessing your Source-Self. That is what Ascension is all about, Beloveds: reclaiming the many wondrous facets of Self that you left along the way in your descent into the dreamland called Earth.
We know how truly magnificent you are, and we see your awesome potential. Step into our world, dear hearts; we are waiting to greet you.
I AM Archangel Michael. ❤ <3
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the-unseen1 · 9 months
6. Let us walk our highest path
The Seeker and the mysterious Stranger (Part 6 of 7)
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6. Let us walk our highest path
“Are you truly walking on your highest path?” the mysterious stranger asks the Seeker.
The Seeker sighs tiredly.
“Well... Obviously not, as I am still sitting here on the bench with you... Still waiting for someone competent to arrive...”
The Seeker raises their head towards the sky as they feel a drop of rain falling on their skin.
“Why do you need someone else to guide you?” the mysterious stranger questions. “What hinders you from getting up and following your path?”
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“For a start...," the Seeker responds, covering their head from the incoming rain. "I don't want to get lost in this dense forest. Someone experienced should go ahead.”
The mysterious stranger smirks
“Tell me, my dear friend, can someone else ever lead you towards your highest path? No, only you alone can find your highest path. Only you can walk it. If you follow someone else, it's their path and not yours. No, your highest path is unique to you.
One may assist you, during your walk. One may walk with you, side by side. Searching and finding together. But as soon as there is power involved, authority of words, thoughts and ideas, you will always get lost. Dependency hinders all progress. Attachment slows you down. Be free and follow your own highest path. Be a light to...”
Suddenly the rain begins pouring down in streams.
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“Okay... wait a minute...” the Seeker interrupts.
“Slow down! Before you go on with another long-winded monologue... Can you first of all explain, what exactly you mean by 'highest path'?”
The mysterious stranger, strokes his chin, whilst contemplating a metaphor.
“Hmm... Do you enjoy playing Video games?”
The surprised Seeker gasps:
“Uh... Perhaps...? I did not expect video games to be a topic here...”
Neither did the reader. The rain is slowing down.
The mysterious stranger clears his throat:
“In some video games there are certain story-related decisions you can make, that will affect the ending of the game. Depending on your previous choices made throughout the game, you might get the best ending or the worst ending. Tell me Seeker, if Reality were a game wouldn't you prefer the best ending? Don't you want the coolest cutscene after you finished off the final boss?
This is what I refer to, by the 'highest path'. If life were a story, than the 'highest path' is the greatest story that you can experience in your individual lifetime.”
The Seeker is shocked in disbelief.
“Are you... Are you telling me...?”
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Suddenly the rain stops entirely.
“Yes,” the mysterious stranger confirms with a grin on his face. His voice, full of exitement.
“We are going all in for the platinum trophy. Let us break the high-score. Let us end this game with 100 % completion. Let us achieve the best ending.”
The dark clouds above are lifting up. As they vanish, the bright rays of the sun are shining through the sky, illuminating their park bench.
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For the first time, since the mad stranger sat himself on the bench next to them, the Seeker is speechless. They are overwhelmed by an emotion they haven't felt since childhood. A sense of innocent joy and wonder.
“You can't be serious. Do you... Do you actually believe, that this is possible?”
“Yes,” the Stranger smiles, his voice full of determination.
“We will find a way. All of us. Not just You individually. No, as a species, we will go for the best ending. And together, we shall write the greatest of all stories. Our own story. We are humanity, my friend.
Listen closely: If the individual follows their own highest path, the direction of the path of humanity will change as well. And as more people find their truest path, experience their greatest story, the timeline of our reality will shift as well.
You say, we are indifferent to the cosmos? You say, everything we do here on earth is meaningless in the grand scheme of things? You say, humanity is a parasite and our extinction is unavoidable? Let the heavens be my witness, I will prove you wrong!
We are the authors of the story of humanity and together we shall write a story that will echo through the cosmos. The melody of our song will reach the furthest stars, never to be forgotten. We will show the universe, that we are not meaningless, that we do have a purpose. We will prove our right to existence. Prove, that we are more than these selfish, violent, power-hungry monkeys. Whoever says, this can't be achieved, we will prove them wrong!
Let us face the challenge head-on, without any regrets. If we fail, then not without trying. If we die, then with a smile on our face. Together we will find a path of joy and laughter. A path of love and wisdom. A path of unity and freedom. ”
A rainbow appears in the sky, as the sun illuminates the forest, clearing all rain clouds.
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“I- I don't believe you,” the Seeker stutters. “What you are suggesting is impossible. You are just a crazy mad man.”
“You are saying it's impossible, without even trying it,” the Stranger laughs frantically.
“Can't you see, that this limiting belief slows you down? Why are you so afraid to make a simple step? Will you continue to sit on this bench for all of eternity, waiting for someone who will never come?
Listen closely: The highest path, is the path with the ALL. This is the path, where each of your decisions will have the greatest good for ALL in mind. For humanity, for nature, for the earth, the universe and for you as individual, because you as well, are part of the ALL.
Walking the highest path, won't be easy. Life will challenge you with trials. You will need to prove yourself worthy. But fear not, you won't be alone. We will walk this path together. Up here and down there. Side by Side, as old friends. Are you ready to embark with me on this journey?”
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The Seeker breathes heavily:
“Honestly... what you are telling me sounds really nice. And for some reason... I can't explain how... But... I had been thinking about some of the stuff, that you were telling me, already before... However, it just seems so difficult, so unfathomable... Like an unreachable goal. Do you seriously believe, that we are capable of this? Do you seriously have that much faith in humanity?”
A sudden, strong gust of wind, reaches the Seeker and the mysterious stranger on their bench. With closed eyes, the Stranger enjoys the wind brushing over his face. He breathes in the fresh air. His face turns into a big smile, as he opens his eyes.
“We will find a way,” the voice of the mysterious stranger thunders full of determination.
“No matter how, far off we have drifted off. No matter, how lost we are. No matter, how desperate our situation is. No matter how difficult, how painful, how frightening the path ahead may seem; remember this: We will always find a way. This is the strength of humanity, to always find the way. To face every challenge and emerge victorious. And if the path seems out of reach, if there's no way at all, we create our own way. We will do it. We will make it. For we are humanity.”
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For a moment there is a uncomfortable silence between the two. The Seeker doesn't respond. Even the crickets are silent. Tumbleweed is being pushed by the wind, rolling in front of the bench.
The stranger takes a deep breath:“Let me ask you a different question, dear Seeker. Do you remember the promise?”
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yeonjuins · 2 years
greetings. 🎵🫣
HAII FRANNIE <3 i woke up like 20 mins ago and had to stare at my spotify THERE WERE A COUPLE CONTENDERS i was going to rec u but overall i think you might like
desert rose - lolo zouai <3
send me a 🎵 and i’ll give you a song rec !
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Types of Starseed
There are a great many different types of starseed, but some of the most commonly-identified include:
Originating from the Pleiades star cluster, Pleiadian starseeds are loving, intuitive, empathetic, creative, and sensitive individuals who have a mission to bring peace and spirituality to Earth. They are some of the oldest souls, and are among the more common starseed types. They are therefore also one of the best understood. Pleiadian starseeds have a special connection to the Divine Feminine and Akashic records.
Originating from Sirius, one of the most important stars to play a role in spiritual awakening, Sirian starseeds are peacekeepers and guardians: bold, strong-willed, and passionate beings with a strong sense of responsibility and leadership. They often exhibit a focus on technology, innovation, and spiritual teaching.
Hailing from the Orion constellation, Orion starseeds are said to be insightful, analytical, and committed to justice and wisdom. They are attuned to ancient wisdom, which often manifests as an entrepreneurial or scientific spirit! Orion starseeds work to overcome challenges, and are therefore seen as “warriors for the light”.
Coming from the Andromeda galaxy (often thought to be home to various extraterrestrial civilisations), Andromedan starseeds are said to be wise beyond their years and have a strong sense of justice. They are creative and innovative, and tend to have a strong calling to bring new ideas and technologies to Earth.
Originating from the Lyra constellation, Lyran starseeds are said to be the oldest souls in the galaxy, and are creative and excellent communicators. Sometimes depicted as being the ancestors of humans, Lyrans may have a stronger than usual connection to the Earth (especially to Egypt: one of their closest links to home) and a desire to heal and uplift. Lyran starseeds have a special connection to the Divine Masculine.
All the way from Arcturus (said to be home to highly evolved and spiritually advanced beings from a 5th dimension), Arcturian starseeds possess profound and innovative qualities of wisdom and healing, and a strong desire to help others awaken spiritually. They often feel more comfortable in their human forms than other starseeds.
As you’d expect, Venusian starseeds are from Venus, and are compassionate, loving, gentle, and artistic. They have a great interest in the ancient civilisations of Earth, as well as outer space. The ancient Egyptian goddess of love and motherhood, Hathor, is thought to have come from Venus in the fourth dimension.
Ancient souls originating from Lemuria, Lemurian starseeds (and Atlantean starseeds) are believed to have made Earth their home sooner than any other type. They are said to be healers and teachers, and keepers of ancient wisdom. Although the defunct civilisation of Lemuria was on Earth (before its downfall at the hands of dark reptilians), its people were advanced enough to communicate with and travel to other planets.
Ancient souls from Atlantis, Atlantean starseeds are truth seekers and are technologically adept. Like Lemurian starseeds, Atlanteans starseeds no longer have a physical territory on Earth, as their ancestors abused their success until they were destroyed. However, those who survived their realm’s downfall had often travelled to other planets or dimensions, so can return to Earth as starseeds.
Indigo Children
Younger souls that are here to lead others into a new age, Indigo Children are independent, strong-willed, and disruptive to outdated systems. They are agents of peace and justice, and have no tolerance for evil. Indigo Children are often born with memories of their divine gifts, qualities, and mission intact, and come from a spiritual dimension of Earth that hasn’t yet finished ascending.
Illustration of a girl sitting in the middle of a large glade of magical flowers looking into infinity.
Crystal Children
Often grouped with Indigo Children, Crystal Children share the former’s mission to usher humanity into a better future. They are natural healers and lovers of nature, and have a strong connection with Pleiadian energy. Crystal Children bring joy, light, and harmony to all that they touch.
Rainbow Children
The third of the starseed types to often be grouped with Indigo Children, Rainbow Children are the youngest souls of all, and are still working to understand their role. Although their awareness of their nature can make them seem a little detached, they excel as healers and teachers, and rarely fall victim to illnesses or health issues.
A unique type of starseed, Lightworkers aren’t tied to any specific planet, realm or celestial body, and are instead defined by their mission to spread light, love, kindness, and goodness. Their goal is to encourage spiritual evolution, and to help the Earth (and other worlds) to tap into higher frequency information and rise in consciousness.
Hailing from the planet Mintaka that once lay within Orion’s belt, Minkaten starseeds are among the original lightworkers. They’re fascinated by astrology and crystals, and are gifted with extraordinarily strong intuition. Because Mintaken no longer exists, Mintaken starseeds can feel intensely homesick, but often find solace around water.
Feline starseeds also originate within the Lyran constellation, and can be glimpsed within the cat-like artwork of some ancient civilisations. Feline starseeds are detached from the physical and in tune with the spiritual. They exist in a higher dimension to humans, and often have telepathic or psychic abilities.
Just as Lemurian and Atlantean starseeds survived the downfall of their realms on Earth, finding refuge among the stars, Maldek starseeds survived their planet’s destruction. Maldek was a planet in our Solar System that died as a consequence of misusing technological power, and greed. On Earth, Maldek starseeds try to teach humans how to better use technology and other tools to avoid a robotic apocalypse.
Avian starseeds come from a purely spiritual realm, and journey to Earth to teach humans about metaphysics and spiritual truths. In essence, they serve as spirit guides, showing how a more spiritual life can lead to an advanced civilisation. As their name suggests, Avian starseeds often have bird-like qualities.
Martian starseeds come from the planet Mars, and seek to connect with the human race and assist with its advancement. The call of Martian starseeds might be why Earth astronomers have always felt a strong pull to Mars. The appearance of Martian starseeds is a mystery, although they tend to feel a connection with water and fire.
Among the first spiritual beings to travel from a higher dimension and incarnate in human bodies, Polarian starseeds come from the North Star, Polaris. They are highly empathetic, and are able to feel the Earth’s energies at a very deep level. As a result, they are able to serve as mediators between humans and planet Earth.
Fleeing from Beta Centauri to escape slavery, some Hadarian starseeds settled on Earth and seek to build strong and happy relationships. Shy and introverted, their loving natures can make them susceptible to manipulation, but their past and present struggles can’t dampen their enthusiasm to spread unconditional love.
Shape-shifting, lizard-like starseeds of unknown origins who try to crush humanity’s spiritual enlightenment, Reptilian starseeds rarely have a positive goal. They desire control over humans for their own benefit, and plunge those who they influence into greed and selfishness. They played a part in the destruction of Lemuria and other realms, and are opposed by many of the other starseed types.
A type of Reptilian starseed from the constellation Draco, Draconian starseeds seek to unite many people to a common goal, although whether this mission is for good or evil depends on the starseed. Some can be greedy and manipulative leaders, but others are diligent workers who guide awakened humans to accomplish just causes.
Agarthian Beings
Rather than originating offworld, Agarthian Beings actually come from a faery realm within Earth itself, and are therefore deeply connected to the planet. They actively protect the environment, and remember even forgotten Earthly catastrophes like the sinking of Atlantis.
An Introduction to Starseeds:
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
i swear the new age people making these “deity inspired decks” just make everything up.
the one time i see a deck with thoth included, these authors want to say “thoth was a high priest of atlantis before ascending and becoming djehuty” NOOOOOO HE WAS NOT!! ATLANTIS IS NOT AND NEVER WAS REAL OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPPP . and then they add lilith too saying that she is all about shadow work and the divine feminine.
i cannot stand these new age light workers who want to ascend to the 5th dimension , that is not how real life works!!! stop making shit up and letting people believe it jesus fucking christ!
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larothoughts · 3 months
stacked dimensions, ascension, and gods
this is a crazy conglomeration of ideas from various fics relating to moshang-sqh-is-god theories and how ascension works in other xianxia mediums. basically me with a svsss thought experiment: what if our world is pidw's equivalent to heaven?
heaven is just the dimension stacked above your own
we never see heavenly officials interfere with stuff like in tgcf, it really seems like once you ascend you never come back down again. people from modern china have omnipotent knowledge of events, things, creatures, etc. of thousands of worlds (books) they are interested in. like god existing in the 5th dimension, sy and sqh can see into pidw's past and future just by flipping pages in a book.
ascension very oversimplified is the idea of removing oneself from the reincarnation cycle. under this theory, achieving ascension as a cultivator simply means punching up and entering the reincarnation cycle of the dimension above your own.
the idea that worlds are stacked on top and around each other, ranked in ascending and descending order, is a confusing mess i first learned about in the manga magi. each resident of a world above is viewed as a god to the world below. i imagine this also makes each successive world more and more difficult to punch up through. it's hilarious to imagine that cultivation DOES exist in the modern world, it's just far more guarded/secretive and possibly related to religions preaching the concept of heaven (punching up a dimension) and hell (falling down a dimension.)
the average person does neither and simply reincarnates within their native dimension. while punching up a dimension is closely gatekept, what many people don't realize is that falling down is always an option. because the price of falling is often too high. it's like intentionally choosing to go to a less developed world without your sense of sight and with one hand tied behind your back. sure, heaven provides their version of handicap assistance (the system) but why would you cripple yourself in a world far more dangerous than your own? after your past self presumably worked so hard to ascend? for love???
a soul's connection to their previous dimensional incarnation
when sy and sqh died, i imagined they faced the heavenly emperor or big god equivalent (probably living a few dimensions above our own world), who gave them the choice to reincarnate or to throw themselves into a lower realm. maybe both were recent ascensions from the pidw universe. their premature deaths clearly showed lingering attachment to it: sqh couldn't help but write out the story, and sy couldn't help but fanatically read it.
(did sqh literally create pidw with his own two hands? how could that be possible if he's missing a past incarnation of himself?
i don't have all the answers, it's possibly a time paradox related to how time means nothing when every world is a book and you can flip to whatever page you want.)
long story short, both sj and sqh were missing something from their previous dimension, and really, it doesn't hurt to let them know they could go back if they really wanted to. so they do.
there is a price for going against the natural order, though. they have to sign away much of their free will to the system, which acts as a nanny failsafe that'll throw them back up a dimension if they violate too many lower realm rules (to avoid collapsing the dimension entirely. don't want those pesky 4th and 5th dimension anomalies corrupting everything!) they don't remember this agreement because no one remembers what happens between life and death-- but the fact that the systems can control them is proof their souls signed on the dotted line.
now sqh 'transmigrated' the correct way, by being reborn into the past self linked to his love (og shang qinghua, he probably ascended 2 or 3 lifetimes after that but this is the one with mobeijun). he got to keep all his godly knowledge minus the whole 'agreement with the big god' thing. his system was stricter with some of his actions because the entire point of him falling from heaven was to be with mobei-jun-- something he failed to achieve in his og sqh life. system doesn't care if current hamster man, who doesn't remember making this deal, wants to run away! system was tasked with making sure they got together!
now sy... sy really was a glitch in the universe. so of course his system was especially unreasonable/illogical/unfair. sy barely qualified to ascend in the first place, now this mess of a soul wants to descend???
why the systems are so damn mean
i'm not smart enough to completely make this make sense, but bear with me: sy is the end result of shen jiu killing himself by eating xuan su's shards. something something binding xuan su and yqy together meant yqy's soul was forever stuck in his sword, making reincarnation/ascension impossible. sj's flawed cultivation also damaged his soul, enough so that when he died via xuan su, the agony of his soul leaving his body was enough to draw out whatever was left of yqy in the shards and the two kind of... merged into one. the qijiu soul amalgamation was the one that rejoined the reincarnation cycle, and eventually was able to ascend. but his incomplete mess of a soul made his ascended body weak, leading to the whole 'sick sy destined to die' headcanon.
so wth does this have to do with sy's glitchy fall from heaven? why fall in love with lbh? it's because lbh is a glitch too. a descendant of pidw's oldest glitch... the creation of the heavenly demon.
the first heavenly demon was a modern person whose soul was forcibly chucked down a dimension for crimes against the universe. this is no longer the punishment protocol the big gods use because just look at how badly the heavenly demon thing worked out. they are the reason why modern systems have such strict don't-talk-about-us protocols in place, why dotted lines need to be signed, why systems lean more towards unreasonable and harsh rather than lenient.
because that first criminal whose soul was sent to hell (pidw) had a rudimentary system meant to keep watch and make sure they didn't take over the realm with their godly knowledge. a system he was able to overpower and turn into a weapon that literally breaks the rules of the world: xin mo. now the big gods in heaven really didn't want the pidw universe to collapse in on itself, so they did meddle a bit: whittled down the heavenly demon population to two or three, added an endless abyss as a pressure valve in case the edges of the world start to crack, took away the corrupted system xin mo and chucked it as far out of reach as possible. normal things. the end result native-fied the heavenly demon enough to integrate them back into the dimension, problem solved!
but that doesn't mean the heavenly demon line 100% fits into the pidw universe. they're still a little too op. and things get worse when lbh finds xin mo, reigniting the old heavenly demon vs. system fight wherein lbh wants to use the system to bend the world to his whims, and the system wants to eat lbh because that's ITS JOB. it's meant to destroy dimension-collapsing things and lbh is one hair away from collapsing everything.
the metaphysical sense of wrongness around lbh is what draws the attention of the qijiu soul amalgamation. lbh is an anomaly, a corrupted soul, one that seems to be as inexplicably drawn to punching back up to heaven (but failing) as qijiu's soul weakness inexplicably draws it to hell (but also failing, sick body notwithstanding.)
so when the qijiu soul amalgamation aka shen yuan finally dies, especially after he dies thinking about lbh, why not fuck it all and throw himself back down for love?
the logistics of yeeting a glitched soul into its components
so there are a lot of problems with sy's choice. one, shen yuan as shen yuan doesn't exist in a lifetime that'll let him fall in love with lbh. the first incarnation of the qijiu soul amalgamation reincarnated many years after lbh's reign was forcibly ended by the big gods in heaven deus ex nerfing him. two, trying to stuff him into either sj or yqy at birth (like with sqh) won't work. the souls won't recognize each other.
the yqy part of his soul came from a post-xuan-su binding soul, and the sj part of his soul came from a heart-broken-damaged-foundation shen jiu soul. so the big gods split the difference and chucked him into the first post-xuan-su era sj-is-qi-deviating-bc-of-qijiu-angst event... aka the start of svsss in sqq's body. cue svsss shenanigans, wherein everyone (eventually) gets their happily ever after.
final thoughts aka it's hard to be a qijiu shipper
the logical thing my smooth brain can't 100% work out is how this affects yqy's bound soul during the svsss era. sj's soul is long gone, having merged into sy and then returning through post-ascension 5th dimension time bullshit. but yqy is still alive during this period, and his poor soul must be so confused. despite sy clearly not being sj, he still inexplicably likes and wants to protect sy (who kind of is sj, in a roundabout way.) all i can think of sad qi-ge hours. poor man can't catch a break his entire life is a tragedy.
one solution to his soul problem could be his death. sj was only able to bond with it after the yqy's death because his soul in life was splintered between sword and body. maybe when yqy finally dies, xuan su's shards are returned to sy as cang qiong's second in command. the shards draw him in, and when he touches them, they absorb into his body... completely destroying the last remnants of the system clinging to him.
the system is tied to a contract made by his soul, and the bit of yqy's soul added to sy makes it different enough to shake that system loose. when he ascends a second time (likely with lbh by his side), his soul is no longer broken to the point of illness. it's sy's one last gift from dad.
(maybe when sy made that deal with the big god to be with lbh, each separate part of his soul made a deal too: sj, who died on xuan su, wishing for a universe where yqy lived a long life; and yqy, who died knowing sj was tortured, wishing for a universe where sj was safe from lbh. so technically all 3 of their wishes were granted by sy wifebeaming lbh lol)
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harlronica · 1 year
Pleiadian Starseeds
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Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
It's important to note that you can tune into any Starseed origin. If you relate more to an origin that's not in your chart you can still hone the energy of this origin. The origins found in your chart are related to your upmost spiritual mission in this incarnation and depending on where they are located that origin will be your most supreme mission and guiding light force within the particular sign/house/planet.
Pleiades is made up of seven hot b-type stars. Very luminous, blue-open star clusters with beautiful reflection nebula's. This origin is influenced by the love and unity of The Virgin Companions of Artemis: The Seven Sisters, The Seven Doves, The Seven Cows, and The Seven Hathor's in Egyptian Mythology.
*The Mission of The Pleiadians*
A Pleiadean alignment in your natal chart would represent the compassionate divine union of the spirit within your being as your primary mythology to the planet. Your mission being deeply committed to being the spiritual healers of Earth.
Many indigo children incarnated from Pleiades. Specifically those born during 1998 to 2008; belonging to the Omega Generation. This is the last "pure" indigo generation. These people are hybrids of indigo/crystal children and are referred to as "the flame throwers" - mainly incarnating under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. This generation seeks justice and oneness for all; upset with how the previous generations left the world.
Mostly represented under the zodiac sign Leo. Leo is the zodiac represented by Archangel Michael; although it is Aries/Taurus that runs along the Pleiades degrees, and Aldebaran/The Blue Rays/The Family of Michael run along the Taurus degrees. This energy is still honed through the zodiac sign Leo alone. Being the utmost representation of The Family of Michael. Pleiadeans also use The Lion's Gate Portal to incarnate. The true dates of this portal range anywhere from late Cancer to early Leo degrees. This is why many true Pleiadean origins have a cluster chart of Cancer/Leo, but there is usually a direct Pleiadean alignment through Aries/Taurus elsewhere in the natal chart. This doesn't have to be the case. You can be of true Pleiadean origin just through the Aries/Taurus degree markers with no Cancer/Leo placements present.
Through your Pleiadian origin you will experience a profound ascended state of the 5th dimension; bringing forth revelations of purification with the power to burn, the ability to transform, and the power to sustain life. These are the stars of fire, the stars of spirit, the stars of creation.
The most empathic and compassionate Starseed origin. Drawn to humanitarian efforts, nurturing, healing, spiritual guidance, and assisting other souls in their ascension process.
Powerful energy workers, highly psychic, intuitive, and sensitive. This origin is that of the spirit guides that assist with the spiritual evolution on the planet the most.
Pleiadians rule the heart chakra and are the ones that are the most concerned with unconditional love and unity.
This origin is the most affected by the astrological transitions of the moon; along with Sirius and Hydra origins. These origins fully embody the energy of the moon and are constantly in tune with her.
Most Pleiadian's are incarnating from the stargate Alcyone - the heart of Pleiades that holds the 4th/6th density/dimensional future parallel prototype of our Earth called Tara.
Those who have this origin alignment in their natal chart hold the gateway to the higher harmonic universe of our planetary existence and history of its evolution.
The Pleiadian's are a council within the Guardian Alliance that represent specific grid points on the planet that activate within its celestial alignment.
Pleiadian's were the most influential in the 2nd seeding of Lemuria. Many of this origin are deeply connected to Lyra. Even if a Lyra origin alignment is not present in the natal chart.
Many cultures and Galactic Civilizations believe that Pleiades is the true birthplace of the souls of the star people.
Pleiadians hold a profound connection to Archangel Michael and many will feel as if they are direct descendants and part of The Family of Michael (Aldebaran/The Blue Rays) even if there is no direct alignment with Aldebaran in the natal chart. This energy can be honed through Pleiadian origins alone.
Those with a direct/fixed Pleiadian origin alignment will have Aries and/or Taurus placements in their chart. Aries carrying the spiritual warrior energy of Pleiades and Taurus carrying the energy of unconditional love and unity.
Indigo children incarnated from Pleiades are usually born under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (as mentioned above.) With the majority being born under Cancer/Leo suns as they use The Lions Gate portal to incarnate. High degrees of Aries will be of Pleiadian origin, Leo origins are aligned to the Regulus Starseed origin (The Family of Archangel Raphael.) Sagittarius is linked to Shaula, Lyra, and The Sagittarius A Incarnates which make up the Lyran council.
Indigo Angel's Book: https://www.lulu.com/shop/indigoangel-amanda-jane-demarco/how-to-read-celestial-akashic-starseed-origins-lunar-edition/paperback/product-1qkdn6jj.html?page=1&pageSize=4
My Starseed Origin Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/starseedoriginreadings
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed Origin Chart Readings*
Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading: for $47 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in both you and your twin flame/counterparts astrological chart (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) You will receive a full detailed description of where each origin is aligned in both you and your counterpart's chart; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin and what it means for the both of you. For this reading it is required that you provide you and your counterpart's exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both you and your counterpart's Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Planetary Degree and House Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on your Western/Tropical astrological chart unless the reader requests otherwise.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $47 this is a combination of the Planetary Origin Reading, and the Planetary Degree/House Reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. This reading does not include the Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
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ladyeckland28 · 3 months
The Elevator Game is a modern urban legend that has captivated the imagination of many, blending elements of thrill, fear, and curiosity. It is said to be a ritual that, if performed correctly, allows the participant to access another dimension. Originating from South Korea, this eerie game has spread worldwide, often being discussed on forums, social media, and horror websites.
### The Rules and Ritual
The rules of the Elevator Game are specific and must be followed meticulously. The participant must enter a building with at least ten floors and ensure they are alone in the elevator throughout the ritual. The sequence of button presses is as follows:
1. Enter the elevator and press the button for the 4th floor.
2. Without getting out, press the button for the 2nd floor.
3. Press the button for the 6th floor.
4. Press the button for the 2nd floor again.
5. Press the button for the 10th floor.
6. Press the button for the 5th floor.
Upon reaching the 5th floor, a young woman may enter the elevator. It is crucial not to look at or speak to her. Finally, the participant must press the button for the 1st floor. If the elevator ascends to the 10th floor instead, the ritual is successful, and the participant is said to have entered another dimension. If the elevator descends to the 1st floor, the participant must exit immediately and not look back.
### The Other Dimension
Accounts of what lies in this alternate dimension vary, but common themes include a world similar to ours with subtle, eerie differences. Some say it is a place devoid of human life, with an ominous red cross visible in the distance. Others describe a sense of dread and an overwhelming feeling of being watched. This parallel world is said to be disorienting and potentially dangerous, with the only escape being the precise reversal of the elevator sequence.
### Origins and Popularity
The origins of the Elevator Game are somewhat nebulous, but it gained widespread attention in the early 2010s, particularly on the internet. Its popularity surged after being linked to the mysterious death of Elisa Lam in 2013, whose strange behavior in an elevator before her disappearance was captured on security footage and went viral. Though no evidence connects Lam to the Elevator Game, the eerie parallels fueled public fascination.
### Psychological Impact and Cultural Significance
The Elevator Game taps into deep-seated fears and curiosities about the unknown and the otherworldly. It also reflects a cultural fascination with rituals and the thin boundary between our reality and the supernatural. For some, the game is a thrilling, albeit frightening, exploration of the unknown. For others, it serves as a cautionary tale about meddling with forces beyond human comprehension.
### Conclusion
The Elevator Game remains a potent urban legend, illustrating the power of folklore in the digital age. It embodies the human desire to explore the mysterious and the forbidden, while also serving as a reminder of the potential consequences of such explorations. Whether viewed as a mere game, a psychological experiment, or a genuine ritual, the Elevator Game continues to intrigue and terrify those who dare to contemplate its existence.
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mamaangiwine · 2 years
The New Girl: "blah, blah, blah Ascend to the 5th dimension blah, blah, blah."
Me and the besties in our starry robes and our faces smeared with menstrual blood to remind the Fallen Angels of their sin: "Sorry. You can't sit with us."
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sirfartballs · 10 months
How would the ttf cast react to this video?
Starts jamming like theres no tomorrow: Stairway, Trallface.
Says it's "childish" but deep down inside, they absolutely love it: Derpina, Agent Blueballs, Derp, Smiler.
Actually thinks it's immature: Jhenkins, Legion.
Ascends to the 5th dimension: Derp, Stairway (Ironic!)
Starts seizing on the ground: Legion, JJ, Derp.
The one who showed them the video: Derp, Trallface, you :3, Agent Blueballs.
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
How To Create a 5th Dimensional Relationship🌹
Once you can live from your heart chakra you will then be able to ascend to the 5th chakra. The throat chakra or 5th chakra corresponds to the frequencies of speaking and living your own truth.
By accessing the wisdom within your heart, your inner truth will reveal itself with absolute clarity and you will feel a driving force that will propel you to speak that truth.
But rather than merely speaking your truth using words you will begin to embody your truth and model it with your presence. You will be walking your truth and speaking your truth through your actions, your presence and even when you are in silence.
The need to preach or "convince" others of your truth is no longer required, for you know that those who are ready will come to you.
The clarity in your throat chakra will be projected onto your relationship. Clear communication is one of the pillars of any thriving relationship and as you enter a 5th dimensional relationship you'll begin to communicate with your beloved beyond words and directly from your soul.
When the 5th chakra is fully activated you use a language of personal power and drop all words that resonate with victimization, blame, limitation and lack. Instead you are aligned with the power of the universal OM, the ultimate power of creation.
You realize that your words are mathematical programs that can be sent into the universe to create your desired reality. And you intuitively know that questions are the key to greater wisdom and that spoken commands unleash your manifestation abilities.
Ultimately what determines the embodiment of 5th dimensional frequencies within your morphogenetic field is the fulfillment of your Soul's Purpose.
That's right, stationed in dimensions 4, 5 and 6 is what is known as your Soul Identity. This part of your Higher Self holds the awareness and wisdom to your Soul's Purpose as well as all the necessary steps you should take in order to fulfill it everyday.
To manifest a 5D relationship you must align yourself with your Soul's purpose and remove any energetic blockages preventing you from this.
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Ok this may sound crazy but remember the nearly home account which some think could be HS (although unlikely)
I saw a previous post from july that said kundalini fire. I had no idea what it is so searched and ended up confused but also curious.. it's apparently a tf thing.
Then the postcard from that one post says 'where two lovers finally meet' and on the back says pastry heaven. I have no idea how pasty heaven can link but it does have the word heaven.
Tf is apparently also to do with ascending to the 5d before union can happen. Look at this : https://www.tumblr.com/soular00t/59397330051/heaven-is-5d-the-sun-is-the-gate
Tf ascension : https://subconsciousservant.com/twin-flame-ascension/
I guess i only looked deeper because i've seen a few people say they think they are tfs.
As i mentioned, it's sounds crazy and I can't really put it all together so i dont know if this whole post makes sense. I noticed you put info together really well and can put pieces so together so thought I would send this to you in the chance you had ideas or info on this.
Oh wow, anon! This is definitely not an area I know much about. But why don’t I tee it up, and see if @womanexile or @notoriousbeb or any of the other amazing besties have more info?
So at the end of July, we read this in the I Am Nearly Home Twitter account:
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Which seems to correspond with this:
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As well as the concept of the 5th dimension, an explanation link which you sent in a second ask, so I will bring it here:
And as you further noted, it is a twin flame thing.
Then on August 27th, we get this:
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And the postcard linked to this (both sides):
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One of which says “where 2 lovers finally meet”. Twin flames? And it’s not breakable heaven, it’s pastry heaven?
Anyway - besties who are more knowledgeable about astrology or transcendental meditation, please weigh in!
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Dimensional Lives 🌀🌀🌀 Elliot Rogers These dimensional lives are occurring concurrently with the life you are living now. Each of these lives is occurring in a dimension unique to them. So, if you have 9 dimensional lives, these lives are occurring in 9 different dimensions. No one in this universe has the same dimensional collective as you – your dimensional collective is unique to you. Dimensional lives are often erroneously thought to be lives of an individual replayed across dimensions. Not so. Each dimensional life in your collective has a soul that is unique to them. Each is a unique individual just as you are. They are separate from you. What makes you all part of a collective is that you all have the same Higher Self. A single Higher Self oversee's many souls both in body and out of body up until the 5th initiation. These souls are in groups of 3. So, you will have two beings in two other dimensions which are part of your trio, and these will be closest to you energetically. These dimensional lives will occur as a total group of 3 (including you) or 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 etc. You are linked to your dimensional soul collective via your Core Star. This is the energy centre between your Solar Plexus chakra and the heart chakra. Its normal shape is oval. This energetic connection between the soul collective via the Core Star allows awareness and influence from these lives to occur across dimensions. Many of you are aware of your connection to a dimensional collective either via your dreams or a higher awareness. Do not confuse this soul collective with a soul group. What is commonly referred to as a soul group is the group of souls you reincarnate with life after life in this dimension; they are the ones that come to assist you in your life lessons. Also, your soul mates and twin flames only occur in this dimension. Your dimensional lives have their own soul mates and twin flame in their dimension. So why does the Higher Self need to oversee a large group of souls? Because the Higher Self is ascending, and he or she ascends via the ascension of its soul collective. The Higher Self's soul collective experiences every aspect of life, and as they ascend into the light, the Higher Self awakens more and more to its divinity.
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baka-monarch · 1 year
With how popular subliminal spaces have become in horror, I think it'd be so cool if someone made a game based off the elevator challenge
So basically like
Back in the day, back in the day I don't remember when it was a popular thing but there was this challenge that people did (you can even find YouTube videos of people doing it) where if you did a series of specific things on a hotel elevator it'd send you to an alternate dimension like our own except there's no one there
Apart from like, these things that look like humans but if you interact with them basically you'll get trapped or die, it's been awhile since I heard anything about the elevator challenge so my memory is a bit foggy
But basically like
Here's how you do it (for anyone who wants to make a game about it- I guess you can try it IRL but like, you probably shouldn't since if it's real you might die or cease to exist because of it)
You need at least one player and a hotel with an elevator and at least 10 floors
The player, and whoever goes with them, go into the elevator and can not leave until the game is done (if any outsiders enter the elevator while you're trying to do it it immediately ends the ritual and you'll have to restart)
Then ride the elevator to a series of specific floors (do not get off) the order is: 4th, 2nd, 6th, 2nd, 10th, 5th
At the 5th floor there's a possibility of a woman getting onto the elevator with you (this is part of the game, you don't have to start over), don't look at her or interact with her, or you'll get trapped in the other world
Now click the button to go back to the 1st floor, one of two things can happen from here:
You'll go back down, if you do immediately get off and don't talk to anyone
Instead the elevator will take you to the 10th floor. Congratulations, you're entering the other world
You can look around and explore a bit now, there's several different things that people claim to see in this other world like there being no power, the place looking different, and even seeing just a big red cross out the windows
But obviously you gotta go back and not get stuck and to do that you do this ritual:
You have to get back on the same elevator you used before (no other elevators will take you back, so probably stay close to that one)
Do the same thing as before, go to the same sequence of floors as the first time without getting off (4, 2, 6, 2, 10, 5)
At the 5th floor press the button to go back to the 1st floor
If the elevator starts ascending to the 10th floor again DO ANYTHING YOU CAN TO STOP IT!!!! Try to get it to stop on another floor, click the emergency button and wait, anything you can to make sure you don't go back to the 10th floor
So yeh
That's how ya do it but I don't recommend
There's like, even a case of a woman disappearing off an elevator and then being found dead somewhere else and theories say she was playing this game
So yeah
You probably shouldn't do it but yeah it'd make a really good horror game I think
And yeah people make YouTube videos of themselves doing it
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