#asgardian ale yo
sly-punk1712 · 8 years
Tony Stark knew on an intellectual level he had no impulse control. He knew because almost everyone he’d ever met had told him so, Pepper, Rhodey, Steve oh god so much Steve, Happy, the 12 assistance before Pepper, Xavier and the waitress at John’s Pizzeria off 43rd ave. He’d heard it all before, But nothing compared to the moment he realized it for himself. 
To be real he probably should have noticed in every moment leading up to the big one. He should have seen that swiping Thor’s stash of Asgardian mead with Darcy was a bad idea. He should have known better than to have a marathon of broiler makers with the mouthy intern using the ale instead of whiskey was a bad idea. 
He probably should have known if he was swaying that they shouldn’t have gone out, but Darcy had said she hadn’t seen the city yet and Steve and Bucky kept teasing her about it.
Happy hadn't even needed to hide his eye rolling because Tony was to focused on the crisp fall air on his flushed face. Darcy was beside him bubbling with laughter ignoring Happy’s cries that they should both sit down and get out of the sun roof. They headed to Times Square and bought an entire vender out of cheesy “I love New York” hoodies and in Tony’s case a hat to sort of disguise himself. They pulled on their hats and sweatshirts and Happy directed the rest to be sent to the tower. Tony slipped the bemused man a hundred and patted the man’s hand like a grandma before turning back to his sidekick.
“This is what all the superhero’s are wearing!” He proclaimed proudly gesturing to his heinous green ball cap with “Hulk Smash” stitched in purple on the front. He didn’t care at the time but the selfies of him and Darcy in Times Square were cringe worthy. They briefly dropped by John’s and said hello to Tony’s waitress. She shook her head and sent them on their way with glasses of water and sympathetic looks for Happy. 
“Come on We’ve got a few more stops!” Tony gestured over his shoulder into the streets at the car. Apparently however Darcy’s eyes had not stopped at the car but landed on a street performer dressed as the Statue of Liberty.
“Oh can we please go see Her?” Her hand covered her heart and she gestured like a child to the woman with the other. Happy checked his watch and frowned.
“The fairy’s closed down this time of day.” He told Tony. Tony nodded in agreement. “We could go see  Conney Island if you promise to sit completely in the car before we go home for the night.” 
“Ohh Steve said it’s awesome!! We can go to the Lady tomorrow! I want to sing her the National Anthem and don’t know if I could get all the key changes right now” She giggled “We could take Steve and have the most patriotic photo shoot. Phil would love it!” and with that she held her arm out to Happy agreeably. And all that would have been fine if it hadn't been for traffic. 
Happy pulled up to the curb and Tony rolled down his window with a frown. The park was closed. Darcy hadn’t noticed yet as she was making quick work of Tony’s mini bar but she tended to be a weepy drunk the fall out was going to be Niagara worthy. 
“Oh man, no Lady and no cyclone? Why’s time ruining my fun Tony?” Darcy’s lower lip quivered. Immediate action was required. Mayday!
“Hey, hey No! No tears, what’s the use in being obscenely rich if I can’t bribe someone with my money!” He gave an encouraging grin. Happy’s heavy sigh was not lost on him. “I’ll go ask if we can ride the cyclone and maybe win us a bear okay no tears” He quickly backed out of the car leaving Happy to handle the teary eyed twenty something. 
The door shut and it sounded sharper to Tony somehow as he walked toward the gate. A memory that was faded and liquored up played at the edges of his mind, huge blue eyes watering slightly in a perfect pout. His own voice murky in time “Hey what’s the use in being obscenely rich if I can’t...” and then it was gone. He frowned and waved over the gate man. 
A few charming smiles and a probably too fat check later and he turned to tell Darcy the good news. She was resting her chin on the window smiling lazily at him. She wiggled her fingers and Tony grinned back before a similar smile brushed his mind again. He shook his head to clear away some of the haze. It’d been almost two hours he wasn’t as drunk as before but there was still a layer of fuzz on his mind.
“Race ya!” She grinned and bounded off toward the ride. Tony gave a bark of laughter and let the memories rest before jogging slowly after her. They tossed ratty baseballs and weighted milk bottles before the attendant an exhausted looking man in his late thirties gave them a wane smile and asked which prize they wanted. Darcy got the Bucky Bear. Tony shorted and got the Captain America one just for laughs. They took a shaky selfie with the attendee before thanking him and heading toward their goal. 
“We should snap them with the bears and hashtag it wish you were hear but you’re not because you’re lame and had meeting and responsibilities” Darcy placed her Bucky in her lap and was readying her phone before Tony agreed. 
“We also, you know, didn’t invite them” He pointed out. She made a dismissive sound and tucked her head close to his giving her phone a goofy face. Tony hid most of his face behind Bear Steve and widened his eyes comically. The younger brunette seemed satisfied and put away her phone allowing the impatient teen running the cyclone to push the lap bar down over her Tony Bear Bucky and Steve. 
The ride began a slow spin and before it had even reached half way Tony regretted buying this time. The teenager seemed irked he had to stay for Tony and what the kid probably figured was a one nighter and so the ride was hurtling toward a break neck pace only irritating Tony’s stomach further. Darcy however threw her hands up Bucky Bear’s paw firmly gripped in one and whooped. Tony swung between needing to vomit all over the place and watching the manic yet somehow beautiful looks on Darcy’s face. She brought her bear back down and buried her nose in it’s fur. The ride began to slow and she opened her eyes unfocused and bloodshot. Windswept and Content. 
It ended up being Darcy and not Tony who shot off the attraction to the nearest garbage can to Ralph. Tony followed close behind and pulled her hair back into his fist and out of the danger zone. He leaned heavily on the can and grimaced at the sounds. 
When she at last paused in her litany of puke she turned her head to look up at him simultaneously green and mischievous. 
“Don’t tell the boys” She asked. Tony’s heart stopped as he looked at her. He nodded once unable to find words. Satisfied with this she fell face first into him. Mostly into his armpit but she smiled against him. Tony let got of her hair and gently held her to him stroking her dark locks and thinking unburdened by alcohol of a busty blond who’d rocked his world with a practically identical grin. Darcy’s breath flowed steadily on his neck as she repositioned herself in his arms. 
“Thanks for holding my hair.” She murmured. Tony hummed in response. 
“Anytime kiddo.”
 As much as Tony was wildly incapable of controlling himself he was incredibly careful with secrets. They could hurt, he knew from his experiences with Stane. His almost ending the thing with Pepper. Infuriating his teammates and elected officials. So he was in something of a quandary. 
As soon as they’d returned to the tower Tony had deposited a snoozing Darcy in her bed with Bucky bear on one side of her and Steve on the other. He of course took a picture of her drooling into Bucky’s fur and then hesitated. It was too similar to ignore. If he didn’t do this he’d spend the rest of his life wondering until he got answers. So he plucked a hair off her pillow and turned tail and run back to his lab. 
Jarvis had had to repeat his name four times when he finally knew. Tony tried to put the memories together more solidly but he only recalled the blond laughing and waving much like Darcy did. He remembered holding her hair back while she emptied her stomach off the balcony of the Palms, She had turned to him with an almost identical grin and snatched his heart out of his chest. Tony closed his eyes and felt the brush of skin on skin hot greedy kisses and waking up the next morning alone. He’d figured she’d been embarrassed or maybe had someone waiting at home. He’d been disappointed but she’d made her choice so he’d let her walk. 
“Oh Kate” He looked forlornly as the Vegas police report of her car accident and her daughter no one had come to claim. “Katie” He groaned as he realized he could have saved the little girl a world of grief that followed. Foster home after Foster home until she aged out. 
Well now he knew. but what do do. Who to tell? Pepper? Eventually. Rhody was always a good option but Tony’s thumb hovered over calling him for a solid minute before deciding someone else. Eventually he’d dialed before his decision had been fully processed. 
“How did you get this number? I know I didn’t give it to you” was the first thing the voice said and Tony felt a calm fill him. A good choice. 
“I’m in a quandary. It needs handling it’s that what you do Agent?” He stalled. The other end of the line was silent. “I may have discovered I’m a father” There was an even heavier pause.
“and I’m the first person you wanted to tell? I don’t think Pepper” He began.
“No It’s not Pep. I’ve been a father for a while apparently.” Tony cut across. “Like 23 years” 
“You’re sure?” 
“Yea 100 percent. Do I tell her? What if she doesn’t want me? She’s been alone for a long time now she doesn’t need me.” Tony felt a panic rise in his chest. Oh God, she’d never forgive him.
“You need to take a deep breath.” Tony inhaled threw his nostrils. “If she doesn't know she deserves to at least know. just be honest with her Tony. Honesty will get your farther than you think”
Tony gave a noncommittal grunt and rested his head on hands. 
“For what its worth Tony, You’ll be a great father” Tony’s breath caught. 
“Enough with the feelings Agent Agent Thanks for picking up.”
“I’m contractually obligated” He deadpanned. Tony laughed and killed the call.
Tony was going to handle this well. Maybe take her to lunch and talk it out like adults. He was excited and nervous and had yet to sleep. He was currently fixing coffee from the enormous demonic espresso machine he’d had fitted in the common room when he invited everyone to live with them when people began filling in for breakfast. 
Steve and Bucky both coming in from their morning run and apparently showers. They nodded curiously at the billionaire before pulling down pots and pans. Bruce wondered in next and gave him a scathing look for his ball cap which he had neglected to take off. That explained the looks Tony placed it carefully on the counter. 
“So what did we learn?” Jane’s voice carried into the room ahead of her and the others looked up. Darcy entered holding her stomach and shuffling pitifully. Jane followed looking much less hungover. 
“Don’t drink with Tony.” Darcy grunted and began to pour her own cup of coffee. Tony didn’t speak, not trusting himself to yet. His eyes watched hungrily as she stirred her drink for signs of what he knew. Her unbrushed wild brunette hair, the shape of her eyes, the hangover slouch yea he could see it. Then Katie’s beautiful blue eyes and pouty mouth, her heart snatching laugh. It seemed so obvious
“What?” Darcy glowered at him. Oh yea he had that grumpy face sometimes. 
“Darcy threw up on the cyclone!” He blurted. Her eyes widened. 
“TONY!” She shrieked. 
“And she’s my daughter!” His shouting matched hers in pitch but was far more excited. Darcy’s eyes widened if possible further and then narrowed looking at him critically. 
The supers were paused mid bite. Jane gaped and Bruce eyed the pair wearily. 
“Okay I can see that” She finally said with a shrug. Tony barked a laugh not exactly how he’d pictured her taking the news. Then again he hadn’t thought he’d shout it at her over breakfast in the common room either. 
Such was life when you had no impulse control. But looking at the beautiful girl across from him he thought he rather liked this life.  
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Looking back, he had no idea what led to the blow up between him and Bucky, but it had been bad. Steve had left their brownstone and come to the Tower, asking FRIDAY not to let anyone know he was there at the moment. He and Bucky had fought plenty of times but... he didn’t know how this was going to play out this time. He found the Asgardian ale on his old floor and downed half of a bottle in less than an hour. FRIDAY sent a text to Bucky and a message to Tony... just in case.
Tony was tired, but he responded to the text with concern and made his way up out of the lab to the higher floors. "Steve? Yo. Its not cool to drink alone, you know." He fetched a bottle of scotch once he realized Steve was drinking Asgardian liquor. "Shit, what the hell happened? You can actually get drunk with that before your liver metabolizes, you know."
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
What You Want
Marvel & Supernatral Bing, Spnquotebingo
Squares: Love Triangle and quote
Stucky(established)x reader
Warnings?: Slight reckless endangerment,poly hate(fuck you Karen),mutual love,ect.
Note: f/d=Favorite drink
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Steve and Bucky have been a item since kindergarten and nothing has changed. Sure their older and they no longer needed yo hide it,but the love hasn’t faded a bit. The only time they questioned their relationship was when a shield against walked into the base and saved them all on her own. Y/n is a last call agent and that means when shit really hits the fan and not even the best can handle it she swoops in to finish the job. Seeing agent L/n is a rarity and they’ll never admit it,but they’ve been taking riskier missions to see her. “Mr.Rogers and Mr. Barnes you’re needed in the meeting room. Immediately.” The Irish voice brought them out of their slumber. Steve was the first to get dressed and in the briefing room and froze up getting pushed forward by Bucky.
There she stood next to Fury in all of her glory. The blonde’s throat went dry as she made eye contact with him as he looked down at her lips and saw they were moving,but the captain’s mind was to preoccupied with how her uniform was instead replaced with causal clothes that fit oh so well. It was Nick’s voice that snapped him out of it. “Roger…Barnes take a seat.” He said nodding towards the table. Both of them sat next to each other in the closest chairs.
“We need to speak to you about resent missions. It’s clear to me that not only has success levels dropped,but that your team is unable to work flawlessly.” The dark skinned man said. Steve was about to defend himself and the others,but was cut of by Y/n as she stepped forward to speak. “That’s why I Captain Roger’s is joining the team as your superior. ” Her voice caused the duo to freeze. Bucky was the first to get up. “Welcome to the team,doll.” He said kissing her hand with a smirk. This was the start of something great.
TWO Months later~
It’s been two months since Y/n joined the team and to say it was crazy was a understatement on its own. Her mind was often clouded by thoughts of the two super soldiers,but doubt and denial soon chase them off. The 40’s men are together and are open about their relationship she didn’t stand a chance. Y/n was so confused with her friendship with them both. Bucky was a flirt and always would throw a pickup line followed by a sweet pet name. Steve was the complete opposite he was shy blushing whenever they were in a room together,but he showed that school boy crush vibe by the drawing her and rambling when he’s caught.
Y/n couldn’t be falling for both of them she’s work so hard to get where she was today and that alone got her more hate then love. So admitting her love to them was definitely not an option. What if they regretted her? Their work and personal relationships will be destroyed. What if the media found out? Reporters almost disbanded the Avengers on multiple occasions and almost had the two soldiers benched with the anti-lgbtq+ community which was a hefty amount.
She hated to do it,but she tapped into her training and shut of her emotions and boy did they notice that. Bucky walked up to her as she was hitting the punching bag. “Woah,doll. Punch that bag any harder I would think you’re trying to hit on me.” He said with a smirk within seconds it went away when he didn’t hear a snarky come back or even a giggle. The brunette looked closer and saw she wasn’t wearing ear buds of any kind. ‘Is she just ignoring me?’ He thought to himself. It stared that way for a week before he went to talk to Steve.
Steve wasn’t having much luck either. Whenever he tried to talk her he was shot down and every picture her drew for Y/n ended up back in his room within hours of dropping it off. She was cutting them out of her life faster then they could react. Now they only saw her in mission briefing not even the missions themselves anymore. The other members didn’t notice a change in her behavior towards them,but they did see the emotional shut down towards the 40’s men. “What did you two do?” The flaming redhead asked them alone.
“We didn’t do anything! She just started to ignore us and acts as if she doesn’t even know us.” Bucky defended himself and his husband just as lost as everyone else. “Can you talk to her Nat? You guys are best friends she’ll open up to you.” Steve suggested causing the women to sigh and nod. “Whatever we talk about it will stay between us. She’ll tell you when she feels like it.” She stated and held up her hand when they tried to deny. Natasha turned around and walked off to the agents floor to talk.
The ex assassin knocked on the door not even waiting for a response before going in. There sat Y/n drying off her hair with a towel. “Oh hey,Nat. Did you need something?” She asked the women looking at her through the mirror. “Just some questions.” She said with a serious undertone causing the h/c women to turn around. “About?” L/n was no dummy she knew a interrogation when she saw one. “Buck and Steve.” Y/n tried her best not to sigh as she nodded. “What about them?” She played dumb avoiding the question as much as possible. “About how one minute your all heart eyes for them then it like you don’t know them!” Natasha snapped causing her friend to run her face. Her feels for them were so obvious Nat saw it a mile away.
“That’s the problem Nat. I shouldn’t be giving both parties of the happily married couple heart eyes! It’s not right their my best friends I shouldn’t feel this way.” Her throat felt dry with her confession. “And who told you that load of crap?” The Russian rolled off her tongue with a venomous hissed. “At the party two weeks ago. This group of women I guess saw the way Bucky flirted with me and how Steve blushed when I complained him. When I went to the bar they came up to me asking all these questions and saying all these horrible things about them…”
This party started of not so crazy,but leave it to Tony Stark to get the music bumping to max level and people to get drunk of their asses to match that energy. I was wearing a dress,but I wasn’t in just casual clothes either. Bucky stood to my left his voice was coming out clear enough for me to hear. “If the music didn’t beat me to it I would have knocked you off your feet!” He flirted causing me to covet my mouth so I didn’t spit the [f/d] on the floor. “Buck stop your gonna make me choke.” I coughed a bit heat immediately rushed to my cheeks at the wiggle of his eyebrows. “Get you mind out of the gutter,James!” I said as I smoked his shacking shoulders.
Steve bushed up against my side as he slid back into his place to my right. “Sorry n/n that I had to leave you to soon. Sam wanted a rematch at pool.” He said with a sheepish smile. “Did you beat his ass again?” I asked with a grin. He rubbed the back of his neck looking down. “Well…he’s not the one fifty dollars richer.” This caused me to laugh and give him a peck on the cheek a light lipstick mark left in its place followed by red blush. “I’ll never doubt you again Mr.America.” The smile on my face not faltering as a tap on on my shoulder made me turn around. “Wheres my cheek kiss,doll?” Bucky faked a pout. “None for you,hun, just for Stevie.” With that the pout intensified with a small giggle I bring my drink to my lips only to be met by nothing. “I’m out you boy’s want anything?” They both shook their heads their glasses still decently filled with asgardian ale.
The bar was open not many people their since most of them were trying to get in Tony’s good graces or his pants one of the two. Leaning on the bar next to a small group of middle aged women no older then forty conversed loudly next to me. “God did you see the arms on Thor?! If I wasn’t a married woman.” The youngest in the little click said in a lustful daze. “Those super soldiers though are something else.” I wasn’t able to tell who said that,but all of their eyes turned to the duo. “You know their married to each other right?” I’m not a nosy person,but dammit I had listen in. “I think it’s just a front. Why would the symbol for America a fag?! Their just probably covering up the fake that their sharing that slut that’s been seen on the team. What was get name?” The clear leader said and it pissed me the fuck off.
Harshly tapping on her shoulder she turned around and her eyes widened to match the size of dinner plates. “Hi,the names Y/n L/n or as you said ‘slut’ also known as…” I said with a smile that made the women shiver,but she cut me off. “T-that’s not w–what I meant!!!” She shuddered,but I held up my hand. “I wasn’t finished introducing myself. As I was say known as the most deadly assassin with the largest kill count in the world. So unless you want to live your pathetic life to it’s natural end I suggest you and your posy take a hike.” With a slight lift of my blouse I reveal a handgun along with so knifes. “Off you go.”
Without hesitation they all ran of not even caring that some of them were tripping up on their cheap heels. “What was that about?” Looking at the redhead behind the bar I give a convincing smile. “They had to leave. Lives they wanted to live.” With that I left without a drink and to my floor. It didn’t bother me in the moment,but her words sunk in. Did the public really see me like that? It was already hard when the great Captain America came out as bisexual to the world that had a closed mind. The thoughts made me think if I remove myself the picture all together and slow I did. First we didn’t hang out as much,then I started making myself more busy with solo missions, then last week it was just getting to hard so I tapped into emotional disconnection training.
“And it was working I think it’s best they’re a item and I’m that third wheel. It’s just better for me to leave them be.” Y/n finished speaking with her hands rubbing the tears that ran down her cheek. Somehow they were on the bed now and Nat was rubbing her back in soft circles. “Oh, n/n. Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.” She said in all honesty. Natasha saw the way the boys were acting the first time they say her best friend after they were striped of their weapons and restrained in a hydra base they say her in a different light then she saw herself.
The redhead assassin stood up and kneeled in front of her. “Talk to them. The three of you are adults sure their a little stuck in the 40’s,but their moving along with the times. You think Steve knew what bisexuality was he was conflicted so just explain to them about how you feel.” Nat said holding her friends face in her hands rubbing her cheeks with her thumbs. “You got this. Don’t let those judgmental assholes,but you down.” With that she stood up and left. It was time for action and possible rejection…how fun!
The super soldiers stayed on their shared floor for hours stressed. What the hell did they do to drive her away?! Were they coming on to strong?Not strong enough and their stuck in the friend zone. Oh God. Steve sat on the couch while Bucky paced in front of him they were about to break the silence that fell before them,but was immediately cut off by the ding of the elevator. Y/n walked out once the metal doors opened and was greeted by the sight of them before her. She cleaned herself up after her talk with Nat not wanting her appearance to give away anything was wrong. “Hello,boys. I normally would want to be woken up from a nightmare,but it seems I walked in on a daydream.” She said with a smile as she sauntered over trying to seem more confident then she felt.
Y/n didn’t even get a response as she was pulled into a giant hug from them. “Doll we’ve missed you so much!” Buck was the first to pull away. “Hey!!! Cheesy pickup lines are my thing.” He said with a smirk. “I couldn’t let you have all the fun,handsome.” Everything felt so much better talking to them the mindless flirting it was just so right. “W-what happened?” Steve was the one to ask the question I was honestly dreading. “That party just someone said something that got me thinking. How can a girl like me ever get not one,but two guys like you to love me?” Y/n looked down at the floor. “I mean…first I appear out of nowhere, take Steve’s role as captain,and get cozy with two super soldiers the married couple. No wander the public seems me in such a light.” A hand gasped her cheek lifting her face up to look into beautiful blue eyes.
Steve looked into her gorgeous e/c eyes with hope. “You love us, n/n?” He asked wanting to make sure he heard right. She gave a wet chuckling as rears slipped past her eyes. “I just gave you reasons to hate me and that’s all you get out of it?!” Y/n sniffles as she brings hers to wipe her eyes. “Cause that’s all that mattered. Why should you give a shit what they think when we can tell you now that we both feel the same way about you.?” This caused the agent to freeze up. “Y-you both l-love me?!?” She didn’t know if it was a question to them or herself. “Of course we do,doll. You’re strong enough to give us a run for our money,more intelligent then the two brainiacs in the lab,so much sass it renders Stark speechless, everything about you is perfect to us. You are literally everything we ever wanted since we were kids.”
Y/n was now chocked up by happy tears as she looked into the two sets of blue eyes that held nothing,but love. “What do you want?” A smile graced her lips as she brought both of them into a kiss each equal as passion. “All I want is to be yours. Both of yours is what I want.”
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Another in the bag lets go!!! 2 more coming out this month hopefully.
Tagged : @thisismysecrethappyplace and @spnquotebingo
Quote: “Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.”
-10 Things I Hate about You
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fanficfreekmcu · 3 years
Trauma Which Cannot Be Ignored (69)
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ᚳᚻᚫᛈᛏᛖᚱ ᛚᛁᛋᛏ, ᛋᚢᛗᛗᚫᚱᚣ, & ᚹᚫᚱᚾᛁᚾᚷᛋ
“Alright, let’s get down to business,” the Keeper of the Records conducted the council meeting. “Queen Dýrfinna has the right to keep the current council intact, or change it at her discretion. There will need to be much reorder of the Herd, however, since both King Odin and Prince Thor have left us.”
“Let’s begin with the reorganization of the Herd,” she spoke up. It was what she knew the most about.
“You are now Commander in Chief of the Asgardian Herd, which leaves the Raven Battalion without a Deputy Commander.”
She turned to Sif. “Are any of our captains ready for promotion?”
“A few, my Queen,” she smiled.
She rubbed her finger across the bottom of her lip before glancing at her friends. “It seems as though I’m in need of a Commander as well; one who answers to me and can lead when I cannot.”
She looked around the table until her eyes landed on Tyr. “Earl Tyr.”
“Yes my Queen?”
“Begin training your replacement. You are now Deputy Commander of Wolf Battalion.”
“Thank you,” he bowed to her as Fandral grinned.
“Nice choice,” Hogun whispered as Sif nodded.
“Lady Sif, you will need to train replacements for both battalions of the Shieldmaiden Regiment before ascending to your place as Commander of the Asgardian Herd.”
The judges at the table gasped as the Warriors Three rose to congratulate their mate.
“A woman has never been in command!”
Finna turned her eyes upon the men. “Then I say it’s about time,” she purred.
“Prince Balder is the logical choice!”
She turned to Balder and raised her eyebrows.
“I am perfectly fine taking orders from Commander Sif.”
Odin sat at the other end of the table and chuckled.
“What of the Twelve Judges?” the Keeper asked as to keep the meeting flowing smoothly.
She eyed each of them for a moment. “Odin has entrusted you with the operations of Asgard, and in turn I shall trust you,” she leaned up over the table. “But I shall make one thing very clear. Betray me, and I will banish you to realms unfit to inhabit the lowest of life forms.”
Grumbling was heard as one by one, each of the Judges bowed to her.
She turned to see Odin, watching her with a huge grin in his face. She then looked down at the table for a moment before rising to her feet.
“My Queen!” the Keeper quickly bowed. “We are not yet…”
“I’m afraid I have another meeting to attend, Sir Keeper. We shall adjourn until tomorrow,” she nodded her head as every bowed to her.
Balder glanced down at the Allfather for a moment before following after her.
“My Queen!” her handmaidens rushed to her as soon as she walked through the doors.
Svana offered her a cloak.
“No,” she waved her away.
Jora handed her a cup of ale.
“No,” she angered.
Katla handed her a tray of grapes.
“No!” she roared as she swung her arms in front of her and threw everyone back a few feet.
“Ladies,” Balder spoke gently. “Give us a moment, please.”
“Yes, my Prince,” they bowed before walking off.
“Don’t,” Finna raised her hand to him while looking away.
“You need to address this with him or it will eat you alive.”
“Address what exactly? He’s given me the throne!”
“He tried to kill you!”
“He tortured me. There’s a difference.”
“Is there?”
She rolled her eyes and walked off to her herb room.
He pulled his jacket off before following her in and sitting on the chair looking over the balcony. “I was ready kill him myself when he commanded your torture,” he spoke honestly.
She turned to him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t believe that,” she sniffed. “You are one of the most honest, noble people I know. You’d never betray your father.”
“I would… for you,” he placed his hands on her shoulders. “You’ve been my sister in battle and in this palace. I love you as though you are my own sister, Finna. What Father did to you and Loki… I know you mourn him, Finna. I think to some degree we all do, but you will for the rest of your days.”
“I wish I could just turn it off,” she whispered as a tear fell down her cheek.
“Your capacity to love is what makes you-you,” he hugged her. “I love you.”
“Your honesty and bravery is what I love about you,” she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
“Call for me if you need anything.”
“I will,” she watched him walk away before turning to find Thor standing at the top of the stairs. She crossed her arms and turned around to look out at the city.
“I’m sorry, Finna.”
She glanced over her shoulder at him.
“I understand how you would have perceived this as a game. My intention was to finish things with Jane, so that you and I could move on.”
“And did you?”
“We shall see. Goodnight, Thor.”
“Please… get some sleep. You look exhausted.”
“I’ll try. It’s rather difficult being a single parent to newborn twins and preparing for a coronation.”
He closed his eyes and sighed, knowing damn well that he deserved that. “Then let me stay and help you.”
“You’ve done quite enough, thank you.”
“They’re my children too.”
“So now you acknowledge them? Fantastic.”
“There’s no talking to you when you’re angry.”
“Angry?” she raised her eyebrows. “If you are so out of touch as to think this is purely anger, then we have an even bigger problem.”
“You,” he reached for her hand and pulled her close, “are in complete denial—yet at the same time are finding ways to push me away.”
“Away? Is that what you think?”
He kissed her while sliding his hands across her cheeks and into her hair. “Yes,” he whispered before nipping at her soft, pink lips. “You’re afraid our marriage will end up like the previous.”
“It already is,” she sighed. “You tell me you love me and then you leave. I won’t do it again, Thor. I can’t.”
“I told you that I would end things with Jane in my own time. Apparently, I have now done it in yours.”
“I love you,” she let slip out before she realized it, terror filling her eyes as her foggy mind caught up to her mouth.
He dug his fingers into her scalp, not allowing her to pull away. “And I you,” he kissed her again.
She finally relaxed and gave in, resting her hands on his chest and relishing the feel of his hard, smooth muscle under her touch once again.
“Please let me stay,” he rested his forehead against hers.
“I have work to do.”
He closed his eyes and tried desperately to control his body. “Damn.”
“I just need to…” she trailed off as she lost her balance.
“Woah!” he grabbed her shoulders. “When have you last slept?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “The night the twins were born,” She smirked.
“Come on, then,” he whipped her up into his arms and carried her to her bed where he dropped her.
She laughed as she changed from her formal gown into something a bit more comfortable. He followed by jumping onto the bed and pulling her into his arms before falling back onto the pillows.
“Now this is an excellent idea,” she rested her head on his shoulder. “We haven’t done this since—“ she caught herself.
“I know,” he placed his finger under her chin and pulled it up to look at him in the dim light of the fireplace. “Far too long.”
He brushed his thumb down her cheek before kissing her. “You really do need some sleep.”
“Tell me,” she sat up. “Does she know how much you like…”
His eyes widened as she ran her fingertip down his neck, behind his ear.
“Oooohhhh,” she leaned up to kiss him in the same spot.
He let out a gasp as he closed his eyes.
“I suppose not,” she licked her lips.
He grabbed her arms, pushing her over onto her back as he pressed his body into hers. No matter what his feelings for Jane, he had never in his entire life wanted a woman as he wanted Finna.
She sucked in an excited breath as she looked into his eyes, her body responding to the want running through her veins.
They were interrupted by a knock at the door. “Jane Foster is here for you, My Prince.”
He froze as he stared at Finna.
She raised her eyebrows and waited.
“She has brought back my things--” he began to explain.
“I need to—“
She rolled her eyes and disappeared from the bed.
He set his jaw before glancing up at the ceiling and punching the vacant bed. “Damn it, Finna!” he growled.
Finna sat in Frigga’s Gardens and took in a deep breath before looking up into the night sky. Why were the men in her life always so willing to run off? Was a relationship with Thor destined to be like the one with his brother? Did she not deserve a husband whose priority was her?
Her heart beat wildly, screaming at her to go back to Thor and show the mortal what a true queen was, but her head was begging her to face reality and begin the search for a husband who did not belong in the House of Odin. The two were on nearly equal footing, but she knew that a decision, for the good of the Realm, wound need to be made soon.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Por amarte eternamente
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3G00fo3
by MaidenED
Loki ha amado a Thor desde hace siglos, pero Thor ama a alguien mas, Loki hará todo por quedarse junto a él, como su familia, como su hermano.
^^ amo los comentarios, quejas y reclamos. La historia acepta ediciones? Pero por su puesto que es obvio que si! Se ubica casi al final de la película Thor: The Dark World, si ven errores de coherencia me los dicen ya, sin miedo yo los corrijo. En esta historia el seidr, no es magia mala ni nada de eso, es solo magia ^^ Y sin más preámbulos allí les va!
Psd: Los personajes todos pertenecen a Marvel... bueno primero a la mitología nórdica, esto es un escrito por diversión sin ánimo de lucro, si alguien lo copia porfa denme crédito que por lo menos lo que escribo es mío XD Psd 2: activé la notificación de contenido adulto, no tendrá mucho... pero me da pereza limitarme en las palabras ^^
Words: 5265, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Loki: Agent of Asgard, Thor Loki - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Avengers Team, Asgardians (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Yaoi, Post-Avengers (2012), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3G00fo3
0 notes
ao3feed-stony · 3 years
Por amarte eternamente
by MaidenED
Loki ha amado a Thor desde hace siglos, pero Thor ama a alguien mas, Loki hará todo por quedarse junto a él, como su familia, como su hermano.
^^ amo los comentarios, quejas y reclamos. La historia acepta ediciones? Pero por su puesto que es obvio que si! Se ubica casi al final de la película Thor: The Dark World, si ven errores de coherencia me los dicen ya, sin miedo yo los corrijo. En esta historia el seidr, no es magia mala ni nada de eso, es solo magia ^^ Y sin más preámbulos allí les va!
Psd: Los personajes todos pertenecen a Marvel... bueno primero a la mitología nórdica, esto es un escrito por diversión sin ánimo de lucro, si alguien lo copia porfa denme crédito que por lo menos lo que escribo es mío XD Psd 2: activé la notificación de contenido adulto, no tendrá mucho... pero me da pereza limitarme en las palabras ^^
Words: 5265, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Loki: Agent of Asgard, Thor Loki - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Avengers Team, Asgardians (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Yaoi, Post-Avengers (2012), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/34602307
0 notes
stony-ao3-feed · 3 years
Por amarte eternamente
Read it on AO3
by MaidenED
Loki ha amado a Thor desde hace siglos, pero Thor ama a alguien mas, Loki hará todo por quedarse junto a él, como su familia, como su hermano.
^^ amo los comentarios, quejas y reclamos. La historia acepta ediciones? Pero por su puesto que es obvio que si! Se ubica casi al final de la película Thor: The Dark World, si ven errores de coherencia me los dicen ya, sin miedo yo los corrijo. En esta historia el seidr, no es magia mala ni nada de eso, es solo magia ^^ Y sin más preámbulos allí les va!
Psd: Los personajes todos pertenecen a Marvel... bueno primero a la mitología nórdica, esto es un escrito por diversión sin ánimo de lucro, si alguien lo copia porfa denme crédito que por lo menos lo que escribo es mío XD Psd 2: activé la notificación de contenido adulto, no tendrá mucho... pero me da pereza limitarme en las palabras ^^
Words: 5265, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Loki: Agent of Asgard, Thor Loki - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Avengers Team, Asgardians (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Yaoi, Post-Avengers (2012), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel)
Read it on AO3
0 notes