#ashton's fingers
24-jay-42 · 4 days
Just want to point out that last episode Ashton took Zathuda's Sword, Dusk Hunger, the Blade of the Black Flame.
Literally one of the things Zathuda is known for is this weapon.
Quintessential Ashton. I love it.
I 1000% think Ashton is going to give the sword To Fearne, for her to decide what to do with it. And whether it's a straight up gift or reverse pick pocket it will be great. Or perhaps he wants her to just pick pocket it.
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
One thing I think might fly under the radar with some of the Bells Hells' new outfits are that Ashton, Fearne and Imogen each seem to have added a Sun and/or Moon motif
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Imogen mostly opts for moons given her greater connection to Ruidus but there's also the sun, while Fearne has a sunflower (she also has her lantern but that was there on earlier designs) - which seems to have had a bit of additional attention among the other flowers given it's ring of air around it - on her hoof, and Ashton has a belt and leg accessory that look like they could be a sun and moon. Chetney doesn't have many motifs because his design is quite practical, but as a werewolf he does have a visual tie to the moon anyway.
To add to this, there may also be a third motif of wind, or at least the sky; Dorian's cape and instrument have a morning dawn kind of gradient, whereas Laudna's gradient represents the night sky, in the middle you have Orym, whose wind parallels are quite simple given the Zephyr armor and being an Air Ashari.
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Intentional? Maybe not, but it does look like there's an elemental theme going on too which is, if intentional, very underrated.
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exandrianpunk · 1 month
"there's a pun in there and i'm missing it and it's gunna drive me insane and i have a migraine and there's a pun"
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immult · 5 months
they're resting and bitch facing.
up thinking about them might as well doods to chip the artblock away.
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lateknights21 · 1 year
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The 5sos show tour Boston
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grxcisxhy-wp · 1 year
So… I saw 5sos in phoenix last night and we got wrapped around your finger for the dice song. I recorded the whole thing if anyone wants to see it but be warned I was in one of the 200 sections
And I may have cut it off a bit early
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AshtonIrwin: Travelin light, seeing as much as god will let me, and keeping my mind right to deliver the best show on earth to our fans!!! see you tonight São Paolo!
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hemmohaze · 6 months
also thinking abt writing 5SOS fanfic/blurbs… would you guys like that or no?? hmm i have ideas upon me
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lunarrolls · 1 year
we as a fandom do not talk enough about how terrified ashton is of his powers. like. god. taliesin’s mentioned it on a couple four-sided dives, but it actually came up in bassuras when that wizard cast phantasmal killer on them. they straight up got psychically attacked by a manifestation of their own literal worst nightmare and it took the form of a broken, shattered, roiling being of pure chaos taken completely over by the forces that lie in wait in the back of their mind. and then they just. their friends had no idea what was happening. matt said they just watched as ashton doubled over in pain and his eyes widened in fear. i think about it daily what a fucking MOMENT
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wiiildflowerrr · 6 months
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@Ashton5SOS: 🤘🏼❤️ see you soon Brighton xx
9 April 2016
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astralleywright · 9 months
well i'm glad the outcome of Ashton taking the shard didn't discourage the other players from taking big risks, given that with his shard not activating until Fearne took the other one, it seems like the only mechanical impact of them succeeding in their attempt was not being permadead and a -2 to arguably their most important stat
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lunacary · 2 months
They are not the same
But "Wrapped around your finger" gives me the same feeling "Bad omens" and I don't know how to explain it
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poisoneitherway · 1 year
Wrapped around your finger live from Budapest
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[CHAPTER 2: Side Effects]
You throw me around like a rag doll
And throw me away like your cigarettes
Then pick up the pieces of whatever's left of me
They're yours to keep
A million and one ways that I've tried
To turn it around, leave it all behind
But every time you turn out to be one step ahead of me
Lost in reality
I can feel you in the dark when I fall asleep
All that's in my head are pictures of memories, words that you said to me
Hey, hey, Hailey, won't you save me?
Bittersweet chemistry
I can't escape you anywhere even in my dreams
All that's in my head are pictures of memories, words that you said to me
Lost in Reality-5SOS
A/N: Can we just take a moment to appreciate this photo of Michael in the header? 👆 I literally just keep staring at it because HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ONE PERSON TO BE SO PERFECT? 🥺😍😫
Anyway on to chapter 2. ☆Trigger Warning☆: Abuse is talked about in this one and it might be a little intense. Also there is a kind of intimate scene but it's not sexual. If it makes you uncomfy just skip it.
I didn't hear the front door open over the sound of four spazzy boys trying to talk to me on the phone at once. We were discussing our plan for me to finally leave Jesse. 5 Seconds of Summer's management and lawyers had figured out a way to free me from Jesse on the business end. Now we were just figuring out how I would get out this house quickly and safely. I had already secretly packed most everything I owned and I was planning to try and leave before Jesse got home from work. He was supposed to be stuck in meetings till late tonight so now was my chance.
I rolled my eyes and turned to grab more of my clothes out of the clean laundry pile to put in my bag while I listened to three of them bicker about who was driving the getaway car or something and Michael hissing at them to shut the fuck up and let him talk to me.
Suddenly, I was shoved to the ground by the back of my neck and my phone was launched a few feet away. I tried to stand but a fist connected with the side of my head and I yelped in pain as I hit the floor again. I could hear the boys' confused voices coming from my phone as I shakily looked up to see Jesse towering over me, oblivious to them as rage burned in his eyes. He stomped toward me and I scrambled backward to try to get away from him, terrified.
"Jesse wait-" I was cut off by him yanking me to my feet and punching me again.
"You sneaky little bitch," He growled as he hit me again, repeatedly,"Finding a loophole to get you out of your contracts, like that really means anything. I guess I need to remind you who you fucking belong to."
Suddenly, I jolted upward, gasping for air as I opened my eyes. I looked around, confused and disoriented.
Michael and Tessa were sitting on either side of me, looking really worried. It was then that I realized I had been dreaming, but I also realized I was struggling to breathe and my chest felt like an anvil had been dropped on it. Because it wasn't a dream. It was a memory...
"Hey shhhh it's okay. You're okay, baby," Michael reassured me, pulling me into his arms and stroking my hair softly. "It was just a dream. You're safe now."
"B-but it was r-real. It w-was J-Jesse," I stuttered into his shoulder, still fighting for oxygen.
"It was just a dream, love. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore," Michael said, rubbing my back. "You're okay. I've got you."
"Yeah and we won't let anything else happen to you. Ever," Tessa added in a gentle voice.
Michael started quietly singing to me like he had the night before, while they both hugged me and soothed me until my panic attack subsided. Which then allowed me to focus enough to remember the pain in my hand. I winced so Michael got me my pain meds and I took them with some water.
"Oh, yeah I didn't get a chance to ask last night. What the hell happened to your hand?" Tessa asked, watching me take my medicine.
We explained and she muttered angrily at what my grandma said but then laughed at the situation with my brothers and Michael. She gave Michael shit for not catching me and he threw sarcastic comments right back. It was pretty entertaining to watch them banter and I loved that they were getting along. I loved that they were always here for me, too.
I was mostly okay after everything with Jesse, but every now and then I still had nightmares about that night and woke up having a panic attack. Trauma is fun like that. I was very lucky to have the 5sos boys and Tessa to help me through it, though.
Those first few months had been the worst because the panic attacks came at all hours of the day or night, but Ash, Luke, Cal and Michael were always by my side in a second to help. Especially since I tended to wake up screaming from these nightmares, which must have been why Tessa was in here. Tessa had called me to check on me a lot and talked me through it over the phone when she could. Now the dreams and attacks came rarely so I usually forgot about them till they happened.
"Thanks, guys," I sighed, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my arm and chin on them.
"Of course. We love you and we're always here for you," Tessa said, leaning on my shoulder.
"What she said," Michael said, nodding toward Tessa as he placed his head on my other shoulder.
"I love you guys too," I replied, smiling and closing my eyes.
Tessa got up off the bed after awhile and I looked up at her in confusion.
"It's super early so I'll leave you alone so you can try and sleep some more," she explained. "Let me know if you need anything, though."
We nodded and Michael pulled me into his arms again after she left.
He leaned back while holding me so I ended up lying partially on top of him with my head on his chest. I was still tense and unable to fully relax, which he must have noticed because he rubbed my back absentmindedly and I raised myself up on my good arm to look at him. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, extra unruly since he'd just woken up. I trailed my fingers down past his mesmerizing green eyes, over his cheek and down next to his dark pink lips, which turned up into a wide smile as I did this.
"What are you doing?" He asked, letting out a small chuckle.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Michael. You know that?" I murmured, gazing at him.
"No, I'm not," He snorted, rolling his eyes and blushing a tiny bit. "I think your pain meds are kicking in or something."
"Stop that," I replied,"I'm serious. You really are the most beautiful person, inside and out, that I have ever met. You have the cutest hair, the prettiest eyes, the kindest heart and most intelligent brain I've ever known."
His face softened and his face turned a deeper red. "Really?"
"Yes, really," I told him, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Though I have to say, that last one is sometimes questionable when you're with Luke, Ash and Cal, but I digress."
"Hey!" He fake gasped, pretending to be offended but unable to help laughing as he tried to work around my injury to tickle me.
"You love me!" I giggled as I sqirmed around and tried to block his hands.
"Oh do I?" He laughed sarcastically as he carefully wrestled me till he was on top of me with his knees on either side of mine and his hands gently holding my arms above my head.
I looked up into his eyes again. "Yes, you do."
"Yeah, you're right, I do," he agreed with a sigh as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine tenderly
Michael's mouth didn't leave mine as he slid one hand up my arm and intertwined our fingers. After a moment, he released my hand and brought his to my face and then down to my side as he smiled against my lips. He let go of my other arm in order to balance himself and I draped it across his shoulder. I brought my good hand up to the back of his neck, tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss. We were still tired though, so it wasn't long before it dissipated into tiny soft kisses followed by Michael resting his head on my chest as we finally relaxed and drifted off to sleep.
That is, until the smoke alarm went off downstairs and startled us so much that Michael actually tumbled off the bed with a loud "WHAT THE FUCK?"
"SORRY!" Nate shouted from downstairs.
I helped Michael up and then openeed the door right as Tessa was about to knock on it.
"Oh hey," she said,"Sorry if that woke you up. Nate is cooking breakfast and our smoke alarm gets set off very easily for some dumb ass reason."
"You could have warned us," Michael groaned, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
"Yeahhhh sorry about that. I forgot about it, honestly," Tessa said.
"Michael got startled and fell off the bed," I told her, stifling a yawn and giggling.
"Oh way to go, dingus," she said to him sarcastically, laughing.
"Yeah 'cause I totally did it on purpose," he countered, cracking a smile. "And for the record, Mia got scared too."
I giggled at them as I gravitated toward the smell of pancakes, eggs and bacon wafting up from the kitchen. "Yeah, but I didn't jump so far out of my skin that I landed on the floor, now did I?"
"Do I need to tickle you again?" Michael raised his pierced eyebrow at me.
I just rolled my eyes and took his hand as I made my way toward the stairs. He suddenly seemed to smell the food too and eagerly followed me down to the living room.
"Sorry again about the smoke alarm," Nate said as he offered us plates,"Help yourself to breakfast. There's plenty of food and coffee for everyone."
"Thanks," Michael and I said at the same time. Michael gestured for me to sit at the table, then took the plates from Nate. After a moment, he set our plates down on the table and then went back into the kitchen. He came back with two mugs and placed one in front of me. I took a sip and smiled. He was the only person to ever make my coffee just right that didn't work in a coffee shop. On top of that, I noticed that he had cut my pancakes for me so that I could eat them more easily.
"Awe, thanks love. You're the best," I told him happily as he sat down.
He grinned and nodded, kissing my cheek before he started stuffing his face with pancakes.
I giggled and eagerly dug into my own breakfast.
After we were finished, we went to get ready to go get the rental car from my sister's house and go to the airport. I started to gather my shower things before realizing that I didn't have anything to cover my cast and I also didn't how how my uncoordinated ass was gonna shower one handed. I groaned in frustration.
"Hey what's wrong?" Michael asked, coming over to me.
"I need to shower but, uh,"I held up my broken hand.
"Oh I can fix that problem," he shrugged, smirking.
He went downstairs and returned with a huge ziploc bag and duct tape. He helped me bring everything I needed into the bathroom, locked the door and then helped me take my clothes off. He pulled the bag over my cast and duct taped it on me so it would be sealed. He undressed too and pulled me into the shower with him once the water was on and set to the right temperature.
He turned me around so I faced away him and tipped my head back a little so it was under the water. I closed my eyes and let out soft moans as his fingers gently massaged the shampoo and then conditioner into my curls.
He finished with that and then grabbed my body wash and helped me clean the rest of my body. He was so careful and loving about it and when he was done and also clean, he pulled me close and just held me while we stood under the water for a little while, just basking in each other's presence.
After we got out, removed the bag from my hand and got dressed, Michael sat me on the bed with him. He dried and brushed my hair for me, even going as far as braiding it and putting one of his beanies on my head.
God, he's amazing. How did I get so damn lucky? I thought as I watched him dry his own hair and also put a beanie on.
He caught me staring and winked at me flirtaciously. I just giggled and rolled my eyes.
Not long later, we were all in Nate's car and on our way to my sister's house. we retrieved the rental car and Nate drove it to the rental place. We picked him up there and continued to the airport, jamming to the music playing on Nate's stereo.
In the End by Linkin Park faded into Face Down by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and the dream from earlier came back to me. A million emotions flooded through me as I sang along loudly. Michael must have noticed because he grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze as we belted out the lyrics.
The song ended right as we parked at the airport and it took me a minute to compose myself before we got out of the car.
Nate and Tessa hung out with us for like an hour until our flight boarded and then hugged us goodbye before leaving.
"Hey, I just realized you can't play guitar for the tour with your hand like that and I was thinking that I could play for you," Michael suggested as we took our seats on the plane. "I mean, I already know all your songs, since I've rehearsed them with you, so I'm really the only choice you have on such short notice anyway."
"Oh! I didn't even think of that," I answered, as I suddenly realized he was right. "Um, I'd love it if you played for me, but I mean, are you sure? I don't want you to overwork yourself."
"I'll be fine," he shrugged,"It's just a few more songs and I'll have a bit of a break between your set and mine, anyway. Besides, we'd rock the stage together and you know it, babe."
"You're right, we totally would. It's settled then." I agreed, smiling enthusiastically, though my mind was only half present for the conversation. I was still replaying Face Down in my head. I had forgotten how much I loved that song and right now it really hit home for me. I wanted to scream the lyrics from the rooftops so everyone could hear it, honestly.
Maybe I could.
"Hey, Michael?" I turned toward my boyfriend as I spoke.
"Yeah, babe?" he replied, looking at me.
"How would you feel about adding one more song to my setlist?"
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ashtonisvibing · 7 months
it says something about me that i've remade a couple of minecraft worlds just to clear ancient cities of skulk, entirely for the fun of clearing
i dunno what it says but it says something
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tuesdaygray · 1 year
i know tour is a few months away but i love trying to guess the setlist so what deep cuts could you actually see 5sos performing at the 5sos show tour?? 
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