#ashura x indra
belit0 · 1 year
am i the only person who when hearing "blood//water - grandson" thinks of indra? 😭
YOU GOT IT RIGHT! NO PROBLEM!!! (can be either to relate characters with songs or to talk about the characters themselves with the lyrics!!)
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"We'll never get free, lambs to the slaughter. What shall you do when there's blood in the water, brother?" Indra asks in disgust, infernal fires roaring inside his chest at the image unfolding before him.
He holds his two nephews by the hair, a girl and a boy, as young as eight years old, presumably twins, whom he never had the good fortune to meet. When he learned his younger brother had had heirs, it was time to strike where it would hurt the most.
"The price of your greed is your son and your daughter. Again, what shall you do when there's blood in the water Ashura?" Both children cry in panic, begging their father to do something, to save them from the monster who stole them from the safety of their beds at night, to intervene and protect their lives.
On the floor, the younger Otsutsuki lies on his knees, both hands braced in front of his body to support his own weight, knowing that if he moves even a single muscle presumptuously, his brother will not hesitate to end his children's lives. There is a bead of sweat rolling down his temple, lower lip clenched between his teeth as he alternates his gaze between the two, trying to decide.
"Look me in my eyes Otouto, tell me everything's not fine, people ain't happy, and our river has run dry," Indra comments cynically, as if the kids' cries fuel his hatred more and more. He crouches down on the floor behind them and releases their hair to catch them by the neck, pressing them against each of his shoulders and stealing their breath in the process.
The little ones stop screaming due to the lack of oxygen, and the haunting Machiavellian grin shining on his older brother's face is something he only saw in his worst nightmares. "You thought you could go free, start a family, yet our father's system is done for." He can see his children's little faces turn redder and redder, paralyzed on the ground and adrift, following his brother's will only to try to preserve their lives.
If Indra really wanted to kill them, he would have done it already.
"If you listen here closely, there's a knock at your front door. I've been hunting you for a long time, and now I'm here."
"Please... Aniki!"
His response is a laugh full of malevolence, as he releases his nephews and hugs them as though genuinely loving them, holding their heads against his neck and kissing the crown of their heads as a doting uncle would. There is a different gleam in his eyes, unlike the one he wore the last time he saw him, when they fought to death the last time.
Indra is completely out of his mind.
"Aniki... Aniki... Aniki... no need to drag them into this, just take me and-"
"Beg me for mercy Ashura, admit you were toxic! You poisoned me just for some more power in your pocket... Now I am the violence, I am the sickness, won't accept your silence, beg me for fucking forgiveness!" His face transforms, features mutating into violence and proper madness, an aura darker than normal surrounding him as he holds the children by the collars of their shirts, lifting them into the air as he stands on his feet.
Ashura can only follow the image from the ground, in the same position since this terrifying scene began, watching bleary-eyed as his kids find themselves at the mercy of a true psychopath.
"The price of your greed is your son and your daughter. What shall you do?" Before he can reply to his twisted riddle, his children's backs are illuminated by a flash of blue, a cloud of electricity that stiffens their bodies. The elder Otsutsuki sends them flying through the air with ease, and before they can touch the ground, he pierces both of their chests with both of his hands, pulling out their hearts on the spot.
"I AM THE PEOPLE, I AM THE STORM, I AM THE RIOT, I AM THE SWARM! WHEN THE LAST TREE'S FALLEN ANIMAL CAN'T HIDE, POWER WON'T SOLVE IT! WHAT'S YOUR ALIBI ASHURA?" The wickedness of his actions is palpable in the air, and between unhinged screams he drops the inert bodies of his nephews, letting them fall to the ground with a hole in their chest and their dull eyes.
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indras-wife · 2 months
Indra, Ashura, Madara, Obito with an s/o who's stronger than them and immortal too?
Yayyy, another character makes debut in my page!🥺💖🥺And yay another Obito request. I love him so much because he is such a complex character to write! Hope to receive more requests with him later on. And thank you anon for requesting this, also for having to wait a long time for me to publish your request.😓💖 I kind of lost motivation to do any writing but I am trying to push myself to reply to every request even if its slow🥺💖💕
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Absolutely hates and cannot tolerate his s/o being stronger than him. He feels very jealous and angry over the fact that he isn’t stronger than them. Indra feels like his s/o being stronger and immortal on top of it is straight up cheating and unfair. His s/o did nothing to get that power so why does she have it? AT first he did noteven want to pursue anything romantic with her, but he changed his mind, knowing he can bend her to his will.
He wants to be stronger than his s/o because Indra finds that a man must be stronger than the woman in any relationship. His ideal woman for instance is someone who relies on him to protect her and help to guide her to the true meaning of life. Someone who is much stronger than him doesn’t fit his ideal of s/o. Of course he does not want someone who has zero survival skills or insticts as it would annoy him to babysit his s/o, but he also does not want a s/o who doesn’t need his help and protection. Part of time wishes his s/o had no powers, o he could protect her from any threat she could face.
He doesn’t care how beautiful she is, Indra will try to change her. He will scold her every time his s/o tries to use her powers or mention to anyone else about her immortality and abilities. If Indra hears her talking about it to someone, be t a stranger or no, he will give his s/o a piece of his mind, maybe even a punishment to remind her of her place. A genjutsu entrapment sounds like a nice punishment for him, especially when his s/o cannot escape from it.
Indra always worries about the immortality of his s/o a lot. Despite being a demi-god, he does not have immortality and will die one day, while his s/o will continue to live. In eternity it is impossible to stay faithful to one man and he knows if he dies, some centuries later his s/o will search for someone new. He does not want that. His s/o belongs to him only and if any other man touches her, he will get up from the grave and haunt the new man forever. To avoid this, he instructs his s/o to find ways to make him immortal too. “You are stuck with me forever, whether you want it or not.”
Indra’s jealousy and protectiveness becomes almost unbearable when his s/o gets pregnant. He now even prohibits her fromgoing outside alone, she has to spend her time with reading books or taking walks with him only. If she disobeys, he of course find ways to punish her again. He cannot use his visual prowess, so his punishment is giving shoulder to his s/o. By this time, his s/o is already molded perfectly to the woman he wants so receiving cold shoulder from him kills her mentally.
With her state, she cannot tolerate being away from Indra, so she is always listening to him and trying not to make him angry. In the end, Indra fully succeeded in turning the woman, who was stronger than him, to obey him and his every rule.
Unlike his older brother, Ashura is actually very happy and open to the fact his s/o is stronger than him. When he first learnt that he was more than surprised, it was almost that he was proud that a soft hearted woman like her is so strong.
Before receiving his father's power, the gap between their powers was very big, with Y/n outleveling him n everything, without even trying. This inspired Ashura to work more and improvehis skills.
Knowing of his s/o's powers, he asked her to train him, something that his s/o was initially against. Despite being stronger, she was too shy and too hesitant to consider her worthy to train him. But with Ashura pestering her all around, she had no other choice but to actually train him however she could.
To her surprise, he was a good student, dilligent and smart, he just needed to believe in his powers more and train more. His improvements were seen little by little and their training sessions also brought them closer.
One thing that pained Ashura however was her immortality: he knew it was selfsh of him wanting her to spend her life only with him, a mortal, but he was too in love to think about anything else. Secretly, he wished there was something he could do to become like her, an immortal being, to spend eternity with him but there was nothing he could do.
His s/o was already aware of his desires and she was finding ways of her own to make him like her: an immortal being. She was not fully able to find a solution, but she was not giving up and was doing continuous research to give her lover the immortality that they both desired to have.
After Ashura recieved his father's powers, he had higher chance of achieving immortality. Not to mention his power also increased, making them both nearly the same level. His s/o however, being a celestial being was still stronger than him but Ashura did not care. All he was worried about was his s/o being with him as long as he lived. Their love and support for each other was enough to last as long as they both lived together. A truly loving couple with no ounce of jealousy towards the other.
Madara is not the one to care about women and their power/abilities. He is a man whose powers are god like and he thinks there is nothiing that can surprise him. He however is surprised when the cam in contact with the celestial woman he was always hearing about: a holder of otherworldly beauty and strength who is also kind to everyone.
His interest was piqued for sure, but he did not show it. When fate made those two meet up, he could not believe his eyes. The woman that was said to possess strength like no other looked weak and fragile. He was hoping to have a nice duel, to show his own strength and status as a godlike man, but he simply couldn’t. After all what adult goes full power when fighting weak women and men?
He was getting ready to unleash a fast technique to knock the woman off, but to his surprise the woman evaded his attack faster than lightning. Just as he was about to unleash the second attack, he found him pinned on the ground, with the woman standing next to him. “Next time do not judge someone based on their looks. I may look soft, but I won’t hold back from showing you your place” she said. Madara was surprised: his back touched the ground because of a woman for the first time.
This experience led to him obsessing over the idea of fighting and winning her for a long time.
Madara would go to the same destinations as Y/n, seeking to learn more about her and of course to fight with her. While he was obsessing over the idea of fighting with her, Y/n was paying him no mind. His every attempt of initiating a fight was in vain. And even if they did fight, Madara was always losing to her.
They were bickering always, behaving like children who couldn’t come to a conclusion in any matter. From the side, their interaction looked very funny to strangers, Some even found it cute how they were arguing like that.
After multiple failed attempts, Madara became more focused on training more to beat her. He would train 16 hours a day, leaving the rest of the time to sleep, eat and relax. Y/n, witnessing all of his hard work in secret, felt how much more interesting the man was becoming for her. He had a dedication to do whatever he put his mind to and he wanted to become even stronger. Of course, he maybe wanted it to only beat her in the battle, but Y/n did not care. She rarely saw such dedication in a man and she felt obliged to help him.
Madara refused to let a woman train her, considering it insulting. But after weeks of Y/n asking, he gave up. He was however very surprised when the training was indeed helping him become stronger . He noticed his improvements after a mere week of training. Y/n taught him new techniques, taught him how to make his jutsus even stronger and helped him evolve his fighting strategy.
They became closer than expected as well, with both of them sharing their lives with the other. Madara realized that he really loved her company and her voice, which was very soothing and sweet. But he was still pretty jealous of her and her powers.
Their interactions lasted for months, turning into a year. Y/n now feeling more sure of her true feelings, told him about how she felt. She was expecting Madara to mock her and not recognise her feelings but to her surprise he was also in love with her.
Madara did really like her, but as his lover he did not want Y/n to be given more credit for her powers than him. Hence he made a plan in his mind to keep Y/n next to him, while still being considered the stronger one. His manipulative tactics slowly derived Y/n from the ability to train, trying to make her dependent on him. He loved having a woman rely on him. Y/n did not want to be like that, but her feelings for Madara were so intense, she decided to do as he told her to. She was happy about it too considering she was tired from so many training and now that she had Madara with her, she didn’t need to deal with issues herself.
Obito isnt the person to be jealous about someone being stronger than him. He has better things to worry about and he is not as self-conscious as others. He knows perfectly that he is powerful and a woman who is said to be stronger than him does not bother him at all. Her powers do interest him though as he rarely sees a woman who can be considered this strong. He had no idea about her being immortal that time.
His childhood tendencies of being a curious person resurfaced again as he one day saw Y/n training. Her skills and techniques created such beautiful and harmonious effects that he found himself being mesmerized by her.
He slowly felt himself come back to the earth, remembering that he should not be staring at her like that. He composed himself, making him turn back to not see her face which made him feel all funny inside.
For days, Obito tried to evade Y/n, not talking to her or looking at her. Every time their eyes met, his insides felt like burning and yearning for more. He had goals to reach and he tried to not falter in his steps. As much as he wanted to talk and communicate with Y/n he held himself back.
Y/n, being wiser and more understanding than he, took the steps in her hands. She knew what he was feeling and what he was battling with. In her eyes, Obito was a very soft person and deserved everything in his life. Seeing his love die in front of his eye shattered his heart and soul and Y/n was sure she could help him.
Obito would first protest, ignore all her attempts of trying to talk with him, but he felt that it just made her more determined. Her desire to talk, to be with him just melted his heart. He could not take it longer and finally broke, ending his silent treatment.
He felt that Y/n was just like Rin, her personality was calm and kind. Around her he felt good and happy, something he thought he cannot feel for a long time. Obito would try to spend as much time with her as possible, talking about many things. He also mentioned that he found her powers to be interesting and that not everyone are that powerful.
She was surprised with mentioning about her immortality too, which she saw as nothing more than a curse. Obito was surprised to find out. Being immortal was a good thing in his mind, but he did not belittle her feeling about the matter, because she most definitely had her reasons for feeling that way.
They bonded very fast and deep, allowing each other to grow in harmony. Unlike other, there was no once of jealousy or any expectation from each other, which made their feelings bloom further.
Y/n was giving him what he missed: warmth and love. She knew that he wasn’t a cold or rude person, he was just broken inside. Obito was giving her what she needed: acceptance and equality. She did not want to be seen as a goddess only, she wanted to be seen as a human with feelings. Her immortality and powers did not matter to her much and she simply tried to live among humans as a human. Obito was helping him make her dream come true. His simple act of kindness and love nourished not only him but him as well, opening his eyes again to see the beauty of the world
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thedevotedhealer · 8 months
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animeyanderelover · 7 months
Hello can I request a yandere indra + madara, obito, sasuke, itachi and shisui x goddess reader. The reader is a goddess of serenity, beauty, strength and healing. Thank you very much.
I just love how the Uchiha blood line has just the whole Naruto fandom in a chokehold. I have never not met a person who wasn’t at least down bad for one of them.
@shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, delusional thoughts, threats, manipulation, paranoia, death
Goddess s/o
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜Indra is one of the last people you will see bowing down to anyone after he has abandoned his father and brother. Instead he is the one who expects people to bow down to him as he is essentially a god with the powers he has obtained after having killed his two close friends in exchange for more power. It is that very arrogance that keeps him from even bowing his head to you. It is almost ironic how he has cursed his father for claiming that love would be the greatest power yet finds himself going through a similar experience when he is face to face with you for the first time. There is an ethereal glow around your body that sets you apart from the mortal humans, that sets you apart from him as he stares at you. Even after you fade away from his vision, his gaze remains fixated on the spot where you just were a few seconds ago. His mind is spinning, drowning in the images of the short glimpses he was able to catch of you. He wants to see you again. In your otherworldly presence he has finally felt something he hasn’t felt ever since he left his village and has been plagued by restlessness. He feels peace.
💜He doesn’t plan to join your group of worshippers but he sticks around them and the shrine they have created in hopes of catching a glimpse of you again. As enchanted as Indra may be, there is a volcano of twisted emotions that is just brooding inside of him. Your status as a goddess disturbs him and that disturbance has been inside of him ever since he has been humbled and humiliated by Ashura in the fight that tore all bonds he had previously held. Deep down he fears a repeat of this experience, of another loss of his, if he were to ever try to force you to join his side. He feels an overwhelming need to dominate you, to stand above you and force you via that into submission. He needs the reassurance of holding control as he would otherwise be too paranoid about you eventually beating him just like Ashura. Yet you two live in different worlds as you only rarely visit the realm of humans and it fills him with a poison called helplessness that he despises. His mind spirals into violent insanity as he will gladly burn down all of your followers and even your own shrine if you will answer the call of his obsession.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑Madara has never prayed to anyone before. He has trained to stand as the head of his clan and he has achieved it all with his own strength and willpower. Yet his interest is immediately captured when he actually finds a real goddess that personifies strength and beauty. In a way he is almost instantly enraptured but don’t expect him to go down on both knees for you as Madara has never shown submission to anyone. Even your status as a goddess won’t force him to throw away his pride. Your ancient position as a goddess is still enough to earn you his respect, especially if he sees your powers in action. You carry yourself with a wisdom and elegance he would expect from someone who has existed for millennia as you have and you possess such beauty and serene composure that any mortal woman pales in comparison to you in every category. Ever since the day he has seen you, he hasn’t been able to give his attention nor interest to any women the clan has offered him as a potential bride. None of them could come even close to you so he ruthlessly rejects them all. He has only one woman in his heart he wants as a bride. You.
🌑Even if he may be blasphemous for yearning to claim a goddess as his possession, Madara doesn’t care. He has set his sights on you and nothing can stop him now. He’s persistent and stubborn, determined to marry you. Unfortunately you aren’t that easy to detect as you reside in a realm where humans can’t follow so he instead tracks down your followers and your shrine. Perhaps your subjects can be of use to help him to see you again. Now, Madara will be man enough to ask you for your hand in marriage when he sees you again and he isn’t opposed if you would play a bit hard to get so he can prove himself to you. If your opinion would stand firm that you don’t want to marry him though, things will look not pretty. In the traditional Uchiha fashion Madara’s feelings burn brighter than the sun and nothing can extinguish the fire in his heart. Once he has decided that only you will do for him, he will do everything in his strength to have you. He knows that he is potentially picking a fight with a goddess but he doesn’t fear the risk of such a battle. If he must fight against you to force you to stay by his side, so be it.
Obito Uchiha
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🔥Ever since Rin’s death, ever since his innocence has been shattered, Obito has been living in hell. Life on earth has become synonymous with suffering and evil for him as his heart hasn’t known peace and joy since years. That’s when you two cross paths as he finds your abandoned shrine within the woods. As soon as he lays his eye on you, it’s like his crippled heart is healing as he feels serenity and calmness wrapping itself around him like a warm blanket. All caution and hostility melts away as the Uchiha can only stare at you in dreamy awe as you look at him with such dazzling eyes. The moment you disappear, it feels like a hole has opened in his heart that is aching. His gaze lands on the dirty and old shrine and suddenly there is a rage filling Obito as he realizes that the followers who used to care for your house on earth have abandoned it and have abandoned you by doing so. You poor thing. How must it feel for a goddess to be slowly forgotten? He starts tending to the shrine from that day on as he cleans it from the moss and visits it daily. He knows that you’re watching him whenever he feels his heartbeat calming down.
🔥He feels like the shrine is the place where only the two of you exist as your aura lulls him into a peacefulness he didn’t know that he could feel. Obito actually starts praying to you and he feels empowered whenever he does so as he likes to imagine that you bless him with the strength he needs to change this world. Soon he finds himself becoming addicted to your presence that fills him with such bliss and starts feeling stressed out when he can’t sense you. He likes to delude himself into thinking that both of you have suffered from the ignorance of the humans around you and that soon leads him to the conclusion that only you could ever understand him and he could only ever understand you. Whenever you show yourself to him, he’s talking like you are a frightened baby deer as he promises you revenge for the people who abandoned and forgot you and that he will never do as your former followers did. He will never allow anyone else to intrude in his little paradise where only him and you exist and longs for the day when you will finally allow him to show you the loyalty and love he feels for you.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂Religion can truly become a terrifying thing when it is used to oppress people. It is your cult that falls victim to Shisui on a mission as he is sent to the village they have temporarily settled down to enforce the laws of their own beliefs there. It is in the very temple they have been building by using the villagers as workers that Shisui has his first encounter with you. You have a heavy aura around you as you stare at him, as dignified and proud as a goddess standing for strength is meant to be even if your facial expression is a mellow one. Then there is Shisui, standing in the half-finished shrine of yours with the corpses of your followers lying around his feet. There is a thick silence where Shisui is silently preparing himself to be attacked by you yet he only receives a nod from you that almost looks like a sign of gratitude before you vanish. No one else has seen you yet he’s convinced that it wasn’t an illusion. Too troubled to leave the village without getting his confirmation that you were real, he steals necklace from one of your followers which is meant to help your followers to stay in contact with you.
🍂Visions and glimpses as fleeting as a shooting star haunt him from that day on and if anyone else but Shisui would have stolen the artifact, they would have probably lost their mind already. He knows exactly that he can’t tell anyone about your existence as they wouldn’t believe him and label him as a lunatic in the worst case. It’s like you are constantly observing him. Your presence is like a warm gentle rain that engulfs him constantly and the occasional brush of your hands against his skin a delicate sensation that has his whole body tingling. Until eventually Shisui finds his eyes constantly searching for you, an almost queasy feeling in his stomach when he can neither see nor sense you. You have given him your blessing and your protection after he has cleared your name of the traitors who have been abusing your image for such crude actions. Shisui wonders if you already know that his own strong feelings you have admired upon first meeting him have already been twisted because of you. He secretly builds you a small shrine where he also hides the necklace, well aware that they will tie you one way or another to his village.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi, despite his normally cold facade, is deep down also a deeply troubled person who is drowning in the sorrow of what he had to do to his own clan and family. Around you the silent ache gets soothed, even if it’ll never fully disappear. From the Uchiha clan Itachi is most likely one of the calmer ones and the one who will actually put the respect on you that you deserve without overwhelming you. He has enough on his mind already after all but he at times feels a tad bit honored that you decided to show yourself to him out of curiosity when you saw him passing through the forest with your shrine. Your presence is quite enjoyable and that isn’t only because you are a goddess of serenity and beauty but also because you could almost be mistaken as a normal human if it wouldn’t be for the halo around you. You don’t act like what he would have expected from a goddess of your caliber but instead you are curious, humble and get childishly excited when he brings you food because you normally don’t get such stuff in the realm where you live. Your curiosity about the most mundane stuff is sometimes downright amusing.
🍡As an Akatsuki member, Itachi is already put under a lot of isolation. He only has Kisame as a work partner and now there is also you with whom he can spend time with. Itachi really appreciates this. The fact that you have an entire cult at your disposal yet you only really show yourself to him flatters him more and more as time passes on. Even if he can’t see you, he can certainly sense you and even that is enough for him. It is quite ambiguous coming from him but despite the crimes that he has committed, Itachi has still morals. He got too comfortable with you, has allowed himself to delve too deep into those emotions and now he has no way out anymore. You two are so different. You are a celestial being that is essentially immortal and he is only human. He’s probably only going to be a fleeting moment in your life but his emotions has long left his control and act unreasonable. Despite applying all logic to his case, his own emotions don’t want to listen to him as they long to be with you. His determination to die at the hands of his brother waver greatly the longer he spends time with you, a gravity pulling him towards you.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙If Sasuke becomes fixated on a person, he is ready to go to great lengths and throw everything and everyone around him away to reach his goal. It applies to his desire for revenge as well as the intense obsession he develops that is centered around you. He has never believed in any celestial existence as the extermination of his entire clan has taught him that there is no such thing as a god protecting the people in his land. But your existence proves him otherwise. Even amidst his obsession, there is this burning bitterness and rage he holds against you though. Where has been your protection when his entire clan was eradicated? Why didn’t you do anything? There is pain even amongst his anger as he lashes out on you and blames you. He doesn’t care about the fact that you are a literal goddess. Your powers can’t be good for anything after all if you just allow the people in the Leaf Village to commit such a genocide. He wants answers, demands them, just to understand why it had to be his clan that had to suffer so much yet you can’t give him those answers. Instead there is a pitiful look on your face that almost drives him mad.
💙He hates how your mere presence always manages to drain all negative energy from him as he feels like his own emotions are controlled when he is around you yet it has never stopped him from approaching you. The grudge he holds against you and others of your kind for doing absolutely nothing to prevent the death of so many people. You probably think that you’re better just because you are a goddess, don’t you? Despite this, his anger almost seems to fuel his obsession with you. Sasuke yearns to have you, to be in possession of you and he is also steered by a desire to be in control of you. You are used to everyone being beneath you and as if to punish you for your ignorance about his own clan’s tragic fate, Sasuke wants to show you what it feels like to struggle and to experience helplessness. He doesn’t know just yet if he can beat you in a fight and he is wise enough to not underestimate you but he swears to you that one day he will gain enough power to keep you permanently by his side and to teach you not to pity him. And he’s getting stronger and stronger with each passing day…
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otsutsukifavs · 4 months
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 [ 𝓞tsutsuki Indra relationship headcannons . ]
pairing : indra otsutsuki x gn!reader headcannons . cw: this was before the successor of ninshu thing, protective indra, literally just fluff, mention of petnames, ooc maybe not sure
﹒now, where do i start . . . . he would probably hide the fact he has a lover for a really long time . The only person that would probably catch him w/ his s/o would either be his dad or ashura and even so indra would be VERY embarrassed ( 😭 )
﹒ sucker for forehead kisses TRUST ME!! his s/o would gently kiss his forehead and would pretend he didn't like it and keep a straight face (he is blushing and giggling internally)
﹒personally i don't think he would have a form of PDA, especially he does not want to get caught with a lover in PUBLIC . however in private he's a total lovebug :3
﹒when cuddling he likes to be the big spoon . again i headcannon he has a cold body so when cuddling indra keeps them close to his as a source of warmth
﹒ he loves to play w his s/o's hair, short or long does not matter to him he will learn how to do different hairstyles and try them on his lover all the time
﹒silly pet names like "darling" and "my love"
﹒he loves and cares for his s/o a LOT . he may not show it but he shows his affection though small actions like making dinner, preparing a bath, caring for them when their sick and so on
﹒if he caught or found out that a creep is trying to hit on you indra would most definitely end that persons life . No one is allowed to put their hands on his s/o .
﹒I feel like he secretly has hobbies like reading ( mainly books about ninshu ) and baking w his s/o . The both would try to bake all sorts of delicacies or read together under the stars !
requests : open ! Im so sorry this is ultra short i ran out of ideas AARGH (this was made at midnight i have half a braincell left help me.) I hate that man (affectionate) anways justice for indra he always gets portrayed negatively 😭 Thank you 4 reading this, reblogs r appreciated <3
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otsutsukifavs . do not copy / repost / translate
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cyclamen78 · 1 year
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There wasn't enough Ashura x Sakura fanart out there, so I decided to make a quick one. Ashura as one of Sakura’s Aragami, beside his brother Indra.
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ssailormoonn · 5 months
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─── ❛ request characters ❜
⋆·˚ ༘ * Hunter X Hunter :: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paradinight, Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Illumi Zoldyck, Silva Zolcyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor
⋆·˚ ༘ * Berserk :: Griffith, Guts ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Death Note :: Light Yagami, L Lawliet (L), Miheal Kheel (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate Rivers (Near)
⋆·˚ ༘ * Bungo Stray Dogs :: Dazai Osamu, Atsushi Nakajima, Kunikida Doppo, Edogawa Ranpo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Nakahara Chuuya, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Sakunosuke Oda, Saigiku Jono, Suehiro Tecchou, Dostovesky Fyodor, Sigma, Nikokai Gogol ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Sk8 The Infinity :: Kojiro Nanjo, Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Kaoru Sakurayashiki, Miya Chinen ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Bleach :: Ichigo Kurosaki, Issin Kurosaki, Jushiro Ukitake, Zaraki Kenpachi, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ichimaru Gin, Urahara Kisuke, Abarai Renji, Shinji Hirako, Kyoraku Shunsui, Aizen Sosuke, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Yumuchika Ayasegawa, Cifer Ulquiorra, Jaegerjaquez Grimmjow, Coyote Starrk, Ishiha Uryu, Ishida Ryuken, Haschwalth Jugram ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Naruto/Boruto :: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shusui, Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Tobirama, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Jiraya, Otsitsuki Indra, Otsitsuki Ashura, Otsitsuki Momoshiki, Otsitsuki Toneri ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Demon Slayer :: Demon slayers; Kamado Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Tokitō Muichirō, Rengoku Kyōjurō, Tomioka Giyū, Uzui Tengen, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Iguro Obanai, Himejima Gyōmei, Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Demons; Kibutsuji Muzan, Kokushibō | Michikatsu Tsugikuni, Douma, Akaza ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Wind Breaker :: Haruka Sakura, Suo Hayato, Togame Jou, Kaji Ren ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Mo Dao Zu Shi (the founder of diabolism); Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing); Xei Lian, Hua Cheng, Shi Qingxuan, Feng Xin, Nu Qing ༊*·˚
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Hunter x Hunter - caught up with the manga and watched the anime
Berserk - completed the 1997 anime, completed the movies and the 2016 seasons, currently reading the manga (up to chapter 260)
Death Note - completed the anime and read the manga
Bungo Stray Dogs - watched the anime and caught up with the manga
Sk8: The Infinity - completed the anime
Bleach - caught up the anime, HAVEN'T read the manga past the newest season
Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden - completed the anime, completed the manga, completed all the movies
Boruto - Completed the Manga (haven't watched the anime) ╰┈➤ Boruto | Blue Vortex - caught up with the manga
Demon Slayer - Caught up with the anime, haven't read the manga past the newest season
Wind Breaker - Caught up with the anime, HAVEN'T read the manga past the new season
Mo Dao Zu Shi - caught up with the Anime, completed the novels
Tian Guan Ci Fu - caught up with the anime, caught up with the Manhua, HAVEN'T read the novels
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leportraitducadavre · 10 months
Can Uzumakis have Doojutsu? What would you have given them if you had the chance?
No. Uzumaki canonically have no doujutsu, that's the whole point of the dichotomy Ashura/Indra. Ashura didn't inherit the Sharingan and abilities as a fighter that Indra did -yet, Hagoromo made him his successor, the Uzumaki clan (or whatever remains of it) are the closest descendants of Ashura, as Senju disintegrated shortly after Konoha was created (x), giving them a doujutsu beats the purpose of the entire plot.
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tsukuyomii45 · 11 months
I think Obito's father had a side shaved hair, idk why
Also, I read somewhere a hc/theory about one of Obito's parents being a Senju (or some descendant), what's your opinion about it?
Obito's father has what's known as a "fade" hairstyle.
Also, I don't agree with such a theory. I've never seen it, but I don't agree with it.
Why would they be Senju descendants? Why would they have anything to do with the Senju? Just why?
Their son (Obito) literally inherited the Uchiha's "Curse of Hatred" - an exclusive trait passed down from Indra. (Ashura's descendants are the Senju).
Obito is purely from the Uchiha Clan, his parents are Uchiha, and their ancestors are Uchiha. Madara is literally Obito's ancestor.
I'd like to think that the Uchiha are inbred to a certain extent (Izumi is an exception), because they're such a reserved clan and usually clans would marry from each other in order to maintain the bloodline limit - take a look at the Hyuuga clan as an example.
They would only marry from other clans for political benefits (like Senju x Uzumaki), but we never heard of a Senju and Uchiha getting married - I doubt that they would either given how tense their relations are and Tobirama made it very clear that they could never be trusted.
However, no one has to be a part of the Senju clan to inherit kind and benevolent traits, lol. Take a look at Shisui, Kagami, and even Itachi - they didn't fall under the Curse of Hatred that Madara and Obito ended up falling into.
That's not to say that clans cannot marry from others, but it's just very common for members to be pureblood rather than half.
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belit0 · 1 year
Unbreakable Bond (part 4)
It took me a while because I had no idea how to approach this chapter, but finally, here we are. Lots of revelations in it, and more Uchihas in the cast!!!
it always helps me a lot to get feedback on what you think, so please share with me your opinions on this!!!
"What about that one?" Obito tersely asks, lying on the roof of the tallest building in the city, black wings camouflaging themselves in night's darkness despite their blue feathers, these acting as a cushion for his body. He scans the streets with disinterested eyes, fed up with the situation and eager to return home.
Hunting humans is much easier than hunting angels.
"No, poor physical ability, he won't even withstand a hit," Shisui answers, observing the same celestial being his companion pointed out. Their goal is clear, to find a divine protector of excellent conditions and skills, though they have been on the task for about a month and the aforementioned does not seem to exist.
"Why can't it be either of us two, again?"
"You didn't hear a word the leader said, did you?"
"I mean, can you blame me? I get chills just listening to his voice, creeps me out so much I'd rather act as if I don't exist when he's talking to us."
"You're a child."
"I'm not a child, I value my life, it's different. I don't wanna be subject to the leader's wrath."
"Yeah, and for that very reason you keep asking what the fuck we have to do since we arrived!" Shisui ends up pseudo-yelling in frustration, shoving him and getting a punch in reply. "You wouldn't have a fucking clue about what to do if-"
"LOOK AT HIM!" A blue claw points at a new angel, and following the direction Obito guides, Shisui agrees with him for the first time. Down the street, an angel with a powerful aura and a bowl-cut walks beside an old woman, probably the human to whom he must be bound.
His wings are large, thick, and his body looks in good condition. Not so young, not so old, he's the perfect description provided to them by the leader before leaving. "Do you think he'll be strong enough?"
"I sure hope so." Both demons stand up in unison, launching themselves into the heights and taking advantage of the darkness to camouflage themselves without any problems. They fly higher than any angel would, out of the radar and shielded, following their target at a safe distance, waiting for the right moment to act.
When the angel they are tailing seems to stop in front of a building, they quickly descend, taking up position on another rooftop and observing again. "You have the leader's blood, don't you?" Obito asks, biting his lip at the sudden anxiety for action. They've spent what felt like an eternity searching for the perfect vessel, and now that they have it in front of their eyes, they can't fail.
"Ha, and here I thought you hadn't heard anything of what he'd told us."
"It's hard to ignore when the strongest man in the entire fucking world gives you a vial of his blood, you idiot."
Shisui produces a small container filled with red liquid, carefully feeling it in the palm of his hand as if afraid of losing it. The cold glass on his skin generates a sense of comfort, securing the most important part of the entire sequence in his grip, ready to proceed.
They listen as the old woman and her angel exchange a few words, presumably having arrived at the lady's home. "Thank you very much, Guy, again, no need to take care of this poor old thing if you have business to take care of up there you know."
"Please, Akira! In heavens I'm bored, it's much more fun to spend time with you and feel the blessings of youth blossom! Did you enjoy your Shogi game? Your opponent was humbled by your skills!"
His aura is sweet, pleasant, powerful, the kind of energy any human would want to have around.
The being's gestures, the bizarre movements of his body, the awkward way of speaking and expressing himself, everything is strange about him, but the strength he carries within is undeniable, just as the leader described he needed.
"You are exaggerating, my dear angel, I could only win once, but it was more than enough. How are your friends? I haven't seen the gray-haired boy for a long time."
"Kakashi? He's too busy to pay attention to me, I'd rather devote myself solely to you!" The angel flashes a perfect white smile and gives a thumbs up when he hears his human snorting.
"Ayay, come back soon so I can cut your hair, it's getting too long."
"Will do!"
As the woman closes her front door, the angel is left alone on the street, spreading his wings, and setting out to take flight. Analyzing him closely, both demons confirm he is the perfect vessel, the best body for the leader to possess and execute his purpose, they can't miss the opportunity.
Once they see him flying, the two decide to follow at a moderate distance to avoid suspicion, waiting until a reasonable altitude for no one to see them intercept him. At this hour, most humans are eating dinner, watching TV, getting ready for bed, and the flow of angels diminishes due to lack of demand.
It is the perfect moment.
At the right moment, both demons increase speed in sync, sandwiching him one from above and the other from below. Obito takes it upon himself to land on his back, shrinking his unsuspecting wings and embracing him in a constricting grab. “WO-A-AH”. Shisui, on the other hand, approaches from below, the vial of the leader's blood open, and grabbing him by the neck.
When Obito has him successfully imprisoned, being the one to keep the angel from plummeting to the ground due to the inability to move his wings, he spins in midair, letting the celestial being rest on his chest while still managing to keep them moving.
Shisui, now staying on top of him, doesn't waste a moment or give him time to understand the situation, squeezing his cheeks and forcibly opening his mouth. The blood from the vial enters smoothly and slides down his tongue like honey, until the last drop is secured inside.
The change is immediate, and when the angel stops struggling in the demon's arms to try to free himself, Obito sets off for the landing, choosing a particularly desolate alley without prying eyes. Followed closely by his partner, they both hit the floor of the cramped passageway kicking up a cloud of dust, and deposit the angel carefully on top of a dumpster.
"And now?" the blue-feathered demon asks, uniquely sure of how they were to execute the plan but having no idea how it all follows.
"Just wait." Shisui kneels on the ground, bows his head, and prepares for his commander's triumphant entrance.
The angel's body, stiff and paralyzed as if dead, suddenly convulses. His limbs tremble uncontrollably, his ridiculous haircut moving with the uncontrolled shaking of his bones, his mouth producing incomprehensible and agonizing noises.
Obito can only watch in horror as the celestial being that seconds ago he had trapped in his arms now seems to transmute in front of him, its sickly sweet energy changing into a dark and terrifying one, the same one that gives him goosebumps when he has to face it at home.
The leader's own power takes possession of the angel's body, invading the entire cramped alley with spikes of fear and panic, the air becoming thick and heavy. Imitating his companion, he quickly collapses to his knees upon realizing what is about to happen, and ducks his head nervously to avoid looking his commander in the eyes.
None of them dares to watch the transformation, but after a few seconds of screams of agony and convulsions, all goes silent. Unable to check what's going on, they listen as the angel's body sits on top of the dumpster, and lands on the alley floor a few seconds later.
"Took you long enough." It is the guardian of heaven's voice, but both demons know it is not him speaking.
"I'm sorry... we... we weren't finding anyone bu-" Shisui tries to explain without daring to look up, only to be stopped in his tracks by that terrible presence. "Not interested in your excuses, where is he?"
"We have no idea." Obito bluntly confesses, preparing his body for the most brutal beating he will ever receive. The Leader is ferocious, a beast with no restraints, to be subject to his rage is a straight ticket to death.
"You're telling me you've been here for a month, yet you couldn't find who I asked you to find? A month, a whole entire month, and you have no trace of him?" The possessed angel walks up to them, and with their heads down, they can both see the sandals of the being they just abducted inches away.
"Sorry, my lord, but-" before he can explain anything further, Shisui gets kicked straight in the mouth, fangs flying and blood in the air. His head slams against the opposite wall of the alley, and the demon slumps to the ground. The Leader walks over to him, stepping on his black and emerald green wings on the way, grabbing him by the neck, and lifting him into the air.
"A month, a whole month, one where both of you strolled around whilst I still haven't regained my powers." The demon struggles for breath, holding the wrist of the possessed angel, desperate for release. "A whole month, where I remained wingless and you flew free as birds." Obito feels a shiver of terror run through his body at his words, finding himself paralyzed on the ground, unable to move his body out of fear of suffering the same as his companion.
"A whole month, where my brother wanders free through life and I continued to suffer his injustices." He has to move, he knows he has to say something to save Shisui's life, but the panic is stronger than his will, reduced to a bundle of tremors and cold sweat.
He hears his brother's body hit the ground again, a desperate cough as he tries to regain the air he lost for more minutes than would be prudent, and the dirt on the alley floor rattles again under the angel's sandals.
"Come on, I feel him." Is all he says before taking off, white wings unbecoming of any demon fluttering rapidly in ascent, and when Obito feels him far enough away, runs to Shisui, assisting him to stand and draping one of his arms over his shoulder. "I'm fine... I'm fine." The previously attacked demon manages to regain stability, able to launch himself into flight on his own and following the pace of them both amidst labored breaths.
Together they mimic the Leader, flying off and following the direction of his dark, unmistakable aura. If any angel in the city was paying attention, it would not be at all difficult for them to identify him, pure and materialized darkness in his whole person.
It is overwhelming to keep up with him, and it is bizarre to observe how the celestial being they captured, cheerful and calm, funny, now wears a long and angry face, serious and unpleasant countenance.
Obito never saw him in action, never able to witness the unrestrained power of his commander, so to be faced with his presence, not literally but energetically, about to go into action, is both wonderful and terrifying. He could stand and watch the perfect movement he executes with his borrowed wings, so different from what demons themselves do, but the fear the man inspires in him is stronger than anything else.
From birth, both demons were trained by their elder brothers, Izuna and Madara, without ever having had the privilege of seeing the leader use his might. They have grown up under Izuna's tales, the stories he always told about him, about his strength and power, about how he is the most powerful being of all time. The leader always confined himself to his private quarters, where only invited guests could enter, always wearing a long black cloak covering him from the shoulders down.
The only things he knows about him are myths, but he has no doubts about those either.
The man himself is a legend, a figure of respect and fear, someone not to be contradicted, and the only thing the blue-feathered demon is sure of is that the Leader has no wings. No one knows what happened to him, not even Madara himself can explain the story for he has no idea, and the only certainty is that they were taken away from him at some point.
Nobody knows why or how, who did it.
Engrossed in his fear and overwhelmed by his thoughts, Obito concentrates on keeping up, his companion a few meters behind him, and descends quickly when he notices the leader goes first. He seems to be heading for a rural area, few houses scattered around a small neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, desolate.
The possessed angel lands hard and without fear of attracting attention in the middle of the street, while the other two prefer to remain unnoticed, not sure if their help will be needed for the moment, hiding together at the top of a tree.
Several angels appear before the rumble, some coming out of their humans' houses and others rapidly descending from the sky. The two demons watch as a circle of white wings and light robes surrounds the leader, confused and worried faces asking him if he is all right.
Neither of them knows this angel is not normal.
One, in particular, stands out in the circle, a celestial being the commander keeps staring at, and before everyone can take note of what is happening, he pounces on him with the cry of "ASHURA!". The onlookers soon try to join the conflict, attempting to attack the leader among all, and that's the moment when they realize they both must help.
Angelic bodies fly back and forth and both are convinced the Leader could handle them all alone, without an ounce of help, but he seems to be interested in one particular guardian, and if the demons don't get rid of the excess, he'll never have time to fuck him up alone.
"NOW!" they exclaim in unison urgently, coming out of hiding and bringing out their sharp claws for combat. Where ten angels simultaneously attack the leader without any success, the two demons join the fray, landing on the heads of several and mercilessly launching themselves at others.
They form the perfect distraction for the Leader to take care of his target, fighting one-on-one with no hindrance in between.
Ashura looks at that particular angel, who landed in the middle of the street and left a crater in the asphalt, and asks him if he is all right. It irritates him terribly to think about how he’ll have to repair the damage in the morning, but it worries him even more whether his companion is in trouble and needs help.
"Are you okay? Hello?'" He asks again, and his neighboring angels join the round of curious onlookers. They all form a circle around him, repeatedly asking if everything is okay, but something is wrong with that creature.
His aura is heavy like pure darkness itself, energy full of black and revulsion, terror, and the hairs on his back stand on end when those eyes stare at him. Serious countenance and leaving nothing to be seen, the angel is scary, plain and simply scary.
Words catch in his throat as he realizes how recognizable the intensity of that gaze is, but before he can react, two hands grab him by the neck and take him flying over the street to the cry of "ASHURA!"
It can't be. There's no way this is happening, he's supposed to be dead.
Paralyzed, he watches as the rest of the angels swoop down on his attacker, trying to cut him down, but none are successful in their attempt. White feathers and forged bodies fly this way and that, and each one that tries to touch him is hurled in the opposite direction without success.
It cannot be.
In his peripheral vision, he notices two pairs of black wings, and the paralysis ends when a nostalgically familiar force impacts his face mercilessly. Ashura flies backward again, this time impacting a tree. "'Thought you'd never hear from me again?" The possessed angel asks, and no doubt remains.
The movements of his hands, the way he stands, the coldness of his gaze and the madness of his words, all indicate it is him. "A-Aniki-i?" he tries to ask, before a foot dives into his stomach and steals all the air from his lungs.
"Did you truthfully assume I would die, how you would never have to deal with me ever again?" there is venom in his words, pure resentment in every sentence, tangible evil in the way he expresses his loathing. When a fist is about to impact against his chin, Ashura finally reacts, deflecting the blow with his own hand and using the opening to stand up again.
"HO-OW… HOW CAN YOU BE ALIVE! I-I SAW YOU FALL!" his question is abrupt, solely because of the surprise and anxiety he feels knowing his brother never disappeared, never left. "I SAW YOU FALL, I TRIED TO STOP IT BUT-"
"Try to stop it... you were the one who yearned the most for my banishment, pure greed in your dirty intentions to keep everything for yourself." The serenity with which he relates his point of view is at odds with the violence with which he wields each blow, lashing out again and again at him relentlessly. This is not his body, yet there are marks of his own in each of his movements.
Ashura can even visualize that large, flowing brown hair flying in the wind after each lunge, red eyes full of anger at him, his Aniki's soft hands, the ones he held in his own over and over again as a child.
The way he uses the wings of the body he borrowed, the short, precise flicks of the white feathers, everything is an account of how Indra used to fight, exactly as he set out to remember him after the day of his death.
He saw him fall, and could do nothing to stop it.
Memories and flashbacks mix with shock and surprise, reducing his ability to battle the brother he thought dead years ago, showing himself weak and insecure at every step. Ashura cannot find within himself the strength to put aside all that was awakened when he recognized that look, exposed in front of the most brutal and merciless angel that ever stepped on heaven.
He saw him fall, for fuck’s sake, he saw him fall!
Two wings wrap around him from each side, acting as a catapult to bring him face to face with the body his Aniki stole, earning him a direct headbutt to the forehead that leaves him dizzy enough to collapse to the ground.
No one seems to come to his aid, unable to see what happened to all his companions, but the lack of assistance indicates they were reduced and defeated by those creatures that appeared alongside his older brother.
Everything is a blur from that moment on, but his last memory is how those black-winged beings hold his arms and legs, while his Aniki steals his blood from one of his cuts, and plucks two white feathers from each of his wings.
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theshiki · 2 years
Un AMV de Naruto y Sasuke con la canción "Blood Brothers" de Iron Maiden. Le queda muy bien la letra al video para contar la historia de Naruto y Sasuke. Y sí, el AMV no fue hecho con intención de shippearlos, pero alv están los momentos SNS que me gustan y shippear hermanos no es un problema para mí cuando me gusta el Ashura x Indra XD
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cooledtured · 10 months
Celebrating 20 Years of Naruto: Dive into Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections
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Hey gamers, mark your calendars because as of November 17, 2023, “Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections” is the talk of the town for fans of this iconic anime! This fighting game is the Naruto franchise’s way of throwing a massive celebration for its 20th anniversary, and trust me, it’s shaping up to be the ultimate Ninja Storm Series experience.
Console Availability and Performance
First things first, let’s talk platforms. “Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections” is hitting the gaming scene on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. And here’s the good news — it’s running at a slick 60 FPS on next-gen consoles, promising a visually fluid and stunning gaming experience across a variety of gaming consoles.
Expansive Character Roster
With an impressive lineup of over 130 playable ninjas, the game allows fans to create dream teams and engage in intense battles. New characters like Indra Otsutsuki, Ashura Otsutsuki, and Boruto Uzumaki (Karma) add fresh excitement to the gameplay.
Immersive Storytelling
Storytelling takes center stage with two gripping modes. Storm Connections takes you down memory lane with iconic moments from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden in History Mode. On top of this, the Special Story Mode spins an original narrative in Boruto’s era, featuring the discovery of the “Ninja Heroes” online game and a new threat on the horizon.
Dynamic Battle Modes
Players can dive into various offline battle modes, including Free Battle, Survival, Tournament, and League. Online Battle Mode lets players compete globally in Casual and Ranked Matches, enhancing the competitive edge. The post-launch addition of Online Custom Matchmaking further refines the multiplayer experience.
Innovative Gameplay Features
Let’s talk gameplay features. Enter the Simple Control Mode, catering to both beginners and pros with simplified controls for automatic combos. With up to 6 Ninjutsu abilities, Awakening forms, and powerful Secret Techniques, strategic gameplay takes the spotlight.
Additional Content Delights Fans
Bandai Namco has treated fans with the “Nostalgic Anime Song & Item Pack” DLC, featuring iconic theme songs from the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden anime. The game’s diverse editions, including Standard, Deluxe, Ultimate, Collector’s, and Premium Collector’s, offer fans the option to obtain a variety of extra digital and physical additions.
Exclusive Collectible Figure
And here’s the cherry on top — an exclusive Figurearts ZERO statue of Uzumaki Naruto. You can pre-order this gem on cooledtured, an online haven for collectibles from anime, video games, movies, and everything pop culture. Set to be released in January 2024, this finely crafted figure captures Naruto’s essence from Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. A must-have for collectors! Secure your piece of the Naruto legacy and level up your collection by placing your pre-order on cooledtured today. Game on!
 — — 
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
Despite the negative reception behind Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections what is your honest thoughts on it?
The hardcore Naruto fan in me is excited to replay old games 😂
And that same hardcare fan is EXCITED AF that this is gonna be for the Switch! 🤣
HOWEVER I can understand fans' displeasure with this game as they probably expected a straight Boruto game and tbh I want to play with Kawaki, BoruShiki and Jigen in the Storm series format!
They should have included Ashura and Indra as DLC back when Road to Boruto came out back in 2017 or when the Storm Trilogy came out back in 2018.
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hpseverussnape · 2 years
Naruto x Boruto เกมใหม่ค่าย Bandai Namco
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ทีมผู้พัฒนา CyberConnect2 ประกาศเกมนินจาเกมใหม่ Naruto x Boruto : Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS
ตัวเกม Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja STORM CONNECTIONS ที่นำเสนอรายชื่อตัวละคร อัพเดทเกมส์มาใหม่ ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในเกม NARU TO พร้อมตัวละครที่เล่นได้จากซีรีส์ต่างๆ รวมถึง Ashura และ Indra Otsutsuki ที่แฟนๆ ชื่นชอบ
เกมดังกล่าวยังสร้างสไตล์ศิลปะของอนิเมะขึ้นมาใหม่ ข่าวเกมออนไลน์ ด้วยภาพที่คมชัดและ 60 FPS บนคอนโซลรุ่นใหม่ เปิดประสบการณ์เกมที่ไม่เหมือนใครที่รวมช่วงเวลาการเล่นเกมที่สำคัญจากซีรีส์ที่เน้นฉากที่เลือกจากทั่วทั้งเนื้อเรื่องที่สะเทือนอารมณ์ของนารูโตะและซาสึเกะ
ประสบการณ์นี้จะทำให้ทั้งแฟนหน้าใหม่และแฟนตัวยงได้ดื่มด่ำไปกับเกมแอคชั่น NARU TO สุดตื่นเต้น ข่าวเกมมือถือ ที่ซึ่งพวกเขาสามารถหวนนึกถึงเรื่องราวที่สำคัญและเป็นที่ชื่นชอบที่สุดจากประวัติศาสตร์ของซีรีส์ นอกจากนี้ เรื่องราวดั้งเดิมจะมีให้ในเกมด้วย
ในแพลตฟอร์ม PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, และ PC ซึ่งตัวเกม เกมเปิดใหม่ จะวางขายภายในปี 2023
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shhalala · 7 years
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Indra Ōtsutsuki part 1/2
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kenrike9 · 3 years
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