#ashwinder audio
ephemerasnape · 1 year
On Your Knees (Audio)
You're caught and subjugated by Ashwinders... NC
Ashwinder Executioner x F!Listener
Ashwinder Duelist x F!Listener
Violence / Noncon / Praise Kink / Threats / Cruelty / Rough Oral Sex / FFM Threesome (sort of) / Dead Dove?
"You'll suck my cock like your life depends on it... and it does!"
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ETA: Part two here!
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thenerdykneazle · 9 months
Left Behind
Summary: Ominis is feeling forgotten when he discovers his partners have run off on yet another adventure without him. He frets about the future of his relationship with two people who seem to neither need nor want him around. Can Sebastian and MC make amends with him when they return to the castle?
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who gave me the prompt and created the audio version of this story. Listen here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC x Sebastian Sallow
Warnings: light angst, sad Ominis
Word count: 2511
Ominis could hear the scrape of metal on stone as the door to the Room of Requirement materialised before him. He pushed it open and stepped inside. He could hear several cauldrons bubbling and the magical loom weaving away. The aromas of mallowsweet leaves and shrivelfigs hung thickly in the air from the potting tables along the wall.
“MC? Sebastian? Are you here?” he called as he took echoing steps into the centre of the large room.
A soft pop came from his right. “Deek saw the students leave nearly an hour ago,” the house-elf said.
Ominis groaned. “Ugh, of course, they did,” he groused. “Off to fight some dark wizards or search for artefacts in a hidden cave, no doubt.”
“MC told Deek they were going to collect ashwinder venom for a new potion,” Deek said timidly.
“What a surprise!” Ominis said sarcastically as he began to pace around the room. “That’s obviously more important than working on our project for transfiguration – like we had agreed on days ago! And, naturally, they didn’t tell me they’d miss our appointment. Plus, why ask the boy who can speak to snakes to tag along? Why would he be useful?”
Deek let out a squeak of fright as Ominis sent a hex at the adjacent wall, singeing a portrait of a witch with her pet niffler in her lap. “Deek is very sorry if he upset you,” the meek elf said in a trembling voice.
Ominis winced. “No, I’m not upset with you. I…I’m sorry,” he said, as a pang of guilt stabbed into his stomach. He hadn’t meant to scare the innocent elf. He was just frustrated.
Deek apologised again, as if he’d done anything wrong, before popping away again.
Ominis sighed as he trudged forward into the forest vivarium. Inside, he could hear unicorns galloping across the ground and jobberknolls soaring above the trees. Wand outstretched, Ominis walked down the cobblestone path to a bench by the water. The sun warmed his skin as he stepped out of the shade of the trees. As he sat there, a light breeze tousled his hair, making a few strands fall across his forehead. He usually liked to nap in the spot, but he didn’t feel up to it at the moment.
His attempt to brood angrily failed miserably, as Ominis just felt dejected. He sniffed as unshed tears made his nose begin to run. He didn’t understand why his companions constantly neglected him in favour of each other. He had been elated – eventually – to have MC make him and Sebastian a trio again. Something had been missing ever since Anne had to leave school. He thought MC had filled that void – not that she had replaced Anne, as the other Sallow twin was still like a sister to him. She was far better to him than any of his actual siblings, and nothing would change his love for her. But she wasn’t there anymore.
And Ominis’s feelings for MC were certainly different than his ones for Anne. Right from the start, they were a lot more like how he felt toward Sebastian. It had felt like a dream come true when they had decided to date each other – Ominis had thought he couldn’t ask for better partners. They both made him laugh. They both knew how to comfort him when he was upset. They both made his heart skip beats when they sat close or grabbed his hand to lead him to some newly discovered oddity in the castle or out on the grounds. Ominis normally hated when people grabbed him, but it was different with Sebastian and MC.
Though, neither was dragging him much of anywhere lately. The girl who had stolen a piece of his heart had also managed to steal most of their boyfriend’s time. They were always sneaking off to Merlin-knows-where to get into untold trouble. It made Ominis feel like an outsider in his own relationship.
Heavy thuds behind Ominis announced the approach of the hippogriffs even before Highwing’s chirping made their presence obvious. She nuzzled into the boy’s side before flopping down on the ground beside him, resting her head on the bench beside him. Caligo settled down on the opposite side of the boy.
Ominis laughed softly, despite the heaviness still in his chest at being abandoned. “At least you two still like me,” he said, giving each beast a pat on the head.
Caligo chittered happily as Highwing rubbed the side of her face against Ominis’s thigh in a display of affection.
“Maybe I should take a page out of Poppy’s book and promote you two to my best friends,” Ominis joked. He could feel Caligo’s head tilt with his hand still resting atop it. “You wouldn’t abandon me for each other, would you?”
They gave no response.
“What am I saying? Of course, you would,” Ominis said, shaking his head. “You two are a bonded pair.”
The words tasted bitter in his mouth.
“You know,” he continued to the hippogriffs, “I used to think Sebastian and I were a rather bonded pair. And, while I was sceptical of MC when she first arrived, she won me over. I thought I had gained a new partner in crime. I didn’t realise then that my old friend and my new one would slowly decide they were better off without me.”
Highwing made a sympathetic sort of chirp. At least, Ominis thought it sounded so.
“Yes, I suppose MC left you behind on this adventure too, didn’t she?” he observed. “She has a fancy upgraded broom and a duelling champion. What’s she need any of us for? Never mind that you saved her from those poachers. Or that I helped her defeat all those inferi in the catacombs – inferi that Sebastian created, mind you. But why have the blind boy tag along, right? I couldn’t possibly take care of myself – or, shock of shocks, be helpful.”
Caligo rested his head in Ominis’s lap. The boy stroked the creature’s head, smoothing his feathers gently. It made his fingers feel powdery to run them through his plumage, but it also soothed him.
“I just….I really can’t believe Sebastian replaced me so easily,” he said, struggling to get the words out as he was getting choked up. “After all we’ve been through together. After all that I’ve stood by him through. And MC…I confided in her about things I’d never even told Sebastian. They both mean so much to me, and…it’s like I’m expendable to them. They just ran off without telling me. Again. Not only do they not need me, they…they don’t even want me there.”
Ominis stayed in the comforting presence of his feathered companions. He felt a bit less alone with them on either side of him. Completely losing track of time, he just sat and sulked with them until two more people burst into the vivarium.
“Ominis?” MC called as she wound through the trees.
The blond didn’t bother replying. He had little interest in talking to either of his so-called partners. The hippogriffs scampered off when they heard their master’s voice.
“Traitors,” Ominis grumbled to himself.
“Ominis! There you are!” Sebastian said as the pair arrived at his bench. “We’ve been looking all over for you! We were worried something happened to you when you weren’t at dinner. You’d just disappeared!”
Ominis snorted out a laugh. “You two are the ones who disappeared,” he accused, crossing his arms over his chest in indignation. “We were supposed to work together in the library this afternoon, and you couldn’t be bothered to tell me you weren’t going to make it.”
“That was today?” MC asked guiltily, shifting nervously where she stood and making the leaves crunch under her feet.
“Yes, it was!” Ominis shot back irritably. He shifted away from her voice, turning his nose up in the air. “But I should’ve known better than to expect my boyfriend and girlfriend to show up to our study date.”
“I’m sorry, Ominis. We just got caught up–” Sebastian started, laying a hand on his shoulder.
Ominis shrugged him off. “You’re always getting caught up in something! And always leaving me behind!” he interjected.
“We didn’t think you’d want to come,” MC admitted, sounding remorseful.
Good, Ominis thought. She should be sorry.
“We had to fly up into the mountains to find the ashwinders’ nests, and you hate flying,” she explained.
“But I love the two of you! I would’ve gone if you’d asked,” Ominis retorted. “But you clearly didn’t want me there.”
“That’s not true!” MC insisted.
“Isn’t it?” Ominis replied.
“You know it’s not,” Sebastian stated firmly, breaking back into the conversation. He often let MC handle Ominis when he was upset, as Sebastian was under the impression that MC “had a way with him.” The blond had clearly struck a nerve to make him feel the need to speak up.
“No, I don’t, Sebastian!” Ominis argued, growing angrier. Before he knew it, he was on his feet and jamming a finger in Sebastian’s chest. “You two just don’t want your little blind pet getting in the way. You don’t think I can handle myself out in the forest, right? You think you need to protect me from harm while you both run headfirst into danger. You treat me like a child!”
“Ominis!” MC gasped, taken aback at his outburst.
“Do either of you even want me around anymore?” he asked, trying not to let the pain show in his voice.
“Of course, we do,” Sebastian said, and his anger had dissipated. He took hold of Ominis’s hand. Ominis squeezed his in return. “We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I didn’t think you would want to go gallivanting through the Highlands.”
“What I want is to spend time with my boyfriend and girlfriend again. You two are always gone lately,” Ominis admitted.
MC wrapped her arms around him from behind. “I’m sorry, Ominis. We found a potion that might be able to cure Anne, and I’ve had tunnel vision about the whole thing. But I also didn’t want to get her hopes up if it didn’t pan out. I wasn’t sure we’d be able to find all of the ingredients.”
Ominis rested a hand on her arm that was across his stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he croaked.
“Ominis,” MC said chidingly, “you know you’re rubbish at keeping secrets from her.”
The boy’s cheeks flushed with heat. “I’m not that bad,” he said defensively.
“You told her what I’d bought her for Christmas three years in a row before I started hiding it from you, too,” Sebastian argued, making MC chuckle.
Ominis could feel her chest rumble against his back, and he melted into her.
“So, you two aren’t tired of me, then?” he asked a bit timidly.
MC laughed. “Hardly,” she replied before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“Who else would be the voice of reason?” Sebastian joked. Tenderly cupping his hand over Ominis’s cheek, he added, “You know I’m mad about you, you stupid git.”
“Ever the romantic,” Ominis replied drily.
MC giggled as Sebastian crashed his lips into Ominis’s. He had clearly taken the heir of Slytherin’s words as a challenge. One he met with force. If MC hadn’t been behind the lithe boy, Sebastian probably would have knocked him to the ground.
Sebastian tasted like the treacle tarts he always gorged on after chasing MC around on some ill-advised adventure. Ominis fisted his free hand into his boyfriend’s robes as he kissed him back, sliding his tongue into his mouth and making him moan. Sebastian quickly returned the favour – and then some, as he moved to trail open-mouthed kisses down the side of Ominis’s neck.
Panting as he pulled back, Sebastian’s smirk was practically audible. “Better?” he asked cheekily.
Ominis chuckled. “Much,” he replied silkily, stroking his thumb over the back of MC’s arm, which was still wrapped around him.
“Does this mean you’d want to help us get venom from the snake I’ve got in my nab-sack?” MC inquired, lifting her head off his shoulder. “Because I’d really prefer not to get bitten again.”
“You were bitten?” Ominis roared.
“Three times, actually, but Nurse Blainey patched me right up when we made it back to the castle,” she replied as if it were as casual of a fact as that it might rain the following afternoon.
Ominis felt like he might pass out before the rage steadied him. “You let her get bitten three times?” he growled at Sebastian.
“How is it my fault?” Sebastian asked, bewildered, but Ominis had already spun away from him, refocusing on MC.
His hands worried over every inch of her. “Are you sure you’re all right?” he asked. “Are you dizzy? Or in pain? Do you want me to take you back to the hospital wing for the night, just in case?”
“I’m fine,” MC insisted, and Ominis would bet a pretty galleon that she’d rolled her eyes.
“I got bitten too, you know,” Sebastian sulked.
“Merlin, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Ominis said, pulling MC into a tight hug.
Sebastian pouted even more at being ignored.
“I am as long as I can breathe,” MC choked out.
Ominis instantly released her. “Sorry,” he muttered, raising a hand to her cheek and gently stroking his thumb over the smooth skin.
“It’s all right,” MC replied kindly before turning her head to press a kiss into his palm. “You’re sweet to worry, but I really am fine.”
“Barely! You’re never going out without proper supervision again,” Ominis asserted.
“Now who’s being treated like a chi–” MC started.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sebastian asked, offended.
“You know exactly what I meant, Sebastian,” Ominis said severely. “Clearly, you two are hazardous left to your own devices.”
“I’ll let that slight pass if it means you’ll start coming out with us,” Sebastian said lightly.
“Yes, I’ve quite made up my mind on it,” Ominis replied seriously.
“Brilliant! It’ll be great having more help. And if we all get stranded in one of those remote little cabins and have to share the one, tiny bed all pressed up against each other, well…all the better,” Sebastian added cheekily.
Ominis jumped slightly when he felt a hard pinch on his bum. “You’re a degenerate, Sebastian,” he tried to assert, but his face was going red imagining the scenario.
“You love me,” the mischievous boy stated confidently.
Ominis could tell he had stepped in rather close, because he could feel Sebastian’s breath puff over his nose and cheeks.
Ominis gave a dramatic sigh, refusing to give Sebastian the satisfaction of swooning at his flirting. “Against my better judgement, but, yes, I do. Both of you.”
“Good. Because we’ll never be tired of you, so you’re stuck with us,” MC said.
“Promise?” Ominis asked, feeling a jolt of insecurity.
Sebastian rested his forehead against his, their noses brushing together. “Promise,” he vowed.
Ominis relaxed. Pressed between the two people he loved most, he felt anything but unwanted.
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silverxstardust · 11 months
𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨 ❤️
»»————- ♡ ————-««
♡ my youtube channel
♡ my tik tok
♡ Sebastian Sallow edits (whole playlist)
♡ All my social links 😸
♡ My discord server
♡ My ai covers
tumblr master post
♡ My screencaps
♡ SilverxSpice 🔥
ღ If you would like to support me you can buy me coffee 💚
My hl mods & audios bellow :)
My Hogwarts Legacy mods
Some of the mods are hidden now. (with x)
• Sebastian Sallow as Fig
• new outfits for Sebastian Sallow X
• Poppy Sweeting alternative clothes
• Imelda Reyes alternative clothes
• Natsai Onai alternative clothes (2nd part)
• Sebastian replaces Ominis, Natty and Poppy X
• Sebastian outfits with coats
• Sebastian Sallow replaces Helen - Seb auror trip to Azkaban X
• Recolored Ashwinder Outfit for Sebastian
• New recolored outfits for Sebastian and Mc
• Imelda Reyes Quidditch Outfits
• Sebastian Sallow Yule Ball Closet 🔥
• Female MC Yule Ball Closet
• Ominis Gaunt Yule Ball Closet
• Male Mc Yule Ball Closet
• Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt Azkaban Closet
• Azkaban Replacement Mod's for Mc's X
• Dark Outfit for Sebastian Sallow 🔥
• Black embellished overcoat for Female Mc
• Ashwinder Black Ruby Outfit's for Sebastian Sallow with coat option
• Dark Outfit's for Male Mc
• Black Poacher Coat for Female MC
• Modern Blackwatch Plaid Longcoat for Female (3 variants)
• Modern Blackwatch Plaid Longcoat for Male
• Modern Outfits for Female MC
• New hair for Ominis Gaunt
• Poppy Sweeting all shortsleeve outfits
•Black Modern Ball Gown's for Female MC
• Ball Gown's in Hogwart Houses Colors
• Sebastian as Imelda X
• Little messier hair for Sebastian
• Messier hair for Sebastian Sallow v2
• Taller Sebastian Sallow in Black Modern outfit
• Messy Hair for Ominis Gaunt V1 and V2
• Sebastian Sallow Black and White outfits pack (8 options)
• Dresses closet for Witch in 1890
• Prince Sebastian Sallow
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Love You Like Me (18+ version of my video from youtube): HERE
My Hogwarts Legacy audios
Emote sounds (from game) with Sebastian, Ominis and Mc I did some time ago for tik tok 🔞 here
𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 "𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥" 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕒𝔻𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕫
• spicy audio from "The List" fanfiction 💦🔥🎧 Here • Ball scene audio with fluff 💗 • all audios playlist
• spicy emote sounds from game
Fanfictions list
• masterlist of fanfictions I loved ❤️
• masterlist of fanfictions I loved part 2
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ephemerasnape · 5 months
Harlot of the Highlands 🔞
Trying something a little new for a change. This audio is hyper-consensual, but considering the participants, still pretty nasty. The Dark Wizard C voice is a lot harder to work with than Victor Rookwood's and so it's far from perfect.. Let me know what you think, and enjoy!
You're caught sneaking into the tent of Poacher Executioner Mortimus Ackerley, but he knows you're looking for a completely different kind of trouble. "This is going to be a tight fit but we'll make it work."
Poacher Executioner x Listener/MC
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Age Difference / Size Difference / No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC / Dirty Talk / Praise Kink / Excessive Talking During Sex
Some of the "you" effects are courtesy of the lovely @rookwoodswife
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ephemerasnape · 7 months
My AUDIOS are now hosted on ao3! 💜🎩
For ease of access, and because I realized I have my own domain now, I am hosting all of my audios myself and posting them directly on ao3. All previous audio posts on ao3 have been updated to have the files embedded directly rather than linking to tumblr.
This will make it easier for everyone to bookmark their favorites!
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If you're not familiar with any of these, most of them are x f!listener. No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC most of the time. It's safer to assume they are all adult-oriented although there are some exceptions. DR = Daddy Rookwood
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➔ Victor Rookwood Shorts - DR x You
A Big Day - x MC A Bone to Pick - x MC All in a Day's Work - x Ashwinder Just a Little Blood - x MC Daddy's Pleasure - x You (GN) Dirty Talk - x You
➔ Bred by Victor Rookwood - DR x You
➔ Rookwood's Revenge - DR & Ashwinders x You/MC
➔ Goblin Supremacy
Goblin Supremacy - Ranrok x You/MC, DR My Little Angel - DR x You/MC
➔ The Rookwood Gang
Comeuppance - Ashwinders/Poachers x You/MC A Wicked, Wicked Man - DR x You/MC
➔ Captured by Rookwood - DR x You/MC
➔ Epic Rap Battle - Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp
➔ Bait & Switch - Sebastian, Ominis & DR
➔ Welcome to Hogsmeade - DR x You/MC
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➔ At the Mercy of Macnair - Poacher Stalker x You/MC
➔ The Pledge - DR & Silvanus Selwyn x You/MC
➔ Rookwood's Revenge - DR & Ashwinders x You/MC
➔ Battle Royal at Horntail Hall - Poppy Sweeting &/x? Poacher Stalker
➔ The Rookwood Gang - Ashwinders & DR x You/MC
➔ Harlot of the Highlands - Poacher Executioner x You/MC
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➔ Sebastian & Ominis Shorts - Various
A Moment Alone - Sebastian and a surprise guest Talk to Me - Ominis x You/MC Bait and Switch - Sebastian & Ominis, Victor Rookwood Sebastian's Pleasure - Sebastian x You (GN)
➔ Today's the Day - Dark!Seb & Ominis x You/MC
and last but not least...
➔ Miscellaneous
Battle Royal at Horntail Hall - Poppy Sweeting x Poacher Pigtails' Revenge - Piers Pemberton x GN!Listener Epic Rap Battle - Victor Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp The Sexual Obsession Iceberg - Various
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Please don't forget to leave kudos and comments (don't make a witch beg). If I said they didn't matter to me, I'd be lying!
Don't worry, I am not moving or deleting anything from Tumblr.
*it's a pun. I think I'm funny. I'm definitely punny, at least. 😝 womp womp
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ephemerasnape · 7 months
Devoutly Fanart Commission 💜
So pleased to present my latest commission based on a scene in my Victor Rookwood x Anne Sallow fanfic, Devoutly to be Wished.
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The artist did such an amazing job with all the little details! I am beyond pleased and already considering my next commission...
⇢ Read "Devoutly" on ao3. (Canon Continuation)
Audiovisual teaser beneath the cut... 🔞🥵🎩
Several people have reported that they didn't expect to like Devoutly, but now they're hooked. Thanks for giving it a chance! Devoutly is a lot different from my other works as it is a lot more plot than smut, and very meaningful to me on many levels.
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ephemerasnape · 10 months
Rookwood's Revenge
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It's finally here. The fourth (and final) installment of my audio series: Rookwood's Revenge. I believe it was worth the wait, but please judge for yourself. For your convenience, I am including all four parts of the series below. The total running time is approximately 20 minutes. But be warned: This series starts off pretty dark and becomes progressively darker. ☠🕊
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Rookwood's Revenge: Part 1 Victor Rookwood x You - Explicit, Rape Rookwood has you exactly where he wants you. "Daddy Rookwood is going to show you what it means to be a woman."
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Rookwood's Revenge 2: The Ashwinders Ashwinders x You, Rookwood - Explicit, Gang Rape, Violence Rookwood lets his men (and women) loose on you. "Was all that meddling worth it?" - Includes a lot of actual dark wizard voice lines.
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Rookwood's Revenge 3: A Hurting Thing Rookwood x You - Explicit, Rape, Violence, Brutality After his Ashwinders have finished with you, Rookwood takes you to his private chambers. "No one is coming to save you. No one even knows where you are."
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Rookwood's Revenge 4: Endgame Rookwood x You - Explicit, Extreme Dubcon, Threats, Violence You are physically and mentally broken, but you have not yet lost the will to live. "Your continued existence is entirely at my discretion."
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Full warnings: Rape / Extremely Dubious Consent / Begging / Domination / Daddy Kink / Praise Kink / Gang Rape / Dirty Talk / Choking / First Time / Loss of Virginity / Age Difference / Villain Diatribe / Excessive Talking During Sex / Dead Dove Do Not Eat / Violence / Cruelty / General Meanness / Smut / Bukkake / Voyeurism / Smoking / Threats / Lesbian Elements / Victim-Blaming / Breathplay that isn't play / Hair Pulling / Degradation / Name-Calling / Throat Rape / Anal Rape / Mockery / Sadism / Painful Sex / Attempted Murder / Victor Rookwood is his own warning
My most humble and sincere thanks to @rookwoodswife, the voice actress for Rookwood's Revenge and countless other audios. Girl, you are almost turning me lesbian. 🥵
More where that came from...
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ephemerasnape · 9 months
At the Mercy of Macnair (Audio) ☠️🕊 🔞
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💀Poacher Stalker x You (F!Listener)
You've been caught in a bandit camp and Macnair (Poacher Stalker) has been assigned to stand watch over you.
You're bound, gagged, and helpless, but where's the fun in just leaving you be? Rape - DARK & DISTURBING THEMES!
"I'll have you squealin' like a little pig in no time."
Rape / Noncon / Smut / Nonconsensual Bondage / Mild Violence / Cruelty / First Time / Loss of Virginity / Age Difference / Breeding (sort of) / No use of Y/N / No use of MC (but you are MC) / Excessive Talking During Sex 🍇 / Dirty Talk / Can you identify which lines are from the game? / Yes, I headcanon him as an ancestor of Walden Macnair / Now I want to go back and put breathing in all my audios 🙄 / Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Many thanks to @rookwoodswife for her amazing vocal contributions as usual! 🎩💜
Inspired by a fan of my work! I take your suggestions seriously. 😜
Macnair also makes an appearance in Comeuppance and Rookwood's Revenge 2, as well as Battle Royal at Horntail Hall.
More where that came from!
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ephemerasnape · 4 months
Ashwinder Scout x MC
Quick handjob in the grass.. 🥵🍆💦
Don't make me think of a more creative name, please. 🔞🔞🔞
Is it Oswald? Probably. Is it Elisabeth? Hmmm... it's Elisabeth as much as I'm Elisabeth and I'm also Ephemera and Ephemera is also Elisabeth and Elisabeth is also me... and it's a different universe that obviously doesn't affect Paying the Piper.
But in the end it's whoever you want. Let's just give that poor boy a hand...
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ephemerasnape · 10 months
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So it's come to my attention that I have way too many Victor Rookwood audios, so I am breaking them down here for you in three categories: "Nice" (for him), Mean, and SFW. They are all f!listener with no use of Y/N or MC. Transcripts available for many!
Despite "nice" or "mean" status, various warnings may apply. Many are dead doves. Daddy is a villain after all and you're, well, you.🌟 = recommended!
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Come to Daddy (Rookwood x You - 5:06min) - Explicit. You see the error of your ways and seek an alliance with Rookwood.. but that's not all you have in mind.
🌟A Bone to Pick (Rookwood x "You" - 2:48min) - Explicit. Rookwood calls you out for making filthy audios about him.. Let's be honest, this one is pretty specific to me personally, but I'm certain you will still enjoy it.
🌟Bred by Victor Rookwood (Rookwood x You - 4min) - Explicit. "When daddy comes in you, he means it."
Captured by Rookwood (Rookwood x You - 4:49min) - Explicit. You get yourself caught and Victor Rookwood has his way with you.
Daddy's Pleasure (Rookwood x You - 0:40min) - Explicit. Just Daddy finishing inside you (GN)
Dirty Talk (Rookwood x You - 1min) - Explicit
"Nice" DR Series:
Goblin Supremacy
Part 1 - Goblin Supremacy (Ranrok x You, Rookwood & You - 4:59min) - Explicit, Rape "Prepare to be conquered for goblinkind, little witch." (This audio contains rape but Rookwood is not the one doing it)
🌟Part 2 - My Little Angel (Rookwood x You - 6:57min) - Explicit, Dubcon, Hurt/Comfort. Rookwood saves you from Ranrok and takes you back to Rookwood Castle... But his motivations are not necessarily altruistic. "Let Daddy Rookwood make it all better."
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Just a Little Blood (Rookwood x You - 2:02min) - Explicit, Rape - Rookwood punishes you for all the wrongs you've committed against him and his people.
🌟 A Big Day (Rookwood x You - 2:32min) - Explicit, Rape - Rookwood promises to kill you... after he's "made you a woman."
The Pledge (Rookwood & Selwyn x You - 4:50min) - Explicit, Gang Rape - Silvanus Selwyn catches you, but Rookwood gets first dibs...
All in a Day's Work (Rookwood x Ashwinder!You - 2min) - Explicit, Dubcon - You are an Ashwinder and Rookwood calls you into his office. Not sure if he is really nice or mean here. He's definitely an ass but he could be a lot worse.
Welcome to Hogsmeade (Rookwood x You - 6:14min) - Explicit, Rape - You've just finished collecting all your supplies during your very first excursion to Hogsmeade when you are suddenly apprehended.
"Mean" DR Series:
🌟 I highly recommend the entire Rookwood's Revenge series! I consider it my best audio work, especially parts 3 and 4.
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Rookwood's Revenge - Part 1 (Rookwood x You - 5:01min) - Explicit, Rape - Rookwood has you exactly where he wants you.
Part 2: The Ashwinders (Ashwinders & Rookwood x You - 4:55min) - Explicit, Gang Rape - Rookwood lets his men (and women) loose on you. "Was all that meddling worth it?" - Includes a lot of actual dark wizard voice lines.
Part 3: A Hurting Thing (Rookwood x You - 5:18min) - Explicit, Rape, Violence - After his Ashwinders have finished with you, Rookwood takes you to his private chambers. "No one is coming to save you. No one even knows where you are." WARNING: BRUTAL
Part 4: Endgame (Rookwood x You - 5:03min) - Explicit, Dubcon, Threats, Violence ☠🕊 You are physically and mentally broken, but you have not yet given up your will to live. "Your continued existence is entirely at my discretion." EXTREMELY DARK
The Rookwood Gang
Part 1 - Comeuppance (Ashwinders x You, Rookwood & You - 5:54min) - Explicit, Gang Rape, Lesbian Elements - You are subjugated by Ashwinders and Poachers.. "You'll suck my cock like your life depends on it - and it does!"
🌟 Part 2 - A Wicked, Wicked Man (Rookwood x You - 6:50min) - Explicit, Rape, Violence - Rookwood gets his turn with you. "This is what the Rookwood Gang does with filthy sluts like you."
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🌟 Bait and Switch (Sebastian & Ominis, Rookwood - 2:15min) - Humor - A PSA for Daddy Rookwood. Suggestive but not explicit.
Victor Rookwood Reads a Spa Menu (11min) - "ASMR," SFW!
My Darling Girl (Rookwood x You - 0:34) - Just Praise from Daddy Rookwood. Oof, right in the feels.
Victor Rookwood Ringtones (It is what it sounds like!)
Epic Rap Battle (of the Daddies) - Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp (1:30min)
Anne confronts Rookwood (Anne Sallow & Victor Rookwood - 1:24min) - Excerpt from Devoutly to be Wished (fic)
The Sexual Obsession Iceberg - Narrated by Victor Rookwood
Many thanks to @rookwoodswife for her contributions to most of these! 🎩🎩🎩
For fanfiction of DR and others, as well as audios of other characters, please visit my full masterlist at this time. Thank you!
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ephemerasnape · 5 months
Oswald's First Blowjob 🥰🔞
A little Saturday night smut for your enjoyment... and by request - Oswald's first blowjob more or less as depicted in Chapter Five of Paying the Piper (OK, I may have embellished a little.)
Ashwinder Scout Smut - EXPLICIT AUDIO 18+
Context: Elisabeth has just helped bring Oswald off with her hand.. but the young Ashwinder has more to give, and Elisabeth insists on taking it.
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I hope you like an extremely vocal, inexperienced blowjob recipient. Merlin knows I do! 🥵🥵🥵
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ephemerasnape · 6 months
I made this little video out of my Paying the Piper comic...
If you're interested in reading the fic, you can find it here. (18+)
This scenario also lives on JanitorAI, SpicyChat 🔞 and Character.AI (voice uploaded as "Dark Wizard A")
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ephemerasnape · 4 months
Tête-à-tête (Audio)
MC & Ashwinder Scout
The Renegade Hogwarts Student finds an Ashwinder Scout all alone. This short exchange ensues. SFW!
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
Webbed Ashwinder... (alternate lines)
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ephemerasnape · 4 months
Story Time with Uncle Willy 🎶
⇡ ⇡ ⇡ H. William Macnair x/& Female MC (SFW)
More Poacher Stalker stills thanks to photo mode below!
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Story time photos. We're behaving for once.
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"I'm coming, Uncle Willy!"
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He's a cool dude. Didn't know he was also phosphorescent.
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His gloves are brown, not black. My entire life has been a lie!
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"I'll end that meddlesome fif' year if it's the last thing I do.."
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ephemerasnape · 8 months
Battle Royal at Horntail Hall (Audio)
You and Poppy get caught sneaking into Horntail Hall. 😨 Poppy is immediately recognized by none other than our friend Macnair (Poacher Stalker).
Poppy Sweeting & (x?) Poacher Stalker
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This is definitely dark but not explicit. Technically SFW. I used a lot of Dark Wizard B & Poppy voice lines from the game!
Thanks to @wwheeljack for the screengrab!
My Rookwood Gang stuff!
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