#ashwinder duelist
ephemerasnape · 6 months
Dark Witch Voice Clips
Just put together these unused clips for the Dark Witch voices (there are only two, sadly) that I thought were pretty interesting.
I don't do a lot with them because I am *shock and horror* heterosexual⭐ but they are pretty cool (especially my girl Animagus)...
Dark Witch A: Ashwinder Assassin / Poacher Animagus
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Dark Witch B: Ashwinder/Poacher Duelist and Ranger
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⭐yes, I understand that not everything has to be sexual but that's just what interests me the most right now.
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beany122 · 5 months
Ashwinders getting pets
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And rookwood + alt scout
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Poachers here
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narmothewraith · 10 months
Honestly why do the Ashwinders + poachers look all so fucking cool
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wwheeljack · 9 months
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carmello-matcha · 1 year
Technically headcanons but are just expanded on canonical facts about the MC
Spoiler-ish but it should be irrelevant enough since I'm only focusing on the MC themself who at the moment is the equivant to a camera in terms of plot relevancy (I am so sorry but you really can replace them with a lamp n it'd make no difference and most of them are more from the side quests anyway)
Can be quite charismatic.
Frankly speaking its Hagrid but considering that they were a first year at that time to fully convince him to accompany them and Daniel to go to the forbidden forest under the guise of supervision/safety The text when you invite Daniel to dance. just that. in general.
Is a bit mischievious
In the MP regen potion quest where the mc has the option to suggest adding bertie botts flavor beans into the potion
Knows a thing or two about fashion.
the male mc deadass goes to diagon alley in an outfit called "tailored overcoat" if that doesn't scream fasionable idk what is A more story based reference would be heading to Madaam Malkins with Cassandra since the MC gifts her a pair of gloves as thanks and she comments that they're not hopeless at all which is high praise in her words
Is a skilled duelist
A regular dueling club member and can hold their ground against a dark wizard long enough to overwhelm them to retreat (Ashwinder quest) and beat a 7th year (seriously Elliot its one thing to make yourself look strong against a horde of acromantula in front of a group of third years but you got your ass handed by one of said 3rd year)
For some reason knows how to sneak out of Hogwarts without anyone noticing???
Its more of an overlooked trivial footnote but I find it more funny if the MC can sneak out of the scotland countryside all the way to central london undetected and back in their first year (Erumpent Sidequest) but still needs a parent's permission and be a third year to go a village within walking distance from hogwarts
Has some insecurities due to them being a muggleborn
Feeling like they're a bit behind compared to their friends (Hermione Sidequest) Which is a bold faced lie considering they're constantly saving their friends asses from their shenanigans ahem daniel during the entire second year plot line ahem
Other than the owl Hagrid gifts them, they also have a pet niffler
according to the niffler side quest they're the one taking care of it which goes to my next headcanon
Is excellent with magical creatures or just creatures in general
Manages to convince said niffler to return their friends stolen objects, befriending a hippogriff, and make a firecrab listen to them Even Slughorn himself comments on their skill that he'd go to them if Hagrid wasn't available
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Playing Hogwarts Legacy as an adult, a different POV. (Possible SPOILERS ahead, please beware)
Okay, hear me out:
When the game was announced I was super excited about the Dark Arts path, so of course as soon as I was able to play I immediately headed for that route.
But then that scene where you have to duel Sebastian happened and I thought "damn, OC is an insane duelist!" soooo... I guess my mind kind of spiraled from there because I somehow got this headcanon that OC was actually undercover at Hogwarts.
Oddly got their letter at a later age, mad skillz™️, really polite and mature... Makes sense, right?
But I don't want to be an Auror. I want to be EVIL!
So, how about an Ashwinder? Victor Rookwood is a pretty cool villain: charismatic af, kinda good looking; I can see us chilling while watching dragons fight- no wait, I hate poachers with a passion. I love magical beasts. No way my OC would ever harm one or stand by and watch as one gets hurt.
And theeeeennnnn... I met professor Aesop Sharp. 10/10 "your daughter/son/adultchild calls me daddy too". I'd like to say it was love at first sight but it was the whole "acknowledging responsibility" speech that got me.
And before you call me weird... I'm in my twenties and as much as I love the "companions" that the game lets you have, I can't physically bring myself to ship my OC with a teenager. Big no no. Weirds me the f out.
So behold, the ultimate headcanon that has been living rent free in my head since the release:
OC is a rogue ashwinder who betrayed the - organisation? Cult? Club? Ah whatever you get it - and somehow found a way to disguise themselves as a student to avoid repercussions. After all, hogwarts is a pretty safe place. They could easily stay under the radar until things had calmed down a bit.
Unless... Unless some students decided they were tired of poachers and ashwinders and decided to take the matter into their own hands. So what was oc supposed to do? Just look the other way and hide while kids got slaughtered?
Nope. Their conscience was screaming enough as it was, they couldn't let it get any louder. So they help Poppy and Nat and try their best to keep Sebastian safe while he dabbles in the dark arts (after all, they know first hand how futile it is to try and smother that fire. You need to get burnt to learn.).
Until they go too far, they become a problem. Rookwood is pissed. Avada Kedavra pissed. Life or death. Their young and foolish friends or them.
It's an easy choice, really.
They drop the spell/potion/ancient magic/whatever that made them seem younger, so the focus is on them. Rookwood's rage is on them.
The shock, the drama.
Your trusted hogwarts companion was an Ashwinder all along. Former ashwinder, but does it really matter to a teenager who only sees the world as black and white?
Would it matter to the professor OC fell for? To the other professor, the one who guided them through the keepers' trials? Or to sweet professors Weasley and Garlick, who went above and beyond to teach them everything they knew?
Would it matter to the aurors who would eventually capture them?
Ladies, gentlemen and fine people, this is my headcanon. This would be my OC (if I was a skilled modder).
Thank you for coming to my -delirious- TED talk.
(and if you have similar or opposite headcanon, please drop them below. I would love to read them!)
Edit: I actually wrote a fic inspired by this! It's gender neutral (You POV) and I had a lot of fun with it!
Here's the link:
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ilovewritingfics · 3 months
Love Anais’ design!! I’m wondering, what would her battle quotes be for various things in the game? Things like winning a duel, losing a duel, low HP, stuff like that?
Anais is composed in her battle quotes, like generally speaking you would never hear any expletives coming out of her mouth from her losses. Nor will she boast her victories over multiple enemies and Crossed Wand duels.
Instead she quotes statements like:
After winning her Crossed Wands duels- "That was fun, I don't mind duelling with you again."
Losing a duel- "Well, that means that there is still room for improvement. I admit my defeat."
When she's on low HP- "Need my Wiggenweld potion."
After a successful raid of Ashwinder camp- "Oh, I can't wait to soak into a warm bath after an arduous raid."
Nearly lost her life: "How unacceptable, I cannot afford to be a weak and inconvenient duelist."
After rescuing beasts from poacher camps: "Now you are free, my friend!”
If the beast is too hurt to go home: “There, there my friend, I’ll take care of you. You’re safe with me.”
Thank you for the ask and I hope my answer will suffice! ☺️
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mirror-ecchi · 7 months
🔞MC X Ashwinder duelist🔞
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theepicmirroregg · 5 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Thank you @ephemerasnape for the ask ☺️
In the past i was not really confident about my art but with the praise and other feedback i got for my work made me improve and made it more fun. Before i started 3D models i used to draw everything from scratch which annoyed me to an extend ( because i don't want to practise anathomy for hours)and i was never satisfied, but now i feel motivated to draw more often. Some call using 3D models as cheating but i simply disagree. It's another tool to improve art.
The first wok i am proud of is my MC Brittany, though she has a dark side , which is typical for a slytherin, she is very dear to me. I think i made a good job with the green light. Looking at it today i would have drawn it differently.
Since i am an Ashwinder fan and appreciate Ashwinder Duelist (Davies) i needed to draw her with an cocky expression on a chair. It would be wise to give her all of your galleons. I attended a drawing contest with this piece. I didn't won but it got noticed from one of my favorite youtubers, which make me proud until today. Sometimes you have to celebrate the small things in life, right?
The last piece is Iago from Fire Emblem Fates. It’s one of my pieces where i used 3D models. Though he is an ass i found him strangely entertaining and he has a great aesthetic. I have to say that the character creators of fates , in my opinion, were incredibly talented. I am proud of this work because i managed to do a decent shading and his face to be similar to the offical art of him.
Okay now i am done with the bragging, thank you again. ☺️
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cracking-the-code · 3 years
✦SKZ Hogwarts Au✦
⨳ BangChan, Gryffindor.
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Hawthorn wood with a Dragon Heartstring core, 12 ⅓ and Unyielding Flexibility.
Timber Wolf
Seeker of the Gryffindors Quidditch team. -no one can stop him-
Skilled in Healing Magic.
Excels in Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Joined The Frog Choir at Felix's request. -He thought it would only be a season, but ended up enjoying it more than expected-
Loved and well respected among his housemates. -Especially the younger ones-
⨳ Lee MinHo, Slytherin.
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Spruce wood with an Ashwinder Ash core, 13 ½" and Hard Flexibility.
Red Lynx
Abyssinian Cat
Could have joined the Slytherins Quidditch team as a Seeker, but thought it would be more fun being a Chaser.
Loves Care Of Magical Creatures Class. -especially when he has a chance to cause trouble-
Excels in Potions Class.
Skilled in Transfiguration.
Enjoys going to Honeydukes for sweets.
⨳ Seo ChangBin, Gryffindor.
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Laurel wood with a Dragon Heartstring core, 12 ½" and Solid Flexibility.
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Beater of the Gryffindors Quidditch team.
Constantly bickering with his housemates in the common room. "We're not fighting, we're just joking."
Excels in Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Talented in Combative Magic. -Protective and Offensive spells, mostly offensive though-
Sat once on JeonGin's pet by accident. "IM SORRY, IM SORRY. I SWEAR I DIDN'T SAW HIM."
⨳ Hwang HyunJin, Hufflepuff.
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Larch wood with a Pixie Heart core, 12 ¾" and Swishy Flexibility.
Mountain Zebra
Merino Guinea Pig
Seeker of the Hufflepuffs Quidditch team.
Excels in Transfiguration class.
Popular among House's for his beauty and his Quidditch achievements.
A mischievous prankster.
Took Art and Music as extra curricular. -Felix almost convinced him to join The Frog Choir with him-
⨳ Han JiSung, Gryffindor.
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Cedar wood with a Peacock Tail Feather core, 12 ⅗" and Slightly Yielding Flexibility.
Boreal Owl
Excels in Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Talented Duelist.
Took Divination out of curiosity. -Professor Trelawney's convinced he has the Sight-
Enjoys Astronomy class. -although he doesn't understand it sometimes-
Really good at flying but not interested in playing Quidditch.
⨳ Lee Felix, Hufflepuff.
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Chestnut wood with a Puffskein Tongue core, 11 ¾" and Supple Flexibility.
Holland Lop Rabbit
Siberian Cat
The Hufflepuff common room smells like pastries and sweets because of him.
Excels in Herbology, he has learned to mix cuisine and Herbology. -Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey loves him-
Enjoys going to The Three Broomsticks for Butterbeer. -Brings brownies to Madame Rosmerta every time-
Joined The Frog Choir with BangChan after weeks of trying to recruit HyunJin and Han.
Often feeds the giant squid in the Great Lake. -They're friends now. It often picks up the things that Felix accidentally drops into the water-
⨳ Kim SeungMin, Ravenclaw.
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Elm wood with an Augurey Tail Feather core, 13 ¾" and Quite Flexible.
Gentoo Penguin
Singapura Cat
Ravenclaws Prefect.
Skilled Duelist. -Protective and Offensive spells, mostly Protective-
Excels in Charms class.
Popular among House's. -Has friends everywhere-
Talented with Hexes, Jinxes and Curses. -although he DOES NOT use them WITHOUT a good reason-
⨳ Yang JeonGin, Ravenclaw.
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Pine wood with a Unicorn Hair core, 12 ¾" and Slightly Springy Flexibility.
Swift Fox
Excels in Transfiguration.
His pet doesn't seem to like ChangBin, because he bites him whenever he can -It seems personal at this point- JeonGin totally uses this to his favor.
Non-Verbal Magic comes easily for him.
Practice Healing Spells with BangChan.
Enjoys HyunJin's antics -especially when MinHo's in the picture-
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beany122 · 4 months
ashwinders and poachers as those alignment chart memes
Here they are
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Here is @ephemerasnape boy Oswald
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ephemerasnape · 1 year
On Your Knees (Audio)
You're caught and subjugated by Ashwinders... NC
Ashwinder Executioner x F!Listener
Ashwinder Duelist x F!Listener
Violence / Noncon / Praise Kink / Threats / Cruelty / Rough Oral Sex / FFM Threesome (sort of) / Dead Dove?
"You'll suck my cock like your life depends on it... and it does!"
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ETA: Part two here!
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ephemerasnape · 6 months
The Poacher's Prize 🔞☠️
My 400th follower celebration fic, as requested! 🥳🥳🥳 WARNING: CONSENT DIFFERENCE!
Poppy Sweeting x Poachers
Poppy pays the price for her betrayals! “Ye never did fit in wiv the rest of us, but we welcomed ye anyway. Took care of ye. Loved ye, even.”
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Rape / Violence / Voyeurism / Age Difference / Revenge / No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC
This one-shot has a similar premise to Battle Royal at Horntail Hall but with a lot more detail, and, obviously, it's much more explicit.
⇢ Read on ao3 (18+ only)
Check out the H Wm. Macnair tag for my other Macnair stuff!
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ephemerasnape · 9 months
Rookwood Gang Poacher Pack
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wwheeljack · 10 months
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beany122 · 5 months
Poachers getting pets
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And theophilus harlow
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Ashwinders here
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