#ask 71
askmidnightspell · 7 months
hmm, are ponies starting to worry, since your talking to yourself. should be careful!
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haunted-stars-au · 10 months
Ness… we might have an issue… Just keep alert-
"Okay? I'm just gonna go find Eclipse and shut them off so I can take a look at their systems. Shouldn't take too long"
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Even if they are genuinely sorry, Lord Jeopardy, if you let them out then odds are they’re going to try and free Moon. Realizing they fucked up isn’t going to make them stop caring about him.
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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Have some Ted doodles- as a treat.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
But also... Andreil on the great British bake off (they have celebrity seasons)
Look, I'm gonna be honest.
It's a disaster in two parts.
Neil is there EXPLICITLY because Stuart found out that he had been asked to go do it because he is technically British. Stuart has asked him to be the bane of Paul Hollywood's existence and is willing to do quite a bit to make the man's life hell.
"He knows what he did." is all Stuart will say on the matter.
Neil agrees to come be a Baker on the stipulation that Andrew also gets to come. Andrew has no interest in baking other than what it can produce for him to eat, he has no desire to do the laborious task of baking himself.
Stuart offers him an Aston.
Andrew agrees.
Neil is a nightmare in the tent. He hates desserts. He hates measuring. He has never done a single prep bake. He has no idea what the desserts are during the technical challenge. He just goes with his gut (his iron gut). He produces three straight desserts that Paul will not let Prue eat for fear that she will just straight up die if she eats it. He is a pile of misery upon consuming all three.
When Neil is kicked off in round one no one is surprised. Paul pats Neil on the back as he leaves the tent and Neil just leans in, "Stuart Hatford sends his regards." he says now that the mic has been removed. Paul Hollywood's tan fades but Neil doesn't look back.
Andrew is a nightmare for a completely different reason and that reason is that he very visibly and honestly does not give a single flying fuck about what he's doing but he's doing quite well. He is the most boring man on camera, zero quips, won't interact with Noel and whoever the fuck is the other presenter by this point, just him doing exactly what the recipe requires and then he always makes a point of grabbing whatever Paul and Prue have judged and taking it all back to his station so that he can eat it. He stares straight into the camera as he eats an entire three tier cake. He dedicates every week he is Star Baker to his inspiration: Kevin Day.
Andrew makes it all the way to the Finals with impressive bakes that he basically just decided on 100% by how much he thinks it would upset Kevin to watch him eat it knowing that he SHOULD be doing weight training for the olympics. ("Weight TRAINING not Weight GAINING Andrew! Do you have to hold up two fingers as you eat the entire thing? Can you at least PRETEND it's not to SPITE me?" Kevin wails as Andrew calls him for the post-credit scene where the star bakers call their families usually but Andrew just uses it so everyone can hear Kevin Day lose his mind on Public Access.)
Andrew gets to the finals and his show stopper....it's immaculate. It's gorgeous. It's a work of art. Paul Hollywood is looking at this feat of modern baking engineering in wonder.
He shakes Andrew's hand before he even tastes it and-
"Stuart Hatford sends his regards."
Paul Hollywood is now nervous to eat this cake. Does he look out at the gathered friends and family of the contestants and see Stuart Hatford? Does he remember what he did?
He eats the cake because show obligations and it tastes as good as it looks but he is oddly silent as Prue talks about it.
Andrew Wins and Paul Hollywood stays exactly one entire party's width away from Neil, Stuart, and Andrew during the entire victory picnic.
Andrew gives his post bake-off speech and flat out says it was kind of boring and he wants to go home to America. The next scene is him driving off with Neil in an Aston Martin.
Edit: Thanks @the-inner-musings-of-a-worm for the idea once again!
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wombywoo · 22 days
I'm absolutely in love with all your art, COD community wouldn't be the same without you for sure. And Quinncent.. Quinn is doing something to me with his sad eyes and throat scar
Maybe someone actually asked this: but how do you feel about AUs in particular and drawing your boys or cod(141 ensemble) in different settings, non military, non modern maybe, fantasy, creatures, etc
We were blessed with your fan art for valiants period au and it was soooo good in your realistic style
Have you ever thought "omg I wanna draw them in this situation/these specific outfits/ long hair/different facial hair it would be perfect" and did exactly that but never showed anyone hehe
Asking cuz if I were skilled with creating something decent on paper I would have had a literal chest with hundreds of different sketches
ahhh thanks so much for your kind words! I'm happy to contribute to the cod fandom as well as my own dubious little science-project lol 😚
As for your question--confession time: I really...don't care for AUs that much 😔😔 I consider myself the vanilla-est consumer in this regard, but when I'm into a piece of media, I generally prefer stuff that adheres to the canon universe. This also goes along with fic-reading--I don't really ever read AUs that are so divorced from the source material. I suppose it's because I get into a story/movie/game etc for a reason, so removing all those elements until it's stripped bare feels like something brand new entirely, and thus not what I came for. Idk if that makes sense 🤷‍♀️
That isn't to say I dislike all of it--I do find it fun when I see others interpreting characters in different settings and scenarios, etc. I just don't tend to partake personally~
Broadly speaking, I like to dress up characters a lot, so I suppose that's my preferred AU method, lol. I've done a few cod pieces (lol) like that and they were fun~ I do have a few visions of my OCs in certain outfits (maybe some period clothing eventually 🤫) But for now, I think I like having them as they are 🥰
(breaking: just pictured quinn with long hair and I'm not sure we're ready for that level of comedy quite yet)
(mustache!vincent AU....not off the table...)
(I will also add that turning the characters into animals in any way is most definitely Not My Thang sorry to disappoint :'D) ok bye
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ambipotent · 3 months
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Pearl Pearl Pearl!!!
I had a few different ideas for Pearl, but her being a bard makes the most sense because of how well rounded she is [a, jack of all trades, one might saw~ ;) ]. She can do pvp, building, redstone and I think a flexible class makes the most sense for her!
It also helps break the stereotype that all bards have to be just musical or sound based attacks and magic, bards magic can be based around other arts as well!
I think her bard college would be the College of Creation introduced in tasha's cauldron. Tilly being one of her creations would add a lot of angst potential imo but would require a bit of homebrew
For some context: Grian's ref | Gem's ref
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interstate35south · 6 months
THIS close to making a 71 slide powerpoint rating every dislyte ship out of ten bc like everybody’s so creative slash pos but also slash neg
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crepesuzette2023 · 3 months
Would you be able to rec me some 70-71 Mclennon fics where it’s very angsty and has “hate” sex ? I’m in need
Hi there, this ask reminded me of how little I know! :-) Still: Taking Trophies by @m1ssunderstanding (from the 2024 Summer of Love Collection) is a magnificent example of what you have in mind, as is
The Only Thing We Have Is Yesterday by @unchaineddaisychain, and
Chapter 7 of the overall excellent John My Beloved (HerSpecialAgent005).
A little different, but hopefully in line with your need, is How Do You Sleep? (LouisWain1939): Paul wanks to the aforementioned song, and makes John listen on the phone.
Set in 1969, and starting out as hate sex, but ending in spectacular fashion, with John and Paul reunited, is Not a Word (@permanentsecretary).
And for an angsty early 70's AU with John as struggling, suicidal musician and Paul his man for the night, read: come up to my motel room, save my life (@unchaineddaisychain).
I hope this is giving you the release you need! :-)
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akookminsupporter · 8 months
I followed this one because they seem professional
But their last tweets about the leak and invasion of the privacy
They are so focused on blaming jikook accounts and acting as if it's fabricated by them
And I didn't see them that hotheaded with tkkrs
Just disappointed
I didn't quite understand what had happened but after a couple of hours reading several tweets I understood, or so I think.
First of all, I want to say that whether it was real information or not, it is wrong to share it because we as a fan have to understand immediately that information like that should not be made public. It's a matter of common sense, in my opinion. I think one of the many responsibilities we have as a fan, is to try to find out the veracity and the way in which the information we read or see was obtained, mainly when we don't find it in the usual channels of communication. That is something that was not done initially by several accounts and I think the jikookers who rushed to share it deserve the scolding, that said, it's funny how again only jikookers ended up being the bad guys in the story.
From what I read, the information was initially posted by a k-jkker. I also read that the account is a Solo Stan. Some jikookers shared the information and then it was later spread that the information shared had been illegally obtained/posted. Jungkook's privacy had been violated. Jikookers then deleted their posts.
After that it gets a bit confusing. But one thing that was clear is that jikookers were accused and sentenced as the bad guys of the story. Again. The irony is that this was mostly done by the subgroup and Solo Stans. The other funny part is that these groups concentrated on reiterating that the information was false. That jikookers had made it up. Ignoring the fact who had been the account that initially posted the information.
Many concentrated on attacking jikookers and saying over and over again that the information was false, some even claimed that Jungkook would never say something like that. I don't know how it came out that the information is false but that shouldn't be the focus of the discussion, what we should be talking about is whether someone read that information, real or not and didn't think it sounded like something private, something that shouldn't have been published and decided to post instead.
Instead of reporting the account that started it all, many started attacking jikookers.
That's what several people like the one in the link you sent have done. Yes, it is right to say that this kind of information should not be shared. It's okay to scold or expose accounts that share that information. It's fine to demand respect for members' privacy but it's funny how many seem to focus on the fact that the information is apparently false. And how they are using that fact to mock and attack jikookers again.
But this is not really surprising.
What I hope we have all learned from what happened today is that any information that is obtained about the guys during this period of their lives should not be immediately shared without first finding out how that information was obtained. Obviously, this is something we should always do as fans but I think even more so now. We don't have to know absolutely everything the members do in the army.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
All-star statement givers:
Joshua "Take This Coffin and Shove It" Gillespie
Alexander "At Least It's Not Money Laundering" Scaplehorn
Karolina "I Guess This Is Happening" Górka
Sebastian "Seems Normal, Why?" Skinner
They just decided it was happening and to not see it.
Meanwhile I would run screaming into the abyss.
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shittyjakeenglish · 10 months
find my pages
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Day 71
What? Hello????
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your thoughts line for line on johns 1971 letter to paul in melody maker. john eviscerated that man !
Okay so: I neither think the letter is a particularly compelling "eviceration" on the whole, nor do I really understand its full context. The first page is a lot of references to business minutiae that John is probably wrong about given who ended up being right on the whole regarding this, but I don't have context or the business knowledge to comment on it either way. I annotated it for you with some thoughts primarily for fun. This isn't like my definite Melody Maker letter take.
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crazy56u · 2 months
Purely hypothetical question, don’t read too much into this, totally not asking due to seeing the future:
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jtl-fics · 3 months
Can I ask for TBD?
6/19/24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | TBD
"Kate, he went to practice not kindergarten." Aaron laughs and the soft expression he looks at her with is why eating dinner with the couple continues to be torturous. "The real question is how irritating was Josten?"
Andrew rolls his eyes, but does decide to play along if only to stop Katelyn's usual insistence that he needed to make friends with his co-workers / teammates.
"Josten was as annoying as ever." He says thinking about practice that day, how Josten stood up for him, and that last salute when he left the car, "He kept looking at the Ferrari so I drove him to the bar after practice."
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fairydares · 2 years
Spy X Family predictions about future events post-ch. 71
The consequences of Anya's Predictions on the Hijacked Bus
Most of the only actual predictions I have about Spy X Family ch 72 and beyond are rooted in the fact that Anya told Damian that she heard the bad guys say the bombs were fake (and Becky heard) but neither of them really seemed to believe her. There's a theory that Damian's bomb is an actual bomb and Anya's is fake. Truthfully, I doubt that; I think both are fake. But maybe. Idk.
either way, it's going to come out that she was (at least half) right, and I think that's going to be important in the future. Whether or not Anya earns a Stella for helping to get the word out about where the terrorists were taking the hijacked bus, at least Damian and Becky are going to gain more faith in her instincts (if only in serious situations). And Damian will probably start to get a little more suspicious of her, especially considering the interaction they had just a couple chapters before the bus hijacking.
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The thing about Damian is that he's not stupid, and he's mature for his age--but he is just ~6. We all laugh about how he makes wild guesses in regards to Anya's ridiculousness which turn out to be right. Hell, he's the only person (other than Anya) who's even started to guess one of her parents is an assassin. But I actually don't think it's all that strange that he's the only character to make those guesses. He's a rational and smart kid, but he is a kid. One who's just as likely to believe in mind-reading and/or think some of the adults around him are spies and assassins as any other kid. The Forgers' truths are ridiculous, and he's at an age where the ridiculous seems believable. Add to that the fact that he's observant--especially of Anya--and yeah, I think if one person's likely to clock her and/or her family for what they are, it's him. Especially with the way Endo's been building up to it. After all, Damian hasn't just guessed that Anya can read minds & that she was raised by an assassin, amusingly accurate as those seemingly outlandish guesses are; in the above interaction, he also accurately guessed that she and her family have honed in on him because of his name. (I know: ouch.)
Damian's not the type of kid who's going to forget her saying, "that's not true! my family's serious about this!" in response to that accusation. He's also not going to overlook the fact that Anya was astonishingly correct about the bombs being fake. Becky will probably remember in a "good faith" sort of way, but for Damian, that memory will snag. Especially if the head terrorist says something to the effect of "I never said the bombs were fake!" or something. I think the fact that Anya made such significantly correct guesses in this situation are going to have an impact on Damian's and possibly her other classmates' perception of her. One way or another, that will influence events from here on out.
Next prediction: Yuri
I do foresee Yuri playing a big role in the next few chapters, in one way or another. I think he'll have a "do I...care about Chihuahua girl?" And that it will seem like a pretty small moment which is actually pretty big. In fact, I think the "do I care about Chihuahua girl?" moment we've already had was more meaningful than a lot of other fans seem to think it was. For starters:
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This was interesting. More interesting than a lot of us recognized at first, maybe. How did Yuri know that Anya's bus had been hijacked? Based on his avoidance of the question (paired with his nervousness), it's obvious he's (probably) cut some corners to be made aware of any news regarding the Forger family, including Eden College. At best, this is a favor from a colleague/group of colleagues. At worst, this is an abuse of power. I think it's very within character for him to have done either, because he's quite clearly shown he will do anything to protect his sister.
But approaching his Captain and blurting out that he's aware of the fact that Anya's bus had been hijacked, which he's obviously not supposed to know? Especially when he only thought of how something happening to Anya might affect Yor after he outed himself like that? And thoughtlessly referring to her as "Chihuahua girl" a very personal nickname to his boss?? In a military setting??? idk, maybe I'm looking into it too deeply. After all, with spy x family, you have to be intuitive about the lens strength you apply to your analysis in any given scene or chapter. But I think Endo is being careful enough with the development of this particular character at this particular point, that I'm willing to go out on a limb and say I don't think I'm looking too deeply. Especially when this is considered:
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I doubt I'm the only person who did a little gasp, reading these panels. Especially the one on the bottom right. Mostly because it's--for lack of a better descriptor--fucked up. It...definitely shows us something about Yuri, about what he bears witness to as a member of the secret police. In a lot of ways, he's the most fucked character so far. But there's more to it than that.
Despite the lack of detail, it's obvious this is a body identification. One which didn't involve Loid, which is a pretty clear indicator of Yuri's continued refusal to accept or even acknowledge his sister's husband as one of “his own.” I chalked that up to his character (80%) the creepy anime incest trope (10%) and fairly-founded suspicion about Loid (10%).
But that's not really what held my attention, here--especially about that panel. The longer I looked at it, the more apparent it was that Yor is only part of the main focus of Yuri's dreaded scenario, there. The entire scene is blurred, especially the background--to the point you can't see anything. But you can see Anya. In fact, she's right in the foreground of the panel and takes up about as much space in-frame as Yor. She's less blurred than Yor, and you can see more of her face than you can Yor's.
This might sound like me hyper-analyzing, but remember that
1. Endo is a stickler for details, even if he manages to cloak that fact about himself in the ridiculous, the silly spy tropes, the extravagant premise. LAnd,
2. This isn't typical for Yuri. In most of Yuri’s memories, in most moments he and his sister share...she’s all he sees--well, him and her. But in any case, up until now, it’s been the two of them. First and foremost. “When it comes to his sister, the man’s logic flies completely out the window.”
Yet Yor wasn’t the only--or even the first--person he thought of, when this emergency happened. A lot of other fans seem to think this is a “three steps forward, two steps back” kind of situation, but I actually think it was a bigger moment for Yuri than even he realizes. Unbeknownst to him, he’s beginning to fold Anya into his protective circle. The vow he made to protect his sister and make her happy is starting to extend to his niece, as well. Even if he’s still nowhere near willing to do the same for Loid--even subconsciously.
Anyways, I probably should’ve made this two posts, but I...didn’t feel like it lol. watch when I’m wrong about all of this.
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