#ask adaru32
adaru32 · 1 year
hellooo, its dhampire againn >< can you make a headcanons about Dante & Vergil as kid personality? also what their reaction if they see themself in dmc5 timeline (i mean the adult ver) that's all btw, can't wait too see what it looks like, have a nice day! xD
Heya! I've been distracted with a lot of other stuff unrelated to video games, so I've probably gotten rusty with knowing my favourite fictional characters well. I'll try my best, though. As we saw from the Visions of V manga series, Dante loved to "play" and cause trouble by starting fights with Vergil as a kid, even going as far as to pin the blame on Vergil for doing stuff the parents forbid them doing. Vergil on the other hand was more well behaved and reserved, but was misunderstood and got encouraged by Dante to cause trouble as well by fighting.
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And in the DMCV game where Dante and Vergil interacted with each other in Hell, Dante mentioned that whenever Vergil got in trouble, he'd get intimidated by Eva.
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And Vergil mentioning the same thing for whenever Dante got in trouble, only it was by Sparda.
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As for their child selves reacting to their future selves. It's hard to say, really. I can imagine them arguing over whose demon form looks cooler, and/or who is stronger (which continues as they get older too, heheheh). And maybe at one point they would get baffled about how they look different than one another instead of looking like identical twins anymore. Not sure what else to add here, but I've tried my best. Thanks ^_^
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getaroomyouheck · 5 years
Step 1. Go to the Tumblr blog: adaru32 Step 2. On the blog search: creepy grinning nero Step 3. Read Trivia #21 for DMC4 Step 4. Here's my question: As much as it pains me to think about, what if Nero descended so far into madness that Dante had to put down his nephew? The pain that man would go through? Step 5. Cry in a corner lmao
link to the post the anon was talking about
this is a super fucking interesting concept, the worse you play the more psychotic and manic nero becomes. yet if he’s played better, he’s a more knightly righteous credo-esque character i presume
but yea the core idea of nero going so fucking manic and so just down a rabbit hole of darkness that dante would have to put him down is like almost depressing to a ridiculous agree. the affect that it would have on dante, having to kill the literal only blood family he has left, that would haunt him. like every day, he’d probably wake up wondering what he could have done to still have nero alive. to have him still be how he always was
yet in that same vein, he never could. and that same idea of helplessness and a lack of being able to save someone he cared about would just tear open the old wounds of eva and vergil, and how now for a 3rd time he failed to save or protect someone he cared about
wow this ask was depressing lmao thanks anon
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adaru32 · 3 months
Are you aware that there's a newish D&D class that can let you turn into a werewolf?
Hey there. I don't play D&D, so I don't really delve into that kind of stuff. I've heard of a werewolf-like class from a friend who's into it, but no other details.
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adaru32 · 4 months
After looking at the clothes for your lycan form, I may have found a way to alleviate the discomfort. Might I suggest replacing the corset with something more loose such as a crop top over a mesh shirt?
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Is this the image you're referring to? As stated in the description, some fashion connoisseur chose this outfit for me, so you'll have to share your critique with them about what's more appropriate for me to wear, heheheh. It does sound better and I would go with your choice, but the one who dressed me up is the one that calls the shots on what's "better" suited for me. A forewarning though that this person is very stubborn, opinionated, and...something else when things don't go their way, so it's best to comply, lol. But who knows? Maybe they'll agree with your suggestion? Maybe not.
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adaru32 · 5 months
Have ya tried Peak of Combat yet? Opinions? :O
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Heya! So I have stated a few times in some older news update posts of mine that I'm not a cellphone game player, and never planned on getting the game. I was just gonna watch the story mode cutscenes and boss battles on Youtube. But from what I've been hearing about the game from a majority that played it, it ain't doing so good where they're claiming that it's just as bad, if not, worse than Devil May Cry 2. Then again, it's basically a gacha game. There have also been claims that they've had difficulties launching the game, even on they day of its release. If anything, I've only seen a fraction of players enjoying it due to the costumes, selection of characters to play as, and the character interactions in story mode. And from what a majority of beta players stated, they preferred the gameplay mechanics of the 1.0 version of it, one of its earliest versions when Yunchang games was still developing it, and when its story was gonna be canon with the other games before Nebula Joy took over and changed everything. Speaking of Nebula Joy, they're another reason I don't ever plan on getting this game. I was hoping to get it if there ever was gonna be a Steam release, but now I'm not so sure. With the state of it that it's in, I don't know if there will ever be a Steam release now. So about Nebula Joy...I have no plans to ever support them because there have been claims from fans and mod developers that ever since they took over, things went completely downhill from there where they'd do nothing but spam a bunch of ads out there, let alone ads using A.I voices and showing off cutscenes that don't even feature in the game at all.
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And Nebula Joy has a reputation of being a schemey company that would scam not only the players, but influencers and mod developers as well.
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In my last news update post, I shared a statement from one of the mod developers about their experience of working with them.
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Even shared with them what a friend's friend went through when working with them.
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And with these fans stating their concerns about them and the game, I'm just shocked that Capcom didn't bother dropping them. But on a good note, Capcom hasn't even been promoting them and that game onto their pages and channels. That at least says something right there. Now aside from the negative parts about it, I'm just glad that we've got some kind of new Devil May Cry game with features that any Devil May Cry fan would want in one (except for the gacha part of it, of course). And it's nice that Capcom got to be a part of its development, and how Casey Edwards got to make a song for it, but it's just too bad what it's become. I was hoping for it to be better...
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adaru32 · 1 year
Have you ever heard of or seen any werewolfs in Canada?
Never seen or heard any. But I remember when I was a teen, there was some website that displayed where werewolves can be found worldwide. Thing is, I can't remember what site it was since I've only been on it once and it's old.
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adaru32 · 9 months
Have you heard about the dmc anime!?
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Yes I have! ^_^ I dig Dante's new design where it's pretty much a combination of every version of him to date. Last thing I heard, it's supposed to be a bootleg multiverse, meaning that it's taking place in a parallel universe in a way. Just like what they did in their Castlevania Netflix anime series. But because it's been 5+ years since their last update about it, and how Hideaki Itsuno is now supervising what's happening with it, things probably changed to where it could now tie with the original story plot. People are theorizing that we may get another take on Dante's Tony Redgrave arc due to the way Dante's pistols, amulet, and hair style look.
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But for now, I'm sticking with their original concept of it being a bootleg multiverse until they say otherwise. It's too bad that Reuben won't be voicing as Dante, but I have my curiosities and am looking forward to more updates about it, including its release announcement.
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adaru32 · 2 years
Heya, its me Dhampire again~! Like usual, i want to ask some headcanons about Vergil while dealing with a fem reader who really a 'tsundere'. There's a reason why the readers are acts like that, she has a bad past with Vergil when she was 4 y.o. She started to hate Vergil because she saw Dante got stabbed by him. But in other side, she fall in love with Vergil after she realized that V is a part of him. That's all and thank youu ><
Hey there. Man, it's been awhile since I thought up any headcanons. I would imagine Vergil not caring much about what the tsundere readers would think about him if we're talking about these readers just being fans, and nothing more. But if these readers were friends or in a relationship with him, and they constantly rubbed in his face about their concerns of Dante being stabbed by him, I would imagine Vergil showing apathy on the outside, but on the inside would experience some negative emotions like jealousy, or remorse, or contemplative, or something. Not sure what else to add, but I've tried my best. Think I've gotten rusty with this kind of stuff since I haven't taken a deep dive into my main interests like Devil May Cry for quite some time (my work load's gotten heavy since I began a new 2nd job earlier this year, so I hardly have time to play video games and such). Thanks for your question ^_^
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adaru32 · 2 years
Heya, i'm dhampire! I want to ask about headcanons of devil may cry since i'm curious about their personality. Btw do you have a thought about headcanon if devil may cry characters have a social media.. like nero, nico, dante, vergil, v, lady and trish. Also what are their own username? thank you for ur attention xD
Hey dhampire, no problem ^_^ I happen to have some Devil May Cry headcanons of my own about the main Sparda boys from a few years ago. My Dante headcanons. My Vergil headcanons. My Nero headcanons. Even headcanons or theories of Dante and Vergil that I agree with from others that came up with some. When it comes to the characters' internet personalities...I have some stated in the headcanons of the 3 main Sparda boys, but as for the rest (I feel like I've gotten a little rusty over time with this whole thing since work has taken over my life a bit, so I've kinda strayed away from my favourite hobbies ^^;): For V: - Wouldn't come up with the most clever of usernames, so he would just use 'V', or something. - He wouldn't be very good with following sarcasm or jokes, so he'd be a bit confused. - For submissions, of course he'd be doing William Blake quotes. He would also probably attempt to come up with his own poems. Not sure about video-making. For Nico: - Would probably include 'gunsmith' or something related to 'art' or 'genius' in her username. - Wouldn't take criticism very well. - For submissions, she'd probably share her gunsmithing or "artistic" works. Even make Youtube tutorials out of them. For Lady: - Hard to say what username she would come up with. Probably something devil-hunting related. - Would probably tend to cause drama in communities that she joins due to jealousy, and brag about what she has and what she can do. But would be a sweetheart to those she gets along with. - For submissions, she'd probably share her tastes in fashion, or her gun collection, or make bold claims about her demon kills and take pics of them. Not sure about video-making. For Trish: - Also hard to say what username she would come up with. Maybe something also devil-hunting related, or relating to the Devil Never Cry business that she owned at one point. - She'd probably mostly observe people's actions and speak her mind whenever an opportunity arises. There'd be mixed feelings and reactions coming from anyone interacting with her. - For submissions, it would probably be similar to Lady's but wouldn't make bold claims, it would be more business-related. Not sure about video-making.
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adaru32 · 2 months
Did Emeraldia regard the Misuse of Fur Affinity Today?
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Well, I happened to get a message from her about it, but I didn't know the context of what you and her were talking about until I checked her profile (unless maybe you are her? These polls kinda gave a hint on who's asking me this question here).
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Now this is one heck of a rabbit hole I just went down...Unsure why I'm getting involved in this in the first place and what's happening here, but man...I can just imagine a drinking game going on with how many times the word "misuse" is stated. Let alone repeating the same phrases over, and over again...
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Whatever's going on here, I'm hoping things get fixed and that this Emeraldia gets more psychological help, or even getting off the internet for awhile 'cause this is all concerning...Talk about extreme obsessive behaviour regarding being banned from various websites...Especially when attempting to use ChatGPT to resolve issues.
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But to answer the question...Well, it is regarded for the world to see. But only time will tell on whether the admins will see these messages. It's all up to them on what happens from here-on out.
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adaru32 · 27 days
Should I Make My Red Devil's Chronicles Devil May Cry Thing A Community?
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I see the ad for the whole Tumblr community thing. It gives me the idea of implementing my Red Devil's Chronicles news updates, trivia, etc. But the thing is, I don't visit Tumblr as often as I used to, and I don't really know how it all works. Should I make a Tumblr Community thing about it?
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adaru32 · 2 years
Got a question for those that follow me and are aware of my creations I've generated over the years.
Which do you prefer out of me? I made a poll on my Twitter if you wanna answer there. If not, you can leave a reply here. This will determine what I will mostly create and share (often, hopefully). If you need examples of my styles, you can check the thread. Here are the examples on what my stuff looks like: Coloured Detailed Line Work 100% Finished With Shading Quick Doodles
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adaru32 · 9 months
Looking For A Male Voice For A Villainous OC of Mine
So after a long while, I finally got enough privacy and a chance to record my voice for a new flash comic vid I wanna make based on this sequence of mine: Now I'm looking for a guy to voice as Venn, the werehyena/gnoll.
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Info about the voice position:
Not a paid position (I'm not a full time content creator and this wasn't a commission or donation piece to begin with).
Email is [email protected] to submit your audio to me and/or get more info about the voice. Can also IM me on here.
Hoping to have multiple voices to choose from.
Script is the sequence linked in the bold, underlined words above (not the swearing version, as much as I would love to do that version as well).
You will be given credit for the voice role.
Vid will be submitted on Youtube, then linked onto other internet profiles of mine (please give credit if you're also sharing). Questions? Ask away.
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adaru32 · 2 years
Can you draw,please,a female werewolf into fur loincloth?She should be bulky
Hi there. Unfortunately I don’t take requests, sorry. Commissions are also on hold till further notice due to working 2 jobs again where I’m working 6 to 7 days per week. And I have to wait for a new tablet cord to get shipped over since one of my cats chewed my other one.
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adaru32 · 3 years
Hey, are you into trying chemically induced "methamorphosis"???? Hmu, super effective and ultragasmic next level guaranteed!!!
As curious as that sounds, unfortunately it doesn't fall into my category...According to these images, anyway.
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adaru32 · 4 years
OC Asks: Question 42
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Question 42 for OC asks was: What makes your OC happy? I should probably introduce my OC first before I answer the question, lol. I’ve shared these images of this OC of mine awhile back (These are older images I made in 2014). I should consider drawing him more ‘cause he is my most favourite OC of mine to this date. I created him since my late teens (Back in 2010. Although he was much different back then and didn’t give him his current concept till 2013). So his name’s Darius (Pronounced Da-rai-us). No last name, just Darius. Age is unknown. He’s a demonic beast of chaos and destruction who got cursed to live as a human. So on the right is his true form, on the left is his human-like state (aka cursed form). One of the things that makes him happy is actually staying in his human-like state, despite his demonic beast form being his true self. In his true state, he has no control over who and what he is, and can be extremely difficult to contain (If he was an SCP, he’d be of Keter or Apollyon class. Whereas his human-like state would be considered as Euclid, lol). Another thing that makes him happy is experiencing what having friendship and family is like. Because he’s a demon and doesn’t have a family, he has no real emotions so he can come off as a cold and bland character. He learns and experiences as he goes on in life, becoming more human over time. At the same time, having emotions can be dangerous for him because when he experiences the feeling of rage, that’s what can activate his true self to come out. It’s another reason he can act like he’s dead inside. He’s trying to suppress his emotions and feelings so he doesn’t awaken his true self. On another note, another activation of his transformation would be from drinking too much alcohol. He’s not an alcoholic, but his favourite hangout spot tends to be a bar he’d visit about once a week, or so. He knows his limits on how much he can drink, so about 99% of the time he’d only down about 1-3 alcoholic beverages. But on very rare occasions (The remaining 1%), he’d experience these negative emotions that confuses him and causes him to want to “drown away his sorrows” with alcohol. When he becomes intoxicated, he gets even more confused to the point where it’s best to not pick a fight with him. Otherwise he’d get intro a drunken rage and partially unleash the demonic beast within. Luckily it’s only partially because it can take a bit for him to calm down, and you don’t want to escalate it even further to the point where he fully unleashes. The reason he changes partially while intoxicated is due to the alcohol suppressing him a bit. When you’re drunk, you tend to have mixed emotions, so rage isn’t the only emotion that he feels when he’s drunk (ie. He’s experiencing other emotions besides rage).
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