adhdnojutsu · 5 months
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Art thief Joselyn H. aka fake Adaru32, Malibu Kayden, VerdanaKisame, AnnaYoungNaruto, etc has caught dozens of DMCAs from me over the past 2 years for stealing my art and writing and passing it off as her own, including behind paywalls. She just told me to get SA'ed for calling her out, then plays the victim card again, like she did that other time:
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Anyway, find out more on https://angrylump.wixsite.com/josblog
Btw does this sound like a death threat to anyone else? Think ima email her sheriff again LMAO oops I just did
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adaru32 · 1 year
Man, a lot of things have changed on this site. Had to look over what new settings there were and update them, and had to block a bunch of bot accounts that just appeared outta nowhere.
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julianconde76 · 5 days
here's what my werewolf roar will be like
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nia1sworld · 3 years
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Bad Sansess vs female artists
Gifts: @lovely-lauren-arts @adaru32
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devilmaycamera · 5 years
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Dante’s reaction to V’s “We need your help Dante.” - Requested by @adaru32
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getaroomyouheck · 6 years
Step 1. Go to the Tumblr blog: adaru32 Step 2. On the blog search: creepy grinning nero Step 3. Read Trivia #21 for DMC4 Step 4. Here's my question: As much as it pains me to think about, what if Nero descended so far into madness that Dante had to put down his nephew? The pain that man would go through? Step 5. Cry in a corner lmao
link to the post the anon was talking about
this is a super fucking interesting concept, the worse you play the more psychotic and manic nero becomes. yet if he’s played better, he’s a more knightly righteous credo-esque character i presume
but yea the core idea of nero going so fucking manic and so just down a rabbit hole of darkness that dante would have to put him down is like almost depressing to a ridiculous agree. the affect that it would have on dante, having to kill the literal only blood family he has left, that would haunt him. like every day, he’d probably wake up wondering what he could have done to still have nero alive. to have him still be how he always was
yet in that same vein, he never could. and that same idea of helplessness and a lack of being able to save someone he cared about would just tear open the old wounds of eva and vergil, and how now for a 3rd time he failed to save or protect someone he cared about
wow this ask was depressing lmao thanks anon
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tyrannosaur87 · 6 years
About Me (tyrannosaur87)
Nobody tags me in these things, but I saw @adaru32 do it so I figured why not?
Star Sign: Cancer Name: Mike Height: 5′8″  Put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that popped up? 1. Battle Scars- David Whitaker 2. Welcome to Jurassic Park- John Williams 3. All For Nothing (Feat. Page Hamilton)- Linkin Park 4.  Falls Apart- Hurt Have you ever had a poem or song written about you? Nope. On the odd case that something has ever been written about me, my money’s on it being a customer complaint. When was the last time you played guitar? "Play” is a strong word. If by “Play” you mean mindlessly strum like an idiot, then about 2 weeks ago.  Who is your celebrity crush?  Bryce Dallas Howard What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love? I absolutely cannot stand the sound of mosquitos buzzing around in the summer. It drives me insane.
As for one that I love, that’s an easy one. The low rumble of thunder as it booms and echoes over the vast and open landscapes of the New Mexico deserts I call home. Do you believe in ghosts? I do. Had too many personal experiences to completely dismiss something like that. Plus paranormal stuff is kinda my drug How about aliens? Yes. The universe is too vast for us to be the only ones out here.  Do you drive? Yes. It’s the only way to get anywhere out here in the boonies.  What was the last book you read? The Mercy of the Sky Do you like the smell of gasoline? I used to, but after just leaving a job where I had that smell in my face every day for 2 years, I could do without it.  What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? It’s a toss up between splitting my head open in a dirt clod fight at the county fair when I was 10 and breaking my thumb in an argument with my father even though neither of us are quite sure how a slight movement wound up causing so much damage.  Do you have any obsession right now? Funny thing, I’m either completely obsessed with something or completely uninterested. There is no in between. I’m kinda in between phases when it comes to obsessions though. Last one was a huge storm chasing kick, but now with October on the horizon, bring on the spooks! Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I usually don’t hold grudges, but I’d be lying if I said that there aren’t any that I currently hold, especially after some of the ugly and horrible things I’ve been put through for no real reason in my past. I can be forgiving if a genuine apology is made or if there’s some sort of effort on the part of whomever wronged me, but I tend to be a little reserved after being on the wrong end of trusting too much too so yeah.  In a relationship? Nope. Haven’t dated in over a decade.  Tagging: Whoever wants to give this stuff a go. It was pretty fun actually. Now it’s YOUR turn!
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adhdnojutsu · 11 months
Guys, the art thief is back. She has the gall to bitch about me "harassing" her, when all I'm doing is trying to crush her spirit so she stops stealing my art and identity.
If anyone has an account on there, mind helping me set that record straight?
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adaru32 · 2 years
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About time I got back into playing games (should be working on an art commission or playing a game a friend gave to me on my b-day earlier this year instead). Would love to make a Let’s Play series of this, but my laptop isn't capable of recording these types of games. Too much lag and crashes.
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I’m currently about 32 hours into the game, and it’s just as amusing as any other Ace Attorney game (I love the face expression here that Prosecutor Lord Van Zieks makes whenever he’s dumbfounded by something). I wondered why it took a bit for it to be released outside of Japan, but I have a few theories: 1. Depictions of suicide. 2. Lots of stereotypes that some people would take offense of. 3. Some blood (knowing Nintendo, they tend to keep things more family friendly in the west compared to Japan. {Edit} Before anyone gets ahead and says anything. Yes, I’m aware that Nintendo didn’t make any Ace Attorney games. What I meant was that this game was originally released on the 3DS first, and there are times where gaming system companies can be finicky with game releases. Take Sony for example when they made the decision for Capcom to censor Trish and Lady’s butts in Devil May Cry V on their system). {Edit} 4. Capcom and Nintendo figured that it wouldn’t release well in the west.
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nia1sworld · 3 years
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A draw the squad meme or a Centaurworld redraw
Gifts: @ahaha-aimaru
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adhdnojutsu · 2 months
Heads up, the art thief is back. More info here.
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adaru32 · 4 months
My new game playthrough of a game made by the development team, Professional Villains. Enjoy!
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adaru32 · 4 months
Made an update regarding my rare video uploads.
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adhdnojutsu · 1 year
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Impostor alert!! The following carrd is run by an art thief. 8 of the names on the list in the screenshots are mine, and the others are stolen, too. I've now filed a police report.
Needless to say, all "their" work is stolen from their betters.
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adaru32 · 2 years
Got a question for those that follow me and are aware of my creations I've generated over the years.
Which do you prefer out of me? I made a poll on my Twitter if you wanna answer there. If not, you can leave a reply here. This will determine what I will mostly create and share (often, hopefully). If you need examples of my styles, you can check the thread. Here are the examples on what my stuff looks like: Coloured Detailed Line Work 100% Finished With Shading Quick Doodles
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adaru32 · 2 years
Update Time! What’s Happening?
To my followers/viewers/friends.
Yes, I’ve been inactive on here for quite some time ‘cause Twitter was my go-to place for entertainment and posting often, and felt like things got dead and boring here. Now there’s news circulating about how that site will possibly disappear soon due to some complications between Elon Musk and the Twitter employees. If that were to happen, I'll consider becoming more active on here again. I’ve been seeing posts from people on Twitter about either becoming more active on here, or people migrating to and starting an account on here. There’s also talk about Mastodon Social becoming the next big site to interact on, so I may make a profile on there. Unsure, though, so I’m just gonna let time do its thing for me to decide. Also on my Twitter, I’ve been updating my Devil May Cry trivias there ‘cause there’s been some outdated and updated info about certain ones I’ve shared before. I was thinking about deleting all of my trivias (even on the Facebook page) and starting anew with them on here, but am unsure. That way for those that are thirsty for lore and such can be more informed and up to date about Devil May Cry (plus I just love sharing hidden things about my most favourite series ^w^).As for the Devil May Cry news updates, I do have some more in store. I meant to share them earlier in the month but got busy and distracted. Stay tuned for those.As for my art stuff, you’ll have to stay tuned for what’s in store for that as well. I can say, though, that there are a couple of werebeast-related commissions I am and will be working on, and some random stuff of my own whenever I get the time.Ciao for now.
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