#ask dorian
thevampireaesthetic · 2 years
Hello, I saw your post about being willing to share your book, is the offer still up? I've been wanting to read your series since I found out about it, but I'm out of job and can't afford it :( I hate to ask, but I'd review you on Amazon and be grateful forever.
I'm so honoured you've been wanting to read it! That's made my day.
Of course! So, I can either send you the pdf or epub file of the first three published books in the series today, or I am willing to send paperback versions—however, I'm not in a financial place to be able to do this right now, so it wouldn't be until November when I get my student loan. Send me a message with your preference and we can arrange it! 🥀
Also, sorry in advance my replies will most likely be slow as I don't have notifications for Tumblr on.
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mossymage · 9 months
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Heart full of fire - Eyes full of stars
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teaweltzer · 27 days
dorian with nipple piercings is Inspired and i will be adding that to my personal headcanon. thank you for your service o7
Gotta put him in pretty things!
Also enjoy the version I did without clothes cause it was too good to pass up. I always do the cloud markings on him but I like to think they've taken a more distinctive shape on his shoulders
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undead-knick-knack · 2 months
Excuse me! He asked for no pickles
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Don't worry about where the boxes came from 😘💙💚
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sparring-spirals · 2 months
It feels weird seeing everyone laugh together with Dorian knowing about what happened with dariax. Same with opal, fyra rai and morrigan
Okay, i did finally watch the reunion and end of the ep and honestly: I fully agree with you, and I also love it. Its fucked up and kind of perfect bc of that. I had some time to process between finishing the ep and witnessing everything live, but like, that juxtaposition, the whiplash is so good.
Seeing Dorian make jokes and be casual, thinking about Cyrus's body split in half, Dariax turning around to find no one there. Thinking about the joyous reunion and Laudna piling gifts on Dorian and Morrighan sobbing, devastated, Opal and Fy'ra Rai in encroaching darkness, doomed. Dorian, walking, alone.
And Dorian recounts everything in plain little sentences, tone cavalier. He says "It's all right. We all deal with grief in different ways." with a little shrug.
It IS weird, you're so right! That's the point of it! Dorian says "its all right" and Laudna immediately goes "its NOT all right" and that feels like the crux of it, tbh.
But also, what is he supposed to do? What are they all supposd to do? Its messed up and its weird, and there shouldn't be jokes when all that shit just happened. But what else is he going to do? In what world would Dorian have walked away from that and seen them all and not immediately pasted on his best smile and opened with a joke?
"It's all right" and its not, but what else is he supposed to say?
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mcflymemes · 8 months
AS SAID BY DORIAN PAVUS  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age inquisition, updated version
i don't care what they think about me. i care what they think about us.
i like you. more than i should. more than might be wise.
discretion isn't your thing, is it?
all this dancing, politics, and murder makes me a bit homesick.
i suppose it really depends. how bad do you want to be?
living a lie... it festers inside of you, like poison.
i'm a man of many talents. what can i say?
the moment i saw you, i thought "there's a man who knows quality."
if you don't come through this, i swear i'll kill you.
i'm curious where this goes, you and i. we've had fun. perfectly reasonable to leave it here.
here is my proposal: we dispense with the chitchat and move on to something more primal.
i tease you too much, i know.
i'll have to find something we can do that doesn't involve teasing.
time to drink myself into a stupor. it's been that sort of day.
i see you enjoy playing with fire.
i like playing hard to get.
i'm not suggesting we venture into mutual domesticity.
if it's a trap, we escape and kill everyone. you're good at that.
talk to me. let me hear how mystified you are by my anger.
oh, i'm not arguing. just pointing out the ridiculously obvious.
if you choose to leave your door unlocked like a savage, i may or may not come.
now... what was i talking about? ah, yes. me.
i am apparently an incredible ass at accepting gifts.
i prefer the company of men.
would you prefer me bound and leashed?
sometimes the ones you love are also the ones who disappoint you the most.
you are the man i love, [name]. nothing will truly keep us apart.
the things you ask are just... very personal.
sometimes... love isn't enough.
there will always be an "us." we'll just be... farther apart, for a time.
i had no idea something like you was possible.
i'm imagining what you would look like in a dress.
i've never seen you smile so much!
i have no idea what you're talking about.
you stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.
you're shaping the world for good or ill. how could i aspire to do any less?
my footsies are freezing, thank you.
don't you ever bathe?
you're not suggesting we're similar.
watch where you're pointing that thing!
i'm not wearing a skirt.
it's significantly more impressive than hitting them with a sharp piece of metal.
i only meant to say i'm very sorry for your loss.
we can continue this dance forever, if you wish.
i'm saying we should be careful what we assume when it comes to such matters.
demons don't appreciate a man with good hair.
what i wouldn't give for some proper wine.
your outfit's entertaining. i'll give you that.
he had to leave early on account of assassination.
it's nice to know you have friends.
i'm here to do what is right.
come on, just answer the question.
they were asking me about you. personal things.
you said we'd be ass-deep in trouble. this is more like knee-high.
so what's your estimation? think we can win?
you can't call me pampered. nobody's peeled a grape for me in weeks.
you startled me. you're always so... nondescript.
you're a special and unique snowflake. live the dream.
i wanted to see you make flowers bloom with your song. just once.
you've done a lot less dancing naked in the moonlight than expected.
i've never seen anyone in this part of the world do it.
i realize there's more to you than that.
have i offended you?
for hating the outdoors, you sure seem to like bad weather.
i can't figure you out, [name].
you don't play their stupid game, they send an assassin or three your way.
i can't believe you're scared of magic.
i'm going to take that as a compliment.
still don't like me, [name]? after all this time?
[name], i owe you an apology.
i suspect people will use any excuse to hate us.
why be ashamed? power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.
maybe you're not a complete moron.
i just need to know you're capable of higher thought. for my own comfort.
it would take work. and soap. lots and lots of soap.
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catebees · 10 months
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Late Nights in the Mage Tower
A little piece just for me, no deadlines, as detailed as I could make it. I learned so many things while working on it!
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teecupangel · 21 days
What if the assassins were at the beach then a seagull flew down to steal their sandwich?
Okay, so Imma try a different format for this one.
Will definitely chase after the seagull and stop when they've realize it’s futile:
Ezio Ratonhnhaké:ton Arno
Will definitely chase after the seagull and will not stop until they’ve caught it:
Edward (he might be drunk) Jacob Basim (Mirage)
Will not chase the seagull and would just sigh:
Bayek Desmond (fighting his Bleeds who actually wants to chase it)
Will have someone laugh at them and smack that person instead:
Evie (Jacob won’t ever let it rest)
Will chase after the seagull but fail and return another day to avenge his sandwich by creating some kind of trap or something overly complicated that is too much for one sandwich, let it go man:
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 days
last shipping ask for you i'm sorry, but am i nuts or is braius deeply in love with teven? i think he has a huge crush on him and is trying to make him jealous by flirting with everyone.
anon never apologize for sending asks I obviously Have No Life and love them.
I think (and as always my opinions are what my mom likes to say: “free advice, worth the price!”) braius is overawed by teven and would do anything for him. I think he has a huge crush on him. I think he has a huge crush on everybody! or like, is definitely dtf with anyone/everyone. the fact that sam told hannah he wanted braius to “out-sexy dorian,” our resident flirty bard, is CRAZY. sam showed back up and went “flirty bard? bet. this one has horns and lay on hands, bitch.”
while of course I think that’s sam being a bit of a troll (in the most affectionate way possible!!! he obviously loves robbie So Much) I also think it’s like. remember when beau and yasha were about to get together and sam was like “THIS HAS TAKEN TOO LONG” and had veth do her level best to get in the way? yeah. I 100% think sam is making the most of his high cha character to get everyone who’s not together anymore(?) (imodna) and not together yet (ashton x fearne, dorian x orym) to fucking Get It Together one way or another. and if he can sleep with a few of them on the way, great! sam chose violence and I fucking love it.
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toaster-trash · 8 months
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gobliiine · 20 days
thinking about how Robbie said that when Dorian was scared in that moment with Laudna he turned to Orym for guidance....thinking about Robbie saying one of Dorians strongest bonds is with Orym......many thoughts head full
Oh my god these two make me so insane forever
Dorian is ALWAYS turning to Orym for guidance. Dorian trusts Orym’s judgement in all things and it makes me so insane
I’ve been thinking a lot about what Dorian said about Orym keeping him away from the circlet. It’s the way that even though Orym seems to feel as though he’s become a hypocrite in the choices he’s had to make since then, in looking back on it, Dorian perceives that moment as Orym saving his life
I am also, after this current 4 sided dive episode, recalling the moment from an earlier 4 sided dive when Robbie said that Dorian got some romance vibes at the table and refused to elaborate
Anyways I am always mentally pushing these two idiots faces together and going KISS
Im kinda lowkey hoping that maybe one of them (cough probably Liam) is saving a big money move for the upcoming liveshow 👀
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thevampireaesthetic · 2 years
Hey! As a fellow vampire fan, for a long time I've been looking for a book that features a steamy romantic m/f relationship with a male vampire that's not playboy coverman with fangs and existential guilt. I want the actual tall dark and utterly terrifying deal, a vampire who enjoys being a vampire or at least is not constantly crying over his food. I've seen you do recommendations of books, but I don't know which ones would fit me best... Would you be willing to lend a fellow goth a fang hand? Thank you for reading, your help and all the cool stuff you have around ^^
Hello 🖤
Ooh, good question!
I’m actually gonna take this time to plug my own series, the Scarlet Cherie: Vampire Series. 🥰
Book one in the series, The Fire Within My Heart, is a little steamy and the books get progressively more so as they go on. ⚰️
The main love interest, Nikolaos, is an Ancient Greek vampire who, although battles an addiction to bloodlust, also is very accepting of his vampiric nature.
Mine is more paranormal urban fantasy sort of like the True Blood and Anita Blake series.
Cassandra L. Thomspon’s Ancient Ones trilogy is less steamy but has darker vampires, very mortally grey and is more traditional gothic.
I’m not at home right now so I can’t look at my vampire bookshelf but I’ll have a gander later on and add to this list! 🖤
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mrghostrat · 2 months
what are your top 5 fav books of all time?
dracula, bram stoker
good omens, terry pratchet & neil gaiman
hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, douglas adams
a series of unfortunate events, lemony snicket
misery, stephen king
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rufousnmacska · 3 months
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I humbly request MORE MANORIAN PLEASE!
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thearcanagame · 4 months
Are you planning on adding any new things to the original game or story line?
While the Arcana main storylines were completed in 2021, and we are happy and proud to keep supporting the Arcana app, Dorian is not a game studio.
Our mission is not to create games ourselves, but to empower independent artists and authors to bring their own games to life. Dorian exists to make creating a game accessible to anyone, without any coding.
Since acquiring The Arcana, hundreds of talented fans have brought thousands of Arcana stories to our platform, but this is not just about The Arcana.
Creating a game like The Arcana in any other circumstance would require extensive funding and resources. No matter how good an idea is, factors like socio-economic status or even geographical location could prevent fantastic creative ideas from coming to life.
The platform we have built allows creators to have full control over their work, without having to depend on a studio for income and resources. A studio can choose to discontinue an IP at any time for any number of reasons. This leaves the hired creators who have worked hard on the IP without any rights to the stories they have created, and with no way to see their work live on without a company behind it. Dorian allows creators to retain full ownership of what they create on the platform, and to be supported directly by their fans.
Many of our most successful creators have wanted to make a game for years, but did not have the resources. Making sure they can make a living from their art is our top priority. We want their voices to be heard.
This is true for Arcana fan creators as well as for creators bringing their own original characters and stories to the platform.
So, while we plan to keep supporting the Arcana app, and we want to keep seeing this amazing community thrive, the future of the Arcana goes hand in hand with the future of Dorian. You get to pick the creators you want to support, Dorian will provide them with the support they need to succeed!
Is there a creator you'd like to see make Arcana content? If so, drop their handle in the comments! Our team would be happy to reach out to them!
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aenslem · 1 year
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the dialogues they had in that car i can not --
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