#ask meme: briar
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Not that Darling isnt an LGBT herself, just-
*muffled blabber*
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randomsprinkles · 1 year
Hi! I just saw your drawing about Loid "For the mission", and it's look a like, the wall of Homer Simpson "Do it for her", for Maggie. It's super cutie! 😍
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Ur so right
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astrology-bf · 2 days
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Fanfic Ask Game
Oof, tough one; there's just so many that I'd eventually like to get around to writing for!
I'd say of the main cast of FFXIV probably three of the more absent parties are Alisiae, Minfilia, and Urianger; they and the nature of their relationships with Ifan have been referenced or alluded to in plenty of other fics but I've sadly not gotten around to actually writing them as featured characters in a given scene.
Alisaie's absence is mostly from a lack of inspiration, and Urianger's is a function of me not yet feeling I've got a decent enough grasp on his voice and motivations (WIP). Minfilia's is more of a creative quagmire than anything because Ifan's relationship with (an Ascian possessed) Thancred presents some uh.... interesting writing challenges that I'm still working out how to address.
Thank you (x2) @briar-ffxiv!! 💞💞
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colloidalamber · 1 year
Briar B5
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rookflower · 2 years
For hypokits, Onestar and firestar?
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selemchant · 5 months
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Zenos x WOL
Highly Specific Ship Ranking - Zenos x WOL
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I'm obsessed. They live rent free.
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soulshards · 1 year
frost blue: does your muse enjoy the snow and cold? or are they the type to enjoy summer more?
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I picked Nanako, since I haven't talked about her too much on here yet!
Nanako is pretty easy on both climates, though she absolutely prefers summer and warmer weather.
Partially because she just likes basking in the sun (lizard), and because it's the perfect seasons for her hobbies and profession in the warmer times of the year. She has an easier time gardening and maintaining crops, as well as venturing out into the world to collect fauna and flora needed from clients when it's summer/early autumn. Life flourishes those times of year, as opposed to the colder times of the year where most greenery goes into a more dormant state until the next warmer season rolls in.
And as much as she likes curling up with a blanket to read inside when its a bit chilly, she much prefers being able to lay on the grass outside and bury herself in a good book while the sun is shining and its warm.
She likes being outside in general, and it's much more bearable when it's warm.
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Thank you for the ask, Briar!! <3
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the-trinket-witch · 1 year
if you're still doing the kiss meme, can I get a 💓/ 🖤 kiss with Briar? Dealer's choice on the who's involved and who is smooching who, I'm just up for ghits and shingles.
(Kiss Meme Here)
💓/ 🖤 'Heated/forced/harsh/firm kiss
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Floyd's not great with words, methinks, so sometimes he's gotta show His Clownfishie how he really feels.
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cosmic--marmalade · 1 year
37 for fic questions!
This question made me realize that I haven't even posted half of what I've written, legit went looking for a fic I never posted akdhsjasj ANYWAYS
Go read Barometric Pains, it's my only posted, and earliest ruminations, on Sheild. I actually really like it, it's short, sweet, to the point. Have no idea why the read more is where it is tho lol
Come ask me more things💖
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midnight-blue-blood · 2 years
🍓 -🐧?
I'm not certain what penguins taste like. Chicken?
I jest, I jest.
Blue berries and figs. Honey and cream. The overwhelming sweetness hides a more bitter coffee undercurrent. The mouthfeel is decent enough, but it's out of balance.
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starfallandsilver · 1 year
hold my muse’s hand to pull them around in excitement
hand touching meme!
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Oh, oh her joy is infectious. Warm and filling his lungs with air as she tugs on his hand, pulling him to and fro with such energy. Avros would say it was difficult to keep up, but that simply wasn't so. No, she breathed into him a sort of life that was hard to come by, hard to discover, unless one were looking up instead of down.
He had been looking down for a while, missing the sun, the stars, their shattered but beautiful moon- yet it all paled in comparision to her.
It is a soft sound, quiet laughter as he is pulled along as though he were a teenager again. Rolling along with loved ones, without the weight of everything on his shoulders, and unbidden, he finds himself ducking closer to Briar, with her shimmering marigold eyes, her wagging tail, its all a bit too much to contain-
He gives into the sudden urge, and whisks her from the ground in a whirling spin, laughter breathed into her neck. How beautiful she was, just existing!
"How beautiful."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
Hi, Clara. I'm sorry about those anons. Please ignore them. I have a question if that's okay. What was Brair like growing up?
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She nods a little. "It's Briar though. B-R-I-A-R."
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"He was a sweet kid. His brother and him always, always, wanted to hear about to stars. So I bought them a kids astronomers kit, and they couldn't keep their hands off it." She informs, before continuing, "everyone says he's not emotive, but that's because they're not looking in the right places, his eyes are the emotive part of him. He used to think I was a mind reader, because I always knew what he was feeling." Clara jokes, fidgeting with her hair. "Even though I'm so far away from him, I still send him letters and star maps, I think they make him feel a little better."
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jasperygrace · 4 months
For the orange ask game: Gold and Fire for the OC of your choice!
Hi there! For this ask, let's do Briar! [Ask Game]
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FIRE - How much do they know of their home’s history? Is their knowledge right?
Briar is likely pretty knowledgeable about her home region of Dearthain and other parts of Asheva-- especially being a student of Fulcanelli, she has a lot more access to historical texts than the average person has.
However, if it's in regards to the town she grew up in, she barely remembers anything-- she only knows what Fulcanelli has told her about it.
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GOLD - Who would they sacrifice if they knew it would make them rich?
Fulcanelli. She would trade her old teacher for a corn chip.
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astrology-bf · 2 days
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
Fanfic Ask Game
I'd say a big recent point of pride on my part has been a small self-workshop where I compiled a decent amount of writing advice, and then took the red pen to my older fics to highlight areas needing improvement.
I feel it's paid dividends in that my more recent fics, especially those for FFXIVWrite, are more engaging and easier to read as they're lot better formatted and purposeful in the use of exposition and flashbacks. Chuck Palahniuk's essay about avoiding "thought" verbs has been particularly helpful as it's pushed me to focus a lot more on scene and subtext, as well as when to show things and when to leave others to reader implication.
Thank you so much for the ask @briar-ffxiv! 💞
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insomnia-productions · 4 months
wooo thank you Venla!!
The wip I’m procrastinating on right now is an original one I’ve been playing with for a few months. I almost dropped it but I recently figured out the thing I was stuck on, so perhaps this one has a chance of seeing the light of day? 
🍄 Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
best friend squad + ritual cannibalistic sacrifice = godhood? 
🖍️ Post Any sentence from your wip
Okay I’m gonna cheat a little and post 3 for a tiny bit of context: 
I should have known it years ago, I thought then. You were always watching us like that. You had always carried yourself, underneath it all, like prey.
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
Oh so many. Originally I wanted the setting to be Southern Gothic, but eventually it transformed into Victorian England. I wanted for one of the main characters to die and be autopsied by the narrator, who finds teeth inside him in places where they shouldn’t be, but he ended up having a… much worse fate, actually. And right now there’s an idea I probably should scrap, but I really don’t want to. The main character of the wip is a paratheologist, and I’m still trying to figure out the nature of the god he serves. I really, really want the god to be associated with bees/wasps in some way, but I don’t think I can make that work, so I will probably have to let it go eventually :( 
from this ask game
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cometblaster2070 · 1 month
meeshell's webisode boils my blood for a variety of reason but top of the list HAS to be the fact that her name is meeshell fucking MERMAID and yet ashlynn briar and maddie have the nerve to look absolutely GOBSMACKED upon finding out that she's a mermaid.
it's giving H2O just add water and I am NOT enjoying it. it also very much reminds me of the "ah yes let me just ask my good friend haggravated lassault" meme.
but genuinely this webisode has to be one of the WORST ones by far and the only thing that came even remotely close to saving it was maddie and her giant cup of tea:
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this image genuinely cracks me up every time it's just so fucking funny.
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