#ask shikalee
lotusfartstwice · 9 months
if you dont mind me asking, what made you ship shikalee/what do you like about this ship?
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I don't mind at all, anon! I love talking about shikalee! owo You know, I kinda lowkey shipped it cuz I'm a bit of a multishipping moron when it comes to Rock Lee. He's got such high potential to be compatible with nearly any character. So it was pretty surface level until I met @cherrywoodaxe. He and I met in a naruto rp server and our muses were Shikamaru and Lee, respectively. Our interactions were so fun and compelling like...the two had such good chemistry.
So uh it's thanks to them that I ship it so fervently. I'll put the rest under the cut LOL
It's basic on the surface as high energy/low energy kind of ship but gosh. With the two of them Lee learns to kind of slow down, meanwhile Shikamaru learns to be a little less passive. I love the idea of them, like, helping each other in that aspect. Cuz they're both a little self destructive in like the opposite end of the spectrum LOL.
Lee respects Shikamaru and his intellect. Shikamaru is impressed by Lee's determination and strength. And like, yeah, they're not best friends in canon but they are friends. They rely on each other whenever they're teamed up. There's trust that Shikamaru will lead them into a good strategy that uses Lee's strength in a competent way.
They're both emotional in their own ways but if Shikamaru were to break down...Lee wouldn't shame him in it. Lee cries when he's happy. He wouldn't dare tell Shikamaru not to cry. Sometimes that's all you can do. While, Lee, if it ever shut down would be told it's okay by Shikamaru. It's okay to be overwhelmed by emotion and to just stop.
It's so interesting as my brain like claws at little things like...they both look up to their teachers. Asuma and Gai are like father figures to them. They were both left weapons from them.
I think about him being one of the people who helped save Lee from being murdered in the hospital during chunin exams. Idk man. I know it isn't deep but it means a lot to me. I love imagining Lee playing shogi with Shikamaru and surprising him with silly moves that he never thought Lee would think of making. Like, Lee is predictable but sometimes...he just throws Shikamaru for a loop and it's just never boring. In a superficial aesthetic way...love that Lee is round and Shikamaru is pointy. Their hair styles. How their eyes are drawn. They both wear their flak jackets while the rest of the konoha 12 don't. IDK I LOVE THAT. Their designs just meld well together! Love the green and the forest motif they both have lol. Again, Lee is so active while Shikamaru is so lazy. It's cute. They seem to pose the same way...fucking hand on the hip all the damn time. Like HM let me just put my tinfoil hat on. Interesting. Hmm...Shikamaru as an underbite and Lee seems to have an overbite. HMM
I just want to make them kiss. I think they should kiss and hold hands. All the time.
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They make me mentally unwell.
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alumort · 2 years
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@cherrywoodaxe hi axe Hey axe im ur secret santa!!! i wrote some cute shikalee for u <3 hope u enjoy it! I never wrote shika so apologies if hes ooc i tried ^^"
  It was the day that Lee had been looking forward to for the entire week, with happiness in his entire soul.
  He was brave, but it took him a long, long time to gather enough courage to ask Shikamaru out– and to his surprise, he had said yes! Lee could barely contain his excitement, already thinking of the many things they would do in a while. Everything was bound to go perfectly– the other boy had even smiled at the request, and didn’t stutter when he said yes. He liked Lee too!
  Now, all that remained was waiting for him to open the door, and Lee couldn’t stop smiling– he had even left his jumpsuit at home for once, and decided to not train too much while he remained in Shikamaru’s company. He would appreciate some calmness, or so Tenten had said when she heard the news.
  There was no need to wait for long– and as soon as Shikamaru had appeared, Lee wrapped him with his arms in a warm embrace, making the Nara let out a soft chuckle before returning the gesture.
  “Hey, Lee,” he said, not really wanting to let go of his companion. 
  “Hello, Shikamaru! Are you ready for your date? I was thinking we could go to a restaurant, or– wherever you want to go,.”
  Oh no– perhaps he had been too excited. The other boy bit his lower lip, taking some moments to reply.
  "Eh, about that…" Shikamaru mumbled and put some distance between the two as he spoke, immediately noticing confusion in his companion's eyes. He looked to the side before continuing. "I'm not sure if I can go to eat something with you. I just– I don't feel like going far today. Going to the village feels like such a drag…"
  All the excitement in Lee's being faded out in one single heartbeat, his eyes losing a sparkle of hope that they had had since the early morning. Had he done something wrong without realizing?
  Shikamaru seemed to realize the shift in his friend's mood, no matter how much effort he put into hiding what he felt. He scratched the back of his neck, talking again.
  "But that doesn't mean I don't want to hang out with you. Let's do something else, how does that sound?" the Nara exclaimed, looking Lee in the eyes once again.
  Lee let out a soft smile when he heard that, regaining his joy with a few words. The other boy couldn't help it but imitate him, hands resting on the sides of his body.
  "Oh! What do you want to do, then?"
  Shikamaru looked at the ground for a moment, putting his hands on his pockets before answering.
  “This might sound stupid to you, and I know. But…” he stirred up for a second, observing Lee’s eyes possibly to see his reaction. “I’d love to just look at the clouds for a while. It’s relaxing, you know? We could do that…”
  “I see! That is not stupid at all, Shikamaru! If that is what you want to do, then we will do it."
  Shikamaru let out a soft smile when he heard this, as if he was expecting a different kind of answer. He let Lee enter his home while he looked for some food to share with him later, saving everything in a small basket that somehow could hold both a blanket and sandwiches on it.
  They didn't go far from the Nara's house, looking for a good place between the trees of the woods until a small clearing was found. It was big enough just for two people– Shikamaru must have visited it many times, probably with Chouji alongside him.
  As soon as they prepared their picnic, rustling leaves were heard from nearby bushes. In any other place, Lee would have thought it was a stranger looking to ambush them– but who could be so foolish as to hide in the Nara forest?
  "I think someone is there, Shikamaru," he mumbled, unsure if whoever was near them was friendly or not. It was better to be safe and sorry, and the taijutsu master quickly tensed up– only to relax as Shikamaru placed a hand on his shoulder, barely bothered by the unknown presence.
  His soft smile was reassuring, barely visible in his face.
  "Someone might be there. But I'm sure they're not what you expect them to be," the Nara replied, sitting down on the blanket without stressing too much. "I was wondering how long it would take until they arrived…"
  "You were expecting more people?"
  For some reason, that question made Shikamaru giggle, completely confusing Lee; their picnic was unexpected, there was no way… he didn't know what to say then, and his companion (was it alright to call him a boyfriend on just the first date? Lee wasn't sure) only did a gesture to allow the stranger to come close.
  No words were necessary then. The bushes kept moving, revealing a pair of antlers from between the foliage, followed by the brown head of a young deer; it approached the couple, sniffing everything in silence and observing them.
  "I never said they were a person," Shikamaru commented with a smirk, caressing the animal between its ears. The deer didn't seem to mind, closing its eyes as if it enjoyed the affection, completely ignoring the unknown boy.
  "Ah! Of course, your clan takes care of deer! I almost forgot.”
  He didn’t expect hearing soft chuckles coming from his companion, and that made Lee grin. Although, the taijutsu master decided to remain right where he was, not willing to risk scaring off their unexpected visitor without even realizing. He could swear he saw a pout on Shikamaru’s face that lasted mere seconds.
“Do you want to pet him? He won’t kick you as long as I’m here,” the Nara muttered, doing a gesture with his hand that meant ‘come closer’. Lee obeyed, eyes wide with excitement and awe.
  Carefully, he placed his hand on the buck's head, caressing him without saying anything– he was afraid that the animal would get scared if he raised his voice at all.
  “He is such a lovely deer,” Lee exclaimed calmly, letting go of the creature to allow him to go away if he pleased. But the deer stayed, his gaze fixed on something behind both boys to which Shikamaru groaned.
  “He just wants a damn sandwich, he’s not a ‘lovely deer’. Shoo, Sukoshi, you have your own food."
  The buck dropped his ears and decided to leave, disappearing between the bushes as quickly as he had appeared. Shikamaru let out a tired sigh, grabbing one of the sandwiches and offering it to his companion who gladly accepted.
  "Do you name every deer? Or is Sukoshi an exception?" Lee asked before biting on the food, with genuine curiosity in his voice.
  "Eh, sometimes. I named him, but I don't know how the others are called," his companion replied, gnawing on his own sandwich before talking again. "I have been taking care of Sukoshi since he was a baby, that’s the only reason I know his name. He’s a prankster, he gets all the food he needs and still tries to steal ours.”
  The taijutsu master chuckled, to which Shikamaru smirked without saying anything else.  And after finishing his food, he laid with his back on top of the blanket, patting the other side of the cloth in a silent way of telling Lee to do the same. He obeyed with a soft smile on his face, getting comfortable beside his companion without saying anything at all.
  Then, by complete accident, their hands touched, so softly that if he hadn't been paying attention he wouldn't have even realized. Lee could feel how air left his body, his cheeks warming up as Shikamaru's curious gaze fell on him– the other boy was starting to turn red, too, and that was recomforting somehow. The Nara looked at the sky, acting as if nothing had happened while his fingers found their way to his companion’s, soon being entwined with no words said out loud.
  Lee felt like his heart would explode at any moment by how quickly it was beating, but tried to soothe himself with a steady breathing, like his dad had taught him long ago.
  "Uh… look, that cloud looks like a cat," Shikamaru muttered, trying to change the topic to distract himself more than anything. He pointed at one cloud right after another, commenting his thoughts for his companion to hear. "And that one looks like a ball. It's almost like a perfect circle."
  He decided to go on with that, not willing to get even more embarrassed than he was then.
  “The one under the cat, it looks like a butterfly! Or two hearts... Maybe both.”
  Lee had never seen Shikamaru smile so much, he hadn't complained about anything since the two started to observe the sky, any and all embarrassment forgotten as they held hands and pointed at the many abstract shapes that moved up there, where they couldn’t reach. He looked so cute… ah, Lee could feel his cheeks warming up again just because of his thoughts; his companion was too distracted with the clouds to react.
  (Perhaps, he had decided to act like nothing had happened. That was more likely.)
  Not much happened for a while until Shikamaru let out a yawn, and his companion could now notice how he was struggling to keep his eyes open– he tended to get tired quickly, and the taijutsu master knew it wasn't because of boredom. Most of the time, at least. 
  "Shikamaru… I do not mind if you sleep for a while. I will be here to keep you safe!" he exclaimed, doing a thumbs up to his companion, who scratched the back of his head before replying.
  "Really? But we're on a date, and we haven't done much," the Nara replied, stirring up. He looked to the side before continuing in a soft whisper. "I don't want to sleep… I want to be with you."
  That last part was definitely meant for himself, but Lee heard anyway, his cheeks immediately heating up. Shikamaru shifted closer to him, his hands almost touching his own– almost. He bit his lower lip before changing his mind, getting up from the ground.
  "It is getting late anyways. We can always have another date!" Lee replied, with a huge grin decorating his face as he talked.
  The Nara looked up, observing his friend at first, and then the sky. Blue hues had shifted into orange, and the sun was now hiding far away– he had enjoyed Lee's company so much that  time had flown by too quickly for him to realize. It felt like only a couple of minutes had passed, yet it had been long hours that slipped through their consciousness.
  It was great! He loved enjoying Shikamaru's company so much that time was forgotten, and he probably did too– but everything must come to an end. At least for that day.
  Both boys started to dismount their small picnic without saying anything, as words weren't extremely necessary anymore, and soon began walking out of the woods.
  … It didn’t take much time to go back to Shikamaru's house, in a comfortable silence that neither boy wanted to break– in truth, neither of them knew what to do next, what to say. So quietness was it, keeping each other company for a while, with the last sun rays of the day falling on them.
  Lee wanted to stay, but it was time to return home. Gai would get worried if his son didn't tell him where he was, after all, and he didn't want that to happen.
  "..I had a lot of fun today! If you want, we could have another date someday, what do you think?" he suggested to his companion, who let out a shy smile upon hearing his words.
  "Yeah, I'd like that."
  It was time to go. Lee started to walk back home, waving at the Nara with a huge grin on his face. Then he stopped walking, turning around to look Shikamaru in the eye just to speak once again.
  “Ah, Shikamaru! I almost forgot something!”
  Before the other boy could react, Lee returned to his side and leaned in towards him, carefully placing his lips on Shikamaru’s forehead. A huge grin was now decorating his face, accompanied by a faint blush spread on his cheeks. 
  For a moment, the other boy froze on the spot, processing what had just happened without saying anything. He turned red, and he couldn't say any word at all–
  Instead, Shikamaru placed his hands on Lee's face, smiling softly before giving him a quick kiss without even thinking; he felt surprised when his companion didn't break the connection and rather, surrounded his waist with his arms and grinned, carefully deepening the kiss.
  Neither of them wanted to let go of each other's lips, slowly finding a rhythm in their kiss that was comfortable for both of them. When they broke the contact, it was time to go– not before arranging a second date, that's it.
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shikaleeinbox · 3 years
What's your guy's favorite thing to do on yours days off together?
🍃Days Off
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Ah may I please request Shikalee from you? It's very much a sunshine/grump ship kind of dynamic. If not that's okay! Congrats on the 2k+ followers (wowee) keep on truckin'. 👉👉
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Thank you ☺️🖤
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spellcasterlight · 2 years
Speaking of OTP! Days, Shikamaru and Lee kissed by meeting each other half-way! One spontaneous, and one calculated -- but which one's which?
Hi there Judicious Japanese Chin Anon! 😊
OTP Themed Day Game! - International Chess Day! ♞
Ooooo! That's an interesting one Anon!
I think the default would be to immediately put Shikamaru with calculated but I wouldn't do that for this scenario.
I think Shikamaru, for all his undeniable smarts, can sometimes be a little clueless and flustered over matters of the heart I think that might even be exaggerated if he was romantically interested in someone as emotionally free as Lee!
Lee would be the calculated one, but not in like the normal sense, I can imagine Lee mentally muttering to himself “okay I’m going to do it! Right now! I will be brave and kiss him!...Right now! No more excuses!” 😂 
So yes! That’s my vote! Shikamaru is the spontaneous one and Lee is the calculated one in this case!
Thanks for the cool ask! ✨
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
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nomisupernova · 3 years
i don't know what came over my brain i apologize. if no one has asked about gaara tell the world about him!! if someone did then like. talk about rock lee or sasuke
favorite thing about them
least favorite thing about them
this has nothing to do w.lee and more to do w/the writers. why is he only comic relief after the Gaara fight. fuck yall
favorite line
A hero is not the one who never falls. He is the one that who gets up, again and again, never losing sight of his dreams.
Rock Lee and Neji is my fave bro pairing tbh
as above, so below. I ship NejiLee, ShikaLee, and SakuLee, tho not in that order. Rock Lee Bisexual Rights 2K4EVER
gaalee :) pls don't ship ppl with ppl who tried to kill them... its uncomfortable.
random headcanon
Rock Lee haS A LITTLE SPHYNX CAT NAMED MENCHI yes i stole this from @lotusfartstwice menchi rights
unpopular opinion
Stop writing Rock Lee as a softboy!! He's mean TOO!! LET HIM BE MEAN.
song i associate with them
SHE WORKS OUT TOO MUCH BY MGMT. https://open.spotify.com/track/3XOKU8CKSiQsuQHD5vhzo5?si=2bc826e91f244673
favorite picture of them
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the chaos of this lol
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something-like-air · 6 years
ship ask shikalee
C it's hilarious but also... shikamaru could just never. dating lee would mean having to go for /jogs/ and /working out/i love the thought of lee trying to get shikamaru to do literally anything tho. they'd take fun naps
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lotusfartstwice · 2 years
otp ask game shikalee for any number in the list i cant pick one
Eenie meenie miney…mo!
6. Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
I think about them going on a double date with inosaku a lot. Shikamaru doesn’t care much for it because the girls drag them to do errands often and call it a date.
“How is shopping like you usually do a date?”
And Lee is like “aww but we are spending time together!” As the two are used as bag holders for the majority of it.
“Your definition of a date is too loose.”
Lee finds always something to buy Shikamaru, despite being told to watch his spending. Lee brushes it off and Shikamaru hugs whatever gifted to him close. He wants Lee to get better with money and stop making impulse buys but there’s no denying his boyfriend is very sweet.
Ino just smirking at her friend and Shikamaru is just like “shaddap.” Then they both silently watch their respective partners chat and are just in love.
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The girls reward them for being (mostly) good sports and the four of them stop for a bite or some boba.
[Otp asks?]
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shikaleeinbox · 2 years
...the fact that this exists gives us extreme joy!! thabnks for bbeing a treasurable and lovely Creator, we're very thanksful,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
anbd youse have AUs too,,,,,, - whatta a lovely pair. people. good people we'd give them fresh bread and new pennies and four-leaf-clovers aplenty if they'd let us,,
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🍃Thank you!
[The fresh bread has been left back in their kitchen]
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shikaleeinbox · 3 years
How did you two start dating anyway? The people must know.
🍃"I do not think there is a definite answer..."
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"After the war, Shikamaru would often walk me home from the cemetery, after the two of us visited our respected people. One day I held his hand. They did not make me let go so...I just did not stop. So um here we are!"
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shikaleeinbox · 3 years
🍂 Which one of you made the first move? And for 👁 Do you guys ever help the other out with their work?
🍂Who made the first move:
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👁Helping out with work:
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shikaleeinbox · 3 years
Ask Shikamaru x Lee!
Send asks for just about anything for either canonverse or one of our alternate universes! 
(Asks that haven’t been tagged with an AU will be answered by default for Classic) 
🤖 for Labs (Robot!Lee x Scientist!Shika)
👁 for Undoctrination (Flowershop!Lee x Tattooshop!Shika)
🍓 for Magical Girl (Magicgirl!Lee x Alien!Shika)
🪞 for Secret Admirror (Bimbo!Lee x Abyssal!Shika)
🫖 for Yandere (Yandere!Lee x Stockholm!Shika)
🐶 for Werebeasts (Weredog!Lee x Werecougar!Shika)
🍃 for Classic (Canon Lee x Shika)
🍂 for Road to Ninja (Kishimoto’s scrapped rtn!Lee x rtn!Shika)
🎨 for Soulmates (Color at first sight Lee x Shika) 
💞 for Shikalee fusion (Shikamaru and Lee fused into one person)
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lotusfartstwice · 3 years
Hi! My name’s Lyn.
I’m an old lady. Rock Lee and Team Gai (and Metal Lee) enjoyer.
I typically keep things mild but will tag anything risqué. Don’t be afraid to ask me to tag anything else that might be triggering. 🙏
I really, really ship sakulee, shikalee and narugaa. They kind of consume me but I’m a multishipper so I’m not limited to them. 
I like taking prompts/suggestions for drawing and writing. So don’t hesitate to send them my way! Your mileage may vary and whether it gets done is a mystery but hey it doesn’t hurt to send!
My art tag. My writing tag. My reply tag that may have things I didn’t tag as writing or art oops. AU List found here.
I've got an ask blog for sakulee and shikalee! Send asks!
Anyway, enjoy my super duper late naruto phase with me in the springtime of our youths.
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Just adding something here...
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lotusfartstwice · 2 years
can i have some more sentences for that shikalee fic 👉👈...
Lee's curious about the state the village is in but he refrains from asking. That Tobi person did say the Leaf was destroyed but...he didn't really want to believe it.
He shouldn't ask anyway.
He left. What right did he have to ask?
Shikamaru feels like he can sense that burning curiosity coming from the prisoner. Part of him wants to be kind, bring it all up in some natural way in conversation but where was the fun in that? Suffer a little, Rock Lee. It was good for character building (pfft like he believed that).
Lee thinks about what his life would be like, had he stayed. It's something he agonized more about when he was younger. He would have to give up his career and turn to civilian life. Then what?
Becoming a warden for Orochimaru, being far away had helped him think less about it. What was the point in worrying about your lot in life when you had prisoners to keep in line?
Now you are the prisoner.
When did he stop?
"Why are you spending your freetime there, Shikamaru?" Choji asks him as he leaves the makeshift IT building. The two had some errands to run together.
Shikamaru honestly didn't know how to answer.
"I guess...I'm just too curious for my own good."
Choji scratched his head. "What's there to be curious about? They've- I thought they've already been interrogated."
He shrugs. "Don't worry about it."
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shikaleeinbox · 3 years
💞Fusion au:
(This AU takes place in the canon universe.)
If one is capable of molding any amount of chakra and with a compatible other person, two people are capable of becoming one! Ninja tend to use the technique to create new deadly beings.
Shikalee is one such fusion.
-Shikalee fusion (x, x, x, x)
-Shikamaru/Lee unfused (x, x)
-Shikalee vs (Neji, Gaara) 
Asks Masterlist
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