#ask the great and powerful yam
deathlessathanasia · 7 months
„Another likely allusion to a Near Eastern story in the Iliad is Poseidon’s account of how he, Zeus and Hades divided the world by lot (Il. 15.185-195). … After Hera has seduced Zeus and put him to sleep, Poseidon helps the Greeks to regain the upper hand in the war. When Zeus wakes up, he is angry and sends the goddess Iris to tell Poseidon that he should withdraw from the battle and obey him. After Iris has reported Zeus’ words, Poseidon replies to her as follows: Well now, surely, though he is noble, he has spoken arrogantly, if by force and against my will he will restrain me who have equal honor with himself. For three brothers are we, begotten by Cronos, and born of Rhea—Zeus, and myself, and the third is Hades, who is lord of the dead below. And in three ways have all things been divided among us, and to each has been apportioned his own domain. I indeed, when the lots were shaken, won the grey sea to be my home for ever, and Hades won the murky darkness, while Zeus won the broad heaven in the air and the clouds; but the earth and high Olympus still remain common to us all. So I will in no way walk according to the will of Zeus; but at his ease let him remain in his third portion, no matter how strong he may be. Il. 15.185-195
Burkert was the first, to my knowledge, who recognized in the division of the world into three parts by Zeus and his brothers through the casting of lots a possible allusion to the Near Eastern story of Atrahasis, the man who survived the great flood. Close to the beginning of this story we are told that three generations of gods divided heaven, earth and sea also by the casting of lots: They had taken the [clay jar?] by the neck, They cast lots, the gods took their shares: Anu went up to heaven, [Enlil took the earth for his subjects, [The bolt], the trap of the sea, [They had given to Enki the leader. An even closer parallel may have existed in Ugarit, where the three sons of El, the father of the gods, divide the world among themselves: Baal, who is the equivalent of Zeus in several ways, rules the sky, Yam the sea, and Mot the underworld. The text is very fragmentary, however, and it is unclear if they did so by the casting of lots. If they did, it may well be that this is the version of the story on which Poseidon’s account is based.
This account differs fundamentally from the other Greek traditions we encounter in Homer or Hesiod relating to the manner in which power was distributed among the gods. In the Iliad Zeus claims to rule the gods because he is the eldest and the strongest of the Olympians. He says so to Iris just before Poseidon’s speech: And if he will not obey my words, but will disregard them, let him consider then in mind and heart lest, strong though he be, he has not the courage to face my reproach; since I say I am better far than he in might, and the elder by birth. Yet his heart does not hesitate at all to declare himself the equal of me, whom the other gods dread. Il. 15.162-167
Iris repeats the same words to Poseidon in lines 178-183 and after Poseidon’s speech she reminds him again that Zeus is the eldest and, because of this, his authority is upheld by the Erinyes (Il. 15.201-204). These statements do not match Poseidon’s claim that Zeus’ authority is restricted to the heavens and that he and Zeus have an equal say on earth and on Olympus. In the Theogony we are told that the Olympian gods, after they had defeated the Titans, asked Zeus to rule over them and that it was Zeus who divided their honours among them: When the blessed gods had completed their toil, and by force had reached a settlement with the Titans regarding honors, then by the prophecies of earth they urged far-seeing, Olympian Zeus to become king and to rule over the immortals; and he divided their honors well for them. Hes. Th. 881-885 No mention is made of the casting of lots, certainly not where Zeus’ domain or authority is concerned. Note that Zeus in this passage is already referred to as the ‘Olympian’ before any division is made. If the assumption is that the honours of the gods were divided by the throwing of lots, it appears that Zeus is presiding over this division, not participating in it, as also seems to be the case in Pindar’s Olympian 7.
For Poseidon’s claim that the three brothers divided the world by lot there is support in local Greek practice. It was common among the Greeks for brothers to divide parts of the inheritance by lot. Such a division assumes, however, that the brothers are more or less equal, but this is not the case with Zeus and his brothers. The portions in this case are far from equal too. In most other theogonic accounts from Greece, Zeus plays the leading role in establishing the rule of the Olympian gods. After the Olympian gods defeat the Titans, the other gods recognize him as their king, as Hesiod’s Theogony says. Is it really conceivable that Zeus subsequently would have cast lots, running the risk of winding up in the underworld or the sea, and relinquished his right to rule over the earth and Olympus? It is very difficult to reconcile Poseidon’s story with other extant accounts of how Zeus came to power. Later Greeks therefore could question it, as Callimachus does in his Hymn to Zeus.
Poseidon through this story claims that he and Zeus are equal partners and have an equal right to rule over the earth and Olympus. Is there any reason to think that Poseidon would make up such a claim?There is. Zeus at the end of his speech to Iris says about Poseidon: ‘his heart does not hesitate at all to declare himself the equal of me’ (Il. 15.166-167). Iris repeats these words to Poseidon in lines 182-183. What we subsequently get is a display of Poseidon’s tendency to declare himself the equal of Zeus. He does so explicitly in line 186: ‘[Zeus wrongs] me who has equal honour with him’. In support of this claim he recites an oriental cosmogony, in which gods share the world equally among themselves by lot, and presents it as something that really happened. Iris does not buy it, however. She asks Poseidon if he really wants her to relate these words to Zeus, because in her eyes they do not do justice to Zeus’ authority (Il. 15.201-204). Poseidon then relents: he says that he will obey and Iris should not tell the story to Zeus. All of this makes good sense if Poseidon is referring to a story that Homer’s audience would have recognized as a lie.”
-Eastern Myths for Western Lies: Allusions to Near Eastern Mythology in Homer's Iliad by André Lardinois
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Fire Emblem Engage Paired Endings
A few concepts for paired endings from Fire Emblem Engage based on supports I wound up with in my playthrough. May do more of these if I have time, lol.
Rising Power Diamant & Snow Queen Ivy After the war, Diamant and Ivy began efforts to end the tension between Brodia and Elusia. These diplomatic meetings grew in frequency, until one day it was announced that they would be uniting the kingdoms under one banner. Their newfound love was so strong, even the most cynical could not deny it, and the country enjoyed many years of peace under their combined rule.
Affable Prince Fogado & Calm Steward Clanne Fogado traveled aimlessly, even after Timerra's coronation. When he eventually landed in Lythos, he was reunited with Clanne, who had grown in strength and maturity over the years since the war, and invited him to join his travels. The two's skills complemented one another perfectly, and tales of their adventures would be passed down in stories and songs for centuries.
Affable Prince Fogado & Hidden Mask Yunaka With Fogado's guidance, Yunaka continued her efforts to let down her guard and learn to trust people. When she eventually made her grand public debut, it was with Fogado as his new bride. It is said that the happy couple's parties would last for weeks at a time, and their lives were filled with joy and laughter.
Affable Prince Fogado & Mighty Flower Lapis After the war, Fogado began regular visits to Lapis's home village. At first, he traveled only to learn more about their bear-scaring efforts, but soon all pretense was dropped and an earnest courtship began. When Fogado asked Lapis's parents permission to marry her, they were shocked to learn he was the prince of Solm.
Little Charmer Hortensia & Calm Steward Clanne
After Hortensia graduated from Elusia's academy, she wrote to Clanne in Lythos. With the Divine Dragon Monarch's blessing, Clanne joined her in Elusia, and they were soon wed. Some Elusian nobles hesitated to accept a former steward of the Divine Dragon, but none could deny Hortensia the support of her biggest fan.
Hidden Mask Yunaka & Mystic Dancer Seadall Seadall and Yunaka started their own theatre troupe shortly after the war ended. They continued to perform well into their old age, eventually being joined onstage by their children, then grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Their descendants continued to spread the performing arts around the continent for centuries.
Mighty Flower Lapis & Elegant Talent Goldmary Lapis and Goldmary remained in touch through letters after the war. Lapis brought her family to visit Goldmary's parents' inn, and Goldmary brought her family to Brodia to taste Lapis's parents' yams. The two families became close friends, and their bond was seen as a symbol of the newfound peace between Brodia and Elusia.
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onigiri-dorkk · 11 months
Hi I'm new to the fandom and not gonna lie for a long time I was confused about why would anyone ship Rivamika because it always seemed like Levi was barely aware of Mikasa and Mikasa hated Levi or disliked him. I started reading the manga last week and I'm honestly surprised by how little changes made a huge different. WIT always made it seem like Mikasa didn't care about anyone other than Ereh and I believe they are the reason why everyone makes fun of Mikasa for being obsessed. I genuinely thought "I love her but she's very ungrateful and rude sometimes, their strongest soldier hurt his ankle when they needed him the most because of her and all she cared about is Ereh" but it's not like that in the manga. She actually feels guilty and responsible which is a great panel to show how character development. A 3 seconds scene would do so much good to Mikasa's character but WIT somehow didn't want to include that scene. Even in S3 it seemed like they would like to keep them apart and don't let them interact even though there was a huge reveal about them. And I think it's not only WIT. Even Isayama himself is almost afraid to let them interact and I'm not talking about shipping here. Imagine finding out that someone experienced the same things as you did, have this weird mysterious power thing going on and that person is your Captain whom you made it clear that you trust and respect now. It's crazy to me that they don't even talk and compare their experiences etc???? Again, it's not even about shipping, it pisse me off because it feels like Mikasa isn't allowed to have anything of her own, the reason why Mikasa ships aren't popular isn't because she's not loved, it's because Isayama, WIT and even Mappa didn't let her have many meaningful interactions. Hell, even with Armin (they are supposed to be a trio) it sometimes feel like they were just hanging out for Eren. Ughhh they could at least let Mikasa have Ackermans for her own. She could interact more with Levi and even with Kenny for a sec. So disappointing :(
Wow!! Anon, welcome to the fandom and thanks for sending this! I never get asks and it’s always exciting 😂 We’re glad you’re here!
The “I didn’t get how people shipped rivamika” thing is common tbh, don’t worry! I was on that train too until I stopped to think about everything implied between the lines—most of it being in the manga, as you said. I know people say things like we ‘grasp at straws’ but there is realistically fantastic depth we can assume from their closeness as comrades alone. The magic of Rivamika as a ship is it takes more deep knowledge of the characters to understand why it WORKS so well. And when you get it, gosh, it’s amazing!
We definitely agree too, that WIT cut such crucial scenes to Mikasa’s character. I will never understand their choices… And I’ll forever grieve it 😭 That scene of self-reflection and guilt over Levi’s injury/absence is important because it’s the first time she finally thought outside of her tunnel vision of Eren. Ultimately, she learns to care about what happens to others as a result of her actions, which quite literally starts with Levi.
I also agree, it seems like Yams started the Ackerman reveal + arc but decided midway not to commit to it or develop it. It explained their strength, but that was it. It’s strange that even in the anime they chose not to explain that Ackerman’s are Titan DNA hybrids. That seems like a crucial piece but I wonder why they didn’t think it was important. Because then the whole “Ackerman’s are immune to x and x” has no narrative proof at all.
I like to think Ackertalk happened behind the scenes. I like reading everyone’s versions of it—but always a shame we never got that in canon. It’s even strange because they both lost their entire families, so finding out you’re from the same people should at least create a sense of bonding or they’d take on a slightly familial role, or SOMETHING. (Though I’m glad it didn’t go that route because people would REALLY think they’re cOuSiNs lol) But it’s just strange Yams introduced these things that ended up really having not much purpose, or none at all. (Don’t get me started on the Azumabito shit)
I still hope and manifest for some sort of Ackerman spin off that explores this. Can you imagine? Levi and Mikasa (the cash cows of AOT, we say!) venturing off post-war to discover more about the Ackerman’s? Or to retrace and find surviving Ackerman’s outside the world?
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genericpuff · 2 years
ok but per a previous ask: whats your opinion on the aot titan designs?
because they're super funny but i think yams hid some cool details in them specially for jaw titan and colossal titan designs! if u have opinions on the pure titans however id love to hear them too
the normal ones? hilarious. sometimes a little squicky. but very hilarious.
out of the nine though, I gotta go with the Attack Titan (both forms, S1 and S4, the S4 one is WILD-) , the Armored Titan, and the Warhammer Titan, all for their designs and utility, I love the Titans that are designed for absolute wreckage and mayhem.
Big "no thanks" to the Cart Titan, it creeps me out 😭 Not just its design but its voice when it speaks too akcckdjslaf- (but that's probably the point lmao)
Someone pointed out once that the amount of Norse myth references in Attack on Titan are pretty insane when you think about it. You've got Ymir (in Norse myth, the first Giant), who fuses with the original Power of the Titans inside of a tree (Yggdrasill) Seeing that episode for the first time revealing how Ymir turned Titan was really interesting because it immediately made me go "holy shit, it was a parasite???"
Then of course in Norse mythology you have the Nine Realms (Nine Pure Titans) one of which is the realm of the giants (Jotunheim).
IDK what it is but so many of my favorite pieces of Japanese/anime media are just Norse myth in disguise (Tales of Symphonia is one of my favorite games of all time and it's chock FULL of Norse allegories and inspirations.) It's wonderful and I love it <3
(Apologies if this is less of an essay/analysis and more just of a gushing post, I just caught up with the most current episodes last night and I haven't had a chance to sit on it long enough to properly analyze, it's just such a great watch.)
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
Man, Dark Choco has too many admirers.
I mean all good choices. Purple Yam and Milk are excellent fighters, along with Milk being a healer on the side. Whipped Cream is an excellent dancer and (usually) cheerful person, might have connections to see powerful people. Caramel Arrow is a childhood friend and is extremely loyal, plus a good head on her shoulders.
Curious idea tho, what if the choice Dark Choco made was outside the choices Dark Cacao had picked? Not sure what other ships for Dark Choco you have, but just a thought.
Also I am very curious about how Red Velvet will react? I bet it will be downright hilarious.
I'll be honest, I don't have any other ships for Dark Choco. I did have Dark Cacao pick all the suitors that Dark Choco really likes. (I even have a plan that you may have already guessed. (:)
But if I have to pick a different Cookie that Dark Choco could pick...either Crunchy Chip or Mala Sauce. Both of them are great fighters who ask later, fight first. (I think Dark Choco has a type teehee!)
And I want to write Red Velvet's full reaction in a few weeks. So here's a summary of my thought process for this:
Doesn't matter WHERE he is, doesn't matter WHAT time is it, doesn't matter WHAT he's doing, doesn't matter WHAT he's wearing! The moment he hears Dark Choco having a suitor competition, Red Velvet would run all the way to the Dark Cacao Kingdom and do the following: yell at him for not telling him about it earlier, ask him if he's alright with this, ask who the suitors are, and decide to help him pick one. All the while...Dark Choco is wondering how he got into the Citadel a.k.a. how he got passed all the Watchers.
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nogetron · 9 days
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Anat, Canaanite goddess of the wild and war. A rambunctious deity, Anat’s strength is nigh unstoppable, leading to her family and even her mother to fear her presence, with her father El being quoted as saying “I know you, my daughter, that you are a manly sort, and that none are emotional as you.” It is possible that El gave her the responsibility of a dispenser of justice, as many of the gods audibly fear for their lives when they’re in her presence. During the campaign for the throne of the king of the gods, Anat was asked by her father El to not intervene and help her husband Baal during the competition, following her father’s orders Anat went as far as to physically stop Baal from confronting his rival Yam during a meeting between the gods. Eventually Baal succeeds in claiming the throne, allowing Anat to support him once more. With Anat, Baal was able to be forgiven by their mother Asherah for fighting Yam, as well as securing permission to build Baal’s palace. However during a feast held by Baal, the death god Mot consumes Baal, killing him. Distraught over the death of her husband, Anat ambushes Mot, completely annihilating him from the world. After the resurrection of Baal and the defeat of the undefeated Mot, Anat went back to Baal’s side. In another myth Anat grew jealous of a prince, as the prince was gifted a great bow crafted by the god Kothar-wa-khasis. Anat asked the prince for the bow, but the prince in his arrogance insults Anat, ironically asking her if women are even capable of hunting. After confiding with El over the prince’s sexist remark, El grants her permission to punish the prince. Anat orchestrates his murder with the help of a nomadic warrior, however in the scuffle the bow breaks, causing Anat to roar in frustration over the futility of her actions.
Anat is heavily associated with her sister and fellow wife of Baal, Astarte, with whom they almost always share a presence together. Anat’s name has remained nigh unchanged throughout time, with the other renditions of her name being Hanat and Anath, Anat itself is believed to mean ‘violence’ or ‘force’. Because of Anat’s popularity she held many epithets, such as “Anat the Maiden”, “Anat the powerful”, “the mistress of domination” and the “mistress of the high heavens” among many others. Anat’s name is attested in several Sumerian sources, with some cities in Sumer being named after her, this implies that the worship of Anat and the other Semitic gods possibly predates that of the Sumerian pantheon, as their spread of worship had already covered most of Mesopotamia. The Sumerian goddess Inanna is believed to have developed from Anat along with many other warrior goddesses like the Greek Athena. Anat held significant influence in Egypt, with her earning a spot among the Egyptian gods. Her husband Baal was absorbed by the Local Set, with Anat following along with Astarte to become Set’s wives. In Egypt Anat and Astarte were believed to be the daughters of both Ra and Ptah, the two highest deities of Egypt. The Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II was especially known for his fervent devotion to Anat, naming his war dog, sword, and even his daughter after the goddess. Her status and lordship over typically masculine qualities a has lead to intrigue by many, with it possibly serving as inclusivity in her worship, bringing in more liberal worship with her inversion of gender roles.
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ruthycruzy · 5 months
Marcus Yam a Pulitzer Prize photojournalist - Reflection
I want to praise and thank our wonderful visitor at Elon University, Marcus Yam a Pulitzer Prize photojournalist who provided excellent advice for future journalists. He is an incredibly talented photojournalist who offered insight into the responsibility and skills to become an International journalist. I was amazed by his work it was outstanding to see a photojournalist speak about his diverse experiences going into many wars and reflecting on his achievements. This was a great opportunity to connect with experienced professionals in my field who will help guide me in my career. 
I saw the extreme dedication Yam emphasizes through his photography to reflect powerful stories. The most impactful stories come from people not how you describe them but through your connections in the community. He spoke about building connections with the locals when visiting a new area and understanding the culture. This perspective made me realize the importance of respecting cultures to establish credible sources for your story. His calm demeanor stood out as he emphasized that only experience will prepare you for severe situations. It is also important to research the area you are visiting beforehand and always carry an emergency kit. It is the journalist's responsibility to be prepared for any incidents especially when maintaining their health in the field. 
He also offered advice on how to approach sensitive topics such as cultural norms, observation, and connections. Yam said if you want to pursue this career as a photojournalist you must seek the opportunity to go out and explore the world. He mentioned how young journalists can find connections to report in other countries. 
What I found most striking is the way he captures emotions and people in his photos. It was amazing the creativity in his angles to present a new focus each time was quite intriguing. As a foreign correspondent for the LA Times, he offers an interesting perspective on photography.
One of the photos that struck my memory was of two journalists who were arrested by the Taliban and beaten severely. He mentioned how he approached them with respect and asked if they would be willing to share their story about the fall of Afghanistan. Their faces were covered but their backs expressed the horrendous treatment they endured for offering the truth to the public eye. They had extreme redness on their backs and lower legs this was an emotional story that impacted the treatment of journalists at that time. I understand why he won the Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography for images documenting the U.S. departure from Afghanistan that capture the human cost of the historic change in the country. I appreciate Yam taking the time to speak with Elon students about his experience, I wish him the best in his career. 
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is it just ocean ships youre into or?
...this ask has a slightly threatening aura but like, if you give me a chance to infodump, im going to.
tbh, i wouldnt say im "into ocean ships". i go feral for ocean liners, correct, but like 98% of cruise ships ive come across are fucking awful. plus ro-ro ferries can also go fuck themselves. and im also not really into like battleships apart from a few specific cases, e.g. the hms captain (the last one to be given that name) because boy howdy was that ship terribly designed.
but like most ship aficionados, im am really into great lake ships. i mean, the great lakes themselves are like so fucking cool and honestly if i had to go to america, id like to see them. because of how unique the geography of the great lakes are (essentially inland seas with waves cresting much closer to one another), you get some really interesting ships coming out of it.
theres the more obvious ships that i find interesting like the fitz (edmund fitzgerald), the daniel j morrell and the bannockburn, but im not gonna retread common ground here; theres plenty of videos on youtube about them.
what i wanna talk about is whaleback ships:
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they were dreamt up by captain alexander mcdougall and are a much obscure ship design for the lakes. only 44 were ever between 1887 and 1898.
see at that time, the size of a ship was limited mostly by a ships ability to get through lochs and rivers (and obviously materials + hull design theory) rather than power, which led to the common practice of one self-powering vessel towing several barges. and that became a problem when the seas were rough and the winds were howling. so mcdougall wanted to create a design that could easily be towed, which led to the whaleback design.
the hull of a whaleback is continuously curved, and the bow and stern were nearly identical. things like cabins were in the superstructure above the ship. when fully loaded, the hull would lay low in the water, giving it the eponymous whaleback look. it also looks a bit like a cigar.
while they were easy to tow and saw some success as self-powered vessels themselves, like the unfortunately named christopher colombus which was the only passenger whaleback vessel nicknamed "the queen of the lakes", they were flaws in the design. the curved hull made it harder to create watertight hatches, or hatches that would remain watertight as many warped. the working conditions were often poor as within the hull, its essentially a submarine. they were also quite vulnerable to and in collisions; they laid almost flush with the water so they were kinda hard to see.
i just find them very interesting and the design is actually kinda beautiful to me? idk, its just a bit of shipping history that doesnt get mentioned as much. the only remaining whaleback boat is the ss meteor which is now a museum ship.
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also, as a certified yam-yam (a seemingly insane thing to call myself), i have to talk about canal boats/narrowboats.
see where im from in the uk has more canals than venice and thats a fact any comedian will turn into a joke if they do a show hear. i know theres at least one other semi-popular posts about narrowboats, but if you havent seen it, you might have seen them in peaky blinders because they were used to transport illegal goods amongst other things.
the canals (or cuts as they were also called) where im from were used a lot during britains industrial revolution in terms of transporting goods. and although canal travel declined due to several factors like better roads for cars, increase in rail travel (seriously, you can get a train to anywhere round here) and issues with wages, its still a pretty significant part of our local culture and history.
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like in primary school, we were taught how locks work and i remember learning about all of the different kinds of narrowboats. im not gonna get into all of them because this post is long enough as is, but its safe to say, i have a personal attachment to narrowboats.
in the 60s, there was a restoration of canals and narrowboat tourism became popular. you can also live on a canal boat which one of my friends did for a while growing up.
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plus we have a lot of very pretty architecture thanks to canals in the staffordshire ring/black country rings (its called the black country due to how much soot would emanate from factories as well as thick coal seam that came from the mines during the victorian era). the staffordshire ring is like a canal of a lazy river, i guess; it loops all the way round the area and surrounding areas.
i particularly enjoy this little area of the dudley canal part of the ring:
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this part of our history also left a bunch of tunnels because canals went through things, and theres a lot of these tunnels. pretty sure theres a lot around the country in general? dont quote me on that; i know my local cut history better than the national canal history.
but anyway, you can walk through a lot of these tunnels such as the netherton tunnel:
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which i walked, all the way through and back, as a young child with a headlight on that didnt work too well. me dad took me my brother and by the time we were on the homestretch, we had a single flickering headlight left. fun times.
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cebwrites · 2 years
hey! i'm a gnc trans gay dude who uses she/her and recently ive been feeling kinda insecure about it like im faking or something 💔 also im tired of pretending fem she/her reader is about me. can i get hcs/scenarios of law, zoro, yamato, and one other character of your choice bragging about their gnc pronoun nonconforming boyfriend? only if you're comfortable ofc
dw pronoun anon we champion gnc transmasc solidarity in this house, fuck yeah expression doesn’t equal gender 🤝🤝 admittedly i've never used neos or interacted with anyone who does before so here's my preemptive apologies if i mess up ;0;
oh also i changed the limit of characters from 4 to 3 a while ago, just updating for anyone who isn't aware! :] love this all trans lineup tho 🤭
bragging about their boyfriend who doesn't use he/him pronouns (Law, Zoro, Yamato)
he/they law, trans zoro  reader’s pronouns: they/them, she/her, it/it's, ey/em/eir, ve/vis word count: 0.6k
Being a he/they bitch himself, there’s no way in hell that Law would ever question your pronoun usage and anyone who does is getting their head swapped with their ass
He’s hardly the braggy type though, mostly leaving that to the chorus of his crew to pick on if you ever needed some extra support - of course, not a single one of them would bat an eye at it, either
They do, however, make a concerted effort to use your chosen pronouns more when Law gets a hint that you’re feeling out of it
“Tell ey to bring these to my office later,”
“It’s their turn on dish duty today, don’t let them out of it,”
“This is eirs, right? Toss it in the wash,”
All just slightly within earshot and casual conversation - once the captain starts, the rest of the crew is sure to follow, too
They don’t mean to be obvious, but the moment the Heart Boys (genderless) are tipped off that you aren’t feeling too hot, you’ll also be accosted here and there throughout your slump to conveniently do all the things you loved or at least enjoyed in their company 
Even your partner themself is a little bit more cuddly in private during that crummy self-doubt day or week, not that he’d ever mention it, but that’s neither here nor there
Zoro’s a bit (a lot) confused as far as neo pronouns go, but he’s got the spirit 
He’s as transmasc as the next feral swordsman you’d find on the Grand Line, but pronouns have never really been a thing that he’s had to put too much thought into (in Zoro’s mossy brain: he/him is typically used for guys, so he’ll use he/him because he’s a guy, easy)
Zoro knows that’s not the case for you, though, so he’ll make adjustments to his vernacular accordingly
He slips up every now and again grammar-wise, using the wrong subject and possessive forms here and there, but it’s nothing that a quick correction can’t fix - he’s always at least a little guiltily pouty too, so you can’t really stay mad at him, honestly
Bragging, though, is an artform that Zoro is clearly familiar with
“In your dreams, Swirly, I’m clearly going to win because ve has my back!” (”Oh? So it’s not your own power then, Mossy?” //insert loud queer squabbling)
“Hmph, its MY boyfriend and it could kick your asses any day!”
“Doesn’t matter, this is vis and cause we’re dating I get half a dibs, ve’s a lot cooler than you all anyway,” (”That’s really not how that works, Zoro”)
A lot of these brags have to do with your power, forgive him, Zoro’s a very simple man-
There’s a very minor learning curve that some of the other Strawhats have to adapt to, too, but again it’s no real issue after the first week or so
Yams is your BIGGEST cheerleader, he’ll bulldoze ignorant assholes out of the way for you and howl about how great you are and how much he loves you from the highest rooftop without even asking
He’s 100% supportive of your decisions and won’t stand for anyone who doesn’t (if you don’t want to cause a scene you may have a little trouble holding him back or have to discuss it with him beforehand because Yamato absolutely will call someone out on their bullshit when he sees it)
Sometimes you even get a little flustered or overwhelmed with the intensity and vigor that he supports you (very much the ’guns blazing’ type) but it’s all with an endearing air and the knowledge that Yamato only wants your best interest at heart
“Have you met her? She’s my boyfriend!”
“My boyfriend’s so handsome today, isn’t she handsome everyone?? <3″
“I love my she/her boyfriend!!! She’s so fucking HOT!!” [yelled from the tallest building in the Flower Capital]
Yamato is so embarrassing and openly affectionate the Akazaya are sick and tired of him, someone PLEASE leash this puppy and take him home, preferably away from them
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syrma-sensei · 3 years
What type of smutty Erwin is best
It's a hard question you know. But hey, it depends on the plot tbh, or so I think.
Erwin has multiple moods, and I think the world you put the fic in it affects it gravely. However, Erwin's a gentle lover if there's love involved of course, and when he's rough because he knows his lover likes it 😌
But he can be so mean sometimes, a sadistic bastard even, in some cases; Marley Erwin is an example.
But in general he loves the power he has over his lover, makes them feel vulnerable and fragile at his hands. He relishes in the sovereignty he has, and makes them find pleasure being dominated by him.
I strongly believe that he'd like his lover to be of a smart character, powerful one even. It sends him shivers at the thought of them being helpless and weak in his bed, that he's trust worthy enough that they show him their tender side, that they allow him to ravish them, to tame them if he has to. But they must be careful, bed life should not interfere in day life, there's a firm line between them and he certainly makes it clear to them. Buuuuuutttt they sometimes cave in to the temptation, and tease him in public, he doesn't mind it. But they should be careful.
As the Commander of the Survey Corps, he has many pressures weighing on his shoulders, and what's more beautiful than taking out his anger and frustrations on his lover in a rough, animalistic fucking, especially if they offer themselves for him to use.
Sometimes tho, he likes to be taken care of, when his beloved steps in his office, wrap their arms around him from behind, massaging his aching muscles and stiff bones. They'd wrap him around their fingers.
He ain't a cruel man at heart, the world made him so, and he has a pretty exciting tender side to discover under that Commander's mask.
Hahaha, and there's a major agreement that Erwin has daddy kink, and damn I 100% approve; his daddy vibes make my ovaries explode as a bi female. And I think breeding kink is in his character in other AUs.
I wouldn't think he's into bondage, but pretty much into dom/sub dynamics. But he doesn't mind light bondage tho, even heavy one out of experience, with his lover's consent, of course.
I deeply believe he's sapiosexual; sexually drawn to intelligent people; I mean I cannot imagine him with someone shallow, maybe simple yes, but never shallow. He likes the competition in that regard, and it does excite him to get his mind fucked, and his lover's.
Erwin's character is so hard to write tbh, even Yams did say that he didn't quite wrap his head around Erwin's personality then. But he really did a spectacular job writing him when he did.
And I myself, find great pleasure in writing him, and discovering new dimensions of his complex character.
I know I ranted so much, but hope I could answer your ask properly 😚❤️
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ourmondobongo · 3 years
Hi, can you answer the questions from ppl who say that Hange just gave up her duties to Armin and passed her burdens on to her comrades, and then she's committed suicide. Though i think it's completely non make senses that how Hange isn't someone who lets go of something just her own feelings, she has principles that if there's no way it doesn't matter to her. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the ask!!
Let's dig into this wasp lair...
First, the suicide take is horrible. Let me reference you this analysis Ness made explaining why affirming this is absolutely wrong here.
Second, Hanji DIDN’T give up her duties! If she did: 1. that would have happened in 126, but Levi Ackerman expressedly stated that he knew who Hanji was, and she wouldn't be able to stay out of the action; 2. Hanji in chapter 127 tells more about this; 3. Hanji in chapters 128-132 is ALWAYS guiding and pushing and coordinating everyone to fight!; and more importantly, the situation in chapter 132 was IMPOSSIBLE to be saved by anyone but her.
Why is that?
1. The one who would fight the Colossus Titans was 100% certainly going to die or, if Titan Shifter, be left behind as they couldn't risk the plane safety and fuel;
2. Obviously, in such predicament, Armin, Reiner (nor Pieck) couldn't stay behind and fight them;
3. So it would be needed someone in top shape to withstand the hotness and strength draining tool to keep flying from one Colossus to another without stopping for Yams know how many burning alive minutes until the plane was ready to fly;
4. This excludes Levi right of the bat because the manga explicitly shows that he, at that point, could barely hold his blades right, or walk properly; so he himself probably knows he can't take Hanji's place in this burning to death fight - if he couldn't take it and died before the time, another person would also have to die or stay behind to cover up after him in the Titan fight; it would be unacceptable, they had very few people already!
And even if Levi verbally expressed this desire (what I'm sure he would have done if he was in top shape as it happened in chapter 80 against the Beast Titan), there was no way Hanji would allow this too - her type of Commanding tried to ensure her soldiers' lives as best as they all could afford, not sending them to certain death missions; it was not Levi's time to die nor a mission only he could finish, because Hanji, as a long SC veteran soldier and Titan Specialist, was FULLY mentally and physically capable of killing those tremendous Colossus Titans; this battle she was perfectly capable of taking!
5. Yes, Hanji knew her other subordinates - Connie, Jean, Mikasa, Armin - were highly skilled. Connie made top 10 soldier in Training Corps time, and it was for a reason, despite his character be shadowed by his comical and dumb highlights; Jean had all potential to be great a Commander; Mikasa Ackerman; and Armin knew Eren better than anyone, was a great strategist especially when pushed into despair lol, and had the Colossal Titan.
However, equally or more importantly than what they still had to offer later on in the Rumbling, there is no way Hanji would send her 19 years old subordinates to their certain death if it was avoidable.
And even if they weren't capable of doing much in the Rumbling (for those thinking about Connie most probably), then it would also make no sense to send one of them to fight the Colossus. They would fail without even having a chance to reach Eren.
6. The deadly power of the Colossus Titan is highly underestimated by the fandom. And the perpetual misunderstanding that Hanji only killed 04 Titans is a curse to her character...
Let's look at these pictures:
The Wall of Titans is nearly aligned when Hanji kills the first Colossal...
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And this is what we see MANY MINUTES later:
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And Hanji was cleaning at least* 03 lines of Colossal Titans at the same time!
And for her to ask "still nothing?!" after the engineers saying they would need around 01 hour to fix the plane and fly, I'm sure a considerable time passed.
So Hanji definitely killed more than just 04 Titans, and I hope the movie or whatever makes this clearer! 🙏
7. Lastly, Hanji Goddamn Zoë was a Veteran Titan Killer, the Commander of SC, and absolutely true to the ideals and values she held. She was entrusted with the role of "guaranteeing the path to their victory" - and in 132, it was only her strength and willpower that could ensure both the path and other people's lives (whom she also CARED A LOT!)
So this doesn't mean that Hanji felt disposable, or inferior to any other, or wanted to run away from duty by throwing it into the survivors' hands and with a suicide act of all things!!!
Instead, it shows how much Hanji did believe and act according to her strong beliefs, ideals, and responsibilities.
They had ALL fought so much to ensure humanity would find freedom: the dead comrades died devoting their hearts to free and save others; the Alliance killed some of their own people to stop Eren. Hanji carried the weight of that. And Hanji blamed herself for being powerless to find a solution for a infernal 2000 years old story of hate (chapters 127, 132) - BUT despite this heavy, unfair and why not to say unbearable burden placed upon her back, Hanji STILL pressed forward in hopes that "It might not work out today, but maybe someday..." .
And EVERYONE in the Alliance agreeded by their OWN choice with the thought that they needed to stop Eren's massacre.
So, srly, how was Hanji giving up her duties and passing them to Armin and her comrades by running away from reality through suicide in this situation?!
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diariesofthehermit · 3 years
Elves and Fairies of West African Folklore
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Art by Lokelani (https://www.deviantart.com/lokelani/art/Mmoatia-122212680)
Most of us are familiar with elves, dwarfs, sidhe, satyrs, nymphs and the Tuatha de Danann- but what of their equivalents from the African continent? Here are a few of the “good folk” that wander the grasslands and forests of West Africa:
1) The Aziza/Azizan:
According to Carol Rose’s scholarly “An Encyclopedia of Sprits, Fairies and Leprechauns”, the Aziza are the “little people” of those communities which formerly made up the Dahomey Kingdom in West Africa (whose borders existed within the modern nation of Benin). They inhabit the deep forests and had a relationship with the hunters who ventured into them. The Aiziza have conferred some of their knowledge of supernatural powers onto these hunters, who in turn have since introduced this knowledge to human society. For this, the Aziza were propitiated. 
The “Encyclopedia of Fairies in World Folklore and Mythology” by Theresa Bane gives similar information, but adds: “Considered to bring luck with them, the Aziza were often called upon by the native people for assistance in hunting and luck in general.” 
The book “African Myths of Origin” by Stephen Belcher records a story from the Fon (the dominant ethnic group of the Dahomey Kingdom), wherein a hunter whose wife suffered from leprosy came across a mound of earth inhabited by an azizan. The azizan spoke to the hunter, who never saw it with his own eyes, and presented him with a remedy composed of plants from the forest. The azizan offered to provide more remedies if the hunter returned with descriptions of the ailments that afflicted his people. The hunter returned on multiple occasions and the azizan kept his word. Eventually, the king of the country himself visited the mound and, after making various offerings, told the azizan “that in his land they had no means of curing sicknesses, and asked the azizan to provide him with remedies.” The azizan “gave the king of the country many of the Vodun [gods] who are now worshipped there [...] and the king took them back.”
The gods referred to here are the deities of the Fon religion, or Vodun. Fon religion and folklore survived in the New World in the form of Voodoo. 
2) The Mmoatia:
According to Carol Rose, this is the title given to a group of Little People in West African folklore. The Ashanti believe that they are the “guardian spirits” of the wilderness and of the animals that live there. 
“The Annotated African-American Folktales” by Maria Tartar and Henry Louis Gates Jr. records a number of Black American folktales as well as their African analogues. The collection has a West African tale titled: “How the Sky God’s Stories Came to be Known as Spider Stories.”
In this tale, Anansi the Spider (a trickster hero) asks the Sky God Nyankapon for the price of his stories. The Sky God replied that “They cannot be brought for anything except Onini the Python, Osebo the Leopard, Mmoatia the Fairy and Mmboboro the Hornets.” Anansi then agrees to capture all of these things and bring them back to the Sky God.
Anansi tricked the Mmoatia by creating a doll with yams in her hand and plastered with tree sap. When one of the Mmoatia spotted the doll, she was fooled into thinking it was a real child, and asked it for some yams. Anansi through his trickery made the doll appear to reply by nodding its head. After bringing along one of her sisters, they ate the yams, but when they thanked the doll there was no reply. Enraged, one of the sisters slapped the doll and her hand became stuck to the sap. Her sister prompted her to strike it with her other hand and then to push it with her stomach, but the other fairy only became more stuck. Anansi then revealed himself and took the fairy, along with a captured python, leopard and hornet’s nest, to the Sky God, whereupon Anansi received the great deity’s stories. 
3) The Ijimere
The Yoruba (an ethnic group primarily found in Nigeria) are known for their profound impact on the cultures of the Black Diaspora and for the vitality and longevity of their traditional beliefs. A sizeable portion of the Yoruba still practice their ancestral traditions in West Africa, and their religious influence includes New World manifestations of their faith such as Santeria and Candomble. 
According to Rose’s encyclopedia, Ijimere is “the collective name for a group of spirits in the West African Folklore of the Yoruba People.” These “little people” inhabit the depths of the forests and the wild places in the country of Nigeria. 
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Milk Cookie x reader (part 8)
Content: Fluff, adventure, gender neutral reader, SFW.
Plot: You've been turned into a cookie by a witch. Milk Cookie doesn't know that you're human, but he's still trying to help you get back home! In this episode, the Mala Tribe welcomes you and your friends.
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/304676013-milk-cookie-x-reader-by-my-side
<Part 7  Part 9>
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Despite the spikes, horns, and roughness, the Mala Tribe was surprisingly friendly. They were really eager to welcome us to their village; barely arrived, Mala Sauce Cookie shouted to introduce us as friends, and they were almost immediately handing us food and big mugs for a toast. Although... A part of me quickly suspected that their generosity was due to them being so amused by outsiders' reactions to spicy food!
Yeah, they got a really good laugh out of me and Purple Yam Cookie spitting out the first sip of our drink, which turned out to be really hot sauce... However, Milk Cookie didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what we were eating. In fact, Milk Cookie seemed immune to most of the hotness of the Dragon's Valley, for some reason.
We were eventually sitting with Mala Sauce Cookie, as she informed us about the land.
"Hmm... Nope! Sorry, I've never seen a 'Dark Choco Cookie' come through here..." She replied after Milk Cookie explained our quest.
Milk Cookie frowned sadly, as Purple Yam Cookie frowned angrily.
"Why is it so HARD to get any lead!?" Purple Yam Cookie grumbled.
"Ah... But I'm sure he came here..." Milk mumbled.
"Maybe he did! I'm not all-knowing, you know! Hrahah!" Mala Sauce Cookie chugged her mug. "Ahh... Maybe he came through here when the Dragon's Valley was doing better... When the steam, smoke and volcanic explosions made it hard to see the horizon! It would have been easier to walk through here unnoticed..."
"You call that BETTER??" Purple Yam Cookie squinted.
"Sure do! Destructive heat is the best part of this land! It's what made our tribe strong! And SPICY!" Her expression turned into annoyance, looking at the land. "But since last year or so... the heat started going down... The rivers of lava are drying up... The volcano is calming down... The Dragon's Valley is getting... BLAND..." She paused. Chugging again. "Which is why I'm gonna go find the dragon!"
"Dragon??" Milk Cookie said with wide eyes.
Dragon? A real dragon? Or a monster made out of candies?...
"Yup! In our tribe's legends, it's said that this dragon living at the top of the volcano has something to do with the land's fiery nature! So he's gotta be able to help!"
"Won't that be dangerous?" Milk Cookie asked.
"Sure it will! But I have to do it!"
"...Then let us assist you!"
"WHAT." Purple Yam Cookie glared at Milk Cookie. "We're ALREADY on a QUEST!"
"But we have to! Help is needed, and we must repay our dept! Don't forget Mala Sauce Cookie saved our lives...!"
"It's just the weather getting colder! Who cares?!" Purple Yam Cookie crossed his arms.
I stayed quiet a moment. Obviously, I had really big doubts about going after a dragon... ...But also heck, I did want to see dragon. It's not like we were going to fight it, right? We were gonna ask that dragon for a favor or something... Besides, I was becoming confident that these over-powered cookies could get through anything. As long as I sticked with Milk Cookie... I'd probably be fine.
"Are you scared of the dragon, Purple Yam Cookie?" I said.
Purple Yam Cookie quickly turned to me, staring at me with the purest 'you wish to die?' eyes a cookie could have. "...I changed my mind. I'M COMING."
It was that easy.
"Great!" Milk Cookie beamed. "It's good to have you along, Purple Yam Cookie!"
"Really?... Heh... I knew you two were the daring type!" Mala Sauce smiled brightly, then turned to me. "What about you?~"
"Huh!?" I turned nervous instantly, and already doubting myself. "Well I... I..." The three of them were staring at me... However, Milk Cookie gave me an encouraging smile. Despite my doubts, I wanted to become tough enough to follow him in these adventures, I really did. "...I want to come."
"HAH!" She slammed her hand onto my shoulder. It... really hurt.... "Non-spicy cookies are always welcome to tag along!~" She landed a few intense pats on my shoulder, almost breaking my arm, then walked away. "We'll be leaving tomorrow! Feel free to sleep anywhere around the village... maybe in the marshmallow storage?... Heh! Sorry! we don't have an inn. We don't get much travelers, ya see..."
"Oh, thank you kindly, Mala Sauce Cookie!" Milk Cookie thanked her, followed by a quieter thanks from me.
"Nah... I should be thanking you for joining!" She smiled and dived back among her peers.
The Mala Tribe kept the celebration going all the way, for the rest of the day! It was hard to tell if the Mala Tribe was really that excited to have visitors, or if they just celebrated like that every day. There was drinking and table games (mostly arm wrestling)... and actual wrestling, which Purple Yam Cookie inevitably joined after a while. I even ended up playing dice with a couple of spicy cookies that really wanted to 'play with the new guys'. The loudness of these cookies was overwhelming sometimes, but they were so eager, it was hard to be in a bad mood.
When things sort of started to calm down, I noticed Milk Cookie was going around, seemingly asking the spicy cookies about something. Every time he got a reply, he seemed a little sad...
Wondering what was going on, I stood up to go join him, then managed to hear what he was saying:
"Excuse me sir, do you happen to know of a land called [insert the name of your country here]?" He asked.
"What's that?? [Deformed name of your country]?? Hah! I don't even know what's next to the Dragon's Valley!!" The spicy cookie replied.
Milk Cookie frowned. "Oh well!... Thank you anyway! Have a good night sir!..." He finally saw me, and turned to me with a smile. "I'm sorry Y/N... I don't think the Mala Tribe can help us find your home..."
"!" Right... We were traveling together to find someone who knows the place I come from... "Aww... No, don't be sorry!... I'm glad you even thought of asking asking around...!"
"Why? Did you forget?~" He asked, a little bit teasingly.
"What?? No! I was just-....." I couldn't think of a quick excuse.
He chuckled brightly. "Don't worry Y/N! You must be really tired from the day we had, that's all!..."
He was right...
"I was going to get some sleep sooner... It looks like we have quite a journey ahead of us tomorrow!" He frowned, with that compassionate look in his eyes... "You know... You could stay in the village until we get back, if you want. If you want to sit it out, there's no shame in it! My mission is to help you find your way back home, not to drag you into unrelated side quests..."
I deeply appreciated his concern, but I wanted him to know I could be daring! And again, I genuinely believed I'd be safe as long as I stayed close to him. Also I didn't want to be alone in a village of cookies I don't know as well...
"No, I... I really want to come!!" I said
"Ah!" He beamed happily... To my greatest relief?... I kind of expected him to feel unsure about this... I guess he really didn't think of me as a burden...! "Understood! Then you should join me and get some sleep right away!"
"Yes! Absolutely! I am tired..." I paused. "...Where are you going to sleep...?"
"Oh, the marshmallow storage. I haven't slept on a soft surface in months!" He said with a smile.
"Ohh... You... wouldn't mind if I go there too, right?"
He beamed again. "Not at all!!" He then looked in the direction of Purple Yam Cookie, who was now arm-wrestling Mala Sauce Cookie. "My friend! Are you coming to rest?"
"I'M BUSY! I'LL SLEEP LATER!" Purple Yam Cookie growled.
"Oh... Well, Don't stay up too late!..." Milk Cookie then smiled to me, and headed to that large shed-looking hut.
So I followed Milk Cookie into the marshmallow storage. We flopped onto squishy marshmallows, under a roof... No need to set up tents or start a fire! After the crazy day we had, I admit it was a much appreciated break from the usual routine... even though the heat was still overwhelming... How was it possible that Milk Cookie was still wearing this thick high-collar shawl? Only the celestials could tell.
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a-kaash-me-outside · 3 years
Hi hi hi!! I hope you are well! Can I request #10 from the smut prompt list with Yamaguchi and trying to get him out of his shell??
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// nsfw (minors dni!!), gn!reader, softsub!yama but also softdom!yama ,, were playin w shifting power dynamics baby, choking, handjob
honestly probably took this in a bit of a different direction than you were looking for, and I changed the dialogue a bit but it kinda just worked I think this is a part of my 3k event ! ~ go request smthn or send me hcs
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Everything's come to a halt, a full stop as the question hangs in the air. You didn't mean for it to have such an effect on him. Something deep inside of you is telling you to apologize, but for what? For asking your boyfriend what he wants, for not really glazing over it when he mumbles something incoherent instead of giving you a direct answer?
With Yamaguchi, it was good, so good. He was the dictionary definition of attentive, great at listening to directions and following them to a T, but every single time you asked what he wanted, he would brush over it, sometimes making you forget you asked the question in the first place and other times just completely ignoring you.
But you were determined, now, to get him to talk to you, to get him out of his shell and for once, get exactly what he wants. "Yams, baby, what do you want?" you asked again, pulling back further, hand on his thigh, seated between his legs.
He's trying to look away, to push past it again, but you lean forward, cupping his face in your hand and forcing his view. "Tell me." It's not a question anymore, but a command. You want so badly to return the favor, to give him whatever he wanted.
His voice is so low when he speaks that if you weren't listening as closely as you were, it would've gone undetected. "I’m not into choking but I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while."
When you don't respond immediately, he keeps talking, stammering now over his words, making excuses and trying to backpedal. "Like, I don't know, I think I might like it, but if you don't think that you would, then-"
His words are cut off, not by verbal reassurance, but by the way your fingers slide down his clenched jaw and wrap around his throat. There's no force, just a lingering presence of your hand as you find his eyes. "Like this?"
He doesn't hesitate now, nodding against your fist so softly that you're convinced he's terrified of moving you. "Maybe a little tighter," he asks, voice still just as timid as when he suggested it in the first place.
You comply immediately because you're not letting this moment slip away from you. You tighten your fist slowly, gradually until he tilts his head upwards and closes his eyes, a tiny approving noise brushing past your palm.
"What do you want me to do now?" Your eyes are deadlocked on Yamaguchi's soft features, on how pretty he looks right now.
"Want you to jerk me off," he swallows after it comes out of his mouth, still holding onto those last bits of fear as he moves into brand new territory.
You spit into your hand quickly before forming a tight fist around his growing cock. You've barely started stroking, about to ask how he wants it, when he groans out a single command, "faster." You nod, but he can't see you with his head thrown back, giving you full exposure of his neck, and his eyes screwed shut.
His cock is leaking, precome dribbling out of his slit, slicking his length as you swipe your thumb over the head on every upstroke. A never-ending string of whimpers and whines are coming out of his throat and you can feel every single one. "Faster."
The tire is spreading up your arm the longer it goes on, but you're not stopping, you won't. Even as you start to feel the burn and the sweat and he tells you, yet again, to go faster, you refuse to stop or disobey him in any sense.
He's starting to throb against your palm now, his head now an angry shade of red as he lifts his hips from the bed to meet your fist on the way down. Thrusting into your hand, sweat sheening his forehead and chest, he grabs your wrist, pressing your fist into his throat harder. "Just like that," he whines, voice struggling against the tight grip he's forced. "Gonna come."
Before he's even finished his sentence, ropes of cum are spilling over your hand, coating his own length as you continue stroking, feeling each pulse, waiting for him to tell you to stop and not slowing down a moment sooner. "Good, good, that's good," he mumbles, moving your hand from his neck with a weak grasp.
You sit there for a beat, just soaking in how good he looks beneath you, sprawled out, chest rising and falling as he tries to regain his composure. "See? All you had to do was tell me what you wanted."
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momtaku · 3 years
Erwin gave Levi a whole new life, he gave him the sky, he gave him rank and recognition. I like Yams calling their relationship being equal and mutual. It's easy to understand why Erwin would be the most important person in Levi's life, but why would Levi be so important in Erwin's? That's why I also like D. Ono's phrase, "Levi is Erwin's last thread to humanity". I know this may sound silly, but I sometimes tend to think that the reason they aren't declaring their relationship as being "romantic" is that it would belittle what's actually between them. Because it is very clear that it is much more complex and mysterious than just "romantic".
Tsuki just answered an ask along these lines and I found myself nodding along. I'm nodding to your ask as well. I've never cared about romance when it comes to Eruri. It was the entire bond of devotion that drew me in.
What I discovered was something like my own irl relationship. Trust me when I say it's not romance that has kept my partner and I together. That part is fantastic for sure, but it's not flowers and moonlit kisses that prove his devotion - it's him delivering my first cup of coffee each morning no matter if we fought the night before and eating chips in another room because he knows I can't stand the noise 😂
That's not to say a focus on romantic love belittles anything. I've written about how eruri was not my first ship. I came into it almost unwillingly when I realized the ship I preferred was being ignored because Isayama's focus was always on Erwin and Levi. It was actually painful at the time but when the author was constantly pointing arrows at something, I felt compelled to look.
At first I was only interested in their canon bond. And that was great. I felt like Petra trying to make sense of why someone as powerful and dangerous as Levi would willingly submit to someone like Erwin. I loved that canon exploration.
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Once I understood that aspect, it felt natural to explore them in a variety of contexts.
I guess you could say I felt like Isayama circled and underlined their relationship in permanent ink throughout the manga. I noticed and added the glitter and heart stickers later. Both are good.
I went on a tangent here, but mentioning their canon bond is always going to cause me to gush when all I really need to say is yes. Thanks for the ask!
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Chapter 137: A vow fulfilled and shirtless to the last
He did it.  He finally did it.  After waiting almost five years, Levi finally killed the Beast Titan.  I can hardly believe it *.  It’s taken me a while to gather my thoughts on the chapter and I’m still not sure they’re entirely coherent, but let’s give it ago.
I speculated last month that there was a possibility that Armin would talk to Zeke in paths and convince him to sacrifice himself in order to stop Eren, and that Zeke would allow Levi to kill him, thus stopping the rumbling and enabling Levi to fulfill his vow to Erwin in one neat move.  (I also thought Levi would die in the process, but more that that below.)  This is more or less what happened, but what I didn’t expect was the line of reasoning Armin chose, I thought there would be a lot more angst and harking back to Grisha pleading with Zeke to stop Eren.  I actually really like the way things played out though.  I know that some of us (me included) have been critical of Armin because there’s been precious little evidence of his supposed genius, but perhaps at the end of the day, Armin’s brilliance was to appreciate the significance of simple things, and to understand the importance of a life just lived.  It reminded me of that moment by the ocean where Armin revels in the delights of the present, whereas Eren has already raced ahead to the future, without ever stopping to see or appreciate what is right in front of his nose.  And it also put me in mind of Carla telling Shadis that Eren didn’t need to become great, or to be better than everyone else, that he was great simply because he was born into the world. What a tragedy that Eren never appreciated that.
I also think it’s telling that this is what finally got through to Zeke.  In the chapter 136 podcast we discussed whether Zeke deserved his reputation for 11/10 intelligence, and all three of us agreed that he did not. I know some listeners disagreed with that, but I stand by the argument that while Zeke may have been intelligent, he wasn’t half as clever as he thought he was, and ultimately that was his downfall.  For all Zeke’s logical intelligence, I don’t think he ever really understood people.  Zeke always lacked empathy, which is something Armin has in spades.  He was so wrapped up in his own grand schemes that he never really stopped to consider other people and that’s why ultimately so many of his plans failed to come to fruition.  He underestimated Levi, and he fatally misunderstood Eren.
I’m conflicted here because I can't help feeling that Zeke got a better end than he deserved, but it was also one that was completely in character.  He did finally acknowledge that he had killed too many people to deserve redemption, but at the same time he still couldn't let go of his conviction that his euthanasia plan had been justified. Despite his moment of revelation that it’s the simple things that make life precious, he still couldn’t quite let go of his arrogance, his belief that he alone had the power to decide Eldians’ fate.    
I did think the way Zeke died was brilliantly done.  He always had a bit of a flair for theatrics, which went hand in hand with his high opinion of himself.  For Yams to let him have one last final grand-standing moment, to wax lyrical about the meaning of life, before being unceremoniously cut down by Levi, was just perfect.  The fact that he was shirtless at the time just made it all the more ridiculous.  Zeke Yeager - topless and on brand to the very last.  I hope to god I never have to see those nipples again.
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And what of Levi? I honestly never expected that Levi would be able to kill Zeke and live.  It’s the one scenario I was not mentally prepared for.  I always thought that Levi would either die attempting to fulfil his vow, or fail and have to live with the guilt. I know that a lot can happen in the two chapters that are remaining and I suspect we will see more deaths before the end, but I’m starting to think that Levi might survive, and I’m actually…okay with that.  I reblogged a ficlet called Scars, that I wrote in response to an ask, where Levi survived the war and lived on with his scars and his memories, but I never thought there was a possibility that would happen.  Perhaps Levi will get his Morning in the Museum after all, as @momtaku​ dreamed of in her gorgeous fic.  
I know there’s been a lot of speculation about Levi’s expression immediately after he kills Zeke, and what it means.  Some people have interpreted it as sorrow, emptiness, disappointment.  Personally I think it’s a whole mess of overwhelming emotions; sorrow certainly, but also pain, relief and disbelief too. It’s everything all at once and it’s too much to process.  I think that Levi moved so fast that he didn’t have time for conscious thought.  He saw his opportunity and he took it. This time he didn’t hesitate.  Processing those emotions will (hopefully) come later.  I also don’t think that the fact that Zeke effectively offered himself up as a sacrifice cheapens the fulfilment of Levi’s vow in any way.  We already know that Levi could beat Zeke in a straight fight, he did that several times.  What matters is that by killing him, Levi was able to fulfil his vow, and perhaps more importantly, stop the rumbling, thus honouring his promise to Erwin and proving that his fallen comrades didn’t die for humanity in vain.
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So yeah, thems my thoughts. All in all, I enjoyed this chapter and I’m cautiously optimistic for an ending that reminds us that there is beauty in the world as well as cruelty.
* There is an annoying little voice at the back of my mind whispering “maybe Zeke isn’t actually dead…” and, with Isayama, there is always that possibility. However with only two chapters left, I don’t think there’s time for another convoluted plot twist.  Also the lovingly detailed way that Isayama drew Zeke in this chapter makes me think that this is indeed his swansong.
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