buwheal · 8 months
Hello Spamton! Lets say, hypothetically, if i was intrested in potentially buying something from you, which product would you recomend the most?
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hzrnvm · 1 year
16, 17, 18
has al parodied any of your favourite bands/musicians? ‎ - Yep! Well, style parody :P But I think those are kinda cooler, especially if you know the parodied artist well. The main one I can remember is "Dog Eat Dog" from "Polka Party", it's a style parody of Talking Heads, mainly their 6th album "Little Creatures". And MAN it's a good style parody. it might as well have been from the album, no joke. It's a great style parody. Incredible work. al doesnt accept other people's parody ideas (unless you're madonna) but if he did, what song or style would you want him to parody? ‎ - hmmm... that's tough! I think i'd probably say a Weird Al hyperpop parody would be sick. Weird Al 100 Gecs style parody. This would be cool. Yeah.
have you ever made any weird al-related fanart? (share/link if you feel comfortable doing so!) ‎ - I have not done that myself, but it would be boring for me to just say "no i have not done that myself", so i'm gonna talk about ask19!
have you ever seen Weird Al live? (i'm paraphrasing) ‎ - YES I HAVE AND IT WAS SOOOO COOL IT WAS SO AWESOME AND COOL!!! IT WAS AMAZING.!!! it was SO much fun. first time i ever saw music live, for one, and it rocked MEGA. unbeatable feeling. anyways. he performed Albuquerque at the end with the fun live things i heard that he did and it was Seventeen minutes long :D!!! here's an image of him performing
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and yeah. he's an angel. it was supposed to be a secret :P im sure you won't go around telling ppl tho :3
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der-mitts · 6 years
I can’t explain why but Carlton the bear playing goalie in the mascot game is very important to me 
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19. Do you have any books you've loved recently?
I started reading this book about the Rolling Stones and it's really interesting
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windsock · 8 years
《韓国野党「安倍に10億円返そう」首相の発言に反発》という朝日の記事http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK195Q0JK19UHBI01Q.html …で呆れた。この問題は金の問題ではないのに何という浅ましさだ。問題はでっち上げの「慰安婦像」をウイーン条約に違反してソウル、釜山に設置し続ける韓国の理性とモラルにある。
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enjoyheart26 · 7 years
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snicketsleuth · 9 years
Did Lemony already know Beatrice at the time of ATWQ? The Beatrice Letters seem to indicate as much, but she is virtually never mentioned in the new series, and if anything Lemony is too infatuated by Ellington to care... or is he? Could you clarify the timeline, in between root beer and coffee? These kids grew up fast!
Yes, Lemony already knew Beatrice by the time he arrived to Stain’d-by-the-Sea. Here’s the testimony of their first encounter:
I will be the eleven-year-old boy wearing a green necktie and a pin with the insignia of our organization.[Lemony Snicket - The Beatrice Letters, LS to BB #1]
He’s eleven years old when he meets Beatrice. He’s twelve years old at the start of “All the Wrong Questions” and apparently turns thirteen over the course of the series.
And you’re actually wrong about Beatrice not being mentioned! In the last book, we see confirmation he’s already supposed to know who Beatrice is:
Josephine is delivering a message to Monty, and Beatrice is accompanying Olaf to the edge of a strange forest.[Ghede - Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights?, Chapter Thirteen]
But yes, the way Lemony flirts with Ellington without a thought for Beatrice shocked more than a few readers! I suppose he was just a pre-pubescent boy at a time and hadn’t really integrated the idea of romance yet… Maybe he hadn’t really started falling head over heels for Beatrice. Daniel Handler probably thought it would be more realistic if their love slowly blossomed over several years.
I’m of the opinion Lemony never really loved Ellington anyway… He was attracted to the alluring mystery she represented, not her person. Besides, he was quite controlling towards her.
Beatrice is present through allusions within “All the Wrong Questions”, however: there are mentions of root beer floats. And also this passage about bats, which doesn’t necessarily refer to Kit:
I’d managed to acquire a new measuring tape for just that purpose, one that stretched out a very long distance and then scurried back into its holder with a satisfying click. The holder was shaped like a bat, and the tape measure was red, as if the bat had a very long tongue. I realized I would never see it again.[Lemony Snicket - Who Could That Be At This Hour?, Chapter Two]
Update, 2nd of July 2016:
Daniel Handler recently covered the question in a Q&A (Link):
Q: In reading All the Wrong Questions, some of us have wondered about how it relates to what we already know of Lemony’s youth from The Beatrice Letters. Lemony, though not yet thirteen, says ‘My schooldays are over’, and later gives up his apprenticeship. Does this mean that everything we know of his education comes before this - in particular the trip to the mountains mentioned in LS to BB #2? And were Lemony and Beatrice already sweethearts at the time of All the Wrong Questions? A: I suppose it depends what you mean by “schooldays.”  I think of the term as referring to very traditional educational structures during one’s early childhood.  Similarly, I think that one can’t really be sweethearts until one’s early childhood has passed by.
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yaelstiel · 10 years
for the ask thing.. 9 and 19 please? :)
9. tattoos i want
I actually don't like tattoos, I don't like the idea of something I can never change, you know?
19. middle name
I don't have one. I'm just Yael :)
ask box game
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windsock · 8 years
いつ「黙れ」なんて言いました? 「カネ払った」は国家間の合意をこちらは履行したってこと。 ならば、先方にもそれを求めるのは当然のことじゃない? 性格が歪んでるのか頭が弱いのか知らないけど、曲解し過ぎ。 @KazuhiroSodahttps://twitter.com/KazuhiroSoda/status/818596199733280768 … ガラケー少佐11号さんが追加 想田和弘 @KazuhiroSoda 「カネ払ったんだから黙れ」と言われたら、そりゃ「ならば返す」って言うよな。カネの問題じゃないんだから。もし米国から「10億払ったんだから原爆のことはもう言うな」と言われたら返したくなるでしょ。→韓国野党「安倍に10億円返そう」 http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK195Q0JK19UHBI01Q.html …
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oniongalaxy · 13 years
This might not be up your sleeve, but I'm going to ask anyways. I know there's been jets that have been in outer space, but couldn't actually do much. Seeing as how we have the technology to get air vessels up there, why not toss some ion thrusters on one of those? and bam, intergalactic travel that doesn't take years and years.
ASK #19
Uh, I'm not going to lie and say that I have a good understanding of this, but I think I might have some ideas.
They have tested the ion propulsion technology; Yes, it's lighter, it's less expensive and all... But I think they were afraid to use it as the primary propulsion since it's never been done before. And they're afraid to take the risk of using it, since they know the other propulsion technology works already, and since they would lose all that expensive technology if something went wrong.
But yeah I agree, it does seem a lot more useful. It looks like they're planning to use different technologies in an attempt lower the cost of intergalactic travel for the future though. NMP technology is focused on technology advancement.
I believe DS1 used ion propulsion, someone tell me if I'm wrong or right.
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askbonerfoy · 13 years
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