#askin' games
wild-houseplant · 11 months
!!! 16 21 23 for Rhodri and Zev?? Please??
Oohhhhh Lilou you spoil me with asks!! Thank you for stoppin by 8D 8D 8D Let's get to it!! 16. Who married them? I can't help but laugh at this because I can't see this guy being the dream officiator for either Rhodri or Zevran, but it was the Black Divine. Magister wedding, inescapably big affair with every powerful person in attendance, you know how it is. That said, though, I do think that if Zevran had any reservations about marrying in the Heathen Branch of the Church he's quick to make peace with it, because hey. A church wedding's a church wedding, and to his relief, that logic satisfies his pious side. As for Rhod, I think she'd have been more inclined to have the big 'do at home, or the town hall. But Zevran was happy, and that was enough.
21. Did they have a honeymoon? Where to? How soon after? You know what? They didn't have one! Astonishingly enough, it's not really a thing in Tevinter, even among the workshy Altus. You'd think that any excuse would do, but my idea is that Tevinter marriages are, first and foremost, done for practical reasons, and almost never for affection-- solely, at least. I think the wisdom is that what you want, right after marriage, is to get straight into the swing of things so you don't get a chance to build up any of the unrealistic, romanticised ideals that holidays are wont to furnish. I did write them discussing if a trip they took to Antiva together, years after the actual ceremony, counted as a honeymoon, but they never were quite able to finalise whether there was a time limit for what holiday away counted as a honeymoon and what didn't. Trust them to get caught up on the fine print! x) 23. If the couple could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would they?
I feel like they'd be naturally inclined to give different answers. Rhodri, being that marriage is closer to a permanent business deal than anything else in her culture, didn't put much emotional stock into it. And a wedding, well, it's a party, for a legal thing. You could celebrate something much more meaningful, like him taking her last name, or him moving into her estate. She feels kind of guilty about the innate lack of enthusiasm because Zevran, coming from Antiva, got a much more romanticised picture of it even from within the Crows, and he was looking forward to it much more.
Not that she wasn't excited. Zevvo's happiness is contagious, but she ended up more stressed than pleased because she was so anxious to make sure it all went the way he'd hoped. But because she was putting in the hours, Zevran got the day he wanted, and that was that.
I say all this because they won't have the same answer, because they're approaching from wildly different perspectives and experiences of the day. So for Rhodri: Very busy, and very ornate, but you should've seen the way he was smiling. And for Zevran: A better day you wouldn't find-- I could not stop smiling, you know.
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queenofbaws · 3 months
hey, so, with people starting to talk about until dawn again, i think i'm gonna do something i swore many many years ago that i wouldn't do. i'm gonna ask the hard questions, the tough questions, the questions that will likely get me blocked, muted, and blacklisted seven ways from sunday. these are questions i've asked before, questions that bothered people, questions that made people look inside themselves for answers, questions that, dare i say, had people rioting in the streets, but you know what? someone's gotta tackle these issues. it might as well be me.
perhaps some of you already know where i'm going with this. perhaps some of you don't. either way...
why the fuck did the washingtons put so many goddamn couches in that lodge?!
but that's not even the worst
no, no it's not even close
the sheer number of couches is irresponsible, yes. baffling, even. but i could overlook it. y'know? i could. i'm a chronically fatigued little so-and-so, and i appreciate a couch when i see one, okay? i see a couch, i feel safe, i get that. fine. sure. give the people what they want - seating. plentiful and varied seating. whatever.
no, my problem comes from one fucking couch in particular. one. horrible. terrible. inscrutable couch. i speak, of course, of thE BATHROOM COUCH
"oh but queenie, it's just a little stand you can put your clothes on and stuff!" NO, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT - I'M TALKING ABOUT THIS SPORE-MAGNET RIGHT HERE!!!!
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torchlight-troubles · 3 months
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suddenly-stickmin · 6 days
I saw you answered my ask, and I totally will reblog it (planning a little something), but I just want to ask, I’ve been listening to the Creaks OST, and I love it! Do you have any more video game OST recommendations?
RARRRGHHGGHHG IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOURE LOVIN THE CREAKS OST!!!!! Seriously I think it's one of my top favorite OSTs to listen to whenever I need some music while I draw/write, or if I need inspiration for a very specific tone. It's just oogoughughugh soooo phenomenal. As for other recommendations!! I'll suggest some that immediately popped into my head when I first read this question! Night In The Woods - This game has a wonderful soundtrack, it's also another game where I'll put on the complete OST as background sound. But my two favorite songs out of them all have to be: Astral Alley & Astral Coal , specifically these two versions [which I've provided through the links!] where the creator mixed and matched different instrument tracks to see how they'd sound & what emotions they'd evoke. Honestly I think they accomplished their mission perfectly, I swear this is the only version of these songs I listen to and there's certain segments throughout them that just go insanely hard.
Super Paper Mario - Another fantastic game with an equally fantastic soundtrack. Honestly I need to give it another listen cause it's been a little while, but some of my favorites that came into my mind instantly were: The Ultimate Show, The Woah Zone [especially 1:30 and beyond, something about that repetitive 'falling' sound is just so perfect to me], and Memory [a very very beautiful mashup of multiple songs throughout the game]. THIS VERY SPECIFIC SONIC SONG --> Solaris Phase 2 ITS LITERALLY SO PERFECT FOR IMAGINING AN INTENSE FAST FIGHT SCENE BETWEEN TWO OR MORE CHARACTERSSSS RAAARRGHHGH NIGHTS JOURNEY OF DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROBABLY ONE OF MY OTHER FAVORITE OST TO LISTEN TOOOOOOOOOO ESPECIALLY THE BOSS MUSIC Some of my personal favorites: Drifting Donbalon [something about those voices that come n go throughout this song is just sooooooo fantastic], Queen Bella's Ball [SUCH A BANGER SUCH A BANGER I could listen to this one for eons], and NiGHTS and Reala [Specifically from 1:25 to the very end, it brings such an ecstatic and freeing feeling it's just rhaogughurhgsdjgjfddg melts its so awesome]
Definitely recommend giving any of these bad boys a listen! Thanks so much for askin!!!
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 28 days
2, 18, 30 and 32 for the ship askgame? (Hopefully that isn't too many!)
Not too many at all! ;3 (this is more S.T.A.R.S Chrisker) 2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late? - Wesker is an early riser and tends to stay up late, especially if he has a project or something of interest on the go. His sleep routine isn't great but he will be aware of how much sleep (or lack of) he's getting so he can function properly. He sometimes suffers from insomnia. Chris differs from day to day but he's always the first one to sleep. Sometimes he'll wake up early out of habit or if Wesker accidently wakes him up.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick? - Wesker doesn't get worried however he takes it seriously, he knows the best and most effective treatments/remedies. He also takes precautions not to get sick himself (keeping his distance, wiping surfaces, washing hands regularly etc.) or potentially infect the wounds. He has surprisingly good bedside manners, is gentle and may make some flirty/teasing comments. Chris tries to look after him but Wesker insists on being left alone (thinking being ill is 'embarrassing' for him), not that it'll stop Chris, he will bother him until he gives in. Chris isn't as germophobic as Wesker and isn't worried about being close/intimate with him even if he ends up getting sick himself. He'll be very tentative to Wesker's condition and needs the whole time. 30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together? - Physical touch for both, but Wesker has a way with words too and knows exactly how to make Chris flustered. Chris takes the old fashioned approach to romance/courtship rather than getting to the point, Wesker is more direct (when he's in the mood he makes it known) but will be old fashioned too such as making romantic dinners or slow dancing (which Chris sucks at) 32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them? They both drink, Chris more-so than Wesker (he prefers to keep a clear head). Chris manages his drinks fairly well but he can get a little drunk, Wesker doesn't drink enough to feel any effects; one or two glasses of wine is the most he'll drink. He gets a little annoyed when Chris is drunk and acting like a fool but he also finds it amusing seeing how he behaves and hearing the things he says that he probably wouldn't say if he was sober. Wesker will drag him to bed and make him sleep it off before he falls over and breaks something (an object or bones)
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omegalomania · 4 months
I love when fob artists put them in gamer situations its so funny
you have no idea how much money i would pay to watch fall out boy try to play among us and i dont think they should tell patrick the rules or how its played.
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If I started writing mafia fics would y’all be interested
p.s.!!!! I’m open to most ships if y’all would be interested in that kind of thing :3!!!
(please give me some requests I’m begging you)
[I may not be able to draw at the moment but I can and will write, artblock will NOT cease my creative prowess]
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mooninparadise · 8 months
(That was meant to be anon, whoops)
What is something you absolutely love, but dont get to talk enough about?
You're totally good! 😄 thank you so much for sending an ask!! 💗
Ooooohh this is such a good question. I've been waffling on answering this because to be honest, if you lend me your ear, I WILL talk bout whatever I'm obsessed with. Whether you ask or not, I'm ready and willing to talk my heart out. lmao
If I reeeaally think on it, I would have to say horror rpg-maker games! Specifically 'Ib', that one's my fave. Its not a very popular game anymore (nor are a lot of them) so I never get the chance to talk about it, but I have such a soft spot for it and I'll take any opportunity to talk about them if people are looking for game recommendations.
There is a certain charm (and creep factor) that you get from these games that I can never find in modern, triple-A games. Like these games are 8-bit style, but have stayed in the back of my mind for years and I always look back on them in fondness.
'Ib' is a game where you play as little girl named Ib, who is visiting an art museum with her parents. While taking a look around the museum, you eventually get lost and things get a bit...✨Spooky ✨ This game has multiple endings, lots of puzzles, and a storyline that goes deeper then you think. I love that its very art centric, so that may be why I love it so much, but it was my introduction to rpg-maker games and BOY what an introduction. It's currently $12.99 on steam (I played it well before it got on steam, so I was able to play it while it was free) but it'll be the best 12.99 you ever spend, trust me!
A few honorable mentions are Witch's House, Mad Father, and Misao. These are incredible games to play on your own and are guaranteed to be not only a fun time, but give you plenty of scares. Perfect now that we are entering spooky season!
Also in tribute to my favorite all time horror game, I made an art piece for it! It's currently the header for this blog. ❤ Thank you so so much Anon! I literally get SO happy when I can talk about this game. It's the best.
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This is purely self-indulgent because I am still planning on writing that Royalty AU (it kind of goes into being a mix of medieval and royalty) one day but what about Askin in such an AU? 🖤
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I have like 3 alternative royal AUs for Askin, which is funny because I am not into royal AUs that much haha. I am gonna focus on one and shortly present the others. What differs is more contextual, as things about his characterization stay pretty much the same from one universe to another. I apologize for the length this answer reached, I got lost in the sauce.
I shall start with the one that is most European in its setting, and I will borrow from my made-up backstory and HCs for the Askin we all know:
Born in a noble family in a kingdom located in what would be today’s Netherlands, added to Yhwach’s empire in his conquest of the continent. 
His father is a man of high ambitions, especially political, and has raised Askin to be someday a man of highest possible position in whatever the setting of the world will be. He wanted his son to be successful, nothing wrong with that, right? he loved his son. Although his way of raising him was too harsh at times.
Askin received a high level noble education, and at first look he seems to be everything a noble young man should be, what his father dreamed for him to be. Well mannered, skilled and well trained in various areas - hunting, fighting and other noble sports, military, history, languages, sciences - Askin liked in particular chemistry, biology, physics and such, some medicine, and was always well informed about the world. Also a bit of a philosopher by nature.
Askin liked to use his wealthy background and status to travel, see the world for himself, learn about it and other cultures first hand. There are valuable things that simply can’t be learned from books.
Upon getting to know Askin better, one might be surprised to learn that Askin’s nature is different from the ideal noble young man he appears to be. His view of the world, and way of thinking deviates from those usually expressed by his peers, sometimes taking a dark path. He is not necessarily malicious, but the way he speaks about some dark topics makes him seem cold-hearted and twisted. Also what might be outrageous to another noble, might sound fair to a peasant.
Despite taking in everything that his father teached him, he doesn’t share in the least his father’s dreams. One of the reasons he chose to travel a lot. His father approved of it, seeing it as an opportunity for Askin to be a good diplomat and strengthen relationships with various influential figures, and he didn’t have anything to reproach to his son. But Askin was simply curious, and in a way bored. The gossips, the balls and trivialities around the court that seemed to keep everyone excited didn’t touch him. Such frivolities might have served as minor entertainment but never had the power to fill this void he was feeling. He rather seeked knowledge to fill it, and new experiences.
He was a man that recognized that he was simply lucky to be born in that position, and pondered the lives of those that didn't share his luck. He would enjoy all the advantages of high society and wealth, but also be aware (unlike many of his peers) that the stats also come with responsibilities. That actions have consequences, and in his position as one of the ruling class, those actions bear higher weight for many lives.
He might not like work, responsibilities, and especially not taking the lead. But given a task, he will surely do his best to see it through. 
It’s like he has no choice but to live the life he was given, and he will search for enrichment along the way.
In another AU he is more like a Prince of Persia, based on my tracking down some stuff of his character back to some stories from that area. His father’s expectations and his upbringing and relationships are similar. The distinction is mostly cultural, and Askin serves indeed as a diplomat for his Kingdom.
My 3rd AU is not Askin centric but can be considered Royal AU. This fantasy empire still has an oriental vibe, being set in an arid area with deserts (as opposed to the canon ice), but is more detached from irl arabic countries and more refined than Desert Society.
In this AU, Askin serves Yhwach, the Emperor, being part of an elite royal corp. 
He is a mage or sorcerer (crystal ball, hypnotized cobras, magic, jewels, potions, poisons, all that. Influencing events with spells, starting sand storms, making predictions - stuff useful in military strategy, advancing Yhwach’s army in battles, protecting the Emperor from assassination attempts and so on). 
Also can serve in the corps of counselors.
He is more wicked and manipulative and dark in this one. Also smug.
Since I usually HC Askin with part dutch, part arabic background, I also thought of combining the first 2 AUs. Similar to my usual backstory, his arabic father came to Europe for trade business and strengthening of political network, and married a dutch noble woman.
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spicyraeman · 10 months
Motion, formal, and change for Dallas please and thank?
[oc asks here]
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Dallas is pretty well coordinated, but not all that flexible. She walks and moves with a sort of lazy confidence, giving off a self-assured and powerful vibe. Her werewolf blood does give her superhuman reaction time though, so even if she appears slow she can be fast when she needs to be.
She’s much the same in her wolf form, agile on her feet but exuding power in all her movements. 
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
She absolutely hates dressing up. It usually requires more layers and tighter clothes than she likes, she’ll do it though if Lynk asks her to. The most ‘formal’ she normally goes is an unbuttoned dress shirt (no bra), black jeans, and boots.
If Lynk gets their hands on her though, they’ll get her fitted in a pair of dress pants and a blazer (shirt optional)
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change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Besides the very obvious answer of when she shifts to one of her werewolf forms, probably the year after she left her father. Dallas's father, as distant as he was, was incredibly judgemental and bigoted. Her father would berate her for having hair longer than a buzz cut or wearing anything even slightly effeminate.
The year after she left she started to grow her hair out and wear clothes that she wanted to. She got tattoos and piercings and started taking hormones, just anything and everything to make her feel more like herself in her own skin. It wasn’t just physical changes though, it was also a lot of emotional changes. She went from a quiet, self-conscious, and deeply depressed person to an outspoken and playful person with a new love of life.
I'll add a lil bonus of what her wolf form looks like too <3
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months
Do you consider character death (that is not reversed) to be whump? ( yknow…just asking for a friend <3 )
Lmao but seriously tho, short answer, YES!!!! That is emotional whump for all involved parties and it’s fucking PAINFUL!!! Like rip your heart out hurt no comfort straight up PAIN!!! When a character is coming to terms with a loved one’s death after begging them to stay with them, maybe… planting a tree in their honor… saying sweet words they wish the passed on party was there to hear… praying that somehow they can… god DAMN!!!
As for physically, it depends on the death! Say it’s a slow, agonizing death after getting shot (👀), succumbing to blood loss, fading in and out from a blow to the head, the terror of drowning or something?!?!? Bruh that’s some hardcore physical whump right there
I’m not even surprised you asked me this one lmao IT STILL HURTS OK (ily tho <3)
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wild-houseplant · 1 year
Hello my wonderful and lovely friend!!! I come, as I am wont to do, with questions for splendidissima Rhodri from the OC Codex prompts:
2. a letter written by your OC’s family member
3. a report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor
4. a letter from your OC to their love interest
Now, I don't know if you will spend these days celebrating or not, but they seem to be busy days for anybody regardless. Please take as much time as you like and pick whichever tickle your fancy. And have some lovely, lovely days. Off I go!
OH HI HEY ! 8D 8D Good to see you and thank you for sending in the prompts!! I had such a great time with these, both of my braincells were working overtime and it was a joy!
Owing to spacing and the sheer volume of the answers I'm sticking all this under the cut. I'd apologise but we both know I don't mean it x) x) x)
so o o o 2. A letter written by your OC's family member Here's one from Rhod's younger brother, Owen. Heirs aren't allowed to have favourites, but suffice it to say she and Owen had easy and natural compatibility. He was nine-ish and Rhodri would've been twelve.
The paper is bleached, high-quality Tevinter vellum, bearing a template header in red ink, reading in Tevene rune script, EX SCRIBIO CALLISTANI SPIRI (“From the desk of Spiro Callistanus”). At the top right of the page, the date 13 Justinian, 9:22 Era Drakonis is added in the same wobbly runic script in the rest of the letter. The language of writing is Tevene.
I love you Sēvē,
My birthday was good but sad without you, and thank you for my greenhouse. Mazarin and Evander aren’t allowed inside because they break everything now. Bethann sits with me in there sometimes but not for long. 
School is hard but Tata says it gets easier with time. When you come back we can go together. I think that would make it better. Mazarin and Evander are too loud and they don’t sit with me any more. Do you know any plant spells? Please write all of them down so I can learn them when my magic comes. And please tell me your favourite three plants. Mine are ivy, snake kiss, and butterleaf.
Please write lots more soon.
And I love you, from Owen your brother.
Author's notes:
Callistanus- ‘of’ House Callistus, the name given to non-heir family members. An heir is the house, the non-heirs are the members of said house. ‘Callistani is Callistanus in genitive (possessive- I know you know this; clarifying for other potential readers) case. Owen's Tevene name is Spiro, Spiri in genitive form.
The Callistanus/Amell kids did not cope well with Rhodri being taken to the Circle. Not least because they were an arm’s length away when the Kirkwall Templars were beating her to a pulp.  Mazarin and Evander, who already tended to be loud and demanding, became destructive and disruptive, and both of them developed explosive tempers that proved hard to pacify.  Bethann, the youngest and most sensitive sibling, suffered frequent meltdowns that required many years to identify causes for and address.  Owen, the middle child, was always quiet and courteous. The adults in his life, amid attending to his louder, needier siblings, frequently ‘checked in’ on him, and they would have used all the resources they had to attend to any need he might have, but if he said he was doing fine (he always did), they left it at that and assumed he was content to keep to himself. Rhodri had always made a point of keeping him by her side and giving him plenty of one-on-one attention even if he was ‘fine,’ and he soaked that up like a sponge. After she was taken away, though, and the other siblings proved to be very squeaky wheels, there was nobody to fill the gap in those childhood to early teen years. Owen ended up rather neglected, and horribly lonely, and hid it, even lied about it, to everyone but Rhodri for years. Consequently, Owen tends to have a low opinion of himself, and is disinclined to seek out something, however badly he might want it. He does a lot better once Rhodri's back, and certainly once his folks found out (to their unrestricted horror) how neglected he had felt, they did their darnedest to make it up to him as well. But Rhod's return was really what cemented that improvement.
On to 3. a report written by your OC's teacher and mentor
I liked this question because I like the idea of there being a very specific, Chantry-determined format to a progress report, filled with formalities that ostensibly show some level of "civility" between the Templars and the mages. Plus, grading system? How do the mages measure success? So many questions!! Thank you for making me think of the answers!! -
The paper is bleached, blank vellum of middle to high quality, with the standard Circle progress report template already written in with black ink. Irving’s handwriting is a neat cursive that is no longer taught in the Circles. -
Date: 7 Eluviesta, 9:21 Dragon
Tutor name and rank: Irving, F.E.
Apprentice name; age; specialisation: Rhodri S. C. Amell// 10 y.o.// Arcane Magic
Progress report number, AYTD: 2
Presenting compliments to the Knight-Commander and having the honour to report:
Following the discovery of lyrium affliction in early Verimensis 9:22, Rhodri Amell has completed three months of compensatory meditation and distraction management training. Spellpower has improved significantly, as has spell duration (Max. 4; 10s per HS); mana inefficiency has also decreased (less est. 2.5, now 5.5). Continuation of the program recommended indefinitely.
Despite her progress, Rhodri’s temper outbursts are increasing in frequency during lessons proper. I reiterate to the Knight-Commander my suspicion that these arise from the elemental damage and consequent pain in her hands from unsafe proximity to trained mana, particularly as her affliction prevents her from wearing the requisite enchanted safety gloves. As per my last reports, I strongly recommend that my apprentice be permitted to use a sylvan branch staff to prevent more of the same; responding to outbursts with punishment has proved manifestly unhelpful and I continue to urge its cessation to the Knight-Commander with the greatest emphasis.
I note that Rhodri continues to tutor beginner students in her free time. E. Delilah has anecdotally mentioned better performance in this cohort in comparison to Delilah’s previous cohort, and has advised willingness to allow my apprentice to shadow her for some classes. With assistance in managing the change in schedule, I anticipate further progress for all concerned.
Reiterating assurances to the Knight-Commander of my highest consideration.
Irving, F.E. 
Author's notes on abbreviations and measurements - AYTD: Academic year to date - Spellpower scale is from 0 (not casting) to 10 (Destruction of a single room - HS- healing spell (in this case spell duration measures how long the intended effects persist until the spell is cut off or wears off on its own) - Mana inefficiency scale measures how much unformed mana escapes when a spell is cast, from 0 (no mana lost) to 10 (all, or almost all mana escaped). .
And 4: A letter from your OC to their love interest!
The author's notes are long so I'd better just get to it:
The paper is bleached, high-quality Tevinter vellum, bearing a template header in red ink, reading in Tevene rune script, EX SCRIBIO CALLISTI SEVERIN (“From the desk of Severin Callistus”). At the top right of the page, the date 11 Pluitanis, 9:35 Era Drakonis is written in sharp, austere letters, as is the rest of the content. The language of writing is Common, with the exception of the tercet, which is in Tevene.
I pen this letter to you with all my love and, in adherence to the conditions set by your challenge:
I admit that I stand corrected: pickpocketing is very difficult and is not “something I could do as easily as blinking.” (I will say, however, that hiding grapes in the pocket you were keeping the coins was entirely unnecessary. It feels like those bastard Void fruits are hiding everywhere, now.)
With great embarrassment, I enclose a reproduction of the tercetus I so foolishly admitted to writing and frankly, my love, I am starting to think you organised this whole bet so you could get your hands on it.  . In vitae finite stabit Formator ton, et querisit "A Incredule, quemisi exultum mihim offerti?" Et respondit humilite, "Ton Zevran, Sanctus amade" .
I must say, my love, I’m enjoying writing to you even though you’re right beside me. I think I’d like to do this more often– though hopefully with fewer tercetae. Maybe I could hang short missives off your Friday flowers. What do you think?
Also, please let me know if you would like to go to the Sidereal Telescopium tomorrow. Quirina is giving a speech on the upcoming New Constellations Room, and I have many questions for them.
My whole heart to you,
Severin (Rhodri). -
Author’s notes:
Tercetus- a traditional Tevene-style three-line rhyming poem.
A rough translation: At the end of life I will stand before your Maker, and he will ask me "You, Unbeliever, tell me– what worship did you ever offer me?" And I will say, simply and earnestly, "Holy Immortal, I loved Your Zevran."
Rhod’s got a complicated religious life. She started okay; the family wasn’t especially pious but they did Chantry things at the frequency considered respectable. Once she landed in Kinloch Hold, though, her prevailing question, for which never received a satisfactory answer, was: “If the Maker can do anything, and He loves us, why does he let us suffer? I wouldn’t do that, and I’m a child, nto a god.” After Broken Circle, she refused to believe the Maker existed, as a consolation to herself, and to avoid the sort of vengeful blasphemy that gets you hung, drawn, and quartered. There’s something about Zevran’s patient faith, though, and his willingness to offer thanks that he has what he has, however miserable his life has been. It’s impressively staunch, and Rhodri admires that, and treasures the comfort it brings him, enough that she slowly comes around to her idea of a compromise. Said compromise is acknowledging that if the Maker exists, He is as capable at unleashing bitter cruelty as He is at creating boundless joy. Rhod’s not one to praise bad behaviour in anyone, let alone a god who should know better, but by golly He did everyone a good turn when He made Zevran. Maybe age will bring other wisdom, but for now, she lets her love for Zevran be her tentative worship, because it’s the only praise she can offer in earnest. Though idk, what better compliment is there for a creator than someone wholeheartedly adoring their creation?  I like to think it’s enough for the time being. A religious journey isn’t always straightforward but I always found that complications bring their own insights.
I have no idea why Rhodri signs off her letters to Zevvo as ‘Severin (Rhodri).’ They agreed early on never to use the Tevene name to avoid the ridiculousness that comes with similar-sounding names (it gets especially bad when the siblings give him the Tevene-ised nickname Zēvē when they’re already calling Rhodri Sēvē. Agony!) Same deal with Owen signing off letters to her as “Owen your brother”. Must be hereditary.
Also I'm not sure about how ok it is to use Artbreeder generated images what with the art theft things going around now (I'm not sure where it stands on that sort of thing) so I'll leave out the artbreeder portrait I have of Owen. For a face claim, though, this feller here is pretty close (though I grant you Simon Wood is unlikely to be 9yo in this gif). Token ginger of the Amell-Callistus brood, what's up!
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dracononite · 11 months
8 for the pride ask game
🌈 8: Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender
I could make it easy and just say "dragon" but I'll take a better crack at it
My gender is like.. clover or dandelions. Ever present, unassuming, tenacious, pretty, and special if you pay attention. It's also like coffee! It has the same base roast but I can mix whatever I want into it daily depending on how I want others to perceive me. It's something that doesn't change and something I'm confident in and something that feels like home.
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For the skyrim ask game: Riverwood and Riften
Riverwood: Depending on the character i’m playing as, i do like them both about the same-ish. which isn’t a whole lot ngl LMFAO … but i feel like Hadvar is the lesser of two evils.
Riften: I liked thieves guild the most if i’m honest!! it had more bite, more crunch. I don’t really care for the guild members themselves aside from like.. Sapphire n’ Karliah.. but otherwise it’s less that it’s a FANTASTIC WELL CRAFTED PERFECT storyline and more that it’s not totally trash LOL plus it’s got a very interesting and in my opinion a very clean transition into a daedra-related questline! unlike another Guild that shall go unmentioned /lh
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vegasolari · 10 months
bingo ask game; the best cat in the game ultrakill. The woman, the myth, the legend. KITR
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Completely forgot to answer this one!!! KITR gets a bingo ofc :) funnily enough I kinda accidentally did this bingo with both Ultrakill KITR and the KITR from your fic in mind. Which will explain the kinda odd selections lol
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inked-out-trees · 4 months
16, 17, a cheeky 28, and 49 for the ask game? Thanks :)
Also obligated to include 43 though you don’t have to answer bc I don’t think you do prompts
HELLO MY LOVE thank you for asking me things even though it's one and a half days after I said I'd be bored at work.
16. What's an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
ohh i read and love so many aus it is so difficult to choose just one. some of my favourites include spies, ghost hunting, anything with magic, pacific rim (despite never having seen the movie lol), stories in which there Are alternate universes and characters get trapped in them. i could keep going but i'll stop there haha
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I love writing things that draw from real life, partially because it adds ✨realism✨ and partially because it's fun to romanticise things that are happening in my life by turning them into fic in my head. (see: newsies band camp fic, newsies soulmates fic)
SO in that vein I would probably have an absolutely joyous time reading/writing a summer festival au, with tips to a bunch of the shenanigans I've gotten up to / been privy to over the past couple years. this may or may not include the romcom I dreamed up last year because our office (serious meetings) shared a wall with the city basketball team management (ping pong and beyonce). perhaps some bad roller coasters. camaraderie. breathless wonder. doesn't that sound alluring??? I can't get too excited otherwise I'll start writing it for real
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
welllllll if you're asking...
anyway I do have beta readers, three of them in fact! they are all some of the most incredible people I have had the fortune to meet through mischief, each incredibly talented and inimitably kind, and it brings me so much joy to get to hang out with them in chat every day. bean on!!
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you're up for it!
surpriiiise I am currently working on my supernatural detective agency au! it is called detective sagency in my files because I tried to make a joke about how they could use the same acronym. the cornley polytechnic detective 'sagency. it feels in character, like they would put it on their door like that. you know.
Trevor seems pleased to hear this. "That's what we do here," he says, and before Vanessa can interject with a slightly bewildered tell people which animal their initials look like? he adds, "Discover new things. You know." He waves a hand sort of willy-nilly. "Detectives."
+ 43. If you take/write prompts: what's your favourite prompt fic that you've written?
I love how you are obligated to anyway despite knowing the answer. In lieu of prompt fics etc, I will mention one of my favourite things that could have been a prompt but isn't - it was suggested in a private chats and expanded upon to a point where it basically became a little chatfic. It's an au of Lookout 3 (really inception-ing the AUs haha) in which Paul is not dead, the Penguin lands in Bethsbridge to wait out a storm and the crew embroil themselves in a cultish murder mystery, and Paul and John get to do the spiderman pointing meme at each other. I will probably never write it, so if you ever want a full elaboration / the entire sparknotes plot, I will be happy to oblige :)
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