#asking in January in case there's an early application process
overthinking-snail · 5 months
if santa is hiring for elves could someone please let me know wrapping presents is so fun I love it
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visagurukul012 · 7 months
How to Apply for a Canada Study Visa
Understanding Fees and Process
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Embarking on a journey to study in Canada is an exciting prospect, but navigating the visa application process can be a bit overwhelming. One crucial aspect that often raises questions is the Canada Study Visa Fees. In this guide, we’ll break down the process of applying for a Canada study visa and shed light on the associated fees.
Understanding the Basics
Before diving into the application process, let’s understand the basics of a Canadian study visa. Also known as a study permit, this document is essential for international students planning to pursue education in Canada. The study permit allows you to stay in the country for the duration of your program and work part-time during your studies.
Step 1: Choose Your Designated Learning Institution (DLI)
The first step in your journey is to secure admission to a Canadian educational institution that is a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). DLIs are approved by the Canadian government, and having an acceptance letter from one is a prerequisite for your study permit application.
Step 2: Gather Required Documents
To initiate your study permit application, you’ll need to gather a few essential documents. These typically include:
Acceptance Letter: Your official acceptance letter from a DLI.
Proof of Identity: A valid passport or travel document.
Proof of Financial Support: You must demonstrate that you can financially support yourself during your stay in Canada. This can include bank statements, proof of a Canadian bank account, or a letter from your sponsor.
Medical Examination: In some cases, you may need to undergo a medical examination. Check the specific requirements based on your home country.
Step 3: Create an Online Account
Now that you have your documents ready, the next step is to create an online account on the official website of the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This account will be the hub for your application process.
Step 4: Fill Out the Application Form
Once your account is set up, you’ll need to fill out the study permit application form. This form will ask for personal information, details about your educational background, and your intended program of study in Canada. It’s crucial to fill out all sections accurately.
Step 5: Pay the Application Fee
Now, let’s talk about the all-important aspect — fees. The application fee for a Canadian study permit varies and is subject to change. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the fee for a study permit is CAD 150. However, it’s advisable to check the official IRCC website for the most current information.
You can pay the fee online through your IRCC account using a credit card. Ensure that you have a valid credit card with sufficient funds before initiating the payment.
Step 6: Biometrics
As part of the application process, you may need to provide biometrics. This involves having your fingerprints and photo taken at a designated location. The biometrics fee is an additional cost, and details about where and how to provide biometrics will be provided during the application process.
Step 7: Submit Your Application
Once you’ve completed all the required steps, reviewed your application, and paid the necessary fees, you’re ready to submit your application. The processing time for study permits can vary, so it’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended start date.
Tips for a Smooth Application Process
Start Early: Give yourself plenty of time to gather documents and complete the application process.
Double-Check Information: Ensure all information on your application is accurate to avoid delays.
Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the IRCC website for updates and changes to the application process or fees.
Applying for a Canada Study Visa Fees is a step-by-step process that, when broken down, becomes much more manageable. Understanding the fees, gathering the required documents, and submitting your application accurately and on time are key to a successful application. Remember to check the official IRCC website for the most up-to-date information, and best of luck with your Canadian education journey!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is a study permit, and do I need one to study in Canada?
A: A study permit is a document issued by the Canadian government that allows international students to study at Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs) in Canada. Yes, you need a study permit to pursue education in Canada.
Q: How do I choose a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)?
A: You can find a list of DLIs on the official website of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). When applying, ensure that your chosen institution is on the approved list.
Q: What documents do I need to apply for a study permit?
A: Essential documents include your acceptance letter from a DLI, a valid passport, proof of financial support, and, in some cases, a medical examination report. Check the specific requirements based on your home country.
Q: How do I pay the study permit application fee?
A: The application fee, as of my last update in January 2022, is CAD 150. You can pay this fee online through your IRCC account using a credit card. Be sure to have a valid credit card with sufficient funds.
Q: What is the processing time for a study permit?
A: Processing times can vary. It’s recommended to apply well in advance of your intended start date. Check the IRCC website for current processing time estimates.
Q: Is there a biometrics requirement, and how do I provide them?
A: Yes, you may need to provide biometrics. The process involves having your fingerprints and photo taken at a designated location. Details about where and how to provide biometrics will be provided during the application process.
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hawkingyou · 2 years
US University Timeline
Since the theme for any university application is TIME MANAGEMENT, here is an outline of the US University application timeline: when to start writing, when to submit, and more. Enjoy!
(NOTE: I’ll be referencing to the CommonApp only in this post, not the Coalition or Questbridge. I’ll also be referencing to the A-level timeline. And will be sharing from an International student perspective, not a US student)
(NOTE: I didn’t include UC timelines because I didn’t apply to any of them, so I don’t know any helpful tips I can give on that)
1. CommonApp Essay
Since the CommonApp prompts generally stay the same every year, I’d recommend to start writing for your essay by the summer of Grade 11 (UK Year 12). Choose a couple prompts (3-4) you think you’ve got a good story on, including the “free” prompt, should you choose to do it.
Start reading online examples of successful students for your chosen prompts, and the study the delivery of each essay. Imagine yourself the admissions officer, and ask yourself what each essay shows through writing. 
Remember, delivery is most important in your essays. Not everyone can read your mind or understand exactly what you’re trying to convey if you write vaguely. Show traits that make you a valuable student: perhaps you had organised a charity for a friend with cancer (compassion, leadership), or you began a donation box to start feeding the stray cats in your neighborhood (leadership, teamwork), you vocalised your concerns about your friends’ actions (honesty, courage), etc. 
2. Taking the SAT/ACT
I’d recommend taking the SAT/ACT in the second semester of Grade 11 (Year 12), just to get it over with, or if you get a low score, give enough breathing room for you to retake it. 
I did my SAT in my first semester of my senior year, near my midterms, and while I did get the privilege to study for it for longer, I wouldn’t recommend it, because it was a struggle to balance both the SAT and midterms (which are important for US university applications)
3. Early Action v. Early Decision
The deadlines for these two typically fall around the end of October, results come out by December. 
I personally think that in any case you should at least apply for an Early Action school (if there is no Early Decision school you’re already looking at). 
Why? Because it’ll give you an opportunity to make mistakes. 
That sounds quite bad, to be honest, but I had applied Early Action to a very reputable university, and realised made a bunch of mistakes throughout the essay writing, the additional information section, and even during the interview. 
Mistakes in the sense that my delivery wasn’t how I’d wanted it to go, or there may have been parts where I sounded too desperate, and so on. 
I definitely spruced things up by the Regular Decision round: sounding more confident, having more clarity in my answers, showing curiosity and interest rather than desperation. 
4. Priority Filling
When I wrote most of supplemental essays, I did so a couple weeks near the deadline, where, then, I had only noticed the priority filling dates (e.g. Duke University). 
This was a mistake on my part, and I was definitely procrastinating the writing process. 
In another post, I wrote about how you should tackle the supplemental essays, and I’d definitely recommend to start doing supplemental essays the moment universities officially release the prompts for your application cycle. 
If you send in your application before the priority filling dates, or at least a week or two before the deadline, you’ll get a better chance for an interview. 
While, interviews don’t matter as much, there’s only so much we can show in our essays, and a good recommendation from an interviewer will definitely add character into your application. 
NOTE: Official Regular Decision typically fall around the beginning of January.
5. CSS Profile or Any Other FINANCIAL AID FORMS
If you’re applying for financial aid as an international student, there are definitely many pros and cons to weigh. Whether it be a diminished acceptance probability, or the fact that there would be a mountain of paper work to fill in, that’s your choice and your family’s choice to decide. 
Anyways, most likely, the form you’ll be filling in is the CSS Profile. The profile opens in October and I’d recommend to immediately start filling in what you can. I’m not sure when you’ll be reading this post, but in 2021, the profile was incredibly tedious and long, so I’d recommend to fill in what you can ahead of time, and submit alongside your applications. 
After submitting your CSS Profile, however, the job isn’t done. Some schools will ask for additional information (UPenn, Williams, etc.), and SOME SCHOOLS MIGHT NOT USE THE CSS PROFILE, and have their own system (Princeton). So, make sure to check each of your university portals and list down all the additional documents they’re asking for, get it done asap, and don’t procrastinate!
NOTE: CSS Profile deadlines vary greatly from university to university, with some deadlines being in Early January (Regular Decision) to Early February (Regular Decision). 
For Early rounds, CSS Profile submissions will usually fall around the same date as the application deadline.
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jetaime-jespere · 3 years
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
This is for the lovely @sequinsmile-x on her birthday. I started reading her stories back in December and was a huge fan from the beginning. Fast forward a few months, and I am somehow lucky enough to call you my friend. For all the pep talks, the inspiration, and the laughs- you have been a bright spot of 2021. But I stand true to my word if harm ever comes to Theo Hotchner, you know what’s coming your way ; ) Happiest of birthdays, my friend! Enjoy every moment and all the cocktails.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
The Day After Thanksgiving
The fragrant aromas of hazelnut and vanilla waft through the air as Aaron precariously grips two full mugs of coffee in his hands. He sidesteps a few toys and a pair of shoes that were somehow missed in last night’s cleanup as he carefully ascends the stairs. The coffee threatens to slosh over the edge of the mugs and stain the hardwood floors; he slows his steps and tiptoes past closed bedroom doors. He avoids the squeaky floorboards - he knows exactly where they are by now - and kicks another stray toy against the wall in his haste to get to Emily before she wakes up.
Coffee in bed is a sacred routine for them, one they haven’t abandoned even balancing the demands of three children and two grueling careers. It’s one of Emily’s little pleasures, an act so simple Aaron can’t deny her whenever he gets the chance. That alone is how he found himself awake before the sun rises, rearranging the various pyrex containers of Thanksgiving leftovers to locate the coveted bottle of Emily’s favorite creamer in the fridge. It was wedged behind the cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese they made for Nora, who vehemently refused to eat turkey. Of course, she’d eaten maybe five bites of her specially prepared dinner before she’d crawled into Emily’s lap in the middle of dinner. Yet it still brings a smile to his face; it’s their first holiday season as a family of five - something they never expected, something they’ll never take for granted.
Read the rest here or on ao3
When he shoulders the door open, Aaron finds her awake, feeding Leo. She holds him at her breast, her head tipped back and her eyes closed. She senses his presence innately, attuned to the softness of his steps as he steps over the threshold of the sanctuary of their bedroom. Emily’s face stretches into a brilliant smile when she sees him, but it doesn’t hide the exhaustion that paints her features.
“He’s awake again?” Aaron sets the mug on the nightstand and kisses her cheek then the top of Leo’s head. “I thought you’d at least get another hour of sleep.”
“He had other plans,” Emily murmurs, lovingly shifting their son in her arms. “He’s almost done.” She reaches for the coffee with her free hand, lifts the mug to her lips. “Thank you for this.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Aaron watches her finish Leo’s feed with unabashed awe. There’s nothing but adoration in his eyes, amazement at how she handles motherhood with an abundance of patience and grace. There have been ups and downs, tears. arguments and fights, her nerves stretched thin and his worn down. But these moments make it worth it, ones he wouldn’t trade. He leans down to take Leo to give her a break. The little boy’s eyes are already closed, contentedly asleep once again.
“You’re spoiling me.” Emily says with a grateful smile. She rests back against the pillows, eyes closing again. “What was I thinking when I agreed to go Black Friday shopping with JJ and Garcia?”
“Might be good to get out of the house. Away from the chaos.”
“Into a whole new kind of chaos. Garcia means business. I’m afraid of her ambition.” Emily rolls her eyes at the thought of the shared document Garcia had sent to her and JJ - essentially a shopping itinerary, with all the best deals and discounts clearly marked.
“You say it like you’re surprised.” Aaron gently places Leo into the bassinet before crawling back into bed with his wife. “It is Garcia we’re talking about.”
“Maybe I’ll learn my lesson next year.” She snuggles against him, seeking a few extra moments of peace.
Christmas Tree Shopping
It’s scarcely a week after Thanksgiving when Aaron caves to the persistent demands from Nora and Jack, unable to hold them off any longer. Less than an hour later, as the sun starts to go down in the early December sky, the Hotchners find themselves at an idyllic Christmas tree farm in Loudoun County. They’re not the only ones, as families make their way through the maize of evergreen, the air thick with the cloying, yet not unpleasant, scent of pine needles.
“We’re becoming those people,” Aaron grumbles good naturedly, Leo strapped to his chest in a baby carrier. “Jack, please watch your sister!” A few feet ahead, Nora runs excitedly through the trees, clapping her tiny mitten covered hands with joy. But Jack looks just as excited and takes off behind her as they search for the perfect one. It’s a tradition he never had growing up; one he’d only ever heard stories about from his classmates as he swallowed an emotion he only identified many years later as jealousy.
“What kind of people?” Emily carefully picks her way through the grass, her hand enclosed in his. Her head falls onto his shoulder every few feet; they quietly murmur to each other in broken sentences, interrupted every few seconds by one of the kids, yet it’s a language they’ve mastered over the last few years. Glances and smiles, words that speak volumes, little touches here and there.
“Those Christmas crazed people. Pretty soon we’re going to have an inflatable Santa on the lawn or something.”
“Don’t say that too loudly.” Emily gives him a quick kiss, stopping for a moment to adjust Leo’s hat to cover his tiny head. “Nora said one of her classmates has one. She’s already talking about it.”
“Great.” Aaron rolls his eyes. “I bet Garcia has one we could borrow. Probably more than one.”
Emily laughs, lightly smacking him on the shoulder as Nora grabs her hand. “Mommy, Jack and I like this one!” They all stop in front of a tree on a corner. It’s bigger than Aaron anticipated - he has visions of vacuuming pine needles for the next four weeks - and slightly lopsided, with uneven branches and a few gaps in between. Certainly not what you might see in a magazine, and in no way picture perfect, but Nora and Jack are beaming, their cheeks flushed pink in the chilly early evening air.
“Oh, you mean you two finally agree on something?” Emily quips, letting Nora drag her around the base of the tree, listening as their daughter explains where she wants to put her collection of superhero ornaments. “Who would have ever thought?” But when her eyes meet Aaron’s, it’s clear they’re thinking the same thing too.
It’s perfect.
A Lesson In Gift Wrapping
“Damnit,” Emily swears under her breath as the wrapping paper seemingly shreds in her hands. How does Aaron make this look so easy? With her bottom lip between her teeth, she folds another piece of paper around the box, trying to mimic the process she’s seen him do so effortlessly time and time again. It’s not quite enough paper to wrap around the box, and she shakes her head in defeat.
“Of all the places I looked, I didn’t think I’d find you here.” Aaron’s baritone voice shakes her from her trance. He’s leaning in the doorway of the guest room, an amused but loving smirk on his face. The remnants of the day are there - a hint of shadow on his chin, tie loosened and sleeves rolled to his elbows.
“Thought I might get some of this done.” She looks up at him briefly before her attention goes back to the mess of wrapping paper, twisted balls of tape, and gift bows. “There’s a lot still left to do.”
“Did the North Pole finally accept your elf application?” Aaron teases lovingly, pushing the door  open and side-stepping a large pile of gifts that still have yet to be wrapped. “Looks like we’re a little behind schedule this year.”
With a roll of her eyes, Emily pushes a piece of hair out of her face. “You’re home earlier than I  expected.” She glances at the mess around her with a sigh, and her voice softens. “Leo needs to be fed when he gets up. I need to pick up Nora from school and Jack will be home in an hour.”
He immediately catches the tension in her voice. As the early days of December melted into weeks, the never ending hustle was clearly starting to get to her, especially since cases took Aaron out of town most of the workweek. Evenings were full of obligations - practices and errands, weekends packed with as much family time as they could manage. All the rest was pushed to the side, a never ending list of chores that was only added to, never subtracted from.
The team had spent almost a week in Bethlehem Pennsylvania, ironically called the Christmas City, searching for an arsonist that had the entire city on edge. Perhaps the nickname was an eerie coincidence yet nonetheless it was a grueling case. Since he’d gotten home he could sense the stress emanating from her, curling like fog around her. She couldn’t hide it from him; she couldn’t hide anything from him. And while he didn’t ask, he somehow already knew.  “I asked Garcia to pick Nora up to give you a break.”
“What about dinner?”
“It’s already been ordered.” Aaron says easily, settling beside her on the floor. “Pizza sounded good.”
Relief floods her face. “Pizza always sounds good.” She kicks the abandoned box out of the way to wedge herself against him, lacing her fingers through his. “We’ve missed you around here.” It’s honest, an understated relief that only years of intimacy can bring. Her head finds its way to his shoulder; she leans against him.
“We’re finished until after New Years.” Aaron holds their hands up to the light, staring at the bouncing reflection of their wedding rings. “You have me here until January.”
“Lucky me,” Emily says dryly.
Aaron picks up a stray ball of abandoned wrapping paper and chucks it at her. “What do you say we finish wrapping these together?”
“I say,” she begins slowly, eyes darting between the neatly made bed and his own. “We take advantage of having the house to ourselves.”
He makes her come three times before they hear Garcia’s car in the driveway, and twice more after the kids are in bed, for good measure.
A Deal With The Devil
The name that appears on the screen of his ringing phone is one Aaron can’t ignore. It’s terrible timing, but he’s not at all surprised. His mother in law had an uncanny knack for calling at the most inopportune moments.
“Hi, Elizabeth,” Aaron says hastily, pressing the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he wedges the final plate into the dishwasher. He barely got to the phone in time before it went to voicemail, and something tells him she’s only a little miffed about that fact. Elizabeth Prentiss has an abundance of patience for her grandchildren, but not much for anyone else, he’s come to learn.
“Good evening, Aaron,” she says crisply yet not unkindly. In the background he can hear the mellow crooning of Bing Crosby. He imagines Elizabeth with a glass of wine in one hand, a thick book in her lap. “Is Emily around? I tried to reach her earlier. She didn’t answer my call.”
“She’s giving Nora a bath.” He glances upward, the muffled squeals and giggles coming from the bathroom just loud enough to hear from downstairs. At least things have calmed down since dinner . He decides not to mention it’s already been quite an evening around their house, thanks to unfamiliar vegetables and a long day in preschool. “Is there something you’d like me to pass along?” Of course Elizabeth would call on the one night this week he isn’t away on a case.
“Actually, Aaron, maybe you can help me,” Elizabeth presses, and he knows whatever she’s about to say is something that’s already caused a disagreement between her and Emily.
“I can try,” he offers tentatively, choosing words carefully. The very last thing he wants to do is get caught between their fires. It’s never ended well for him.
“You sound tired, Aaron. Are you not sleeping well?”
“We have three kids, Elizabeth,” he counters back. “I haven’t slept well in years.”
He hears a soft laugh on the other line; for a moment he has to remind himself he’s not talking to his wife. Sometimes the similarities between them are uncanny, much to Emily’s chagrin.
He’s wrapping up the call, assuring Elizabeth they’ll figure out a plan that works for everyone yet doesn’t add any additional stress, while simultaneously cleaning the rest of the kitchen when he hears soft footsteps on the stairs.
“You’re on bedtime duty.” Emily appears behind him, leaning against the counter with an exasperated huff. “She’s in a mood tonight.”
Aaron comes to stand behind her, circling both arms around her waist. Her hips fit snugly against the cradle of his own; he rests his chin over her shoulder to nip at her ear. “I just made a deal with your mother.” He doesn’t miss how she tenses against him, a combination of frustration, annoyance, and exhaustion seeping through her body. It’s the first time they’ve been alone all day. He presses a palm against her chest, feeling the beat of her heart under the warmth of his hand.
“She called again? I let it go to voicemail earlier.”
“Just now. She wanted to talk to you. Luckily, you’re off the hook, because I talked to her.” He kisses her neck. He swipes at a few stray bath bubbles that have somehow found their way into her hair. Of all the versions of Emily he’s loved over the years, this Emily might just be his favorite.
“Let me guess. She wants us to come to her for Christmas Eve dinner instead of her coming here.”
“Something like that.”
“Does she not understand we have three children?” Emily grumbles. “I’ve been over this with her. She’s not the one who has to put them to bed on Christmas Eve, you know. It’s a whole different kind of chaos.”
“I think we can figure it out, Em.” Aaron chuckles. He holds her a little closer, voice reassuring and calm. “I made her a deal.” She noticeably relaxes, her body melding against his. Proximity is one of their love languages, the subtle touches an endless source of comfort for them both.
“ Mommy!” Nora’s voice is an insistent, urgent interruption, one they can’t ignore. “Mommy!”
Emily sighs in defeat, the moment of peaceful bliss abruptly over.
“I’ll go,” Aaron says immediately, leaving a trail of kisses down Emily’s neck. “I haven’t seen you sit down all day.”
“Have I told you lately how much I love you?” She presses her hips into his teasingly and turns her head to kiss him. It’s a promise of later, another little luxury they still manage to make time for.
“No, but you can show me once the kids are asleep.” He reluctantly lets her go as he heads in the direction of the upstairs.
“Only if I don’t fall asleep first.”
Visiting Santa
“This is not the smartest idea we’ve ever had, clearly,” Emily mutters under her breath as the crowd around them seems to thicken before their eyes. The mall is packed, full of shoppers and families lined elbow to elbow around a colorful, elaborate display to meet Santa. There’s fake snow everywhere, teenagers dressed up as elves supervising the line and a kids’ rendition of a Christmas song blasting from speakers. “What were we thinking?”
“The same as everyone else in Northern Virginia, apparently.” Aaron finds the small of her back through her coat, rests his hand there gently as Emily pushes the stroller a little to soothe Leo. “Not like we had much of a choice, sweetheart. I’ve been gone all week. When else were we supposed to do this?”
“I could have taken them myself one night.” She looks annoyed and rightfully so, as one of the elves announces it’s time for Santa to take a fifteen minute break.
“And miss all this fun?” Aaron jokes. He’s doing his best to hide his own annoyance, yet the flex of his jaw is a tell-tale sign that Emily spots immediately. “Not a chance.”
They’ve been in line for over a half an hour, and will be for at least another half hour. Beside Aaron, Jack grumbles under his breath and rolls his eyes without even looking up from his Nintendo Switch. He’d obliged reluctantly, partly because Aaron had promised him a new video game if he didn't complain. And from where Nora is nestled in the safety of her mother’s arms, she presses her cheek against Emily’s shoulder. “What if we miss Santa, Mommy?”
“We won’t, honey,” Emily soothes, catching Aaron’s eyes over their daughter’s head of dark hair. It’s the third time she’s asked the question, her dark eyes widening as Santa waves to the crowd before disappearing. “He’s just taking a break.”
“I can’t imagine why,” Aaron mutters under his breath. “Even Santa is over it.”
When they finally emerge from the mall almost an hour later, with three cranky children in tow, Emily passes over the photograph to Aaron. “This is an awful picture,” she snickers behind her gloved fist. It’s true. It was taken at the worst possible moment - seconds after Leo started screaming, Nora’s attention anywhere but the camera, and Jack’s eyes closed. “This is even worse than last year’s picture. We can’t actually display this anywhere, you know.”
“We can give it to Dave. He’ll love it,” Aaron jokes as he tucks the envelope under his arm. “Trust me.”
Twas the Night before Christmas
“Move over, Nora!” Jack elbows his sister squarely in the stomach in an attempt to crawl over his sister to get closer to Aaron. “You’re taking up too much space.”
“Ouch, Jack! Daddy, Jack is being mean!”
“There’s more than enough room for everyone,” Aaron says neutrally and cheerfully. It’s clear he won’t pick a side. “Santa doesn’t want to hear the two of you fighting on Christmas Eve. Last time we checked the radar, he was headed to the United States, wasn’t he?”
From where she cradles a milk-drunk Leo in her arms, Emily stifles a laugh in her fist. She makes a mental note to thank Garcia for showing it to the kids earlier that evening. It’s been the only thing to keep them from completely losing their minds with excitement ever since.
“Nora, why don’t you come sit over here next to Mommy and Leo?” He pats the sliver of space between his thigh and Emily’s, covered in matching flannel pajamas as Emily shifts over.
“Okay, Daddy,” she beams, scrambling off the couch and making a point to stick her tongue out at Jack along the way.
“Nora, apologize to Jack,” Emily cuts in smoothly with a sharp look at her daughter.
The little girl pouts even as guilt spreads across her face. “Sorry, Jack.” She breaks off a piece of the frosted cookie in her hand - the one she isn’t supposed to have on the new couch - and hands it to Jack. “Here.”
“Is everyone ready?” Aaron asks once Nora is settled and Jack has stopped kicking his feet underneath one of the many blankets flung around the couch. “No one needs anything?” He grins at the insistent pleas of both kids, hushes them quietly to avoid waking the sleeping baby on Emily’s chest. “Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…” He begins, as a silence falls over them all.
Emily watches him read, transfixed by the sight of Jack and Nora completely engrossed in the story they’ve heard dozens of times, as if they never have before. Sometimes it still doesn’t seem real that this is their life now. She would have laughed ten years ago if someone predicted her future.
“A happy Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.” Aaron closes the book in his hands, looking between Nora and Jack. “I think it’s bedtime, what do you think?”
There are grumbles from them both as they trip over each other on their way towards the stairs, not without frequent peeks over the shoulder to see if in fact Santa somehow materialized behind them.
“Maybe Santa will bring us a puppy, Jack!"
Christmas Eve
“You think they’ll be disappointed when none of these presents bark?” Emily jokes once they’ve finished setting up the pile of gifts. There’s a bottle of wine between them, and It’s A Wonderful Life plays in the background on low.
“I told them Santa doesn’t carry pets on the sleigh.” Aaron tucks his arm around her and brings her into his chest, dropping a kiss on the crown of her head. “Said it was too dangerous.”
“Did they buy that?”
“Seemed to.” He shrugs. “We might have some explaining to do if Allison and Shane end up getting Jude a puppy, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” In the easy silence the movie stretches on; they share sips of wine and leftover cookies and murmur soft whispers over the final few minutes.
“I love this part,” Emily murmurs as George Bailey reunites with his family in a joyous, tearful reunion and the opening measures of Auld Lang Syne begin to play. She doesn't look away from the screen.
“You love this whole movie,” he teases gently. “You always have.”
“You don’t?”
“I have other favorites. But I’ll always watch it with you.”Outside, the snow has started to accumulate; it’s already formed a blanket of white across the grass, and is covering the trees. It doesn’t look like it’ll be stopping anytime soon.
“This never gets old,” Emily says from where they’re snuggled together on the couch, staring at the Christmas tree and the falling snow out the window. It’s been their tradition to do this since having Nora - set up presents and watch the movie.
They watch the falling snow in silence once again, their fingers linked, heads bent together, enjoying the few extra moments of peace. It’s only when Emily’s eyes drift shut does she realize just how exhausted she really is.
“Don’t fall asleep on me,” Aaron murmurs as she opens them. “There’s one thing left to do.”
“We did everything. We even answered the note they wrote for Santa. We forgot that last year.” Emily stretches as she stands, her limbs aching. “It’s time for bed, Aaron. I’m so tired.”
“Not quite yet, sweetheart.” Aaron is reaching behind the decorations on the mantle for the small hidden speakers, flicking a button. “I think you’re forgetting something.”
“What?” She yawns, not even bothering to hide it. “It’s so late.”
“You remember,” he says, holding out his hand as the music starts.
Emily rolls her eyes good naturedly, remembering just what he means. “Really, Aaron?”
“One dance, sweetheart. Please?”
“I'm tired.”
He rolls his eyes. It’s a line she’s used many times, yet for some reason, she always gives in. In fact, she’s stepping into his arms before she even stops talking.
“That’s what you always say.” He takes her hand and wraps his other arm around her back, drawing her in close. “Yet you always end up right here.”
“Because I love you,” she whispers, following his steps as he takes the lead.
Some soft Christmas jazz starts to play, a sultry sounding medley that might just lull her to sleep. “This is the song you picked?” Emily rests her head on his shoulder as he sways them in time to the music. “You couldn’t have picked anything more lively?”
“Shhhh,” he murmurs, his hand bracing against the small of her back as he dips her down and brings her back up. “Just go with it.”
So she does, letting him move them both around the living room in a series of smooth, even steps. When the music stops, they still for a few blissful, silent moments. Still wrapped in each other’s arms, they’re close enough together to feel the other’s heart beating in sync. “Merry Christmas, Emily. I love you.”
“I love you too, Aaron. Merry Christmas.”
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taekooktimeline · 3 years
December 31st, 2019 / January 1st, 2020
Following New Year’s Countdown, members take turns to talk about their resolutions. Tae says he wants to occupy himself with activities that heal his mind, although we understand it’s simply to maintain or - if possible - increase the level of happiness he experienced during 2019 as he said it was a happy year.
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Jungkook interjects, interested in knowing whom he would do such activities with. If we go over prior events we can see that Tae had been going on trips with his family and various friends, including him & the wooga squad on a yacht, while Jk saw his own friends and relatives, complaining about Jhope and Jimin being the only members he had seen during their 1 month-long vacation on mid 2019, which could or could not be true, but if Taekook briefly saw each other they wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere outside an apartment. Jungkook could be bothered by this lack of private adventures and shared experiences (disregarding their variety shows). Wooga squad had also met up during Christmas Eve. Again, we don’t know if Tk spent some little time together or not.
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Tae responds by saying there are many things that he can do alone. That answer doesn’t quite satisfy Jungkook who asks “not with us?”. It seems like Jungkook thought that they could be hanging out more than what they were and that Taehyung was going overboard with the closeting to the point of slightly distancing himself (although not reaching awkwardness like they later tried to sell).
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Jungkook actually wrote a song that could give insight into this situation since it could have been written around this time. The Japanese demo was finished before March 2020 since it was first mentioned then, probably written only a few months before. Jk drew a big, artistic eye on a whiteboard on Dec 4th, which suggests he was already working on the songs’ adaptation to the Japanese film which gave it its name. This means he wrote the Korean version before December of 2019 and it had nothing to do with the pandemic. “Your Eyes Tell” talks about Jk being fearful of someone leaving him, even crying over it. He wants this person to believe him when he says that he wants a future with them no matter the hardships, even if he can’t say it out loud yet (meaning not ready to come out yet?) and his past demons haunt him sometimes (his lowest being late 2017/ early 2018). To believe him when he says that he finds this “darkness” to be beautiful if they are together. He says the world would be dull without the other and that he won’t take his eyes off of this person making sure that they don’t leave his side. If we assume this person to be Tae then, for whatever reason, Jk sensed that Tae was doubting Jk’s determination to keep going with their relationship, maybe due to the added difficulties that came with living in different apartments since around July 2019 and the weight of the prolonged closeting strategies. Jk may have interpreted the beginning of what seemed like a distancing as some sort of test where Tae gave him an easy way out or feared that if the situation progressed in this direction Tae would end up falling into thoughts that went something like “I should be the one to put an end to this for Jungkook’s sake” so he instead reassured him about his love through a ballad. It’s unclear whether Jk had real reasons to worry or he was just insecure about the changes in their relationship (living situation + heavier closeting = less private time together) and linking them to Tae’s past tendencies where he thought Jk would be better off without him.
Continuing with the topic, the night prior to this vlive Tae announced that he had recently written the first version of a song. It was written somewhere between the 14th & the 31st of December of 2019 and it seems like he was talking about “Sweet Night”, a song that was said to be completed by the start of March 2020 for the drama “Itaewon Class”. While we think that this song is based on Tae’s past experiences (finding common ground with the drama) from when he first realized he was deeply in love, unsure if the other still felt the same way, it was necessary for him to be able to relive the emotions he once felt, as he explained about his general creation process. The song tells that they had already crossed the line or grazed it at some points, but the sentence “are you my best friend?” & the part where he regrets realizing he’s in love only after the opportunity had passed are much more fitting to earlier in their relationship when things had never been labeled as romantic nor gotten serious, prior to an actual relationship ever ensuing which only happens at the end of the drama (not compatible with their mutual, unwavering gestures of love & compromise done throughout the previous years in addition to them “hiding” things like them sharing hotel room = having a serious relationship). The adaptation of Tae’s beloved webtoon inspired him to rediscover these emotions as it was also an opportunity to be part of an OST for a drama that his friend had a role in, but it also makes you wonder if he was truly in danger of going through the regression that Jk feared, Tae’s mind going back to the time they missed out on love. The song includes phrases such as “now my forever is falling down wondering if you’d want me now”, “I wonder if you are too good to be true” & “guess we were ships in the night” (meeting for a brief moment, or coming close to doing so, but then losing sight of each other due to the darkness). This last sentence is perhaps the most worrisome because it feels timeless, easily applicable to his musings at the time of writing, knowing they have to hold on tight to not part ways again because, as Jk reassuringly says in YET: “even this darkness we see is beautiful”.
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”Sweet Night” opens with the lyrics “on my pillow/can’t get me tired/sharing my fragile truth”. On the 14th of December of 2019 Tae said he couldn't sleep well those days and that it could be due to it being the end of the year. It’s something he recouringly has trouble with so it can remind him of other occasions in which he had that problem. He usually writes down his emotions in his diary and revisits them. He also mentioned Itaewon Class.
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On the 31st of December he then said he wrote a song.
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The 6th of March of 2020 he talks about “Sweet Night”. He was saying it was hard to convey how he wanted the instrumental to sound to the staff (“express what’s in his mind”), but it was completed briefly before this vlive.
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Regardless, “Your Eyes Tell” tries to retain someone BEFORE the end approaches, acting as a reassurance in case the other doubts (similar to “My Time”, released in February of 2020, where he promises they’ll overcome the restrictions), and we don’t think they broke up in 2019 due to many reasons, among them Tae saying in his final comments that it was a happy year with no particularly sad moments. January 25th was then the start of Tae being quite loud on Weverse throughout 2020 by mentioning Jungkook the most out of the members on free will (disregarding their iconic public exchange initiated by Jk on the 15th) and giving special attention to Jk-related questions as well as Taekook-related usernames. An indication of Jk’s efforts having an effect and Tae feeling encouraged to add subtle ways in which he could play with or challenge the exaggerated closeting limitations? An interesting set of rings also appeared within the month of January and it must’ve been Tae who gave Jk two rings out of the set of five that he initially wore himself. Jk held dearly onto them.
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addierose444 · 3 years
Summer 2021 Plans
I am excited to announce that I actually have plans for the summer! I was plenty busy last summer but didn’t have any real plans. I was initially hoping to work as a classroom assistant for SSEP, but the program was canceled due to COVID. SSEP stands for Summer Science & Engineering Program and is one of Smith’s pre-college programs. You can read about my experience as an SSEP participant here. I also had the backup plan of continuing my work in the Cunningham Center which you can read a little bit about here. In actuality, I spent the summer at home working on our family farm and doing independent learning with free online resources. To read more about my summer learning, click here. This summer, I will be an Explorer Intern at Microsoft! (Due to COVID, it will actually be virtual). This is a very exciting opportunity that I will be sure to document here on my blog. This post will be about the application process.
In addition to the Microsoft internship, I also applied to a few research programs in human-computer interaction, wireless technologies, and robotics. Yeah, all over the place I know. Those applications required one or two letters of recommendation, a transcript, and an essay or a few short answer questions. In terms of deadlines, they ranged from January 15th to February 22nd. At this point in time, I am yet to hear back from the programs. Two of the programs I applied to are Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) funded by the National Science Foundation. To search for REUs in various fields of study, click here. It’s worth noting that these programs are very competitive and primarily accept rising seniors. 
Explore Microsoft is a 12-week internship that introduces first-years and sophomores to software engineering and program management. The application process was fairly streamlined with clear communication along the way. I submitted my résumé in early January and was invited for an initial interview just a few hours later. In retrospect, it is very shocking that I got invited to an interview as my résumé was lacking the key experiences that came up in my subsequent interviews. Specifically, my Interterm computer science job and my personal coding project of Tascal (a task management app). Fortunately, in scheduling my interview I submitted an updated résumé that included my computer science job. I didn’t include the computer science job in my initial résumé because it had literally started the day before. As for Tascal, I didn’t really know how to add it to my résumé and didn't think it was perfected enough to be a showcase of my skills. With that said, in my updated résumé, I added Dart (the underlying programming language used to code Tascal) as a programming language I know. 
My initial interview, the so-called phone screen, was actually a video call on Codility. Despite being on Codility, there weren’t any coding questions. It was mostly behavioral questions with one somewhat technical design question. It is a good thing that I added the computer science job to my résumé because it was pretty much the only thing from my résumé that my interviewer asked about. She also found my experience working on a farm to be interesting. I was definitely nervous during the interview, but as the program is for first-years and sophomores the interviewers know that it’s probably your first technical interview. Overall the initial interview was a positive experience. It was also a great chance to learn more about the program as my interviewer (a current software engineer) had herself been an Explorer Intern during college. 
My interviewer recommended me for the next steps, but I was placed on a waiting list to get another interview. I was also asked about my team preferences in case I got to move on to the final round of interviews. This was fairly general as the options were AI/ML, cloud platform, cloud tools & services, operating systems, apps & frontend, and security. I ranked apps & frontend first followed by operating systems and the two cloud options. A week later, I got off the waitlist and received an invitation to the final round of interviews. 
The final round of interviews consisted of two interviews via Microsoft Teams. In a normal year, students are flown out to Microsoft for these interviews. Prior to the actual interviews, there was a brief meeting with the other candidates and two recruiters. During both interviews, I was asked a range of questions about my experiences working on a team and general interests in technology. One of the interviews included a simple coding problem that I coded in Java via Codility. (I could choose whatever programming language I felt most comfortable with). During both interviews, I was able to talk about Tascal and some technical challenges I had to work through. Tascal also helped demonstrate my interest in software. Given that one of the questions was about personal projects, it’s a bit surprising that I was moved along in the process without them on my résumé. With that said, the prerequisites for the program are just an introductory computer science course and a semester of calculus. 
The next business day, I got a call from a Microsoft university recruiter. I was elated to learn that I had been offered an Explore internship. I was also informed that my interviewers thought I should be considered for the software engineering internship. This meant I had the option to do one more interview. It was the perfect scenario because if I didn’t pass the interview I would still have the Explore offer! This greatly took away the stress. Furthermore, as I definitely didn’t expect to get the higher internship, I wasn’t too worried about it. The final interview didn’t go that well as I wasn’t really prepared for it. While it was disappointing not to receive the higher offer, I was successfully still successfully accepted into the program that I actually applied to. It is nice going into the internship knowing that I was a really strong candidate rather than just barely getting into the higher internship and thus feeling underprepared. From the official acceptance, I had two weeks to accept the offer. Before officially accepting I met with my engineering advisor. (You can read more about advising at Smith here). I was also put in touch with one of my interviewers to ask more questions about Microsoft and the program. Below is a timeline of my Microsoft application process.
Résumé Submitted: 1-5
Initial Interview Invitation: 1-5
Initial Interview: 1-21
Interview Waitlist Notification: 2-2
Final Round Interview Invitation: 2-10
Final Round Interviews: 2-19
Accepted to Explore: 2-22
SWE Interview: 2-25
SWE Rejection: 2-26
Official Explore Offer: 3-1
Signed Offer Letter: 3-4
In summary, I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to intern at Microsoft. I won’t get an exact team placement until the start of the program, but I know I will be working somewhere in the experiences and devices group. As the start date approaches, I will formalize my goals for the summer. My overarching goals are to develop my skills (both technical and collaborative), explore the field of software engineering, and learn about Microsoft as a company.
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nikstersss · 3 years
Not How To Pass The PLE
Before I go into the main gist of this post, let me give you a small background story. I was a mid-year post-graduate intern in Manila who started in January 2021. I lived alone in our condo unit near the hospital I went to. My usual routine was to get up early, prep, take a short walk to the trike station where I’d take a tricycle to the hospital, go on duty, insert a coffee or carioca break in between, walk all the way home at the end of the day, then maybe have a short study session with a couple friends after dinner or just chill at home. It was a pretty good setup. But then COVID happened. Suddenly, I was a pandemic e-ntern stuck at home listening to Zoom endorsements and lectures all day. At first I was hopeful that things would somehow go back to normal and maybe I wouldn’t be spending the rest of my internship in front of a screen, but we all know how that turned out. 
I finished the first half of my internship with the regular year PGIs online. While they were prepping for their boards, I was on my second half with the new batch of interns (that’s probably you, dear reader)—still online. Now you might think that it would have been wise of me to use all that “free” time to start early with my own boards prep and you would be correct. I thought the exact same thing. And trust me, I tried. And failed. Countless times. I won’t even try to justify it. Admittedly, I still think it was a wasted opportunity to read more and make notes, but then again, there’s no use crying over spilled milk. Besides, while it would have been nice and probably less stressful, I still survived without it. Which means that you can, too. So if you’re one of those who’s berating himself because you “didn’t make the most out of your time”, cut it out. You’ll be fine.
Towards the end of my internship, I enrolled in a review center. Despite the asynchronous setup, the review schedule was super tight and the sessions already started while I was still in the middle of final reports and exams. Needless to say, I was already behind on that before it even began. In fact, I didn’t even get to focus on reviewing itself until maybe around early February because of clearance, paperwork, and application stuff. So if you were to ask me how long I really reviewed for the March 2021 boards, I’d say just a little over a month. Kasalanan ko. Wag po tularan. Stressful siya. Nakakaloka. 
And even when I did get to really buckle down and do some intense reading, I didn’t follow the program anymore. I tried to catch up at first, but I was already way behind. But I am grateful for all the summarized material because that meant I didn’t have to pore over the mother books anymore. What I will say, though, is that because I didn’t exactly follow the recommended study hours etcetera, I was able to enjoy the whole process because I did it at my own pace. Sure, there was still that dread that maybe I wasn’t on the same level as the others, but I learned to tune those thoughts out eventually. And that’s where goal-setting and discipline comes in, I guess. 
The most common question I’ve been getting is what was my day like during the PLE review season. Honestly, I’d like to say I had a routine I followed, but that’s only half-true. While I did have a structure for my day, I rarely followed it exactly. Nevertheless, allow me to share what it would have been like if I did: 
Ideally, I’d wake up at 5:00 A.M. then do my morning routine which included prayer and meditation, making my bed, taking a shower, and brewing coffee. And because I’m the type of person who enjoys these mundane activities and slow mornings, I also took this opportunity to get myself in the zone before all the studying that’s to come. I’d plan out my study goals and outline (something you can do the night before, actually) then maybe have breakfast while watching some videos (could be review-related, or those self-motivational vids, or maybe even Korean street food). I’d do whatever I wanted to wake my brain up without stressing it out too much until around 6:30 A.M. By this time, I’d work on backlogs for about an hour and study until about 10 or 11 A.M.—it depends how in the zone I am. I’d prep and cook lunch and then eat while watching Netflix maybe or even play a bit of Fortnite or Paladins until about 1:00 P.M. At this point, I’m pretty certain to be quite sleepy so it’s either I make coffee or tea, or maybe even go out to study at a coffee shop, and then it’s study all the way until 7 P.M. I then take a break to get some exercise, take a shower, have a light dinner, and if I feel like I deserve it, nap for a little bit. At around 8:30, my family usually calls and then we pray the rosary together. After this, I study again, but more of a recall and review session for the day’s progress until about 11:30. I then have my night self-care routine and then go to sleep around midnight. 
The main takeaway from the previous paragraph? “Ideally.”
During the first few days of setting up my schedule or routine, following it was already challenging, but still doable. But then the backlogs started piling up and no matter how much I tried to streamline the whole study process, I just couldn’t keep up. I did what I could to follow study habits and schedules, but the setup was falling apart. And you know what? That was okay. 
Normally, my type A self would have been so frustrated already with how poorly I was handling my review season. Admittedly, there were a few meltdowns and anxiety attacks as the exam drew nearer, but for the most part, I just let things happen as they did. I still adjusted, sure, but I wasn’t hard on myself for always having to. I kept changing goals when I didn’t meet them (which was probably 80% of the time). There were even instances where I’d finish a handout and then I’d say that okay, I’ll watch an episode for a reward, but that episode became the entire season. While I considered myself to be the most chill reviewee, I also thought I was the worst because I refused to give up any of my wants for my needs. I resisted, of course, but then they’d bug me the entire time I was studying so instead of staying productive, I’d just annoy the hell out of myself. I was probably just lazy and stubborn. LOL. Long story, short, it was a constant battle. 
There were times when I felt confident enough to power through the whole thing. I enjoyed the whole process of studying, actually. Making notes and my own ways of memorizing things was fun. I made use of different study strategies, self-checks, and motivational boosters (more on these on a different post). Aside from these, having review-mates who were just a chat away made things bearable. Breakdown session muna tas aral na ulit. And how could I forget all my sweet friends who would send over coffee ayuda every now and then? To me, passing the boards, while mainly should be for oneself and one’s self-actualization, is also about not letting down these people who have been with you throughout your journey. 
But it wasn’t always a hyped-90s-movie-transformation-montage kind of environment. Other times, I was just worn out and dejected by my lack of progress. In the already meager time I had to study, I still had plenty of off-days. Concepts just wouldn’t stick and it was disappointing how I’d already forgotten what I just read a couple days ago. It got really tiring even if I was staying indoors all the time. I missed the comfort of coffee shops and the company of study buddies. I missed my family. I wanted to hug our dog. There were days when I couldn’t even bring myself to make coffee and open my notes. I even reached a point where I was sure that I wouldn’t finish reading all the material. (I kid you not, I have handouts I never got to open.) 
Yet here I am. Here I am writing about how I survived all that and got those two letters attached to my name. I am not a good example, obviously. There are hundreds better than me and you probably should be taking advice from them instead. I’m simply writing this to tell you that you don’t have to worry. This is all just to ease your anxieties about the PLE. I’m not saying it’s an easy feat that you can just achieve just like that. While I seemed rather complacent, I still put in the work, after all. Admittedly, I know I could have done more, but again, I’m not going to dwell on that anymore. It’s done. 
My goal in writing this is to let you know, my dear future doctor, that you’re going to be just fine. Here’s someone who understands the huge disconnect that stemmed from being a pandemic e-ntern. Here’s someone who’s always been doubtful and full of anxieties about the PLE even before she filed her application at the PRC. Here’s someone who constantly prayed that the PLE be moved even for just a month (or kahit two weeks lang masaya na ako nun) up to the week before the exam along with a rising number of cases. Here’s someone who barely has the capability to maintain focus for more than an hour. Here’s someone whose reading pace was literally at 10 minutes per page (yes, I actually timed it and IDK if that’s slow or really slow). Here’s someone who still allowed herself to study at coffee shops and even have samgyup (with proper health protocols, of course) even if she knew she was drowning in backlogs. 
My point is that if I managed to pass despite all that, you can, too. My close friends know that I developed a rather funny mentality to ease the jitters as the boards drew nearer. I knew and claimed it for myself that I would already pass. I viewed the whole PLE as just a “formality”--a means for His plans of me becoming a doctor to manifest in this realm. I believed it so much to the point that I thought that no matter what bloopers and slip-ups I have during the test, I’d still see my name on the list of board passers. I’m not saying you should totally ease up and just have a come-what-may attitude. Again, I’m not the model student you should be following here. What I’m saying is to have faith in yourself, your capabilities, and in God. So chin up, Doc. Just a little more ‘til you get to legally practice with that MD at the end of your name.
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sabreean · 3 years
One word for you...
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Where I have not gone plastic-free:
Bread box: There are no plastic-free, airtight bread boxes that I’ve been able to find and I *must have* airtight. I make my own bread in a bread machine just because I like to, and the first few loaves I made here on the humid island grew mold within three days because my old bread box was not airtight. Bread bags are more eco-friendly but aren’t airtight, and will hold the humidity. I could find no silicon boxes and also could not find silicone containers/bags that I could be sure would be big enough to hold a loaf of bread and still close completely. I’m considering a giant silicone bag I found online, for marinating meat, so if I get that I can see if a loaf will fit inside. But I haven’t pulled the trigger on that yet, buying something just to marinate meat doesn’t fall neatly into the “I really need it now” category. So I purchased a BPA-free plastic, airtight box and it seems to be working very well. It’s so airtight that I was able to store bananas in it as well and there has been no sign of fruit flies.
Suncare: I spent two days working on the porch. I was under a roof in shade the entire time but I sunburn if I stand next to a toaster, so at the end of the second day I looked like Roy Neary in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. As in the right half of my face was bright red. I wasn’t wearing sunscreen because it breaks me out. All of it. Every single sunscreen ever. They all break out my face, neck and chest within 20 minutes of application. So I did some research and learned about mineral sunscreens versus chemical sunscreens and after reading a lot of recommendations and reviews, I ordered Alba Botanica Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen. Yes the tube is plastic, but there’s probably no avoiding that. The sport cream is 45 SPF, waterproof for up to 80 minutes, vegan, free of all the chemicals that turn my face into a Marscape, biodegradable and - get this - reef safe. That’s a “gee how nice” for most people but now that I’m swimming around coral reefs, shit got real. They also make a spray-on but it’s not legal to ship aerosol cans to Hawaii, something about them exploding under pressure blah-bibby-blah. Pretty bummed about that. For those wondering, until now I’ve worn a sun visor whenever I’m outdoors but it didn’t occur to me to wear it on a covered porch. I’m sure it didn’t occur to Roy on a dark deserted highway in the middle of an Indiana night, either. LATER UPDATE: Native makes a mineral sunscreen and I thought it wasn't water resistant, but it turns out that it is, although I should not have had to dig so deep into their website to find this out. Better than getting anal probed, all things considered. The Alba sunscreen is very thick and hard to squeeze out of the tube, and you can feel it on your skin at first but you forget pretty quickly. It is completely unscented. You have to make sure to rub it in well if you don’t want to look a little weird. It showers off clean and easy and after a few days with it, not a single blemish! Our pharmacy sells some water resistant mineral sunscreens. I didn’t price them the last time I was there to compare with online ordering and they are probably reef-safe because as of January 1 of this year, suncreeens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate are banned in Hawaii to protect the reefs. But my next purchase will be Little Hands because it is made right here in Hawaii. I have been a big believer in ‘buy local’ for many years and they are plastic-free.
Groceries: Groceries haven’t changed. I’ve been using cloth shopping and produce bags for many years, they just bloody well work better. I do buy some foods in plastic, often there just isn’t any alternative. This was true even on the mainland. The main change is that now I walk to the store more often than not. I was able to walk to almost everything I needed when I lived in Austin’s SoCo in the early aughts and I loved it, I am so so happy to be able to do that again. Knowing I’m just a pleasant stroll away also means that I only buy what I need in the immediate future. There are a few exceptions for items that sell out very soon after the weekly supply barge comes, and don’t always get restocked even then. I drive when I have to buy heavy or awkward to carry things, like a case of soda. I’ve found conflicts with grocery choices because of a weird contradiction: non-hippie products in cardboard/paper packaging versus hippie products in plastic. I first noticed this when I went to buy sugar the other day - do I get the organic non bleached sugar in the plastic bag, or the nonorganic bleached sugar in the plastic bag? It wasn’t much of a conflict in any real world sense, just something that grabbed my attention. (I went with the plastic by the way, for the organic foodstuff that was going to go into my body).
Probably the clothesline, I have no idea what the hell that thing is made of, most likely nylon. We don’t use it for everything because it’s too humid here to dry everything in a reasonable amount of time. But we use it for some things - especially towels and swim wear - and I’m glad that we have it and it saves money on electricity. Our electricity generation here on the island is likely solar but still, no need to be greedy about it. Lots of people here have clotheslines, they are a common sight I am glad to see.
Bandages: I use Wellys. Patch bamboo bandages sound great, but I am clumsy AF and so I need bandages that are going to stay on through wet and dry and everything else. Wellys are flexible fabric, latex-free bandages made in the USA, in reusable tins that you can buy refills for if you don’t want a new tin, and that create a seal around all four edges. They are a certified B Corp so even with a bit of plastic, the company is still in line with my ethics.
Makeup: I use mostly mineral makeup, because it lasts longer (no organic ingredients to breed bacteria) and many mineral brands offer smaller quantities that are more sensible for people who don’t wear it everyday, or at least don’t wear the same colors every day. On the mainland I went weeks without wearing makeup and here I’ll probably go for months, it’s just such a casual place. I might wear some when we go across to Maui for a long weekend. But there are a lot of all natural and plastic-free makeup options out there these days, I am glad to see. If I need to replace anything I will shop with them but it’s just stupid and wasteful to toss everything out and buy new. One thing I won’t compromise on is mascara, I use Thrive because it really does what it claims, and it is still a company that aligns with my ethics. Many zero-waste brands sell cake mascara and that’s a complete nope for me. I tried cake mascara in high school, when I was going through my Audrey Hepburn/Sophia Loren makeup phase and I really didn’t like it. I also tried cake eyeliner and must confess that this elder goth never ever got the hang of liquid eyeliner, Icarus winged better than I can. I gave up a long time ago, pencil me in baby. Also, I wear lipstick, the paint-on stuff that stays on through food, drink, sex and a nuclear blast. IMO, lip balms are a waste of money and do not count as ‘makeup’, unless you’re only intention is to prevent chapped lips and with a small amount of color that lasts few minutes at a time.
Hair brush: I need a new hair brush that is designed for my long fine mane because my hair is getting a lot of punishment here, between wind and swimming and so more frequent washing and lots of pulling and tugging into braids. I bounced back and forth between Ibiza (boar bristles, wood handle) and Mason Pearson (boar bristles, plastic handle), for about half an hour. I finally decided to bite the big one and invest in the Mason Pearson. It is universally reputed as the best hair brush to be had on planet Earth. The was company founded in London by a Yorkshireman named Mason Pearson (bet you didn’t see that coming) in 1885. The boar bristles are either shed bristles collected from the wild in India and China or sourced from the meat industry as they are a by-product of processing farmed boar; you may ask so I will answer and yes, I do eat boar. Mason Pearson is still owned and run by the Pearson family and the Pearson women have always played integral roles in the company. Indeed Mary Pearson was the CEO for the 20 years following the death of her husband, founder Mason, and one of their daughters ran the top floor of the factory on Old Ford Road in London for 50 years. You can purchase a brush with a handcrafted made-to-order wood handle but while I am willing to make the investment in a Mason Pearson brush, I just can’t bring myself to be so self-indulgent as to even send a price inquiry for the wood model. This is where my best friend reminds me of the lengths I went to and the price I paid to obtain a bottle of the finest Irish whiskey in the world to demonstrate that yes, I can be that self-indulgent without much convincing. I just can’t bring myself to do it with a hair brush. I purchased from Pasteur Pharmacy in NYC because they made their bones, if you will, in their early years in the 60s by catering to humans with dogs.
Bed blanket: I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a bamboo blanket/bedspread that costs in the $275 neighborhood when the dogs will be spending at least as much time on it as we will spend under it. So we went with half cotton/half bamboo for a much more reasonable price. The temps here are warm by the thermometer but the air is heavy with humidity (100% yesterday and that doesn’t necessarily mean rain), so when the fans blow it around it can be pretty damn chilly. And the dogs steal the covers.
Clothing: if I need new clothing I will consider bamboo but it��s damned expensive. I was shopping for a second bathing suit recently because I’m at the beach often enough that I need a suit to wear while the other one is drying or waiting to be laundered free of all the salt and sand that didn’t wind up in my ass or under my tits. I always thought that sand-in-uncomfortable-places was a joke, I was very wrong. I spent two hours searching for bamboo or other plant-based sustainable fabric or recycled fabric and found nothing under a hundred bucks. Nothing. Not even a thong bikini (I already have sand up my ass, I don’t need material there as well). I’m not lounging instagrammatically on Waikiki, I’m swimming in 5+ foot surf every weekend at least, so I am not willing to pay that much for a suit intended for plenty of use and punishment. I got a bikini because it will be easier to discreetly rinse most of the sand away before going back up the beach, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
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eliteprepsat · 3 years
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As we firmly settle in to another school year, high school students everywhere are re-focusing their attentions from summer fun to college aspirations. Along with these dreams comes the strategizing necessary to stand out in the competitive applications process. One such strategy worth considering is applying to college early. But what does applying early mean exactly? What does it entail? Below, we’ve answered a few of the most fundamental questions concerning early applications in the hopes of helping you suss out whether this decision is right for YOU.
1 — What does it mean to apply to college early?
There are two main ways to apply to college early. They are called Early Decision and Early Action. In both cases, applicants apply earlier in the application cycle (typically in November) than do other students, and they receive a decision earlier in the application process, as well.
2 — What is the difference between Early Decision and Early Action?
The primary difference between Early Decision and Early Action is that Early Decision applications are binding and Early Action applications are non-binding.
This means that if a student applies to a school under Early Decision and is accepted, they must commit to attending that school. If they applied to other schools with regular deadlines, they must withdraw those applications. Since Early Decision comes with this understanding of commitment, students may only apply to one school per year under Early Decision. However, if they are not accepted by a particular school during a given application cycle, they may re-apply to that school the following year.
Since Early Action applications are non-binding, students are not required to commit to any schools to which they’ve been accepted. They may also apply to multiple schools under Early Action.
3 — What are the advantages of applying to college early?
Applying either under Early Decision or Early Action displays your investment/seriousness in a school. Especially since Early Decision applications come with the understanding of a commitment, applying Early Decision may give your application an advantage over others in the stack.
Applying early to college may improve your chances of acceptance. Research shows that students have a better chance of acceptance if they apply either Early Decision or Early Action. However, the level of that advantage varies. This is due, in part, to the fact that not all colleges and universities use the same early application processes. So, it is best that applicants do their research, inquire about individual institutions’ processes, and assess whether Early Decision or Early Action is appropriate for them.
If a student is not accepted to a given school, the early rejection that comes with having applied early gives them sufficient time to look elsewhere for a good fit.
If a student is accepted early to a given school, it can reduce the stress that often comes with the application process. There will be no need to put in the time, effort, and money of applying to additional schools. But beware senioritis! Sometimes, students who are accepted early feel as though no work is left to be done in high school and let their grades slip. It’s important to know that colleges can withdraw their offers if students allow their grades to slip during their senior year.
If a student is accepted early, it can give them a head-start on familiarizing themselves with their new school before their arrival.
4 — What else should I consider about applying early?
Timing — Naturally, since Early Decision or Early Action application dates arrive a few months before regular application dates, students will need to prepare all of their materials a few months sooner. This includes asking for letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, and other mentors a few months sooner.
Finances — Students who apply Early Decision typically receive their financial aid offer at the same time that they receive their offer of admission. Sometimes, though, the financial aid offer isn’t received until after the admissions offer. This means that students can be placed in the position of making a binding decision without having a clear picture of their aid package, or of not being able to compare packages with other schools before deciding. For many students, finances play a big part in their college decision-making process, and such uncertainty can be a real hindrance.
5 — When are the due dates for Early Decision and Early Action applications this year?
Typically, the deadline for Early Decision and Early Action applications is either November 1st or November 15th each year (depending on the school), although some schools have deadlines as late as December 1st. Decisions typically then arrive in December (for Early Decision) and January or February (for Early Action).
Beyond these general due dates, however, Early Decision and Early Action policies all differ from institution to institution. So, be sure to research the policies of the schools to which you’re applying to ensure that you don’t miss out on any opportunities!
6 — Is applying early to college right for ME?
Still unsure if applying early is right for you? Consult this helpful document (PDF) from The College Board, which includes both a list of “Pros and Cons of Applying to College Early” and an “Early Decision Self-Evaluation Questionnaire.”
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Stacy G. is a writer and teacher who has taught composition, literature, and creative writing courses at a number of public and private universities across the U.S. She has also taught SAT, AP English, and Literature SAT Subject Test courses at Elite Prep. She likes poetry, dogs, and poetry about dogs.
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chxssix · 3 years
So, you want to go to Oxford?
On the 12th of January 2021, I got the incredible shock of being offered a place to study at Oxford University, and since then I have been asked about the admissions process by several different people, so I thought I’d make a post explaining as much about the process as I can - and giving advice along the way!
A little background on me: I’m a student in my Upper Sixth year at a state-funded Sixth Form College in England. My GCSE grades were 5 8′s, 2 7′s, and 4 6′s. My A-Level predicted grades are A*AAA in Law, Classics, Biology and EPQ, respectively. I’d like to make a note here that while some Universities may lower the grades in their conditional offer if you have an EPQ, Oxford generally do not and do not seem to favour it in any way. My offer is an AAA in my A-Levels, to read Classics IIB (meaning I have not studied Latin or Greek to A-Level standard and will be studying Greek first) at Oriel College. 
So, onto the post!
1) Get started early
While you don’t have to have planned going to Oxford from the age of 5, it helps to have some idea you’d like to go there, preferably when in year 10, however as long as you’ve decided by the end of your first year at college you’ll be set!
The reason I suggest as early as year 10 is that Oxford do put some weight on your GCSE grades (although not a massive amount so don’t stress too much!) As I’m evidence for, you don’t need straight 9′s to get an offer, however strong grades at GCSE can make you a more competitive applicant. On top of this you may need certain grades to enrol onto the A-Level subjects which are required for your application to Oxford. These subject requirements can be found on the Oxford website, under the Undergraduate Admissions section, and it’s a good idea to look in advance. 
Something else to be aware of is that Oxford (and Cambridge) have application deadlines EARLIER THAN UCAS, so you will need to have everything sorted a few months earlier. 
2) What predicted grades do you need?
Your predicted grades will usually need to at least meet the average offer for the course you’re applying for, in the correct subjects. At Oxford, the lowest conditional offer seems to be AAA (this was the case for my course). Something which may help you out is to have at least one grade above what is required of you, as again this makes you more competitive), so if you’re really wanting an answer other than ‘it doesn’t really matter’, then predicted grades of A*AA would stand you in good stead for most courses. 
I’ve also had people ask whether taking 4 or 5 A-Levels increases your chances of admission and, while I’m not totally sure on the answer myself, I can’t see why it would put you at any advantage, as all you are doing is spreading your energy even further between more subjects, Why do mediocre at five when you can excel at three? Although Oxford doesn’t lower the offer for doing an EPQ, I would ALWAYS recommend this in lieu of a 4th A-Level. An EPQ is an Extended Project and usually takes the form of a dissertation. It requires you to take on your own research in a field of your choice (mine was on Homosexuality in ancient Greece) at University level - this shows the University that you’re capable of research (a fundamental part of every degree), you’re passionate about your subject and have a genuine interest, and you’re willing to go beyond your school’s curriculum. All three are things that Oxford look for in applicants. 
3) What should you put in a personal statement?
The most important thing to do here is to show your enthusiasm for the subject you intend to read at Oxford - remember though that the same statement is read by ALL your UCAS choices, not just Oxford. Ask yourself these questions: why do I like this subject? What interests me most? How have I shown this in my super-curricular activities? (for anyone unsure a ‘super-curricular’ is like an extracurricular, except it has to do directly with your subject of interest - for example I teach a beginner’s course for Classics once a week at my college). 
I used a very specific structure for my personal statement, where I stated something I had done, what it showed about my interest in Classics, and what it led me to discover. For example, I went to the British Museum to see the exhibition Troy: Myth and Reality, and while I was there, explaining Achilles and Patroklos to my mum, I was approached by someone who asked if I’d ever read The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I told him no, and he recommended I read it. The book led to my decision on EPQ topic. By showing a link between things I had done which have developed my interest and understanding of my subject, I have told the admissions tutors why I love the subject, and what I’m doing on my own intuition to further my knowledge. Another idea is to drop in some extracurriculars as you go - I mentioned my roles as a Peer Mentor at school and College, attending Latin and Greek workshops, and being part of a stage school (which is why Greco-Roman theatre appeals to me so much). 
4) Admissions tests
Not every subject requires you to take an admissions test, but a fair few do. I have very little advice for this as they are essentially unable to be studied for. Do plenty of practice tests (which can be found on Oxford’s website) and you’ll be good to go. 
You will have to book this admission test, so speak to your Tutor or Careers Department at College about how to do so. 
Some courses may also require written work, which can also be found under the Undergraduate Admissions section of the website. 
5) Interviews
If you’re invited to interview then congratulations! Some people won’t make it to this stage so feel free to have a little celebrate, it’s a massive achievement to get here. 
You may be offered more than one interview for your college, and more than one college may interview you. This is totally normal, and a lot of people are interviewed by more than one college (I was interviewed by both Oriel - my college of choice and the one I hold an offer for - and St Hugh’s).
Out of everything I’ve been asked repeatedly since my offer is “how do I ace the interview?”. You don’t, is the answer. Oxford treats the interviews as a chance to assess how you will work in their academic environment, structuring them like a tutorial. For some you may be shown something in advance that they will question you on. When preparing for your interview make sure you re-read your personal statement and any submitted written work, as this is where, if you have exaggerated your knowledge, they will catch you out. 
At interview try to remain as open minded as possible. They will ask for your opinions on things, or for you to explain a bit more about what you said in the written work. They will also want you to be able to argue the reverse of that belief (i.e. say you believe Book 11 of The Odyssey is useless, you would explain this but likely also suggest how it could be useful). 
If you don’t understand what they’ve asked of you, then ask them to clarify for you. They understand it’s a stressful situation and you may not have properly processed what they said. Clarification when you’re unsure gives you the best shot at being able to give a quality answer to their questions, rather than rambling about what you think they asked about. 
The long and short of interviews is that no two are the same, there were joking comments made in a couple of mine by both me and the tutors in relation to something that had been said, or that I had written in my submitted work. The other interviews were more serious and one had a very deep academic discussion on my EPQ topic (I’m someone who tends to read modern sources on ancient texts a little more often than the texts themselves, so talking about my EPQ was the best opportunity for me to show my knowledge and passion). 
There’s not any other advice I can really think of, but if you have any questions please feel free to ask me! :) 
If you decide to apply to Oxford then I wish you all the luck in the world with your application!! Xx
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pens-swords-stuff · 4 years
Before the new decade: A final 2019 update
Hey Writeblr! I can’t believe that 2019 is almost over (or over already for some of you in a different time zone!), can you? I hope the new decade brings lovely things, people and events your way.
Some of you might have noticed that I’ve disappeared off the face of this website — or maybe not, that’s fine too — and I didn’t want to let the year end without letting my favorite community know why I’ve been gone, apologize, and what you can expect from me in the new year.
TL;DR I’ve been absent because I’ve been extremely busy and stressed. You can expect me to slowly reintegrate myself into the writeblr community, starting small with queued posts.
What I’ve been up to:
November and December have been a really busy and stressful couple of months for me. People who kept up with my personal life know that I’ve been in the process of starting a new job. This new job has been a really mentally taxing process for me, mostly because I spent about a month in new job nervousness purgatory. I got hired as a Direct Support Professional which essentially means that I work with vulnerable adults — and that requires a lot of training before I was able to even begin working. I was doing various trainings for several weeks without having any real idea of what my new job would be like, who my coworkers were, what I would be doing, while the trainings all educated me on the worst-case scenarios that could happen and how that would impact me, the organization, the clients, and my future in the human services field.
I’m also applying for some graduate programs and that has been really difficult for me as well, especially because after being out of school for about half a year, my ability to write academically has taken a dip. There’s been a lot of other things going on as well like fighting with my ISP for weeks, grace period for student loans ending, but those were the two really big ones.
There was a lot of anxiety in response to those two things, and it manifested itself into fear of all forms of social media, most notably Tumblr and Discord. Any time that I accidentally opened either app, I would panic and immediately close it because I couldn’t even look at it without my heart rate skyrocketing. It wasn’t that something bad had happened here or anything, but for whatever reason I wasn’t able to mentally handle even looking at tumblr for a while.
I know that there were things that I said that I would do, and I know that a lot of you have contacted me on discord, sent me asks and DMs that I didn’t see until now. I’m really sorry for not being around and essentially abandoning everything here for a long time. I’m also sorry for not letting you guys know that I would be on hiatus for a while.
Fortunately, things are calming down a bit. Grad school applications are due in early January, so I’m almost done with them, and I’m finally actually working at my new job instead of just training and it seems really nice so far though I have a long way to go before I really know what I’m doing.
What happens now:
I think I’m ready to start dipping my toes back in tumblr! I’ll be a student again in mid-January while working and volunteering so I don’t know how much free time and energy to devote to tumblr quite yet, but I really missed you guys and seeing what you guys were up to, and I’m finally at a place where opening tumblr doesn’t make me have an anxiety attack.
For a while at least, I think I’ll start rebuilding up my empty queue for now and slowly get used to being on tumblr again and just seeing what’s up. What the heck I did on the internet while I was avoiding tumblr I have no idea, but I’m really excited to be able to waste time on this website again. While I’m doing that, I might make a couple of personal posts about whatever I feel like, and maybe start reblogging and commenting on people’s posts again. I have a few ideas for writing and writing advice related posts I can make, but I think those will be a little bit further off for now. I’ll also work on slowly responding to everyone that’s contacted me; slowly being the keyword here. 
And no, I did zero writing over the past month or so I don’t really have anything new to share. I do have some new ideas bouncing around in my head though and a potential new little project I might start working on for fun! I hope that as I get more comfortable with my new job, I’ll be able to free up some energy to devote to writing again because right now, I am just exhausted.
So basically, I’ll be around again! Maybe I won’t be super active with making posts yet, but I want to be logging in consistently again.
Thanks for bearing with this long post! I missed you guys, I hope you guys had a fantastic holiday season, I can’t wait to catch up with everyone and I hope that you haven’t completely forgotten me 💙
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thewreckkelly · 4 years
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A Law Who’s Name We Dare Not Speak ……
Tommy Rice was born in 1808 on the Lower East side of Manhattan. In his early teens he became apprentice to a wood carver before the lure of the limelight and the smell of greasepaint took him into the significantly less venerable career of a travelling stage performer.
By 1830 Tommy had developed a caricature persona that would result in him headlining to packed houses on the great stages around the world, make him a fortune and, unceremoniously, lend his ‘alter-ego’ name to state and local laws that would prove to have longevity and be diabolical in every conceivable way.
Tommy’s character required him to ‘black up’ and adopt an ignorant, sex mad, uneducated, dimwitted depiction of African and African American slaves for the laughter and delight of white only audiences as he sang and danced in the manner of an organ grinders monkey.
This insidious act bore the stage name: Jim Crow
In January 1865, an amendment to the Constitution to abolish slavery in the United States was proposed by Congress. On December 18, 1865, the amendment was ratified as the Thirteenth Amendment formally abolishing slavery by law.
During the Easter holiday in 1873 up to 150 men were massacred in and around a courthouse in Colfax, Louisiana – mostly after they had surrendered to a small army of ‘Government’ backed mounted men equipped with rifles and an iron slug spitting cannon.
The people massacred were gathered at the courthouse to peacefully defend and ensure the right to a free and fair election process.
The people massacred were all African American.
A so called ‘upstanding’ citizen of the ‘Pelican State’ named William Cruikshank, along with a number of others who participated in the massacre, were charged and tried in federal court under the Enforcement Act of 1870. That act made it a federal crime to violate rights under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution - which guaranteed equal protection of the laws and due process.
The case against Cruikshank and his murderous fellow defendants was taken all the way up to the Supreme Court where it was considered in an appeal against convictions.
A President Ulysses Grant, (overtly political), appointment to the Supreme Court –Morrison Waite - ruled provisions within the 14th Amendment, (including equal protections of the laws and rights to due process), did not apply to the victims of the Colfax Massacre. 
Another partisan Grant appointment to the Court - Joseph Bradley - concurred with Waite’s ruling thereby guaranteeing the majority.
The result was the exoneration of Cruikshank and his band of killers.
(Bradley went on to declare that none of the Colfax Massacre defendants were alleged to have: ‘…..committed the acts complained of with any design to deprive the injured persons of their rights on account of their race, color or previous condition of servitude’)
These decisions – which history has shown as constituting wilful blindness to a naked act of racial terrorism - gutted the 14th Amendment’s civil rights provisions, leading to the swift and violent rise in the application of state and local laws - throughout mostly Southern States - that became commonly known as; ‘The Jim Crow Laws’. 
‘Justice’ Bradley went on to rule in 1883 that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 - which outlawed racial discrimination in public facilities, was unconstitutional. He did this at a time when African Americans were being denied the right to vote, were barred from owning and operating businesses and were murdered with impunity and without consequence to their killers.
Upon this ruling Bradley publically commented that a black citizen; ‘….ceases to be the special favorite of the law’. This ‘law’ ended protection for African Americans from segregation in schools, theatres, restaurants, public transport, hotels and cemeteries …… to name but a few.
It would be 74 years before Congress passed another Civil Rights Act which would only then see the demise of Jim Crow.
So when people ask me if politically charged lifetime appointments to the US Supreme Court are important and require careful and rigorous consideration …… well …… seriously ….
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aestheticvoyage2020 · 4 years
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Day 303: Thursday October 29, 2020 - “Puppy Pre-School a la Finca “
This post contributed by Audrie, after spending the first day puppy training Huck
Its been almost 12 full years since the last time I played preschool teacher. Puppy Preschool that is. In my late teens and early twenties I did coach a K-3 cheer squad full of high energy youngsters.  And in my Freshman and Sophomore year of college I taught PE for K-8th grades at a charter school in town.  I’ve also been made an Auntie x5 over the last 7 years.  But the closest to being a momma started for me back in January 2009 when I brought home a tinny-tiny-ten-pounder from the hound-pound.  He had been a sick baby-stray, all alone from what little information was given, ill from Giardia, and fighting a bad case of worms; the still happy little nugget came to me at age 23.  He was bundled in a blue towel, post his alteration-operation, and in a single instant I went from care-free-young-adult to “Dog Mom” — Our first night was a learning curve.  You don’t even know what you don’t know. I thought I was adamantly against a crate; “Im not putting my puppy in jail!” and of course I thought the whole process would be movie-reel-perfection.  The first night at home, through some whimpers and cries, little baby Havarti slept next to my bed in his little blue bed, and in the morning I was delighted to find him right where I left him, but discovered he had chewed through my only phone charging cord — oops.  Over the next couple days, after baby gates failed to contain my novel tiny Houdini, one of favorite flops chewed, and the couch corner missing, I quickly started to re-think my thinking, and realized, you don’t know what you don’t know until you know. Went out that weekend and got some videos on puppy training, and immediately decided crate training was the only civilized way to build up the smart, independent, well behaved young dog I had been dreaming of.  I guess my student mind, and determination paid off, as somehow, Havarti grew up fast and well, and quickly became the gold-standard-of-golden-boys.  He’s by far and away the sweetest, smartest, silliest, cheesiest good dog around.  
I’ve long dreamed of making him an older brother.  Because Havarti is adopted/a rescue, he of course is neutered, which means a bio offspring is impossible, unless we drop $50k into some freaky Frankenstein science of cloning; but that doesn’t really bode well with our financial planning and forecast.  So, i waited, always with my eye out for mini-cheese look-alikes, and signed up for notifications for any dog in a 100 mile radius that comes into the adoption network that might be a Rhodesian.  We got close about a year ago… And the universe sorted that one out for us.  So to my astonishment, about 6 weeks ago, I thumbed through email and noticed an adoption alert, which led me down a rabbit hole into a new Foster-Adopt network called Big-Mutts-Rescue. I scanned their multiple pages of adoptable mug shots… and somewhere way towards the back was an adorable little puppy staring back at me with a strikingly similar Baby-Havarti resemblance.  Little guy was named Hennessey, huh, same initial. Without thinking twice, I clicked the application link, and worked through the basic questions, and hit submit.  No, I didn’t even mention it to Jake, I’d rather ask for forgiveness later than miss the opportunity that felt right.  I don’t pull this card often, so I felt I had earned this.  Immediately I heard back, with an extensive email requesting more detailed answers to bigger questions about our home, our family, and our reasoning for wanting this pup.  The reply also requested photo proof of our yard, walls, and other pet vaccination and vet records.  They even wanted to know where he would sleep.  So, I walked our golden boy around our yard, and onto all the various dog beds and furniture spots, and snapped pictures of him sitting like a good boy in front of all his vet records as well.  If that doesn’t put us at the top of the stack, I’m not sure what would.  It was a long process, as little Hennessey had an unfortunate Parvo exposure at his foster home, and every one was sick for several weeks.  This delayed his alteration surgery, and of course his adoption.  But the strong little man survived, and a few weeks later, I got the call that he was ready to come home, and we were the top applicants.  Now, I had to convince Jake.  That was easier done than said after we had our Friday Sunset meet & greet out at the dog park in Marana.  Soon as I saw Jake hold that little guy, they both melted.  I agreed to let Jake re-name him to add the cherry on top.  Hennessey was cute, but not really our style. So Jake did Jake-style research and pondering and of course he came up with the perfect fit.  What’s in a name anyway? I’d say almost everything.  
On Wednesday, after my long work day and commute home, we got to pick Huckleberry Scotch Acton up.  I told Jake that I planned to drive, and wanted him to ride shotgun and hold he puppy.  12 years ago, I got to have that experience, and it was so special, and I just wanted Jake to have the same opportunity.  It was like the sweetest preview of what is to come next June. My heart was full. 
First night went well. And today, Puppy Preschool was officially in session.  The class was small, but oh boy was he a handful. From go, he was pretty successful with potty outside.  And quickly started to learn his name.  He learned “sit” so fast to get his treats after potty.  He sure liked to find the bright orange trumpet flowers and chew them up. And even though he got lots of treats and praise after his successful “potty outside”s he still managed to potty inside more than a handful of times on day 1.  He found the toy baskets in the great room, and thought that was GREAT! Spent about two hours in the morning running back and forth grabbing one of Havarti’s toys at a time and gallivanting across the house to the big dog bed by the slider and chewing its novel face off for about 10 minutes before getting up to go get another.  Every time I put the toys back, he would figure it out and go get them again.  It was hilarious and very Havarti like.  I spent the day chasing after him, with “Good Boy”s and “NO Huck!” “Drop it!” “Where’d you go?” “We potty OUTSIDE Huck!” There are only a few basic rules here at puppy preschool when I’m in charge of the curriculum: 
1.) Set him up for success — By closing doors, picking up the floor, supervising at all times when outside of the crate, and not blaming him when a mistake is made because its the human’s fault. He doesn’t know what is yes and what is no yet, and he is going to try it allllll out. It’s our job to show him/allow him, and guide him. 2.) Praise is long and very celebrated, discipline is short and bittersweet, over fast and never painful. 3.) When puppy shenanigans are getting a little outta hand, its probably just time for a nap, or at least some calm & quiet time in your arms or in his crate.    4.) If teeth meet skin, give a high pitched “OUCH!” and remove attention. If he jumps up say one firm “down” & turn away in the same fashion. Removing your attention is the best way to get lasting results.  5.) Meals require manners. Food aggression will make for a hungry pup. Patience and manners are key.  6.) If/When they are caught doing something they shouldn’t, particularly chewing, give them an appropriate alternate immediately.   7.) Treats can be used very liberally the first week, then tapered down, and replaced with praise. 8.) Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries. And they need to be consistent, consistent, consistent.   9.) Being a puppy is exhausting and hard work, so training a puppy should even more tiring and brain bending, be prepared, and take heed and rest when puppy rests.  10.) Havarti is top dog, and special treatment is allowed, he has earned it, and the puppy will too, someday. 
And even if all those rules were out the window, puppy school needs to just be fun & funny full of giggles, kisses and laughter, as long as it is supervised, its all good. 
We are absolutely in LOVE with baby HUCK.  He sure is hard not to be  He is sharp, funny, and so damn cute.  And Havarti likes him too, we think. So here’s to the next chapter in our growing pack.  Huckleberry’s story begins at the Actingham Finca, in the Sonoran Desert, growing up as our Purebred Tucson-Tan #2. Our Prayer is that in this way, Havarti will live on after he imprints on this new rowdy pup. 
Song: Billy Currington - Like My Dog
Quote: “Mental exercise tires a dog physically more than physical exercise does.” ~Dr. Ian Dunbar 
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buildapps6-blog · 4 years
Why Choosing an excellent Cellular App Enhancement Firm Is vital for Small business Now
Cellphones have become as ubiquitous as wristwatches as soon as have been. Adult men, ladies and perhaps children are these days connected to many others from over the entire world, all many thanks for the new smartphone engineering. Smartphones are digital pcs that you simply can carry around with your pocket easily. These cell phones not merely help you talk with another person but in addition deliver you a entire world of knowledge, all while in the palm of one's palms.
Distribute from the Smartphone
According to a report by Statista, as of January 2018, there were in excess of three.7 billion particular person cellular users during the earth. Also, many thanks to the highly developed smartphone engineering in use these days, mobile smartphones accounted for almost 50% on the full world world wide web use quantity. There are many these kinds of specifics and figures which display plainly the still-increasing figures of smartphone users globally.
We all realize that a smartphone is hardly of substantially use until and until eventually you've got smartphone apps, or 'Apps,' put in in it. Cellular applications are basically software that may be designed to operate on cellular platforms, this sort of as Android, iOS, Windows, and so on. Together with the increase in quantities of smartphone people, mobile apps are getting to be an important element of conducting commerce, through the ground stage as many as B2B degree.
Who desires a Cellular Application?
Who demands a cellular application, is without doubt one of the most often asked queries while in the commerce sector these days. Plainly talking, a smartphone application is undoubtedly an fantastic strategy to perform almost all within your small business functions. An excellent mobile application advancement corporation is able to design appealing and easy-to-use cellular apps. These is often from the form of amusement applications, informational applications, commerce applications, and many others. Right now, cell applications are becoming an integral component of our day-to-day program. We've apps that wake us up from the early morning, assistance to arrange your entire day, applications that allow you to do 100 different things during your entire working day and in some cases applications that assist you to slumber at the end of the day.
Seeing the huge efficiency, convenience and very important connectivity that smartphone mobile apps supply today tiny and large business of every kind are searching for the ideal custom made Android app improvement organization.
Advantages of Cell Apps in Enterprise
These are generally the specific gains that happen to be seen any time you style and design, establish and start a cell app to conduct enterprise on the net:
Added benefits to Company
That is how your company will gain if you launch your exceptional app, using the assistance of the perfect Android software growth organization:
� Builds and Strengthens Purchaser Loyalty - Applications are an excellent approach to have a very immediate and frequent link together with your likely, new and existing buyers.
� Enhances Brand Influence - Mobile apps are viewed countless times by people on their phone display through the study course of the solitary working day. This is a good way to subconsciously register an impact on the user's intellect, thus helping to improve your manufacturer recognition and visibility.
� Greater Access - By sending updates about offers on your industrial applications, you are able to permit users to help make buys very easily and faster, at whenever and from wherever.
� Continual Client Connectivity - With present-day fast-paced way of life scarcely allowing for sufficient time for common buying at outlets and malls,apps have grown to be the easiest method to make purchases within the go.
Gains to Clients
If you opt for to own your application developed by the most reliable and effective app growth firm these are typically a few of the distinct benefits you might be offering on your shoppers:
� Easy Profits - Employing application for producing online buys is now favored above regular online shopping from e-commerce portals. As applications don't just bear in mind just about every personal consumer's tastes, in addition they stop the need to fill appropriate information and facts each time the customer can make an online order.
� Consistent Communication - Now, using your commercial app, it becomes remarkably less complicated to ship notifications of interesting gatherings and attractive presents, on to your customer's cell. This is certainly considerably additional successful when compared to the common bulk marketing email messages and also other on the net articles employed.
� Relieve of Obtain - Applications will be the speediest and most effective way for customers to get in contact together with your business enterprise. Applications that provide merchandise or supply products and services are built to enrich performance and minimize processing time of your buy put by individuals.
These, and diverse other these types of positive aspects, would be the explanations that having app is often a have to for every type of small and huge firms. Deciding upon the most skilled is vital because the high quality on the app decides its effectiveness. Pick an app advancement enterprise which delivers all-around application structure, advancement,and servicing providers to ensure the best possible gains while in the finish.
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independencelogbook · 5 years
I’d like to share the steps that I went through as far as the hiring and onboarding process that have led to the crazy reality of myself being three days away from flying to Europe and living on a ship for 6.5 months. I can only speak for what getting on with Royal Caribbean is like; I have no idea how different the process is for other cruise lines. But from from what I’ve gathered from talking to friends, it’s all fairly similar, which is a comforting thing to know when you’re in the middle of it, because it does all seem like a big, confusing series of checklists from start to finish.
I applied to Royal in January of this year, knowing that I already had a seasonal gig lined up from June through mid August and hoping to aim my start date for somewhere around the middle of September. All that took to get things started was applying online through their portal: entering some personal info, answering a survey about some questions relating to my desired position, and attaching a resume.  I was expecting this to take a couple of months to process through their system, but they emailed me back I believe within two weeks of my application.  I had two very quick Skype/phone interviews with recruiters in February, and had received an offer letter by early March. This letter basically informs you that they’re interested in having you hired, and that you’ve made it through the interview process.  Your actual letter of employment and contract ensuring your acceptance into the company come much later, after passing the pre-employment onboarding tasks. They’re saving you a spot, but you’re not guaranteed yet.
The main items involved in the pre-employment screening were a medical clearance, background check, local police clearance, and seafarer training/certification course. A semi intensive process haha.  These things all have their varied timings and expiration dates so they have to be done the correct amount of time from your availability date.  So I sent in my background check info in April, finished up my time in New York, moved to Virginia for the summer, and otherwise waited around so that I was closer to my start date to complete the remaining tasks. Over the summer I drove out an hour and a half or so to the nearest approved medical facility for my tests, and when I got home in August, I finished the rest of my major pre-employment roadblocks (the seafarer training was done online).  After that came a bit of talking back and forth with my onboarding representative, who has been answering my questions diligently since I received my offer letter however many months ago, and we tried to pin down my availability for that rigging training as well as the final bits and pieces of my contract. Like I said in the last post, by the time I had gotten my stuff turned in, the rigging courses were full until the new year. The rep and I decided to have me start closer to my intended date, but as a less specialized position at first instead of waiting around a couple months to be trained for the rigging work.
So finally after all that, I got my ship assignment email at the beginning of this month. Yay!  That one certified that I had cleared all the necessary no man’s land tasks and that I could officially be considered hired by the company. It also let me know where I’d be starting my work, and on which day.  I’ve since been given various crew sites and apps to log into to check on travel information, I’ve done a bunch of online HR training modules, I’ve gotten a clearer checklist of what to bring on board, and its all juuuuuust starting to dawn on me that this is a real experience that I’m actually going to be partaking in. For seven months. Crazy. I have no concrete idea what to expect, but I do expect it to be a great experience and a lot of hard work. I just don’t have any clue what the day-to-day life is like...  Guess I’ll let you know lol.
Overall, this process was a lot of getting partial information and then having a million more questions about how to proceed.  It was never a single, clear checklist of the things I needed to get turned in to RC.  My rep has been very, incredibly helpful (despite the 15 hour time difference, as they’re located in Manila) but it’s definitely a confusing process.  It also involves putting some of your own money down for the medical clearance, which is done through a third party company. And that, a hundred million percent, feels like you’re being scammed when you’re writing that check.  But now that I’m not in the middle of being overwhelmed by all the startup things, I feel like the lack of one consistent guideline for being hired makes plenty of sense. People are hired from so many different countries and RC has to line all this stuff up through all of those separate governing bodies, and so that everything complies with maritime laws as well. I’m sure it’s incredibly complicated on their end.  Plus now that I’ve gone through all that, it’s comforting to know that everyone else working on board has been screened as thoroughly as I was haha.  
But just know that if you’re going through the pre-employment process: yes it’s very hectic and there’s a lot of back and forth to figure out how exactly you need to get everything completed.  And yes, it’s normal to get info fairly last minute. I got an offer letter back in March and had only just now (in early September), three weeks before my first day, been told which ship I would be on and exactly which day I would be starting.  It’s kinda just dropped upon you when you get everything lined up and turned in, and from what I’ve heard from every other person I know who has been on other cruise lines- that’s absolutely normal.  Just gotta roll with it, and be diligent about asking any questions you have. (Seriously, my onboarding rep has been my lifeline)  Maybe that’s just your first test to see if you can handle working on a cruise ship after all. Ha.
So there’s all of that, in case you were curious.  It has been an adventure already, full of paperwork and waiting rooms. Now it’s time for the fun part.
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guylty · 5 years
It’s time to come to a proper run-through of last month’s Red Dragon Con 5 in London. Kate already wrote at length about the decision process and the run-up to the con on her blog last week. I’m afraid, I didn’t have that many qualms. When the news came through that Richard was going to attend the con, I was on those tickets as fast as you can say “Dolarhyde”. Not because of Hannibal, the fannibals or any previous con experience. In fact I had never been to a con before – and if truth be told, I never really wanted to go to a con before. But after checking the con ticket prices and making sure that flights to London in February are generally slow sellers, I reckoned that it was worth investing in it – even if only to witness the potentially one and only ever con attendance of Mr Armitage. Who knew whether this kind of event would ever happen again – with RA, that is? He had been rather shy about attending cons in the past, so this could easily be a once-off. Enough reason for me to see for myself, especially as I had experienced the fannibals as a very welcoming, nice fandom back in 2015 when Hannibal was on air. However, I was rather relieved that not only one but two of my fandom friends agreed to join me in London – Kate and Hariclea.
RA is definitely my Waterloo…
What more or less passed me by was Kate’s long battle in January with a very persistent cold that almost had her cancel her participation. We did, however, lose Hariclea as a co-con companion, as sadly, Hariclea’s mum passed away a couple of days before the event and she understandably had to cancel her attendance to go home. Nevertheless, on Friday morning, I took the early morning flight to LCR to get a few hours of exhibition hopping in before I was going to meet Kate. I made my way out to Heathrow to meet Kate in the hotel she had kindly booked. Sharing a hotel room with a stranger I had only known online and barely seen a photograph of? Of course – I have only ever met nice people through my fangirling activities. Plus, she was taking the same risk *grins*. I took the Piccadilly Line out towards Heathrow, got off at Hatton Cross, hopped on a bus, got off at the edge of the Heathrow runway, walked through a rather cold, grey, wet London day and kind of chuckled when I saw the hotel was right next to a bowling alley. Well, just in case that whole con malarkey didn’t work out we at least had some alternative entertainment…
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Fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowling!
I can tell you, there was a certain amount of excitement as I made my way to room 156 where my conspirator was already waiting for me, having checked in an hour earlier. If I hadn’t stopped smoking last November, I would’ve had a couple of rollies to calm down the nerves. (cf. a previous meeting also involving a hotel way back in 2014. I see a theme developing here…) As it was, I didn’t need any rollies. Kate opened the door, I said hi, we hugged – and we launched into a very comfortable friendship right there and then. Let me tell you, the woman is tolerant, witty and easy-going, ignoring my moody nonsense and providing the funniest comparisons from here to the Antipodes and back. We seemed to be pretty much on the same wave-length with everything over the weekend – from party attendance to fannibal defending to beddie times. Kate had me in stitches with her quips, and that alone made for three of the happiest, most carefree days of my life.
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So, with the basics basically out of the way, we were looking forward to the weekend, con novices that we were. The con was billed to start at 4pm on Friday with registration. Since we had opted to stay in a hotel about 15 minutes away from the con venue, we decided to head over to the Renaissance hotel for a bit of re-con – and a bite to eat – in advance of the 4pm registration. Much to our surprise, a queue had already formed when we entered the lobby of the Renaissance hotel at about 3pm. We joined the queue – an exercise that would prove to be event-defining for the rest of the weekend… At the end of the queue we registered and received our dog tags badges for the event.
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Totally reconciled with the fact that Gold tickets were sold out: Regular tickets were adorned with the Armitage. ‘A beautiful rear can also endear’ etc.
Thanks to some prior research we had also a) brought lanyards (so didn’t have to buy any) and b) signed up for stewarding at the con. Except that while Kate’s application as a volunteer had been accepted, I had never heard back from them. Kate encouraged me to try and get into stewarding nonetheless – which I did and was also “ennobled” as a con steward. This proved very useful later on. In various respects.
But first of all Kate and I finally got something to eat in the bar – and had our first *real* encounter with a fannibal, a lovely woman from Germany called Johanna, who really and totally set the tone and the bar for all subsequent interactions with the Hannibal fandom. There is next to no chance that she is ever going to see this, but if you know her, please let her know: Johanna, if you are reading this – thank you for being so kind, so funny, so encouraging. You really make a fantastic figurehead for your fandom. I enjoyed meeting you, and I regret not having bumped into you again! – You would think that you can’t lose your companions in a hotel – but you can. A lot of the communication and arranging of meetings was conducted via text message and/or Twitter DM that weekend. And that includes my roomie Kate and I. Yep, there were various instances where we had to call each other on the phone to locate each other in the hotel. Mad! Luckily fellow fan armidreamer and I had also exchanged phone numbers, and so I was able to hook up with her on Friday, too, and we ended up meeting all through the weekend. The more the merrier, right?
Anyway, the queuing continued, this time for the various extras one could splash out on. Photo ops and autographs are the big draw at cons, and I suspect it is where a lot of extra money is actually being made. Coming to RDC5, I had no intention of getting anything beyond the one autograph that was included in my ticket already. When Kate said that she was going to get a photo done, I was still undecided. However, you can’t just rock up at the photo (or autograph) sessions at these cons. Rather, you buy a voucher that entitles you to a photo shoot or an autograph. And so I decided to play it safe and bought a photo voucher – just in case. More about the whole photo saga later. And believe me, it’s a saga. If I knew it would be, I wouldn’t have bothered. I am still embarrassed. Like many other people I also had huge reservations about paying hefty prices for an autograph. Especially as autographs actually do not mean that much to me *personally*. I own a few already (personalised and unpersonalised, on photos, programmes and tickets – heck, I even have a silver “RA” on my beloved Pop!Thorin – see picture right), and I never had to pay for any of them. But then I thought I’d better use the opportunity and get a couple of autographs signed for future auctions – my donation, so to speak. And I also wanted to get a souvenir for Hariclea as a tiny little consolation for missing the con… So, whoa, 85 GBP went out the window there… (1 photo + 2 autographs). Seriously, I do hope that Richard also got a cut of that! Yep, I am still reeling myself. Don’t tell Mr Guylty, or this marriage is over! However, I’d ask you all to not be judgmental about this. Not that I mind if you were judgmental to *me* about this – I used to be the same for a long time. So, serves me right. But the other fans do not deserve any derision. There is much some to be said for and about these paid photo ops and autographs, the people who provide them and the people who buy them. And I will get to that in due course. Suffice to say that, with all that queuing done, it was already time to gather in the main hall for the big event of the day – the Opening Ceremony. Were we going to get our first glimpse of Richard? 
Opening Ceremony
Remember I said it would prove useful to sign up as a volunteer at the con? Well, we realised that when we walked into the main hall for the opening ceremony. Not sure how many rows there were in total, but the first ten rows or so of the auditorium were completely occupied already, as were the last ten. No coincidence: The first few rows were reserved for Gold ticket holders! (If you were admiring those fabulous photos of Richard taken at the con – those came from Gold ticket holders who were really quite close up to him and the other guests.) Regular ticket holders had to sit at the back. There was only a small number of rows in between that still had empty seats – and they turned out to be reserved for the stewards!! So we quickly brandished our steward badges and bagged some seats half way back the auditorium. Definitely worth while volunteering – not least because it looked as if there were not enough seats for the regular ticket holders for whom extra chairs were added at the back of the hall. Anyway, this was our view:
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The red and black dot on the stage is Jeremy Davies (played a character called Peter Bernadone in Hannibal). He was the first guest to be called onto the stage, and you get an idea how many people were there and how far back we were sitting – despite our privileged steward seats… After Davies, two more guests were announced, namely Aaron Abrams and Scott Thompson. They were the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of Hannibal (playing a bit of a comedic duo, crime scene investigators Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price) and absolute fan favourites. (You may also remember Scott Thompson from the Hannibal aftershows “Post Mortem”.) I very much warmed to them, too. (More about that in a later post.)
And finally, finally… Look at the picture above again. See the screen on the right? And further right to that, the double doors? That’s where the guests were ushered in, and wow, like at every other event I have ever seen RA live at, it gave me a total jolt to the stomach when I spotted RA there, beside the stage, waiting to be called… He couldn’t help but mess around before he was introduced and made funny shadow shapes behind the screen… Don’t you just have to love him…? I really dislike the word dork, but he really is a messer! You’ve already seen some of my pictures of the event, so I’ll put a slide show in here with the whole, unedited shebang – sorry, really not great, but just for the record.
The Complete and Unedited Pictures of RA at the Opening Ceremony
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This whole solo appearance lasted for the tiny eternity of 2 minutes, btw! As the second billed guest RA received a lot of cheering and clapping – he was the eponymous Red Dragon, after all – but not as much as Mads Mikkelsen, understandably. He looked absolutely gorgeous on stage though, not least because he was casually dressed all in black with tighty black jeans, a comfy hoodie and a leather jacket. All of the guests had directed a few words at the audience, but RA really made a nice little welcome speech that seemed a bit longer. “Some of you travelled far and braved the weather, congratulations. I didn’t have to because this is my home.” etc. He also could not resist a comment about the flower crowns referring to them as “flower heads” (although one of the previous guests – Aaron? – had used the term before), no comment 😁. His toned down facial shrubbery that was more like a slightly neglected lawn of wild flowers than a full-blown hayfield, looked rather good from far away. And from closer up, even more so, I suppose…
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(See the edited pics of the opening ceremony in bigger version in part 2 of my RDC5 series.)
I have to say that I thought RA looked and sounded like a complete pro in those two minutes he had on stage. His ex tempore speech was just perfect for the occasion – welcoming people, referring to the actual day (by way of weather – so English *haha*), throwing in a little personal admission (“I’m at home”) and spreading a bit of fun with his gentle teasing re. flower heads. So yeah, I thought he came across as a confident and self-assured, a bit curious and wide-eyed about the whole event he was finding himself at, but willing to go on the journey. Again, I felt as if he really set the tone there, opening up and signalling that he was here to experience this and that he was willing to have fun. Thumbs up. Finding out that his appearance on stage only lasted 2 minutes, really surprised me. At the time, it felt much longer. But yeah, maybe time stands still whenever the master himself turns up in RL *hehe*…
Anyway, RA was then followed by the star of the con, Mads Mikkelsen. Again, he also made a lovely little intro speech, and I have to say I was very much impressed by the resounding and warm applause that he was welcomed with. You could tell that the fannibals were absolutely ecstatic to have Mads at the con. They didn’t hold back, and those kind of open admissions of love and admiration were something I really, really loved seeing all through the weekend. – After Mads had been introduced, all guests returned to the stage again. As part of the whole group, Richard looked slightly shy and awkward on stage, I thought. Not quite in his element. He was definitely the tallest of all guests, yet even as it was happening and I hadn’t even yet seen any photos of the event, it occurred to me that he looked as if he wanted to blend into the background. Up to his usual modesty, I guess, he was kind of standing one step behind all the others, kind of slouching a bit, with his hands in his pockets and his head all the way down to his shoulders. I haven’t really got any pictures of my own showing all of the guests standing there on stage, but yeah, my heart broke a little bit there – whether it was for a gorgeous guy making himself small and invisible, or for a gorgeous guy being modest and humble, it definitely added to his attraction. However, it also added to the danger of succumbing to APM…
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Anyway, believe it or not, it was all a good start to the whole experience. Nice fannibals, nice fellow fans, nice roomie, nice guests, nice RA. The opening ceremony was just half an hour long or so, then the guests were all whisked away and the room emptied. We were basically done for the day. For the Gold ticket holders, it was only just getting interested though: They actually had a meet & greet with the guests – which Richard apparently was a great hit at, according to the tweets that I saw. Ourselves, Kate and I kind of hung around, thinking we might have a look at the promised party. But then we both kind of folded at about 9pm and decided to go back to our hotel instead. It had been a long, exhausting day – with both of us travelling from a different country, finding our way to our hotel, meeting each other, negotiating our way around the event – and dealing with the accelerated heart rate of being in the vicinity of the OOA… No wonder we thought we needed to lie down.
In the end, we actually ended up chatting until after midnight. The amount of processing to be done when seeing RA in the flesh *haha*… And that was only after half a day of con life… We had no idea what was going to hit us the next day…
An Armitage Fan at #RDC5 – FRIDAY [part 7 of the whole saga otherwise] It's time to come to a proper run-through of last month's Red Dragon Con 5 in London.
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