messrwolfmcwolf · 6 years
That I Live and You are Gone
The war was won, but at what cost? Marlene and Dorcas? Dead. Frank and Alice? Tortured to the point of insanity. James and Lily? Peter? All dead, and it was Sirius’ fault.
And Remus? 
Remus was alone.
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Original gifs by: @metamorph-magus (Sirius), @talesofafoolishboy (Peter), @asklilyevanss (Lily), @unafraidoftoil (James), @mymischiefisnevermanaged (Alice), @curly-haired-wizard (Frank), @dontthinkonithermione (Dorcas) and @askwhathasthiscometo (Marlene)
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What does your schedule username means? I just realized it makes no sense
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((OOC: Are we talking about askwhathasthiscometo? Cause, yeah, that makes no sense what so ever, but I’m sure as hell not gonna change it now…. so…. whatever you want it to be….))
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askthatwolfboy · 7 years
Blog review: Profile picture not resembling blog owner. Owner more cute. Possible to ask wolf boy. Overall good. 9/10
Wait what? That’s not possible Bux! HAha! I love you! The profile picture was actually drawn for my birthday by the lovely Rafe! @dobbyisafreeblog Possible to ask wolf boy! ahaha...speaking of which I should really make an appearance as Remus sometime on my blog...thanks for reminding me. XD 
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littlegingrnut · 5 years
I need your feedback
I’ve had an idea but I don’t know if its stupid...
You guys know those fun lil IG filters that are going round at the moment like ‘What Pokémon are you?’ and 'Which Disney Princess are you?’
Well, I thought it would be a fun idea to make a 'What HP RP Tumblr blog are you?’
Obviously I won’t be able to include every single blog in the rp community but I’ve “narrowed” it down to about 60; which includes some mutuals, some familiar faces and of course the obvious candidates. The idea was just to have the blogs’ handle and their online name where given (see below)
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Here’s the test version:
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However, I understand that not everyone would be interested in that or feel comfortable with it, and there might be some obvious people that I forgot to add. So, I would really appreciate it if anyone who feels like they would like to be removed to let me know (my dms and ask box are always open)! Also if you think this is generally an aweful idea let me know too.
For those who look forward to this: I hope that I can get this up and running soon but turns out the more people I add the longer it takes to calculate!
@tired-lupin @scamandergenes @tossermalfoy @are-you-being-sirius @stuff-of-pi @thisaliennerd @sparklyslytherin @owlswithfins @stjernfaerie @bookworm3741 @askdeanthomass @inevitablekickline @siriusfirstchocolatesecond @asktheboywholived @sirussly @askwhathasthiscometo @a-sirius-mess @chaser-not-a-seeker @actinganimagus @jenlizrose @stressedbi @goodandevilrp @ask-dromeda @looktothewolfstars @cheapenigma @siriusly-megs @meganhufflepuffrp @sleepyandwitchy @muggle-on-main @egdramaqueen @astroboletos @son-0f-a-snitch @asklilyevanss @idkmaybenotthatcool @desicosplay @megathy-two @thediariesofastoriagreengrass @muirin007 @bringblackback​ @whatsupitswendy​ @unafraidoftoil @transaurus @pans-parkinson @michael-the-angelo @angel-pirate-child @acb-cafe​ @slytherinsiriusblack @askananimagus @saltylittleslytherin @steelchildrocks @ami-acts @praecipiopatronum @youngwolfchaos @devilwearsmadammalkins​@nikkyzaziki​ @asklilyluna​ @pomfreypullsnopunches​ @softsiriusblack​ @callmegoddaddy​ @the-ginger-magician​ @megan-hufflepuff​ @sapphiccslytherin​ @mymischiefisnevermanaged​
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callmegoddaddy · 5 years
Currently Casting for HUGE thread:
Harry Potter ( @actinganimagus )
Ginny Weasley-Potter (@jenlizrose )
Ron Weasley (cast @askanotherweasley )
Bill Weasley (cast @pastel-sirius )
Fleur Delacour Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger-Weasley (me)
Neville Longbottom
Molly Weasley (cast @hillnerd )
Arthur Weasley (cast @thisaliennerd )
Hannah Abott (cast @nikapuff )
Parvati Patil (cast @desi-cosplays )
George Weasley (cast @askwhathasthiscometo )
(more characters will come later but these are the people that will definitely appear)
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stuff-of-pi · 5 years
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Guiseppina Dora Isabella 'Beans' Minaudo
The next one you'll find out why she's called 'Beans' and why she's got rings on every finger and much more!
100,000% inspired by the amazing mafia oc's of @asktheboywholived , @son-0f-a-snitch , and @askwhathasthiscometo.... I got reeeaaalllyyy excited when I saw the mafia oc's bc I have some family who were involved in the Sicilian Mafia in NYC during the 30s - 60s
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little-lupin · 5 years
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Danielle “Danni” Lawrence
TikTok has a mafia oc going on so I thought I’d spread the love over here! Meet Danni, your local, not-so-friendly, crazy muscle. I might post some more of her on here so I can use an actual weapon. (They’re FAKE, TikTok!!!!)
If you like these, you should check out @asktheboywholived and @askwhathasthiscometo . Their oc’s are amazing!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌
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ladyflowerchaser · 5 years
top five people you wanna collaboration with ?
Oh this will be impossible but I’ll just drop the five that first come to mind: @softsiriusblack @askwhathasthiscometo @metamorph-magus @unafraidoftoil @dontthinkonithermione
Are people that i SUPER look up too really and do anything with them would be huge honor! But honestly this list could go on forever would be easier 30 people i wanna collab with
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asktheboywholived · 6 years
Marlene: Hey, Pads, can I tell you a secret?
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siriussly-serious · 6 years
Birthday Parties
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(I’d be a liar if I said that I wasn’t inspired by this post by @askwhathasthiscometo. Bux, your Weasley twins are just everything.)
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egdramaqueen · 6 years
The Stag and the Doe, Chapter Twenty: This Means War
((OOC: James: @actinganimagus, Dorcas: @seriouslyprongs, Marlene: @askwhathasthiscometo, Sirius: @astroboletos)) Previous Chapter Masterpost
The following days inched by in deafening silence. 
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The seven friends found themselves sitting around the fire, barely speaking a word, but waiting endlessly for news.
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All of them hoping it would be good.
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But knowing deep down…
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That they would never see their friend again.
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And their lives would be changed forever.
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The students gathered in the Headmaster’s office, silent and solemn, enduring the somber stares of the many portraits adorning the walls. Albus Dumbledore stood behind the desk, Minerva McGonagall to his right, both with looks of heartache etched across their features.
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No one spoke for a long time.
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Remus’ voice was the first to break the silence. “She’s gone?”
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Dumbledore held up a hand, silencing then all. “There is nothing worse in this life than the pain of losing someone we love.”
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“And many will, Miss Evans, with everything they have. I must ask something of all of you, now. But first, I need to know that nothing we discuss will leave this office.”
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“Your word?”
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Remus nodded, and Peter murmured, “...sure.”
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Dumbledore’s head lowered. “We believe this was not a random attack, but one orchestrated by Voldemort himself.”
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Lily clutched onto James’ wrist, knuckles white in fear.
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“As all of you know, Miss MacDonald mobile and attacked once before. We believe the students behind her attack have joined Voldemort’s legions.”
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"But why now?,” Remus said, his tone even and composed, despite his face betraying every single emotion. “And why Mary? Why orchestrate an attack on a random school girl?
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"I mean...she is muggleborn?,” Peter said. “Do they really need a reason?
Albus sat back in his chair, the bright eyes jumping between the youth in front of him. The want for answer, justice, revenge...it was to touch and feel between them. Before Albus could speak-
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“This...” James said, his voice breaking slightly, “wasn’t random a random attack.”
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"The Ministry is hunting him, aren’t they?” Peter asked.
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“Sirius!” Remus exclaimed, “Let them talk for Merlin’s sake!”
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“and while we do, people outside the castle are being slaughtered! Now a student has fallen victim to that fascist monster, and here we are, still bloody TALKING!!” 
The golden instrument that previously lived on one of the headmasters desks went sailing into the air, before hitting the wall, a loud bang solidifying the silence that followed Sirius’ outburst. The piercing blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore noticed them all. They all wanted to do something similar. Sirius’ anger had somehow calmed them all. That was just what he needed.
“I believe something very rare has happened in this room,” Dumbledore’s voice echoed.
Everyone looked at Albus, puzzled.
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"Lily Evans just said something very false indeed…”
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"What did you say about the current balance of power?”
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“They’re fighting a losing battle.,” James added.
Dumbledore silenced the group again with a raised hand. “I ask you now: if given the opportunity, will you fight back?
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A sad smile crept onto McGonagall’s thin lips. Dumbledore cleared his throat.
“In secret, I have gathered forces from around Britain, and inside the Ministry of Magic. A growing resistance. It is a secret society, known only to a few chosen members as... the Order of the Phoenix.”
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The group looked at each other. That silent glow was back. The urge to fight. They all listened with earnest intrigue as Dumbledore continued...
“It is our mission to defeat Voldemort and his followers—“
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No one laughed, but looked at their Headmaster in earnest. Yes, this is what they wanted: their own rebellion. To fight in Mary’s name. To take down those who would bring more harm to the ones they cared about the most. To fight for a world where the people they loved didn’t have to live in constant fear.
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As they all left the Headmasters office an hour later, the tension, and sorrow that had been eating them alive earlier was replaced with a fire. 
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A fire as strong as the blaze of a dying phoenix.  
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Every one of the seven young Gryffindors was ready to watch Voldemort and his Death Eaters burn.
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And Albus Dumbledore was offering them a match.
End of Book One
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((OOC: Heyo, so btw if you happen to spot my cosplay instagram (askwhathasthiscometo) feel free to follow - it's only hidden because not all of the world needs to see that much of my face but if you're okay with that then welcome!))
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stjernfaerie · 5 years
cast golden era (if you haven’t already)
Harry - @actinganimagus
Hermione - @dontthinkonithermione
Ron - me @dandypotter
Neville - @askpadfootsiriusblack
Seamus - @horcruxhoarder
Dean - @askdeanthomass 
Lavender - @scamandergenes
Padma - @desicosplay
Parvati - @desicosplay
Luna - @claud-illich
Ginny - @jenlizrose
Draco - @tossermalfoy
Percy - @new-york-peach
Charlie - @talesofafoolishboy
Bill - @tired-lupin
Fred - @askwhathasthiscometo
George - @askwhathasthiscometo
Pansy - @gobletofvodka
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youngwolfchaos · 6 years
for tmi tuesday: tag tumblr crushes / people you want to collab with
Are yall ready for this bullshit? I sure as hell am not!
(I am determined to adore as many people as possible on this goddamn post! You opened a hell hole of love nonny!)
Okay let’s get started with those crushes(All kinds of crushes. All of Them!). 
My wives @stjernfaerie and @moony-luna ofc. My enemy wife @michael-the-angelo. Obvious choices! 
Then there is the wonderful people I have talked to like my beloved @nikapuff and @yourfavouriteravenclaw 
@tossermalfoy(guess which kind you are mel!) 
@muggle-on-main one of the sweetest souls in this world. 
@jenlizrose and @actinganimagus the power couple that make all bi’s swoon ahah! 
@unafraidoftoil and @geethanksinternet actual stars. just wonderfu! 
@asklilyluna absolute wonder. peak comedy. should do a riverdale rp! 
@maraudersandlily20, @lord-lunatic, @ravenclaw-has-claws and @nerdie-faerie my angels of support who dealt beautifully with my anxious babbling!
@claud-illich and @meganhufflepuffrp. My english roses. So much talent. so much kindness!
My wonder Swedes @scamandergenes, @tired-lupin and @talesofafoolishboy
My favourite nice idiot. my main bitch @xbluebellx! I love you you idiot!
the ron sweethearts that is @chaser-not-a-seeker and @the-ginger-magician
@sirussly you don’t know it yet but I will woo you into being my friend with more weird translated danish saying. we got plenty to go!
@askwhathasthiscometo din dejlige dansker. Jeg er biologisk forpligtet til at tvinge mit venskab på dig med angst og sprog forvirring!
okay i have gotten tired and am now just gonna tag people but know i adore you all so much and this is the biggest open invitation for you to befriend me if we aren’t already!!
@softsiriusblack @smolbeanbella @pleb-petal-potter @siriussly-serious @siriusblacktothefuture @parchment-and-constellations @sunshineandrainyflowers @gobletofvodka @megathy-two @ravenheartedgirl @whatsupitswendy @stuff-of-pi @itskitsworld @sleepyandwitchy @bringblackback @vanilla-overdose @pomfreypullsnopunches @marauders-andco @thatredlipped-classic @the-moon-and-stars-my-love @cheapenigma @giggling-grindylow @dandypotter @confunded-gryffindor @mythos-boi @2yeetor2yoot @not-your-doe @klassikally @steelchildrocks @departmentofroleplays @idkmaybenotthatcool @didyaputyanameinda-gobletoffiya @mymischiefisnevermanaged @elvendork-evans @desicosplay @honeysuze @devilwearsmadammalkins @frankyiscrazy @acb-cafe @metamorph-magus @askdoratonks @asklilyevanss @dontthinkonithermione @thediariesofastoriagreengrass
alrighty then imma stop now. I have almost defintely forgotten like  million and one people but this post is already ridiculously long..
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moony-luna · 6 years
Who are your tumblr crushes?
Oh my lord I have so many… if you are (or are not) on this list please say hi to me! I crave friendship and want more rp-ing friends!!!
FIRST OFF: I HAVE A MAJOR CRUSH ON @arabella-prongs. I apologize for nothing. And Arbs, if you see this? You kill me softly dear, keep doing what your doing (or don’t, as I’m not sure if my heart can take any more). 
@megathy-two, @claud-illich, @meganhufflepuffrp, @thismayflower, @departmentofroleplays and @2yeetor2yoot tolerate my dumb questions and requests for cat gifs/collabs, so I’ve got major platonic-crushes on them.
@actinganimagus and @jenlizrose are ridiculously nice to me on snapchat, and I love the heck out of them so they’re on the list (love y’all!).
@kapitan5o and @space-marauder are crazy talented and both so freakin attractive (have I messaged them to confess my undying love? no. I’m a coward.)
@asktheboywholived and @sirussly, for obvious reasons. The Snowball Effect was the first rp thread I ever saw, and I fell in love immediately. Whether or not that is a good thing is yet to be seen–– I now have even less of a social life, but I do have an absurd number of wigs and gifs my relatives can blackmail me with. 
Everybody else I’ll list here, as I am sick and sleepy but still want to express my love for my pals/folks I want to contact but am too scared of rejection to do so haha please love me ppl:
@siriusly-not-over-remus  @siriussly-serious @pighmypuff @metamorph-magus @theonewholivedahundredlives @lizziebennetnotinjapan @egdramaqueen @the-ginger-magician @askmissevans @askwhathasthiscometo @askmischiefmanaged @asktheblacksheep @gryffindorkus @smolbeanbella @askpadfootsiriusblack @siriusfirstchocolatesecond @scamandergenes @astroboletos @paradoxes-and-plotholes @scarheads-malfoy @azkabqn @jencala @captofthesswolfstar @horcruxhoarder @hprpposts @masksofmickey @gryffindor-blood @askwizardsandwitches @asksiriuslycharming @askanotherweasley @i-am-a-were-remus @askdoratonks @girlswillbeboys11 @culbleu @elvendork-evans @michael-the-angelo @ravenheartedgirl @theelderswear @askjamessirius @asklilyluna @gayslytherinbitch @allthefawkesigive @idkmaybenotthatcool @geethanksinternet @dontthinkonithermione @askdeanthomass @askdeantheslytherpuff @muggle-on-main @strolling-in-the-moonlight @seriouslyprongs @sunshineandrainyflowers @lupinbitten @siriuslymooningformoony @desicosplay @sleepyandwitchy @pans-parkinson @acb-cafe @bookworm3741 @sneakysneakyslytherin @pleb-petal-potter @waninglupin @mk-the-niffler @marvelousmisterscamander @lord-lunatic @chaser-not-a-seeker @mymischiefisnevermanaged @ami-acts @thediariesofastoriagreengrass @devilwearsmadammalkins @tired-lupin @alwithcolorfulhair @askslytherin-dorcas @youngwolfchaos @slytherinsiriusblack @marvellouspotter @siriusblacktothefuture @vanilla-overdose @lilysandhooks @whatupitswendy @ravenclawits @asklilyevanss @talesofafoolishboy @thatcutewerewolf @mis-98 @headgirl-lilyevans @siriuslygifted @stuff-of-pi @dorathemetamorphmagus @bats-are-sinistros  @quite-operational @klassikally @asktonks @cosplayerintraining @steelchildrocks @itskitsworld @looktothewolfstars @moonyandfriends @hermioneonthereg @unafraidoftoil @didyaputyanameinda-gobletoffiya @potterdeer @m4r4ud3r @timeforsomehprp @thegirliththechanginghair @shapeshiftrr @maraudersandlily20 @rpforhufflepuff @parchment-and-constellations @transaurus @siriusorioff @honeysuze @d0mremus @marauders-andco @the-moon-and-stars-my-love @whataboutpadfoot @azkadammit @almosttheboywholived @ask-theirlsirius @olivandersdaughter
I can’t write anymore. My poor fingers are crying. If any of y’all on the list want a new annoying pal to rant to or about Harry Potter, pretty please message me! And if I forgot anyone– I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE MAGICAL! I AM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME!
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metamorph-magus · 6 years
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(( OOC — A year in selfies 💕
Thanks @egdramaqueen, @askmischiefmanaged and @askmissevans for tagging me~ gives me an excuse to look back on the year and see some of the crazy shit I’ve gotten into...which isn’t a whole lot. It doesn’t feel like 2018 is winding down...maybe because I’m already excited for 2019? Perhaps.
I tag @dontthinkonithermione, @sirussly, @askwhathasthiscometo and @asktheboywholived ~ ❤️))
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