incomingalbatross · 2 years
aslanscompassDOTtumblrDOTcom/post/701132170654351361 So I saw you reblogged this ages ago, and I thought I'd explain what the right-hand gifs are. It's a show called The Mysterious Benedict Society, based on a book series, and it's really good. A man called Nicholas Benedict gathers a crew of kids to fight The Emergency (seriously, that's what it's called), an ongoing panic of uncertain origin.
Thank you! I've been vaguely aware of Mysterious Benedict Society for a while from hearing other people talk about it (I know @isfjmel-phleg likes it, and probably some others I'm forgetting), but only vaguely. I'd like to read and/or watch it! Just have to find a way to get my hands on the books first.
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aslanscompass · 3 months
Empire of Death live watch
Okay, so creepy dust. I still have issues with some of this stuff.
Not killing Kate, will not accept.
Genius kid has lasers in his scooter. Okay, I guess.
Three different intensities
taking the time for helmets now? seriously?
And why destroy all of London? Like, what's the point? And how'd Sutekh get off the alien planet anyway?
Ms. Flood. ? still don't get it.
Another dig at prayer.
wait, what? Flood and Carla and Cherry? Okay, you've got 50 minutes to fix all this, Rusty.
why smiling?
inside of time window TARDIS looks different
CLIP FROM Pyramid of Mars? I would not have expected that? WHat? More credit for the TV reality theory. His head is just too hairy.
Saving with memories is very much Death of the Doctor. Susan clip in COLOR
Okay, so all the Sue Twist creatures are 'seeds' from previous TARDIS trips.
Is he still the Last of the Time Lords? Claiming that back again? Last I checked, you weren't even Gallifreyan.
oH MY WORD every doctor's everything! Mel gets to fondle the coat
Memory hodgepodge , so that's 'where' the Tales of the Tardis stuff was
It's more interesting than his 'actual' TARDIS. Smaller, more cluttered, but much more interesting.
Are we finally getting the answer of Ruby?
This whole 'idea' thing is very Clara. Time Echoes everywhere.
Okay, you're going to have to undo this somehow.
"Dust of Death" would have been a great title. Or just "Dust" The former is a bit too spoiler-y.
I saw a letter in the most recent DWM complaining that the novel "Empire of Death" shed no light on the season finale. And I'm just like... so... yeah...
But if it's happening now....just, like... if Susan Twist was at multiple points in time, shouldn't it be an un-happening, like the Pandorica?
Screamy Doctor. Not crying Doctor. Pika liked my 'little April shower' joke.
Ruby as greater than the Doctor? Really?
Random woman talking to the Doctor. Hmm. Baby? Baby Ruby?
B-city? Death ray. Unsure name. It can't be that long ago, because baby is still baby.
Where did Ruby and Mel go?
A spoon? Okay, is anybody else feeling that we missed something here?
Oh, wait, dead baby? Oh. Not good.
For some reason, I 'bought' the destroyed universe in Pandorica Opens.
"I swear to you, this spoon..." most narm-y moment ever.
'cultural appropriation' Really. End of the world and you have to make that joke.
Oh no. It's catching up with Mel.
What about her father? Someone mentioned that online ---
Sutekh can't gronk Ruby's mother?
Okay, Ap dude.
DNA testing. Hmm. So now, we get some idea what was going on. Doesn't remember the 73-yard timelord.
Manditory DNA testing. Something is going to go wrong with Mel. Too much red lights.
Does the death-wave affect animals too? It must, And trees? How alive must a thing be? Coral?
I ain't seeing no computers here.
So Sutekh thinks Ruby's mum is important. I'm starting to doubt it.
26 minutes left and...
Ominous music. Sure, send the mole to keep watch.
And now the sonic's orangy. Seriously.
Okay, if she was born in 2004, the native "her" would be 42 in 2046
Her mum is the Rani, Romana, SJS, Mel Bush, Ace, River Song, AMy Pond, Darkel, Missy, snow.... the Great Intelligence, I'm just putting that out there.
"When did it ever help?"
Oh, I'm sure thatBonnie Langford LOVED getting to play a baddie.
"Silence will fall"
please SOMEBODY, DO AN EDIT WITH "MY EMPIRE OF DIRT" on scenes from the episode.
This had better be good. Very good.
Child of the TARDIS??
MEMORY created?
Are you still leaving it undisclosed.
Rope? Serious? Real Elvish rope.
Whistle? Oh, TARDIS on command. Is that a Dalek eyestalk in the TARDIS
Lassoing him with a rope? okay, dumbest plot boomerang ever.
"he put death to death"
oKAY, still very stupid.
eVEn last episode's soldier dude. Okay.
But Ms. Flood? being all cozy? just... AGH
Okay, roughly 20 minutes left. So.... more stufF? I guess
Too much time left.
really, why. Become a monster? Lame. Still not seeing the emotional nuance of Smith or Capaldi here.
All this travel with open TARDIS doors. Really.
That makes no sense. Jack survived the Vortex. Okay, bad data point. Clara survived specifically bc the TARDIS protected her.
And what's with the white shirt and sweatpants? just showing off his body?
YES, I knew they wre gonna hire Sutekh's splinter. Pizza party.
Such a long wrap up.
Like, I 'bought' the Pandorica collapse because--the whole coalition of evil that teamed up to prevent it.
Huh. She's just an ordinary woman? Louise Alison Miller-- Still doesn't answer
William Benjamin Garrant
seriously? "She was important because we think she's important" ARE YOU Kidding me!? That's taking your 'humans are special' thing to a whole new level.
ARE YOU F' ME? Just giving me I thought the paramedics or whatever chose it too.
11 minutes left. PLEASE tell me we get answers.
I think the whole, 'birth mother not wanting contact' thing is... well, it's a thing, but... F**
they just... no...
'no hatred in this house' such a pride month statement.
'REAL MUM!' NO no no no --Birth Mum, Ruby, she's your Birth mum. Carla raised you. She's the mum who matters.
jUST, AGH! My fears about the adoption storyline is totally true. Like, it's totally a thing that does happen, but it's not the only thing. Cheap cliches.
RTD was shopping at the Cliche market and they had a two-for-one special, so he cleaned out the bins.
I mean, half a point for the existence of a Birth Dad, but otherwise, minus several score.
Okay, Ms. Flood narrating. That is a very Romana outfit.
That waas the worst.
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why-bless-your-heart · 6 months
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@aslanscompass so the shortest answer is that exorcists are about as rare as bishops: you got at least one to a diocese. They’re fairly specialist and rare, but less in the sense of a handful in the whole world and more in the sense of one to a city or two.
As far as the number of exorcisms, there are as many done as need to be. Each potential case of possession is carefully investigated in order to rule out natural explanations, so there are more exorcisms requested than are actually given, but I know at least three separate people (a priest, a deacon, and a lay woman), who have each mentioned being present at an exorcism to me. They tend not to be discussed because 1. Idle curiosity about these things can turn dangerous very quickly, 2. The privacy of the person asking for the blessing should be protected, 3. It’s not a prudent topic of conversation, especially when your audience might have a nervous temperament and vivid imagination.
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critterkeeper01 · 4 months
Works In Progress
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @aragarna ! Thank you so much for the tag!
Here are my current WIPs:
Kali Christmas Freezing Noose Persistence of Memory Trauma The Long Game Birthday Presents Deduction Buried Alive WW/XF Asylum
Plus a list of ideas that's over a hundred and counting…some of those probably have more words in their "summaries" than the smaller of my WIP files.
Now….do I know enough people on tumblr to fulfill the last line? @archaeopter-ace @argylepiratewd @catboywizard @dragoninatrenchcoat @ghostlyarchaeologist @knightvision1228 @fissionmonkey @themidnightcircusshow @aslanscompass @lulu-cat-princess Okay I cheated on those last few by searching the "forever 2014" hashtag and finding people who looked like they might be fanfic writers, please forgive me if you're not!
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human-nxture · 11 months
Actual thing I wrote last night:
( Katrina glared. “ And don’t even think of trying that Lady and the Tramp thing!”
“ Computer, search Lady and the Tramp. “
@aslanscompass @lurking-latinist @thisbluespirit
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englishlotusflower · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @ellorypurebloodculture!
Three ships: 1 - Elrond/Celebrían, LOTR (i just…i just think they're so sweet and i love them so much)
2 - Caranthir/Haleth, Silmarillion (fight me)
3-  Tomarry, HP (i was skeptical but the fics out there are just perfection)
First ship: Can't actually remember, but probably Elrond/Celebrían
Last song I listened to: Either My Lighthouse by Rend Collective or Noble in B Minor (can't remember which was last)
Last movie I watched: Errrr….. if I'm entirely honest all I've seen lately is TV shows. The most recent movie is like…my brother insists its Eternals which was months ago.
Currently reading: Other than far too much fic? Queens Consort by Lisa Hilton. For school. And Antigone. For school.
Currently watching: Nothing. I'm boring, school and coursework is devouring my life and I've finished Shadow and Bone.
Currently consuming: Nothing.
Currently craving: Cadbury's popping candy chocolate but I haven't been able to eat that since i was 14 so those delicious raspberry and apple jam doughnuts as big as your fist that always spill everywhere when you bite into them and stain your clothes.
Tagging (no pressure to reply or anything):
@ceescedasticity @darkfrozenabyss @jaz-the-bard @arafinweanappreciation @queenlucythevaliant @aragornsrockcollection @siennahrobek @brachiosaurus-on @aslanscompass
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ladyminaofcamelot · 1 year
Top 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by @silenea thank you! Honestly some of these are going to be embarrassing but here we go.
Currently Reading: The Templars, by Piers Paul Read. I'm doing some research, but I don't know how much I can trust it because of some things he already got wrong Biblically. *shrugs* I guess we'll see.
Favorite color: Green, especially emerald green or a really deep green like the color of pine trees when they're covered by snow in the winter.
Last song: Hang on let me check... Two Sparrows by Tow'rs
Last Series: For books- Legend's of the First Empire by Michael J. Sullivan. I haven't read the last book in the series yet, but I will after I emotionally recover from the previous one I read. For TV: White Collar. I've seen it before but it's a classic my parents and I like to watch together sometimes.
Last Movie: Bride and Prejudice
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory. I love me some sandwiches and soups.
Currently working on: Aside from several fanfics, I've been planning out a trilogy featuring vampires that takes place over the course of three separate times in history, hence the above research. Truth be told I actually despise research, but I'm hoping this project will make me better at it.
Tagging: @aslanscompass @peregrin-tookish @okionlywanttoreadforever
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wellamarke · 1 year
tagged by @arendelve, thank you this was so cute & fun!
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tagging my li’l rani takes on the world crew to make a little picture of yourself using this thing :) @bluebirdflynn7 @sixseasonsofodestawithatardis @theofficialdramallama @aslanscompass
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asexy-phoenix · 2 years
Even More Fic Recs
We’re still doing it, folks! All of these are single works, and if you’re curious there is a fic recs post coming that is all series, no single fics. So be on the lookout for that if you’re curious. Long post, fics under the cut
i missed me more by AslansCompass
a Percy Jackson and the Olympians fic about an aro/ace child of Aphrodite. Because if living in a world where an actual love goddess exists is hard when you’re aro/ace, imagine being the daughter of that goddess.
this fic IS part of a series that I will recommend later - for now this is the only work i have bookmarked
when the sun came up, I was looking at you by suzukiblu
did you ever want a hilariously funny miscommunication story that is also set in space and is full of Poe/Finn/Rey? If you did, this is the one for you! The premise is that, since food is so rare on Jakku, proposing involves people giving each other food as a gift. Rey arrives in the resistance and hilarious miscommunications ensue
Trade by SassySnowperson
hurt/comfort? Tatooine worldbuilding? A canon divergence where someone takes care of Obi-Wan and gives him the attention and love he deserves? That someone being the combined forces of Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun? THIS ONE HAS IT ALL
Mischief is its Own Reward by dalniente
this is probably the best Megamind fic I’ve ever read. A fake dating story where Roxanne brings Megamind with her for the holidays combined with copious amounts of fluff, pining, getting together, and open, honest communication! So good! My fave! Best fic!
Stranger Than Fiction by cereal
did you finish Broadchurch wanting Alec and Ellie to get together and be a cute, slightly oblivious couple? Read this, it’s awesome
richochet by PaintedVanilla
this is just...an excellently in-character fic where Alec is forced to confront his feelings when he and Ellie end up on a date together. Plus there’s sweet family banter between Alec and Daisy and just go read this one it’s great
A Quiet Night At Home by nightrose
A ‘Sherlock comes back after Reichenbach’ story where it’s calm and fluffy and soft in all the right ways. The best post-Reichenbach story out there, it did for John and Sherlock what an entire tv show couldn’t - gave them a happy ending. And it did it all in less than 700 words
To See a Soul by slothemperess
a double whammy soulmate au and wingfic! This story lived rent-free in my head whenever I thought about Jarida from the time I first read it on FFnet until I was finally able to track it down and bookmark it on Ao3 so, you know...it’s awesome and you should give it a read
Having It Sorted by AlabasterInk
a Harry Potter crossover where the Sorting Hat becomes friend and confidante to a group of immortal spirits. You guessed it, it’s an RoTBTD fic and it’s brilliant!
you are a paradigm by 1electricpirate
the first and so far only Potterlock story I’ve ever read, this one is excellent and makes me happy in all the right ways. And I’m not the only one, judging by the amount of collections this story has been added to
Intervention by Asidian
ugh, this one hits me in the feels. A post-Avengers story where Thor finds out that Loki’s punishment by Odin was far worse than he could have imagined and goes to Tony to ask for help. Full of hurt/comfort and family bonds, this fic singlehandedly reversed my expectations of Thor in the fic I write
 It is gory so beware, but not at the expense of the story
To Be Modified As Necessary by ignipes
did you ever wonder what the ten rules the Avengers needed to live together peacefully were? Find out in this excellent story!
Regulus Black and the Way Things Changed: A Not!Fic by imaginary_golux
like the title says, this isn’t really a fic. What this is, is a series of bullet points re-telling the entire Harry Potter saga from the ground up with the premise that Regulus Black becomes the turncoat that Dumbledore takes in. It’s absolutely not canon-compliant but that doesn’t matter because it’s funny enough to make me die laughing
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce by imagitory
it begins as a story based off the premise that instead of Slughorn, Gordon Ramsey is hired to be Harry’s potion teacher in his sixth year. It ends as a complex re-telling of the sixth and seventh books from the perspectives of several different witches and wizards all caught up in a war that is spinning them out of control. Seriously brilliant, you should read it. Even though it’s 99 chapters long
wonderterror by peradi
the Skywalkers, being descended from the Force, are not entirely human. A fic in three parts exploring that concept. Full of eldritch horrors and Skywalker drama, I wish this story was canon
How Far the Stars Fall, How Bright They Burn by Jahaliel, Ms_NothingSpecial
I’ll admit, I’m not that well-versed in the Clone Wars lore, but that almost doesn’t matter because the lyrical writing and amazing premise of this story makes up for that in spades. This is an AU where Order 66 doesn’t go as planned thanks to Force intervention and that’s just the tip of the iceberg
Feathers by SolarMorrigan
a character study of an autistic Newt Scamander and how he functions in a world that feels like it is designed to overwhelm him. I feel seen by this story, go check it out
Severus Snape and the Midnight Tea by inmyownlittlecorner
what is it like teaching potions to Luna Lovegood? And will she teach Severus something in return? A beautiful story about Severus and Luna in the oddest of friendships.
Let’s Do the Same as They by halotolerant
a Captain America story where Bucky, Peggy, and Steve run into another trio who has a similar relationship to theirs. A crossover between Captain America and Singing in the Rain doesn’t feel like it should work, but it definitely does and leaves me wanting more.
Mandala by Roberly
another soulmate au, this one a Sherlock story where soulmates find each other by coloured swirls that form matching unique mandalas on each others arms. Lots of worldbuilding and an ending that made me laugh out loud!
A Cloak of Moonlight by Gehayi
an evocative, richly-told story that takes the story of the 12 Dancing Princesses and expands into a world with lore and backstory. This story also fleshes out the princesses a bit more and makes their story more sympathetic and tragic and...oh just go read it. I can’t do it justice
How These Days Grow Long by Never_Says_Die
I read this story once, years ago, and I never forgot it. It’s a Walking Dead AU where Daryl and Glenn were dating before the apocalypse and got separated at the start of it. It’s a journey of a story that makes me feel so many things, especially Daryl and Glenn emotions. I had never thought of shipping these two but by the end of this fic I was convinced of their relationship
Ryan Bergara and the WTF Patronthingy by raven_aorla
to round off this list, yet another Harry Potter AU! This one is a crossover with Buzzfeed: Unsolved with lots of friendship and hurt/comfort included!
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hylianengineer · 6 months
Fic Rec Friday
Welcome to Fic Rec Friday! It's a list of five fanfic recommendations per week, and I stole the idea (with permission) from the lovely @mediumgayitalian. It will mostly be stuff I've read fairly recently, but I'm gonna dive a bit deeper into my Percy Jackson and the Olympians bookmarks for this first one because that's @mediumgayitalian's fandom and it's only fair that I give her some reading material as thanks for starting this thing.
Kiss it Better by buoyantsaturn (Percy Jackson):
“Um. I heard there were some severe burns?” “Oh, yeah,” Will replied. “I, um…kissed it better?”
Will is my favorite, and I love fics that explore his powers. This one is very adorable and adds some compelling backstory.
2. a million tomorrows by loveliet
being a kid was gray and that was something that would never change because she’d only ever be a kid once. but there’s only one new york, too, and yet the one percy drives her through always feels new. (or, annabeth has a fever and realizes she’s exactly where she’s meant to be)
This is so poetic. Sweet, nostalgic, sad, it's got RANGE.
3. take me to your best friend's house by mcpicktwo
Katie Gardner tilts her head. “I feel like he’s always hiding something from us.” “That’s why his tail is so big,” Silena Beauregard says, nodding very solemnly. “It’s full of secrets.” Or: Camp Half-Blood and the Mortifying Ordeal of Playing Spoons.
It's post-TLO, everyone is alive, and it's a slice of life about a chaotic (and ruthlessly competitive) game named after silverware. It's hilarious and so, so much fun.
4. Eros In Absentia by AslansCompass
Mandy Palmer's mother is Aphrodite, goddess of love. Unfortunately, Mandy's never really been into all that romance and fashion stuff. But everyone expects otherwise. (It might be easier if Mandy had considered asexuality as a possibility. Or maybe that would just make things worse)
Ever wondered what it'd be like to be an aroace child of Aphrodite? This is the answer.
5. Meerkat, Reptile and Snake by SilverMyfanwy
Calypso traced her finger across the map to a section labelled MEERKAT, REPTILE & SNAKE, which sounded like the worst law firm ever. - Chapter 13, The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan. - Meerkat, Reptile & Snake was the most successful law firm in all of Greek mythology. It survived wars, grumpy gods, toga mishaps and oaths on the Styx. Mad or just plain crazy, they handled it all. Then came the day the remains of Gaia's army tried to sue Percy Jackson.
Absolutely delightful, hilarious, laugh out loud chaotic crack fic. It's just one unexpected act of hilariousness after another and I almost cried laughing reading it.
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lunarblue21 · 2 years
happy fic writer ask 2, 11
Thanks so much for the question aslanscompass! :) Here is the link to the askmeme if anyone else wants to send me some!
2. Talk about a favorite comment you received.
In terms of talking about favourite comments in generality, I especially love long, insightful, essay-long reviews/comments that either point out a certain aspect in a passage the reviewer liked or reacting to a certain plot thread/plot I had just highlighted in a current chapter.
Some of my favourite recent reviews have been from a newish reader to my Ice Age/CI prequel CI: Lacrimosa and I LOVE LOVE her long essay-like reviews so much when she leaves them on ffn! <3 :3 Thanks so much again @deafeningvoidgladiatorz! :)
11. Who is your favorite character(s) to write about and why?
My favourite characters to write about are definitely Manny and Diego from Ice Age. I personally find them very rich, layered, interesting characters and believe they have a lot of potential for whumpy and/or angsty plotlines and because they are selfless, inspiring characters to me, especially wrt IA1 which is why I have ended up creating a longfic - 19 chapters and almost complete! - detailing their backstories. :)
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
@aslanscompass Thank you for your interest! A lot of the details on the Mel in my head are a little vague, but here's what I've got...
(IMPORTANT NOTE: We brainstormed a fair amount of this together, but at LEAST half of it is my sister's. Due credit to MissAppropriation!)
First of all, Twelve and River definitely had kids on Darillium. This is important to all the rest.
Mel (named after Melody, more or less) is either the daughter or granddaughter of one of these children. The hair obviously comes from the Pond side, and her taste for shenanigans comes from ALL sides. Both traits run in the family.
We're not saying Ms. Frizzle is one of her cousins but we're not saying she's NOT. That's a different story, though.
Mel goes out into the wide cosmos as an adult and gets up to some Adventuring.
Ainley Master, meanwhile, is getting concerned about the increasing amount of Gallifrey Intrigue trying to catch the Doctor in its webs. He's caught wind of the Valeyard plot and is trying to get to the bottom of that before it come to fruition, but he ALSO wants an eye on the Doctor.
He finds Mel, currently presenting herself as a Space Adventuress looking for work, and whose bubbly demeanor reminds him of Jo (which means of COURSE the Doctor will like and trust her). He offers her a job as his inside man in the TARDIS.
Mel, with all the chaos instincts of her lineage, thinks this is absolutely hilarious and also a golden opportunity to be friends with her Grandad when he's younger! Of course she accepts, like a shot.
The "Oh, we're meeting out of order, I'm definitely your companion though" setup at the Trial was at least half a con run by her and the Master. Probably mostly a con. Mel's idea, and no she did NOT properly credit her grandmother.
Anyway, Mel proceeds to have an excellent time with Six and eventually Seven, feeding the Master mostly-harmless information while he, in turn, keeps trying to unravel WHAT exactly was up with the Valeyard and what Gallifrey's gathering darkness might mean for him and the Doctor (HIS best enemy! No one gets to touch him and CERTAINLY not Gallifrey).
Eventually Mel has to leave. Reports are divided on whether she ACTUALLY went on to have adventures with Glitz, or whether she walked into a mysterious object waiting halfway between the TARDIS and the hangars, that soon disappeared without a trace...
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aslanscompass · 7 months
watching CBS Ghosts 3x04
Well, that was certainly something
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why-bless-your-heart · 9 months
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@please-dont-pet-the-okapi They're not doing it yet, but apparently they're considering digitizing and then destroying their backlog of wills. Behind paywalls, but here's one article: The Guardian. And a second: The Telegraph. @aslanscompass They're only talking about doing it to wills, it looks like.
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thirddoctor · 3 years
aslanscompass said:
And initially he /was/ gonna to do Doctor/Companion romance in s4 but then he got Catherine Tate back as Donna…
every day I am thankful that Catherine Tate wanted to come back and the plans for Penny were scrapped. don’t think I could have handled the third companion in a row falling in love with the Doctor
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human-nxture · 6 months
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@strange-destinations @thisbluespirit @aslanscompass i
Still on The Passenger, but it’s really good
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