fitzwibble · 3 years
LMAO I’m relistening to TAZ: Amnesty and I snapped out of my work trance when Griffin read the Dames & Dragons Jumbotron ad. Why yes, I DO like all these things
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crobby · 4 years
he is so annoying god bles
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
(I’m sorry I feel like I’m asking so much if u don’t want to answer please don’t assffgjjdf)
Was Dabi just distracting reader in blue velvet so the league could kidnap her mom? Or did Dabi himself kidnap her mom? But then it’s like...he wouldn’t need to distract her to kidnap her mom because she’s not really a quirk threat...but at the same time I can see why...like no witnesses...but also- wait- I- I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS YOU CHARACTERIZE HIM SO WELL I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR WRITING PLEASE FORGIVE ME
(omg PLEASE you do not have to apologize! answering questions about my writing is so inspiring and motivating i really love it so asldkfjsldk ask as many as you’d like!) 
So I don’t want to give TOO much away, since I have tentative plans for a sequel and I don’t want to spoil anything hehehe! I CAN tell you that it’s kind of neither of those things 👀 and that more about that scene will DEFINITELY be made clear in the sequel. I know the ending leaves a lot of questions unanswered, so I’m hoping to EVENTUALLY tie up some loose ends with a sequel that will explore that relationship a little more deeply as well. 
again, thank you so much for writing to me 💖 i'm SO glad that this story has been thought-provoking and has raised so many questions! It was a lot of fun to put together (it feels SO long ago now... yikes...) and i still really enjoy talking about it!
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burnmywholelifedown · 5 years
a;sldkfj;asldkfjsldk as someone who has struggled with extreme perfectionism (which nearly derailed my college career) Taylor saying that mistakes are inevitable means everything to me
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chanyeolsolo · 5 years
I read your tags on that yixing calvin klein pic and i gotta say we had the same dream! I dreamt that one of the members might be modelling for the calvin klein underwear and it comes true😳
asldkfjsldk that’s so funny!! i actually forgot about the dream until i saw yixing lol but now that i think about the dream maybe i saw wrong?? maybe it was yixing and not sehun?? who knows lol but that is very cool that we had similar dreams and it actually came true >
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troglobite · 8 years
update on misty
she’s fine. it’s pancreatitis, almost certainly from something she ate. the little bitch is so good at finding and eating things that she SHOULD NOT BE EATING.
of course, it’s way easier to do that when you have an extra person in the house vaping all the time and dropping lots of new/unusual food stuffs on the floor and never cleaning up, and also spilling vaping liquid, and also tracking in shit from outside constantly.
so needless to say i’m going to aggressively clean around my grama’s place, and forcibly keep misty away from her.
and be even MORE diligent about what she manages to find and eat than i already am, bc she’s fucking impossible to stop. she acts like we starve her, the fucking bitch.
that my relief talking. i’m aggressively relieved.
the best part of all of this? our vet is literally so incredible. she’s amazing and so smart.
she’s the one who diagnosed misty’s little seizures and wobbles as arthritis of the spine. we didn’t even need to SHOW her what it looked like, she just KNEW IMMEDIATELY. she solved it in one go with limited information.
and this time around? we called and listed the symptoms, and her IMMEDIATE thought was “that sounds like pancreatitis, probably from something salty or greasy that she ate.” so my mom took her in, they drew blood, did the super quick pancreas blood test, found out that’s what it is, and are giving her an anti-nausea shot and idk what else yet because i’m not there.
point is, our vet solved this OVER THE FUCKING PHONE.
she’s literally a genius and i love her so much i’m so fucking grateful. it’s literally all thanks to her misty is even alive to be an idiot and eat something dangerous right now. lol 
anyway, so that’s that. misty’ll be icky for a while but she should be fine. they’re dealing with it. 
god i’m so fucking relieved. 
our vet is a genius and i’m so grateful we found her and now i’m crying. lol
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lavenderrmoons · 12 years
Get me out of here.
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fitzwibble · 4 years
I’m almost caught up on Dames and Dragons again and every few hours I think of Corbin turning his slug into a horrible slug bird to use as an animal messenger and start howling
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fitzwibble · 5 years
The best thing about supporting Dames and Dragons on patreon is having access to the bonus feed full of Extremely Cursed Content™
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fitzwibble · 5 years
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fitzwibble · 5 years
Also my first balloon gift was a “Groovy Tunic” and today he balloon gods gave me a tambourine. THEN I met Harv for the first time
. . . I think the Animal Crossing Gods are trying to tell me something?!
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fitzwibble · 5 years
So I’ve been studying my D&D starter set and I’m brainstorming suggestions for potential players on how they know Gundren Rockseeker
And my brain went “stepdad”
So now I want to see a LMoP campaign composed entirely of Gundren Rockseeker’s stepchildren. The elf wizard? Gundren’s stepchild. The halfling rogue? Gundren’s stepchild. The freaking tiefling barbarian pro wrestler I rolled for kicks? Also Gundren’s stepchild. Did he marry all of these characters parents one at a time? Is this some sort of enormous polygamous situation? I LOVE IT
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fitzwibble · 5 years
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I'm dying
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fitzwibble · 6 years
*clutches chest*
my ship!!!
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