secondsonaym · 1 year
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Not sure how relevant to the AU they'd be but. i caved and gave the sin crowns original bearers.
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facadep · 8 months
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Sketching one of my 7 deadly sins OCs
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vampirecatprince · 11 months
So, on the surface, the setting is near identical to modern life Earth, but there's little cultural differences so...
It's Time To Infodump about The History of Hell!
(and also how surnames work in Hell bc I'm a nerd)
So in Hell, human inventions have been slowly filtering in over the millennia but historically, it was all the Goetic princes ruling, largely due to the fact they were simply physically strong enough to hold their title, thus all the more powerful Old Guard being so physically massive. For example; Furfur, Lucifer, and Satan are all around 7' tall before horns. Asmodeus and Behemoth are almost 8'. Your average demon is just... human sized. But, The Old Guard is basically as physically large as possible before their bodies just aren't able to support their own weight and mass anymore.
But- due to the slow trickle of human technology coming in over time plus the sudden Western Industrial Revolution creating a lot of very advanced weaponry (and just enough technologically savvy human born demons remembering enough of their past), there was a civil war because a lot of demons suddenly had the strength via technology to even the playing field. And during that period a lot of The Old Guard went missing or were killed, creating a power vacuum that was eventually filled by The New Goetic Lords and their more modern domains, like Mr Belfry and his city sized theme park based off his cartoons, or Callafia and her Manhattan sized Vegas style casino.
Also- over time, it became common or trendy to give your child a powerful name like one of The Old Guard, often times adjusted or shortened in cute ways. That's why Asmo is named Asmo. It's like naming a kid Arthur or Kennedy. (Yes- I knew someone with the first name Kennedy growing up ) Bill also sometimes gets mistaken as Bael because of this. (Nah, he's not William, he's not Will, he's not even Bael. Nope, he's cursed with just... Bill.)
But- all this lead me to thinking about how would last names work in Hell and how surnames call back oftentimes to old alliances or occupations.
So in Hell- you basically have a title.
It started off with which house of which Prince (and thus which sin) you were in alliance with as well as anyone notable that you might be related to and any notable things that you have done. But- with the loss of the feudal structure in hell, over time it's evolved into an identity marker. You still put the sin you feel the closest affiliation with, but you can also put familial associations (chosen or not, it's up to you), accomplishments that you're proud of, history that you feel you need to emphasize, things like that. (It's actually quite suspicious if someone doesn't have some sort of affiliation in their title.)
So- for example, at the start of the game Asmo's full name is Asmo, Domain of Acedia, Guitarist, Heir of the House of Mr. Peltz. (His endgame title has spoilers, so NOPE) Valentine's full demon name is originally Party Valentine, Human Born, Domain of Luxuria, Drummer of The House of Belfry. And it's actually a point of characterization that Bill refuses to put his affiliation with Callafia's casino, The Amazonian, in his name, so he's just Bill, Domain of Ira. Vergil is Vergil, Domain of Invidia, Guide of the House of Behemoth.
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voidsentprinces · 10 months
Invidia Leviathan Tepes, Envy the Impaler - Task with assassination and naval sabotage. Luxuria Asmodeus Sang, Lust the Bloody - Tasked with interrogation and information gathering. Gula Beelzebub Kuroyuki, Gluttony the Haunter - Tasked with identifying weakness and tracking enemy movements. Avaritia Mammon Mugen, Greed the Warlock - Tasked with resource gathering, economic warfare and magic knowledge. Socordia Belphagor Blitz, Sloth the Dreamer - Tasked with tactical and strategic use of other Sins. Ira Amon Vicious, Wrath the Unyielding - Tasked with destroying all enemy forces and offensive resistance. Superbia Lucifer Schade, Pride the Siegebreaker - Tasked with destroying enemy bases and defensive resistance. Tristitia Oizys Rovina, Despair the Warden - Tasked with keeping the Sins in line and keeping their corrupted influence from spreading amongst mortality further than any given operation.
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chirons-mortar · 2 years
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Saligia: Demons
These are drawings of various demons for a Game of Thrones-ish setting that I would sometimes post on my old blog. Basically there were 7 kingdoms based on the 7 deadly sins who worshipped various patron deities, and these demons were their servants (though I guess they would technically be angels within the setting).
Lustlings: Servants of Asmodeus, patron god of Luxuria and god of fertility and travel. They are small slime like beings who can aggregate together to take on greater forms. They are shapeshifters who take on whatever forms pleases them most. They are tasked by their god to spread trickery and mischief among mortals, and thus are the most jovial of the 7 demons.
Gluttonlings: Servants of Beelzebub, patron god of Gula and god of nature and the harvest. They are bloated maggots tasked by their god to collect his bounty in food. They gorge themselves until they become too bloated to move, at which point flies emerge from their bodies to continue the task. When their god returns they will be consumed as morsels to sate his eternal hunger.
Greedlings: Servants of Mammon, patron god of Avaritia and god of the earth and wealth. They are tasked with guarding his earthly treasures, but are born as naked and vulnerable birds. To protect themselves they coat their bodies in their patrons treasures, eventually growing into dragons. However, when their god returns they will have their scales stripped and be vulnerable once more.
Slothlings: Servants of Belphegor, patron god of Acedia and god of order and wisdom. They are hand crafted machines tasked by their god to maintain his celestial bureaucracy in his stead. However, due to their god's neglect, they have slowly degraded without his maintenance. Many are decrepit machines slowly falling apart, but continue their task anyway.
Wrathlings: Servants of Satan, patron god of Ira and god of chaos and war. They are wounded beings in constant pain as they must take their god's constant abuse. They come to the mortal plane to collect their gods tribute in blood, but also to spread the misery they suffer on mortals.
Envylings: Servants of Leviathan, patron god of Invidia and god of the sea and death. They are parasitic fish like creatures tasked by their god to claim all treasures of the deep, as he is cursed by the other six to remain below the ocean waves. They collect the remnants of sunken wrecks to add to their god's locker, but also drag the souls of the drowned into the abyss.
Pridelings: Servants of Lucifer, patron god of Superbia, he is king of the other six and god of the heavens. They are the most angelic looking, and tasked by their god to sing his praises for all eternity and spread his worship among mortals.
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alemdopassado · 1 year
Quem é Asmodeus - O Demonio da Luxuria - Demonologia
Você já ouviu falar de Asmodeus, um dos sete príncipes do inferno e demônio especialista em luxúria? Asmodeus aparece em diversas culturas e religiões ao longo da história, e sua reputação sombria e aterradoras habilidades o tornam um dos demônios mais intrigantes do mundo sobrenatural.
🏆👇Melhores Vídeos Sobre Mitologia:👇 
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adios-gatos · 3 years
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watch me redo asmodeus Again. maybe this time theyll keep their design </3
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thestalkerbunny · 3 years
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Got three looks, THREE LOOKS. And THAT’S IT. A homeless man, a 12 year old and a HOOKER. AND THAT’S ALL I GOT.
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secondsonaym · 11 months
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Finally cleaned up these guys. Still dunno if they're gonna be relevant to anything, but I like me my funny colored animals, so :3
They all use any/all pronouns, they're ageless genderless demons they don't give a damn
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It’s okay if your relationship with your biological dad is sub-par and you saw your Grandfather as more of a father figure than anything else. And it’s okay to miss someone who’s not there anymore.
But Trixie would just sooner die than let people know she feels things like nostalgia and mourns the an unfinished game of Chess between her and her grandfather.
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saligiare · 4 years
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jessica-writes22 · 2 years
Happy wbw! I think you mentioned that part of avaidia was based on Greek mythology? What parts are inspired by mythologies?
Heyy happy wbw!!
So Luxuria (Frayas kingdom) was inspired by greek and roman mythology, culture, and architecture.
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In the architecture, you will find a lot of tall columns using Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles, and intricate detail. Along with temples dedicated to the twin dragons and Asmodeus, and statues of ancient rulers, and important figures. You will also find many theatres, that host fashion shows, concerts, and plays.
Plus the way the Luxurians dress is based of ancient Greek clothing styles with the flowy dresses, and tunics, add the use of lighter colours and fabrics.
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long-dark-night · 2 years
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Luxuria Asmodeus Sang, the Voidsent Prince of Lust
Aspect of Lust grants one power over the senses. To fool sight, Lust can shapeshift into any race or gender It desires.
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nadziejastar · 3 years
yo! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQfcAMCH9gE do you jive with this?
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The seven fallen angels, known as the Nephilim, are Lucifer (who represents pride), Mammon (greed), Asmodeus (lust), Leviathan (envy), Beelzebub (gluttony), Satan (same as Lucifer but also allotted with the sin of wrath), and Belphegor (sloth and laziness).
Well, my theory is that the Seekers of Darkness were supposed to represent the Seven Deadly Sins. I actually think that the Seven Guardians of Light were probably meant to represent the Seven Heavenly Virtues. So, pure light vs. pure darkness. The X-Blade is shaped like the Roman Catholic Keys of Heaven.
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In the Bible, Jesus comes upon a man possessed by a demon, and asks him "what is thy name," according to the King James version. The verses continue, "And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."
The 13 Darknesses are basically like the Biblical fallen angels. They want to acquire the Keys to the Kingdom. But to do so, they need to possess physical bodies. I think there was probably not enough time to properly incorporate this lore into KH3, so it was moved to Phase 2. But still, it makes a lot more sense as part of the Dark Seeker Saga.
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Pride (Superbia)
“The world needs someone to stand up and lead. Someone strong to stop the weak from polluting the world with their endless darkness. Someone to dictate their destiny.”
Pride is the Original Sin, and the source of all the other sins. Once Dark Road comes out, I will know for sure. But right now, my theory is that The Master of Masters is the head honcho Darkness, named Super. He is a “Fallen Angel” and a false light, similar to Lucifer. He tempted Xehanort to start a new Keyblade War. Then he possessed his body (I don’t think the MoM actually had a physical form). Xehanort was just a pawn for Super to acquire the X-Blade.
Lust (Luxuria)
“I need only play the role of a fool desirous of the Keyblade's power.”
Lust is defined as “an intense desire”. Braig was desirous of the Keyblade’s power, so he became the new Luxu.
Envy (Invidia)
"As Lea and Isa started taking digs at each other, Ven watched in envy, missing the days when friendship was so simple to define."
I do agree with that Youtuber that Ventus was meant to be the vessel for Envy/Invi. In KHUX Ventus was envious of Skuld and Ephemer’s friendship. In BBS, he was envious of Lea and Isa. And even Roxas is envious of Hayner, Pence, and Olette. But when Ventus was split into two, I think Vanitas embodied Envy, and Ventus embodied the Heavenly Virtue Kindness.
Gluttony (Gula)
"The boy, though well-intentioned, seeks power single-mindedly. And that kind of hunger is a seedbed for darkness."
Gluttony is a distorted obsession, perverted obsession for food or the object of our pleasure. Ansem Seeker of Darkness was born from Terra's hunger for power. 
Wrath (Ira)
"It infuriated me to see how you just exited our lives. I was jealous."
Wrath is associated with jealousy, which is not quite the same as envy. Jealousy is more associated with anger and possessiveness, like a jealous lover who is furious that his girlfriend is chatting with another man.
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evilliyes · 3 years
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Pictured is the entirety of the inside of the EVILS FOREST album booklet.  The pages have been edited together to show how it looks reading from left to right -- hopefully, this looks all right.
All of the lyric pages are essentially the same, with the Japanese name at the top, the lyrics, and then the English name and a comment in the lower-right hand corner.
The three exceptions to this are the left side of the first page that introduces Evil’s Forest, the right side of the first page that has a picture of Waiter along with the table of contents, and the right side of the last page.  Beyond the credits, each sinner with the Latin name of their sin are shown.  To indicate the premieres of the Envy and Lust songs, “invidia” and “luxuria” are both written in red.
The tracks, with their translated names and English names in parentheses, are as follows:
01. Welcome to the Forest (instrumental) (EVILS FOREST) 02. master of the graveyard (Graveyard party) 03. moonlit bear (First episode) 04. The Last Revolver (Good-by my lover) 05. Heartbeat Clocktower (Clockwork lullaby4) 06. The Tailor of Enbizaka (Leviathan slope) 07. The Lunacy of Duke Venomania (Dance with Asmodeus) 08. To the Reticent You (His word) 09. The Daughter of White (Bystander) 10. Screws, Gears, and Pride (Another clockwork) 11. Twiright Prank (Day and night)
The songs can be listened to by clicking the links above.
While a physical copy of the disc can only be obtained second-hand, if you like the CD, or even some songs, you can still support mothy by purchasing the album digitally.  There are a lot of pages on KarenT that show where one can buy the album, but I’ll post direct links to the services I think are most common among Westerners for a little extra convenience.
KarenT’s listing - Amazon Music - Apple Music - Spotify
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adios-gatos · 3 years
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drawings of my seven deadly sins w some slight altering to their looks :]
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