secondsonaym · 1 year
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Not sure how relevant to the AU they'd be but. i caved and gave the sin crowns original bearers.
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cephalopolis-life · 3 months
An analysis of Jade's trailer because my religious trauma can be useful now
Snake in biblical context-
 Overall snakes can mean many things, from death and the underworld but here well focus on snakes in abrahamic, specifically christian tradition. The serpent in the garden of eden which is the one who tempted Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. 
In this way we see a few key elements of Jade’s characterization come to light- She is partners with her snake, who consumes and devours enemies, her stoneheart ability is to see desires. She focuses on providing temptation to others. Another aspect we see is an emphasis on patience- which is an aspect also reflected in the story- Eve lacked patience and consumed the fruit, while Jade provide temptation with all the patience in the universe. 
We can also see some of this reflected in the depiction of Lilith which at times has been depicted as a demon or beast of the desert, and in early 5th century translations of the bible is depicted as lamia- generally depicted as monstrou half snake half women (or hot if you're into that).
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We’ll go into more of the snake symbolism later.
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Let''s talk about the table.
When we return to Judaeo-christian references we have Jade sitting front and center- with exactly 12 empty spots. Remember the trailer is her chasing after someone who gave into temptations and betrayed the IPC. She is chasing information on a betrayal similar to a very famous betrayal that took place after a dinner that famously held 12  seats with one in the center… 
Interestingly enough in this moment Jade decides to add that a ‘will’ can also bring death- Those who betray their ideals/morals bring a certain death upon themselves or others, similar to how Judas Iscariot’s betrayal brought death upon jesus and persecution to his followers. 
As she says this she has another 12 people bowing to her.
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Next we see  the IPC worker stung up- another judeo christian reference- and this one much more direct. Jesus on the cross, but what part does Jade play in this story- We have seen her sit centre stage during the last supper, and now she approaches the cross, pulling the IPC worker down. 
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She then chastizes the IPC worker- calling him a naughty child and asking him to tell her where ‘they’ are. 
When we look back at the religious Symbolism we already have we cna pretty easily see the parallels between her and temptation. She was centered in the betrayal, and now she is the cause of their persecution- Giving into temptation, to desire gives her power. 
Finally we see her fully- as one of the Ten stonehearts with her whip out.
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She embodies the power of the snake itself, her whip covered in thorns. While we  famously have the religious imagery of the crown of thorns we can also take it as a measure of how thorns and temptation can dig under one’s skin pulling everything else with it- We are also brought back to biblical imagery related to the garden of Eden  where the first curse brought upon mankind as a result of Adam’s ‘sin’ is the presence of “thorns and thistles” 
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At thisi time we also see the first instance of the color red permeating through the background. 
At this time we also see the first instance of the color red permeating through the background. 
We then get the first instance of a clear reference to Sin:
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Superbia- or Pride. We also see the red snake descending on the right hand side. When we again look at biblical references we know that Lucifer, who later became a snake to tempt Adam and Eve- Fell to the sin of pride- causing him to rebel against the will of god and fall from heaven. 
Not only is the snake here associated with pride but it is descending front he top of the screen as the IPC worker falls to Jades attack. As he falls the snake opens its jaw to reveal red fangs and tongue. As jade walks forward ink seems to seep out of her every step as the IPC worker gives in and agrees to talk. 
We finally get to see Jade’s Symbol- 
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And interesting adaptation of the Ouroboros Symbol we usually see. While we recognize the cymbals of infinity created by the Snakes body, unlike the usual Ouroboros, the snake has a beginning and an end, the mouth and tail are not connected. 
Within Honkai Star rail Lore we do know of Oroboros, the Aeon of Voracity.
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They are described as the Drinker of Worlds- a being that is all consuming, in the eyes of Oroboros the Voracity life is a small fragment in the sea of Void, destined to return to Them. 
We can see here the idea of patience- All things eventually will be consumed by the Voracity- just as jade has the patience to wait for the outcome of her plans. We also know that in Dev Log1 in simulated universe we get a bit of an IPC cameo.  It specifically states “Had Louis Fleming encountered Oroboros the Voracity, he might have approached the Aeon with the intent to attract all wealth throughout the universe! Fortunately, Oroboros has vanished without a trace.” interesting that one of the founders of the IPC is brought up in the entry for the Voracity- an Aeo that can be ascribes to the sins of greed and gluttony.
Next in the video we see the IPC worker inside a grid or wreath of snakes, with a symbol in the center that resembles creatures that we as trailblazers have encountered
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The Heliobi are essentially beings of energy that consume emotions. They are also noted to be part of a race of Extraneous Demons. The heliobus reference here is fascinating, as we know that not only do they consume emotions- but they trick their host into indulging in the actions that would trigger intense emotion such as binge eating or self harm, or even violence against others. 
Creatures that guide people to indulge in the same sins we are seeing presented in the trailer. Heliobi are also creatures of insatiable hunger. Specifically:
“No matter how many bodies it steals, its wish remains unfulfilled. Like those who seek the medicines of immortality, it craves an imperishable vessel, one that will rid it of its fear of destruction. And yet, it knows this is a dream that will never come true.” — Regret of Infinite Ochema
Heliobi are drawn to people that have intense desires- willing to more easily fall into temptation. 
After this we see jade state there is never just one as she is attacked quickly taking him down and giving us a glimpse of our next Sin:
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Invidia- Envy. 
We also hear jade mention that while the quantity of those attacking her is high they lack the quality to defeat her. Each one of these members- fueled bu sin and desire- possibly envious of what higher ups had- gave into temptation, and in doing brought down Jade’s will, one that brings death. 
Her serpent is awakened and we finally see it in full force.
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They bring upon themselves the Wrath of the serpent, a serpent surrounded by the word Gula- or gluttony. A serpent that will devour.
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As the serpent attacks we see hands reach out to her seal in the center- as if reaching out for help and relief from the consequences of their indulgence into temptation.
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As the IPC traitors fall to the floor we once again return to the crucifix as a symbol-
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the IPC worker strung on the cross a victim to his own temptation and betrayal, a consequence of his Sin. 
We also get our next sin:
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Acedia- or sloth. An IPC worker too lazy to work his way up, indulging in sin and suffering consequences. The narrative of the trailer becomes a clear story, and we have found our ‘culprit’
Jade stands before him
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Surrounded by the serpents of his sins, and he falls. “Once a will is ignited, it will spark even more desires.”  We then see our last sin of the video Ira- Wrath.
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ahummingbirdwitch · 3 months
Desperate for new Ghost songs and looking for music that captures a similar feeling and energy? Check out these bands! (And some recommended songs by them)
Vexing Hex — slow-paced occult rock, VERY reminiscent of the Opus and Infesstisumam albums
“Thy Will Be Done”
Year of the Goat — doom/occult rock with similar Satanic storytelling
“I’ll Die for You”
Lucifer — classic metal sound reminiscent of Ghost and Black Sabbath, religious themes and imagery
“Cold as a Tombstone”
“Bring Me His Head”
Green Lung — fun psychedelic rock with some doom aspects, frequently references witches/Lucifer, singer even sounds a little bit like Tobias!
“Maxine (Witch Queen)”
“Reaper’s Scythe”
Unto Others — gothic metal/rock band with playing that evokes a strong Ghost feeling even though the singer has a unique voice
“Summer Lightning”
“Over Western Shores”
Mountain Witch — classic-sounding psychedelic rock reminiscent of Blue Öyster Cult
“The Dead Won’t Sleep”
“The Cold Hands of Fate”
Blood Ceremony — psychedelic rock, witchy/Satanic themes and imagery
“Goodbye Gemini”
Haunt — fast-paced heavy metal with a slight thrash influence, playing is very similar to Ghost at times
“Face of Danger”
“Windows of Your Heart”
Candlemass — the OG doom metal band from the 80s and one of the biggest inspos for Ghost!! Heavy, sludgy sound and operatic, dramatic vocals
“Sinister and Sweet”
Witchcraft — alternative rock/psych rock with a Ghosty playing style
“By Your Definition”
Khemmis — doomy classic heavy metal with powerful vocals and playing that brings Ghost to mind
“An Empty Throne”
And of course, don’t hesitate to check out the bands Tobias has been a part of in the past, plus music some of the Nameless Ghouls have made!
Magna Carta Cartel — alternative rock band Tobias used to be a part of and some members of MCC were even Ghouls at one point! Very atmospheric music with a melancholy feel
“Counting Down the Days”
“Blue Hour Gate”
Subvision — pop rock/alt rock band that Tobias was a singer for; fun, slightly punk sound and great if you wanna hear more of Tobias singing
“Room 611”
Jutty Taylor — Swiss Ghoul; makes great vibey rock music
“Pushing My Love”
Cos Sylvan — Rain Ghoul; killer bass music
“The Damned”
Katatonia — heavy gothic metal band that Dew/Per Eriksson used to play for; hard, atmospheric music that evokes strong emotions
“Behind the Blood”
“My Twin”
Mad Gallica — Cumulus Ghoul; absolutely amazing vocals and synth/piano playing
“Souls on Fire”
I know there’s music by other Ghouls I haven’t touched on, but everything listed above is just the stuff I’ve listened to personally. All of these artists and songs can be found on Spotify!
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projectbluearcadia · 1 month
Dear Hospital, I Do Believe I Am Ill.
[ Trigger Warning: Discussion of suicide, self-harm. Don't be afraid of professional help. People care about you. ]
Annelie: I can't believe our honeymoon is already over...
Lucifer: It's a bit unfortunate, isn't it?
Lucifer and Annelie sigh a little together as they finish their breakfast in the Demon Lord's castle.
Lucifer: Well, we can go on another vacation later; it's not as if last week was the only week I'll ever have free time for.
Annelie: I know, but I'm just not looking forward to this call...
Lucifer: You'll be fine. It's not as if you've never been seen by a Devildom doctor before.
That's not why I'm dreading it, unfortunately.
Annelie: Are you sure I can't just call my family doctor?
Lucifer: Do you think they're going to know if you have a magical disorder?
Annelie: ...well, no...
Lucifer: Then call the number I gave you, okay? Simeon also said it would probably be a good idea.
That doesn't necessarily make me feel better, considering how angry he was with me when I told him about my homicidal thoughts...
Lucifer kisses Annelie's forehead.
Lucifer: I need to get to my meeting, but you can always reach me, okay? And don't hesitate to call me, you moron.
He cuffs her ear, and she swats back at his hand before they smile at each other, and Lucifer departs. Annelie glances down at her D.D.D. before she calls the number he referred her too.
Hospital worker: Hello; you've reached Asclepius Medical. If this an emergency call, please hang up and immediately call 444 to have paramedics at your door within seconds. How may I help you today?
Annelie: Um, I guess this is just kind of a... consultation call? Is... Is this the right place to ask about mental health?
Hospital worker: That is correct. What concern do you have?
Annelie: Uh, well... I was just wondering if I should... be seen by someone. Sorry, er, I've been having some... suicidal thoughts lately, and sometimes I don't even know why...
Hospital worker: Have you ever intentionally hurt yourself, such as through cutting or burning?
Annelie: Er, no...
Hospital worker: How frequent would you say these thoughts occur to you?
Annelie: It's... It's not that frequent... I would say I only had one really bad episode... Sorry if this is a bother.
Hospital worker: Not at all. Calls such as this are not unusual. Do you think you can keep yourself safe?
Annelie hesitates for a long, uncomfortable few seconds.
No, I can't keep myself safe. I think... I think if we'd had something sharp while Lucifer was ignoring me-
Annelie gets choked up.
No, I wouldn't really... I wouldn't, right?
Annelie: I-I... I don't know. I-I don't think I...
Hospital worker: Well, just to be on the safe side, we always tell clients who are unsure to come in. What's your name, ma'am?
Annelie: Annelie. Annelie Superbia.
The hospital worker pauses for a moment.
Hospital worker: ...I see. I suppose I don't need to ask about your insurance. Are you familiar with our address, Lady Superbia?
Oh... I guess everyone knows my last name now, don't they?
Annelie: ...yeah. Do you need me to come to a specific wing or...?
Hospital worker: Anywhere will be fine; just give your name, and someone will attend to you.
[ timeskip ]
Annelie: Er... admitted?
Is that really necessary?
Nurse: It is completely your choice, my lady.
I am never going to get used to that.
Nurse: While you do not currently present a clear and present danger to yourself or others, we usually recommend that patients with your symptoms stay in the hospital for a few days.
Annelie: You don't think that's... excessive?
Nurse: It very well may be, it's true; however, based on the answers you gave to Dr. Lildee, admission to the hospital's behavioral unit is our recommendation. But this is all precautionary; you are perfectly at liberty to refuse treatment.
Annelie hesitates.
Maybe... maybe this'll help me. They're pros.
Annelie: No, I'll... I'll do it.
So that (he won't) I don't hurt him (hate me) again.
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cherubchoirs · 9 months
Transcript for & The Deep Blue Sea (all Lucifer's monologue, save for the prayer of the Virtues, in Latin)
Page 2:
Yonder is the sea
great and wide
And the Leviathan
which thou didst form
to sport in it.
Page 3:
The folds of his flesh cleave together
firmly cast upon him
and immovable.
The crown has fallen from our head;
woe to us, for we have sinned!
Page 4:
the hope of man is disappointed
he is laid low even at the sight of him.
Page 5:
A man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with gold.
His body was like beryl
his face like the appearance of lightning
his eyes like flaming torches
his arms and legs gleam of burnished bronze
and the sound of his words like the noise of a multitude
Page 6:
“The reproaches of those who reproached thee fell on me.”
He has made my teeth grind on gravel, and made me cower in ashes;
my soul is bereft of peace, I have forgotten what happiness is;
so I say, "Gone is my glory, and my expectation from the LORD."
Page 7:
(Princeps gloriosissime)
(caelestis militiae)
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden
and I will give you rest.
(sancte Michael Archangele)
Page 8:
(Proeliare hodie cum beatorum Angelorum exercitu proelia Domini)
(sicut pugnasti contra ducem superbiae Luciferum)
(et angelos eius apostaticos:)
We have become, and are now, as the refuse of the world, the offscouring of all things.
(et non valuerunt)
(neque locus inventus est)
(eorum amplius in coelo.)
Why dost thou forget us for ever,
why dost thou so long forsake us?
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chatte-noire · 10 months
tho8ghts on darrow and lysanders ☆stagenames☆
darrow is MORNING STAR
lysander is LIGHT BRINGER
those warsonas are also 2 aliases of LUCIFER. eh lucifer morningstar, lucifer the lightbringer etc etc.
so what kind of parallel does this create?
darrow and lysander as... two sides of the same coin ( ?
.. different incarnations of the devil? they sure are war criming enough for that symbolism
.. their fall from grace? tbh darrow crawled out of the gutter more iconically and more often. lysander just had his desert moment thats not lucifer fall from heaven-material but lets wait for red god (and hope he stays in the gutter(
.. their corruption from angel to devil? both started pretty innocently and had a character arc that turned pretty dark at one point
... their hubris? (/superbia, pride) lucifer wanted to be god, both darrow and lyly have some pretty strong hubris ngl lysander "I'm the slave shepherd" lune and darrow "the kingdom of death has only one king" of lykos both strong contenders and yes light resistance bringer is more delusional but reaper had 10yrs war experience and still sailed on mercury
... kings of hell? darrow has some pretty strong hellfire aesthetic going on with being raised under the earth, literally being a helldiver, lots of red vibes (mars & his colour), themes of heat/pain etc etc. lysander burning the garter, surviving the ladon and claiming eidmi also has a growing king of hell vibe.
..rebirth? darrow from red to gold to morningstar, lysander from lune to nobody to lightbringer?
many possibilitiesss.
PREDICTIONSs!!!: what can this symbolism mean for red God?
Venus will play a central role, main battle will be there - cause venus is the morning star aka light bringer aka lucifer
lysander will have his fall from heaven but wont reemerge cause he has no friends parallel to golden son/morningstar arc
hubris will be a theme like come on the book is called red god?? darrow will be torn between his unlocked wise path and his need for speed
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2d-reality · 10 months
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♡ fluff
♥ angst
★ nsfw
✿ platonic relationship
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Obey Me!
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The Brothers
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↼ LUCIFER​  ☁︎  superbia ⇁
♡ late night drunk chats​
♡ Little Things (1/7)
♡ My Morning Star
↼ MAMMON  ☁︎  avarus​ ⇁
♡ Little Things (2/7)
↼ LEVIATHAN ☁︎  invidia ⇁
♡ Little Things (3/7)
♡ In The Dead of Night
↼ SATAN  ☁︎  ira​ ⇁
♡ Little Things (4/7)
♡ Study Buddy
↼ ASMODEUS ☁︎  libido ⇁
♡ Little Things (5/7)
↼ BEELZEBUB ☁︎  edacitas ⇁
♡ Little Things (6/7)
↼ BELPHEGOR  ☁︎  pigritia⇁
♡ Little Things (7/7)
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The Dateables
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↼ DIAVOLO ☁︎  rex​ ⇁
♡ / ✿ Little Things (1/6)
↼ BARBATOS ☁︎  custos ⇁
in progress...
↼ SIMEON ☁︎ monumentum​ ⇁
in progress...
↼ LUKE ☁︎  castitas (✿ always) ⇁
in progress...
↼ SOLOMON  ☁︎  idem ⇁
in progress...
↼ THIRTEEN  ☁︎  messor ⇁
in progress...
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voidsentprinces · 10 months
Invidia Leviathan Tepes, Envy the Impaler - Task with assassination and naval sabotage. Luxuria Asmodeus Sang, Lust the Bloody - Tasked with interrogation and information gathering. Gula Beelzebub Kuroyuki, Gluttony the Haunter - Tasked with identifying weakness and tracking enemy movements. Avaritia Mammon Mugen, Greed the Warlock - Tasked with resource gathering, economic warfare and magic knowledge. Socordia Belphagor Blitz, Sloth the Dreamer - Tasked with tactical and strategic use of other Sins. Ira Amon Vicious, Wrath the Unyielding - Tasked with destroying all enemy forces and offensive resistance. Superbia Lucifer Schade, Pride the Siegebreaker - Tasked with destroying enemy bases and defensive resistance. Tristitia Oizys Rovina, Despair the Warden - Tasked with keeping the Sins in line and keeping their corrupted influence from spreading amongst mortality further than any given operation.
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likeadog · 2 years
what r demons like in sister virtue's story...............
YIPPIEEE Ok i can give you a fast n loose rundown bc admittedly im still working things out but
demons (and hell as a whole, and all things Diabolic) are a vital part of the theological ecosystem. their difference from angels comes in their passion; both are creatures born out of passion, but angels turn their passion outwards towards God, and demons turn their passion inwards towards themselves. Angels may be divine order incarnate, but they're also detached from individual needs and lose nuance, or spend decades arguing sides on the big picture. Demons represent the other half of what humans need-- a healthy bit of chaos, temptation, self indulgence, etc. And, naturally, the same way an extreme celestial leaning can be bad, the same goes for things like sin. All things in moderation, as it goes.
Hell is ruled by 7 princes in 7 layers, SALIGIA (Superbia, Acedia, Luxuria, Ira, Gula, Invidia, Avaricia aka the deadly sins), which are reborn into different Incarnations (or new lives), but retain a general stream of memories across them. Most of the circles have a rather corporate structure to them, but it depends heavily. Demons are also much more likely to be ambassadors to the mortal realm and/or just be there for shits and giggles.
All demons have horns and a tail, and typically take on features correlating with the native element and animal of their circle. The only exception is Pride/Lucifer, who lacks horns due to the fact his original iteration was a fallen angel. He is also the only one who remembers God, and is the de-facto leader of the Princes, followed by the two other Sins of the Spirit [Envy and Wrath], and then by the remaining four.
There's also Limbo, which is lead by the Archduke King Minos, who also experiences iterations. He has a three headed dog named Cerberus, and is the one who gifted Pluto his hellgate ability as a proposal gift. Limbo is more of a ... fae-realm esque situation.
All beings and "magic" in this theological structure run on belief. It's not so much things like the cross or prayers themselves that expel demons, but rather the faith a person has in their ability to do so.
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secondsonaym · 11 months
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Finally cleaned up these guys. Still dunno if they're gonna be relevant to anything, but I like me my funny colored animals, so :3
They all use any/all pronouns, they're ageless genderless demons they don't give a damn
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chirons-mortar · 2 years
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Saligia: Demons
These are drawings of various demons for a Game of Thrones-ish setting that I would sometimes post on my old blog. Basically there were 7 kingdoms based on the 7 deadly sins who worshipped various patron deities, and these demons were their servants (though I guess they would technically be angels within the setting).
Lustlings: Servants of Asmodeus, patron god of Luxuria and god of fertility and travel. They are small slime like beings who can aggregate together to take on greater forms. They are shapeshifters who take on whatever forms pleases them most. They are tasked by their god to spread trickery and mischief among mortals, and thus are the most jovial of the 7 demons.
Gluttonlings: Servants of Beelzebub, patron god of Gula and god of nature and the harvest. They are bloated maggots tasked by their god to collect his bounty in food. They gorge themselves until they become too bloated to move, at which point flies emerge from their bodies to continue the task. When their god returns they will be consumed as morsels to sate his eternal hunger.
Greedlings: Servants of Mammon, patron god of Avaritia and god of the earth and wealth. They are tasked with guarding his earthly treasures, but are born as naked and vulnerable birds. To protect themselves they coat their bodies in their patrons treasures, eventually growing into dragons. However, when their god returns they will have their scales stripped and be vulnerable once more.
Slothlings: Servants of Belphegor, patron god of Acedia and god of order and wisdom. They are hand crafted machines tasked by their god to maintain his celestial bureaucracy in his stead. However, due to their god's neglect, they have slowly degraded without his maintenance. Many are decrepit machines slowly falling apart, but continue their task anyway.
Wrathlings: Servants of Satan, patron god of Ira and god of chaos and war. They are wounded beings in constant pain as they must take their god's constant abuse. They come to the mortal plane to collect their gods tribute in blood, but also to spread the misery they suffer on mortals.
Envylings: Servants of Leviathan, patron god of Invidia and god of the sea and death. They are parasitic fish like creatures tasked by their god to claim all treasures of the deep, as he is cursed by the other six to remain below the ocean waves. They collect the remnants of sunken wrecks to add to their god's locker, but also drag the souls of the drowned into the abyss.
Pridelings: Servants of Lucifer, patron god of Superbia, he is king of the other six and god of the heavens. They are the most angelic looking, and tasked by their god to sing his praises for all eternity and spread his worship among mortals.
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S@L¡G!@ & Peccadilles
Qui aurait pu m'expliquer alors qu'une pareille fringale de sucreries a été le levier de la sombre histoire de notre civilisation, que c'est elle qui a poussé à l'usure, à la création des manufactures, à la conquête de l'Amérique, à l'asservissement des paysans en Pologne, elle qui a donné aux pieux bourgeois d'Amsterdam l'idée de génie d'utiliser leurs bateaux pour le commerce des esclaves.
1. Pycha, la vanité, pour superbia. Vent, venteux, vain ? Un vaniteux joufflu ? On s’enfle plus que de raison ? C’est quelqu’un d’autre, un seigneur, certainement pas moi – impossible, donc, d’appliquer ce défaut à sa propre personne. La vanité, par sa sonorité même, est immédiatement classée ; en revanche, superbia, caractéristique de Lucifer, comporte en outre des traits graves, de même que…
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theogmissg · 1 month
Pride (superbia), also known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility, is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic.[39] It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.[40][41]
Pride has been labeled the worst of all sins and has been deemed the devil's most essential trait. C. S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity that pride is the "anti-God" state, the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to God: "Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that Lucifer became wicked: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind."[42] Pride is understood to sever the spirit from God, as well as His life-and-grace-giving Presence.[19]
One can be prideful for different reasons. Author Ichabod Spencer states that "spiritual pride is the worst kind of pride, if not worst snare of the devil. The heart is particularly deceitful on this one thing."[43] Jonathan Edwards said: "remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was and lies lowest in the foundation of Lucifer's whole building and is the most difficultly rooted out and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility."[44]
The modern use of pride may be summed up in the biblical proverb, "Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (abbreviated "Pride goeth before a fall", Proverbs 16:18). The "pride that blinds" causes foolish actions against common sense.[45] In political analysis, "hubris" is often used to describe how leaders with great power over many years become more and more irrationally self-confident and contemptuous of advice, leading them to act impulsively.[45]
Throughout history, artists have found inspiration in the timeless themes of morality and human nature, and the seven deadly sins have been a particularly fertile subject for exploration. These sins, traditionally categorized as pride, envy, wrath, sloth, avarice, gluttony, and lust, have been depicted in a variety of ways, from allegorical representations to satirical observations of human behavior.
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projectbluearcadia · 4 months
Cloudy With A Chance Of Se-
[ Trigger Warning - Self Harm (For Ceremonial Purpose) Reader Discretion Advised. ]
Diavolo: I now confer upon you the pair of rings which symbolize your strength as allies in the battle known as life.
Diavolo gives the larger of the rings to Annelie and the smaller to Lucifer before handing a jewel-encrusted dagger to the latter.
Diavolo: Lucifer, speak the vow you promise to uphold by becoming Annelie's spouse.
Lucifer makes a thin slit into his ring finger.
Lucifer: I vow to love her in body, soul, heart, and mind, no matter what challenges may attempt to split my soul from hers. Should I break this vow, may my body turn to dust and be scattered across Devildom soil.
Lucifer passes the dagger back to Diavolo as he rolls the outside of the ring around his finger. Diavolo who gives the dagger to Annelie.
Diavolo: In return, Annelie, speak the vow you promise to uphold by becoming Lucifer's spouse.
Annelie hesitates a moment before she unravels the bandage on her knuckles and slits her own finger.
Annelie: I vow to never break your trust, to treat you as both my other half and as a separate person, and to love you, always. Should this vow be broken, may my crystalline heart be stolen and buried where none may find it.
Annelie slides the larger ring over her fingers, and both rings give off a faint glow before they exchange them.
Diavolo: As the First Prince of the Devildom, I pronounce you husband and wife, joined under the legal name "Superbia" since for some reason Annelie doesn't want to make Lucifer take her last name.
Okay, first of all, Glasgow is underwhelming for Lucifer. Second of all...
Diavolo: And without Lucifer's brothers complaining-
Satan: Oi, that was directed at me, wasn't it?
Belphie: Pft, like we'd do that at his wedding...
Diavolo: I would like to ask the happy couple to share in a kiss.
Lucifer pulls Annelie close by the waist and kisses her ravenously as if he's been waiting the entire ceremony to do so. Simeon covers Luke's eyes.
Simeon: ...I was expecting that to be a little more wholesome.
Solomon: Hahaha. This is nothing. I've seen the "after-party" happen before any of the guests had the opportunity to leave.
Simeon clears his throat.
Luke: ...
Lizzy: Diskgustang. Bleh.
Soft clapping comes from Beel, then Mammon before the rest of the small audience joins.
Diavolo: At this point in time, you may immediately depart or congratulate the couple upon their marriage. And yes, Beelzebub, you may eat the rest of the buffet, but please do not eat the pillars again.
Beelzebub nods resolutely as if given a solemn task as he steps into line of guests desiring to speak to Annelie and Lucifer.
Mammon: Told ya I'd be your first, Annie.
Lucifer: Mammon.
Mammon: Hey, awright, awright! A-Anyway, uh... Lucifer... congrats. I'm... really glad that you found someone like her. And, Annie, you're always gonna be my family... So, anyway that's it! Next person!
Solomon: Anne, you're my favorite student, and even if you and Lucifer divorce, just remember that I will always be open.
Lucifer: ...
Solomon: I said if. Don't look at me like that.
Beel: I'm really happy for you guys. Send me pictures of the food you order on your honeymoon.
Satan: ...
Annelie: Satan?
Satan: Anne, I'm really happy I met you. Not so happy to find out you're attracted to this... guy. If you ask me, he still doesn't deserve you, but...
Satan blushes.
Satan: I... really want you to be happy. Both of you.
Lucifer's eyes glisten with tears, and Satan darts off before Lucifer can affectionately ruffle his hair.
Damn cat.
Asmo: Ellie, make sure you take good care of our big brother, okay? And Lucifer, Ellie won't tell you she likes this, but lecture her more often when she lets those slight self-deprecating comments slip out.
Asmo, goddammit! He can do that hours without shutting up! Don't encourage him!
Belphie: ...so, yeah. More here for Anne than you, but enjoy the married life while it lasts before you start bickering at each other.
Luke: J-Just so you know, this is not an act of peace!
Luke hands Annelie a small box before hiding behind Simeon. Lucifer unties the ribbon to find a small set of macarons.
Chihuahua... (─‿‿─)
Annelie: Thank you, Luke.
Simeon: Well... I guess I should start with an apology for not being there this afternoon-
Lucifer: You should.
Simeon: Unfortunately, Lizzy accidentally ate one of Solomon's cookies...
Lucifer: Nevermind, continue.
Simeon: Haha. But, really, there is no excuse. I already abandoned you once. I don't want to do it a third time. Here's to the current crisis becoming resolved.
Simeon extends his hand to shake Lucifer's, then Annelie's before quietly standing to the side.
Wait, who's going to take care of Luke while he's monitoring me???
Levi: Well, um... this is majorly embarrassing, but I've kind of been shipping LuciAnne since you guys met. It was really... cool to see that actually happen.
Lucifer: Lucianne???
Annelie: I'll explain later.
Barbatos: I suppose this is the first time I've been permitted to speak to you since I tried to kill you.
Annelie: Barb, that's really not a good opener.
Barbatos softly laughs to himself.
Barbatos: I apologize. At this point in time, I am trusting in the future that I could not see, and I am trusting in you two to bring it about. Despite actions to the contrary, Annelie, I value you as a close friend and desire your long-lived happiness. It is my dearest hope that I am wrong.
Diavolo: Stop being so negative, dammit. Anne. Lucifer. I love you both. You have shown me that I am a dear friend to you and that you would go to great lengths to show me such a thing. I wish you all the good fortunes the Devildom has to offer.
Lizzy: ...
Annelie: ...
Lizzy: So... how about this weather?
Ah, yes, nostalgia.
Annelie: We're not on a Discord call, Lizzy.
Lizzy: ...right. Well. Grell is still best girl, uh, you remember that time we wrote stories with that one girl? Reaper House? Y'know, you were Will, and Othy and someone else I think...
Annelie: I remember.
Lizzy: That was fun. Y'know we could've done some more stuff like that if you didn't... just cut me off. Ignore me.
Annelie: I'm sure that since we last spoke, you've cut people out of your life. I'm only able to talk to you now because what happened before isn't going to happen again, and I'm sure you understand that feeling.
Lizzy: ...maybe I do. But it still sucked.
Lizzy finally glances at Lucifer.
Lizzy: I don't really like you, like at all. You look all important and threatening for no reason, and then you look at Anne, and then you're all squishy and disgusting. Still don't know why Anne was so dirty-minded 24/7. God, the shit with the orange...
Annelie: ...?
Lucifer: ?
Lizzy: But, anyway... Anne was my childhood friend, and I even had a crush on her at some point even though I knew she was a straight weirdo when she said "let's try it." You better take care of her. For old time's sake.
Annelie extends her hand out to Lizzy with a ghost of a smile, and Lizzy eventually takes it, hesitantly.
The wounds you gave me may never heal, and you may never realize that you hurt me, but I am learning to deal with them. Little by little.
Annelie: For old time's sake.
The guests begin to depart with the exception of Simeon, and as Solomon leaves, Lucifer scoops up Annelie, startling her in the process.
Annelie: Wha- Lucifer?!
Lucifer: The ceremony is over. Which means we're throwing out this dress.
Annelie giggles as Lucifer nibbles her neck.
Annelie: I didn't know you found it that obscene. You look great in a tux.
Lucifer: I know. And I love that dress on you, but it would look so much better off you.
Annelie: Oh, you are such a bad man~
Simeon uncomfortably stands in the corner as he sends a text to Lucifer to let him know where they're going afterwards.
Simeon: ...lord, help me.
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canonlucidia · 5 years
Simplified Demonic Hierarchy: 
King Diavolo (Current)  Queen Consort Royal Consorts Heir Apparent Diavolo
Cardinal Sins (Superbiae, Avāritiae, Invidiae, Īrae, Luxuriae, Gulae, Acēdiae)
Dukes, Duchesses, Duchies, (Past Kings and their consorts are demoted to this rank) (Non Heir Apparent) Princes, Princesses, Princexes
Marquises Counts, Countesses, Countexes Viscount, Viscountesses, Viscountexes
Baron, Baronesses, Baronies Lords, Ladies, Lieges
Titles are initially gained through either heredity or level of power, although they can be given and rescinded by either the King or the Heir Apparent at will
The Cardinal Sins are chosen by the current king as his advisers, usually upon his ascension. The current line up (Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor) were chosen by [prince] Diavolo’s father, as the previous Cardinal Sins all perished in the war with the Celestial Realm. They are ranked by power, but not always in the same order. In the previous Cardinal Sins, Īrae, or Wrath, was first.
Barbatos is technically a Duke
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puppy-phum · 3 years
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latin, noun 1 the seven deadly sins 2 acronym consisting of the first letters of the sins insp.
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disclaimer: this is not intended as hate towards any of the characters more of my thoughts under the cut!
a couple of words on why i chose these sins for each of them bc a) i spent some time researching all of this and b) am a nerd who cannot shut up. so here: 
black: superbia or pride is often listed as the most serious of the seven deadly sins or as “the father” of all sins (tho any of the sins could be that in theory but pride has been seen as the one bc it’s connected to satan/lucifer etc etc you know). and isn’t black all of that as a person - the starting point of all of this fighting? he got the group together and he’s the reason white joins them. also it said somewhere that pride is often seen as having too much self-confidence (especially when in a leader position) and black wishing to always handle his problems alone does speak of some type of pride.
todd: avaritia or greed seemed suitable for him, tho i also kept bouncing between lust (his lust for power as well as those oh so slutty shirts) and envy (him wishing to have the things tawi has). but greed included the wish to have more than one needs and also got connected with betrayal so here we are. as a side note, i gotta point out the matching suit for him and black (spades) bc i love my details.
yok: probably very obvious and i feel kind of funny for making him such a cliché but hear me out; it wasn’t an easy decision. yok being luxuria or lust was one of the first ones that popped into my head but i actually kept changing it around a lot bc lust seemed to fit so many of them and i kind of wanted yok to have something else. but it still fits! he is very much driven by his desire, be it desire for ppl, or justice, or art. and that desire does make him act a bit irrationally.
gram: like yok, very self explanatory. gram’s whole storyline is connected to some level of envy as he tries to chase after his friend’s girlfriend. so it was kind of easy to choose invidia or envy for him. it also said somewhere that envy is often the biggest cause for unhappiness which seemed to sum up gram and his actions quite well. also pointing out his lone suit, diamond, as i often see something mischievious in that. i also like it the least so i only wanted it here once hhh
white: he was the hardest to place actually. my first choice for white was sloth as he neglects his duty towards the ppl around him and ignores the society’s problems but once made aware of those, he does change himself very quickly. so gula or gluttony ended up being his instead. the defining thing for gluttony is consuming more than one needs, leaving others often needy, and it did somehow match white. he wants too much (and i don’t say this with any malice, he damn well deserves everything good out there); he wants his own life, the easy life he’s gotten used to; he wants his brother’s life once he’s gotten into it; he wants his brother, and the gang, and sean despite knowing all of that will clash. he wants, and so others end up having to give up things for that.
sean: very easy. i feel like ira or wrath is just written all over his character. his thirst for revenge is the driving force behind everything he does and he even says it himself; that his anger turns into hate and that it has cost him. he wishes misfortune upon others and might even harm innocents (by accident) in the process (think about yok’s mom as an example). he also attempts to deny all the bad in his actions once white tries to make him see them (or at least he takes an extra minute to accept it which leads into him trying to choke white to death but well, what can you do, really). also mentioning here the matching suit for seanwhite which is hearts!
dan: he was my other choice for acedia/tristitia or sloth. the sin of sloth is based on, like i said with white, being apathetic towards your duties and choosing not to act. dan is very much in a state where he wants to act but doesn’t or cannot. sloth is “failure to do things one should do” and it is connected with cowardice, irresponsibility, and abandonment. i know he is trying but he really didn’t go at it the right way.
gumpa: i felt sad about not getting to include him amongst the seven so i wanted to have him as the joker instead! he became the original sin after the final episode showed us him talking about being the previous generation and him wishing to see the new one succeed in their fights now. so he is kind of the origin for all of their fights and so, original sin. (i love him so much if it isn't obvious)
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