secondsonaym · 1 year
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Not sure how relevant to the AU they'd be but. i caved and gave the sin crowns original bearers.
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 8 months
Fat Tuesday at the Ghurch
(related to this post)
Name: Carnevale della Gola/Celebratio Gulae/Day of Indulgence Date: Fat Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday) Celebration: Of gluttony, indulgence, and fun
Description: At morning mass, Papa gives a speech on the Sin of Gluttony, and its importance in our lives. He urges everyone to engage in it, especially today. He ends the sermon with a dedication to Beelzebub.
In the early afternoon, a parade is held at the front of the ghurch and down the road a bit; there are floats mocking political figures, and costumed people on the floats throw candy to the parade watchers and release balloons.
After that, everyone gathers in the courtyard where costumed groups perform comedy/satire routines (usually in ottava rima form) and sing.
In the late evening, a dance/ball is held, and everyone is expected to dress up, and some wear masks (such as traditional Carnival masks). There is a lot of drinking and eating, mostly of wine and high-fat foods. General revelry and debauchery is observed, and there is a lot of saltarello dancing as well.
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voidsentprinces · 10 months
Invidia Leviathan Tepes, Envy the Impaler - Task with assassination and naval sabotage. Luxuria Asmodeus Sang, Lust the Bloody - Tasked with interrogation and information gathering. Gula Beelzebub Kuroyuki, Gluttony the Haunter - Tasked with identifying weakness and tracking enemy movements. Avaritia Mammon Mugen, Greed the Warlock - Tasked with resource gathering, economic warfare and magic knowledge. Socordia Belphagor Blitz, Sloth the Dreamer - Tasked with tactical and strategic use of other Sins. Ira Amon Vicious, Wrath the Unyielding - Tasked with destroying all enemy forces and offensive resistance. Superbia Lucifer Schade, Pride the Siegebreaker - Tasked with destroying enemy bases and defensive resistance. Tristitia Oizys Rovina, Despair the Warden - Tasked with keeping the Sins in line and keeping their corrupted influence from spreading amongst mortality further than any given operation.
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spiritsintertwined · 10 months
Beelzebub Ruby Morningstar
Ruby in this AU is the son of Lucifer, his full name being Beelzebub Morningstar. As ruler of the Ring of Gluttony, Ruby loves nothing more than to eat and to think of new dishes and recipes.
From the Wasteland he raised seven floating islands. Six of them are the flavor islands (sweet, salt, sour, spicy, bitter and umami), while the seventh holds the Factory of Feasts. This is where sinners are spoiled if they deserve it.
The barren Gula Wasteland is dotted with giant bones and deep holes called the Hunger Pits. The place is a sad reminder for Ruby, having stripped it bare during a ferocious hunger spree millenia ago. Efforts are made to slowly restore the land, but it is not made easy by the worst of the sinners that dwell there. Despite that struggle he one day wishes to have the Wasteland become the Grassland again...
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Ruby is the offspring of Lucifer and a human, making him one of the Nephilim. His design is full of contrarian elements. His playful nature versus his business outfit. His butterfly wings have a literal demonic edge to them. Sharp horns painted like candycanes.
The scar was inflicted by an angel when he was little, soon after Lucifer was cast out and other traitors were hunted down. Though the wound has healed into a blue, glowing scar, he still has troubles speaking to this day.
Ruby prefers to hold his arms at bent positions, akin to a praying mantis, though it'd be foolish to mention prayers.
Model credits: x
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noisulivone · 1 year
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Se ha estado el capítulo 8 de la primera temporada, curiosamente después del estreno de la segunda temporada. En este episodio llamado Queen bee, muestra donde estaba Loona durante de la cita de Stollas y Blitzo, además de uno de los amos de los nueve círculos, Beelzebub la reina de la gula.
Creo que mucho se ha dicho del diseño de este personaje en particular que del capítulo en sí, y esto se debe a que el capitulo no es particularmente bueno. No me pareció divertido y solo se enfoca en mostrar la interacción entre Loona y Blitzo como padre e hija. En realidad, a mí me pareció un video musical largo inspirado en los principios de Vivziepop en youtube.
Desde mi punto de vista, es uno de los capítulos más flojos. Y a pesar de que la animación de Beelzebub es increíble, la paleta de colores del fondo y del personaje, vician la vista del espectador.
Ahora al meollo de asunto: ¿es un mal diseño la reina de la gula? Entiendo porque algunos no les gustó, para ser una abeja, es más zorro furry que insecto y el concepto de la lampara de lava fue demasiado. Pero entendiendo el estilo de Vivzie, es de esperarse que creara un personaje de esta forma. Además, se nota lejos su inspiración de su primer video con el lobo azul.
En cuanto a que no representa la gula por ser delgada, lo siento, no caigo en eso. La gula no solo representa la glotonería, también la adquisición de objetos y otras propiedades innecesarias, es la representación de querer más. que de “comer de  más”. Y se supone que su objetivo sería que otros pecaran, no solo ella engordar por su gula. En eso creo que el personaje esta bien conceptualmente.
Ya dejando eso atrás. Estoy esperando mejor el siguiente capitulo.
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projectcaramel · 2 years
Fridge Monster (2) - Obey Me! Beelzebub
"Uh, Candice...?" 
"Yes?" I didn't look up from my project, only adjusting my magitech glasses as I worked with a halfstone plate. Slowly, the enchantment was coming together. 
"Do you know where the ketchup is?" I finally turned my eyes away from my work and glanced at Beel who shifted nervously in the doorway of my makeshift workshop. For some reason, I was reminded of a large dog being afraid to move for fear of knocking something over. 
"No," I lied.
"What about the fridge?" 
"No," I lied again. 
"C-Come on, Candice," he pleaded. "I know there's food here somewhere. I can smell it." 
"Beelzebub, restrain yourself," I admonished, and I think I managed to sound quite harsh. 
"You're hiding it from me, aren't you?" he asked plaintively. "I'm hungry dammit!" I jumped as his fist swung into the wall. I decided the house would have to be fortified. "Why would you hide food from me?" 
"Because I want to preserve our living expenses," I replied, standing from my spot and removing my gloves. "Particularly right now. Since you can't resist temptation for longer than two or three hours, I have to force you into exercising restraint. Think of your brother.” For a moment, Beel almost froze himself solid, his mouth falling open in the moment of shock before the orange-haired male became subdued. The letter “B” came off his lips before he shook himself and smiled. 
“Fine. For Lucifer, I’ll try.” 
“Good. In the meantime, I’m working with someone else to develop an appetite suppressant for you. And before you get worried, no it’s not Solomon, and no the goal isn’t to make you feel sick to your stomach.” Beel stared at me for a long moment. 
“Is... that what you’re working on now?” He pointed at the plate, and I glanced down at it, as if I’d forgotten it was there. Which, I had, temporarily. 
“Well, it’s part of a larger project, but yes, it can be used in application with your problem. It’s just a simple magic conversion circuit.” At Beel’s blank look, I hastened to show him and explain. “See, this ars glyph branches into super and avari, which get channeled into these glyphs—ira, gula, luxur, invidi, acedi...” I kept pointing to each glyph and the accompanying strands, but Beel only seemed to get even more confused the more I tried to explain. “Okay, so, if I were to send a magic pulse through this circuit, depending on the attributes running through it, the circuit will send out an output pulse that could be electrical, chemical, kinetic, potential... I’m still working on more complicated translations like nuclear and radiant energy, but it’s a circuit similar to this one that helps your D.D.D. operate without a battery.” 
“Eh? Really?” Beel questioned, startled, and I nodded. 
“It all starts from little things,” I replied, and his eyes lingered on the circuit. 
“Little?” he mumbled. “But that thing is so complicated...” 
“Please; this is nothing compared to programming,” I replied. Now there was something I disliked doing, particularly here. Adding a magic variable into the already difficult mess that was coding was just asking for a mental breakdown. Nothing quite like having a problem and not knowing where it starts or how to fix it. 
“...Candice, has anyone ever told you that you’re incredible?” The comment gave me pause. 
“Well, no,” I replied after a moment. “At least not in that vocalization.” The most I usually got from people was “cool” or “good job”. Maybe I have an unrealistic idea of what people are capable of doing? “Thank you. I appreciate it.” Beel smiled happily, and for a moment, I think my heart fluttered again...
“It’s funny,” he said. “When I listen to you talk so happily about what you’re doing, I don’t feel so hungry anymore.” 
...I really must be ill. 
“God, I can finally see,” I cried as I opened my eyes for the first time since I’d gotten IOS. It had been a quick procedure, probably quicker than laser eye surgery, and the best part was that they reconstructed the eye as they worked, so I didn’t have to worry about the little side effects that would have resulted from much more involved, less successful surgery. That, and it was mostly painless. “Is this what people with normal vision feel like?”
“Welcome to the world of 20/20 vision,” the doctor said with a chuckle. “Check back with me in a week so that we can make certain there are no abnormalities being caused by flawed magic, but other than that, you’re free to explore the world without worries.” 
“Thank you,” I practically gasped, and I had to resist the sudden, nearly uncontrollable urge to hug her. It was an odd feeling, particularly considering I wasn’t the type of person to engage in that kind of affectionate physical contact. Or any physical contact, come to think of it. 
When I walked outside the office, I was surprised to find Beelzebub waiting for me, in his typical workout clothes. “What, does Lucifer not trust me to get home by myself?” I asked with a little mocking tone. 
“Er... no, I just... I went for a jog, and I thought it’d be lonely if you just went back by yourself.” Beel rubbed the back of his head, looking a little uncomfortable. “Should I not have?” 
“You shouldn’t have,” I confirmed, though I wasn’t trying to be unkind. “But I appreciate it anyway. Thank you.” Beelzebub smiled again before he started walking with me, back in the direction of the House of Lamentation. 
"You really do look different without your glasses," Beel said with a little smile, and I glanced up at him. 
"Do I?" He nodded. "Are you complaining?" He shook his head. 
"It's not bad or anything... Candice is always Candice. You'll always be pretty." 
"Are you trying to flatter me so I'll lift your food restrictions?" I asked with a snort as his stomach growled. 
“Ah... no...” he replied, even as I handed him a cereal bar I’d brought with me. He stared as it as if he didn’t know what it was. 
“I’m not going to eat it,” I explained. “So you can have it.” 
“Thank you,” Beel replied, and it almost sounded like he’d gotten choked up as he gratefully ripped open the wrapper and chomped down on the puffed grains. I think it was effectively a rice cake stuck together with sugar, so I didn’t particularly care for it. That, and I’d already had three cups of coffee. “So,” Beel said after a moment as he stuffed the wrapper in his pocket, “How much have we saved since you started forcing me to starve?” 
“You’ll have to ask Lucifer,” I replied, even as I looked around the town again. “I haven’t asked to see the bills, so he’s the only one who knows how much the House of Lamentation is spending right now. That said, working towards really reducing costs will require everyone’s contribution—the only one who doesn’t habitually spend a small fortune is myself.” I sighed. “To be honest, I tackled your expenses first because you seemed like the easiest one to handle.”
“Oh.” Beel thought for a moment. “So you’re planning on limiting the others too?” 
“Yes.” I inclined my head. “Satan will probably be next; broaching the subject aside, once I actually get him into the conversation, he should be reasonable as long as no one butts their head in. And then... probably Asmodeus, but the jump in difficulty makes me wonder if it's manageable." I sighed. "Well, I suppose I should at least thank you for being easier to deal with than I thought. For someone so obsessed with food, I'd never imagined my plans would go this well."
"Well, you're welcome," he replied unsurely. "But... Why are you doing this much? I don't think Lucifer would ask you to do it..." I glanced at Beel before I looked forward. 
"To be honest," I said after a moment, "I guess you could say it's just me trying to pay back the House of Lamentation in my own way. I realize my social skills are lacking, and I can be incredibly touchy. I'd rather be a useful annoyance than just a plain annoyance." 
"Is that really how you think we see you?" Beel asked, and I was surprised at the hurt in his voice. I found myself stopping next to the demon. 
"Well, I'm sure you've figured out by now that I'm not the sporty type," I replied with a wry smile. "You wouldn't believe the number of times I've almost snapped at you just because you were talking about the things you like." 
"So what?" Beel stepped in front of me so that we were face to face rather than side by side. I say face to face, but I still had to look up at him. "Candice, I don't think of you like that. I never have. And I don't think any of the others have either. I think you can be really mean sometimes, but I always thought that was a part of you just like how smart you are or how nice you can be." 
"Beel," I said, a bit too stunned to say anything else. Well, I suppose that just like me, Beel had a habit of saying exactly what he meant. He was easy to understand that way. "Thank you," I concluded eventually. 
And this time, I listened to the part of me that wanted to give Beel a hug. He returned it easily, and I almost yelped as he lifted me off the ground with ease, instinctively clutching at his muscular back. I think it was only at that point that I fully realized why all of the athletes at RAD respected him. That... and it was nice to be hugged so tightly.  
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chirons-mortar · 2 years
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Saligia: Demons
These are drawings of various demons for a Game of Thrones-ish setting that I would sometimes post on my old blog. Basically there were 7 kingdoms based on the 7 deadly sins who worshipped various patron deities, and these demons were their servants (though I guess they would technically be angels within the setting).
Lustlings: Servants of Asmodeus, patron god of Luxuria and god of fertility and travel. They are small slime like beings who can aggregate together to take on greater forms. They are shapeshifters who take on whatever forms pleases them most. They are tasked by their god to spread trickery and mischief among mortals, and thus are the most jovial of the 7 demons.
Gluttonlings: Servants of Beelzebub, patron god of Gula and god of nature and the harvest. They are bloated maggots tasked by their god to collect his bounty in food. They gorge themselves until they become too bloated to move, at which point flies emerge from their bodies to continue the task. When their god returns they will be consumed as morsels to sate his eternal hunger.
Greedlings: Servants of Mammon, patron god of Avaritia and god of the earth and wealth. They are tasked with guarding his earthly treasures, but are born as naked and vulnerable birds. To protect themselves they coat their bodies in their patrons treasures, eventually growing into dragons. However, when their god returns they will have their scales stripped and be vulnerable once more.
Slothlings: Servants of Belphegor, patron god of Acedia and god of order and wisdom. They are hand crafted machines tasked by their god to maintain his celestial bureaucracy in his stead. However, due to their god's neglect, they have slowly degraded without his maintenance. Many are decrepit machines slowly falling apart, but continue their task anyway.
Wrathlings: Servants of Satan, patron god of Ira and god of chaos and war. They are wounded beings in constant pain as they must take their god's constant abuse. They come to the mortal plane to collect their gods tribute in blood, but also to spread the misery they suffer on mortals.
Envylings: Servants of Leviathan, patron god of Invidia and god of the sea and death. They are parasitic fish like creatures tasked by their god to claim all treasures of the deep, as he is cursed by the other six to remain below the ocean waves. They collect the remnants of sunken wrecks to add to their god's locker, but also drag the souls of the drowned into the abyss.
Pridelings: Servants of Lucifer, patron god of Superbia, he is king of the other six and god of the heavens. They are the most angelic looking, and tasked by their god to sing his praises for all eternity and spread his worship among mortals.
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maxwhl · 18 days
Behemoth – Demônio da indulgência
Ronwe – Demônio do conhecimento linguístico
Urobach – da ordem inferior de demônios
causador de discórdia e querelas
Beelzebub – Senhor das Moscas
Mammon – Príncipe dos Tentadores
Satan – Príncipe das ilusões
Belzebuth – Chefe do falso deus
Pytho – Príncipe dos espíritos do engano
Beliel – Príncipe da iniqüidade
Merihim – Príncipe dos espíritos da peste
Abbadon – Príncipe da guerra
Astaroth – Príncipe dos acusadores e inquisidores
Lúcifer – Imperador
Belzebu – Príncipe
Astarot – Grão-Duque
Lucifage Rofocale – Primeiro Ministro
Satanchia – Grande General
Agaliarept – Também General
Feurety – Tenente Comandante
Sargantanas – Major
Nebiros – Marechal de Campo
Beelzebuth – Supremo Chefe
Satanás – Ocupa o segundo lugar como príncipe das trevas.
Eurynomous – Príncipe da morte
Moloch – Príncipe da terra das lágrimas
Plutão – Príncipe do fogo
Baal – Comandante dos exércitos do inferno
Lúcifer – Distribui justiça
Asmodeus – Jogos de azar
Baalberith – Ministro de pactos e tratados
Prosérpina – Príncipe dos espíritos demoníacos
Astaroth – Príncipe e tesoureiro do inferno
Nergal – Chefe da polícia secreta
Outros: Chamos, Melchom, Behamoth, Dagon, Adramalek
Belzebuth – orgulho
Leviatã – fé
Asmodeus – luxo
Balberith – blasfêmia e assassinato
Astaroth – vaidade e preguiça
Verrine – impaciência
Gresil – impureza
Sonnillon – ódio
Carreau – impiedade
Carnivean – obscenidade
Oeillet – riquezas e riquezas
Rosier – amor
Verrier – desobediência
Belial – arrogância
Olivier – crueldade e ganância
Juvart – possessão demoníaca
Lúcifer – orgulho
Mamon – avareza
Asmodeus – luxúria
Satanás – raiva
Belzebu – gula
Leviatã – inveja
Belphegor – preguiça
Baal-beryth – mestre de rituais e pactos
Dumah – comandante dos demônios da geena
Meririm – príncipe do ar
Rahab – príncipe dos oceanos
Sariel – Príncipe da lua
Mephistoholes – o destruidor
Lucifer Rofocale – primeiro-ministro e controla a riqueza
Adramaleck – Príncipe do Fogo
Carniveau – Demônio da Possessão
Python – Príncipe dos espíritos mentirosos
Mammon – Príncipe dos tentadores, avareza e ganância
Rimmon – Príncipe dos raios e tempestades
Leviatã – A Dragão do Caos
Barbelo – Desconhecida
Proserpina – Destruidora
Astarte – Rainha dos espíritos dos mortos
Agrat-bat-mahlaht – Uma das esposas de Satanás e demônio das prostitutas
Eisheth Zenunim – O mesmo que acima
Lilith – a esposa favorita de Satanás
Naamah – demônio da sedução
Satanás – Rei
Unsere – (f) Fertilidade e Feitiçaria
Delepitore – (f) Demônia da Iluminação da Feitiçaria
Satanchia – Grand General (Guerra)
Agaliarept – Assistente do Grande General (Guerra)
Lucifage – Alto Comando (Controle)
Flereous – Elemental do Fogo
Lúcifer – Elemental do Ar
Leviatã – Elemental da Água
Belial – Elemental da Terra
Beelzebuth – Senhor dos insetos
Belphegore – Mestre de Armadura e Armamento
Mesphito – Guardião do livro da morte
Amducious – O destruidor
Asmodeus – Demônio da luxúria
Sonnielion – (f) Demônia do ódio
Abbadon – Conselheiro
Amon – Demônio da dominação
Mammon – Demônio da Avareza
Rosier – Demônio do amor
Ashtaroth – (f) Sacerdotisa da amizade
Eurynomous – Demônio da Morte
Verrine – Demônio da Saúde
Verrier – (f) Demônia de plantas e fitoterapia
Ronwe – Demônio do Conhecimento
Babeal – Guardião dos Túmulos
Abaddon (mitologia cristã)
Abalam(mitologia cristã)
Abel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Abezethibou (Testamento de Salomão)
Abraxas/Abracas (Gnosticismo)
Abrisene (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Abyzou (mitologia judaica)
Adonin (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Adrameleque (mitologia assíria, demonologia cristã)
Aesma Daeva (zoroastrismo)
Agaliarept (mitologia judaica)
Agrat bat Mahlat (mitologia judaica)
Agares (mitologia cristã)
Agiel(mitologia judaica)
Ahriman/Angra Mainyu (zoroastrismo)
Aim/Haborym(mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Aka Manah/Akem Manah/Akoman/Akvan (zoroastrismo)
Akira (mitologia bigottia)
Ala(Mitologia eslava)
Alal (mitologia caldeia)
Alastor (mitologia cristã)
Alloces/Allocer (mitologia cristã)
Allu (mitologia acadiana)
Alus Mabus (mitologia miliciana)
Amaymon (mitologia cristã)
Amdusias (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Amy/Amousias(mitologia cristã)
Anameleque (mitologia assíria)
Andhaka (Mitologia hindu)
Andras (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Andrealfo (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Andromálio (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Anticristo(mitologia cristã)
Anzu (mitologia mesopotâmica)
Armaros (mitologia judaica)
Armoupieel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Aariel (mitologia cristã, Ars Theurgia)
Arconte (gnosticismo)
Asague (mitologia suméria)
Asacu (mitologia acádia)
Asb'el (mitologia judaica)
Asthaphaios (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Asura (mitologia hindu)
Athoth (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Azazel / Azaz'el (mitologia judaica)
Azi Dahaka/Dahak (zoroastrismo)
Baal/Bael (mitologia cristã)
Balam (mitologia cristã)
Barão (mitologia católica)[2]
Balberith (mitologia judaica)
Bali Raj (mitologia hindu)
Banshee (mitologia irlandesa)
Baphomet (folclore cristão)
Barbas (mitologia cristã)
Barbatos (mitologia cristã)
Bathin/Mathim/Bathym/Marthim(demonologia cristã)
Beball (mitologia cristã)
Belzebu (mitologia judaica, demonologia cristã)
Behemoth (mitologia judaica)
Belias/Belial/Beliel (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã)[1]
Beleth (mitologia cristã)
Belphegor(mitologia cristã)
Berith/Beherit(mitologia fenícia, mitologia cristã)
Bhoot/Bhūta (Sanskrit)
Bifrons (mitologia cristã)
Boruta (mitologia eslava)
Botis (mitologia cristã)
Buer(mitologia cristã)
Bukavac (demonologia eslava)
Bune (mitologia cristã)
Buta Kala (mitologia indonésia)
Bushyasta (zoroastrismo)
Cain (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Carabia / Decarabia (mitologia cristã)
Carmelo (mitologia cristã)
Charún (mitologia etrusca)
Chemosh (moabita)
Cimejes / Kimaris / Cimeries (mitologia cristã)
Corson (mitologia cristã)
Crocell / Procell (mitologia cristã)
Culsu (mitologia etrusca)[3]
Cérbero (mitologia grega)
Daeva (mitologia zoroastra)
Dagon (mitologia semita)[4]
Dajjal (mitologia islâmica)[5]
Dantalion (mitologia cristã)[6]
Danjal (mitologia judaica)
Davy Jones (folclore nâutico)[7]
Decarabia (mitologia cristã)
Demiurgo (Gnosticismo)
Demogorgon (mitologia cristã)[6]
Drekavac (mitologia cristã)
Eisheth (mitologia judaica)
Eligos (mitologia cristã)
Eloaiou (gnóstica-cristã)
Équidna (mitologia grega)
Focalor (mitologia cristã)
Foras/Forcas/Forras/ (mitologia cristã)
Forneus (mitologia cristã)
Furcas/Forcas (mitologia cristã)
Furfur (mitologia cristã)
Gosfe (mitología japonesa)
Gader'el (mitologia judaica)
Gaki (mitologia japonesa)
Gamigin (mitologia cristã)
Ghoul (Árabe e outras mitologias)
Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis (demonologia cristã).
Gords- Demônio dos mil dedos (Demonologia popular)
Górgona (mitologia grega)
Gremory/Gomory (demonologia cristã)
Grigori (mitologia judaica)
Gualichu (mitologia mapuche)
Guayota (Guanche)
Haagenti (mitologia cristã)
Halphas/Malthus (mitologia cristã)
Hantu Raya (mitologia indonésia)
Harmas (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Haures/Flauros/Flavros/Hauras/Havres (mitologia cristã)
Ipos/Ipes (mitologia cristã)
Jinn (mitologia islâmica)
Jikininki (mitologia japonesa)
Kabandha/Kabhanda (Hinduismo)
Kali (Hinduismo)
Kalila-Oumbri (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Karen (mitologia nórdica)
Kasadya (mitologia judaica)
Kokabiel (mitologia judaica)
Kroni (mitologia Ayyavazhi)
Kermani (mitologia nórdica)
Legião (mitologia cristã)
Lechies (mitologia eslava)
Leyak (mitologia indonésia)
Lempo (mitologia finlandesa)
Leonam (mitologia nórdica)
Leraje/Leraie (mitologia cristã)
Leviatã (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã)
Lili/Lilin/Lilim (mitologia judaica)
Lilith (mitologia acádia, mitolofia suméria e folclore judaico)
Lúcifer (mitologia cristã)
Malphas (mitologia cristã)
Mammon (mitologia cristã)
Mara (mitologia budista)
Maricha (mitologia hindu)[8]
Matin (mitologia das baleias)
Marax/Morax/Foraii (mitologia cristã)
Marchosias (mitologia cristã)
Masih ad-Dajjal/Ad-Dajjal/Dajjal (escatologia islâmica)[9]
Mastema (mitologia judaica)
Medusa (mitologia grega)
Melceir-Adonein (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Mephistopheles (folclore cristão, folclore alemão)
Merihem (mitologia cristã e judaica)
Minotauro (mitologia grega)
Moloch (mitologia cristã)
Murmur (mitologia cristã)
Morfeu (mitologia grega)
Naamah (mitologia judaica)
Naberius/Cerbere/Naberus (mitologia cristã)
Orias/Oriax (mitologia cristã)
Orobas (mitologia cristã)
Ose (mitologia cristã)
Ördög (mitologia húngara)
O Tokata
Paimon (mitologia cristã)
Pazuzu (mitologia babilônica)
Pelesit (mitologia indonésia)
Petruco (mitologia filipina)
Phenex (mitologia cristã)
Penemue (mitologia cristã e judaica)
Pithius (mitologia cristã)
Pocong (mitologia indonésia)
Procrusto (mitologia grega)
Pruflas (mitologia cristã)
Puloman (Hindu demonology)
Quimera (Mitologia Grega)
Rahab (folclore judaico)
Raum (mitologia cristã)
Ronove (mitologia cristã)
Rusalka (mitologia eslava)
Rakshasa (hinduísmo)
Rangda (hinduísmo)
Ravan (hinduísmo)
Sabbede (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Sabnock (mitologia cristã)
Saclas (gnóstica-cristã);[1] Lúcifer
Saleos (mitologia cristã)
Salpsan (mitologia cristã) - filho de Satã, de acordo com Evangelho de Bartolomeu.
Samael (demonologia judaica);[1] Lúcifer
Seir (mitologia cristã)
Semyaz (demonologia judaica)
Shax/Chax (mitologia cristã)
Shedim (folclore judaico)
Sithis (mitologia nórdica)
Sitri (mitologia cristã)
Sthenno (mitologia grega)
Stolas/Solas (mitologia cristã)
Súcubo (mitologia cristã, suméria)
Surgat (mitologia cristã)
Tannin (mitologia judaica)
Ukobach (mitologia cristã)
Valac (mitologia cristã)
Valefary/Malaphar/Malephar (mitologia cristã
Vapula (mitologia cristã)
Vassago (mitologia cristã)
Vepar (mitologia cristã)
Vine (mitologia cristã)
Wendigo (Algonquin)
Xaphan (mitologia cristã)
Yabel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Yaldabaoth (gnóstica-cristã);[1] Lúcifer
Yao (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Yobel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Zagan (mitologia cristã)
Zepar (mitologia cristã)
Ziminiar (mitologia cristã)
Zozo (Ouija)
Zulu Bangu (mitologia africana)
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secondsonaym · 11 months
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Finally cleaned up these guys. Still dunno if they're gonna be relevant to anything, but I like me my funny colored animals, so :3
They all use any/all pronouns, they're ageless genderless demons they don't give a damn
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shaepshiftd · 2 years
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gluttony. your guide is beelzebub, the lord of the flies. you hoard and consume because you believe it will bring you the sensations that you feel you lack in your life. it's not about the food or the things you keep around, you do it without thinking or without care, because you'll break down if you don't have the satisfaction of collecting more and more just for the sake of having, or eating just because it makes you feel pleasant. the truth is, any happiness these things bring you is merely temporary, and you know this. and yet, you cannot escape. you do not wish to step onto the temperance of humanity, despite the fact that you know it exists, which is why you will be force fed until you derive no pleasure from that any longer.
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adios-gatos · 4 years
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third deadly sin demon design, beelzebub gula
hes just a politician tm and just listens to concerns of demons who make appointments to try to make hell more functional. hes the only sin that gives enough of a shit to even if its just so he can eat in peace
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saligiare · 4 years
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mr-klennzo · 6 years
Con tu maldición hazme hablar
Descose mi boca
Haz que salgan moscas
Hazme pecador hasta el final
Sin prudencia y sin dignidad
Llena mi vacío
Aunque ya esté lleno
Príncipe oscuro de las moscas
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nadziejastar · 3 years
yo! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQfcAMCH9gE do you jive with this?
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The seven fallen angels, known as the Nephilim, are Lucifer (who represents pride), Mammon (greed), Asmodeus (lust), Leviathan (envy), Beelzebub (gluttony), Satan (same as Lucifer but also allotted with the sin of wrath), and Belphegor (sloth and laziness).
Well, my theory is that the Seekers of Darkness were supposed to represent the Seven Deadly Sins. I actually think that the Seven Guardians of Light were probably meant to represent the Seven Heavenly Virtues. So, pure light vs. pure darkness. The X-Blade is shaped like the Roman Catholic Keys of Heaven.
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In the Bible, Jesus comes upon a man possessed by a demon, and asks him "what is thy name," according to the King James version. The verses continue, "And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."
The 13 Darknesses are basically like the Biblical fallen angels. They want to acquire the Keys to the Kingdom. But to do so, they need to possess physical bodies. I think there was probably not enough time to properly incorporate this lore into KH3, so it was moved to Phase 2. But still, it makes a lot more sense as part of the Dark Seeker Saga.
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Pride (Superbia)
“The world needs someone to stand up and lead. Someone strong to stop the weak from polluting the world with their endless darkness. Someone to dictate their destiny.”
Pride is the Original Sin, and the source of all the other sins. Once Dark Road comes out, I will know for sure. But right now, my theory is that The Master of Masters is the head honcho Darkness, named Super. He is a “Fallen Angel” and a false light, similar to Lucifer. He tempted Xehanort to start a new Keyblade War. Then he possessed his body (I don’t think the MoM actually had a physical form). Xehanort was just a pawn for Super to acquire the X-Blade.
Lust (Luxuria)
“I need only play the role of a fool desirous of the Keyblade's power.”
Lust is defined as “an intense desire”. Braig was desirous of the Keyblade’s power, so he became the new Luxu.
Envy (Invidia)
"As Lea and Isa started taking digs at each other, Ven watched in envy, missing the days when friendship was so simple to define."
I do agree with that Youtuber that Ventus was meant to be the vessel for Envy/Invi. In KHUX Ventus was envious of Skuld and Ephemer’s friendship. In BBS, he was envious of Lea and Isa. And even Roxas is envious of Hayner, Pence, and Olette. But when Ventus was split into two, I think Vanitas embodied Envy, and Ventus embodied the Heavenly Virtue Kindness.
Gluttony (Gula)
"The boy, though well-intentioned, seeks power single-mindedly. And that kind of hunger is a seedbed for darkness."
Gluttony is a distorted obsession, perverted obsession for food or the object of our pleasure. Ansem Seeker of Darkness was born from Terra's hunger for power. 
Wrath (Ira)
"It infuriated me to see how you just exited our lives. I was jealous."
Wrath is associated with jealousy, which is not quite the same as envy. Jealousy is more associated with anger and possessiveness, like a jealous lover who is furious that his girlfriend is chatting with another man.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Sooo, your other Seven Deadly Sins. (If you have any.)
What are they like?
I would try to play coy and be like "how do you know I have the other Seven Deadlies planed?" But I've already shared the Google doc about them.
Before I talk about the Deadlies, some word-buildy info:
I was heavily inspired by the otome game Obey Me, so I took some physical designs as homage to the game.
My Seven Deadlies are not siblings. In fact, there are other Seven Deadly Sin groups in this universe. It's not a super common phenomenon and SDs do have some notoriety (and extra power) among other demons.
Seven Deadlies have 3 names each. Their regular name, the sin, and the demon name associated to the sin. That third name makes summoning a bit of a lottery pick. For example, if someone summons Beelzebub, Gula might have to go or it might be one of the other Gluttonies. And if this summoner calls on Beelzebub again, there's not a guarantee they'll get the same Gluttony every time.
Being demons, the Seven Deadlies don't have a set body-type or form. They can be whatever they want. But most do have preferences.
Now, for the Sins!
Bia - Pride - Lucifer
She/Her, trans woman
Black hair, red eyes.
Often wears red make-up.
Fashion style: a mix of Victorian goth-dark academia style, with lots of blacks, reds, greys, and silvers.
Classical, sophisticated, intelligent, academic.
Pretty much good at everything she does.
Probably a perfectionist with failure anxiety.
Very "classical" genre tastes, on the surface.
Quietly into all sorts of alternative stuff, though. (Probably sees it as a guilty pleasure.)
Avarici ("Richie") - Greed - Mammon
He/Him, trans man
White hair, yellow eyes.
Lithe, often runs from people/authorities/etc.
Fashion style: hoodies, cargo pants, good shoes for running. I don't know what you'd call this. lol Likes to wear yellow, gold, and black.
Oh, but he probably changes his style often, just to keep the fuzz off his back.
Gives plasma and blood, has online stores, peddles and pawns.
Sells feet pics (Luxuri probably willingly offers to model)
Made money off Cedia + sleep studies.
Catfishes as an e-domme (using Ira's photos)
Five finger discount extraordinaire (only from huge chain stores; not small businesses.)
Often wears masks or has facial "tats" that keep him from getting caught by facial recognition software and witnesses.
Luxuri (or Luxi) - Lust - Asmodeus
Genderfluid, but gravitates toward he/him most the time.
Extremely apt at changing entire appearance; hair and eye color change a lot. (Other demons generally stick to a set human form, with small things changing.)
He often has dark, wavy hair and purple eyes.
Fashion is slut/bimbo fashion. (Not saying that derogatorily.) With lots of skin exposed, bare midriff, fishnets, stripper heels, etc etc. He also likes hot pink and purple a lot.
Flirty, charismatic.
Probably has identity issues, since they wear a lot of metaphorical masks.
Likely works as an influencer and/or in theater.
Likes fashion, clubbing, music, movies, people.
Ira - Wrath - Satan
She/Her, cis woman
Buff lady
Blonde, green eyes. Scar over left eye. Probably other scars too.
Stunt woman and/or MMA fighter.
Fashion swings from "gym rat" to "classical 50s lady."
Blunt in how she speaks. Often mistaken for being angry.
Trist - Envy - Leviathan
Purple hair, orange eyes.
Wants to wear creative and out-there styles, but probably just sticks to jeans, tee-shirts, and hoodies.
Artist (likely has imposter syndrome)
Likes: Anime, cartoons, cosplay, video games.
Has social anxiety.
Gula - Gluttony - Beelzebub
He/Him, cis man.
Orange hair, purple eyes, freckled tan skin. (has a blonde streak in hair, because Cedia wanted to try being a hairstylist, but lost interest.)
Wears a man bun (but his hair is not as long as Cedia's.)
Fashion style is whatever he feels like wearing at the moment; though he has a lot of sleeveless shirts and cargo shorts (for snacks.)
Works as a chef/baker, because... yeah, of course he does.
Built, but not as buff as Ira.
Tallest of the sins, in human form.
Cedia - Sloth - Belphegor
They/Them or She/Her
Super long blue-black hair, usually left down and messy.
Pale, pale blue eyes.
Fashion revolves around comfort: sweats, sweaters, scarfs, etc.
Tries a lot of things but doesn't stick with them.
Good writer with tons of WIPs.
Lots of unfinished video games.
Lots of unfinished, half-read books.
Likes plushies, soft blankets, bean bag chairs, etc.
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daeva-agas · 4 years
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The Eng version changed the kingdom names… The names are based on the seven deadly sins, but the JP names had used the demons’ names. The Eng translation changed it to use the names of the sins… mostly?  
Guy Monas (Mammon) –> Avari (Avaritia/Avarice)
Lynt Belphe (Belphegor) –> Akedia (Acedia/Sloth)
Fenn Modea (Asmodeus) –> Luxure (Luxuria/Lust)
Roy Levia (Leviathan) –> Invidia (Invidia/Envy)
Lance Seta (Satan) –> Ira (Wrath)
… not sure what the word “Qelsum” is based on. The original JP is Toa Kifer, from Lucifer, but Pride is Superbia. Maybe a different language? Hmmm… 
Voleri is also something I wasn’t sure of, since Gluttony is Gula… The original JP is Luzel, from Beelzebub. Is it Vainglory? 
ETA: I might have found the answer. Qelsum might be from “Kulsum”, an Arabic name, which in a sense can mean “beautiful”. 
“Voleri” is an Italian word, the plural form of “volere”, which means “to want”.  
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