Hii!! 😊 darling, dear and love for you and Miruko from the petname ask? Btw hope you are doing well! 💫
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Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊💛 @ibapurin @massuguni @aspaceaceshipping
darling - is there anything you hold close because it reminds you of your f/o? what about them?
Yes, I have a crescent moon necklace that reminds me of Mirko. Yes, Mirko has a cat on a moon silver necklace that reminds her of me
honey - who's generally sweeter, you or your f/o?
That would be me 😊
sugar - are there any kinds of food you like to make for one another? are you/they picky when it comes to food?
Yes, we mainly cook healthy meals for each other, which is meat & veggies. I'm the one who is picky when it comes to food when Mirko isn't
dear - do you like to write them letters? if so, what kind? how about them?
Yes, we both write letters to each other. We mainly write romantic letters
doll - do either of you collect anything?
Yes, I collect erasers! Mirko doesn't collect anything
beloved - would you consider marrying your f/o? if you're already married, what does that mean to you? to them?
Yes, I would marry Mirko
dove - do either of you sing? can you/they sing well?
Yes, we both sing! I can't sing well but Mirko can sing well
flower - what kinds of gifts do you like to give each other?
Fitness accessories, clothing, jewelries, cook books, & flowers
love - what terms of endearment/nicknames do you like to call your f/o? what about vice versa? do you have any that hold a special meaning?
I like to call Mirko honeybun, baby/babe, love, & bun bun. Mirko likes to call me bunny, baby/babe, sweetie, & sugar. No, I don't have any that holds a special meaning
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leasboyfriend · 2 years
aspaceaceshipping -> leasboyfriend
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fates-theysband · 2 years
💭 haaaaaaave you met miguel tekken :) -aspaceaceshipping
every single one of his outfits is a new gender that i deeply covet. also i did a quick scry of his wiki page and i feel like if i had the dexterity necessary to play fighting games i would main this dude
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fishandships · 4 years
:) 💕 and 💓 for optimus? -💜💚
fluff asks
tysm @aspaceaceshipping!!
💕- How does your f/o flirt?
Optimus takes a pretty direct approach to most things, but not in an overbearing way, which i appreciate immensely, and for him flirting works like that too. his version of flirting is very gentlemanly - sincere praises, small thoughtful gestures, always asking permission before making a move (’can i touch you’, ‘would it be alright if i...’, etc.). he is so sweet it’s like being courted by a knight in shining armor  😍  
💓- What is something small and simple that your f/o does that makes you fall for them even harder?
i love love love how considerate he is of everyone he talks to, and particularly how when speaking to humans he crouches or leans down so he’s not shouting at them or looming over them, even when he’s talking to someone who frustrates him. also the one thing i will accept as canon from Bayverse how he goes into alt mode when he’s grumpy and won’t come out. i feel bad for laughing but it’s adorable. 
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
🌻🌻 -aspaceaceshipping 💜
(( @aspaceaceshipping​ ))
🌻 I’m so tired of coughing, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve done it today alkjgsklgjlksgjklsg–
🌻 I miss my cat, Roar. I haven’t seen him in two weeks, and I won’t be able to see him until my birthday in October ;w;
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canthelpbutimagine · 5 years
9,12, and 25 for the music asks 💚💜 -aspaceaceshipping
ty for asking!! @aspaceaceshipping
9 - a song that captures your aesthetic (can be ideal!)
hmmm i couldn’t choose just one, i’d say either Nightclub by The Orwellls (i like how the chaos described by the lyrics especially in the first verse doesnt quite match the music itself) or You Are Going to Hate This by The Frights (its just my favourite kind of alt music,, i wanna look like i could be in the music video lol)
other honourable mentions are Half a Million by The Shins and Girlie by Alexandra Savior
12 - a song you can scream all the words to
Fluctuate by Catfish and the Bottlemen (actually most of their songs, but fluctuate is definitely a fav)
25 - the song currently stuck in your head OR the song you are listening to right now
im currently listening to Reckless Serenade by the Arctic Monkeys :)
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kittyandco · 3 years
ooo seconds for hux? (from the hear me out asks) -aspaceaceshipping
hello i had no idea these were in my queue wow but THANK YOU!
Seconds: Your S/I and/or your F/O(s) are sent backwards, or forwards, in time. What point are they sent to? (Optional: Why/how did this happen?) How, if at all, do they change it? Alternatively, how would things be different if your S/I and your F/O(s) had met at a different time?
i think that if hux and i had met before he became general and i was close to assuming the throne of my planet, then neither of us would have been so confident making power plays at each other. we wouldn't have been at each other's throats as aggressively. maybe we would have tried to make a pact to meet each other at the top of our respective places. as in, we would promise each other, once he becomes general and i become queen, we can make our own way, and take first order command for ourselves with our combined power.
we both crave supreme power over any and everything, which is the major flaw between us that causes us to butt heads. now that we are nearly at the top of our respective hierarchies, we get in our own way... and we're both disgruntled because we still don't have what we want. after all this time, he still hasn't become supreme leader, and i still haven't become queen. but it doesn't stop us from overstepping our places.
anyway, i'm thinking that if we had met earlier, when we were still under the thumb of our parents (especially him with his father. trash bag!), then we might have been more amicable toward each other, instead of hating each other all the more.
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softfuzzyships · 4 years
 🖊️ -aspaceaceshipping 💜💚
@aspaceaceshipping i tried to answer this and accidentally refreshed the page before i finished jghkdfbg HERE WE GO AGAIN THANK U FOR SENDING
“I won’t forgive you... I’m going to make you pay! KRAY FORESIGHT!!!”
ill say this until the end of time: JOHNNY DIDNT HAVE TO GO THAT HARD WHILE VOICING LIO BUT HE DID. not that i dont like japanese lio, but god english lio is just. amazing in this scene. the anger, the pain, the blinding rage, the destruction, you can feel it when you watch this scene. i wont say too much for people who havent seen the movie, cause its definitely better to see this unspoiled, but its amazing.
it kinda breaks my heart cause leading up to this, lio just really. goes through it. and this is when all that rage explodes and you really see what hes capable of, hes dangerous, hes frightening. and oh boy that hurts cause i hate seeing him in anguish and anger and pain. but i think its a really, really strong scene and part of his character, as someone whos so overwhelmingly powerful and who could take what he wants by force, but overall he chooses to be kind.
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noellojello · 4 years
1, 10, and 15? -aspaceaceshipping 💚💜
1 - most likely text me memes at 2 am
Giovanni, he has a bad sleep schedule and a sense of humor that can only be satiated by out of context images with vague captions
10 - most likely to get me into legal trouble
Also giovanni, unsurprisingly. He’s Crime Boyfriend(tm) and I too and Crime Kid so we get in trouble for petty crime a lot dndndnd
15 - most likely to embarrass me in public
I’m more likely to embarrass them in public tbh? I’m someone who’s very very open with PDA and is by their side all the time. This probably applies most to Poe, who is real shy and when I gush loudly about him being the greatest boyfriend ever he gets a little sheepish ;;
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one-winged-dreams · 4 years
first date and roadtrip au for your choice! -aspaceaceshipping 💜💚
I do Zoro
Where do you and your F/O go for a first date? Does it go well, or is it a disaster? Who asks for a second date?
Our first date wasn’t really a date so much as it was watching the ship after docking somewhere, so it was just the two of us. I fucked around in the kitchen and made us some lunch and we ate together. We didn’t really talk much but I enjoyed it a lot. I wasn’t sure if he did and just when I was starting to feel self-conscious about it he said ‘We should do this again sometime’ and my heart exploded. His face was pretty red too but I didn’t notice because I was so flustered asjkgdk
If you could go on a road trip anywhere you wanted to with your F/O, where would you go? Would it be a spontaneous trip, or would you two make a detailed itinerary in preparation?
(Modern AU)
I feel like we go on a lot of road trips with the “crew”.
But one day we decide to go to the West Coast, just the two of us. It’s spontaneous and we spend most of it hopelessly fucking lost before we eventually somehow end up right where we were shooting for. He says ‘I told you I knew where I was going’ and I just laugh.
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fates-theysband · 2 years
yellow, blue, and pink for fate! (aspaceaceshipping)
@aspaceaceshipping sorry for taking 30 years to answer this i've been Away From My Desk!! thank you so much
💛/Yellow: Imagine a fantasy au with you and your f/o! What roles would the two of you take? How would the story end?
i've actually spent the past couple days rolling around the concept of an au set in like. A Vaguely Medieval Time Period (in practice it's basically cyrodiil circa tes oblivion with the serial numbers filed off lmao) where they're a forgotten god and my s/i is a mortal who stumbles on their temple. i'm not quite sure how the story would end though.
💙/Blue: Your f/o is having a bad day.. How do you cheer them up? (+ Reversed for the other way around !)
i'd make him some tea, listen to him vent (because he's almost definitely got a lot to say about whatever happened) and depending on what exactly happened i might also help find a way to distract him if he needs it
the other way around is...much the same, but also he's a lot better at wording reassurances than i am.
💗/Pink: Show us the emoji(s) you associate with your f/o! (Bonus: Tell us why?)
the yellow circle was actually his emoji tag for a time lmao. most of the ones that aren't just references to his design are related to either things from the game (the cat for lady pawdington, the fax for the deus fax machina, the lemon for the grim brew) or are just general Death Related Things
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fishandships · 5 years
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Voice Ask meme (ty @aspaceaceshipping!!)
this is SO LONG im sorry ahhhh and also i tried to start out quiet but i got excited and got loud so sorry again haha ;w; but i’m borrowing the idea to include a transcript from @singingdeepinme because that’s brilliant for multiple reasons, which i’m putting under a cut for spoilers:
4. Mention one of my favorite canon moments involving my f/o(s).
i definitely Went Off about the scene before from The Phantom Menace - like THE iconic Maul scene from The Phantom Menace - where he’s facing off against Qui-Gon and they’re in that weird…corridor with all the weird laser doors that periodically slide open and then slam closed and like…who designed this? what purpose does it serve? other than being really cool or really…tragic (depending on whose side you’re on *laughs awkwardly*) but anyway! so the doors slam shut and separate them right in the middle of their fight, and there’s a– there’s like a very clear contrast in the Jedi vs. the Sith in how they handle this situation where Qui-Gon takes this moment to, you know, meditate and sort of center himself (for all the good that it did ‘im *laughs awkwardly* sorry) and Maul…in contrast, he is impatient because, he, you know, the Sith don’t do the whole ‘reign in your emotions’ thing so he is full-on impatient, he’s pacing, he’s watching Qui-Gon, like, and i remember, and i said this before when i ranted about this scene before, but as a kid seeing this scene for the first time even though a LOT of the movie went over my head because i was very young at the time and Star Wars is not a kids’ series - at least not the movies - totally went over my head, but i did recognize this very clear predatory vibe, like a caged animal vibe that Maul was giving off like he was pacing like he was like a zoo animal that really wants to bust through the glass and attack that, you know, small child on the other side or whatever, and i just, i was floored. it was so cool and so intense and i was a huge fan from there on out and its still, like, just thinking about it is like, *having a Moment* hoo, it’s just…wow.
But then more recently having seen The Clone Wars i would also consider in my favorite canon moments, i mean, literally any interaction between Maul and Savage. *getting emotional* oh my god, i love them both so much. they’re *sighs* so messed up and all they have is each other and they care so much about each other in their own kind of messed-up way, and it just hurts my heart but…i get that it’s not..*sighs*…the horrific stuff that happened to both of them…it’s not an ideal situation, and they’re both - especially Maul, i think, he’s so lonely and he’s so desperate for positive recognition because he’s literally never had it, ever, from the time that he was born, nobody has ever given him any kind of positive affection or recognition or anything…that’s gonna fuck a kid up! and you can definitely see that he’s still pretty fucked up from it! and i don’t think he even understands that that’s what he really wants. but in their sort of dysfunctional brotherly relationship he and Savage kind of get that. like i said, it’s not ideal, but they do love each other even if they don’t know how they’re supposed to show it - Maul because of how fucked-up he was raised and Savage because of his…brain being so fucked-up from all the mind control…*super emotional* it’s awful, it’s awful, and it breaks my heart, but i’m glad they have each other.
13. Try to imitate my f/o(s) voice. Or, give one or two of my favorite quotes from them.
since i cannot…do a…i can’t do a British accent; it sounds bad, from me…so i’m gonna go with the latter half of the question and, somebody actually brought this up to me very recently because this scene makes me so emotional - you just heard me rant so long about Maul and Savage - so that scene when they’re marooned, for lack of a better term, and their bodies start to shut down, they go into a state of hypothermia, and then when Maul wakes up, literally the first thing - he literally can’t see yet, and he can’t move, but he- literally the first thing he does is go “where’s Savage”. and *getting really emotional* it just breaks my heart. the first thing he thinks to care about is his brother. *legit laugh-crying* and i love that scene - it makes me so sad but i love it so much because its just, like, “Where’s my brother”. this is the one thing he cares about in the entire universe, the only thing he’s ever had to care about in the entire universe, and i just– oh my god - i just feel like that says more about him that literally any scene or line, probably, in the entirety of anything he’s been in (except possibly The Son of Dathomir comics but that’s a Whole Thing and i’m not gonna get into that right now cause i’m not done! with this question!)
are you guys sick of hearing me talk yet cause you can skip this but the other line that i really love of his is, “You may think i am evil. i am not. i am efficient.”
…Maul i hate to break this to you but you’re super evil. you’re super evil. you are also efficient, but *laughing* very much still evil. like really evil and horrible (you’re a horrible person. i love you, but you’re a horrible person, and you’re evil. you’re definitely evil.) but also the “efficient villain” is one of my favorite types - i mean, you see that in, like, the rest of my F/Os who are villains - they’re all this type, Thrawn and Sendak especially, where they don’t waste time and energy with things or people that don’t work for them and their plans. yes, it’s absolutely awful, but..you really can’t argue that it is more effective (until the hero proves that the loyalty of your friends is the most effective strategy but you hopefully get what i’m saying). it works until the plot calls for the underdog to rise up and save the day but hopefully that makes sense *laughs*. i’m not a villain apologist, i’m a villain empathizer. that’s what i’m going with here.  
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stitched-up-ships · 4 years
otp is defs you and chalky, but i also love seeing you post about gabriel -aspaceaceshipping 💚💜
Dndnfcnksskdfjcn NDJEKSKDKFN
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IM JUST SO FLATTERED!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I love them both so so so so much! @aspaceaceshipping
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canthelpbutimagine · 5 years
American here! 1)We rly don't have bagged milk. 2)Wtf is a rocket 3)Another food I've never heard of 4)im not qualified to answer this one 5)As a southern american i am highly qualified for this one. We make black tea, add sugar while its hot (or not if you like it unsweet), and then either pour it over ice or refrigerate it. 6)whatever brand you prefer, my roommate just gets generic walmart ones. 7) I know about the house hippo, but only bc another candian friend showed me -aspaceaceshipping
ty for answering! @aspaceaceshipping
1) as much as i hate single use plastics, i couldnt live without bagged milk bc (a) you can cut the bag so that the milk makes a lil spiral when you pour it and (b) (idk if this is just me but) i like to carry the fresh bag like its a lil milk baby before i replace the old one in the jug thingy
2) this is a rocket!
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kids get them on halloween and think theyre super cool when they pretend its drugs.
this is a(n old) box of smarties!
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theyre candy coated chocolate and absolutely delicious.
3) beaver tails (most canadian name ever) are super delicious pastries- theyre pretty much just deep fried dough rolled in sugar - that are best enjoyed in the winter and are mostly sold at winter carnivals (like winterlude in quebec) or in my experience, rinks. theres a stand at my towns arena and its fricken great.
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you can get them with all sorts of toppings!
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and theyre sold from cute lil stands like this!
5) its not lemon flavoured??? canadian iced tea is by default lemon flavoured, and though ive known some ppl who do make it by hand, we normally just buy it premade from the store or use those lil mixy dust things...
6) kinda wack lol. at least in my experience you tend to get judged pretty badly for not having roots pants. which is rlly dumb actually. and often times instead of just saying sweatpants or jogging pants, ppl will just say roots pants.
ex. “yeah if you wanna go to the lake with me make sure to bring your roots pants! it gets really buggy at night!”
“oh wow! we’re all wearing roots pants! cmon turn backwards and ill get a picture for insta!”
idk if all my experiences are true for all of canada tho lol
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If you ever wanted to hear an annoying person ramble on about her loves, now’s your chance. I got asked questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, and 16 from that voice ask meme I reblogged earlier today. 
There’s some like movement noises I accidentally made at the start and it’s not the best sound quality, but I think it gets a little better after a minute. 
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softfuzzyships · 4 years
💗 + jill valentine from resident evil? -aspaceaceshipping💜💚
@aspaceaceshipping eyyyyy I know jill!!!! shes dope and kicks ass and is generally a badass hell yeah
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