sarahboev · 1 month
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Pokemon berry desserts! Been in a food + pokemon mood. Which is your fav? Website - Twitter - Inprnt
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noseypebblesxx · 1 year
NAAAAH okay I heard another pronunciation that made me cringe so we're doing this again.
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warmglowofsurvival · 1 year
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orchidhues · 2 years
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Berries !
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hey, how's it going, rival-to-be... or something like that? i dunno. all this rival stuff is kind of corny but i think it's legally a rite of passage.
anyways. just so you know we're even in badges now. cheri and i got this cool sparky badge the other day. it was her decision to pose, not mine.
[It's an image of Cheri, dramatically posed mid-step, and Aspear, who's just standing there. They're both holding up Bolt Badges, Cheri's Tepig and Aspear's Oshawott by their sides.]
so now that you know that come catch up to us already. or don't, but that kinda takes the fun out of it. -spear
Oh, hey, long time no chat, Spear. I'd ask how you managed on Elesa with an Oshawott, but I guess you do have Goop... which is definitely a name you can give a Duosion I guess.
I'll be over soon, I swear! Just as soon as the universe stops throwing Cobalion Work and therapy work and family crises at me for five seconds. Still not as bad as grad school was, but man, even a normal workday feels like a "break" now.
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tierra-paldeana · 29 days
// i still find it fucking hilarious that you could give rika the most poisonous pokemon of all time and she'd come out unscathed/even cuddle w it without repercussion, but the moment it's a bit colder than usual she just collapses. arceus really nerfed her knowing she'd be too powerful otherwise
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pharmamon · 3 months
Tepig - What are some of your favorite foods? Which ones do you crave the most?
Malasadas are definitely up there, but I have to admit, I'm a sucker for anything with aspear berries in them. Perfect amount of tartness, perfect texture, and safe for my flock. My mouth is watering just typing this out...
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maxstarfall · 8 months
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just pick the one you prefer, can be for absolutely any reason (if you want, tell me your reasoning in the tags!)
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Aspear Berry Squishy!
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"Oooh! You got a feraligatr?! Thats so cool! I definitely need further advices (i got the basics already) of how to take care of the totodile line though! I have a semi-newly caught totodile currently XD"
My advice all assumes your little guy is as energetic as Thunder was. I hear Totodiles are generally pretty hyper, but every species has its exceptions. Plus, Thunder was a battling Totodile, while I don't know about yours. So it may have different exercise needs.
Thunder LOVES to work his jaws, so I'd guess that's your biggest concern. Cody would and still sometimes does get rubber balls for Thunder to chew on to tire him out. Just remember that they aren't indestructible. They'll break, so have back-ups. And make sure it can't choke on them.
Berries are also good. Different kinds have different hardnesses and textures that Thunder likes the feel of. He likes the challenge of trying to break the really hard ones, like Aspear, Pinap, and Wepears. His favorite is the Custap.
And give it plenty of room to swim around. They're built for water after all. We're lucky enough to live by a strong river that Thunder can travel up and down in. Just don't leave it on its own unless you can absolutely trust it won't cause people trouble.
Try to keep your limbs away from its mouth as much as possible, even just as a little Totodile. Thunder gave me a nasty break once accidentally. But on the bright side, he's been very careful since then. He felt horrible about it.
So horrible that I never told Cody until now.
Sorry Cody.
(Jamie Wild I swear...)
I'm letting Jamie handle this one, even though I'm Thunder's trainer. She said it pretty well! ^-^ I will reiterate pleasepleasePLEASE keep your hands away from its mouth! (I wish Jamie would follow her own advice! The amount of times she gets hurt by Pokemon.... AAA)
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sinnohstruggles · 5 months
junnie, do you have any ice heals..?
or any aspear berries?
...i would grow my own but i dont have the energy...
ice heals are in the drawer next to the balcony door and aspear berries are growing in the basket planter on the balcony
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years
My vote is Momo was giving her all her strange cravings… Pickle Juice, lemons, and aspear berries. They're all sour with her being bold as a result. Midas must be the watermelon and chocolate craving then, so he is timid, jolly, naive or hasty. My vote is for hasty but my hope is for timid.
You, my friend, are SPOT ON! And as a bonus, it's your hope that's correct. :)
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I'm impressed--This was asked before they had much chance of showing their personality at all!
I knew I wanted Momo to be bold, so had to reset for ages to get her in Shining Pearl! (And then I started resetting for Persim and the first Mew I got was bold, go figure.)
But Midas was the first of the two that I got. I went in knowing it would be the Mew to have that design, but I didn't know what it would lead to. I didn't reset for his nature, and just rolled with it. Although so far his nature is more reserved than timid. (Funny enough, the same day or the day before, my brother hatched a shiny Sprigatito with the exact same nature and characteristic!)
Midas' design was gifted to me by @mewtales!
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
"Sometimes I remember. Then I don't." Ingo to Lian.
"Sometimes I remember. Then I don't."
The newcomer was tasked to gather berries. And to make sure he didn't get lost (again), Lian was tasked with accompanying him.
"That's an aspear berry. They're a bit sour, but they're good cooked." Lian said, pointing to a tree.
Ingo paused in his strides to reach up to pick one, carefully twisting the branch. "Aspear. I'll do my best to remember."
Lian frowned at this. "Calaba said your memory was bad, but do you seriously not remember berries?"
"I remember some." he replied, a little defensive. "Oran, pecha, sitrus, I know those. But some of these aren't familiar."
"I hope you remember the one that gave you food poisoning." The boy said with a sly smirk.
Ingo shuddered. "I doubt I'll forget that one."
Lian put his hands on his hips. "How does your memory work, anyhow? What don't you remember?"
Setting the basket down, Ingo sat on a nearby stump. "It's...complicated. Sometimes, I remember." His eyes settled on Lian's hat. "Then I don't. There is no rhyme or reason, it's simply...what it is. But for the most part, it's all gone."
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tactician · 9 days
lately ive been active on gpx plus again because i missed the thrill of Clicking Pokemon and i managed to hatch my very first shiny on there!!!!! everyone meet malasada the dedenne's gpx forme. i have no idea what the odds are on this site but he was my 57th dedenne egg hatched!
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you can go here to see him and feed him a berry if you want :) (he is a big aspear berry fan) i think it'll only work on desktop though since the mobile version of the site prompts guests to log in
but anyway my account is here if any of you also play it / if anyone wants to also experience the thrill of Clicking Pokemon with me :D
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cassi-misc-art · 13 days
I'm making a Mewtwo OC and need some name suggestions. He's got one yellow eye and one green eye, and his belly / tail is a green-to-yellow gradient. He was raised from infancy by a Nidoran herd as the son of the Nidoqueen Matriarch, and is named an honorary Nidoking after saving the herd from [undefined villainous team] poachers who struck the herd by stealth. He is able to achieve both Mega evolutions - X through intense emotion and Y through evolving deliberately - because he wears a necklace made from shards of both Mega stones.
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skrub-dubs · 15 days
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Pippin took a trip outside it's apple.
Damn this thing hates fruit. Sir I just like aspear berries calm the fuck down. Don't look at me like that.
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