#asset management manual
iso13485-blog · 6 months
In today's quickly changing corporate landscape, the concept of future-proofing operations has never been more important. As organizations attempt to handle uncertainty and technological breakthroughs, effective asset management strategies emerge as a critical predictor of long-term success.
In this investigation, we look at the critical role of the ISO 55001 manual in asset management, determining how its implementation not only assures compliance but also lays the groundwork for future resilience and operational excellence.
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sweetbeagaming · 3 months
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After two vanilla perfection runs (and 1/2 a run heavily modded which I hated), I've found that I really enjoy the game as it is. I've put these mods into three categories: beginners, post-perfection, and bonus. This is because I truly recommend doing a completely vanilla run to perfection before modding. This game is a gem already! These are my must-haves to enhance Vanilla game play, rather than replace it.
Beginners 🌱 Getting started w/ mods article here and a video.
SMAPI- This framework will be needed
Content Patcher, Generic Mod Config and other framework mods When you download a mod at Nexus a pop-up will show if these are required and you can download from there.
Dynamic Night Time Adds sunsets and sunrises
Automatic Gates You'll never have to open or close a gate manually which the is second to only vanilla game mechanic I truly hate.
No Fence Decay Fixes the first game mechanic that I truly hate
Data Layers Shows the range of sprinklers, scarecrows, etc.
Billboard Anywhere Now you can look at the calendar whenever you need
Passable Crops
Pony W**ght Loss Program Really gross name, very helpful mod. Makes it so your horse can pass through areas you previously couldn't.
Post-Perfection 🌿
Clint Rewritten You should experience Clint as he is written at least once. After that overwrite him lmao
Rustic Traveling Cart
Better Friendship and Better Ranching Do your first play through without these mods, just use a guide if you need. Trust me it's part of the fun!
Chests Anywhere Access your chests anywhere you need. First play through should be partially about learning to manage IMO, which is why I recc for second.
Look Up Anything Don't you dare put this in your first play through, I will haunt you. I'm serious!!! Use a guide.
NPC map locations Say it with me... FIRST TIME, USE A GUIDE.
Bonus (mostly cosmetic) 🍄
Reshade of your choice I'm using Faedew currently because it doesn't drastically alter the OG coloring. The bright colors are part of the charm though unless you can't handle them or just want a general change.
Sweet Skin Tones Wider variety of natural skintones for your farmer
Shardust's Hair Styles Cute hairs for your farmer, including several textured hair options
Hats Won't Mess Up Hair- to keep your cute styles
Elle's Cuter Animals Just makes animals cuter. Comes in: Coop-Barn-Horses-Dogs-Cats
Toddlers Like Parents Genetics for your kids but in a one sided way
Seasonal Outfits (slightly cuter aesthetic) Gives characters a wider variety of seasonal clothing options. Pretty customizable to your desires.
Eventually I might make another list for super cosmetic or more intense mods, such as what I use with Fashion Sense which focuses on farmer customization, or asset replacement mods. These are super unnecessary and I'll likely only be playing the new patch with these above. Enjoy!
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knightowl-studios · 8 months
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“This is a warning for Kray Foresight - free all captive Burnish immediately, or I’ll burn Promepolis to the ground!”
Many hours, layers, micromanaged bg assets, and egregious amounts of colorpicking later, it is finally done //passes out
As soon as I watched Promare I was legally obligated to draw the dragon.
Please do not reupload without permission!
(Very ramble-y) process notes and wips below the cut:
[[Shoutout to Tamberella’s wonderful city brushset, the bg would not have been possible otherwise!]]
I had to cross-reference so many stills and gifs from the movie in order to try and recreate the atmosphere and style XD This whole drawing was also the perfect excuse to whip out the polyline tool again, it’s one of my favorite things to draw with but I don’t actually use it much for...some reason lmao.  Habit?  Who knows...
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As you can see, it was initially supposed to include his lil arms, but I couldn’t find a way to make them flow well with his line of action and had to exclude them (which was a bit painful as I was really happy with how the claw shapes turned out).  I figured since the film seems to cheat it the same way, it was fine for me to do it as well XD Though I don’t have a capture of it, originally his body was also in a more straightforward loop-de-loop kind of shape.
I wanted to put special focus into the pose and sense of action (two things Trigger really excels at), namely when it came to the head and jaws.  I noticed that in a couple of shots the dragon’s jaw is “broken” - opened at an unrealistically wide angle - to better emphasize the action, and while I didn’t take it as far as Trigger did I wanted to try and capture something similar in my own way.
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The windows required SO much micromanaging.  I blocked out a “template” of windows using one of the brushes in the mentioned set, grid-warped it to align with the perspective, and then copy-pasted it onto each building and then manually went through each one to make sure every patterns of “lit” windows was unique and felt believable.  The process had to be repeated twice, for both visible sides of the buildings.  As far as individual parts of the pic go, that step probably took the longest.
I also really wanted to somehow incorporate triangles into the drawing since they’re so representative of the Burnish and the Promare, and adding some around the face seemed the most intuitive way to do it.
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A lot of miscellaneous things were added at this point, such as the ground flares (polyline tool my beloved), the smoke, and smaller details like making sure the dragon felt more “sourced” in the scene by clipping the tail behind a tower.  The background was also blurred, to help sell the perspective as well as keep the focus on Lio.  The flares were one of the hardest things to manage in the latter regard, too, as due to some oversights in my initial color choices they were actually brighter than Lio and stole his thunder!  So it took several different tries to find a way to successfully de-emphasize them without inadvertently making them some weird sickly color XD
If you read through all of these notes, thank you so much, I love you!!  //hands you a cookie
Bonus layer screenshot:
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gravidasomnia · 8 months
A text post for a change! tldr: There's some technical details re: Dayspa Squad which spills into discussion of the software & hardware used, and a few other thoughts. Group pics are difficult with the limitations of the AI I'm using (SD 1.5, sdxl is better but my budget gaming laptop can't run it the way I use 1.5 without overheating), and people have noted that they often look like a row of clones. So this time (and last) I've found a suitable txt2img generation (top left) then re-run it through img2img and added variations in the prompt to produce different, still very similar looking groups, with many typical AI pic problems e.g. too many/not enough fingers & hands:
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but from that I'll use Krita + the clone tool aligned to each pic and take parts of each that seem apt; hopefully between all the iterations there's enough non-freaky hands and other parts to go around!
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You can see I haven't done a perfect job - especially with the 2nd woman from the left's dressing gown and hand, and the breasts still look cloned. Such flaws and others are much less noticeable on IG with it's limited image resolution and most users having a small screen experience. My excuse is that the milestone came up sooner than expected and I rushed it (I only started after noticing I'd hit 8,995 followers and it took about 20 minutes all up, a few minutes before I hit 9k). But a little more time and scrutiny and even running a couple more iterations could have gone a long way. Photoshop could just regenerate individual elements if you want it to but I'm not a pro user and can't justify the expense (such functionality wouldn't be available to unlicenced users). I'm more familiar with GIMP but I prefer Krita for simple clone tool operations because it loads quicker and the default brush is perfect for how I use it + the smart patch tool is also handy. I could also use the SD plugin within Krita/GIMP for similar functionality but I found the interface too clunky so I prefer to work manually for this sort of thing. This method is the sort of thing I'd use earlier on to fix weirdness like mutant hands, multiple weird bellybuttons and other AI body horror. Or to get a striking individual image juuuust right, like this one or this one. Nowadays the raw outputs are often realistic enough that simple touchups can take care of aberrations. We're not far off having an app that laypeople can use that will make pics like this without a need for editing - but for now I'm happy in this niche. Assets Used (All software free for personal use, mostly free for commercial use):
Software: Stability Matrix with the Automatic1111 WebUI Krita (has a learning curve but so does PS, amazing functionality that I've barely made use of because I'm not an actual artist) Irfanview (free for personal use but I've licensed it so I can use it for work if needed, totally worth it) AI Checkpoints/Loras/Embeddings: Photosomnia Omega (my SD1.5 photorealism model blend) Pregmix 2 Lora (will update eventually but it's not available yet, for now try Pregmix 1 or other pregnancy Loras on civitAI) FreeU/FreeU webUI plugin Negative photorealism embeddings used to help a lot but I don't need them so much now due to how far the model and Lora has come. They still deserve a mention as they have been very useful and will continue to be so with a variety of models: fcneg kkw-ph1-neg Bad_NegAnatomy Hardware: 2nd hand laptop with an i7, 16gb ram, 1G SSD, and 8gb rtx graphics. 4gb nvidia GTX graphics is considered the bare minimum but an RTX with 8gb is gonna be the minimum practical for working with HD resolutions & SDXL. Cheaper laptops will struggle with heat management, PCs will hit your power bills. Radeon graphics can technically work, they're good for people who love fucking around with linux because things aren't working and want to apply that approach to AI artgen software. If you don't enjoy that sort of frustration don't bother. Apple isn't supported for Stability Matrix yet but apparently many implementations of SD will work on a Macbook Pro with the M1/M2 chip and preferably at least 16gb of ram. Draw Things will run on an newish iphone/ipad but I found it too clunky to use for serious pics and it's not practical for high resolution work. While reflecting on the artistic mediocrity of this otherwise pleasing pic, a paraphrase of T.K. crossed my mind, namely that the AI revolution has been an utter disaster for human art. It does have a place alongside real art but as an example I hate seeing AI garbage in advertisements knowing that it's not only deceptive garbage that pretends to be something it's not AND it's also more lost payments for working artists/photographers/models. But I also think that fake erotica photos people make for themselves or share freely are outside of that problem, as long as they don't depict actual identifiable persons. I will not do fakes without consent, maybe everyone has their price but mine hasn't even come close to being reached, which I'll admit isn't possible without some level of privilege.
I'd like to not be judgmental of people who do make AI fakes for $ but otoh AI users must have some level of privilege to be able to access and use the technology. What I have seen with technology and other things is that irresponsible use is likely to be met with irresponsible regulation and I do wonder (not worry) how much longer blogs like this will be legal. Anyway for now just enjoy the pics! There will be more to enjoy soon. If you've bothered to scroll through thanks for reading and thanks for being a fan!
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milo-knight · 1 month
Wolf 359 Role Swap AU Ideas
(By me... someone who's only finished half the podcast so far)
Officer Minkowski : Communications
+ A no-nonsense woman who has the Pryce and Carter manual memorized, Officer Minkowski spends her days tirelessly combing the known universe for even a hint of a signal from alien life. Unfortunately for her though her superior, Commander Eiffel, is unduly incompetent- causing her to spend just as much time (if not more) resolving the issues he causes as she does actually searching for signals.
"Officer Minkowski, reporting for duty."
Commander Eiffel : Navigation / Commander
+ The assumedly inept, lazy, and overly unserious leader of the USS Hephaestus- Commander Eiffel treats the remote space outpost as his personal playground. Whether he's recording his daily 'Captain's Logs' documenting absolutely nothing but his own idiotic philosophical musings or merely pestering Officer Minkowski to 'get this thing to pick up the top ten hits of *this* century' Commander Eiffel manages to annoy pretty much everyone onboard the USS Hephaestus near hourly. The one compliment Office Minkowski can give him is that he's good in an emergency. Then again... his lack of skill (or perhaps simply his laziness) in his day to day tasks has been the leading cause of 99.9% of the ship's emergencies.
"Hello dear listeners, and welcome to today's Captain's Log."
Dr. Lovelace : Science Officer
+ Unwilling to talk much to anyone, Dr. Lovelace spends most of her time in her laboratory doing "research". What this research is? Unclear. But it keeps her busy. And keeps her angry. She acts like she hates it- but if she hates it so much- why join the crew in the first place? Odd... But she's good at her job. Scary good. Even if she can be a bit brash. More 'pull off the bandaid quick' than 'take a deep breath and count to three' in her methods. She's an asset nonetheless, taking to this mission like a duck to water... almost as if this isn't her first rodeo...
"Don't interrupt me when I'm doing these tests otherwise I might just move from petri dishes straight to the human trial phase. Got it? Oh god, why are you looking at me like that? I was just joking!"
Cutter : Autopilot / Artificial Intelligence
+ The overly cheery, overly biting, and overly analytical auto pilot of the USS Hephaestus. He controls just about everything. The lights, the engine, the temperature, the access to water, the air. What doesn't he control? Now that's the million dollar question. Good thing his programming prevents him from doing anything that could jeopardize the safety of the crew. Not that he'd ever purposefully put the crew in danger... no... of course not. He's everyone's friend of course. Right?
"Officer Minkowski, you look... troubled. Should I turn up the heat in your quarters? I hear intense heat is an excellent way to destress. Really helps just melt all your worries away. Right?"
(Former) Commander Hilbert : Former Leader of USS Hephaestus Mission
+ Dead. Or... not? When Commander Hilbert arrives everything seems to go topsy turvy. Last anyone knew of him he was in a tiny little spaceship blasting off to Earth. And now he's here. Cold. Gloomy. Russian. He doesn't seem inclined to partake in any chit chat, simply wandering the ship while he waits for his ship to be repaired. Honestly, he acts like he's still Commander. Why do they even listen to him again? Oh yeah... the virus...
"Do not talk to me. Focus on your work. My ship must be repaired. Ms. Hera is expecting me back, I assure you."
Ms. Hera : Leader of Goddard Futuristics
+ Bubbly. Sassy. Strangely argumentative in a way most CEOs of major corporations would try not be (at least publicly). She's polite only when she has to be. And she's kind only when it suits her. While Cutter has full control of the station, she has full control of Cutter. And everything honestly. Thankfully she and Commander Eiffel seem to be rather friendly. So that means she has to be on their side. She has to.
"Officer Minkowski if you ever take that tone with me again- just- don't you start that with me."
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roksiksimps · 5 months
How to get an Abdirak of your own!
Here are some mods you need if you want Abdirak (or any other NPC really) to travel with your party!
Abdirak as an NPC companion
Recruit any NPC is the first mod you need. For those who are new to modding, here's how you can install it. First you need the software that this mod requires to work:
Get the Norbytes script extender. Unzip the archive, put the extender's 'DWrite.dll' file into your '[Steam folder]\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin' folder.
Get the BG3 Mod Manager. Unzip it, launch it, go to the Preferences and link your game's exutable and folder in its settings.
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Download the mod itself, unzip, drag the 'RemoveMultiplayerCharacter.pak' file into you Mod Manager's 'active mods' leftside field, then press 'save'.
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It gives you this wonderful ability:
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Get to the goblin camp, target Abdirak with it, and he will become your companion!
He still can be interacted with as well, so if you wanted to take some screenshots in a more scenic environment, now you can. (The penance itself is bugged though. I was able to reenact it once near the bloodstained chapel's wall, but it's not guaranteed. More testing needed. Do it before you aggro the whole goblin camp, as per usual, cause he will try to leave the camp (and the game) after if you're anywhere close to the goblin camp.)
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The only problem with this method is that he's still an NPC, he can't be leveled up (and he doesn't have much in terms of abilities), and the gear doesn't show up, so if you want to take him through the rest of the game, he won't fare well.
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So if you want to have a functional cleric with you, you will want:
Abdirak as Tav
First, you need a second Tav. Getting a second player through multiplayer is an option, but the Recruit any NPC mod we already installed gives you a second ability:
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Target Abdirak, and you'll be taken to the character creation screen to create a second Tav for you to control. There, you can select the 'Clone' option when you choose the race. It'll give you an Abdirak that CAN be leveled up and has the selected class's abilities, but his visuals still can't be changed.
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If you want an Abdirak who can wear gear that will show up on him, we need more mods (also, you don't have to target Abdirak when you create a second Tav. Target anyone, so you can have Abdirak from the very start of the game). @sweetmage has already made Abdirak as the main Tav, but he lacked the body scars. Let me rectify that!
The Customizer's Compendium modwill give you Abdirak's face (drag the 'Customizer.pak' file into the Mod Manager; you also need the ImprovedUI mod for it to show up properly, place it under the Customizer mod in the list) , facial scars included. The hair is already in the game, the colors need to be eyeballed. Here's a closeup of the NPC. In my estimation, he's got Cool Tone 5 for his skin, Solid White for his eyes, and Grey 1 for hair, but YMMV.
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The body scars are a different matter. If you're playing as a human/elf/drow/half-elf male Tav, there's currently no way to give Abdirak his scars without also giving them to your Tav. If you don't mind, or play a different race, or if you're playing a female Tav, you will need:
Unique Tav (as well as Trip's old shaderpack for the mod to work, drag it into the Mod Manager). It's a bit more tricky to set it up.
- Find in the mod's 'Files' section, download and install with Mod Manager the 'Unique Tav PAK'.
- Download 'Unique Tav Data', unzip, and manually put the 'Generated' folder inside of your '[Baldur's Gate 3 steam folder]\Data' folder.
- THEN download the 'Unique Tav Body Variants'.
- Find the 3 filed inside of the 'body_variants\NORMIES\male_hairy_lovitar_actually_hairless' folder you just downloaded.
- Copy these files to your '[Baldur's Gate 3 steam folder]\Generated\Public\Shared\Assets\unique_tav\BODY\NORMIES\MALE' folder, replace the files that are already there.
Ta-da! Your Abdirak (and human/elf male Tavs) will have the body scars!
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Not on their legs though. If you want that, you will have to edit the texture files yourself.
You can download a tutorial on how to do that over at Many scars for unique Tav. You will need Photoshop (and knowing how to use it), a Photoshop plugin to open dds files, and a bit of creativity (or, you know, you can just take the scars from this mod and replace Abdirak's leg segment).
Edit UNIQUE_M_NKD_BODY_A_NM to add texture.
Edit UNIQUE_M_NKD_BODY_A_HMVY to add color. I'm still working on the latter, but I can upload my files sometimes later when I have it, if anyone's interested.
If you want his outfit, you need the Basket full of equipment mod (install with Mod Manager, read the mod's rescription to learn how to gain access to the basket), the clothes are in the 'exotic gear' bag. If you want that outfit as camp clothes, you also need to install the Basket Equipment to Camp Clothing mod.
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That should cover it. Let me know if you have any questions, I'll try to help!
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n1cholaswang · 2 years
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nonidol!au — bestfriend!junhan x afab!reader (sorry for my guys & non-binary pals)
cw: absolute FILTH. the idea of face fucking. exhibitionism. mutual pining. drinking. speeding. rough sex. breeding. idk lemme know if i missed something
wc: 1.9k (istg i thought it was longer)
a/n: xdinary heroes' cb stage got me actin a damn fool 😭 next up is gunil i swear.
you and hyeongjun have been friends since you were in diapers, living next to each other and growing up together.
you were there when he found his passion for music, when he bought his first electric guitar, when he had his first gig, and he was thankful for you.
everybody in both your families and at school thought you were a couple but that simply wasn't the case.
or at least, it wasn't for you.
hyeongjun was desperately in love with you, but your crush for his bandmate seungmin was the only thing standing in the way of him asking you out.
one night when he was doing a gig at a small bar, he noticed you in the crowd wearing an outfit that was perfect for your body.
it showed off all your assets and made you resemble a succubus.
his grip on his guitar tightened as his cock hardened under his jeans, unintentionally playing a short sour note. the note went unnoticed by the crowd but not by gunil who looked over at him briefly with eyebrows furrowed.
hyeongjun was not one to mess up, not in practice or on stage. it just wasn't in his nature but how could he play perfectly when a breathtaking sight was standing in front of him?
you couldn't help but notice his never ending, unchanging gaze. a stare that was unfamiliar to you as he has never looked at you this way before.
he somehow was able to manage to get through the show without any more slip ups, but now his lower half was painfully hard and he needed to get off that stage as soon as possible.
usually he'd hide away in the bathroom and be able to get one off before having to go home but there was such a long line for the bathroom, he couldn't wait.
he helped his band members put away their instruments to the van in the meantime though his cock was screaming for attention.
then, you came outta nowhere.
"you guys did amazing, per usual", you squealed while giving each of them a hug
"but i suppose i can't expect anything but perfection from y'all"
when you hugged hyeongjun, you felt a hardness poking at your skin and he cursed at himself in his head for letting his sinful thoughts get the best of him.
all he wanted to do was push your precious head down and fuck your mouth in front of everybody, especially seungmin.
he decided to (awkwardly) hug you back, his hands going down from your shoulders to the small of your back then to your waist, lightly pushing you away.
his featherlight yet stern touch lingered on your skin and you couldn't quite figure out why.
your eyes scanned hyeongjun up and down over and over again with each look making him delicious in a way you couldn't explain.
his fluffy wavy hair all in the way, making him shake it out of his eyes or move it manually, his half zip-up, half button-up shirt fitting his slim frame gracefully, his reddish-orange jeans hugging his thighs and the outline of his cock beautifully.
holy shit.
you didn't notice how god-like he was until now.
the you from 5 years ago would be beating you up right now if they knew you were practically drooling over your best friend.
to distract and distance yourself, you made your way inside the bar again. you sat on one of the stools and asked for a shot of their darkest and strongest liquor.
one shot became two, which became three, then four, five, six, seven...
and here you were, "singing" along to rihanna and "dancing" around with some stranger.
the stranger's hands were all over your body, not that you minded. simply because you in your drunken state thought those hands were hyeongjun's.
you moaned when those hands gripped your waist tightly and pressed your ass against a hard-on.
you grinded against it, feeling yourself getting warm. but the warmth wasn't too long as you were pulled away quite quickly.
you looked up and seen the thing that pulled you away wasn't a thing at all.
it was hyeongjun.
he leaned down into your ear, "what the hell are you doing?"
"enjoying myself!"
"maybe a little too much", he wrapped two fingers around your wrist, "i'll take you home"
"i can take care of myself, thank you very much!"
you yanked your arm away and turned to walk away but you didn't get far. he pulled you back into him, colliding with his chest.
"that wasn't a question nor was it a suggestion"
his voice low but serious matched with how his fingers stayed glued to your hips and his cock poking you from behind made your mind go blank.
next thing you know, you're in the car with him, hyeongjun's knuckles turning white with how harshly he's gripping the steering wheel.
you look over and notice he was going 100 in a 45.
"jun...", you slur, "slow down"
"are you insane? dancing with someone you don't even know?", there was anger laced in his usually soft voice, "who know what would've happened to you if i wasn't there"
"but im- fine"
he scoffed and shook his head, turning the corner so sharply you thought you were gonna fly out the window.
somehow, you made it back to your place alive. you notice your roommate's car wasn't there and you smile to yourself, finally getting hyeongjun alone.
"d'you wa'a come inside?"
"considering i don't think you can make it out of this car without falling on your face? yes"
hyeongjun turned off the car and got out, your eyes following him as he walked around the front of the car to the passenger side, opening the door and helping you out.
you purposely tripped over air to get closer to him, his natural scent and cologne mixing with the stench of alcohol made you even more drunk.
"my point exactly: you just tripped"
you fell back into the car door, shutting it and pulling hyeongjun into you, then the two of you began to stare into each other's eyes.
if the sexual tension wasn't obvious before, it was definitely obvious now.
your hands gripped onto his blouse tighter, pulling him slightly closer.
"what is it, [name]?"
his question was asked in such a small tone, you thought he was whispering. but really he was just trying not to crack.
"tell me what you want"
you whimpered softly and rubbed your thighs together, hoping he'd get the hint.
and he did.
hyeongjun's arms trapped you in between his body and the car, not that you minded at all. you just wish he'd get closer.
and your wish was granted.
his lips brushed against your cheek to get to your ear, "i won't do anything unless you tell me what it is you want"
your breathing became uneven. he was so close, you could've swore he could hear your heart pounding.
"i want you", you breathed out.
"yeah?", one of his arms slid down and wrapped around your waist, "finally you want me? after all these years?"
you decide to play his game and bring one of your legs to his waist.
"you can either fuck me or you can leave, i'll just get seungmin here"
his eyes flashed an angry stare before he turned you around and bent you over the car hood.
hyeongjun let his hands roam from the soft material of a light jacket around your shoulders down to the cropped vest to the black undershirt then to the flimsy dark striped skirt that didn't even reach your mid thigh.
he flipped the skirt up and admired how your ass looked in the tights before taking them in his hands and ripping it perfectly to access your core.
hyeongjun let two fingers slide up and down between your folds, gathering the never ending wetness to taste.
the bittersweet taste of you intoxicated him, made him drunk on pussy that he hasn't properly tasted yet. and if he wasn't in such a rush to cum, you two would be out there for hours, his head between your thighs as he slurps up all the juices dripping from you.
he unbuttons his jeans and pulls them, along with his boxers, down enough for his hardness to spring out.
he tapped himself against your wetness, arousal messily coating the tip of his cock.
hyeongjun couldn't wait any longer and neither could you, reaching around and lining him up with your desperate hole.
the moment he pushed himself in was the same moment he fell apart as a man.
he thought jooyeon was kidding when he said pussy can make a man fold in seconds.
his ringed fingers tightly wrapped around the skirt and bunched it up around your waist, fucking himself into you at a speed that made your head fuzzy, eyes heavy, and vision blurry.
you didn't know he could fuck like this: so rough, so calculated, so mind-blowing.
his cock was angled so perfectly, he was teasingly brushing against that gummy spot that made you wanna cum instantly and you know he knew it.
the way your walls pulsed around him only made him thrust deeper as he laid on your back, nibbling on your neck.
"is this what you wanted?", he sighed, "just wanted me to put you in your place huh?"
the way his hips smashed against yours had you seeing stars and moaning like a porn star.
hyeongjun put his hand over your mouth, muffling the sounds you were making.
"hush now my dear. don't want your neighbors callin' the cops"
"more importantly...", he started pounding into you, your body sliding up the car hood with each harsh snap of his hips, "don't want nobody else hearin' how good you sound for me"
you reached back with a shaky hand and turned your head, kissing him with much passion, desperation, and love.
he kissed you back and hummed into your mouth, feeling how you tighten around him.
hyeongjun's skillful fingers lightly tapped your clit which, between his relentless fucking and the little bursts of pleasure, threw you over the edge.
your knees buckled, pussy burying his cock deep inside of you, and moans being swallowed by hyeongjun's mouth. your legs shook beneath his but he didn't stop.
he felt a wave of wetness cover his cock from inside, but he still didn't stop.
he wanted you withering around him; entire body shaking in pleasure, begging him to stop but quickly tightening around his cock every time he tries to pull even an inch out.
but, he remembered you were outside so it's not like he could fuck you into oblivion here. so, he pulled out, much to your dismay as you sobbed from the sudden disappearance.
"wanna fuck you properly, on a bed"
you didn't hesitate to pull yourself up from the hood and walk to your front door with his still rock hard cock in hand.
hyeongjun was not good at keeping his word. he didn't even wait to get to the bedroom before he bent you over and started fucking you again as harshly as before, making you cry out in pleasure and your legs give out.
he grabs your hips and helps you stand on shaky legs all the while he's still pounding into you.
you have no idea who this man was and what he did with the real han hyeongjun but you weren't complaining, especially when he was cumming a seemingly uncontrollable amount inside of you, muttering and whimpering about pumping you full of cum every day until you're pregnant.
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kaisertheadvisor · 2 months
Alright, I'd thought I'd share with you all my "Persona 3 Holy Grails" of media that I'd like to see show up someday. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll get some of these high quality assets. But for now, we'll have to rely on scans, Internet Archive, upscales, and various social media posts till then. But let's get started!
#1. The high quality, uncompressed cutscenes.
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While fan upscales do exist for the OG cutscenes, and people were generous enough to extract many of the Reload cutscenes and post them in high quality (thank you PC version), I would like to see the original masters for many of these cutscenes. We know they do exist, since Atlus has used them in promotional material, but when we will see them, is unknown. (If they ever do an English release of the P3 Movies, they better include these cutscenes as a bonus feature, just saying.)
#2. Highest quality character renders.
In order to promote Persona 3 on various material, Atlus would use various renders of the characters that I'm sure many P3 fans are familiar with.
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However, there are some characters that don't currently have such high quality versions of their character renders. So far, high quality scans of Elizabeth's render and a rare Ikutsuki render (used on the original version of the P3 website, the games OST booklet, the manual, several trading cards, magazine articles, print ads and the booklet for "A Certain Day Of Summer") have been preserved for example, but I'd kill for the high quality assets to be found one day.
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However, the most notorious case of characters not having high quality render assets are the entirety of Strega. The renders do exist online, it's just that, their quality is much to be desired.
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Again, would kill to see high quality assets release someday.
#3. Unreleased character sheets for cutscenes.
If you have the P3 Artbook, they have the model sheets for the Protagonist, Yukari, Junpei, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Fuuka, Aigis, Koromaru, Ken, Shinjiro, Ikutsuki, Takaya, Pharos and Ryoji used in the anime cutscenes.
However, we don't have the model sheets for the characters casual wear (used in the Yakushima trip cutscene and several scenes in The Answer), Kotone (for the P3P opening as well as several in game CG's), Aigis's Answer armor, blue dress, and school uniform, Elizabeth and Theodore, Metis, Igor, Natsuki (used during Fuuka's awakening, albeit VERY brief), and Takeharu (used during 11/4's events). Granted, since those characters were sparingly used in the anime cutscenes, they may have not had their model sheets published, but again, who knows?
It should be noted that some frames and drawings from the anime cutscenes were used in some promotional material (for example, the P3 website used silhouettes of Yukari, Junpei, Akihiko, Mitsuru and Fuuka taken straight from the opening), so we'll have to wait and see what comes forth.
#4. Original Persona Assets
So far, Atlus managed to give us the high quality assets for the initial Persona's that were used in FES and were reused again for Reload's promo's.
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Not only that, but many of the high quality assets for the ultimate Persona's were also preserved online, thankfully.
However, there is also the "original shading" versions of the Persona's, which last I checked, were used in the 2023 port of Persona 3 Portable, and so far, the high quailty rips of them are cropped.
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I'm also hoping we can get even higher quality versions of the renders of Polydeuces (promotional pose), Juno, Messiah and Psyche. (though I am betting we're gonna get a high quality Psyche render for The Answer DLC, mark my words)
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And of course, we still need the high quality official art for Strega's Personas as well.
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#5 Ad Scans (or even better, high quailty digital versions of this material)
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If anyone has some Japanese magazines, I'd love to see high quality scans of many a Persona 3 Ad.
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Harry's work with Charles Calloway was going well. After a shaky start, they now got along well and Charles had yet to regret hiring Harry. Charles worked as a bank manager and had set Harry to do various manual work that needed to be done. On the outside, everything looked fine and business was booming.
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However, behind closed doors, another was taking place. Charles had a habit of lending large sums of money to people who were not too willing to pay them back. Therefore, Harry had become a valued asset, as he had nothing against encouraging reluctant debtors to pay up.
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But it wasn't enough for Harry, who also took advantage of the location at the harbour to sell alcohol and tobacco to people who smuggled it to America, where the alcohol ban allowed him to charge more for the illegal goods. Arnie had also stopped his work at the factory and instead served as Harry's constant companion, making his job easier and more efficient.
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But the best part was that his hard work had finally started to pay off, and with that, he could finally afford to start living the life he had always dreamed of. After saving most of his first earnings he was able to buy a house near the coast with a fantastic view - as well as a automobile.
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alwaysinnerkryptonite · 3 months
AU in which Henry Emily is a recently divorced father of three, trying to pursue his formerly much-discouraged dream to open a family diner while trying to juggle two jobs and the task of being a good father.
Due to financial struggles, he buys up a dirt-cheap location, and the reason for this bargain quickly becomes apparent: it's a run-down, mold infested shithole. So for the next two years, he spends almost every night working and repairing while the kids sleep, figuring he can't give up now without losing most of his assets.
However, he eventually hits a breaking point when building the first animatronic. The transformation from sketches into a fully functional endoskeleton was quite manageable for him, but without any real experience in programming, it proves to be harder to bring them to life than he initially thought. Now, with no way to attract guests and to open the diner, he is threatened to go bankrupt within a matter of months.
Until one day, he encounters a man checking out a few manuals on engineering and coding in the library he works in. Naturally, Henry tries to find out what he wants by making some casual small talk, but to no avail. As a last resort, he desperately hands the man his business card, giving him the diner's address and inviting him to change his mind and come by at night to help him with the matter.
And William Afton can't resist.
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hauntedselves · 1 year
Other Personality Disorders
This post is about personality disorders that used to exist in the DSM or ICD but don’t anymore. You cannot be diagnosed with these disorders, as they’re not in any diagnostic manual; you would be diagnosed with Other Specified Personality Disorder (or the ICD-11 equivalent) instead.
Passive-Aggressive / Negativistic (PA/NegPD)
A pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Masochistic / Self-Defeating (Ma/SDPD)
A pervasive pattern of self-defeating behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. The person may often avoid or undermine pleasurable experiences, be drawn to situations or relationships in which he or she will suffer, and prevent others from helping him or her.
Sadistic (SaPD)
A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Depressive / Melancholic (De/MePD)
A pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Other Personality Disorders
Turbulent PD has never existed in any DSM. It’s part of Millon’s theorised personality disorder taxonomy, but doesn’t appear in any other literature.
It seems to be an alternate way of categorising and defining hypomania & cyclothymic disorder, and is similar to ADHD, NPD & HPD.
Millon classes it on a spectrum from ebullient personality type -> exuberant personality style -> turbulent personality disorder.
Theorised in German, Russian, and French psychiatry.
Haltlose translates to “unstable” (literally, “without footing”) and refers to a “drifting, aimless and irresponsible lifestyle: a translation might be ‘lacking a hold' on life or onto the self)”.
“Those with haltlose personality disorder have features of frontal lobe syndrome, sociopathic and histrionic personality traits”.
Someone with haltlose PD “lacks concentration and persistence”, and “lives in the present only”. They are “easily persuaded, and [are] often led astray”.
Haltlose PD is similar to AsPD as there is “an inability to learn from experience, and no sincere sense of remorse”. They are often described as ‘lovable rouges’.
(Cullivan, R, ‘‘Haltlose’ type personality disorder (ICD-10 F60.8)’, Psychiatric Bulletin, 1998, pp. 58-59).
Immature PD was mentioned in the DSM-III as a specifier for Other Specified PD, but removed in later editions.
It seems to be a combination of borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, dependent, schizoid and avoidant PDs.
Almeida et al. suggest the following criteria for Immature PD: irresponsibility; impulsivity; unreliability; easily swayed; mood swings; expect overindulgence from others; dependency on others; ability for remorse or regret but it’s “light and fleeting”; inability to manage assets; inability to follow plans; quick to lie; unable to delay gratification; quick to frustration; devaluation of others; risk-taking behaviour; unstable relationships and behaviour; feels both entitled and worthless; attention seeking; recklessness; shyness; ungrateful; over-familiar with others; unable to plan for the future; substance use.
They also suggest 3 subtypes of Immature PD: the dramatic and emotional subtype, the shy subtype, and the mixed subtype.
(Almeida et al., 'Immature Personality Disorder: Contribution to the Definition of this Personality', Clinical Neuroscience & Neurological Research, 2019, pp. 1-16).
Eccentric and Psychoneurotic
These two personality disorders existed only as ‘other specified’ PDs in the ICD-10, where no definition is given.
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inkdragonworks · 1 year
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The big work on this month was creating an object that could handle auto-tiling collision blocks for me. I spent around 2 weeks on it but it’s managing to cover a lot of the stuff I want, albeit there’s still fine-tuning with slopes. Ended up making a lot of the tilesets meant for chapter 2 based around it. I’m pretty satisfied with it since it helps prevent what could be 1-3 hours of manual work, and instead doing it once the player enters the room. That leaves details like walls and decorations to figure out.
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A lot of parallax assets were finally taken from concept art to sprite assets, which you can see a few of in the first gif. There’s still some left, like this minecart rail I want to put in:
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I also spent time making more journal/shop menu assets, representing items you can buy and equip at different points.
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The auto-tiler and more bug fixing ended up taking a lot of time for me, so I really didn’t get that far with making Chapter 2′s level art. There’s just a lot of small decorations I’ll have to make on top of more bug fixing and editing more dialogue/cutscenes to be shorter. My intention is to continue on those things, as well as ironing out more of the auto-tiler.
However I’m considering taking a break this month to pick at a different idea for a bit, so I don’t get burnt out on PnJ. I’ll have to wait and see though.
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lilyblackdrawside · 8 months
Inam - 6-Star Lord Guard
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Elite 2, Level 90 Stats
2650 HP 701 Atk 380 Def 10 Res 70s Redeploy Time 20 DP Cost 2 Block 1.3s Attack Interval
Trust Boni
+400 Hp +70 Atk
Potential Boni
2 Deployment Cost -1 3 Redeployment Cooldown -4s 4 +200 HP 5 +27 Def 6 Deployment Cost -1
Talent 1 Maximize Available Assets When deployed, increases the SP recovery rate of all Vanguards by +0.2~0.4/second (only the highest effect of this type takes place) and all Vanguard Operators’ Def +10%~20%
Talent 2 Acquire Knowledge Gains +3% HP for each Vanguard, Guard, Defender and Sniper in the squad and +3 Res for each Caster, Medic, Supporter and Specialist in the squad
Rank 7/Mastery 3
Skill 1
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Wicked Chop On-Attack Charge, Auto 3 SP, 0 Initial SP
The next melee attack deals 400/460% atk pure damage over 4s to the target.
Skill 2
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Great Chief’s Show of Artistry On-Attack Charge, Manual 20/15 SP, 7/10 Initial SP, 16s Duration
Gain +50/80%Atk, Attack interval halved. Attacks leave a stacking mark on the target that inflicts -3/4% movement speed and -3/4 aspd per stack. One second before skill ends, the mark is removed and deals 80/110% atk physical damage per stack to the target.
Skill 3
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Power of Money Automatic Charge, Manual
35/30 SP, 0 Initial SP
Consume all currently held DP to gain permanent, stacking buffs to Atk, ASPD and Phys/Arts damage reduction. +7/10% Atk, +7/10 aspd, +1/1.25% Phys/Arts damage reduction per 20 DP. If used at >=99 DP, refunds 50% SP.
Base Skill 1 Great Chief’s Coordination When stationed in a Trading Post, sets order acquisition efficiency of other Sargon operators, Gavial and Gavial the Invincible to 0 and then increases it to +35%.
Base Skill 2 Lead by Example Gains +10% order acquisition efficiency per other Sargon Operator stationed in trading posts, up to +50%.
The theme here is being a Lord Guard who doesn't do any Arts damage that she would have above average basic tankiness just through her stats. She's still not tanky-tanky, but within her subclass she's quite sturdy. She can then leverage her defensive bases by using her very strong S1 or with S3 (I'll go more into S3 in a bit). I also worked her background into the whole thing a bit.
Initially I had S1 modular with it letting her ranged attacks ricochet if she uses it not in melee, but I think this is better. It's more interesting and could incentivize different positioning. I made the dot pure damage because that's funny.
S2 is more for ranged play and designed to take down elites and bosses. It's very straightforward to use, even if it might look a bit complicated. Activate it and she goes nuts on whoever is the closest in her range and when it's about to time out her target is vaporized. I made the stats up with around 20 attacks within 15 seconds in mind. With just the halved attack delay she actually manages just above 24, but the slowing effects shouldn't be too harsh, since by the time they're stacked that high, the skill is about to expire anyway. Would be mildly busted in Integrated Strategies if you get enough aspd and stack -100% move and aspd onto an enemy, but that's okay. Don't worry about it.
Okay, S3. So that's the meme skill. It's the one you make funny videos with. Yes, she can reach 100% Phys and Arts resist. It costs 1600 DP, up to 2000 if you also go for the SP discounts. At that point she also has +800% ATK and +800 ASPD. (7 attacks/s) The earliest you could get this, going just by pure SP is after five and a half minutes. Of course you also need to generate the required 2000 DP + however much you need to deploy your operators within that time. Stages don't tend to last that long, but if you want, you can also give her some form of SP charge and go for it. Something like Ptilopsis, Warfarin, Inam, Myrtle, Elysium, Saileach and the next six best DP generators. Probably a bunch of Pioneers, I don't know. Might be problematic in Annihilation I guess, but nobody's looking.
Anyway, this was fun. I was going to do a full fake operator sheet but Krita krashed and I lost Kritacal progress so this is what I got.
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huntunderironskies · 9 days
Actually. Sorry, I know I said I don't like talking about joseimuke on this account because it makes me sound deranged, but I have to share this (esp since I try to keep my sideblog more positive because God knows we need it.)
So one of the projects I like to keep up with is Cordgem, which. God how do I explain this. Uh, okay, so Cordgem takes place in steampunk alternate history Japan while there's a zombie apocalypse going on, which is only focused on some of the time because we need to think about the REAL drama which is the idol stage battles sorry, I've received a note from the writers the word I'm supposed to use is 歌仙衆 and not idol group, which means.... oh goddamnit how the fuck am i supposed to read this-- oh wait, there's furigana. That means Kasenshuu, of course. What's a Kasenshuu?
Uh, well, that's a great question. I am definitely not stalling for time while frantically tabbing through a kanji dictionary to tell you the answer. In this case, 歌仙 (kasen) is a term used to refer to particularly legendary poets of classical Japanese literature. I think this has been translated into English as "Immortal Poets" (the 仙 in it is used in other phrases to refer to Daoist immortals!) Then the 衆 (shuu) part is a large group of people, so...Immortal Poet Gang Battles. That's what they're having. Not idol stage battles. Important distinction.
Hey, note to my editor, I'm highlighting this so I can come back later and come up with a translation that's not awful. Absolutely willing to bounce ideas off you. Thanks.
You are probably starting to see why translator burnout is an issue and why I don't usually do it in text-heavy mediums. In fact I am absolutely positive I've gotten something wrong here in my research but I've spent like half the day going down rabbit holes trying to work out the worldbuilding here because I don't know that much about Meiji era Japan. In fact this could be Taisho era, I'm getting really thrown off by the fact that one unit seems to be wearing uniforms closer to Taisho fashion and I can't tell if I'm just massively overthinking it.
A final bit of background information: joseimuke fandom in EN-speaking countries survives largely on unpaid fan translators. The number of projects that get ported over to the US and translated properly has only recently exceeded numbers that can be counted on one hand. There are a lot of reasons why that's the case and most of it can be explained as corporate bullshit. Either way, fandoms in EN remain very small, grassroots affairs.
So there's been...an attempt to translate it. I generally avoid trying to do my own work on a project that's already been "claimed" by another translator. One, to avoid burnout because there's way more than you'd think out there that either got orphaned by their translators or haven't been touched yet, two, out of respect for the work of other people who are passionate about the same very niche things I am. I'd considered trying to translate it, saw that someone on a formerly blue bird site was working on character bios, and dropped the idea to focus on Executioner instead. A quick look showed they weren't just manually copying from Google Translate so I decided to leave it be and work on my own stuff.
Anyways, back to steampunk zombie Meiji (possibly Taisho, results unclear) era Japan. One of the groups who's dealing with the zombie apocalypse front is a duo unit of offbrand Catholic priests. Here they are.
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Badly cropped screenshot of the site because I refuse to spend any more effort on this than I already have and ripping art assets takes a while. All I will say is, yes, your eyes do not deceive you, Agito (the guy on the left) isn't wearing pants. At least he managed to put on half a shirt.
Now, I can hear you through the computer screen, because I'm psychic. You're saying, "Why does the one priest look like the sole reason he can walk around without flashing people is prayer and an extensive amount of body tape?" This is a valid question, one that has yet to be answered by the writers. I hope such critical information will be addressed in their drama track, it will be very important for cosplayers to know. While often underappreciated, cosplayers are a valuable part of our community. You may also wonder, "Can you back up and explain literally anything about the world, like the Catholic Church We Have at Home who seem perfectly fine with their priests going around only about two-thirds dressed or the zombie apocalypse or the steampunk tech that apparently exists?" Also valid questions. I could but it's funnier if I don't. Besides, you saw how long I took trying to explain one kanji reading.
Anyways, I was very interested in them so I kept an eye for the translated version of their bios. Now, the translation that OP made for their title in the church was "Auror."
Yes, like in Harry Potter.
I was reasonably certain that Auror wasn't a real word, so a friend of mine checked, and it is indeed something that Jowling Kowling Rowling made up. So, how did this happen?
Well, checking back over their JP bios, the term used for their title is 闇祓い (lit. yami-harai). This combines the kanji for yami/darkness with the kanji for harai/ritual purification. Not even close to "Auror." However, 闇祓い was the phrase that the official JP translation for Harry Potter used instead of Auror (I'm assuming because the closest you could get in JP as a literal translation is something like オーラル/ooraru and that sounds...weird? Maybe? I don't know.) This is the term that google will spit out at you if you plug in the two together.
But, you know. Exorcist. The word was supposed to be something close to exorcist in this context, just a lot fancier and using cooler phraseology. You could probably come up with a fun localization if you're smarter than me. But they aren't wizard cops. Free my boys, one of them is a trust fund kiddie and the other is a freak but they still don't deserve to be associated with Harry Potter.
Just. I get it. It uses so many rarely used/archaic kanji readings that a lot of the in-universe terms have to be written with furigana above them just so people know how it's supposed to be read despite being aimed at adults. I made a joke about it above. And translating is really hard. I'm not even opposed to people who are relative beginners to learning Japanese using translation as a way to improve their language skills, I think it's a good way to do it. Also I would be a huge hypocrite if I condemned it because I'm doing it.
But if you see kanji in a combination that you don't recognize or looks off when you throw it into a machine translator, please. Please just get a kanji dictionary. There's online ones to use. Jisho is incredibly detailed. There are even some where if you can't copy in a kanji, you can draw it in a little prompt box. You don't have to get the stroke order right. The detection is really sophisticated. I know it sucks because it slows down the translation process a lot and people can be incredibly entitled about getting translations ASAP at the cost of quality but a little wait is worth it for making something you're proud of and that shows the quality of the series you're working on.
And doesn't commit a plagarism on an extremely cantankerous transphobe too, which is also important.
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cookie2351 · 19 days
Racer's Day Off - Racer Game Postmortem
In further development of "Racer's Day Off" I added more detail to the environment to make the scenery more interesting. I also incorporated the new car designs which can now spawn.
I also added to the control scene so the player can now choose whether to play using the WASD keys or the arrow keys (maybe could make it two player sometime?).
I really liked how the score was working however after some gameplay testing I found out the multiplier was not altering the score. So much for that :(
An issue I ran into was the cars would sometimes spawn basically together, sometimes leaving the player without a path to survive.
Developed Game:
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Multiple levels!
I even managed to add a second level so the player can choose between the two. The second level has more lanes and I tried to increase the spawn rate to increase the level difficulty.
Harder level with added lanes and car spawns:
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As you can possibly see (in the image below) I had some difficulties with the car spawning.
Game Issue:
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With the amount of different cars I had added, often one of the cars would spawn ontop of one another. It didn't affect gameplay but the visual aspect of it was not appealing.
Overall, I found the game quite fun and put more development into the game than I was planning. The F1 driver had a pretty fun day off... until he crashed of course, then not so much.
Bugs and Aspects I didn't get to implement or wish I had:
I didn't implement a start menu or a level failed aspect the game just paused when the player hit a car.
No start menu so you had to manually launch one of the two levels
There was no scoreboard so the players don't get to save their scores
Proper car spawning (cars spawned on top of each other)
Although there was the multiplier it didn't affect the score
similar to my asteroids game the car spawns would leave the player with an unwinnable/survivable sitution
Thanks again to looneybits on Itch.IO for the car assets.
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rfid4uposts · 25 days
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RFID asset tracking software
RFID asset tracking software - RFID4U Store India RFID asset tracking software enhances operational efficiency by automating the monitoring and management of assets using RFID technology. It improves inventory accuracy, reduces manual errors, and streamlines asset utilization. By providing real-time data and analytics, it enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and minimize costs. RFID asset tracking software is crucial for industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and retail, where efficient asset management is essential for productivity and profitability.
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