#asshole skyrim characters
further to my last post i have a problem and that problem is asshole skyrim characters and me finding them hot. arnbjorn and astrid? call that shit polyamory. miraak? take off the mask bb lemme kiss that face (eleven year old me wrote a fic where he took off his mask and i described him as ‘scarred and handsome’). mercer?? fucking MERCER FREY??? he can rail me. harkon? ig im a monsterfucker now
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falmerbrook · 4 months
Top voted comment on a thread about Delphine on r/Skyrim. Nature is healing.
Pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.
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emotionallyunstabl · 9 days
me: im a lesbian
my many video game boyfriends:
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roachfurby · 1 year
trying to find house mods for skyrim feels like this
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githvyrik · 1 year
I take the roleplaying in video games soooooooo seriously like hmmmmmmmm idk if the character motivation here makes sense and what does the other side think what is my reason for doing this. whole time it’s some skyrim bandits
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holytrickster · 1 year
idk i think it's so funny I went down a survival horror game rabbit hole when a) I'm too freaking anxious for horror games I will make myself cry, b) it was all PS2 stuff which is extra funny bc I've never even played on someone else's playstation let alone had one, i was always a wii kid lol. but now my brain is like ah yes. time to consume everything I can about games I can't even play and that are stupid expensive/hard to get now
#also i love that people draw jennifer from rule of rose and fiona from haunting ground together#they're just two girls with their dogs and in horrible situations and you know im glad they get to have dogs#any game where i get to have a pet is alright by me even if shit is otherwise majorly fucked#anyway. i do need to play pathologic. it's funny bc in theory it is really the kind of thing I'd like bc there's so much stuff to uncover#plus i think classic HD (which is the version i have) fixes the bad translation so it's not even like it's too hard to understand#at least only hard to understand in the intended pathologic-y way anyway#and i really really like the soundtrack#and everything I've watched and read about it is sick as hell (no pun intended) so i think the thing making me unable to get into it is the#actual experience of playing it. like it's funny how much of an asshole dankovsky is but that doesn't mean I *want* to play as an asshole#its funny the only time i really like playing that way is in skyrim bc im just. greenish elf that picks everyone's locks bc it was the first#thing i figured out and characters will just ???? let me fucking do it??? (i say having gotten arrested in whiterun like immediately)#i guess because I'm not invested in any of the characters yet because i havent had time to sit down and really play it#i guess that'd kind of be the way i play in lotro but that's more just me not interacting with other players#fun fact i think i still have one of the earliest fellowship quests sitting unfinished bc i can never form groups to finish them#i don't think I'll even ever get good at lotro though honestly#more just knowing what buttons to spam#idk i played hunter FOREVER but minstrel is really really growing on me#even though some of the skills are kinda wasted since i only ever play alone#anyway what was i talking about
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oxymercuration · 2 years
New absolutely deranged Elder Scrolls OC.
Mahstae is an unpainted Ohmes khajiit born with the gift of the Sight. Despite the visions' indecipherable and cryptic nature, they became a figure of high interest and were inducted into a modern revitalization of the Pre-Riddle'Thar Epiphany religious doctrine.
Philosophical differences eventually resulted in them temporarily parting from Elsweyr. They spent a great deal of time in Morrowind studying the culture of the Ashlanders, and the similarities between the Spirits and the Reclamations. During this journey, they received a vision that prophesied the extermination of their order.
Despite their alienation from the group, Mahstae's "gift" makes them a high interest target. Masquerading as a Dunmer, they traveled to Solstheim and eventually Skyrim to pursue rumors of other hidden survivors.
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nekropsii · 10 months
although certainly not the intended interpretation, i like to believe that anyone can play sburb with enough determination. however, if you are not SUPPOSED to play the game, it will make fun of you for trying. like. congratulations! you are the gent of piss. you survived the rapture, but there is no victory screen for you. go to hell.
i think i like this because i like to believe that god is cruel and games designed to make them are crueler. just my two cents on the gent waste piss thing.
This is definitely a fun one, and makes for quite malleable story material! Full approval. I might not read too many SBURB-Likes, but from what I’ve seen of the genre, there does need to be more mischief and hate added to those games. I find that things are the most fun to read and write when the game/setting the characters are stuck in is treated as a character of its own, not unlike how it feels to play a poorly constructed game.
Ever played Skyrim? It feels like you’re fighting the game itself sometimes. Some runs feel like the game is a devious little trickster, or a villain in its own right, or just some random drunk asshole. The poor construction of Skyrim and the subsequent unique game experiences gained from it is a major source of inspiration for me, personally. Sometimes it really does feel like the game has decided to deem you a Waste of Piss. Or an Heir of Ass. Or, god forbid, a Page of Void.
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eff-plays · 4 months
To me it's not really about morality if I have to be honest. I'm an Isaac Castlevania stan and he wanted to kill literally all of humanity. Like I don't care if you play evil characters or get off to immoral dom daddies or whatever. I've wanted to punt children in Skyrim into the sun for saying sassy shit to me so like. It's a video game where you kill people. I do not care.
To me, the "problem" (or rather, the thing I like making fun of the most) is just how very surface-level evil the Ascendant ending is, how obviously evil it is, how Larian pretty much beats you over the head with it using very simple and traditional storytelling techniques ("you'll have to kill 7000 people, including literal children btw"), and how some people still manage to twist it into something it isn't (a triumphant, perfect ending) despite Larian constantly blasting at you how bad it is. (And this isn't a critique, it works well and tropes are tropes for a reason, this shit works.)
And it's not even a unique setup. It's a classic dichotomy of want vs need. That's why they're contrasting endings. Astarion wants power, but he needs freedom and self-worth. That's the gist of it.
That's why I love the epilogue titles so much, because they perfectly sum up the endings. Radiant Hopeful, because he's his own light in the dark. For someone who's been a pessimistic asshole after suffering for two centuries, that's HUGE. Sunwalking Regent means he can walk in the sun, a symbol for everything he wanted, but "regent" implies he's a temporary ruler. Someone, somewhere, will come to de-throne him one day, and every day he fears that moment. His newfound power binds him to constant fear and paranoia, and he always searches for new ways to become stronger, because in his mind, he can never be strong enough.
Spawn ending is bittersweet: he lost power, he's still cursed with vampirism and can't walk in the sun, but he is free, he is his own person and he has hope for the future. He's decided for himself what he wants to do, and that's adventuring and helping others, lending his strength to those who do not have any, in his own weird way. He's physically weaker than Ascendant Astarion, and yet he's got strength to spare.
So what's the flip side? In the ascendant ending, he has power, he has control, he has money. But he's paranoid, he's controlling, and he's terrified of losing it all again, because without it, he believes he's nothing, so having it becomes his one and only purpose. It's also bittersweet, because he finally has everything he wanted, but he'll never again have what he truly needs.
These are like ... classic tropes. You can't have it all. You have to make a choice. The thing you think you want, or the thing you don't know you need. AA stans argue that actually, no. His endings are actually suuuper flat and uninteresting. Either he stays a weak and worthless and fearful spawn, or he becomes a strong and powerful and manly supervampire (let's not unpack the masculinity stuff here cuz that's a whole other bag of yikes). That's the argument they're making. That it's a black and white choice of either you pick the stuff where everything works out forever or the stuff where he's a loser lapdog who has to obey Tav because men must either control to be real men or are controlled pussies who can't do fuck (again, not getting into that here). And it's just literally not how the story is set up. None of the companion stories are this flat. If they were, there wouldn't be any argument or choice to make. No pros and cons to weigh. And it's just logically not a good gameplay mechanic, for a role-playing game.
And yet there are people who are just choosing not to get it, just the way I choose to believe it's a choice for most of them because I don't want to believe so many of these people are genuinely this stupid.
So yeah. That's why I block AA fans on sight. Not because I think their fetish is funny (though I do), but because I genuinely don't think I would have anything to gain from people who fundamentally cannot comprehend extremely basic storytelling techniques when they're practically spelled out for you with not-very-subtle methods. It's not even a thing of consciously choosing the bad ending where he's a very shitty daddy dom because it gets them off, that's literally whatever to me, but the fact that most of them genuinely believe it's somehow the better ending.
Despite. Well all of the shit I wrote above.
So yeah. It's not about enjoying evil characters, to me. People who do generally don't brush the actual evil part under the rug. It's the refusal or apparent inability to grasp extremely basic storytelling concepts lmao. And for what? Pff.
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ordinorultor-if · 5 months
So I decided a while ago to do some facts about me when the demo dropped. Even though the demo’s been pushed back to Friday, I wanted to share some stuff about myself anyways!
So! You guys can call me JB, and today is my 21st birthday (shoutout to that one anon whose birthday is also today). I’m a cis man, and while I’m questioning my sexuality, I’m fairly certain I’m bisexual. I’m a practicing Roman Catholic, but I’m not an asshole about it - be who you wanna be, love who you wanna love, and believe in what you believe in, as long as you’re not an asshole I’m cool with you.
I was born in Chicago and lived there for a while, but me and my mom moved to Wisconsin shortly after my father passed away. Up here we basically live on a farm. We have a garden and lots of animals - two dogs and a whole flock of chickens, and we used to have horses and ducks too. I also used to have a bearded dragon (named George, because of St. George and the Dragon), but I took terrible care of the poor guy and he got sick and passed away.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist really bad. To some extent I still do, but I’ve always loved story telling, so a few years ago I realized I wanted to be a creative writer instead. While I’m currently on break from university, while I was attending I had an English Major with a Creative Writing Focus. I never declared a minor, and I was intending on a Chemistry Minor, but I might decide on an Engineering Minor when I return.
Besides reading/playing IFs, I’m into video games, TTRPGs (which is actually how I got into Interactive Fiction), firearms, history, religion and mythology, and general culture stuff. Seeing some of that, I think you could see how I ended up with the ideas for this game lol. Some of my favorite games include Crusader Kings 3 (which is how I came up with the idea for this game, playing a custom character in the Duchy of Aquitaine), Hearts of Iron IV, Skyrim, Fallout 4 (I haven’t seen the show yet, please don’t spoil it ~_~), and Cyberpunk 2077.
As mentioned above, I got into Interactive Fiction because of my love of TTRPGs. I think I’ve mentioned this story before, but I’m into Vampire: the Masquerade, and shortly after V:tM - Night Road released, I bought and played it. Around this time last year I looked into Choice of Games because of it, and the rest is history.
Also, since I couldn’t fit it in anywhere else, some genres and writing/trope stuff I like:
Childhood friends to lovers (all time favorite romance trope)
Peggy Sue fix-it fics (after all, I’m writing one over on AO3 lmao)
The former friends reconciling while facing impossible odds
Blending genres, like with sci-fan or gothic western
Related to the above: when fantasy settings have sci-fi lore/origins, and vice versa (FE3H my beloved)
Tarot motifs (again, FE3H my beloved)
Eldritch/cosmic horror
Gothic settings
Dragons that are really weird (FEA my beloved. And again, FE3H my beloved)
Anyways, that’s really all I can think of. Also, a reminder: Warlock is the best class in D&D 5E /s
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falmerbrook · 8 months
Ok not to be a lore asshole about eso, but why can you make dunmer character with gray or purple eyes. I thought part of the point of the story of how the dunmer came to be is that they all have red eyes. I know Karliah and the Sarethi's in Skyrim do, but I always assumed Karliah's was a reference to her being a descendant of Barenziah, and the other two are specific and singular enough to be seen as outliers (although there's some interesting theories about it). Is there actually a given lore reason for the change in eso?
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
the biggest problem with skyrim i see people critiquing it not point out isn't just "the writing is shallow"
i mean it is. but a lot of games have overall shallow writing without that being an issue. sometimes you dont need 90 pages of lore for smth. sometimes simple events can spiral out of control into massive problems. the elder scrolls series definitely has a world so complex though that it should have more interesting and detailed writing, but the biggest problem with skyrim isn't that
the problem is video games are not just writing and a setting. there is game play, themes, characters, and often multiple overlapping stories/plot lines in that setting. And all need to work together as cogs in a machine or the whole thing doesn't fucking work right. it's like making a play, and while i almost fucking failed script analysis in college (dont ask), i do understand that, and how different parts of the experience are weighted as a decisions
skyrim is a game that is heavily weighted towards gameplay and exploration of a setting. its primarily a sandbox game. thats all well and good, a lot of my favorite games are. it is a power fantasy that is (supposed to be) about play choice and agency. and almost nothing in the fucking game actually reinforces and works toward it. in fact it often directly contradicts it.
skyrim tries to bring up a number of themes, especially in the main story quest. stuff like morals, power, how to wield power, what actual justice means, and the nature of violence. and it does absolutely fuck all with it. if i as a dragonborn misuse my power at best i will piss off the guards which literally can happen to anyone. most of the time no matter what i do no npc gives a fuck who i am. i can be the thane of every hold in skyrim, most of the population will still be rude assholes to me.
take paarthurnax. we all hate and bemoan the dilemma we are given. either kill dragon grandpa or be locked out of the blades stuff from now on. it seems like such a stupid choice to the point one of the most popular mods is telling delphine "shut up im in charge". but i think, even if its subconscious for most people so they don't even realize it, the reason this choice is so stupid has nothing to do with the fact we like dragon grandpa (or at least not the whole thing), but because the entire empire is built upon horrific war crime after horrific war crime of emperors with dragon souls. tiber septim did absolutely heinous shit on and off the battlefield. he killed innocents. raped. abused. lied. manipulated. and he never really repented, unlike paarthurnax. what does he get? well after a convoluted scheme we learned about back in daggerfall, he gets to be a whole ass fucking god and gets worshipped. there are potentially elves who remember his reign of terror and being ruthlessly slaughtered and removed from their homes, their cities burned and families killed, all out of greed from this motherfucker. and they are the bad guys for opposing his worship. they are portrayed as cartoonishly evil mass murderers, torturers, schemers, etc etc and at no point do we get a genuinely sympathetic take from a thalmor agent where they list out all of his war crimes and horrible shit he did that still effects them to this day, and to top it all off the empire left them to fend for themselves during the fucking oblivion crisis.
so as delphine bemoans all of paarthurnax's war crimes and horrible things he has done, how no amount of repenting can make up for it and he's too dangerous to leave alive and we should kill him Right Now because what if he, even by accident, succumbs to his nature as an Evil Dragon and does horrible things again, she is also actively defending the horrific, much more recent war crimes of other Evil Dragons just in mortal form. if delphine has a point, then so do the thalmor, but they are just cardboard bad guy elf nazis and the empire can do no wrong.
violence is rewarded time and time again, but THESE characters being violent is bad. because. all dragons are evil and able to be corrupted by power, but the player if they decide to be a massive asshole don't really face that much scrutiny besides ultimate gameplay inconvenience. because this is a sandbox power fantasy! you should make your own choices without being punished! but that means the story about power, the cost of violence, justice, and morals, as well as your greater place in the world can have no gameplay weight. and if it has no weight in the most important part of the experience, then it has no fucking weight at all
i could go on and on. like how the dragons are supposedly intelligent creatures with their own language, culture, customs, and morality system but are basically for most of the game about as smart and engaging as the average bear or wolf you encounter on the road outside of 2-3 dragons in heavily scripted, linear conversations during the story, but we'd be here all day.
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yantastik · 1 month
i was wondering why hisoka’s english voice actor sounded so familiar as i’ve been watching hunter x hunter.
apparently he also voices the biggest asshole character in skyrim!
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same guy haha!
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kayden-valcourt · 5 months
Notice: This is slightly outdated new intro should be pinned
Warning: Flashing/blinking gifs This is my introduction + rules for requests!
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Sup, my name is Kayden and I am a guitarist, metalhead, programmer, Skater, and artist!
I am 16 years old plus a professional Gemini!!
If you wanna join me and my friends' server use the link below!
I mainly chill and draw all day, or sleep all day, or talk to people all day, or look at the wall all day, it truly just depends on the day man. I love talking to people too, so don't be shy to talk to me because I'm always looking for new people to talk to and be friends with!! also here is my Carrd https://bivh.carrd.co
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I love to listen to music, if you can't tell. I am especially fans of nu metal, black metal, heavy metal, glam metal/hair bands, hard rock, alternative rock, punk rock, and classic rock! Iron Maiden, Korn, Metallica, Rob Zombie, Murderdolls, Nine Inch Nails, and Slipknot are my current favorites!
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I also love to play my guitar, it's an Epiphone SG Special, cherry red color. I love to play and it's one of my few hobbies!
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I'm super into learning about and collecting photos of my favorite bands/band members, I especially am into Joey Jordison as of right now. I have over 100 photos of him and I think my favorite pictures of him are ones taken during his time in Murderdolls.
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I'm also an artist, more of a cartoonist. Digital art is my thing, I am shit when it comes to painting, sculpting, sewing, using charcoal, and anything else like that. Cartooning has been my thing since I was 12 and I plan to continue with it since I haven't stopped. I also have characters and write stories and lore for them, I plan to work on a comic when I get my art style down and have the time. I also do requests!! rules for requests:
Nothing 18+ (nudity and sexual) this includes any fetish or kink material, I probably won't draw heavy gore for requests just because it might make me a little uncomfortable to draw that for someone else, I also won't draw animals/pets/"feral" characters (I just don't have the skills for that yet).
But I can draw characters from a show, your ocs, honestly anything.
I have the right to decline/ignore your request, these are free and I do them on my own time, thank you!!!!
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I also love playing video games, specifically Minecraft, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Gmod, and TF2. I also have Pesterquest + Hiveswap which I read sometimes.
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I'm also in some fandoms, gee imagine that. I like Breaking Bad, a lot actually, I also like Homestuck (Pesterquest and the canon comic), Fallout 4, old Disney Movies (Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, Bambi, etc), Suicide Squad, Evil, Beavis and Butthead, Rick and Morty, Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama, Bojack Horseman, Beastars, Q*bert, Disenchantment, and others. Sollux is literally me IRL, idk how some asshole stole my identity and turned it into a character but they did and somehow got away with it.
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I'm always open to talk to new people plus make friend, I'm actually hella lonely and need better people in my life! Thanks for reading!!
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So in my Skyrim fanfic the Dragonborn gets this letter from the Archmage of the College of Winterhold. Says he's got a friend who's "slightly less than alive" and wants the man escorted to the face sculptor in Riften as he's heard the woman has started working on the undead. Promises a great reward if she does the mission, even if the face sculptor turns out not to be working on the undead.
So the Dragonborn goes to Winterhold because big reward, and the guy she's escorting has his face wrapped up in bandages like some sort of Dunmer version of Joshua Graham except only one eye is exposed. And he's a vampire, she can tell that from the one eye she can see.
(Spoiler: It's Dagoth Ur, and the Archmage is the Nerevarine who you may have seen on my page already from the art I commissioned, but neither of these facts are obvious.)
(Fun additional spoiler for fun future chapters: Her mother's an Ashlander and booooooooy is Ashlander mama gonna have a lot to complain about when she sees her daughter again)
I linked it elsewhere but this post is getting more attention so here's the link for those of you who are interested
Faal Hah Wuld (9718 words) by Aladayle Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Female Dunmer Dovahkiin | Dragonborn/Dagoth Ur Characters: Female Dunmer Dovahkiin | Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls), Thorald Gray-Mane, Nord Nerevarine (Elder Scrolls), Dagoth Ur Additional Tags: Post-Skyrim Main Quest, Daedra (Elder Scrolls), The Dragonborn is ADHD, The Author Also Has ADHD, Skyrim Special Edition, Skooma (Elder Scrolls), Skooma is Meth, Thalmor Being Assholes (Elder Scrolls), The Author Is Overly Ambitious, Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind References Series: Part 3 of After Destiny Summary: My mother called me Sadrith, because I was born in a mushroom cave. The khajiit caravan we traveled with called me Bishu Aydith, what they told me meant little dreamer, for the grand dreams I was always having. Dragons, flight, empirical wars… Something is wrong with me. Something that makes everything take more to do. Something that scrambles my mind, that gives me wild creativity but takes my ability to do much with it. Something that only skooma seems to help. As my mother once said - Akatosh blessed me with the soul and blood of a dragon, and Sheogorath cursed me, that I may not turn into Tiber Septim. I have defeated Alduin, though as is my mind's wont, I have no idea what to do next. But perhaps with help, I could figure it out.
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moodiestmags · 1 year
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New OC! This is just a quick character painting of Valerie Ectorius, The Last Dragonborn.
Bit of background: was training to be a battlemage in the Imperial City, had been betrothed to some asshole so she fled to Skyrim under the guise of needing a specific book from the College of Winterhold. Because of that, she ended up caught in the ambush at the border, and then Helgen happened, we all know the story.
However, she hires Teldryn and Caedra who are travelling around Skyrim, and she and Caedra end up getting along very well.
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