#assumed names
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“GERMAN-BORN SOLDIER GIVEN TWO YEARS,” Barrie Examiner. June 11, 1942. Page 1. --- Had Unlawful Registration Card and Failed to Register as Alien ---- CAME TO CANADA, '29) --- Convicted of unlawfully having in his possesin a registration certificate which was not issued to him, a 30-year-old soldier. Eric Horace Brandt, was given a term of two years in Portsmouth Penitentiary by Magistrate Compton Jeffs yesterday morning, and on a, second charge of failing to register as an alien between December. 1941, and  April of 1942, was given twelve: months to run concurrently.
When apprehended on April 15, he was in A-9, Canadian Armoured Corps (Advanced) Training Centre. (at Camp Borden, under the name of Reuben Schilski.
Constable James N. Clish of the" R.C.M.P. Toronto, detailed to investigate the case, told that he found that Brandt was born in Germany and came with his parents to Canada in 1929. After war broke out he enlisted in the Canadian army while living with his family at Lashtown. Sask.. in February, 1940, but was discharged in June, 1940, on a nominal excuse of being under age. At that time he was suspected of being pro-Nazi.
Witness stated that in November, 1941, he received permission to. move to Vancouver, but turned up later at North Battleford. Sask.. stayed overnight with a friend, Reuben Schilski, took the friend's registration certificate, and enlisted at Lloydminster under that name.
While at Camp Borden he had been in Toronto and registered at the Metropole Hotel as Roy Davis.. His father was believed to be in the German army.
The accused, of slight, build and normal appearance, told in detail his actions since 1927, when he claimed the family came to Canada. To the statutory question regarding church affiliation his reply. was, "My father is a Lutheran." He also told that he had been notified to return to Germany before war broke out with the assurance that after six months' labor camp and two year's army camp, he would be allowed to return to Canada, but he had decided to stay here. He had written asking for a guarantee of return but had received no reply.
To a question of Crown Attorney Frank Hammond, he stated that he had not taken the matter seriously but could easily have gone back to the German army if he had wished.
Mr. Hammond's view of the case was that the background gave it more serious proportions. The young man was not acting foolishly and if he had been doing so we could not afford to take a generous view:
"He is a potential danger," the Crown said.
Magistrate Jeffs thought that the situation looked like a need for internment.
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
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what I got from that trailer
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hoofpeet · 3 days
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Get Their Ass.
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samipekoe · 2 months
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Yuel commission 🦊
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omaano · 1 month
If you're still taking those polyam sketch prompts...D2 for Cody/Obi-Wan/Rex?
Obi-Wan deserves a pair of handsome space heaters for the cold Tatooine nights :3 nap piles for everyone! Thanks for asking (and for adjusting the requested pose so that I can keep drawing different poses)❤️
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Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching
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thatnununguy · 29 days
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> Dirk: Kill yourself
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A few months before Danny gets his powers, while on a trip to Gotham with his family (maybe there was a ghost convention or something). While in Gotham Danny some how figures out that Bruce Wayne is Batman. I don’t know how he figures it out, but he does. When they get back to Amity Danny jokingly makes a power point presentation for his parents about why they should put in their will that if something ever happened to them Bruce Wayne would get custody of him (and Jazz if she’s still underage at the time).
A couple of his points are:
He’s a billionaire so you know he’ll be able to afford to take care of me and Jazz
He has a mansion so lots of space and big rooms
He’s got a butler
He’s already well known for adopting black haired blue eyed children so he probs wouldn’t be opposed to taking me in
He’s got kids of his own already so me and Jazz would get more siblings!!
He’s Batman
Danny did the whole power point as a joke but his parents actually took it kind of seriously. Cause up to this point neither one of them had thought about what would happen to Danny and Jazz if the both of them where to die. So they make a will and put in it that if they both die then Bruce Wayne gets custody of their kids. And then they all promptly forget about it.
Two years later Bruce Wayne gets a call from a man claiming to be the executor of the Fenton will and that Bruce’s presence is requested in Amity Park for the reading of the Fenton will. Bruce is wracking his brain trying to remember who the Fenton’s are and if how he knows them. But the man is coming up blank (cause he’s never actually met them before). He goes to the will reading and is shocked to hear that the Fenton’s, two people he’s never met before, have left custody of their 16yo son to him.
Danny is just as shocked because holy shit that power point was a joke. He didn’t mean for his parents to actually take it seriously and do that!!! And Vlad is pissed. He was sure he was gonna get custody of Danny after killing off the Fenton parents! Bruce is trying to figure out why these two strangers left their son to him. He’s watching Danny with eagle eyes trying to figure the kid out. And he sees the way Danny flinches whenever Vlad gets close or puts his hand on Danny’s shoulder.
Vlad tries to convince Bruce it would be better for Danny if Bruce gave up custody to him(Vlad). He’s know the boy for two years after all and he was actually a family friend. Danny meanwhile is silently shaking his head and giving Bruce pleading eyes silently begging him not to let Vlad take him. Bruce just tells Vlad that the Fenton’s must have had a good reason for giving him(Bruce) custody instead of giving it to Vlad, and he’s going to abide by the Fenton’s wishes.
Bruce leaves with Danny and once in the limo he asks Danny if he’s ever met him or his parents before. Poor Danny has to explain how he jokingly made a power point about why his parents should leave custody of him to Bruce in the event of their deaths, and how he never thought his parents would actually take it seriously. But hey at least he doesn’t have to go live with Vlad now!
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basementloser · 8 months
dpxdc prompt:
danny is a fully grown adult now, but his ghost form hasn't changed at all. it still looks 14 years old. stuck in the hazmat suit he died in.
he joins the justice league as phantom.
he never tells them that his powers are ghost powers, or that he's half ghost.
when they finally find out his civilian identity, they assume he's basically just reverse shazam.
instead of a child turning into a super powered adult, it's an adult turning into a super powered child.
both danny and billy have to activate it by saying a very specific word/phrase. ("shazam", or "going ghost") (this is very much not true. danny can just transform without saying it, but they've never seen him do it)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Vaggie: “A letter of complaint probably isn’t gonna do much, babe.”
Charlie: “I don’t care.”
Vaggie: “Neither will Lute.”
Charlie: “I don’t care! Emily- will she at least read it?”
Emily: “Reading stuff is one of Lute’s main jobs, since Adam never wanted to.”  
Charlie: “Then she’ll have fun reading FIFTY of these in a ROW.”
Emily: "I don't think she'll actually have fun with that..."
Charlie: "GOOD."
Charlie: “…....wait. Her name is spelled L-U-T-E?”
Vaggie: “Yeah? How’d you think she spelled it?”
Charlie: “I thought it was loot. Like, pirate’s loot, loot boxes, stolen loot, people looting during a blackout…”
Vaggie: "Nice idea."
Charlie: "Thanks!"
Vaggie: "Waaay too imaginative for her and Adam though. It's just Lute."
Emily: “Oh, so it isn't short for Lutecia??”
Vaggie: “No. But PLEASE tell me you’ve called her that.”
Emily: “A few times… no wonder she glared at me…”
Vaggie: “You’re the most beautiful angel I’ve ever seen.”
Emily: “Y-you’re welcome!”
Charlie: “You're both gorgeous. Try looking in a mirror sometime, Vaggie. Anyway- I guess it being a stringed instrument makes more sense? Adam did have that whole guitar playing thing going on.”
Vaggie: "Huh?"
Emily: “Aw, theme naming~”
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "I guess it's kinda cute. I guess even mean people can be cute..."
Vaggie: “What the actual hell are you talking about sweetie?”
Charlie: “Lute! Like the ye oldie guitar thing!”
Vaggie: “It’s lute. As in, lieutenant?”
Charlie: “….”
Emily: “…”
Charlie: (horrified) “No…”
Emily: “E-even Adam wouldn’t be that lazy-”
Vaggie: “You’re talking about the guy who outsourced bothering his ex.”
Charlie: “But-”
Vaggie: “And then outsourced dealing with the people he’d outsourced the work to.”  
Emily: “Oh heavens he would.”
Vaggie: “The only thing Adam spent energy on was Adam, the only things Lute cares about is Adam and murder- that’s why I figured I could go waltzing back up there with you, babe.”
Charlie: “You really didn’t think they’d recognize you!? But you- you literally just grew out your HAIR!”
Vaggie: “I wasn’t in uniform or covered in blood. And those were the only times Adam or Lute ever paid attention to any of us before, so…”
Charlie: “They- rgh. RrrrrrrRRGHHH.”
Emily: “I think I need to write a few letters too, now.”
Vaggie: “I think we need to get the letters away from Charlie before she sets them all on fire-”
Emily: “Fire extinguisher?”
Vaggie: “Under the desk.”
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aro-in-danyl · 4 months
Trans Fem Alastor AU
"So are ALL of your friends woman?"
Alastor looks up from his book and tilted his head at Angel, briefly dislodging Nifty who was crafting him a new King Roach 2.0 crown.
"Whatever do you mean my good fellow? Husker's right behind you!"
Husk scowled and pointedly flipped him off while drinking straight from a bottle of vodka.
Angel patted his paw and took the bottle away with his other hand. "I mean a guy you don't have on your pay role."
Alastor hummed, "Woman are much better conversation partners. Witty, charming, and full of pizazz! Men just can't compare."
Vaggie poked her head into the room, and hearing this, grunted in agreement, "For once, can't say I disagree with you."
Angel exaggeratedly placed his hand over his heart and gasped like he'd been betrayed.
Lucifer was a bit suspicious, "You know, that sounds like something you'd say to describe yourself."
Nifty finished the crown and bestowed it upon Alastor with a flourish and a bow. He gave Lucifer a mocking smile, "I'm flattered you think so, I'd only be so fortunate."
Angel stopped antagonizing Vaggie and jokingly said, "to be a woman?"
Alastor laughed, this time like Angel had said something absurdly obvious, "Well yes, wouldn't everyone?"
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“HEAVY FINE FOR FALSE REGISTRATION,” Brantford Expositor. March 11, 1930. Page 2. ---- George De Palma Must Pay $200 or Go to Jail ---- A fine of $200 and costs or three months in jail was imposed this morning on George De Palma, 10 Sydenham street, for registering himself and a girl, under the age of 16 years, as Mr. and Mrs. Anderson at a local hotel. Magistrate Jones hears the plea of guilty and also listened to the youth's record. De Palma is out on suspended sentence for breaking and entering Ludlow Bros.' store one year ago last Christmas. He has been convicted twice on attempted burglary charges and was sent to the Industrial school for a sentence. on one of these occasions. The court passed sentence when it heard the record of the accused. The girl, being under the age of 16, will come before the Juvenile court. F. E. D. Wallace defended, pleading for a lenient view of the case.
The other couple, who made up a foursome at the hotel, will have the case heard to-morrow. A. H. Boddy, counsel, getting a further delay
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rystiel · 4 days
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welcome back jack—i mean um. rogue
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just-french-me-up · 1 year
I only watched Knives Out two days ago because I wanted to understand all the Glass Onion memes, and maybe that's a huge bias on my part but I knew Daniel Craig had an accent in the movies, i just didn't know which one, and I 110% expected a butchered french accent, because, come on, Benoit Blanc!
And nothing, NOTHING, could have prepared me for my reaction the first time he opened his mouth
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wikipediahmms · 4 months
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This fish has committed medical malpractice. Source:
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
If I see anyone blaming Dabi for using the footage of Hawks killing Twice for his broadcast this Saturday I will flip.
If I see anyone even suggest that he let Twice die on purpose, or "orchestrated" the whole thing somehow I will fucking FLIP.
Look me in the eye and tell me that if a cop murderered your friend in cold blood and you had video evidence of it happening you wouldn't fucking share it on any platform you had available!!! Especially if you were already planning an exposé about the exact topic of abuse of power.
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