#national registration
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“GERMAN-BORN SOLDIER GIVEN TWO YEARS,” Barrie Examiner. June 11, 1942. Page 1. --- Had Unlawful Registration Card and Failed to Register as Alien ---- CAME TO CANADA, '29) --- Convicted of unlawfully having in his possesin a registration certificate which was not issued to him, a 30-year-old soldier. Eric Horace Brandt, was given a term of two years in Portsmouth Penitentiary by Magistrate Compton Jeffs yesterday morning, and on a, second charge of failing to register as an alien between December. 1941, and  April of 1942, was given twelve: months to run concurrently.
When apprehended on April 15, he was in A-9, Canadian Armoured Corps (Advanced) Training Centre. (at Camp Borden, under the name of Reuben Schilski.
Constable James N. Clish of the" R.C.M.P. Toronto, detailed to investigate the case, told that he found that Brandt was born in Germany and came with his parents to Canada in 1929. After war broke out he enlisted in the Canadian army while living with his family at Lashtown. Sask.. in February, 1940, but was discharged in June, 1940, on a nominal excuse of being under age. At that time he was suspected of being pro-Nazi.
Witness stated that in November, 1941, he received permission to. move to Vancouver, but turned up later at North Battleford. Sask.. stayed overnight with a friend, Reuben Schilski, took the friend's registration certificate, and enlisted at Lloydminster under that name.
While at Camp Borden he had been in Toronto and registered at the Metropole Hotel as Roy Davis.. His father was believed to be in the German army.
The accused, of slight, build and normal appearance, told in detail his actions since 1927, when he claimed the family came to Canada. To the statutory question regarding church affiliation his reply. was, "My father is a Lutheran." He also told that he had been notified to return to Germany before war broke out with the assurance that after six months' labor camp and two year's army camp, he would be allowed to return to Canada, but he had decided to stay here. He had written asking for a guarantee of return but had received no reply.
To a question of Crown Attorney Frank Hammond, he stated that he had not taken the matter seriously but could easily have gone back to the German army if he had wished.
Mr. Hammond's view of the case was that the background gave it more serious proportions. The young man was not acting foolishly and if he had been doing so we could not afford to take a generous view:
"He is a potential danger," the Crown said.
Magistrate Jeffs thought that the situation looked like a need for internment.
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mylionheart2 · 7 days
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whenweallvote · 1 year
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A lot has happened since we last celebrated National Voter Registration Day: 
🏠 People moved, changed their name, turned 18, or attained citizenship
🗳️ Individuals who were previously incarcerated may now be eligible to vote
❌ And it’s possible some of us may have been “purged” from the voting rolls
👉 So don’t wait — visit weall.vote/check to check your registration!
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Colorado is poised to be the first state to to expand automatic voter registration to Native American reservations, thanks to a new registration system.
Tribal members have the right to vote in elections, from the local to the national level, just like other U.S. citizens. But actually casting a ballot has been an uphill battle for many tribal residents, including those here in Colorado. Even after obtaining official U.S. citizenship a century ago, Native Americans’ ability to vote has been consistently ignored or actively undermined. In recent decades, unequal access to in-person voting, early voting and election funding on tribal lands has been a particular issue...
Working with Colorado tribes, state lawmakers passed a set of election reforms earlier this year to expand voting access for Native Americans. Those reforms include the nation’s first automatic voter registration program of its kind for Native Americans. The program will cover both of the federally-recognized Native American reservations in the state—the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, and will allow the tribes’ governments to submit lists of members to be registered through the Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office.
Griswold said the new registration system could make a big difference for Colorado's tribal communities.
"Seeing registration rates and turnout rates being much, much lower on tribal lands is a big problem that we want to solve,” Griswold said. “I personally believe automatic voter registration is one of the best ways to register voters in the state of Colorado, and all of our data shows how highly effective it is.”
Colorado is one of more than two dozen states that have automatic voter registration systems, but Colorado is the only state so far to extend its system to cover Native American reservations. When Colorado rolled out its system for the first time in 2020, about 250,000 people were added to the state’s voter rolls within the first year.
Now, [Secretary of State] Griswold hopes the new registration program will have a similar effect on tribal lands in the state. She wants to see the program in place in time for the 2024 election. For now, tribal leadership is reviewing the plan and providing feedback on it.
“It will not take us much time to register people once we start receiving data,” Griswold told KUNC. “But I think there's a couple of logistics to still work through.”
Measures to keep tribal members' information confidential were added recently at the request of the Southern Ute tribe, and lawmakers have also increased the number of on-reservation vote centers available for early voting and on Election Day.
This year’s election reforms also build on a slew of changes in recent years. For example, in 2019 Colorado lawmakers guaranteed in-person voting centers on tribal lands and loosened address requirements for voters."
-via GoodGoodGood, December 15, 2023
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mishacollins · 1 year
I usually ignore "National [Fill-in-the-blank] Days,” but today happens to be two of the most important out of the year. Today is National Pudding Day and National Voter Registration Day.
So… go check your voter registration status RIGHT NOW and then to celebrate, eat some creamy white stuff!
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perseuspixl · 6 days
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tomorrowusa · 7 days
Tuesday September 17th is National Voter Registration Day! 🇺🇸
It serves as a reminder to register ahead of the upcoming general election.
Some ballots are already being sent out. So reminding people to register needs to happen earlier than in the past. And because voter registration does close in various states as early as October 4th, this serves as a heads up.
So double check to see if you're still registered. Here are several resources.
I Will Vote
Be a voter | Vote Save America
Register to vote in U.S. elections | Vote.gov
While you can register online in most states, my own preference is to register in person at the local Board of Elections office, the County Clerk's office, or at City Hall. The advantage is that you will know immediately if you have all the right documentation. Plus you can take a phone picture of your completed application.
Certain states are more interested in restricting voting than encouraging voting. So if you make any minor mistakes (like wrong zip code) then it's possible that such things could be used to deprive you of your right to vote.
As I frequently remind people, voting is geographically based. If you have moved since the last election, you must register at your new address – even if it is just across the street. Registering to vote at a new address should be part of your routine whenever you move.
Today is a good time to check with your friends, family, and co-workers to see if they're properly registered. Be polite but insistent. To win an election, you need the votes. And you don't get the votes unless people are registered.
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glorf1ndel · 6 days
Reminder to my United States pals that it’s National Voter Registration Day! Please sign up to vote. It’s what Aragorn would want! 💪⚔️
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i cant with this man…
creamy white stuff?!
really misha?!
im dying
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lakecountylibrary · 7 days
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Election day is scary enough without finding out you can't vote.
Are you registered? ARE YOU SURE? Data errors, voter roll purges, and mistakes happen all the time.
Here's what to do right now: Go to https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/register-to-vote/ and pick your state. It'll give you your registration deadline and official ways to register or check your status.
That's it! You're ready to save democracy!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"SEND DRAFT DODGER TO JAIL, 6 MONTHS," Toronto Star. June 24, 1943. Page 35. ==== Rousseau Received Registration Card Contrary to Criminal Code ---- "C" Police Court, City Hall; Magistrate Prentice. Albert Rousseau, appearing for sentence on four charges involving national registration certificates, was given six months by Magistrate Prentiss. He was found guilty of failing to report for military service, failing to notify the department of a change of address, having an illegal registration card, and receiving a registration card contrary to the criminal code. On each of three charges he was fined $50 or three months, and on the fourth charge was sentenced to six months. All sentences are concurrent.
ROBBED MILK BOTTLES ---- "B" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Woodliffe. Sixty days in jail was the penalty imposed on Joseph Roland Jodin, a recent arrival from Montreal who pleaded guilty to the theft of coins from milk bottles. Crown Counsel F. T. Malone pointed out accused had a record for minor offences.
Charged with a breach of black-out regulations, Mrs. Katharine Johns stated she had been absent from the city on a farm for some days preceding and following the blackout and consequently knew nothing of a light one of nine roomers had left in the hall of her home on Dundas St. W. Air Raid Wardens G. Hyman and R. Mosher testified a light had been left on in the hall throughout the blackout.
"Suspended sentence upon payment of costs," said court.
Onie Brown, counsel for Francis Oliver, charged with theft of an electric drill, the property of M. J. Daley, and a pipe cutter, stock and dies and other tools, the property of Purdy Mansell Co., and with receiving the above goods, elected trial by a higher court. Daley, a tinsmith. executing a contract at Massey Harris Co., told of tools being stolen there. Witness identified a drill, produced by the crown. Detective Geo. Herron testified accused, employed at the plant, had stated he had got the drill from a man at work. The drill had been recovered in a pawn shop. Herron added.
"Committed for trial," directed the court. "I will consent to a committal on the other charges," said Mr. Brown.
Bail of $1,000 was renewed..
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mylionheart2 · 7 days
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whenweallvote · 13 days
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Voting is everyone’s business — and YOU know your communities best. That’s why we are asking you to host a voter registration drive during our  National Voter Registration Week of Action from September 16-22! 🗳️🫂📝 
Sign up now at WeAll.Vote/nvrw to make sure your friends, families, and neighbors are registered and ready to vote on Election Day. We’ll help you with every step of the way!
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warpedwings · 6 days
Misha Collins wants you to vote! It's National Voter Registration Day in the US!
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dragons1re · 6 days
Happy National Voter Registration Day!!
Are you registered??
Click here to check! And to get started with your registration if you aren’t already!!
I’m registered, and am extremely excited to continue exercising my right to participate in our government!
This is a big year. The federal government is not the only thing we’re voting on this year! Please educate yourself about local politics-that often affect you a lot more than presidential elections. And remember to get out and vote! Research your state’s voting rules, polling locations, etc!
Get out and vote!!
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alfalfapie · 1 year
Misha really just posted a gif of Dean Winchester pulling his pants down with a caption that contains the words "eat some creamy white stuff!" like I know National Voter Registration Day is important, but damn.
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