#assuming ppl see this pls no spoilers
this-is-krikkit · 1 year
idk what i expected from severance but lowkey starting to ship two old propaganda art nerds certainly wasn't on the list??
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yellowymellon · 4 months
2.2 spoiler analysis (?)
The most tragic thing about Sunday is that he didn't learn anything. Granted he was trying to convince our side of his plan and we lept on the offense to try and stop him instead of talking to him, it might've not convinced him but it gives him a broader perspective. He who doesn't know the world, only dreams. Sunday's philosophy happened as a result of his shelterdness. It's ultimately flawed because what he thinks is weakness is too broad when he actually means the weak willed and the unfortunate. I actually agree on that part, some ppl are dealt some card that can't be changed, but he thought of firefly as a weakling even tho she isn't weak willed, she's fighting for herself . He only knows penacony, and how everyone here is only trying to escape from something, a job, a past, and eventually a life. It was the impeding horror that his wish cannot come true because no higher power can ever grant them the perfect world, and the crushing sadness as he sees people helpless.
But escapism is inherent in humans, and that's why his plans never were about changing reality, or fighting for the world. He was the one who escaped the most from life and living, from pain and tragedy. He, Is the Weakling. And so the shadow of nihility loomed over.
if he wasn't ascending but kept being a human god then I can only assume he'd break, because he is not protecting the weak anymore, he's holding on their everything, and they'd lay every burden on him to fix. It was true when robin said that the order cannot fix humanity's flaws, and Sunday had the fatal impressions that the weak needed to be "babied", instead of nurtured and led to become strong themselves, and that the weak would rather not fight against the odds. I was a bit iffy about how the crew had no real argument but that last line...damn it was too good. Life slumbers, so that someday we wake up. And I think that's the moral of the story. People have their ups and downs, we struggle and it gets too hard to bear, so we escape, and that's okay. But then dawn comes again and we have to face life. "There's no night with no darkness"
I still semi support Sunday's plan, because the moral of the story to us was to face reality, but this is a fictional world, we can never have a dude ascend to create this paradise to us, but they can.
Sunday is so stubborn, as he falls down from the defeat of the duel he said would decide the better ideology, he still reached to the sky and lamented over his loss, as if humanity lost, and people would still suffer. But wasn't that the point of the dual? Wasn't that what should've convinced him? He falls motionlessly even as robin hugs him.
Everything was too strange to him, when TB tells him we sleep so that someday we wake up, he's stunned into silence,like it's too late of a conclusion he never came to because HE never woke up. And thus, he wakes to weep.
If you've seen the 2.3 LC with Sunday on it, spoilers for description if you mind : he once again despairs over the loss, and what does he eventually say? That maybe....maybe there's a way... *Sigh* we know of elio's letter to him, but Sunday gets stubborn like with sparkle so I'm not sure if he'll agree but, not the order again pls;;;
If anyone can articulate what path Sunday was walking on (clarification: as an aeon xD) hit me up! I can't explain it...he didn't fully believe in the order, nor Harmony, him saying to ena that humanity was the one who created you sounds like he believes in humanity, yet he doesn't, it's like he believes in the path but not the aeon (or their track record of destruction lol). Sunday has the kind of contradictions that tingle one's brain
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kiingfluffybuns · 7 months
in another episode of Burns talking about TGED without reading the novel and only focusing on the webtoon as source material
Can we talk for a moment about Kim Suho and his Best Friend whose name I do not know (if it was mentioned before, pls lemme know)??
Now, I tend to focus a lot on the imagery of the narrative, like I mentioned before, since in the webtoon we do not have literal text to describe actual scenes, it has pushed to take its liberties on how it develops.
We have seen it on the mayor differences between N!Javier and W!Javier. (I was told.)
With that being said, my current theory in the matter is that Kim Suho is NOT a reliable narrator.
What do I mean with that?
(I will not post screenshots bc of spoilers)
In today's CH, we begin with a flashback of Kim Suho meeting w his rich Best Friend who he invites to the bath-house.
Now, Suho mentioned before on a previous flashback that his Best Friend invites him to eat out a lot just for the mere satisfaction of showing off his money. And while it's absolutely hilarious to think so, I do believe it wasn't the case.
In this new memory, Best Friend offers him the service for free, shaking Suho a lot, he questions him and the replies he gets are pretty simple, 'my mom owns the place', 'I'm helping her today', but all of that while he's making a very wicked smile.
This gave me the realization that all of this sequence is strictly within Suho's POV, which we can interpret the whole interaction was actually twisted to fit his narrative.
There's a high chance that Best Friend is doing all of these things out of real kindness and bc he does care for Suho.
But bc he refuses to believe ppl does things out of nowhere (like himself), he is convinced that he's being mocked.
For Suho, it has to be that way, he can only receive any kind of help as long as there's a 'catch', just the same way he gives help.
It also makes him upset to understand that his Best Friend knows his schedule well enough to show up at the proper time to ask him to hang out. Which in retrospect, is not that weird.
With time we all get to know when friends/family get off and on to work. It's not rocket science. But bc Suho is not making that same effort for his Best Friend, he assumes that that's the norm.
Why is he doing all of these things? Why does he know when he's free? How does he know he needs to relax?
Bc those are normal things to know of ppl one's close to.
But for Suho, he doesn't take that as relevant to give effort to. So much that he doesn't understand the simpler answers to those questions because he, himself, wouldn't answer them normally. They have to be negative.
Now, this made me believe that he's not being properly truthful with these memories, since he's convinced that all of these 'kind' actions were made w the idea of being mocked by.
After all, regardless of what was the memory, it's extremely normal that ppl will retell a story to fit their narrative.
In this case, that Best Friend just wanted to be entertained with Suho's struggles.
Now, this doesn't seems to happen when it comes to Javier, and the answer I came up for that might be a bit painful. Unconsciously, Suho probably still sees Javier as a fictional character and not a real person. So to give him effort doesn't seems wasteful since he's not 'real'
After all, this story falls into the same gender as Isekai, 'escapism'. So Suho wouldn't have a problem to blend and care for the new ppl around him bc they are not real. They are part of his escapism. Ofc I'm sure that is changing bc he's now seeing the family and home as his. It's just matter of time when he understands that he's actually building proper interpersonal relationships.
That's all I have for now, good night.
ps, if you don't agree, just block me and move on LMFAO.
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floof-ghostie · 1 year
casually leans on wall and hands you a microphone. how was the spiderverse experience i want all the deets (ive already watched it dw about spoilers👍🏾)
Ohhhh Strap in we're gonna be here for a while (Imma do this in point form for this, because so many thoughts, no energy for real paragraphs
Okay the animation. THE ANIMATION MEDIUMS. So many cool methods. I loved the colour changes in Gwen's universe. HOBIE'S ENTIRE THING, THE WAY HE'S ANIMATED OMG
Mumbattan is such a cool city, I love mashing irl cities to make one cool megacity so much it's such a lil fave worldbuilding thing of mine
Pavitr is so great, I love him, idek how to talk about him I just like him a lot. Him and his gf make such a cute pair too!
Also him saying "I don't use product, just coconut oil, prayer, and good genetics". I love him
The chai tea scene. God he's so great
THe character design is amazing and sososososo cool!! I love that we see the characters change (Gwen's hair growing longer and pinker, Miles' growth spurt, Peter B.'s bathrobe, MAYDAY's LIL SPIDER HAT THAT MJ PROLLY MADE FOR HER).
I love Pravitr's costume glowup. Thank you to whoever arranged for that.
Also, Hobie??? His lace coded boots?? His locs??? HIS FUCKING PIERCINGSSS??? HOW HE COMPARED A FUCKING VOID TO CAPITALISM??? Him taking a liking to Mayday, and straight up SHOWING MILES HOW TO GET OUT OF THE FORCE FIELD WITH A LIL SMIRK?!!! I need him. Need his gender. I love his anarchist ass.
His design really calls back to the punk scene in England, and I love the way he reminds me of old newspapers
Speaking of Hobie, holy shit that guy was flirting with Miles. I know what you are (pls Hobie do u like enbies?)
"I hate the AM, I hate the PM (prime minister probably, idk for sure) AND I HATE LABELS" I love you
Daniel Kaluuya, thank you for your service.
Also Hobie and Gwen make such a funny friendship. But I don't ship them.
The themes of growing up, and Miles' parents being worried about Miles and the people he's with...I nearly cried in the theatre, and I don't normally cry during stuff.
You can just tell that black people were making the big decisions for this movie. Aaron and Rio asking Miles why he took the braids out. Jeff and Rio being like "On time means 5 minutes early", I felt so at home watching this movie. I'm not even from Brooklyn but I just felt so at home at all the interactions Miles had with his neighbors. Even the random storeowner.
Like ppl were speaking aave, using patois, Hobie's accent. And none of that was played for laughs (except for Hobie's lingo but that's a little different bc he's British)
I love how Miles' Ganke is so different from Peter Parker's Ganke. It's such a fun detail how Miles' Ganke was like "I'm not gonna be your guy in the chair".
I love that despite the general "Canon" for Spider Man, there are some differences! I love those intricate details!
And the way the lady in the office was so hasty to force the narrative of them "struggling" when that really wasn't the case? Hit real close to home. I just love the Davis-Morales family
I love the way that the Spot isn't like a general "mildly bad" villain like I originally assumed. I really thought he'd be kind of a "setup" villain, or something that they'd have to clean up and THEN Miles would take care of Miguel and them.
I especially love the way that The Spot is someone from the first movie, who we don't even know until his backstory is brought up.
His voice is also perfect too. He sounds like a complete loser.
Miguel O'Hara. Meet me outside, I just wanna talk
No For real though, he talks a lot of shit about Miles being "The Original anomaly" when his ass needs to inject himself with some kinda spider-fluid to maintain his powers??? Mind you, he tried to force himself into a reality that wasn't his.
This guy is just an A-class hater. What do you have against Miles, honestly???
On the subject of the Spider Verse I think it's so cool how there were so many callbacks to the original canon of Spiderman! I loved seeing the og live action Spider Men in the film too!
And the easter eggs! I couldn't keep up with them all!
Also, wtf was Childish Gambino there. I mean I'm not mad, I actually found Miles' staring at him really funny
I love Issa Rae's voice! But Jessica, queen, please don't fight, you is PREGNANT
Also idk why but for some reason I thought Jessica and Miguel were married in the beginning. Not completely sure.
Gwen being like "Can you adopt me?" when first meeting Jessica...She's so real
Also Gwen is so sososososo so so trans. It's so great
THE ENDING FUCKING DESTROYED ME ARE YOU KIDDING???? 42-Miles being the Prowler?? I'M NOT OKAY BUT I'M SO EXCITED to see what happens!!
But in all seriousness, all the feelings in the movie talked about and the the things left unresolved for the next movie is just. You can tell this was such a labour of love and all the animators were so happy and excited to work on it. I cannot wait for Beyond the Spider Verse!! I'm still buzzing!!
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nazorneku · 4 months
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time for more Ji Yan yapping— pls beware of #wuwa spoilers, even tho i will not go into much detail regarding the whole story and quests, but specific mentions will be present... so caution is advised, regardless
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After my previous post, I was asked to elaborate on the matter of why I made Ji Yan so young— The answer is rather simple: it was literally written in the game and spoken out by characters directly, so unless you skip story and cutscenes, you will not miss it.
Will start from the fact that was delivered directly from the man himself. Ji Yan, in his companion quest, mentioned that he was appointed to the role of General at the age of 20.
In his character story, it's written that he is the youngest General in Midnight Rangers' history. Which also implies that Geshu Lin (previous General) is older than Ji Yan.
YangYang also stated that he was assigned to this position after the Battle beneath Crescent. We do not have the exact time frame, but I assume it was short after and not years after.
Narrowing down the timeline, TaoQi explained that the Battle beneath Crescent took place 3 years ago.
Now I will go further with his age and point out other certain things.
In his companion quest, it's again mentioned that Ji Yan was a part of temporary Gulpuff Relay team 10 years ago that set a record, which remains still unbeaten. It also described him as "new recruit". Concluding with everything said above, Ji Yan joined the ranks of Midnight Rangers as medic at the age of 13.
Again in his character story it's written that he was born into the family with a medical background and became his mother's assistant at the age of 10. He still keeps the pill case, disguised as a gourd and it has a lot of sentimental value for him.
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There're also some things I want to mention that are related to his story. I see a lot of ppl being upset that his companion quest did not tell them anything 'bout Geshu Lin and ngl I'm like 🤡 that quest isn't 'bout him, but Ji Yan as a character and person, it showcased us his second side. Before we only saw his General side, and the quest showed us his human side, with his own fears and regrets.
In regard to Geshu Lin, despite the drastic and extreme measure with which the previous General commanded the army, Ji Yan still holds respect towards him. They are indeed polar opposites in handling the same position, where Geshu Lin commands "victory at all cost" and Ji Yan aims for "victory with minimal loses". Both cope with the burden of command in different ways - the first willing to sacrifice others to achieve victory, the latter will sacrifice self. NGL their conversations in both Ji Yan's trailer and main story gave me a lot to think 'bout— And then there's this piece from his character story.
Day after day, year after year, he fought in vain until he was the sole survivor on a desolate battlefield. The Tacet Discords transformed into his fallen comrades, encircling and closing in on him. Despite being known for his calm and decisive nature, few were aware of the nightmares that would sometimes jolt him awake, haunted by the voices of the dead. As the general, it was Ji Yan's duty to safeguard not only the borders, but also the entirety of his nation. Every move he made and every plan he enacted carried immense responsibility and consequence. This is why he seems to be always frowning, thinking, and planning ahead. One day, perhaps, he will finally turn around and answer those questions from the dead. He fights for the living, and for the deceased.
Ji Yan is very compassionate, he takes every loss personally and one of the major displays of that is Captain Bei Wang. He was a Midnight Ranger, a friend and last patient, and his death pushed Ji Yan to join the battlefield. And the wind spear he wields now, was modelled after that Bei Wang wielded.
Another meaningful connection to Ji Yan is Mortefi. From the latter's profile we find out that he was saved by Ji Yan and referred to the Academy, in return he provides own help to Midnight Rangers and helped solve a lot of problems. Mortefi has also anger-management issues that can cause Overclocking (overuse or loss of control over the Forte; causes can be emotional and phycological stress, bursts of energy), the scales we see on his body are the result of it. Unlike Ji Yan, whose frequency displays high stability with a low risk of Overclocking. I also do like their communications, 'cause Ji Yan does sound softer around Mortefi and he even smiles, and Mortefi sounds playful around Ji Yan. Considering the general opinion of ppl on Mortefi and him often sounding almost arrogant, it's v peculiar change. And he also doesn't use the title "General", when talking to or 'bout JiYan, which indicates further at their close relationship.
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juhneenteagues · 2 years
I’m currently watching Wednesday and I’m not finished with the season but I have a couple thoughts:
1) I love Enid that’s my sista
2) I love Bianca. From ep1 I was like YES a DS Black girl who’s the HBIC !!!
2.a) I immediately wanted an enemies to lovers ship with Wednesday and Bianca while watching ep1 lol I doubt the show will ever go that route but a girl can dream
3) I love how Enid and Wednesday have a “we’re opposites but we will do anything for each other” type friendship… similar to Galinda and Elphaba in a way lol
4) so far from what I’ve seen in the show, Wednesday is either aro or at least queer (even outside my want of an enemies to lovers arc) therefore I find the triangle between Wednesday Tyler and Xavier very boring
4.a) another reason I don’t care for the triangle is one, Wednesday, to me, has not shown or expressed any romantic interest in either guy since she got to Nevermore but because both boys immediately took a liking to her, they both projected their feelings onto her and then got upset when it came to the Rave’N dance; and two, the classic teen romance drama kinda takes away from why we like Wednesday so much as a character. She is diff from everyone else and I feel like I’m fine with her going to a high school and not having a bf, gf, or any romantic partner
5) I don’t think Gomez actually killed that Garrett kid… either Morticia did and he’s covering for her bc he loves her or possibly he died some other way? Anyway considering where I left off in the show before making this post is Gomez going to jail and Wednesday bearing his story and her not believing it… I’ll guess I’ll find out soon
6) not crazy about these portrayals of Gomez and Morticia… the energy just isn’t there for me. I know a lot of ppl dislike the casting of Gomez (Luis Guzman), I assume mostly bc he’s unattractive by societal standard (aka he’s fat)… which I initially didn’t care about bc who cares if Gomez is fat, as long as his personality is the same then it’s fine… but idk…. his Gomez is different but not in a refreshing way.
6.a) I do like CZJ’s Morticia more than I like LG’s Gomez but still idk… maybe I’m being too harsh of a critic but it’s not quite all the way there for me for some reason….
7) Since episode one I haven’t trusted the principal and I half don’t trust Miss Thornhill so I’m curious to see how their characters play out by the end of the season
8) Eugene, just like Enid is very precious to me! I felt bad he got got by the monster and I’m shocked but happy they didn’t kill him off… I was upset that he (very predictably) still went into the woods the night of the dance even tho Wednesday told him not to
8.a) I love the fact that he has lesbian moms!
9) idk if I have other thoughts if I do I guess I’ll reblog and add more later
10) I wanted this to be an even number lmaooo
10.a) I am 25 and I barely saw The Addams Family 1 & 2 this year 😭😭😭 I have no reason as to why I had never seen it before last month (or maybe it was September) but I LOVED those movies and them kooky ass Addams 😂 which is why I feel like I’m disappointed in the characterization of Gomez and Morticia. That’s all
If you actually read all this pls feel free to reply ur thoughts as well and let’s talk about it. (Reminder I haven’t finished the show, I’m on ep5)
11) I just remembered… Tim Burton you ain’t seeing heaven for multiple reasons but WHY is the Black mayor also the owner of a theme park or whatever that is PILGRIM themed???? The disconnect????????
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cherubinym · 1 year
Here's something that has been staying in my head rent-free for a long while now: Pokemon World Tournament.
Like,, who would get sent to participate from each region from the rebornverse (assuming that the limit of participating gym leaders is 8), how well would they do, who would they interact with from the canon characters, who would have the biggest beef with someone, etc.
Also if Reborn/Aevium/Ayrith had the chance to host the PWT (assuming that it changes location each time like the Olympics), which place would they choose? Like, there are some obvious picks like where tournaments were already hosted before, but still
Ooooo... ok thbis one is v interesting!!
Gonna go ahead and say. Spoilers for reborn postgame, rejuvenation v13, and deso e6 lmaooo.
Ok so PWT stuff. Starting with desolation we ummm kinda only know 8 alive gym leaders LOL. so the 8 from there would likely be Connor/Aderyn/Emily/Rosetta/Aaron/Garret/Reeve/Ava. Now there is Also a dragon leader mentioned too, so it's definitely likely for that one considering dragon typing's notoriety; however as we only have connection to 8 gym leaders (that are still kicking) at all in deso, it's safe to assume for now that those 8 would be the ones invited.
For rejuv? Im willing to go Venam/Narcissa/Valarie/Amber/Lavender/Talon/Saki/Kreiss for my picks. Just based on situation; though theoretically if this is in a true tl where all is peaceful then it shouldnt really matter. Regardless, Venam/Amber/Saki is a Do Not Separate kind of situation. They're all pt notorious in their own way lol and def more willing to be in front of the crowd. Narcissa and Valarie are performers too, and would be slay to see. Talon because of his sheer popularity despite not actually being ingame yet lol (thus my actual reasoning is also behind bars; but there is one.). Kreiss because I Said So. If not Kreiss, then Erick or Florin tbh. Valarie Could Also be swapped out for Florin or Adam. It kinda depends, but yuh.
Reborn . Saphira/Charlotte/Julia/Florinia/Ciel/Adrienn/Luna/Radomus. Belrose sisters, very notorious; v popular. This is counting as long as they have BEEN gym leader majorly at some point btw lol. Julia is just Happy To Be There and very energetic. Rini is there bc Julia is but also bc she's just v good. Terra isnt there because she's banned .
Ciel is also a performer-- i def tried to lean towards charas that would actually be more chill in a crowd. Which is immediately heel turned by Luna but whatever. Again an argument of popularity. Adrienn already goes all over to other regions; xe is the most solid "oh absolutely" i have when it comes to going to other region things.and Radomus is . Because I like him and he's cool. Aya is a perfectly viable swap for him tho considering she willingly became a reserve in a diff region anywy
Kreiss and Radomus would either get along very well or be Extremely annoyed at one another. No inbetween. Ava and Rini are shaking hands in mutual respect. Charlotte and Amber have a fierce rivalry but are absolutely hitting it off. I feel like Luna and Venam would actually get along rlly well :). Emily and Julia have to be kept separate because they get along too well and have the same ideas. Saphira stays as far away from Saki and Connor as possible. Reeve and Adrienn are absolutely vibing together; Rosetta is there, too. Ciel and Aderyn bond bc Flying types. Can see Talon getting along w Aderyn and all four Cellia ppl a lot. Saki Also has to Not meet Julia and Emily or hell ensues. She also reallyyyy gets along w Garret. Aaron and Aya beef; because it's funny. Connor doesnt want to associate w the other fire type users.
Locations tho. The obvious statements are Labradorra for Reborn, GDC for Aevium, and Cellia Central for Ayrith. Buuuuut. To choose a diff place (esp for reborn and aevium, since the safety of those are Questionable);
Opal Ward / Agate Circus for Reborn
East Gearen City / Teila Resort for Aevium
Cellia East / North for Ayrith ( i knowww kinda cheap but uh there's not exactly another place we know of yet that sounds good for tournaments w large amt of people lmaoooo. Mayyyyybe Sunshell but thassa big stretch... and blackview is a no go in its state )
So yeah!!! V interesting question, ty!! Sorry if i talked toooooo much lol
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pondslime · 1 year
I've been absent from Tumblr for a couple of days and somehow my FYP is full of Sinclair thots??.?? Is this some national holiday?🥶🥶🥶🥶 I have so many that gnawl at my brain at night.
Imagine calling Bo Beauregard for the first time🤐🤐🤐 You're either trying to be serious and have a real conversation with him for the first time since settling in Ambrose (spoiler: this is impossible. He's misogynistic and a firm believer that there's nothing to talk about with girls🩷🩷🩷🩷 he gives off that TikTok vibe "Do girls even have hobbies?" Like bro, drinking bear and crying ain't a hobby either), or you're so exhausted with his neanderthal shenanigans that you just sigh "Beauregard...." while absolutely pissed off and annoyed.
I just KNOW mama Sinclair would call him Beauregard in that no-nonsense tone when he would rip a hole in his dress pants before church , he must have PTSD from hearing his own freaking name. He's so used to being just Bo, that the only times he even acknowledges his full name are when he's either being scolded by his parents or when he's arrested and sees it on the paperwork.
So yeah, long story short I doubt he'd be amused by anyone calling him Beauregard. RIP MC.
*bonus crack thought* I remember talking here with someone about how Fucking Funny™ would it be to call Bo Robert. I'm not a native English speaker and I honestly never heard of the name Beauregard before😭😭😭 I just assumed Bo is like Bob, which is Robert😂😂😂😂 I'd get smacked on the head with a wrench for trying to be cute and calling him Robert. End scene
omg jhdsjhfjd not the fyp being inundated w/my dumbassery 💀
I lowkey felt like I was spamming the dash last night. BUT idk what came over me, I've had a couple days off work and I'm in a chatty mood hjhdsjahjhsdjh like. I just wanna TALK about this goofy ass movie?? **note to all the poor souls that might be following me rn: pls feel free to block the tag "sinclair brainrot hours" if u would like to save urself from my shenanigans**
this ask is killin me dshjhdfsjhj DRINKING BEER AND CRYING AIN'T A HOBBY BOY
I'm unfortunately part of the Anti-Beauregard Sinclair Hater Nation. I am, after all, the graphic designer responsible for THIS abomination:
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context for this can be found here, with poki's galactic big brain take
I also love this take on what his real actual name is 🐔🧊
I just CANNOT buy this guy as a beauregard hdjhdfjh I simply cannot
HOWEVER. I do this thing w/ppl I'm fond of where I'll lengthen their names in ridiculous ways. like just add in entire syllables and letters that just. wholly don't exist. and I could see one of two situations playing out w/bing bong
scenario one: u drop a "beauregard" out of the blue one day. maybe you're trying to be cute. maybe you're trying to piss him off. he looks over @ u. crinkles his brow and gives u the bitchest lil expression. u best be glad u make good pork chops, WOMAN. bc u can't even remember his NAME. who tf u think ur talkin to??? one of ur fancy shmancy city boys?? get outta here!! just grumblin' around the living room abt how if u want some prissy ass boy w/a genteel ass name like that, his brother's right downstairs grumble grumble mutter mutter
scenario two:
he's been slurpin up that good ambrose moonshine (some crazy ass shit that comes in a jug w/x's on it. u know the one. lester labeled it as "ambrosia" and walks around saying it's the "fruit of the gods" and slappin his knee. bo has no fuckin' idea what he's saying.) and despite his high tolerance, boy's a bit sloshed. so are u. u drunkenly crawl into his lap and call him beauregard. he thinks this is v heehaw funny. whatchu think I am girl?? some kinda royalty?? that pretty lil head of urs is all kindsa messed up!! figure I AM like a king here hehehehehe
both equally as annoying😔
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whilomm · 1 year
u kno i feel like there should be more etiquette with spoiler tagging stuff. like, okay if we're talking movie spoilers. then yea i expect u to have seen the entire movie so anything is fair game really, no issues there. if its a tv show thats currently airing and ppl do the "stuff from the newest ep is tagged/recent Big Stuff is tagged", thats also usually fine, sure.
but if im in a discord and we're talking about a Current Game that everyones playing (like. zelda.) ppl are spoilering like EVERYTHING even shit thats from the tutorial area. and half of them have no context theyre just a big block of spoilered text and i have no way of knowing whether its someone commenting on how much they love rauru or if theyre literally SPELLING OUT THE END OF THE DRAGON TEARS QUEST. but its in the middle of a convo on tutorial island stuff so i assume ah its probably safe :) NOPE MAJOR SPOILERS OF ONE OF THE BEST MOMENTS IN THE GAME
just. hey when i need to spoiler shit i usually add context like "endgame spoilers: [spoilers]" or "end of dragons tear quest spoilers: [spoilers]" or "rito village spoilers: [spoilers]". or i might do it more casually if its st like "omg i loved how in zoras domain they [spoilers]". its a 200 hour game i dont want to wait until ive literallt finished the entire thing to check those spoiler tags and see that half of them were just talking about the tutorial island and the other half were endgame!! just. context...pls...
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hesitationss · 1 year
gundam: the witch from mercury cour 2 ep 1/ep 13, spoilers ahead!
i said i was going to write out my thoughts for each episode, so i'm doing it now before i watch ep 3!! by the end of season 1, SO much happened, in particular there was the big moment where suletta murders and feels no remorse for it. we are starting to see her sense of morality and personhood dictated by solely her mother who is the big schemer begin to unwind. guel has just... experienced too much character development and it left me very curious as what he would be doing next, where that leaves his brother (who I am assuming will be next acting CEO, he has got to be only 15/16 though if suletta is a second year! poor kid :(...)
the earth students barely survived and it was all thanks to NIKA who has got to be my favourite character. the dynamic she has with the whole earth house, but especially chu and martin fill me with a lot of dread about what's to come. at this point, i've already seen ep 1 so i know that her info has been leaked. martin already suspects her, but i am just dreading for when she and chu have to come face to face about it. clearly the whole earth house is traumatized by the reality of GUNDAMS and other technology being used for killing.
the ep opens w suletta fighting all of her backed up duels during their time at plant quetta, she still has a mostly positive attitude about being at school, it hasn't really hit her that they have experienced terrorism, not like it has for the earthians. i'll do a separate post about the OP and ending i think... there's so much to look at lol. i think most people would have been terrified in that situations, but we know how closely earthians experience conflict, even those who are more well off. i also love that they all have different responses too. chuchu is enraged, nino continues to be despondent, martin and nika who are expected to have it together are filled with a lot of mental turmoil. Shaddiq is leading the presentation on the aftermath of the plant quetta incident and oh no! guel's baby brother, lauda, is acting head of the company. rly not prepared for what he's going to go through to further guel's character or the fact that he has had no time to grieve...but also anticipating lauda and guel meeting again after they are *changed by the narrative*...
gosh there is so much happening here... with shaddiq's schemes and also suletta's mom as the underlying mastermind for everything...it's always that damn masked character!!! weirdly enough, i think shaddiq and nika are still my favourite characters, there's so much build up in what roles they will play and i think their character arcs will be really captivating... but i am also a sucker for side characters!! i'm still dying to know what nika's relationship with her "father" figure is like since i am assuming she is also a war orphan. it doesn't seem like she has a relationship with the earth witches aside from socio-political faction. also the worn out and ripped toys that sophie calls her "family" 🥺 i'm fine and normal about these kids i swear...
mostly i am like... SO worried about the earth kids... nika, martin, chuchu...............pls SURVIVE like i just know that shit is gonna start going down, the first season was to build up the school life vibe and let the students experience joy while the drama builds up. the politics and anti-war themes were just sprinkled around, but never made it to the main plot you know? but now it's getting serious ahhh nika pls SURVIVE
also on a less serious note, challenging ppl to duels is SO yugioh lmao
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waloeders · 11 months
i have a bunch of fun tibids relating to that fic (so spoilers below for my own fic i guess??? and also ff16 spoilers LMAO) but i dont wanna clog dash so. readmore my beloved<3
this turned into an info dump abt so many things. enjoy?
- ok so fun fact #1: the use of Lord vs lord throughout is directly relating to how much barnabas' belief in ultima as a god/the god is wavering
- similarly, the use of mythos vs logos. in another fic set before this one that ive yet to post 🙈, clive (aka mythos, aka logos) makes a point to barnabas abt being logos not mythos, which ultima affirms. despite this, barnabas is still clinging to clive being mythos bc if hes logos, all the scripture n beliefs he has are wrong
- barnabas often mimics ultimas phrasings and sayings, even in game, including the use of Eikon names rather than the persons yaknow. actual name. e.g. shiva vs jill. kosmos vs ryder. mythos/logos vs clive etc etc
- barnabas n sleipnir have a. weird semi-spiritual bond. this is mostly hc'd from me bc we never see it super directly or stated in game/story? its implied that a dominant can sense when their egi is killed but not really expanded upon. where benedikta (garudas dominant) can sense her egi n refers to them as 'sisters', her egi arent nearly as human or as, well, sentient/alive as sleipnir is.
- im also taking the stance of sleipnir being originally an extension of barnabas (+odin) that he made to protect himself from his grief/loneliness. but over the ~50yrs theyve been alive + together, hes grown into his own being and does have traits/personality that barny didnt give him/doesnt have himself. hes very much his own person but cant die (permanently) unless barnabas does. he can also duplicate himself, change some parts of his appearance and still has this bond with barnabas that allows them to vaguely sense where the other is, what theyre doing and better interpret what the other wants/means
- im takin it to be theyve been in the worlds longest qpr while never actually really admitting it to each other. this is both good and bad for them (mostly bad for the world, they enable each other)
- fun fact!! canonically sleipnir and ultima never interact in game. sleipnir only ever interacts with some ppl from kanver at the start, hugo (titan), benedikta (garuda), barnabas ofc and clive. dude is not getting out and about nearly enough. but interestingly as an egi, he can be (physically) very far from where barnabas is! its also kind of implied that he can prime into his horse form without needing barnabas as odin?
- this fic does have the least amount of kosmos introspective. wack. hes just going through the motions, okay? its not like hes been kidnapped n threatened by a god-like being before. their ass is not thinking 💀💀
- ultima uses this weird combo of we/us but when on the defensive, it speaks of i/me. im assuming this is relating to ultima being multiple beings of ultima-species merged into one hivemind-like being? and this idea/notion of being part of this larger whole but when afraid, feeling alone and like one being again. i also tend to use it over he for it partly bc i impart kosmos' perspective a lil n he views ultima that way and partly bc there was like 4 different he/him users there. guys. pls. invite some women to ur fights its not very feminism of u
- barnabas's mother is never named in anything. she doesnt even have voice lines when ultima turns into her in the game, despite it being able to mimic benedikta and hugo (also dead)??? like she is the epitome of fridged i feel so bad for her. but context is she is killed when barny is 18 for worshipping ultima n thats what causes him to prime as odin for the first time and create sleipnir (as an egi/person)
- but barny is the first dominant of odin literally ever so its like. sleipnir is part of odin (the eikon) and in my mind first shows up/is created as a guy when barnabas unprimes that first time. and theyve just stuck together ever since
- speaking of. sleipnir does worship ultima too, but largely bc barnabas does. they share a lot of beliefs abt ultima + mankind (esp. since its been them two for again, like 50yrs) but he draws the line at ultima hurting barnabas, hes sleipnir's #1 priority over anything or anyone else
- sleipnir literally has one line to kosmos in this and hes bullying them i 💀💀😭😭 it made me laugh so much i was like 100% he would watch and just throw in the occasional comment, the only reason he didnt comment in game when clive fights that thing outside hugos palace is bc he didnt want clive to know he was there i KNOW im right
- final sleipnir tibit is actually that in canon we never see if he has a semi-primed form? its assumed not since hes an egi, not a dominant but i decided that his armoured look is his semi-prime since thats true of barnabas + we dont see sleipnir change into his armour. its true to me
- ultima actually slips that kosmos is kin (as in also an ultima) in this but somehow none of the gang notice! com'on guys 😭
- the golden aether!!!!! aether is always blue in canon and i wanted it so that when kosmos uses aether/magick a) it to look cool b) for kosmos (the ultima being) to look distinct from ultima (hivemind)
- technically speaking. ultima is a non corporeal being, it doesn't have a physical body buuut since zantetsuken "severs" some shit in ur atoms, it works
- it is kosmos that teleports them away, not barnabas! prior to this, clive absorbed odin and altho ive not mentioned it yet, kosmos n logos have a weird connection - the more eikons clive absorbs, the stronger kosmos gets (as he is also getting the eikons). in a similar way to mythos og needing to absorb eikons so that ultima can possess clive long enough to cast the spell for the new world w/o dying, kosmos (the ultima) needs the eikons to both get strong (theyre like half dead prior to this) and to awaken (which is what happens in this fic). so yeah, he is the one using odins rift slip, not barny! :3
theres a bunch more stuff abt kosmos i wanna talk abt but also. i wanna write it out in fic form bc theres so much that happens its a slap
i have like at least 3 shitposts i wanna make regarding the fic too that are basically like.
barny: i would never betray you, my lord!
kosmos, glowing gold less than 5mins later: hi
barny: ....fuck.
sleipnir: can we sick this guy PLEASE can we please sick this guy can we have a fight can we have a figh- {etc}
clive: we got back as soon as we could jill, which way did they go??
kosmos n barnabas: *reappear in the hideaway after having the most traumatic, life-altering, religion-breaking moments of their lives*
cid: found them! :3 <- guy abt to get the hide n seek championship award
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softlymellow · 3 years
remember me -- P.P
pairing: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) x reader (Marvel) part 1
word count: 2.7k
request/s:  this was requested multiple times by multiple ppl !! 
summary: Peter Parker had lost you in a different reality, but when he is brought to a reality with another Spiderman, he also finds you, but you don’t remember him. 
a/n: there will be another part following this,,,it is literally so confusing to write with 3 diff spidermans while theyre all called peter parker so pls bare with me
part 1 part 2  part 3 part 4 
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"Ned... Do that again." MJ whispered, her eyes wide as she leaned closer.
Ned nodded, inhaling and closing his eyes. "I just wish we could see him!" Ned cried, moving his fist in a circular motion.
A beam of yellow light that formed a circle appeared, the sparks of light illuminated your face. Almost like a window, a view inside the portal appeared, the back of a man in a spiderman suit in the depths of the alleyway. He whipped his body around at the alarming light of the portal, smoke cascading his feet.
"Oh my god," you whispered, eyes fixated at the man inside.
"I-is that him?" MJ clutched your arm. The tension in the air made your stomach double over.
"Yeah, yeah, it has to be." Ned stammered over his words, his mouth agape as he watched in awe.
"Peter!" MJ called out to him, her hands brought up to her face as she didn't know what to do with them.
"Peter! Peter!" All three of you called out to him. Peter began to jog towards the portal, but as he came closer, something was off.
Your smile dropped from your face once he jumped inside Ned's house. Peter's suit was different. The spider engraved on his chest was more pronounced and longer than it originally was. You took a step back and held MJ's hand tightly.
He swiftly took off his mask to reveal his identity. But it wasn't Peter Parker. It was a man who seemed in his twenties, he had long messy hair that stood up, his face was narrow and his eyes sparkled. He panted as he rose his hands up, eyes studying each of you. But he lingered his gaze on yours, his expression softened and he gripped his mask more tightly.
"Y/n?" He choked out, his breath shaking as he took a step forward.
You furrowed your eyebrows and took a step back in response, "what?"
He swallowed, clearing his throat, "Is it really you?"
"I-I don't," you fumbled over your words.
"Who the hell are you?" MJ's eyes widened, she pointed her finger towards him.
The man brought his attention back to MJ, bringing his hands up defensively.
"I'm Peter Parker," his voice slightly shook.
"That's not possible," MJ accused.  
"I'm Spiderman, in my world-" he pointed towards himself, "but yesterday, I...I was just...here." He attempted to explain, his eyes darting between everyone.
"Wow..." Ned said, looking between Peter and yourself.
Peter began to cautiously move towards the side, investigating his surroundings. "Multidimensional reality, and matter displacement, all real?" He asked.
"Yeah.." You all simultaneously said.
A smile grew onto his face, "I knew it!" He pumped his fist into the air.
His attention was brought back to you, his eyes glossed over. "So you're Y/n, but in this reality." He spoke as he made his way towards you. You froze in your spot, the words caught in your throat.
He was so close to you, you could feel the heat that radiated off of his body, he slowly brought his hand up to your face, his fingers grazed your cheek, so delicately as if he was afraid he would shatter you once he touched you.
"Can I hug you?" He asked innocently, afraid he would scare you off.
"Uhm, sure," you cleared your throat.
His gentle arms wrapped around you, his head fell on your shoulder as he took you in. You patted his back, assuming you had some sort of close relationship in his reality. He squeezed you a fraction tighter, his body melting into yours as every tension in his muscles were gone.
Peter hadn't hugged someone like this since you had passed, it felt warm, it felt right to him. It was something he had longed for.
"I'm sorry," He whispered in your ear. Although you had no idea what he was sorry for, you nodded and patted his back. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't save you...It was all my fault. If I had just..." He sniffed and pulled away. His eyes glossed over as he observed your face, a smile crawled up his face as he took you in.
"I'm sorry," he chuckled, taking a step away and wiping the tears that fell. "It's just been a while."
"No, no, it's okay." You gave him a guilty smile.
Ned coughed, standing awkwardly as he watched the embrace that occurred.
"We still need to find Peter," MJ said desperately, her anxiety growing every minute she didn't see him.
"Right, right." You rubbed the back of your neck, taking a quick glance at Peter, his gaze already fixated on yours. Shifting awkwardly, you looked over to Ned and nodded, wanting him to find Peter already.
Ned squinted his eyes, preparing to cast the portal. "Find Peter Parker!" He repeated the same motion from before and a firey circle appeared behind Ned.
MJ and Ned turned to look at the portal in awe, a man had appeared. But it still wasn't Peter. He looked like a regular man, dressed in a blue jumper with a jacket on top, he looked older than the new Peter that arrived.
"Hello." He said, a smile crawling onto his face as he waved. "Uhm, I hope it's okay, I just came through this-" The man looked at the portal only for it to disappear as soon as he stepped out. "-Oh, it just closed." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Wait, you're Peter too then." You concluded, eyeing his every move.
He nodded, "yeah, Peter Parker." His gaze averted towards the first Peter you met, and in a split second webs were shot and they both flipped. The new Peter shot his web towards the others wrist, they both paused before laughing.
Ned turned to the new Spiderman, "you're spiderman too, why don't you just say that?"
He laughed, "that kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing."
"Okay guys, I think we're getting distracted. We need to find Peter-" You turned towards the new man who had arrived, "-you're Peter 2,-" you pointed towards the Peter that was hugging you, "-and you're Peter 3."
"Why am I Peter 3?" Peter 3 pouted.
"Because I don't know. How do we find Peter?" You disregarded his question, turning towards Peter 2.
"Well, is there a place that he would go that has meaning to him? Like a place that he can-"
"Get away from everything?" Peter 3 finished off his sentence.
Peter 2 nodded, he felt a feeling of comfort knowing that there was another man out there that understood how he felt. "For me, it was the top of the Chrysler building."
Peter 3 breathed in, "Empire State building, better view."
"That is a sweet view."
MJ nodded, "Yeah, I-I think I know where that might be."
---- Peter Parker sat on the ledge of the building. His face was scraped and had bruises, blood dripped from the side of his face as he stared into nothing.
Ned, MJ, and you crouched to embrace him tightly as he cried onto your shoulders. He mumbled incoherent words as he wept, his breath hitching on his throat every few seconds.
You pulled away, "Peter, there are some people here you need to meet," you whispered into his ear.
"What?" He choked out. He got up and looked up towards the top of the building where two dark figures sat low.
"Wait, wait, wait, woah." He held his hand up, untrusting of the two men but as he saw the costume one of them was wearing, his confusion only grew.
"I'm sorry about May." Peter 2 said.
"I got some understanding of -" Peter 3 tried to comfort him but was interrupted. 
"No, no, you don't understand what I'm going through. She's gone and it's all my fault. She died for nothing." Peter stopped him from talking, his blood shot eyes pooling with tears. 
"You don't belong here, those guys they're from your worlds, right? You deal with it, either they die or you help them I don't care anymore. I'm done. "
"Peter, please." You whispered.
"No, Y/n. I'm done. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. You can go home now."
"I lost Y/n." Peter 3 suddenly spoke out, the mention of your name made your heart race.
"I couldn't save her. I won't ever forgive myself for that. I carry on and try to continue being that friendly neighbourhood spiderman, because I know that's what she would have wanted." He bit his lip, a frown appearing on his face. His gaze fell on you, his eyes held so much sorrow when they looked at you.
"But then I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I don't want you to end up being like me. And I don't want that same fate for Y/n here too Peter, but we can stop that." Peter 3 admitted, his voice growing with strength.
"The night Ben died I got my revenge. It didn't make it better. It took me a long time to learn to get through that darkness." Peter 2 shared.
"Aunt May... She told me that with great power-"
"Comes great responsibility." Peter 2 finished off his sentence.
Peters eyebrows furrowed as he looked between the two men, "how, how do you know?"
"Uncle Ben said it." Peter 3 whispered.
"Maybe she didn't die for nothing Peter."
"You don't find it weird at all?" Ned nudged your side.
You took a deep breath in, "I just feel bad for the guy, and I mean, I feel bad for me too. He just seems so heartbroken."
"Go talk to him, I think it'd give him some sort of closure," Ned told you.
"You reckon?"
Ned nodded.
"Okay." You gulped before making your way towards Peter 3 who was working on a device. With each step you took, you felt your anxiety increase. 'It's just Peter. Why am I getting nervous over Peter?'
"Hey, Peter 3," You sat on his left, looking over at the device.
He looked towards you, surprise was flashed on his face at you coming up to him. He thought he had scared you off with all that emotional talk, "3? Again really." He laughed, his eyes twinkled with pleasure.
"I mean it would get confusing considering our circumstances." You shrugged as you teased him.
"Yeah, smart girl." He praised you.
"Do you know what you're doing?" You asked, looking over at him tweaking the device with a screwdriver.
He rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah, I've actually made this before in my reality."
"Is it any good?"
He laughed, "I hope so. Worked before it should work again. Otherwise, it would all be for nothing."
You hummed in response, enjoying the silence but the sudden talking from Peter and MJ grabbed both you and Peter 3's attention.
Peter and MJ were sitting across, deep in conversation as MJ comforted him. Their foreheads were placed together as they consoled each other. Peter 3's eyes lingered on them, a wave of sadness yet relief hit him. Sadness that he would not be able to experience that with Y/n, but relief that at least, in another reality, he had someone he could reside in.
"I'm sorry Peter, I just don't understand. Why was I so important to you?" You asked, knowing it was a touchy subject for him, but you wanted to know what relation you had with him.
"You were my girlfriend. You were the only person I had, one of the only people I could talk to." He lowered the device to look over at you.
"When Spiderman got too much, you made Peter Parker feel normal again.  I couldn't ever repay that to you and in the end, it was all my fault. You were my MJ, Y/n." He sighed, tapping his fingers.
"I shouldn't have brought it up." You shook your head in guilt.
"It was unavoidable, you were bound to find out."
You sat in silence, too afraid to say anything that might upset him. You had learned a lot about Peter, he was still grieving and suffered from a lot of loss in his life, but he was fighting with the responsibility of Spiderman.
"Do you have someone?" He suddenly asked, the question taking you off guard.
Rubbing the side of your arms, you answered. "Uhm, not yet, just haven't found the right person yet."
"Do you think it might be Peter now?"
You shook your head immediately, "No of course not. He has MJ. We might've dated in a different reality, but you're not the same as him."
"I'm different now?" He laughed, looking over at you.
"Yeah, just a little." You smiled.
"Well, you're the same as ever." He brought his hand up and tenderly tucked a stray strand of hair that rested on your head behind your ear, the action sending goosebumps down your neck.
"Still beautiful, same smile, same girl." He muttered.
His smile changed into a frown, he quickly averted his gaze and began to toy with the device.
Your eyebrows furrowed, confused about what changed his demeanour so suddenly. "What's wrong?" You whispered, afraid you might've said something wrong.
"Sorry," he chuckled, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. "I see you, and I-I. I just start to think about..." He stammered, wiping his hands on his legs.
"You don't have to explain yourself, Peter." You brought your hand to his arm, resting it there as a form of reassurance.
"I wish things could have been different yknow? Seeing you here, it's hard knowing that that could have been you back at home, but I wasn't enough."
"Peter, don't say that. You are." You shook your head.
"I haven't known you for long, but I'm sure you tried your best. It's what Spiderman does. He can't save everyone but he tries, that's what really matters. It's what's in your heart. You'll do great out there, Peter." You spoke in a soft voice, not wanting anyone else to hear.
"I know I'm not the exact same as her, I can't remember anything that happened, but I know that I'm proud of you."
"You don't know how much it means to me when it's coming from you, thank you Y/n. Felt like the world was against me. " He thanked you, a genuine smile on his face.
You laughed quietly, "well was this world ever a kind place?"
"In some places, it is." He hinted.
"You guys doing alright there?" Peter 2 asked, a smile plastered on his face.
"Oh yeah, doing great." You made your way towards him, curious about what he was doing.
"You guys just looked a little emotional there," He teased.
Peter 3 scoffed and laughed, "emotional, what?" He pointed towards himself and you.
"Well, Peter, if you wanted a speech before the fight, you could have just asked silly."
"Peter!" Ned called out, gaining attention from all three Peters.
"Yeah." They simultaneously answered.
"No, I mean Peter." Ned fumbled.
Peter pointed towards himself and the other two, "we're all called Peter."
"I mean Peter Parker."
"It's the same thing," Peter 3 stated.
"The laptop!"
"Oh right!" Peter exclaimed, jogging towards the computer.
"So now, all we gotta do is lure these guys out someplace. Try to cure them while they try to kill us...then send them home." Peter 3 explained, joining everybody at the table where they gathered around the laptop.
"All we have to do is figure out how we're going to get there." Peter clarified.
"Well, we have Neds magic now." You pointed towards an excited Ned.
"Yeah, and I promise I won't try to kill you or turn into a villain," Ned swore, only further confusing Peter.
Peter shook his head, "wait what? You have magic now?"
MJ nodded, "yeah, we all saw it, he's right."
"Okay, so the plan is, Ned, MJ and Y/n will stay here with a portal open, and I'll throw the box to them once these guys get lured in. Objections?"
"Nope," you said, popping the 'p' as Ned and MJ shook their heads.
"Okay, Ned open the portal," Peter instructed. Ned nodded and created a circular motion with his fists and a portal opened to the Statue Of Liberty.
MJ quickly ran to give Peter a final hug, whispering something in his ear before he went through the portal. Peter 2 then went through the portal, and before Peter 3 went through, you quickly grabbed his hand.
"Stay safe, okay?" You asked him.
He grinned at you and nodded, before entering in.
a/n: andrew garfield is so hot :( 
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beaulesbian · 2 years
i definitely agree that byler endgame makes the most narrative sense with all 3 character arcs (will, mike, el) and what theyve shown so far, but that's assuming the writing will be airtight in quality, bad writing could still happen (although generally the show has been very well written in terms of narrative arcs). also may be just me but noah tweeting that he ships byler makes me think it wont happen bc he wouldnt tweet it if it was a spoiler? i am def overthinking things tho lol july 1st pls come already
I completely understand where youre coming from.
tbh its a bit weird seeing noah tweet about byler, but at the same time i think this is just so more ppl notice something else than their pressumed heteronormative romances in the show- like if theyre now mentioning it more in interviews, behind the scenes, tweets, etc, its to bring attention that theres something that maybe ppl missed if they didnt look for it.
If it was baiting i feel it would cast very bad light on netflix afterwards, especially since they were losing ppl interested in their streaming service this year and want to bring more ppl back rather than to make them more upset.
Also netflix just made heartstopper, which i think is doing pretty successfully? (Im not looking on any numbers, its just the vibe of reception of the show), so if they suddenly let the cast show support in this way (and i do think its probably discussed ahead how much or what they can mention), and then pulled it back.. idk i dont think that would do well in this year of 2022 during/after pride month 🤷 but we will see i guess
And then theres the story itself - it basically begins with mike and will, and will going missing and mike and his friends searching for him.
There could be so many foreshadowing between their dnd game and the monsters from upside down, and all throughout tue seasons. Their friendship is something that holds the show together. Ofc el becoming a big part of their team.
With the writing i agree, im worried it could be a let down, but something just makes me wanna keep that hope that it could be heading towards byler endgame, and will being more relevant to the plot again, bc it all began with will, and it seems the duffer brothers at least had an overall plan for the rough story from the beginning. Which is rare in this time of mediocre m*rvel movies where noone knows where its headed.
I dont have a link from the geekedweek vid from yesterday, but thw duffer brothers talked there about how even tho they has a plan for the story, theyre not opposed to changing it depending on actors or cast and crew, and developing what feels right for characters.
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Which i like to hear, bc if they listen to what someone can say if they know more about the character, (like maya with robin being a lesbian, or letting steve become good guy leading role instead of killing him off), theres a chance we could get a satisfying ending which characters like will and mike deserve, especially since theres really been all these hints from the beginning. 🤞💖
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autisticstarseed · 7 years
hey ik stranger things season 2 came out like over a week ago but since i havent seen much talk about this, Huge trigger warning for the introduction of a new child character with an extremely abusive family situation. some of the scenes with her and her brother are pretty violent and explicit. im really not trying guilt trip anyone this is just a psa but Warnings are not spoilers, this info is important and i really would have liked some kind of heads up before getting this far in. pls be safe guys
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Ok, I reached the point where the entire party gets access to mechs. I'm enjoying the game so far. I wanna go back to the desert since I rushed the exploration a little (because I wanted to get more access to the game's mechanics). Anyways, so far the plot's left me with a million questions, I'm going to list them. Pls don't spoilers. I expect some of these questions to go unanswered and others to be related to plot twists.
1. Where did the names "Agnus" and "Keves" come from? Like, in-universe. Alrest already had a name to describe all of its countries and while Bionis/Mechonis didn't, I assume some compromise between those two names would exist.
2. How tf did Melia and Nia get into power? With Melia's case, she ended the series as queen of the bird ppl, but there were never any ambitions to govern anyone else. In Nia's case, she was at best the former Blade of the former mayor of Torigoth, which would put even Pandoria and Brighid in more valid places than her to take the throne of all of Alrest.
3. So, why are Melia and Nia acting antithetical to the themes of both of their games? 1 had a lot about ppl chosing their own fate and 2 had a lot about passing the torch between generations. I assume there will be an explanation.
4. So, everyone in the party is based off someone Melia or Nia knew. The Keves gang share personality traits with the 1 gang while the Agnus gang shares visual similarities with characters from 2. Are they, like, reincarnations or something? I assume there's a particular reason for this, especially with Eunie getting a flashback from Melia's life.
5. How tf did Melia give birth to Machina (but Nopon are incompatable)?
6. I was under the assumption that Blades were infertile, so how the tf did Nia give birth to anyone?
7. How much time passed exactly? The oldest bird person in 1 was 300 and Melia was 88, she doesn't appear that old in 3, so I'm guessing 100 years approximately. Especially if the average lifespan is, like, 7 or something, that's good enough for a multi-generational conflict.
8. How do the Alphabet Soup Power Rangers fit into this exactly? Where did they come from? I assume they're also working with Agnus. Why are Melia and Nia working with them?
9. So, are we going to be reintroduced to old characters other than Melia and Nia later down the line. Like, from 1, all of the High Entia and Machina should still be there while all the Blades from 2 should still be alive. Are they going to show up in The City tm? If 3 takes place less than 100 years later, that would give child characters like Juju, Rex, and Tora a chance of returning. I hope Juju returns as the final boss. I said this about 2 and I'll say it again about 3. Juju final boss prediction.
10. I wanna know what happened to the Aegises. I mostly just want to see the 3 designers fix Pyra's character design.
11. Since when was green hair introduced to Keves's genetic pool?
12. How did Agnus get access to mechs? The Keves mechs are obviously mechon, but 2 didn't have any mech titans.
13. What happened to the Blade Cycle? Do Blades still turn into titans? My guess is that maybe they don't resonate in the new world, but the first thing we see happen there is Rex reawakening Pyra and Mythra.
14. What's Alvis been up to? This doesn't look like what either he or Shulk intended. War isn't very "hand in hand." Also, even if he knew about Alrest, I can only assume he was not expecting for Alrest and Bionis to be recreated at the exact same time.
15. I'm getting some birth visuals from the game so far. There are the test tube babies, but the mechs come from Egg. I hope the characters have to react to a live birth later in the game lmao.
16. All of the Agnus characters appear to be based on Blades and all the Keves characters would be ether based. From what I can tell, the Flame Clocks are collecting ether from corpses to power new life. Effectively meaning everyone is reincarnating repeatedly and rapidly while being harvested for their energy. Not too differently from Zanza's system in 1. A similar death and rebirth system exists in 2 and Amalthus uses it to harvest energy. So, what about the Alrest human characters? They aren't tied to a cycle or ether, so what are they up to?
17. So Noah can just summon the Lucky Seven? Also I already forgot the origin explained, but is it the fucking True Monado or something? I think it's the Monado.
18. The Ouroboroses kinda look like the Ghosts in X. Is X going to be part of this hodgepodge?
19. Why do the mechs have titties?
20. The Moebius theme slaps so fucking hard. Not a question. Simply a fact.
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somebody-909 · 3 years
spoilers*** no, i’m so angry at kousuke for real, why do i feel like something bad is going to happen and nol is gonna lose more :((( i really hope shinae will be there for yeonggi at least, is she gonna appear in court? back to kousuke how could he go and tell his mother and the worst thing is he knows that his mother is forcing shinae to stay in the company too, that she had a hand in shinae almost getting taken advantage on, after everything, he still did almost nothing to stop it. he’s a grown adult, yet he acts so immaturely… which is kind of why i would be very scared if they decide to go with a kousuke/shinae romance, it just doesn’t sit right, that mrs hirahara had tried to groom and manipulate a teenager into having kids with her son who is in his mid 20s. and also helping a serial rpist into drugging someone at a party… i could not see shinae get closer after that and especially having that woman anywhere near her, even worse, as a mother in law i’m not saying that yeonggi deserves to be with shinae because no one owes anyone anything or deserves anyone, because we’re all our own, but i do think that he needs someone to be there for him, and with how things are going i think that they will be even closer, they need each other right now, author is doing a good job with details to make shinae notice how he truly feels, viceversa too. about standing up for yeonggi, in court, hopefully shinae will help tip things in his favor. also there’s the thing about both of them having been manipulated or worse by mrs hirahara, i wonder if they will ever bring that up… i’m begging that yeonggis grandma doesn’t have anything happen to her either… even if it’s foreshadowed oh gosh
pls i avoided this because I thought it had spoilers for fastpass, but nevermind TT ppl were crazy about hinting episode 151 and i even got Yeong-gi's name spoiled so I wasn't taking any chances TT (spoiler warning for the recent regular release ep. 148)
As for Kousuke's development... yeah, I have to agree. Being the oldest of the trio, as well as being financially secure and independent, you would expect him to bring a level of emotional maturity... And, well, sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. His choice to dance with her after she was humiliated is mature (although the outcome was meh but eh. points for trying). The way he hangs out with teenagers at the movies is not.
The way he helps Shin-ae after her fall at the formal is very mature. The way he assumes what she wants and places additional pressure on Yeong-gi to distance himself is not.
(You wrote this last week, prior to the recent regular episode, so kudos to you for noticing that Kousuke was gonna start something).
The beginning of this episode also shows Kousuke's perspective — how he views Yeong-gi and his "side of the family". He views it all a nuisance and despises that they entered their life.
Although I know people hate Kousuke, especially as they have seen some the worst aspects of his personality so far... I remain surprisingly sympathetic.
His hatred for Yeong-gi masks his own pain and insecurity. An illegitimate younger brother is a constant reminder of not having been good enough. A reminder of his father's betrayal.
As an impressionable kid, he easily adopts his mother's perspective and feeds into his family's abuse of Yeong-gi. And the perception formed at that age is not easily rid of.
Does this excuse his behaviour? Absolutely not. Not at this point.
But I see the vast potential for growth. It is precisely because Kousuke is an asshole so misguided that makes him fascinating. Because I see the capability of him to go above and beyond to grow as a person. To make vast strides in his own issues, which results in him becoming a better brother and a better friend.
But it depends on whether he'll do what's uncomfortable to get there. He'll like the man he is better by the end of it, so I can only hope he does for his own sake (and for those around him). Being a man-child is no way to live.
Regarding the romantic endgames,
The truth is I never felt like a YooTip endgame was a possibility? I was very aware of Kousuke's age, and wondered how young he was (giving him a max of 21 for this to become appropriate if given some time). When he was revealed to be 24, I think I chuckled in pain a little bc I felt bad for YooTippers, their ship is constantly being obliterated TT. (Also yes, I understand the fear of Shin-ae having to get any closer to Yui).
But more importantly, Shin-ae and Yeong-gi are the ones shown to have development. Additionally, the contrast between her being with Yeong-gi as a choice and not for Kousuke.
Also, I struggle to explain this, but they're also more narratively significant? So from the outset I was primed to think of Stalkyoo, and that is exactly what's been happening.
The plot has been pivotal to their relationship, but the plot itself has also been defined by the relationship's development. (eg. The end of the formal was the emotional catharsis for Shin-ae when she confides in Yeong-gi).
Oh! I ended up being coaxed into fastpassing to ep. 151. I have another analysis planned now to come out in a few weeks that hopefully better describes it, because I'll be looking at the relationship more holistically and narratively
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