#astonishing declarations of intent
shitty · 2 years
scottgeorge6033 (1 year ago)
After years of listening to Phish I've decided I am no longer a fan this morning. Just found my new favorite band! Keep rockin guys
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lueurjun · 2 months
. ˚◞☁️ ✧˖🤍࿐
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▍ synopsis╰┈➤ minho had always been clear about his aversion to marriage, and initially, you accepted it. But when your feelings changed, the once-accepted truth shattered, leaving you to confront the fallout head-on.
🖇·˚ ༘┊ lee know x reader — angst. angst. just angst.
˚ ༘💭 ·˚ message from lueurjun . . . my very first skz post on this account ! this was meant to just be a enha and txt acc but i’ve decided to add skz to the list too because i couldn’t resist. anyways i’m sorry for this, i was in a sad mood.
. ˚◞☁️ ✧˖🤍࿐ྂ
Minho is a captivating read, his life an open narrative. Every page reveals a tapestry of his passions and despairs, vividly illustrated with meticulous detail. It's this transparency that drew you to him, each chapter unfolding with refreshing honesty. You find comfort in knowing what to anticipate, yet he never fails to astonish you with unexpected gestures.
One of the chapters in his book is the declaration of his distaste for marriage, and conveniently enough, it’s the only chapter without a carefully crafted explanation. He told you before things progressed that he would never be able to offer you marriage, and he told you it with full intention of letting you walk away unscathed, with your heart intact. But you were fine with it, a young adult starting their twenties with no intention to marry. It didn’t bother you; it wasn’t a significant issue.
Until it was.
Wedding season was approaching in stride with the warm weather. Three beautifully designed invitations adorned the fireplace, unopened. There was a fourth, the first and only one you pried open and then hid away from your sight with a sick feeling lining in your stomach and an ache in your heart — one of longing. You couldn’t open the others.
Guilt laid across the longing, meshing together and in turn forming one complex emotion; resentment. Not even towards Minho, but your past self for being careless enough to not consider the feelings of your future self. The now you, who envisioned a beautiful summer wedding and all its trimmings. The guilt picked at you, because Minho had warned you about this before you got too deep in. He reminded you before he told you that he loved you, that if you wanted to run, if you wanted to marry then he had to let you go, before he got too attached. Before you got too attached.
Minho wasn't oblivious to the turmoil raging within you, nor to the contradictions within your heart. He found the invitation, concealed from sight bearing a telltale water stain. He observed the wistful gazes whenever your friends conversed about walking down the aisle, and married life. They often left you out of those conversations, already knowing Minho’s views. And it killed him—because he knew you wanted the one thing he vowed to never offer.
And he knew there was only one alternative to you getting what you want.
The sun’s shift was over for the day, night just clocking in when he returns home, exhausted with a heavy heart in anticipation for what he was about to do. You’re on the sofa when he walks through the door, three cats surrounding you looking interested in whatever it’s flickering on the tv. His heart clenched at the scene, aching in his chest, nearly breaking when you greeted him with a radiant smile.
He’s not one to beat around the bush. Never has been, but as he walks toward you, he feels the words stalling in his throat. His heart pleads with him, but he sits down across from you and he swallows thickly.
“Let’s break up.”
The once-warm home now feels frigid, as if drained of its vitality—like the scented candles you loved had extinguished, and the tv shut off. A profound stillness settles over everything in an instant. Your expression collapses into sheer devastation, and Minho's eyes squeeze shut.
“Did I do something?” You manage, only just. Your heart feels like it’s ready to give way. Confusion clogs your mind with a million inquiries.
Minho shakes his head. Of course you’d blame yourself. It sickens him to the core. “No. No, you didn’t.”
"Then why?" Your tone sharpens with anger, impatience seeping through. Why was he breaking up with you? Why was he doing this to you? Why now?
Minho tilts his head, eyeing the ceiling in a pathetic attempt to keep his eyes from watering. “I can’t give you what you want. It isn’t fair.”
You’re bewildered. “I don’t understand—”
“Marriage. I can’t offer that to you, and it’s not fair. I don’t want you to cry looking at invitations knowing you’ll never ship ones out of your own. I can’t watch you be left out of conversations because I’m holding you back. It isn’t fair on you.”
“I told you—”
“And you changed your mind. It’s selfish of me to string you along, knowing nothing more will come from this. I can’t let you waste your dream, not on me. So let’s break up, because that way you can find someone who will give you what you want.”
“Do you not love me?”
Minho almost laughs at that, because how is that even a question in your mind? It’s funny because he’s doing this because of how much he loves you.
“I love you enough to know that I have to let you go.”
And just like that, your heart meets your stomach as the barrier collapses. Doongie meows from your lap, reaching up a paw to your cheek as though caressing the skin. Tears chase each other down your cheeks in a rapid game of tag, the trail ending at your neck where Soonie sits, eyeing you in confusion. Dori is behind Minho, a paw coming down to strike him but he doesn’t flinch.
“I don’t have to have marriage—I just want you!” The words rush out of you like a torrential waterfall. “I can be happy without that as long as I have you.”
Minho shakes his head. “I don’t want that for you. I can’t offer you marriage, I can’t do it. That’s not me. But there’s someone else who can, and as much as the thought of you with someone else kills me, it’s what you deserve.”
Minho's longing to comfort you is palpable, yet he remains rooted to his seat, enduring each gentle prod from Dori. With his gaze fixed on the floor, he quietly utters, "I'll stay at Chan's until I figure out where to go."
You shake your head, sobs cutting through your throat as you plead, beg and cry. You don't want him to leave for Chan's, you don't want him to pack his bags; you want him right here, with you. Marriage or not, you just want him by your side.
Though deep down, want isn’t enough. Resentment has begun to accumulate like an impending avalanche, threatening to engulf everything in its path. Perhaps Minho is correct; maybe it's best to end things now. An argument would have inevitably ensued—such clashes do when both parties want different things.
Minho doesn’t cry as he packs his bag, he doesn’t cry as he kisses your forehead and leaves a scratch on Doongie’s forehead, nor when he gets into his car and drives away.
Minho's stoicism holds until two months later, when he finds himself seated in the back of Hyunjin's wedding venue, watching the happy couple share a kiss sealing the deal of forever. It's only then, as his eyes drift to where you sit, that tears finally gloss over his eyes, haunted by visions of himself slipping a ring onto your finger.
Alone in his car, Minho finally allows himself to release the pent-up emotions. Tears stream down his face as he grapples with a mind overwhelmed by countless scenarios and a heart weighed down by regret.
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megaderping · 2 months
I think the biggest issue with Naoto discussion is that there are so many intersecting perspectives with very strong feelings involved, and if a Persona 4 remake does happen, I fully suspect that Atlus is going to have their hands full figuring out how to handle the character in the modern day. First there's the cultural context of misogyny in the workplace and especially in the legal and justice systems in Japan, which informs Naoto's character a lot. It is important to consider this, as this was a Japanese game made in 2008 at a time where queer visibility wasn't nearly as prominent, but that alone doesn't invalidate criticism to the arc's execution, regardless of creator intention. A big point of contention is how the arc was handled. Specifically the way it uses talk of body alteration procedures, surgical equipment, and treats the idea of transition as scary. If you consider how draconian the laws behind legally transitioning in Japan are, you can perhaps make a case for why it might cause Naoto internal conflict as complete surgical transition/sterilization/diagnosis were all requirements at the time of the game's development and only recently were declared unconstitutional. Though, as this excellent video pointed out, it's possible this was meant to be a reference to the story Flowers for Algernon, given the weapon you get if you return there later. However, even if that was the intent, transgender people exist in Japan and have since well before Persona 4, and anime such as The Dirty Pair aired in the 80's with very progressive takes on transness. It's very unlikely that the team behind Persona 4 was completely unaware of queer issues and symbolism, given that Persona 3 had that infamous transphobic joke in the original version's babe hunt.
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The Dirty Pair, a 1985 anime that was surprisingly progressive.
I think the issue, more than anything, is that the tropes at play don't exist in a vacuum and what comes after Naoto's dungeon raises a lot more red flags. Jokes about Naoto's chest size, the narrative framing Kanji's crush as only acceptable after the reveal, on top of the uncomfortable execution of the romance route in Naoto's Social Link. You get so much "Naoto is actually a girl" in a way where it's other characters talking about/over Naoto, which is what really makes the framing off putting to a lot of people, myself included. And it's not even that you can't do an arc about a female character fighting against prejudiced preconceptions in the criminal justice field without controversy, because Persona 5 pulled this off far less contentiously.
Sae Niijima deals with many similar themes but doesn't seem nearly as contentious, and I think a large part of that is due to Sae openly presenting as a woman from the start. The game openly depicts the misogyny from Sae's superiors and coworkers, such as how she's unmarried and fighting an uphill battle for success in a male-dominated field. Persona has toyed with these ideas in the aftermath of Persona 4 and even when revisiting older titles. Persona 2 went back and added the character of Shiori Miyashiro in the PSP release, a lady detective who has a lot in common with Naoto (e.g. knowingly endangering oneself to get the truth behind a supernatural case). It's also astonishing that we have Lala Escargot in Persona 5, which also had that infamous gay couple that played into horrible stereotypes that were only slightly fixed in royal's international release. Lala, whether trans or a drag queen, is given surprising respect, and her identity is never called into question. A Persona 4 remake could learn from this and cut back on the characters asserting what Naoto feels, what Naoto "really is," etc, and let Naoto and Naoto alone decide. Ultimately, Naoto means different things to different people, and these things can carry great personal weight and importance. Many trans and nonbinary Persona fans see themselves in Naoto. Others favor Naoto as some flavor of gnc or find Naoto embracing femininity and detective work empowering. I think the problem is that when this topic comes up, there's a lot of hostility. Trans fans and people who favor trans Naoto get told to shut up at best, and at worst get hit with shit tons of transphobia and gross conduct. On the other hand, I don't think people who prefer more canon-compliant depictions of Naoto are inherently malicious. It's how they approach these discussions and treat people that makes a difference. Just because someone uses she/her for Naoto doesn't mean they're being intentionally transphobic, but I totally get people wanting to avoid material that uses those pronouns all the same. I also don't think people are wrong to be uncomfortable with the resolution of Naoto's arc in canon. I think people who get upset when fanworks go with trans or NB interpretations of Naoto could stand to be more empathetic, as a lot of those fanworks come from people who connected to Naoto and want to explore what could've been. I don't think more canon-compliant fanworks are inherently malicious either, but no one is obligated to stick around works or spaces that make them feel uncomfortable. Tbh, I'm just wondering what Atlus will do. Persona 3 Reload removed that one transphobic joke during the babe hunt in all languages. Persona 5 Tactica had male marriage fantasies for Joker. I think Atlus is trying to be more inclusive, but Persona 3 Reload also kept Toriumi's crush on the protagonist and Chihiro defending student-teacher romances, so it's really unclear how much of Persona 4's more divisive aspects will be retooled. Because it's not just Naoto. Persona 4 has a lot of aspects that haven't aged well, like all the jokes about Kanji being predatory if he's attracted to guys, or Kashiwagi being creepy toward students, or the fatphobia with Hanako while Ebihara's past of being overweight is treated with more sympathy. I love Naoto and Persona 4, but I also think it's important to be able to criticize elements of the game that could be executed better.
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acozysoulwrites · 5 months
An unexpected comfort | Fem!Tav x Astarion
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Description | Tav (you) is feeling down and Astarion sees her crying. Then offers comfort to his best ability.
Contains | Sad Tav, soft Astarion, Astarion being the bestest comfort character that he is <3
The day had been exhausting. her heart ached with every beat and her lungs expanded and collapsed in shudders.
There were so many things wrong, her mind raced as it tried to pick one thing to cry about, but instead, she cried about it all. About her family, about her past, about the tadpoles that she and her newfound friends dealt with. she cried, and she didn’t care who heard her, nothing mattered right now.
Footsteps shuffled around the camp, Gale and Wyll muttered things about spells and she saw Lae’zel and Shadowheart having yet another heated discussion, most likely about their beliefs, which were far opposite of the other’s.
A twig snaps behind her and she knows who it is before they speak. Astarion.
“Hello my sweet- oh” his voice falls flat, faint concern laced in the ‘oh’ as he spoke. His head tilts in confusion before he rounds the fire, sitting just across from her.
“Is… something the matter?”
She sniffs, reaching up to wipe the tears from her eyes, but instead, they smear and glisten in the fires light.
“Ah ah-“ He tuts, “I wouldn’t try that. I already saw them. Tears, big ones…” his voice softening just a little.
She frowns at the vampire, unsure of his intentions. He could be toying with her for all she knew, but she didn’t have the energy to sift through the underlying meaning of his concern.
Astarion frowns, and there’s a smile on his face, one of his sly, terribly hard to read smiles.
“You know…”
For a moment, she thinks he’s about to come onto her, that some sick part of him finds her tears arousing… enticing. Her glare becomes more fierce.
He takes a sharp breath and continues, “This isn’t like you, not at all actually” He declares, absolutely sure of his statement.
Her eyes remain like daggers into him as she speaks. “You don’t know me”
Astarion looks away, there’s truth behind her words. “No, but i watch you”
Her eyes widen.
“Not in some- weird way—“ He quickly adds. There’s a pause, his eyes scan over her face with a sense of longing. “I’m self centered… but not so much that i can’t notice a beautiful creature right in front of me” He smiles.
She remains silent, her brow twitches upward slightly, as if she’s expecting more.
Astarion sighs, “Look, i just mean that from what i’ve observed, you aren’t the type to keep your problems to yourself. I see you chat with Gale from time to time… So, chat with me”.
Her eyes soften slightly and as she opens her mouth to speak, the dried tears stretch across her cheeks uncomfortably. “I don’t know how to describe it” She mumbles.
The vampire stays quiet, waiting patiently. He watches as she chuckles weakly.
“I am haunted by my past, by my father, by my mother’s pain” She croaks, her words coming out in cracked versions of themselves. “But mostly, I am terrified that I will fail you all, that we will become monsters and I will have to die knowing I couldn’t save anyone”.
Astarion blinks at her slowly, this behavior resembling that of a cat. It makes her smile just a little, she’d always found the elf to be most beautiful, but tonight, under the starlit sky and behind the dancing flames, he was astonishing.
“See? You’ve no idea what to say to me now, do you?” She asks, her words heavy with hurt.
Astarion’s eyes fall from her, he runs his tongue along his top teeth, stopping at his fang as he thinks.
“Come to my tent tonight” He finally says, his eyes back to hers.
She blinks at him, frustration boiling up inside her. “Excuse me?”
“No- No!” Astarion closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’m not… always on about that, you know. I just meant, once everyone is asleep come to my tent and we will talk about these worries you burden… unless you’d rather speak with gale” He says, using a mocking tone to speak Gale’s name.
She chuckles, her heart finally feels lighter for the first time in weeks. This was the last thing she’d expected to happen tonight, especially from Astarion, but she couldn’t be more grateful.
“Okay…” She nods. “I’ll see you tonight”.
Astarion stands and dusts himself off. “Now get yourself up, the ground is absolutely filthy after a rain like we just had” He says, his usual sass back in full swing.
Authors note; could someone please let me know if i capture his character well, and if he’s in character at all? Astarion is a very interesting character to write and a bit difficult, but i’m learning as i play the game <3
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pumperpup · 2 months
In the bustling heart of the city, Dr. Felix, a small, slender man with striking silver hair and a well-groomed mustache, had just opened his latest venture: a pop-up hypnotism office. Dr. Felix was no ordinary hypnotist; he harbored a unique fascination with inducing rapid, immense muscle growth in his unsuspecting clients. The sign outside his office flickered with the neon words, “Transform Your Fears Today.”
The first client of the day was a timid young man named Mark, who confessed his fear of going to the gym. He felt overwhelmed by the mere thought of working out beside the seasoned gym-goers. Dr. Felix listened intently, his eyes twinkling with a mix of empathy and excitement as he devised a special plan for Mark.
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"Let's make your gym visits more... impactful," Dr. Felix suggested with a sly grin. He guided Mark into a deep hypnotic state, his voice smooth and reassuring. "Whenever you hear the phrase 'muscle time,' your muscles will grow stronger, larger, more defined."
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As Felix snapped his fingers to wake Mark, the air was charged with anticipation. "Muscle time," he declared with a dramatic flourish.
Instantly, Mark’s arms began to swell, the muscles expanding with a startling rapidity. His shirt tightened around his biceps, the fabric straining as if it might tear at any moment. Mark gasped, his eyes wide with astonishment and a burgeoning delight. He flexed instinctively, marveling at the sudden heft and power of his arms.
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Encouraged by the reaction, Dr. Felix repeated the trigger phrase. "Muscle time." Mark's transformation escalated. His shoulders broadened, chest bulged, and his legs thickened to the size of tree trunks. His physique now resembled that of an amateur bodybuilder, the contours and striations of his muscles sharply defined.
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"That's enough," Mark stammered, a mix of excitement and anxiety in his voice. He was already larger than he had ever imagined becoming.
But Dr. Felix, caught up in the thrill of his creation, couldn't resist. "Muscle time," he whispered, a wild gleam in his eyes.
Mark's body exploded in size once more, his muscles ballooning to an extreme. He was now the size of a professional bodybuilder, each muscle group grotesquely oversized and veined. His movements became cumbersome; the sheer mass was overwhelming.
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"No, please, stop!" Mark pleaded, his voice tinged with panic. He struggled to adjust to his massive new form, his clothes mere tatters hanging off his Herculean frame.
Yet Dr. Felix, driven by a deep, unyielding curiosity and excitement, pressed on. "Muscle time, muscle time, muscle time!" he chanted rapidly, unable to contain his fervor.
With each utterance, Mark grew exponentially. His body became a spectacle of raw, unbridled growth. The muscles were so pronounced that they hindered his movement, rendering him nearly immobile. Mark looked down at himself in horror and disbelief, too large to even comprehend.
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Dr. Felix finally stepped back, his breath heavy with both awe and a trace of fear at what he had unleashed, "Perfection." Mark was a giant, a titan of muscle bound by the confines of his own flesh, trapped in a body that was too powerful, too monstrous for any ordinary life.
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explicit-tae · 2 years
Cruel Intentions (Part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Final | Cruel Intentions: Organized Crime
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: mafia!jungkook,
Warning: smut, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, nipple play, handcuffs, iceplay, dirty talk, impregnation kink, sadistic behavior (only slight), creampie, dubcon,
Word Count: 17,174
Description: A look back onto your and Jungkook's relationship days before the wedding - and the decision he makes that causes you to finally escape him.
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"You're a man now." Jungkook hears the deep, sinister voice of his father say to him, smirking down to his son. Jungkook wants to laugh - because no 15 year old - freshly turned - would be considered a man. Yet his father had insisted that he was coming of age and would have to act as such. Jungkook is seated in a large, lounge chair in the middle of the dim room. There are mirrors hung on all four walls and his eyes connect with his reflection across from him - the reflection screaming at him to stop this. To not agree with this - to go against his father.
But Jungkook doesn't move - he can't find the will to. No teenager should be inside of here - the Brothel - with their dim red lights to add the lore of seduction and appeal. He can't help the way his heart beats out his chest and the way his palms grow sweaty by each passing second.
Bangtan had an old tradition spanning out for decades. It was an old practice that didn't need to be done any longer - yet his father was nothing but a man that followed old traditional rules. He knows his Hyungs didn't have to do this - he would often wish his surname wasn't Jeon. The Kim's, Park's, Jung's or Min's didn't allow this practice in their homes - they allowed their sons to become men on their own.
"You can enter." he hears his father say as he opens the door and walks out of it.
Jungkook gulps as the girl enters the room. She had to be at least 18 - Bangtan didn't do anything younger than that. He wouldn't call her a woman because her features appeared nearly identical to the girls he went to school with besides the fact that she dressed in skimpy lingerie and saunter seductively into the room and shut the door behind her.
She smiles at Jungkook - one he doesn't return. He doesn't know what to do, so he does nothing when she climbs into his lap. Both of her thighs are hugging his waist closer and her hands roam his body, her lips placing themselves upon his own.
Your eyes widen at Jungkook. His demeanor appears calm after his recant. You're unsure how to speak to him, afraid that you'd end up saying the wrong thing.
After the night you had with Jungkook at the underground casino, you tried anything to get the man to sleep with you. You often told yourself that it wasn't because of Shu-hua - because it wasn't. You at least wanted to go into this honeymoon with him experienced enough. However, Jungkook insisted time and time again that it wasn't the right time - that he was positive you weren't ready. No matter how many times you insisted you were.
Your mind had wandered today after he rejected you once more to how he lost his own virginity. It was different for men unlike women - you've heard many men over the years speak about their virginity and how disposable it was. You pondered if his was the same - sleeping with someone he deemed attractive enough or perhaps a girfriend of his.
That was until he explained that his virginity was lost due to a "coming of age" ceremony his father had put together with a woman of the Brothel. You were astonished at the revelation - even more so when he spoke about it emotionlessly. He declared that it was something that happened for years and he wasn't the exception.
"I-I don't know what to say." you murmur to him. Jungkook rarely speaks of his childhood and past all together - but now you understood why.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." Jungkook chuckles.
You're laying down, eyes watching him as he chuckles - as if he hadn't admit his father allowed him to sleep with an older girl just to lose something sacred as virginity.
"It's not everyday you hear something like that." you murmur.
Jungkook shrugs. He places his fingers along your lips and traces them. "I'm not a child anymore." he responds. "And my father isn't alive any longer so...karma I suppose."
You widened your eyes once more but couldn't find the words to say. You allowed Jungkook to trace your lips more as your mind tries to process the information. Was this the reason why Jungkook was the way he is? He had a sick way of thinking at times - but it was as though he was born into toxicity. His father giving away his virginity for decades old tradition to be deemed as a "man" to the man he's became now.
You lick your lips. "Is that something...everyone has to follow?" you ask him after a moment. You couldn't help but ask - you're expected to give this man and child. And no, you were holding off for as long as you could - but it you did ever fall pregnant with a son, the last thing you wanted was for him to lose something sacred to a prositute.
"No." Jungkook responds, glancing away from you. "I have no intentions on continuing that tradition."
You release a sigh of relief. You're unsure why - you told yourself that you had no desire to give Jungkook any children unless it was absolutely needed for the sake of your family. Yet - just the thought of what if. What if you bore a child for Jungkook - a boy at that. You couldn't sit by and allow your son to be treated the same way - go through what his father allowed Jungkook to go through.
But you weren't an imbecil - what Jungkook told you about his father was just the tip of the iceberg. You could only imagine what Jungkook was leaving out and that frightened you more than anything.
"I won't allow our children to go through what I've gone through with that man." Jungkook's words come out cold when he speaks of his father. You tell yourself it's too early to ask - but that doesn't mean you can't listen to him when he announces it. "Nor would I involve them in our drama."
Jungkook swallows. He was just a child when he would tremble behind his elder brother when his father beat his mother. He had no regrets in killing the man that was hurting the mother of his children - but he knew he didn't wish to repeat history. He had no intentions of allowing his children to witness whatever qualms he had with you - no arguments or disagreements. And though Jungkook had no real objective of putting his hands on you, the last thing he ever wanted was for his children to be there witnessing it.
"I want our children to be close like you are with your siblings." Jungkook admits. "I want them to love one another without judgment." Jungkook offers a small smile.
Jungkook knows the reason why you've agreed to stay with him. It doesn't hurt him or make him love you any less - he knows deeply that you are slowly beginning to enjoy your time by his side. The love you had for your family makes him admire you greatly - the fact that you're willing to put your own needs aside for them told him so. You doing anything in your power to attempt to get Hyun-woo help and to even sell yourself to pay off his debts told him you were the perfect woman for him. The perfect woman he could ever ask for the be his wife and the mother of his children.
Jungkook places a kiss on your lips before lifting himself up. "Get up. Hyung says he has a surprised for you."
"Me?" you furrow a brow. "Who?"
"Jimin. Something about," Jungkook lifts his fingers to make air quotations. "making the home appear more domestic."
Soobin enters the station, his eyes following around the amount of men in police uniforms. It was hectic - far too hectic - but that didn't discourage him. He walks to the first officer he could find willing to stop and speak with him - he was an older man that could be around his mother's age. "I-I need to file a police report?" he murmurs, his statement turning into a question. 
It was evident Soobin was out of place having never done this before. The older police officers nod his head and led him away from the rowdy crowd of officers. Soobin sighs as he enters a smaller, quieter room and the officer motions for him to sit down. 
"Alright," the officer crosses his arm. "go on."
Soobin explains the situation - how he met you months prior while you were pregnant and seemingly afraid of civilization. He explained how his mother and him had allowed you to stay with them without asking too many questions. He even had photo evident proof - his hands trembling as he shows the officer the envelope. When he got to the most recent part of you and Jungkook, Soobin's hand began to clench. He felt as though he failed you as a man - not being able to protect you from the very threat you were running away from. 
"So you're telling me this woman...left with her husband?" the officer eyes Soobin who nods. "Willingly?"
Soobin shakes his head. "Y-Yes but she was forced to leave!" he announces. "I just explained the entire situation to you!"
Soobin was becoming stressed about the situation. His mother hasn't returned from the Hospital yet even after you've been gone for a week now. She asked about you and Jin-Seon, ensuring that he was to keep the both of you safe and he had failed not only her - but you and Jin-Seon. The stress of her well-being, on top of the mountain of bills he has to pay for such care and his mind wandering to a dark place when it comes to you. 
"There's nothing I can do about this. It's a marital dispute." the officer shakes his head. 
"Nothing you can do?" Soobin murmurs, his eyes growing wide. "I just told you she ran from him for months! He pointed a gun at me after breaking into my home and you're telling me there's nothing that can be done?!" Soobin wasn't one to lose him temper - he had a high tolerance for bullshit, yet the words coming from the officer didn't make any sense to him. 
"Calm down." the officer raises his hands towards Soobin. "What I can do is take their names down and if something comes up..." the officer makes a few hand gestures in an attempt to speak. "...I might be able to address the situation. As of right now, they're still married and if the woman herself doesn't come forth and state theres any abuse..."
"Nothing can be done." Soobin scoffs. "All I know that his name is Jungkook."
The officer nods his head slowly. 
Soobin lifts himself up and leaves the rowdy police station - it was a waste of his time coming here. No one took him seriously - they never did. His mind was ticking as he made his way down the familiar road to his home. How could no one think about how you acted around Jungkook as suspicious? It was obvious he done something to you that harmed you in a way that would make you want to escape him. 
As Soobin's eyes catch his home he stops in his track at the unfamiliar black car waiting just outside of it. He cannot see anything inside of it, the tint being fairly dark. There's no tags on the car and his mind is screaming at him to run the opposite way - but he doesn't. His eyes doesn't leave the car as he makes his way to his home - so much so that he doesn't see the figure seated on his steps. 
"You must be Soobin."
Soobin nearly jumps out of his skin at the voice he hears. His head snaps to it. The man was tall with broad shoulders - dark hair covering his forehead as he holds one hand a large briefcase and the other inside his pants pocket. 
"Who are you?" Soobin attempts to stand tall but it's visibly obvious he's scared shitless.  No one visits them and having Jungkook and this unknown man come within a week was like having alarms ringing in his head. 
"My apologies. My name is Kim Seokjin." the man chuckles. "I am here to talk with you. Do you mind if we go inside?"
"I do mind, actually." Soobin nods.
Seokjin's smile falters but he doesn't dwell on it. "Alright." he nods. He proceeds to take his hand out of his pocket and hold the briefcase up. "I would like to give this to you."
Soobin glances at the black briefcase and then up at Seokjin. "What is it?" he asks. "And who are you? Why are you here?"
Seokjin opens the briefcase. Soobin's eyes widen at the rolled cash stacked neatly inside. It was as though the briefcase shined a light upon him. It was diffult to look away from that much amount of cash, but he does. "What do you want?"
"Think of this as..." Seokjin shrugs. "A thank you courtesy of Jeon Jungkook. For taking care of his wife and son."
Soobin feels his throat tighten. His heart beats at hearing Jungkook's name mixed with 'wife' and 'son'. 
"Get off of my property." Soobin snaps. He feels sick - ready to vomit up anything in a few seconds. He pushes past Seokjin and places his key into the hole to unlock the door. "I don't need that mans money."
Seokjin slams his hand onto the front door just as Soobin was ready to slam it. "I know your mother isn't in the best condition. You can use this for whatever bills come your way."
Soobin clenches his jaw. Jungkook had a great amount of nerve for allowing someone to come here and buy him and his silence - especially using his mother as an excuse as to why he would need it. 
"Jungkook thinks he can flash money around and everything would be alright?" Soobin hisses at Jin. "After he broke into my home, put a gun on me and take Y/N and Jin-Seon against her will?"
Jin takes a step back. He hadn't heard about the entirety of the situation concerning Jungkook and Soobin - and he really didn't want to know. The fact that Soobin remained alive still to this day was remarkable - but he can thank Y/N and Jin-Seon being present for that. 
"Tell Jungkook there's a special place in Hell just for him." and before Jin can respond, the door is slammed in his face. 
Jungkook was no fool to Jimin's action. His hyung done this time and time again for years - and you being his fiance wasn't going to stop him. Jimin was like a magnet that made anyone attracted to him naturally but Jungkook would admit seeing the two of you laugh and smile at one another makes something stir in him. You're seated besides him - too close for his liking - both cooing at the small kitten in your arms.
Jimin had come by the estate with a small, meowing kitten. It's high-pitched meows make Jungkook's head hurt. The black ball of fur was now playing with your wiggling fingers, wide emerald eyes following their every move. He scowls, shaking his head. He wasn't a cat person in the slightest - but he knows you're far too smitten with the little feline now. Your eyes are sparkling at the meowing creature.
"It's so cute!" you coo, lifting the kitten up to rub your nose against it. "I just want to eat you."
"Please don't." Jungkook deadpans, his narrowing eyes staring holes into the kitten.
You roll your eyes at Jungkook but go back to rubbing noses with the kitten. Jimin smiles besides you, placing his hands on the kittens little head and rubbing gently. Jungkook tilts his head, eyes watching Jimin.
"Thank you so much, Jimin!" you giggle to the man, placing the kitten back in your lap. "It's so unexpected."
"I thought you two needed something to make this place," Jimin glances around the modern estate - all dull colors of black and grey. "more domesticated. It's far too quiet."
"Only because Soo-ah isn't here." you murmur but smile at Jimin regardless. "I'm sure Rasu will liven this place up."
"What the hell is a Rasu?" Jungkook scoffs, crossing his arms. Jimin raises a brow, simply knowing his dongsaemg was jealous of a kitten. He hated when the attention wasn't on him - just like a child.
"His name." you declare, glancing at Jungkook just to roll your eyes at him. "It's cute."
"It is." Jimin nods in agreement, sending Jungkook a smirk. "We should get him a bell for his collar. We don't want Kookie to step on his."
Jungkook snickers. It would be a great idea - the kitten was jet black except for the small white stripe on its neck. He would blend in far too well and he wouldn;'t hear the end of it if he accidently stepped or sat on the small feline.
Jungkook couldn't do anything while he sats ignored while you and Jimin play with the kitten. Jimin was a natural people pleaser and his mind tells him that it wasn't fair that you warmed up to Jimin easily with just a kitten as a gift while he had to pay for your acceptance. Maybe it was childish to think of it. Jimin wouldn't try anything with you - with another woman from a man he didn't care for? Yes. But not you - but that doesn't make the boiling in his blood lessen.
Day after day while you keep the kitten in the home, Jimin has visited. He had brought far too many gifts for the kitten - different types of wet food and toys. Even though you had dragged him to the nearest pet store to get everything for the kitten - customed kitten shirts, toys the damn feline touched once and never again and mountains of wet and dry food and treats.
Jungkook sat in disbelief when you and him sat at the breakfast table and you placed a bowl of food on the chair next to you for the kitten to eat, claiming that he also deserved a chair for himself.
Jungkook was growing irritated with the kitten. It was obvious that he had made himself far too at home. He didn't sleep in the expensive cat tree he was forced to buy - or the expensive cat bed or wall hammock you insisted the feline needed. He preferred to sleep in cabinets he had no idea how he got into. That, or the feline made his way inside the bathroom - somehow - and would sleep right inside the tub.
Jungkook was tired of hearing how grateful you were of Jimin for gifting you the gift of Rasu - the small emerald eye cat that lived a better life than most adults. Jimin still came by to check on Rasu - but Jungkook understood that it was just to fuck with him. Jimin enjoyed riviling his dongsaeng just because he knew he could. Jungkook was an extrememly jealous man.
So much so that he found himself now inside a pet store with Soo-ah, searching for his own gift for you and him. He could make his own home domesticated.
"Uncle! What about this one?" Soo-ah cries, her wide eyes staring at a puppy.
Jungkook shakes his head as he tears his eyes away from the tiny tea-cup puppy. "That one is too small, Soo-ah. I might sit on him."
Soo-ah pouts but goes onto the next one.
Jungkook already had a cart full of items. Dog toys, collars food and supplements. Now all he needed next was the dog. Having a pet before having children with you would show you that he too can be responsible - show you how domesticated he could be.
"Uncle!" Soo-ah tugs on his hand. "Look at this one! It's so cute!"
Jungkook nods in agreement. The puppy was black and brown and tilts its head at them as they look through the small cage. Soo-ah wiggles her hand between cage to pet the puppys head.
"I think I want this one." Jungkook smiles to himself. The puppy appeared calm enough and eventually he'd be a bigger dog.
As Jungkook enters the home with Soo-ah in one arm and Bam - the energetic puppy - in the other. You're seated in the sitting room with Jimin - for whatever reason - when he saunters through.
"Hyung," Jungkook smiles tightly. "you're here as if you don't have your own home. Or wives." Jungkook murmurs. "Do I need to set a room for you?"
Jimin snickers and nods. "That would be nice." he retorts, offering Jungkook a sickly sweet smile. "Is that a dog?"
"Yes it is." Jungkook beams. "I'm more of a dog person."
You furrow your brows at Jungkook, eyes watching the dog sniff around in his surroundings.
"How are we going to have a dog and a cat together?" you ask. You refused to allow Rasu on the ground with such a big puppy.
"Y/N, baby, that's just a myth of cats and dogs being enemies." Jungkook waves you off. "We're pet parents now." he beams, eyes glancing at Jimin.
Jimin wants to laugh at Jungkook's jealousy. What he was willing to do to one up him was amazing, but it was fresh to see Jungkook happy with you. It was also great to see you - the same woman who tried time after time to escape him - now adjust to your surroundings. Soo-ah loved Jungkook with all her heart and Jimin knows he feels the same. If Jungkook only knew that each time he visited you and Rasu that all you and he ever did was discuss him, his dongsaeng wouldn't be jealous now.
But Jimin wouldn't tell Jungkook - it was a private conversation, after all. He would simply continue watching how far Jungkook would go to attempt to win you over when you were already.
You sigh but smile at Jungkook. "What's his name?"
"Bam!" Jungkook declares and the dog barks as if recognizing his own name.
You giggle and nod your head. "Bam and Rasu." you coo, placing the kitten on the ground next to the puppy who paid the small feline no mind and continued to sniff around.
Jimin places his hand beneath his chin as he watches you and Jungkook. He could only pray Jungkook doesn't do anything to make you lose you - because little did the younger know, he had you right where he wanted you.
Soobin carries the flower arrangement in his arms - nothing special, a few flowers he embarrassingly picked along the way to give to his mother. He was informed she was awake now and he wished nothing more than to see her. The halls were quiet - surprisingly so - as he makes his way to her room.
Days have passed since he met one of Jungkook's...men? Friend? He wasn't sure who the tall man with broad shoulders was to him, all he did know was that he had the audacity to come with a briefcase full of money. It made his blood boil to think that he could be bought off by Jungkook - the man who taken you from him.
Soobin wasn't a possessive man. You were your own person, he was aware. Yet you cried when you left with him. The months he has gotten to know you, he hasn't seen a ring on your finger. You haven't spoke of your past with Jungkook but Soobin was no idiot to see that whatever he's done to you was nothing but abuse.
Soobin rounded the corner, his mother's room the last one to the right. He glances at the clock on the far end of the hallway and sighs. There was still no word from the police - he called back hours later asking if they were willing to investigate and now Soobin knows that "We're looking into it" means that they weren't. It was a ploy to shut him up.
Soobin straightens his back as he reaches his mothers room. The door was cracked only slightly and he pushes it back to see his mother smiling. Who she was smiling at was what caught him by surprise. "Who are you?" Soobin asks, eyeing the man.
Byeol turns her eyes to glare at her son. "Don't be rude, Soobin." she hisses lowly. She then turns to the unknown man and smiles. "This is my son - Soobin." she introduces.
The man turns his eyes to Soobin and nods. Soobin eyes his appearances - all black attire with jewlery that appeared more expensive than anything he could even think to afford. The man stood tall - even if he was shorter than Soobin - and eyes him with intense eyes, but the smile on his lip never falters.
"Why is he here?" Soobin asks his mother, not caring how rude he was sounding. The last time he saw an unknown man, it had to do with Jungkook. He didn't need any of his men coming around his mother.
"Soobin." Byeol's words were stern and final. It told him he needed to stop with his disrespect.
"My name's Park Jimin." the man holds out his hand to Soobin who hesitantly grabs it - only does so because his mother is watching him. "I'm the man who has loaned your mother the money for her surgery."
Soobin snatches his hands away and turns to his mother. "A loan shark?" he hisses. "I thought-"
"You have enough things to worry about with Jin-Seon and Y/N." Byeol shakes her head. "I don't need you worrying about me, as well."
Jimin hums to himself as he smiles at Soobin. Soobin is no fool to catch the glint in his eyes and his breathing quickened. He goes to place the flower arrangement on the nearest table to see that he was late. There was already one there - this one was expensive. He couldn't name any of the flowers arranged. "W-Who brought this?" he asks his mother, eyeing the flowers.
"A colleague of mine." Jimin spoke up.
Soobin shoves his flowers next to it and turns to face Jimin.
"Jeon Jungkook." Jimin stares straight at Soobin as he speaks. "He's also an investor such as myself. We love to give families a second chance and lift a little weight off their shoulders."
Soobin feels his palms go sweaty under Jimin's gaze. Whoever Jungkook was, he had an abundance of influence. That told Soobin that this was a powerful man that had the world at the palms of his hands - and an unlimited supply of men willing to come to his aid.
"Can I speak with you outside, Jimin-ssi?" Soobin murmurs, not waiting for a response before he walks out the door himself. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, contemplating how he was going to explain this to his mother when she returned home.
Soobin hears the door close behind him. He turns to face Jimin to see the man have a bored look on his face. "Tell Jungkook he has no right to keep interfering in my life." Soobin hisses at Jimin who only smirks. "I'm serious!" he then hisses at the smirking man. "I don't want his money or yours."
"You know," Jimin leans away from the door. He takes a step towards Soobin "you're ungrateful. I haven't even heard a thank you come from your lips." the man says, tapping Soobin's lip with his index finger - just to fuck with the fuming man.
"Don't touch me!" Soobin hisses, clenching his fist. He takes a few steps back from Jimin and hisses once more, "What the hell do you want? What does he want? He's taken everything already-"
"You mean Y/N?" Jimin furrows a brow with a scoff. "You mean...another man's wife? My dongsaeng's wife at that?" Jimin shakes his head and soon he's laughing - an amused laugh that does nothing but mock Soobin. "You were trying to play house with a woman and a child that didn't belong to you?"
Soobin gulps. Jimin's laugh makes him want to do nothing but wipe that smirk off of his lips - but if Jimin was anything like Jungkook, that only meant that he was armed and just as narcissistic as him. Possibly even pyschotic.
"Cat got your tongue?" Jimin pouts his lips, feigning pity. "Aww, that's sad. Regardless, boy, my dongsaeng did you a favor by sparring your life. Of course, you can thank Y/N and Jin-Seon for being there for that." Jimin steps closer and with each step Soobin takes one back. "Jungkook would never put his wife and child in harm's way. And now, they're better off without," Jimin eyes Soobin up and down, a snicker leaving his lips. "you. And that run down shack you call a home."
There it was once more - someone talking down on him and the home they lived in. He doesn't want to show it, yet it does cause a sting in his heart at the harsh words Jimin says. Similar to the ones Jungkook said to him. It was evident what they meant by it - he wasn't good enough for you. He didn't have the money and power Jungkook had. He couldn't afford expensive cars and couldn't have you live in a high-end mansion that he was positive Jungkook had you in. By the way Jungkook scoffed at the home they resided in and stated frankly that his son could never stay there. Now Jimin repeating it...
"What do you guys want from me?"
Jimin catches the crack in the young boy's voice. He pitied him, of course. He was innocent in this - it wasn't Soobin that took you and held you hostage. You left on your own accord. However, Jungkook would blame him until his last breath out of pure rage and jealousy. Soobin had the luxury of being with you while pregnant with Jin-Seon. He had the chance to witness you grow larger as the months pushed along and saw the pregnancy glow. It's one of the best moments to be around your wife as she's carrying your child - he would know having not just one wife and daughter, but two.
Jungkook knowing that Soobin - someone he deemed lesser than himself and not having the resources he did - had the chance to be with you and hold his child before he did...Jimin shakes his head. Soobin was a lucky man to be alive today and again, Jin-Seon and you were his only weaknesses.
"Stop going to the police." Jimin finally answers. "They aren't going to do anything but tell us."
Soobin stiffens. He tries to look for any detection that Jimin was playing any mind games on him - but he wasn't. No wonder the police didn't appear the least bit concerned with your whereabouts.
"You're lucky he called my hyung and not Jungkook." Jimin continues. "Even though he promised Y/N that he wouldn't hurt you. The 6 of us made no such promises."
Jimin could see the glint in Soobin's eyes - a glint of a man recollecting his own life before his eyes. He felt for the young boy, once again he had no dog in this fight. He appeared to have a good soul - rare for a man in this day of age - yet he couldn't allow him to come between you and Jungkook. The sheriff being on their payroll only meant they had the advantage, but there was no saying what lengths Soobin would go through in his attempts to bring you back to him.
"Your mother's surgery bills have already been paid for." Jimin added. "You're alive and well. So is she."
A bitter chuckle leaves Soobin's lips. "You'll kill me?" he asks, his eyes on the ground. "For caring for a friend?"
"I'll kill you if you try to come after Y/N or my nephew - yes." Jimin responds without a second thought, giving him a nod.
Jimin wasn't one for threats nor did he prefer killing - but he wasn't against it. Jungkook was happy again - crawling out of the dark hole he placed himself in while you were gone. He actually smiled again and when he would visit to see Jin-Seon, there was never a time Jungkook's eyes would leave the baby for long. Any whine had Jungkook in a frezny wondering what was wrong with his son. Jungkook never turned down anything that involved Jin-Seon - a changing, washing or feeding. It reminded Jimin of himself when he first became a father and it was truly a beautiful sight to see.
"I'll be taking my leave." Jimin announced. He doesn't wait for Soobin to respond before he turns down towards the hall. 
Soobin watches Jimin's back, his mind clouded with the new found information. He gulps and sniffles before realizing that he's crying. Jimin's figure get's smaller by the seconds until he can no longer see him nor hear his footsteps. 
A month has passed far too quickly for your liking. One moment you're in the large estate with Jungkook, agreeing to marry him for the sake of your family to now depart the country and entering Kefalonia, Greece. How Jungkook managed to get a hold of a private plane for your family to come shouldn't shock you as much as it does. When Jungkook stated that your wedding would be the best - far better than his Hyungs - you didn't believe how much he was willing to put into it.
You never been to Greece before - the brightness of it all with the clearness of the water marvels you. However, you're nervous as the seconds go by. You never imagined yourself getting married - and even though this isn't the ideal marriage moment, you're still fearful. You try to ignore the circumstances of why you agreed to be with Jungkook and at least make an attempt to enjoy yourself. Greece was beautiful and knowing Jungkook, he was paying a hefty amount of money to just win the one-sided competition with his Hyungs.
Your siblings were astonished by the luxury of the land you were residing on - all having several condos for each family not far from the beach. You loved seeing their faces of happiness to be away on vacation. None of you ever vacation outside of the country somewhere luxurious. It makes your decision to be with Jungkook a greater satisfaction - to know that you weren't just thinking of yourself but of your entire family. You just wished Hyun-woo could be here but understanding that he was in rehab was the best gift you could be given.
Jungkook wraps an arm around your waist as you were staring out the large window of the master bedroom. You could see the others enjoying their stay, already playing at the beach. Soo-ah and Hye-jin were burying Namjoon in the sand while Momoka and Hee-sun were dipping their own feet into the water, babies in their arms.
"Do you want to go and join them?" Jungkook asks. He places his chin on your head as he speaks. He relished in being with you now with only a day away from being married to you.
You shake your head. You turn away from the window and make your way to the bed, Jungkook following behind you until he's laying beside you, arms wrapped lazily around you. He inhales the scent of your hair - the vanilla aroma engulfing his nostrils. It always calms him - the familiar scent of you.
"I'm nervous." you admit, eyes blinking to the ceiling. "I don't like to be stared at."
Jungkook snickers, but grips your waist.
"I'm serious." you groan, turning away on your side away from him. "What if I fall on my face?"
"I'll fall then." Jungkook chuckles. "So we'll both look a mess. Together."
You roll your eyes but smile slightly. You place your hand over Jungkook's that is rubbing along your thigh tracing random shapes. The silence that falls between you and Jungkook is comfortable and welcoming. You would have never thought that you'd be here with him willingly after your life over the course of months - nearing a year. It's insane to think that you once despised Jungkook to not minding if you did spend life with him.
Yes, there was the thought of what if's. What if you didn't get involved with Jungkook? What if you didn't go to the underground Black Market and offer up your virginity - or worse, what if Jungkook wasn't there and you would've been bought by some older man? You wouldn't be in what you were now - but was this truly as bad as you initially thought? Your family adored Jungkook and they now lived comfortably. You didn't have to work - not that you minded it - and it was relaxing not living check to check.
'Jungkook could be worse.' you tell yourself, snickering mentally. You couldn't believe you laid with him now willingly and even taking his side. Jungkook could be extremely more controlling than he was. Sure, he chipped you - but he also chipped himself to make you comfortable with getting it. Yes, he forced you into a marriage - but another man wouldn't do what he's done for your family. You couldn't imagine another man managing to get your brother out of prison and into rehab.
Jungkook was a patient man. He didn't force you into anything you truly didn't want. Your mind tells you this because, truly, what man wouldn't have coherced you into sex by now? Sometimes you think you're the one constantly forcing yourself upon him.
Your mind tells you that maybe living side by side with Jungkook wouldn't be too bad. Maybe you'll grow to love him like he claims to love you. Maybe you could eventually give him the children he often speaks of - but not too soon. You didn't forget the birth control pills in your possession, grateful that Jungkook hadn't found them just yet. You would give him the benefit of the doubt as a husband - but you can't trust him just yet as a father.
"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook's words startles you back into reality.
"About you." you admit, leaning back against him. "And us."
"Good things?"
You nod.
"Good." Jungkook murmurs. "You're going to look beautiful in the dress."
"You already saw me in it." you retort. You turn to face him again to find him glancing down at you. "Defeats the purporse of complimenting me."
"Never." Jungkook declares. "It doesn't matter if I already saw you in it. I'm still going to cry."
"You're being dramatic again." you laugh, but the gesture does make your heart warm. "If you cry then that'll make my sisters cry. Then I will cry and I can't risk ruining my makeup."
Jungkook laughs aloud, throwing his head back. You follow suit, joining in on the laughter. You feel Jungkook brings you closer to him. His embrace is warm and it reminds you of the many times you and him were entangled like this - far too many times to count.
You're the first to lean in. You connect your lips to his urgency. It wasn't long before the two of you were tangled together, hands roaming the other body. You're left breathing heavily when Jungkook disconnects your lips, just to kiss along your neck, even nibbling. His hands raise to squeeze your breast through your clothes, lips kissing your collarbone.
Jungkook hums, swirling his tongue onto your skin. "Wanna taste you." he huffs.
You could only nod your head. You weren't capable of deny Jungkook when it came to his tongue.
Jungkook doesn't waste any time in tugging the shirt off of you. He dives into your breast, wrapping his mouth around one nipple while pinching and tugging the other. Arching your back, you huffed out a moan at the sensation.
Jungkook could suck onto your breast for hours - he was just a man. There wasn't any pleasure he got from it - but to get to see you squirming beneath him, moaning out his name and getting to touch you adds to the excitement. He's had sex with many women - it came with the job - but couldn't care less if he pleasured them enough. Yet with you, pleasuring you solely was enough for him to cum. Your moans were always so sweet for him and they often replayed in his mind time and time again - even when the two of you weren't intimate.
Jungkook's fingers trail between your legs, lightly tapping your clothed clit to tease you. He trails his lips down, fingers hook under your shorts and tugs them of, your panties going along with them.
Jungkook grunts when his fingers feel just how wet you were already for him. As much as he enjoyed kissing and sucking your skin - it was his favorite to get to watch the way you squirmed while he fingered you. You were tight, but his fingers always entered almost effortlessly.
Jungkook hovers above you, his eyes trained on the way his fingers play with your clit. Your stomach is churning at the pace he sets - Jungkook always dove right into it but you never could complain. You relished when Jungkook put your needs before his own, content with not getting anything in return from you.
Jungkook places two of his fingers into his mouth and shivers. "I'm gonna taste you now." he rushes between your legs without a second thought, tongue flat against your clit. Both of his hands roughly slap against your thighs to allow him entrance before he goes to ravishing you.
You're arching your back in seconds - Jungkook's tongue always has this effect on you. He doesn't hold himself back, his head swinging back and forth while his tongue assaults your clit. The squelching sounds mixed with your sweet moans are an added bonus. You tangled your fingers into his hair, tugging on it.
Jungkook moans against your clit. He adored when you pulled his hair, his high tolerance of pain being nothing but a blessing for him. He loved when you slapped him, pulled his hair - even the light choking. It gave him the masochistic pleasure - only when it came to you, however. He could never allow a woman he didn't love be dominant over him. Besides, you thrived in being sadistic to him.
Jungkook wouldn't say he was a complete masochist - a woman like you always had to be put in her place. You loved to be choked just as much as you loved choking him - he would say the two of you were truly meant for one another.
Jungkook lifts himself from between your legs and places a quick kiss upon your lips. You yelp when Jungkook flips you around, his back now firmly on the bed and he's tugging you to sit upon him. Jungkook's guilty pleasure was you sitting on his face - maybe it was the lack of air he had, but he would never complain. It was a good way to go out.
You squeeze Jungkook's thighs, biting your lip at the pace Jungkook sets as he licks and kisses on your clit. You lick your lips, eyes focusing on the bulge in Jungkook's shorts. You place your hand upon it, squeezing it tightly. You could feel the vibration from the groan Jungkook does - and it entices you to do it again. You dip your hand beneath it to get out his cock and it sprungs out. His cock was always so pretty - the tip already dripping with pre-cum.
Jungkook's hands rub your body, the sensation of your naked skin on his palm sends goosebumps and shivers around his body. His fingernails dig into your thighs when he feels your tongue - so warm and soft - against the tip of his cock.
You wrap your tongue around the tip of Jungkook's cock, moaning at the salty taste of pre-cum. You would've never thought you'd enjoy sucking cock - especially Jungkook's. The way he would whimper and moan each time you'd wrap a simple tongue around his cock gives you the power to suck harder and faster - even deeper.
Which is what you do.
You bring his entire cock into your mouth and bob your head. You could feel the saliva dripping down your chin within seconds, but it does nothing but turn you on. Your hands wrap around the length of his cock and stroke him as you suck.
Jungkook curses, jutting his hips. He squeezes his eyes shut and bites his lips. You always knew how to suck him so well, always using your throat to pleasure him. You didn't understand how much he adored you - how much he was willing to do for you. You had him in the palm of your hands - literally and metaphorically.
Jungkook enters two fingers inside of you, curling them. He kisses your clit as he pumps his fingers inside of you. You're tight, yet he could still feel you clench around his fingers and he couldn't stop himself from thinking how tight you'd be around him.
You lean back against Jungkook, cock in your mouth but you couldn't suck. His fingers pumping inside of you clouds your mind. You feel it deep in your stomach - the churning and rumbling. You begin to breathe heavily and you remove his cock from your mouth. You hung your head, fidgeting in his grasp.
Jungkook is positive that you're going to cum - he knows your body well now. You're jerk in his embrace, shake your head, clench around him then...
"Fuck!" you hiss, arching your back as you were cumming around his fingers.
Jungkook hums, removing his fingers from inside of you. He licks them, closing his eyes and sighing. He was horny - excessively so. But, as you rest he was going to rub one out in the shower before dinner - it appeared to be enough for him. As Jungkook places you onto the bed beside him, he goes to kiss your cheek. Before he could, you turn your head towards him and place a kiss upon his lips.
Jungkook melts into the kiss. He could feel your hands grip his shirt to bring him closer. "You seem happy." Jungkook chuckles against your lips. "And horny."
"I am." you murmur, kissing along his jaw. "Shouldn't you be?"
Jungkook licks his lips when he feels you nibble on his neck. "I am."
"Then we should do something about that."
Your hands trailing lower and lower with your lips kissing, sucking and nibble has Jungkook weak.
"What do you suggest we do?" Jungkook gulps. He understands fully what you mean - but we wants you to say it.
"Would it be too vulgar to ask you to fuck me?"
Jungkook shakes his head. He laughs aloud, placing a hand onto his head. You knit your brows at his laugh, glaring at him.
"I'm not fucking you." Jungkook says. "That sounds...too harsh."
You sigh.
"Don't look at me like that." Jungkook quips. "You're a virgin. I can't just fuck you like some animal, baby." Jungkook places a hand on your cheek. "It has to be more special than that, don't you think?"
You nod your head slowly, shrugging your shoulders. You were never the daydream type of girl that imagined rose petals and candles for her first time. But your mind was telling you that you understood why Jungkook doesn't want to go through with it. He was a man that didn't have a say in the way he lost his own virginity - no matter how desensitized he's become of it.
"I don't want to be a virgin on our Honeymoon." you claim. "I want to know...what I'm doing."
"You're not going to be a pro in a few days." Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. "What's the rush? You don't need to do this because you think I want to."
"I'm not." you assure. "Is it bad that I want to have sex with my fiance?"
Jungkook hums, he likes the sound of you calling him that. Still, he couldn't fathom just fucking you - not while you still had a sense of purity left. He didn't want you to assume he wanted nothing but sex from you or that there was a time limit.
Even though there was - in a way, but he doesn't know yet how to tell you.
"It'll hurt." Jungkook murmurs.
"Eventually it'll feel good."
"You aren't going to let this go, huh?" Jungkook's thumb is now rubbing your cheek. He watches your lips tug into a smile before he exhales. "If that's what you want...then alright."
Widening your eyes, you lean forward to stare at him. Jungkook continues to lay down, watching your expression.
"Okay...how do we do this?" you ponder aloud and all Jungkook can do is laugh.
You couldn't keep your hands off of Jungkook - even after it's only been 2 days - leaving just a few more until your wedding. The first night was awkward - weird even. You weren't sure how to feel once it was done and over with - but you recall thinking to yourself; "Was that it?" The act of virginity always appeared to be an act that would be either the best moment in life or the complete worse - to you it was right in the middle. It wasn't bad - but it couldn't be good with Jungkook's nerves getting to him. He was nervous and didn't want to hurt you - constantly asking if you were okay and needed him to stop.
However, you were the first one to initiate the sex that same night, trying to get the feel of it. It wasn't as awkward as the first time and Jungkook was surprised how well you were growing accustomed to him. So much so that you would request being on top of him, asking questions if it felt good and were you doing everything right - and he said yes each time. There wasn't a wrong way to ride him, he'd enjoy it either way.
By the fifth time the two of you had sex there wasn't any awkwardness or embarrassment. You went back to your sadistic ways - slapping him the way he enjoyed, pulling and tugging on his hair that had him cumming and wrapping your soft hands around his neck. He was convinced that there was nothing you could do to him that he wouldn't love - that could be deadly for him, yet he didn't care.
Jungkook remained astonished at your high sex drive. He wasn't complaining and never would when it came to you, yet he'd never come to the conclusion that you would want him all the time. When you weren't enganging in sex, you often asked questions about it - pondering just what he liked to do in bed. That's how Jungkook finds himself here with you in Greece in a sex shop. The embarrassed look on your face makes him laugh and it doesn't help that he keeps teasing you about it.
Sex shops usually didn't have carriers - yet the nice clerk had offered a bag once she noticed Jungkook holding more than 5 items in his arms.
"Who's getting handcuffed?" you murmur towards Jungkook as he throws a pair of cuffs into the carrier.
"Doesn't matter to me." Jungkook smiled - and he meant it. Just the thought of you cuffing him has him thinking of ways to not get excited just by the thought.
But even the thought of you being cuffed to the bed excites Jungkook once more. He gulps.
"You can get stuff, too." Jungkook assures. "Whatever you're into."
You bite your lip. It wasn't like you thought about coming to a sex shop and exploring their vast items.
Jungkook watches intently as you look around, touching stuff before shaking your head.
"You don't have to be embarrassed." Jungkook places a hand on your shoulder. "If you see anything you like then we can get it. If not then it's alright."
You and Jungkook leave that shop with many new items. You grabbed nipple clamps and a blindfold, always being intrigued by them. Jungkook grabbing a vibrator surprised you, but he only gives you a toothy grin when you ask about it. It was a tough night attempting to get away from the amount of people - Jimin insisting the two of you attend an event on the beach while Taehyung asks if you wanted to accompany him to a jazz show. It was nearly embarrassing to say you were blowing everyone off just to have sex with one another.
As you enter the room, one thing soon leads to another and somehow you're naked with Jungkook aggressively fingering you. He's hovering above you, eyes intently watching the way you're clenching around his fingers. You're so tight that he adds a third finger, arousal dripping down his wrists. He's thankful that you've agreed to be hand-cuffed, it makes the entire situation much more exciting.
"Let's try something new." your ears catch Jungkook's voice - a moaning statement.
Jungkook removes his fingers from inside of you and lifts himself off of the bed. You watch as he goes towards the black bag of sex toys. You lick your lips and gulp. Jungkook returns with a smirk on his lips, the blindfold in one hand and the vibrator in the other.
"Let's put these on you." Jungkook hums and climbs upon the bed.
You nod, offering a short smile. Jungkook places the blindfold over your eyes - the cotton mask hiding the world around you. You could hear and feel Jungkook moving around the bed. "I'm going to try something, alright?"
You nod your head and continue to wait. You hear clanking metal and now are left even more confused until you feel a sudden coldness on your nipples. You yelp and jerk your back - startled by the sudden coldness.
"Have you ever heard of iceplay?" Jungkook's words come through your ears and you conclude that he's directly next to you.
"We'll see if you like it." Jungkook murmurs.
You feel Jungkook trail the ice along your breast and nipples, his lips - warm and wet - kissing and sucking along your neck. The cold touch of the ice feels weird upon your skin, but you wouldn't say it doesn't arouse you. It brings out an odd erotic feeling within you that has you moaning for more - and Jungkook delivers. He trails the ice along your belly button and between your thighs before he stops at your clit. You're shivering at the feeling, but you don't want him to stop.
Jungkook loved observing your reaction to the ice - it was expressive as always and he knew you liked what he was doing. It was amazing to see you now - handcuffed and allowing him to do whatever he desired to feed his sexual desire for you, the way you'd moaned his name so lovingly - he would do anything in his power to keep you comfortable and safe just as you felt at this moment.
Jungkook kisses your cheek before taking hold of the vibrator. He goes between your legs, eyes catching the way you bite your lip. He turns on the vibrator, the buzzing sound loud and powerful. He kisses your clit before placing the vibrator against it.
You arch your back, releasing a loud moan. Your stomach sucks in as you inhale, the vibrations driving you crazy. Jungkook holds your thigh open each time there's an attempt from you to close them - his eyes adoring the way you drip onto the bed.
"I want you to cum, baby." Jungkook mumbles. He removes his hand from your thighs to enter 3 fingers inside of you.
You jump at pressure and in normal jungkook fashion, he doesn't hesitate in pumping inside of you. The vibrations along your clit mixed with Jungkook fucking his fingers into you has you tugging against the handcuffed restraints. You shake your head side to side - wishing you could watch Jungkook between your legs, but the blindfold adds even more arousal to you.
Jungkook presses the vibrator harder against your clit, his fingers not halting their pumping. "I can feel you clenching around my fingers." Jungkook chuckles, curling his fingers. "Are you going to cum?"
You nod your head hastily - you could feel the pressure coming from deep within you. Jungkook knows when you were close to cumming - the way you'd begin to gasp for air, clench your stomach and around his fingers.
"I love to see you cum for me, baby." Jungkook moans - his own cock was hard and throbbing, itching to just be inside of you. He was sure that he would be content with just watching you be pleasured - but now knowing how your walls felt; so tight, wet and warm...
Jungkook groans at the sight of you dripping onto his wrists, your throat releasing a loud moan. You're curses out lowly to yourself as your high gets to you. Jungkook nods his head with a smirk on his lips. "You're so beautiful when you cum for me, baby. I love it."
Jungkook removes his fingers from inside of you and the vibrator from your clit, turning it off. You're twitching while attempting to catch your breath. You lean your head back once you feel Jungkook remove the blindfold from your eyes. You blink a few times to adjust to the sudden light - Jungook's smirking down at you. 
"Take these cuffs off of me." you murmur to Jungkook with a bite of your lip.
Jungkook does just that, making sure to rub your wrists to make sure they weren't hurting from being in the same position for who knows how long. "Are you-" Jungkook feels your palm connect to his cheek and he's stunned - but it doesn't frighten nor anger him. He feels you climb into his , wrapping your legs around him. 
You crash your lips onto his and Jungkook wastes no time. He moans when he feels your tongue enter his mouth, the both of you fighting for dominance - but he had no problem with allowing you to dominate him.
As your tongue dances with his, your fingers catch Jungkook's hair and you yank on it. The moan that the man lets out makes you clench around nothing. There was something about Jungkook that you admire - the way he allows you to hit him as hard as you wanted and never does anything about it. No matter how hard you'd pull his hair, he would just smile at you with lust filled eyes. When your hands wrapped around his neck and he coughed for air but the way his hands would rest lovingly on your waist - it excites you. 
But even you had your moments. As much as you relished witnessing Jungkook - the powerful man who had men at his disposal - become completely submissive by you, you also cherish when he does the same. It was insane to think that only days ago you were a virgin and now you and Jungkook couldn;t keep your hands away from one another. The way you felt around him was complete - as iconic as it was to admit to yourself. The same man who bought your virginity and ordered for you to be his wife was now the man who made you feel...loved? Cared for?
Whatever the feeling was, you prayed it'd never changed.
"I want to ride you." you whisper in Jungkook's ear - sending goosebumps up his arm. 
Jungkook nods his head hastily. He'd allow you to do anything you wanted to him - that fact was obvious. 
While you were naked for him, Jungkook was fully clothed. Not for long - he yanks down his shorts and removes his shirt. He begins to lay back and hold your waist when you stop him. "I don't want you to touch me." 
Jungkook knits his brows. "What do you mean?"
You fight the satisfied smile from forming onto your lips. Your eyes glances towards the handcuffs laying onto the bed. You grab them in a quick movement and placing one onto Jungkook's wrist. "It's your turn." you tease, blowing him a quick kiss before handcuffing the other wrist behind his back. 
Jungkook can feel the excitement running through him when you push him to sit against the headboard. He appears like a child in a candy store - doe eyes wide and waiting for you to do your next move. 
And you do - not hesitating when you sit onto his cock that was already painfully correct for you. 
"Shit." Jungkook clenches his eyes shut. You're wrapping around him just right and he's positive that he wont be lasting for long. 
Placing both hands onto Jungkook's shoulder, you dig your nails into it. It causes Jungkook to squirm, but he couldn't care less if you'd draw blood doing so. 
You start your pace in riding him - you weren't a professional at this so it feels weird. But Jungkook was having the time of his life no matter how inexperience you were on top of him - he grunted and groaned out your name while clenching and unclenching his eyes. He was unsure where he desired to look - your goregous moaning face, your bouncing breast or your pussy wet and gripping around him. 
You quicken the pace, feeling Jungkook deep inside of you. The sensation was amazing and you were certain you never wanted to stop. Jungkook's cock was perfect - the size was just enough to please you. Your mind - obviously clouded - thinks it was sculptured this way for you and only you. 
"Your pussy feels so good, baby." Jungkook exhales - at this moment you're not crashing against him, each thrust sends him flying into the headboard. Neither of you care about being loud - a plus since the whole house was for just the two of you. "It feels like it was made just for me."
You swallow hard, throwing your head back. Your arms bring themselves back to hold onto his thighs as you continue to ride him. Jungkook couldn't help his eyes from watching your breast - perfectly rounded with hardened nipples - bounce as you fuck yourself against his cock. It was a sight that he would never forget for as long as he lived. He bites his lip.
"I'm not going to last long." Jungkook admits embarrassingly. How could he when you were doing this to him?
"Why not?" you laugh - a laugh that taunts him. "You can't handle it?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "I-I can."
"You sure?" you squeeze around him and smirk at the way Jungkook curses. "If that's so then don't cum until I tell you to."
Jungkook gulps. He closes his eyes - it was worth a try. If his eyes didn't catch onto the beauty that was you, then maybe he had a chance in not cumming. However, his eyes already have your sight engraved into his brain and even when he wasn't looking at you, you were all he could see. The sounds of your skin slapping his mixed with his moans aren't on his side, either. 
"I love you so much." Jungkook groans out, it was low and he's unsure if he intended for you to hear him - but you do. At this moment he's moments from cumming and he's babbling, a few gibberish and some you could actually hear. "I can't wait for you to be my wife."
You yourself close your eyes.
"You're going to look so beautiful." Jungkook sucked in his breath - he's making an effort to not cum without your command. "You're going to look even more beautiful when you're pregnant with our child."
You moan out aloud this time - Jungkook was a professional at dirty talk. He said things you would have never in a million years thought would turn you on. 
"Your stomach's going to be so swollen carrying my child." Jungkook continues, his hips jutting to thrust into you and this causes him to go deeper until he's hitting a sweet spot. "I can never get you off of my mind..."
"S-Shut up." you hum. You were suppose to be in charge and all he's doing is making you slowly become submissive.
"You occupy my mind all the time. All I can think about is you." Jungkook tugs at the handcuffs but it doesn't unlock. "Take these off of me." he commands, his voice deep and threatening. 
You stop your thrust to open your eyes. You find Jungkook already looking at you intently. His eyes compell you to do as he says slowly. Once the last handcuff was off of him, he flips you. He enters you without a second thought and starts at a harsh pace. A hand is wrapped around your neck and he arches your back so he could continue whispering into your ears. 
"I think about loving you. Caring for you..." Jungkook's thrust was powerful and echoed off the walls. "I think about breeding you. I know you'll be the perfect mother for our children."
You feel tears sweel in your eyes because damn did he have a way with words when it was time for him to be in control. 
"I promise nothing will ever happen to you or them." Jungkook places his head on top of yours - you were tightening around him and he understands you're going to cum. So was he. "I'll always protect you and our children."
"Please cum in me." you cry out, the tears of pleasure already streaming down your face. Your mind is blurred and all you can think about was having him inside of you completely - your sober mind wouldn't agree, yet she wasn't here with you now. 
Besides - you were on birth control. 
"Please cum in me, Kookie." you beg once more and it's what sends him over the edge. He nods his head at you before doing so - deeply. It sends both of you tumbling over. 
Your eyes feel heavy when you feel Jungkook wrap an arm around you. Unsure of what else to do, you do what your body wants and fall into a state of slumber. 
Yoongi takes a fussy Jin-Seon in his arms and rocks him gently. Jungkook watches how his son calms down in his Hyung's arms and releases a sigh of relief. He leans back into the chair and continues to eye his son, noticing the way his tiny fingers spreaded themselves out and he couldn't help but smile.
He had Jin-Seon while you rested - surprised that you did so. You didn't have an issue with allowing Jungkook around Jin-Seon, knowing he would never intentionally hurt him. But, he understood you were a mother and naturally was protective of him, so when you agreed on getting a bit of extra sleep and trusted him to watch Jin-Seon tells Jungkook that you were (ever so slowly) beginning to trust him again.
And this time, Jungkook would take your trust into account.
"Who knew you could be so soft, hyung." Jimin teases.
"We've known Yoongi to be a fraud for years now." Jin waves his hand with a laugh. "He treats Holly better than he treats us."
Jungkook stands when he hears a few whimpers come from Jin-Seon. "Is he alright?" he asks Yoongi who rolls his eyes.
"Yes, Jungkook, he is." he responds. "He just wants you to hold him is my guess."
Jungkook nods and takes Jin-Seon back into his arms, making little noises to calm him down.
"You know," Jimin crosses his legs. "he will eventually start crying just because he knows you would always come."
Jungkook furrows a brow at Jimin. "I'm his father." he deadpans. "Why wouldn't I come?"
"Got a point." Jimin smirks and leans back into his seat.
Jungkook wiggles his finger in front of Jin-Seon and cheers lowly when his son wraps his tiny hand around his finger. He understands that Jin-Seon was already spoiled - he often took him in his arms whenever he heard the slightest whimpers or coos. He couldn't help himself - he only knew of his sons existence for about a month and blamed only himself that he wasn't there during your pregnancy.
Jungkook also understood that his father wasn't much of a father. His mother had thousands of photos and he couldn't find one where his father held his as a baby - but he found one too many of his uncles - his Hyungs fathers - holding him and his brother. He had no desire for his son to grow wondering if he ever loved him because he would already know the answer.
"I think it's time for us to go." Jin claps his hands together. "We've been with Jin-Seon for hours - I know he's growing tired of us."
"May be tired of the rest of you." Hoseok says, strolling towards Jungkook and a yawning Jin-Seon. He places a finger on his forehead. "But he loves me."
Jin-Seon whimpers and Jungkook takes a step back from Hoseok. "That's enough, you're upsetting him." he frowns at his Hyung.
Hoseok scoffs but leaves it alone. Jin-Seon was a trader - never once did he whimper or cry in his arms. "I'll be back and he'll love me." he says down to Jin-Seon.
Jungkook rocks Jin-Seon in his arms as his Hyung leaves. By his feet stood Bam, walking behind him as he strolled around with his son. He was once afraid that Bam would attack the infant - but it was the opposite. All Bam was interested in doing was smelling him - Rasu was more hands on. He'd often climb wherever the baby laid and would sleep besides him, no matter how many times he'd tell the feline not to do so.
Jungkook raises his son into the air, smiling as the baby looks down at him uninterestedly. "So cute." he laughs, lightly lowering and raising his son. "So, so cute - damn it!" Jungkook quickly places his son on the furthest end of the leather couch. He removes his shirt - now stained with white baby spit up. He uses the shirt to wipe his face and throws it to the side.
Jin-Seon begins to fuss. Jungkook places him back into his arms. "I'm not upset." he coos at his son. "I'll never be upset at you."
Jin-Seon squirms in Jungkook's arms, his head towards his bare chest and mouth open trying to feed on nothing. Jungkook frowns, his bottom lip forming a pout. "You must be hungry." he murmurs down to his son before standing slowly, afraid if he done so far too quick he'd drop Jin-Seon.
Jungkook makes his way to you. You had woke a few moments before his Hyungs had nor were you far, only in the next room organizing Jin-Seon's nursery when he arrived frantically. Jin-Seon was seconds away from crying, the low whimpers telling him so. "He's hungry." Jungkook says as he enters. You're folding Jin-Seon's clothes when he does. "I don't want him to cry."
You roll your eyes before turning to Jungkook. You wouldn't admit it - but you found it cute how concerned Jungkook was whenever Jin-Seon cried. You've dealt with children since a young age with the amount of nieces and nephews you had and knew that them crying would be the least of your worries. You attempted to tell Jungkook this - yet he was convinced that whenever Jin-Seon cried it would be the end of the world. "Why are you shirtless?"
"He...spit up on my shirt again." Jungkook glances away.
"Black shirt?" you ask, but only because you know the answer.
"I told you to stop wearing dark clothing - it'll just stain." you shake your head with a sigh - but Jungkook didn't care, you knew this. He told you that he'll just buy more. "Men never listen." you smile at Jin-Seon. "Do you want to feed him?" you tilt your head. "Jae-Beom got me a pump as a late gift. I only got enough for one feeding. It's warming up now."
Jungkook's eyes widen as his eyes watch you go around Jin-Seon's nursery and grab what you thought he needed to feed him. He was nervous - he never fed Jin-Seon before since you breast fed him, but he enjoyed watching. Not in a sick perverted way - but getting to witness you caring for his son was a sight he was thankful to experience.
You usher him to sit down and place the bottle in his hands. Jin-Seon was seconds from crying and Jungkook's nerves were kicking in. "What if he doesn't want me to?" he questions. "He's use to you."
"If he doesn't like it then we can switch." you responded. "I think you give him too much power. He's a baby."
Jungkook remains quiet but listens on how you instruct him to put the nipple in his mouth. He does and sighs in relief that Jin-Seon begins to suck without a care who was feeding him. He smiles a low smile the way Jin-Seon stops squirming. His eyes are stuck on his sons face - so peaceful as he is fed. Not a care in the world - no problems to face.
You go back to folding Jin-Seon's clothes for the next few minutes, organizing everything around you for an easy find. The room is quiet and you're humming to yourself lowly. Jin-Seon was going to be a hungry child when he grew - all he wanted to do was eat. And knowing Jungkook, he'd allow Jin-Seon to do whatever he wanted as long as he wasn't hurting himself.
When you turn around to check on Jin-Seon, your eyes catch Jungkook's appearance and are taken aback. "Are you crying?" you whisper, unsure if you were intruding on a personal moment or not.
Jungkook feels the tears drop from his cheek and onto Jin-Seon's onesie. He takes a deep breath then swallows. "I can't take back what I've done to you Y/N. I wish I would've listened when you begged me not to." Jungkook wipes a few tears away with his shoulder, careful not to disturb a carefree Jin-Seon.
You've never seen Jungkook cry before - it startles you. One moment he was alright, smiling down at Jin-Seon as he feeds him and now he's visibly disturbed.
"Jungkook, what-"
"I love you with all my heart for making me a father but I hate myself for how it happened. I know..." Jungkook's eyes stare at Jin-Seon, his eyes watering even more. He wasn't a cryer - especially not in front of others. But the thought of his son growing older and despising him for what he's done to you makes his blood run cold. "I would do anything for you and Jin-Seon and I will spend forever trying to redeem myself."
Jungkook removes the bottle from Jin-Seon's mouth and begins to burp him.
Your step closer to them, your eyes on the unfamiliar mark on his chest. You squint your eyes to see just what it was. Jungkook lifts his head and notices your attention on your chest.
"I forgot to tell you." Jungkook murmurs. He gently stands, holding Jin-Seon to his chest. "I got it done when you were...gone. I added his name the day after I brought him home."
You glance upward to Jungkook then back down to the tattoo engraved into his skin - right above his heart.
Jungkook feels your fingertips touch his skin, tracing the tattoo of your and Jin-Seon's name followed by numbers. You take note that it was the day you and him married - and the day Jin-Seon was born.
You're unsure how to feel. Jungkook had many tattoos littering his body, yet this was reasonably more personal. It being tattoo right above his heart tells it all.
"I'm not telling you to forgive me." continues Jungkook. Jin-Seon was now asleep, his small hand in a tight fist held close to his lips.
"I'm not sure what you want me to say."
"Nothing." Jungkook answers with a shake of his head. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."
You cross your arms but turn your head away.
"I told you about my father and what he's done to me and my hyung..." Jungkook starts, he feels his throat swell up. "...and I...I took advantage of you that night. You begged me to stop-"
"You don't have to-" You didn't want to hear this - or relive that night.
"You begged me to stop, Y/N. And I didn't!" Jungkook hisses. He sniffles when Jin-Seon jumps in his arms, but doesn't wake. He rushes to place his son in his crib. He turns towards you, clenching the crib. "I told myself I would never be like that man and I became him."
You didn't know what there was to say to him. You could feel your own throat swell at the sight of him - he's clenching Jin-Seon's crib far too tight that his knuckles were turning white. His eyes were teary and a single drop falls into the crib as he watches his son sleep.
"Thank you for coming back to me." Jungkook's words are sincere. "I know I put you through Hell. I know I didn't give you a choice..."
Jungkook faces you now - even with blurry eyes does he noticed the hurt in your face. 
"I don't want our son growing up questioning if I love you or him." Jungkook steps closer to you, gulping. "I want to be the father I never had. I...I..."
Jungkook hangs his head. He doesn't know what to say. It would be cowardly to apologize to you - he has already. Many times, however, it felt wrong. He knew what he did was wrong and to apologize to you once more would be like a slap in the face. You didn't want to hear it - he was sure of it. 
"You're not like him." Jungkook hears your low voice through his ears. You curse at yourself for doing this - you owe Jungkook nothing, not even your kindness. But what you heard of Jungkook's father, you knew well enough that his son was nothing like him, no matter what he's put you through. "Jin-Seon...I know he'll be happy to have you as a father."
Jungkook widens his eyes at your words. You aren't looking at him but he appreciates your words. He doesn't deserve them - not after all he's put you through. He steps even closer to you, hands shaking. "Can I hug you?" he mumbles. "It's okay if you-"
"Okay." you nod in agreement. You feel his arms wrap around you and it brings back a flood of memories with just his scent alone. You gulp and exhale.
Jungkook holds you close to himself   - tight but not enough to make you uncomfortable. He wasn't one to do this - to show such vulnerability. He was tired of being the man he was since you've been gone - the things he's done to people, especially the women at the Brothel. He felt unlike himself, hating the world for something he's done. You would've never left if he could just say no to whatever bullshit tradition that didn't mean anything. He could've had the chance to see you grow pregnant with his child, to take pictures with you and deal with whatever cravings you had. You and him would be a family - the one he never had when he was a child.
"You never told me you could paint." you cross your arms. Your eyes catch the painting he has with Soo-ah and Hyejin. Both girls are painting rainbows while Jungkook had painted a museum worthy piece - a waterfall surrounded by an array of trees and a stream. 
"You never asked." Jungkook snorts, glancing your way. 
"Well...it's not like people in your line of work do this." you defend, eyes admiring the painting. The amount of detail you catch was amazing - so amazing that you were sure that this could be a profession Jungkook could work in. 
"Is that so?" Jungkook furrows a brow. "Namjoon-hyung also paints - as a hobby. He also writes books."
Namjoon was an intelligent man, you didn't doubt that. If these men were normal people - and not apart of whatever Mafia like gang, you wouldn't doubt for a second that Namjoon was a writer and Jungkook an artist. 
"Never judge a book by its cover." you shrug. 
You leave it alone - Jungkook was allowed to be talented. He was more ways than one - not only in sex.
Speaking of sex with Jungkook, as you woke this morning you felt the aftermath of the night prior. It hit you like a train, but you couldn't bring yourself to regret it. Sex with Jungkook was always wonderful - and each time you woke up just like this.
What you weren't expecting was the words Jungkook spoke to you. Sure, he was a natural dirty talker and got off on speaking such dirty, praising and sometimes degrading words to you. His words last night got to you, so much so that you begged him to cum inside of you. It embarrasses you each time you think of it, but did you really regret it? The sex was good and consensual. You asked him to and he delivered - you couldn't say you felt indifferent about it.
You grab a quick breakfast - some juice and a bagel. You weren't hungry at the moment and haven't been since you arrived in Greece. Making your way into the back of the beach out, you stroll your way towards the Gazebo that sat a few feet from the pool. You sit and admire the scenery - the mountains are miles away but seem so close. The trees surrounded them are moving around in the  wind and you wish you brought your phone to take a picture of it. 
Your head snaps to the voice - an unfamiliar one. You straighten your back at the woman. She offers you a smile as she seats herself across from you. She's an older woman with a few wrinkles around her eyes, but you cannot say just what her age was. Her hair was cut into a short bob - jet black with a few strands tucked behind her ear. 
"You're Y/N." she states and you nod, bowing to her. There was something about this woman that was familiar to you, yet you're unsure how. "I'm Lee Young-Hee."
"Y/L Y/N." you smile, nodding your head respectfully. You take a sip of your drink. "Do you know my fiance?"
Young-Hee nods her head. "I know my son well."
You widen your eyes in horror. Quickly, you bow, apologizing to her. You're unsure how to now face her - how could you not know what his mother looked like. Yet, you blamed Jungkook. He spoke fondly of her always - yet pictures of her weren't around his home and you never thought about questioning when you'd meet her. 
"My son spoke of you often. I was wondering when he'd allow me to meet you." Young-Hee scans your appearance, checking for anything she could on your skin that stood out. "I got the invitation to your wedding just yesterday. Got on the next flight here."
You're confused. Jungkook was the one that set the date - and everything else. Why would he purposely leave his mother out of the wedding?
"I'm just as confused." you admit. 
You notice the way she looks at you, as if she's trying to find something. 
"Are you with my son against your will?"
You stiffen. You look into her eyes for any sign of her joking - but she wasn't. Her eyes were serious and at your lack of response, she placed a hand on yours. "You can tell me." she nods her head. 
"I-I don't understand." you laugh humorlessly. It was an attempt to lighten the mood, but your laugh was so dry that no one would believe it. "Where is this-"
"His father was a terrible man." Young-hee shakes her head. "I wished I would've left when I had the chance. Before I got pregnant with my eldest son. It was too late for me then." she stares into your eyes and you see it. The glint of truth - what Jungkook was telling you of his father rang far true, more than any of you knew. "It's not too late for you to leave if he's forcing you to be with him."
You can't bring yourself to respond. It was too late for her to leave - did that mean it was too late for Eun-Young? She had a baby and by the looks of it, she didn't want you to go through what she's gone through - her words exactly. You haven't noticed any bruises on her - even while she was in Greece. However, the way she acted around Jung-hyun was concerning - she always had her head and eyes down and remained behind him, rarely side by side. 
"Eomma!" Jungkook calls. You snap your head towards his voice to see him running towards the two of you. "When did you arrive?"
Young-hee sighs and turns towards her son. She rises from her seat and wraps him in a hug. "Just a few moments ago. I could have arrived when everyone else did if I was properly invited."
There's venom behind his mothers words and Jungkook could only chuckle nervously. He glances behind her to you. You were already watching him. There was no telling how long his mother was with you and what she told - or asked. 
"It happened so fast, eomma." 
"Don't lie to me, Jungkook." Young-hee pats his shoulders and lets go of him. "Lying doesn't suit the man I raised."
"Yes, eomma." Jungkook responds quietly. "Eomma, this is Y/N. My fiance." Jungkook reaches his hand out for you to grab. You do and stand, entangling your fingers together. "I've meant to have you meet her but..."
Jungkook turns his head to you and you smile. You place a kiss on his nose - it catches him off guard only for a second. 
"We couldn't wait to be married." you tell her, a smile on your lips. 
You had no desire to be caught by his mother. You're unsure what mother she was truly. You've seen mothers who were far too emotionally invested with their sons and didn't like any woman (or man) they brought home. There were mothers who were disconnected from their children that they didn't have a car in the world who they associaed with.
But with her concern if you were being with him against your will, you note, was maybe her way of preventing history from repeating itself. She couldn't save Eun-Young - she had a child to worry about - but there was a chance she could save you if needed be. 
But you couldn't allow her to. You weren't caring for just you - but for your family. There was no telling of what abuse - if any curenntly - Eun-Young was allowing. Yet, you can't say Jungkook was as abusive. Controlling at times? Yes. You were chipped like a dog - but so was he. He funded your lifestyle and willingly funded your families - you know those dance classes for Soo-ah were not cheap, neither was rehab for Hyun-woo. 
But Jungkook was kind when you were. He didn't force himself onto you and you iniciated almost every sexual act since the beginning of being active. He doesn't act the way Jung-hyun does - you can stand side by side with him and he'll be just as comfortable. There were many times in which he could've taken your freedom away and left you with nothing - but he hasn't. Even when you slapped him in front of his brother - a sign of ultimate disrespect -  the worse he's done was keep you close to him.
And chip you - yet with a little more reassurance, you were positive he'd remove the chip if he could trust you. 
"Well then," Young-hee shrugs. "allow me to have some girl time with my daughter-in-law. You've kept her hidden long enough."
Jungkook squeezes your hand gently and nods at his mother. He gives you a kiss on the cheek before departing. 
Young-hee gives you another scan. It wasn't though she couldn't trust her sons - she loved both of them dearly! Yet, they were also shared genes with their father and though he has been deceased for many years, they may share the same views. She's tried for years to steer her sons away from the "traditions" their father were forcing into their heads. Jung-hyun was more traiditional, less harsh than their father, yet Eun-Young was visible traumatized.
Jungkook always took after her. Quiet, mellow and reserved. He was sensitive and didn't enjoy seeing anyone be hurt. He was a man now and she understood that her son being in the business that was Bangtan alone meant that he was far from innocent - but he was a good person when needed be. 
"How did you and my son meet?"
You lick your lips. "An auction."
"Oh?" Young-hee furrows a brow. "What were you selling?"
'My virginity.' you thought with a bitter laugh. "Nothing." you giggle. "I was just...browsing. That's how we met."
Young-hee nods, but isn't convinced. 
"How well do you know my son?"
"I know what he does." you assure her. Your eyes catch Jungkook from inside the beach house, head peaking out the window. "I, um, don't come from this world but...I'm willing to be a part of it for him."
"I was like you once." Young-hee takes both of your hands in hers. She gives you a weak smile, a reassuring one. "I thought I could tame the monster that was his father..."
"J-Junglook's not a monster."
"I know he isn't. He's a good man..." Young-hee rubs her thumbs over your hands. "Yet, trauma lies deeply within him."
You understood this - Jungkook has informed you of such trauma. His behavior for keeping you against your will wasn't excused - yet now you could say you were far from against your will.
"Since you know what he does as a livelihood...what do you think of Bangtan's traditions?"
You shake your head with a sigh. "I-I don't agree." you respond. "Jungkook doesn't either and we have no intention of going along with it."
Young-hee is surprised - the wide eyes tell you this. "Is that so?" she murmurs. "But, it's been in Bangtan for generations. His brothers all went through with it. Are you telling me he will be the first to go against it?"
"I think he should've been allowed to decide when he wished to lose his virginity. And by whom." you disagree. You'd never agree to anyone being forced to lose something sacred to them at another persons liking. 
Young-hee's face falls and she drops your hands. For a moment her mind tells her that Jungkook was different - the exception. But, he was not. And you know nothing of what she was speaking of. 
"He has not told you about the consummation tradition." 
"Excuse me?"
Young-hee looks into your eyes - she pities you. How long was her son going to put this off before telling you. Was he ever?
"A better term is a bedding ceremony. Bangtan is all about..." Young-hee scoffs. "...expanding their family. It's a tradition that's gone on for decades. It's how all the marriages in Bangtan had went along and Jungkook would be no exception."
You feel your throat tighten. A Bedding ceremony...
What you knew of such act was allowing people to watch you consummate your wedding with Jungkook.
You feel your stomach rumble and you felt sick. 
"E-Excuse me." you bow your head. You needed to get out of here immediately. 
"Shit." you hiss, scrambling to grab your phone. It had rang, you forgetting to put it on silence before putting Jin-Seon to bed. "Where is it?"
Jin-Seon begins to wail, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, upset that his precious sleep was interrupted by the loud blaring of the phone. You mentally curse yourself as you searched for your phone.
"Is Jin-Seon alright?" Jungkook enters his sons room, already by his sons side. The boy - now 1 - reaches out for him, whimpers 'appa' and Jungkook takes him in his arms.
"I thought you were in a meeting." you groan, still looking for your blaring phone.
"I heard Jin-Seon crying." Jungkook grabs his son. "Eomma forgot to turn off her phone." he pretends to cry with his son. He rocks him back and forth as you continue to search for your phone. Jin-Seon was getting heavy but his son enjoyed nothing more than being held by his father.
"Got it." you huff. You grab the phone and answer it, bringing it to your ear without knowing who it was calling you.
Jungkook sways with his son as he eyes you. Since you returned a year prior, you had many calls from your siblings, all wishing to see Jin-Seon after realizing you were back home and with a baby. You had apologized for being gone for so long, claiming to be depressed and needed to get away. Yes, they had all collectively screamed at you - but they were also concerned about your well-being and safety. It was a cover up when Jungkook claimed to "find you a few weeks later and send you away for treatment".
Jungkook stops swaying with his son. Jin-Seon now had his head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck. His eyes narrow at you as you laugh as you speak to your brother. He can't hear what he's saying, but he knows well enough that by the way you're talking it only meant that Hyun-woo was doing great in his recovery.
Jungkook hadn't kept up with Hyun-woo during rehab even if he was paying for it. He had no desire to. Nor did he have a desire to have Hyun-woo in his sons life and back in yours. You were doing better - much better - and having Hyun-woo enter and disturbing it weighs heavy on his mind.
"Yes. You can come see me when you come tomorrow!" you turn around to smile at Jungkook who does the same in return - though a fake one. "I also have someone you should meet..."
Jungkook places Jin-Seon back into his bed and crosses his arm, tongue in cheek. You continue speaking with him for the next few minutes before bidding your goodbye. You turn to him with a wide smile that makes his heart swell. You hadn't had a smile that wide and excited on your lips in so long - he longs to see it as much as possible.
"Hyun-woo is being released from rehab. He's better now and..." you step closer to Jungkook and wrap him in a hug, head pressed against his chest. "...thank you for paying for his treatment."
"You...you don't have to thank me." Jungkook murmurs. "You know I love you."
You remove yourself from Jungkook's chest and smile nervously. "Can he...come here? And visit?"
No - Jungkook doesn't want that addict around his son or you. But, you were slowly growing closer to him again and he wanted to do anything for you to be able to trust him. Hyun-woo would do nothing but cause harm to you growing closer to him but he'd never let that happen.
"Okay." Jungkook hesitantly agrees. "I need to be here for that to happen."
You nod your head vigiruosly. "I promise he won't steal anything." you assure. Jungkook didn't care about what the man stole, he had more than enough money to replace them.
"I don't care about that. I just want to make sure you and Jin-Seon are safe." Jungkook places his hands on your shoulders. "You and our son are my top priority."
You take a deep breath. You lick your lips.
The last year for you and Jungkook was hard. You and him agreed to therapy. There was no leaving anymore - not when Jungkook knew about Jin-Seon. He agreed to see a therapist that specializes in couple and familiar drama. Every day you and Jungkook went and talked about anything.
You learned of Jungkook's past - the therapist seemingly numb of learning Jungkook had murdered his father to protect his mother. You learned more about Jungkook in therapy than you've ever thought you'd learn just being by his side. Slowly, you can feel yourself warming up to him. What Jungkook has done to you done a number on you - yes, however, witnessing the way Jungkook put everything aside whenever Jin-Seon called him warms your heart. Jin-Seon is only 1 and can only say a handful of words, sadly Eomma isn't one of it.
"I can't wait to see him again." you admit. "He sounded...better. Like himself. Like the man I knew growing up."
Jungkook nods but he can't bring himself to appear happy. One thing for certain, Hyun-woo coming back couldn't ruin his family. He would never allow it.
"Please don't do this Jungkook." you pleaded, the tears streaming down your face at a rapid pace. 
The day had finally come - and to say you were less than pleased was an understatement. That night you had screamed at Jungkook for not telling you. You were embarrassed having to learn of such a tradition from his mother - and then it made sense. She was warning you for far more than abuse when it came to Jungkook and Bangtan in a whole. It made sense why he rushed to your side when noticing her speak to you. 
Jungkook had pleaded with you to not be upset or angry with him - that was a laughing matter. Was he going to tell you? Or was he going to allow you to find out when everyone crowded into the room to watch the two of you?
"They won't be in the room." he assures, yet that was worse. The fact that they watched you without you being able to see them didn't make it any less humiliating. How could you face these people after they witness you get fucked?
You didn't speak with him - no matter how much he tried. Days passed and the wedding came. It was a hectic day - and it was evident you weren't happy. Before meeting Jungkook's mother, you were actually expecting your wedding day. Now, it makes you bitter. You got your hair and makeup done without a word and your sisters attempted to cheer you up - but they were unsuccessful. 
Jungkook was a bucket of nerves. He often checked up to make sure you were even still where you needed to be - you were. You hadn't tried to escape but he couldn't think of anything else. He cursed his mother for telling you about the tradition - but it wasn't her fault. He should have told you about it, but the possibility of you running away and him ruining what the two of you shared weighed heavy on him. 
Jungkook knows he ruined what the two of you had regardless.
Jungkook smiled when he saw you in your dress for the first time in a month. Your hair was tied in an updo with loose curls lining your face. Your makeup enhances your beauty and he's in awe. He smiles as you walk towards him - but the smile on your lips is for show and he catches onto this. Still, he couldn't help but have his heart beat when you reach his side. "You're so beautiful." he murmured to you, yet you remain silent.
The wedding goes by in a blur and the party that ensures after is chaotic. Jin cried while giving his own speech in claiming that he saw Jungkook grow up. Yoongi even sheds a single tear before mumbling about being drunk and not emotionally invested in his dongsaeng. 
It didn't take long for your siblings to get drunk - but it was alright to you. At least they were content and thriving - something you couldn't say for yourself. You took a few shots yourself and lingered around. You wished you could go with the children when they were brought back to the beach house after partying too hard on sparkling juice. But, you had to stay with Jungkook and be fucked in front of the other members of Bangtan.
You couldn't understand the reason - it was a different time. You'd already willingly had sex with him. Why did these men need to watch you have sex with your husband to ensure you'd been imgregnated?
"It'll be okay, baby." Jungkook tells you, shushing you quietly. "What did I promise you before?"
You lick your lips. You can feel the eyes on you and your mind is wandering. Were they interested in what they were seeing? Were they laughing? Did they think you were being overly dramatic?
"I'll never let anything happen to you." Jungkook murmurs. He pushes you onto the bed, holding your face in his hands. "I'll protect you until the day I die. You have to trust me."
The room itself was bland but bright. You can see the camera in the corner ceiling of the room but try to ignore it. Your seated on the bed, the only furniture in the room. 
"You trust me, don't you?" Jungkook wipes the tears from the corner of your eyes. He leans down to kiss your forehead. 
You're unsure, but nod your head. 
"Good girl."
You glance at the camera when you feel Jungkook's hand sneak its way between your legs, pushing up the night gown. He rubs your clit. When he leans down and press a kiss on your cheek, your hand swings at him.
Jungkook feels your fist connect to his cheek and huffs. He glares at you, ears red. "Y/N." he hisses out a warning. "It'll be easier if you just-"
"Don't do this." you whimper, clenching your fists. 
"Y/N." Jungkook hisses. He grasps your chin with his hand and yanks you to face him. He leans down and hisses, "I will never hurt you. I love you."
"If you'd love me you wouldn't-" You feel Jungkook pushes you down. He gets atop of the bed and hovers above you. 
"You have to trust me, baby." Jungkook loses the anger in his voice. He didn't want to scare you - he loved you. He didn't want to put you through this yet he had to - it was a tradition. "The faster you cooperate the faster we can be done, okay, baby? Then we can go home."
You feel his hand once more between your legs. 
"Okay." you nod in defeat. "I...do this...we can go home." you repeat - more to yourself. It was to coach yourself into being comfortable.
You turn around on the bed, allowing him to remove the underwear you wore and lift the nightgown. You feel the tip of his cock twirl around your clit until you're wet enough.
Jungkook enters you and your fingers clench the bedsheets. Your head lays on the bed. You're unaware that you're crying until you feel it on your cheeks. You can feel Jungkook's thrust quicken but all you can do is look up at the camera facing you in the corner of the room. 
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@silversparkles11 @jungkookminthairwhen @aajjks @sunshine066 @mwitsmejk @jnghs @shescharlie @whipwhoops @douknowbts @ultimatebasura @yoongixthot @janedukiesworld @thvhoe @juju-227592 @etsuko-99 @teresaisla @barbiethingzzz19 @doublebunv @exfolitae @bjoriis @sweetempathprunetree @raynom @swweetnightt @wonieeee @ayoongiverse @seajae @ungodlyjoon @mooncuddler @charcharfairy @breadgeniedope @pb-n-juju @jjhmk @devilsbooksworld @jiminscheekies @joonie-tunes @lilyflowerguk @ciderxi @theblueslytherin @seokjinkismet @kisskissjk @bloodline1632 @ebonynextdoor @hollyweird0 @katsbqbe @jjk7lys @darkuni63
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kaiyakawa · 1 year
Meeting You || Yandere Gojo Saturo x OC
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Pairing: Yandere!Gojo Satoru x Named Female Reader (Miyahara Asami)
Summary: Meeting him seemed like an honor but had Asami watched him closely she might have not found herself in such a situation.
Warnings: NON CON, Jealousy, Character Death, Implied Murder, Unconsensual Drugging.
Word Count: 2648
A/N: It's my first time writing yandere let me know what you think of it.
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The first time pupils at Tokyo Jujutsu High acknowledged Miyahara Asami’s existence was when Gojo Satoru lingered beside her. His left hand gently resting on her shoulder while everyone on the sports field intently watched the struggle of Asami as she fought to hold back tears, only to succumb as they traced a path down her cheeks.
Upon discovering Asami's strained ankle, the P.E. teacher swiftly assigned Satoru the task of bringing her to the school nurse. Without any hesitation, Satoru slid his hands underneath her knees and supported her back. As whispers danced among her peers, Asami's realization washed over her — Satoru held her in his embrace. Sudden Asami became insecure. Does he find her heavy? Does he consider her a cry baby? Does he think she is disgusting for sweating?
Asami had never truly grasped the magnitude of Satoru's towering height until that moment. In his presence, she swore she was lifted closer to the celestial realm rather than grounded on earthly soil, an ethereal sensation that left her in awe.
That particular day etched itself into Satoru's memory as the moment he made a profound declaration to himself—a declaration of love, as he willingly embraced the truth that his heart had unequivocally fallen for her.
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As the sun rose the next morning, Asami bid farewell to her grandparents and embarked on a painstaking journey towards the exit of the apartment building. Though the nurse had cautioned against walking, the absence of anyone to accompany her left her with no alternative but to defy the advice and tread slowly towards school. However, just as Asami set foot outside, her steps came to an astonished halt, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight that greeted her—Gojo Satoru, standing before her with a bicycle in hand. How had he discovered her place of residence?
"Good morning, Asami," he greeted her with a cheerful tone, her name rolled off his tongue so naturally. As he approached her, he closed the distance between them. Once he stood in front of her, she caught a glimpse of her own reflection in his piercing blue eyes. "Good morning," she responded, reciprocating the greeting. Satoru's gaze fell upon the bandage wrapped around her swollen ankle, prompting him to remark, "You weren't planning to walk to school with a sprained ankle, were you?" Standing before her with a bike, he offered, "Let me take you to school."
Hesitance took over her. Eyes were drawn to the sleek and expensive-looking bicycle. “Thank you for the offer but there’s no need for that. I don’t want waste your time,” Asami politely declined. Firmly he insisted, “Don’t be stupid. You don’t want to prolong your ankle’s recovery.” Asami could not wait any longer and asked the question that lingered her mind since she saw Satoru standing: "How did you know where I lived?" Purposefully, Satoru brushed off her question, deeming it irrelevant. She does not have to know about the fact he followed her yesterday when she got picked up by her grandfather. All that mattered to him was that they were together again. 
"Now, hop on before I drag you to school by your hair," he said while a gentle smile graced his lips. The way those words escaped his mouth left Asami feeling ambiguous. Wondering whether it was a genuine joke or a not.
From that pivotal moment onwards, Satoru made it a point to go the extra mile in his pursuit of Asami's company. 
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Satoru's heart grew heavy with the realization that he and Asami were not in the same academic year. As a second-year student, their schedules rarely aligned, leaving him longing for more moments with her at school. However, this obstacle did not deter Satoru from actively seeking her out during breaks, determined to steal precious snippets of time together.
One day, as they gathered during a break, a tall, slim boy with black hair approached them. "So this is the girl," he remarked, his gaze fixed on Asami. Politely bowing, she introduced herself, saying, "I am Miyahara Asami. It's a pleasure to meet you." Satoru, standing beside her, couldn't help but interject, his voice filled with affection, "Yeah, isn't she cute?" His gentle gesture of tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear underscored his fondness for her.
In no time, Asami found herself becoming acquainted with Satoru's circle of friends—Suguru, Shoko, Kento, and Yu. It was fortunate that she already shared a class with Yu and Kento, allowing a sense of familiarity to ease her into the newfound company.
Whenever Satoru greeted Asami, he had a big smile plastered on his face. Being in her presence again made him so happy. Spending the school breaks together was not enough. Without realizing it, Satoru started to play a bigger part in her life.
Every morning he picked her up from residence with his bike. Feeling her arms wrapped around his waist made him feel in control of her. Whenever the rain poured down, he would insist on sharing his transparent umbrella that clearly was designed for one person. The feeling of his shoulder touching hers made the butterflies in his stomach dance. 
One day he felt bolder than usual and wrapped his arm around her waist. Asami froze up from the sudden action of the white-haired boy but she did not push his arm away. 
On scorching afternoons, he would convince her to join him for ice cream after school. Giving him a great excuse to wipe the ice cream from her lips. When the biting cold of winter set in he would wrap his scarf around her neck. Ensuring her warmth and comfort. 
In Satoru's mind, these gestures were evidence of a budding affection reciprocated by Asami. Her genuine cheer and unwavering support during his baseball matches further fueled his belief. And when fatigue plagued his shoulders it was her gentle hands that massaged away the tension, offering solace and care. In moments of wintry chill her warm palms would envelop his cold ones, providing an intimate connection that resonated deeply within him. Their bond seemed sealed when, on her birthday, he presented her with a necklace that adorned her neck. In gratitude she planted a tender kiss on his cheek.
Yet, the harsh truth of reality revealed that Asami's eyes had wandered elsewhere, drawn to the captivating presence of Yu Haibara. Despite Satoru's devoted efforts, his heartfelt gestures were unnoticed by the one he held dear.
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"What?" Satoru's voice escaped his lips, a mix of confusion and surprise etched on his face as he witnessed a remorseful smile gracing Asami's delicate features. His mind raced, questioning her intentions — did he do something to upset her? "I am sorry, Sato, but I will not walk home with you today. I will see you tomorrow," she gently explained, swiftly gathering her schoolbag before making her way out of the classroom. Dissatisfied with her response, Satoru couldn't bear the thought of their cherished routine being disrupted. He trailed after her, his determination unwavering. "But we always walk home together," he pleaded, hoping to reignite their daily tradition, a ritual he held dear. "I know but not today. I promise, I will make it up to you," she reassured him and kissed his cheek before leaving him alone in the hallways, a bitter blend of anger and disappointment washing over him as he watched his Asami leave the school building. Refusing to accept her rejection, Satoru decided to follow Asami, driven by an overwhelming need to uncover the reasons behind her sudden disruption of their harmonious routine.
Maintaining a discreet distance he followed her to the park, his steps coming to an abrupt halt as he beheld the sight before him. Asami ran towards Yu, her excitement palpable. Satoru stood frozen, his eyes fixated on the scene unfolding before him. Time seemed to slow as he observed Asami's cheeks flush with a delicate shade of pink, a telltale sign of her nervousness. His heart clenched with a mix of anger and jealousy as Yu plucked a cherry blossom from her hair, a gesture laden with an intimacy that stung Satoru's soul. However, what truly ignited a firestorm within him was the sight of Asami’s school skirt. It was noticeably shortened, revealing a glimpse of her thighs as she sat beside Yu.
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"Satoru, stop it!" Asami's voice erupted in a yell, urging the white-haired boy to release his grip from her. It had only been ten minutes since Satoru showed up unannounced at her apartment, bombarding her with relentless questions about her relationship with Yu. Yet, to Asami, the relentless repetition made it feel like an eternity. "Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden? I've already told you there is nothing between me and Yu," she reassured him, her hand gently resting on his chest, an attempt to calm his raging storm. But the anger etched across his face refused to dissipate, his heavy breaths filling the air.
"But you kissed him," he uttered, the accusation laced with hurt and disbelief. "It was just a peck... Sato, I swear, I'm not dating Yu," Asami pleaded, her voice tinged with both sincerity and frustration, hoping to break through the walls he had erected.
"Kiss me," he suddenly demanded, his voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and determination. Taken aback by his request, Asami looked at him with a flicker of surprise in her eyes. “I almost kiss you daily,” she reminded him but Satoru shook his head knowing what she is referring to. “A real kiss,” he said and looked at her with darkness in his eyes. Something she had never seen before. Something about it scared her. In no mood to prolong this pointless conversation, she nodded reluctantly and took a step closer to her friend. With a blend of nervousness and slight fear, she rose on her tiptoes, preparing to fulfill his request, unaware of the consequences that would unfold next.
The moment her soft lips touched his, his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. Desperately he sucked and bite at her lower lip, begging her to open her mouth. Once Asami slightly opened her mouth, Satoru forced his tongue insider her mouth. Exploring every corner of her mouth and dominating her tongue.
The kiss was rough and sloppy. The way he bit her lips she could taste something metallic. Once Satoru was satisfied with the kiss he pulled away but he remained close to her. Still having a tight grip on her waist, he leaned closer and let his forehead rest against hers. A thin string of saliva connecting their lips.
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As days melded into weeks, Satoru watched with a heavy heart as Asami slipped further and further away from his side. The vibrant thread that once bound them together began to unravel, the closeness they once shared slowly fading into distant memories. Their conversations became fleeting, their laughter growing scarce, and their moments together dwindled into mere fragments of what they used to be. It felt as though the very foundation of their bond was crumbling, leaving Satoru bewildered and consumed by a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
The pain that gripped Satoru's heart was both relentless and overwhelming. Anger mingled with confusion, leaving him questioning what had changed. What had caused this gradual distance to grow between them? The countless hours he had devoted to their friendship, the unwavering support and understanding he had offered, seemed to have been disregarded, cast aside with such ease. It was a bitter pill to swallow, to witness the fading connection that had once felt unbreakable.
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Satoru had been willing to tolerate the multitude of changes unfolding within Asami's life. However, the final blow that shattered his resilience came when he was at a party hosted by a classmate. Almost every student from Tokyo Jujutsu High was present at the gathering. While the loud music echoed through the entire house and people were getting drunk left and right, Satoru decided to look for Asami. He needed to talk to her. After searching the entire house for his favorite person, there was one place left to explore. Quietly he pushed a bedroom door open and immediately halted his tracks.
There she was laying on somebody’s bed with Yu between her legs. No words could adequately capture the depth of Satoru's emotions. Was he angry? Livid? Consumed by rage? None of these descriptors could fully encapsulate the turmoil coursing through his veins. On that day, a solemn oath took shape within Satoru's heart—he vowed to reclaim Asami, to restore what had been lost between them.
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The next encounter between the two friends took place within the confines of Satoru's bedroom. Her tears staining the fabric of Satoru's shirt while he provided a steady source of comfort, his hand gently tracing soothing circles on her back. "I can't comprehend how someone could be so cruel," she whispered with trembling lips. The weight of Yu's passing weighed heavily on her heart, each thought of him was a painful reminder of the harsh realities of life. "The world can be so unfair sometimes," the blue-eyed boy murmured softly, his voice laced with understanding, as he reached out his hand to grab a glass of water and held the glass to her quivering lips, encouraging her to take a few sips.
As the minutes passed, fatigue enveloped Asami, her limbs growing heavy and her eyes struggling to stay open. Recognizing her growing exhaustion, she mustered the strength to voice: "I need to go home." Gently pushing herself away from Satoru's comforting embrace, she attempted to stand on her unsteady legs. But before she could fully find her balance, her body betrayed her. Collapsing to the wooden floor beneath her. A sharp gasp escaped her lips as pain coursed through her. Sensing her distress, Satoru swiftly moved into action, his arms instinctively reaching out to lift her delicate and small frame. With ease and tenderness, he carefully lifted her from the ground, cradling her in his arms, before gently placing her upon his bed.
"You know how I envision our future?" Satoru gently posed the question as he unbuttoned her blouse, his gaze fixed on her distant stare towards the ceiling, oblivious to his actions. Curious, she turned her gaze towards the white-haired boy. "Well?" she prompted, her eyes searching his face for an answer. Satoru's voice held a hint of longing as he painted the picture of their shared destiny. "I imagine us living together in a magnificent house nestled amidst the mountains," he revealed, throwing her blouse on the wooden floor as he admired her body. A wistful smile graced his lips as he indulged in his daydream. "The thought of returning home to find you patiently waiting for me fills my heart with joy," he confessed, having envisioned that scene countless times in his mind. When he did not get a response from Asami, he continued: “The idea of us sharing a bedroom gets me riled up.”
“Why” she asked. Totally unaware of Satoru slowly pulling down her underwear. “Think about it, Asami,” the white-haired boy said as he caged her with his body. Planting little kisses in her neck as he forces Asami to part her legs. “Sato I need to go home,” Asami said as she felt a warm hand between her legs. “My grandparents are waiting for me,” she said as she placed her hands on his bare chest and tried to push him away. Disappointment washed over as she realized that her effort were pointless.
“And now that Yu is out of the picture, that dream can turn into reality,” Satoru said as he massages her breast. “What? What do you mean?” Asami said drowsy. "Hush you do not have worry about it. He will not bother us anymore," Satoru said before planting a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you Asami” were the last words that Miyahara Asami heard before everything turned black.
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curlsandsnakes · 1 month
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Courting Penelope Featherington
It’s raining the day he comes home.
Dark, moody weather that sets the tone wonderfully for the rather lackluster greeting he gets from his preoccupied siblings and absolutely rung dry mother. With two girls out in society, 1 pair of newly weds, 2 youngsters, and a Benedict, he can’t quite blame his mothers half hearted declarations and wandering eyes. He’s fully aware they’re happy to see him, Hyacinth even cries, but they all have their own dramas going on and have no time to entertain his stories of travel.
It doesn’t matter any, there really is only person he’s desperate to talk too, desperate to thrill with detailed accounts and sketched photographs.
It’s a shame Penelope Featherington wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
Eloise is the only sibling who never responded to a letter he sent. It’s clear she’s fully aware of the horrible things he’d spoken in a drunken haze nearly five months ago , and in true Eloise fashion she has no intention of betraying her best friend. She doesn’t even speak to him until he drops into the chaise beside her.
“Eloise. I missed you.”
Her bored expression never falters.
“Lovely to have you home, colin.” It’s so formal he nearly snorts at his rebellious little sister.
“I understand you are still displeased with me about my error last season.”
That does it.
“Error?! You call what you did an error?” Her body twists towards him and she fixes him with an outraged glare.
“Well yes, it’s was uncalled for and I…”
“Uncalled for?! I’ve never known you to be a fool but I find I do not know you at all. You nearly ruined her , Colin! She was wiped from the marriage market by your comments alone! If even her best friend couldn’t imagine being with her, why would anyone else? You have no idea what you accomplished!” Eloise pants, her face alarmingly red. “And then, when the damage was done you ran off to travel the world leaving Penelope to fix her reputation entirely on her own! And the audacity to write to her.”
Theres pain in his gut, crushing and turning everything in his stomach until he’s left nauseous and weak. What had he done? Was he truly that blind to see how fragile Pen was already? If anyone knew how desperately she wanted a husband, a family, it was him. And he had spoken so callously, degraded the one decent woman in the entirety of the ton.
“But you needn’t worry, penelope is no longer the Insipid wallflower you once knew. She has blossomed quite beautifully, I myself was astonished by her transformation.” Kate calls from her place at the head desk in the drawing room, a knowing sparkle in her eye.
“It’s true! She’s the prettiest one at all of the festivals.” Gregory is fussing with his gift while he speaks but makes sure to keep eye contact with Colin when he continues “and everyone says so.” It feels strangely like a warning from the 12 year old.
“Do we speak of Penelope?” Violet Bridgerton waltzes back into the room “I’ve heard from a reputable source that Lord Debling and Master Anderson both have plans to begin a courtship with our beautiful friend. I’m so intrigued to see who she will choose to marry.”
“Marry?!” His voice carry’s over the deafening crack of thunder “she can’t marry! She would need at-least a season of courting and this one’s nearly over. If they haven’t begun courting her yet, it would be wise to wait until next year to begin!” He feels hot, sweaty, his heart beating so fast it’s bound to give way to his mania any moment now.
“Not in Penelope’s case. This is her third season with no matches, she’s more than welcome to accept whomever she chooses at whatever time.” Violet is perched on Simons lap.
“I quite like Debling. I believe he would make a good addition to the family.” The duke tickles his wife’s ribs.
“As do I. We all get on quite well and since Penelope is essentially a sixth Bridgerton sister it will be nice to have someone we can all tolerate.” Anthony adds.
“She is not marrying Debling!” Colin’s voice is firm and slightly frantic, panic rising up the back of his neck. “She will not marry this season.”
“And who are you to decide what she does brother? Have you not done enough. Your opinion is inconsequential and it would do best for you to keep it to yourself, lest you scare any more suitors off.” Eloise has her hands on her hips and it’s almost intimidating enough for him to stop speaking but God himself could not save Colin Bridgerton now.
“There will be no more suitors and she will not be marrying any of these men!” He barks, firm and unmoving.
“Why do you keep saying that?!” Eloise shouts.
“Because she will marry me!” The words pour out of him in a roar, his chest heaves and his hands ball his neatly pressed pants. “She will marry me when I am done courting her, she deserves the full courting experience. I had intended to come home at the start of the Season so I could do it properly but my boat went down at a shipping port and I didn’t make it out of Greece for weeks.
Violet claps her hands, a watery smile on her lips
“These are your intentions, dear?”
He has never seen his mother so proud, joy shining in her eyes.
“Yes. They have been since I left All those months ago. I regret the words I spoke instantly and I needed to figure out why. It didn’t take me long to realize Penelope is the one I desire, I crave, I need her in every humanly way.” It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest
… until of course, Eloise speaks.
“We’ll best of luck on that journey, brother. Penelope Featherington absolutely loathes you.” She takes too much pleasure from his pain.
“All will work out as it should.” Violet pats his shoulder gently before walking back out.
He needs to fix this before someone else takes his place.
He needs to court Penelope Featherington, and he needs to court her right now.
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offt0wonderland · 22 days
Outer Banks Fanfiction
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Rafe x fem OC + JJ x fem OC
Word count: 5k
Summary: A new Kook moved to the Outer Banks with her family. She spent most of her summers in Wisconsin indoors, never daring to get close to other people - but when she met the Pogues, everything changed; she found a group that she belonged in, even if she was technically considered affluent. But before she knew it, she couldn't help but fond of the reckless blonde-haired boy named JJ ... Although, without her knowledge, her parents have other plans. Rafe Cameron is wild and undisciplined, always out and never home. The Colisl's and the Camerons conjured the notion that an arrangement between the two could hopefully bring Rafe back to the ground - but what happens when she ends up falling for both?
That was it – that was the very last straw: there was no way in hell I was showing up to some ignorant party, especially after Rafe explicitly told us not to. There was absolutely no decision or path within this bonfire that could possibly lead to a good butterfly effect in the long run. Maybe it was pessimistic of me to think so, but from the paltry comments my friends would make about Rafe to the limited time I had just spent with him, Rafe wasn’t one to shy away from expressing his hatred towards the Pogue’s. I can’t imagine what the other Kooks would do too if they shared that same innate abhorrence.
I couldn’t help it anymore; my dissent was already flowing out of me like some kind of river. “Sarah … I don’t think –.”
The instinctive words that left my mouth were soon overshadowed by John B. “I don’t know Sarah … I’m not 100% sure I want to be around any kooks right now.” Sarah peered up at her boyfriend as he talked, her head tilted, and eyes narrowed.
“I could be around some kooks,” My eyes shot over towards JJ as he began his statement, a look of utter shock written clear across my face due to the tilt of my eyebrows – at least, until he finished his comment. “If I get to punch one of them in face.”
My face softened, a sense of relief washing over me once I realized the intentions behind JJ’s desire to be around such repulsive individuals. But once my brain finally caught up with the notion of his declaration, my heart rate increased substantially. Inside my mind were constant images, visible pictures of people tumbling all over the ground near the fire as blood sprayed from open wounds. I didn’t want to be surrounded by a sea of Kooks to begin with and knowing that someone’s fist would most likely connect with my jaw because JJ decided it would be a fun game to knock a Kook out, only solidified my desire to stay cloistered.  
So, as soon as the group became silent, I continued my assertion from earlier. “We should stay here.”
“I agree with Belles – if we go, it’ll just wreak havoc.” I smiled at Pope, the only one who had common sense whenever it came to … well, anything.
“I guess we could just skinny dip instead,” JJ’s eyes trailed over to mine as he spoke, his irises resembling the color of ice. “Belles what do you say?” I didn’t react much to his comment, mainly because I had become accustomed to his immodest jokes – although this time, with the way his attention glazed over me, it felt rather more like veracity than banter.
“Come on guys, please.” Sarah’s eyes glanced between all of us. “Topper intentionally didn’t invite me, and this is by far my favorite party of the summer.”
Once Toppers name was part of the puzzle piece, John B’s unsure demeanor was replaced with hubris – or was it a plan? “Actually, I changed my mind,” His voice took Sarah by surprise. “A Kook party kind of sounds fun.”
I was too astonished to form a coherent sentence; only three words were able to glide off my tongue. “Wait, who? what?”
JJ on the other hand was absolutely giddy. He hurdled as close as he could to us, his hair ruffled from the wind and his lips twisted in some sort of wicked smirk. “Hell yeah! Now that’s that I’m talking about!”
“Guys, this isn’t a good idea …” Pope’s voice trailed off once he noticed Sarah was already halfway to her car.
The two of us realized pretty quickly that there was no point in debating anymore, because once again, she had everyone following her plan.
I internally groaned at my friend’s incessant stubbornness, trying hard to hide the irksome mien that was begging to display on my face. My feet dragged across the overgrown path; my arms wrapped tightly around my body to shield myself from the wind that was attempting to keep me stationary. Nonetheless, I trudged forwards, eyeing my friends who seemed to eagerly await the disaster that was bound to unfold.
Sarah had thrown herself inside the car, the engine roaring back to life once the key had been turned. Her eyes were squinted; a smile tugged at the ends of her lips. It was almost as if she had no sense of awareness – like she couldn’t see past her own wishes to understand that not everything goes accordingly to plan. I mean, it was one thing for us to crash our friend’s boy’s night, but another for us to show up unannounced at a party full of strangers … or more accurately, her ex-boyfriend’s get together.  
Yet everyone kept this horrendous plan in motion.
John B was quick to call shotgun, his body hopping into the seat directly next to his girlfriend. Sadly, with the passenger spot now taken, that meant it was up to the three of us to decide who was destined to sit in the middle: the worst position to have due to its narrow leg room. Pope wasted no time in claiming the right side, sprinting around the car, and securing his seat next to the door.
JJ and I pushed ourselves against each other, framing away from the left entrance so neither of us would be forced to be sandwiched between two people. “I’m not getting in the middle JJ.”
“I’m not getting in the middle either.” He retorted.
We continued to wrestle, shove each other as much as we could to try to win – but we both had no luck in that division. JJ huffed lowly, his hands creeping down my waist until they wrapped firmly around my hips. The tips of my fingers quickly shot over his, ready to pry them off my body; however, before I could even feel his skin underneath mine, I was somehow fully inside the car. He slid his grip away from my pelvis and towards the back of my thighs, pushing me further inside until he had enough room to sit next to me, solidifying the idea that I was now stuck between two morons with absolutely no space.
“I hate the middle.” I whispered under my breath; my body now leaned forward to keep from touching their figures.
JJ ignored my complaint and outstretched his arm behind my chair, his hand loosely falling between Pope and me. He cleared his throat, preparing to speak up during the quietness that now surrounded the group. “Should we grab Kie?”
Sarah, who was in the midst of backing out, slammed on her brakes. “Shit! Can someone text her?”
“I can,” Pope grunted. “Only I think she won’t want to go.”
Honestly, it would be a smart move on her part to stay home, avoid the catastrophe that was about to happen. But instead, she fell into the trap. Kie had texted Pope back, agreeing to come with us. She was somehow prepared to sneak out of her parent’s house, clamor into the already crowded car, and risk a grounding just to be part of the dumb decisions Sarah and most of the boys had made.
My head rolled back against the headrest, my eyes flickering between the left and right window of the car as Sarah now directed the automobile away from JJ’s home and towards Kie’s residence. I couldn’t exactly read the speedometer from here, but from the quick passing of scenery it was apparent she was going above the limit – as if she couldn’t wait any longer to dance around the bonfire. I ignored the rising sensation of nausea, observing as the plants changed from bushy to clean kept, the main indication that we were now in Kook zone. It was an odd feeling being able to tell the difference between Kook and Pogue just from terrain, but that’s how it was … It was like were on two different planets even if our beaches were the same.
Once we finally got to Kie’s house, she seemed to already be prepared; her body was sat neatly on top of her wrap-around porch, a small duffel bag was thrown over her shoulder, and a cute multi-colored bikini top shined underneath the moonlight. Her fingers tugged at the ends of her denim shorts while she stood up, her feet now making their way down the driveway and towards JJ’s side.
The moment she threw open the door to expose the lack of seats, I spoke up. “I’ll get in the trunk.” It was a harmless idea, the perfect opportunity to get me away from the two bodies squeezing me into a pencil; although, as I turned my body around, preparing to climb over the seats to lay down, Sarah halted me.  
“Uh, actually the trunk is full …” At first, I thought she was messing with me. Trying to give an excuse in hopes that it would force JJ and me to get closer … but she wasn’t. There, piled in the back, were three large cardboard boxes filled to the brim with what I suppose is special cargo.
“Well what the fuck are we supposed to do now?!” Pope’s voice raised slightly.
“Shhhh, shut the fuck up Pope.” Kie snapped, looking up at her home to ensure that no lights had turned on from the noise.
Sarah shrugged her shoulders, her eyes now following JJ who decided to take matters into his own hands. “I can scoot over, and Pope can sit on my lap.”
“I’m not sitting on your lap,” Pope quickly retorted. “Belles you can take one for the team, right?”
My eyes widened at my friend who had just spoken the most brainless idea into existence. Hastily, I turned my attention to Sarah, terrified to see what look she had on her face – and just as I thought, it was the expression of a lightbulb going off. “That works with me!” Sarah gleefully added.
“Wait -” Again, I got cut off.
“We need to hurry; I seriously don’t want to be a waiting duck for my parents to see me hopping into a car.” Kie appeared to have no care about this scheme, trying to rush this venture as fast as she could so we’d hit the road.  
JJ immediately took that into account, not waiting for any more comments; he slithered underneath me, his hands back on my hips as he tugged me down onto his lap. It was merely an innocent act, a decent action that was caused by the lack of room we had in the automobile. But still, my cheeks began to get warm, the palms of my hands now dampened with sweat. I was too petrified to move, too scared to make any subtle adjustments that could push us closer together by accident. It would’ve been different if I was on Pope – a sweet boy who would never dare make humor out of an uncomfortable situation that involved me … But I was on JJ, the notorious playboy in Pogue standards.
JJ knew what it felt like to have girls on his lap. For goodness sake, his hand was already over my legs, his trimmed nails making involuntary circles as if he did this kind of thing every day. I glanced over at him in my peripheral, surveying his eyes that were still glued to a conversation between the group that I was desperately drowning out just to nitpick the miniscule touch between JJ and me.
The boy underneath me chuckled at something John B said, his fits of laughter shaking both of our bodies. I froze in place; my body stiffened to try and maintain the least possible friction between us. I absolutely hated this … and I also loathed the party we were barreling towards. There seemed to be no good outcome for me in any scenario I played in my head. I hated being in the car and I hated having to go to a stupid bonfire – why couldn’t I have just stayed at Sarah’s?
“Belles?” Kie’s voice took me out of my dreadful trance.
“Huh?” I replied.
John B erupted into a fit of laughter at my confusion, his hand reaching behind the seat so he could place it neatly on JJ’s leg. “You liking your spot?”
I grimaced at that comment. “Not at all.”
JJ gasped in appall as if he couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t like to be sat on top of him. “That hurt,” His fingers twitched on top of my skin, causing me to tug at the end of my dress to try and cover more of my legs. “I think I’m a fabulous seat.”
“JJ you’re built like a rock – don’t be surprised she hates it.” Kie rolled her eyes at her friend’s crude joking mannerism.
“Hey, no one else has complained before.” His hands moved away from my legs and on top my hips as he tried to adjust his position.
“That’s because no one wants to hurt your sensitive feelings.” Sarah chimed in, her boyfriend now breaking out into laughter once again from her comment.
JJ shoved both his legs open, forcing Pope and Kie to be squished further into the side doors which earned him a couple shouts. But he ignored it. His fingers, that were softly pressed into my hips, slid me forward so I could sit on the cushion between his legs. My anxiety dissipated as soon as our bodies were nowhere near as close, something that I should’ve loved; instead, for some reason, I missed the clammy feeling – yearning for the twitch of his hands against my thigh once again. “That better?” JJ tilted his head to the side, his soft expression in the corner of my eye.
No, no it was not better – but I’d never admit that. “Yes.”
“Well, don’t get too comfortable – because we’re here.” And as if on cue, the beat of an atrocious song sunk into our car, rocking the ground beneath us.
I covered my ears with the palm of my hands, attempting to decrease the frequency that managed to make its way into our automobile from the beach. It was somehow louder than the music I blared in the shower; even the screams that came from the crowd right next to us were drowned out by the bass. We all quickly glanced at each other, and without hesitation, exited the car. There was nothing spoken between us, but from the expressions I saw – we were all terrified that if the car kept shaking, we’d tumble with it.
The six of us gathered into a tiny huddle before we made it down the hill, our heads all touching one another in an attempt to hear what each of us were saying. “Try to avoid confrontation, we’ll just get thrown out,” Sarah glared over at JJ who was already cracking his knuckles. “I’m talking to you JJ.”
“I’ll try.” He responded.
Sarah accepted that reply and allowed us to break away from our mini gathering and head towards the beach. The music in some way got even louder the closer we got, so much so that it felt like it hindered my sight. The bass that forced the ground to shake with each lyrical note made the people around me flash in and out like they were some sort of strobe light. I couldn’t even appreciate the gigantic campfire sitting in the middle of the sandy landscape, too nauseous to retain any sort of images surrounding me.
“I’m grabbing drinks!” Sarah shouted.
"I’ll come with!” John B added.
Kie followed their chants right after. “Me too!”
And without notice, the three of them disappeared within the crowd.
I had hoped we would all stick together, keep an eye on each other to ensure that no one stepped out of line – but that was a dire wish. The minute a couple girls eyed JJ and Pope; they were off. I was now left alone, forced to find my way around the sweaty bodies that were comprised of people eating each other’s faces off as if it was their last meal.
I avoided the grotesque crowd of people, weaving my way through the drunken individuals while I made my way closer to the water – the one place where no one was at. My mission was almost accomplished, the dampness of sand coming into sight … however, before the waves could crash into my feet, someone obnoxiously bumped into my shoulder.
I whipped around, seeing a tall boy with dirty blonde hair and a yellow polo stumbling to maintain his balance while he held onto a red solo cup. “Sorry.” I muttered.
There wasn’t actually anything I needed to be sorry for, but I had hoped that maybe an unprompted apology would be enough to let me go away unscathed from this awkward run-in. But of course, the other person had to get a word in. “Is-abelle?” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, unsure how the boy in front of me knew my name. “From .. what’s it called? Hmm … sss… Stats?” I narrowed my eyes, taking in the features on his face that looked familiar, only I still couldn’t place it. “It’sss … to.. uh.. Topper!” His words slurred together but even in a garble that was a name that was quite hard to miss – Sarah’s ex-boyfriend.
I guess I never realized we had Stats together; to be honest I didn’t recognize anyone in my classes apart from my acquaintances – probably because I try my best to keep my head down. Though, it is kind of funny. I had always wanted to meet Topper, see what Sarah’s previous boyfriend looked like due to pure curiosity … but who would’ve thought I knew him the whole time.
"Y-you’re … sss… uh.. quiet.” He slurred again, starting the conversation back up.
“I’m sorry, I just -” Topper found a way to cut me off with his stammer.
"I-I’ve always uh … er … wanted to t-t … talk to you,” His body swayed with every syllable. “I li-like … uh … think er … you – you’re r-really pretty.”
Yep, he has had way too much to drink.
"Topper!” A familiar voice boomed lowly over the music, a pair of shoes sinking into the damp sand becoming more audible as the seconds passed by. And before I could even process it, a tall boy with the same tan pullover I saw in Sarah’s driveway appeared from the darkness – Rafe Cameron.
Rafe appeared to have the same sense of bewilderment, his body paused, and eyes glued on to me – the girl who stood in front of his best friend. It wasn’t long before his irises shifted downwards, traveling over my outfit, the same way JJ’s eyes did; only they didn’t linger as long as his. They quickly shot back up, his ring finger dragging along his bottom lip.
"Rafeee you’re b-back!” Topper hiccupped, unsuccessfully reaching out to his friend. “This is Isabelle! She’s in my uh … f-fuck … oh! Stats class.”
Rafe didn’t say anything to his friend’s absurd introduction; he just stepped closer and wrapped his left arm around Topper to keep him steady. Once his friend regained some moderation of balance, Rafe reached out his free hand, his lips tightened in a straight line. “Nice to meet you, I’m Rafe.” His expression didn’t change after he recited a greeting, and, in that moment, I couldn’t be sure if he was doing me a favor or if he was too embarrassed to let anyone know he was already associated with me.
I took his hand, deciding to play along with the lie – however, before I could carry on the conversation, another person barreled towards us, slamming his body into the two boys in front of me; his arms now wrapped securely around them while he laughed. Topper drunkenly tumbled forwards from the force, his alcohol splashing outside of the cup and onto the white cover-up that clung tightly to my figure. I gasped at the unfortunate event that had just occurred, a moment of terror entering my brain as the thought of it staining came to fruition.  
"S-shit – K- Kelce what the fuck!” Topper’s voice switched from firm to soft as he eyed the wet spot on my dress. “I’m so so uh so sorry.”
"It’s okay.” I began to back away from the red solo cup that Topper was now swinging around, my fingers peeling the dampness away from my skin to try and get the wet feeling off my stomach. I had no idea what to do – there was no magically placed washer on the beach that could help bring out the liquid. The only thing I did understand was not to let it marinate.  
"I didn’t think you’d throw your damn cup like some kind of maniac, Topper.” Kelce said.
"Uh … L-Let me uh g-grab a towel!” Topper started to stumble upwards, prepared to find a cloth for me to utilize; instead, Rafe pulled him back.  
"We don’t have any towels Topp.” His friend’s mouth gaped in disbelief, now tugging away from Rafe’s grip to move towards me. Topper yanked the end of his polo forward, the rough piece of fabric patting the spot near my bellybutton as if it would soak up the liquid. “Topper fucking stop.” Rafe pulled his friend away yet again before he spoke to Kelce. “Get him some damn water or something.”
The minute Kelce and Topper left, I spun on my heels. There was no need for me to stand there, no need for me to stare at Rafe like some clueless individual that awaited guidance. So, my body started to walk away, only Rafe’s voice just kept ringing out like some annoying alarm that wouldn’t stop sounding no matter how many times you hit mute.
I halted in my path, turning around to come face-to-face with Rafe. “Yes?” I queried; a sour tone entwined in my voice.
"I can take you home.”
Yes – please.
"Why would I want to go home?” I asked him.
Rafe hesitated for a second, unsure as to why that was even a question. “To wash that dress?”
“It’s fine.” I responded.
“I know that’s Sarah’s,” He continued on. “Are the Pogue’s here?”
I swiveled back around, attempting to walk away from the conversation he was wanting to get into. Rafe, however, seemed to miss that hint. He followed me around as I ventured forwards down the beach, intentionally forming ill statements about the one subject I cherished – my friends. It was becoming infuriating; the idea of punching him in the face on the brink of my mind the more he opened his mouth. All I wanted was to be far away from him, find any excuse to get him to leave me alone and go back to the bonfire party he was so set on attending. Then it hit me – the ocean. We were surrounded by water; I could just take my dress off and scrub at the beer.
"I can use the ocean!” My fingers dragged along the bottom hem of the cover-up, lifting the entirety of it over my head until I was left in only the swimsuit I had so dreaded wearing in front of others – except in this moment I didn’t care. I couldn’t. All that mattered was ensuring that Sarah’s dress wasn’t damaged because her ex-boyfriend decided to throw his drink onto me.
But frankly … the longer Rafe stood there, fiddling with his ring as he observed me get the dress wet, the more self-conscious I was. I peered up at the boy, attempting to observe the part of my body he was so fixated on. Only, it was my face, like he was trying to analyze every feature I had as I scrubbed my heart out. For some reason, I hated that even more. I opened my mouth to say something, tell him that I’m fine to be by myself – but JJ sauntering into eyeline caught my attention. He was walking towards both of us … and even from afar I could see the resentment in his eyes as Rafe stood there.
Read the full story (and chapter) on Quotev or Wattpad
*All rights go to the original characters and the original plot of Outer Banks. I own only my OC's and the select plots/scenes that I originally came up with. Thank you all for reading and I hope y'all love it! Also, I did not create any TikToks - all of the credit goes to the makers of those! (_strkey)*
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pedripics · 9 months
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28° 31' 24" N 16° 20' 1" W. That's what he points out in the photo that accompanies this letter. Pedri González López, one of the best young midfielders in the world, silver medalist in the Olympic Games, winner of the League with Barça, Golden Boy in 2021, owner of a dizzying termination clause of one billion euros … and, however, that is what Pedri points out. Those are the figures that interest him. 28° 31' 24" N 16° 20' 1" W. The coordinates of Tegueste, a small town in Tenerife with no more than 11,000 inhabitants. His own. The same one where his parents have been running a restaurant (Tasca Fernando) for decades, that serves, Pedri's word, the best croquettes in the world. Fernando and María Rosario are still there, with no intention of retiring, among papas, bubangos, cebollas rellenas de carne and, of course, those croquettes that their son has made famous by praising them every time they put a mic in front of him. And there is still the 'la peña barcelonista', founded by his grandfather Antonio, the same one who dressed him in azulgrana and introduced him to what would be the club he would dream of every night hugging a ball. And there are also his best friends. The ones he always had. The ones who played tirelessly at the door of the tavern, until his grandmother Candelaria, fed up with broken glass and lanterns, tried to tear the ball.
The one who is not there anymore is Fernando, his brother. Because Pedri couldn't bring Tegueste to Barcelona, so he brought him. To have a rival to beat for the umpteenth time in teqball and to be able to tell him that he will have to find a decent opponent. To use the two PS5 controllers and play FIFA or Rocket League while chatting with those from Tegueste. To comment on the last game of the Troncos in the Kings League and how good Perxitaa is and how he would like to be there if he didn't have a contract with Barça, but not in La Velada IV, he doesn't like being beaten in front of so many people, how embarrassing… And, above all, to repeat to him to be calm, to enjoy it. To remind him every day who he is and where he comes from. If it were necessary, because, at just twenty years of age, Pedri has a La Liga title, a billion-dollar buyout clause and now a Men's Health cover. But above all, he has an astonishing normality for someone called to be in the Olympus of football… and a finger that always points to Tegueste. And it's not just a gesture. It is a declaration of intentions. Those are the numbers that really matter to him. The coordinates he does not want to lose sight of. He lands on them as soon as he can, so he can keep flying.
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whyiseverynametakenpls · 11 months
Left out
Genre: The tiniest bit of angst
Tw: none I think
Pairing: Kyo Kaneko x reader (platonic)
Characters: Kyo, you, Ren, Maria, some girl i named Danielle
Story: you've made some nice friends.
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"Kyo! I'm over here!" you call out cheerfully, waving to get his attention from across the airport.
Turning in response to your voice, he searches the crowd until his eyes lock onto you. A bright smile breaks across his face, and he hastens his steps to reach you.
"(Name)!!" he exclaims, his excitement palpable as he rushes over, clearly delighted to see his childhood friend once again.
With a smile mirroring his, you envelop him in a warm embrace, a rush of fond memories flooding in.
"Long time no see! How was Japan?" he inquires with genuine interest, eager to catch up.
Returning your embrace, he responds with a slight shrug, "It's been around 6 years, I guess? Since you left in 10th grade... Ah! I don’t know!"
"Six years? It felt like an eternity! It was so boring!!" you admit, a touch of nostalgia in your voice.
He teases playfully, "Naturally. After all, I'm your one and only friend."
You defend yourself, "Oh, come on! I've got a bunch of friends!"
Arching an eyebrow, he challenges you with a playful grin, "Prove it. Name two."
After a moment's thought, you respond with a playful grin, "Danielle! She’s my friend!"
He chuckles knowingly, countering, "Danielle's my friend too, so that doesn't count!"
"Hey, unfair!" you protest in mock annoyance.
With an amused roll of his eyes, he takes your hand and guides you forward, his intentions intriguing you.
"So, where are we headed?" you finally break the silence.
He responds with a surprising declaration, "Finding you some friends."
You halt abruptly, accidentally pulling him back and causing a momentary stumble for both of you.
"But I don't want new friends! I'm fine as I am," you object with a playful pout.
He simply nods, undeterred by your response, letting out a small “Uhuh”, and offers his hand to help you up before gently resuming his course.
"Kyoo!!" you playfully whine, your voice echoing through the nearly empty airport as the two of you continue on your way.
Upon arriving at the mall, he abruptly halted, scanning the surroundings as if in search of something specific.
"What are you looking for, Kyo?" you queried, your face a canvas of confusion.
"People," he replied succinctly, leaving you even more puzzled.
"What?" you pressed for clarification, only to be met with silence from the blue-haired boy.
He wandered about like a disoriented child seeking their parents, until he suddenly came to an abrupt stop. "Is something wrong?" you inquired.
"Ren!" he called out, his voice infused with excitement.
A man? An alien? The tall, horned figure turned to face Kyo and broke into a smile.
"Kyo!" he greeted warmly.
"Hey, so this is the person I mentioned. (Name)! They just got back from Japan!" Kyo introduced you.
"Nice to meet you, (Name)! I'm Ren!" Ren extended his friendly welcome.
"Yeah... Hi, Ren," you mumbled, a gnawing unease settling in your stomach.
"Oh my god! Kyo and Ren?" a melodious, feminine voice reached your ears.
You turned to see a... child? She was striking with her pink hair and eyepatch.
"Oh! Who's this?" she inquired.
"(Name), meet Maria. I was telling you both about each other. Maria, this is (Name)," Kyo performed the introductions.
"Ah, hello!" Maria greeted you with enthusiasm.
"Hello to you too," you responded politely.
"Oh! Guess what, guys? Did you see the new game that just dropped?" she bubbled with excitement.
"Wait, today? Seriously?" Kyo blurted out in astonishment.
"You told me it was coming out next week!" he added, pointing an accusatory finger at Maria.
"Are you seriously blaming me right now?" Maria retorted, her indignation evident.
"Yeah, I am!" Kyo shot back, the playful argument escalating.
Watching Kyo effortlessly connect with others hits you. Why can't you do the same? What's your purpose here? He seems perfectly fine without you... Does he truly need his old friend when he's already found new friends?
You turned your gaze away, overwhelmed by a rush of shame.
"Um... I think I'll head to the bathroom real quick," you excused yourself.
"Sure thing, just don't get lost," Kyo replied casually.
You hummed in response, swiftly turning and walking away.
As you walked, the earlier sense of shame transformed into a lingering sadness.
"Yeah... Why would he still need me? I'm just holding onto him..." you whispered to yourself, the words echoing in the hollow corners of your thoughts.
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-> I wrote this in school, so don't mind the weird and rushed ending 😇 (yes I am still in school)
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ouyangzizhensdad · 1 year
Drunk!Lan Zhan and Honesty
Within the narrative, we find LWJ in a drunken state in three separate instances. The über lightweight Lan offers, at first glance, a perfect opportunity for WWX to probe at his deepest secrets and reveal the truth beneath his perfect cultivator countenance. Or, at least, this is what WWX insists is going on.
The drunken version of Lan Wangji was astonishingly honest and forthcoming. Moreover, compared to his usual self, his words and actions were so bold and unrepressed! It was rare to encounter such an open and unreserved Lan Wangji. How could Wei Wuxian possibly treat him with due respect and resist making mischief? (Chapter 31)
WWX sees LWJ being drunk as an opportunity to find answers to his questions--better yet, once he learns that LWJ does not remember anything that happened while he was inebriated, his inebriation becomes an opportunity to ask risky questions with impunity. This is  what leads him to trick LWJ into drinking alcohol at the inn in Yunping, since he is too afraid of ruining his friendship and relationship by asking whether his own feelings are reciprocated--if he asks LWJ while he is drunk, and he receives the answer he dreads, the next morning LWJ will be none the wiser and still treat him as a friend.
Interestingly, though, within the three episodes of LWJ being under the influence and made vulnerable to honesty, this very situation actually works to unlock WWX’s unconscious or repressed desires, and leads him to act upon them more openly than when he is facing a sober LWJ. In this clearly intentional subversion, WWX ends up revealing as much, if not more, while he interacts with an inebriated LWJ during these three episodes.
The first time
WWX’s desire to have LWJ drink with him is in parts motivated by the desire to see his drunken mannerisms, but also the simple wish to see him blush. When he realises his face does not change, he expresses disappointment: “Lan Zhan, why isn’t your face even the least bit red when you’re drunk?” (CH31)
After he washes LWJ’S face, a particular sign of endearment we will see re-appear (especially once they are together) makes its first appearance: “Looking at Lan Wangji’s clear gaze, Wei Wuxian could not resist and he stroked Lan Wangji’s chin lightly.” (CH31)
When he asks a series of questions to LWJ to verify whether he is truly answering them honestly, one stands out amongst the rest, even if WWX pretends he asks it without any forethought. That is, “have you ever liked anyone?” (CH31). After reading the whole book, it becomes clear that WWX had desired from the beginning to be liked by LWJ, and no matter how cheeky he was being, we can read into the question WWX’s unconscious wish that LWJ had liked him in the past.
His reaction to LWJ’s honest declaration of want (when he believes to be asking whether LWJ wants Bichen but LWJ hears him asking whether he wants him) is also revealing, at a point in the story where WWX still denies to himself any attachment or attraction to LWJ.
Wei Wuxian was aware that Lan Wangji was already hopelessly drunk, and that these words were not directed at him. However, he was still struck so hard by these two words that his legs and arms felt weak. This Lan Zhan... If he were this honest and passionate towards a lady, what a formidable man he would be! (Chapter 31)
This first drunken episode however ends abruptly, as LWJ claims it is haishi and thus time to rest. None of the questions WWX meant to ask have been answered, though many he wasn’t aware he wanted to ask indeed were.
… Fine. There would always be another opportunity to get Lan Wangji drunk again. Sooner or later, he would get his answer. (Chapter 31)
The second time
Similar to the first instance, LWJ drinks of his own volition after WWX expresses the desire to share a drink with him: “Hanguang-jun, aren’t you being a bit too considerate? Are you really going to drink with me?” Wei Wuxian said with some astonishment.“ (CH43)
As soon as LWJ falls asleep, WWX’s strong attraction immediately surfaces, and he feels compelled not just to tease but to become closer to his sleeping form. So taken is he by looking at him that he fails to hear Wen Ning knocking.
A strange, eager excitement surged within him and, in one gulp, he finished off the remaining liquor in the pot before standing up. Resting his hands behind his back, he paced back and forth across the room. Suddenly, he walked to Lan Wangji’s side and leaned over, lowering his head and whispering into his ear.
“Lan Zhan?”
There was no reply.
“Wangji-xiong?” continued Wei Wuxian.
Lan Wangji’s head was supported by his right hand, his breathing slow and steady.
Both his features and the hand at his forehead were pale and flawless like fine jade.
The faint flagrance of sandalwood wafted off of him. The scent had originally been cold and somewhat sombre. Now, as it combined with the liquor’s mellow aroma, a few tinges of warmth rippled through the frost. As though a saccharine whisp had wound its way through, the scent was almost intoxicating.
The aroma swirled around Wei Wuxian’s lungs as he stood near Lan Wangji. Involuntarily, he sank lower, bringing himself closer. A hazy thought clouded his mind. Strange… why does it seem a bit hot?
Though Wei Wuxian remained entirely unaware, amid the inebriating fusion of liquor and sandalwood, his face inched nearer and nearer. His voice also sank lower until he was whispering in a teasing tone.
“Lan… er—”
“Gongzi…” a soft voice suddenly said.
Wei Wuxian’s face had already gotten so close to Lan Wangji that he could easily reach out and touch him, and the ‘gege’ on his tongue had been on the verge of passing between his lips. But the sound startled him awake and his feet slipped beneath him, nearly sending him crashing to the ground. (Chapter 43)
This moment of honesty does not break through to WWX’s consciousness, who wonders at finding himself so near to LWJ, and having his heart beat so fast: “ Only now did Wei Wuxian realise that his heart was beating rather quickly. He puzzled over it again, then regained his composure.” (CH43).
Yet, although he refuses to acknowledge the obvious reason for his state, no sooner does he give in again:
He returned to Lan Wangji’s side and leaned against his ear.
“Lan Zhan, oh Lan Zhan, please stay asleep longer. I’ll be back before you know it. Be a good boy, okay?”
Once the last word left his lips, he felt his hand itch and could not help but brush the tip of his finger against Lan Wangji’s eyelashes. (Chapter 43)
After LWJ wakes up, WWX once more positions himself as the one to extract answers out of an honest LWJ: “His eyes were so clear, so honest that a desire for mischief surged through Wei Wuxian. As though something inside of his body had been ignited, he smiled teasingly. “Lan Zhan, are you still going to answer any question I ask? Do whatever I tell you to?“ (CH44)
Of course, LWJ likewise reveals many things under his inebriated state; for instance by tying up WWX with his forehead ribbon, both denoting that WWX is his chosen person but also suggesting much about his desires. Even his “domineering attitude”, as WWX calls it, later is expressed in their sexual rapports. However, at this point of the narrative, WWX is unable to parse these clues partly due to missing information, such as not yet knowing the true meaning of the Lan clan’s forehead ribbon.
The fact that LWJ will forget the events of the evening seems to be the biggest push that encourages WWX to be more brazen in his actions, which only serves to bring to light his unconscious desires, leading to what he believes to be their first kiss. In this exchange, WWX hides his own want behind the performance that he’s doing it only because LWJ seems to like it.
Am I just going to let Lan Zhan have all the fun by himself? Wei Wuxian thought. No way. That’s unacceptable. Anyway, no matter what I do to him, he’s not going to remember anything when he wakes up tomorrow. I’m going to have even more fun with him.
With his arms around Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian returned to the bed with him.
“You like this, don’t you?” he asked. “Don’t turn around. Speak. Do you like it or not? If you like it, then we don’t have to run around first every single time. I’ll make you as happy as you want.”
As he spoke, he tugged Lan Wangji’s hand upward, lowered his head and kissed once between his pale, slim fingers.
Lan Wangji tried to pull his arm away like last time but Wei Wuxian held it firmly in place, refusing to let go.
His lips touched Lan Wangji’s fingertips. With feather-light breaths, Wei Wuxian roamed up each knuckle until he reached the back of his palms. There, he kissed him again.
No matter how hard Lan Wangji tugged, he was unable to tear his hand away. He could only clench his fingers together into a tight fist.
Wei Wuxian pushed up his sleeve a little, revealing a snow-white wrist. He kissed it as well.
Afterwards, he gazed at Lan Wangji without lifting his head.
“Is this enough yet?”
Lan Wangji pressed his mouth tightly shut, refusing to speak.
Wei Wuxian finally sat up straight again and continued, his voice unhurried, “Tell me, did you burn any paper money for me?”
There was no answer. Wei Wuxian chuckled and pressed toward Lan Wangji. He kissed his chest through his robes.
“If you don’t talk, I’m not gonna give you any more. Tell me. How did you know it was me?”
Lan Wangji closed his eyes. His lips trembled, as though he were about to open his mouth and confess.
However, as Wei Wuxian gazed upon those soft, pale-pink lips, something momentarily possessed him. He suddenly went and placed a kiss upon them.
When he was finished, he even licked them, as though the kiss had not been enough.
Abruptly, both men’s eyes widened.
After a long, long time, Lan Wangji sharply lifted his hand. Startled out of his daze, Wei Wuxian immediately broke into a cold sweat. (Chapter 44)
After the fact, once he’s “startled out of his daze,” WWX blames his action on his own drinking, even though the narrative has shown him drinking much more alcohol without any impact on his behaviour, thus encouraging the reader to see through WWX’s obvious deflection. In this exchange, when faced with an inebriated LWJ, WWX has revealed just as much, if not more, without intending to.
No more alcohol for me. I’ve really had enough.
Then, he turned back. His gaze just able to brush past the divider. He stared at Lan Wangji’s profile as the man lay silently on the bed.
I really did drink too much today. Lan Zhan is such a noble and proper person. Even if he were drunk, even if he probably won’t remember when he wakes up, I should not have teased him in such an outrageous way… It was far too disrespectful.
Rembering the outrageous way Wei Wuxian had teased Lan Wangji, he could not help but bring his hand up to his face and touch his own lips.
The third time
Unlike the two previous times, an insecure WWX makes the dubious choice of tricking LWJ into drinking to try to settle his own heart. This takes place after the confrontation in Lotus Pier, where WWX convinced himself that LWJ was insulted by JC’s ‘accusations’ regarding their relationship. Unsettled, he is too scared to ask LWJ directly, but he realises he has little control over his feelings when it dawns on him that he truly can no longer sleep without LWJ next to him. Then, he reasons, there would be little risk in asking a drunk LWJ, who would not remember being asked in the first place. He also convinces himself that this is all he wants, that he has no other desires; simply to confirm, only to know.
Just as he was about to pour the wine, he paused for a split second, warning himself immediately, If he doesn’t drink it, then let it go. If he drinks it, I’ll only ask a few things. I definitely won’t do anything else. I only have to know what he thinks. He won’t remember anything after he wakes up anyways… It won’t interfere with anything.
Only after such a promise did his hands steadily pour the cup full. As if nothing happened, he pushed it in front of Lan Wangji. He’d already been prepared for if Lan Wangji didn’t drink it, but perhaps because Lan Wangji’s mind was busy as well, he didn’t even look at it as he raised it and drank everything.
[...] This time, he fell asleep right on the sitting mat. He still sat properly. Apart from his closed eyes and chin pointing downward, his sitting pose was no different from the norm. Wei Wuxian waved his hand a few times in front of his face. When there was no reaction, he was finally relieved. He reached out, gently lifted Lan Wangji’s chin, and whispered, “I’ve been holding it back all these days. Hanguang-jun, you’re finally in my hands now.” (Chapter 92)
This is reiterated later when, as he bathes LWJ--his head is full of questions, but most of all, full of “the question that he’d always held in the back of his mind, the question he wanted to ask the most— Hanguang-jun, just what do you think of me?“ (CH94)
Ironically, WWX gets immediately distracted from his goal by his attraction to LWJ, drawing for a kiss before he regains self-control at the last minute. This amount of distraction, to the point his body is moving on his own, seems to happen at this point in the narrative mostly when WWX is facing a drunken LWJ. The same situation happens soon after, when once again WWX becomes distracted by the desire to kiss him:
Lan Wangji turned to the other side. Wei Wuxian grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around, coaxing, “Look at me. Don’t run away. Come, come, look at me.”
And so Lan Wangji looked at him. Both of the two stared at each other’s face. They were too close, so close that he could even count Lan Wangji’s long eyelashes. Cold sandalwood and amorous wine—two aromas intertwined amid the unnoticeable breaths.
After a long while of staring, Wei Wuxian’s heart beat faster and faster. He finally couldn’t take it any longer and retreated in defeat, the first to avert his gaze. (Chapter 93)
Interestingly, WWX is seemingly becoming aware of the influence of a drunken LWJ on his own state of mind, and MXTX is bringing our attention to this fact we’ve witnessed in the past two instances of LWJ being drunk: “Now that [LWJ] was drunk, Wei Wuxian’s past dilemma had completely disappeared. It was as if all the wildness in him that had nowhere to go finally found an exit out of his body.” (CH93)
We can seriously doubt that WWX’s brazen action later during the night, when he grabs LWJ in the tub, would have taken place if he had realised that LWJ had sobered up by that point. Not only because of the way a drunk LWJ at this point in their relationship helps WWX connect with his unconscious or repressed desires; not only because it seems to clear his mind and allow for an exit for all “all the wildness in him;” but also because the thought that LWJ will forget everything--all this makes him bolder.
Looking at him sitting in the bathtub serenely, Wei Wuxian suddenly felt he looked pitiable, so he hooked his finger and caressed his chin slightly in an attempt to appease him. Suddenly, he felt that that wasn’t enough; his hand and heart itched and he felt a desire to caress Lan Wangji’s chest. Yet as his hand wandered down, he was stopped by Lan Wangji, grabbing his wrist.    
That night, Wei Wuxian had already directed countless of such small gestures at Lan Wangji and had gotten used to Lan Wangji going along with them. To suddenly be halted and grabbed, Wei Wuxian was stunned momentarily, not knowing how to react.
[...] With this face, with this kind of expression, under such circumstances, with this person… Wei Wuxian felt as though his entire body had been doused in a fire that burned away all his rationality and lit him ablaze.
In a manic spur of impulse, he reached his other hand into the water and roughly grabbed at a certain part of Lan Wangji, breathing, “Hanguang-Jun, don’t you dare tell me that you don’t like me touching you like this!”
We likewise get the admission of something that had been true since their teenage years: “Lan Zhan, did you know that I really like it when you get angry…” (CH94)
After their entanglement, WWX reflects upon the fact that his real desires had been revealed in all of this. All the assurances that he had given himself before making Lan Wangji drunk, of “only asking questions and not doing anything else”, was an incomplete picture, a lie (CH95). Ultimately, the truth in WWX’s heart was that he wanted all of LWJ, not just an answer to his question.
Rather than simply using the three instances in which LWJ becomes drunk as a means to bring down his barriers and force him into honesty, as WWX himself believes, MXTX demonstrates how seeing LWJ in this state likewise brings down WWX’s barriers, and allows him to express desires that he might not even be aware of or might not want to acknowledge. In other words, without realising, WWX allows himself a vulnerability around this version of LWJ that he never shows otherwise (that is, until they confirm their feelings to be reciprocated). It’s a pity then, that the very thing that helps him be so unconsciously honest means that LWJ will have no recollections of what transpired and remain uncertain of WWX’s feelings until his confession at Guanyin Temple. In that sense, both are vulnerable and honest, but there is no true reciprocity in those moments.
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3rd April >> Mass Readings (USA)
Easter Wednesday 
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
First Reading
Acts of the Apostles 3:1–10
What I do have I give you: in the name of the Lord Jesus, rise and walk.
Peter and John were going up to the temple area for the three o’clock hour of prayer. And a man crippled from birth was carried and placed at the gate of the temple called “the Beautiful Gate” every day to beg for alms from the people who entered the temple. When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked for alms. But Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.” He paid attention to them, expecting to receive something from them. Peter said, “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk.” Then Peter took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles grew strong. He leaped up, stood, and walked around, and went into the temple with them, walking and jumping and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the one who used to sit begging at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they were filled with amazement and astonishment at what had happened to him.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 105:1–2, 3–4, 6–7, 8–9
R/ Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
Give thanks to the LORD, invoke his name; make known among the nations his deeds. Sing to him, sing his praise, proclaim all his wondrous deeds.
R/ Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
Glory in his holy name; rejoice, O hearts that seek the LORD! Look to the LORD in his strength; seek to serve him constantly.
R/ Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
You descendants of Abraham, his servants, sons of Jacob, his chosen ones! He, the LORD, is our God; throughout the earth his judgments prevail.
R/ Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
He remembers forever his covenant which he made binding for a thousand generations— Which he entered into with Abraham and by his oath to Isaac.
R/ Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
Victimae Paschali Laudes
Christians, to the Paschal Victim Offer your thankful praises! A Lamb the sheep redeems; Christ, who only is sinless, Reconciles sinners to the Father. Death and life have contended in that combat stupendous: The Prince of life, who died, reigns immortal. Speak, Mary, declaring What you saw, wayfaring. “The tomb of Christ, who is living, The glory of Jesus’ resurrection; bright angels attesting, The shroud and napkin resting. Yes, Christ my hope is arisen; to Galilee he goes before you.” Christ indeed from death is risen, our new life obtaining. Have mercy, victor King, ever reigning! Amen. Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation
Psalm 118:24
Alleluia, alleluia. This is the day the LORD has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it. Alleluia, alleluia.
Luke 24:13–35
They recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread.
That very day, the first day of the week, two of Jesus’ disciples were going to a village seven miles from Jerusalem called Emmaus, and they were conversing about all the things that had occurred. And it happened that while they were conversing and debating, Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him. He asked them, “What are you discussing as you walk along?” They stopped, looking downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, said to him in reply, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know of the things that have taken place there in these days?” And he replied to them, “What sort of things?” They said to him, “The things that happened to Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, how our chief priests and rulers both handed him over to a sentence of death and crucified him. But we were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel; and besides all this, it is now the third day since this took place. Some women from our group, however, have astounded us: they were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his Body; they came back and reported that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who announced that he was alive. Then some of those with us went to the tomb and found things just as the women had described, but him they did not see.” And he said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them what referred to him in all the Scriptures. As they approached the village to which they were going, he gave the impression that he was going on farther. But they urged him, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?” So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the Eleven and those with them who were saying, “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!” Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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lillieghoul · 2 months
Moon of My Nights
#kibasaku #nejihina #hinata's fantasy date
Chapter 11: Matters of the Heart
"I've decided though," Kiba announced, his tone unwavering. "I'm going to take Sakura out, and it's not just going to be any date, though. I want it to be the best night of her life."
His words were firm, leaving no room for doubt. "And I want her to know, without question, that she's the only one on my mind."
Kiba's declaration hung in the air, a statement heavy with intent. Hinata's expression was a mix of surprise and curiosity. She hadn't expected Kiba to finally be so forthcoming about his feelings for Sakura.
"Wow, Kiba-kun," Hinata responded, her voice soft with astonishment. "That's... really something."
Kiba nodded, his gaze steady. "I want this to be special, Hinata. I want Sakura to feel comfortable with me, to be sure with me, and of course, to know how much she means to me," he explained earnestly.
Hinata smiled gently. "I think that's wonderful, Kiba-kun. Sakura-chan will be so happy," she reassured him.
"But," Kiba continued, a hint of uncertainty clouding his features once more. "I could use some advice. I want everything to be perfect. What do you think would make for the best date with Sakura?"
Hinata paused for a moment, considering Kiba's question thoughtfully. She knew that crafting the perfect date required a delicate balance of thoughtfulness, romance, and consideration for Sakura's preferences and personality. She wondered what would make a memorable experience for her.
"Well, Kiba-kun," Hinata began, her voice gentle yet confident, "I think Sakura-chan would appreciate something intimate and heartfelt. Perhaps a quiet dinner at her favourite restaurant. Then, maybe a stroll through Jiraiya's Fountain Park where you can talk and enjoy each other's company. I know it's tacky and very cliché but the Fountain is incredibly romantic. Perhaps go in the night, after most of the families have left."
Hinata sighed forlornly, imagining taking a stroll there with Naruto, hand in hand, as they crossed the focal point of the plaza where Jiraiya's statue towered over the masterpiece of the tiered fountain surrounded by lush greenery, vibrant flower beds, and willow trees that provided dappled shade.
Perhaps they would sit on one of the benches surrounding the smaller toad statues, listening to the sound of water gracefully cascading from one level to the next, the croaking of frogs resonating as they hopped from lily pads. She had even seen the very scenery in her dream under the Infinite Tsukiyomi.
It was indeed a very romantic scenery under a starry, moonlit night and it was always frequented by couples. Hinata herself had frequently tossed coins into the fountain, praying for love and happiness for herself and her team, looking up at Jiraiya's statue. Even his expression was crafted in way that it was a blend of smugness and pride, like he knew what couples were up to behind the bushes.
Kiba looked at her strangely. "Is that your fantasy?" he asked. "Have you experienced this before?"
Hinata blushed at the unexpected question, her cheeks tinted with a soft shade of pink. She hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before responding.
Her mind drifted, and she thought about the times she had visited the park with Neji. She remembered how, despite their initial differences and the challenges they faced, there had been times when she felt a deep sense of connection and understanding with him.
She recalled the quiet conversations they had shared as they strolled the park and the way he had made her feel valued and cherished. He had said it was training, to concentrate on the flow of water and mould her chakra accordingly in her fists. After their training, they had often sat on the grass together, and sometimes on the stone wall of the fountain, basking in the scenery and tranquility.
The effect was mesmerising, and she had felt transported from the world. She had shared her fears, dreams, hopes, and even plans for the future with him, and he had listened quietly, smiling at her, when he had never truly smiled at home.
Sometimes, they had shared a picnic. He always complimented not just her cooking, but her style as well. In those moments, she had felt truly special, as if she mattered in a way that was both profound and comforting.
"Well, Kiba-kun," she began, her voice almost breaking. but filled with honesty, "My own fantasy would be a quiet evening spent with someone special, perhaps under a starry sky by a body of water. It could be a lake, a fountain, or the beach. Just the two of us, sharing our hopes, dreams, and deepest thoughts with each other."
Hinata came to the realization that even in her Infinite Tsukiyomi dream, Neji had always been present, gently coaxing her into following her heart.
What she truly desired in a partner was someone who treated her with the same level of kindness, respect, and attention that Neji always showed her. She yearned for that sense of being valued and cherished, to feel as though she held a special place in someone's heart.
Her words carried a sense of longing and sincerity as she continued, unable to stop herself from painting the picture further.
"I imagine soft music playing in the background, gentle laughter filling the air, and moments of quiet intimacy shared between us," she continued. "But most of all, the beauty of being truly understood and appreciated by someone you care about would be what matters to me the most."
"Sounds deep," Kiba said, his eyebrows still raised. "I hope you find someone who can make it a reality someday."
Hinata's eyes filled with tears, reflecting the memories of Neji's tender gestures and unwavering support. He continued to demonstrate his thoughtfulness, having even extended an invitation for her and Hanabi to dinner later that week when he would be scheduled a day off. It was a simple yet meaningful gesture, a testament to the enduring bond they shared. And then there was Naruto, oblivious to her feelings and preoccupied with his own concerns.
Watching Sakura and Kiba's burgeoning relationship only served to underscore her own unspoken desires, highlighting the stark contrast between her unrequited affection and the seemingly effortless connections of others.
As tears blurred her vision, Hinata couldn't help but feel a profound sense of isolation. Kiba would soon give her lesser time, Shino was away, and Neji would no doubt soon be very busy as well. The Hokage had called on him to be an instructor at the Academy to teach HUMINT to chūnins.
She felt a nudge on her fingers and broke out of her thoughts to find Akamaru coaxing her, concerned to see her upset. She smiled, scratching the top of his head to reassure him that she was alright.
"Neji-niisan treats me like that," she began softly, trying to keep her voice straight, "So I guess I want to be treated like how he treats me."
After all, he had understood her own heart better than anyone else.
Full fic available on: AO3 FF.net
Because I can't resist NejiHina even in my KibaSaku centric fic 🙇‍♀️
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drpeppertummy · 11 months
[hunger, stuffing, tummyache, tummy rubs]
Sunny's belly rumbled loudly. He looked up at Laurie with puppydog eyes, arms wrapped around his aching stomach. The two had been out running around all morning trying to accomplish what seemed like an endless list of tasks, and Sunny, who'd woken up late and hadn't had time for breakfast, hadn't eaten a thing all day. Now, it was nearly noon. He was absolutely starving, and beginning to get a headache. Laurie, who'd had the foresight to eat before picking up her diminutive friend, wasn't hungry in the slightest, but he'd been begging her for the past hour to stop somewhere for lunch. With a sigh, she finally agreed.
"Let's make this quick, alright?" she said as she pulled into the diner parking lot. Sunny's stomach growled in response, as if to make it clear that he had no intention of fooling around. Once they were seated, however, it became apparent that lunch wasn't going to be a simple task. He was quick to order the most absurd sandwich on the menu. It was a cartoonishly enormous heap of assorted meats--from the picture, Laurie could make out at least two hefty burger patties and what looked like a massive hunk of pork--generously decorated with just about every topping in the book and stacked precariously between two thick slabs of bread. The waitress seemed amused both at the idea of a tiny thing like Sunny eating that monster sandwich, and at Laurie's exasperation when he ordered it.
"Sunny, we still have stuff to do. Don't eat the whole thing, alright?"
"What?" He looked sadly at her. "I'm dyin', Laurie! I haven't eaten anything all damn day!" His tummy growled pitifully in agreement.
"That thing's gonna be bigger than your head! You're gonna give yourself a stomachache," she said. "Save half for dinner, it'll probably still be too much."
Before Sunny could argue, the waitress returned with their lunch: a simple basket of chicken tenders for Laurie, and the sandwich of Sunny's dreams. The two of them stared wordlessly at it for a moment, astonished. In addition to what was easily enough meat for a family of four, there were two fried eggs, a revolting amount of cheese, and several unidentifiable sauces oozing down the sides, as well as a variety of healthy vegetables peeking out among the greasy mess. His stomach rumbled again, and he just barely caught his drool before it began dripping from his mouth.
"Huh?" He looked up at her, pulled from his trance. "What, you want some?"
"Listen," Laurie said firmly, taking him by the shoulders. "Do not try to cram that entire thing into your stomach. It's bigger than you are."
"Since when are you the boss?" He gave her a defensive glare.
"Since right now. I'm declaring myself boss, because I know how you are. Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna take that as a challenge, because you're a complete child, and you're gonna eat as much of that sandwich as you can just to spite me, and then you're not gonna be able to do anything else all day because you're gonna make yourself sick like an idiot. Right?"
"I am not!"
"So cut it in half," she said. "You're still gonna have a bellyache, but maybe you won't be totally useless." Sunny looked grumpily at her.
"Fine," he muttered. "But only because I wanna have leftovers. Not because you told me to."
"Whatever," said Laurie, rolling her eyes. She picked up a chicken tender and left Sunny to his business.
Cutting the sandwich was a task in itself, as was picking it up. His stomach growled in anticipation as he tried to get a grip on it. Even half of the sandwich was far more than the average person could possibly eat in one sitting, but Sunny didn't care. He felt like he could eat a horse. At long last, after starving the entire morning, he shoved the gooey, meaty mess into his mouth. The feeling of the first bite hitting his empty stomach was divine, and he began wolfing the sandwich down as though his life depended on it.
With the massive onslaught of greasy meat and bread filling his belly, it wasn't long before Sunny was full. In fact, it was only about halfway through the enormous piece of sandwich that he found himself feeling stuffed. His stomach didn't hurt yet, but it was beginning to look and feel bloated. Still, the sandwich was as delicious as it was messy, and he knew if he put it down now, it would fall apart entirely. Additionally, he had no intention of wimping out in front of Laurie. He felt confident that he could put away the entire half, and he was determined to do so.
Laurie, still working on her own lunch, glanced over at Sunny. He was still wrestling with the sandwich, and didn't seem like he was giving up just yet, although he certainly looked stuffed. She looked down at his tummy. He was dressed in his usual fashion: a snug, colorful button down tucked into high waisted jeans, complete with a big flashy belt buckle to tie the look together. His tummy was bulging firmly against the already tight shirt, and the belt buckle was starting to press uncomfortably into it. Laurie sighed. She knew it was a mistake to lecture Sunny about the sandwich; she'd known it before even opening her mouth. He always seemed to feel like he had to prove something. She wasn't sure whether he was desperate to prove himself or just stubborn as a mule. Probably both. He was certainly stubborn, there was no denying that, but there was a certain insecurity underneath that stubbornness that she just couldn't figure out how to handle.
As he ate, Sunny's long-since-full stomach began to ache. The ravenousness that had gotten him here was long gone, and he had slowed down drastically. Each bite pushed him deeper into discomfort. Not wanting to quit, he pushed on, but eventually, he forced his stomach to his limit. He paused. There was only a little bit of sandwich left in his hands, and as badly as he wanted to, he wasn't sure he could finish it. He felt unbelievably bloated, as if the contents of his stomach were pushing out in all directions as hard as they could. Even inhaling was uncomfortable; his drum-tight belly could barely stretch to accommodate the breath. He glanced sheepishly up at Laurie, then back at his sandwich. Reluctantly, he set it down.
Laurie was surprised at Sunny's willing defeat, but refrained from making any comments, at least until the rest of the sandwich was safely packed up. The waitress brought him a box--you look just about ready to pop, she'd teased, and Sunny had blushed brightly--and the two were on their way. Although he'd quit willingly, Sunny had still failed to quit soon enough. Now, as he trudged alongside Laurie back to her decrepit minivan, he had to face not only the shame of being unable to finish his lunch, but the shame of proving her right as well. They got into the car and buckled up, but Laurie didn't drive. Instead, she turned to look at him, arms folded.
"You are absolutely ridiculous, you know that?"
"And what? Look at yourself!" She prodded his distended belly. He winced and held his arms defensively over his stomach.
"And what nothin', I was hungry," he protested.
"Yeah, and now you're gonna be useless all day!" He looked up at her, hurt, and she immediately regretted her choice of words. Sunny could be many things--foolish, mouthy, cocky, immature--but useless wasn't one of them. In fact, he tried very hard not to be useless. He had a way of making himself annoying while doing it, but he was often willing to drop everything to help Laurie when she asked.
"I'm sorry," she sighed, her expression softening. "I didn't mean that." He looked away, unconvinced.
"Let's just go," he muttered. "We got stuff to do."
"No, we don't," she said. He looked at her again. "I've been running you around all morning. I think we both need a break. And your tummy looks like it could use some time to settle." Sunny couldn't argue with that. He felt queasy and bloated. In addition to being just plain stuffed, he'd eaten far too fast, and the greasiness of the meal was beginning to upset his already sore belly even more. Laurie reached over and undid his belt for him. He blushed, surprised, but didn't argue. He hadn't realized how tightly it had been squeezing his stomach until the pressure was relieved. She gave his belly a gentle pat and started the car.
Laurie drove back to Sunny's apartment, and the two went inside. Sunny immediately dropped himself onto the couch. Laurie sat beside him. His stomach let out a miserable gurgle. She looked at him for a moment, feeling sorry for him, then reached out and placed her hand on his belly. He looked up. He nearly opened his mouth to say something, but she began gently rubbing his belly, and he felt himself begin to relax. As cuddly as he was with his other friends, Sunny often found himself feeling nervous when it came to contact with Laurie. He adored having his tummy rubbed, though, and the touch was especially comforting when he wasn't feeling well. He sat still for a moment, then let his head rest against her shoulder. Laurie paused, surprised, then carefully pulled him into her arms, still rubbing. They sat together, silent apart from the occasional gurgle of Sunny's aching stomach, and as she continued softly massaging his tummy, he slowly melted into sleepy bliss.
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pumperpup · 4 months
In the whimsical town of Bizarreville, a small, intellectual middle-aged man named Harold lived a quiet life, filled with books and dreams he never pursued. One sunny afternoon, while meandering through the ancient part of town, Harold stumbled upon an old, dusty lamp hidden beneath the roots of a gnarled oak tree. Curiosity piqued, he rubbed the lamp, and to his astonishment, a genie emerged in a puff of smoke, declaring, "Three wishes you have, master!"
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Thrilled, Harold's first request was simple yet deeply personal. "I wish for a bushy mustache, for I've never been able to grow one!" he exclaimed. With a poof, a magnificent mustache appeared on his upper lip, bushy and splendid, causing Harold to giggle with delight.
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With a glint of desire in his eyes, Harold voiced his second wish. "I desire my body to mirror the pinnacle of masculine perfection, envied by all," he declared with a newfound boldness. The genie, with a flick of his wrist, unleashed a magical energy that enveloped Harold. Initially, his muscles began to swell with an almost liquid grace, each fiber expanding, rippling beneath his skin as if a symphony of physical grandeur played along his very bones.
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His arms thickened, veins mapping out new territories as his chest broadened, stretching his shirt to its limits. For a fleeting moment, Harold was the epitome of every bodybuilder's dream, his physique surpassing that of ancient statues dedicated to the gods of old.
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Yet, as he flexed, an unease settled within him. This was not the perfection he yearned for. "No, no, this isn't what I meant by perfection." The genie, puzzled but patient, snapped his fingers again, reverting Harold to his original, slender frame.
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Acknowledging Harold's dissatisfaction, the genie's hands moved again, this time with a different intent. As Harold focused on a deeper, more intrinsic form of perfection, he felt a peculiar sensation begin at his core. It started as a gentle pull, then grew into a forceful surge. His belly, once flat and unremarkable, began to expand.
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This transformation was not rapid but gradual, allowing Harold to savor each moment. The sensation was akin to a balloon being filled, his skin stretching smoothly over the growing expanse. His belly swelled outward, a curve so pronounced and majestic it seemed to defy gravity. It was as if the very essence of creation and abundance was being woven into his form, his body becoming a symbol of fertility and prosperity.
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Harold placed his hands on his sides, feeling the warmth and the stretch, marveling at the sheer volume and the softness. The expansion stopped at a point where his belly protruded magnificently, a proud, round dome that spoke of life and the beauty of form in its most nurturing aspect. His shirt, hopelessly outmatched by the girth of his belly, framed this new masterpiece of nature. Harold, with a smile that stretched as wide as his waistline, rubbed his belly with affection and awe. It was a belly that commanded respect, a testament to his unique vision of perfection.
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The townsfolk of Bizarreville would long remember the day Harold redefined what it meant to embody perfection. Not with the chiseled features of a Herculean demigod, but with the gentle, embracing curve of his magnificent belly. As he walked home, every step was a testament to his newfound self-acceptance and the unconventional journey of transformation he had embraced. The genie, witnessing this profound appreciation of personal fulfillment, disappeared into the lamp, leaving behind a world a little wider in its understanding of beauty.
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