cunty-mystic · 7 months
Free Readings are Open!✨
Hello loves!! I'm opening my free readings back up for a limited time between 5am to 8am PST. I will be using the classic Rider Waite Deck, and these readings can be anywhere from 1-3 cards. I will not be answering yes or no questions, and I would greatly appreciate reviews/feedback about how much my readings resonate with you. When leaving an ask or sending a message please leave your name or your first & last initials to get a more accurate reading. Remember, tarot is used for guidance, advice, alternative perspectives, and reading current energies and is not for accurately predicting the future as nothing is set in stone and energies are always changing.
If you miss the opportunity to ask your question don't stress as I will be opening up readings more frequently to expand my portfolio. Keep my notifications on to know when my free readings will be opening & closing, and if to see if I have already answered your question. If you would like your reading to be privately answered, please let me know in your ask or just dm me while readings are open. Thank you all so much for your continued support💞
(I'm also trying out a new form of divination to predict probability using a D-20 dice. 1 representing the most unlikely to manifest and 20 representing the most likely. If you would like to give it a whirl, please include it in your ask as well!)
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donotdestroy · 5 months
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Neil Armstrong, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), "Earth during translunar coast using 250-mm lens", 1969; Collection SFMOMA
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tacoma-narrows · 2 months
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Art Fight 2024 - Round 17!
51 attacks done now can you guys believe it?? Frankly I'm shocked lmao. I did not anticipate beating my record from last year, let alone by this much lol. But here's some more! Two revenge chain pieces and a first strike on a mutual of mine from Twitter!
"We'll Watch the Stars Dancing with the Satellite!" of Barkle [any pronouns] for @macaronichewtoyz! Also featuring my character Astro!
"Diamond Fire!" of Milkweed [she/he] for @faaarawayyy!
And "Big n Fluffy!" of an unnamed OC for @ajd-na!
51 down, probably 6 more to go lmao. I've been having a great time with Art Fight this year as you guys can probably tell lol. Hope you've all been enjoying seeing all my attacks as well! :D
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persephones-domain · 1 year
We are made of Star Dust
Though the overwhelming majority of humanity has never grazed the cosmic void, our atoms derive from deep space.
Almost every atom within each of us was once actually part of a nebula - The exact same atoms that build our bodies, were created by stars.
Giant stars, far larger than our Sun, veer towards a dramatic death at the final stages of their spectacular existence - The remainder of a star's energy then irradiates gas and dust that collect all around it, generating new elements that will enrich the atmosphere from which future stars and planets can eventually form.
So over the course of billions of years, these atoms are "recycled" into an uncountable number of different things, in all possible configurations, from simple table salt (NaCl) to our own, very complex, helical DNA that make us uniquely...Us.
But it's always the very same atoms produced in these colossal stellar deaths: matter that dying stars shed from their external layers during the last phase of their life.
And what we're witnessing is death and rebirth on the cosmic scale!
The intense radiation from the star's final explosion then contributes, through collisions of all those atoms in the outer layers, to form heavier atoms (almost everything from Iron (Fe) onwards on the periodic table).
Without supernovae, none of what we have around us would exist!
What then remains in the centre depends on the mass of the star - some supernova events leave behind a super-dense neutron star, while other more massive stars leave behind black holes.
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This is the dust (all atoms except hydrogen and helium) inside the giant star-forming region known as the Pillars of Creation, about 6,500 light-years away (source: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScl)
They are, in turn, part of a much larger region called the Eagle Nebula, a young open cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens, part of a diffuse emission nebula, or H II region.
This image here was taken by the camera of the James Webb Space Telescope, at infrared wavelengths.
Within its depths, are a myriad of protostars and early stars in formation.
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astrowaffle · 3 months
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astronomalyy · 2 months
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attack on @atleasttheyvegotstars!!!
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that-starry-freak · 3 months
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The art is a bit lazy but whatever- it serves its purpose!! Also why is it blurry- eh, whatever, maybe it'll be normally whne i post this
Anyway!! Artfight!!
Yippie (my artfight account)
Time to make refs and stuff lmao, I dont have any 😔
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yesonlynoo · 2 years
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Where are all my lovely Gemini moons at?
Are you completely off the rails too?
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Volar con la mente de-mente 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
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thedemonastrophel · 2 months
You got Art Fight account?
Yes I dooo!!
Or if that link doesent work-
Proudly team Stardust‼️‼️
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esotericfaery · 7 months
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Intimate Spiritual Diary, Entry 10
TLDR; Being stardust, pushback, controversy, inspiration, personal growth, Aries, Pisces / Neptune, Mars, Sun, Moon, Rising.
How ironic…
The more complex we try not to be, because of pre-existing anxiety, or depression, or anything like that, the more complex we become.
The longer it takes to get through that accumulated shadow work.
This is the pushback from different parts of the psyche, as we war within.
I try to be inspired by my partial Aries cusp Ac, but as the Ascendant is only a tiny part of each horoscope; a mysterious cosmic magick which creates each person and thus begins the chart, it’s often not enough to leave me confident and bold enough to take action. Also, the Pisces side of my cusp Ac, as ruled by Neptune, causes fatigue of some level, to be a constant, by it’s very Planetary nature. Aries, as ruled by Mars, is one reason for why I feel so much electricity within me that I often have chronic insomnia along with chronic fatigue. I have bursts of anger which are difficult to identify with at their roots; though not normally. The watery seasons of certain years tend to cause them to erupt from within.
I search for purpose within this strange anger, which I thought I’d already cried away for good. I thrash-dance and feel into and out of each energy bundle, while listening to aggressive music as a healing aid.
As a Virgo stellium, I have to take loads of time to analyze things into the microscopic details, before feeling confident & bold enough for action. That’s the inherent ego attachment of each Sun placement to it’s zodiacal signs traits. It’s also how core self, the “I Am” presence concept many of us have learned about, expresses instinctively and naturally for a Virgo Sun, and for a Virgo Moon.
If only more people would understand, among other things, that about me, maybe they would stop deeming me as ultimately worthy of nothing more than impatience and dismissal. As a 7th House (all partnership types) Pluto (massive, heavily energetic transformation after destruction), conjunct (close to, and a melding of energies which are meant to lead eventually to some sort of harmony) Black Moon Lilith (both in Libra), this has been a common theme in my past romances, and in a few friendships. Mars (base human impulse, action) also in the 7th (in Scorpio), is where I’ve let my mouth run away from me in the past. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is the active part as the native sign of the 8th House, which expresses the most difficult changes we endure in life, and is a massive pushing energy because of the need for collective karmic balancing.
I’m determined to fully break out of this pattern, and never feel plagued by it again.
Don’t underestimate your Sun (ego) & Moon (emotional mirroring and bypassing). This duo are the only basic thing that even some of those stereotype-pushing pop astrologists tend to always get right.
Not that I recommend their pablum, of course.
This is me these days, trying to take a break from school, as my Ancestors are begging me to…
Well, I will keep trying to take more time off. We all deserve more time to relax. But, you know, earth signs gonna work.
Why do so many of us identify so strongly with our Ac (Ascendant / Rising) placement more than anything else?
Because it’s difficult to be human.
Because that’s the part of us which remembers on some inner level, the freedom and beauty of being stardust.
We want to live the entire life with the highest amounts of harmony and the most karmic resolution possible.
We can’t do this, if we think the Rising sign is the most important, and neglect everything else.
It’s difficult to not mostly want to identify with the purest memory of the self as a soul spark just being born.
It hurts less when we think it’s the most important, but in the long run, we are ignoring the bulk of the spirit essence that is the self. It often amounts simply, to each of us trying to escape our own inner needs, wants and desires. Because we think we’re undeserving of them.
And we can’t resolve enough karma that way.
We also can’t enjoy developing and playing with new skills and talents.
So let’s please stop.
Let’s declare that we are 100% worthy of all of the knowledge and all of the power to resolve all of the karma in this world.
And let’s take appropriate actions to do so.
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cunty-mystic · 7 months
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♡ Free Readings: Closed ♡
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♡ Exchange Readings: Open ♡
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byunisbae · 1 year
I cant even bring myself to write something. I'm so sad and it feels unreal but thank you for your light and encouragement through hard days, I'll be sending thoughts and prayers for family, members, and fans this week. My heart is really heavy, Astro was one of the first groups I really got into and it's so precious that I got to experience loving you and your smile for the past 7 years.
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giantchasm · 1 month
OWO what's this?
Just an animatic for the @kirbyoctournament that's a propaganda piece for my OC Peony featuring not one, not two, not three... but 54 other contestants!
I'll put a list of all featured OCs under the cut. I'm sorry if I didn't manage to fit yours in! There are so many OCs in this tourney I absolutely adore. Maybe if Peony makes it through to Round 5 I'll do another propaganda animatic featuring even more OCs.
But for now... vote Peony when her poll goes up tomorrow! And enjoy the wonderful cast of this little project.
EDIT: Peony’s poll is up! Give her a vote, if you’d like! It’d mean the world 💖
Every OC featured in the animatic, in order, from left to right:
@george228732's Fylass @a-stardusted-sky's Dazor @zombiecicada's Wolfbell
@karmapigeons' Ant-Hony Bellerose @shippyo's Life
@hadopelagicpsi's Aphelion @nautical-nova's Dawn @starlightintermezzo's Hyper Knight
@staring-at-a-blank-pagee's Starry Dee @pastille-pain's Qiri @springbreezes-and-peonies' Peony
@ivynajspyder's Techie @rosiegardenlove's Shade Knight
@kamalemons's Pink Lemonade Driblee @expy-ceri's Ceri @jaspermythic-8's Cryst
@taranzas-biggest-fan's Zerpy @kirbart90's Astro @shibuyatoastedcursor's Periwinkle
@poppybros-jr's Cosmo @c0ffee-7's Star @boa35's Anti
@m0x1ez's Moonstone @clairetimes' Moroshi @isaackkkbunn's Artemis
@cauliarty's Dotty @eliastheownerof0axolotls' Flower Waddle Dee @ceragolor's Lorelia
@maybeher0's Chiffon @sacrificecage's Mapobas @starmagnets' Vic
@waddledoodledee's Reclusa @unleashedsonic's Atlas @ceoofmetagala's Flora @moonsharkss' Whisp @starrygoober's Daisy Waddle Dee @dizzy-dudd's Rifty
@moonverc3x's J @aseuki's Parhelion Knight @starflungwaddledee's Starstruck Dee
@quanblovk's Sir Uther @desultory-novice's Noir Fontaine
@absolutely-zero-regrets's Clark @tailsdollr's Vulcan @galapathy's Guinevere @azzie-tangerine's Era Knight @kosmic-autokrat's Aife @windstriker427's Nighty Knight
(As well as musescfmusic's Storm Knight, pinkestmenace's Olympea, gethoce's Valfrey, and scrorchrend's Sorile, however I'm not tagging the owners of those OCs as I'd feel bad tagging them just for a shadowed back view of their characters. I ought to draw all of them properly eventually!)
And... of course, finally: @justalilstar's Night Terror and @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me's Sir Meteor: Peony's opponents in this upcoming round! Two truly fantastic characters, and I'm wishing them both the best of luck.
It was a blast getting to draw so many people's OCs! I'd love to do something similar again in the future. There are seriously so many awesome characters featured in the tourney that this is barely even scratching the surface. I hope everyone enjoyed their little cameos!
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520cafe · 6 months
sour grapes. melting ice cream
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🍇 SOUR GRAPES 〈 36 melting ice cream
╰► SYNOPSIS. after being in the same tight-knit friend group for over a few months now, suspicions begin to rise when march, seele and bronya start to notice the awkward tensions between you and dan heng. little did they know, you and dan heng were once high-school sweethearts who shared a romantic and fairytale-like past where the pages only lasted for a year. this heartbreak led you to meet another unfortunate victim of cupid but that chapter flew away as quick as stardust. yet, it appears that you two were also destined to cross paths once more.
╰► [ a/n ] : to further enhance this reading experience, listen to ‘ice cream’ by twice :] ALSOO we are so close to finishing this series AAAAA (and hint hint, i am cooking hehe)
━━ TAGLIST (closed) @lauvwar-r @sunsethw4 @shizu-c @amyena @zephestia @loudeggbananaranch @lunavixia @twistedrxses @shinjuuz @danhenglovebot @flos-veritatis @sammy-hammy @kiwidoves @aeongiies @heartswonder @lilactaro @lunnaeclipse @bladesdarling @hansel-the-pierrot @astro-pioneer @aquatikk @obervation-subject-753 @vellichxrr6782 @rubberduckieyourtheone @viovya @stayriki @ceylestia @starryeyedkoko @theflameofyoursoul @kalims @liminalimmortal
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astronomalyy · 2 months
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attack on @99centsoda!!!
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