0v3rachi3v3r · 10 months
It's my birthday!! Please celebrate with me by watching this cover of Astro Lost (ENG translations by me) on YouTube, sharing, and even commissioning me for your own song cover mix!!
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jakeperalta · 2 years
veronica mars for the character bingo <3
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send me a character!
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those70scomics · 2 years
Responses to last week’s Kitty’s Question: Jackie’s dad being in more episodes, or the original season-1 version of Jackie’s mom being in episodes?
ironfirebagelknight said: Jackie’s dad
insertsomethingpoetichere said: Jackie’s dad.
that-basket-case said: Tough call. (...) Yes to working woman Mom. (...) And yeah sure, I’d love to see more of Jackie’s dad. I like his friendship with Bob and him calling Jackie “kitten”.
springsteenicious said: Jackie’s dad
randomwriter23 said: Jackie’s dad
thatseventiesbitch said: I would’ve liked to see more interaction with Jackie’s dad!
astrolosts said: jackie’s dad is compelling but i’d do anything to avoid the version of pam that we eventually got                                                                                                                                                                                           
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trappergirl · 2 years
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ig is astrolosts mutuals come hang out 💐❣️
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lovemadethemdoit · 2 years
wait miss bowen and ted. hello ur mind...
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BUT YES I think Roy has to matchmake here. His yoga moms can help him set it up
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bybdolan · 3 years
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this is so funny
I genuinely feel bad for Olivia because being "rejected" by somebody you look up to is a terrible feeling and one of my biggest fears, and Courtney was. Well. An asshole again but it was SO funny to see Olivia stans who don't know Courtney get upset because you can tell that they know nothing about Miss Love or her vibe (which I somewhat envy) and are upset at her from typical stan perspective like "this is such a bad look" as if Courtney's whole entire thing isn't being an unpleasant person. This is who she IS and I am not saying it's good (it's not) but you don't have to treat her like somebody going specifically against Olivia for attention because being shaded by Courtney Love Cobain is a rite of passage in pop culture at this point. That being said I did find it refreshing in an odd way to see people talk about Courtney in a way that was focused on things actually worth criticizing instead of... Other things.
However: A part of this discourse that I genuinely find interesting was people in Courtney's Facebook comments be upset at the Disney-fication of the OG album cover because it goes so against what that album and grunge in general was about. I personally think it's a super cool hommage and I like that Olivia did it, but I also understand when grunge fans are pissed that this young pop star backed by Disney of all companies is recreating an image explicitly addressing the pressure women feel in society and the entertainment industry in a very pretty pretty way in order to promote her online prom concert.
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literalite · 2 years
do u know the artist of the paintings u use for spotify? they're stunning... thank u!
ummm the black and gold ones r from billelis on instagram but i deleted the new era playlist so idk for that one and also i have no idea how ur seeing it 😭
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softiescully · 2 years
top 5 eps of the soup show ur most excited for me to see <3
pilot bc :)
dark side of the moon bc it’s so good
lazarus rising bc of cas
scoobynatural bc !!!
mystery spot bc it’s batshit
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
astrolosts replied to your post: 
adam from sex education explicitly calls himself bi!!!
yes!!! i was actually really pleasantly surprised by that bc i for sure thought they were gonna have him be gay and closeted based on his first scenes with amy. and sex education in general did an amazing job of diversifying the characters’ sexualities in s2 by bringing up conversations about pansexuality and asexuality also :’) i think streaming shows in general tend to do a better job in terms of representation bc they’re not constrained to a network
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brightmalcolm · 3 years
gil = bi because of the turtlenecks
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thestupidhelmet · 4 years
since t70s is being taken off netflix (damn them!) i'm doing a rewatch, and i love how even early on hyde and jackie's mentality seems to come from opposite ends and meet in the middle. in 3x11 for example when jackie and donna have a parallel conversation with hyde and eric, jackie and hyde have the exact same ideas regarding sex, but somehow are still sold to us as incompatible opposites for 2 seasons. reminds u why they're the fan favourites
Nicely said! Jackie and Hyde’s incompatibility is largely superficial.
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simsfromupthere · 3 years
hey, wcif the bruise on the first sim here https://theendofsimetronics.tumblr.com/post/660883121577803776/cas-randos-dump? thank u! ur sim style is so good <3
hi!! thank u so much!! the eye bruise is from this Set by Magic-bot
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jakeperalta · 2 years
all too well 10 min & renegade <3
I simply cannot pick only one for a song as long and good as atw 10 min so: "you call me up again just to break me like a promise / so casually cruel in the name of being honest" or "you kept me like a secret / but I kept you like an oath"
renegade: "you fire off missiles because you hate yourself / but do you know you're demolishing me / and then you squeeze my hand as I'm about to leave"
send me a taylor song and I'll tell you my favourite lyric!
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soul-sucker · 3 years
blackbear swiftie unite <3
bearswift club
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sunpdf · 3 years
favourite veggie!
i love veggies, this is really hard to answer!!! i think my favorite veggies are either crunchy and refreshing (like cucumber, carrots, etc) or soft and perfect for samosas and stuffed pastas type dishes (like mushrooms, cabbage, etc) its all about the cozy baby! :-) 
it depends on my mood and the season for sure! i can tell you my least favorite veggie is probably onions though, i have a really hard time with the texture of cooked onions even though i like the taste 
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bybdolan · 3 years
i think sharp objects is definitely a companion to the book. it was nice to see certain characters developed more on screen (bob nash, alan) but it sort of came at the expense of the deep and complex characterisation we saw in the books (amma and adora's especially but even the two little girls). i absolutely loved it, but when i watched it with someone who had no context at all for it i often found myself having to fill her in on things from the book because the show didn't bother to, as if they expected us to already have this knowledge. it makes me wonder what the impression is of the story for people who only ever watched the show
!!! my thoughts exactly. I LOVED the additional info on the side characters (the male side characters to be fair), especially the few scenes we get of the other teens in town (I like when teens are written like teens and the party scene did a surprisingly good job with the "you are a union womaaaan") but a lot of what made the novel so intriguing for me - namely the musings on femininity and growing up a woman in conservative America - fell a bit flat. It's never really clear why the dead girls were picked or why somebody painted their nails, the aspect of getting rid of those who do not conform is often said in dialogue but ultimately doesn't connect to the reveal of the killer (except for maybe "They only kill the uncool girls"). Camille's old cheerleading friends are portrayed as sad and cunning, but the tragedy of their lives didn't really get translated on screen. I also watched it with somebody who hasn't read the book and while he enjoyed the show, I think he ultimately wasn't as hooked as I was (to be fair, I think due to the subject matter it's less gripping or hits less hard for cis men), and I had to do a bit of explaining on the side.
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