#asuna x lisbeth
Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth/Yuuki Asuna (Sword Art Online)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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shijimamei · 2 years
if i were to rewrite sao, i would make liz and asuna date
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i know in my heart that asuna and rika take the time to show kaz how to do cute little winged eyeliner and then the next time they see her she’s got 2009 scene queen panda eyes and she’s so excited about being the goth girl of her dreams 😭😭
Showing her how to do a very simple, graceful like that accents the shape of her eye only for her to come out the next day guns blazing eyelids fully blacked out and the biggest smile on her face. Lizbeth questions why they even bothered trying to show her the normal way while Asuna is looking lovingly at her over the top edgy girlfriend. Honestly Lizbeth wonders why she even tries with either of them.
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magicgurljhonnie · 1 year
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For the Love of Kirito 🖤🤍
S.A.O. Shipping
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sadioradio · 1 year
Explaining Asuna's and Lisbeth's relationship
(Spoilers (maybe))
In the anime, Sword Art Online, Kirito was able to gain a second sword from a renown blacksmith in the VRMMO. She had a hearty personality, which abled her to get many friends and regulars for her shop, including Kirito and Asuna for any services or maintenance done to their armor or weapons. In the beginning of Lisbeth's character arc episode, we get to see that Asuna seems to be on good terms with Lisbeth as Asuna shares some personal information towards her and Lisbeth teasing her. I did not pay any mind to Asuna's and Lisbeth's relationship when I first watched the anime, but I when I read "Temperture of the Heart", it kinda pique my interest in their relationship a bit more as there was a bit more context to it. When I read more of the books, I could not help but think how weirdly offset the anime could be to the books. Asuna and Lisbeth fall under this and it can be upsetting because Asuna and Lisbeth can be good friends to each other. I was looking more and more into it for the past three weeks and it make me think: wow, was their relationship strained?
When I say "strained", I don't think it can be considered toxic in the sorts. In Lisbeth's book, she said to Asuna, "When I first met you, I thought you were kind of stiff." She goes on about how much Asuna had changed, explaining that she is doing stuff that she would have never would have done in the past. After what Lisbeth said to Asuna, it would seem that the two did not start off well. Now, Lisbeth does say that the two are best friends, but I don't know whether if they started to become closer when Asuna's mood changed or when they first met. Considering how the two can have great personalities and I do see them trying to get close to each other especially when Asuna is a regular to her business. However, I do not think the relationship was really that healthy like that they would like it to be.
After Asuna departed after her telling Lisbeth that she has to meet a "someone", Lisbeth recognizes that she had found a boyfriend and it seems like it bothers her since she hadn't found a "special someone" yet. She did say that there were guys that wanted to get more close with her but she declined them, gotta make Kirito look special, ya know. During this time Kirito and Lisbeth go on a quest to search for a piece of metal to get Kirito a new sword. Lisbeth starts to notice about Kirito's demeanor as he worries about her safety and as a man who fights everyday and in the most dangerous places. It made me wonder if what Kirito and Lisbeth went through was some sort of parallel to when Lisbeth met Asuna. I mean, she worries about EVERYONE"S safety and plans out every boss to make sure no one dies and she for sure shares the hardship that Kirito went through too, except it seems that the relationship between Asuna and Lisbeth took more time. At the end of Kirito's and Lisbeth's expedition, it seems like Asuna does care about Lisbeth's safety and her emotions. I guess that's where the strained part comes from.
There was a scene between Asuna and Lisbeth that was taken out from the anime where Lisbeth asks "Is that the person you like." What statement she said what kind of got me was when she said, "I made a smile like I always have during our gossips." even when she was tearing up inside. When she said that, it made it look like her and Asuna's friendship was not all that special and a man that she met within a day was more special to her than Asuna. The fact that she cried over a man even after she said she'll never cry again and showed more emotion to him than to her friend for about like a half a year or a year really shows something. Was it Asuna's personality? Was it because Asuna wasn't around long enough? What was it? Reki pls tell me omg. Did she feel like she had to be strong around Asuna because she was the vice-commander? Was Asuna the same way to Lisbeth?
In Mother's Rosario, Lisbeth recognized that Asuna looked off and said "Did your parents try to hitch you up with another man?" which she was pretty much spot on and Asuna denies it. As much as I want to use this as an example of Asuna not showing vulnerability to Lisbeth, she does this to her friend group (ngl, I find it funny how Lisbeth recognizes Asuna's emotions more than Asuna does with her own).
Asuna's outlook on Lisbeth is just her being overbearing as she is overbearing on Kirito aswell. There are a couple of scenes where Lisbeth told Asuna that she went to a dungeon and Asuna yells, "YOU WENT ALONE?" This tells me that Asuna does not really trust Lisbeth going alone to a dungeon, probably even just to get materials just like she was doing with Kirito. The fact that Asuna went to come back to get her armor fixed and was pretty much horrified that Lisbeth was not there. Saying she went to the Black Iron Place and asked around to know where she had went even though she was only gone for a day. She also does this in Unital Ring, I really think that Asuna should realize that Lisbeth does not always need to her to be protected and can uphold her own. During Untial Ring, you can tell Asuna is reverting back to how protective she was during Aincrad.
Before people get the wrong idea, I do not think I am complaining that all of it can be just be due to bad writing, however, all of the books from season is pretty much outdated as the Progressive Series takes place often in the newer books. Right now, I just want to look at it as character flaws and the flaws of Asuna's and Lisbeth's relationship. I think it can be called bad writing if the flaws aren't addressed, but sadly, I don't think Reki cares enough about them to actually give them something special. This is too bad because I think it would be an interesting storyline of how up and down their relationship is.
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transboykirito · 3 years
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(ao3) - pride week day 4, this is for the prompt campfire (i know this is late i’m so so sorry)
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miss-cactus · 5 years
Je viens de découvrir que la @saoprideweek2019 existait et je suis dégoûtée de l’avoir ratée. Mais bon, je vais quand même écrire dessus !
Jour 1 :  Virtual World Vs Real World
Chapitre(s) : 1/8
Rating : General Audiences / K
Couple(s) : Asuna/Rika, Asuna/Lisbeth
Personnage(s) principal(aux) : Yuuki Asuna, Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth
Additional tag(s) / Genres : Amitié, Fluff, Established Relationship
Nombre de mots : 334
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tarisilmarwen · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - “Lovesick“
(Such a cheesy title and this has way more ship fluff than whump but... whatever, writer’s prerogative.
Prompts used:
No. 25 I Think I'll Just Collapse Right Here Thanks: Disorientation/Blurred Vision)
--- "So you'll be there?" asked the anxiously eager voice of his girlfriend.
Kazuto tucked his cell phone between his ear and his shoulder as he pulled open the bathroom door.  "Yeah, Asuna, I'll be right there," he told her, smiling.  "Just going to take a quick shower and then come right over."
Asuna gave a breathless sound of contentment.  "I'm so glad!  It wouldn't be the same without you, Kirito."  He could hear the smile in her voice as she said, "I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Okay Asuna.  I love you," he replied.
"Love you."
Kazuto clicked the hangup button, and twisted the faucet for the water.
He felt unusually warm when he got out, shaking the water out of his hair with a towel.  He pulled on his clothes, shivering a little in the soft cotton.
He dismissed the feeling as a reaction to the scalding hot shower water, grabbing his jacket and keys and helmet, calling out a goodbye to his aunt as he stepped outside into the frigid winter air.  A light speckling of snow was starting to come down.  He shivered again as the chilly breeze nipped at his face, throwing a leg over the seat of his motorcycle and revving it up.
Truth be told, he would have preferred not to go to the party.  It was nothing big, just a little get-together at Agil's with all of their friends, to study and reminisce, but he had been tired all day and felt more like crawling into bed and curling up under the warm covers.
But Asuna had asked him to be there, and he couldn't disappoint her.  He adored her too much, loved seeing her smiling and happy, ached with longing just to hold her hand again, even though it had only been yesterday since they'd seen each other at school.
He sighed to himself, shaking his head.
He was so hopeless around her.
He kicked off the pavement, ignoring his fatigue and the biting wind and heading towards downtown.
Asuna lit up upon seeing him, bouncing swiftly from her seat and nearly flying towards the door as he came through, shaking snow off his arms.  He beamed widely at her as she happily called his name.
She slowed a little, a note of concern taking her eyes as she tilted her head.  "Are you all right?" she asked him.
"Yes," he replied, with some confusion.  "Why wouldn't I be?"
"You look a little flushed."
He shook his head dismissively.  "Just... really excited to see you."
That made her tingle with happiness from head to toe, and she grinned again and flung herself into his arms, drawing complaints from behind from the others about how gross they were being.  Her hand slipped easily into his, his skin feeling warm and comfortable against her palm, and she led him to a table.
"I can't believe I've forgotten so much math!" Lisbeth complained, sprawling out dramatically on her arms on the table as Kazuto and Asuna watched with amusement.  "How is that even possible?  My entire life in the blacksmith shop was math!  Profit margins, success probabilities, stat boosters!"
Asuna laughed and patted Lisbeth's hand, saying something reassuring Kazuto was sure, but for some reason her voice seemed oddly far away, muted and distant.  He shook his head, but the fuzziness in his ears didn't disappear.
The strange heat in his body had increased, and yet whenever Asuna or one of the others had asked if he wanted to take off his jacket he'd had a strange reluctance to.  The warmth between the fleece and his skin was uncomfortable, and his body felt sore, his skin... delicate to the touch.
He couldn't deny it anymore, he was coming down with something.  Something that was very quickly sapping him, overtaking him.
It would have been prudent to go home, probably.
Asuna was looking forward to this, though, he argued to himself.  Surely he could pretend he was fine for a little longer, to make her happy.
Belatedly, he realized she was talking at him, and strained to pay attention.
"—Kazuto?" she called, the only clear word he heard.
It must have been serious if she was using his real name.  Kazuto tried to kickstart his thoughts into coherence but the chills were distracting and his eyes couldn't focus and his head felt like it was tilting over.
"Are you okay?" Asuna asked him.
A tired smile.  A quick dismissive shake of his head.  "I'm fine," he insisted.  His voice wavered a little.
Lisbeth and Asuna both frowned at him across the table, at least he thought so.
"You don't sound fine," Lisbeth told him.
"Yeah bud, you look a little pale," Klein added, walking over from the bar, a drink in his hand.
He opened his mouth to respond with another denial...
...and suddenly found himself falling over.
"Kirito!" came several panicked voices.  Kazuto heard the tinkling of broken glass, felt a steadying pair of arms grabbing his bicep, hauling him up before he could spill out of his seat.  Klein placed him back upright in the chair and the next thing he knew, Asuna's face was swimming in his vision, her white hand flush across his forehead, cool against the heat that seemed to radiate from him.
"Wha?" he mumbled, confused.
His girlfriend was giving an aggravated sigh.  "God, you're such an idiot," she complained.  "If you were feeling sick you should have said something!" she scolded.
Shame blossomed across his face, joining with the fever already in his cheeks.  He ducked his eyes down, staring at the blurry grains.
"Sorry," he said.  "I just... I knew you wanted to see me so..."
She sighed again, but this time it had an edge of fond long-suffering.  "Agil, put the drinks on my tab, I need to get my idiot boyfriend home to rest."
"Will do, Asuna," he told her.
The girl elbowed Klein out of her way, pulling Kazuto up to his feet.  He wanted to protest, but the whole act of standing made his head spin dizzily, so he reluctantly conceded defeat, and allowed Asuna to guide him out towards the door.
She was already calling for a car to come pick them up.  His bleary mind thought about asking her to make sure his motorcycle got home, only for his ears to catch her already taking care of it, relaying the request to the person on the other end.
His shoulders relaxed in relief.  He was glad.
"Sorry Asuna," he apologized again.  "It kind of snuck up on me.  I wasn't feeling so bad an hour ago."
She squeezed his arm affectionately.  "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you did it on purpose just to get me home with you."
His mouth quirked with a cheeky grin.  "Did it work?" he joked.
She lightly punched his arm.  "You get one bowl of homemade soup.  Then you're going to bed," she told him firmly.
"Yes dear," he quipped again, like a henpecked husband, and counted himself a victory when she laughed.
A while later, with his body tucked under the soft covers, the smell of Asuna's cooking wafting up to him, enticing even through the pounding headache and fever he felt, he wondered again what he had done to deserve her.
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drivemysoul · 4 years
I have no idea why sugulis is so underrated 😔
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You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace and control your urges to scream about all the people you hate.
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years
My first 2k Words for 2k Kudos one-shot is here! A request made in my DMs by @rentsak1313 for some Kirisuna wedding nerves. I won’t repost the entire prompt here. I will be cross-listing this to AO3! One-shot below the cut. 
           Do you ever feel like everything is about to go completely and utterly wrong, even though there probably isn’t any sort of solid evidence that things are about to go downhill? It’s that gut feeling that you could just take your finger and lightly tap the situation at hand—and then it all falls over, like you actually punched it with all of your might. Maybe that’s a weird comparison. Either way, that’s about how I feel in this very moment. And I think it’s plastered obviously across my face because Eugeo’s giving me a funny look.
           Everything is in place. Not a single detail is screwed up. I even remembered to put on deodorant. I mean, I don’t usually forget that, but I feel like at some point during the course of wedding preparation I might have. That would have been bad. Just thinking about possibly missing that makes me think I might have missed something—or maybe I’ll mess something up in the process of going through the steps of…oh, what am I saying?
           I took a deep breath and glanced down at my tuxedo coat. I grasped the top buttons in my hands and decided to distract myself. I slipped each button through their respective holes, counting the buttons as I went. One, two, three, four!
           “Hey, I know you’re nervous, but you know better than that,” Eugeo said.
           He reached over and deftly unbuttoned the last button. I let out an awkward laugh.
           “Is everything okay?” he asked.
           It was an incredibly simple question which should have had an equally simple answer. But the words stuck in the back of my throat like I’d swallowed a little too much peanut butter. I must have been making some face; Eugeo placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile. I tried to flash him a toothy grin back. He immediately lost his composure and started laughing at me.
           “Calm down,” he said, trying to speak through his laughter. “You really don’t want to be grinning like that when you’re exchanging vows, you’re going to make her hyperventilate.”
           “R-reassuring,” I stammered.
           Nevertheless, I took a deep breath. Today is not the day to be panicking and losing my mind. I tried to divert my energy elsewhere. I started pacing around the room for a bit, but Eugeo reached over and stopped me by grasping my shoulders, steering me over to a chair, and pushing me down into it. He sat down across from me.
           “Are you really that nervous?” he asked.
           I bit my lip.
           “You two have been together for quite some time,” he said. “Forgive me if I’m out of line, but I don’t think you’ve got anything to be nervous about.”
           Frowning, I shook my head.
           “No, it’s not, like…I’m not nervous because I’m getting married,” I said.
           He raised an eyebrow.
           “This is the right decision for us, after all,” I said. “It’s what we’ve always wanted. I’m very confident about this step. I just…”
           “You just…what?”
           I heaved a sigh.
           “I don’t want to screw this moment up and have to live with it for the rest of my life,” I groaned.
           Eugeo chuckled and shook his head at me. I wondered what he thought was so funny. If this was his once-in-a-lifetime moment, I bet he’d be just as nervous about screwing it up. Unless some strange events happened, I could only marry Asuna once. I want this day to be perfect not just because it’s my wedding day—but so that she’ll have a wonderful day to look back on throughout our marriage.
           There were so many ways it could go wrong. Tripping was probably the most likely. I’d already buttoned my tux wrong, which Eugeo had so kindly pointed out. Something else might be wrong with my outfit. Maybe the guests would be wearing strange outfits. Someone might spill a drink. There could be late people. I could end up appearing late because of all of my worrying.
           “Maybe I should have wished for good luck with my wedding back at the shrine,” I groaned, placing my head in my hands.
           Sighing loudly enough that I could hear him, Eugeo reached over and gently rubbed my back.
           “Everything’s going to be fine,” he said. “If you keep getting yourself worked up about what might go wrong, you’re going to jinx yourself.”
           I gave a rather pathetic nod.
           I felt as pathetic as that nod was. Asuna probably wasn’t half as nervous about messing up as I was.
             Actually, in truth, she might be more nervous than he was. She wanted to go and check on him, but that was an excuse. He didn’t need checking on. He was a grown man, after all. Asuna just needed him to be with her in this very moment. Kirito always calmed her nerves. All of her fears would melt away as soon as their eyes met.
           But she knew that if she’d get up and say she was going to see him, Lisbeth would stop her in her tracks, enforcing the “don’t see the bride in her dress before the wedding” nonsense. Asuna wasn’t really one for superstitions like that. Lisbeth might have said that earlier only as a tease. Where did that kind of belief even stem from? She couldn’t think about that now. She had to focus on the wedding.
           Asuna turned to gaze at herself in the mirror. Was her hair perfect? She was probably needlessly concerned about her appearance. Kirito didn’t care one bit what she looked like—he loved her whether she was dressed to the nines or in a set of simple pajamas. Oh, now that sounded like he didn’t care about her appearance at all. Was is selfish of her to hope he was outfitted perfectly?
           “Oh god, what if he gets crumbs on his suit!” she blurted out.
           Lisbeth blinked over at her, considered the thought for a moment, and then giggled.
           “It’s not funny!” Asuna said. “Of all of the things that could go wrong, that would be the most likely mishap!”
           Her maid of honor gave her a smiling nod.
           “Yeah, knowing Kirito, he’s probably found a snack back there somewhere and is awkwardly trying not to get it all over himself. Don’t worry too much, though. I’m sure Eugeo is policing him like a hawk.”
           Asuna tried to relax her shoulders a bit.
           “You think so?”
           Lisbeth nodded.
           “I know so,” she said. “I’ve never met a better Kirito policer than Eugeo.”
           Well, at least she didn’t have to worry about that. It didn’t clear up any of her other worries, though. She turned back to the mirror and started to fuss with her hair and dress. If Eugeo was making sure Kirito looked absolutely perfect for the event, then she couldn’t risk appearing a mess either. She wanted to look back on this day and see a successful event—one she’d smile about as she told her children of the day she married their papa.
           “Oh!” she exclaimed.
           Lisbeth looked at her again.
           “What’s wrong?” she asked.
           Asuna covered up her mouth and gave Lisbeth a worried look.
           “Did he set up the camera for Yui?” she asked.
           Yet another thing that could go wrong. She felt her nerves practically grinding on her. The stress was unbearable. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she had to keep her makeup in perfect condition. She couldn’t cry now. She drew in a breath.
           “Would it really be so wrong if I went and saw him before the ceremony?” Asuna asked.
           Her friend frowned and cocked her head to the side.
           “I mean, that’s on you if you get bad luck,” Lisbeth said. “But you don’t really think it’ll be bad luck, do you?”
           Asuna shook her head.
           “If anything, I think seeing Kirito will ease my nerves and bring me good luck,” she said, clutching her hands to her chest.
           If her friend was right, him seeing her in her wedding dress would be the cause of all of the mistakes that occurred during the wedding. Everything she was envisioning going wrong would happen like a chain of dominoes being knocked down. But she couldn’t fight the feeling that everything would be better if she just spoke with him for a short bit alone.
           She lifted her chin up and forced a smile as she gazed at her friend.
           “I’m going to go talk to him,” she said. “I won’t be too long.”
           Lisbeth smiled and shook her head.
           “Hurry back, then, soon-to-be Mrs. Kirigaya.”
             Eugeo gave me a fixed glare as I contemplated grabbing a snack to keep myself busy and not thinking about all of the ways the wedding might turn into a big disaster party. As my hand inched closer, I noticed that his eyes narrowed more and more. Finally, I gave into his glare and yanked my hand away.
           “If you got crumbs on that tux, Asuna would strangle me after the reception,” he said. “Or worse: in the middle of it.”
           I frowned. I definitely didn’t want Asuna strangling someone in the middle of our wedding reception. That was just another thing to add to the list of possible ways the ceremony could go wrong—not that I would have originally thought of my bride suffocating someone with her bare hands when imagining mishaps and screwups. I reached down again for a little bite-sized snack.
           My hand snapped back into place at my side, as if it had never hovered over the food tray at all. Eugeo’s glare remained severe even as I kept my hand glued to my thigh.
           “I know you’re nervous, but if you mess up your suit eating a little snack, that’s an error you’ll be thinking about until you go to sleep tonight.”
           I hung my head.
           “You’re right…” I mumbled.
           Great. Another thing to worry about.
           “Relax,” he said. “If you just behave, everything’s going to go perfectly—is that Asuna?”
           I whirled around and saw Asuna hurrying into the room. She’d pulled up her dress to keep from tripping over it as she ran. My mind instantly presumed something had already gone wrong. I walked over to her. She thrust her hands out to me. I took them and gazed at her, concerned.
           “Is everything okay?” I asked.
           She bit her lip and looked up at me, clearly on the verge of tears.
           “I’m so nervous, I just…I just needed to come see you…” she said, trailing off.
           It wasn’t very obvious, but after a moment of gazing at her I could see that she was shaking. Immediately tossing my own worries about screwing today up away, I just smiled at her and squeezed her hands gently. Her eyes widened just a bit. Suddenly, to my surprise, she burst into a fit of laughter.
           “You’re a nervous wreck, too, aren’t you?” she said.
           My cheeks flushed with heat, making my embarrassment obvious. I tucked my head down, trying not to make eye contact as I explained myself.
           “Look…I don’t want to mess up our special day…” I mumbled.
           She shook her head.
           “And here I’ve been worried about the same thing all day,” she said. “But I think just coming and talking to you makes me feel a bit less nervous.”
           I lifted my head and locked eyes with her. That nervousness that I’d seen earlier seemed to have vanished. I reached up and tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. My smile returned as I stared into her eyes. She looked stunning, and she was right. Being here with her dispelled all of the nerves about wanting today to be perfect.
           Because it already was perfect.
           Careful to not smudge her makeup or mess up her hair, I slipped my hand behind her head and pulled her into a gentle kiss. This was probably bad luck of some sort or another, but I didn’t care.
           “Hey! You’re going to kiss in the next thirty minutes anyways!” Eugeo said. “Come back over here so we can go over what you need to do!”
           I chuckled and shook my head. Asuna silently thanked me with her eyes. She gave me a nod and then hurried back to her dressing room. I let out a sigh, relaxed for the first time today. I turned my head to the left, looking for where Eugeo was, turned back to watch Asuna disappear down the hallway, and then did a double take when I realized he was right next to me.
           “Feeling calmer now?” he asked.
           Smiling, I gave a nod.
           “I guess no matter what goes wrong, today will be special regardless,” I said. “We’re both worked up over silly things when we should just calm down and focus on what’s really important.”
           Eugeo gave me a very matter-of-fact nod.
           “See? There’s nothing to be nervous about.”
           I sat back down in a chair and leaned back to take a deep breath. Everything was going to go perfectly. Can I pinpoint an exact reason why? Not really. But I think what’s important is that when Asuna and I spoke, those nerves melted away. I still don’t want to mess anything up. Yet I am at peace knowing that we’re striving to have a happy, wonderful day together.
           And that’s really all that matters, isn’t it?
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tinnyhi · 7 years
Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale (Review
Hello! Before continuing forward, this review has spoilers. If you want to have a spoiler-free review, click the link.
There’s also spoiler review from the same channel, which you can check out here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8_poocP7TY
(Not sure if the links will work, but if it doesn’t just look up on youtube typing in Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale review. Click the video by Gigguk.)
If you want to watch the movie, you can find it on KissAnime, but the subtitles are not always right, but it’s at least sub. I don’t know if other websites have sub the movie, but you like dub I don’t know about that either. So yea.
If you want to keep reading this, then press the ‘keep reading’ button thing.
I love this movie, but this is SAO we’re talking. They gave Kirito, the biggest plot amour in the later part of the movie. I will be dividing the review into sections, but these are not in order because my brain is scrambled. Or not, who knows. I might jump topic to topic. With some spelling errors, because I hate spelling. 
This plot tho.
This movie has everything it needed. Since this is SAO, they didn’t expanded on most things. 
I don’t know how to explain these type of things (since this is my first time reviewing this type of thing. Give some slack, thank you.) 
There’s the villian that has actually have a motive, which was to reivie his dead daughter to help him was some one his daughter loved? Instead, of the ‘I don’t know. Seem Legit’ Besides the relationship between Yuna and Eiji was unclear. Were they friends of benefits, or dating? Who knows.
With Silica being useless, which Asuna to lost her memory of SAO. With Kirito doing everything in his power to get it back. Why? It wasn’t explained that much in the movie, but it was. Know what I mean? Basically, a reason Kirito is desparate to get Asuna’s memory back. Even though, Shigemura said it was to remove the bad memories. The thing is, that even though you were trapped in the game. You also have some happy memories, that’s how Kirito and Asuna started their relationship. Even though not all of us like their relationship with reasons unknown. 
There was one scene that made me so happy inside my heart. 
The battle scene between the characters and the 100th boss. I was literally so happy how the scene, even though there was some plot holes. Besides did anyone catch the fanservice in that scene? No? Then watch it again, until you can find it. 
Aside from that, I love the graphics of it. The colors! How Yui brought the players from GGO and ALO. Even brought the data storage from SAO, with Kirito being Jesus-kun. With Asuna using the 11? hit combo, from the Mother Rosoario? Arc. Even giving Sinon her Hecate back. How the look that Kirito and Asuna gave each other. How they use ‘Switch’ again. They probably have use it ALO, did they? I think they did. It was 99.9% perfect! I do have some questions though. 
Like how Asuna was able to remember to fight with her raiper? Before while the players were fighting the monsters, she sat with useless Silica (If anyone likes Silica, I’m very sorry.) I was confused with that, but it could be that she probably has some memories of it. I don’t know. 
Using technologies to reivie a dead girl, interesting concept. 
The engagement tho.
I personally love KiritoxAsuna, he propose twice. Once for just in case he didn’t came back or something. The second time was when they’re at the shooting stars. 
Did anybody watched the end credits, there were two extra pictures on there. One was when Kirito is meeting Asuna’s mother. The other was that Kirito and Asuna sleeping on each other’s shoulders with the Yui cam on Asuna’s other shoulder. They were also wearing their headphones. (Asuna:Red, Kirito:White.) Then the end scene. 
It was very vague, but in the end it said”SAO will return.”
duh duh dummmmmmm!
Overall, I would give this movie 9/10
Reasons why: 
Good Plot, but needs to expand.
Plot holes
Epic music, as always
Battle scene between the 100th boss.
Vilians has finally a motive.
That’s it! If you have made it this far, congrats! If you want me to review other stuff(wow already so needy.), just ask. It was really fun and hard to do this type of thing. I mostly rant about my life, and write fanfiction. So thank you so much for reading.
See you soon,
Tinnyhi :)
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burnt-toast-life · 3 years
*slides over SAO* For the fandom thing, I'm curious.
Ooh yay, one of my newer fandoms!
The first character I first fell in love with: Asuna lmao
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Yui omg,, I will cry
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: n/a
The character I love that everyone else hates: n/a
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: n/a
The character I would totally smooch: Literally Any Of The Girls
The character I’d want to be like: Asuna and Kirito
The character I’d slap: Game Master and also can’t remember his name but that one bitch who was rlly disturbing and wanted to marry Asuna against her will while she was still in a ‘coma’? Yea h
A pairing that I love: Kirito x Asuna, also Kirito x Lisbeth
A pairing that I despise: n/a
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twinkletoes-rp · 4 years
6, 7, 19, 20, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 51 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Fanfiction Questions meme
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh, geez... I’ve been involved in so many fandoms, LOL. I don’t really know if I can/should name them all. I’ll give you the ones (ONLY OTPs - doesn’t mean I don’t ship other things, too) I can think of off the top of my head.
Kiba/Hinata (Naruto), Fakir/Ahiru (Princess Tutu), Stiles/Derek (Teen Wolf), Kirito/Lisbeth (Sword Art Online), Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter), Goku/Bulma (Dragon Ball), Yusuke/Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho), Todoroki/Izuku (BNHA), (better!)Bakugo/Uraraka (BNHA), Toph/Aang (ATLA), and Adrien/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)!
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
(This isn’t meant to be hate on the ships I name! I just don’t ship them, that’s all! Ship and let ship! ;))
Naruto/Sasuke (Naruto), Kirito/Asuna (Sword Art Online), Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter), Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter), Goku/Chichi (Dragon Ball), Yusuke/Keiko (Yu Yu Hakusho), Bakugo/Izuku (BNHA), and Aang/Katara (ATLA).
19. Is there a ship (in your current fandom) which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
I’m not sure I have a ‘current fandom’ since I live for, like, everything at once, but maybe technically Naruto would be it?
In that case (again, no offense to anyone - and removing the ‘I wish I could get behind’ part ‘cause I do not), NaruSasu. I just...don’t get it? At all? Maybe it’s the ‘what could have been’s or whatever, but when you just take the series at face value, that relationship is...really icky, at least to me, and that’s putting it lightly. It’s so damn unhealthy, especially for poor Naruto. They were never even friends, Sasuke always treated him like shit, and yet...?! *throws hands at half+ of OG series and virtually all of Shippuden* IDK, man. Something’s weird there, and I don’t like it. Can’t support that. Naruto deserves better, damn it. (*casually links her Naruto AU fic where he DOES get better (in more ways than one), TYVM*)
20. Any ships (in your current fandom) which you surprised yourself by liking?
Going with Naruto again, so. Hmm... I guess maybe Kankuro/Tenten? I didn’t even know that was a ship until a friend showed me a really good fic, and I was hooked! lol.
Another might be KakaObi, but only in AUs where Obito survives the cave in and gets out with Kakashi and Rin and recovers, continuing to be the sweetheart he is instead of the ass he turned out to be in canon. Because he, too, deserved better, damn it!
Another is one I might have made up, not sure (mostly in the context of my Naruto AU, NGL), lol: Karin/Shikamaru! It makes sense and there are lots of compelling reasons when you break it down! You know, 'cause Shikamaru would need (or probs at least prefer) someone on his smarts level, and she's a genius, too, just in a different way. And once she mellows out, Karin's really cool, and (in my AU) she grows to eventually adore Naruto (actually fights to defend/protect him in the Pein arc!), and anyone who loves Naruto is good in Shikamaru's book! lol. Plus, she can tell him when he has his genius brain twisted in too many directions, tell him he's being an idiot and help him figure things out in her different way. lol. IDK, I like it!
30. What inspires you to write?
I just...love writing?? I’ve wanted to be an author since I was 8-9 years old, started writing when I was 11, and I’ve been writing ever since! I’m 27 now! I’ve had a few dry spells, ofc, but I always end up coming back! I just feel like writing is in my blood (partly because, I like to joke, my last name is the title of one of Shakespeare’s plays, haha)!
Pretty much anything can inspire me to write, though. I’ll see a pretty flower and be like “OOH, that flower could feature perfectly in this chapter in this way!” and then write 1k about that! lol. Or I could read a review of one of my new chapters and end up thinking of something I’d never considered before and then write almost 3k on that alone (looking at you, middle section of Ch 6 of my Naruto AU, lol)!
Basically, if it sparks joy, I’m gonna write something! X’D
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Nicest?? Hmm... I mean, I’ve had a lot of things said about my writing... Not sure I can really narrow it down? lol.
I guess the nicest things I’ve ever been told are when I make people cry (espec multiple times!) and actually feel the emotions the characters are feeling, that the characters and their development feel so real that it’s like they’re real people instead of fictional/they’re written so much better than the creator himself wrote them. (Been getting those a lot on my Naruto AU, actually. lol.)
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I tend to prefer silence while I write, but sometimes, my house is loud and people keep breaking my concentration (house of 5, lots of animals, not the quietest, lol), I sometimes listen to music. I usually prefer instrumental, and then usually Naruto or Wolf’s Rain (sometimes Princess Tutu, too) instrumental tracks. The Naruto one I like best also has rain sounds mixed in, which is great because I love the sound of rain! Woo! (Here’s a link to that one if anyone else wants in on this! ;))
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Emotions and getting into the nitty-gritty stuff therein. As an extremely visual, emotional writer, I’ve always been able to feel the emotions of the characters pretty much exactly how they’re feeling it in the moment and then put it on paper. I also make people cry a lot with my writing and get them to feel what the characters do, so that’s awesome! It’s always my goal to get my readers to feel things because then I feel like they’ve really connected with the story and characters I’ve written!
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Transitions are dicks. Sometimes I struggle ‘cause it’s been, like, two seconds or five hours, and I don’t know how to show that, lol. If I can, espec with the last one, I just fade to black. lol.
Also, sometimes I feel like I use the same sentence structure a lot, mostly the ‘..., but...’ format (at least lately). It’s really annoying, and I worry my readers notice and get annoyed/think I suck because of it. lol.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
“All the ways I say ‘I love you’” by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 (Fandom: Ninjago)
“Paradise Lost” by AnchoredTether (Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender (Zootopia-esque dark AU))
“where my armor ends” by dalniente (Fandom: She-Ra Princesses of Power)
“of cats and curses” by faerialchemist (Fandom: She-Ra Princesses of Power x Fruits Basket crossover)
“Mischief is its Own Reward” by dalniente (Fandom: Megamind)
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
I don’t really read Naruto fanfic too much anymore, so like...I guess, technically, another main fandom of mine right now is Fruits Basket, so: without a doubt, @kyosohmastan ! They’re my absolute favorite Fruits Basket fanfic author! Everyone’s so in character, the writing is so sweet and feelsy, steamy when it needs to be, and I really love the writing itself - it’s just so well done and beautiful and I die happily when they post a new fic or chapter? Ahhh! Plus, they’re just so nice and talented in so many ways, we have the same opinions on certain things (like Kakeru Manabe is Too Much(TM) for us, haha, no offense to those who like him! lol.), and I just really, really feel blessed to know and read their fics! Love them so! <3
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
I’m not sure which ship this is talking about? Hmm... But a ship I definitely think (have always thought) needs more attention is Kirito/Lisbeth from Sword Art Online! It’s so slept on, and that is a damn fucking shame because they’re so healthy and sweet and have so much more amazing potential than they’re given credit for (way freaking more than the actual canon couple, just sayin’, no offense to anyone who likes the pairing)! I have written a good few metas (and a fanfic) on the subject (some/most of which are on my Lisbeth RP blog, actually, lol)! If anyone wants to discuss/RP/anything involving this ship, please let me know! Would love it!
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I’m not sure I have a favorite fic. But one that I always come back to (all of her (mostly G1) My Little Pony fics, actually - first found them when I was, like, 12, and have kept rereading over and over through the years, haha) is A Mother in Her Eyes by LoveLikeElena on FFN. It takes place in the author’s own MLP universe, but I love said universe so much, and her takes on the characters are amazing and so sweet! I love her look at the serious subjects that follow the characters through her ongong MLP series! <3
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Fanfic readers have become really, really lazy. No one reviews anymore, maybe leave a kudos here and there if you’re lucky (I have a major love-hate (more hate) relationship with kudos...), and it’s so, so, so discouraging to us writers! I wish they knew how it felt, to be honest, espec the ones you know are reading, but just...don’t comment. It’s ridiculously disheartening to work so hard on something for days, weeks, even months or years on something, only to get basically nothing in return. It’s like posting into the void, and it sucks ass. It’s part of what made me quit writing for a good few years, actually, and I’m so sad to see that it’s still a thing. I comment on everything I read because I know how it feels and how much it hurt! It hurts like hell, especially because I remember how it used to be just 6-8 years ago when everyone commented! I desperately pray the fanfic/content consuming world fixes that really soon or we might lose some really amazing writers! Please, even an emoji or keyboard smash! I don’t care, I’ll take anything (and I know I’m not the only one)! <3
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alexthegamingboy · 4 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 03/28/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld (Alicization Awakening) EP#35 (11) - Heartless Choice: In the following morning, the decoy force discover that Vecta has ordered the army to traverse the massive ravine by crawling over 10 suspended ropes, and plan a counter-strategy. Meanwhile, in the Ocean Turtle, Critter has successfully disabled the fluctlight acceleration and has deployed a patch program to invite AmuSphere users in America to "beta test" a PvP slaughter VRMMO, tricking them into thinking that it was a game. At the same time, Yui sees their strategy and warns Kirito and Asuna friends, with Leafa and Sinon going to the STL into the Rath's Roppongi base after authorization and Lisbeth going into ALO to try to convince the Japanese players to help the Underworld against the American players. In the end, with 20,000 American players ready to join, Critter deploys them on the other side of the massive ravine.
My Hero Academia U.A. School Festival Arc Season 4 EP#81 (18) - Relief for License Trainees: It's October, and the U.A. students are planning to launch a school festival for the fall. Meanwhile, Izuku and Mirio have been requested to see Eri. But she still hasn't been saved from the inside, and Overhaul's shadow is blocking out the light, meaning she doesn't know how to smile or have fun. So in order for her to smile, Izuku decides to bring Eri to the school festival. Elsewhere, a villain named Gentle Criminal and his subordinate, La Brava, are searching for a scheme that will put his name down in the history of villainy.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#20 - The Final Mission from the Boss: Bucciarati's crew arrives in Venice and read the final mission from the boss on the data disc. The instructions are for only one person to take Trish to the top of the bell tower of the church on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Bucciarati takes Trish ashore, but also wears one of Giorno's ladybug brooches as a tracking device while the others wait in their speedboat. Bucciarati and Trish ascend in the tower's elevator, but when they arrive at the top, Bucciarati discovers that Trish has disappeared and that he is only holding her severed hand. Bucciarati has a flashback to his youth when he first joined Passione and realizes that the boss intends to kill his daughter to protect his own identity. Bucciarati follows the boss and manages to attach Giorno's ladybug tracker to him before he disappears. Bucciarati attacks the boss and reconnects Trish's hand, but the boss uses his Stand King Crimson[x] to erase time and effortlessly avoid Bucciarati's attacks. Having appeared behind Bucciarati, King Crimson pushes his fist all the way through Bucciarati's chest in an attempt to kill him.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Functional Recovery Training Arc EP#22 - Master of the Mansion: Tanjiro comes face-to-face with the nine most powerful Demon Slayers: Giyu (the Water Pillar), Shinobu (the Insect Pillar), Kyojuro Rengoku (the Flame Pillar), Tengen Uzui (the Sound Pillar), Mitsuri Kanroji (the Love Pillar), Muichiro Tokito (the Mist Pillar), Gyomei Himejima (the Stone Pillar), Obanai Iguro (the Snake Pillar), and Sanemi Shinazugawa (the Wind Pillar). They put Tanjiro on trial due to him having violated Demon Slayer Corps rules by traveling with a demon, even if she is his sister. Tanjiro states she won't eat humans and can fight with the Demon Slayers to protect humans. Sanemi comes outside with Nezuko in her box, calling him deluded and stabs through the box and into Nezuko's shoulder. Tanjiro charges him and Giyū calls out that the Master will soon be here and to stop, which startles Sanemi, giving Tanjiro an opening to headbutt him and knock him to the ground, impressing the Hashiras. The Master of the Demon Slayers arrives before Sanemi can strike him back and all the Hashiras kneel, Sanemi forcing Tanjiro's head down. The Master is a blind man with scars across the upper half of his face, accompanied by two white-haired girls. The Master states he has sanctioned the situation with Tanjiro and Nezuko and asks the Hashiras to accept it, but the majority refuse. The Master has one of the girls with him summarize a letter from Urokodaki Sakonji, the former Water Pillar, asking the Master to approve of Tanjiro's situation as Nezuko has neither lost her human emotions nor harmed a human. If Nezuko ever assaults a human, Urokodaki vows that he, Tanjiro, and Giyū will all commit seppuku (ritual suicide), with Tanjiro shocked at their faith. Rengoku replies that seppuku won't bring back the human Nezuko kills, objecting to the request. The Master agrees there is no guarantee Nezuko won't attack humans, but points out that there is no proof that she will attack humans. Even when starved, she has not harmed one in two years, on the basis of which the Master decides to risk it unless the Hashiras can come up with a more convincing argument than she may. He then adds that Tanjiro has met Kibutsuji, shocking them as none of the Hashira have ever seen the reclusive progenitor of the demons. They start demanding he tell them details about Kibutsuji until the Master silences them. Kibutusuji has sent pursuers after Tanjiro, perhaps only to silence him and Nezuko, but it's the first time he's revealed himself and the Master doesn't want to let him escape. Sanemi agrees to spare Tanjiro but refuses to allow Nezuko to live. He cuts open his arm and stabs Nezuko twice more through the box, intending to prove she can't be trusted. After tossing the box inside a house out of the sun, he opens it, telling Nezuko to attack him for the human blood she hungers for. An injured Nezuko emerges from the box and turns to him, salivating through her muzzle.
Food Wars: The Second Plate Stagiaire Arc EP#35 - The Stagiaire: The Stagiaire program requires students to take up residence and leave their mark on various restaurants. Soma is paired with Hisako, who has been feeling inferior since she lost the Autumn Elections, and they are sent to Mitamura Western Restaurant. They discover that the restaurant is struggling to keep up with the barrages of orders from commuting customers, but Soma manages to use his experience to take control and keep everyone organised. Meanwhile, Erina and Megumi are sent to a French restaurant, where Erina instantly takes command of the kitchen and Megumi finds her own way to make improvements. While Hisako becomes more accustomed to her role, Soma believes that the restaurant needs to change, so that it doesn't struggle again once the Stagiaire is over. With the staff unwilling to cut down their large menu, Soma suggests that they become a reservations-only restaurant. After passing the first stage of the Stagiare, Soma tells Hisako to stop feeling ashamed of her defeat, telling her that she should aim to stand beside Erina, instead of behind her.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#111 - The Eyes in the Mirror: Within the dream world Reve confronts the Bulls, explaining that she has full control of the dreams reality. Vanessa is relieved to find Rouge can still use her magic to keep them alive. Sally uses her extensive magical knowledge to combine the Bulls magic into new attacks as well as working out exactly how Reve's magic functions. The Bulls become drowsy and Reve reveals that anyone trapped in her dream world for long periods will eventually fall asleep forever. Sally realises that anything Reve imagines in the dream world will physically appear, even against her will. With this in mind Sally tricks Reve into imagining and accidentally creating exits leading back to the real world. Meanwhile within the Shadow Palace Yami and Jack become lost as they are manipulated by the elf Baval using Dice Magic to warp reality. Droit and Eclat try to kill Asta, but he is saved by Gordon, Grey and Henry. Despite activating his demon form Asta is paralysed by Eclat but is saved again when Henry transforms part of the base's rubble into a flying bull. As he is only alive because of the magic power he took from his friends Henry decides he will sacrifice all his remaining magic and even his life to keep Asta alive long enough to defeat Droit and Eclat.
Slightly Damned Page 956:  https://www.sdamned.com/comic/956
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fanficfeed-eukirieu · 5 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Sword Art Online (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage Relationships: Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito/Yuuki Asuna | Asuna, Eugeo/Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito, Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito/Sachi Characters: Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito, Yuuki Asuna | Asuna, Tsuboi Ryoutarou | Klein, Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth, Ayano Keiko | Silica, Andrew Gilbert Mills | Agil, Kayaba Akihiko | Heathcliff, Sachi (Sword Art Online), Yui-MHCP001, Kirigaya Suguha | Leafa, Asada Shino | Sinon, Argo (Sword Art Online), Eugeo (Sword Art Online) Additional Tags: Transgender Kirito, Bisexual Kirito, Gender Dysphoria, Canon Compliant, some canon divergence, For one Suguha doesn't want to date her brother, Nudity, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Character Death Follows Canon, Former Kirito x Sachi, Trans Male Character, Trans Character, Nonbinary Character Summary:
The anonymous world of MMORPGs allowed Kirigaya Kazuto to express himself for who he really was without being questioned- and he thought the same would hold true in the VRMMORPG, Sword Art Online. But when the creator forces everyone to show their true face while they are trapped in the death game, he's once again trapped in the reality that people can and will change how they see him based on a glance. His safe haven now a waking nightmare, Kazuto must find the confidence to still be himself despite the removal of his mask: an unquestionably male avatar.
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