#at one point early in the game we were on a hunt for food
ameliathornromance · 5 months
“Okay – I know what this looks like.” Your Orc Boyfriend held his hand out to you, defensively. His face was stained with soot, along with one or two of his fellow cooks, both shooting glares into the back of his head. “But I promise you, it was for a good cause.”
From behind himself, he pulled out a charred and burned mound of… something. Raising your eyebrow, you looked between him and the plate. You weren’t trying to be rude, really, but… for your life, you could not recognise what was on the plate in front of you.
Your Orc looked hopefully at you, but at your confused expression, he let out a sigh. His shoulders slumped, his head hung. “I knew your birthday was coming up.” He said, “and I was able to sort your presents. But then you started going on about cake… so I tried to make one and…”
Cake, to you, was one of the best things in the world. The problem was, every time you had tried to purchase a cake from a village or town since joining the Orc camp, it was always taken from you at the last moment. Sold out at the last moment in a bakery or - when you did finally get a hold of one - was knocked from your hands by accident from a clumsy Orc.
You felt it was wrong to just invade the Orc’s supplies and cooking stations to make your own, so you resigned yourself to a cakeless existence.
Your Orc Boyfriend, who had never had anything but meat for food, was intrigued by the pastry. “So, it’s like a sweet bread?” He asked you once you finished explaining the concept to him.
“I…” you hummed in thought, “I guess so? They’re easy to make, pretty much anyone can do it.” You sighed, “I wish I could have it for my birthday.” It was only two weeks away by this point, the thought of having such a costly present made your mouth water.
“Why specifically your birthday?” Your Orc asked, curiously.
“It’s a human tradition,” you explained. “You get presents too, but cake is more of a luxury for the common folk.”
After that conversation, you found your Orc evasive.
You knew his routine like the back of your hand; Every morning, he would get up at early dawn and then go out hunting. A couple hours later, he would return with game and crash for a nap in the afternoon. Then, he would rise for dinner and then stay up late to sharpen his weapons.
But for some reason, he would forgo his nap, extending his time out of the camp. The first time he did it, you assumed he was just trying to make sure he got all the game in the area and when you asked the others, they confirmed your suspicions.
You tried not to take much notice of it after that. Although the absence of your Orc began to worry you slightly. Was there someone who was forcing him to leave the camp? If he had been given extra work, he would have told you about it… Right?
Your worries continued until the morning of your birthday. A boom shuddered through the camp ground, causing you to jump up from your bed. Rushing out, fully prepared to defend the camp in case of an attack, only to find the rest of the camp roaring with laughter, their attention directed to the food tent.
Pushing your way through the Orcs, you found yourself standing at the entrance of the tent, Orc Boyfriend covered in soot and holding a smoking, charred lump on a plate.
You knew your Orc was not the best in the kitchen. This was why he was given hunting duties over being in the kitchen with the other Orcs… But you had no idea that it was this bad.
“We don't even know how you blew up the kitchen.” One of the Chef Orcs grunted. The crowd eventually dispersed and the Orcs returned back to their duties.
And so, those were the events that led up to this moment.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to make you happy.” Your Orc looked away from you, eyes downcast to the ground.
Your heart stung at his hurt expression. He really had tried, hadn’t he? Even if it had ended in a disaster. He really wanted to give you that cake huh?
Walking up to him, taking out a handkerchief, you wiped his face free of soot. He still didn’t look at you, as though he were ashamed by what had happened. Cupping his cheeks, you force him to look at you. “Thank you for trying.” You kissed his nose. “It’s the thought that counts.” And with that, you pecked him on the lips. “But, maybe I should be the one to do the kitchen work from now on.”
At that, a small smile overtook your Orc’s frown. “Yeah. That’s probably for the best.” And with that, the two of you made your way back to your tent and opened your gifts.
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infodumpingaboutnature · 11 months
Great news for monotreme lovers!!!
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The Sir David Attenborough's Long-Beaked Echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi) has been sighted for the first time since 1961!
Also known as the Cyclops Long-Beaked Echidna, this nocturnal critter was first described by Western scientists in 1961 during the Dutch colonial era of what was then known as Dutch New Guinea. It was only described from a fragmentary preserved specimen (pictured below) and was of course named after the famous naturalist Sir David Attenborough. However, I do want to point out that, as is the case with many newly discovered species, it was known to the native people of this region way before this and was traditionally hunted for both food and for ceremonial peace offerings. However, according to my research since the species was classified as Critically Endangered, the native villagers were very enthusiastic about its conservation and agreed not to hunt them in order to help preserve the species.
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Z. attenboroughi is native to the Cyclops Mountain Chain in northern Indonesian New Guinea and feeds mostly on worms, ants, termites, and other invertebrates by using their long beaks to forage through the soil and creating distinct “nose pokes”. For a long time, these “nose pokes” were the only sign scientists had that this species hadn’t gone extinct. The last unconfirmed sighting by locals was in 2005, though some tracks and burrows that were thought to belong to the species were discovered in 2007.
Now, over 60 years after it was initially described, an expedition of scientists from Oxford University to the Cyclops Mountains has resulted in this elusive monotreme being videotaped by a game trail camera.
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Photo credit: Cyclops Expedition
Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna might somewhat resemble hedgehogs in appearance and behavior, however, they are one of only five species of egg-laying mammals known as monotremes! The other four species are the Short-Beaked Echidna, Western Long-Beaked Echidna, Eastern Long-Beaked Echidna, and the Platypus. The Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna is the smallest species of Echidna and is apparently more closely related to the Short-Beaked Echidna than it is to the other two species of Long-Beakeds. It also possesses a more reddish coloration. All species of monotremes are known for, as I mentioned before, laying eggs instead of giving live birth like placental mammals and marsupials do. Monotremes also lack nipples and instead produce milk for their young out of modified sweat glands like how the early ancestors of all mammals did. Male Platypi/Platypuses (both terms are correct) and Echidnas also have ankle spurs which are highly venomous in the case of the Platypus, but Echidnas seem to have lost their venom and instead use them to help dig. Apparently, they also seasonally secrete a creamy substance their spurs but this, while kinda gross, is harmless.
While the rediscovery of this species is super exciting, we mustn’t forget that Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna is considered Critically Endangered and is still at risk of extinction. Habitat loss and poaching seem to be the biggest threats to this species and many other unique creatures endemic to Oceania.
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tower-arcana · 1 month
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Fuataba, Haru, and Sumire? Thank you!
a/n: tysm for this request!! i mostly blabbed for these general headcanons, so sorry if some seem out of left field! i hope you enjoy!
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ann, against what her classmates may have chosen to believe, honestly has never been in a relationship before -- so nearly every date idea and romantic ways to spend time together comes from the movies she tends to watch! she treats you the same as always; her best friend, someone she can just be herself with, and someone to rely on!
ann's favorite places to take you dates on has got to be different restaurants and cafes! she loves trying out new food items with you, though most of her favorites are desserts, admittedly... but feeding you food like they do in romantic chic flicks is always a must regardless! (ignore how she nearly poked your eye out that one time...!)
she isn't too big on kissing in public, mostly because she gets flustered like crazy and always manages to make a fool out of herself by her standards, but she's nearly always holding your and keeping you close!
ann's love language is most likely physical touch and quality time in my interp! words of affirmation are a close third, but she can never say anything too romantic without thinking she sounds too cheesy...
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makoto had never really entertained the idea of getting a partner while in high school; after all, she had always been so focused on her studies, right? but you were a sudden, wonderful gift that she wouldn't pass up for anything, and she can't imagine a future without you at this point!
makoto doesn't really visit too many hang out spots outside of school itself, but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy going places with you -- you usually have to be the one to make the decision, though! out of all the places you've visited so far, makoto has enjoyed strolling through book town and occasionally visiting the arcade when it isn't too crowded, but usually she's content with staying at home with you and just enjoying your one-on-one time together!
she's absolutely out of her league when it comes to anything PDA, and honestly gets flustered with any hand holding early on, but once she's more in her comfort zone, she often enjoys having you lay on her lap while she's reading a book or studying; to her, it just feels peaceful, and she enjoys the comfortable silence with you!
makoto's love languages would definitely be words of affirmation and acts of service, both giving and receiving! at times, makoto needs reassurance that she's even doing the right thing with you, but you're always more than willing to give her that reassurance, and for that she's extremely grateful; she doesn't feel the need to prove herself useful to you, but even so, she enjoys doing little things to make your easier when she can!
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i think it's safe to say futaba is an absolute, lovable mess in this relationship, right? she manages to play off her embarrassment and flustered reactions with silly jokes that usually get you to crack a smile, but that also means she has trouble giving proper responses to serious conversations... well, we can't win them all! (you totally won this one)
futaba is another one of those partners that doesn't really have the social battery to go out all the time, she'd much rather stay at home and game with you! still, when the two of you do go out on dates, it's usually to shop around and hunt for old game consoles at akihabara, or like once a year go to a convention! the convention definitely has to be lowkey though, she's improving with her social skills, but that's just way too high level for her current ranking!
futaba is clingy as all hell, especially in public! you're her rock, her anchor, her second key item next to joker, her power-up!!! she's always close by when you go out, holding hands or practically making you trip over your feet with how close she is... and when you're at home, she's always curled up against you like some sort of cat!
her love language is easily quality time and physical touch! futaba has spent so long pretty much isolated from everyone, and now that she's finally found her partner for life she doesn't want to be away from you a second longer than she has to be, whether that means hanging out or having her tackle hug you every chance she gets!
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haru is a bit more tricky, if i'm being honest... she genuinely thought she was doomed to be stuck with sugimura after her engagement to him, and even now that it's been annulled, she's wary of putting too much pressure on you as her partner too soon; even so, haru's love for you is true, and she wants to make it work!
haru is often busy with her new role as the acting ceo of okumura foods, but when she does get the chance to spend time with you, you can bet she's going to spoil you! reserved spots at classy restaurants, taking you to all the sights you could ever want to see, even trips overseas -- she may have never been fond of her own wealth before, but now that she has someone she truly cares for to spend it on, why not make the most of it?
the last thing haru wants is for you to get caught up in rumors that may swarm her as a ceo, so she keeps too much PDA to a minimum for moreso your safety than hers; alone, however, she's a very physically affectionate person and a major cuddler! when the work day has caused her more stress than she cares to admit, the first thing haru wants to do is curl up beside you and just breathe for once!
as stated above, haru is big on physical touch, but also giving and receiving gifts! for a really long time, all people really sought out of haru was her wealth and the benefits of her status, but with you? with you it's infinitely different, you love her for her, and she's eternally grateful; in haru's mind, it's only fitting that all her care and kindness goes to you and no one else (aside from the others she can truly count on, i.e. the thieves)!
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sumire is futaba's level of awkward in a relationship, but in less of a humored way and more of a shy way; sumire still struggles with her own self image even after she and you both agreed to give her time to rebuild her fractured mind and find worth in herself again. even so, she doesn't want to wait forever, not when you could slip through her fingers any moment -- the time is now, and she can heal with you, she realizes!
sumire's favorite places to hang out with her would have to be in cozy places like the diner or the park, places where she can just be herself, or push herself to be a better version of herself, all while you're there cheering her on! when you're her only audience, the world feels a bit lighter on her shoulders
she is very, very easily flustered over the simple things, and this includes PDA and just holding your hand -- not that she doesn't enjoy it! she just doesn't know what to do with herself in those moments, and ultimately she prefers for you to take the lead
i do feel like sumire's love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service! for her, she needs a lot of reassurance, she's still figuring her own wants and needs out after all, and she's incredibly careful to do the same with you; she also likes to show you just how cared for you are, and in return she gets absolutely giddy over knowing you really went out of your way to do something as mundane as making a meal for her!
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Okay so to add to this post from yesterday:
I’m writing this right after posting that one so if somebody reblogs with something similar to this I promise I did not see it before writing this. I just wanted my full on fix it and this is how I managed to forcefully make it happen:
What if, just like in the book, the tributes didn’t have a bloodbath? If you wanna be very optimistic, what if none of the tributes had died yet but had been brought closer by the… unusual events surrounding their stay, and were just a little bit less enthused about the idea of killing each other? We’re ignoring the rabies. The tributes got close enough fast enough for them to save Reaper from getting bitten or that stupid bat was knocked out by slamming into the shaking sides of the cattle car before it could bite Jessup.
We all know Gaul’s a murderous piece of never before seen insanity, and it’s pretty clear (to me at least) that she was simply looking for an excuse to release the snakes. Well, what if she was just the teensiest bit too excited about that? When nobody has died in over a day because everyone is actively avoiding conflict (maybe Treech pulled a Peeta and convinced the pack to wait with attacking Lamina or something to piss Gaul off even further) she goes on the big screen to tell people she’ll nobly make sure the districts receive their punishment no matter how hard they try to rebel and sicks the snakes on them. Joke’s on her! They’re not stupid and once one person gets to higher ground everybody else follows. The tank is placed somewhere on flat ground so Lamina gets to stay on her beam and maybe Treech joins her so they can reconcile. Some older kids grab the younger ones to get the heck out of dodge so everyone’s in a safe spot.
As in my previous post, none of the tributes can be reached. Therefore, the snakes decide to get their share of flesh from the next closest thing: the peacekeepers. They don’t even have a chance to call for help, and there are no cameras that film their deaths so nobody even realizes nobody’s guarding the arena until it’s too late. Again, the cold night kills all of the snakes and provides the time frame that ends up causing the utter embarrassment to the Capitol that is the 10th Hunger Games.
This time, it’s Circ and Teslee, even the smart cookies, who notice the snakes all on the hunt towards the same spot and investigate. They immediately run back with their findings and the tributes spread the word from person to person in minutes. All strategizing is done in the cameras’ blindspots in a soft enough tone to not be caught by the microphones. Lamina hears that the only obstacle left is the lock when she “trades” with Reaper to buy everyone time and suggests going to Treech, since he knows how to pick locks. Teslee and Circ point out the camera near the entrance, so they decide that it’s better to be safe than sorry here and come up with a plan.
After some back and forth, Lucy Gray brings up that the games are all for entertainment, which gives Coral an idea (coralbaird alarm coralbaird alarm they are chaos gremlins). What if they have a few tributes fight? That would draw attention towards the fight and away from the entrance. They’ll do it early to prevent anyone from realizing the guards are dead. A few others will signal towards the cameras to try and convince their mentors to send supplies so they have some time to find a hideout and plan before food and water become pressing issues.
Panlo volunteers to be part of the fight, since his mentor is a dickhead. The chances of Gaius sending him anything substantial are so low they’re kissing the earth’s core. Reaper also volunteers, and Treech tries to before he’s reminded that he’s supposed to be picking the lock. So he instead volunteers to stay last with Lucy Gray since they had the most donations. Clearly the audience loves them, so they’ll perform together while everyone else gets out and then slip out of sight from the cameras. Teslee and Circ will hack the cameras from the outside and move them subtly while the distractions are happening so that the blind spots are big enough for the tributes to manoeuvre past. Wovey and Bobbin leave during the night, knowing their mentors won’t send them much. Someone needs to make sure that possible replacement guards don’t foil the plan by taking them out if necessary. They have the dead guards’ guns and no peacekeeper would expect to be shot, especially not from the outside of the arena.
In the end, it’s Panlo vs Reaper vs Sabyn vs Facet. None of them had mentors great enough to be likely to send food, but they’re all strong enough for a drawn out free for all fight without casualties to be believable. Once Treech whistles out the signal that he’s picked the lock successfully, they start retreating from the fight one by one, making it look like they just narrowly dodged a lethal blow and decided to cut their losses. The tributes collect their gifts and high tail it out of the arena while Lucy Gray and Treech “get stuck” conveniently close to a microphone. This is done by Coral acting out the angry Bad Guy she’d forced herself into once they entered the arena. Treech acts the meek spineless coward and books it away from the pack, who give chase just slow enough to believably lose track of him in the tunnels and give up. He meets Lucy Gray at the agreed upon location, one on each side of a door with a microphone above it. What a coincidence! And at a time where Jessup is outside to collect gifts too!
Lucy Gray makes just enough noise to pass as accidental while still being audible for both the mic and Treech, who says hello and sardonically asks her where her partner is. She replies that he should come in and check, to which he replies he’s not ready to get his skull bashed in quite yet. Then they talk. They share stories and sing together, both showing a more human side to the tributes while also expertly stalling for time by drawing attention. They’re performers, they understand what to do without needing to discuss it.
The last person to leave aside from them, Marcus, (because he gave the camera district 2 signs so Sejanus knows what’s up and waited for his mentor to empty out as much of his funds as possible without being suspicious) taps out the agreed upon signal with his footsteps, making sure they echo loud enough for the two to overhear, before getting out too. Treech swiftly ends the conversation by stating that he should probably get a move on before someone finds him. He perfectly acts out a teenager getting everything off his mind to someone he thinks he may never talk to again, complimenting Lucy Gray and wishing her luck. She does the same, and they part ways. Treech is surprised to find that Vipsania sent him quite a bit of food and water once he made it back to the main part of the arena, but he’s not complaining. Lucy Gray follows after him with enough time between their departures to be believable for two people who are supposed to be scared of each other.
And that’s that. All of them are out, regrouping outside of the gates and escaping the scene swiftly. It’s only the next day that anyone bothers to check out the lack of action, only to find the snakes’ rainbow venom pouring out of the guards’ corpses in front of a long empty amphitheater. Surprisingly, most mentors aren’t all that upset at losing their chance to win the Plinth Prize, which is now given out like it was in previous years. Secretly, they’re glad their tribute escaped alive, though they’ll never say that out loud.
Nor will a few of them explain why they suddenly go on a trip to the districts every now and again. Or why Gaul’s lab blew up with her inside it once the horrific symptoms of her snakes’ venom was released to the public.
Guess we’ll never know how that happened :)
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bumpkinspice0 · 8 months
Recovery Time Chapter 8
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Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
No use of y/n
Rating: Explicit (Minors do not interact!!!!!!)
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: November is here, winter creeps closer, and feelings become more real.
Warnings: Like none? Typical angst, fluff, desperation??
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Chapter 8: Storm Brewing
The garden was finally bare, the soil tilled over and weeded of its dead occupants. Precious loved herbs and other plants dug up and brought inside to last the winter. Seeds sorted and stored for next year. Harvest time was over and the dirt can lay in rest for another winter. October had come and passed, the early days of November bringing a new chill to the air. 
Joel helps you prep the garden soil for next year and he almost wishes he hadn’t offered. You had buckets of compost stored and ready to enrich the soil, nasty smelling stuff. Vegetable scraps, egg shells, bones— garbage really. He was helping you spread garbage around your dead garden. He’s done stranger things, he supposes. 
“Please tell me this is the last one,” He sighs, dumping out the final nasty, juicy contents from the last 5-gallon barrel you rolled out.
“It’s the last one,” you scoff, raking the dumped contents evenly over the soil’s surface. “You can start putting the leaf piles on top then we’re done.”
“Thank god,” he retreats to the edge of the garden where you’d had a massive leaf pile waiting. He grabs an armful and spreads them on top of the compost, “Why are we doing this again?”
“Keeps the soil healthy.” You dust your hands off and grab a fistful of leaves for yourself, “You gotta put back what you take out. The parts you don’t use decompose and make the soil healthier. Circle of life and all that.”
“And the leaves?”
“Extra barrier and extra compost.” You step closer to him and he does his best to ignore how that makes his heart speed up ever so slightly. “Use what’s around, ya know?”
“Yeah, I suppose,” He grabs another armful of leaves, “But it was good this year? The garden?”
“Better than other years. Only got good at it the last two years or so.” 
Joel wasn’t much of a farmer. Hell, he killed nearly all of his houseplants. The idea of constantly managing something so delicate was intimidating. Game hunting was easy in comparison. Straight forward— almost literally. Point and shoot. Set a trap and leave it. Hunting didn’t take skill, it just took luck. But growing food… That was a whole different story. 
Your storages were plentiful from what he saw. You didn’t really seem to keep track of resources used because of it. Much more lax than Bill. If he had to guess you probably easily had enough for 6-8 months at the moment— But he can’t help but wonder how much you’d used on him. How much did he take from you? The question that’s been constantly on his mind lately.
He’d brought back some meager kills. That turkey and a good handful of rabbits. Was it enough? 
“Thinking you got enough to make it through the winter this year?” He asks before he can stop himself. 
You pause, he’s not sure if it’s from his sudden forwardness or because you’re actually thinking about it, sorting through everything in your head. He sees your expression drop a little bit— his unspoken words evidently being heard loud and clear. 
Will you be fine without me? 
He hadn’t brought it up in weeks, him heading back to the QZ. You hadn’t either. Christ he’d been healed for just as long and he still wandered around here like a lost puppy. What was he waiting for? You to chase him out with a broom in hand? Or maybe for you to tell him please don’t go. 
He had to. He had to leave and him lingering around you like a ghost was making it all the more difficult. 
“It was a good harvest this year,” You finally answer, kicking out more leaves in your path. “Winter can be unpredictable, though. For extra assurance, we should probably think about getting bigger kills if we—” 
You pause again, your back to him. He can’t see your face but he can guess what’s painted across it. Panic. Blushing embarrassment. You said it twice, the forbidden word. 
You’d both been dancing around referring to each other as a pair since he got here, now you were the first to let it slip. He knew what we meant. We meant I’m thinking of you. We meant I’m planning a future where you’re there. We meant don’t leave. 
He doesn’t say anything, the pleasant afternoon soured by him asking silent questions. Joel didn’t like being so timid. It’s not who he was. He was a blunt, straightforward man— often to a fault. He wishes he could still be that emotionless with you. It’d make everything so much easier. Instead, he lives in fear of hurting you. Of bringing the curtain down on this small little paradise you’d given him. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve you. It’s time he gets back to what he was actually good at.
All things must come to an end, even the good things. He had to come back to reality. Joel just had to pull the trigger… but when?
He tosses a final fistful of leaves onto the barren garden and stomps off to the edge of the property. 
“I’m gonna set up a few more traps.”
A bloated awkwardness had settled between you both since this afternoon, and you have your stupid mouth to thank for it. The damn thing always got you into so much trouble. 
You said we. You desperately wanted to try and recover and blurt that you were referring to you, Gus, and Lily, obviously, but that would have made the whole situation ten times worse. You just blurting whatever came to mind had gotten you into this mess. 
How had Joel become such an integral part of your life in such a short time? He’d crawled into your heart and made a home there without even trying. From day one you knew he wouldn’t stay, and yet that never seemed to matter. 
You’d told him six weeks for his estimated recovery time. It only took a glance at the calendar to see that specific date had come and gone. He’d been recovered. Walking strong with newly healed over scars. He was a picture of health… and he was still here. That meant something.
He hadn’t mentioned the QZ once. Not even people inside it. He’d been vague, at best, about what he’d done there. The only family you knew about was his brother, who was likely now hundreds of miles away. What did he have to go back to, you wonder. You’d never asked, but then again he probably wouldn’t tell you if you did. 
Maybe you’re waiting for him to ask. Ask if he can stay here… but you probably made your feelings about that rather clear… right? Maybe you have to ask, then. Ask him to stay. Tell him how you feel.
The fear of rejection is a powerful one. People underestimate it all the time.
So, instead of facing the fear, you dance around in this awkward limbo you’d made for yourself, because of your big dumb mouth. 
You’re curled up on the couch while he passively plays guitar in the corner of the living room, Gus and Lily curled up at his feet like he always belonged there. 
The playing stops and you dare to glance in his direction. His gaze is on the curled-up fur children at his feet, sadness pulling at his features. You can only hope what he’s thinking about. 
“Hey,” he looks at you, “So… I was thinking bout somethin’.”
“That’s dangerous.” You hope, just for a moment. Hope that he’ll ask to stay the winter. Stay longer. Stay forever. Just… stay.
“Yeah,” he gives the weakest smile you’d ever seen in your life. Oh no. “I was… thinkin’ about when I should leave.” 
You’d never had your hope dashed so quickly. 
“Yeah?” You say, trying your best to hide the fact that your heart is shattering.
“I should… do it soon. Before the snow falls.” 
You look away from him, clutching your book to your chest, “That’s… a good idea.”
He lets the silence brew in the room. God, if you thought the air between you two was uncomfortable before…
You hold back a tear, putting on a brave face. “When were you thinking?”
He’s set the guitar aside, leaning heavily over his knees. He wrings his hands together nervously. 
The single word is like an arrow to the heart. Tomorrow? That soon? You can’t believe you’d scared him off so easily. If there was a time to tell him to stay, it was now. Beg him not to go. Tell him how you feel. Show him he’d always have a home here. 
Say something. Anything. 
“That’s… soon.”
“It is.” He nods dismissively. You don’t know why, but you really want to punch him right now. He sighs, coming over to take a seat next to you. Good. Closer to punch. “I’ve taken enough from you, darlin’. It’s time I be on my way.”
“Good, you’ve been a nuisance anyway.” You think hiding behind some sarcasm will distract from the stinging behind your eyes. It doesn’t. Still, you manage to will the tears to stay inside, “It was a pleasure you have you, Joel.”
He rests a hand on your thigh and you swear it burns. “I… don’t know how to repay you.”
Don’t leave. You want to say it so badly. That’s how he could repay you if that’s what he felt he needed to do. Is it selfish of you to want him all to yourself? Like a treasure you found. Yes, of course it is. He had a right to leave. He had a right to his own damned free will. 
“Just live, that’s all you have to do,” You place your hand on top of his, “And come back to visit?”
“Of course.”
Those sorrowful deep brown eyes say all his mouth never could. Does he even really want to leave? God, you hate this. What do you do now? Do you eagerly start packing his supplies? Leave him alone? Cry? Beg? Say it. Just say it!
“Joel…” You squeeze his hand just a little tighter. His expression lightens, just a little. “I…” I don’t want you to leave. “I’ll miss you.”
He breathes out a small smile, squeezing your hand back. Can he feel it? Your heart breaking.
His other hand comes up to rest on your cheek. “I’ll miss you too, darlin’.”
This was too much. He was too much. You can’t just sit idly by while this happens. You can’t just watch him leave without fighting just a little. Without speaking your peace. If you don’t, you know you’ll regret it forever. You have to do something. Do anything. 
You come crashing into him, your lips finding his immediately. He moans into you, his other hand coming up behind your head to pull you in closer. He wanted this too. Good. You crawl on top of him… or he guides you down to the couch, you’re not really sure. It doesn’t matter. You had him, here, right now. When your words fail you, this is how you can tell him. Tell him to stay.
His hands trail down from your face and squeeze your waist, pulling you closer to him. You rake your hands through his hair in a frenzy, just needing more. All of him. Oh god, he felt so good already. His tongue comes out to explore your mouth, you open with a desperate sigh. He was eager. He was willing. 
He was yours. Right now he was yours. 
Your hands drop to his belt. You feel him flinch under your touch. 
“Darlin’... I…” he breathes between your lips. Whatever he was going to say dies on his tongue. His hips raise up in encouragement. 
“Joel,” you moan as you undo the buckle, “Joel, I—”
A mighty gust of wind shakes the cabin, testing its very foundation. You both jolt upright, the moment completely ruined by shock. The windows rattle with newfound intensity. The bones of your little home creak in protest. 
A storm was coming. 
“Shit…shit,” you grumble, climbing off Joel, much to your disdain. You walk over to your little weather station by the front door, three little mounted dials that Art always swore by. A thermometer, a barometer, and a hydrometer. The temperature had dropped significantly since this afternoon, dwindling down past freezing. The air pressure was dropping rapidly, you swear you see the needle moving before your very eyes. Yep, the telltale signs of a storm. When you glance out the window your heart drops. 
The snow had only just started to fall, small white specks starting to blanket the ground, and it was picking up speed. The sky was barely visible, the undoubtedly massive clouds whited out by an oncoming freeze. It was going to be a blizzard—a big one.
“What is it?” Joel comes up behind you. 
You groan, wishing so badly you could ignore it and take him back to the couch and continue where you left off— but you know you can’t. You’d said earlier that winter was unpredictable, and that was true. Early snow meant more work that had to be done now before it got worse. Preparations done to assure your safety. More wood inside, more water in the tank, relocating the chickens, bringing up more food from the cellar— You could both do it before the storm got worse. If you hurried it’d be done in an hour. Then you could get back to… everything. 
You were likely going to be snowed in for a few days. Maybe it’s a sign, you think. A final gift from the almighty to get Joel Miller to stay just a little longer. You’ll take what you can get.
“Winter came early.”
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OC Reddit AITA Tag Game!
Thanks goes to @mysticstarlightduck for the tag here!
Gently tagging: @avoidingcertaindoom // @winterandwords // @stesierra
@harleyacoincidence // @valentinerose529 // @queerlilchinchin
@concealeddarkness13 // @adie-dee
Rules: Make an Am I The Asshole post (look at r/amita for examples if you haven’t seen them ) for an OC
And the OC wheel calls out for Lily!
(One of Becks' kids)
AITA for looking for my mom?
So, it's probably not what you think. First for context (and I'm trusting you with this info, don't spread it around, that's not cool); I'm a 244 F but I look about...maybe 15. It's a whole magical bloodline thing, don't worry about it. Anyway, soon after I was born my "real" mom ran off and left me in a cave where my "adopted" - and I have it in quotes because really, she's my real mom, idc what anyone says or if she's blood or whatever - mom found me. We stayed together for a long time, and somewhere around the...maybe early 1900s I think they say, we got split up. There were mages hunting me down because I'm some kind of abomination (which was shorthand for "we don't understand her existence") and mom finally got cornered between the mages hunting us and an old ex that was really really mean and tried to kill me showing up and basically putting mom in that corner. So she did her thing, got me to safety, and got herself captured to take the heat off me.
I was maybe 50 at the time and looked like I was 10.
So of course I wound up in the system. And I got out of the system. And got shoved back in it. And broke out. Learned how to hack when computers came around so I could take myself out of the CPS database which only worked about half the time. Mom taught me how to get around people, how to do things like pick locks and the best ways to get out of a house fast, where to hit people to make them go down, how to use my surroundings against hunters, etc. Basic survival stuff, really, as we were on the run all the time. So when I wasn't hacking the system I was jimmying open windows and cutting screens, and sometimes encouraging other foster kids to come with me - but only in the houses that really weren't good foster houses. I got to learn how to see the good ones from the bad ones real quick and had no problem drawing the line. Might've set a few of those houses on fire.
But when I wasn't doing that, I was living on the streets and doing two things; whatever it took to survive, and whatever it took to find my mom. This meant tracking down leads, following rumors, kidnapping people, and working for some...really really not good guys. Magical and not. Like at one point I found myself working for a vampiress that was aiming at taking over the entire vampire community so she could rule them all?? I guess??? Anyway that was against my will but the only reason I crossed paths with her in the first place is because I was on the streets and I stole her wallet to buy some food. Another point saw me get involved with an annoying trickster thief "guy" and he told me he'd help in trade for me giving him info on some of the other organizations I'd been in. Be his spy, basically. And another point I worked for a bookie...and then again I was helping some dealers by getting into high school chem labs and stealing the equipment...and helped an arsonist escape...and joined a carjacking ring...um...Well let's just say I broke the law. Several kinds of laws. A lot. And people got hurt. A lot.
But I didn't mean it. And I did what I could to minimize the damage. To help people when I could to try and balance out everything. I never willingly, intentionally hurt people, and I always made sure to look out for kids younger than me.
All I ever was trying to do was find my mom. Make sure she was okay. The people hunting us were...I just didn't want to see her punished because I made a stupid kid mistake. And I wanted to get her back.
I just wanted my mom back.
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godihatethiswebsite · 3 months
Books Tag Game!
Tagged by @dragonnarrative-writes.
Point of order: I'm a picky bitch. The amount of books I've read vs the books I'd actually put on a bookshelf are like.... maybe 20, taking into account most of them are part of a series. Tho tbf most of the 'good books' I want aren't on KU and I'm kinda fucking broke. Also yes, the early days of booktok got me back into reading after a 10+ year slump in case that wasn't about to become insanely obvious.
1) The last book I read:
Fake It Till You Make It by Flora Quincy. Been on the hunt for more omegaverse books, but this one was terrible >< DNF'd.
2) A book I recommend:
I don't know how not to sound like a basic bitch broken record, but for the love of god go read A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. Just stop after book three in the series.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout. Binged the first three books (that were out) in two days. Wish I could afford the rest.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Hi. Basic bitch again :) A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas. You have no idea what this book meant to me the first time I read it and the strength it gave me to open my eyes and see that I was worth so much more.
5) A book on my TBR:
Currently there are about 28 of varying excitement to read (most of it is what I refer to as 'junk food'), but I've got an upcoming release in September for the fourth book in the Beasts of the Briar series by Elizabeth Helen called Broken By Daylight I'm looking forward to.
6) A book I’ve put down:
Exodus by Kate Stewart. I was prepared to put this series as one of my all time favorites with the way I felt falling in love with Sean and Dom, but after that... refused to read more. Genuinely devastated, still not over it. Haven't looked at rainy days the same ever since.
Also just because it still bothers me - House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J Maas. What the fuck girl?! The first one was so good and I praise so much of your work! But it's like ever since ACOTAR book 4 came out you've just dropped the ball...
7) A book on my wish list:
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. Hopefully it's better than some of the other dragon books I've tried recently.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Sight by David Clement-Davies. It's a fantasy book that follows a pack of wolves and their daughter who has visions. Have tissues on hand.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Depends on the friend >>; We talking a cute hockey romance like Weak Side by SJ Sylvis... or is the freak flag flying with Shantel Tessier's The Sinner?
10) A fiction book you own:
Death: A Life by George Pendle. Not my usual fare, but it's a fun 'autobiography' about the grim reaper.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Does a high school yearbook count?
12) What are you currently reading:
Just cracked open Baby + the Late Night Howlers by Kathryn Moon, but I'm expecting to probably close it within the first few pages (seriously, my kingdom for a good omegaverse that I haven't already read 😭).
13) What are you planning on reading next?
God, idk. Most of the books on my list either cost money, aren't out yet, or are titles I know are most likely gonna be mid at best.
No pressure tags: @cosmicpro, @void-my-warranty, @all-purpose-dish-soap, @stuffireadandenjoy, and @rememberwren
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obsidiancreates · 9 months
Something Strange Comes To Santa Barbra
(This may be the most Niche thing I've ever posted. @poltertoast this is for you, it's not the previously discussed crossover concepts but I might do those later)
Shawn ducks under the police tape and jogs right up to Lassiter. "This better be good Lassie. Gus and were just about to crush one of those restaurant food challenges down at a dumpling place."
"Just get inside." Lassiter gives Shawn a slight shove, and Gus makes sure to stay out of Lassiter's arm range as he follows.
Shawn's eyes go right to the wall; there's a huge bloodstain, and it's configuration is... strange. It looks more like a movie, or a video game, than a regular splatter pattern. His focus zeros in on one of the two beds next, highlighting an abandoned contraption that looks like an old GameBoy Color altered with all sorts of computer chips and wires and antenna. There's a book laying on the floor, open but page-down to show both the front and back cover in full. The Paranormal Prince: Ghost Hunting With Royal Blood by one Johnny Toast.
Shawn chuckles and nudges Gus. "Dude, read the name on that book."
"What boo- ... Johnny Toast?"
"Johnny Toast," Jules confirms, walking over to them. "Late twenties to early thirties, British, and presumed dead."
"Whoa, whoa. Presumed dead?" Shawn looks at the wall. "Seriously?"
"No body," Jules says with a sigh. "No blood trail indicating how it was moved, no missing sheets, and the owner of the condo says they didn't have any rugs. CSI didn't find any evidence of cleaning supplies, and no reports of gunshots in the area at the suspected time of attack."
"No gunshots?" Shawn looks again at the wall. It's really bothering him, he swears he's seen a pattern like that before but he knows it wasn't in real life.
Jules nods to the wall. "There's some deep gauges out of the plaster, we're thinking knife carvings. Murderer must've hit an artery, which makes the lack of blood anywhere else even stranger."
"No kidding. There's not even any on the floor." Gus keeps his eyes off the blood, and it's almost disturbingly easy to do so. The rest of the room is mostly spotless, save a strange image almost... superimposed onto the wall. A blue square, a red triangle, and a yellow V.
"What about this?" Shawn gestures at it. "Does the condo owner have the worst taste ever, or is this a calling card?"
"We looked into it, apparently it's a popular graffiti symbol in the victim's hometown."
"What town?"
Jules starts to say, and then takes in a deep breath. "Don't laugh," she warns. "Both the vic and the suspect are from a town in North Carolina called... Little Butts."
Shawn and Gus fail to not laugh. Jules looks like she wants to laugh too, but Lassiter walks into the room at that moment.
"You told them where they're from, didn't you?"
"They asked."
"After we agreed not to tell them because laughing at a murder scene is asinine."
"Ass," Shawn mumbles, and he and Gus laugh again.
"Just-! Tell us if you see anything." Lassiter gestures around the room. "Chief just called and she wants this to be top priority, apparently there's a serial killer from that town and she wants to make sure he's not taking a vacation in Santa Barbra."
"Well maybe I'd have a better sense of the case if you told me who the suspect is."
Jules nods while Lassiter scowls. "Johnny Ghost-"
"Johnny Toast and Johnny Ghost? Are they cartoon characters?" Gus whispers to Shawn. Jules ignores it.
"-late twenties, owner said he's short with red-brown hair and brown eyes, always wears a gray hoodie with this logo on it." She shows them a drawing.
Gus scoffs. "They spelled it wrong."
"That's the symbol for Pi, Shawn. Three-point-one-four-one-five-nine, and then continues on forever? It's a fundamental of math."
"It's a fundamental of a good diet is what it is."
"It's a pun," Jules says. "They ran a ghost hunting business together, Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire. At least, that's what the owner said Johnny Ghost screamed at him when they introduced themselves."
Shawn looks back over at the beds. Now the DS makes sense... "So that's why the Chief wants me? See if there's a... spiritual connection? Maybe this Ghost fellow got possessed and offed his partner?"
"And to find the body, and Ghost himself. He was seen leaving the house alone around the time of the attack on some nearby security cameras, and hasn't come back to the house since."
Shawn nods, half-listening as his eyes travel around the room again and he does a slow, lazy-looking turn. He hones in on a business card, the corner just barely visible under the left bed.
"OH!" He dramatically drops to the floor, trying to make it look like he was yanked. "Oh, the spirits are strong here! But they're scared, yes, of the ghost hunters, they weren't ready to contact me before but now!" Shawn drags himself across the floor in one motion and snatches the card, jumping back up. "Now they're screaming! Crying out saying-!"
He discreetly peeks at the card and then holds it up to his forehead, text-side facing out at the 'crowd' that is his friends and fellow investigators. "Santa Barbra School Of Dance!"
Lassiter stalks over and grabs the card, reading it for himself. "Who the hell did the sweep?" he growls. "O'Hara, bag it as evidence!"
As Jules does, Shawn catches sight of a handwritten phone number on the front. Who writes extra notes on the front of a business card?
"Let's bring in the owner of the dance studio and find out what they know." Lassiter looks at Shawn and Gus. "Stay out of my interrogation."
"No problem, Lassie." Shawn puts his hand up in promise. As soon as Jules and Lassiter leave, Shawn drops to the floor again and reaches further under the bed.
"What're you doing?" Gus crouches down. "Did you find more blood?"
"No, Gus, no blood. But I saw this-" Shawn pulls out one of those lockable pencil cases. "-while I was grabbing the card. Here, give me a bobby pin or something."
"Why would I have a bobby pin?"
"I don't know, you're the one who loves cracking safes-es."
"I've heard it both ways."
"This is barely something you can crack anyway, just force it open."
"Force it open? Yeah, right. Do you know how many of these I tried to force open in middle school because someone wouldn't lend a pencil?"
"You lost it every time! My parents were gonna go broke buying that many pencils for me!"
"Just, find something I can jimmy this open with!"
They end up finding the key also under the bed, and popping it open they find... a box of macaroni.
"What the hell?" Gus picks it up and turns it around. "I've never even heard of this brand. Lettuce Squirrel Whiskey and 'Roni?"
"Why is there a dinosaur on the front? Man, that was a total bust, I really thought it'd be important. ... Let's go check out that dance studio."
"Dude, what kind of dance studio has a teenage mutant ninja turtle as it's mascot?" Shawn turns, keeping his eye on the oddly swaying figure just outside the door until they're fully through. Something about it is bothering him... but he can't quite place his finger on what.
When they push open the door, there's a woman chatting with the receptionist. As soon as the first woman sees them, her face contorts into a nasty scowl. "Oh, no! Get out, you- you spineless rubes!"
Shawn and Gus freeze and put their hands up and take a step back in unison.
"Coming on a little strong considering you've never met us," Gus huffs.
"Yes I have," she seethes. "Over the phone, three months ago! I contacted your agency to investigate a haunting for me!"
"A haunting?" Shawn looks at Gus, who shrugs. "Which one of us did you talk to?"
"You." She points at Shawn. Her scowl could rival Lassiter's, maybe even Henry's. "And you told me to seek help!"
"That doesn't sound like me." Shawn casts his memory back. "Wait... were you the one who said that Donatello the turtle was haunting you?"
"All four of them!" she snaps. "And yes! Yes, I did! And you never came by! And it kept happening so I had to hire some out-of-town specialists-"
"Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast of P.I.E?" Shawn asks, hand by his temple.
She blinks. It seems to shock her out of at least some of her rage. "Yes. Yes, and-and now I have bullet holes all over my studio."
"Bullet holes?!" Gus ducks. "They shot up the place?!"
"They had guns?"
"Yes, and yes! They saw one of the ghosts and-and I don't even know where they pulled the guns from, but it got away and they chased after it!"
"Did you call the police?"
"Not until that damn ghost is- oh, for heaven's sake!" Her eyes focus on something behind them and she storms to the door, flinging it open. "GET OUT OF HERE!"
It dawns on Shawn what disturbed him about the figure outside.
It hadn't been swaying in the wind at all. It had been bobbing like a person waiting.
The figure, Raphael by the mask color, shouts in fear as the woman screams at him-
And then phases through the floor and disappears.
Shawn freezes, the sight so not computing that it breaks him for a second. Gus's eyes go so wide they may try to run away since their owner isn't, and then they roll back up in his head and he collapses.
They sit in the Psych office, Gus nervous-eating an entire box of dry cereal while Shawn has his hands pressed together and covering his mouth, eyes trained on the floor.
They haven't spoken since they watched the Ninja Turtle Ghost phase through solid ground.
Their phone rings again. Neither pick it up.
It's silent for another hour until Jules runs by the window, sees them both inside, and runs in.
"We've been trying to reach you guys for hours, we have-! ... What happened?"
Shawn flattens his hands against his face and rubs it. Gus raches into the now-empty cereal bag, pulls out nothing, "eats" the nothing, and then repeats without ever blinking.
"Seriously," Jules sits down on the couch in the nook. "What happened?"
Shawn drags his hands down his face. "Those uh... those ghost hunters were onto something big," he croaks out. "Real... real big."
"How big?" Jules leans in. "Because that might make our findings make a little more sense."
"You uh... you talked to the dance studio owner?"
"Yes, but we didn't get anywhere. She just insisted that she was haunted and we find them so they can finish the job. What we did find out is that Johnny Toast is..." She shakes her head. "I don't even know how this is possible, but he's the grandson of the Queen of England."
"He's what?" It's jarring enough to snap Shawn out of his complete Brain Breakage. "Why's he in America hunting ghosts?"
"No clue. But it means our list of suspects got a whole lot bigger, and Interpol might get involved. This could become a diplomatic incident. You didn't find out anything related to that?"
"Uh, no. No, we... we didn't. Our thing seems stupid now." It doesn't. But how the hell does he explain why he, a supposed psychic, is rattled by a ghost?
Jules shrugs, putting her hands up and then plopping them back in her lap. "I'll take anything you've got."
"... Well, um... I see violence. Yes, great, great violence. They were both very experienced with guns, and had them on their persons during this trip."
"But there were no signs of gunshots at the hotel. ... Which might mean this was pre-meditated! It was done quietly, no witnesses- shoot, it's looking more and more like we'll have to get overseas offices involved." Jules stands up. "Thanks, guys. But answer your phone next time! Lassiter almost got the Chief to kick you off the case for ignoring us."
"Okay, what've you got?" Shawn looks up at Gus from across the room.
"Almost nothing." Gus frowns at his laptop as he scrolls. "It's like this 'Little Butts' place barely exists. All I've found is a bunch of sci-fi and fantasy forums where some kid named TheMightySpence with threes instead of E's is complaining about living there."
"Dang it. I'm not getting anything much better. There's a few clips on the internet of these ghost hunting guys, a TV commercial, and some kind of... fan club website for Toast. None of it gives me any motive, in fact, these guys were best friends by the looks of it! There's mentions of them growing up together, Toast lost his mind once because Ghost disappeared according to this clip from some terrible TV show I found, it just... doesn't add up. And all I can find on this 'serial killer' from that town is urban legends."
"This case is beyond us, Shawn. Real ghosts, and now a town that doesn't really exist, and it's an international incident? We're in over our heads!"
"I know!" Shawn shuts his laptop. "But we can't just back out because our entire worldviews were shattered, Gus, because the police think I already believe in ghosts!"
"Tell them that this one is something you've never seen!"
"It is something I've never seen!"
"I know tha-!"
"Excuse me?"
They look up. In the doorway stands a tall, handsome man, with stylish stubble and clothes fit for some type of fancy business party. He has a posh British accent, and...
He's definitely the guy from the book cover.
"Sorry to drop in uninvited, I saw you were closed but the door wasn't unlocked so I ah, let myself in. I was wondering if you'd be available to help me and my partner?"
Gus makes a high-pitched squeal-scream sound from deep in his throat. Shawn stands up, slowly, and goes to swipe his arm through the man's body.
"OW!" The man grabs his arm where Shawn slapped it. "Sir! They're hostile!"
A short man in a grey hoodie comes racing in, gun drawn! "BACK UP A SECOND THERE, SNICKERS, OR I'LL SHOOT YOU RIGHT IN THE FACE!"
Gus lets the scream out fully and backs up against the wall while Shawn quickly draws away with a scream of his own. Ghost keeps his gun on Shawn as Toast rubs his arm.
After a long moment of Shawn and Gus screaming, Shawn is able to take in a few details. He hones in on the various stains all over Ghost's hoodie, some of which are unmistakably blood, meaning he doesn't wash it. There's dark circles around his eyes, and bags, and his clothes are hanging pretty loosely on him. So he can't take care of himself very well, may even have mental problems.
Toast is very well put together, and completely unphased by the response of a gun to a slap. He called out for Ghost, so he knew this would happen. Despite Ghost being smaller, and Toast being literal royalty, he called Ghost sir, so Ghost is both the wildcard and the one in charge. Given the terrifying glint in Ghost's extremely tired eyes, Shawn thinks that's not the best arrangement they could've come to.
"Alright," Shawn says, breathing heavily from the adrenaline, "Let's all calm down here!"
"Us?! You hurt Johnny!"
"I thought he was a ghost at first!"
"Why would he be a ghost?!"
"Because we're investigating his murder right now, which you are- were- the main suspect of!"
"Oh." Ghost looks at his partner. "Yeah, I killed him last night."
"That doesn't make any sense! He's here, he's real!"
"... Yes?" Ghost sounds genuinely confused. "Because it was last night? Of course he's fine now. After we went to the dance studio and got chased out by those turtle ghosts we got to the condo and the studio left him in a dancing mood, and then I caught him having macaroni! He was so out of it he almost did The British Disco right in front of me, so I killed him before he could!"
"Still sorry about that, sir."
"But how is he here if you killed him?"
"And what the hell does macaroni have to do with this?! And what's The British Disco?!" Gus keeps his distance, though his fear has subsided a bit.
Only a bit.
"We called Billy and everything was fine!" Ghost snaps as if that means anything. "And macaroni is a drug, obviously, and The British Disco is a dance so beautiful that it kills you if you see it and aren't either British or already dead!"
"If you can just come back from the dead-"
"Back from the dead, don't'ca just love bein' back from the dead," Ghost sings suddenly.
"... Right, sure. If you can just come back from the dead, why'd you have to kill him so you wouldn't die?"
"That's a different kind of dying!"
"There's only one kind!"
"Sir," Toast pipes up, "It seems this is one of those places. Where they don't follow the normal rules of reality."
Ghost's scowl disappears. "You're right, Johnny! Oh, I hate these places." The gun suddenly disappears from his hands. "Alright, let's try this all again. Ahem. I am JOHNNY GHOST, PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR EXTRAORDINAIRE, AND THIS IS MY PARTNER JOHNNY TOAST! Together we are P.I.E!"
Shawn nods, taking another step back. Situation diffused... for now. "Shawn Spencer, psychic detective," he says carefully. "This is my partner Nebulous Nevins."
Gus doesn't wave, but he does stop trying to melt into the wall so hard.
"Well, now that we're all ah, acquainted, could we... ask for your help?" Toast ventures. "See, our coworkers stayed back home and it turns out there's four ghosts at-"
"The Santa Barbra School Of Dance?" Shawn says, putting his hand to his head.
"Yes, exactly. We don't have any guns to spare you at the moment, however-"
"We don't do guns," Gus says quickly. "Not with ghosts."
"Well that's stupid," Ghost scoffs. "What do you do when they attack you?"
"I'm a psychic, not a ghost hunter. The spirits are generally on my side."
"You sound like Spooker. Let's go Johnny, apparently we have to clear up your supposed murder with the police!" Ghost grabs Toast's arm and drags him out.
It takes a full fifteen minutes for Shawn and Gus to relax after the two leave. Gus screams intermittently for five of those minutes. Shawn screams with him.
By the end they're collapsed in their chairs, completely unwound.
"... They're going to get arrested," Shawn says faintly. "If they tell that same story."
"Or put in an institution," Gus agrees.
"... Why do I get the feeling they won't stay in either one of those?"
"There's also still a real ghost in that studio."
"Yeah..." Shawn blinks, and then sits up. "Dude. Toast said coworkers. There's more of them!"
Gus looks horrified. "Who might come here looking for them, or to finish the job at the studio!"
"Close up shop." Shawn pulls the blinds down. "Gus, I can't believe I'm saying this, but we need to keep those two guys out of prison so they can solve that turtle thing and get out of Santa Barbra!"
"How are we supposed to do that?! They're living in a completely different reality, Shawn! One word to Lassie and Jules will be enough!"
"I don't know! I-I'll think of something on the ride, but we are so not dealing with more than two people like that! I feel like my brain is trying to fry itself! Did you see the gun just disappear?!"
"Into thin air! They've gotta be some kind of demons!"
"With the way this case is going, I wouldn't be surprised."
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jones-friend · 6 months
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After moving my board game collection its finally sank in that I need to be more selective with my adds and begin to purge games I don’t return to. It’ll be a work in progress.
In the meantime, I played three new games that are delightful adds to the collection!
Monolyth is a simple 2-4 player game where we each use 3D pieces to build our Monolyth, a big ol cube. Take pieces from the board, prediction values, complete layers, and try to assemble the main structure first.
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What’s had me charmed about Monolyth is its simplicity in game design that forces risk and choices. Your base for the monolyth has colored sides matching the colors of the pieces. You want these colors on these borders, as when you take prediction tiles (the 9 on the lower right) you want to accurately meet or exceed that number. But making a row of 4 squares across that border takes one square away from either side.
At the same time as you manage colors you’re building in the shape of the randomly chosen structure card. Being first nets more points. Same for layers. Being first nets more points.
Its more a race to do things first. A planning and efficiency race. The structure card is what keeps the game fresh, all in all brilliantly designed little game of little plastic pieces. Monolyth does a lot with a little and I like it a good deal.
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Evolution is a game designed by scientists and a magic the gathering player. In it players play adaptations to their species to better get food (victory points). Meanwhile carnivorous species seek to overcome these adaptations with adaptations of their own.
This is such a tightly designed game, I absolutely loved it. It has the dynamic feel of a game of edh where players win and lose at different spots as they make their animals. There’s mechanical politics like how carnivores need to be larger than the species they hunt BUT the body size of the species dictates how much meat is gathered. So my tank of an herbivore was an early game powerhouse that became an endgame buffet.
Evolution has the most interesting card play I’ve seen in a long while with mechanics that back it up with something more substantial. Its relatively simple once you get ahold of the rules and its very effective, this was an excellent find.
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Camel Up is an extremely silly camel racing game where you could score +10 points or -2 points and that all depends on if the last place camel decides to move or not.
In Camel Up players bet on legs of a camel race and the overall winner loser. The trick is the earlier you lock in your bets the more points you get. What really makes Camel Up pop is its rules system. The game is chaotic but there’s a logic you can plan around. Camels can’t move on their own twice in the same leg, only 5/6 dice get rolled, and most importantly camels stack and can carry each other across the track.
Camel Up is genuine gold as a fun party betting game. We were cackling with each leg and it genuinely put us in fun positions to bet around. High recommendations for Camel Up, this game has an incredible sense of humor.
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yandere-isopod · 22 days
I got emotional and word vomited a love letter. This page is just my diary at the end of the day.
I hated everyone and everything before I met you. I didn’t have needs, and the only thing I wanted was death. The second I saw you it was like I was finally breathing for the first time. Everywhere you moved you left flowers. Every time you laughed there was more color in my world. I couldn’t remember how to talk or act. All I could think about was you and how badly I needed to be around you.
I’ve followed you through lifetimes and in this one, my soul knew that I was missing you. When I fell into your ocean I never wanted so badly to drown in something. I wanted to be consumed by your soul so desperately that it’s all I can think about even today. You became the reason to exist that I didn’t even know that I needed.
Wanting to breathe came with anxiety and fear. Any time you moved away from me I felt the darkness and self hatred start to swallow me up again. I had never felt fear before. Why would I be afraid if I didn’t have any self preservation to worry about? But fear consumed me because I finally had something that I couldn’t afford to lose and I wasn’t used to it.
I chased you. I hunted you. I didn’t care what you thought about me. I didn’t care what you needed me for. I just wasn’t going to let you leave me behind. The rage and terror drove my every move in our early years together. Nothing felt right unless I was with you. If I couldn’t be with you, I had no problem waiting in your room for you to get home.
I’m still lucky your dog loved me. It was easy to bribe him when I came in through the window. I still give him extra treats as he goes blind and he’s aged to the point I have to lift him up onto the bed. After all you’ve told me he was my wingman right? It was only cause he liked me that I got a shot with my goddess.
You would come home from school or as we got older, come home from work and you never looked upset to see me. You smiled and it melted away any negative feeling. The anger I felt at anyone who looked at you was forgotten. The fear that consumed me with your absence disappeared like it was never there. In those moments I couldn’t even remember I had ever been upset before. The panic and desperation blew away in the breeze made by the door opening.
I wanted to cage you. My lovely God, I wanted to keep you so badly it hurt. I never let you leave the room to get things. I did your chores and brought you food. It started as just wanting to care for you but it quickly spiraled. I was damaged and I’m still damaged. But you never lost that smile. I begged and cried for you to stay with me and you would gently hold me while I panicked. Then you coaxed out a backstory that I had never told anyone. Every disgusting detail and every vile thing that happened was bared to you.
I don’t call you my goddess because you were all soft and cupcakes and rainbows, I call you my goddess because you tore my soul from my chest and forced me to fix the most painful damaged parts of me. You held my heart with the gentlest touch when I needed it, but you weren’t afraid to force me head first into the raging tsunami that was my own trauma. And I needed that. I needed to realize what happened to me and I needed to clean out every part of that infected wound if I ever had hope of healing it.
You shouldn’t have had to fix me. It wasn’t your responsibility but you did. You patiently picked up all my pieces and taught me where they fit. Now you will never have to want for anything ever again. When I was a burning mass of flesh that was writhing in hell, you reached out and told me to climb for you. I overcame things that nobody I’ve ever met has experienced. Things that end up in horror stories. It wouldn’t have been possible without you.
I’m in a well respected position now. I work from home on my own time. I can buy you things and give you lavish vacations. You loved me when I was selling my video games to buy you chips at the gas station, I know you don’t require money to love me. But I can’t help but feel proud when I can surprise you with over the top gifts and dinners.
It’s been a decade. I’m still drowning in the most addicting drug that is your love. My heart never stopped pounding for you. Your smile never stopped making me feel like a fool. I’m still the same head over heels loser I was 10 years ago. Hell I still have the same desperate need to cage you. I can’t lie and say I wouldn’t love to lock you away from the world and spend every second of the rest of our lives just giving you everything I am and taking everything you are. But you waded through the darkest parts of my past with me, so I’ll control any part of me you want just for the privilege of staying by your side.
I love you. In case it isn’t obvious I love you. I love you so much. I didn’t know affection until I met you. I didn’t get hugged or cuddled as a child. The only touch I knew was beatings and the only relationships I had were hateful. This overwhelming feeling is because of all 17 years that I didn’t have to get used to it. I love you. I’ll say it with every breath and every kiss I give you. I’ll love you till the end of existence and back. I want to watch our love age alongside us. I’ll still carry you through the park when you’re too old to walk. I’ll feed you all your favorite sweets when hands shake with your age. My old heart will still beat for you under the wrinkles of my old age. There is nothing that I won’t do for you, and there’s no amount of time that will make me get used to you. I’m still that same hopelessly in love teenager that was skipping school to climb in your window cause I couldn’t wait to see you.
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heavensbeehall · 8 months
"Catching Fire", Chapter 3
Part 1: The Spark
Chapter 3: President Snow leaves. Katniss lies to her mother. While taking a bath, she decides she can only talk to Haymitch about this. The Prep Team arrives and explains the concept of the Quarter Quell to the reader. Peeta and Katniss pretend for the cameras, just like old times. Katniss confides in Haymitch on the train and he explains to her that she HAS TO live "happily ever after" with Peeta to keep her loved ones alive.
-- This is a bit more "thinky" of a chapter than we usually see from Katniss. A lot of it is her sitting in a tub or having her nails done. But there's lots of concepts that are important later. So naturally I have like a million unanswered questions.
-- Did Haymitch have a "talent"? What was it? It seems like victor's faking their "talent" is not unheard of. It's certainly not something Snow seems to care about. But then what's the point of making them have one? What does the Capitol do with this knowledge? Do they think the victors should not be allowed to be idle?
-- What do we think happened in year 24/25 that caused the Quells. We know they weren't invented by the original creator. I think it must be a punishment for something. The first Quell made the Districts vote on which kids would go to the Hunger Games, and that seems like a ploy to make the adults feel "complicit" in the murder of the children. And I wonder if it had something to do with the advent of Volunteer/Career tributes. It rewards a District with food and money if they send someone strong and competitive. It's also all we ever hear about "voting" in the Districts. Like do they elect their own Mayors? Or does the Capitol assign people? District 12 doesn't seem to have any real government because it seems to be one town, but the larger districts might need to?
What does he do? I think. Drink it? I imagine him sipping it from a teacup. Dipping a cookie into the stuff and pulling it out dripping red.
I like this mental image of Snow from Katniss because I notice that even in her imagination he still has a teacup, probably a saucer. I'd like to say something smart about the Capitol's obsession with manners, presentation and "breeding" but it's been said before.
Since I've been home I've been trying hard to mend my relationship with my mother. Asking her to do things for me instead of brushing aside any offer of help, as I did for years out of anger. Letting her handle all the money I won. Returning her hugs instead of tolerating them. My time in the arena made me realize how I needed to stop punishing her for something she couldn't help, specifically the crushing depression she fell into after my father's death. Because sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.
I've seen some posts on here about how Katniss and her mother are actually more similar than Katniss realizes since they both have breakdowns after losing loved ones. But I also remember Katniss being sad she'd never get to fix her relationship with her mother in the previous book, so it's nice to she that she kept that in mind. I also think Katniss' mother is like Katniss in that she likes to take care of people whens he is able mentally.
I slide down into the water, letting it block out the sounds around me. I wish the tub would expand so I could go swimming, like I used to on hot summer Sundays in the woods with my father. Those days were a special treat. We would leave early in the morning and hike farther into the woods than usual to a small lake he'd found while hunting. I don't even remember learning to swim, I was so young when he taught me. I just remember diving, turning somersaults, and paddling around. The muddy bottom of the lake beneath my toes. The smell of blossoms and greenery. Floating on my back, as I am now, staring at the blue sky while the chatter of the woods was muted by the water. He'd bag the waterfowl that nested around the shore, I'd hunt for eggs in the grasses, and we'd both dig for katniss roots, the plant for which he named me, in the shallows. At night, when we got home, my mother would pretend not to recognize me because I was so clean.
Remember for later that Katniss can swim!
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emmym1 · 1 year
My thoughts on... Ghost-Spider 2019 Annual (#1)
So i wasn't innitially planning to make a separate post for the Ghost-Spider Annnual, however it really surprised me with how much depth and character exploration it had for Gwen. So here we are! The annual seems to take place during Gwen's early days at ESU before all the crazy stuff with the jackal started happening. We see some of her classmates invite her over to grab some food after class, however she refuses stating that she has some stuff to take care of. Although she was actually lying about this because she doesn't want to put them in danger, she states that she has a responsibility to keep people safe and that it sometimes means that she isn't supposed to be around. It's very clear that after the events of Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) Gwen is scared to put even more people she cares about in danger, especially after her band and friend Harry almost got killed because Man-Wolf's gang was hunting her down. It makes sense as to why she thinks that way. Although we later on see her take on a more carefree attitude in issue #3 of Ghost-Spider (2019), so my guess is that this annual takes place between issue #2 & #3. Which would make the most sense given the character development she goes through during this annual. As she heads home she gets trapped in arcade's murderworld. However, it's made for Spider-Man causing it to have a whole different effect on Gwen. In order to escape she has to win a game, which consists of saving someone. As she tries to get through the building where she has to save said person she comes eye to eye with some of Spider-Man's greatest foe's. The first one is the lizard which startles her because her mind immediatly thinks of her earth's Peter Parker. She gets up fast and decides to fight. However she does some thinking on whether or not this lizard thinks, if he feels, if he wish things were different. Which probably comes out of a place of wondering if her Peter would've wished things were different. After some fighting it's revealed the lizard is just a robot, and so would all the other foe's she takes upon be. When she finally defeated the lizard she tells him that he deserved better than be used for someones sick game. Honestly this line also kind of had a double meaning for me, on earth-65 Peter's death after he became the lizard was used as some kind of game by the media and police to get the people to hate Spider-Woman and hunt her down. It's really interesting that even though this game was meant for Spider-Man, it still ends up affecting Gwen and makes her reflect on her past and what happened with her friends and foes. After taking down some more villains of Spider-Man's rogue gallery arcade decides to test "Spider-Man" by having him fight his greatest allies. Ironically enough for Gwen these allies turn out to be some of her greatest foes; being Matt Murdock & Frank Castle. She has a lot of joy in taking down their 616 robot counterparts and at one point even copies Black Widow's signature move that she learned from "viewtube" (Sidenote: i love how robot Frank Castle has part of his robot face exposed like he's the terminator, cool stuff!). During this fight she does some self reflection and talks about how she's been so tired latetely, as if there is a rock around her neck. As if the more she focussed to do the right thing the more she's crushed under that weight (this ties back nicely to her once again experiencing the expectations and responsibilities that she didn't want at the beginning of her carreer as Spider-Woman, so will she make the same mistakes or has she truly grown as a person now?). However her fight with Murdock and Castle rejuvenates her in a way, she kinda enjoys it.
Her final fight is against a robot version of Spider-Man! Who is holding a robot version of 616 Gwen Stacy captive by dangling her from a ceiling. The scenario is supposed to simulate Gwen's death. However due to 65 Gwen being here instead of Spider-Man the entire scenario has a wholely different effect on her. She's pissed that this is what this world thinks of Gwen Stacy, nothing more than a victim and nothing more than an inciting incident for a man in a mask. She's more than that, they are more than that. She's has a really beautiful quote following that moment:
"We matter, and not just because of what we represent. We are people, with our own wants and desires. Our own hopes and dreams. we deserve to be happy, to live in the moment."
I really love this moment and it's consistent characterization because Gwen always hated how 616 viewed Gwen Stacy and always thought that she was more than just her death. I really love how she keeps reminding people of that. This moment in particular was a really good and heartfelt one.
After that speech she realizes that she too deserves to be happy and that for a second she forgot that she needs to want those things for herself too. She realizes once again that she can't just do this alone and that if she wants to become the person she wants to be, she can't do it alone. Ultimately she saves robot Gwen and escapes murderworld. With her newfound realization that she too deserves to be happy she decides to go and take up her classmates on their offer to grab food that she initially declined. The annual ends with the following quote:
"I think I had a hard time being kind to myself -- realizing that i deserve the chance to just... live too."
I really love this quote and it's a super relatable one for me, it's one of those moments that just further reestablises why she is my favorite character.
I really really loved this annual, the dialogue reminded me a lot of her 2015 run and i love the character development she went through. The art was also amazing. All by all it was an amazing read that really managed to surprise me.
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insanityrat · 6 months
uty rimworld 3
so this all happened yesterday i just got tired and didn't make a post but it's here now.
warning long post
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our cat got murdered by a wild Roba so we killed and ate it
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a deer randomly tamed itself so we named it Noelle. I don't care that it's a male, she can be transgendeer.
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three rabid snowshoe hares almost killed Martlet when she went to save red
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we got attacked by some random fucker and killed them
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These weird fellas came over. Unfortunately no one had enough handling skill to nab them. Handling would have been Starlo's job but he's fucking stupid and the gang boss trait wont let him.
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A massive fire gave us a scare but luckily the base was fine
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We got info that some good quality fabric was nearby so we went and grabbed that
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Randy blessed us with beer pears. Unfortunately no one knows brewing and i'm not sure if letting my colonists get drunk is a good idea.
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While Martlet and Starlo were out getting that fabric mentioned earlier we were running dangerously low on food. Fortunately they came back home in time to go hunting.
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Starlo and Martlet got married so good for them i guess
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this fucker got addicted to the weird plants he ate in the forest. Luckily we have two groups of these and they grow quick. Oh yeah also toriel gave birth a few times.
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She was giving birth so much that i had to start fixing all the bulls. I didn't think the cows would do incest but here we are. Also i tamed two donkeys. Papaya got pregnant at some point but had a miscarriage. Honestly that isn't too bad since we already have so many animals.
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Some fuckers from another faction came by so we decided to trade with them
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We were then given a quest. I heard its not good to have a lot of high value items early game so i chose goodwill hoping that would help in the long run. Also we may have accidentally used some of the fancy cloth for the hats whoopsies
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I don't remember what happened here tbh but i screenshotted it. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all for now
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twf2020 · 2 years
Do we really need zoos?
Zoos have been a part of our lives since time immemorial, but do animals really need zoos? Or are they mere show pieces for man to admire?
Though the wealthy have always owned exotic and wild animals, they did not resemble the modern-day zoo. The first zoos were created as a private collection of the wealthy. These collections were called menageries and often employed animal handlers to take care of them. Cave paintings and wall carvings are proof enough that menageries were in existence as early as 2500BC. Monarchs, when returning from expeditions brought back native and exotic wild animals as souvenirs and expanded their collection. Menageries were found all over the world in China, Egypt and England. The modern zoo took a while to come into existence.
The earliest known modern zoo is Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes in France, founded in 1794. The menageries of French aristocrats, including the king and queen were collected by the French Revolution and added to the zoo. But the zoos were more like museums for live animals, with most of them being kept in small areas in glass cases or cramped cages solely for display.
So how do zoos contribute to conservation?
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Zoos, can be both an ex situ and in situ method of wildlife conservation depending on the species population and their natural habitat. Perhaps the animals from the early 1900s and a few decades later, did not require zoos. Urbanisation and industrialisation were not as widespread and species populations were comparatively stable and animals thrived in their natural habitats, but with time and man’s increasing interference with nature, wild animals were killed for reasons ranging from food for survival to hunting games. As man got more comfortable in forest terrain, the decline of wild animals began.
Man’s curiosity is one that is not easily satisfied, the desire to see different wild animals in one place incited the formation of the aforementioned displays. These animals tortured by the lack of space, improper and inadequate food became a source of entertainment for the world. The dichotomy is not lost. While some believed that nature must be respected and preserved as is, others want to curb and destroy its very wilderness by bringing them to zoos.
But are zoos ethical?
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A map of zoos and mini zoos found all over the world (Image source: Wikipedia)
Do zoos continue to remain places of abuse? Has the world not changed with time and have we as humans not realised our mistakes? To a large extent, zoos are extremely different nowadays, with adequate space provided for the animal to roam around, employment of specialised personnel who are well informed on the requirements of the specific animal. They are not put in cages in several places, but there are still exceptions.
We have reached a point where animal protection laws are more prevalent than they were years ago, with strict rules and regulations that must be followed. No matter how much we try to deny it, zoos are information hubs. This allows for scientists to be able to study different species and educate the public about the same.
What about the unnatural enclosures?
Zoos can be of different kinds based on their geographical locations and purpose. Urban and suburban zoos are the quintessential zoos, with most of the animals being taken from their natural habitats and being introduced to simulations of their habitats in cities and metropolitans. Urban zoos sometimes have animals in small enclosures, which is a point of contention among animal lovers and conservationists. There are several other zoos that have now expanded to a very large extent allowing for sprawling grounds for their animal residents. Originating from zoos are also national parks and wildlife reserves, where wild animals are protected in their natural habitat permitting very little or close to no human activity in their proximity to ensure minimal human disturbance. These do not pose problems as animals thrive where they truly belong, but zoos remain a point of debate.
Extinct in the Wild!
What started off as a way for biologists to study wild animals and a source of entertainment to mankind, has now become a key component in wildlife conservation. The IUCN Red List identifies 39 animal and 39 plant species as extinct in wild, meaning zoos are the only places you will find these species. Zoos serve as a great rehabilitation resource and allow for man to intervene in a positive manner, study their mating and reproduction patterns to devise conservation schemes for specific species. Breeding programmes are put in place, to potentially reintroduce critically endangered species in the wild.
For example, the Californian Condor, in the early 1980s had only about 30 odd surviving members in the wild. They were taken to zoos and now there are about 400 members. Breeding in captivity is favourable as all external and internal conditions to a large extent can be altered to be conducive for reproduction. Another cause for extinction in wild that is often unnoticed is diseases.
When in their natural habitats, these are left untreated and in severe cases can cause rapid transmission and death in wild populations, but wildlife veterinarians can help these animals by treating them with the right kind of drugs and assist them in their recovery. Zoos are a great way to introduce children and people of all ages to the animal world. They raise a lot of funds, which can in turn be used for conservation programmes in association with other organisations.
There are two sides to the coin like always. Zoos are still places where animals are held captive outside of their true homes. A lot of research has been done on the ‘zoo visitor effect’ wherein the animals showed both positive and negative deviations from their normal behaviour. In some cases, interaction of public with animals has been linked to increased aggression and reducing social interactions, whereas there has been an increase in activity levels in certain species. Introduction of animals to zoos can also cause the loss of sex-specific behaviour and genetic diversity. Unlike a national park or a wildlife reserve, a zoo will never match up to natural habitat.
Animals like dolphins, elephants, bears and birds are used for entertainment in several established zoos. As humans we must not forget the fact that they are “wild animals” for a reason. These animals have to be transported in small boxes and cages, and reintroduction after breeding in captivity, is tricky as the animals need to reacclimatise to the environment and their survival is also dependent on the status of their ecosystem.
So, the question remains, are zoos important for conservation? Absolutely, but what you can do to be mindful is proper research on the kind of zoos around you, the work they do, how they treat their animals and how efficiently they use their funds. The future of zoos lies in understanding the extent of human intervention and being mindful of the kind of animals being rehabilitated, using it as an effective tool to preserve biodiversity. Zoos are ever-evolving, and it isn’t just animals in cages anymore, it’s about awareness, the power of knowledge and the respect we have for our co inhabitants.
This was first published on Think Wildlife Foundation.
Help us Help Them!
Help us Help Them! Think Wildlife Foundation is a non profit organization with various conservation initiatives. Our most prominent campaign is our Caring for Pari intiative. Pari is a rehabilitated elephant at the Wildlife SoS Hospital. 25% of the profits from our store are donated to the elephant hospital for Pari. Other than buying our wonderful merchandise, you could donate directly to our Caring For Pari fundraiser.
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longessential · 2 years
Second extinction weapon skins
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#Second extinction weapon skins how to
The development of agriculture made hunting less a sole means of support, but it was still pursued to protect crops, flocks, or herds as well as for food. The horse was adapted to the hunt in the 2nd millennium bce. Dogs were probably trained to hunt as early as Neolithic times and came to be bred for specialized skills. The blowpipe, or blowgun, with its poisoned darts, is one of the hunter’s deadliest weapons.Ĭamouflages and disguises were used to conceal the early hunter, who also used nooses, traps, snares, pits, decoys, baits, and poisons. Except in Australia, bows and arrows were universal among early hunters and were revived by modern hunters in the 19th century. Weapons ranged upward in intricacy and effectiveness from sticks and stones used to kill birds and small game to specially shaped clubs and throwing sticks such as the African knobkerry, the trombash of the Upper Nile, and the Australian boomerang to spears ranging from simple pointed sticks to those with a separate foreshaft, usually barbed, and armed with heads of sharpened stone, bone, or metal. These varied, and vary, with the nature of the terrain, the animal hunted, the ingenuity and inventiveness of the hunters, and the materials and technologies at their disposal. Both archaeological evidence from the past and observation of simpler societies of the present show widespread preoccupation with, and ingenuity in, methods of hunting. The quarry provided not only food from the meat but also clothing from the skins, as well as material for tools from the bones, horns, and hooves. To early humans, hunting was a necessity. In fox hunting, the kill is made by the hounds. In the United States and elsewhere, the term hunting is used for both hunting and shooting. In Great Britain and western Europe, hunting is the term employed for the taking of wild animals with the aid of hounds that hunt by scent, whereas the sport of taking small game and game birds with a gun is known as shooting. Hunting, sport that involves the seeking, pursuing, and killing of wild animals and birds, called game and game birds, primarily in modern times with firearms but also with bow and arrow.
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#Second extinction weapon skins how to
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nancywheeeler · 2 years
hanging out with kids really is just “yes, and”-ing the most batshit wild suggestions in a long-form improv game. you start out as stranded cruise ship passengers trying to survive in the jungle / savannah (changes by the second) and ten minutes later you’re at a tree with a doorbell talking to the old prospector gnome who lives there while someone else is asking you if you want to eat their imaginary friend
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