#at some point they WILL very likely be forced to listen to the album bc that’s just how it’s gonna have to go
sluttyten · 2 years
I just realized I’m leaving for vacation the day 2 baddies releases 😭 so no Target stop for me on release day and if I order online I’m gonna have to probably have it delivered to my grandparents so it’s not just sitting outside my house for hours or days
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placeinthisworld · 2 months
ttpdta review part one 🤠
let me preface this by stating that i am a swiftie first and person second in this situation. i have grown up with taylor and feel as if shes my big sister- yes i can make fun of her but if i see anyone else do it i will get fiercely protective. i do understand her music is not only art but also her form of therapy. that being said, throughout these nonsense notes i am constantly mentioning that taylor should go to therapy. i am aware of what she has said about therapy (and why she doesn’t go) but i would beg to differ with her…especially after this album release lol.
taylor is an extraordinary storyteller and song writer. i believe this album is full of evidence of that, but it also has some faults that prevent from being as good as i felt like it could have been. overall the album feels rushed.
i also feel like it’s important to recognize the elephant in the room. i know we probably all expected this to be a joe breakup album, so the fact that it turned out to be a “fuck you matty healy” album shook us all a little bit. i know matty had a controversial history, im not gonna sit here and defend him. i don’t know much about him other than what is forced against my will. i do however know that he struggles with mental health issues/ substance abuse/ addiction. i’m not gonna comment much about his personal issues, i don’t feel like that’s right and taylor’s constant references to drugs throughout ttpd definitely rubs me the wrong way. i should also mention i grew up with an active addict and do view things from that perspective, so i feel slightly triggered by the topic and my feelings about that may just be personal but i do mention that in my notes when it’s relevant.
lastly, i am not a music production girlie idk shit lol. i only know i am a aaron dessner stan so any song with his name im already biased towards and i am aware, if u don’t like that idk what to tell u lol. i just know what i feel like is “good” or “bad” but music is subjective🫶🏻
1. Fortnight:
Hate the functional alcoholic part. Like the beat, the chorus is catchy. One thing i love about a taylor swift song is that theres always a story and its always visual. I like the metaphor of the “good neighbors” of like having this teasing/ longing feeling for someone that you could have had a life with. “Your wife waters flowers/ i want to kill her + my husbands cheating/ i want to kill him” feeling like you were robbed of her life, feeling “all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february” reminiscing about the short period of time where you were together and convinced it would last forever (only for it to end before it even started). I do not listen to much post malone but i enjoyed his verse!! So many florida references we get it everything bad happens in florida.
i have not seen the video yet oooopsies
2. Ttpd:
i thought this was the opening of Hey Stephen (the remix) or something at first. gotta say i absolutely love the way she sings “you left your typewriter at my apartment/ straight from the tortured poets department” i enjoyed the vibe of this song, and lyrics up until the “you smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate (OKAY SOOOOOOO ME CODED NGL I LAUGHED at this point i could let this lyric slide- bit then she had to mention the charlie puth and golden retriever thing and ngl it almost ruins the song entirely for me. Tbh when i first listened to the leak i thought this was a fake AI song and that i was sending around a fake leak bc these lyrics started to get a little weird to me. ‘Sometimes i wonder if youre gonna screw this up with me/ but you told lucy you’d kill yourself if i ever leave” …………girl i am begging you to see a therapist (side note did anyone else have a friend in hs whos bf would say that shit a lot?? I remember straight up fighting with a friend who refused to break up w her bf bc he would threaten to end his own life is she did and he was like 16? If an adult is saying that same shit i would be Very concerned not gossiping about it???) “i chose this cyclone with you” my first reaction was: ride the cyclone the musical? Overall i liked the first half but you lost me at charlie puth (hes the one with eyebrow right? I think i get him and miles teller mixed up) (i dont know who either of these men are)
3. My boy only breaks his favorite things:
Okay tbh i thought this was gonna be one of my least favorites, but the total opposite happened. I think this is one of my top 5 favorites on this album. I do think that there is a difference between a poem and a song and that they are not always interchangeable. I feel like if this was edited into a poem it would be KILLER. The visuals, the the story, the vocabulary, the sadness in it. “Im queen of sandcastles he destroys/ There was danger in the heat of my touch/ once i fix me/ hes gonna miss me/ i felt more when we played pretend then with all the kens / cause he took me out of my box” i feel like ever since folklore, taylors been trying to push these big fancy words and sometimes it feels awkward and forced, but this is one of the rare songs that doesn't suffer from that.
4. Down bad:
meh. Chorus is catchy. I dont love the narrative “fuck it if i cant have him/ i might just it would make no difference” but i also have never once experienced that over a person before lmao……….taylor go to therapy. Nothing really stands out about this to me otherwise. No offense, but it sounds like a generic jack antonoff song lol. Like maybe if another artist released this, i would enjoy it more but idk i wouldnt expect it from taylor i guess. Just kinda feels boring to me sorry if u enjoy it <3
5. So long, london:
oh man were done with british men now for real for real. “ two graves one gun. I'll find someone” its over for joe and matty (but thats fine if all she has to say about joe is what i think she said on this album i am happy i think We Get It…) Aaron dessner i love u (remember when he reposted me on his ig ahh).”i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift/ pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away” + “I stopped trying to make him laugh/ stopped trying to drill the safe/ i didnt opt in to be our odd man out/ im pissed off you let me give you all of that youth for free” oof i FELT that one a LITTLE too hard. I think this is both a song about matty and joe- i think she had a life and an attachment to london just in general through both relationships, “im just mad as hell because i loved this place” and so reflecting back on how both are over and how all those plans with either are done. “You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days” OKAY kinda hate this phrase bc it feels like shes placing blame on whomever’s mental health/ depression, like as if they made the conscious decision to sacrifice the relationship solely. This very much feels like “how much sadness did you think i could take before i got bored???” overall top favorite songs bc it doesnt have too many cringey or odd lyrics and the production is 10/10 thank u aaron dessner ilysm king
6. But daddy i love him:
tbh when i got the leak this was the first song i listened to bc i thought it was gonna be the worst one and i wanted to get it over with (i was RIGHT until she dropped that second half……..) and i DIDNT have the lyrics obviously so i couldnt for the life of me figure out if she really said “im having his baby…..NO IM NOT!” until the VERY end of the song and bro…….the cringe. The cringe. The cringe. This is also when i started to question if this was real or if i was passing out a fake leak, lol. I dont understand how she could be saying this shit about matty. And like we all know it lol. “Sometimes growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all” …….but like does it??? I feel like thats kinda an oxymoron or something like i understand what shes trying to say and MOST of the time her metaphors and comparisons make sense to me but like this one doesnt. Growing up precocious means to grow up more advanced in maturity, how would that also mean not growing up at all? Is it just me getting stoned and overthinking things? “Ill tell you something about my good name/ its mine alone to disgrace” true that bestie ur doin a great job by being so politically quiet over the past couple of yeats after making a whole asss documentary about wanting to be on the right side of history. But I digress i am just one of those bitches performing soliloquies you'll never see. Overall this song is very weird and cringey imo and i wish it stayed in whatever vault it was sitting in lol.
7.Fresh out of the slammer: “In the shade of how he was feeling” -_- dont like this narrative already. I could honestly go on a rant about why i dont like this song but im going to spare for the sake of my sanity in this review of thirty one fucking songs but its along these lines “to the one who says im the girl of his american dreams” oh brother. otherwise i dont care for many of the lyrics, the chorus/ melody/vibe is mid i guess. It sounds like another jack song (i was right)
8. Florida!!!: “all my friends smell like weed or little babies” okay i know what she was trying to say but im SORRY you cant tell me she couldnt think of ANY other way to say her friends are either parents partiers lmao. Deserves jail for that but luckily the vibe and the chorus of the song are really catchy and florence’s voice is beautiful in it. “Well me and my ghost we had a hell of a time/ yes im haunted but im feeling just fine” CHILLS i loved it. I didnt think i would like this song but (maybe as much as i like no body, no crime which is meh) but no i lowkey love this song and think its really fun. Once again the drug references start to get heavy here in the album and like i mentioned i do get slightly triggered by drug mentions.
9. Guilty as sin?:
okay taylor we get it you masterbate. Another strong jack song and it’s pretty similar to others on the album so nothing besides the sexual lyrics stand out.
10. Whos afraid of little old me?:
“if you wanted me dead you should have just said/ nothing makes me feel more alive” ooooooooooh i love that. I feel like a live or an acoustic version of this song would give me CHILLS. “Is it a wonder i broke / lets hear one more joke/ then we can all laugh until i cry” honestly so relatable, “i was tame, i was gentle til the circus life made me mean” oh :( that hurt bc it just reminds me of the vibe shift during midnights era/ eras tour where it *feels* like she started to pull back from being taylor swift and started to become Taylor Swift (™) and the way her fans/ media has treated her made her mean or cold or something and that just makes me feel sad. “Whos afraid of little old me? You caged me and then you called me crazy! I am what i am cause you trained me! SO. WHOS. AFRAID. OF ME? Again the narcotics line kinda makes me feel icky but thats bc i have that thing about drugs and just dont LOVE all the references to them. Like i know its not that serious but theres a reason why i dont seek out artists that typically talk or write about that stuff ya know so its weird. Overall i think the production is one of the most unique ones on this part of the album.
11. I can fix him (no really i can):
i hate it all around i think. I hate the narrative of “i can fix him!! I can handle a dangerous man!!! No really i can!!!” there is a reason why this song is barely 3 mins long lol it should have been cut but i think taylor wanted to Be Edgy. i dont care for the productions or the lyrics, its very forgetful imo.
12. Loml:
okay i really thought this was gonna be a joe song (rip) so i was thinking it was gonna be really deep and sad and like it IS but with the context of it being the pt 2 fling with matty it doesnt seem like it now. Anyone who thinks this is not about matty please look at the lyrics and be so serious “whos gonna stop us from waltzing back into reklndled flames/ if we know the steps anyway” I think matty just said too much shit to taylor during their fling and taylor WAS truly convinced this her invisible string and he promised her a lot that he couldnt upkeep and ghosted her and she took it SUPER hard, i mean two breakups in one year is a lot (me, whos never been through a single breakup once). I just dont understand how she feels like matty is the greatest loss of her life. One of my favorite tracks on the album, “our field of dreams engulfed in fire/ your arsons match your somber eyes” a LOT of these lyrics are actually really good imo. I think im the only one that didnt find the “mr. steal your girl and make her cry” line idk i thought it was actually kinda neat, the phrasing of it, kinda contradicts the title “love of my life” because he was never that serious or respectful of her and only use her from the beginning. This is another song that i think would make KILLER poem over song. Overall i think the piano is haunting and a live version of this will make me die, thank u again aaron dessner 10/10
13. I can do it with a broken heart:
ngl i thought this was the opening to mastermind for a hot second- also gave me a scare on whether or not this was a fake leak lol. Catchy ass chorus but very YOYOK. “Breaking down i hit the floor/ All the pieces of me shattered/ as the crowd was shouting “more!” ooffffffff seeeeee that is exactly WHAT i was afraid she was feeling durning the eras tour after the joe breakup/ matty situation and all these stupid twitter and tik tok swiffers were out here overanalyzing EVERYTHING and demanding rep tv like every other day. “Im so depressed i act like its my birthday” …….okay taylor. Like a lot of people have said, i think she interchanges “depressed” for “sad” a lot and the two are not the same. I think taylor wrote this song (but specifically the “i cry a lot time but i am so productive” and was like “yup this part is gonna go viral on tik tok,” initially i wrote “feels like taylor saw that depression barbie commercial in barbie 2023 and wrote a song based on that” lol which i still agree with. Overall the production of this screams midnights reject lol, very jack antonoff. Over time this song has grown on me a lot. Originally i didnt care for it but now its kind of a bop but i think its bc its so similar to YOYOK. “Try and come for my job” @taylorswift deadass you couldn’t think of anything else to say instead. cmon. I was mostly on board until that very last part, just seemed very cheesy lol like its not a big deal but i thought it delivered well without it.
14. The smallest man who ever lived:
(aaron thank u for saving me and this entire album) “they just ghosted you/ now you know what it feels like” OUCH. “i dont even want you back i just want you to know/ if rusting my sparkling was the goal/ and i dont miss what we had but can someone give/ a message to the smallest man who ever lived” oh this was somber af. I am obsessed with the phrasing of the chorus. I also LOVE taylors deeper voice its def giving me the same feelings MTR gave me from folklore, that made me CRY and this was very similar. This is another classic taylor song that i could EASILY write like a ten page essay about if someone put a gun to my head. I know that its about a *romantic* relationship, but it feels general enough to be able to relate to anyone who is close to someone with an addiction or struggles with substances. A lot of addicts dont understand the impact of their addiction or their behaviors that they display while struggling. To meeeeee, this feels very much like “you were self centered and betrayed my trust, was any of this true? Real? Am i paranoid or is this that deep?” “it wasnt sexy once it wasnt forbidden” has me thinking lots of things. I think that describes taylors “type”if that makes sense? Like i said i would need to literally break this song down line by line like its ridiculous i have too many thoughts about this song i have listened to it on repeat six times by the time im typing this. “In public showed me off/ then sank in stoned oblivion” FUCK. “you treat her like an also-ran” honestly i have never heard of that phrase/word thank u dr. swift. “Were you sent by someone who wanted me DEAD/ did you sleep with a GUN underneath OUR BED/ were you writing a BOOK?/ were you a sleeper cell SPY? IN 5O YEARS WILL THIS BE ALL DECLASSIFIED?/ AND YOU’LL CONFESS WHY YOU DID IT!/ AND ILL SAY GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” tears were formed besties. Also love the gracie abrams reference. “And you deserve prison but you wont get time” i feel like is very metaphorical like you DESERVE to be punished for what you did to me but you won’t admit to the guilt, you wont admit your wrongdoings, you wont admit that i would have done anything for you and you have no problem replacing me. “You said normal girls were boring/ but you were gone by the morning” first of all red flag girlie, nonetheless heartbreaking. “And in plain sight you hid/ but you are what you did” i say this with all the love in my heart, someone take taylor swift to a really good really private therapist. I could say more but i think i need to move on because i am now on my eighth cyle of listening to this song.
15. The alchemy:
already kinda hate it. “What if i told you im back/ the hospital was a drag/ worst sleep i ever had” do you think taylor swift has ever been admitted to a real hospital in this context. Feels very out of place and like i said earlier i dont love the psych ward visuals/ references she keeps inserting in this album. “He jokes its heroin but this time with an e” thanks! I fucking hate that line so much. Feels very icky, not funny. I get what shes going for but it falls so flat for me. The football references (yall know my opinion on meathead!!!!!!!! I will not engage!!!) are fucking dumb. Production is kinda lame and uninterested. Will only listen to this song if by force and will not repeat it ive head enough lets move on.
i have Lots Of Thoughts. i don’t think anyone cares about what i have to say though so i don’t think i’ll bother posting the rest lol but i did do a lot of work so ill post just a bit to make myself feel better.
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ghostedcas · 1 year
i haven't posted anything in a bit and i'm so sorry, i don't want to reveal too much detail at the moment but i've just been having a wacky time mentally to put things simply.
in return, have some (extremely) random personal COD headcannons :))
warnings: mentions of mental health disorders (including eating disorders), mentions of religious trauma, mentions of child abuse/childhood trauma, idk just some sad stuff but also way more happy stuff than sad stuff i swear
a/n: reminder that i've never played the game, a lot of the information i have on the characters is from fan created content and a little bit of research and some things could be slightly inaccurate canon wise. also these are once again personal headcanons, you don't have to agree with them, just pls don't be mean :)
anyway, i apologize that there's not that many :(( this is just a short lil list so there's def gonna be some characters missing and such. but i will have more headcanon posts out another time <3
cod headcanons (very random edition)
könig is a farm boy <3
impovershed farmer's child to soldier pipeline is real
also idk why but i feel like his real name is like eduard german spelling of edward or something
2 sisters (1 older, 1 younger but born the same year as him) and a little brother
soap is an ipad kid (i will be taking no criticisms)
ghost probably has borderline personality disorder but because it doesn't present in the way it stereotypically does for borderline men so he is undiagnosed
was audhd undiagnosed until he was 25
bro was baffled
the development of his bpd was both through the abuse and neglect he faced growing up and the trauma that one can experience from being autistic growing up but left undiagnosed
soap has severe adhd
PRICE LISTENS TO DISCO AND CLASSIC ROCK 🗣️ guilty pleasure is 50's love songs and smooth jazz
gaz tried to establish team game nights
regretted his decision after one game night
both ghost and könig are gymbros but in the disordered way
orthorexic könig
an-bp ghost
every one of those mfs has ptsd and/or cptsd
valeria is a radfem (trans inclusive)
gaz secretly likes a few kpop songs from various different groups (he really likes g-idle for some reason)
catholic trauma soap📢
was probably forced to undergo an "exorcism" at one point
also had a scene phase
emo könig :(( <3
ghost wouldn't necessarily label himself goth but he does enjoy quiet a lot of goth music and some of the fashion intrigues him
gaz used to be a roadman😭 absolutely hates admitting it though bc he's embarrassed about it
idk i feel like horangi would listen to ayesha erotica unironically
ghost listens to lana
i could also see könig having bpd as well (this is mostly feeding off of the obsessive/possessive/jealous headcanon the fandom seems to share, though i do have some other reasons i could go into another time)
can i get an amen for he/they könig??
soap jokingly said he wanted to use she/her pronouns too and now ghost wont stop actually using them seriously and soap doesn't want to correct him
ghost is fully aware it was a joke and he just wants to see how long it'll take soap to correct him
141 all have matching tattoos (including kate)
ghost also listens to hollywood undead
valeria's guilty pleasure music is taylor swift's earlier albums
ghost smoked weed in high school
dream blunt rotation is the 141, könig, horangi and valeria
könig's social anxiety really manifests itself as arrogance and sometimes he hates that
könig and soap are actual pyromaniacs
one of könig's favourite movies is howl's moving castle
that's all i can think of for now,, hope y'all enjoyed🫶
if you did pls gimme a like and send an ask if you want to request anything <3
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beatcroc · 2 months
Okay I finally generated an ask for you!!!!
What is your favourite genre of music? Or if you don't know how to categorize the music you listen to (like me), what is your favourite song? Or band? Or album? Something like that.
ohhhhh #1 question i am categorically incapable of being normal about <3
i typically just define my favorite music as "loud" or "aggressive" or "abrasive" bc most stuff that fits those descriptors will be in my faves regardless of the genre.
a more specific answer is that there are 3 main things i've noticed that will typically make me go apeshit without fail and they are: 1. hardstyle/gabber/industrial hardcore- sorta basskick 2. sickass metal guitar shredding 3. huge dramatic grandiose orchestral
if something has 1 of these i will probably like it, if it has 2 it will be a top fave, and all 3.... well i have yet to find it yet but im sure i will Ascend. here are examples of said top fave combos.
laur covers hardstyle+orchestral and i Cannot Get Enough of his shit man it goes so fucking crazy hard
metal+orchestral is unquestionably ruled by nightwish, but theyre not on bandcamp and i dont feel like finding other links so this one goes to the still-very-fucking-awesome runner-up, POWERWOLF
riikira and rabbitjunk hit metal+hardstyle, though it's less strictly hardstyle and more just general hardcore* electronica. if its got crazy amens its enough who cares. i put the ones that use actual kicks for the sake of illustrating the point here but these tracks are both pretty far from my faves from each lmao *hardcore referring to hardcore [edm] in this case, even though the genre these belong to is called "digital hardcore", which instead refers to hardcore [punk]. it's a mess out here. did you know theres two completely different things called doomcore where one is derived from metal and the other is derived from hardcore. and you never know which itsd going to be when you click on something in the doomcore tag. im dying squirtle
anyway on the other side of the hardstyle+metal combo is kobaryo [with his alias blaxervant], who's much more about the hardcore side of things and just has the metal as flair, but it is still: the best shit ever
laur also on occasion hits this side of hardstyle+metal becaue he just likes using whatever the fuck instruments
there are of course many other things i love a lot, primary examples being ambient/atmospheric, folk, and anything with a lot of Texture. im not gonna get into all that but i do have an extended list of faves/recs from the last time i was asked about this and went insane abt it. it took forever to make and my actual recs are not entirely the same as my Faves so im putting it on here too.
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i keep these curated to the top of my bandcamp profile so they're the first things that display there. it's a bit old by now and some have since been shuffled out, but it's still like 80% accurate.
as for the actual recs: the angel's message is there because it's my fave brand of intense and chaotic stuff and want it to kill you full force. it already has some tracks up there so im not re-linking it
this one i recommend just because i think it's really interesting and out there and i'm curious what other people think of this sort of stuff. it's also the prime example of what i mean when i talk about Textures in music.
wolfgun is an actual rec for being genuinely just really good music. probably the most objectively cool/platonically enjoyable thing in my library
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pommpuriinn · 8 months
𓈒 ˓˒ ࣪ まぶしい太陽 ׅ 𝆭 ִ MOMENTS BEFORE FREEFALL
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I just so excited for this comeback and for joohyung’s new look so I really want to write as much as I can during the comeback season. Since there’s a lot of new pictures and moas talking about the showcase and pre recordings I just want to write about moas finally seeing joohyung being cool and happy these days. (Also I still picture joohyung as aespa karina, but for now I’m using ninon bc of her hair)
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౨ৎ moaville was not ready to see joohyung in person or even seeing the photos moas were going to post right right
౨ৎ in the teaser photos joohyung had more of a brown tone than red, but surprisingly joohyung decided to dye it even more redder just before promotions started
౨ৎ moas could tell instantly that joohyung just seems so happy these days with actually filming tiktoks with the members even filming some of her own, to responding on weverse multiple days, posting on instagram pretty frequently
౨ৎ joohyung has expressed how excited is she that all the members love the album including herself and how much work they have put into this album, and can’t wait for moas to listen to it
౨ৎ many moas that have gone to the pre-recording were once again shocked at joohyung’s beauty and that her looks never get old no matter how many times they see her
౨ৎ on twitter many have said that the members can’t seem to stop messing with joohyung’s hair and how they love her short hair that joohyung has to walk away from them before her hair stylist gets mad
౨ৎ another thing is how joohyung’s dark makeup is going viral and how much it suits her and her vibe to the point of getting a new nickname ‘goth princess’
౨ৎ moas have also expressed their love for the snake bite piercings which joohyung was very happy about she even show off her simple hoops and said that she was going to change the jewelry depending on their outfits during the promotion period
౨ৎ joohyung stans aka jellies thanking jelly fansites for taking museum worthy pictures even though she was just casually walking into a building, and definitely not giving emo girlfriend vibes ⸝⸝>  ̫ <⸝⸝
౨ৎ and don’t even get jellies and bamtoris started on the it emo couple of the century!
౨ৎ don’t worry jellies still get their girlfriend moments only with a tall bear lingering behind her, same goes for bamtoris only with a small cat peeking on the side of his shoulders
౨ৎ the new era hasn’t even officially started yet there’s already little viral cute moments that moas caught between members like; the maknaes creating cats ears with joohyung’s hair while joohyung just thought they were messing it up
౨ৎ soobin resting his chin on top of joohyung’s head while posing for moas who were waiting for them outside through a window soobin even grabbed joohyung’s hands and forced her to do cute poses, as she kept a straight face but eventually started laughing
౨ৎ this moa risked her life taking these cute photo sequences of yeonjun rubbing his cheek with joohyung’s before performing their new comeback
౨ৎ after filming the AKMU love lee tiktok challenge with soobin and taehyun beomgyu begged joohyung to film it with him which she just shrugged and said ‘sure’ which moas including netizens thought was really cute
౨ৎ overall moas could tell this is going to be a good era for joohyung and can’t wait for more ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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tuesday again 4/25/22
where the fuck were we
Tongue by Rêve. i do not care for this latex aurra sing album art, but this instantly went on the "somebody come fuck this (GAY)" playlist. a fun danceable party bop about oral. other than a concerning line regarding "gamey like venison", what more can you ask for. spotify
Yeah Yeah Yeah by Blood Orchid. starts out with some very straightforward drums and then gets SLUDGY. this makes me want to sing along with the chorus with as much vocal fry as i can manage. i think the band is american, but the pronunciation of "yeah" is something i have only heard from posh brits? i think it works here. spotify
Praising You (feat. Fatboy Slim) by Rita Ora. this is somewhere between a cover and a reimagining? fun if you already know and like the original, fun if you don't. short, peppy, got me through a lot of mopping on saturday. spotify
very long title by susan pinsky. checked this out mostly for any advice on moving, which was limited to two paragraphs that said "get rid of everything possible, the most efficient packing is not always the thing that will get you through a move in one piece, hire people to do everything for you if possible". this was unhelpful to me.
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the author is not adhd, but is writing it out of the experience of having an adhd daughter and a ton of clients who probably had adhd. it feels like it is largely geared toward people who have a wife or child with adhd. while the version i read had been updated, it did feel very out of date at several points, especially with regards to calendaring/planning systems and (if possible) forcing everyone to call you at your home phone so you can check your wall calendar that you keep on your wall and not double book yourself. like what.
while i had independently derived some of the specific tips through great trial and error and much of the book simply did not apply to me, it did give some interesting background on why specific things (open storage, clear bins, open shelving, the concept of having one or two shelves free as a staging area in each place you have shelves) work with rather than against us.
i can see this being useful to someone who has recently been diagnosed as an adult, or is managing a family with multiple adhd/otherwise neurodivergent members, but i certainly wouldn't buy it. her big thing is Get The Fuck Rid Of Your Shit while not really providing a lot of pointers on how to go about that, so i could see how pairing this with one of marie kondo's books might be helpful? neither pinsky nor kondo really give a whole lot of advice on like "so you're an adult, here are things adults have in their house to make their lives easier" so perhaps a third unknown book might complete the perfect trilogy. idk man. im cranky her advice about moving was half a page.
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Witches, Princesses, and Women at Arms, a collection of erotic lesbian fairytales edited by Sacchi Green. this was objectively fine. i skipped one completely bc it would have been a fucking hysterical short skit but did NOT translate to the page at all. as is ever the case with anthologies, some of them were decent, some of them not so much, almost none will stick in my brain even though there was some very nice butch representation. the one that does stick in my brain, Woodwitch by M. Birds about a princess trying to break a familial curse re: war, and a witch who follows the army, was memorable more for its leadup and acknowledgement of how a marching army works? like yeah! historically that is how armies move and camp and feed themselves huh, this is surprisingly well-researched for lesbian erotica!
the level of explicit erotica is...sort of on the same level as most modern f/f fic? this came out a good five years ago and people sure are having sex on the page, but there's a lot of metaphor and various other veiled imagery.
unfortunately, i want to read about women gettin absolutely nasty with it. i want to read about a pussy written with the same fervor as the average m/m cock in fanfic.
it's misogyny is what it is.
rewatched For A Few Dollars More (1965, dr. Leone). in my heart he fucked that old man
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You Can't Win Em All (1970, dir. Collinson) bc a very western-ish screenshot had me absolutely baffled about why a mauser was in a western. this is not a western, this is about some american mercenaries during the 1922 turkish civil war. this is not a very good movie (my main beef is that it spends twenty minutes trying to convince itself why its leads should work together, and the contrivance it lands on isn't particularly compelling or comprehendible after carting through us a whole bunch of other failed inciting incidents). this movie doesn't even manage enjoyably bad, but it sure is a spectacle of a war movie. great calvary columns riding through the prettiest goddamn landscapes you've ever seen. all forms of transportation are covered, including "armored train" and "trio of biplanes". my personal tolerance for exotic travelogue movies is fairly high, yours may not be.
if you want an actual cowboy western with different triple-crossing american mercenaries played by burt lancaster and gary cooper, Vera Cruz (1954, dir. Aldrich) is like a proto-revisionist western? quite a bit darker than i expected for 1) an american western made in 2) 1954
sort of tied in with the making section-- i am deeply unhappy with how much time i am spending with fallou/t 4 bc it is not a game that makes me happy. however, the startup cost to finding a new game that makes me happy is pretty steep. so i spent some time on saturday flinging games into various folders, bc i forgot that was a thing steam lets you do now. maybe a different organizational system will fix me.
do not need to look at again: lots of demos and prologues from my old job, a couple things that aren't on steam anymore, some stuff that came in bundles that i'm not interested in, any strategy games.
done: my time with this game is at an end but i may want to return to a handy list to remind myself of what i have finished. lots of short indie experiences, wolfen/stein the new order, night in the woods, the portals, firewatch, things of this nature
old faithfuls: fnv, fo4, dishonored, sable bc i love simply zooming about.
hard bounce: this is mostly to make myself stop trying to click with hollow knight. i am never going to like fiddly platformers. and that's okay.
try again later: i'm deeply annoyed i'm not clicking with hardspace shipbreaker bc on paper it's the perfect fucking game for me. in practice even after fucking around with all the sensitivities it's still too fiddly for me. i need much, much more forgiving games with a shotgun-close-enough mentality.
important moving prep: cleaned out the storage unit that still had the dregs of my last move plus boxes from three grandparents and my mom. this took three full fuckin days bc it was extremely hot, i had to stop to cry a bunch, and a lot of goodwill trips.
the great thing about siblings is that if you've been caretaking a family heirloom that makes you feel weird due to your fractious relationship with the dead person in question, you can foist it off to a sibling who had a completely different less fractious relationship with the dead person in question.
once again i have failed to take a pic of the baby blanket in real daylight but we are slowly chugging along, halfway through repeat 6/10
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hoodies-n-cola · 2 months
Tell us about that concert :)
All those details :)
OUGH okay so me, CL, and SL (CL's husband) went to Autoheart's first US tour :D
We had to wait in a p long line before the show, but we talk loud so some of the people behind us were laughing at the stuff we were saying n that's always fun :> the merch line was long as well, but I got 2 CDs and a shirt <3 (they didn't have the third CD there, but for some reason they had them at later concerts? I don't get that but I'm angy, I don't wanna pay like $22 shipping for a $13 CD ;0; )
Anyway the show started with the first opener, RAEGAN. She was p cool, her music was very punchy n we got to participate at one point n shout "FUCK RAEGAN" but like, there were a couple minors and a lot of nice people not entirely willing to yell that so it wasn't as loud as it could've been u,u
The second lady came up, Pidgeon Pit, and oh man her energy was amazing! She was all over the stage with her guitar, her songs were toothy and some political (in a good way) and she gave off hardcore big sister vibes, she was great :D she even had a moment of like, well for context Autoheart is popular with the gays bc it's a gay band (I know for sure the lead singer is gay but idk about the other two) so of course the queers were out in full force n the lead singer is a trans woman herself, so she gave a big shoutout to all the trans people in the audience (like me and some of the people to my right, who I made a bet with on Autoheart's opening song hehe) and it was nice to be in a room with so many people shouting for trans people instead of against them
Okay so I'll be using names; Jody is the lead singer, Simon is on keys, Barney is on guitar, and he's not a member of the band but Adam handled drums, he was fantastic <3
Anyway so they call come out on stage, Jody first, and he's got these genuine Gucci shades on that are so round and thick, it was so cute X3 he also had a suit jacket on that was a pinkish-reddish color over a black shirt, it was such a good look ;; Simon had jeans, a red Dickey's shirt, and a white short sleeve button up over that And Barney I believe had a graphic tee and jeans, but he also had a jean jacket on when we saw them after the show
Their first song is Lent bc of course it would be and everyone was singing along and like, god first of all, this is genuinely my favorite band ever of all time, I don't dislike a single one of their songs, I have them all saved to my Spotify, so you know I'm crazy about it, second I kinda face a lot of "oh that's what you're listening to?" (/neg) at home when I try to play Autoheart, and third I was with two of my favorite people in the world So believe me when I say I was FEELING it, being in a crowd of people who knew every word I knew, every vocal flourish in every word to the point the audience could all be heard doing the same vocal flourish from the base song that he did differently live, it fuckin got me man, I'd never felt so connected and part of something great like that ;0;
And of course the band is just going, they're playing banger after banger, Jody making these cute little smiles n doing these cute little dances and moves with his hands as he's singing, he was a joy to watch Barney was killing it on the guitar over there too, he was also doing backing vocals and he sounds so nice!! I'm not fully sure if he does backing vocals on all the songs or if it was just for live, but if it was just for live, then I hope they let him back up on more songs cause he was wonderful <3 Simon, oh man, don't even get me started, his work on the keyboard is part of why I fell in love with Autoheart in the first place, their first albums and EPs being FULL of those deep, punchy piano work, it's so good ;;;; oh and his tambourine work was great too, he was on that on the more lowkey songs And of course Adam was fantastic, filling the room with percussion when it calls for it omg dude was killer!
Oh oh and the LIGHTS oh man during "Time Machine", there's the line "voices/7 of them inside of me/each requiring autonomy" (referencing the 7 deadly sins) n when Jody got to that point, he'd do a Y pose, reaching his arms up as he's bathed in green light and subtle smoke, it was religious ;;;;
Unfortunately we had to do it out on the back patio where the radio was turned up; I'm hard of hearing n they couldn't turn the radio down, so I could barely hear them ;-; But we got to meet them and get things signed and I got to tell them how much they all mean to me and I got to hug Jody ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Last thing though, for those of you who know about me n CL's EW OCs known as the blormas, I imagine you're familiar with Joey. Joey himself is based on Jody, and a lot of his personality is based on the songs, so of course I had to draw a Joey for them all to sign, and they did <3 They were pretty impressed with the fact that I did it with pencils on paper and it made me blush ngl ;;
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starjxsung · 1 month
this might be...super controversial...but i truly truly hope this isn't skz trying to enter the western music industry if that makes sense. like how bts at one point just completely abandoned kpop and went full western shitty generic pop music. it's what drove me away from them and i would hate to see it happen to another group i love so much...if i wanted generic music, i would listen to american pop music. i like kpop bc it's so varied w the genres and the lyrics are always meaningful in some way. not to mention variety shows and just silly kpop content yknow that's more than half the fun of liking kpop!! you take that out and there's nothing there anymore especially when the music becomes bad. american tv shows are bland, most of the music is devoid of life. as much as i loved bts as people, it truly feels like they lost a bit of themselves AS BTS with songs like butter and ptd...idk. really hope this doesn't happen to skz.
WHEEWWWWWW opinions under the cut bc this is so long ✂️
I was just talking about this w my sister I literally would never say this on main™️ because people hate me on there as it is but I fully agree 🥲 I love bts but it’s so hard for me to get with their newer western stuff and it just feels like it has no emotion, no real substance to it. As an army I see people have this debate all the time and it’s such an issue that within the fandom, no one feels like they can have these conversations without getting attacked for it. But like it’s such a valid thing to acknowledge that hyyh era is vastly different from ptd? That is such a fair thing to point out and people who fell in love with bst, idol, dna, spring day, black swan, etc are allowed to not vibe either something that’s an entirely new sound. Especially one that emulates the generic pop music we already have in the west
There’s so much I could say about the tactics Hybe has to try and appeal to the west now and how it’s completely ruining classic kpop we all know and love, but I completely agree with you in fearing that they’ll want to push skz down the same road. And what’s unfortunate is that skz are at their peak right now in popularity, so I hope jype doesn’t see that as some weird opportunity to just change their sound or concept
I was also talking with my sister about how I think this is very much why Ateez seem to be quickly gaining traction, they’re very true to the original sound that they debuted with and their discography is so consistent and every album/single keeps being bigger than the last. Very traditional Korean sound and tying culture into performances and it’s all very well received in an atmosphere where we keep getting force fed all these western collabs. I know bang pd’s famous article about “removing the k in kpop” was a huge hit among stakeholders but I think for a lot of us, the “k” is what makes it unique. I like music in a different language, learning about culture, understanding how variety shows and award shows work. It’s a different subculture than we have in the west, and making them the same thing just negates the purpose of kpop in the first place. Like we don’t need “the next Justin Bieber” or “the next one direction”, those acts already existed. We have Jungkook and we have bts and skz and they didn’t get big for emulating western sound or culture, they got big for being a part of kpop !
Like could you imagine if we all collectively started saying “we need to make Bollywood more western! We need to make it appeal to western audiences!” How fucking disrespectful that would sound to the years of culture and uniqueness behind what it already is? Why are we doing that in Korean spaces now? Why can’t we just acknowledge when it’s a different culture and allow ourselves to immerse ourselves in it, learn about it, respect it and gain a newfound appreciation for something outside of western music? Why does everything have to appeal to the west??? 😭
I could go on about this for soooo long but I 100% agree with you and this was such a breath of fresh air to type out LMFAOOO
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jebewonmorelike · 11 months
i’ve listened to everything twice (i tried to open my eyes at 6am to listen but nope. so i listened on my way to work at 8 😌)
i wanna start off by saying this gave me nct127 2baddies (the b-sides obvi not the title) and nct dream vibes in the BEST WAY. some of it also reminded me of the softer side of skz and also felt seventeen-influenced. basically… i love it and i think the sound was really well-curated especially in such a short period of time!!
⭒ - half star; ✮- full star
In Bloom: ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
fantastic choice for the single. somehow i think w1 managed to get this really right. bright, fun, catchy, floral, youthful… while also maintaining a pretty mature sound. i’m very impressed and i think it’s the perfect jumping-off point for zb1 that will manage to attract casual listeners too— which is exactly what any freshly debuted group needs.
Our Season: ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ⭒
this is a really great song too. i think they could actually promote this as a second single after in bloom and it would do quite well. this has one of those choruses where there’s an upwards note progression that feels emotional and like hits in the heart for some reason? it’s SO good. will probably be a 5/5 for me in a couple days. it’s actually sort of a shame it’s forced to a b-side!!
And I: ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
this one REALLY feels like nct127 2baddies album b-sides. and i say that SUPER affectionately— 2baddies album is literally one of my faves ever. so much talent and the r&b influences… wonder if hanbinnie had a hand in picking this one? 😏
Always: ✮ ✮ ✮ ⭒
hahahaha i really like this song— hao sounds great on it, i’m just (affectionately) bullying him for “ooOOoooOooooOoo yah”-ing for 15 seconds straight. i’m positive no one asked him to do that; he got in the booth and was like “i’m gonna try something out” and everyone was like “oh god”. LOVE that kid fr he makes me cringe in the best way.
Back to Zerobase: ✮ ✮ ✮
honestly a solid intro song. unfortunately not one you’d just randomly throw on bc you want to hear it, but it definitely serves its function and it’s not just annoying instrumental laced together (i’m looking at you tnx love or die— great album tho)
New Kidz On The Block: ✮ ✮ ⭒
i’m just gonna say it: this song is not that good. and it sticks out when comparing it to the rest of the album. it’s not really thematically fitting in with everything else musically and i think new kidz on the block thing is a little too gimmicky and immature for zb1– especially when they came out swinging with in bloom. HOWEVER every debut album and… i actually think every album is allowed to have one song that’s just the fall-guy. and nkotb is that. and i will definitely be singing it nonstop by next week!! that’s just how it goes isn’t it!?
overall: vocals are fantastic. choreo of in bloom is super catchy and recognisable so that’s super smart of them. and i think they knocked it out of the park!
is it the *best* bg debut this year?? 👀 i won’t discuss that for now (but i think objectively— and i usually only think objectively bc i’m a T— boynextdoor and zb1 will be battling it out pretty viciously for roty). i’m SO proud of them and love them so, so much. they’re just starting their journey and they’ve already broken a bunch of records!! catch me crying for the next 2.5 years 😍💕
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friendshipgun · 10 months
9 people you want to know better!
thanks for tagging me @thestayathomedragon !!
last song i listened to: uh, well the last song i remember listening to was Everything Everything's Only As Good As My God which isn't my favorite of theirs but it's off my fave of their albums lol.
currently watching: nothing, i don't really watch much of anything anymore, mostly bc it's hard for me to just sit down and watch something without feeling guilty/like i need to be working on like three other things. but a month or so back i started rewatching In the Flesh so maybe that counts? do also intend to force myself to sit down and watch Nimona at some point.
currently reading: a lot lmao. been slowly working my way through Merlin Sheldrake's Entangled Life, which is a very readable intro to fungi written by Cosmo Sheldrake's (the musical artist's) brother. they wrote a theme song for the book together and everything. also in the middle of Ann Leckie's Ancillary Sword and rereading Maria McCann's As Meat Loves Salt and Dave Duncan's Sky of Swords (for funsies), and Elaine Scarry's The Body in Pain (for my dissertation). but also about 3/4s of the way through rereading this Loki-centric fic which is VERY GOOD.
current obsession: still stuck on Resident Evil and wintersberg lol. it is likely i'll be here forever. was also really getting into Greedfall (Petrus!!!!!) tho, i have Fic Ideas and everything.
tagging (no pressure tho, just if u feel like it c:) - @macgyvertape @mintymycelia @butterbee @thebisexualmandalorian @wisenwild @akianqel @moss-tea @tvversionperson @underlockv
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wrecking · 6 months
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november!! weird month, but hey we got some good music. open for names and a little blurb about each one
olivia rodrigo - guts : basically guaranteed top 2 aoty at this point which is hilarious, but in my defense i am in my teenager era
studio killers - self titled : i refuse to use the "special edition" cuz it's literally just the album with one song swapped for a song that came out 5 years later so they could split their single off the album. idk why this has been resurfacing but it's quite good so hey why not right
jessica lea mayfield - make my heart sing : idk i'm in my grungy traumatized alt-country rock thing era and yeah this hits
hayley williams - flowers for vases / descansos : [ bolds the word "traumatized" in the last one silently ]
sigrid - the hype : this just kinda snuck up on me? really good pop hits we love to see it
be your own pet - mommy : surprisingly memorable! was kinda whelmed on first listen but it's very listenable and fun so hey
kesha - gag order : [ underlines the word "traumatized" from earlier ]
faye webster - i think i'm funny haha : starting to revisit a lot of music i stopped listening to around the time of my return in august 2022, so this record has become a solemn comfort item in a way, which is fitting i think
hiroshi yoshimura - green : stunningly poignant ambient record. has become a major force in my life fr
julia jacklin - pre-pleasure : [ circles the word "traumatized" ]
taylor swift - 1989 taylor's version : i really don't have any defense other than this album reminds me a lot of 2017, and with tears of the kingdom coming out earlier this year i was itching to revisit it in a new way. the fucked part is that three of her records could've been on here actually tho (this + red tv + midnights)
laurel halo - atlas : really really good ambient record. it sounds like the cover looks in the best way
boygenius - the record (+ the rest tbh) : finally coming back around to this and crying my eyes out to cool about it, what else is new
fiona apple - extraordinary machine : this one has just been floating in the background of the whole month for me. it's really good and underrated for her tbh
pearly drops - a little disaster : just so good. it's stim content to me i think
billie eilish - tv songs : [ adds stars around the word "traumatized" ]
hitsujibungaku - our hope : god this album is just so evergreen. can't wait for their new one next week wtf wait it's next week LMFAO
troye sivan - something to give each other : idk this has stuck with me quite a lot! not as good as BN or IAD but defs better than bloom imo. one of your girls is a classic already i just know it
carly rae jepsen - the loveliest time (+ the loneliest time) : this one finally came back around for me and god what a flawless (set of) album(s). she really said hold on i'm making bangers
ethel cain - preacher's daughter : i can't even prove i streamed this this month, but this album has been rattling around my skull the whole time.
oklou - galore : this one always just comes back at the most random times, but it's always welcome. it's like an old friend who's also a sparkling fairy
clairo - sling : [ just points at the word "traumatized" at this point because like do i even need to say it anymore ]
lorde - pure heroine : my winter sleeper hit, this album is so poignant. at least for me, each time i go back to it it grows richer i think. it's a kind of love letter To and From my youth in the same breath, and in this age of "ok but i'm getting older and things are changing but i also feel like a teenager again bc of the hormones but i also know things are gonna get drastically different soon" it's such a good comfort pick
maggie rogers - surrender : despite all the trauma above this, i do still have some fire left in me. [ the intro to either "want want" or "shatter" play ]
the volunteers - self titled : just a sleek good rock album. i love the vocalist and the songs are so good... stan immediately
no predictions bc i've been struggling to listen to music at all this month. i will return someday i swear
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kimtaegis · 9 months
i agree with that anon, ive been reading all ur asks bc i agree with some things and this feels like a safe place to accept it ♥lol, and yeah i always think "i dont have to love everything they do" we know even tho they work so good together as bts we know they have different styles and its their time to do whatever they want, personally i feel more connected with the rap line content, not that i didnt love the astrounaut or jimin's album, i was more nervous with taehyung because even if i think his music is so beautiful and i do like it a lot, its not exactly music i would normally listen to, my favorite is rainy days and i still hate the sound of the notifications in it lmao, but whatever... and just like jk, i liked seven a lot but i know a big part of it is that i loved the music video, it was fUN and at first i was like okay okay this song is so radio type, its viral music, and i enjoy it, lyrically i mean there is not so much depth, not that i need it but i know what it is about so i decide that i dont mind and still everytime its on the radio or comes in my playlist i have fun im dancing and singing and im like yeah bro go off!,
..now with 3d :) ... i normally listen to the new songs like once and i go to sleep, this one i had to listen more, i tRIED lol and i dont hate it at all, i do think its different and i WAS expecting something better, as well with the mv, not bc hes naked im gonna be like "oh great vid" LOL, and ive never heard jack before and... okay hi, but honestly the song just doesnt excite me, i love jk's voice i know how talented he is and he shines basically everywhere and im sure i will be singing and dancing whenever its played but thats because its catchy, i knew jk would do this music bc ive noticed what he likes and he says so himself, i know a lot of people throw shade bc hes working with these artists but i like to think he knows what hes doing - and if for some reason hes not satisfied or whatever he'll learn and theres that, hes smart , they all are, we cant know who makes ALL the decisions and if we could.. again, we dont have to love everything, of course were gonna question some of it if were not
also now that im rambling i did see people comparing with justin timberlake and i hate that i totally see it bc i hate him loool, im happy for nsync in general they are veeeeery talented, i just cant stand justin (admitting he is also very talented i loved seeing him as an actor too hes good) , but man ... u_u i see it, i do
anyway, thank you! u are nice, sometimes one can feel weird, it feels awkward wanting to support someone you care about and all but were doing our best and thats okay, we cant force ourselves to pretend something were not we dont have to ♥
im sorry if i dont make sense, there could be errors as im writing this when my bosses are right here lmaooo, ill go
hehe I’m glad you let it all out (I hope your bosses didn’t notice or mind!)! 🤍 I think you also once again emphasised one of the main points of last night’s whole conversation – that it’s absolutely fine to not like a new project of an artist you generally adore and that you’re very much allowed to express that. it’s not always black and white, you can still enjoy parts of it but not vibe to another, it’s okay. it’s really still a huge problem that many armies will make you think otherwise.
I enjoyed reading all your thoughts (had to giggle at the justin timberlake part 😭), thank you for coming here and talk! I hope you have a great day too, lovely 🤍
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makotoscoffee · 1 year
my Mylène album ranking 17/12/22
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me rn trying to do this okay
Innamoramento. I stand by this however the second one on this list is such a close contender. but come on, let's keep it real. this IS and will FOREVER be one of the greatest concept albums of all time, it has some of her best videos, the era was simply iconic and everything from the music to the look to the performances are sheer transcendent perfection.
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2. Anamorphosée. What can I say, Paloma has shown me the light. Incredibly complex and very interesting, it stands out in her discography for all the right reasons to me... she literally saved Laurent from his flop era after Giorgino
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3. L'Emprise. I don't listen to this half as much as my mutuals and IDK why💔😔💔 but it is her best since AQL'O like I can't lie
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4. Cendres De Lune. Sorry but you can't beat the sheer energy and force of innovation this album brought to the second half of the 80s. Her and Laurent literally changed French pop FOREVER.
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5 + 6. Avant que l'ombre... / Point de suture TIE I couldn't do it💔💔
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7. Ainsi Soit Je. This + the next one really hurt me because they have two of her best songs of all time on them but I just don't find the rest of them memorable (especially nr 7 on this list) and as for ASJ, I prefer the remixes from Dance Remixes of most of the songs. Sans Contrefaçon drags this way up and also just love how fucking bizarre it is. it's playful it's raunchy at times but it's also dark and gothic. The Farmer's Conclusion is just her taking the piss and I love it
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8. L'Autre. Désenchantée, Je t'aime mélancolie, Regrets, and Beyond My Control CARRY this album. Also I prefer the extended version of Regrets and I prefer the New Beat version of Psychiatric. I did love how they insisted on keeping her weird goth thing going, they really leaned into it on ASJ and L'A but beyond that ... 😔
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9. Monkey Me. I love this album idk what to tell you lmfao I think it's her best from the 10s🙊
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10. Bleu noir. She brought us some of the slayest singles of her career like helloooo... this album gets too much hate, I think it's very good and to me it is such a comfort album🥺 the tracklist is very inconsistent to me and the album aesthetic is not my favorite.
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11. Interstellaires. This was hard bc I love this album and it has some GEMS, Stolen Car is one of her top 5 duets and the title track is just >>>. To me this is her best adult contemporary album, no debate.
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12. Désobéissance. Girl this is her worst album by far... it's so commercial and so basic, not at all Mylène to me. The tracklist is a mess, the aesthetic does NOT match the sound... I wish she would've stayed in the Interstellaires realm so badly😔💔
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And that's it for now, I doubt this will change anytime soon.... might rank her EPs or remix or live albums next. I was so scared this entire time but I was so brave about it
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zerkinoff · 2 years
do you have recommendations on where to start listening to fob ? i want to get into it but i’m kinda overwhelmed by everything they did and i’m Lost
ok fob was my first love, but i stopped listening to them until this past year, so ill give a quick over view of the albums so you can see which is you ~vibe~ because they evolve a lot,
i focus a lot on vocals/lyrics, im not a technical kinda guy this is just how i feel and what i can tell, it might be wrong
i got into fob with save rock and roll, theres a music video for each song that tells a story (movie esque), so honestly i recommend watching them in order and listening that way, its a good display of their overall talents/influences
take this to your grave is the first album (technically), angsty and stereotypical 'emo', maybe the "heaviest" album. patrick sounds starchy, pete does a lot of screaming, almost entirely guitars and drum based, the songs all sound pretty similar,
from under the cork tree is still heavy, pretty emo + guitar based, but more produced for lack of better words. they come more into their own style, definitely more cohesive as a band, patrick starts to use his "soul voice", less starchy
infinity on high is where they really start to do their own sound, a lot more emotional, the songs differ from each other, showcasing more of what each member is best at. focusing on portraying certain emotions for a song, they start to have 'slower' songs or sections
folie a duex is the worst album ever made it hurts me so much, they go a lot of directions, and do a lot of things. still a lot of alt influence, starts to get closer to gospel, but honestly i cant give an overall descriptor here, its my favorite album, each song relates to the last but is entirely different, guitar based, but they incorporate a ton of other shit, instruments +features
save rock and roll they go back to rock roots in some songs, but also exhibit genres like electronic + rap (bad wording), also a lot of features (blondie, big sean, elton john, more) . unlike the next album, the influences work really well together.
american beauty/american psycho is the balance point of emo/electronic, i listened to this a lot when it came out, but not much since. the balance limits it somewhat, in mania they actually explore and execute the electronics, in this one the guitar seems to fight with it.
mania departs from the guitars/emo influence, honestly i forced myself away from bandom before this was released, and dont have much time clocked in. pretty diff sound then everything else, very electronic sound, drum and bass kinda stuff, cohesive overall, tpain stylized-autotune vocals.
i can rec diff songs as jumping off points based on what you like if you want too, i did this off memory, but if i could listen through for specific stuff bc ill take any excuse to listen to fob
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tarotapprentice · 1 day
I think kpops going a bit mad these past few days and weeks either overdebuting too many groups instead of working with what its got (ie: less is often more), then theres all the shit in the media with idols being attacked left right and centre often for the most menial irrelevant (imho) things. Now its looking to keep debuting these exceedingly young groups and I honestly have already lost track atp. I also dont like how it expects their fans to do so much just to get small brief interactions either like bulk buying albums for fanmeet entries or whatnot. If im being honest only so much is going to hold my attention these days cause it seems like its just very um toxic rn.
It almost seems too childish bc theres hardly anything for my age group to follow. skz and ateez are as young as I can go in terms of groups to follow just for their songs or performances, without it being so awkward and I also dont want it to be about having deep attachment issues to these groups either. Is there anything different or whacky out of the box, ever going to come about for kpop or is this all it is for now? cause groups I like either seem to be disbanding or being left behind or simply not getting the room to explore outside of what their image is supposed to be. It just seems albiet from some groups images that may differ quite drastically from other groups that again new groups tend to be boxed into one trend then another new group comes about doing a very similar thing so whats the point if kpop only does what is popular or trendy?
ie: they have one exceedingly young group out then another and a third one, maybe they have the opposite gender of a group thats already well estabilished and so its still not surprising. Thats why I tend to stick to what I like but not much of it is my taste anymore due to groups ages. ik they always debut them young yet theres nothing in the west that I like anymore about music and so kpop became popular mid 00s and onwards yet there also isnt much I like about besides what I already like do you get what I mean? And the ages of some of these groups honestly has me concerned for the members bc like p3d0s and all sorts of creeps can easily access this type of media online from anywhere. My other question is, is 15 the new 20? in general of what they seem to be looking for in someone to debut? is kpop so scared of stepping out of the box and doing something entirely different than relevant trends or aesthetics?
Why mamamoo get the most backlash / short end of the sticks it seems just for being mildly different aka older than the groups debuting nowadays? they have the most stable vocal abilities I have heard from a mature aged group than others much younger who are often just ok but idk what I even like about a lot of current music if im being honest there is that much of it. Lowkey wish I had a group like skz or ateez instead of the junk music we had as kids or teens.
It must really suck to feel like something that you really used to enjoy is not doing it for you anymore.
I can somewhat understand where you are coming from about this situation. But my reaction to k-pop has been different.
I used to be more of a kpop listener in the past until I met BTS. Mind you this was 7 years ago. But I did not feel sad that other groups where not doing it for me anymore since BTS pretty much fulfilled me music and entertainment wise.
Since I never had an attachment to the genre, I cannot say I felt a similar sadness and frustration like you do.
I don't think there is not much you can do than accept the changing times (you have changed and grown too). But, you do not have to force yourself to like it. If something does not resonate with you anymore, just appreciate what and when it did and just continue on (mourn some of it if necessary too). There is so much enjoyable music/content for you in the world that you have yet to discover.
I did a reading on kpop for this year that have been posted before:
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wrongcaitlyn · 28 days
hi!! i know you get a lot of music recs but i thought i might just add some of my own too bc i love the dear reader series sm and literally cannot stop connecting songs to it 😭
'favor' by julien baker is maybe a bit depressing but also some of the lyrics just seem so nico, like 'turns out that all my friends were trying to do me a favour' and saying how hard it is to be tender and all (i feel like she has a lot of depressing songs which could be past nico-coded but not so much with his mental health getting better??)
but also more positively 'free treasure' by adrianne lenker which doesn't super feel like nico's style in terms of melody but the lyrics kind of fit to me, with things like 'you show me understanding, patience and pleasure' and 'just when i thought i couldn't feel more, i feel a little more'
also (last one!!) 'it'll all work out' by phoebe bridgers i can kind of see as nico either to bianca or to himself pre-transition - just kind of sad but healing at the same time
thank you for letting me ramble!! i love your work <3
AHHSDF YAY MORE SONG RECS sorry it took so long to get to listening to these but i'm here!!!
i swear julien baker (as well as lucy dacas) are artists that i keep telling myself i need to listen to bc i do love a lot of phoebe bridgers and boygenius songs and yet i never have😭 I WILL THIS SUMMER god i actually need to make a list of discographies to binge it's just hard forcing myself to listen to new musiclksjfd
but anyway onto the songs!!
you are SO real about depressive songs being so nico, and honestly even though his mental health is getting better, the problems don't always go completely away! i think it's very natural for him to still have those depressive songs, because like, he is still struggling with depression and ptsd and definitely still has bad days, and uses music as a way to vent :/
as for favor, these lyrics are SPOT ON but what stood out even more was the production on first listen, like it's such a nico coded song from everything from the lyrics to the production and i just love it?? god i have a playlist of songs that i want to add to albums and this is going straight there, at this point i have so many songs that i don't have the timespan to possibly have nico release all of them but i'll just keep in mind for possible future playlists😭😭 i absolutely love that one!! the lyric you pointed out is literally so real, and also "how long do i have until /i've spent up everyone's goodwill?" is just SO nico coded oh my god😭it's definitely him in high school coded, just thinking every now and then of like why he ended up where he did :/ and "who put me in your way to find? what right had you not to let me die?"LKSDJFDSJF IM SO OBSESSED WITH THIS NOW WTF im gonna keep listening to it all day and stressing over which possible album i could fit it in because i'm like out of room but also aghsldkfjsldf it needs to go somewhere
anyway. NEXT ONE
these lyrics😭😭i wanna cry this is just him finally feeling comfortable and happy and content with his life and with will and AHGSLDFJ THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY "we're sitting on the kitchen floor / just when i thought i couldn't feel more / i feel a little more" LIKE. THEY'RE JUST. SOULMATES. I LOVE THEM. AND I LOVE THIS.
(just scrolled back up and saw that that was the lyric that you put into the ask and that was a total coincidence but just goes to show your idea was absolutely perfect like spot on)
now onto phoebe!! i've listened to stranger in the alps a few times but i don't think i heard this one before which is odd, but then again i don't listen to phoebe as much as i'd like :/
but holy shit. i wish i heard this earlier. this one is 100% going on an album i just need to figure out which one bc it's literally perfect wtf. "when she needed me i wasn't around" talking abt when bianca died and he wasn't there, and then "now the wind is high and the rain is heavy" the RAINSDLFJ all i can think abt is nico thinking abt bianca when his dad died and the same sorta situation :// "never goes away, but it all works out" is just him finally trying to work through the trauma over the years and him finally coming to a time of like sort of peace? and contentedness in his life??
also idk why but my first thought at the lyric of "better off with him than here with me" was hearing it as "better off with Him" as in like referring to god and heaven, "than here with me" :(( i know that's 100% not the og meaning but that's how i initially interpreted it (bc i was already thinking of biancaksljdf) and probably how i'll continue to see it😭😭
anyway these were SUCH beautiful recs omg thank you so so much <333 i shall now scour through my playlists to try and find spots for them!!! worst comes to worst i'll have to move a few other songs into being unreleased songs, or singles, and maybe make a playlist of unreleased songs, and another for singles, we'll see!
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