#at this point i might as well change my username to something to do with him
Watching From The Sidelines P.4
Synopsis: The game continues, but feelings of pain start arising. You are vulnerable. But this might be a wake up call for you.
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A/n: Thank you so much for the support! Y'all filling my notifications with tag list request lmao. I can't write all of you, I have 4 index cards full of usernames. But I'll try my best!
TW// vomiting blood, being very sick.
Also heavy leaning to Zhongli x Reader
Song recommendations:
Gold - Imagine Dragons
Golden hour - JVKE
It's been a few months since the game has started.
Life was going on as normally, well as normal as a business man working with literally gods chasing you.
Of course even with unlimited stamina, and unmatched skill, it's starting to take a toll on your body. You couldn't explain it, but something was hurting deep inside you.
Maybe it was the fact you haven't been 'you'.
You been stuck as m/n for months! And your kinda starting to forget who you are. Sure it's been a lot of fun to play pretend. Being smug and rich and whatever...but you kinda miss old you.
The person who played genshin for fun! Sure, your no longer financially struggling or suffering but at this point, looking in the mirror is starting to be painful.
You don't know how long you can play this game anymore.
Of course you knew the acolytes and followers are more then devoted to you, willing to do whatever to do whatever you want. To prove themselves to you and win your favor, and this point they added so much people it's starting to get annoying.
Yeah, it's fun but you don't know how much your heart can take it.
Currently your hiding inside a shed, listening carefully to your surroundings outside.
You felt this unbearable sinking feeling in your chest. At this point your tempted to call the game quits because something is very wrong.
You really don't want to though.
Hours passed, sinking in and out of consciousness, you see a person shouting at you trying to warn you something before gasping awake.
You unintentionally fell asleep in the shed, bewildered and stressed out you decided leaving the shed for air was your best bet.
As you clutched onto you stomach you felt very uncomfortable.
You took a deep breathe of air, trying to stable yourself but you can't. You don't know why? Was it you doubting yourself? Who's the person you dreamed of?
Imagines of someone speaking to you popped into your head again, disorienting you.
"Zhongli!" You yelled out, leaning on a wall coughing into your hand, noticing it shine in reflection of the sun.
It was blood.
Your blood.
He immediately appeared, startling you, he looked at you concerned.
You immediately shaped shifted to your original form.
" I-i hate to end the game, but I...I don't feel well I don't think I can continue on." You mumbles to him.
His eyes widen at this, as other acolytes appeared behind him. You started coughing again, and next thing you knew. You vomit out blood, and collapsed on the ground.
You heard screaming, crying, and feeling of hands holding you gently in their grasp.
You also saw that person again briefly, they were stroking your hair mumbling sweet nothings to you.
It felt warm.
Then everything went to black.
You felt comfortable.
Very comfortable.
You blinked slowly, waking up realizing youwere practically drowning in pillows and blankets. Staring at the ceiling above you, before eventually sitting up. You were on this huge bed, gently patting your chest. Noticing the change of clothes.
It was a simple white nightgown, most likely due to your other clothes covered in your blood.
Before you can even think, the door swung open, The archons looking at you.
"YOUR GRACE YOU'RE AWAKE!" Venti yellowed out, practically tears brimming his eyes. " I was so worried! "
"Your highness please, never scare us like that again." Zhongli says, closing the door behind him so others don't barge in.
Ei stood their silently, looking at you with sadden look.
You sigh," Zhongli... explained what happened after I blacked out?"
He nods, " Of course your grace, after...after you passed out, we thought we lost you after so long. We had to shield you and bring you back to the temple quick as possible. We got the best doctors to check up on you. "
You looked at your hands, clenching them into fists before letting go.
"My body was probably stressing out after using so much of my shapeshifting ability. And it magnifying with my identity crisis. It made me too vulnerable.
But who is that person I keep seeing? I didn't even dream of them..."
You sigh, " I apologize for worrying you all, it appears I must pause the game in the meantime. As I need to rest and heal. I had no idea this would have happened. I'll take note of it in the future. "
You tried to get up, but all three Archons immediately set you back down.
" I apologize your highness but we can not let you leave this room. " Zhongli says firmly, tucking you back in. "If you want anything, we will get it for you."
After everything, you just agree with it. "Ei take care of my business, Venti alert the others I'm awake. Zhongli you stay with me. " You quietly ordered them.
They all nod.
You were exhausted even if you just awoke. Som much things already on your mind.
"Zhongli can I ask you an odd request." You mumbles.
"Nothing is odd if it's coming from you your highness. What is your request?" He asked, sitting on a chair besides the bed to keep watch.
You gently lend a hand out, " can I hold your hand?"
He perked up at the request, " H-hold your hand? It would be an honor. " He gently grabs your hand. It felt reassuring to have, as you slowly blink. Falling asleep with your hand interlock with Zhongli's.
You didn't dream of that person again.
You been recovering well, however you practically can not do anything. Like at all.
Also no info could be found of the person you are looking for. Which is huge bummer but you'll look more into it yourself once at full health.
Besides that, due to the accident the Archons are scared you're going to vomit out blood again. They are hovering over you 24/7, like you can't be alone at all. Someone has to be with you at all times.
You couldn't even feed yourself, someone has to feed you by hand while you sat in bed.
It was humiliating.
But you couldn't do much until your strength was fully back.
But there was something you didn't expect....
That was meeting the harbingers.
You were literally in a nightgown, in bed, resting and Dottore was doing a check up on you....
You knew of pantalone due to business connects and such as m/n. But the others? How the hell were you supposed to deal with them???
You just sat there, unsure as they asked how your doing and such. It was obvious they wanted to be in your favor.
All you can do is let them, as time passed and you watch the harbingers speak to each other. You paid them no attention as you slowly drifted to sleep engulfed in a warm embrace of it.
At this point, you were so sick of resting.
Besides Ei bringing you papers to read or give your signature to for your business. You practically had nothing to do!
Your been nagged to death by so many people, The Archons, Harbingers, followers etc. The list goes on and your going insane. The amount of times late at night your suffocating yourself with a pillow or punching it before being sedated by Zhongli.
You wanted to rip your hair out!
However the more you slept, the more you talked to 'that' person.
You still don't know who it is, but it's clear they were warning you of your illness.
Which confused you still, but that's a plus up. However that still doesn't change your issues.
1. Who is dream person?
2.Health is not fully healed.
3.Stuck in the temple much to your displeasure.
4. Having to pause the game.
Things are not going as you planned....
You are pacing in your room, Zhongli watching you in concerned.
"Is something wrong your highness? You seem troubled. " He asked but all you can do is pace back in forth thinking.
You looked at him.
"Zhongli, what your opinion in continuing the game? We never finished it." You faced him. He thinks about it, " I-im unsure your highness, believe me, as we want to prove our loyalty to you. You must understand we don't know how much you recovered. We fear of loosing you. "
" so if I were to wish to continue, it's assume the others would decline? "
" Most likely yes your highness. "
You sigh, running your hand through your hair, " call a meeting with everyone involved in the game. " You command yanking the doors open and swiftly walking down the hallway.
Zhongli immediately chases after you, " your highness! I understand you're displeased but your in a nightgown! Barefooted on tile! " He tries to usher you , but you only ignored him.
Others soon noticed you, common folk immediately bowed before you and stepped away. Others started to follow behind you trying to put you back to bed.
You headed to the throne room, and sat at your throne. Not caring if your dressed improperly, you wanted things done.
Aether and Paimon was visiting a noticed you walking in and the archons following behind you as well body guards. He was confused what was going on as more appeared. Soon him and Paimon was ushered in.
You held a meeting.
"As many of you know, I gotten I'll however. I feel I rested enough. I wish to continue the game. " You command, resting your head on your hand watching the others.
Chatter erupted the room.
Some disagreed to this, prioritizing your health above anything else. Other's were arguing for it, as you created the game and wished for this.
It was hotly debated between the folk.
You sat above and watched down at them, listening to their opinions. You honestly wanted to know what to do. Crossing you legs and pondered.
Zhongli was absolutely against this and he took off his coat and place it on your lap. Keeping you covered.
"Ah, thank you." You quietly say. Unknowingly as others noticed this. Them turing to face you.
"Its my pleasure your highness." Zhongli says with a smile, placing a kiss on your hand.
What was meant to be a serious debated turned into an argument over you. And now others were suggesting to give you a piece of their clothing to you.
You couldn't help but laugh nervously and blush at this stupid situation. How the hell are you supposed to manage this stupid mess? This is nothing like running a business.
God help me.
Tag list:
@borbsbirbs @emuxmu @cryastre @lizzhearthz @aphxdea @leafanonsforest @mynameis-star @lunarapple @red1sg0n3 @0hsilver @travelergarnett @valeriele3 @imlost-sendhelp @local-mr-frog @cumbermovels @bidisasterforevermore @sora-but-sadder @moraxsimp69 @iruiji @ll-nty77 @yuyuzi-ling @yunareinhart @enld @code-roevember @no-name-omo @meena-in-a-nutshell @randomnatics @the-2nd-random-kid @smokey-cat @moosieman12345 @nexylaza @stellakito @byakuren100 @jcrml @guess-i-die @creation-magician @longppanoodle @angelkazusstuff @apple-ai @yandere-city
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traineecryptid · 25 days
NPSS Weibo Q&A (20240831) Part 1
This is a Q&A session held on Weibo. People will tag their questions with the hashtag #南派三叔藏海花在线答疑# (#NPSS Zang Hai Hua Online Q&A#) and NPSS will look through the tag to pick some to answer. The event started at 1500 hours on 2024 August 31st. For comedic purposes, this translation will include the timestamps for the answers. And for efficiency purposes, I have left out all usernames. The usernames of the question-askers can be found via the screenshots in this folder if anyone is inclined to do that.
1422 Come ask questions at #NPSS Zang Hai Hua Online Q&A#. I will stay online and pick questions to answer without limits from 3pm onward. 1500 Q: Sanshu, what was the thing that Zhang Qiling wanted Pangzi to tell Wu Xie that Pangzi mentioned when he was fixing Wu Xie’s dislocated shoulder? My friends and I would love to know. 
A: Eat well, sleep well, wear socks even in the summer. 1500 Q: Lei, do you like this pic I made? [It’s an edit of NPSS’s face on a pink dressed magical girl body]
A: I feel like this pic is affecting the fengshui in my house.
1502 Q: Shu, it is confirmed that Ten Years is included in the ZHH drama. Then, will the drama show the changes between ZHH Wu Xie and Ten Years Wu Xie? In yesterday’s livestream you said that there are four turning points in the drama. Is it that Wu Xie will become Xie Di after being tricked four times? A: Every character and their fate all have big turning points. Whether he’s a good person or an evil person, whether his answers are real or fake, you must watch till the end [only then you’ll know].
1502 Q: Sanshu, what was Wu Xie thinking in the split second when he saw Menyouping’s portrait in Tibet? A: “What the fuck!” (T/N: swears are not very translatable in meaning. I tried.) 1503
Q: Pumpkin Sect (T/N: this might be an intentional typo punning of nanpai which means southern sect), what would the scene be like if Xiaoge’s mom met Wu Xie? Would Bai Ma be happy that her child had gained some humanity because of Wu Xie? A: Bai Ma would probably teach Wu Xie to sing. Something like The Night of Ulaanbaatar.
1505 Q: Shu, why have you been answering so many questions lately? Has there been some big thing happening?
A: They said that I’m a liuliang celebrity so I should shoulder the publicity mission. (T/N: Liuliang celebrity refers to celebrities who are popular (or controversial) and are able to generate a lot of social media traffic. For example: when a celeb would get on the trending searches whenever they post selfies/ attend events/ do just about anything.)
1513 Q: What would Mo Yungao from Southern Archives do if he had really found Xiaoge? A: He would eat Zhang Qiling.
1523 Q: Is the audience viewing experience taken into deep consideration when making drama and movie adaptations? For example, allowing those who haven't read the novels to understand the plot. I saw some people saying that they couldn’t follow the plot [from the drama].
A: For Reboot, in order to help the audience get into it, we introduced the characters and their occupation in the first episode. But for ZHH,  according to the number of votes, we all chose to do a cold open based on the novel. 
1524 Q: Sanshu, Sanshu, I want to know, based on Zhang Qiling’s arm strength, how many Wu Xies can he carry?
A: If he uses the strength from his waist to assist, he can throw Wu Xie up to the third floor.
1526 Q: What is the ending for Boss Jiao in the Reboot novel?
A: Became Jiao. (T/N: The character for Jiao means burnt).
1527 Q: Will Xu Zhenxuan play Wu Xie in the Heavenly Palace re-shoot?
A: Yes.
Q: Shu, did Zhang Haike recommend Xiaoge’s drink to Wu Xie because he wants to show off that he understands Xiaoge? A: Hahahahaha
1532 Q: ZHH drama and novel will have two separate endings. Now that the drama has an ending, have you decided on the ending of the novel? When will you experience Tianshou? A: I always understood the dramas as the dreams of the characters from the books. That means that the changes in details in the dramas, to me, I would always explain it as the intentional and unintentional amendment to the details as they tell this story to someone else. Or that these are part of their dream and after-the-fact fears. I will explain it again after [you] see the end.
Q: I would like to know the mental state of the company. It seems like it’s taking big steps towards a beautiful direction.
A: It’s rare to be able to legally go crazy. Everyone’s very happy.
Here's the first 15. There are more answers and I will chip at them at a pace that will hopefully be able to keep up with NPSS. The folder also contains a google doc that has all the complied Q&As if anyone prefers to read on that.
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vaspider · 6 months
just a heads up that that post abt ppl reconnecting is by a like. meeeega z*onist. i usually am like eh ppl dont need to check usernames for everyone they reblog but for that one since its like. relatatef to an extent to the post i wanted to let you know for you and the people who follow u! i hope u are having whatever the best day for ur circumstances is
You're not Jewish, by your own admission. I went to make sure, before I started talking. You have some Jewish heritage, and you might look at converting, but you're not Jewish, so let's start there. And I am going to be as patient as I possibly can under the circumstances.
You have essentially just walked into the living room of a family that you're not a part of and said, "that thing that was just said about connecting with this family that I'm not a part of? You should not listen to it because it came from a term that those of us outside this family have rendered meaningless by overuse and abuse. You should not interact with that person because I am telling you they're a Bad one of y'all, because I've determined this word is Bad, and everyone has beaten it into the ground."
How do you think that would go, if you walked into my living room and pointed at someone there, as a complete and total stranger, and said, 'you should take my value statement about one of the people in your extended family'? Do you think it would go well, whether or not I agreed with that family member, that you've interjected yourself into intrafamily discussions, especially intrafamily discussions about our family's emotional survival and connection?
Because that's what this is, to be clear. Those people? They are my family. You just came in off the street and said, "Take my word on your family. They're bad. You shouldn't interact with them."
What's more, one of the two people you're pointing at, the only two people who spoke on that post, is someone who was present, and indeed the sole official witness, at a moment in my life which rates in terms of joy and personal meaning right up there with my wedding and the moment the midwife placed my daughter, naked and screaming, on my belly. You just came in to my living room and said, "The person who witnessed your mikveh immersion seven years ago? Bad. Take it from me, person who has never spoken to you before."
Do you also walk into drag shows, point at the person on the stage, and yell, "That's a groomer!"? Because that's basically what y'all sound like when you do this: you're coming in from the outside, wielding a word you've effectively rendered meaningless against people who belong here.
I'm real fucking tired of -- literally every time I interact with any post about Jewishness at all -- someone lunging in to tell me that There Be Bad Jews, or demanding that, because I am interacting with members of my family, I answer a bunch of fucking "when did you stop beating your wife" questions.
That was literally just in the last 24h. One post about how Judaism survives because we reconnect with each other, one post about how American institutions like Chabad are being labeled 'Israeli' as a means of smearing them. Literally dealing with living as a fucking Jew in the diaspora is now simply Not Allowed To Be Spoken Of, apparently, unless I strictly validate that everyone in the thread is not a Bad Bad Zionist, which of course applies to every Jew who says something we don't like, regardless of their repeatedly-stated values or self-identification.
It's almost like the end point of all of that is Jews simply not talking about being Jewish anywhere that they might be seen by someone who doesn't like that. If we can only speak about being Jewish if our Judaism meets the strict, ever-changing ethical purity standards of a bunch of Puritan-descended American leftists, then we can't speak about our lives at all, can we?
Funny, that.
Anyway, you have self-declared Zionists in your last 30 reblogs, so like, if you want to spend time endlessly policing someone's blog, make it your own.
Nobody ever send me asks like this ever again. This is the last one I'll even vaguely humor.
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Between the Lines 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, Lee is rude, customer service triggers. and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters:Lee Bodecker
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Another day, another shift. It starts off less than ideal. Traffic is a slog and there’s customers outside waiting for open as you walk up. You have to escape them like a zombie horde to get inside. This time of year, they tend to resemble extras in The Walking Dead.
You put your things in the back and punch in. You help Giselle with the opening list as her lashes droop precariously. She’s never very awake on her morning shifts. As you balance the till, she yawns and checks her phone.
“That old lady is out again. Something about her back,” she pops a piece of gum in her mouth and starts chewing noisily. “Not like she could do much more than wring her hands.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” you login and look across the store. You prefer being on the floor but you won’t get to stretch your legs until after noon.
“Eh, whatever. Not many seasonals this year,” she drones, “good, I don’t have to put up with children.”
You glance at her. She’s not much older than the high school students who come in to work the holiday sales. She’s just into her sophomore year and has the false sense of authority that often replaces the freshman fear.
You won’t mention that you have a masters and you’re still standing in the same place as her. Albeit, you’re full time and a pay grade higher. Still, it’s not that steep a gap between you.
The first customers are let in and swiftly fan out in their missions. A man comes up to ask about Tom Clancy’s novels and you point him in the right direction, telling him that Colton will be there to help out. He thanks you and shuffles away.
The morning drags by as you ring through the early birds. It’s that time of day where everyone is still waking up and seems to have something to complain about. You’ve suggested complementary coffee in hopes that it might quell their gripes.
Around eleven, you lean on the counter, the store effectively empty, and your headset crackles. Your name is called over the line to go to the operations room. You look at Giselle but she’s transfixed on her phone. She doesn’t even hear you say you’ll be right back.
The assistant manager, Colin, greets you in the operations room, one desk empty as he sits in another and wiggles a pen. You hover by the door as he keeps his focus on the monitor. For people who work in a bookstore, they do prefer the digital to the hard copy.
“Alright, let’s not waste time,” he leans back, finally tearing his attention from the computer, “got a complaint about you.”
“What?” You frown.
“Doing customer surveys, the online ones. This one’s particularly glowing,” he squints at the monitor again, “‘extremely dismissive and condescending. Kept trying to walk away’.”
“I never… are you sure it’s me?”
“They got your name. I went over the tape and it tracks. This guy, cop it looks like, you walked away twice. Why?” Colin points the pen at you derisively.
“Um, well, he told me to but changed his mind,” your eyes flutter as your nerves wind up. God, it has to be that jerk officer. “I did help him but he didn’t seem to want it.”
“Not what he says and he is a customer,” Colin sighs, “going to have to write you up, sweetie.”
You blink and hold your eyes shut. This is bullshit. You know better than to voice that thought.
“A write-up?”
“Relax, you got three before we do anything,” he pulls a paper over the desk and turns it towards you, “take the slap on the wrist and get back out there. It’s books. Just… smile a bit more and…” he pauses, his gaze dipping beneath your face, “maybe push your shoulders back. Posture’s important.”
You sniff back your disgust. You know what he means. Shoulders back; chest out. Gross. You cross the room and take the pen, reading over the write-up and the comments copy-pasted from the survey. Wow, what a jackass. You sign. Despite being a corporate peon, Colin’s right. It’s easier to just take the mark on your record.
“Thanks, sweetie,” he slides the paper away, “get back on the till.”
You nod and back out of the office. You shake your head as you stride through the store. This is so stupid and where the hell is Mr. Pine? He would’ve at least heard you out and overridden this nonsense decision. He’s been elusive lately and it shows.
You get back to cash as Giselle pops her gum noisily, “where were you, I gotta pee.”
“Go,” you wave her off as you step up behind the machine, “dead in here anyway.”
The day ends in the furor of after-work shoppers. You finally get free of the rush and into the lot. The air is crisp and whispers of the coming snows. Not quite cold enough as only a cold mist flecks down and has the tarmac shining black.
You go to your car and fish out your keys. As you do, someone rolls up behind your bumper and stops, exhaust puffing up in a stink. You shove the key in the door and glance over as someone gets out, staring at you over the roof of the cruiser. What the hell?
“Finished for the day?” The officer asks, the very same blight you had the pleasure of meeting the other day.
“Yes, officer.”
“Don’t sound so happy,” he comments, “nasty weather, huh?”
“Mhmm,” you nod and open your door, throwing your bag across to the passenger side.
“You’re being shifty… you nervous around cops?” He challenges as he rounds the hood of his car, nonchalantly idling in the lane.
“No,” you shrug, “I’m just headed home. Worked a long day, sir.”
“Oh yeah? You work so hard, don’t ya?” He scoffs, “smiles all worn out, ain’t it?”
He looms close, putting his hand on the roof of your car as his other comes up to touch your chin. You step back to look at him, crowded against the open door. You gape at him, heart pumping wildly.
“Officer, can I help you with something?”
“Sheriff,” he taps the star emblazoned on his coat, just under the fleecy collar, “I’m not lookin’ for your help, don’t you worry, but you look like you got a load on ya so I’m just doing my duty here and checkin’ in.”
You set your jaw. You’re not working, you have no obligation to pander. You’re parked between the lines, your insurance is up to date, and you’re tired as fuck.
“I’m good, sir. Thanks for asking. I gotta get home.”
He smiles, his hand falling to your scarf. He fixes the fabric as you fidget, resisting the voice that hollers at you to push him away. Assault on an officer is the last thing you need.
“Get home and cozy, huh?” He smirks, his blue eyes sparkling, “got someone special waitin’ on ya?”
“Sir?” You frown.
“Dangerous livin’ alone. I’m just makin’ sure you’re safe.”
You clamp your lips tight. He wrote a whole essay about you’re disservice to him, so why is he bothering you now? This is quite the power trip.
“Fine, sir. My cat will be hungry, so uh…”
“Ah, one of those,” he snorts and pulls away.
“One of…” your voice trails back.
“Don’t need no man,” he tuts, “you got your cat. They all say that before they know what’s what.” He wags his fingers as he backs away, “there’s only so much you can learn from books, you’ll see.”
You stare, frozen in place. Is that a threat? Is this all because you tried to help him? Because you didn’t just take his entitlement and swallow it like cherry pie? As absurd as it seems, it’s still scary as hell.
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tspud-whiteboard · 1 year
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[Full Previews, Final Files and Extras can be found on GoogleDrive!] !!! THE DEADLINE HAS ARRIVED !!! (End of June it was) I am currently working on putting together the final files, but as this might take a while, YOU CAN STILL KEEP SENDING ME YOUR FELLAS! Once I’ve prepared the actual, finished, fullsize versions, this pinned post will unpin itself and I’ll put a different one here, with the final previews, the download links and some information what the future may hold... maybe I’ll do a Season Two if the interest is there. But we’ll have to see about that. For now, [SUBMIT MORE] like the wind while you still can! Hello, hello! Welcome to The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe Whiteboard Collaboration (a just-for-fun fan project)! I’m assuming that you found your way here because you’re well aware what The Stanley Parable is, and that you are curious to know what a Whiteboard Collaboration might be about!
Let me cut straight to the case then. It all started in 2023 - the 27th of April, to be precise - which just so happened to be the One Year Anniversary for the release of The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe on Steam and consoles, along with the historically very important and internationally renowned - or at the very least grudgingly accepted - 4/27: STANLEY DAY!
To celebrate the occasion, and only one day too late on the 28th, an idea came forth to put together a Whiteboard, containing all those Stanleys by all the fan artists out there (all credited, of course!), a worthy tribute to the Man of the Hour! And as you can see... we’ve already got quite a few collected!
But why stop there? Since plenty of people also came up with their own Narrator designs, and there’s a good few Timekeeper-Settings-432s and Curators, and plenty of other characters (defining the term loosely here), we might as well give them all their own little space to look absolutely dashing next to each other! Imagine, all those different designs, united in one glorious collection!
My point being... I’d love to see yours in there as well.
So... how can you join in?
The gist can be found up there in the first image, but let me also put it into text form down here, with some extra information:
[Submit] your Stanley, Narrator, 432 or Curator mugshot (or all of them at the same time!). You have [some other canon TSP favorite]? Go ahead, submit ‘em, too! We’ll find a spot. The format of the picture needs to be 300px (width) x 400px (height) to fit with the others. I can resize and cut them into shape if needed, but it’ll be easier on all of us if I don’t have to do that. All pictures will have a small white frame added by me afterwards, to give them that authentic printout flair.
Should the [Submit] button not work for you (I triple-checked and it works for me, but then who knows what this thing does while I’m not looking), sending your artworks through PM or tell me where you posted them is fine as well!
AUs and all art styles are fine! Please only submit one picture per character (if you have more than one design, maybe pick your favorite, or elegantly squeeze them into one picture. If you absolutely cannot decide, sending two pictures per character is okay, but I’d like to cap it there to give everyone equal amounts of space.
Must be Safe For Work!
This is also very important: Tell me how to credit you! Your name will go under your artwork, I do have to put something there. I’ll likely default to your username if I have nothing else to go by, but it’s best if you directly tell me, right there in your submission.
I will publish your submission(s) on here as soon as I’ve added it to the queue, so you’ll know it went through okay, and so you can show it around to others if you wish! (I can’t do that with PMs, of course.)
THE DEADLINE: Please try to submit your artworks before the End of June! Yes, 2023. This month. In this year. There’s a chance I’ll change this if a sudden influx of new entries rolls in, but as of now it looks like it’s a good time to start wrapping this up. I want my life back and all. ...But prove me wrong, why don’tcha? Why not tell your favorite TSP artists that they NEED TO BE ON THIS THING? NEED TO! WE CRAVE THEM, PRECIOUS. ...Sorry, got carried away there.
I give updates regularily. Previews of the latest Whiteboard statuses, questions that need answering, sometimes I might just add some nonsense rambles, all inclusive, for free.
The FINAL files, whenever they’re ready, will be 8000x4000px in size each and are mostly a much bigger version of the previews, with maybe a few small changes for the aesthetics.That’s quite massive. Humongous. It’s really impressive to browse all those artworks next to each other at that size. Here’s the [Google Drive] link, for all to download from and share around. So far, you can always find the latest Previews and a bunch of random Extras there, along with the first fullsize Stanley board as a test. Please do make suggestions if there’s better options, or if you can’t drive the Google.
I also post on Twitter and the Crows Crows Crows Discord server (fanart channel). If either of those are more comfortable options for you, or if you know someone on there who might also be interested in joining this collaboration, maybe poke me so I can give you directions. Or you might be able to find it yourself, I’m not actively hiding them away. Not even passively.
I think that’s all for now! If you have questions, suggestions, reservations, my Asks should be open. Looking forward to hopefully a lot more additions to the Whiteboards, there’s quite a few of you guys I’d loooove to see on there!
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fortemelody · 3 months
I'm bored so imma send an ask but what are your Amy Rose headcanons?
HI HELLO IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!! i didn’t know how to answer it and then i got busy and then i forgot but i’m here now!
and tbh i still don’t entirely know how to answer it becus im not someone who makes headcannons very often. i usually just see some on my feed and be like “oh yeah that’s so them” and then immediately forget about it LMAO but i do have a couple even tho they are a bit basic and so i’ll try to describe those few in as great detail as possible
knuckles and amy are sibling 100%. they have that dynamic for sure! they train together and they tease each other. amy’s in the small demographic of few people he trusts too. many have also pointed out that they look similar and some people hc her as part echidna which im not really opposed to either
amy and shadow are definitely besties. whenever sonic is too stubborn to do “girly” things such as try on makeup for example, shadow would do that with her instead. he doesn’t care about his public image unlike sonic. music is something that brings them together too, seeing as we already know that they’re both swifties and went to hot honey! and she was the one who brought him back to his senses in the ending of SA2 (which btw im praying that the third movie has that scene aughdkftk). shadow has a clear soft spot for her that can only be brought out by amy. i feel like the next follow up question would be if i ship them and the answer is…not really?! i think it would be a situation where maybe amy is a bit touchy at times without realizing it and shadow blushes, or shadow does stuff to make sonic jealous (to clarify them hanging out in general is purely becus shadow wants to -not just an act so he can get back at sonic- but i think it would be funny if he would take the opportunity to brag about it when sonic gets on his nerves). i do not think either of them would actually date tho even with these one off situations and they are way better as platonic besties fr ong ‼️
this one is a bit random but i’ve always thought of amy being like… a starbucks addicted girly (in the world of mobius- not irl where they could possibly be funding a genocide 😭). and it’s kinda an ironic thing in my mind. yes, she’s the least ordinary girl you could get: wields a giant hammer, incredibly strong, is hyperfixated on and can use tarot cards as weapons, and has an indescribable intuition. however, calling back to the events of SA1, she really is just a normal hedgehog at the end of the day trying to lead a normal life. she had to learn all of these attributes, she wasn’t really born with an ability like the rest of team sonic. she also lived in an apartment for part of sonic x (i think?? haven’t watched the full series and i don’t remember everything) and actually liked it. so i think she would really enjoy simple more earth like customs. i think she honestly might be embarrassed of this fact too, seeing as she’s come all this way in her life just to resort to her old ways of living.
(…okay i’m gonna be honest that last one was a bit of a stretch and it originated from me and my friend calling her a basic white girl at one point as a joke LMAO but then i thought more about it and it kinda made sense once i put it into context)
the last one is a concept i kinda stole from a comic i saw a long time ago (i have no idea of the username- but if someone does lemme know). it was the idea that sonic started liking amy once she had started to move on, how the “chasing” kinda switched roles, and after she dialed down her “fangirling”. how sonic now wants her to be obsessed after she’s made so much progress in being her own person. i kinda wrote a fanfic based off of this and expanded upon my interpretation of it through amy’s POV. although i never posted it, i think the words i chose still capture it well so i’m just gonna copy and paste that:
“When Amy started to slowly change her childish and obnoxious mannerisms towards Sonic, he immediately felt more comfortable around her, and even started subtly reciprocating his feelings to her. Amy was obviously maturing no doubt about it, but she felt as if she had lost a part of herself in doing so. That side of her that would boldly protect and proclaim her love to him. That side to her that wouldn’t stop until she got her way. That side of her that was, as Jewel stated “…constantly following him”. She felt as if she had given up so much of her personality just to feel less incomplete, to have that soulmate she always dreamed about. On top of that, Sonic loved to come and go as he pleases. She knows that he was always going to be the adventuring type, but she wish more often that he would make an effort to chat or to invite her to tag along. Chaos knows when she tries to plan anything with him, she’s too paranoid for her own good, wondering if he’ll instantly interpret it as a date and chicken out.”
-different scene-
“Amy was surely blushing before, but nothing could’ve prepared her for that statement. She felt her heart beating, no, throbbing out of control. She looked like a full on tomato now. It’s always been her dream to dance with Sonic, but in the past he always ran away, so she gave up after several attempts. But this was the “new” her. He liked the “new” her, apparently enough to dance with him.”
(ik a lot of this doesn’t make sense without more context but uhhh this is getting too long already so if you wanna know details just DM me ig 💀)
and if it wasn’t obvious already- i take a lot of what is said in the twitter takeovers, tailstube, and idw comics to heart becus i think they have the most genuine and interesting versions of these characters and tell us about small details that we wouldn’t otherwise know. i not only make this info my hcs but also like to expand upon them and use them in my evidence- so that’s what most of the things i said above are referencing.
sooo yeah i think that’s all i got. sorry i guess a lot of these were more about dynamics of character interactions rather than amy herself… i hope that’s okay! tysm anon this was a lotta fun to answer and i hope to get more of these types of questions!!
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love-toxin · 2 years
Hell yeah I'd let Stevie be my boyfriend! But then... what about Eddie? He's still a perv, and he hasn't gotten the hint yet....
But maybe... one day a week or two later, when you and Steve are streaming together, Steve fucking into you with blissful moans and the squish of flesh on flesh, there's a small tap on the window that neither of you hear.
Then a second or two later, there's another, louder, tap.
And the window opens, and in tumbles a leather jacket wearing, long curly haired, Male.
And that is where the fun begins.
HRRMRMRHHRHRHHGGGGHHH......imagine....i will set the scene for u......
(cws: yandere, perv!steddie, kinda stalkery)
imagine spending an evening together with your new boyfriend, barely a week into what you would tentatively call a serious relationship. Steve's held himself to his word without any need for intervention from you, and he's actually pretty nice, once you get over the whole "virgin incel living in his basement apartment" vibe. you can clean him up pretty well, and you're even teaching him how to kiss properly on this particular night--the night when you have a day off from streaming, thankfully, because you don't hear the pebbles hitting your window until it's being slid open and someone's tumbling in. Steve's still on top of you, mouth open against your neck, pants unbuttoned as you shriek and he jumps as he thinks he did something wrong, but then his eyes cast over the curly-haired man slumped over your bedroom floor and he gasps softly.
"Eddie?" he whispers, and the lithe, boyish-looking guy in his leather jacket stumbles up to his feet, his stare fixated entirely on you before he goes a little pink and turns to shut your window behind him. with a few more whispers exchanged, your boyfriend hastily explains that he's a friend! they met online on a forum about you but never in person, but only when Eddie mumbles out his username does it click in your brain and you realize that you do know him. he's the other one you extended an invitation to, having completely forgotten about it once Steve had shown up and stayed. poor guy was so nervous about meeting you in real life he couldn't bring himself to be as bold as Steve....but after seeing you two on stream, he's too jealous not to come remind you that he's also your biggest fan.
and he's a little rougher than Steve. he gropes you harder, kisses you with more tongue, he bites--but he's got that natural, animalistic instinct that makes him touching you feel like a dream. they're both so malleable that it's a little dizzying, having two men absolutely feral for you to the point that they just can never get enough of your presence. poor Steve's afraid at first, even though he likes Eddie--will you move on? he doesn't want you to move on, please say you won't leave him, please? but they're both surprisingly reassured by the idea of sharing when you teasingly bring it up. they're a little too into it, in fact, and when they sneak off after fucking you raw and start planning between themselves while you sleep, you're gonna be hit with the fact that inviting them in might have been a mistake. because you won't be able to take it back if you end up changing your mind--the two of them absolutely refuse to let you go once their idol is in their grasp.
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selfportrait27 · 12 days
Ween fans of Tumblr. Come over to ween.wiki and help us build a new knowledge base for future fans.
I didn't start the wiki, I just got pissed off a couple of months ago and posted this on r/ween. To my surprise, people actually listened. We now have a few regular contributors, but it's time to start reaching out to the rest of the Ween web, and I'm starting here on Tumblr for a reason.
The fuck-you spirit of Ween and punk rock seems to have actually survived on this platform. Despite Tumblr's best efforts, this has mercifully not become a Nice Normal Place for Nice Normal People. There's a beautifully unhinged quality to all Ween fans that still circulates in the air supply here, that when you see it on reddit for example, you know that it's being allowed to happen.
Anyway, check out my original post on Reddit, or you can read the text below. Then saunter back to the Ween Wiki house and take a look around. If you see anything you think you can help with, go for it. You can find my user page here.
Full text of my post from r/ween:
If you didn't know, there is a Ween wiki just sitting there waiting for us to fill it in.
I know it isn’t very well maintained or reliable. That’s because we’re not using it. It’s a community database, not someone’s personal website. It’s supposed to be maintained by the fan base, that’s the point of a knowledge commons.
Let’s say, for example, if 50 of us make one quick, low-effort change to the wiki in the next month or so. That would already be a big improvement. If it’s the first and last time for you, you will have made a contribution.
Here are some little things you can do anonymously, without an account or a username: 
~Add lyrics to a song.~ 
Change lyrics that someone else added. (It updates instantly, this isn’t genius.com.)
Add a page that you think should be there - you can leave it blank for others to fill in if you don’t want to do it.
Delete something if you think it’s wrong -  you don’t need to have something to replace it with in order to do this. Removing something counts as a contribution. If it turns out to be right after all, it can be put back.
Ditto if you see a citation that you don’t trust - you can just remove the source. Now it’s a ‘citation needed’ situation, which gives others an opportunity to do something.
Correct a minor spelling error, it can literally be that small.
Don’t share private material without permission, but other than that, it can be just about anything at this point, as long as it keeps the ~recent changes page~ ~active.~ Even if you’re new and you don’t know much about Ween, you almost certainly know something that isn’t there yet. Remember you can edit anonymously, so nobody can give you shit if you get it wrong. What they can do is change it.
A few notes:
Why do we need this, when we can just ask someone more reliable? Because it’s too much pressure to expect any person to be reliable all of the time*.* It might sound counter-intuitive, but having a community database that “just anyone” can edit actually creates more accountability, because we’re all responsible for its content, rather than expecting a few people to do all the work and get everything right. This is an opportunity to make a contribution to the legacy of Ween and their fan base, one that’s at least a little better than the stew of info and misinfo that’s out there now. It’s also a chance to help ensure that the good work people are doing on projects like Ween Archived doesn’t just end up getting mixed in with all the bullshit~.~
You don’t need to know what you’re doing. I’m a tech-moron - seriously, my 80-year-old father probably knows how to use Media Wiki better than I do. Even I figured out how to make a few basic edits. We’re going for minimal effort here, so even if you think it won’t make a difference, it will only have cost you a minute of your life.  Do a sloppy, half-assed job. Make a tiny improvement to someone else’s sloppy, half-assed job. Do it now or later - a community database is a long term, ongoing project and there’s no deadline for anything.
But people will just use it to troll? Yeah, they might. They can already do that now. If that’s what you want to use it for, you’re going to anyway. Here’s a couple of things worth remembering:
Nobody needs to put in a ton of work only to risk having it spoiled. There’s enough of us that your individual contribution can be as tiny as you want, and it still counts.
Again, anybody can delete information, so dealing with troll entries doesn’t just fall to one person or a few people. It’s unlikely that we’re gonna have a troll problem that’s too big for the rest of us to handle.
Sorry to be cheesy, but if we’re too scared to do anything, then my friends, the trolls have already won.
One last thing. You can do this and still hate everybody and complain as much as you want, nobody can take that away from you. You can even feel better about complaining, knowing that at least you did something. And if you want to tell me to shut up, who the fuck do I think I am etc, then you’ll still have plenty of time to do that too.
Come on, people. Two children who couldn’t play their guitars yet started a band without a drummer, and we can’t build a better community wiki than this, with all the tools in front of us? Of course we fucking can.
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starbeltconstellation · 2 months
Sooo, I’m posting this here, because the nice reader that left a comment on one of my meta posts for my Anakin x OC SW Fic seems to have sadly deleted it before I could respond. And I sadly cannot remember the tumblr username to send them a message that way. ☹️💔
It might not be automatic, since my life is kinda overwhelming right now, but I’ll always respond to every ask and message I receive! 💕💕💕 So you all never have to worry that I’m ignoring you or anything like that.
Sooo, if you’re still out there waiting for the next chapter of “Rewrite the Stars” little commenter—I will still leave you my answer to your message here! ❤️😊
You mentioned the current heartbreaking world events of what’s happening in Gaza to the Palestinian people, and how you have in a way come to relate that with my themes in my fic on the Jedi genocide and how a lot of SW citizens in universe/also the SW fandom have a frankly disgusting tendency to blame the Jedi for their own genocide (sadly, The Acolyte has recently had a line that basically outright says this, and it has all but guaranteed that I will now never watch that show that clearly believes everything cynical about life that SW is supposed to go against).
Now, while I have not outright SAID that in my author’s notes on A03 or Wattpad (I was honestly unsure if the comparison might come off as offensive to others. Some people like to see their experiences reflected in art/media, while others might see it as offensive that you’d compare their pain to a fictional universe), I suppose I can admit it here, since you have pointed it out yourself—yes, the thought of what’s happening in Gaza did indeed cross my mind when I think about the Jedi being blamed for their own genocide, and then when I compare that to the disgusting way the Palestinian people have been blamed by a certain section of the world for the genocide currently happening to them (ex: tHeY vOteD fOr HaMaS! 🤪🤪😒💔).
While I didn’t PLAN it to directly reference the Gaza situation—it DID occur to me of the similarities when I was writing my fic. It was honestly just one more thing that makes me so passionate about never quitting this fic and one day finishing it. 💔 I hope that one day, when this fic is finished, it will help change readers’s minds about this frankly cruel mindset in blaming a culture for something, just because you don’t understand them or their pain or why they came to be where they are or make the certain decisions they’ve made.
Thanks so much again for the comment on my tumblr post, dear reader I can’t remember the tumblr username of! 😭❤️ I hope this answer is satisfactory, and that you come back to my tumblr and see it. 💕💕
Still chipping away at the next chapter! 😭✊ It’s coming along… slowly, but surely. 😖 It’s probably gonna be over 45,000 words. 😭🤦‍♀️
I’m fr NEVER writing a chapter this long again. 🫠😖
Hope you all are doing well! ❤️❤️
To any new readers that stumble across this and are curious enough to check out my fic:
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philipjohnclapp · 10 months
ahh okay awesome!! just fyi i love really really dark stuff so feel free to make it as dark as you want! could i please request a chris pontius x reader taking place in the early 00’s, maybe reader is a celebrity/actress/tv personality and their close friendship is all over the tabloids. she’s also in jackass occasionally. but the whole world and especially chris wants it to be more, but she just isn’t sure. maybe one day the jackass crew is getting really wild and they’re doing some drugs, and chris gives her something that’s laced? he takes what he wants from her and is trying to get her pregnant so she can’t leave him. feel free to change anything you’d like! and if you need to post it on Ao3 that’s ok just let me know what your username is! :) thank you so much!!!
I think that you made it up, I think that your mind is gone.
Word Count: 5715
A/N: It is not very good, to my standards anyways. It just seems rushed. The ending is bad, the smut feels rushed. And I’m sorry for that, but it’s lengthy. And I think there’s plot, and you freaky people might like it. I have plenty other fanfics as well that I think are better so don’t judge this as my best work. As always I hope you like it anyways, and feel free to leave requests. Also, this takes place in MTV era. Obviously a girl YN.
There weren't many girls in Jackass or strung to it, there were medics, and other people who were around, but that didn’t have much to do with Jackass. They were so in and out so frequently that they really didn’t matter to the Jackass image, but there was one girl. One girl who was really starting to get tied to it, she was more famous than them, probably more famous than Bam. A true celebrity, and Chris was just absolutely infatuated with her. He truly didn’t know what to do with himself.
Chris usually had no issues with getting what he wanted, well, when it came to chicks anyways. He was practically swimming in them, but lately, fuck, he only wanted one thing. One person. He was lucky enough to string on some sort of friendship with this Jackass girl, actually he’d say they were pretty close if she just wasn’t so disinterested in him most of the time. It was really getting under his skin trying to plan ways to corner her, to get closer. Because this friendship just wasn’t cutting it, he needed to have her.
Even the papers were starting to reflect this, this want, his desire. They’d make articles trying to push and shove at this relationship, “look at the way he looks at her!” And fuck, he wished she seen it too. He was determined for her to see it too. Because he wasn ’t gonna let this slip, even if she said no. There had to be a way; there was always a way to get what he wanted. Not just any girl would do.
He really has tried other fucks since this lust, this life taking fascination has started, but it just couldn’t stop it. Or at least lesson his animalistic urges. In fact it’s gotten to the point where he can’t get hard with any girl. Without the images in his mind of fucking her, the Jackass girl. And now his fantasies weren’t even cutting it, so he had to find something else. He had to get this shit on the road, have this come into fruition before he fucking dies or something. Because he’s got a huge sex drive, and a crush like a boy in kindergarten.
He thinks he might’ve found his opportunity, one of the guys was hosting a rager, or maybe it wasn’t a party and it was just them. Or maybe it was some random person he knew throwing the party, he couldn’t remember all the details, the only thing that registered him was Y/N was gonna be there, the Jackass girl. The one who caused this rut, the girl who made his heart swell, and his palms sweaty. This was his chance to finally get what he deserves, the one time he actually wants something and it plays hard to get.
So, Chris does the only logical thing, what every guy his age does when they have a crush. He calls around for dealers looking for something in specific, he even went as far to ask Steve-O, and in his squeaky gruff voice he said, “fuck no dude, I’m not into that type of shit.” And Chris just frowned, he didn’t get upset often, but that surely bothered him. This wasn’t wrong, Steve-O was nuts and strung out on every drug. He resisted so much trying not to beat him up, stay the bubbly Chris and not the blood lusting one because that’s what this girl was making him do. Luckily, Steve-O gave his details to someone who could help him, and he went on his way with his tail wagging between his legs.
Chris met with the dealer the day before the party, just in case. He’s never put so much thought into something before, he’s never been so on edge. He never even told Steve-O why. His palms were all sweaty, and he kept looking around while he got the roofies, shoving a wad of cash into that guys hands before he headed on home with a racing heart.
He cleaned his apartment, once- maybe twice. Fuck. He was just in the zone, making sure everything just looked the way it should if that made any sense at all. He even cleared his search history. He was so paranoid, but the more he thought about it the more wrong it started to feel. He shook that thought from his head, discarding it. His mind was just playing tricks on him. So, he set the pills on his nightstand and then he went to bed. Like a kid the night before Christmas, he just couldn’t wait.
He tossed and turned all night, waking up more than a handful of times. Anxious, wanting the night to go by faster, but it didn’t. Eventually he gave up and he just got out of bed, deciding he’d just get ready for the day. Call it quits. He had a rewarding day ahead of him, and his cock jumped at the thought of it, but he couldn’t be so lucky to get a hard on. He just signed and hopped on into the shower, taking a lengthy shower, a cold one. And when he was done he slipped on some cameo shorts, no boxers, and a shirt with some cheesy slogan plastered on the chest. When he was done he went back over to his dresser, grabbing his truck keys, and the pills and shoving them into the pockets of his shorts before he headed out of the door. He wouldn’t show up empty handed.
The party was starting relatively early, as some sort of hangout and then it’ll just escalate into drinking and whatnot later. But he wasn’t gonna go empty handed. The drive to the liquor store was a rather quick one, he picked up two 24 packs of beer, not even really caring for the brand as he flashed his ID, paid for the items and then he left. Putting the drinks in the passenger side before heading to the designated party house. His heart was racing. Hopefully the stars aligned for him tonight. With the help of some sweet old roofies.
To his surprise a decent amount of people were there, quite a few cars parked outside the giant house. Maybe it was Jeff’s, he couldn’t tell. It’s not like he went to his place often enough anyways. Exiting his truck as he carried both packs of beer, with a silly grin on his face as he walked up the drive in, someone running up beside him as he walked. Cocking his head to the side only to be met with good old Knoxville, who greeted him.
“Hey, party boy.. you brought drinks!”
He said enthusiastically, once they were inside, Knoxville ripped open one of the boxes Pontius was holding and he snagged himself a beer without question. It was the key to his heart. Even if the beer wasn’t exactly for him. Then again, that didn’t matter as long as his pills were safe, which they were. He hoped Y/N showed up, his whole night counted on it. If it didn’t he’d probably go home and cry. Pontius’s smile turned into a frown as he headed into the kitchen. Setting down both sets of 24 packs, fetching himself a beer too. Though, he wanted to stay as sober as possible so he could marinate in the experience.
Opening his own beer can as he stayed in the kitchen, just sipping on it for a while. He didn’t know how much time had passed until some strangers started flooding in, which he talked to for a moment until he peeled away to find someone he knew. He ended up finding a few of the guys, Tremaine, Preston, and Spike. Who he happily chatted to, until Y/N had come on over, he practically jumped when he seen you, a huge grin plastered on his face as he wrapped his arms on around you into a rather tight embrace.
“Hey Chris-“
You spoke. Being cut off by the sudden embrace, you just smiled and laughed. He probably already drank a decent amount, you liked hanging out with him though. Honestly, you weren’t even sure you were gonna go, mostly because of how big the party was gonna be and you could always drink at home. At least Chris was here, and you could always sneak off with him later.
“You’ve already had a lot to drink, haven’t you?”
You asked, purely out of curiosity as you pulled away from his embrace, eyeing the can of beer. And Chris’s brain just sorta short circuited for a moment as he quietly nodded. Even if this was his first beer, and he barely drank half of it. He was that careful. One was good enough to keep the edge off. He was playing it safe after all.
“Not enough, want me to fetch you a beer?”
He asked you, finishing off the rest that was in his own real quick. Before pulling it away from his lips and setting it down on some random countertop. He looked at you real carefully for a moment, and that focused look made your brows twist. Shaking off that random unnerving feeling that crept up your spine as you agreed.
“Yeah, okay. I might as well.”
You mumbled, even though for a moment you thought if you listened hard enough you could hear your mind screaming at you not to. But you shrugged that off too, just all that stress from the media and everything else getting to you. Just needed to relax a bit, and the beer would
Certainly do that for you. Also a bit of chatting with Chris always made your days a bit better. And you were glad that for once everyone was in the same
place, maybe you’d even go find Bam later. You’ve been wanting him to introduce you to his brother since you’ve really been starting to take a liking to CKY. The music was really good, maybe you were just delusional, though. Who knows.
Once you gave him the go ahead (he was gonna get you a drink anyways regardless) he parted ways from you briefly. Even though that was the utmost last thing that he wanted to do, he wanted to be as close as possible to you, but he’d have to wait. He couldn’t mess that up.
He smiled at you, it was sharp. Actually; everything about Chris was sharp right now, all of his features, all crooked and seemed sharp enough to stab you. It was different. That was different, his boyish shine was nowhere to be found, and you’ve never felt so terrified before. Maybe you were just being paranoid, it’s okay. Chris was always fine, now wouldn’t be any different.
Chris slipped back into the kitchen, leaving you with that uneasy feeling in your gut. He thought about the drink of choice, and he went for some sort of hard beverage, to of course enhance the experience. Pouring the strong liquid into the cup, and mixing it with some sort of soda. He left the solo cup on the counter as he felt around his pants pockets until he pulled out that baggy he had achieved earlier that day. Or maybe it was yesterday, he couldn’t exactly remember. Crushing the pills up in the bag until it was a fine powder, before he opened the baggy and shook all the powder out into the drink. Making sure he got every grain out before discarding the baggy in his back pocket. He stuck his index finger into the drink, swirling around the powder in it until it dissolved enough for him to be satisfied. Once he was done he picked back up the drink and left the kitchen, trotting back over to Y/N like an obedient dog. But he was anything but that, he was one bad dog tonight.
While he was gone you just stood there, debating leaving or not, but you decided you didn’t want to be an asshole for no reason. So you waited, defying your mind and soul. And then Chris was back before you knew it, with a solo cup of some sort of liquid. Your brows furrowed to one of confusion as you looked into his brown eyes, one’s that lacked that usual warmness. There wasn’t a sparkle in them,
“That’s not beer, is it?”
You asked. The look he had on his face was weird, as if he forgot how to control his face. Like he was making it up on the spot, and when he replied he stumbled over his words a bit. Making it all up on the spot as he held the drink forward, shaking it a bit to bring your attention to it. So you would take it.
“No,, there wasn’t any that I could see, but this stuffs better, trust me.”
Assuring you, well, pleading with you to take it. Like if you didn’t he might die. Fabricating a story and throwing in a few white lies, there was obviously beer. You knew it too, hell, you seen the beer in the kitchen when you were in there. But you ignored that sign again, of course you did. Caving in and taking that drink from him. He watched you take a long swig of the drink, it tasted bitter, but that could be because it was one of your first drinks, it was probably nothing.
“Good,, right?”
He says rather nervously as he watches you take your first sip, you weren’t so sure on how to react so you just give him a nod and a slight smile. A nervous one that was rather forced when you pull the brim of the solo cup away from your lips. You shake away that feeling again and decide fuck it, you’re at a party, your friends party. And nothing will happen to you because of that, so you start drinking more of the drink and Chris starts to loosen up a bit and converse a bit more. Before you knew it almost all of the drink was gone and your body was starting to sway.
And then you felt a rather firm hand grab onto your waist, supporting most of you as you leaned into it. Turning your head to the side to see whoever was grabbing you. Your head feeling all fuzzy, and your vision getting blurry. It was Johnny, you could tell by his shades, and you could see the concerned look on his face,
“You alright, Y/N?”
And Chris intervenes, knocking his hand against Johnny's wrist rather sharply, pushing him away. He traded Johnny's hand on your waist with his own as he interjected.
“She’s fine, don’t touch her PJ.”
You opened your mouth to say something as you turned your head to meet Chris. You were barely able to do that, moving your head was a whole lot harder than it was moments ago. No word came out of your mouth, just a glob of drool. And before you knew it your vision was fading. The last thing you heard was Johnny's muffled voice, you weren't able to make out the words as your vision faded to black.
“What the fuck did you do to her?!”
Chris caught your very limp body as you started to fall, switching from the way he held you to bridal style. Shooting Johnny sharp daggers as he growled at him in a way that could only be described as animalistic.
“You don’t understand, man, I fucking need this.”
He was no better than a dog, Johnny could hear the low guttural growl fall from his mouth. He said nothing, Johnny smiled at him through his dark shades. Putting his hands up in defense,
“Alright, alright. No need ta go all feral on me,, but, man.. She’s fuckin’ hot, ya gotta lemme fuck her”
Johnny's accent was strong, eyeing Y/Ns passed out corpse. The same way Chris did, with the utmost desire.
“Fuckkk… her tits are wonderful.”
Chris actually laughed at that, but frowned at the idea of having to share Y/N with him. Furrowing his brows as he replied, he sounded off. Not as warm as he usually was, his voice was all sharp like a cactus.
“Only if you keep your mouth shut about this, PJ. I’ll slice your neck if you tell a soul.”
Something told Johnny that he wasn’t lying, he swallowed hard and nodded his head obediently. Honestly, he wouldn’t complain. Not a soul, this would just be a fond memory to look back upon. He understood the assignment.
“Yessir, you’ve got it.”
With another firm nod from Johnny, he followed Pontius whom started to walk rather quickly. And then he went up a flight of stairs, disappearing into a bedroom that wasn’t his. PJ shut the door right behind them, making sure to lock the door real well. This is where the fun started.
Pontius threw your limp body onto the bed, it was like you were a doll. An unconscious doll, anybody would think you were dead if it wasn’t for the fact you had a pulse. You must’ve done something really bad to end up here, perhaps this was all of life’s karma adding up to conspire against you.
Chris smiled to himself, letting out a soft exhale as he watched you from the foot of the bed, Knoxville somewhere behind him already pulling down his jeans and boxers to his mid thighs.
Your “best friend” did the same. Pulling down his loved cameo shorts in one swift tug before he palmed himself through his striped boxers, something of a blue-green color. Already developing himself an erection. He rubbed his calloused palm against his clothed dick until his semi became a full on hard on. He let out a sharp groan. He decided to spoil himself, pulling his hand away and pulling down his boxers. Letting a small clothing collection build at his feet, and then pulling off his shirt. This is one of those things in life that you do completely naked.
When he was done stripping, he decided he didn’t need a condom. He needed the full experience of you, and no protection involved, because getting you pregnant was just a plus to him. He got closer to the bed before just climbing on top of it, mumbling something about Johnny waiting his turn as Chris got onto his knees. Sinking them into the bed as he watched you hard. You didn’t move, but he watched your chest rise and fall. Your clothed chest. You were wearing such a pretty dress. He’d try his best to not ruin it too much, but Chris could make no promises.
Chris had already gone far enough, and why waste an opportunity like this with a condom? This could be his only time and it would definitely just get in the way, so he didn’t bother. Of course he didn’t bother, even if he had a condom in the pockets of his shorts. Screw protection. He wanted to share liquids with you.
He could gawk at you forever, but time was limited. This wasn’t his place, and he didn’t know when his potion of “love juice” would wear off. Plus, he wanted to enjoy you as long as he could. And he feels like he would just explode if he didn’t get to touch you, so he did.
Pressing both of his hands against your thighs. Running them up and down your smoothed legs, going as far as to your skirt, and then back down again. His heart jumped every time he neared the hem of it, it was a very short skirt anyways. He wondered if you did that on purpose, so all the guys would stare at you. That thought made him jealous. It really bothered him.
And then he stopped abruptly. Johnny had stepped closer from where he was in the corner of the room. He had his hand pressed against his clothed dick in his dickies. Rubbing himself as he watched you and Chris through his dark shades, like the pervert he is.
Chris couldn’t contain himself any longer, the longer he postponed this the less time he would have with your luscious body- and he wanted to enjoy it thoroughly. And he would.
His dick was pressed into the sheets, his tip an agitated almost purplish color as he ruined the sheets with his precum. Leaving a wet stain on the almost pristine bed set. He was antsy, and eager. A dog losing its patience when waiting for a treat, he’d take his treat now thank you very much.
Finally taking his hands off your legs he had been caressing ever so sweetly, his hands ghosted the edge of your skirt. Stopping for just a moment, before he resumed and grabbed onto the small piece of fabric, flipping your skirt up. He wouldn’t take it off; at least not yet.
His breathing hitched for a moment as he gazed at your lacy underwear, the colors complimented your skin perfectly. He wondered if you wore them for him, and the idea that you might’ve made his heart flutter, he couldn’t take them off either. Not something so pretty. He could work around them too, probably.
Chris couldn’t wait much longer, well, he wasn’t gonna wait any longer. The clock was ticking. Johnny was getting rather fidgety back there, and well, he couldn’t have tonight gone wrong. He’s already waited a lifetime, how much more should he have to go through to have you? He deserved this. He deserved you, all of you. And you were gonna know that by the time he was done with you.
Inching himself closer to your smaller frame, he was between your legs and was probably barely an inch away from your groin. His right hand was pressed into your inner thigh, sliding upwards until his fingers could drag against the borders of your precious lingerie. Which definitely wasn’t what it was.
Grabbing onto your underwear, he pulled it to the side so he could reveal your pussy to himself. And for that moment he held his breath. His head hung low, and the anticipation was killing him. It felt like a dream, but it wasn’t. He knew it wasn’t. It was a dream come true. This was officially the best day of his life. He boasted to himself mentally. He wondered if Knoxville would think he was crazy if he said that out loud? Deciding he didn’t care. It didn’t matter. Knoxville should be happy that he’s allowed to even watch,, maybe even touch you if he’s good. But maybe not.. Why should Johnny be allowed to touch you when he’s barely gotten to touch you himself?
Chris knocked the thoughts of Knoxville out of his head, he wasn’t fucking Johnny. He was fucking you. The once in a lifetime opportunity that he was wasting to instead think. Yeah, he’d pass on that
His left hand wrapped firmly around his rock solid cock, as he pressed his tip against your entrance. As if your body knew, you were already wet for him. He could feel it. It sent chills down him as he wished he could bask in it longer, but he couldn’t. His manhood couldn’t take it.
Rubbing his tip up and down your folds, just testing the water works. It felt heavenly, he let out a groan and he shut his eyes. Embracing the feeling just for a moment. That is all he needed and then he was ready to go at it.
Sliding his dick down until he was pressed against your opening, he slowly pushed himself in. Using his hand as guidance since your unconscious body couldn’t.
It wasn’t easy, no, not one bit. Your body was rejecting him, and that beyond thrilled him. Feeling the tightness of your cunt only fueled him more. Getting antsy, and lacking any sort of humanity, he thrusted forward. Even though he was probably less than a quarter way in. He let go of his dick, and your underwear. Putting his hands somewhere else instead.
He reached them forward, his dick still inside of you as he instead grabbed onto your boobs. Your clothed boobs, still wearing that dress. And as he did so he pushed himself (almost) all the way inside of you. His body was all tense when he did.
“…Jeezus baby..”
He breathed out, as if you could hear him. It fell onto deaf ears as he waited a second, just staring down at you. You almost looked peaceful, except the crinkle in your brow. But peaceful to him. And he was gonna wreck it, claim your humanity, and mark you as his.
Chris slid back out almost all of the way before sliding back in rather roughly, his breathing hitching as his grip on your chest tightened.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.. so tight for me.”
His voice was husky, deep. And even Knoxville was on his heels listening. He was pretty sure by now Knoxville was so close that his knees were touching the back of the bed. He wasn’t checking, his eyes were all on you.
Slowly starting to rock himself back and forth until he got some sort of pace, and he did. Biting down on his bottom lip. His whole body was clammy. And by now he was more so gripping onto the top of your dress than he was your breasts. Just because it was easier to grab.
Pontius could only be satisfied with a slow pace for so long, and the fact he didn’t have anyone complaining to him about speed.. or his fucking gigantic dick was nice. And for once he preferred the quiet. But he’d be lying if he didn’t say that he wanted to hear your moans. He did. Maybe next time he could.
He had to work with what he got, and his time was draining quickly. So, he picked up the pace for the sake of him and his painful boner. His thrusts started to quicken into targeted thrusts. Slamming into your cervix every time. His breathing starting to get heavy with every thrust, he was like some horn dog desperate for its next climax. And he was. The excitement of being inside of you was unreal. All of his dreams were coming to fruition.
The longer strands of his short hair falling forward and into his face, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Or slow him down. He didn’t need to see to get the job down; and it didn’t dull the experience either. This has already been memorable and he wasn’t even done yet.
Grabbing fist fulls of the top of your dress, pulling you up slightly as his grip had tightened. Thrusting forward like his life depended on it, his hips staggered as he let out a groan, cumming inside of you,
“..Take it all baby.. shiiit.. take it all.”
He breathed out as he thrusted forward one final time, deep inside of you as he emptied himself completely. Painting your insides with white.
Chris squeezed his eyes shut as he stayed still. He wanted nothing more than for this to be an everyday thing. To be with you until the end of time,, and so he was a little careless. Of course he was. And the worst thing he could do right now was cum inside of you. But he never said he was smart, and he never said that this wasn’t his plan all along. He in fact wanted nothing more than to come inside of you. To make you his, to have a child with you. Even if he had to do this again, make history repeat itself. He’d do whatever he had to do.
Pontius didn’t wanna move but he knew he had to. What made that certain is he thought he felt you move. And that spooked him, as he opened his eyes he heard Johnny speak,
“Hey, party boy. Think she’s waking up, let’s go.”
And then he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was cold. It was Johnny, and he was right. Even if he didn’t want him to be. Chris slowly pulled out, with more careful consideration than he had earlier. Wiping his dick off on your dress. Before he got off the bed and turned to face Knoxville.
Johnny was completely clothed, and he had Chris’s clothes in his hands now. He couldn’t tell what Johnny was thinking either, the glasses covered his eyes. Bastard had a weird habit of wearing sunglasses inside, and his facial expression was unreadable otherwise. Johnny handed his clothes back over to Chris.
“I’m heading out, I’ll see you later Pontius.”
Johnny stated, a slight smirk noticeable on his face before he turned away from him and headed to the door they came in from initially. He had some sort of small camera in his hands that he tried his best to hide. But Chris didn’t say anything, favoring it to be nothing instead. Knoxville opened the door and headed downstairs lord knows where.
Chris nodded his head, frowning slightly as he got dressed. His eyebrows furrowed as he took one glance back at your stirring form, before he turned away and left the bedroom as well. Disappearing down stairs into the party. Becoming one with the other forms downstairs. Leaving you to your own demise. After all, it was the least he could do.
It had been terrible, truly. Your night has been terrible. You woke up with a foggy head not really remembering the night that had happened, and it took you a long moment to come to reality. Your body was sore, unbelievably sore. And your crotch had hurt even more. It was like an excruciating pain. And when you really looked around the room you realized you didn’t know where you were, but you were alone. And that you have been violated. You felt liquid inside of you, jizz dripping down your leg and you cringed. But you had to get up and get out of here, so you did.
Somehow managing to try and fix yourself and get downstairs. Most of the party was gone, still you avoided everyone you saw because you looked absolutely terrible and the last thing you needed was someone seeing this. Seeing you like this.
You exited the “party” going straight to your car and entering it. Sitting in the driver's seat. You leaned back, mumbling a bunch of profanity. This couldn’t be happening to you, could it? Trying to clear your head enough to think of what to do now. And once you had a solid plan you drove off. Driving home because thankfully you had everything you needed there. Well, not everything. But being at home now would really make you feel a whole lot better.
When you got home you went straight to the bathroom, digging around in all the cabinets until you found what you were looking for. By now you were barefoot, ditching your heels as you had walked to the bathroom. You pulled a pregnancy test out of one of the cabinets. Standing in front of the toilet as you managed to pee on the test, even though it hurt. And for the moment this was about the only thing you thought about. The only thing right now you could do. Bringing the test with you as you waited for the results, praying to god for a negative as you exited the bathroom and went to the living room.
Setting down the test on the coffee table because you couldn’t care less about the sanitation, you punched in the numbers to the only person you thought you could call, picking up the phone as it rang. Hoping to god your publicist would answer. And they did. Thank fucking god.
He said, his voice sounded funny but you chalked it up to it being early. It was the early hours of the morning.
“Hey.. I have a problem.”
You said, your voice quieter than intended. Taking a nervous glance at the test. Your eyes widening when you seen two lines on it,
“Shit… fuck! It's positive.”
“What’s a positive??? You’re pregnant, aren’t you.”
“Yeah.. fuck. Shit.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry. It’s fine.. who were you with?”
“I.. Chris..? Last night,, but..”
You froze. As all the pieces started to click in place, shit. He really did this to you? Your best friend? Of course. This couldn’t be happening to you. You hung up on him rather quickly. Sitting down on the couch, absolutely devastated. You were fucked, this was career suicide. And you didn’t even want this to happen, you didn’t even know.
You didn’t know how long it had been when your phone went off, you spent the past probably about an hour on the couch nervous brainstorming all the possibilities, and then probably another thirty pacing back and forth. And then you were on the couch again when your landline went off. You stopped what you were “doing” and you picked up the phone instantly on the second ring, and it was some person who worked at TMZ asking about your pregnancy?? And talking about details no one knew. You freaked, not even getting any words out before you hung up and called back up your publicist,
“The tabloids are already on it?? What the hell do I do???”
“Don’t even worry about it, no publicity is bad publicity, Y/N. This will be good for your career, after all the fans have been hinting at you and Chris for months. It's about time you made it official to the world.”
Your face fell as you heard a knock on your door, and a very familiar chipper voice boasting about some news article of you and him, and rambling about the fact that they were calling you a slut, and he thought otherwise. And that he couldn’t wait to be a dad, and that you would come around. Whoever said Jackass was a good idea should kill themself.
It wouldn’t be long until the footage was released, Knoxville was an excellent camera man.
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54625 · 3 months
(resident lurker here, hello, sorry in advance for the long message) saw your latest post about art style, and i wanted to say that while it might not be very visible at first sight or to you in general, all of your art does have something in common that sets it apart from everyone else's. i can't really describe it, but if i see it on the tl/in the tags, i know it's you before i even see the username. and it's normal that it looks different too because it's a sign of your progress. i think that's true for everyone, really, that their art is always a little different, a little special. i think art in general should be more about experimenting and free expression. what also stands out to me in your art is the intricate line work, even if there's just a little bit of it, it's still there. i like it a lot. my favorite pieces of yours are the two-part fit art with the rose and the light behind him and the madagio one with the rose as well. also the one with fit at night and ramon with the fireflies. (basically the ones with the most line work LMAOO) i think they're incredible honestly. and yeah, i've been struggling with motivation/inspiration myself lately too. i have so many ideas for both qsmp-related art/writing and stuff outside of it, but it's just not working out :/ let's hope that changes soon for both of us tho because art is always great and sharing it is even better anyways, love seeing your posts, thank you for being a part of the community o7
This is one of the nicest things I've ever read dude
One of the highest compliments any artist can receive is the implication that someone has looked and thought really hard about your work; that they've not glossed over it for a few seconds but actively studied it's aspects. The fact that you see an intricacy in my work that even I don't, but also the fact that you like my art enough to have favourites, is incredibly humbling. The best comments on my art posts, the ones that stick with me the most, are the ones where someone lists all the small details and techniques I've put work into; you going out of your way to point out concurrent details you enjoy across my art is one of the best versions of that I've had.
Thank you so much for this overwhelmingly kind ask, thank you for being part of the community, and I hope you can overcome your art block too, it's a bitch.
I'm not doing too badly at the moment though! Yesterday I was feeling especially burned out but today I finished up an irl traditional painting I've been chipping away at for a good few weeks and I'm feeling a little more positive right now :) it's also in no small part thanks to positive reinforcement like this, making everything feel worth it.
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catamano · 11 months
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6:47am - Georgia
By the time my alarm finally goes off, I’ve already been awake for at least an hour. I didn’t sleep very well last night, I think I woke up twice. I roll over to grab my phone, which has somehow made it to the floor. I guess it’s time to actually get up. I shake off my blanket and sit up, my alarm still blaring. I lean down and grab my phone, silencing the alarm with the button on the side. 6:47am, ew, at least it’s almost Friday. Sixteen texts, all from my math class group chat. My teacher posted the grades last night. I guess I was asleep or at the game. What’s the website again? I might as well check my grade now. Power something. Before I can think of it, I remember there’s an app.
“Peach? Are you up?” I hear my dad ask, followed by a knock.
“Yeah,” I respond, yawning. Username… What did Mom make it? This was my first test of the year, so I’ve never actually logged in before. I’m sure she sent it to me.
“There’s no hot water this morning,” Dad tells me.
“That’s fine, I showered last night,” I reply. As soon as I got home, I showered and passed out. Our game went on forever, we barely won in the third set. Coach gave me about a five minute in the second set break before she threw me back in. At least my shoulder doesn’t hurt this morning. I turn to my left, giving it a slight stretch. Just kidding. 
“Breakfast in twenty,” he informs me. I don’t say anything in response. I hear him knocking at Lucy’s door, relaying to her the same thing he told me. 
I find the username and password in my texts with Mom. The username is just my name and the password is her usual password to everything. 1122050407010119. It looks like a random assortment of numbers, but it’s actually all of our birthdays strung together. I type them both into the app and wait for it to load. I think I did okay on the test. Math isn’t my strongest class this year. The home screen pops up and I press on my math class. I have a C? 72/100 on the test. Shit. That’s three points away from failing.My school doesn’t do D’s, so anything under a 70 is counted as an F.
There’s another knock on the door, quieter this time, I’m guessing it’s Mom. “Good morning, love, are you awake?” she asks. 
“Yeah, I’m awake.” I stand up, leaving my phone on my bed. I can’t believe I got a C. I’ve never gotten a C. At least it’s only the first test.
“Can I come in?” Ugh. Not now.
“I’m getting dressed.” I still need to figure out what I’m going to wear today. There’s no game, which means I don’t have to dress up. Thank god. I’m too tired to think of an outfit.
“I can wait,” she says.
“What do you want?” I ask her, slightly annoyed. I open my closet and see clothes everywhere. I really need to do laundry. 
“I want to talk to you about something,” she replies.
“Dad already told me about the shower.”
“It’s not about the shower.” What does she want? There’s no way it’s about my test. She and Dad stopped checking my grades years ago.
“Okay. You can’t talk to me about it later?” I quickly change into a t-shirt and my last clean pair of jeans. Black on black, nice. My jeans feel a little loose, so I grab the only black belt off my shelf. It’s actually Mom’s belt, she let me borrow it months ago. I forgot it was still in here. Should I even wear this? Whatever, it’s fine. Mom’s expensive belt it is.
“Are you upset?” I just got up five minutes ago. What does she need at seven in the morning?
“No, just tired,” I sigh, dragging a brush through my tangled hair. If the grades are up, that means we’re definitely getting our tests back today. Great. I can’t wait to see how bad I did.
“Did you sleep okay?” I roll my eyes. Really, Mom? I don’t feel like having a conversation through the door.
“Just come in.”
The door opens and in steps Mom. She seems to be in a good mood this morning. Can’t relate.
“Hi,” she greets softly. I don’t turn around.
“What?” I bluntly reply. I’m staring at her through the mirror.
“Are you okay?” 
“Fine,” I lie, “I’m just tired.” If I tell Mom that I did bad on my test, she’s just going to tell me it’s okay. It’s normal to fail sometimes, love. That’s not what I want to hear right now.
“What do you want, Mom?” I interrupt. I wish she’d leave me alone.
“What’s wrong?” She’s standing behind me, watching me with concerned eyes.
“You had something you wanted to talk to me about,” I remind her.
“That can wait. What’s bothering you?”
“Seriously? You came in here to tell me something and now you’re not gonna tell me?” I’m frustrated now. 
“I’ll tell you after you tell me what’s bothering you,” she says. She reaches for my shoulder, I pull away.
“I already told you. Nothing,” I lie for the second time. I know she doesn’t believe me, but I don’t care. Mom lies, I can too.
She frowns, clearly not satisfied by my answer. “We both know that’s not true.”
“So now you’re calling me a liar?” I retort.
I cut her off again, “Tell me or get out.”
She doesn’t respond. I know she’s not going tell me whatever she wanted to say. Whatever. I’m not surprised. Not telling me things seems to be her favorite thing to do these days.
“I’ll leave you alone,” she finally says, “Breakfast will be ready soon, okay?”
“Dad already told me.”
“Okay, I’ll see you downstairs,” she pauses, “I love you.” Her eyes meet mine for a second before I quickly look away.
Mom stands there for a few more seconds before quietly leaving. I return to my phone, maybe I read the grade wrong. I log in again and wait for it to load. Wrong password, dang it. I always forget the order. I try the password for the second time and it lets me in.  Algebra 2, C-. Nope, didn’t read it wrong, I still have a C. Great. Maybe Ms. Stevens will let me do corrections or extra credit or something. I don’t know. I’ve never gotten a grade this low before.
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summitclan-chronicles · 10 months
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Wow! November is almost over!! Summitclan has celebrated their own feast, the Fox's Larder, by this point. They're winding down, preparing for the long hardy winter ahead... wait- winter?! It's almost winter!!! That means...
Applications are opening on Friday, December 1st!
I'm so excited!!! The whole month has FLOWN. There's one more post between now and the 1st. But with the day now on the horizon, almost before us!, I thought this post was best used to discuss how this is going to work.
When do applications close?
Sunday, December 24th, 11:59 EST
Where will applications be hosted?
Google Forms
What are these applications for?
These are purely to get people into the roleplay: there are no character questions. This gives me a more focused way of vetting new members and making sure I fully understand the nature of the people I accept without also worrying about characters.
What can I expect on the app?
The application will be presented in three sections:
The first part will be information gathering. This will be your name, pronouns and ways to contact you. You will require a Discord account, but you can also put down other ways to get you if something on Discord goes wrong.
The second part will ask about your roleplay habits & how much of the Warriors series you've read. This allows a good picture of what certain people might need when getting accepted.
The third part will ask some personality questions.
Will anything on the application change my roleplay experience?
Other than deciding whether or not you get in, yes! Everything about your character is up to you except their age bracket; you will be assigned as a Senior, Warrior or Youngan. These are all very wide however and allow for significant differences within.
This is mostly to provide structure for people who have not had much roleplay experience: these people will be younger cats, while more experienced people will be older cats to guide them.
Note: the rest is pretty winded. if your eyes need it, take this as your sign to blink, get some eyedrops or take a screen break.
Can I apply for staff?
Well, yes and no.
In the structure of Summitclan, the roleplay staff are the same people as the inrp high ranks, known as the Council. In order to be considered as part of the Council, one must meet certain paramaters both on the Applications and in my research of them. Staff are held to a higher standard and are given more abilities than the average member, and I must be very careful and every choice must be purposeful - like the treacherous parts of a hike.
So there is a question asking if you want to be a Staff/Council combo. But that does not guarantee you a place, nor should you particularly expect to have it offered at the start. Knowing you are willing is good to know for the future though 👀
What sort of people are you looking for?
Overall, this roleplay is one where the goal is to write stories, go slow, explore character arcs, feel big emotions about fake cats, and experience worldbuilding in a day-to-day fashion. So, we are looking for people that are creative, gentle, patient, open-minded, friendly and considerate. We're not looking for saints - lots of people appear jagged and tough but embody all of these characteristics. The plan is to dig deep and find good people through how they act and what they choose to spread.
To note, we're not gonna check through your reblogs and search up every username you've ever interacted with! But we will note the general tone of tags, replies and reblog content - what do they say about the person? How might this person interact with others that have applied or myself?
Will applications reopen? When?
Well, this is complicated. These sorts of applications - where people and characters "poof" into being and retcon their backstories - will never open again after this Christmas Eve. You'll never see anyone retconning themselves into scenes that have already been roleplayed, nor will you see any NPCs as members of the clan - what you see is what you get.
But in the future, a clan will always have kittens. Every time a new litter is concieved, special applications will open for new members to take & adopt the kits. They will be randomly assigned a kitten with a design by staff & a name given to them by their parent/s. This is an opportunity the founding members largely didn't get: an opportunity to learn the lore organically through loving clanmates. (All cats get a fertility boost in March and April - check for openings in April, May and June!)
Similarly, to ensure the clan remains fresh, loners will come in batches that will be designed by new members coming in.
Phew! Thanks for staying through all that. I hope I will be seeing you on December 1st when our applications open! Til then, I hope you have a lovely night, and whatever tomorrow brings - know I am thankful for you!
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
Writing Update ✍️
Well, what a busy summer it's already been! Know I've been active here and there, but tbh, life has been crazy - both in good and in bad ways.
I still find solace in writing no matter what, so just wanted to post a tiny update about what I'm presently working on and what I want to work on eventually 🤗📖
Very subject to change but I'm excited!
Current project:
Squarepants family fic
I'm currently working on a fic (mentioned here) that involves the Squarepants family. 🧽👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 What started out as a plot bunny has evolved into something much bigger, which (unfortunately) means it's been taking me a bit more time than expected.
Additionally, with all the lore and headcanons I'm including, this fic is becoming slightly longer than I originally thought. It was going to be ~6 chapters but I'm thinking it might go up to 7-8.
Hoping to share some teasers by the end of this month, but we shall see.
SquidBob is the main pairing. 🧽🐙
Future projects:
Fortune teller/soulmate fic
Yes! This is still happening, I swear it!
I've already shared quite a bit about this fic, but deets are here and here. There will be more teasers when I have more figured out + written/edited.
No ETA yet.
Main pairing is SquidBob, with a relatively big Plabs/Karendy side plot. There will also be Fancykins if you squint.
TLM AU fic
I've definitely said somewhere that I don't usually write/read full-blown AUs (i.e., not canon divergence), but I'm about to do something I never thought I'd do and try my hand at writing an AU fic. 🙌
As with many AUs in SBSP, it will involve humanization. However, it will also involve non-anthro critters that maintain cartoonish attributes (ex. Finding Nemo, Lion King [animated], etc).
Setting is probably ~1800's in a seaside kindgom/village. It won't be super accurate but I'm here to entertain, not educate - unless the opportunity presents itself in a fun way. 🤯
It isn't going to be the timeliest either lol, but it was somewhat inspired by this. 👀🧜‍♀️
I haven't even started drafting this, so no ETA yet.
To the surprise of no one, SquidBob is the main pairing. 😊
Werewolf lesbians fic
I haven't posted much original content for Sims, but I'm a total Simmer and I'd love to do more Sims storytelling at some point. Fun fact: my username was actually inspired by the Tragic Clown from the games. 🤡
The Sims 4 Werewolves did a great job on the lore so I've had this idea to write a story (maybe with screenshots?) based on that with my own made-up lore sprinkled in. 🐺There would obviously be a romance aspect because I'm a sucker for it and there's this "Fated Mates" feature that I just have to include. 💏
Main pairing is Rory Oaklow & Lux DeMarco.
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stopper-my-heart · 23 days
Quick message to say that I've hit my stopping point for what I want to see of Heartstopper season 3 (S3) content before the season itself comes out in October. I've already set tumblr to filter all of the relevant tags that I can think of, but I know it's not easy to tag everything or for me to anticipate everyone's tags. As a result, I might unfollow you to avoid "spoilers" (in quotation marks because I mean this to include officially released material) -- but I'll save your username and follow you again after I watch S3.
For anyone who similarly wants to filter S3 content, I'll continue using "heartstopper s3" and "heartstopper spoilers" as tags for my posts.
If something is tagged as "heartstopper S3" but not "heartstopper spoilers", it's because it's just my musings or hopes for S3 that do not involve S3 content (including from the comics).
The "heartstopper spoilers" tag may additionally include the S3 official stills, the three released ~30-second clips and the promo video for the Tia Kofi podcast, as well as any bits I might pull from the comics. I will not be including any more of the podcast or anything released from this point forward.
(If the above changes, I'll let you know.)
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goldenpinof · 3 months
Hello Kate, I have nobody to talk to about the Tour and you seem nice (I hope I'm not annoying you if yes I'm very sorry please just ignore this)
I would like to go see the TIT (hahah get it) but I am very shy and never talked to anyone on here the idea scares me, also nobody irl know I watch Dip and Pip, taking about my interests also scares me, so I am considering going alone and just doing it for my self and trying to not think abut the time before and after the show were I would just hang out on my own and feel awkward. But the second thing is were to go to, I live somewhere between Frankfurt and Antwerp but the train tickets to Frankfurt are cheaper and I could get back the same night so I could save money on the accommodation, but also Frankfurt Hbf, alone, at night, I don't know I that is a good idea. Also it's my dad's birthday and I really don't want to explain to him why I am traveling to Frankfurt that day, but I also don't really want to see him either. Anyway Thursdays I have Uni and I would miss that if I go to Antwep. So in conclusion most signs point to Frankfurt it will probably be easier to get tickets too because it is not the opening night.
I am sorry I used your inbox to rant about this I guess I wanted to tell someone about my thoughts
since when am i nice? 🥺
rant away anytime. if you want my thoughts on that, here they are in no particular order:
- "nobody irl know i watch dnp" kinda same. if they are not in the phandom or not my brother, nobody really knows. so it's okay, i don't think you need to worry about that.
- a lot of people who will go to the shows are shy and awkward. it doesn't mean that people are not up for saying "hi" to each other or help at the venue if needed. and after the show, it's even easier because everyone has something to say about what just happened. funnily, people who end up sitting next to each other usually talk at least once during the show. also, all these hehe haha... they unite people 🥹 i wish you the easiest experience at the show! i hope you find a new friend, and even if not, it's okay :) i just wish you to have a good time!
- Frankfurt at night, yeah. there's a huge chance some phannies will go to the station after the show as well. so, if you feel like it, listen to what is happening around and stick to the group that is going in the same direction. i am probably not gonna end up in Frankfurt (rip), but i think i know someone who is planning to go. if you want to drop your username, i can connect you two? and i'm sure, closer to the show, there will be more people i know who are going. during the tour everything is changing every day. like, it's chaos, but it's so entertaining 😂 please, don't be scared. having someone to go with doesn't mean you're obligated to spend all the time together. but it might be easier to walk each other to the station, for example.
- you're right about Antwerp being harder to get tickets to. you have a bit of time to decide. i also have no idea how you can explain to your father the reason why you're going to Frankfurt on his bday 😂 if missing uni is easier than coming up with an explanation, then maybe Antwerp isn't a bad choice. it's also the 1st show, it's gonna be so unique, i don't even want to think about it.
i hardly helped, but if you want to message me now or closer to the show, feel free. if you want a company for the show or after the show, it shouldn't be hard to find! and phannies are nice, like, no one is actively trying to mess things up or hurt each other 💖
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