#at this point i really believe they didn't make pact or something
waterwizardcat · 8 months
kenny and sukuna are so besties i can't live like this anymore, gege where is my heian inventory arc stop hiding it
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aettuddae · 19 days
business matter — chapter 118.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
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karina wandered among the people trying to find her friends, she didn't know exactly where they were because the place they had positioned themselves was at the center of the dance floor where all the people were crowded together. she asked for permission and passed between strangers, but realized she was circling the place to no avail, she assumed they would have gone to sit at their table so she started moving in that direction. she proceeded to keep running groupings of the path, finally emerging from the crowd and being spit out to a clear passage on the side, left so that they people could walk through.
she examined both sides, trying to mentally locate herself in the club and guessing where her table was based on her location. she made her way to the left slowly so she could watch carefully to find her friends.
"jimin." she heard at the same time someone tapped her shoulder.
she had clearly done things wrong as she was paying for her karma. the universe kept sending her challenges as if she was odysseus himself, the only difference was that she didn't have the will nor the motivation to overcome them and just wanted to disappear before she had to solve a worse problem.
"jimin." repeated that voice that, unfortunately, she couldn't mistake for any other.
she spun on her heels, her face serious, she wouldn't even dare to give him a surprised reaction because he didn't deserve any emotion related to good things.
"do you need something, kim jongin?" her stance was rigid, facing him ready to defend herself or attack him for anything he had to say.
"to apologize." the boy had a droopy attitude, he wanted to sound honest.
"that's very empathetic of you, but i don't need your apology." she was going to keep walking, but he grabbed her shoulder again to make her look at him.
"i'm really sorry for how it all ended." he continued. "i acted like an idiot, i didn't understand you." he admitted doing his best to look like a wet dog.
"whatever you say, bye." again she was stopped by the boy as she wanted to run away. "jongin, i don't care what you have to say."
"listen, i know i was wrong, that i was selfish." he held her from both sides to keep her from trying to walk away from the conversation. "but i want to show you that i can be better."
"jongin-" she pinched the bridge of her nose as if to help her stay calm, but as the boy's words sank in she looked at him abruptly. "what do you mean by that?"
"that i'm sorry for not knowing how to act at the time, but i want to make amends." explained with tenderness in his eyes. "if you want too, i want to try again." he clarified.
karina paused for a second, completely stunned, it seemed that the music had faded and people were no longer dancing. she inspected the man's features looking for a hint of honesty in them, she wanted to decipher if he really believed in what he was saying,
because if he did then he was the most disgusting person she had ever met.
"jongin, are you an idiot?" she removed his hands from her body roughly. "no, in fact, do you think i'm an idiot?" she pressed her own chest with her index finger pointing at herself. "that you can find me by chance at a party, put on an innocent face, say three stupid things you read on the internet and get me back?"
"things aren't the way you think they are." he denied with a sad expression. "i really miss you."
"why are you doing this?"
"did sehun leave you?"
kai was silent, paralyzed, wondering how the woman had figured that out, going over in his mind all the people who could have told her.
"see how stupid you are?" the girl reaffirmed.
"how do you know about sehun?" he asked dumbfounded.
"i saw it." she clarified, feeling a little embarrassed as she remembered her tactics.
"you saw us?" the boy was surprised, afraid of what they might have been doing when they were discovered.
"i saw your chats." she elaborated.
"you went through my phone!" now jongin was angry, it showed on his face and in his voice, he wouldn't in his most jealous moment have done that.
"i didn't check your phone, jackass, your chats were open on your computer!" she revealed, flustered at the oldest's accusations.
"how long have you known?" he cocked his head to the side, the times and jimin's actions didn't make sense no matter how hard he tried to combine them. "were you with me for these last few months even knowing?" there was some hint of hope in that question, as if it meant she could forgive him.
"i would never be consciously cuckolded, i found out when we broke up." she didn't think much about her words because of the repulsion to the idea that he would think she would let herself be played that way.
"were you at my house after we broke up?" the volumes of jongin's voice rose brutally. "are you crazy?"
"i wanted to give you back your clothes and you weren't there!" she defended herself.
"so you broke into someone else's house without permission?" he rebutted.
"hey, don't change the subject, you cheated on me!" karina reminded.
"you crashed my house!" kim was totally offended at this new information he was getting.
"you were with someone else for seventy percent of our relationship!" she was annoyed at the lack of interest the boy was showing in the subject.
"you committed a crime!"
"damn, come on, jongin, i don't think it's a crime if i have your door code and we were boyfriend and girlfriend, i need you to use your brain." yu tapped his temple lightly signaling him to think.
"don't do that!" he grabbed the girl's wrist away from her body and directed her downward, roughly.
"hey!" exclaimed jimin, it hadn't hurt, but she was shocked by the action.
she was ready to complain and now add this to her list of things to fight about, but was distracted from further yelling when someone stepped between the two of them.
"leave her alone." between kai and karina was now serim, who calmly tried to push the boy away without using much force.
"great, my favorite person." said jongin wryly.
"the appreciation is mutual." she flashed him a smile with the same energy.
"this isn't about you, so i'm going to ask you to leave." jongin tried to run her off, but serim wouldn't let her.
"i don't think you have anything to talk about." dismissed the girl. "so you'd better get on with your life, okay?"
serim brought her hand to karina's back and rested it there to guide her in the opposite direction of the man. feeling the contact, the younger one wrapped her arms around her body, clinging to her. she just wanted to feel her once again, to breathe in her scent, but if she complained she'd say it was to get jongin to stop bothering.
"listen, you." jongin addressed jang with an annoyed tone. "you have already intervened too much in my relationship, stop meddling in matters that don't concern you." he demanded with a defiant tone.
"i think you're the one who's out of line now." the newcomer contradicted. "go away."
"no, you should go." he refused to listen. "i am settling some stuff with my girl, you have no business here." he was impatient.
"you cheated on me!" exclaimed karina, tired of saying it.
"she's my girl." serim stated at the same time.
"i'm your girl?" the younger girl turned to look at her perplexed.
"shut up, this isn't the time." jang ignored her.
"but this is about me!" complained jimin.
"is it because of her that you're doing this whole circus?" jongin accused the blackhaired one. "you want to feel less guilty about falling in love with her when you were with me." he assumed.
"what are you talking about? you had a whole boyfriend behind my back!" at that point karina really thought jongin must be hallucinating.
"why can't you admit that you cheated on me?" the boy questioned.
"but you were on a break." interrupted serim, lifting her index finger in the air pointing out her fact.
"and you were cheating on me!" shouted jimin in despair.
"so did you!" replied the man. "and besides you're all over her right now in front of me!" he grabbed serim's arm jerking from it, as if trying to pull her toward him to get her away from yu's grip.
"don't touch her!" a new voice joined the argument. "can you stop? i know you're still dating sehun." it was kyungsoo, helping her friend.
"but look who it is." announced kim when he saw the boy. "did you have something to do with all this?"
"no, this is your fault and your fault alone." now the one speaking was jennie. "you have a history of being a cheater, don't play dumb." he didn't know what to say seeing his other ex-girlfriend there.
"and i just don't like you." sejeong joined all her friends who had gone to accompany serim.
"thank you." muttered jimin to the new one since she was the closest one.
"i kind of dislike you too." she informed, causing karina to nod in understanding and fall silent.
"i heard we were terrorizing kim jongin so i came." one more person appeared.
"ryujin." spoke the attacked one.
"i hate you." she made clear. "go away and leave my friend alone for once." she proposed. "if you are not together today, it's because you handled a difficult situation selfishly, and also cheated on her." she reminisced. "you don't want to put yourself in the victim's place, this is your fault."
"leave her alone already." jennie took the lead again. "weren't you gay?"
"i'm bisexual." he put a hand to his chest in offense.
"stop hurting karina." the other man interfered. "and please don't start hurting sehun." he advised.
"it's over between us, jongin, it's over." finished karina.
the boy paused to look at them all with annoyance, but quickly realized that this was a war he would not win. he lowered his head in frustration and left without another word.
"thanks guys." expressed serim to everyone once he was away.
"thanks for that, i thought you guys hated me." said karina.
"we don't like you, but we like jongin less." expressed ryujin.
"ryujin." her best friend gave her a puzzled look.
"i'm just being everyone's voice." proclaimed the named one exalted.
"i can't believe i was with that guy for so long." the girl was still attached to serim's body as the older one, focused on the discussion, hardly noticed that karina was hugging her and hadn't pushed her away, so she took advantage of the closeness to rest her head on her shoulder seeking comfort. "it's the worst thing in the world."
"sure, yes, i agree." serim raised her hands in the air to indicate that she wasn't reciprocating her so she should also pull away.
"let her go." sejeong tapped yu on the shoulder to make her understand that she was talking to her. "let her go." she said again, now tugging on her waist.
"stop it, jimin." now commanded her best friend, to whom she did listen. "you better go do that outside." she ran to the side, clearing the way for them to pass.
"what?" serim was astonished.
"jimin needs calm, go with her, you were the one who was there for her all through the jongin situation anyway." she suggested, leading them outside.
"what about you?" she looked at shin confused.
"i can't, i have a cold." she pretended to cough.
led by a force by the name of ryujin, karina and serim ended up alone in the club's courtyard where people went to smoke.
"what are you doing?" jang's friends questioned her.
"you don't understand." she hedged upset. "i have a manhwa to update."
outside, jimin and serim stood in silence, separated by a significant distance from each other. neither could find anything that wasn't awkward to say, and maybe serim didn't even want to, this one pulled out the box of cigarettes she had in her pocket and lit one, starting to smoke it.
"namu." called the younger one.
"don't call me that." she reminded her.
"semmie?" she tested.
"only my friends call me semmie." she was right, she had never earned the place of a friend.
"that's my name." the addressed stated sarcastically.
"i didn't know you'd be here tonight." she clarified. "sorry if you came to distract yourself and i showed up."
"that's okay, i didn't think you came on purpose." they both nodded, closing the subject.
"and thanks for helping me with jongin." she added.
"it's no problem." jang brushed off. "you know i can't stand him." she laughed softly.
"thank you anyway." she restated. "and about that thing about me being your girl..." mentioned with a playful tone.
"i just wanted to make him mad." she cut her off quickly. "don't get excited."
"i already got excited, now don't try to stop me." karina joked. "do you usually refer to a lot of strangers as 'your girl' or is it just me?"
"what are you talking about?" serim raised an eyebrow, lost.
"it's good to see you again, jang serim-ssi." she gave a barely noticeable bow with her body.
"ah, you're still at it?" took a puff on her cigarette. "i remember telling you not to bother me, though."
"one thing you should know about me is that i'm very stubborn." jimin had switched to using a flirtatious tone. "and i tend to get my way." she tilted her head to the side, a leaned smile painted on her lips.
"why do i get the feeling i already knew that?" she corresponded the game.
"how strange." the youngest feigned disinterest. "we must be connected."
"or you look a little crazy." she held up her hand, demonstrating with it the word little.
karina let her mouth open indignantly at the response, then let out an almost soundless laugh and averted her gaze to the front. "can i confess something to you?"
"as yu jimin-ssi or as the girl who used to live in my apartment?" she flicked the cigarette butt she had left.
"from jimin to namu." she replied, serim motioned with her head for her to continue talking. "i almost kissed a girl today." she suddenly shared.
serim kept silent, she furrowed her eyebrows, easy to tell she was thinking about how she should react to that confession, she brought her tongue to the side and pressed it against the inside of her cheek, stifling the opinions that formed in her brain that impulsively attempted to come out. she swallowed saliva, gave a long sigh, it was requiring all of her to keep calm.
"i don't want to listen to this." she decided, turning around to go back inside with her friends.
"namu." jimin managed to catch her jacket and hold her in place. "nothing happened with her." she made clear.
"then why are you telling me?" the woman was starting to get agitated, not being able to hide that it hurt.
"nothing happened because of you." she explained, moving her grip up to her chest where with each hand she grabbed both sides of the zipper of the jacket serim was wearing.
"i don't know what you mean." she felt her eyes getting wet. "if you're telling me this to hurt me..."
"serim, i don't want to hurt you anymore." she stated. "i don't want to cause you or me any more pain." assured, feeling her emotions welling up. "i'm telling you this since i didn't want to kiss her because i couldn't stop thinking about you, so you can see that i don't want to and can't be with anyone but you." the girl confessed. "namu." now she held her face gently. "my namu." she looked into those eyes she loved so much, which now looked sad, on the verge of breaking. "i know that i should have treated you better, do you think we can start again?"
serim wondered if jimin might be lying.
she had hidden things and avoided her feelings, but would she lie to her? after neglecting her heart, would she lie to do it again? serim wanted to give herself to karina, there wasn't a single fiber of her body that didn't want to belong to her, or that didn't already claim to be hers,
but you are what you did, and what did her actions make of jimin? if she was a coward, it was nothing that couldn't be solved with a spontaneous burst of courage. was that what was going on? was this question her finally plucking up courage, was she finally fighting for her like she wanted her to?
and if so, should serim trust her again?
"i've had too much of you already." she whispered, almost inaudibly. "it scares me that you're not being honest and that you will ruin me again." she completed. "i don't know if you deserve another chance." she sentenced and then walked back inside, losing herself in the crowd the further she went.
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whoopsyeahokay · 6 months
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October Sun
summary: Xavier had been acting cagey for weeks, a fact you hadn't had the heart to address since Maddie's disappearance. but with his dubious return to school and how he loitered in the periphery of Nicole and Simon's orbit, you thought it was about time to get answers. too bad one pale, cow-eyed jock had other plans.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
Xavier knew that whatever oddness you displayed, it was done with intention.
Sticking wads of gum in your hair at recess? Hana's brother had shaved a strip off the top of Hana's head in 5th grade and you'd needed to give your mom a reason. Giving Xavier's dad a casserole in a pan he'd have to return? He and Xavier hadn't had a homecooked meal since Xavier's mom went to visit her sister in 8th grade. Now every other Wednesday was circled on the calendar in Xavier's kitchen, Family Dinner scrawled in red sharpie.
So, whatever had possessed you into your uncharacteristic choice of outfit, Xavier knew there was a reason.
"Don't." You warned as soon as you opened the door.
Xavier smirked, eyeing you as you climbed into the passenger side of his truck. Of your friends, Mathilda was the one who layered herself in dark colors; a walking shadow with sass and a violent streak. You, on the other hand, tended toward a more eclectic wardrobe and never reached for black on black, especially since...
Well. Since.
Xavier recognized your leather jacket, the lapels boasting a collection of button pins and silver studs, and band patches stitched into the sleeves. An accessorized exhibition of your taste in music and social commentary.
The jacket made sense.
What didn't was what was undoubtedly your uncle's Black Sabbath hoodie paired with black skinny jeans tucked into pointed-toe, matte black booties, the small heels on which had click-clacked down the walkway from your front door to the truck.
"Your mom's?" Xavier guessed, referring to the jeans and booties.
"No, no, no," Xavier said mildly, pulling into the road, "I happen to think you make it work. It's giving—" He swept the air in front of him dramatically with one hand, setting the scene, "—Crime in the Dead of Night."
You shoved your backpack into the footwell and buckled your seatbelt before leveling him with a glare. Well, maybe. He couldn't really tell through the enormous sunglasses you'd chosen to complement your peculiar ensemble, but your lips were pursed in that way they got when you were grumpy about something.
"Shut up, Zav."
"No really," Xavier insisted, "Incognito Chic. Doesn't look like you're hiding something at all."
You smacked him on the shoulder, unable to suppress a lighthearted chuckle. "No questions asked." You said, invoking a years-old promise you'd made in the aftermath of what had happened to you that third week of 7th grade.
It was an appeal for support without having to reveal things that didn't make sense yet. Perhaps never would. Just unconditional thereness from someone you trusted to have your back.
A knot curled in Xavier's gut. His grip tightened on the steering wheel for a short second before he managed to tamp back the haunting feelings to the darkest corner of his brain.
He'd taken advantage of that pact in recent weeks. Had asked you a few times to cover for him if Maddie asked after him; even had you send texts about band practice on random days when the schedule hadn't changed since last fall. Every Saturday in Lucas and Hana's garage.
The whole thing with Claire made him feel rotted from the inside out. He could only vaguely remember how it'd started. A dumb decision made at 3am on a Tuesday, swaying from too many hits of his vape and two shots of his dad's whiskey.
And you never questioned him. Not once. Just honored your end of the deal because you believed Xavier was your friend and wouldn't make you aid and abet his sleaze.
A few blocks from school, you reached across the bench seat and placed a hand on Xavier's forearm, tone warm, "You sure about this?" You asked, "Cause we could go to the mall. Or drive up to the lake." Meaning his dad's cabin. "Or into the city."
Xavier gave you a weak smile, "Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to skip." He couldn't blame you. Still, "I need to do this, kiddo. Not just because I don't want the fucking trolls to win, but because there is someone in there who knows what's going on."
"So...what? You're going to track down leads and find Maddie yourself?" You raised an eyebrow. Again, Xavier couldn't quite see it with how much of your face the sunglasses masked, but your forehead shifted in a way to suggest it.
"Hey, I'm open to ideas if you have any you'd like to share."
You sighed heavily, shook your head. "Nah, B, I got nothing. But if you need help, just let me know." You smiled, patted his shoulder, then bent forward to grab your backpack.
Pulling into an empty spot in the parking lot, Xavier wrestled with asking you for another favor. After all the deceit, he should take responsibility for his own shit, but he didn't have the mental fortitude to deal with Mathilda's—albeit well-meaning—stance against his choice to return to school.
She'd made a fuss in the group chat the night before, words all capitalized and stressed in bold, and Xavier wasn't looking forward to listening to the barrage he was sure she'd prepared for him. Hana, Lucas and Eli, Xavier could manage, even if they shared Mathilda's point of view. But Mathilda? Was a force of nature.
You'd just slid out of the truck, were about to shut the door, when Xavier swallowed and forced himself to ask, "Do you think you could run interference?"
You studied him for a moment, likely wondering if it was worth it to take the bullet on Xavier's behalf, and then, "Sure thing, I got you."
Xavier was profoundly grateful to count you as a friend—hell, after all you'd been through together—a sister.
He put every ounce of sincerity behind his words, "Thank you," and offered you a proper smile, all teeth and crinkled eyes. You responded with a smile of your own, bright and buoyant and a boon to the anxiety rending his confidence.
"I'll see you in there." You chirped, stepping back and giving a mock salute, "Good luck!"
Xavier sat in his truck until you disappeared into the school, waited for the door to shut behind you before he leaned over and opened the glovebox. His vape sat on top of a mess of empty takeout wrappers and vintage CDs—the latter a testament to how old his truck was.
He hovered, stock still, chewed the inside of his cheek as his lungs and brain yearned for a taste of sweet-cotton-numbness.
"You know, you don't have to lie to me." Maddie's disappointment was palpable, pressing under Xavier's skin like cold fingers.
"Okay, fine, I'm a total burnout who is skipping class to get high in his car. Congratulations, you got me." He nonchalantly responded.
Maddie smiled, cute, dimpled, and said, "For the record, you're the worst liar in the world."
Xavier's heart broke.
Abruptly, he smacked the glovebox closed and opened his door, hauling himself out of his truck in a blur of movement. He needed to get his ass in gear before he changed his mind and fucked up again.
Today, he was going to make damn sure he did better.
also available on AO3!
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koolades-world · 7 months
Hellooo I like your stuff! :)
Can I pls request something where MC takes Mammon’s early game tsundere shit too seriously? Like, they always take things literally so when he says he doesn’t like or care about them, he’s annoyed to have to babysit them, he doesn’t want this stupid human, etc etc, they believe him?
But they thought he was warming up to them, they thought they were friends (and they’d started to really love their first friend!), so they get really sad about it. He’s like “I DONT care about the human!” And MC’s like, “oh… :’( okay….” and like, either Mammon has to fix it, or Beel and/or Levi (or any of the others! All of the others? Whatever you like) (after making their pacts) have to step in and help. Comfort the human and guilt Mam into communicating however they’d go about that.
Sorry if this is too specific! No pressure of course, do whatever you want with this, have fun :)
Thank you :))
hi! yes of course :)
today I actually based my outfit around his casual outfit since I have a jacket kinda like his. got so many compliments <3 wore knee high brown boots, a jean mini skirt, a cropped black cami, my mammon jacket, and my diamond studs. wanted to wear some gold hoops but my ears were not having it. dressing up and outfit planning are some of my favorite things to do
if you see that i wrote in second person instead of third in a few spots, please ignore that! i kept catching myself swapping tenses and I tried to find all of them but if i missed them i'm sorry haha
please enjoy, blueberry anon!!
Heart to Heart
Life in the Devildom wasn't easy, but Mc was slowly getting used to it. Sure, it would never be not chaotic to walk around and classes in a school full of demons, but maybe one day, they might be able to consider it normal.
They had begun to make friends with the other demons in their class, gotten involved with a few clubs that they really enjoyed, and even finally started to grasp the concept of the subjects they were attending class for. But, there was one thing they just couldn't even see themselves growing used to.
The first demon they had really thought they'd started to get to know really seemed to dislike being around them. No matter what they did, Mammon always seemed annoyed with them, no matter how sweet they tried to be. They felt most comfortable turning to him since they'd never seen him angry, and seemed the least violent out of their new housemates, especially with Devildom things they just didn't understand. He was by far the most approachable.
They could never understand his seeming hostility despite the fact that they hadn't done anything to him. His almost condescending nature bugged them a little. They didn't take it personally at first, since he was just supposed to be his tour guide and someone to go to if they needed it. He wasn't obligated to them in any way.
But they couldn't help but notice how mutually, they had wormed their way into each others hearts. At some point, it had become routine for him to invite himself into their room after he had finished getting ready for the night to watch something on TV while they attempted to do homework. Every time, they would eventually give up in favor of watching with him since he always had something funny to add. At lunch, despite having his own friends, he would plop down beside them with a snack for you, with some excuse about needing the human to stay healthy. Even if they were talking with one of their friends, he would wiggle between the two of them and stay there, to the point where their friends knew to leave him a spot since he was always fashionably late. At dinner, he always insisted they sit next to him, where'd he'd always whisper to them about his brothers and always inevitable get caught by the one he was talking about. It never failed to make them giggle, and also almost get in trouble.
Every time they had a moment like one of these, he would pretend like it hadn't even happened. It was like nothing between the two of them mattered to him. His comments always read like he was almost annoyed to have to be around them, and that he disliked it. It hurt, but they couldn't say they weren't used to it. After all, they would be gone after a year, so it wouldn't matter anyways, right?
One day in particular, nothing had gone correctly. Mammon had been out the previous night and let Mc know very last minute, despite it being a school night. Their room had felt empty. In hopes he would be back soon, they left his spot open, but he never showed up. They had known that, but it still felt strange. They had been able to get so much work done, but they went to bed feeling something they didn't quite understand.
The next morning, it had felt like he was going out of his way to avoid them. They had seen him once, and perhaps he hadn't seen them, but they didn't even get so much as a smile. He was absent at breakfast, like usual. It also wasn't his turn to walk them to school, so they didn't get to talk to him then either. Later that day, during lunch, he also never showed up. It was odd, but the two of them had never made the promise to meet, so it wasn't like he had some obligation. Their friends gave them a knowing look, one filled with concern, but they told them nothing was wrong. Or so they hoped.
They finally saw him that evening at dinner, but he just wasn't himself. He made no effort to speak to them. When they did try, he was harsher than usual, and kept making comments about them being a stupid human who didn't know any better. It was all in character for him, but with the treatment they had received that day, it hit closer to home than they thought it would. Once the meal was mostly over, and a few of his brothers had filed out of the room, Mc leant over to him to quietly ask if something was wrong. The response they got was much more explosive than they thought they would receive.
"Mammon, how have you been today? I haven't seen you much, and wondered if something was wrong." They stood next to Mammon, collecting all the spare dishes to be washed.
"That's none of yer business, human." He spat out his words like venom at them. His expression after the fact seemed like he'd almost regretted what he'd said, but made no move to take it back.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought... Forget I asked." They took a step back, not expecting his words to hit them like that. They decided to take the dishes they were holding to the kitchen. Maybe he would be gone when they returned for more.
"Mammon, that was very rude." Lucifer, who was doing the same as Mc since they had dish duty together that night, gave Mammon a death glare. "Apologize this instant." When Mammon looked away, Lucifer continued. "Well?" Lucifer searched Mammon's face.
"What's your problem?" Asmo spoke up, looking perturbed by the way he had treated yet another one of his claims to fame. Mc did so well on Devilgram, so the two of them had gotten somewhat close, but not as close as they had with Mammon.
"I don't care about that damn human. When did I say that I did? They're just another responsibility." Mammon spoke as confidently as he usually did, but the look on his face gave it all away.
Mc, who had been hanging in the hall just outside the dining room door since they'd dropped a fork, heard his words. It stung them. They'd heard him say that before, but this time it felt as if he meant it if he hadn't before. With a sigh, they hurried off to the kitchen, closing the door behind them. The three brothers left in the room turned at the sudden noise.
Mammon realized what he'd done, and stood there, stewing in the consequences of his actions. Lucifer and Asmo said something to him before leaving, but he didn't really hear it. He wished he could take it all back, and to tell Mc he didn't mean it. But, he wasn't sure how, or if their relationship was even salvageable.
Mc was in the kitchen, scrubbing a plate when they heard Lucifer enter. They could tell it was him thanks to the sound of his shoes on the tile. They scooted over to make room for him at the sink. "I'm sorry about Mammon." Lucifer broke the silence.
"It's fine. He's right. I am just another task for him to juggle." They didn't look up from the running water.
"I assigned him to look after you. If anything, I can care for you." He placed the dishes in the sink.
"But, he's right, is he not? I'm just a human. I've got no clue what I'm doing here so someone has to look after me. I'm not in this family, so it's not like taking care of me was something he signed up for." They moved clean dishes out of the sink and onto the drying rack. Lucifer remained silent for a moment.
"It's an honor having you here, I hope you realize. This is a momentous occasion. Diavolo entrusted us with the duty of caring for one of the only two human exchange students, in a program that's unique." It seemed like Lucifer was struggling to find the right words to say. This was the nicest they had even seen him be.
"I appreciate it. Thank you. But, what am I to do? A human trapped in a place where humans aren't meant to go. I can't help but feel like a task to be completed." Mc paused. "I'm sorry. That was probably too much." They went silent again.
"You can go up to bed early if you wish. I'll finish these." Lucifer finally said. Without making eye contact, they got down off the stool they had been standing on to reach the top of the drying rack, and left with a small thank you. Mammon wandered in moments after they left, finally seeming to have collected himself.
"Mammon. I hope you're proud of yourself. After that spectacle, I might just have to make Beel their new guardian." Mammon froze at Lucifer's words.
"No! Ya don't gotta do that." He couldn't bring himself to continue himself.
"Really? Because with the way you treated Mc, I would not blame them if they never wanted to speak to you again." Lucifer turned around to look Mammon right in the eyes. He knew that look well. He was disappointed with him.
"I'll just go apologize. No biggie, right?" He tried to act as if nothing was wrong despite the turmoil he'd just caused.
"I have no words." Lucifer turned back to the dishes, ignoring Mammon's attempts to speak to him anymore. Mammon was left with his thoughts again, and all the regret he had. He wasn't sure how to go about with telling them he didn't mean what he'd said, and that was just because he really liked them. After some pondering, he realized nobody but himself was going to fill this hole he'd created, and that it was his job to do it if he wanted to repair their relationship.
Mc had been in their room, reading through some notes from earlier that day, when their door slammed open. Only one demon entered like that. "Mammon." They nodded without looking up.
"Mc. I- Do ya have a moment?" They looked up to meet his gaze. All the animosity had faded and was replaced with a warmness they'd never seen before.
"Yes." They set their pen down, and waited for him to speak.
"I'm sorry about what I said. I'm sorry fer ignorin' ya today. I'm sorry fer treatin' ya like garbage. You don't deserve that." Tears began to well up in his eyes, but he continued. "I have trouble tellin' ya this, but I think yer really great. If yer willin' to talk to me again, I promise I won't do all that anymore." The tears began to slip down his cheeks.
"Oh, Mammon, please don't cry." Mc got up to hug him and close the door behind him. He tightly gripped them back, as if they might leave him. Once he'd calmed down a little, Mc spoke again.
"I won't lie, what you said did hurt, but thank you for saying you're sorry. I really love spending time with you. You make me feel welcome here. I don't fully understand you, but I hope that you'll help me understand you." Mc patted Mammon's back.
"Can I stay over in yer room tonight? Let me start there and make it up to ya fer yesterday. Let's watch yer favorite human movie." His eyes are still red, but the smile is back on his face. It really suited him.
"Yes, of course." That night, the both of them fell asleep in Mc's bed together, but not before Mammon thought how lucky he was to have them, despite himself.
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stars-and-leather · 9 months
Ok so I know everyone’s talking about the choice to use ‘Logical’ by Olivia Rodrigo for Sally Jackson but it actually fits so well:
First the word logic is derived from Ancient Greek
Fell for you like water/ now the currents stronger- He’s literally Poseidon, god of sea (or water)
I couldn’t get out if I tried- she’s already in too deep because she had a child with him
I’m the love of your life- Poseidon’s immortal, he doesn’t have a life per se, and she knows all the myths, she knows he’s had so many affairs and will continue to do it
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine- believing in the Greeks means that rain doesn’t pour because Zeus is the one controlling it and the sun doesn’t actually shine, it’s Apollo or Helios, so everything she’s believed in up til then is wrong
Changing you is possible- even Hermes said it the gods are stuck in their ways, changing something that has stayed the same for millennia is really hard, she knows deep down she can’t
You built a giant castle, With walls so high I couldn't see- he has a castle under the sea, and unless he helped her get down there she physically couldn’t see him, he technically held the power
The way it all unraveled- I’m pretty sure Sally didn’t know about the Big Three Pact or she wouldn’t have had kids with Poseidon in the first place, she had no clue and he never told her
I'm sure that girl is really your friend- again Sally knows the stories, she knows what he’s like and as much as he loved her in the moment he literally had a wife at the same time
I know I'm half responsible, And that makes me feel horrible- it’s about Percy saying he’s a troubled child, and she knew he wasn’t but she couldn’t tell him til he was older because then the monsters would find him
I know I could've stopped it all, why didn't I stop it all?- she blames herself just as much as she blames Poseidon for the trouble Percy would have to go through, she should’ve stopped as soon as she knew he was a god
And bonus ‘I’m reading in to this too much’ point:
Olivia repeats logical three times, but on the third she repeats the ‘love is never logical’- Poseidon is part of the big three, and also what cabin is Percy? Number three
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danieyells · 4 months
So my current suspicion.
I think Kaito is the spy.
I think this for a few reasons.
The first is that Kaito doesn't really seem like the type to have a demonic pact.
Leo says that it's pretty understandable that none of the ghouls listen to the player--they're all selected by demons. While this doesn't apply to Luca either, he made his pact for noble purposes and generally is of noble disposition. Kaito is a coward who doesn't really fit the idea of a pactmaker. If he's instead working for demonkind to possibly sabotage the efforts of ghouls and darkwick, or just monitor them to understand what they're doing and see that they don't pose a threat, I think that'd make sense. He was probably scared into it, or forced into it somehow.
This also leads me to something else--Hyde seemed uncertain as to what Kaito's stigma even was. He sees auras sometimes, he thinks.
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He's been here for a whole year and you aren't sure??? I know he avoids missions but surely you'd've found out at some point?
Kaito's ability to see auras explains why he saw the monster that the pc saw when enhancing Luca's stigma--except if he could only see auras, surely he'd see a ton of energy rather than actually seeing the thing and his reaction wouldn't have been as intense as this.
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Because everybody else just saw a big red shield
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Even for Kaito that's a bit of an overreaction, I think?
What was Kaito afraid of if he couldn't see the giant houndoom looking thing? He very clearly saw it. It's not likely he was using his stigma at the time either--he didn't just see its aura, he saw the monster.
Next, it's likely to be a second year. Several third years so far(namely Tohma, Alan, and Taiga) seem to be aware of the spy--if it was someone who came recently(as the third years only came in the past three or four months) they probably wouldn't know yet or really be working so dedicatedly to find them, and if it was someone in their year they probably would know more certainly already. Tohma is a red herring because of his naturally eerie nature. Haku also strikes me as a red herring--Taiga peobably would not have trusted him in the prologue if he felt like he was suspicious. (On the other hand Taiga may have simply cared so little about your wellbeing that he didn't care if someone suspicious dealt with you.)
Another thing about Tohma. . .he used to be in Vagastrom. But he transferred to Frostheim, and is keeping up with Alan about the spy(and they had a meeting about this after Luca tried to fight Sho and Leo over insulting Kaito, inciting unrest among the general students about the ghouls). . .which leads me to think the spy is in Frostheim. And I don't think it's Jin. His sword letting him teleport and that he barely leaves his room anymore and Tohma is very attentive to him does lend some credibility to it possibly being him but I don't think he's the spy--Tohma is doing that to get Jin's trust to keep a better eye on Kaito, I think.
Subaru is naturally the next suspicious person due to being introduced and shown behaving oddly a little while after Taiga told you about the spy, but I think Subaru is too. . .obvious.
Also, Taiga's specific use of "keep letting him fool you" leads me to believe it's someone we already know and trust.
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We don't know Haku well enough for it to be him. Luca hasn't been around long enough for him to be suspicious. Kaito's around the casino enough that Taiga could reasonably be suspicious of him.
There's also Kaito's pendant. It's extremely valuable--though why, we don't know--and it means a lot to Kaito. He won't give it away even when threatened, even if it'd save him from other suffering.
Another thing. . .while it makes sense for Kaito to be scared of Mortkranken on the basis of being a coward and that Yuri experiments on people(most people don't wanna be dissected after all!), I also wonder if he doesn't wanna go there because he's afraid of being analyzed by someone who'd probably be able to tell that he's either not a normal ghoul/human, or that he's some sort of demon or anomaly. Like he passed the stigma test and basic health checkups but could he pass closer examination?
I dunno. I also think it's possible that Kaito isn't even aware he's a spy. Like his pendant is monitoring the world around him while he's blissfully unaware. He never consumed or subjugated his demon--it's just around his neck, listening to everyone or something.
I just absolutely believe that Kaito would turn out to be the "bad guy". Even if not on purpose. It just seems like it's someone we already know and trust, somebody who's in Frostheim, and somebody you wouldn't suspect at all.
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arimiaromage · 2 months
[Dgm 252 spoilers]
I'm still really interested (and hopeful?) to see how Nea designating a random guy he just met relates to Allen's role as the pianist. A person other than Nea being designated as his pianist was the first mention of the 14th's memory still living on and at the time the Earl & Noah didn't suspect Nea to actually be alive / have a host, so I've always considered the 2 roles to be separate- the host is who carries Nea's soul and the pianist is the person who has been authorized to use the arc. For a time they even thought Cross was the pianist until Allen moved the arc. I think later on when it was revealed Allen was Nea's host they (Earl/Noah/Order) swapped theories and believed Allen could move the arc because he was Nea's host, but there's still that previous implication that being the pianist could be a separate role that someone else had.
I was always under the impression that Allen was the host and pianist, as Nea calls the melody to move the arc "Allen's song", as if he had wrote the sheet music to accompany Caterina's melody. And, long story short, I'm hoping this to still be the case.
Allen and Nea met seemingly at random while both were alive and made a pact together, but I'm hoping at some point we'll learn they met back up and actually bonded together, whether that be the kind of "hard to call a friend" partner in crime like past!Lavi calls Nea or whatnot. Nea referred to Allen as his friend in present day and looked genuinely hurt he had forgotten him; Nea refers to the piece that controls the arc as Allen's; older!past!Allen looks determined to give his life for his promise to Nea. I was a bit let down to see they had no prior connection before making one of the major plot points in the series (their promise) but I'm hopeful because of the other reasons here that we will eventually see how this pact grew into something so substantial for both of them. Maybe the role of the pianist is the same as the role of the host and the Earl/Noah/Order were mistaken (wouldn't be the first time) but I also wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see Nea showing past!Allen the arc and such.
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chronurgy · 7 months
I made a post earlier talking about three directions I thought wyll's quest might take in at the end of act 1/early act 2 and I wanted to elaborate on it a little bit. The three directions I considered were a focus on monster hunting and what that meant, a focus on his disdain for politics, and a focus on his relationship with his father. I didn't particularly consider any one more likely than the other, they all just sort of arose out of what I saw as "points of tension" in wyll's character. I'm also not trying to say that these are the only options or the best options, I'm just laying out what I personally thought might happen and how it was going to work.
Focusing on the monster hunter thing - was karlach the first innocent person he had been sent to hunt? What does it mean to be a monster hunter in a world where many monsters have human intelligence? Especially because of what happened with Karlach, I thought this might become a throughline in his quest and tie further into the ways devils twist words and contracts to use and manipulate people. What they call a "bloodthirsty rampaging monster" might have understandable reasons for attacking a village that had, say, stolen its eggs to sell as spell ingredients. Or even if they didn't have such a sympathetic reason, it's absolutely possible that they could be reasoned with and asked to stop. With wyll's already existing sympathy for karlach and astarion, I thought that creating sympathy for less human looking "monsters" might be the next step.
I actually still think this would have been a pretty interesting questline. His act two quest could have centered around a monster he'd been sent to kill at the edge of the shadow-cursed lands, returning to that area and meeting there a mate, sibling, or child that had possibly changed its ways (great durge parallel here!). There could be a lot of questions about whether or not someone can change their nature, about what redemption means, about who is afforded second chances, all of that. I think by nature Wyll would lean towards letting them live, but a player character could push him down a darker path (a la Shadowheart). This would also feed well into Wyll making choices about his pact with mizora - if he kills the mate or sibling, leaning into the monster hunter and no hope of redemption thing then he would choose to keep his pact, saying that it gives him the power to protect people from monsters while perhaps also believing that there's no way for him to be saved, but if he chooses to let them live and broadens his mind and understanding he would choose to break his pact with mizora, citing the fact that she's lied to him repeatedly and how he doesn't want to bring more harm on innocents.
Focusing on the politics thing - wyll's comment about how "a Duke shakes hands with more monsters than he slays" is really fascinating because Duke is a political job and the "monsters" he's talking about are people. He was the son of a grand duke and was intended to follow in his footsteps, but this is the view he has of politics? That's kinda wild to me! I assumed we'd get some sort of politically involved quest once we got to the city where Wyll would have to get over his distaste for politics and challenge his view of other people as monsters and overall examine what it means to run a city or something along those lines.
Like I said, I assumed any quest line would focus on a situation where Wyll would either overcome his distaste for politics and learn to appreciate the difficulties of running a city when your opponents are people you can't just kill when they get in your way or have a "bad end" where he decided that he didn't care and was happy to use force on political opponents. (interestingly I think you can see some potential remnants of this in his speech about becoming grand duke where he says something along the lines of "no one could stand against him")
Focusing on his father - I felt like there was obviously a lot going on in that relationship and that it had to come back up! Wyll acted so sanguine and understanding about the whole banishment thing even though it seemed obvious (to me at least) that he was deeply hurt by it and in denial about it. I thought for sure that would come to a confrontation where Wyll would accept that he was actually hurt by this and that his father had done him wrong. This was further reinforced through act 1 and 2 by the repeated references to how terrible the flaming fist were and how they weren't what they used to be. Since Ulder was their commamder, I assumed that this was also meant to be a reflection on him and that he wasn't the perfect and heroic man Wyll idealized him as. Act 3 actually reinforced this for me with its constant examples of just how corrupt and incompetent the fist were. I really thought we were going to see some emotional payoff and reckoning here right up until we actually rescued ulder and it didn't happen.
I wasn't really sure what form this quest would take but I was very convinced it would happen. Like I said, all the comments about the fist in acts 1 and 2 had me convinced! There's so clearly tension there, with ulder having been unwilling to show any sense of understanding to his 17 year old son. I assumed that the quest might involve puncturing the "myth" of Ulder for Wyll and him starting to see his father as a human with flaws instead of idolizing him. I also really thought that there would be a dramatic confrontation!
So there we have it - places I thought Wyll's quest might go based on what I'd seen in act 1 and early act 2. I was very wrong indeed - two of the three things I thought might be main drivers never came up at all, and one of them ended up being straight up ignored. Ah well!
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livvy-fallen · 6 months
I have noticed on Tulmbr or any site for that matter there are very little obey me! demon headcaanons that actually make demons act like animals! I will not stand for this! I will be getting my fix of animalistic demons one way or another soooo let me tell you about my demon headcaanons.
Warning: this book has suggestive content and weird headcannons.
Let's get one thing clear first demons are pact animals. They live in large groups and are VERY protective over their families. This is because demons are protective over something that is, theirs. So this also translates to members of the family. So when it comes to the demon brothers in the early lessons can you imagine how HEARTBREAKING it was to have belphegor away? Especially because he was the youngest and therefore the weakest and hence in need of more protection. To have their baby brother away in the human realm (well to them... But he was just in the attic). For all they know he could be in danger! And as far as Beel was concerned his beloved twin could not be eating enough and of he isn't eating enough he is weaker... And if he isn't strong as he could be he could be hurting and he isn't there! "LUCIFER! please send him back he could be in danger!" - Beelzebub a day into the exchange program
Also this leds onto another point. SCENT. If your fimilar with... The dark side of Ao3, wattpad and Tulmbr (Omegavers) you probably get what I mean. But just in case you don't have issues. Animals have scent glads in their body. This marks what is their's now this translates to our favorite demons because they also have that. Meaning if they rubbed their wrist, cheek or like you know that part of your neck where it starts your chest? (Actually is that the collarbone? No clue) well that too. That has the most active scent glads. It will leave a smell that says to other demons that that thing is their's and if you mess with it. Except death.
Soo just imagine in Beelzebub's and Belphegor's room obviously is going to be full of their scent. But of course with belphi not there. It's going to fade isn't it? So that also makes beel upset. Because yes he KNOWS not actually? He was like in the attic Belphi is in the human realm apart of his brain is crying because his brother scent isn't where it should be so he's not there? Where is he? Is he safe? Is he eating? "LUCIFER! please send him back he could be in danger!" - Beelzebub 9 days into the exchange program. So that is also why he didn't want MC to be getting their "weird" smell on Belphi's bed when they had to share a room. Because it's already fading and he doesn't want it to go any faster!
Alsoo speaking about scents... Let's talk about heat/runts and their courting behaviors because omegavers is definitely influenced my life.
So like ever month or so demons go into heat and runts just like how girls get their period. During this they are wanting to breed. They also are very uncomfortable and boiling hot. So of course how does this effect them? So pretty much their scent glads produce a different scent that just says "I'm available please fuck me" this also gives them hard baby fever. You know how like penguins are fighting over baby penguins? THATT. If you were to for what ever reason bring luke anywhere near them they will SMOTHER that poor boy. Because all that they can see is; small thing. Small person. Small child? child?! That's it! PROTECT THAT MF-. They are never nicer to him then when broody.
Let's talk about courting behaviors. Because I refuse to believe that they don't do it. So let's just start off with that courting is a thing to start a relationship. It's flirting but better? So for demons they often do things like giffting them many stuff of their interest traditionally they would give them a dead human or hard to kill monster... Some still do that- looking at you Nobel demons- but like jewelry anything really that their courted would like. It could be stickers! Then we get to the services part. They would do something simple like holding a door open or like helping them with Manuel labor. It doesn't matter but they do acts of service for them. Later on if all is going well you get to scent them. It just yells "their mine fuckers" and then dating. Another thing I refuse to believe they don't do is presenting... Not in the face down, ass up way. But in the wings out, tails out. I'm also you best believe that pride demons are just like peacocks and shake their wings AWWW so cute. Just imagine Lucifer doing this-
More one this, greed demons. Crows or Ravens. Come at me. So they coo at their courted- and later on they nuzzle them MY HEART IS MELTING. IMAGINE MAMMON, a normal thing is for winged is to just puff out their wings and to totally do a mating call. This goes for ALL. Maybe it's not a full on song. (Sometimes it will be) but a little noise that translate to *looks at a book labeled "is your demon horny or just wanting to kill you?" Flipes several pages* wanna fuck?
I will be writing more. And maybe explain better if y'all want more of my weird hadcaonns but enjoy. But if you want more let me know!
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themisplaceddemigod · 5 months
Can you do one with Poseidon before the big three made the pact to have no more kids. And he meets her on the beach and one thing lead to another and had a son that would end up being the reason why the pact happened and why in the future Zeus is so paranoid about Percy. 
ooooh this sounds fun! sorry for the late reply, i've been busy with work, university and Ramadan!
when power meets passion
PJ!Poseidon x F!Reader
summary - the ask :)
warnings - not proof read, fluff at the start, devolves into angst at the end
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Humans were never meant to mingle with the gods. They were meant to be worshippers, dedicating their lives to these divine beings. There was no such thing as falling in love with one of them, or at least that's what you believed before you actually met one of them.
You were a marine biologist, the ocean's wonderful and mysterious animals the objects of your fascination and awe. You also loved the water, and could spend hours just swimming with the fish in their enclosures at the rescue center you worked at.
One of your particular endeavours, the one that actually caught the sea god's attention in the first place, was rescuing a baby tiger shark that was about to be eaten by fully grown bull sharks. You'd brought it to the center, nursed it back to health, and practically raised it until it was ready to be released.
You didn't ever think that would lead you to meeting a handsome stranger on the beach who had seemingly come out of nowhere, nor did you think that you'd manage to start and maintain a relationship with this man.
He was so kind, so gentle and he shared the same passion as you about marine life. You never suspected anything about who he really was, not until he took you aside the night after you both found out that you were pregnant.
"Look, uh...I know this isn't going to be easy for you," he started, a little nervously, "But there's something you need to know. Somethung big, actually, and I'm sorry I've kept it to myself for so long. But this time with you...it's been the best I've had in a long while. And I didn't want to ruin it."
You started getting nervous, wondering where this was going, "What do you mean?"
He took a deep breath, taking your hands into his larger and warmer ones, "It's okay if you don't believe me right away, but you'll see when our baby is born. They're going to be special, in a lot of ways you won't expect. Because I'm not just any ordinary human...I'm Poseidon."
Your jaw dropped, before you laughed nervously, "That's a joke, right? Cause of how much I love Greek mythology? It's really sweet that you're trying to make me laugh right now, but-"
"I mean it," he stated firmly, squeezing your hands. "I am the Greek god of the sea." To prove his point, the waves crashing against the shoreline outside the cabin died down, as if by command. "I didn't want you to know, because I was enjoying your company so much as an ordinary person. But now that you're having my child...he or she will be a demigod." He placed his hand on your stomach, and warmth spread throughout your body, relaxing your tense limbs. "I can't promise to be involved in the baby's life, but I will watch over you two."
You frowned at that, "Are you leaving? Before the baby is even born?"
He sighed, as if he'd been asked this many times before, "It's not the best idea to raise the child around me. They need to be sheltered, especially because of their attractiveness to monsters, and I will only get them killed."
That was his excuse, he didn't want to tell you that it was normal for a god to fall for a human, have a child and leave. He genuinely loved you, and didn't want to hurt you like that.
You tried your best to understand, you really did. You still felt hurt, not understanding fully why he couldn't be with you if you loved each other so much. But you had to move on, because he was doing the same, and you weren't going to let him think that you were weak, especially since he was a god.
You gave birth on your due date, a healthy baby boy who barely even screamed as he was birthed. He came out quiet and calm, much like a certain god who fathered him. As you held him in your arms for the first time, you understood what Poseidon had meant about him being different. He radiated a different kind of energy, and to you he seemed, and looked, very much like the sea god. He was different, he was special, but you would love him no matter what. He was your greatest gift.
And, as you would soon learn, your doom.
Because years later, when he turned twelve, the first monster attacked. He dealt with it okay enough, coming out with only a few bruises and one deep gash, but the ocean water healed that. Another sign he was different, the ocean was his safety, the source of his power and healing. He could control it, command it, and bend it to his will. He could use it to fight, to heal himself, and to do whatever he pleased.
This power went straight to his head, and left you wondering where in all the years you had gone wrong in raising him.
Your son was everything that Luke Castellan would become (decades later), multiplied by ten. Angry, vengeful, scornful of the gods because they weren't around. Because they abandoned their mortal lovers and children, choosing to keep to themselves and stay up in their palace.
The city was flooded. Buildings were crumbling. Cars were crashing. It was all happening too fast, too much all at once. You didn't know where to look, where to go. Your cabin had been flooded first, so you fled into the city hoping the tsunami wouldn't reach it.
But it did.
A tsunami worse than anything your city had ever seen before was approaching, looming over you all like a monster straight out of Tartarus. Every fire hydrant on every street had burst, soaking people, cars and stores alike as water just poured in from all sides. It was the worst sea storm in history, one that was brought forth and controlled by none other than your son.
The boy you had raised, was now destroying a whole city in his rage. Blinded by anger and scorn, by hate for the deity that brought him life, he took other lives. It was unlike anything the gods had ever seen, one of the worst acts of rebellion ever committed by a demigod.
You had tried to speak to him, tried to reason with him, but he was beyond saving. His frustration and resentment had built up too much and caused him to explode, in the most horrifying way imaginable. This was not your son, not the sweet little boy who used to giggle at stingrays and grab baby sharks with his bare hands. Not the sweet boy who used to wake up early on Mother's Day to make you breakfast and remind you that you're the best part of his life. Not the sweet boy who understood why his father wasn't around, before all the quests.
Quest after quest, he suffered. Mentally, emotionally, and it changed him. He got angry that the gods refused to help, even when he was put in extremely dangerous and life-threatening situations. Furious that his father would ignore him when he called on him for help.
You didn't want to, but you witnessed the heartbreaking encounter between your distressed son and his father, who finally appeared to him after all these years.
"Where were you?!" You could hear (son's name) scream, atop a massive wave of water. "Where were you all those times I needed you???" He kept on going when Poseidon couldn't find the words, "Not once did you visit me, NOT ONCE! You just left me, and mom! All those times I called for help, all those times we were having it rough, and you couldn't help in ANY way!" His voice was so agonised, you felt tears pool in your eyes.
Your poor boy...
"Son, if you stop this now-"
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Your son roared, the wave getting higher and more imposing, "I WAS NEVER YOUR SON! YOU NEVER ACTED LIKE IT!"
Still, Poseidon tried to reason with the boy. But when that failed, and the sea god met your eyes, you knew exactly what had to be done. You shut your eyes in pain, an overwhelming ache growing in your chest.
And when you opened your eyes again, Poseidon was in front of you, his face the saddest you'd ever seen it. Sadder than the day he'd left.
"You know what they're going to decide about his fate," that deep voice you missed so much boomed, trying to speak gently, "You know what's going to happen, and I...I can't stop it. I wish I could."
"I know," was all you could choke out, before his strong arms wrapped around you comfortingly, and you were sobbing into his chest.
And when your eyes ran dry and all you could do was sit at home and stare out the window, he had to go. He promised he'd try to come see you, try to make things right, but you didn't think that was possible anymore.
You just had to live with it.
And beyond the halls of the Olympian palace, you heard their decree. You heard the decision that would inevitably be broken decades later...
"Each of us, Poseidon, Hades and myself, Zeus, shall swear an oath here and now to never bear children again."
A/N: I hope this was what you had in mind, or at least similar! Ended up being sadder than I thought, broke my own heart writing this but I still hope it was good enough!
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the-magpie-collective · 4 months
[Part 3/3]: It gets worse
Part 2
Because yes, the writing gets worse.
First, it's very clearly implied that the pact has already been broken when Mizora first arrives in camp in Act 3. Mizora offers Wyll a new pact to both herself and Zariel: 'Option one. I show you the way to your father. I guarantee him no harm except that from you and your allies. And you pledge your soul to me and the archdevil Zariel in a pact eternal.' A warlock cannot have more than one pact in DnD, the mechanics do not allow for it, a soul cannot be forfeit twice. But then she goes on to state: 'Option two. I break your pact. You are freed from your duty but retain your devil form. Your father dies by his enemy's hand.' So his pact isn't broken? Which is it?
Why didn't they write something like, 'Or Option one. You rescind your request to have your pact broken, I offer an alternate boon, and you continue to pledge your soul to me.' Why would you ever write it like that if that Pact isn't broken? Why does Mizora need to break the Pact if it is? It makes no sense.
As if that isn't bad enough we come to my least favorite part: Addendum F.
Addendum F. 'The Absolute must be avenged for the soul-binder's detention at Moonrise. The soul-bearer retains his gifts until such time as the Absolute is slain.'
What?! What do you mean Mizora can just add on addendums willy-nilly to the Pact without even so much as needing to run it by Wyll first? How the fuck does this make any sense? If Mizora can just add whatever she wants to Wyll's pact then why would she ever actually break it? Why not have Wyll dress up as a clown every full moon and run around terrorizing children? Why not use Wyll's pact to make every single soul in Baldur's Gate forfeit to her? 
This addendum is so stupid. I hate it. The only reason for it to exist is so that the in game mechanics make sense and Wyll doesn't have to be respecced as something other than a warlock at the 11th hour. But if that's the case why not just add something into the six months clause? Easy fix to add 'Clause Z, Section Thirteen: 'If the soul-binder consents to separation, she will release the soul-bearer from all obligation and rescind all gifted powers within six months. Like really why? What possessed them to add this addendum? Why make it seem like Mizora can change the Pact at any time and for any reason? Were they so oblivious to their own writing that this is the only way they could think of to patch that potential plot hole?
I just can't.
This is Wyll's narrative Arc and the writing is so slap-dash. It doesn't make sense. The player feels like they have little to no choice in the outcome. Wyll has no choice in the outcome. The stakes feel pointless because there's no reason why breaking Wyll's pact should endanger his father. The path the player has to follow is inane. And when we get to the end we find out it was all pointless anyways because the pact is clearly whatever shit Mizora makes up on the spot that comes to her mind because that's the only way any of this makes sense. This is the level of writing I'd expect from a DM who suddenly needed to pull something out of their ass, not a team of writers who have had plenty of time to sit down and plot out a story.
In the story they built there's no point in Wyll struggling to escape. This isn't a 'well, Wyll's story was hastily rewritten' issue. This is a bad writing issue. No attention or care was paid towards making the narrative crux of Wyll's story actually make sense. No one bothered to make Mizora's pact make any sense. You cannot tell me there wasn't a planned ending for EA Wyll to break his pact; I won't believe you. The writers clearly just didn't care to make it make sense.
Mizora's Pact might just be the symptom, but it really shows how poorly Wyll's narrative arc was written.
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yuseirra · 3 months
I've been thinking over this god thing over and there's another idea I have related to it!
Earlier I've said that ame-no-uzume(god of the arts) and her husband sarutahiko(the great bright god) may be related to Ai and Hikaru.
Their story might also have been inspired from Izanagi and Izanami and they're very famous, so I believe I wouldn't have to explain a whole lot, (and I bet there are people who know it in more depth) but.. Izanagi and Izanami (the creator gods of Japanese Mythology) have Amaterasu(the sun god), Tsukuyomi(the moon god) and Susanoo(the god of the sea and storms) as their children. Ruby has something to do with Amaterasu and we have a girl who goes by Tsukuyomi as a character, Aqua, with the full name being "Aquamarine" has a name that has to do with the sea.
The reason I've brought this up is because of the lore between Izanagi and Izanami. Izanami dies, and Izanagi tries to bring her back to life but fails. It rings a bell, right?
Yes, this story of theirs also aligns with the things that have been mentioned in Mephisto and Fatal. Those songs revolve around a person who desperately wants to meet their love again (who's likely passed away) but cannot.
I've been wondering just why the ED's title was named Mephisto. Mephisto is the name of the devil, right? When you have a wish and the devil in the same picture, it means there's some kind of pact.
If the person singing in the song's been kamiki (which I've been pretty much stressing over and over through multiple posts now) it'd mean he's had gone through something like that too, to revive the one he loves.
This could be why there is a "stage" that's mentioned in BOTH of the songs, he's in a deal that he can't back out from.
I will not stop to struggle on this stage(Fatal)
だけどステージが逃がさない いついつまでも憧れ 焦がれているよ
But the stage won’t let go I'll keep yearning and longing forever(Mephisto)
At this point, I'm so sure kamiki HAS done something to bring Ai back. He's made some sort of sacrifice for Ai it seems, he's probably made wishes regarding it, that come with a price but he didn't really care about his life in the first place after she's gone so he was willing to risk it. The efforts were probably in vain, though. But it could be really close to being granted if something's "filled in"
あなたがいないと生きていけない 何もかも捧げてしまってもいい あなたの愛がまだ足らない 欠けたものは何で埋めたらいい?
Without you, I cannot live anymore I would sacrifice anything for you I can’t get enough of your love What should I use to fill in what’s missing?(Fatal)
compared to Mephisto, Fatal seems more.. eager? energetic? but in an insane way. The speaker is actively doing something to fulfill their end goal. That's why I feel kamiki's missions are probably close to finish- he's all right with dying after having completed it
but in ch 154 he's heard that Ai wants to "help him" along with her children. and that she loved him dearly. This is going to leave him so devastated and conflicted lol because he's probably way past hope at this point. He can't be saved. He can't fulfill what Ai wants, that's going to make him very miserable. That's my guess. It's like everything he's doing had him stray even further off from what Ai wants.
Or it could be that he can't give up on Ai EVEN MORE now since he KNOWS that she loves him back too. Who'd give up on someone like that? She was like the only person who understood him and loved him. I can totally see why he couldn't let her go after all these years (may it be twisted. there is still some ambiguity in his words and we can be backstabbed) she was the one for him and he was to her, too, at least that's how he's felt when they were together. So he'd do ANYTHING for her. That lines up very well with those lyrics too.
So yeah. If my speculations are right Kamiki's so doomed... and doomed because of all the things he did that he thought was for Ai. Aligns with the respective mythologies too~.. I'd be surprised if these have NOTHING to do with the plot that's going to be revealed in the future because it just WORKS. It starts making so much sense to me.
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winter-sol · 1 year
Spoilers for Lesson 11!
About Solomon, MC and their relationship with demons.
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There's this pretty interesting thing I noticed about Solomon's perspective compared to MC's when it comes to their vision towards demons.
Solomon made clear he sees demons and angels as creatures that underestimate humans and won't ever treat us as equals. I don't actually blame him for this, as he is not even wrong. We've seen them call us "mere humans" or belittle us for being humans in both games. So his approach to demons is mostly from a utilitarian and confrontational point of view.
He needs to prove humans can be equal or surprass them, and for that, he's willing to do anything. He's willing to use demons, become more powerful and defend humanity above anything else. He was even teaching MC his way of dealing with demons, as in "leveling the playing field" to face them because "When it comes down to it, that's what negotiating with demons is all about, really".
He then proceeds to talk about how he plans on changing that, and to almost manipulating us into making a promise about siding with humanity no matter what. That, in a place that probably binds us to said promise or something like that. It was... shady, but if anything I got even more intrigued about his intentions. (as a Solomon enjoyer, I'm living for how his character keeps getting more complex).
Then we have MC.
See, I'm really curious about how this game will deliver its promise about making choices matter because if there's an intereting branch in this game, it's probably about MC either siding with humanity/Solomon, or the demons they love so much.
No matter what we choose in L11, MC will end up handing out the grimoire out of their own will, and making a promise on either protecting them or letting them find joy. And I think that speaks loud about MC's vision on demons and how it's opposing to Solomon.
MC refuses to see demons as potential enemies, and their approach is not confrontational like Solomon's. It's from love and understanding.
MC was able to do something Solomon could never, and that is making a pact with the Seven Rulers of Hell, and actually gaining their trust for these powerful demons to be willing to obey them on their own will (even if, magically speaking, they are being forced). And the main difference is, MC didn't achieve it through becoming the most powerful sorcerer or taking advantage of them, like Solomon did with Asmo.
At the end of the day, the seven brothers chose to have a pact with MC, and keep choosing MC no matter what.
Solomon and MC have opposing views. They've been working as a team, but they will inevitably collide.
So, what will happen next? I'm waiting for next lesson! But for now I'd like to wonder.
I'm not sure if MC will have to deliberately choose to side with either party, since I believe MC wouldn't purposefully betray the demons because they're too important for them and already proved they're on their side. Also, I don't think MC would like to turn against Solomon, as they still trust him and need his guiding. But how long will it last?
I want to believe our choices regarding our relationship and trust in Solomon will affect the plot.
If MC is too passive and diplomatic, Solomon could end up having his way, whatever that is, since his intentions are one of the biggest mysteries of Nightbringer. I'm not necessarily trying to frame Solomon as a villain or antagonist, that still remains uncertain. But I think we can all agree he has a very important role, and that role is highly related to his ambiguous morals and actions.
If MC is too reckless, they might end up messing up with the timeline, their relationships and the demons themselves or even Solomon and humanity. (does anyone else want bad endings??)
I wonder if MC's trust in Solomon, and vice versa, will eventually break, or they'll find a way to work it out. He already seemed dissapointed at us handing out the grimoire instead of using it, as if we're already proving we don't have the same intentions he has regarding humanity and demons.
What kind of decisions should MC make in order to keep a balance between humans and demons without betraying either side?
Does MC actually care about balance, harmony and humanity's well being? Or will they only act based on their feelings, wherever that takes them?
I love Obey Me's MC, I think they hold great potential, but they've been relying on others' help a lot. It makes sense, since they've been just learning about this world and building their own way to grow and become more powerful. But I'd like to see them deciding and facing bigger consequences for their actions. And I'm dying to see how this plays out ;)
As always, I'm open to talk more about this :) Bai-bai.
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Since you’re like the Mammon expert I just need to ask, do you know where people are getting the idea that Mammon has pacts with witches? Cause he has canonically said that he wouldn’t make pacts with anyone else, ESPECIALLY witches
Like why would he make such a big deal about being mc’s “first” if he already has a bunch of other pacts
Love your blog btw <3
I had no idea people thought this tbh
But yeah Mammon doesn't have pacts with the three witches - he explicitly says so in s3 because MC, who it turns out is just as possessive as Mammon but much better at hiding it, gets jealous when they think he does.
To clear it up further:
(Season 3 spoilers ahead)
1.) Mammon's Deal with the Three Witches
• The Guardian Demon Devilgram goes into detail about this
• Basically, when in the human world (on an errand for Lucifer I believe) Mammon saves a 9 year old, orphaned, homeless girl from a mugger (in s1 it's said she's sickly as well)
• She imprints on him (like a little duckling) and starts following him around, despite him initially trying to scare her off
• Deciding he can't leave her alone in the human world but also knowing he can't bring a human child to the Devildom, he calls Lucifer and asks for help
• Lucifer puts him in touch with the three witches
• The three witches now look after the kid as long as Mammon pays them and pays for all her needs (which he plans to do till she's an adult/capable of providing for herself) - the witches, however, are overcharging him for everything and it's one of the main reasons he's always in depth and scared of them (to the point that he has nightmares about the witches)
• He visits the girl frequently and she always clings to him and begs him not to leave. He becomes really happy when MC calls him a good dad
• He has no pacts with any of the witches and in S3 firmly states that he doesn't plan to make any
2.) Mammon's Pact with MC
• Mammon, in S3, says he wouldn't make a pact with just any random human
• However, when Mammon makes a pact with MC they are just a random human
• BUT Mammon could also have easily avoided making a pact with MC. Just a few chapters before they make a pact, it's made canon that:
a.) Levi can't even come close to beating Mammon in an actual fight and that, even while half asleep and not in his demon form, Mammon can easily overpower Levi
b.) Mammon is the fastest of his brothers
• Meaning that, in S1, instead of making a pact to get Goldie back Mammon could have;
a.) Overpowered Levi, without having to resort to an actual fight or transform to his demon form
b.) Gotten the card from MC/Levi because he would have been more than fast enough
• Meaning there was an actual conscious decision on Mammon's part that made him decide to make a pact with MC instead. Made him, as far as he knew, sign away his free will to a stranger he just met when he didn't have to do that. Something that, by Mammon's own admission, made MC stand out to him when really they should have been just another random human
• In S3 MC time travels, all the way back to when the brothers were still angels. Here they actively encourage the brothers' sins & for Lucifer to give Diavolo a chance. Before they get kicked out to their own timeline, Michael(??) tells them that though the brothers won't remember them, their actions will have an effect
• As it turns out, Michael(??) wasn't wholly correct as, in their dreams, the brothers (I believe it was Asmo & Lucifer who explicitly spoke about it) do remember there being someone else with them, though they can't place who it is
• In this past timeline, MC & Mammon have an instant connection unlike the initial animosity from their first meeting in S1 - probably because this MC is familiar with Mammon and is looking at their closest friend, while Angel! Mammon is much more confident than Demon! Mammon
• MC stares at Mammon in a way that makes him blush & stutter, enough that he calls them out on it twice. They can find his pranks funny and encourage his dreams when no one else does - enough that he instantly starts liking them (not in a crush way mind you) and by the time they find Levi Mammon's casually teasing MC like they actually have been friends for years instead of just meeting that day.
• MC had an effect on Angel! Mammon - and if Angel! Asmo could still remember them even if couldn't remember them - then Mammon definitely did
• So when he made a pact with MC there's a huge chance that at least subconsciously he didn't see them as just another random human
Because I need validation and I live for shameless self promotion;
1.) Fic between unnamed GN! MC & Angel! Mammon from S3
Familiar Strangers
Mammon gets a little more time with the strange angel his little brothers picked up and picks up a few things of his own.
2.) Mini fic about GN! MC & Mammon making a pact
Physical Contact
Physical Contact made during the Pact formation for all 7 brothers
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grandmother-goblin · 6 months
Okay, I swear I'll be done talking about how I miss EA Wyll for a while after this (not to say I don't love Full Release Wyll! I love him too! I just grew attached to certain aspects of EA Wyll)
One thing that I found really interesting about EA Wyll was his relationship with Mizora. In Early Access, we do not meet Mizora, but it's heavily implied that Wyll and Mizora had an entirely different relationship than the do in the Full Release version of the game. A relationship that I personally thought was really interesting!
Now, I'm drawing from knowledge from MONTHS ago since I don't have EA in front of me, but I did have 500 hours in EA so I like to think I'm not completely misremembering stuff lol (if I am, please kindly let me know!)
Here is what we knew (or was implied) about Wyll's relationship with Mizora in Early Access.
Mizora originally came to Wyll as a human, seemingly seduced him as a human, and it was only after he took her deal did she reveal that she was a devil (which pissed him off).
Mizora was kidnapped and imprisoned on the Mind Flayer ship too! In EA, Wyll wasn't looking for Karlach, he was desperately trying to find Mizora! (In EA, you could find Mizora's pod beneath the bridge leading to the Blighted Village and Wyll would comment on it. The pod is still there in Full Release, but there isn't any interaction with it.)
Wyll was actively in negotiations with Mizora to end his pact! Wyll seemed decently convinced that she was going to wilingly end the pact too!
Mizora actually uses Wyll's Sending Stone eye! This one was easy to miss; you had to have Wyll in the party as you were approaching the Goblin Camp for the first time. As you were walking, you suddenly heard Wyll say something like "Wait... hello??" and then he'd a ! over his head. When you spoke to him (I can't remember the first line exactly, but I believe he just tells you that it was Mizora reaching out) and then the interaction ends with a desperate cry from Wyll saying "Mizora! Where are you?!"
When Wyll calls out to Mizora, it's not angry; it's fearful and desperate. Like he's actually worried about her. I think this points to Wyll and Mizora having a more amicable relationship (but, of course, there are different and equally valid interpretations of this such as Wyll fearing for what might happen to him if something happens to Mizora, etc)
Wyll could potentially torture an innocent man to get information on Mizora's whereabouts. If I remember right, he will do this if you don't step in yourself and let him make the choice.
Lastly, Wyll also says the goblins would be doing him a "great favor" if they killed Mizora, "or so [he] thought on his darkest days" (quotes are approximations, again, I don't have EA in front of me).
I guess I miss the potential complexity of Wyll's relationship with Mizora from EA! In Full Release, it is very clear that Mizora is wicked and Wyll pretty much hates her, but that didn't seem to be the case in EA. There seemed to be a fascinating push and pull to their relationship that I was dying to learn more about!
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danieyells · 4 months
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(spoilers for unreleased content obvs)
One is with Subaru where Subaru apologizes for that he couldn't see him before. . .it kind of sounded like he was aware of Zenji but had never seen him in person maybe? But he legit feels bad that he simply. . .did not have the ability to see the ghost. Zenji's chill about it because "you can see me now though!" So it's not that sad, but it's sad from Subaru's point of view
Another is him having Haku film him for a video and Haku's like "i guess i'd better think of a good way to frame this backdrop" because he knows neither Zenji nor Zenji's voice will be in the video. . . . And Zenji sends you the video and you tell him you don't see or hear him and he gets upset and confused. . .he says haku must have made a mistake filming. . .i don't think anybody has the heart to tell him. . .or maybe he just wouldn't believe it.
Another is Zenji saying he's going to have like a street jam session with some friends and you go there and see Zenji in the back playing his heart out. . .and everyone's loving the music, they leave them money too, and then the band members leave and they comment on hearing a strange twanging noise(Zenji's biwa) the whole time and wondering if something was wrong with the equipment. . .or maybe it was a ghost? And you realize Zenji thought they were talking to him and agreeing to perform with him and stuff but they didn't know he was there at all, the entire time. . . .
One of his winter voicelines he says something like "it's cold, why don't you come closer to me? What do you mean that'll only make you feel colder?"
Like I really don't think he realizes he's dead. . .I'm wondering how he got to darkwick in the first place, is he actually enrolled or did he just start hanging out there after dying? Was he a general student who unknowingly died on a mission? (One of his home screen dialogues has him worried you were gone because something happened on a mission, so i'm leaning towards that.) Did he die from his demon pact or something else??? Did he die before or after becoming a ghoul? Doesn't that make choosing him in the pre-prologue completely irrelevant? Or does he move on if he thinks he's died?
Also WHY CAN TOWA SEE AND HEAR HIM. More points for Towa being sus. Also that he calls him "Iris" when (allegedly?) in historic Japanese culture irises warded off evil spirits is hilarious. He probably hates him because he sees him as an unruly anomaly, but maybe he can't be electrocuted or intimidated into submission because he doesn't realize he's an anomaly.
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