#atab marcellus
vanillaearwig · 1 year
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Two years later and this is still one of my favorite movies ever and a huge source of comfort and artistic inspiration 💕🐊
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luckyshinyhunter · 5 months
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Happy anniversary to Arlo the Alligator Boy, I remember watching it back in 2021 and I instantly fall in love with this underrated gem. Besides meeting Arlo and the gang, it's filled with colorful animation, banging songs and great performances, it became one of favorite animated films of all time. To this day, I'm still hoping for season 2 of I heart Arlo but for now, Happy anniversary to our little alligator boy! 🥰🎂🐊🍕🦅🐟🐅
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 months
Happy 3rd Anniversary Arlo the Alligator Boy! ^v^
As someone who only just joined this fandom late last year, I still wanted to celebrate its anniversary, as this little film has managed to mean a lot to me in such a short amount of time.
When it came out in 2021, I can remember seeing maybe one or two YouTubers talking about it but not many others, making it easy to just brush off. It wasn't until December 2023 when my friend @toondandy convinced me to give it a watch - and I'm SO happy I did! ^v^
While I can't say it's my favorite movie of all time, it's certainly in my top 25 simply through being such a happy and positive experience that I just really admire and appreciate for being so genuine with its heart and its charm. As someone who enjoys fun characters above all else, I love the chemistry between the cast and the found family aspect, I love the absolutely spectacular animation and music of the film, and I love the themes of body positivity, identity, optimism, and the importance of community.
By the time I joined the Arlo fandom, it was pretty much dead (which was to be expected, given that this was a Netflix fandom that hadn't seen any canon content in forever - though I did enjoy going through the backlog of adorable fanart I now had, haha, shout-out to @vanillaearwig for helping keep this new lowkey hyperfixation of mine going through their incredibly cute and really great Arlo art ^v^) but while I was somewhat disappointed, that didn't stop me from thinking about these characters nor did it stop me from sharing the movie and TV show with my brother, my best friend, and another online friend of mine (who I later commissioned to make me an Ansel plush, which I still love to bits! ^v^)
So yeah, tl;dr: Wish I could've watched the Arlo movie and show when it first came out, but hey- better late than never! So yeah, happy 3rd anniversary to a wonderful film and show that (despite Netflix still being a bit of an animation garbage fire rn) I hope gets a sequel or another sort of final follow-up sometime in the future ^v^
Also, for the record: My Top 5 favorite characters in order are Ansel, Arlo, Marcellus, Furlecia and Teeny Tiny Tony; my Top 5 fave Arlo songs are Better Life, Something's Missing, Beyond These Walls, Beautiful Together, and More,More,More; and my Top 5 I Heart Arlo eps are In The Blue With You, Make A Fish, Be The Turtle, The Shedding, and Swamp Itch.
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It is an absolute crime that this song wasn't included on the soundtrack.
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hmvw2015 · 3 years
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Arlotober Day 9: Friendship
Ice cream after a movie? What could be better!
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luckyshinyhunter · 25 days
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💟🎼🐊Happy anniversary to I 💚 Arlo, it's just unbelievable that show got overlooked like so many underrated shows.
Such a feel-good with amazing songs, dazzling animation and relatable characters. With those standing ovations, this deserve season 2, but Netflix just love making poor decisions.
No matter what, this franchise is must-watch and deserves the same status like any praised cartoon!🐊🎼💟
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luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
More Arlo headcanons because I'm bored
Though he's willing like trying from time to time, Arlo's favorite food is gumbo and beignets, what's the process he was raised in the swamp.
Bertie's favorite is tofu and vegetables, but definitely enjoys veggie burgers and stew or fruit salad.
Alia's favorite is any fish-related, but definitely she has a sweet tooth like Arlo, she likes gummy fish or basically desserts such as jello and pudding.
Furlecia likes seafood salad or bread sticks, any types of tea and hard candy.
Tony is possibly a pasta guy, giving the fact that he's Italian and owns a pizza restaurant of course, Napolitan spaghetti and cheesy stuffed shells, cannolis and enjoys anything that has cheese.
Obviously, Ansel is definitely that guy who loves expensive food like caviar, escargot, hors d'oeuvres and tuna steak, but goes on a diet sometimes.
Marcellus loves sardines, sandwiches or something fish-related like Alia, but is a nut when it comes to fast or fried food.
Ansel, Marcellus and Arlo are Trans.
Elena is Pansexual, Thao is Aro and Edmee is a Pan and Aro.
Gordon likes the gang but somehow doesn't like Ansel.
Mayor Elena and Ansel hang out sometimes, mostly at coffee shops or the park.
Back when he used to hide his wings, Ansel has a custom classic car as a gift from Arlo's late mom, also limos just in case he needs to get around.
Arlo definitely loves horror films either classic like Scream and Friday the 13th and modern films like Happy Death Day and Nope. But Ansel doesn't, he even block Arlo's eyes when anything graphic happens.
Marcellus loves raunchy comedies, whether good or bad comedies, especially films by John Waters.
Tony and Alia likes buddy-cop films like Rush Hour or Die Hard but enjoys both classic and modern Pixar films.
Bertie and Furlecia liked romantic and rom-com films such as The Notebook, 10 Things I hate about you and Casablanca.
Ansel and Arlo love films with musical numbers like James and the giant peach, Hairspray and Encanto.
Ansel sometimes feed the birds that appear in his rooftop.
Edmee was disappointed at Ansel for the whole abandoning Arlo thing at first, but is glad to see him trying to a better parent to Arlo.
Ansel, Tony and Marcellus hang out often, sharing stories and drinks wine or cocktails.
Thao visits the seaside on her day off sometimes.
Gordon and Jermomo go on misadventures when Arlo and the gang not notice.
The gang host a pride parade at the seaside, every year.
Every father's day, Arlo and Ansel hang out together.
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 months
Maybe this is just me but- for as much as it is very much a for-funzies crackship, I feel like the idea of Ansel/Marcellus could either be really surprisingly wholesome and sweet or just really funny depending on the day.
On the one hand, you have the fun surface level Opposites Attract dynamic of Flamboyant Upper Class Guy meets Lovable Trash Man (and also they're both just so silly) that can then develop into something deeper and more poignant - where they find things to genuinely appreciate and admire about one another (Marcellus appreciating Ansel's style/showmanship/passion, Ansel appreciating Marcellus' bluntness/honesty/secret soft side - especially when it comes to Arlo despite Marcellus supposedly hating kids - and both of them being able to sympathize and relate to each other's rough pasts) and are just able to, at the very least, build a solid friendship and rapport with each other.
...On the other hand, you have "Boyfriend who can literally afford anything they want/need for a date" VS "Boyfriend who is more than happy to steal anything they want/need for a date". Like those couples who constantly bicker over who's going to pay the check but more chaotic (which makes it even better)
Either way, whether for silliness or wholesomeness, short-term or long-term, I'm pretty down for it (and the fact that Marcellus is canonically attracted to Ansel at the very least just makes this even more fun to think about asdfghjkl)
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fanfic-inator795 · 6 months
Ansel: Excuse me, but may I get a sip of that water?
Marcellus: It’s not water.
Ansel: Ah, vodka then! I like your style-
Marcellus: It’s vinegar.
Ansel: …What?
Marcellus: It’s VINEGAR, coward!
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 months
How likely are the Arlo crew members to swear/say curse words?
*AKA back at it again with the silly ATAB headcanons*
Arlo: I feel like Edmee was one of those people/guardians where she'd be very casual about cursing but at the same time would still remind Arlo to watch his own language, though it's more of a 'mind your manners' thing than a 'saying a swear is one of the worst things you could do' thing. As such, Arlo shares a similar mindset, typically choosing not to swear for politeness sake but at the same time not seeing it as a big deal. That being said, this boy is 15 going on 16, so he certainly knows a few of the words - and the first time he swears, for anyone around to hear it it's literally like a brick to the face in terms of how caught off guard they are, lol.
Bertie: Similar to Arlo, she doesn't mind hearing other people curse, but very much feels awkward and self-conscious about doing it herself, at least around others. While she still only does it when she's feeling really emotional or stressed, she's a lot more likely to curse when she's completely alone.
Ansel: Given all that this guy put into his social image and trying to fit into high society, it's nearly impossible for him to actually curse out loud. He's just gotten too used to censoring himself for the sake of keeping up appearances, save for the occasional "damn" or "hell" (or frustrated squawk). THAT BEING SAID, you can bet that when he's super stressed and freaking out about something, while he may be silent on the outside, his inner monologue is very swear-heavy, lol.
Tony: Tends to alternate between cursing in English and Italian, often preferring the latter if only so people can't call him out on what exactly he's saying. Even then, he doesn't drop F-bombs or anything like that too often unless he's truly heated about something. Will try to censor himself somewhat around Arlo and Alia, but otherwise doesn't really bother.
Furlecia: Like Bertie, she's more likely to curse when she's either alone or just around Tony and Marcellus than when she's out in public, though in this case it's less about feeling awkward about it and more about just wanting to sound classy and professional, especially in her salon. Plus, she's just more likely to just start shrieking when things go wrong over letting out a stream of swear words.
Alia: Given that she's still a teen, I imagine she naturally uses the 'lighter' swears - stuff like crap and frick - over the actual swears. I could also see her just naturally preferring to hiss and yowl (and likely use her claws) to express her feelings over giving a long curse-filled rant.
Marcellus: The most likely out of all of them to swear, let's be real here. BUT, at the same time, I could almost see him thinking of swear words as too basic or too easy to use (being in the Tank for so long with other aquatic criminals, it was probably like being in a Vivziepop cartoon with how often he heard people cursing). Like- he'll still drop a classic "fuck you" if he's feeling particularly lazy that day, but if he's TRULY feeling emotional or pissed off at someone, he's gonna get creative with his language in order to be all the more scathing/get his point across all the more clearly.
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 months
Random game night thoughts involving the Arlo crew
The one and only time Monopoly gets suggested, Ansel is the one to do it, leading to the others to be like "bro, don’t you work in real estate?" "...What does that matter?" *gives Ansel the flattest of stares* asdfghjkl
Though, given how much Monopoly relies on luck, Ansel wouldn't have THAT big of an advantage, but most of the crew still aren't super interested in playing a money-focused game with a rich guy
Arlo tends to lean more towards simple card games and stuff like checkers since those are the games he played with Edmee growing up. As such, I could see him and Bertie playing checkers together on the days where Bertie is looking for something quieter and less shenanigan-filled to do with her gator best friend
As for cards, depending on the specific game, things can get real chaotic real fast. Being a former con-man and all, Teeny Tiny Tony definitely tries to give Arlo some tips on how to play stuff like poker, and admittedly gets frustrated at Arlo's complete lack of poker face
Charades is another favorite of Arlo's, as well as another game that leads to more than a little chaos whenever the whole crew tries to play it together - though Bertie is usually the best at deciphering Arlo's clues/gestures (even if she still gets confused and has to guess/take a shot in the dark half the time)
Despite being teenagers (i.e. bit older than the typical age demographic), Arlo and Alia both enjoy the more gimmick-y kids board games. Think stuff like Candy Land, Trouble and Operation
Furlecia is actually a wiz at trivia, just because out of everyone in the Arlo crew, she seems like the one who would know the most about pop culture. Another person who does surprisingly well is Marcellus - he just knows random crap, and not even he can usually remember where he heard it. But hey, if it gets him a win, he's not gonna complain
No matter what game they play, Marcellus tries to cheat at least once. No one is surprised by this. Also, in an instance where cheating isn't possible, Marcellus forgoes trying to win and either picks a specific person to pick on or just does whatever he thinks will be funny. Again, no one is surprised by this
Feel free to add your own!
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fanfic-inator795 · 6 months
(I'm sure I'm not the first to do these but-) have some Arlo crew character alignments:
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 months
Arlo: We're going to the candy store? Bertie: No, it's midnight. All the candy stores are closed. Marcellus: We're going to ROB a candy store?!
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
Arlo and the Gang: Arcade Headcanons
Because Tess and I went to a local arcade today, and it’s fun imagining my favorite characters doing the things I do
Arlo, naturally, is pretty thrilled with the experience the first time he goes to one
He plays as many arcade games as he can, not really having a favorite ‘genre’ of arcade game since he wants to try them all (though I could see him sorta preferring the ‘simple’ games like skee-ball and rhythm games, since the boy’s got natural rhythm)
Arlo also finds luck-based games to be a lot of fun, having fun with the experience itself and not minding if he wins big or only gets a couple tickets
He also LOVES playing two-player games, since he loves getting to play with his friends + dad
Bertie is good at a lot of the more physical games - skee-ball, air hockey, basketball, etc.
The noise of the arcade can sometimes be a bit much for Bertie though (hence why she hates stuff like pinball or those games with all the alarms. WAY too noisy), so she occasionally needs breaks/will occasionally just watch instead of playing herself
Furlecia and Ansel both enjoy showing off on the DDR machine - Furlecia’s got long legs and knows how to use them, and Ansel just enjoys music/style-focused games (he definitely knows how to bring a crowd to the machine)
Furlecia also loves a lot of the fighting games like Tekken and Mortal Kombat, given that she’s a former underground wrestler and all. She usually plays against Alia.
Alongside fighters, Alia really enjoys shooting games - her extra senses actually come in handy here with shooting all the digital targets. Same thing applies to pinball.
Alia likes driving games too obviously, but she usually loses since the games/machines can’t usually handle her ‘unique’ and wild style of driving (much to her annoyance)
Tony doesn’t really care WHAT game he plays, he just tries to win as many tickets as possible so he can get a top prize from the prize counter/bragging rights.
He teams up with Marcellus (aka the cheater of the group/the guy who spends the whole trip trying to figure out how to ‘cheat the system’) to try and accomplish this.
Marcellus is also the one most likely to get his fin/part of his body stuck in a crane machine in his attempts to get a prize from it
Ansel also sometimes gets caught up in trying to win tickets/a great prize for his lil alligator boy. Like- he knows that Arlo doesn’t need nor want the top prize to be happy, but Ansel still wants to win him something decent for a nice keepsake his son can have
As for Arlo and the others, it’s not uncommon for them to just pool their tickets so they can all get a little something- or, on occasion, so they can get something cool and worthwhile that they can share or put somewhere in Seaside for everyone to enjoy
After they run out of tokens and have all their prizes, the group always goes out for ice cream after each arcade trip
Feel free to leave your own headcanons/comments on mine! ^v^
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
Not me remembering the Grand Galloping Gala episode of MLP g4 and applying the scenario to the Arlo crew going to that year's MET Gala-
Arlo (given that it's the anniversary of when his dad finally accepted him as his son) just wants to hang out with Ansel
Bertie just wants to enjoy the actual art that's at the museum
Tony wants to try and get people to try his Italian hors d'oeuvres that he snuck in/wants to try and advertise his pizzeria
Furlecia wants to show off her absolutely AMAZING outfit/hairstyle for the paparazzi to advertise her salon
Alia just wants to have a fun time
Marcellus wants to cause a bit of chaos/challenges himself to steal something seemingly impossible to steal just to see if he can
And of course nothing goes as planned, but they still manage to have a good time in the end, going out for midnight donuts afterwards
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luckyshinyhunter · 1 year
Have some Arlo headcanons
Arlo can knit after Edmee teaches him.
Ansel gave Arlo a phone.
Arlo loves hot chocolate.
The gang has a movie/game night.
Besides Marcellus, Bertie had a hard time trusting Ansel at first, but though time she gives him a chance for Arlo.
Arlo and Tony is bi, Bertie is a lesbian, Alia and Marcellus are pan, Furlecia is non-binary while Ansel is gay.
Ansel and Arlo love musicals and animated musicals, tho Ansel is a big musical fan.
Marcellus is the only person who likes anchovies on pizza.
When he's nervous, Ansel plucks his feathers from his wings.
Alia goes crazy over catnip.
Bertie loves fruit smoothies and juice.
Tony, Furlecia and Marcellus are in a poly relationship.
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