#atiye sultan daughter of mahmud ii
ottomanladies · 6 years
On this day, 3 October, in Ottoman history: 
3 October 1843 - birth of Seniye Hanımsultan: daughter of Atiye Sultan (daughter of Mahmud II) and Rodosluzâde Dâmâd Ahmed Fethî Paşa, she was born in Kuruçeşme Palace. She married Hüseyin Hüsnî Paşa (son of Sırkâtibi-zâde Mustafa Paşa) in October 1859. Seniye Hanımsultan died on 10 December 1910 and was buried in the mausoleum of her grandfather, Mahmud II.
3 October 1852 - death of Tîr-i Müjgân Kadın: Third Imperial Consort of Sultan Abdülmecid and mother of Abdülhamid II, she was a Circassian from the Şapsığ clan. Her father was Bekhan Bey and her mother was Almaş Hanım; nothing else is known about her family. Since she was not aristocratic, it is possible that she had been given to palace service at a young age as a gift; nevertheless, Sultan Abdülmecid noticed her in 1840 and wanted to marry her. "[S]he had hazel green eyes, quite long, light brown hair, white, translucent skin, and a slender figure, thin waist, and lovely hands and feet", according to her granddaughter Ayşe. Tir-i Müjgan Kadınefendi gave birth to Naime Sultan in 1840, to the future Abdülhamid II in 1842 and to Prince Mehmed Abid in 1848. Both Naime Sultan and Mehmed Abid died in infancy. Tir-i Müjgan Kadın fell sick, maybe of tuberculosis, and died on 3 October 1852. She was buried in the New Mosque.
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tiny-librarian · 6 years
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An oval portrait of Princess Atiye Sultana, daughter of Sultan Mahmud II and Perviz Felek Kadınefendi.
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ottomanladies · 6 years
On this day, 11 August, in Ottoman history
11 August 1780 - death of Aynışah Sultan: daughter of Abdülhamid I, she was born just a month before, on 10 July. She was buried in the Hamidiye Mausoleum.
11 August 1850 - death of Atiye Sultan: daughter of Mahmud II and Fourth Imperial Consort Pervîz-felek Kadın, she was born either on 2 January or on 11 February 1824. She was Sultan Abdülmecid's closest sibling, even though they had different mothers, because they were born only months apart. Atiye married Rodosizade Ahmed Fethi Paşa in 1840, and had two daughters with him: Seniye Hanımsultân (1843 – 1910) and Ferîde Hanımsultân (1847 – 1913). Atiye Sultan died at the age of 26 and was buried in the mausoleum of her father.
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ottomanladies · 6 years
Hello,could you list some of Mahmud ll’s granddaughters.
Hello! I have listed all the granddaughters in case someone else wants to know about more of them.
by Saliha Sultan:
Ayşe Sıdıka Hanımsultan (1821 – 1886), who married Server Paşa, son of Saîd Server Efendi.
by Atiye Sultan:
Seniyye Hanımsultan (3.10.1843 – 10.12.1910), who married Hüseyin Hüsnî Paşa, son of Sırkâtibizâde Mustafa Paşa.
Feride Hanımsultan (30.5.1847 – 1.1913), who married Mahmûd Nedîm Paşa and, with him, had Mehmed Sâib Bey (1861 – 28.11.1871)
by Adile Sultan:
Sıdıka Hanımsultan, died in infancy
Aliyye Hanımsultan, died in infancy
Hayriye Hanım-Sultân (6.1846 – 26.7.1869), who married Ahmed Rifat Bey later Paşa
by Sultan Abdülmecid:
Mevhibe Sultan (9/31.5.1840 - 3.11.1840/9.2.1841), daughter of Huşyar Kadınefendi
Naime Sultan (11.10.1840 - 1.5.1843), daughter of Tirimüjgan Kadınefendi and thus full sister of Abdülhamid II.
Fatma Sultan (1.11.1840 - 26.8.1884), daughter of Gülcemal Kadınefendi and thus full sister of Refia Sultan and Sultan Mehmed V Reşad. She firstly married Galib Paşa, who drowned at sea, and secondly Mehmed Nuri Paşa, with whom she had: Mehmed Fuad (1859-1862) and Emine Lutfiye Hanımsultan (1863-1866)
Behiye Sultan (22.2.1841 - 3.6.1847) her mother is listed as the Second Ikbal but no name was given.
Neyyire Sultan (13.10.1841 - 14.1.1844)
Hatice (?) Refia Sultan (7.2.1842 - 4.1.1880), daughter of Gülcemal Kadınefendi, she married Mahmud Edhem Bey (son of the above mentioned Adile Sultan's husband Mehmed Ali Paşa, from a previous wife)
Aliyye Sultan (20.10.1842 - 23.7.1844/10.7.1845), possibly daughter of Şevkefza, later Valide Sultan, and thus full sister of Murad V
Cemile Sultan (17.8.1843 - 26.2.1915), daughter of Düzdidil Kadınefendi, she married Mahmud Celaleddin Bey later Paşa with whom she had: Fethiye Hanımsultan (1887-1915), Fatıma Hanımsultan (1890-1901), Sakıp Bey (1897-1930), Mehmed Celaleddin Bey (maybe twin of Sakıp Bey, 1897-1916)
Münire Sultan (9.12.1844 - 29.6.1862), daughter of Verdicanan Kadınefendi, she married firstly İbrahim İlhami Paşa and secondly Ferik (lieutenant general) İbrahim Paşa
Samiye Sultan (23.2.1845 - 15.4.1845)
Nazime Sultan (26.11.1847 - 1.12.1847)
Sabiha Sultan (15.4.1848 - 27.4.1849), daughter of Mahitab Hanım
Behice Sultan (26.8.1848 - 30.11.1876), daughter of Nesrin Hamın, she married Halil Hamid Paşazade Hamid Bey but died only 14 days after the wedding.
Mukbile Sultan (9.2.1850 - 25.2.1850), daughter of the Fourth Ikbal, no name was given.
Seniha Sultan (5.12.1851 - 15.9.1931), daughter of Nalandil Hanım, she married Mahmud Celaleddin Paşa, with whom she had: "Prince" Sabahaddin Bey (1877-1948) and Sultanzade Lütfullah Bey (1880-1973). Sabahaddin Bey was called "the Prince" in Europe.
Zekiye Sultan (26.1.1855 - 19.2.1856), twin sister of Fehime Sultan
Fehime Sultan (26.1.1855 - 10.11.1856), twin sister of Zekiye Sultan
Şehime Sultan (1.3.1855 - 21.5.1857), daughter of Senior Ikbal Nalandil.
Mediha Sultan (30.7.1856 - 7/9.11.1928), daughter of Gülistu Hamın and thus full sister of Mehmed VI Vahideddin. She married firstly Sami Paşa-zade Necip Bey later Paşa and secondly Damat Ferid Paşa.
Naile Sultan (30.9.1856 - 7/18.1.1882), daughter of Şayeste Hanım, she married Kabasakal Çerkes Mehmed Paşa but died at the age of 25.
Bedia/Bedihe Sultan (30.9.1857 - 12.7.1858), daughter of Serfiraz Hanım
By Sultan Abdülaziz:
Saliha Sultan (10.8.1862 - 1941?), daughter of Dürrinev Başkadınefendi and younger sister of Şehzade Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi. "She was engaged to a son of Khedive Ismail of Egypt, but the engagement was broken off  after her father’s deposal and in April 1889 she married Ahmed Zülküfil Paşa". Her only child was Kâmile Hanım Sultan, who died in 1896.
Nazima Sultan (26.2.1866 - 26.11.1895), daughter of Hayranıdil Kadın, she married Ali Halid Paşa in 1889. She died at the age of 29.
Emine Sultan (1.12.1866 - 22.1.1867), daughter of Edadil Kadın
Esma Sultan (21.3.1873 - 8.5.1899), daughter of Gevheri Hanım, she married Çerkes Mehmed Paşa (former husband of her cousin Naile Sultan) and with him had: Sultanzade Hayreddin Bey (1889), Sultanzade Saadeddin Bey (1895), Sultanzade Hasan Bedreddin(?) and Mihriban Hanımsultan(?). She died in childbirth.
Fatma Sultan (1874): was born and died in the same year.
Emine Sultan (24.8.1874 - 30.1.1920), daughter of Nesrin Kadın. Abdülhamid II had proposed her marriage to his eldest son Abdülkadir Efendi but she did not like the prospect, so in the end she married Çavdaroğlu Ahmed Şükrü Paşa in 1901
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ottomanladies · 6 years
How many children of Mahmud II do we know about, and who were their mothers?
Hello! Mahmud II had a large family but, unfortunately, most of his children died in infancy. These are those who reached adulthood:
Saliha Sultan (16.6.1811 - 5.2.1843): daughter of Second Imperial Consort Âşûb-i Cân Kadınefendi. She married Dâmâd Halîl Rif’at Paşa in March 1834 and had three children with him: Sultân-zâde ‘Abdü’l-Hamîd Beyefendi (2.3.1835 – 3.1837), Sultân-zâde Câvid Beyefendi (1837?-?), Ayşe Sıdıka Hanım-Sultân (1821 – 1886).
Mihrimah Sultan (10.6.1812 – 3.7.1838): daughter of Second Imperial Consort Hacıye Hoş-yâr Kadınefendi (Fourth Imperial Consort at the time of the birth). She married Dâmâd Bursalı Mehmed Sa’îd Paşa in April 1836, and had a son with him: Sultân-zâde ‘Abdullâh Bey, who died with her.
Crown Prince (Valiahd-Şehzade) Abdülhamid (6.3.1813 - 20.4.1825): son of Â’lî-cenâb Başkadınefendi. He died at 12 years old and was buried in the mausoleum of his grandmother Nakşıdil Valide Sultan.
Atiye Sultan (2.1.1824 - 11.8.1850): daughter of Fourth Imperial Consort Pervîz-felek Kadınefendi, she married Rodosî–zâde Dâmâd Ahmed Fethî Paşa. With him, he had two daughters: Seniyye Hanım-Sultân (3.10.1843 – 10.12.1910) and Feride Hanım-Sultân, who probably died in infancy.
Hatice Sultan (6.9.1825 - 19.12.1842): daughter of Fourth Imperial Consort Pervîz-felek Kadınefendi. She was Atiye Sultan's full sister, and died at the age of 17.
Adile Sultan (23.5.1826 - 12.2.1899): daughter of Third Imperial Consort Zer-nigâr Kadınefendi (Fourth Ikbal at the time of the birth), she married Grand Vizier Dâmâd Kapdân-ı Deryâ Mehmed ‘Alî Paşa in June 1845. They had four children together but three of them died in infancy (Sıdıka Hanım-Sultân, Sultân-zâde İsmâ’îl Beyefendi, ‘Aliyye Hanım-Sultân), and only Hayriye Hanım-Sultân reached adulthood (6.1846 - 26.7.1869).
Crown Prince (Valiahd-Şehzade) Abdülhamid (18.2.1827 - 1829): the first child of Mahmud II to be born after the "Vak’a-i Hayriyye" (the "Fortunate Event", ie. 15 June 1826, when Mahmud II completely wiped the janissaries off earth). The little prince was called Crown Prince but him too died and was buried in the tomb of Nakşıdil Valide Sultan.
Abdülmecid I (25.4.1823 – 25.6.1861): sultan of the Ottoman Empire, his mother was Second Imperial Consort Bezmialem, whom later became Valide Sultan.
Sultan Abdülaziz (18.2.1830 – 4.6.1876): sultan of the Ottoman Empire, his mother was Second Ikbal Pertevniyal who, with the birth of her son rose to the rank of Fifth Imperial Consort. She would later be Valide Sultan.
Yılmaz Öztuna, Sultan II. Mahmud: Cihan Hakanı ve Yenileşme Padişahı
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ottomanladies · 7 years
On this day, 11 February, in Ottoman history
11 February 1708 - birth of Ümmügülsüm Sultan; daughter of Ahmed III, she was the twin of Zeynep Sultan. She was engaged to Abdurrahman Paşa at an early age but he died before the wedding could be celebrated so she married Genç Ali Bey, the Grand Vizier’s nephew. They were married for six years and, in 1730, during the revolt of Petrona Halil,  Genç Ali Paşa was killed. Ümmügülsüm Sultan died two years later, at 24 years old.
11 February 1708 - birth of Zeynep Sultan; twin sister of Ümmügülsüm Sultan, she unfortunately died only 8 months later, on 5 October 1708. She was buried in the tomb of Turhan Hatice Sultan.
11 February 1824 - birth of Atiye Sultan; daughter of Mahmud II and Pirüzifelek Kadın, a three-day celebration was held to celebrate her birth. She was described as intelligent and talented and she supposedly was closest to her half-brother Abdülmecid, who was only 10 months older than her. According to Rıza and Galib, Atiye, in boy’s clothes, followed her brother Şehzade Abdülmecid outside where they heard Serasker (Koca) Hüsrev Paşa talk to the sultan. At 15 she lost her father and it was her brother Abdülmecid - now the sultan - who arranged her marriage to Ahmed Fethi Paşa. The wedding celebrations lasted a whole week and foreign diplomats were among the guests. The marriage produced two daughters: Seniye Hanım Sultan and Feride Hanım Sultan. Atiye Sultan died at the age of 26 on 11 August 1850, and was buried in her father’s mausoleum.
11 February 1854 - allegations that Nakşıdil Sultan is actually Aimée Dubuc de Rivery are renewed; inside La Turquie Actuelle, it is told that she was born in 1763 in Martinique, where she had a happy childhood. Her closest friend was Joséphine Rose de Tascher de la Pagerie, the future Empress Josephine of the French. One day the two girls met with a fortune teller who told them they would both marry important men. Aimée was told that she would be captured by pirates and that her child would become a great ruler. Aimée studied in a monastery in Nantes for eight years and while she was going home, her ship sank. She was saved by a Spanish ship but that fell under the control of pirates and Aimée was taken to Istanbul to the harem of the sultan.
11 February 1867 -  Mehmed Emin Âli Paşa is appointed Grand Vizier for the fifth and last time; one of the most prominent statesmen in the Ottoman Empire, he was the architect of the Ottoman Reform Edict of 1856. He served under Abdülmecid and Abdülaziz. 
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ottomanladies · 5 years
Can you list some information about Abdulmecid I’s children with some information about them just like you did for Ahmed III harem + children.
Sorry for the long wait but... the guy had 42 children
Mevhibe Sultan (1840-1841), with Hoşyar Kadın: lived for only 8 months, was buried in the Hamidiye Mausoleum
Sultan V. Murad Han (1840-1904), with Şevkefza Valide Sultan: 33rd Ottoman sultan, he reigned for only 93 days, after which he was deposed on the grounds of "perpetual insanity"
Naime Sultan (1840-1843), with Tirimüjgan Kadın: Abdülhamid II's elder sister, she died of smallpox
Fatma Sultan (1840-1884), with Gülcemal Kadın: Mehmed V's eldest sister and Murad V's favourite sister. She had two husbands: Dâmâd'Alî Gaalib Paşa and Dâmâd Mehmed Nûrî Paşa, which she outlived. Her three children died in infancy and she spent the last years of her life confined in her villa in Istanbul because she had tried to reinstate Murad V on the throne. She died at the age of 44 and was buried in Murad V's mausoleum.
Behiye Sultan (1841-1847), mother unknown: she died at the age of 6 and was buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan. Her mother was "Her Highness, the Second Ikbal"
Neyyire Sultan (1841-1843), with Şayeste Hanım: she died at the age of 3 and was buried in the Nurosmaniye Mosque.
Refia Sultan (1842-1880), with Gülcemal Kadın: Mehmed V's elder sister. She was married to Dâmâd Mahmûd Edham Paşâ and had a daughter with him. Refia was extremely educated, like her sisters, as her father had insisted for them to be educated both in traditional and western subjects. Contrary to her younger sister Cemile, whom her father constantly lauded, Refia was a true spendthrift and her debts were staggering for just one person.
Hatice Sultan (1842-1842), with Gülcemal Kadın
Sultan II. Abdülhamid Han (1842-1918), with Tirimüjgan Kadın: 34th Ottoman Sultan, he was deposed by the Young Turks in 1909 and exiled to Thessalonika. None of his sons would ascend the throne.
Aliye Sultan (1842-1845), with Şevkefza Valide Sultan: younger sister of Murad V, she was 2 when she died and was buried in the New Mosque
Mehmed Ziyaeddin Efendi (1842-1845), with Nesrin Hanım:
Cemile Sultan (1843-1915), with Düzdidil Hanım: her mother died when she was 3, so she was raised by Rahime Perestu, future Valide Sultan. She was therefore very close to her older brother Abdülhamid II, who had been raised by Rahime Perestu as well. She married Dâmâd Mahmûd Celaleddîn Paşa in 1858, when she was fifteen. Her husband was the second son of Dâmâd Ahmed Fethî Paşa (husband of Mahmud II's daughter, Atiye Sultan) from his first wife. Fındıklı Palace was built for them. Together they had 6 children: Fethiye Hanım-Sultân (1859 - 1887), Sultân-zâde Besim Beyefendi (died at the age of 2), Sultân-zâde Sâkıb Beyefendi (1864 - 1897), Sultân-zâde Mehmed Mahmûd Celâleddîn Beyefendi (1864 - 1916), 'Ayşe Şıdıka Hanım-Sultân (1875 - 1937?), Fatma Hanım-Sultân (1879 - 1890)
Sultan V. Mehmed Reşad Han (1844-1918), with Gülcemal Kadın: 35th Ottoman Sultan, he was enthroned by the Young Turks after the deposition of Abdülhamid II and was the last sultan to die in office.
Münire Sultan (1844-1862), with Verdicenan Kadın: she firstly married the son of the Egyptian Khedive, İbrahim İlhami Paşa, and the costly wedding ceremony attracted a lot of criticism because the Imperial Army had just been defeated in Montenegro. The marriage lasted only two years, as İbrahim İlhami Paşa died at only 24 years old. She therefore married Lieutenant General Dâmâd İbrahim Paşa, with whom she had a son: Sultân-zâde 'Alâeddîn Beyefendi (1861 - 1915?). She was buried in the mausoleum of her great-grandmother, Nakşıdil Valide Sultan.
Samiye Sultan (1845-1845), mother unknown: she was buried in the New Mosque. Her mother had been listed as "Her Highness, the Third Kadinefendi"
Ahmed Efendi (1846-1846), with Nükhetseza Hanım: he was buried in the New Mosque inside the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Fatma Nazime Sultan (1847-1847), mother unknown: she was buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Sabiha Sultan (1848-1849), with Mehtab Kadın: she was buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Mehmed Abid Efendi (1848-1848), with Tirimüjgan Kadın: he was buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Ahmed Kemaleddin Efendi (1848-1905), with Verdicenan Kadın: he was a supporter of Murad V's rights to the throne and was in a bad relationship with her other older brother, Abdulhamid II. He married his only consort, Fatma Sezâ-dil Hanımefendi, in 1876, and had two daughters with her: Atiyetullah Sultan (1878-1878) and Münire Sultan (1880-1939). His daughter married Dâmâd Mehmed Sâlih Paşa in 1907 and had a son, Sultân-zâde Ahmed Kemâleddîn (Keredin) Beyefendi (1908-1987), clearly named after her father.
Atiyetullah Efendi (?-?)
Mehmed Fuad Efendi (died in infancy), with Nergizu Hanım: he was buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Behice Sultan (1848-1876), with Nesrin Hanım: she lost her mother at the age of 3 and contracted tuberculosis in childhood. She lived secluded all her life and her sisters Refia and Seniha always sent her letters to cheer her up, even though they knew that Behice's illness had reached the final stage by the time she had turned 20. In her letters, Behice came across as frustrated, jealous of her sisters' freedom and extremely sensitive. Her dowry had been prepared by her father but her illness always prevented her from getting married, even though that was her dream. Finally, her uncle Abdülaziz consented, and Behice married Dâmâd Halil Hamîd Beyefendi on 16 November 1876. Unfortunately, the princess died just 20 days later at the age of 28. She was buried in the mausoleum of Münire Sultan.
Mehmed Burhaneddin Efendi (1849-1876), with Nükhetseza Hanım: he was Abdülhamîd II's favourite brother, who also named a warship after him. He had two consorts: Mest-i Niyâz Hanımefendi and Şâd-rûy Hanımefendi. From his first consort, he had an unnamed daughter (1876? -1890?) and Ibrahim Tevfik Efendi (1874-1931). He was buried in the mausoleum of his father Abdülmecid
Rukiye Sultan (1850-1850), with Gülcemal Kadın:
Mukbile Sultan (1850-1850), mother unknown: buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan, her mother had been listed as "Her Highness, the Fourth Ikbal"
Mehmed Vamık Efendi (1850-1850), mother unknown: buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Nizameddin Efendi (1850-1853), with Nesrin Hanım: twin of Bahaeddin Efendi, he was buried in the mausoleum of Murad V
Bahaeddin Efendi (1850-1852), with Nesrin Hanım: twin of Nizameddin Efendi, he was buried in the mausoleum of Refia Sultan
Ahmed Nureddin Efendi (1852-1885), with Mehtab Kadın: he had two consorts, Nazlı Emşâl Hanımefendi and an unnamed one, but no children. He died at the age of 33 and was buried in the mausoleum of Murad V
Mehmed Rüşdü Efendi (1852-1852), with Ceylanyar Hanım: buried in the Hamidiye Tomb.
Osman Safiyeddin Efendi (1852-1855), with Ayşe Serfiraz Hanım: buried in the mausoleum of Abdülmecid I
Seniha Sultan (1853-1931), with Nalandil Hanım: she married Dâmâd Âsaf Mahmûd Celaleddîn Paşa (the son of Dâmâd Halil Rifat Paşa after the death of Saliha Sultan, daughter of Mahmud II) in 1877. Celaleddîn Paşa wasn't particularly trusted by Abdülhamid II but was nevertheless appointed vizier. Seniha and her husband participated in the Ali Suavi Incident, actually a conspiracy to dethrone Abdulhamid II and re-instate Murad V, the failure of which - among other things - prompted Celaleddîn Paşa to leave the Ottoman empire and settle in Bruxelles. Together, they had two sons: Sultân-zâde Mehmed Sabâhaddîn Beyefendi (1877-1948) and Sultân-zâde Ahmed Lutfullâh Beyfendi (1880-1973). Her son Sabâhaddîn was a vocal critic of Abdülhamid II's regime and was actually the leader of a faction inside the Young Turks movement which advocated some of the same liberal principles of the CUP but instead favoured administrative decentralization and European assistance. At the time of the Dynasty's exile from Turkey, Seniha Sultan was the eldest princess alive. She lived with Mehmed VI in Sanremo until his death, then moved to Nice, where the last Caliph Abdülmecid II had settled down but was not in favour because she was part of the "Mecid branch" of the family. She spent her last years bedridden in a room inside the caliph's villa and Nice and died there in 1931. She was buried in the Sultan Selim Mosque in Damascus.
Abdullah Efendi (1853-1853), with Şayeste Hanım: stillborn
Mehmed Abdüssamed Efendi (1853-1855), with Nalandil Hanım: buried in the mausoleum of his father
Zekiye Sultan (1855-1856), with Gülistu Kadın: twin of Fehime Sultan, was buried in the mausoleum of Münîre Sultân
Fehime Sultan (1855-1856), with Gülistu Kadın: twin of Fehime Sultan, was buried in the mausoleum of Münîre Sultân
Mediha Sultan (1856-1928), with Gülistu Kadın: elder sister of Mehmed VI, she fell in love with the son of Sâmi Paşa and started corresponding with him. When Abdülhamid II found out, he sent Necib Bey at the embassy in Paris. Mediha was devastated: she would not drink, eat or sleep. Her step-mother Verdicenan asked Rahime Perestu Valide Sultan's help, and together they were able to convince Abdülhamid to let the princess marry Necib Bey, which she did in 1879. Mediha had a son with him, Sultân-zâde 'Abdurrahmân Sâmî Beyefendi (1880-1961), but her happiness was short-lived: her husband died in 1885 at the age of 29. In 1886, she married her second husband, Dâmâd Mehmed Ferîd Paşa, but had no children with him.
Naile Sultan (1856-1882), with Şayeste Hanım: she married Dâmâd Çerkes Kabasakâl Mehmed Paşa who, according to Ayşe Osmanoğlu, was a brother of Abdülhamid II's consort Bidar Kadın. They had no children. She was buried in the mausoleum of Murad V
Bedia Sultan (1857-1858), with Ayşe Serfiraz Hanım: she was buried in the mausoleum of  Münîre Sultân.
Selim Süleyman Efendi (1860-1909), with Ayşe Serfiraz Hanım: he had 5 consorts:  Filiz-san Hanımefendi, Emîne Câvidân Hanımefendi, Fatma ikbâl Hanımefendi, 'Ayşe Tarz-ı ter (Tarz-ender) Hanımefendi and Zât-ı Melek Hanımefendi. His children were: Mehmed 'Abdülhalîm Efendi (1894-1926), Emine Naciye Sultan (1896-1961), and Damad Mehmed Şerefeddin Efendi (1904-1966)
Sultan VI. Mehmed Vahideddin Han (1861-1926), with Gülistu Kadın: last sultan of the Ottoman Empire, he was deposed in 1922 when the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed and exiled in 1924. He died in Sanremo, Italy
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ottomanladies · 6 years
On this day, 6 September, in Ottoman history: 
6 September 1825 - birth of Hatice Sultan: daughter of Mahmud II and Fourth Imperial Consort Pervîz-felek Kadın, she was Atiye Sultan's younger full-sister. She died at the age of 17 of smallpox, on 19 December 1842. She was buried in the mausoleum of her father.
6 September 1884 - death of Gevheri Kadın: Fourth Imperial Consort of Sultan Abdülaziz, she was Abkhazian. She was the mother of Esma Sultan (1873-1899) and of Prince Mehmed Seyfeddin Efendi (1874-1927). Gevheri Kadın was a very affectionate woman who helped the poor and supported education of the orphans; she also provided funds for the repairs of mosques and madrasas. After the deposition of Sultan Abdülaziz, she lived in Ortaköy Palace until her death on 6 September 1884. She was buried in the courtyard of the New Mosque.
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ottomanladies · 7 years
On this day, 7 february, in Ottoman history
7 February 1600 - Hüseyin Paşa is executed by Mehmed III; a former Anatolian inspector who had joined the Jalali rebellion, he was firstly captured and then brought to the Divan, where the sultan had him executed on the spot.
7 February 1632 - the soldiers rebel against the dismissal of Grand Vizier Boşnak Hüsrev Paşa; the Grand Vizier had been dismissed after failing to conquer Baghdad and Hafız Ahmed Paşa, a man approved by Kösem Sultan’s clique, was reappointed. Even though the campaign had been a disaster, the soldiers were enraged that Boşnak Hüsrev Paşa had been dismissed and gathered at the Hippodrome; Istanbul was plunged into chaos, like it had been at Sultan Mustafa’s deposition. This rebellion would lead to the assassination of Hafız Ahmed Paşa and other men close to Murad IV like Musa Çelebi.
7 February 1842 - Birth of Refia Sultan; the second daughter of Sultan Abdülmecid and Gülcemal Kadın, fourth Imperial consort, and thus full sister of Fatma Sultan and Sultan Mehmed V Reşad, she was born in Beşiktaş Palace at 9 o’clock. When she was five, she started taking lessions with her stepbrother Şehzade Murad, Fatma Sultan, the eldest prince Şehzade Abdülhamid and the younger Cemile Sultan; in addition to classical lessons such as the study of the Holy Quran, history of the Dynasty, Arabic and Farsi, they also studied French and Western music. Their piano teacher was an Italian woman called Teresa Romano. In 1854, when she was 12 years old, she was engaged to Mahmud Edhem Bey, son of Mehmed Ali Pasha; they got married on 21 July 1857 in an elaborate ceremony inside Topkapi Palace. In the last five years of her life she was plagued by ovarian cysts and underwent several operations before dying on 4 January 1880 at the age of 37. She was buried in the Mausoleum of the Imperial Ladies at the New Mosque in Istanbul. 
7 February 1887 - Birth of Adile Sultan; daughter of Şehzade Mehmed Salâheddin (Murad V’s son) and Tevhide Zatıgül Hanım, she was born in Çırağan Palace. She married firstly Captain Damad Faik Bey in 1910 and divorced him in 1913, after which she married Damad Moralizada Salaruddin Bey Effendi in 1914. With him, she had Nilüfer Hanımsultan. Adile Sultan died in December 1973, age 86, in Paris, where she is buried.
7 February 2006 - death of Hayriye Ayşe Dürrüşehvar Sultan; daughter of the last caliph Abdülmecid II and Atiye Mehisti Kadın. She lived her first ten years in Istanbul but after the declaration of the Republic of Turkey she moved first to Switzerland and then to Nice, France. She married an Indian prince and was known as the Princess of Berar.  In 1937 she attended the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth with her husband, and were seated in the North Choir Gallery of Westminster Abbey. Her husband died in 1970 and for many years the Princess lived at Hyderabad House in Kensington Palace Gardens. “There was an occasion when she was lunching with a friend in Oxfordshire, at which Princess Margaret was also a guest. The weather was inclement, and both Princesses were invited to plant cedars of Lebanon. Princess Margaret eventually did so - reluctantly - while the Princess of Berar performed her duty with her customary quiet dignity. Today Princess Margaret's tree struggles, while the Princess of Berar's thrives.” (from the Princess’ obituary on The Telegraph)
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ottomanladies · 4 years
Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin + children?
Şehzade Mehmed Selahddin was the only son of Sultan Murad V and, contrary to his father, had many children. While he died before he could succeed Caliph Abdülmecîd II, two of his sons became heads of the Ottoman Family in exile.
Ayşe Beyhan Sultan (17.7.1878-17.12.1878): daughter of Dil-âvîz Hanımefendi
Şehzade Mehmed Livaeddin Efendi (25.6.1880-1.8.1882): son of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi
Behiye Sultan (29.9.1881-1948): daughter of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi, she lived in Çırağan Palace for the first 28 years of her life. She married Dâmâd Hâfiz Ismail Hakkı Paşa in 1910 in Ortaköy Palace. She had no children. She died in Cairo, Egypt.
Celile Sultan (5.3.1882-24.11.1899): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she died of typhoid fever at the age of 17, and was buried in the Yahya Efendi Cemetery.
Ahmed Nihad Efendi (6.7.1883-4.6.1954): son of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi and head of the Ottoman family after the death of Caliph Abdülmecîd II; had the empire not been abolished, he would have ascended the throne as Ahmed IV. He married thrice but had only one child: Alî Vâsıb Efendi, the grandfather of author Ayşe Gülnev Osmanoğlu
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Photograph of Ahmed Nihad Efendi
Rukiye Sultan (1.6.1885-16.6.1971): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she married Dâmâd Şerif Abdülmecîd Beyefendi in 1910 in Ortaköy Palace (in a double ceremony with her sister Behiyye). She had no children.
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Photograph of Rukiye Sultan
Adile Sultan (10.2.1887-6.12.1973): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she married Dâmâd Fâik Beyefendi in 1910 in Göztepe Palace but had no children with him. She subsequently married Moralı-zâde Dâmâd Sâİaeddîn Beyefendi and had Nilüfer Hanım-Sultân (1916-1989) with him. She died in Paris, France and was buried there.
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Photograph of Adile Sultan
Behiye Sultan (26.9.1887): daughter of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi, she died on the same day
Safiye Sultan (30.6.1887-20.2.1911): daughter of Gül-i ter 3. Hanımefendi, she died of tuberculosis, and was buried in the Yahya Efendi Cemetery.
Şehzade Mehmed Efendi (23.3.1889): son of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, he died on the same day
Emine Atiye Sultan (4.12.1891-10.10.1978): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she married Sırkâtibi-zâde Dâmâd Osmân Hâmî Beyefendi in 1914 in Erenköyü Palace but had no children. She died in Istanbul and was buried in the mausoleum of Mahmud II.
Osman Fuad Efendi (25.2.1895 - 22.5.1973): son of Jâle-fer 2.Hanımefendi and head of the Ottoman family after the death of his elder brother Ahmed Nihad; had the empire not been abolished he would have ascended the throne as Osman IV. He died childless in Paris and was buried in the Muslim cemetery of Bobigny.
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Photograph of Osman Fuad Efendi
Şehzade Mehmed Nijad (Nejad) Efendi (3.3.1896): son of Cemile Dilberistân 3. Hanımefendi, he died on the same day.
Şehzade Mehmed Namik Efendi (24.6.1898-18.9.1899): son of Cemile Dilberistân 3. Hanımefendi
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Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin’s four daughters who reached adulthood (from left to right: Adile Sultan, Rukiye Sultan, Behiye Sultan and Emine Atiye Sultan) with his grandson Ali Vasib
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