#atla  sokka
Toph: And now for a gay update with Sokka and Zuko.
Sokka: Getting gayer.
Toph: Thank you, Sokka.
219 notes · View notes
bellwethers · 3 days
People with blue eyes:
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260 notes · View notes
wolf-elf · 1 day
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141 notes · View notes
thirdlotusprince3 · 20 hours
Hakoda, to team avatar: This weekends safety briefing;
Hakoda: Don't add to the population--i'm not ready for grandkids, don't subtract from the population--i don't feel like hiding a body.
Hakoda: Don't end up in the hospital, newspapers, or jail.
Hakoda: If you end up in jail establish dominance quickly.
67 notes · View notes
Pearl Of The Water Tribe
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Summary: Being a calm and beautiful water tribe princess has never heated up your life until you catch the eyes of a fire prince and an in-place water chief.
Word Count: 10.k
Warnings: yandere tendencies, manhandling, manipulation, use of Y/N,
A/N: Was not meant to be this long, but also took up most writing time as well as a different post that's coming up.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Avatar the Last Airbender characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
You were in your castle in the Water Tribe, preparing for your trip to the Fire Nation. You were nervous but also excited, knowing that this would be your first time leaving your home. Your father's advisors told you that it was a great honor to be chosen for the trip, and a sign that your father was preparing you to become his heir. But you were still anxious about it all. Meanwhile, Zuko had also been preparing for your visit. He knew that he had to make a good impression on the water princess, and he wanted everything to be perfect. As the day of the trip drew closer, both of you began to wonder curiously what the other was like. You had heard stories of Zuko's fearsome temper, and how he could be unpredictable sometimes. But you also heard that he could be very kind and generous. Zuko, meanwhile, had heard rumors of the beauty and kindness of the water princess. He couldn't wait to finally meet you in person, and find out if the rumors were true.
On your first day in the royal mansion, you meet Prince Zuko. It seems like all the rumors have been true. He's tall and handsome, and his temper is as fierce as it's said to be. But... he's kind to you. Zuko watched you enter the room, taking in your beauty and the way your dress flowed around your figure. He could feel the heat rising inside of him at the sight of you, his thoughts swirling with questions about what kind of woman could capture his heart and calm down his usually short-tempered personality. Even though he hadn't been told your name, your presence was enough to send his mind spinning. "Are you from the Water Tribe?" he asked as he approached you, looking down at your sparkling eyes with curiosity. "Yes, I am." You replied softly, unable to hide your nervousness as you looked up at Zuko. His intimidating physique and powerful presence were the opposite of anything you had ever experienced before. You had never felt so small compared to anyone. But in this moment, he didn't seem to be the feared warrior you had heard stories about. He seemed… gentle. Kind. You couldn't help feeling drawn to him, despite your fear. "I've been told we were expected to meet each other." You continued.
Zuko's expression softened as you spoke, his mind racing with possibilities of what this woman could mean for him. He could feel himself becoming attracted to you despite your being from the Water Tribe. He was curious to know more about you, and he was intrigued by the fact that you seemed slightly nervous around him. That was rare. "Yes, I expected to meet a Water Tribe representative," he said, taking a step closer toward you, "what is your name?" You had a quick surge of panic when Zuko took a step closer, your mind telling you to run, but your body refusing to listen. His presence was so intense and he was so close. You suddenly realized just how tall he was, looking up at him with wide eyes and a nervous smile. When he asked for your name, you took a deep breath and finally found your voice. "Y/n…" You responded.
"Y/n," he repeated your name, his voice soft and almost hypnotic. He could tell from your reaction that you were nervous around him, but it only attracted him even more. He found himself wanting to reach out and touch you. His hand hesitated for a moment, and then he brushed a piece of hair away from your face, making sure to be gentle. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He paused for a moment, looking deep into your eyes. You could feel electricity all over your body as Zuko touched your hair. You had never had someone be so gentle with you before, and it felt amazing. You could tell that he wanted to do more. You were aware you should have been more cautious with him, as he was the fire prince and your father's enemy, but you found yourself losing yourself in his presence. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." You responded, your eyes sparkling as you looked up at him, your hands twitching slightly.
Zuko noticed the little reaction you had when he touched your hair, and it did wonders for his ego. You were clearly drawn to him, and he was finding it difficult not to take advantage of that fact. "How long will you be staying in the palace?" he asked, moving closer to you until he was standing directly in front of you and he was only inches away. The heat from his body was intense, and he could see that it was affecting you. The heat from his body was unbearable as he stood right in front of you, but you could feel your own body heating up as well. Your heart was racing, your breathing getting shallow, and you could barely stand still under his intense gaze. You did your best to ignore the urge to reach out and touch him. "A few days." You replied, your voice shaky. "Long enough to negotiate the war strategy and diplomatic treaty and have them come to a finish." Zuko was amused by how much his presence seemed to affect you. You were clearly attracted to him, but he could also tell that there was a slight hint of fear that was keeping you from totally surrendering to him. But he could fix that.
"Well, then in a few days, we'll have this treaty and war strategy all settled and sealed," he said, moving his hand to the side of your neck and brushing it against your skin. "Then what?" his voice was low, his gaze full of heat as he looked at you. You shivered as Zuko's hand brushed against your neck, "then I'll be leaving." You replied, your voice shaky. "Back to the water kingdom, back home to my family." Zuko's eyes narrowed at your answer. He didn't like the idea of you going back to the Water Tribe, away from him. Your presence made him feel things he'd never felt before, and he didn't want you to leave so soon. In a swift movement, he stepped in front of you and trapped you against the wall, his body only inches away from yours. "And if I were to ask you to stay here with me in the Fire Nation?"
You felt your breath catch when he stepped in front of you and trapped you against the wall. You were aware of just how powerful he was, and how vulnerable you were at that moment. A small part of you wanted to give in and tell him you'd stay, but a bigger part of you was telling you that you'd be a fool to agree to that. "I have a kingdom to watch over and a family to return to," you replied, trying to keep your words as steady as you could. Zuko knew that he shouldn't be doing this, especially considering that you were a Water Tribe representative and princess, but he couldn't resist the urge to bring you closer to him. For a moment, he forgot that you were his enemy, and instead, you were just a beautiful woman standing in front of him, who caused his blood to boil and his heart to race. "But what if you didn't have to have that burden anymore?" he asked, inching his face only inches away from yours. Zuko smiled faintly as he looked into your eyes. He could tell that part of you was tempted by him, and he was going to do everything in his power to make that temptation into reality. He took a step forward, his body pressing close against yours, his head tilted slightly towards you as he spoke. "What if I were to make you a more attractive proposition than the Water Tribe could ever dream of?" his voice was low and sultry, his breath hot as it caressed your neck, "what if I were to declare you my bride?"
You gasped as Zuko's body pressed against yours, feeling overwhelmed by how close he was. He was powerful and handsome, and his proposal caught you off guard. For a moment, it was the only thing you could think about. Your entire body was telling you to say yes to him and you wanted to, it felt so right… but something pulled you back to reality, and you remembered who you were. "I can't," you replied, your voice barely a whisper as you tried to back away, but couldn't because he had you trapped against the wall. "I have responsibilities…" As you tried to back away, Zuko's hold on you only tightened. He was close enough to be able to smell your perfume and feel the soft curves of your body through the material of your dress. This close to you, he had no control over himself. The only thing he wanted was to possess you. "That's just it." His tone was softer than you had ever heard it, but the burning desire behind his voice was undeniable. "I'm offering you something better than responsibilities, I'm offering you freedom."
You could feel your heart pounding and you were starting to feel like you were losing the battle. It would be so easy to give in to him and say yes, to give up your duties and to become his bride. You felt so small standing in front of him, you had never felt this way about anyone before. "You're asking me to choose between my family and my kingdom, and you." You replied helplessly, wanting him to understand you couldn't just throw away years of hard work… but knowing that you wouldn't. Zuko knew that he had you. He could see the way your resolve was beginning to crumble, and he used that to his advantage. He stepped even closer to you until his body was touching yours, his hands sliding down your hips before settling on your waist. "I am asking you to choose between a life filled with politics and responsibilities or a life filled with passion and love." His grip on you tightened to emphasize his point. "I'm telling you that you don't have to spend the rest of your life shackled to duties, you don't have to settle for less than you deserve."
Your heart pounded violently as you felt Zuko's hands on your hips. You had never felt anyone else hold you like this, and it felt incredible. "I…Um..." You mumbled, completely flustered. "Who are you to tell me what I deserve? You're the fire prince, the enemy of my kingdom…" The heat from his body was suffocating, but it felt amazing at the same time. You felt so weak like you were a mere plaything for Zuko's amusement. "You really want me to surrender everything and become your bride…" You whispered softly, your eyes staring up at him, "for nothing but you…" The thought of you being his bride thrilled him, and as you stared up at him in a vulnerable state, he could barely keep himself from devouring you. It took every ounce of self-control he had to keep from taking you right there, in that moment. And it would be so easy too, there was nothing stopping him. "I do," Zuko said simply, his eyes full of intensity. "Would you really rather go back to that dull life of politics and war strategies than stay here with me? Where you can be free to be mine and do as you wish?"
Sighing softly as you turned away from Zuko, stepping away from him and making your way to the door. You felt like it was tearing your heart out to leave, but you knew you had to. "I'm sorry, I just can't…" You whispered, your voice shaky and emotional. As you reached for the door handle, you took one last look at him. It hurt you to leave without him, but you knew you had to.
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Azula laughed as she saw Zuko walking down the corridor, his face looking distraught. She had been outside of the room, listening to his little chat with you closely, and she knew it wasn't going well the minute she heard your soft voice and Zuko's desperate tone. "Aw, she turned you down, didn't she?" she laughed. "Why does Father allow you to meet with these people anyway? I'm pretty sure she'd never give you a chance due to your temper alone." Zuko ignored his sister's mocking as he walked past her, his rage slowly growing as he thought about what had happened. You had rejected him, and all because you claimed you had responsibilities to fulfill. You didn't even consider the offer he made to you. As if a few responsibilities should be more important than being his bride. Azula continued to taunt Zuko as they walked down the hallway, which just made his anger grow. “She’s just a stupid Water Tribe princess. She didn't know what she was missing.”
Zuko continued to ignore Azula's taunts for the rest of the day, his mind distracted by his thoughts of you. He would stare off into space, his eyes focused on nothing as he ran your encounter through his head over and over again. He blamed himself for the way he reacted to your rejection, and how he lost control. But he couldn't shake the thought of being with you, of being able to offer you the kind of freedom and life you deserved. The next day, the meetings resumed and Zuko was faced with having to see you again. Your mind was filled with a mix of emotions as you saw Zuko again in the meetings. On one hand, you regretted rejecting his proposal, wishing that you hadn't been so stubborn and given him a chance. On the other hand, you knew that you had done the right thing and that you had to keep your head focused on your duties. You couldn't let yourself be distracted, you couldn't let yourself give in to him. You forced yourself not to look at him, but you couldn't resist the urge to glance over every so often at his strong but troubled presence.
Zuko remained bitter after the rejection from the Water Tribe princess. You had the audacity to reject him, an offer that would have freed you from the burden of your duties and gave you power and freedom. He didn't care how handsome he was, how strong and powerful his Fire Nation was. None of it mattered to you, you would rather return to that boring life than be with him. Still, the sight of you in those meetings caused his blood to boil. The way you would glance at him and try to not make eye contact triggered something in him. Despite your attempts to ignore him, you could feel Zuko's intense presence every time you looked over at him. You refused to let yourself look at him too long, but even that brief, occasional glance was enough to trigger something within you. You felt a strange connection to him like you could see part of his inner self and all the pain and struggle he was dealing with. You wanted to say something, to reach out to him, but you were torn between your desires and your duties.
You found yourself glancing at Zuko more and more during the meetings, drawn to the intensity of his presence and you couldn't stand how much it made your heart race. You tried to pay attention to the strategy and diplomatic discussions, but during the final meeting of the day, you realized you couldn't take it anymore. You had to say something before you left. As the final meeting of the day came to an end, Zuko was just about ready to storm out of the meeting until he saw you standing there. His eyes were locked on yours, and even though he tried to stay stoic, something in him was stirring as he stared at you. "Come here," he said in a low voice, his hand waving you over. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw Zuko's hand gesture, knowing that he wanted you to come to him. You couldn't deny how much you wanted to go to him either. But you needed to be strong. You were ready to leave the meeting, expecting that you would go back to your room and avoid any further interactions with him until you left, you took a step toward him and then stopped. "Why?" You asked defiantly, your tone of voice steady even as your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
Zuko's eyes narrowed when you showed this sudden display of rebellion, that you were keeping yourself at a distance because of your duties. But he would make you forget about those worthless duties, he would take over your mind and make you forget everything except him. "Because I'm not finished saying everything I came here to say." His voice was low, and though he held a gentle expression on the outside, there was a hint of danger behind it. "The last thing I need is some woman refusing to do what I tell her," he said again, this time with more impatience in his voice. You didn't flinch, your voice calm as you kept your distance from him. The power in his tone was tempting, pulling you toward him, and you had to fight against that urge. "I have to go back home, to my family, to my people." You replied, "I have duties and responsibilities."
Zuko was seething at the fact that you were defying him again. How dare you be so headstrong, so stubborn. He could see the way you kept your ground as his aura of heat intensified around you, just inches away from touching yours. "And you'll leave me to go back to those responsibilities, to those duties, instead of staying here with me and being mine?" He stepped forward again, and this time, his chest was pressed up against yours. You were struggling to breathe as Zuko pressed up against you. For a moment, you weren't focused on your duties or your family, or anything else. You were focused on him, his body pressed up against yours. You couldn't do it though, you had to get away from him. "You don't understand, I have a kingdom to watch over and a family to return to." You pushed him away when you felt him getting too close, "I can't just leave them."
At that moment, Zuko's patience ran out. A wall of emotions ran through his mind. You had rejected his proposal once more, denying him again. You refused to be his for no good reason. All of the annoyance, rage, and frustration built up in him exploded in an instant when you pushed him away. He grabbed your arm and yanked you close to him, so close that you were practically pressed up against his chest again. And then he put his face right up next to yours, his eyes blazing. "I don't care about your damn responsibilities!" He shouted. In the middle of Zuko screaming at you in the meeting room, suddenly the doors burst open. Zuko and Azula's father Ozai, charged into the room and took one look at the scene. His eye twitched slightly as he saw his son pressed up against you with his grip on your arm. Ozai stepped between you and Zuko, his eyes filled with anger. "What in the name of the gods is going on here?"
Zuko was silent as his father barged into the room, his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face. Ozai's glare was enough to make his own anger dissipate in an instant. His father had a strict rule against showing such emotions in public."Nothing, Father," Zuko said, keeping his tone calm and controlled. "The woman was discussing diplomatic issues and I told her to step aside for a moment." You saw Ozai's gaze immediately shift to you. A moment ago, you had almost given into Zuko's desire to make you his bride, but now you were face to face with the Fire Lord himself. You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you met his glare. "I must return to the Water Tribe," you replied calmly, your tone more formal than it had been a moment ago in an attempt to show the Fire Lord your respect. "The treaty is set." Ozai was impressed with the way you retained your composure under his stare. He had seen a lot of people break down and show fear in front of him. But not you. You kept a firm and confident demeanor. "A noble idea." Ozai's voice was stoic, but he was also studying you curiously. He turned to Zuko, an eyebrow raised. Ozai remained silent as he turned his gaze back to his son. His eyes narrowed as his thoughts raced through his head. He didn't like that his son had tried to proposition the Water Tribe Princess, even if you were a beautiful woman. He would have had words with his son after the meeting. But that didn't matter now that the meeting had gone nearly off the rails. "You," he said slowly, his voice icy and cold. There was no way Zuko could disguise the anger in his tone. "We'll talk later."
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Months had passed since you turned down Zuko's proposal, and things were quieting down back in the Water Tribe. You had managed to shake off the thought of his rejection for a while, but it had been all too easy to get caught up in your regular duties and not think about him. That was until you received a letter from Zuko, who had been exiled from his home and banished from the Fire Nation. You could have easily ignored the letter but you were intrigued by his asking for your help. Zuko knocked softly on your door as he stood outside your home, nervous about what you might say to him. He had been banished from the Fire Nation and was living in exile after his father challenged him to an AgniKai duel for honor and almost losing the treaty with you. As a result, even if it was hard for him to admit it, he needed your help.
As soon as you heard the knock on your door, your heart leaped in your chest. It had been so long since you had spoken to Zuko, and you didn’t know how to react when you saw him again. You cautiously approached the door and opened it to find Zuko standing there, dressed in humble clothes instead of the royal attire you last saw him in. You were shocked by how different he looked, but there was a trace of the same intense fire in his eyes. The moment you opened the door, Zuko felt a wave of emotions wash over him. You looked just as beautiful as he remembered you, and he had to fight the urge not to run to you and embrace you. He had missed you more than words could describe, and now that you were standing in front of him again, he barely managed to keep his composure together. "Hey," he finally said, his voice sounding as nervous as he felt. Your heart skipped a beat as Zuko spoke. You had been thinking about him for months, and now he was here, standing in front of you. "Hey," you said softly, your eyes taking him in and feeling confused by how different he looked. You couldn't help but notice how handsome he still was, even in his more humble attire. "Come inside," you gestured for him to enter your home, "please."
Zuko nodded silently and stepped inside the house, his eyes taking in every detail of your humble home. For a moment, he felt out of place, the son of the Fire Lord in the house of a Water Tribe Princess. But that feeling quickly vanished the moment he focused back on you. "Thank you," he said softly, as he was struck by how much you'd changed since last they spoke. You were wearing a comfortable and light dress and he could see that your hair had also changed. You couldn't help but notice how Zuko seemed out of place in your home. He looked far too grand to fit in with the simplicity of your surroundings, but there was a charm to seeing him there as if he was meant to be there. You closed the door quietly behind him and gestured for him to take a seat at the table, your eyes glued to him. There was an air of uncertainty between you both, as neither of you knew what to say. You could sense that he was nervous, and you felt the same way. As you watched Zuko take in your humble home, you felt a wave of affection wash over you. Despite the drastic differences in your social status now, seeing him in your home made you forget all that. You wanted to ask him everything that had happened since you last spoke, but all you could muster up was a soft, "What are you doing here?"
As you led him into the living room, Zuko caught a whiff of your scent, and it sent a wave of nostalgia over him. He remembered the smell of your skin and hair when he held you in his arms and it made his heart ache for you even more. At your question, his eyes focused on your gaze, and for a moment, he felt guilty for coming to you and asking you for help. But he reminded himself of why he was here, and why he needed your help. "It's a long story," he said quietly. You felt your breath hitch at the way Zuko looked at you, and you quickly shook it off. You walked over to the couch and sat down, feeling the tension in the air. "I have time," you replied, your voice coming out more confident than you expected. Despite the fluttery feeling in your stomach, you managed to muster your strength and continue. "You said you needed my help, why?" Zuko took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation that was ahead. He knew he was at a disadvantage since he had asked for your help, which gave you the upper hand in this situation. And he also knew that you might turn him down, which honestly, wouldn't surprise him. "I've been banished from the Fire Nation," his said, with a hint of bitterness in his voice. He paused for a moment, waiting for you to say something, but when you remained quiet, he continued. "And I need your help to get back."
As soon as Zuko spoke the words 'banished from the Fire Nation,' your eyes widened in surprise. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You had never thought that the crown prince could be exiled from his own nation. You listened intently as Zuko continued to explain the situation, understanding how vulnerable and desperate he must feel. But even with his explanation, you couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and disbelief. "Why me?" You said softly, your voice laced with emotions. Zuko took a deep breath as he tried to think of a suitable answer to your question. He knew that you probably wondered why he chose you, out of all the people in the world, he decided to come to your home and ask you to help him. But the truth was that he had been thinking about you for months, despite how he had tried to push you out of his mind. "Because I trust you," he said quietly, and he spoke from the heart. He couldn't stand being without you for this long, and now he was desperate.
As soon as Zuko uttered the words 'I trust you', you felt your heart skip a beat. You didn't know what to expect in this moment. But hearing him say that he trusted you, made you feel like your knees were about to buckle. You swallowed nervously, not sure how to react or what to say. You were conflicted. On one hand, you wanted to help him, to be by his side and support him in his time of need. On the other hand, you feared that it was a terrible idea, one that could have serious repercussions. Trust was not something you thought you deserved, especially after rejecting his proposal. You were overwhelmed by the mixture of emotions flowing through your body, but you quickly got a hold of yourself and pushed all those thoughts away. "You trust me?" You asked softly, your eyes full of surprise and anticipation. He saw the flicker of surprise in your eyes at his words, but he could see the hesitation and resistance still there, and it gnawed at him. He knew you had rejected him once before. But there was also a slight change in your demeanor that made him wonder if there was something more going on in your mind. "Yes," he said, a hint of vulnerability lacing his tone as he tried to maintain his composure. "I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone else."
Your mind was flooded with contradicting thoughts, your emotions swirling within you like a storm. Despite everything, you couldn't help feeling a sense of appreciation for Zuko's trust. His words resonated within you, causing a strange sensation in your heart. "Why?" You managed to ask again, your voice tinged with surprise and confusion. You didn't understand why he would trust you, especially considering the last time you saw each other and your decision to reject him. As you asked the question again, Zuko felt a sense of frustration well up inside of him. Wasn't it obvious to you why he trusted you? Didn't you feel how much he had been thinking about you? But he reminded himself to control his emotions. He couldn't let his anger get the best of him now. "Because you have a good heart," he said quietly. "And you're loyal. You're smart, and you always try to do the right thing." He couldn't help but admire your qualities and your fierce loyalty.
Your mind was spinning with conflicting emotions. You understood that Zuko's trust in you was sincere, but you didn't know whether to feel proud or guilty about it. After all, you had rejected him, and now he was coming to you of all people for help. You took a deep breath and tried to clear your mind, wanting to focus on the task at hand. "What exactly do you need me to do?" You asked, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness. The moment the question left your lips, Zuko felt a rush of relief. He had been unsure whether you would agree to help him or not, and now that you had, he felt like he could finally breathe easy for the first time in a long time. "I need you to help me come up with a plan to take back the throne," he replied. His eyes were filled with determination, as he was ready for whatever it took to return to the Fire Nation and restore his honor.
Feeling as if your heart leapt in your chest as you heard Zuko's request. You couldn't believe that he was asking you for help with such an ambitious plan, but there was a flicker of excitement in your eyes. You took a moment to consider the plan, your mind racing with possibilities. But then your face fell as you realized the reality of the situation. "Zuko… It sounds impossible," you said softly, your eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and worry. "You've been exiled, and the Fire Lord holds all the power." Zuko flinched at your words, and a flicker of frustration crossed over his features. He knew everything you were saying was true, which only made his exile that much more painful. Still, he was determined to take back what was his, and he refused to give up so easily. "I know it won't be easy," he said, his voice low and intense. "But I will do whatever it takes to restore my honor and return to the Fire Nation." He stared deeply into your eyes, a fierce determination burning in his gaze as he spoke. "Will you help me…or not?"
The intensity in Zuko's eyes made your breath catch in your throat. You could feel his determination and passion, and it made you realize how much this meant to him. You knew the risks and the challenges that lay ahead, but you couldn't resist the pull of Zuko's magnetic personality. His determination was contagious, and you found yourself nodding. "Of course, I will," you said with a soft smile, your eyes full of determination.
"I'll help you every step of the way."
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As time slowly passed by, you helped Zuko adjust to being on his own and within an important Water Tribe who didn't seem keen on taking to him. Helping him learn to be more calmer and relaxed if he wanted his plan to work, even as he grew more protective and annoyed when you were around or working with others before attempting to pull you away. As Sokka arrived in the Water Tribe with his sister, Katara, and her friend, Aang, he couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement. He had heard rumors about the beauty and grace of the princess in the Water Tribe, and he had been quietly yearning to see for himself. As he surveyed his surroundings, his eyes suddenly widened as he spotted you across the square. He couldn't help but stare at your figure. "Who's that?" he whispered to his sister, his eyes fixated on you.
You were making your way through the market in the middle of the square with Zuko beside you, your movements graceful and delicate as you picked out fresh fish for your family. You didn't notice Sokka's gaze following you, but Katara glanced over and saw his intense stares. She rolled her eyes and nudged her brother with her elbow. "That's Y/N. She's the daughter of the chief….you know the princess." The moment Sokka laid eyes on you, he felt a rush of awe and admiration. Your beauty had captivated him in an instant, and he could barely tear his gaze away from you. As he discreetly asked his sister about you, he tried to hide his excitement, although he was barely succeeding. "The princess?" Sokka's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for your title as well. While he was intrigued by your beauty, the fact that you were a princess made you even more captivating in his eyes. Still, he tried to maintain his composure, knowing that he had to first interact with you. He casually leaned down to whisper to Katara, "Do you think she's single?"
Katara rolled her eyes at Sokka's comment, not surprised by it. He was always flirting and trying to find a romantic connection with any woman he met. "Sokka, she's a princess. And she doesn't look single." She whispered back, still looking around the North as if in awe even as she glanced at the Water Tribe Princess. Sokka's hopes deflated slightly at his sister's response, and he couldn't help but feel a small pang of disappointment. Despite it, there was a strange feeling of determination and desire stirring within him. He couldn't deny the pull you were having on his heart, and he was determined to find out more. "I'm gonna talk to her," he declared quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of excitement and anticipation. Before his sister could protest, he was already making a beeline toward you.
As you strolled through the market with Zuko, a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. The atmosphere was alive with chatter, and the scent of the sea and fresh produce filled the air. You picked out some fish and glanced back at Zuko, who seemed to be lost in thought. You were just about to call out to him when your attention was suddenly diverted by a new, unknown face in the crowd. Your eyes widened slightly as you noticed Sokka approaching, his gaze fixed on you. Sokka's heart pounded in his chest as he took in your appearance. The way your gaze met his made his stomach do flips. Despite his anxiety, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Hey," the word slipped out. It was a simple word, but it spoke volumes of his nervousness and desire to connect with you. He couldn't help but be drawn to you, even though he couldn't quite understand why. It was a strange and new feeling, and he wondered if it was just some silly crush.
As Sokka's greeting caught your attention, you turned to face him with a small smile. Despite the flutter in your chest, you managed to keep your composure, acknowledging his presence with a soft nod of your head and a friendly tone. "Hello," you replied politely, observing the tall Water Tribe boy in front of you. His nervousness was palpable, and you couldn't help but wonder what he wanted or why his gaze was so intensely fixed on you. Zuko's reverie was suddenly interrupted by your sudden attention shift, and he followed your gaze to see a young Water Tribe man approaching you. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of wariness as he noticed the way the man was looking at you, but he tried to suppress his jealousy. Sokka swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. His heartbeat pounded loudly in his ears, almost drowning out the noises of the busy market. He had a million things he wanted to say, but suddenly, all the words vanished from his mind. His usually quick tongue felt like it was tied in knots. He took a deep breath, gathering his nerves as he searched for the right words. "So, uhm… nice weather we're having," Sokka blurted out, wincing slightly at his cliché attempt at conversation.
You raised an eyebrow at Sokka's attempt at conversation, trying to hide the small smile forming on your lips. His nervousness was endearing, and you couldn't help but feel a flicker of sympathy for him. "Yes," you responded, your voice holding a hint of amusement. "The weather is quite nice today." You waited for him to continue, your eyes watching him expectantly, curious to see where this conversation would lead. Sokka felt a small bead of sweat drip down the side of his face as he struggled to think of something else to say. He was usually so charismatic and confident, but suddenly he felt like a bumbling mess. Despite the nerves, Sokka couldn't help but notice how breathtakingly beautiful you were. It made his stomach do cartwheels and made his mind go completely blank. "Right, right," he stumbled, his brain grasping for any thought he could turn into a conversation. After a brief pause, he met your gaze once more, his voice wavering slightly. "Do you… uhm.. come here often?" Sokka asked, wincing realizing how corny that must've sounded since you lived here.
A soft laugh escaped your lips, your eyes twinkling with amusement. Hearing Sokka's corny question made your heart flutter with a mixture of amusement and surprise. "Yes," you responded, still smiling. "I do come here often… since this is home and all." Despite the cliché and awkward situation, you found it endearing that Sokka was trying to strike up a conversation. You waited for him to continue, your eyes on him expectantly. Zuko gritted his teeth as he listened to Sokka's compliment towards you, his irritation flaring up again. He couldn't help but feel a sense of possessiveness and jealousy towards you, especially when he noticed the way Sokka was looking at you. He could feel his heart rate quicken, and the urge to intervene and protect you surged through him, but he managed to keep his composure. Instead, he watched intently as you and Sokka continued to chat.
Sokka felt a mix of relief and disappointment. He was glad that he didn't seem to have made a complete fool of himself, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was coming off as awkward and inexperienced in the art of flirting. He cleared his throat, trying to come up with a witty response. But unfortunately, all he managed to say was a simple "Oh, right, of course." His mind blanked once more, leaving him feeling tongue-tied and lost for words. As Sokka's mind went blank once more, You couldn't suppress a chuckle that escaped your lips. His attempts at conversation were endearing, but it was clear that he was struggling. Seeing the look of desperation on his face, you finally took pity on him and decided to save him from any further embarrassment. You gently placed a hand on Sokka's arm, gently interrupting his awkward pause. "So, what brings you here?" You asked, your voice gentle as you tried to ease the nerves between you two. "Are you visiting or passing through?"
Sokka's eyes widened slightly as you touched his arm. Your soft touch sent a jolt of electricity through his body, making his heart race. It took a moment for him to compose himself, the warmth of your hand still lingering on his skin. He managed to gather his thoughts and cleared his throat once more. "I'm here with my friends,” he said, a small hint of a smile playing on his lips. “We’re accompanying the Avatar on his journey. So, kind of visiting.”
Your smile widened as you listened to Sokka's explanation. You had heard about the Avatar's journey, but actually meeting someone who was a part of it felt surreal. "You're accompanying the Avatar?" You repeated, your voice filled with surprise and wonder. Your eyes widened slightly, and you couldn't believe your luck. Not only was this Water Tribe boy charming in his awkwardness, but he was also on a noble mission. Sokka felt another rush of adrenaline as your smile widened. He nodded, his confidence returning slightly at your evident interest. "Yeah, it's been quite the adventure," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "We've been traveling for months, going to different nations and facing all kinds of challenges. It's been a crazy ride but right now he's here to learn water-bending." He paused for a moment, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. "But I must admit, I never expected that meeting someone like you would be the greatest adventure of them all," he said with a touch of flirtation.
As Sokka's words washed over you, your heart fluttered in your chest. The warmth of his smile and the gentle touch of his hand on yours sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You couldn't help but laugh softly at his cheesy words, charmed by his attempts at flirtation. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you?" You responded, your voice laced with laughter and amusement. "I might be able to help with the water-bending problem."
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As the Gaang settled into the Water Tribe, Sokka's eyes immediately drifted toward your striking figure. He couldn't help but feel a jolt of admiration and attraction as he watched you in action. He found himself stealing glances whenever you were nearby, observing your every move with a newfound fascination. He appreciated your strength, your grace, and your loyalty to your tribe. Sokka's typical banter and teasing were replaced by a newfound shyness around you. You were unaware of Sokka's observations of you. His shy glances and flustered demeanor went unnoticed by you as you went about your daily routine. However, you couldn't help but notice that your interactions with Sokka have felt different lately. He seemed more awkward and less confident around you, stumbling over his words and unable to maintain his usual charm. You had a feeling he was nervous around you, but his uncharacteristic behavior intrigued you. You couldn't pinpoint why he was acting this way, but you found yourself wanting to learn more about what was going on in his head.
As you go about your daily tasks, you can't help but notice a strange feeling of warmth in your chest as you watch Sokka from afar. His shy glances and nervous behavior around you left you feeling both amused and flattered. Despite his usual confident demeanor, there was something endearing about seeing him become awkward around you. When your eyes occasionally met, you found yourself smiling softly, feeling flustered by the unexpected connection. You found yourself drawn to his nervous energy, amused by his clumsy attempts to strike up a conversation, and interested in getting to know him better. Despite his shyness, Sokka's genuine interest in you made your heartbeat flutter. As Sokka approached you with a newfound confidence, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been observing your skill on the battlefield and found himself captivated by your grace, power, and loyalty. Despite his earlier attempts at witty banter, Sokka's nerves had returned, making his usual confidence falter. He found himself tongue-tied when he finally stood before you, feeling as if he were a naive boy all over again. "Hi," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of nerves and admiration. "You're an amazing bender."
Your lips twitched upwards into a small smile as Sokka approached you, his earlier nerves making him seem endearingly earnest. "Thanks," you replied, your eyes twinkling slightly with amusement. You watched as Sokko stood before you, his confident demeanor having slipped away, replaced by a nervous energy that was both charming and endearing. "You're not so bad yourself," you added, your tone light and playful, sensing the nervous tension between you both. "I've seen you in action. You're pretty skilled with that boomerang of yours." Sokka's heart leapt in his chest as he heard your praise. Your words sent a wave of warmth through him, making his cheeks flush slightly. Despite his nervousness, he couldn't help but smile at the compliment. "Thanks," he replied, his voice a bit softer than usual. "I've had some practice. And yeah, I'm pretty good with my boomerang. I'm pretty sure I could take down an army with it if I wanted to." His confidence was returning, his usual self-assurance taking over, but his heart still fluttered whenever his gaze met yours.
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at Sokka's boastful comment, your eyes dancing with amused affection. You could tell he was trying to play it cool, but you could see the nervousness lingering beneath his bravado. "Is that so?" You teased, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "An army, you say? I'd pay good money to see that." Sokka let out a hearty laugh, realizing that his attempt to sound impressive had fallen flat. However, there was a flicker of determination in his eyes as he looked at you. "You doubt my skills, I'll have you know, I've taken down more enemies than I can count with my trusty boomerang," he said, his voice regaining its usual bravado. "I'll prove it to you. Next training session, I'll go all out and show you what I'm capable of."
You smirked at Sokka's defiant response, intrigued by his determination. "Is that a challenge?" You teased, crossing your arms and tilting your head to the side. Your eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and anticipation as you looked at him, secretly enjoying his attempts to impress you. "I suppose we'll just have to see then, won't we? I can't wait to see this legendary performance." Sokka's heart fluttered as your smirk sparked a playful fire within him. He grinned widely, his confidence returning in full force. He loved a good challenge, especially if it meant he could impress you. "You bet it's a challenge," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "And I never back down from a challenge. Consider yourself lucky to witness the true power of my boomerang." He was determined to prove himself to you, and nothing could extinguish that burning desire. Sokka grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. His heart raced, a mix of eagerness and nerves coursing through him. Though he was determined to prove his skills, he couldn't ignore the flutter in his chest at the thought of impressing you.
You chuckled softly, your eyes shining with a mix of amusement and admiration as you watched Sokka's determination. He was definitely putting on a show, and you were secretly charmed by his efforts to impress you. His confidence and bravado were endearing, and you couldn't help but feel a warmth in your chest at the thought of his eagerness to make an impression. "I'll hold you to that," you retorted, your voice light and teasing. "I'm looking forward to seeing this legendary boomerang in action." As Sokka boasted about his boomerang training skills, Zuko's irritation flared up once again. He couldn't believe that this Water Tribe boy had the audacity to claim excellence in something like boomerang technique. His fists clenched and his jaw tightened as he overheard their conversation. But he knew better than to cause a scene, so he quietly observed the scene unfolding before him.
A few days later, you and Zuko were idly chatting as you both walked along the Water Tribe, the conversation lighthearted and easy. Though your hands kept accidentally brushing against each other, neither of you made a conscious effort to pull away, the brief moments of contact fueling an undercurrent of tension between you. However, you were too lost in their conversation to notice the approaching figure until Sokka appeared before you two, his voice tinged with an unusual edge as he interrupted the conversation. As Sokka suddenly appeared in front of them, Zuko and you were wrenched from your conversation. Zuko bristled at the interruption, his irritation flaring up once again at the sight of the Water Tribe boy who had been flirting with you. He couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy and possessiveness as he noticed the tension in Sokka's voice. "Hey, Y/N," Sokka's voice interjected, his nerves evident in the unusual edge in his tone. He forced a smile, trying to hide the mixture of jealousy and insecurity welling up within him. He had been watching the interaction from afar, unable to shake the feeling of irritation at seeing you talking so comfortably with Zuko. It was irrational, he knew that, but he couldn't help the possessive thoughts that plagued his mind.
You and Zuko turned your attention towards him, and your conversation abruptly halted. You smiled politely at Sokka, a hint of curiosity in your eyes as you noticed the unusual edge in his voice. You didn't seem to notice the subtle tension between the two boys, your focus shifting to Sokka's attempt at a smile. "Oh, hey Sokka," you greeted, your voice cheerful but tinged with a touch of surprise. "Everything alright?" Sokka's smile widened, but it did not quite reach his eyes. He struggled to keep his tone light and carefree, but his mind was racing. He felt a pang of jealousy at the sight of your and Zuko's easy conversation, and he fought to keep it from consuming him. "Yeah, everything's fine," he replied, his voice strained. He couldn't bring himself to meet your eyes fully, instead glancing at the ground as he spoke. "I was just passing by and thought I'd say hi."
You couldn't help but notice the strained undertone in Sokka's voice, his forced cheeriness standing out like a sore thumb. You furrowed your brows in concern, sensing the tension in the air. It was unlike Sokka to be so visibly unnerved around you. Was something bothering him? You took a step forward, your voice gentle as you responded to him while tenderly placing your hand on his arm. "Is there something on your mind? You seem a little… on edge." Sokka's heart quickened at your touch, your gentle concern sending a shiver down his spine. He struggled to maintain his composure, his mind warring between jealousy and the desire to be close to you. "No, it's nothing," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and longing. "Just a lot on my mind, that's all." He couldn't help but glance at your hand on his arm, the touch both comforting and aggravating all at once.
You noted the flicker of frustration in Sokka's eyes, sensing the inner turmoil beneath his surface-level response. You gently tightened your grip on his arm, your eyebrows knitting together in concern as you tried to decipher his mood. "Hey," you said softly, your voice laced with worry, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Is there something bothering you?" Your eyes met his, your gaze was earnest and full of compassion. Sokka's breath caught in his chest as he met your eyes, the sincerity and concern in your gaze making his heart skip a beat. Your touch on his arm sent a mix of warmth and longing coursing through him, and he struggled to find the words to express his tangled emotions. "It's just… I don't know," he stammered, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration, vulnerability, and longing. "I guess… I just…" He trailed off, conflicted between his feelings of jealousy and admiration for you.
You continued to hold Sokka's arm, your touch conveying a sense of reassurance and support. You observed him closely, noticing the flicker of vulnerability in his eyes and the conflicted emotions that played across his face. "It's okay," you said soothingly, your voice soft and gentle. "Take your time. I'm listening." You gently squeezed his arm, your touch encouraging him to speak his mind, to share whatever was weighing heavy on his heart. Sokka's eyes fixated on yours, his heart fluttering at your soothing words and gentle touch. Your understanding and patience allowed him to gather his thoughts, and he took a deep breath before finally speaking. Sokka's voice grew more intense as his possessive and protective feelings for you surfaced. His eyes burned with a fierce determination to claim you for himself. "It's just… seeing you with Zuko," he admitted, his voice raw with honesty. "I guess it made me feel a bit jealous. I know it's silly, but I can't help it. I didn't mean to let my emotions get the better of me." he said, his voice low and possessive. "I won't deny that I'm jealous. The thought of anyone else spending time with you and making you laugh the way you did with Zuko… it drives me mad. I want that affection for myself."
You listened intently as Sokka confessed his feelings, your expression filled with surprise mixed with understanding. Although you were surprised by Sokka's sudden intensity, you couldn't help but sense a flicker of admiration growing within you. Despite your surprise, you kept your voice steady as you replied. "I see…" You said softly, your tone gentle and contemplative. "It's not silly, Sokka. Your feelings are valid, and I appreciate you sharing them with me. I assure you, that the relationship I have with Zuko is purely platonic. There's nothing romantic going on between us." Sokka's heart thumped in his chest as you responded to his confession with understanding and reassurance. Your gentle words helped to ease the intensity of his jealousy, but the embers of possessiveness still burned within him. "I believe you," he said, his voice laced with both relief and possessive determination. "But that doesn't stop me from wanting to be the one who makes you laugh and smile like that. No one else should have that privilege but me."
You listened attentively as Sokka explained his feelings, his possessive tendencies mingling with a hint of longing. You noticed the flicker of determination in his eyes and couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions. However, before you could respond, Zuko chimed in with a harsh yet playful tone, attempting to get under your skin since he also wanted you. "Well, Sokka, I must say, your jealousy is endearing, in a slightly unhinged sort of way. But there's no need for such possessive vibes, buddy." Sokka's eyes snapped towards Zuko as he heard his comment, his jealousy flaring up once again with an intensity that was borderline primal. His fists clenched at his sides, his body tensing as he bristled with resentment. The thought of Zuko trying to undermine him and make light of his feelings fueled the possessive fire burning within him. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glared at Zuko, his voice low and menacing. "I'll show you 'slightly unhinged', pal."
Zuko merely smirked at Sokka's heated declaration, his eyes flickering with a cold and mischievous glint. He knew he had gotten exactly the reaction he wanted from Sokka, and now it was time to stoke the fire. "Oh, really now?" He said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You're quite the feisty one, aren't you? I think it's adorable. It's almost like you think you're tough enough to handle me." He taunted. Sokka's eyes burned with fiery defiance as he met Zuko's cold gaze. He wouldn't let anyone, especially not Zuko, undermine him like that. "Adorable?" he sneered. "You won't be calling me adorable when I knock you on your arrogant ass." His body was coiled and ready, tensed like a wolf preparing to lunge at its prey.
Your eyes widened in alarm at the growing tension between the two boys. Your heart leaped into your throat as you swiftly stepped between them, your gaze darting between Sokka and Zuko. Without wasting a moment, you firmly grasped Sokka's arm, your touch pleading and urgent. "Stop it," you whispered fiercely, your voice tinged with a mix of fear and concern. "The last thing we need is a fight between the two of you. Sokka, rein it in. Please. And Zuko… ease off." Sokka's defiance flickered momentarily at your pleading tone and firm touch reached him. The sight of you standing between him and Zuko, your hand grasping his arm, quelled the fiery intensity that had consumed him a moment before. However, the embers of his jealousy still smoldered within him, threatening to flare up at a moment's notice. He let out a slow exhale, his body relaxing slightly at your touch. He still glared at Zuko with simmering resentment, but his focus was back on you and your plea for peace.
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Sokka's heart pounded in his chest as he implored you to join them on their journey. His gaze bore into yours, filled with sincerity and a hint of vulnerability. His voice tinged with a touch of pleading. "I know there have been some strained moments between us, but I want you to know that I truly care for you. I want to be with you, to see where our potential could lead. And more than anything, I want you to join us on this mission. You have skills that could be invaluable to the Avatar's success." Your heart skipped a beat at Sokka's words. You hadn't expected him to express such vulnerability and sincerity, especially considering the complicated past exchanges. As a mix of surprise and gratitude washed over you, you hesitated for a moment, grappling with the decision that lay before you. "I… I…" You stammered, your voice faltering slightly. "I don't know, Sokka. I appreciate your feelings, but this is a big ask. I need time to consider it."
Sokka's heart pounded with desperation as he softly pleaded with you to join them. His eyes pleaded with yours, his voice tinged with a hint of possessive insistence. "Please," he said, his voice earnest, "I can't bear the thought of leaving without you. I need you by my side, not just for the mission, but because my feelings for you have consumed me completely. You are the one I want to protect, the one I want to be with. Say you'll come with us. Say you'll be mine...please." As Sokka poured out his feelings, his voice filled with both vulnerability and possessive insistence, you felt a flurry of emotions swirling within you. Surprised by his raw admission, you hesitated for a moment, the weight of his words tugging at your heart. Despite your initial reservations, the sincerity in his voice was undeniable, and you found yourself drawn to the depth of his longing. After a few moments of contemplation, you finally nodded, your voice soft yet determined. "Alright," you whispered, your eyes meeting his.
"I'll come with you."
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the-great-fusilli · 2 days
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I’m all for delusion and shipping characters that don’t canonically end up together BUT… I will never get behind Zutara.
Maybe it’s because I don’t take colonization and eithnic clensing lightly, or maybe it’s because I disagree with the “Katara is like Aang’s mom” statement. Either way they should not be end game. People often bring up how Zuko helped Katara release a lot of pent up emotions concerning her mother’s death and who killed her, but the Fire Nation (his people) were responsible for that death. And up until that specific arc Zuko was upholding the beliefs of those people.
“Zuko doesn’t need Katara to be his mother like Aang and the rest of the group do, they’re on equal footing.” Except Aang and the rest of the group don’t need Katara to be mother either. People just view Katara as a maternal character because of her personality and that’s the only role they’ll acknowledge her having in the group. Katara’s mother showed her a love so deep and protective that she died so Katara could live, so of course the trauma of losing her mother in that way at such a young age would cause her to take on the role her mother had. Whether it be because of obligation, or simply because that’s all she knew.
Aang and the other characters have also experienced a lot of trauma, but Aang was raised by monks. He doesn’t need a mother figure because he’s never experienced gender roles in the way the other characters have. His idea of a family is being shaped as the show progresses because aside form Monk Gyatso, they are the first family he’s had. He’s curious, fun-loving and light hearted because that’s how Monk Gyatso raised him to be, not because he’s an irresponsible little 12 yr old without a mother. His people were eradicated, so Katara doesn’t raise Aang she guides him through grieving the loss of his people. A loss she knows all too well.
Toph is blind and her family is overly protective. They don’t give her the space or freedom to be her own person or earth bend. Another experience that Katara knows all too well. Her grandmother never let her leave the southern water tribe or water bend so she gives Toph the same thing she gives Aang. Sokka is Katara’s brother… he also experienced the loss of their mother except Sokka is a boy. He’s been made painfully aware of gender roles because he watched their father leave to fight in the war instead of staying to help him and Katara. He decided he needed to be more like his Father instead of his mother. So all the responsibility of taking care of the both of them fell on Katara.
Katara and Zuko are not on “equal footing” before he leaves the Fire Nation. He’s a prince from the Nation that has been inflicting pain on her family, her people and the world for 100 years…(he literally calls my good sis “water tribe peasant” meaning at some point he believed she was inferior because he had royal blood.) He has changed now of course and I love both Zuko and Katara, but them being end game makes no sense to me.
Aang and Katara to me are like 2 halves that make a whole. I’ve believed they were soulmates since the moment she broke him out of that Iceberg. She felt a higher calling, not only to be a water bender fighting for her people, but also to be apart of something bigger than herself and have the freedom to do so. It is not a coincidence that in the moment where she feels her biggest emotions and showcase her strongest bending at that time in her life, she broke THE Avatar out of an iceberg he had been in for 100 years. It was FATE. Katara helps Aang grieve, gives him a family, teaches him water bending and teaches him that the world may be counting on him, but the amount of death and pain he sees is not his fault. Aang helps Katara finally step into her full potential, he gives her the things she’s been longing for… freedom, fun, a chance to master water bending and put an end to the war. Some of Aang’s own words were “Why would i choose cosmic energy over Katara?” He had an opportunity to master the avatar state land directly in his lap, but instead he chose her.
Also I think personality wise Zuko and Katara are too much alike for my liking. They’re both sassy as hell, sarcastic, stubborn momma’s babies, who resent their fathers a lil and went through hell for a couple years because of their siblings (+ losing their moms.) In some ways they ARE opposites (especially their bending & colors,) and i agree they have character development arcs that fit together like puzzle pieces…BUT they are more alike than they are opposite. I don’t have a problem with people who just like to see them together but pls stop with the justifications bc no.
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ruined-blog · 1 day
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Incorrect quotes 👍
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thiirsdaygirl · 10 hours
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since my azutara piece is finished here are some doodles to hold u over until i draw girldad zuko
ft. firelord zuko, firelord zuko and sokka, and a wonderful depiction of s1 zuko and his honor 💕💕
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hotcacaonoice · 3 days
Suki: he was a little bitch
Suki: and also kind of controlling
Sokka: BOOO women should be controlling men
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wileycap · 2 months
I don't think I've seen anybody talk about how absolutely insane The Boiling Rock is from Hakoda's perspective.
Imagine getting captured, and your son tells you that you won't be apart for too long. That's sweet, but obviously your son has no resources to spare for organizing a breakout. You hope that the Avatar can defeat the Fire Lord soon - that's the earliest time you could hope to be rescued.
You get put into a temporary holding facility until the guards can sort out who is who. After a while, they put you on a prisoner transport to the Boiling Rock. Your captors try to intimidate you by telling you that it's the highest security prison in the Fire Nation, probably the whole world. It's far away from the capital.
You arrive at the Boiling Rock. It really is in the middle of a boiling lake. There's only one way in or out, and it's a gondola that takes you above the boiling lake. You meet the warden. They take you to your cell. You settle down to wait for the end of the war.
And 15 minutes later Sokka comes in like "hey dad I'm here I got the prince of the Fire Nation and an Earth Kingdom ninja leader gf ok let's go I'm busting you out"
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Sokka: This date is boring!
Zuko: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Sokka: Then why did you invite me?
Zuko: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Zuko I'll do whatever I want!
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sofiialyt · 3 months
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“I am a warrior. But I'm a girl too”
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sevrinve · 2 months
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Sokka studies :D
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thirdlotusprince3 · 20 hours
[Playing Minecraft]
Sokka: Zuko where are you?
Zuko, stuck in a two block deep hole in a cave, sobbing: I DON’T F-CKING KNOW?!
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nemkero · 2 months
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atla au but nothing changes except sokka is taller and zuko is shorter
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