#atlas' pit
tinea-siderum · 5 months
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nostalgicfun · 5 months
Feel free to share which is your favorite NOW in the tags, but this particular poll is about which you preferred as a child! ⭐ In a few days we'll do another one with more options!
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gayarmpits · 10 months
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Derek Atlas Chaos Men, 2011
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bluespiritshonour · 16 days
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Found this base-art on Pinterest and my mind went Azula and Zuko. And yes, that's a coconut tree on Zuko's head XD.
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marsconer · 4 months
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this one has a little kick !!!!
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zukosdualdao · 1 month
i'm a worst case kid / in a plague pit town
zutara month, day 1: reluctant allies
summary: ever-slight canon-divergence in which zuko accepts katara's offer to heal iroh after feeling his too-weak, dying pulse, as his injury is bad enough zuko is unsure he will survive otherwise. not much else changes. it was never going to.
warnings: canon-typical depictions of injury, violence, and trauma responses.
other notes: title is a lyric taken from tommy lefroy's "worst case kid". starting pov is zuko's, ending pov is katara's. two pieces of dialogue are directly taken from the show.
The wind is whistling in this dry, abandoned, dead town, dead like—
Zuko does not shiver, and he does not cry.
He used to be able to tell himself things like that and mean it. When did that stop being true?
Uncle’s pulse is so faint, for a moment, he thinks it isn’t there at all. Even when he feels it, he knows it might as well not be. He might not have long at all.
Zuko hears the other footsteps approaching, their silence loud and almost mournful, but he bristles on instinct. They can’t see him like this, can’t see Uncle like this—how could he be so stupid as to turn his back on the enemy? 
“Get away from us!” he shouts as he looks back. They’re all staring at his uncle’s prone form, and Zuko turns back to him, too, heaving heavy breaths. He needs to do something, but he is weak, useless, outnumbered—
“Zuko, I can help,” the waterbender insists, and Zuko wants to snarl, yell, reach for his fire, and he raises his hand to do so—and frowns. 
What does she mean?
He looks back to where Uncle lies prone.
A heartbeat shouldn’t feel like that. The Dragon of The West shouldn’t go down so easily.
Uncle shouldn’t be able to seem so small and worn and fragile.
Slowly, Zuko lowers his hand and looks to her striking blue eyes. There’s no pity or malice there, he doesn’t think, she just looks… still cautious and unyielding, but sad and sincere, too.
He’s fallen for tricks like this before, though—Azula has always loved how easily she could fool him—and it feels a little like he’s standing on the edge of a steep precipice.
It would be naive to just… trust the word of an enemy. She has no reason to want to help him. He knows this.
The rest of them still watch his uncle’s maybe-dying form, but the waterbending girl stares at Zuko unflinchingly, almost as though in challenge.
Uncle groans brokenly, the noise like that of a wounded animal. 
The world is dead silent.
The prince of the Fire Nation is staring at her with tears threatening to fall from his right eye, though not the left, which is twitching lightly. She’s never before noticed how he can’t seem to open it fully due to the scar tissue set against it. She’s never had much reason to take in his features as anything more than the face of their enemy. 
His gaze is still steely and untrusting. In this light, his scar looks violently red and painful. He asks after her offer with a voice that cracks, though he doesn’t seem to pay that any heed. His hair is short but growing in, and he’s traded out his Fire Nation attire for earthly green and brown robes. He looks so different from when they last saw him. 
He looks so… young.
It’s all a little bizarre.
“Be careful, Katara,” Sokka insists from behind her, though when she glances back, his focus is on Iroh, a complicated expression playing on his features. Aang is staring at him, too, eyes wide and verging on teary. She doesn’t yet know Toph very well, but Katara can tell her body is rigid, her feet tense as her toes curl into the dusty ground beneath them. Toph doesn’t know that Iroh has been their enemy. But Iroh also helped them at the North Pole, and again just now against that princess, Zuko’s sister, she supposes, with her calculating eyes and strange blue fire.
Katara nods but says nothing further. If Zuko was going to make a move against them, he could have done it when his sister vanished.
They had turned away from their futile attack against her, and he’d already been kneeling at his uncle’s side.
She approaches slowly, circling to the side opposite him. When she kneels and reaches for her waterskin, Zuko nearly growls and takes hold of the edge of Iroh’s sleeve tightly, like he might try to drag him away.
“I’m not going to hurt him,” Katara says, flush with indignation. The dirt beneath her chafes her knees even through her clothing. “I need space to heal.”
“I’m not moving, so forget it.”
Katara tilts her head and looks into his eyes as he glares back. He now looks every bit the angry, hateful prince that had tracked them around the world for months, but she can see something else filtering through his expression, too, something like fear.
She almost wants to laugh at the absurdity of it. Why should he be afraid of them?
“Fine,” she allows after a moment. “Just don’t get in the way.”
He nods tightly, and at the agreement, Katara opens her waterskin. She calls the water to her and sets it against Iroh’s the right side of his chest, his robes black and charred. Closing her eyes, she calls out to his chi and focuses her energy on it. She doesn’t know if she can do it, doesn’t know if Iroh is truly too far gone…
After a few long moments, his breathing evens, and Katara sighs. Across from her, Zuko’s features soften just a fraction, but when she meets his eyes, somehow, she knows exactly what they both are thinking, united in nothing but this.
It doesn’t change anything, Katara's thoughts insist as her friends draw closer. Zuko tenses again. It can’t.
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kittenmoth · 8 months
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The only context for this is "I thought it'd be funny to draw".
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 months
We all know and love zutara's Hades & Persephone parallels. Complimentary opposites constantly being misunderstood as a captor/victim- badboy/goodgirl- edgy/sunshine trope despite significant nuances; being torn between familial and spousal devotion; ruling over their kingdom as equally powerful forces of nature... Good good stuff.
But may I humbly suggest that we have been woefully neglecting the sheer dramatic potential of taang x Eros & Psyche.
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mugentakeda · 7 months
iroh azula antagonism is sooo important to me guys i cant ever read azula redemption fics cus none of them include their insane beef. its such a lonely world out here. can u even imagine how nuts it wouldve been if she found out abt the white lotus. i need to talk ab them dude
i like to imagine the trip back to the fn after ba sing se zuko didnt talk to iroh at all while he was in the brig because he was so in shock and still reeling that iroh outright betrayed him and his family and nation for the avatar. those three years iroh spent with zuko on the ship encouraging him meant what now? "why would he banish you if he didnt care" meant what now that you helped what would undo the banishment evade me?
and azula has never been above gloating, even over the most pathetic scum. so she makes sure to head to the brig the night they depart, her exhausted brother conked out in his quarters none the wiser, mai and ty lee flanking her. and even though the mission had been to capture the avatar dead or alive, theres something about looking down at her restrained uncle whod been working the whole time to get zuko (who has an unending list of faults but is loyal above all else and had been trying his hardest to fulfill the terms of his banishment even while being a wanted criminal to their nation- something she will not overlook) to betray their nation is somehow more satisfying by tenfold than looking down at a restrained avatar.
she knows just how hard iroh takes losing. he lost ba sing se and a son years ago, and here he has lost ba sing se and a son once more. or a boy his senile, trauma-riddled mind has convinced him is his son. her uncle bet against her father by trying to turn his son against him for whatever traitorous and foolish reasons he has and frankly shes just overjoyed to have him out of the way once and for all, because azula is a dragon just as much as iroh and she will always strive to protect her blood, because irohs the one who let zuko into that war room in the first place, because what right does he have to allow her foolish brother that couldnt keep his trap shut to save his life in a situation like that and then have the audacity to try and turn him against them when zuko even being in ba sing se (instead of working under azula along with mai and ty lee like he shouldve been) was all his fault in the first place? she hopes freeing zuko of him stings unlike anything else. she hopes if that sting manifested in reality it would take the shape of an ugly stamp right across his face and haunt him for the rest of his days in his self made prison.
and then iroh can say that zuko had no choice BUT to be loyal above all else because if he wasnt thats a death sentence from ozai. and then azula can say that thats wise of her father then because if that wasnt how it was then their whole family would be an infested nest of lying cowards like iroh. mustve been something her dad learned from his dear old brother. and what can iroh even say to that
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chaotic-tired-bastard · 3 months
pleasseee i'm begging you to share some roku or roku x sozin headcanons 🙏
okay so many apologies I STARTED this but my computer hated me, froze, and I lost everything ,T-T, many apologies again. Solely Roku headcanons first, Rozin second (some canon-compliant, some not)
Roku gets arthritis in his hands and wrists when he gets older, and he gets this really nice lotion that smells like wisteria that he uses to massage his knuckles and fingers to reduce the pain
Roku learned how to use Airbending to lighten his footsteps, lessening their sound, in order to sneak around the house at night and not wake up Ta Min and their child(ren)
Roku gained a fanclub due to his gentle demeanour (and his pretty pretty face), and he was a bit creeped out sorta accepting about it in the beginning... but then he met one of the members. After that, he avoided them like the plague; he even sometimes jumped over houses and walls and into rivers to get away
Roku tried to learn how to heal, but he could never really get the hang of it
Roku actually really, really likes Water Tribe cuisine! It's canon that he stayed in the Northern Water Tribe for multiple years before he was able to start learning Waterbending, and I like to think that he gained a taste for the food about a year into his stay. Sometimes he goes to Water Tribe restaurants wherever he can find them, and he can immediately tell when it's authentic or not from the taste. It became a kind of honour (HONOURRR) if Avatar Roku were to come into your Water Tribe restaurant and like your food
Roku was scary good at composing poems. He learned how to do them when in school (with Sozin bcs they learned in the same class (they were the only two in the class bcs Royal Privilege and that's what Sozin asked for)), and it eventually matured into a hobby. Roku would express affection by composing poems and reciting them; he composed a few for Ta Min and proposed through one, and he wrote a few at the birth of his child(ren). He might have composed one for Sozin, but he'll never tell...
Rozin starts here!
Sozin is so possessive that it's not even funny. Like the MOMENT he knew Roku was back in the Fire Nation he had a spy or two on him. You just know that he was spitting fire and blood when he learned that Roku and Ta Min were going to get married. (Also like he kinda lowkey steals some things of Roku's to put in his chambers to pretend that Roku's living with him… pathetic yearning)
Roku had a teeny little crush on Sozin when they were pre-teens. It was awkward, and Roku eventually grew out of it by convincing himself "It wouldn't work anyway, he's going to be the Fire Lord and I'm just some kid"
Sozin didn't know that he was down bad for Roku until about a year after Roku left. He was just sitting in a garden somewhere, lying in the sun, and was just like "I wish I had Roku here so I could have his head in my lap and play with his hair..." and then he was just like "WHAT"
Sozin tried to send letters to Roku while he was away, but because of his dad they never were sent. They were supposed to be burned, but someone stored them away instead. Somewhere, within the depths of the Fire Nation Royal Palace, there's a box full of decades-old letters, just waiting to be read or burned... and those letters might just contain a confession...
Sozin is soooooo touch starved—every chance he can get, he's draped over Roku in some way, and they snuggle every night they can. They're the kind of couple you can find lounging on a couch with literal feet of couch available, but Sozin's either pressed up against Roku's side or is sitting on his lap
When Rozin fight, they split up to cool off and then spar about it. They continue the fight whilst they actually fight, and they end up making outup when they end the fight&spar. Sometimes it's bending only, but when they're really angry it's just throwing punches & kicks. The inherent homoeroticism of beating each other up-
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tinea-siderum · 6 months
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so im avoiding college work, as you do, and mikoto bot delivered this absolute gem of a joke
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tropeifier · 2 months
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Avatar - The Last Airfighter
[3 pages, Complete]
A comic inspired by Avatar - The Last Airbender. Now all together in one place!
Originally posted online in 2018, just before the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
In case I ever return to this idea:
Pit is Aang
The Ice Climbers are Sokka and Katara, who become Link and Peach during Season 3
Fox is Toph
King Dedede is Appa
Diddy Kong is Momo
Marth is Zuko
Lucina is Azula
Robin is Uncle Iroh
Roy is the Fire Lord
Olimar is the Cabbage Man
The Mii Fighters are the Ember Island Players
And then there's the sequel, The Legend of Corrin.
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Getting closer to Avatar The Last Airbender live action, it’s a good time to say we are kataang shippers on this blog. Block me unfollow me zutara heathens.
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Ty Lee and Zuko showed more romantic interest in eachother than him and Katara ever did but Zutaras don't wanna hear that cause they're too busy being pick mes instead of embracing Ty Luko's goth bf x pastel gf and t4t/autistic4autistic realness
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absentlyabbie · 5 months
easily the most epic piece of music to come out of one of the most epic shows of all time
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lostworldss · 6 months
The plot of what would have been The Elementalists book 3
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