#atomic blonde au
napollya-inspiration · 11 months
atomic blonde au
I kind of want to start a series about writing this fic just because I can. I make no promises of finishing it. I just think that my process for this will be so different - as I mostly adjust the process to each fic that's pretty normal for me - but this has been baking for the past 6 years.
A big part of why I want to write this is to explore something I kind of touched on in Tangled Up, which I wrote in 2017. That fic needs some heavy editing from my perspective today, but I started to deal with the dynamic of Gaby being East German and getting mixed up with Napoleon as an American and Illya as a Russian and what that would mean for her. How do her sentiments differ from theirs as someone who got into the spy business to get out of the GDR?
“He’s a Russian.” She said like it explained things. “What do you mean?” “I am from East Germany.” She looked around for a moment and stopped. “Look, they say Russia is our big brother. But not in the way big brothers can be protective and super cool. More in the way big brothers can be oppressing and authoritative. Maybe even abusing.” She said in a hushed voice but with a stress that convinced Napoleon she meant every word. It made sense. Very few of the East Germans loved the Russians or what they had done to their country. The fear of the Stasi at all times and the propaganda education didn’t help. “Are you afraid?” He asked, honestly concerned. “No, no.” Gaby started walking again. Her tone lightened. “Illya is incredibly soft, although he may not look like it. Excerpt from Tangled Up
Again, I would improve a lot of things about this fic today, but this was me scratching the surface of a dynamic that I know from growing up in what used to be East Germany. Don't get me wrong, the wall had been down for ten years when I was born, but I felt ripple effects even as I was growing up. My mom was 18 when the wall fell. I had a history teacher who used to patrol the border. My parents hadn't ever eaten a kiwi until they were 20 and had no clue how you ate one when they got it from the store. My grandpa's brother escaped to the West and doesn't talk to my family anymore.
It's very much a reality of growing up German.
This is what I love about Atomic Blonde. Sure, the plot is awesome, but you can see the country being reunited as a backdrop. While all countries continue to hunt and kill each other, the Cold War "ends."
It's definitely something I want to bring into the fanfic. The surreality of the divided city. I already posted this snippet from the WIP, so I don't feel bad about it, but the way I start to introduce this dynamic is through Napoleon's musings as his plane descends on Berlin.
Out of all the places, Berlin is one of the dirtiest to spend your time as a spy. Nowhere else is the density of spies per capita this high.  And it shows.  Napoleon despises it. The desperation of the West German Citizens holding onto their city and being fed by the West like a helpless infant with spoons that are literal airplanes. And then there’s the desperation of the East Germans, fenced in by their own government and longing for the American dream like it was going to fix anything. And above all, every fucking government trying to profit from their collective desperation.  When a hundred and sixty yards-wide missile field divides a city, you know to be rather careful where you step.
Fun fact: you can see how Berlin used to be divided to this day if you look at it from above at night:
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Let me know if you are interested in this kind of behind-the-scenes content!
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rat-rambles · 1 month
Billford AU time doomed soulmates with a twist.
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The rest is context / short fic thing.
“Hi Bill, please take a seat.” 
Bill politely went to the couch. 
“What’s up doc?”
“Cute, now do you have anything you'd like to talk about today?”
Bill scoffed,
“Yeah, how about how this is a complete waste of time!”
“It's not a waste, don't you want to get out of here?”
“Yeah as myself not as some insect or insignificant pest. Tell me doc, why would I have spent countless lifetimes getting myself to the 4th dimension only to go back willingly?”
“Technically we can’t be sure where you'd end up, your soul would travel to where it feels it's needed.” 
“And how does that end in a mayfly?”
“Well normally such small lives are stepping stones on a healing journey; you'd make it back to sentient life in time. You know I'm not supposed to share all this with patients but,... oh that's interesting.” 
The doc looked surprised at their notes.
“what? What is it if you tell me I'm gonna be a Dorito I'll-!” 
“ I didn't know you had a soul mate.”
That stopped Bill in his tracks.  
“What.. what do you mean I have a soulmate .. soulmates aren't real?”
“Well not everyone has them and they don't meet in every lifetime but in the primordial nebulas your soul had bonded with another. It's like 2 atoms drawn together even if across the universe. You would have been together by now for sure if you had lived our your expected life span.”
“What do you mean been together? Who is it?” 
“They now go by, oh yes, Stanford Pines, yes you've mentioned him.” 
“Stanford can NOT be my soulmate, you're just trying to pry some feelings out of me with these, these dirty tricks! You think you can manipulate me really?”
“No tricks, look, see there's your soul, his is the blue one.”
Doc handed Bill a photo of them as 2 glowing orbs hovering in the ether. Bill held the photo and he felt his very soul thumb at the photo in recognition. There was no denying the truth of course, only there was.
“This is bull! He's met me, he hates me! It only works out with us if I break out of here and finish what I started!”
“Now I'm not supposed to share about alternate timelines with patients but I think this might actually help you.” 
They pulled out a clip board. 
“I found this one looking for something to help you.” 
Bill took the clipboard. His eye landed on the image of a young adult human with long blonde hair and a big smile. 
“What is this”
“You, well your soul, if it had gone through it's cycles of reincarnation as intended.” 
Bill read the paper. It talked about a boy named Bill. An odd dreamer born in Wyoming but moved to New Jersey. This Bill met Ford before college and they went to the same one. He was never as smart as Ford but Fordsy called him the visionary. It read that together they worked on inventions to see the stars and worlds beyond.
“You want me to believe this is me?”
“If you never became immortal, yes.” 
“Well then it's not me. I would have never survived if I didn't! I mean you don't understand what it was like you can't have.”
“Lots of people have bad childhoods Bill” 
“LOTS of people are roaches who can't do anything to fix their reality! I can, I did, and this fake Bill didn't!” 
“Fake Bill is happy”
“Oh, is fake Bill happy? This photo is what, in the 80’s? Please. I've seen the way Ford treated his brother and Fiddleford, Ford isn't the kind to just settle down and be happy.” 
“Well he actually has a great number of happy endings.” 
“And let me guess they all don't involve me? At least like this, because I HAVE to change”
“You DO have to change Bill but that's not a bad thing, change is beautiful, change is life!” 
“No, your change is death, my change will be life.” 
Doc sighed. 
“Well that's all the time we have for today.”
Bill clutched the clipboard uncontrollably. 
“You can keep that but don't tell the others.” 
Back in Bill's room he flipped through the pages again and again. He had nothing else to do but memorize the details of his other life. He wondered if the reason they weren't allowed to tell patients these things was because it's torture. Knowing that you could have had a better life but didn't. He looked for reasons to dismiss it, to think it's a pitiful stupid existence to think that they were simply lesser beings on a lower plane. 
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 5 months
my rottmnt human designs (and redesigns)✨✨ (feat. My shitty fucking camera that cannot correctly capture colors for the fucking life of it!)
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No Raph :[
Ill get to him eventually- (maybe)
Additional ramblings below 👇👇👇
I only changed a few things about Leo, because I generally liked the design, there were just a few things that irked me.
The outfit- I liked my previous outfit for Leo, but it didn't feel like something he'd wear everyday. Casually, maybe. I took inspiration from the episode Air Turtle and instead went with a basketball jersey (bc he plays basketball in my human au) the skinny jeans stay, bc he's a whore.
The hair- I originally did blonde tips on his hair, but decided I liked the brunette better. The blonde also are his face look really busy when paired up with the vitilago for his eye markings. I did however color his front two little strand thingies red to mimic his eye markings.
Donnie changed quite a bit from his original design, ill add the og design for reference.
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Okay so-
The outfit- I kinnnnda hated his og outfit. The neon green shirt is a massive eyesore, the khaki shorts. Just no. I kept of the Atomic Lass shirt, but made it purple instead, to better match Donnie's color palate, and went from tan shorts to black cargo pants. I feel like Donnie needed more pockets to carry stuff in, and it looks better, from a fashion standpoint. I also gave him demonias bc duh.
The hair- I swapped him from locs to an afro for a few reasons. One, the reason I dont draw eyebrows is bc I draw eyes so comically large that they just don't fit on the face, and I wanted Don to have his trademarked brows, so I picked a hairstyle that covers his eyes, and allows space for dem brows so he can still emote. Also with a less detailed style I was able to add his goggles without it looking too busy.
Ive kind had a vision for Mike since the beginning. I wanted him to wear something versatile he can move around in easily, but also something colorful and fun to match his personality.
The outfit- I wanted something artsy and fun, but also light. So I picked a cropped hoodie (ik its a vest with an undershirt in the pic; I changed it after taking it) and a pair of shorts and a cool belt. I feel like Mikey is definitely a fun socks guy, so I gave him some striped socks with the turtles' colors on them.
The hair- so in case it doesn't show in my art, Mikey's hair is supposed to be a frohawk type deal- kinda like this
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I picked this bc I just thought it looked cool when I was experimenting with drawing different hairstyles.
Ive been putting off drawing Raph, bc I dunno why, but no matter what I do, he also comes out looking....... Questionable.
Extra Note- I changed my human au comic to a fic because: one, I don't have the time or energy to draw a comic. Two, I like to get detailed with my writing and you can't do that with a comic.
Thanks for listening to me ramble ^ ^
Please reblog my art <33
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Rhaenicent // Atomic Blonde AU
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hail-americas-ass · 1 year
✒ a greek tragedy by ash 
(I can’t express enough how amazing this is) 4.6K Words
When Steve started drawing the comic, he drew himself before the serum and Bucky as he remembered him when they worked together to keep from ending up on the streets and dreamed of futures with floating cars. He drew them then and now, scenes against a New York he remembered and scenes against this future he didn’t quite fit in, one drawn soft and hazy, the other hard lines. When he drew them in the present, he never drew himself looking at Bucky; Bucky was always behind him, a shadow that followed as he tried to find a trace of the world they used to know in this one. He called them Orpheus and Eurydice.
🦾  Touch Me I’m Going to Scream by buffypeppers
(This is a classic in my opinion. It’s got recovering!Bucky and every trope you can imagine, so very fluffy) 107.5K Words
Only a few days have passed since the Winter Soldier put Sam into a hospital bed but Steve is ready to find HYDRA’s assassin and bring him to justice.
Things won't go according to plan once the Avengers find the infamous man.
🕵️‍♂️ End of all Days by Minka ( @minka-g​ on tumblr)
(I was motivated to reread this recently, it kept me on the edge of my seat the first time I read it and it had the same thrilling effect when I reread it too. There’s only one word to describe it: thrilling.) 
(Archeological Historian!Steve x Spy!Bucky) (Indiana Jones & Atomic Blonde AU)  116.7K Words
Captain Steve Rogers had thought his military days were behind him, left in the bloody nightmare that was Saigon. Retired and working as a History Professor, the last thing he expected was to get caught up in a cataclysmic Slavic prophesy foreshadowing the end of the known world.
With Cold War tensions running high, Steve finds himself in need of a guide and translator to get him behind the Iron Curtain and into the isolated snowdrifts of Siberia.
It’s deep in the heart of Bucharest’s resistance fighters that Steve finds the ideal candidate, but swaying the enigmatic ex-operative known as The Winter Soldier proves to be complicated. Trust is hard-won, especially in the world of espionage, and with a KGB death squad nipping at his heels, the Soldier has countless reasons to stay presumably dead.
As the lines between right, wrong and the supernatural begin to blur, Steve is forced to reconsider everything he’s ever believed, right from the sanctity of his own country to the very foundations of creation itself.
❤️‍🩹 Every Door Opens by Notoska ( @notoska on tumblr)
(This fic, the words and the way they were written, not only yanked my heart out of my chest, it also sunk deep in my bones where I was forced to carry it and think of it for days. Fantastic.) Recovery fic. 73.9K Words
Then Bucky licks his lips, tip of his tongue just grazing the sensitive skin of Steve’s ear and Steve moans. Nothing close to the surge of lust behind his ribs, but a tiny, breathy sound all the same. Bucky doesn’t react—he must not have heard. Though a minute later he curls his fingers and extends them again, moving just slow enough for it to be a caress.
Just tip your head into his touch. He’ll take the lead and trace the folds of your ear with his tongue until you can’t keep quiet any more. Then he’ll smother your desperate little noises with his mouth, fingers twisting in your hair. Kissing deeply, tongues reaching to declare your filthy intentions. Find his knee with your hand and slide wolfishly up his thigh until you reach the bulge behind his fly. Palm him through his trousers until he’s panting in your mouth, until he’s pressing his forehead to yours, hips bucking, and you can see his dark eyes, glinting in the screen’s flickering light, pleading—
Steve jolts back to the present. The credits are rolling and Bucky is reading them as well. The screen blacks and two fluorescent lights buzz to life. Bucky loosens his hand from Steve’s head, welcoming the world back in.
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timaeuslover001 · 3 months
House Headcanon (AU)
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House became a cheerleader in college (canon)
He originally tried out for lacrosse but the coach deemed he didnt have the hunger needed to be on the team and he couldn't lie about that, he didn't, the guy that did lacrosse in college were epreeopping for a professional career alter , not like in high school when he joined there. he did it for fun.
so he opted to try out fir cheer, it offered him the same physicality lacrosse had a few perks to it : because a girl caught his eye and he was motivated to join and luckily she was also in his chemistry class as well, her name Anne Rodsberry a beautiful blonde 5'8 and a great smile but also he could get to watch the games for free, if he can't be on the team he can at least cheer them on.
His athleticsm impressed them so much , they couldn't not say no.
Greg being so shy and soft spoken , and would never just go up to her. so he thought of a way to be around her.
He may have joined for the girl but stayed for the team.
He wasn't expecting to get close to them as he did, in high school he was already surprised at the commaradre with his won teammates and how well he got along with them, but atom full of mostly women he'd never to build bonds with them as well.
he made close friend with six people : Kelly Rawlings, Monica Benning, Kate Sackes, Thomas Carr Rhodes , Jack Parr (ALL OC's)
They adored him as cheer partner he never ,and I mean never ket the touch the ground. even if he had too trip over himself to make sure they dot get hurt. It helped he was string too but he made sure they never got hurt while he was sporting them.
They were able to crack his shell and get passed his shyness over time and foud out wonderful qualities about him in the process.
How would be responsible for warming them up and he made sure it was a good warm up too , one that really made them break a sweat and got their cardio going. They often joked he trained them like olympians but he thought if you an do than why not do it? they appreciated it in the long run and even the girls even practiced with him outside of practice too. Ive the years they even let him choreograph some routines as well, House can dance himself and so they thought why not. it was great.
They filmed their practices and a few parties, lunch, study sessions that needed up doing more talking and laughing than. anything else. and get together while in college and always caught greg shyly smiling into the camera. He had a lot of great emmeories with them.
even though he never got his crush she started dating a Football Player and they stayed together passed college he left with great friends.
They all stayed inconstant post graduation but something began to happen in House he didn’t even see coming, he slowley hurt surly his disaffection with life seemed to caught up with him internally and began affecting his outer life when he began medical school. Slowly incriminate he lost contact with them all, stopped calling, answering calls , birthday wishes ect.
He hasn’t or heard from them since.
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comfycomers · 1 year
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Villaneve // Atomic Blonde AU
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heya, do you know of any gomens fics that are set in berlin, germany? thank you!
Hi! Here are some fics set in Berlin...
daedalus, landing by Contra (M)
AU in which their city is Berlin instead of London. // Alternate Title: The Sky over Berlin
To rest my eyes in shades of green by HolRose (G)
During what began as an ordinary November evening, bookish, shy student Aloysius, and world-weary horticulturist Anton meet on the top of a notorious Wall in a city teetering on the edge of momentous change. Growing up in a profoundly divided country has given them both ample reasons to be distrustful. Neither of them have considered that they might fall in love at first sight, but where the personal and political collide on this most unprecedented of occasions, they may be about to change their minds.
A Berlin Wall AU
Left With No Trace by Anti_kate (E)
Aziraphale’s heart didn’t leap so much as plummet from a cliff-top, flinging itself towards certain doom. Aziraphale struggles with his feelings after his fight with Crowley over the holy water, until they meet by chance in Berlin.
Good Omens Deutschland by fathand (T)
1946 - 1989.
Berlin, during the Cold War.
Maybe This Time by orphan_account (T)
There was a cabaret in a city called Berlin, in a country called Germany, in a Europe that just narrowly escaped the end of the world and was rapidly heading towards another attempt.
And in that cabaret, an Angel and a Demon were dancing together. The trumpets signaling end times could have been playing, and they wouldn’t have even heard it over the music.
Atomic Omens by bookmarksorganization (E)
It's Atomic Blonde (which you don't need to have seen), but it's Good Omens. Basically: it's a spy story set in 1989 Berlin feat. Crowley as the femme fatale main character.
- Mod D
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imakemywings · 2 years
Sapphic Film Recs
So you read some books, now you want to watch some movies. Not all of these center F/F relationships, but they all include F/F or WLW characters. (Note: Mind your trigger warnings if you decide to watch any of these.)
Atomic Blonde (2017) - Lorraine is a British spy sent into Berlin right at the end of the Cold War to retrieve a list of agents that is at risk of falling into Soviet hands. While there, she makes contact with the French agent, Delphine.
Badhaai Do (2022) - A lesbian gym teacher and a gay cop in India decide to get married to get their families off their backs. Hijinks ensue.
Black Swan (2010) - Nina is an ambitious, competitive young ballerina who is cast as the swan queen in Swan Lake, but the pressure of the position starts to get to her.
Breathe (Respire) (2014) - A French film centering on the deeply charged relationship between two teenage girls and its violent ups and downs.
Carol (2015) - The classic sapphic Christmas film, isn’t it? In the 1950s, directionless young Therese encounters Carol, a stylish, wealthy woman in the middle of divorcing her husband.
Elisa and Marcela (Elisa y Marcela) (2019) - Based on a true story about a Spanish woman who created a male identity for herself to marry her girlfriend.
Fingersmith (2005) - The two-part miniseries based on the book by Sarah Waters. It tracks very closely with the novel! Susan Tinder sets out to befriend and rob wealthy heiress Maude--but gets more than she planned for when she starts falling for her mark.
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) - The movie eschews the explicit romance between the two main characters present in the book, but the love between them still shines through. An elderly woman relates to her younger visitor stories about Idgie and Ruth, a couple of women in love in 1920s Alabama.
Genius Loci (2020) - A trippy short film about Reine, a struggling young woman who has a discombobulating night out in her city.
The Half of It (2020) - Here’s your teenage drama film, drawing from Cyrano de Bergerac. Ellie agrees to help a boy in her school write love letters to his female crush--who happens to also be Ellie’s crush. 
The Handmaiden (2017) - Basically an AU of Fingersmith, this time the story takes place in WWII-era Korea and Japan. Young thief Sookhee enters the service of Lady Hideko as a handmaiden with the intent of robbing her of her fortune--but things get complicated when Sookhee develops feelings for Hideko.
Pariah (2011) - A gay Brooklyn teenager struggles with understanding her identity in an unwelcoming household and fights to grow into her true self.
Pistachio (2021) - A short animated film about having a crush on a straight friend and being bisexual. (Available here on Youtube)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) - Marianne is a portraitist called to paint Heloise before her upcoming wedding. While Marianne tries to get close to Heloise in order to capture her essence, she finds herself falling in love.
Princess Cyd (2017) - Teenage Cyd takes the opportunity to spend several weeks over the summer with her novelist aunt, Miranda. Over the course of the summer, Cyd discovers a lot of new things about the world and herself.
Rafiki (2018) - Two daughters of rival politicians fall in love, but struggle with the attitudes of their community in Nairobi.
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who won? (and what was the fucking game anyway?) atomic blonde au
Napoleon returns from a mission in Berlin in November 1989. The wall is down, but his mission was a complete disaster. He has a lot to answer for. Why did he kill an American operative? Who is the mysterious double agent Satchel? And why had he chosen to make contact with a Russian agent? The CIA is not the only agency interested in answers. The MI6 flew in their very own Waverly from Berlin to hear the whole story first-hand. It would be a shame if Napoleon had something to hide....
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dexlexia · 1 year
atomic gold - a vashwood fic
chapter 2/3: gold pairing: vashwood (vash x nicholas) rating: 18+ summary: Nicholas swore this was the last fight, but it was never the case. He always ended up in the projector room in the east wing of the university’s main building being patched up by Vash. Vash was a good guy, a little goofy at times. And had a habit of causing more trouble than helping, but he and Nicholas were rather close since they both became the only two members of the dying film club. tags: college au, internalized homophobia, smut, nicholas is bad at feelings, film club au, minor violence, mentions of blood, trans!vash, needle mentions, jealousy, background relationships, catholicism, slow burn, eventual smut, reference to abuse, controlling knives a/n: this fic will be updated on June 18th (today) & June 25th. read it on ao3 !
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When Nicholas laid beside Vash in bed, every nerve in his body felt alive.  There was a buzz in his body as the two men laid in bed.  There was enough space between them but Nicholas could feel the heat of the blonde's body beside him. Vash's back was facing him,  he was cuddled up with the meter long cat plush he had bought himself during recovery. 
Nicholas could hear the rise and fall of Vash's chest and hum of the air conditioning unit.  He exhaled to himself and laid there on his back. He had taken some medication for the pain before he went to bed.  He was unable to sleep, he wanted to chalk it up to the pain of his face but in reality it was the feeling of the other man beside him. 
Every so often he'd look over at Vash's sleeping body.  He'd hear the small noises that the man would make,  the shuffled movements in bed as he cuddled up closer to the black cat plush. Nicholas swore to himself that Vash was probably drooling on the stuffed animal.  Nicholas held onto the cross on his neck and silently prayed to himself.  It was more to relax him, a constant in his life. Whenever he felt strong emotions he could find clarity in prayer. Usually when he got close to Vash, he would pray for strength to resist the urge to fall more into the feelings he had for  the blonde. 
Eventually Vash rolled onto his back and started to snore, indicating he was in a deep sleep. Nicholas finished his prayers and dropped his hand, it fell into Vash's. But he didn't flinch at the contact. His heart leapt into his throat however when Vash's hand curled into Nicholas'.
Nicholas swallowed, and sank into the memory foam mattress.  He gripped Vash's hand for a moment before he let go. He swore for a moment that he saw Vash smile in his sleep. 
The morning after was quiet, the blaring of Vash's phone alarm woke the two of them up. Nicholas' bruises were now an ugly purple. His eye was still bloodshot. Vash gave him a pair of dark sunglasses to wear while the swelling went down.  The men showered separately and ate some plain eggs and buttered toast. 
  "I'll see you later."  Vash smiled before the two departed  from the townhouse. 
Not much happened the weeks following, their routine was kept up.  Nicholas wore the sunglasses most of the time,  protecting his swollen eye from the  oppressive desert sun.  Nicholas liked the sunglasses,  a reminder of Vash wherever he went.  He stayed out of trouble for the most part,  the athletic department didn't come around. The only one who did come to the projector room was Millie and Meryl, it felt like they were coming around more and more. 
Vash was excited to see them when they came around.  Offering them space on the couch while he searched for some movies to let them borrow.  Nicholas sat in the rolling chair and watched them interact. Unless his eyes were deceiving them, Meryl seemed interested in Vash. Her gaze lingered on him, she'd tease him, pull on his ear in annoyance when he acted like an idiot. 
A new feeling rose in Nicholas' chest,  he could only pin it as jealousy.  Great another deadly sin to add to the list. First lust for your fellow man and now jealousy towards a woman. The feeling annoyed him. This was the last thing he wanted, but when he saw them together it made Nicholas want a smoke even more. 
One afternoon, he reached his boiling point and left the room with his pack of cigarettes. He ended up in the designated smoking area of the wing  and went through two smokes before he came back inside, smelling like total shit. He eventually sprayed himself down with body spray to attempt to mask the scent. 
  "I forgot how gross cigarettes smelled." Meryl remarked, pinching her nose and  trying to move the scent away from her and Millie with her hand. 
  "Aw it's not too bad." Vash remarked, "You get used to it." 
  "It's nicotine and tar, how do you still have lungs, Nicholas?" Meryl asked. 
  "Nothing beats Nicholas' iron lungs!"
Nicholas looked over at the blonde, "That word doesn't mean what you think it does." 
Meryl laughed and punched Vash on the shoulder, "Jeez don't you ever read!"
  "I study plant biology, I don't read much else. " Vash shrugged, "I don't stay up past closing time at the library to go through all the new books. Including the romance ones!"
Meryl yelled and hit Vash playfully, "I'm going to kill you, Stampede!"
Millie tried to hold the smaller woman back, "Meryl, he didn't mean it! Don't kill him!"
  "I won't actually! Not unless he makes one more comment about my reading habits!" She responded loudly. 
Nicholas chuckled to himself, but it got caught in his throat when Vash leaned out of Meryl's way. His head close to Nicholas', their eyes met and the blonde smiled. 
The room was rather cramped but more lively. The more Nicholas saw the pair interact the more he accepted that someone like Vash deserved to be with someone like Meryl. Even if they did bicker about the media, it was better than anything Nicholas could offer. So the dark haired man smiled through the pain. 
It was almost Sunday, at least he could pray about it in the proper setting by then.  That was his goal until  Vash brought up the idea of having a movie night in the auditorium that Sunday. Since they had the keys to the room, they could come and go as they pleased. 
  "I, uh. Got church that morning, you can go on without me." Nicholas waved it off. 
  "No way! It's not the same watching a movie without you! It's like donuts without the powdered sugar on top, or filled with jam. Then it's just fried dough and that's less fun!" Vash explained, "We'll move it to another day then." He bumped elbows with the other man. 
Nicholas felt his ears go red at the remark. Did he really bring something to Vash's life? He wasn't just some guy who happened to be the only other member of the same club? He had stopped telling Vash to not touch him,  at this point he accepted the affection. He was going to do what all Catholics do and suffer in silence. 
The movie night went well, Millie brought enough snacks to feed a club triple their size. Meryl sat between Vash and Millie, and while Nicholas sat on Vash's otherside, he was biting his inner cheek at the idea of the woman and the blonde sharing an armrest. 
Little did he know but Millie had her arm over the back of Meryl's auditorium seat. 
  "Can you pass me more gummy worms?" Meryl asked while Nicholas wasn't paying attention.
Millie said as quietly as she could, "Of course." And gave the smaller woman a small peck on the cheek, "And a little extra sugar too." 
Meryl beamed at the other woman before handing the bag. 
Their club soon doubled in size, from two to four with the two women being a frequent staple.  It was near the end of fall semester when Vash finally got his hands on the archival footage that the library was getting rid of. Nicholas didn't have much details on it, but the joy that overcame Vash at the idea of having something that no other club could ever get their hands on was enough for  Nicholas to be happy for his friend.
Vash wanted to watch it with Nicholas, just the two of them at the townhouse one night while Knives was out.  Nicholas didn't know the whereabouts of Vash's brother, but to get some time alone with the blonde meant the world to him. So he wasn't going to complain. He was curious however about the tape. 
  "Why don't you want your brother to see it?"
  "He isn't into that kind of stuff." Vash shrugged nonchalantly., "He's a huge science nerd, if it was about plasma or the human brain he'd be all over it! Plus I want to watch ti with my best friend!"
  "You told Meryl before you didn't really read up on much that wasn't botany. What makes this so special." 
Vash smiled softly, "It's part of my own history." 
They got the townhouse and  he unplugged the DVD player and hooked up the old VCR that he actually fixed up with a lot of time and effort.  It wasn't as seamless as it could be, but it played videos. So that's all that Vash could ask for. The tape was labeled, "July". Vash put it in and took a deep breath. 
The blonde got on the. couch and put the crochet blanket over top both of them.  Vash's hands worried the knit of the blanket,  he knew what was to come. This was about confronting what Vash had been running from. What had happened to him when. he was much younger. Far away from the desert college town he lived in now.  A past that he hoped Nicholas would understand. 
The footage was grainy, and old.  The firing of the Angel Arm flattened a city.  The footage was broadcasted to the world, but by the time resources came to help the people of one of the seven cities, it was too late. The societal collapse had done its damage.
Nicholas was in shock by what he saw.  When he turned to the blonde, he saw tears in his blue eyes. The sharp rise and fall of his chest.  It was like he was reliving the memory all over again.  The goofy Vash that Nicholas grew to love was replaced by someone who felt immense pain. 
  "Do you want me to-" 
  "No, keep playing it."  Vash swallowed, his voice a small whisper. 
Nicholas didn't know what else to do, so. he leaned over and wiped the tears from Vash's eyes. The dark haired man thought to himself,  was it more of a sin to love another man or to let him suffer in a time of need?  Was it possible to adjust his faith to be closer to the blonde? Would he be forgiven when his time comes? None of it really mattered as the tape played. 
Vash wrapped both arms around  Nicholas and rested his face into his shoulder.  His breathing was labored as he felt the flood of emotions wash over him. This probably wasn't the safest method to express the pain he had been carrying,  but how was one supposed to show that they were victims of a city's collapse as a young child.
  "Why are you showing me this if it's making you so upset?"
The blonde swallowed, "I never had the words to explain my life to you.  Explaining where every scar came from felt like too much for you.  So when Meryl told me about the tape, I wanted to show you so you'd understand. 
  "I'm sorry that you suffered so much., Vash. I'm sorry I couldn't make it hurt less."
Vash gave a soft  smile against Nicholas' shoulder, "You've done more than enough, Nicky."
Nicholas swallowed back his own tears, "Good to know, blondie." 
The door to the townhouse opened, revealing Knives with his bag slung over his shoulder.  The first thing. he noticed  down the hallway was the position that Vash and Nicholas were in, and the soft sounds of Vash crying.  Anger filled the blonde's chest, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Wolfwood!"
  "You son of a bitch, I'm going to fuck you up! Get away from my brother!"
Nicholas got up, ready to defend himself. He rolled his sleeves up, ready to fight.  But Knives wasn’t backing down. He stomped forward, got around Nicholas as to create distance between the dark haired man and Vash. 
  "I don't want trouble, Knives." Nicholas said.
  "You're making my brother cry!" Knives snapped as he backed Nicholas down the hallway, "You fucking son of a bitch! I could kill you!"
  "Knives, what the fuck!" Vash snapped as he followed behind his older brother.  He grabbed the other blonde by the arm, "He didn't make me cry!"
Knives looked over his shoulder, his eyes wild. It almost scared Vash. "This guy is going to fuck you over, just like any other guy on this campus. Nobody understands you Vash, nobody gets you and the entire world is out to get you!" 
Vash's shoulders dropped, "Not Nicholas, Knives." He shook his head, "I'm pretty sure Nicholas is not in a long haul to chop up my body and throw it in the woods. Nicholas is not Steve, it's not going to happen again!"
Nicholas' chest was pounding,  his breathing heavy. Who the fuck was Steve? 
Knives clenched his jaw and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Vash, please. Let me hurt him before he hurts you.  Guys are like this, you don't realize it! I can protect you, not this stupid loser. Even if he isn't a serial killer, what if he hurts you in other ways? What if I come home and I find that he's hurt you? Anything could happen! You have to  listen to me, Vash." 
Vash dropped his shoulders, "You're overreacting, Knives. You've been my shadow since the minute we were born.  I'm going to be hurt, that's part of life." 
  "Not in the way you've been hurt before." 
  "Knives, not every guy on planet earth sees me as a target."
  "You're vulnerable." 
  "Not with Nicholas." 
Knives turned to Vash, "I need to protect you. Because you don't know any better. You're a doormat at times, Vash. You're too trusting." 
Vash clenched his jaw, "I'm not, Knives. You still see me as  a scared girl. '' Tears welled in his eyes, "Nicholas isn't like that,  he isn't like the families we lived with. " He gestured to his body, "You can check me all over, Nicholas has not laid a hand on me.  I wasn't crying because of him,  I.. I got footage from July 21st.  The school was getting rid of it. I wanted to watch it with Nicholas because I wanted to feel safe." He swallowed and rubbed his eyes, "Nicholas D. Wolfwood makes me feel safe." His gaze met his twin brother's.
Knives exhaled deeply, "It's going to happen again. All guys are like this. "
Vash reached out and held onto his brother's shoulder, "Then that's the pain I live with.  We're the same age, Knives. If you're an adult, so am I." He gripped his brother's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. He soon let go after a brief moment and  walked past him to get to Nicholas who was still by the door.  He wrapped his arms around the other man, "You know I've been in love with him since first year. "
The declaration  of Vash's affection for Nicholas made the dark haired man freeze.  He reached to the blonde and held onto him. The urge to beat the shit out of Knives faded away. His eyes reminded on Knives as he said, "I don't want to hurt your brother,  I swear I'm not in a weird long haul to fuck him over.  I think I see what I want now, and I want your brother. I want to be there for him, I want to protect him just as much. as you do. So let's not beat each other within an inch of our lives?"
Knives dropped his shoulders, "Do you swear on your life Nicholas?" 
   "Yes, I swear on everything." 
The blonde looked to his brother, "I'm not happy about this, but you're right." He pinched the bridge of his nose once more, "You're an adult. But if he hurts you, I will kill him. And I won't regret it for a second." 
Vash looked to his brother, "I assure you he won't." He looked to the dark haired man, "Unless he doesn't want me." 
Nicholas smiled at the blonde, "I want you." He swallowed, the words felt heavy in his mouth. He cupped the back of Vash's head and pressed his forehead against his, "Yeah, I want you."
Knives had no choice but to sigh at the display. He was weary about Nicholas, but it had been almost four years. He'd have to accept that the man was going to be in Vash's life for a lot longer now. He turned and waved behind his head, "Just don't have sex on the couch, alright?"
  "Knives!" Vash yelped. 
Since then things had felt good, great even! Vash was a welcomed invader into Nicholas' personal space. The blonde loved his kisses, his hand holding and his cuddling. He said it was everything he ever wanted since first year. Nicholas still felt the pang of Catholic guilt, but the way Vash looked at him. Like he had hung every star in the sky in the evening and brought up the sun just for him in the morning. 
Nicholas eventually realized that Merly wasn't hitting on Vash. She was in fact in a relationship with Millie and had zero interest in men. Vash explained, "Oh yeah, she sees me as a guy! So therefore she's not interested in me one bit. Plus I'm more interested in you to ever be interested in her!" Then gave him a huge smile. 
Fallsemester finally ended, and the break between the holidays was much needed. Nicholas found that since the fight he had a few months prior, he hadn't been in the mood to be punched around any further. He had to keep his head on his head if he was going to be with Vash, maybe the blonde's pacifism was rubbing off on him. 
The two walked down the hall holding hands, Vash leaned over and kissed Nicholas on the cheek. A few girls in the hall giggled, and Nicholas shot them a look.  Nicholas missed Vash when he wasn't on campus, but he'd eventually wind up back at the townhouse after class and sharing an early dinner with Vash. A lot of cheeseburger pasta, his excuse was that it was 'their' food, what they made together around the time they got together. Nicholas was still worried about Vash though, seeing him breakdown the night they started dating. He knew that Vash had the tape, but the blonde assured that he wasn't torturing himself by playing the tape on repeat. 
Nicholas kept the conversation open about wanting to talk about their past, but Vash just smiled at him. A smile that worried Nicholas, but he couldn't force the man to dump his past on him. So instead he showed him a brighter future.  One where he was loved. 
At the end of a long week, Nicholas kicked off his shoes and crawled into the bed with Vash. He wrapped his arms around the blonde and kissed him on the top of the head. He felt their connection as they cuddled. Vash took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand.  Nicholas rubbed his back.
  "You're my world, Nicky." Vash said. 
  "Same to you, blondie. You're all I ever wanted." 
With time Vash's love broke down the guilt, not like a wrecking ball but like snow in spring. Melting it away until it came back to the earth. If he was going to hell for the sin of loving the blonde, then he hoped that he could spend every moment in damnation beside the blonde.  But he was beginning to believe it was a worse sin to lie to the people around him, especially to Vash. 
The weight of guilt was nothing compared to the euphoria of loving him. 
Knives slowly came around, he was civil more than anything. The two still didn't like each other but put it aside for the sake of Vash. The blonde didn't look like he was going to kill Nicholas anymore. Rather he gave him a blank expression and a curt nod. It was all Nichola could ask for in honesty. Knives did however roll his eyes when he saw the pair cuddling on the couch. 
  "Still not your biggest fan, Wolfwood." Knives said while the two were standing outside the townhouse in the middle of the night smoking. 
  "Didn't expect to be." 
  "I know, Knives. You have a whole army of fangirls at the school who would be more than happy to hide my body in the middle of the desert." Nicholas exhaled, letting the smoke partially cloud his vision.
Knives turned to Nicholas, "I'm glad we're on the same page then." And gave him probably his least forced smile. There was something predatory about it. The dark haired man swallowed. The things you do for love, he thought. 
But as the new year rang in at a small party in the townhouse. Nicholas pressed his lips against Vash's. His strong arms wrapped around the beanpole man. Their forehead eventually pressed together.  Vash was the sun, Nicholas was the moon. Complementary and always longing for one another. Nicholas gave another small kiss on the blonde's face. His head screamed for a need to be loved by Vash till the end of his days. And he'd do everything in his power to make that happen. 
  "I love you." 
  "I love you too, blondie."
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ilovewillsolace · 4 months
can you share your will x octavian storyline?
how did the ship start and get to where it is now.
Well, it all started about three (?) years ago, when I realized that I didn't have any otp with blonde × blonde and these two just happened to be at hand. I've never seen them as relatives or what worse, brothers, so I don't understand why tumblr fandom has so much problems and aggression with people who aren't related at all, because I've always highlighted their lack of relativeness. Their dynamic for me is two broken people, in whom society and those around them have never seen their true identity. They're about mutual salvation, protection and support, which is a bit personal for me.
Besides, their characters, which weren't revealed, give a huge amount of space for developing their relation with each other and the world. But I can't answer where they're now. Everywhere, probably? Since for all this time they went through crazy amount of mine and my friends' aus. They can fit every au and fandom you can come up with. But right now I returned to Atomic Heart au again, trying to write something more about it
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pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
How did you come up with Freyja’s Kaiju form? A buff pikachu with scales hehehee 🥺
Absolutely screaming and this description 😂😭
(also I swear if this stupid post gets accidentally deleted while I type it one more time, I’m going to lose my mind)
BUT to answer your question properly, it definitely was a bit of a process! Going into Kaiju!AU & Genesis Day I had a rough idea of certain things I wanted before commissioning the wonderful @herebegiants (who, let me just say, was AMAZINGLY patient with some of my indecisiveness at times and a wonderful partner and support through this process) but I think it ultimately boiled down to the following four points: retain the color palette from GTU, give her lightning powers, invoke Godzilla imagery, retain her Humanity. 
Also you asked for an Essay, so check out the explanation to those answers (plus some art!) below the break. ❤️💙
1. Retain the color palette from GTU:
Color is something that’s very important to me in character design. There is so much symbolism that can come from the inclusion and saturation of certain colors in a palette. And while I had fussed about with her original GTU/University!AU color scheme, I ultimately wanted to retain the same cherry red and aqua blue, while having it off-set by the black and white and keeping her brilliant green eyes. Herebegiants played around with a few combinations of the colors in different placements and gradients, and ultimately I fell in love with her current colors. The blonde tragically did have to get replaced, but I think it helped to saturate the more “natural” colors of a human in favor of the most alien and unique colors that a Kaiju would have to offer.
Also a +100ft monster lady with glowing green eyes is just *chef’s kiss*.
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(credit to @herebegiants)
2. Give her lightning powers:
Like color palettes, a character’s unique powers really help set them apart. Now of course Freyja didn’t have lightning powers in any AU by this point, but any of my friends can tell you that I’ve always likened Freyja unto a summer thunderstorm. Particular in places like Oklahoma and South Carolina (two places where I’ve lived), you would get humid thunderstorms with powerful roars of lightning and brilliant rivers of lightning (accompanied by torrents of rain and wind as well). 
And Freyja is very much like that. She is a POWERFUL character in both physique and personality. But that isn’t to say she’s destructive. She just typifies that raw, loud energy but also has gentleness of rain that helps the fields grow and flourish and winds that help the sailor’s voyage. So it was only natural that her body just be crackling with energy tied to her emotions (especially when she blushes or gets excited).
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(credit to @earthsong9405​)
3. Invoke Godzilla imagery:
How can you have Kaiju without at least some references to Godzilla? Herebegiants and I went through a series of different iterations of plating, spikes, fins, etc., to finally get to something that captured elements of Godzilla. Thicker plating at points, spikes on the arms and calves and knuckles, fins up the spine, etc. 
There were some things I wanted to avoid, however. Long-ranged attacks such as vision-based or breath-based powers (heat vision or atomic breath) I wanted to avoid, along with not giving her a tail. A lot of Frey’s charm for me comes from her being a brawler who uses her head, fists, teeth, knees, etc. against her foe. A tail, while very Godzilla-ie, would slow her down due to her bulk and size and long-ranged attacks would somewhat rob her of the defining trait that makes Freyja so endearing for me: she’s a woman who really really likes to punch stuff.
She might get a bit more monster-ie as time progresses (who knows what the Cambrian Engine’s effects will have on her long-term?), but for now I’m rather happy with the balance I’ve struck with her colorful qualities.
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(credit to @chamomile-g-tea​)
4. Retain her Humanity:
At the end of the day, Kaiju!Freyja is still a Human. And while she is categorized as a specific type of Kaiju in Genesis Day (the Nephilim-class), she is still very much a Human. She has hopes, dreams, fears, and can feel love and anger and joy just like any other woman would. And while that isn’t to say that characters who don’t look like Humans can’t feel those things either, on the contrary, I still wanted her to have that semblance of Humanity in her Kaiju!AU to help show that balance between Human and monster.
Annnnnnd there you go @smolcomfycat! Probably a bit longer than you were anticipating, but I enjoy thinking about/discussing these things.
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sydneyadmu · 1 year
OKAY BUT velcinta atomic blonde!au. I’m cooking something (in my mind only)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I think it’s very fitting that your scrap bin is called ‘feast on the scraps’ cuz I am very much feasting. I love the vibes of the 80s spy au. I was not ready for it to be West Berlin, but somehow that setting is very compelling. I’m assuming the people they don’t want to get the list would then be East Berlin, the Stasi and the sovjets and so on. Would explain why it’s important that they work together. The car scene is a very nice way to force Tommy and Techno into working together. It’s also a way for Tommy to earn Techno’s respect dispite being so young.
And then Wilbur comes in already having the respect for both of them. Also, sandduo crumbs. And Niki and Wilbur being siblings is something I’ve never thought about, but it’s such a vibe. It seems like they put on thus nice polite front but there’s probably danger under the surface. Either that or they got in too deep and are now rolling with it. Chaos ensured.
Then there’s the second scarp, because we are grtting spoiled. I am once again in aw of your ability to provide exposition without dumping it all on a page. Every bit of information feels organic. It feels like we just step into Tommy’s pov and are along for the ride rather than the character explaining everything for us. There’s hints towards Wilbur being blind but it doesn’t really get mentioned because it’s something Tommy already knows and is used to.
We learn about the Caves through dialogue and conversation. We don’t know what they are or what they look like, but we know their purpose (to find artefacts), their pitfalls (dangerous creatures) and their value (to make a lot of money). When and explanation is needed, we get the bare minimum. This keeps us hungry for more, yet doesn’t leave us confused. It’s just good okay.
aaa thank you!! yeah the 80s spy au was heavily inspired by a spy film I rewatch a lot called Atomic Blonde which takes place in West Berlin in the 80s, hence the setting. they were definitely trying to keep the soviets in East Berlin from getting their hands on the list hence why the Americans and the Brits decided to work together in the au. car scene works as a GREAT way to establish tommy and techno's teamwork super early on it was so fun to write
there's a plot reason wilbur and niki were siblings in this au because that's not usually a dynamic i would go for, but I had an idea and it was just too good to pass up. I don't want to spoil it in case I ever change my mind and finish writing it, but knowing me that's not gonna happen rip. but yeah wilbur and niki are SO fun in this au. they're just two twenty-somethings running a sneaky little information network, definitely do some smuggling between east and west berlin, and get a little in over their heads sometimes
aww that's so sweet I'm so glad all the worldbuilding and exposition felt natural!! i'm very proud of how I started introducing the world in the second scrap, primarily because I remember when i was first writing it i had zero plans i was literally just writing whatever came to my head. I was just coming up with the world as I went lol. and yeah I definitely wanted wilbur's blindness to just be referred to in an obvious way without it being stated outright because that's how tommy's gonna think of it. just hints here and there until tommy makes his stupid joke clarifying to the reader what's going on
I loveeeee providing exposition in dialogue. it's so much more interesting instead of just providing it in a big paragraph with zero action. I have a lot of fun with worldbuilding like that. just throwing pieces here and there and letting the readers form the picture gradually instead of just infodumping it all onto them.
tysm spruce so glad you enjoyed!!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
ShinKamiDeku - Fem!Izuku - Singing Song That Match Them AU
"Champion, champion
I'm calling you from the future To let you know we've made a mistake And there's a fog from the past that's giving me, giving me such a headache," sang Denki under his breath. Izuku, his soulmate, felt his cheeks flush.
"Babe, do you need to sing it all the time?" he asked.
"Hey, it's catchy," Denki defended before he kissed Izuku's head. "And it fits you so well."
"That is the point of soul songs," Izuku said. He then began humming Denki's song before softly singing it. "That blonde, she's a bomb, she's an atom-bomb Rigged up and ready to drop Bad news, I'm a fuse and I've met my match So stand back it's about to go off."
"Hey, I totally am that song," Denki joked. Their third soulmate shuffled into the room, looking exhausted. Both Izuku and Denki traded looks before grinning.
"All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse," the two sang. Hitoshi, their thrid, jumped before groaning.
"You be an emo teenager for long enough it becomes the soul song at the time, and you never live it down!" he complained even as he grinned a little at his soulmates who burst into laughter.
Annoying or not, he would never regret it.
Fall Out Boy: Champion
Owl City: Bombshell Blonde
Twenty One Pilots: Heathens
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