#atp his haters are just jealous
moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
The way Percy is so hated even though he was one of the very few characters with self-respect and ambitious yet realistic goals and was willing to go to great lengths to reach it despite his family not being the slightest bit supportive of it.
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tevanbuckley · 15 hours
this might be controversial, but man am i becoming increasingly convinced that buddie trutherism* is just not (and probably never has been) a very healthy way to engage with this show. *to be clear, by this i don't mean shipping buddie, or hoping it'll be canon, or thinking that it could be, i mean the completely unshakeable belief that it is absolutely going to happen (and to a lesser extent that it's always been the plan).
every single piece of evidence for buddie is evidence of a potential, often very compelling potential, but there is really nothing to suggest some big six season plan or any plan at all.
i'm sure a lot of these ppl (maybe even most) aren't bad, or doing anything out of malice. however, i do think having a large chunk of the fandom make post after post, week after week, season after season going "don't worry guys, buddie's definitely happening because of x, y or z," has helped create the current environment. where ppl have spent so long in a bubble where buddie's been presented as the only reasonable outcome, that they can't conceive of the idea they might've been wrong.
atp a lot of buddie meta isn't a queer reading of the show/relationship it's just straight up lies. no tommy isn't a miserable hater who never smiles at his bf, nor is he a predatory freak preying on sweet baby bi buck, and no eddie wasn't jealous at the wedding, no buck didn't realise he was in love with eddie when he came out to him. truly, after a decade in different fandoms, I don't think i've ever seen shipping goggles this bad.
again i don't think the ppl making meta/analysis about things that genuinely have some queer subtext to them are bad or doing anything wrong. but, when a narrative that you're contributing to is feeding into this much wider ecosystem that's influencing others to harass ppl and peddle homophobic dog whistles in an attempt to bridge the gap between their fanon and canon, at what point do you step back and go, "you know what, i don't think it's responsible for me to feed into this anymore."
and i worry that even the people who aren't hurting others with this kind of engagement, are gonna end up hurting themselves in the long run.
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zimmer483tomi · 4 months
Heidi haters are so immature, like youre what, a 13 year old little girl? You really think Tom would divorce his wife just because you hate her and is a jealous little hater? Aint no way….
Heidi and Tom actually loves eachother, and people spreads stupid rumours? Dont you want your idol to be happy? Tom really deserves to be happy, and so does Heidi. Like, leave them the fck alone 🤦
You dont have to like Heidi, but atleast show a little respect and stop with the rumours and shit
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AND to people saying that Heidi is making Bill and Tom stay apart, aint no way she is. Just because Tom and Bill arent togheter 24/7 doesnt mean that they are «growing from each other😔😣», Tom just simply has his own life, and so does Bill.
Like look at these pics, they all look so happy and looks like theyre having a great time togheter🤷‍♀️
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I had to write an whole article because i am so done with Heidi haters atp😭
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
Changbin with a idol s/o? 👀
oooh yesss i love the idea!! I hope you like it :))
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Changbin with an idol s/o
Assuming y'all are publicly dating, you'd be such a power couple
ESPECIALLY if you go to the gym as well, like there's nothing more iconic than that
he's your fan number 1 and is not afraid to show no matter what anyone says
if you're also under JYP he'd take every single chance he can to talk to you or just see you
like you could be practicing and suddenly you'd see him standing there like....hey 🧍‍♀️
he might as well be a part of your group cause of how often he's with you
during award shows he'd be your number 1 hype man while you're performing
Chan doesn't even bother trying to calm him down atp
watches ALL of your VLIVES and spams the comments with hearts
fights the haters too
ain't no one messing with his girl
quick kisses whenever you pass eachother in the hallways when nobody's around
the type of kisses that leave you wanting more
but this man is a tease and he keeps going as if nothing happened
like sir what torture is this
the fans LOVE your relationship
i said it before and i'll say it again, y'all would be iconic af, everybody wishes they had what you have
In the case that you're dating privately, he'd honestly be pretty obvious
no need to confirm what we already know Changbin dont worry
even though he can't hype you up the way he wishes he could, he always makes sure to support you and your group as much as possible
if you have a comeback, he'd tell stays to support you and stream your songs!
buys merchandise and you can't tell me otherwise
LOTS of late night talks with him and if you can then lots of late night drives as wel
as giddy as he may be, he's a very soft man with a very big heart and he loves to show it
if you're ever having a hard time, whether it's because you're frustrated or because the haters are getting to you, he's always there
never wastes a second to whisper sweet things in your ear to make you realize how loved you truly are
whenever you have activities together such as shows or performances or just anything public, he always has this look of fondness when you show up on the screen, your face warming up his heart
stays always go crazy with those little moments, immediately coming up with theories
he always makes sure to call you when either of you are on tour and spend months far away from each other
it doesn't matter if the call lasts an hour or just 5 minutes, all he wants is to see you and hear you cause he misses you :(
listents to songs that remind him of you or playlists that you send him
gets a little jealous of fans that simp for you a little too hard
then again, he understands, like how could someone not fall for you beauty???
in conclusion
he's just such a loving and amazing boyfriend and he wishes the industry wasn't as restrictive as it was so he could show without fear how much he truly loves you :(
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
do you think suresh could possibly act like this to make us jealous :( or he’s just dumb
if he's doing it to make us jealous he can stop now!! Im jealous! You've won. but LONG explanation coming....if youre a Suresh girly read this:
but bestie you and all the other anons do have me thinking why is there such a character break?? is he really just that dumb like you said, or trying to make us jealous?? And it got me playing the whole season in my mind again, with how much he chased us and flirted with us. Even when he chose Arlo, he claimed that, that decision was made for us. And something the Suresh haters always griped about him, he was never vulnerable with MC and the small moments he was were overshadowed by something sexual he did. BUT THEN he opened himself completely to her. He laid it all on the line for her. Spelled out his feelings for her and asked her to choose him. And now we know she didn't choose him because of Casa and what not, but what if Suresh did all that and then in his mind, he's like well she had time to make her decision and she didn't. she didn't choose me. Think about it..she had time to trot around the villa talking to Finn and the girls. She could've easily told him right then and there, Suresh I choose you. But she didn't. So he goes into Casa and moves mad, grafts on Lulu super hard - even though there is no spark, and returns to see MC with someone new AND Gabi. I think for him atp he's saving his ego, he's not going to pull MC for a chat because he feels he's gotten his answer from her. and if she felt the need to talk to him, then she would pull him. This week's episodes I think is more of the same but it gives us more insight. He took a sip of his drink in never have I ever to say that he regretted coupling up with Lulu, he looked at MC when Gabi proposed and said "we dont know what the future holds". I dont care what anyone says there's still something there. Kissing Gabi the way he kissed MC. He's kissed other girls in challenges before, never the way he kissed MC. was he maybe imagining he was kissing MC instead?? and the proposal one of the girls said in the dressing room he's picking someone who he has history with. Who does he literally have the LEAST amount of history with in the villa? Meera!! They've spent at most now 4-5 days together in total?? he does not know this girl!! He doesnt care about her at all...he chose her because she's the easiest throw away proposal.
Sorry for making this long but you got me thinking and I couldnt stop when I started lol 💖🥰
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Stop that Manchester tweet lmao. Yeah unfortunately football isn't always fair, so the better team doesn't always win. However Arsenal got 60 points right now 🥰 Liverpool is redeeming itself, but Chelsea??? London is blue whereeee
What the fuck the Prison League is extending. Omfg no I didn't hear about the Gr**nw**d thing. So now people are calling the girl a liar and while it's possible, abused people often go back to their partners and tbh I doubt he'd be with her if she falsely accused him... idk this is fucked
I met that one girl back in 2019, I thought she was alright, but turns out she's a weirdo and is travelling everywhere Atz goes
Okay, but this NCT stalker??? I've heard of her too many times. She's fucking insane? Just full of delulu. WOW. And a total mean girl too, so embarrassing. And so is her overuse of AAVE, apparently she uses n-word too 🤡 Judy needs to be dragged like that Changmin ssng
Hybe stans can't stay focused, now Hybe is the saviour, but 5 months ago there was no "Hybe privilege" lol. Yeah the staff is worried, SM has already made some people redundant :/. TELL ME THIS SIGN WON'T BE TAKEN OFF SOON, I NEED TO SEE IT
LSM is a fucking snake (no disrespect to snakes) he just knows how to protect his stupid ass. Meanwhile Chris Lee commenting on Lookass' post... I never thought they time would come when I will be "defending" SM, or rather hoping for Hybe's downfall.
Snow 🔪🔪🔪🔪 stay warm Baek! Then your avo uni needs to step up their game, invite Exo too! Hoping for some proper tour dates then 🙏 Kai got threatened?! I mean it's London so absolutely no shocked :/ he doesn't need to go to London, there are other places in Europe (contrary to popular belief)
I'm gonna make a compilation of some good food I've eaten. <3
It's ridiculous, because posh people get mocked for their accents and stupidity, but they also mock others for being poor and having ugly accents soooo. Yeah, what a place indeed. My friend from a town next to Liverpool got asked to change his accent once he got a job at one of London's banks
5 dollars wow Baek young and rich era!
The dream was me photographing some guy - he wasn't Hwa at first but turned into him eventually, atp Seonghwa is the default man in my subconsciousness - we were at a sandpit and it wa so fucking dark lol. Anyway he was a bit gloomy, so I tried to cheer him up somehow. Then we were on a creepy train, I remember being upset that I wasn't in the same carriage as Hwa and went to visit him. But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous???? I asked him if he'd get off on my station and help me. There was some shit going on tho, like I mentioned the train was creepy and we just wanted to leave. Everyone was so sus. Eventually Seonghwa got off with me and walked me home, but we were stalked by some guy - apparently my ex or just a creep who thought we were together 🤔💀
The absolute disrespect towards Seonghwa's dirty blonde hair!!! He has some defenders thankfully, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 grey too, what a colour. You know the haters just want him to have black hair all the time, probably with an undercut too. No creativity whatsoever!
Hmm posh Hwa... maybe, but he comes from a smaller town and uses satoori. He grew up near water, so in my head Seonghwa is from Cornwall ❤ Cornish people have a slight piratey accent
I read the new model Hwa fic, Y/N is me whenever I look at him tbh. I wish I was OP 😭 I'm just a medium, I'm manifesting shit
That Woo AU does sound nice, are there any Wommys on this blog? They'd be excited 👀
Come to think they aren't that many F1 movies apart from documentaries and some lesser known productions, except for Rush
Everyone's slandering Hwa for being such a guy definitely a humbling experience, but hey at least he looked adorable (the need to bite his nose!)
I thought it said HALA MADRID 😭 BUT HELLO. I was hoping they'd go see the match, but I think they've already left :/
GIVE HIM SOME GRAPHIC EYELINER, he's so cuteeeee. I've decided to pass away
Stop that Manchester tweet lmao. Yeah unfortunately football isn't always fair, so the better team doesn't always win. However Arsenal got 60 points right now 🥰 Liverpool is redeeming itself, but Chelsea??? London is blue whereeee
LMFAOOOO AFTER LIKE HOW MANY YEARS?? mayb ten hag was onto something,,, now if we talk about the el classico, i WAS READY TO BE HUMILIATED BC WE DIDNT HAVE OUR MAIN PLAYERS but ☺️☺️☺️  anyway why’s benzema acting like this 🤨 he’s acting like the demographic he dates bc damn ??? u weren't gonna win anyways?? 😭😭 and what’s up with rm fans being racist again come on 😭😭😭  man city’s rIGHT behind, they started alvarez and now everything is going well 💓💖
What the fuck the Prison League is extending. Omfg no I didn't hear about the Grnwd thing. So now people are calling the girl a liar and while it's possible, abused people often go back to their partners and tbh I doubt he'd be with her if she falsely accused him… idk this is fucked  /// I met that one girl back in 2019, I thought she was alright, but turns out she's a weirdo and is travelling everywhere Atz goes
YEAAAAHHH apparently hakimi’s wife was already divorcing him and this prob did some more damage 😭😭 yeah like it takes like 7 trues or something to get rid of them and tbh the way some man utd fans are acting 🔫🔫 ngl she def took the complaint back bc of the money he has, terrible,,, NAURRRRRR does she still do it?? 😭😭 psg is actually finished
Okay, but this NCT stalker??? I've heard of her too many times. She's fucking insane? Just full of delulu. WOW. And a total mean girl too, so embarrassing. And so is her overuse of AAVE, apparently she uses n-word too 🤡 Judy needs to be dragged like that Changmin ssng
omg i just saw all about that and the way theres absolutely NO SHAME and it’s instead all “ok 🥰🥰🥰” ???? nctzens need to throw hands bc what the hell??? if i was an idol id actually throw hands, what ate the bodyguard doing how are they just able to know their info ??? NOOOO THE WORST COMBO 😭😭😭 changmin needs to pull up to be nct’s bodyguard atp,, slap slap slap and drag out of the taxi with all the ppl she was with
Hybe stans can't stay focused, now Hybe is the saviour, but 5 months ago there was no "Hybe privilege" lol. Yeah the staff is worried, SM has already made some people redundant :/. TELL ME THIS SIGN WON'T BE TAKEN OFF SOON, I NEED TO SEE IT
actually going to go mental i wonder how all the artists are feeling despite updating us with nice messages 😭😭😭 imagine having your entire life spent at that company and being a family w everyone and going thru all the scandals and now it’s this mf company 😭😭😭
LSM is a fucking snake (no disrespect to snakes) he just knows how to protect his stupid ass. Meanwhile Chris Lee commenting on Lookass' post… I never thought they time would come when I will be "defending" SM, or rather hoping for Hybe's downfall.
HE REALLY DOES ITS SO IRRITATING BUT SO FUNNY HOW HE’S SCAMMING THEM IN THEIR OWN CONTRACTS PLS 😭😭😭 chris lee is actually finished,, unhinged man atp trying to back down and be all nice like bro we see right through you????  all this happened after he posted that lookas photo to NO CAUSE SAME FBWJDH NEVER THOUGHT ID BE STANDING FIRST IN LINE TO DEFEND THAT PINK COMPANY
Snow 🔪🔪🔪🔪 stay warm Baek! Then your avo uni needs to step up their game, invite Exo too! Hoping for some proper tour dates then 🙏 Kai got threatened?! I mean it's London so absolutely no shocked :/ he doesn't need to go to London, there are other places in Europe (contrary to popular belief)
went outside for a walk <3 teeth chattering, legs shaking <33 love canada 🥰🥰💖💓✨☺️ MY UNI SHUT DOWN BC OF THE 5CM SNOW DHSJHFKS THERES NO HOPE FROM THAT JAIL DUPE,, yeah 😭😭 during like mama-wolf era! exo went london and they pulled the 🔪 and now he kind never wants to go there fbfb “(contrary to popular belief)” 😭😭😭 he’s def going paris for sure!! berlin too!
I'm gonna make a compilation of some good food I've eaten. &lt;3
It's ridiculous, because posh people get mocked for their accents and stupidity, but they also mock others for being poor and having ugly accents soooo. Yeah, what a place indeed. My friend from a town next to Liverpool got asked to change his accent once he got a job at one of London's banks /// 5 dollars wow Baek young and rich era!
WHAT IS THIS 😭😭😭 damn your guys’s hierarchy system worse than ours 😭😭😭 if i ever visit that place catch me with the brummie accent, will channel my peaky blinder era <3 OH NO WAY???? ITS THAT BAD??? 😭😭😭 young and rich yoURE RIGHTT MY BANK IS FULL!!! TO THE BRIM!!! was actually scared when the reception last said i won 😭😭 i was going to start crying but it was just 5$ smh also do u eat that beans on the toast thing 🤨
The dream was me photographing some guy - he wasn't Hwa at first but turned into him eventually, atp Seonghwa is the default man in my subconsciousness - we were at a sandpit and it wa so fucking dark lol. Anyway he was a bit gloomy, so I tried to cheer him up somehow. Then we were on a creepy train, I remember being upset that I wasn't in the same carriage as Hwa and went to visit him. But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous???? I asked him if he'd get off on my station and help me. There was some shit going on tho, like I mentioned the train was creepy and we just wanted to leave. Everyone was so sus. Eventually Seonghwa got off with me and walked me home, but we were stalked by some guy - apparently my ex or just a creep who thought we were together 🤔💀//// The absolute disrespect towards Seonghwa's dirty blonde hair!!! He has some defenders thankfully, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 grey too, what a colour. You know the haters just want him to have black hair all the time, probably with an undercut too. No creativity whatsoever!
you are miss tenelka but on crack, heavy crack BRKQHDWKHDWKJCC U HAD UR YN MOMENT IN THE DREAM FBWNDJCCJ “But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous????” AS U SHOULD THATS YOUR MAN THROW HANDS AT THEM,,, NO SERIOUSLY ATINYS HAVE NO TASTE I SWEAR ALL THE TWT ONES DISRESPECT THE BEST HAIRS,,, it’s always the ones who want him to have black hair smh 🔫🔫🔫 silver hair is honestly so underrated / under appreciated on him, it’s should be crime, he served us angst and the with blond he served cunt!
Hmm posh Hwa… maybe, but he comes from a smaller town and uses satoori. He grew up near water, so in my head Seonghwa is from Cornwall ❤ Cornish people have a slight piratey accent /// I read the new model Hwa fic, Y/N is me whenever I look at him tbh. I wish I was OP 😭 I'm just a medium, I'm manifesting shit
oh he’s from the duchess of cornwall camilla area 🤨🤨 PIRATE ACCENT??? are they the deep south of uk fbwnddb ANON U WERE THE YN IN THAT DREAM, PHOTOGRAPHING HWA !!!! ur our psychic medium pls gimme a lil of cards and predict my future <3
That Woo AU does sound nice, are there any Wommys on this blog? They'd be excited 👀/// Come to think they aren't that many F1 movies apart from documentaries and some lesser known productions, except for Rush
very many wommy’s here 👀 but catch me making this a seonghwa fic 💃💃 ur right! after drive to survive there’s really nothing 😭😭 the schumacher documentary was really good! i wish they’d do some more but the drivers have their own youtube channel so it’s nice to see them vlogging! hopefully it's a ferrari year 😭😭😭😭
not ferrari but may b a mercedes hwa au!
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Everyone's slandering Hwa for being such a guy definitely a humbling experience, but hey at least he looked adorable (the need to bite his nose!) /// I thought it said HALA MADRID 😭 BUT HELLO. I was hoping they'd go see the match, but I think they've already left :/
LMFAOOOO in the end of the day he’s just a dude 😭😭😭 disappointed but not surprised, why bite the nose when u can have a seat on it- FBWNDHSK NO BC I THOUGHT IT WAS HALA MADRID TOO BUT I KNOW HES A BARCA FAN I FEEL IT IN MY BONES but he’s def a spurs fan 😔
GIVE HIM SOME GRAPHIC EYELINER, he's so cuteeeee. I've decided to pass away /// HOLD ON WAIT I'VE BEEN RESURRECTED 😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧 THAT'S MY CAT BOY  - DV 💖
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anon i think we won,,, the entire track list looks so promising 😭😭😭
not a show but a private event,,, anon we’re getting there 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
anon is this u
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