#percy weasley appreciation
moonlightdancer26 · 20 hours
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Percy! What is your opinion on him in general? Do you like how his character arc was handled by JKR? What are your thoughts on popular fandom takes about Percy (him being a terrible disgrace to the Weasley family for siding with the Ministry/Voldemort; him being a secret hero of the rebellion who deserved better; etc)? And your thoughts on Percy ships? Who, if anyone, do you ship him with?
I think he’s wicked awesome and way too hated, I will genuinely defend him with my life. If my family treated me that badly I’d tell them to fuck off too, he was literally so excluded from his family because he wasn’t some Quidditch-loving jock and actually preferred to study and stay indoors. And he got mocked consistently just because he wanted a bright future. Sure he may appear a bit stuck-up to those who don’t know him well, but his family?? Plus after he legitimately got the job of his dreams, his father’s immediate reaction was to tell him he didn’t actually earn it and that it was all just a ploy. I would actually be so hurt. Like sure Arthur did end up being right, BUT YOU COULD’VE SAID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY?? A simple “you earned it anyway, son” or “I’m proud of you” would’ve sufficed, alongside an explanation of why Percy MIGHT have gotten the job. He went about it way too harshly, if I got shut down like that after getting the job I’ve been working for my whole life, I’d have done a lot worse.
And I totally get Percy’s resentment, he felt as though his father wasn’t reaching his full potential due to his proud showcase of Muggle-fangirling. And since he (Arthur) was basically the sole provider in a large family that lived in poverty, I can see why Percy would feel frustration towards his father. Plus why do people act as if Percy was always “so horrible” even before he “abandoned” his family? He literally went RUSHING to Ronald when he got out of the lake in GoF and refused to let go of him, and he loved Ginny to death. He was protective of his younger siblings and was pretty funny imo, it’s hard not to sympathise with him when he has siblings like Fred and George.
He genuinely deserved so much better, he was constantly shut down for his accomplishments and cared so much for his siblings despite their mocking, plus he still came back to apologise to them and then proceeded to see his baby brother die in front of him????? How could you hate him after DH?? I don’t think he’s a disgrace to his family at all, sure he was shitty to Molly but, with what he must’ve been going through at the time, I get it. And any resentment he felt towards his family was completely and utterly justified. Plus he literally apologised, so even if you disagree with what I’m saying and think he’s scum or whatever, he legit still apologised to them? He still redeemed himself? Whatever he’s supposedly done that you hate him for, he redeemed himself for it. And I feel like people forget how young Percy was when all this happened? He’s only like 4 years older than Harry and was still 18/19 when all the family drama occurred, and he held a huge responsibility in the ministry. And having grown up as the lone middle child with the burden of knowing his family isn’t respected much must’ve had a tremendous influence on someone as ambitious as Perce. People should really see things from his perspective sometimes. Imo the only genuinely shitty things he’s done is 1. his treatment of Molly 2. his letter to Ron about Harry (but even then, I completely understand why Percy said what he said), anything other than that is usually just exaggerated by his haters.
One character he’s always reminded me of is Alex Dunphy from Modern Family (*tries to summon Modern Family fans*), she was also the odd one out in her family because she was super studious and introverted. And she had a desperate need to prove herself and was very ambitious, much like Perce. Her meltdowns and extreme studying was treated as a joke to the viewers and her sister Haley constantly made fun of her for it. She reminds me a lot of him tbh, which is why I love both characters so much.
lol this was supposed to be a quick short ask explaining why I love him and who I ship him with, and it resulted in a whole rant 😭 that’s usually how I get whenever his name gets brought up. Also Nonnie, I ship Percy with Oliver :D and I think he and Penelope Clearwater really deserved more screentime, they were such a delightful couple imo.
And thanks for the ask btw, I missed talking about him!!
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irisesforyoureyes · 5 months
morally grey characters are nice they are hot they are sexy BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GOLDEN FLUFFY BOYS THAT WANT TO SAVE THE WORLD😭😭😭yeah the brooding dark haired anti heroes would burn the world down for you but the morally white blinding white boys will try to make the world a better place for you. they would rather die than lose their faith in humanity even if humanity loses their faith in them and something about the pure good that thrives within them makes me go hshdhsjsjgdh “no nobody is dying I can save everyone” while bleeding to death themselves. enemies to lovers very hot. but I’m a sucker for chivalry and morals✋
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howdyrat · 4 months
Percy, the wonderful king of firsties
Ginny, the twins, and Ron don't confide in Percy like the other siblings at Hogwarts. Percy feels useless as a big brother and not needed, so once more reminds them that he's always in the library if they change their minds. While Percy's working on an assignment at his normal spot, light shuffling steps stop right before him. Percy's head is buried in a book and he's half paying attention when a small first year asks him for help. The boy confesses that he overheard Percy tell his family he was always available for help, and he thought since he doesn't have any siblings or friends he could ask Percy for help.
Percy agreed reluctantly not realizing he immediately said yes to someone who's not a Weasley sibling. At the end when they finished the first year Gryffindor is appreciative and more confident, rushing off with a big smile.
A couple days later Percy's at the table when he hears something, perking his head up there are now a few first years with pleading eyes. He waves them over and bright smiles shine back at him.
A week later Percy lifts his eyes above his book and he sees he's surrounded by a small crowd of children, ranging in houses and eager for his guidance. There are some Slytherins who show up to the session Percy leads shy and excited. At a certain point the first years bring homemade cookies (requested by children from parents), knitted/crochet items, and drawings of him/random things to gift him for allowing them to hang out with Percy.
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t1oui · 2 months
draco malfoy who did not become prince of slytherin on his first day at hogwarts, because that role was already taken.
percy weasley is the last person any outside would expect to run their house. a blood traitor with old robes and no money, no status. but a boy with ambitions and cunning to rival even his elders, one who understands the plight of those expected to be in slytherin and especially those expected to be the opposite.
when draco arrives, percy is a prefect. he wears the same robes his older brothers have, as his parents do not waste their money on their family's biggest disappointment, but he sends letters with an owl named hermes that was gifted to him by the siblings who still believe he's worth it. percy sits beside a boy named marcus flint, and both of them smile and shake the hand of every new first year. their dormmates, two boys named adrian pucey and theodore nott, do the same from across the table.
when draco comes back from christmas break shaking, when he flinches at every raised voice, percy wraps an arm around him and tells his newest snake the same thing marcus told him when he was a first year: "you got the best house."
slytherins are not friends with ravenclaws or hufflepuffs, and they certainly aren't buddying up with gryffindors. their own headmaster does everything in his power to discredit them.
"dumbledore may be brave," percy says, "but we're smarter. here in slytherin, we're a family." here, he doesn't say, we're stronger. he doesn't say it, but it's heavily implied.
severus snape is draco's godfather, percy's favorite teacher, and when a gryffindor girl named hermione accuses him of cursing harry potter, percy does everything he can to prove them wrong.
during draco's second year, muggleborns are being petrified, and draco's father is up to something. he spends his evenings in the dungeons, sobbing into his godfather's cloak, wishing he had the power to make this all better. the morning after harry potter saves ginny weasley, percy's younger sister, from the chamber of secrets, percy sits beside draco and tells him, "don't fret over things being out of your control. knowledge is power, draco. use it."
draco is fourteen when percy leaves, fourteen the first time he comes to hogwarts and the only flashes of red hair are seated at the gryffindor table. fourteen when he becomes slytherin's prince, the head of the family, the one who takes younger students under his wing. he isn't a prefect, not yet, but he is a leader.
knowledge is power, percy told him. draco uses it.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 11 months
Ron “haven’t I given enough?” Weasley
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an-illegal-gay · 2 months
fans: we want flawed female characters! they're interesting to read! we love them!
author: *writes flawed female characters*
fans: eww wtf so toxic and gross lets bash her
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roncentric · 2 years
Fics where Ron Weasley dies or is assumed dead
Note: None of these fics are bashing Ron so if that’s what you’re looking for this isn’t for you. So far I’ve only collected these but I’d love to read more with this theme.
other waters by Mad_Maudlin
Three years after the end of the war, Harry's life isn't quite what he expected it to be. A face from the past, however, changes everything.
Harry/Ron fic where he’s assumed dead. Complete.
Spitfire by Windschild8178
Harry Potter is hearing voices, well, one voice; Ron Weasley. His 'maybe' dead ex-best friend who might have betrayed him to his greatest enemy. With such uncertainty in the case file of Ron Weasley, the wizarding world see fit to condemn and move on, but when Ron reappears after two years of absence events are set in motion that will reveal the depths of human endurance and love.
Incomplete but still super worth it. Author has stated they plan for this to be a golden poly fic endgame.
I'd Kill You If You Weren't Already Dead by Backroads
After helping defeat Voldemort, Ron finds himself not only dead, but a ghost. Worse, his brother Percy had died unbeknownst to the family a year earlier. Worse still, they've been sentenced to spend the next century together. Will they survive?
Gen fic where Ron dies. Takes place from his ghost’s POV focused on his friendship with Percy’s ghost. I haven’t finished this fic yet but ppl seem to like it and so far I do too
If anyone know more fics following this theme feel free to add!
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huntingrays · 2 years
so, in the hp universe, owls are pets that are most commonly used to send letters
and percy weasley named his owl hermes
after the messenger god
i fucking love this nerd so much, he must’ve thought he was so clever for that name
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lightningmickqueen · 1 year
important christmas announcement
percy weasley was a spy
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mirrorofliterature · 2 years
May I offer Sugar Quill as a name for their cat? I hc Percy as having a sweet tooth, but I dunno if you share that opinion. That, or a name from Greek mythology pertaining to speed or ferocity? Percy named his own Hermes after all, and the speed could be attributed to Oliver's Quidditch-ness. Or, instead of speed, patience and reliability. Keepers have to have that, do they not?
thanks for the suggestions, first of all! these really have made me think.
this fic needs some lightheartedness and I think banter over a cat name is good.
I have not thought so much about percy's sweet tooth, but I could see it!
I like the greek mythology theme idea (it is, after all, on theme and I am *shoves PJO books under mattress) relatively knowledgable in greek mythology.
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
Wouldn’t it be much better if, instead of jumping at every opportunity to bash Percy Weasley, people tried to understand what it must’ve felt like for a 19 year old to be constantly belittled and undermined by your family and then being told you “didn’t earn it” after you got the job of your dreams despite having worked for it your entire life?
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
could i ask for headcanons of what petnames / endearments the Weasleys like to be called by their significant other 😄
thank you if you do! and thanks anyways for reading this even if you don't 😊
Oh my god this is so adorable yes yes yes yes yes-! The flip side of what the Weasley call you. Now THEY must be attacked with the affection mwhaahahah!!!!
Nick Names The Weasley Siblings Like To Be called By
William ‘Bill’
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His siblings, and the goblins at the bank, get to give him little wolf inspired nick names. Anyone else will be stabbed. But you are the exception to the rule. He won’t lie. He always gets flustered whenever you call him “Mr. Wolf” all teasingly, in a sing song tone. What gets him red in the face is you calling him “Red Riding Hood-“ Tho. As a flip of the script, and also the fact he’s a red head. That’s the only nick name you are blessed with saying. Calling him Red, Big Red Wolf, and other teasing nick names of that nature. Maybe the Weasley twins, on a good day, but you are his little fairy tale.
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He’s the playboy type, so you calling him Big Boy is a winner. Daddy to. That’s one way to get his engine going real fast. He does have a nick name he likes that you are only allowed to say, and not infront of company. Amber. He likes the nick name amber. A cute play on the fact many dragons of hoards, and a compliment to his ginger hair. Makes him feel like he’s precious. Big guys deserve to feel soft.
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He’s not really one for nicknames. It feels childish to him. He has an image to uphold. He’s always trying to act like he’s the exception and what everyone aspires to be. Doesn’t help Molly fed that idea to him. Still, what gets him to flush will be those cheesey wifey names. Calling him Pumpkin, Honey, Dear, Darling. The classics. Hey, his nose is always in books. He’s got that hopeless romantic in him.
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Freddy, kinda a given. A names branching off that. It’s simple and classic. But everyone does that. Like Charlie, he’s a sucker for the Big Boy comments. His real heart stopper, though, gotta be Boss/Bossman. Bossman in the playful tone, and Boss for the…You know what tone. What can he say? It feels good to be in charge.
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Similar to Fred. Georgie though gets to him a lot. He loved being called Georgie. Along with very sugary names. Like Pumpkin, Sugar, Cupcake, Sweetie, stuff like that. He’s adorable like that. He loves flirty nick names. He just loves it. Call him Teddy Bear, and he’s puddy in your arms. Since he loves hugs and cuddles.
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Ever since his sixth year at Hogwarts, he’s kinda not the most excited by nicknames. Can you blame him? He LITERALLY got drugged. Bro. There is an exception, though. It sounds egotistical, but it really isn’t. He loves when you call him “My Hero.” He doesn’t really feel appreciated or as loved as the others. He deserves to feel special. He’s not smart like Hermione, special like Harry, and don’t get him started on his siblings. Make him feel special. He deserves it.
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She has a weird thing about her femmnity. Not because she was raised by brothers. Just that she is excepted to be femmine, and gets called a pick me for not being it. So Nick names are very but it miss. Her siblings get a pass, but still. You gotta find that special one. You took notice how her siblings did dumb names. Like to make fun of the act of Nick names. Such as Gin Gin, Ginger Ale. Stuff like that. So, one day, you called her your “EnerGinny Drink-“ She laughed so hard she fell off her broom. Now you have an inside joke that her nick name is “Energy.” Only the twins figured it out, but are bros and keep hushed. So you two can have your special inside joke.
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writing-in-the-impala · 3 months
Secret Smokes (Part 13)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 2698
A/N: This chapter is unofficially called PERCY STFU. Anyway, updates will happen every two weeks from now on as I'm about to start a new job and work such insane hours that my free time will be limited but don't worry there will be more updates and less Percy.
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 13, Next Chapter
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Remus was sitting at his desk in the classroom, marking papers as he waited for Percy to arrive. A part of him was glad that Percy wouldn't be speaking to Minerva, but he didn't want to encounter Percy either. He was ready to fight for you, lose his job for you, whatever it took, last night just further solidified it. He couldn't concentrate on the words in front of him he just kept thinking about the wolf, your patronus was a wolf just like his. Was it pure coincidence? Did it mean something? He had no idea but the biggest question was if it would be a wolf if you didn't know him? He was lost in his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Percy walked in, head down, the room felt tense immediately. "Percy please don't sit down for your detention you will be cleaning the bookshelf, I want you to dust each book, clean the shelves and sort them back by categories." It was weird to Remus to speak to Molly's son like this, worlds and lines were beginning to blur.
"Professor, how can you give me detention if-"
"I didn't. Professor McGonagall gave you the detention." Remus cut him off.
"Don't you think it's hypocritical of you to punish me when you're the one in the wrong?" He snapped back.
"Listen here boy, you need to understand your place, I am your professor-"
"And as such, should you not understand yours, before you invite students into your bedroom?"
"I do not appreciate these accusations Percy Ignatius Weasley." Lupin was beginning to raise his voice and shout at the boy.
"I saw her come back home in your sweater."
"And did it not come across your mind, that maybe, she fell asleep on the sofa as she had too much to drink and I gave her it so she's not cold travelling home in last night's clothes? Did that not cross your mind before you sent me a letter threatening me? You know that behaviour could get you expelled." Remus was now shouting.
"But she didn't come back to the dorm last night, and she looks at you the way I want her to look at me."
"Percy you've known me since you were a baby. I am a man of my honour. I have helped your parents many times in the past and I'm grateful for their acceptance of my condition, but I do not understand why you are making this narrative up in your head.  Especially in regards to me." Remus wasn't proud of his words but Percy was becoming too aggressive towards his current relationship with Y/N and he needed to stop him.
"I'm sorry professor, I didn't think about it, I just thought-"
"No you didn't think Percy."
"But she spends so much time here, she comes to your office every night."
"It concerns me that you are spying on my office door and on your fellow student. However, you are correct she has been coming to my office often because I am helping her pass her exams by trying to teach her seven years of missed lessons in a few months. I am trying to help her, I don't appreciate my goodwill being thrown back in my face by the son of my friends. Do you understand why I am so upset with you Percy?" Percy looked down at his feet, he knew he messed up.
"Professor I feel I may have misunderstood the situation." Percy began.
"Start with that shelf." Remus said as he left the room and went into his office. As soon as he closed the door he let out a long shaky breath. You were going to be the death of him. He knew you were worth it but the problem was your close proximity to the Weasleys, it meant that his personal, professional and love life were extremely intertwined.
He wished James and Lilly were still around, he would go to their house for a coffee tell them everything and they would laugh about how he was getting so wound up over a girl. James would tell him not to panic and Lilly would give him a warm hug before telling him she'd love to meet her. He'd organise a day where you met them and you would be nervous but he would know they would love you. He'd try to calm you down as you got ready but you would keep telling him your hair isn't right, or you should change while he would calm you down, eventually you'd show up to the Potters. After a few minutes you would get comfortable, you'd warm up to James first as you would get along with the same music taste, but you and Lilly would bond almost immediately after. Within a few months going around to the Potters, would be a weekly activity, Sirius would join too, Remus would feel comfortable leaving you alone with his friends while he went to help in the kitchen, you would feel like part of the Marauders family. He wished for all this, to experience it with you, to speak to his friends but he knew it would never happen. He enjoyed his relationship with you but he craved normality, to hold your hand, to visit friends, to kiss you goodbye. If only he could take you out to dinner, or on a date he would be a happy man. However on the other hand he couldn't offer you much, he wasn't a rich man, he was burdened by his condition for at least a week each month and he felt like he was getting old.
He checked his watch at an hour had passed so he let Percy go. When Percy walked into the common room he didn't even glance in your direction, he walked straight past you and straight upstairs. You didn't hear from Percy for a few days, Remus explained to you what he told Percy and you let him in on you're conversation with McGonagall. Things seemed good, until the next time you spoke to Percy.
You were relaxing in the common room with Fred and George when Percy asked to speak with you. "What's up?" You said as you moved to a more private part of the common room.
"I wanted to apologies for the other day." He began and you nodded. "I was under the impression you and Lupin were hooking up but Lupin explained everything, he told me how you and him are no different to the other students he tutors, it was me who read into it too much."
"It's okay Percy." You said.
"I'm still not comfortable knowing you two have probably fucked but I understand that's normal for him and his tutoring, and it gets results I mean even you have begun to study it all makes sense." He said with a straight face.
"I didn't sleep with him." You said firmly it felt like he was apologising just to get you to admit you have slept with Remus.
"So it's just the Slytherin girl he's sleeping with?" Percy asked.
"What Slytherin girl?" You asked a bit too quickly.
"You know the pretty one, dark hair, super tall, she could almost be a model, I saw them kissing as she entered his office for her tutoring today." He explained and you felt frozen. "Anyway I just wanted to say sorry that's all, I hope we can still be friends." You nodded in confirmation before ending the conversation and going back to sit with Fred and George. You didn't say a word for a while before you excused yourself and left the common room. Your mind wasn't thinking straight you just needed to know if Percy was telling the truth, a part of you knew he may just be trying to upset you but what if he wasn't? Percy didn't usually lie.
You got to Remus's classroom almost immediately, you could barely remember the walk over, you knocked on the door and there was no answer so you opened the door for yourself. The room was empty, you felt relief, and that's when his office door opened. McGonagall and Dumbledore walked out the room followed by Lupin. "Miss L/N, lovely to see you to what do we owe the pleasure?" McGonagall asked as she noticed you, Lupin's face had a puzzled and concerned look.
"Sorry I knocked, but there was no answer I just had a question for Professor Lupin regarding an essay he set." You explained. "But I can come back later."
"Nonsense, I'm sure he can help you." McGonagall said looking over and Remus who was at the bottom of the stairs along with other teachers.
"Yes, how can I help you?" He said clearing his throat.
"I was just stuck on which book I should use for the analysis of Hinkypunk, as I can't find anything useful on the reading list." You explained and he nodded.
"I have one in my office that will be useful follow me." And so you did walking into his office which had a silencing spell on it so you knew you could speak freely. "Why are you here Y/N? I told you I'm busy today." He said looking a bit annoyed.
"Percy said that he saw you kissing a Slytherin girl who was coming into your office for tutoring and it got to my head." You explained looking down at your feet in disappointment.
"so you decided to execute a raid?" His tone was harsh.
"You're angry."
"I'm not angry I'm just disappointed." You looked up at him, he was looking straight at you while he leaned on his desk.
"Disappointed? Oh no that's worse than angry."
"I'm just disappointed I can't stay with you here and take you to my room this instance." He said coming to kiss you. Your heart melted at his words. He understood you. "Just next time my dear, please don't let Percy's words get to your head. You know how I feel about you. Do you really think I would risk it all for someone less special than you?" He asked and you shook your head.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay dear, now take this book." He picked a book off his desk. "I'll see you later today?" He added and you nodded. You left his office first, thanking him and saying goodbye to the other teachers.
Later in the afternoon you returned to Remus's office after checking the Marauders map to see he's alone. You considered yourself an idiot for not checking it originally when Percy lead you into what you believed was a trap, he must've known that Remus was with fellow teachers so he wanted you to storm in there, and in your haze of jealousy and distrust you did just that. When you arrived to his office it smelt like hot chocolate and tea, you were greeted by the usual warmth of Remus. He gave you a soft kiss as soon as you entered his office and gave you a cup of hot chocolate as you both cuddled on the couch, his arm around you as you sat with your legs up snuggled into his side. "I'm sorry about earlier." You said and he looked down at you with a warm forgiving smile. "Don't be darling."
"I should've been smarter, I just let emotions take control."
"I'm glad you care about me so much as to storm down here at a mere rumour. Makes me feel special, but please know I would never do something like that, we may not know what we are but please know I'm committed to you." His words were filled with genuine love.
"I didn't think you'd really do something like that but the way Percy said it, it all went to my head." You began as you sat up.
"I understand."
"Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded in response. "I have this map, I found it with Fred and George, it shows where everyone is at any time." You pulled the Marauders map out of your pocket. "I realised I should've just used it to check, but my brain turned to fog as I rushed down here." He had a small cheeky smile on the edge of his lips that you didn't fully understand.
"Have you ever used it to see where I am?"
"Honestly? Yes. Especially when you've ignored me, I used to check it to see if you're at the bridge or not. Remember that time when you were ignoring me, before Sebastian and I became close, well at first I went to the bridge to wait for you but then I realised I could just check where you are on the map and if you were at the bridge I'd know to go." You admitted and he was almost at the verge of laughing. "Why are you smiling?"
"Many reason my dear. Many reasons." He kissed the top of your head and took the map into his hands.
"Care to share?"
"Well, firstly have you ever questioned the original owners?"
"What the Marauders?" You said before it hit you what you had just set, suddenly in your mind you were sitting on the steps of 12 Grimmauld Place again and Remus was telling you about his Hogwarts days. "The Marauders." You repeated looking at the map that was now in Remus's hands. "Padfoot."
"Sirius." Remus replied.
"Peter." Remus said through his teeth a bit at the painful memory of Peter's actions later in life.
"James." Remus's tone was sad this time.
"And you, my moony." You said and he nodded. "You've been part of my life for a lot longer than I've known Moony." You said with a feeling of warmth and odd excitement.
"It's funny how the world works, love." He kissed the top of your head again as he stood up to take something out of his office drawer.
"I owe you so much, so many pranks." You continued and he laughed.
"That's the biggest compliment me and the boys could ever receive, we always hoped it would fall into the hands of someone like you and the twins." He had some parchment in his hands as he sat back down.
"I can't believe I didn't realise this all before." You were shocked at your own stupidity.
"Well here's another interesting thing. This here is my own version of the Maruders Map, I guess it's just the Moony map as I made it alone when I came to teach here." He opened the parchment to reveal a more upgraded version of the map, it had more information it was colour coded and it was less used. "Now remember the times I wasn't going to the bridge? Well that's because I saw you weren't going, I didn't want to stand there alone like an idiot when I knew you were in your common room. So I stayed and each night I was disappointed you didn't go but I understood it was for the best."
"So we were both-"
"Checking the maps and waiting for the other, yes." He said and you both burst out laughing.
"I blame you." You said laughing. "They're your maps."
"I can't even fight that, oh if I could only tell James, he would love this. Sirius will rip me apart for this one." Remus said with a slight nostalgic voice as he hugged you a bit tighter. You could feel he felt both happy and lonely in those very moment. 
"You're not that stand up citizen you pretend to be in class." You said with a small laugh.
"I thought we established that the first time I laid my eyes on you." He licked his lips.
"I can't believe I've been using your map Moony."
"I can't believe we were both using maps to spy on each other at the same."
"Remus we're both such idiots." You said and he leaned in to kiss you. "The biggest." He said right before he leaned in and kissed you slowly, as he pulled away he bit your lip.
"I remember I promised you a tour of my sleeping quarters?" He stood up reaching an arm out to you, the moment you took it he managed to pick you up and scoop you up into his arms. He carried you through the door that lead to his private quarters.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: Yes Inspector Calls is a nod to David Thewlis being in the BBC adaptation of the play
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No Matter What - F.Weasley
Summary: Y/N is finally meeting Fred’s parents and his eldest brothers for the holidays. She’s nervous but Fred assures her that he would love her no matter what.
Word Count: 1507
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Y/N, nervousness, Fem!Reader, non specific house, betting
Harry Potter Masterlist
my masterlist
25 days of fics masterlist
Author's Note: This is my first day of trying once again to post 25 fics leading up to Christmas! I have a few days done in advance already. I will be posting at least 2 fics per character on my masterlists. I hope you enjoy!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Y/N and Fred had been together for nearly a year. They had started dating right after New Years. For this Christmas, instead of spending the holiday at Hogwarts, Fred had invited her to the Burrow for Christmas, which she agreed to happily. However this would be the first time she had met his parents, Bill and Charlie, the two eldest Wealsley boys coming home for the holidays. She already knew George, Ginny, Ron and Percy through school but meeting the parents of the Weasley clan was something that made her nervous.
It was officially the first day of break, she was packed and ready to go, waiting by the Fat Lady’s painting for Fred and the rest of the Weasley’s, the first one to exit the portrait was George and right behind him was Fred. “You ready to go love?” Fred asked her with a bright smile on his face.
“I’m ready, let’s go boys,” She replied, matching her boyfriend’s smile. Fred was blissfully unaware of how nervous she was, he was just excited to go home to see the rest of his family, sure he had a majority of them at Hogwarts but he missed his parents dearly. He linked arms with his girlfriend who had linked arms with his twin as the three of them pranced their way to the exit of Hogwarts. 
Once they were on the train, then Fred finally took notice of how nervous his girlfriend actually was. “Why are you so nervous? I told you everyone is going to love you!”
“I know but I can’t help it. What if your mum doesn’t like me? Or your dad?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. Fred grabbed her hand and squeezed it, looking right in her eye.
“They will love you, I promise. Have I ever lied to you? Like ever?” Fred asked, she shook her head no, “So why would I lie about this? Mum and dad will love you. No question about it. George, a little backup here?” George perked up and looked right at his brother’s girlfriend, a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Oh no, I entirely disagree. I think mum will claim her as her own child, another daughter. You know how much she loves having a single girl in the house, now imagine her with another girl in the house that loves her son just as much as she does,” George said, Y/N giggling slightly, the twins doing fantastic at their job to make her feel better.
“Thank you Freddie and Georgie. I appreciate it a lot.”
She was calm for the rest of the ride, the nervous feeling only returning once they flooed into the Burrow. She was right after George to get to the Burrow, Fred and the other’s right behind her. 
“My children are home! Hello my darlings! I’ve missed you!” Molly exclaimed from the kitchen, her voice getting louder until she had reached the fireplace. “You must be Y/N! Oh you are gorgeous, it’s so nice to finally meet you!” Molly pulled the girl in for a hug which surprised her, she was stunned for a moment until she finally remembered to hug the woman back.
“It’s nice to finally meet you too Mrs. Weasley. Freddie wouldn’t shut up about coming home to your cooking. He always says the house elves have nothing on you,” Y/N replied.
“Oh dear, call me Molly. Mrs. Weasley makes me feel old.”
“Can I steal my girlfriend back to introduce her to dad? You’re going to suffocate her woman,” Fred joked to his mother. Molly let go of the girl before quickly apologizing.
“I’m sorry dear, Fred just hasn’t stopped talking about you, I’ve been so excited to finally meet you!”
“I’ve been so excited to meet you too!”
“Okay, love, let’s go meet my father before my mum steals you for the rest of the holiday,” Fred grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and led her to the back yard where Arthur was tinkering with some muggle objects. “Dad, this is my girlfriend Y/N, love, this is my father.”
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Weasley, Freddie has told me loads about you,” She said with a smile.
“He’s said loads about you too! He told me you’re a half-blood, can you tell me what it’s like to have a muggle parent?” Arthur replied.
“No, it’s fine Fred, I enjoy talking about my life as a half-blood, I got the best of both worlds really. I got to experience things as a witch but also as a muggle,” She explained to the man. Arthur continued to ask the girl questions, Fred eventually leaving the two of them to talk about the muggle world so he can go catch up with his mother.
“Where’s Y/N, dear?” Molly asked her son.
“Lost her to dad. They’re talking about muggles.” Fred replied.
“I had a feeling that would happen. You’ve got a good one Fred. That’s a keeper she is.”
Fred and Molly took the time to catch up, Fred telling her about school and Molly telling him about new things that she had done while her children had been away. They took their sweet time catching up until dinner was ready, Molly tasking Fred to call in Arthur and Y/N, so he went outside where he saw the two who had just met hugging, his father treating his girlfriend as one of his own. It made Fred’s heart warm to see it.
“Mum said dinner is ready,” Fred was apprehensive to interrupt but was glad he did deep down because he could finally steal his girlfriend back. Arthur was the first to let go of the girl and happily went into the house, Y/N meeting Fred halfway so they could walk into the house together. “I see that you and dad get on well.”
“Yeah, he’s a delight Freddie! He reminds me of you a little bit. You both get very passionate when you talk about things you love or have an interest in. Your eyes light up and you can talk for days about whatever it is. You two have that in common,” She smiled as they walked towards the house.
“See, I told you, there was no reason to be nervous. I do owe George a galleon now though.”
“What? Why? What did you two bet on this time?”
“I said mum would be the one to steal you but Georgie said dad would. George was right.” The two of them laughed about the bet as they entered the house and sat at the dinner table. 
Dinner went well, the Weasley’s that didn’t know Y/N got to know her and what she had liked. She had learned some new embarrassing stories about the twins as the conversation went on. And then, Molly pulled out the photo albums much to all of the Weasley children’s dismay. Y/N, Herminone and Harry, however, thoroughly enjoyed seeing pictures of their significant others as children, it gave them perfect ammunition to use against them if needed. 
Molly stayed up with the girl for a while finally getting the time to talk to her one on one to get to know her and her intentions with dating one of her sons. Y/N assured Molly that Fred was the love of her life; that there was nothing to be worried about when they were at Hogwarts because she would be there for Fred, no matter what. Molly felt lighter hearing this but she felt even better as she went on about her other children that were attending Hogwarts as well.
“Mrs. Weasley, I promise you that I will look after and care for Ginny, George and Fred when they’re away from you. They’re my family too and I care about them a lot. They mean the world to me,” Y/N assured the woman next to her. The woman pulled the girl into a tight hug as a thank you before sending her off to bed once she realized the time. She went up to the twins’ room and climbed right into Fred’s bed where he was already half asleep.
“Have a good talk with mum?” Fred asked her sleepily.
“A really good talk. I’ll tell you about it in the morning,” She replied as she was getting under the covers with him. As soon as she was under the covers, he pulled her into his side and dropped a lazy kiss to the top of her head. 
“Night, I love you.”
“I love you too Freddie. Good night.”
She had never felt so welcomed by another family before, she already felt like she was a part of the Weasley family. She knew that the family would always hold a special place in her heart no matter what happened. Fred was happy that she was quick to become part of the family, that she was quick to care for his family. He knew that he would never let her go, no matter what.
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foursaints · 1 month
saints do you have any thoughts about percy weasley. i want to send you an entire essay on him but cannot be sure it would be well received or received in any form
oh anon... i've never wanted an essay more. percy weasley is so endlessly compelling that it's surprising he isn't more talked about in fanon!! he was my favorite when i first read the series & i still have a gigantic soft spot for him... it's so interesting to me that despite everything about him (his isolation, the fussiness, the ambition, the studiousness, most of all The Betrayal), he was still sorted into gryffindor. an ambitious treacherous gryffindor is so fucking interestingggg conceptually and i love how annoying he is. the rest of the characters never knew him like i did...
his dynamic with crouch sr is definitely Something. i would devour some type of cross-gen pairing where percy is barty's dad's uptight new personal assistant who barty plows over a desk (to get back at his dad) (then slowly comes to appreciate for his hidden complexity and falls in love with), or whatever
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vante1920pm · 1 year
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I had a crush on him since I was a child and was getting bullied by my siblings for it 😔
◎ | harry potter masterlist
☆ 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: what dating percy weasley would be like
☆ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀: percy
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: gn!reader, fluff mostly, no percy slander allowed, this is a safe space 😤
☆ 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱: no
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-ㅤㅤ making out in empty classrooms
He's not one for open pda, so the both of you hide in classrooms that are not occupied.
It took a while until you both were comfortable with all these touching stuff, but after a while you got the hang of it
-ㅤㅤ you fight often
He's not getting mad at you often, but sometimes you just cross the line. He's not yelling or anything, but these arguments can get heated sometimes.
Nothing y'all can't fix tho.
-ㅤㅤ getting teased by fred and george
I mean, that's obvious.
You weren't as sneaky as you thought you were, so these two were able to catch you ;).
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© 2023, vante1920pm | do not copy or translate any of my works without my permission. likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated
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