#atsv discourse
It bothers the hell out of me when no one talks about what George stacy? (whatever his name is) (gwens dad) pulling out a gun and was (probably) going to harm his own kid?? why is no one talking about? why is that scene so overlooked?? it's so fucking overlooked, call me whatever, but my gut has been screaming to me about it, it's so weird how overlooked it is, And I know it's not just me, but I also feel kike I know why and it sucks, I feel bad for gwen, I don't think she'll ever look at him that way and it's not being talked about as much.
Like the implications of that scene are insane - if we question what he would've done, like it gets sickening.
Because he let out a warning shot, he's going by procedure. So if Gwen hadn't complied, what would he have done? If she 'resisted arrest' is he really ready to use force - A GUN on his own daughter.
He KNOWS she Spider-Gwen now. He's see what she can do - Gwen could probably dodge a bullet if she knew she was being shot at. Knowing that, he was doing that to get her to submit in fear, that hopefully his place as a cop would scare her into WHAT?? Giving herself up.
Gwen CAN'T.
This is NYC mind you.
If you get arrested in NYC they send you Riker's Island while you wait for trail. Riker's Island being the jail that inspired ARKHAM ASYLUM.
It's considered one of the foulest facilities in the country. Gwen is what, 16-17? Wanted for murder - the cops HATE her, the courts could easily trial her as an adult.
Was he REALLY ready to throw his 16 year old daughter into the most dangerous neglective hellish place the city has to offer? Was he ready to shoot her or worse?
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No wonder she was gonna leave without talking to him. If Hobie hadn't come over, she would've rather been homeless on the streets rather than try and face her dad again - knowing it can end up MUCH worse.
Not knowing if he's looking for her to apologize or throw her in a cruiser he makes me SICKKKK BRUHH ITs NOT EVEN FUNNY AT THIS POINT
As soon as he started talking she had an attitude because she's still pissed about there. There's so much sadness there but anger too, cause like
How you deadass pull a gun on your only family??????????????
How you deadass about to send your daughter to a detention center or a jail OR MORE LIKELY COMPLETE SOLITARY. Consider her powers.
Like..... These movies want me to pat him and Peter B. on the back for a job well done when they BOTH let Gwen down. And Gwen has to come TO THEM to fix it (which I understand for her dad but Peter r u deadass)
Meanwhile Jefferson is doing TWENTY THOUSAND TIMES BETTER WTF
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koifishanonymous · 1 year
ok so i've been debating making this post but the new spiderverse fandom needs to relax about shipping.
it's ok to ship characters that are already married or in relationships. it's ok to ship characters with unconfirmed ages. it's ok to ship characters together that have never interacted. your headcanons don't have to be accurate or plausible in canon.
it was never that serious, it's ok to just have fun
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punkeropercyjackson · 12 days
My take on the Hobie age discourse is that people thinking he's an adult is in of itself antiblackness because who the fuck looks at this and thinks '20-something year old'.This is literally a high school senior.If you think otherwise maybe the area you live in isn't that diverse because as a dominicana i see kids like this walking down the street when school lets out on a daily basis
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My little brother used to bring over a guy who looks like this over to play on his x-box.Y'all good???????
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bookish-cravings · 3 days
When a film crew hangs a bi flag on the wall of a character's room, we all understand it's the crew telling us said character is bisexual without verbalizing it, but when a character has a trans flag in her room, she's cis and 'just a good ally'
My good dude, you know damn well Gwen Stacy is trans, you're just making excuses because
a) You're uncomfortable with trans girls
b) You're attracted to her and her being trans would 'ruin' the fantasy
c) You don't like the idea of the main character in an extremely successful superhero film franchise having a trans love interest
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lokativa · 1 year
People calling Hobie×Miles (punkflower) shippers proshippers as if we didn't ship them for longer than the movie even came out will always be crazy to me.
I've seen lots of people sending threats, or reporting people because they made punkflower, goldenflower (pavxhobie), ghostbyte (gwenxmargo), flowerbyte (margoxmiles), etc, arts or videos. Going to assume that it isn't because most of these ships are POCs ships, there's just literally no point to do that.
First of all, there's no confirmation of hobie's age. If ur basing urself of that one interview, then it was of the CONCEPT of hobie, and even so remember it was only one person who said it. Its heavily implied thats he's a teenager throughout the movie. (Also in the art book, its said that he's slightly older than Miles).
For the thing about him going to the pub and all, minors can and will go in pubs, (not saying that its always legal) are yall living under a rock or just dense on purpose? Teenagers do wtv the fuck they want, even when theyre not allowed to. Youre all going to tell me teenagers respect the rules of not drinking and go to clubs becuz theyre underage? Come off it. Also hobie literally merked his president and u think he'd draw the line at drinking alcohol as a minor? HA.
Aside from that, to be fair to everyone, the directors keeps on changing what they're saying about hobies age, one day they'll say and imply he's a minor and the next second say he's an adult. It's like they all have different idea of this character's age. So, nothing is really comfimed, and his age is really up to interpretation.
Now that we're past THAT point, the other kind of people talking about his age are people saying "oh but he looks old" "that man is most definitely 30yo" "there's no way he's underage" things of the sort, u get it. And I'm just over here like??? Why is it impossible for you to think that this guy could be a teen? Is it the air? The wrinkles? What makes it seem like for you that there's no way he could be around the other teens' age? And 30??? Cmon. People often assume black people are older than they look, which is a universal experience for all of us. Did none of u ever see a blk teen who doesnt have a baby face? Because thats literally what hobie looks like to me. To others we can seem too "mature" for our age, or just look too "old" to be the age we say we are, so is it really impossible for him to be a teenager? Think about it.
(Speaking of him being black, this discourse turned into some kind of racist thing that honestly was not unexpected at all. Yall come over here shitting on people talking and educating u about a character they relate to cuz hes like them, and the representation is making them go bonkers. I don't know why yall can just sit ur arses and listen for a bit, its not that difficult tbh. And dont get me started on the mischaracterisation of his character. Marking him as "an angry black man"? Really? Be. Fucking. Original.)
Same goes with Margo?? Yeah in the comics she's in college, but cmon now u guys know damn well she's a teenager in atsv😭. Gwen is also much older in the comics but i never see anyone talk about it, so what does that mean???The only reasons I can see that you all don't want Miles & margo to be together is because you're all stuck on the milesxgwen ship. News everyone, other ships exist, not everyone is going to like the same ships as you, so either move on or stop being on the Internet.
Also, the thing about pav being 13 is bonkers, where'd u even get that from? I need to know asap. "Oh, but he has a gf!" Yeah? Well he has two hands. (Idk why u all act as if that has ever stopped anyone)
Everything just seem like a race thing to me tbh.
The movies might be inspired from the comics, but not everything is going to be 100% the same. For exemple: gwen is 2 yrs older than Miles in the comics, but in movies she's only 15 months older, Jess Drew is white in the comics and black in the movie, Miguel O'hara is white passing in the comics, compared to his version in atsv where he has brown skin, lyla's disign is also different.
You get it? Things are going to differ as much as things are going to be the same, because (get ready!!) this is the multiverse! Just as earth-616 is just one universe in all the marvel comics, atsv is another universe.
All in all, im not saying u can't view them as adults, or wtv u want, thats ur interpretation, but don't go around being pissy at people around u cuz they have different point of views.
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
i keep seeing people make the argument that hobie's WAY older than gwen and pavitr despite the fact that they're all really close friends in the movie. and i get that there's no canon established age for him in atsv yet but let's be honest. it's because he's black and miles is 'less threatening' than him isn't it
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Reject "Punkflower" embrace "Homie"
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weirdo09 · 5 months
hobie brown
i’d just like to say, i hope y’all never meet a black boy nor man because y’all’s behavior over one black teenager is honestly disturbing.
like the racist headcanons, the not taking accountability for your disturbing fics about him because “HIS AGE ISNT MENTIONED!!” like don’t act dumb, you know them people said that he’s a slight older boy than miles which would be like 1-2 years, making him 16-17. it’s also just the “i want his dick inside of me” “i want to have his kids” and the sex hcs where it’s like “he’ll fuck you hard and not give you aftercare, just leaves you to take care of yourself.”
i’m not really bothered by the smut fics and hcs cause he is attractive and i will read them every once in awhile but y’all be taking it to the extremes, calling him toxic, making him out like some abusive boyfriend, he’s only sweet when he wants you to have sex with him, he only wants you for sex, he’s a full person but only cool because he’s in a band and has sex with you, he lets his band mates fuck you without your consent, he rapes you for whatever reason (y’all’s writings not mine), he doesn’t care about stopping to see if you’re okay or if you need a break.
basically what i’m seeing is that he’s only good for sex and some of the good fics about him only portray certain parts of him. like i’m all for writing about your favorite characters n what not but if you’re basically gonna treat his character like you’re personal boytoy and not see him as anything else, it’s really harmful. especially with y’all not tagging your fics correctly and the smut fics i previously mention get seen by a minor who would want to read smut of him but not that bullcrap.
y’all literally write him being abusive to his partner, not just physically but call it “teasing”. i’m sorry but if my partner said something about breaking up with me or that i’m not good enough, would i think that that’s just “teasing”? like honestly, if you treat all your ‘blorbos’ like this then i feel sorry for you because hobie’s an amazing character that isn’t just there for you to dream about fucking and getting pregnant by him.
he’s there to show you how corruption and fascism impacting your way of life can lead to you wanting to rebel and become an anarchist to that society. he’s there to teach you that you can make your rules, that you’re more than what one person tells you, you tell yourself what you wanna be. he’s a symbol for black people who don’t wanna follow the rules of a white supremacist, fascist society, for the people who’ve ever just been like “fuck the government, i’m my own person.”
i really feel like y’all take him for granted and he is a character for a children’s type of media so the “well minors shouldn’t be looking for his smut!!” doesn’t work here. honestly, do y’all ever care about characters that aren’t perceived as “fuckable” or “attractive” by your standards? it just really pisses me off because y’all act like that’s all he’s there for, your yearning for BBC has really dimmed your perception of this character. HES A IMPORTANT CHARACTER FOR YALL TO ROLE MODEL CAUSE ITS OBVIOUS YALL DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE MOVIE’S CHILD AUDIENCE BUT YOU GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIM SO
if you care about hobie, please remember that there’s more to him than you wanting him to fuck you and he would hate the things that you’ve done to him because you have bigger issues in the world than “he would fuck you with his big cock.” LIKE WAKE THE FUCK UP WE COULD BE MAKING ANALYSIS OF HIS CHARACTER BUT INSTEAD YOU THINK THAT HES JUST THERE TO BE EYE CANDY LIKE OMGGGG
just please for the sack of everyone, learn more about his character and stop tryna be antiblack and sex crazed over him. if you love hobie, just stop being the way that you are because it’s honestly disgusting to have to see grown adults wanting a canon minor to fuck them. you ain’t slick, the fact that i even have to write this is disgusting. do better, fandom is more than saying that you would fuck a character, care more about the teenagers on this site that are in the fandom with you as well. stop being selfish and start caring about the other people in the fandom.
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snocodill · 2 months
Why can’t we have fun with ships anymore. Why does it HAVE to be plausible in canon. Like nobody cares bro just let us have fun…
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My face everytime I scroll past some fucked up messy-dessy shipping discourse in the Hobie Brown tag but I don't interact with the post because me and my OC ain't got a thing to do with none of that shit
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My face when I'm still being nosey none-the-less and I click on the notes to start pree-ing the likes out of curiosity
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bellamer · 1 year
Y'all realize that Hobie probably idk stays at the fucking Community Center he and his homies base their HQ in in the comics so of course he would let Gwen crash there because its a safe haven for the outcasts and the community so when he says "Hey Gwen you left your stuff at my place" it doesn't mean he's a grown ass man with a flat right ?
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dismas-n-dismay · 10 months
If I don’t get some other fucking Johnny x Ponyboy shippers out of the outsiders musical I’m gonna riot. PLEASE Y’ALL 8th grade me needs this.
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avi17 · 1 year
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Oops 😅
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Please consider supporting the writers you send requests to. While it can be flattering, it can also be annoying, especially considering how readers are interacting less and less with fanfiction.
There are authors here with taglists who go through the ordeal of tagging multiple people that end up not showing their support… not even dropping a like. That’s really discouraging.
Writers on this hellsite provide amazing fanfics for free.
And no, no one is forcing us to write, but we keep fandoms alive. How often do you watch a movie, tv show, anime, etc and then rush to tumblr and/or ao3? I know I do.
So please… take care of your writers.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Also real funny how Hobie x Gwen/Miles shippers get all the heat from superhero fans as if there isn't a hyperpopular crossover shipping Jason from DC who's an actual grown man(23 in current canon,19 in Utrh)with the 14 and 17 year brother and sister from D*nny Phantom💀💀💀💀💀💀
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whosmarinette · 2 months
If your response to a post being like “This character is (queer identity) coded and it’s cool!” ever “But they aren’t that identity though………” you need to learn how to read and also how to duck because I am throwing exploding hammers at you.
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