#attempted whump
captainkirkk · 8 months
I'm a big fan of hurt/comfort tropes where the hurt is ongoing and escalating. Characters trying to cope with their situation and insisting that it's fine, they're fine, even as things get worse and worse and worse - especially if no one around them knows what they're going through.
Characters hiding their illness, even as they grow sicker and sicker. Characters trying to cope as their homelife becomes increasingly abusive or neglectful. Characters ignoring their injuries, only for them to become infected. Characters being stalked/ tormented by a villain and pretending that everything is fine, even as the villain continues escalating. Characters left homeless as winter approaches and their money dwindles.
I could go on. There's something very satisfying about seeing a character frantically trying to pretend like everything is okay until eventually they can't hide it anymore and get caught (and helped) by the people around them.
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a disorientated whumpee at a party with whumper's hand uncomfortably wrapped around their collarbone. There's a spiraling fear that they can't quite name-- they're losing themself in this nightmare of insinuating whispers.
The music is pounding and Whumpee can feel it in their teeth.
Whumper pulls them into a dark corner to push a drink up to their lips. "Your friends are coming," Whumper's voice is low, it's calm, it's measured, and Whumpee's skin crawls. "You're going to tell them you want to stay with me."
"Or one of them will take your place."
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whumblr · 5 months
Find them!
Good whump words in all variants. So have some prompts you can hear :) from calm and collected to most desperate.
- Whumpee hiding in a darkened room. They hear the door open, hear multiple sets of footsteps enter, getting closer, walking past. Then a calm "Find them".
- Whumper bending over, picking up the remnants of cut rope. He straightens back up, looks around. A click of the tongue. This is an inconvenience.
- A blood trail leading to the woods (Whumper: calm, with a smile. Caretaker: a little less calm)
- The captives have escaped, but the building is sealed anyway.
- The (snow) storm is getting more extreme and Whumpee hasn’t come back yet. "We have to find them!"
- Whumper has been signalled nearby and Whumpee (oblivious) is out.
- Caretaker realising in the midst of chaos that Whumpee isn't among them anymore.
- Whumper who has just been shot (bonus if sniper) or punched to the ground screaming in rage, "Find them!"
- Caretaker crying, pleading with the rescue team.
- Whumper slamming the door to their office open. Surprise :) the precious thingamajig / important documents / hostages are missing.
- Whumper finding the cell empty. And the bigger badder Whumper is waiting for them.
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“As far as escape attempts go, that was one of your weakest.”
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defire · 2 months
Smart whumpee stuff (EQ and IQ)
(sadistic whumper ideas included)
They can tell when they're going to break.
Knowing their own pressure points, they make up fake ones that the whumper can then enjoy "breaking", and whumpee plays along
Whumpee pretending to be defiant so that whumper is more satisfied by their submissive act
Finding ways to restore their own spirit like mantras or plans
Watching and testing whumper for weak points that they can exploit as a distraction later
Knowing or quickly learning how to tend their own wounds
When they DO break, they spill everything they've been doing. With maniacal laughter, watching whumper's shock.
An autistic that knows the layout of the compound they're trapped in just from walking through it once.
An ADHDer that's so good at thinking on their feet that they can choose a moment of chaos to disappear.
IQ whumpee knows HOW to escape but also that it's logistically impossible
EQ whumpee doesn't care if it's impossible, they know if they don't try, they'll go insane from helplessness
Or EQ whumpee that knows that the constant failure will eat at them. So they resolve to try something they might succeed at, like convincing whumper to feed them
IQ whumpee blaming their lack of proper planning for a failed escape attempt
EQ whumpee wondering why their usual make-friends thing isn't working on whumper, perhaps blaming themselves
IQ whumpee trying to convince whumper of the impracticality of continued abuse
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whumppromptoftheday · 3 months
caretaker breaking into whumper's trying to save whumpee, but they find whumpee's corpse and a new whumpee tied up next to it
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jordanstrophe · 10 months
Whumper cracked open the cell as the light revealed their captive on their knees. Their hands were bound behind their back and a chain bolted to the wall wrapped around their arms and chest.
The chain was nearly off, not enough they could get free but enough they clearly struggled for a long time. 
"Almost got it off, huh?" Whumper smirked, standing over them as whumpee looked up with an exhausted expression.
"No worries. I'll tighten it for next time..."
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whitecoatwhump · 4 months
Today’s vibe:
That moment in recapture whump when a defiant whumpee goes from “You aren’t taking me back; I won’t let you!” to “Please don’t take me back. Please!”
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whumperofworlds · 2 months
Love fight scenes where the Whumpee is held captive in the background. As a fight between rescuers and Whumper ensues, all Whumpee can do is watch, hoping, hoping, that their rescuers can pull through. Maybe the rescuers got hurt during it all, and Whumpee couldn't help but feel guilty. Oh, and don't forget wanting to help fight Whumper, but alas, they're tied up/in a cage/whatever.
And if the rescuers lose? Despair from Whumpee along with begging, pleading to Whumper to not kill/capture them too. They were so close to being rescued...
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storyweaverofgondor · 9 months
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The Whumps of March
This is a multi-fandom whump event with prompts inspired by literature. For this inaugural event, I decided to take inspiration from the Bard himself. If it goes well I'd love to do it again next year, the universe willing.
Rules and info:
You can make your entries in whatever format you desire (Fanfic, art, Gifs, etc)
You can do as much or as little as you desire.
All entries are to be uploaded during March 2024. Earlier is discouraged but late is fine.
Tag all works #thewhumpsofmarch2024
There will be a completionist and participant badges.
The Whumps of March AO3 Collection
Feel free to send me an asks is you have any questions about the event
The Whumps of March Prompts:
Day 1: These violent delights have violent ends (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)
Day 2: Forbidden Love
Day 3: Tomb
Day 4: Vengeance
Day 5: Love Potion
Day 6: Magic Gone Wrong
Day 7: Suicide
Day 8: Knock Knock! Who's There? (Shakespeare, Macbeth)
Day 9: Twins
Day 10: In Disguise
Day 11: Clangor
Days 12: Thunderstorm
Day 13: Soliloquy
Day 14: “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” (Shakespeare, the Tempest)
Day 15: Stabbed in the Back
Day 16: Madness
Day 17: Intrigue
Day 18: Family Feud
Day 19: Witches
Day 20: Hidden Agenda
Day 21: Curses
Day 22: Skull
Day 23: Not As It Seems
Day 24: "The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief." (Shakespeare, Othello)
Day 25: Shipwreck
Day 26: Betrayal
Day 27: All for Naught
Day 28: Fairies
Day 29: Tongue-tied
Day 30: Woe
Day 31: Bloodstained
Alternative Prompts:
Alt 1:Lonely
Alt 2:Castigate
Alt 3:Ghosts
Alt 4:Drowned
Alt 5:Prophecy
Alt 6:Kings
Alt 7:Dead as a Doornail
Alt 8:Handkerchief
Alt 9:Snakes
Alt 10:Fight Fire With Fire
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tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month
Whump Dialogue #2
"Look, you can't expect me to just sit here all day doing nothing!"
"You're just going to make your injuries worse!"
"I'll be careful, I just---"
"Take one more step and I'm tying your stubborn ass to the bed."
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Test Track AU (T$$ AU Masterlist)
previous /// next (cw: gore)
tag list:
@theonewithallthefixations , @violets-whumperflies , @whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden , @snakebites-and-ink , @whumpsday , @kixngiggles , @echo-goes-aaa @suspicious-whumping-egg , @cryptidwritings , @painsandconfusion , @grizzlie70 , @bloodsweatandpotato , @ladyblogofficialreporter @whumper-soot , @poeticagony
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jamietxrtt · 4 months
anyway. whump/angst dialogue prompts:
“They’re shaking. I-- I don’t know what to do.”
"Hey, hold still. Let me get it."
“I’m not gonna… whatever you think I’m gonna do. I won’t.”
“Trust me, you don’t want to be like me.”
“Stop being so nice to me. It’s confusing.”
“It’s just a warm washcloth, okay? Nothing scary.”
“Give it to me. I can do it myself.”
"Sometimes I forget... the person I am now."
“You don’t have to hide it.”
“Can you stop looking at me, please?”
"You had to know this was going to happen."
“No, no hospital. We’re just gonna go for a field trip, okay? We’re just going for a drive.”
"Don't you know how to take it on the chin?"
"And why-- why should I trust you with this? Why would I?"
“You don’t remember? That’s alright. You were pretty out of it.”
“We’re going to the hospital. It’s not an argument.”
“You don’t deserve it. You never did.”
“If this ‘isn’t that bad’, then what the hell is your definition of ‘bad’?”
“Stop. I— I can’t go any further.”
“It’s alright. You’re alright. Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
“Can you just cooperate for once in your life?”
“Your hands are freezing.”
“You should be apologizing to X, not to me.”
“You’re not the only one going through something, you know.”
“I’m not stupid. I know what this means.”
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cuteguywhump · 4 months
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Casualty - 38x30 - The Last Post
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jordanstrophe · 8 months
Abandoned whumpee: Final 1/2
CW: Betrayal, team whump, whumper turned caretaker, assassination attempt, hurt/comfort, annggsst
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Whumper watched over whumpee all throughout the night. Whumpee would wake up, not remember where they were, then struggle until whumper soothed them back asleep.
Whumper knew the sleepless nights would catch up with them eventually. They downed a tall cup of coffee, hoping to stay awake until morning...
Whumpee woke up that morning staring wide-eyed at whumper fast asleep on the bed with them. "Hey." Whumpee spoke, testfully poked whumper's arm. They groaned, but remained out cold.
Whumpee climbed over them and touched their bare foot to the floor, they immediately felt something cold as they flinched. There was spilt coffee at the foot of the bed along with an assortment of papers. They were badly stained, any information whumpee could have gleaned were long gone.
A silver key was dangling from whumper's pocket. If whumpee couldn't find information here, then there would be something elsewhere.
They clutched the key and snuck out of the infirmary. There were guards patrolling the halls as whumpee ducked around the corner. They let the guards pass, before slipping into the hall behind them. Whumpee tried every door they passed, all locked tight and the key fit none of them.
There was one last engraved door at the end of the hall. Whumpee heard the guards coming back around as they trembled and kept missing the keyhole. There was a silent *click* as the door swung open. Whumpee jumped in and shut the door behind them, taking a deep sigh of relief.
They stood in what seemed to be whumper's office; a large wooden desk, walls adorned with weapons, massive bookshelves. Everything whumpee expected whumper's office to look like, really.
They turned on a lamp and rooted through the desk. There were moundfuls of documents detailing whumpee's team. There were things here whumpee didn't even know... Things they weren't classified to know. They were told whumper was a murderer, someone who killed on sight; they took no prisoners and mercy was unheard of.
"Then why did you save me?" Whumpee whispered, looking at a framed picture of whumper proudly standing with their team. "Why capture me for intel if you had it already?"
In the depths of a drawer, whumpee found a roughly bound journal. It was branded with whumpee's team logo. They recognized it; each team carried one to document missions. Even whumpee had their own, though this one looked ancient...
They opened the first page before suddenly, the door opened and the lights flashed on. Whumpee gasped and dropped the book, frozen as they looked up like a deer in headlights. The person staring back had the very same expression. Horror, adrenaline, confusion.
-It was one of whumpee's teammates, dressed darkly and hooded as they took an astonished step towards whumpee.
"Whumpee? You're alive?" They whispered. "How? We thought they killed you." They gasped. Whumpee covered their mouth and clambered back to their feet. They were flooded with relief seeing a friendly face. They tried to figure out how to say a million words in a single breath.
"It's a long story-" Whumpee heaved, "I've been kept here by whumper, I got hurt in the attack and I-I was bleeding out and I was-" Whumpee trailed off with a flicker of doubt. They knew their team would think whumpee betrayed them if they were found alive in whumper's custody. The amount of intel that could be tortured out of them...
"I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't looking right at you." Their teammate filled in the silence, taking a step closer. "To think all this time, you survived..."
They didn't sound happy. Both of their eyes dropped to the journal between their feet, branded with their symbol.
"Ah, I see... So you found it." Their teammate stared.
"Found what? What have you not told me?" Whumpee demanded.
They crouched down to pick up the book, as they heard a *sswick* of a blade being unsheathed. Whumpee stopped in their tracks. They slowly looked up and stared into the tip of a blade and the eyes of someone who was no ally.
"I really am sorry." Their teammate whispered softly. "But you died that day, whumpee. It has to stay that way, for the good of all of us. You understand, don't you?" They took a step closer as whumpee snatched the book in their arms and backed away.
"Oh, come on, don't make this difficult. You've died once for us already. You can do it one more time, can't you?" They tilted their head.
"Can't I know why?" Whumpee's voice broke as their back hit the wall. "I- I didn't give you up, I didn't tell whumper anything. They weren't even what I thought they were... They weren't what you told me!" Whumpee suddenly shouted.
"I'm sure you didn't, you were always loyal. But it was never about that."
The blade came to their throat as whumpee shuttered and closed their eyes. The sound of a blade piercing flesh, a hot splatter of blood hit their chest, yet they felt nothing but cold adrenaline.
There was hollow silence. Whumpee opened their eyes, their teammate's face was blank as they sunk to the floor on their knees. Their silhouette was replaced by whumper, holding a dripping blade with a look of pure hatred.
"They dare set foot in my house!?" Whumper shouted. Their eyes suddenly darted to whumpee, who flinched. Their back was to the corner, face stained with blood, they trembled while hugging the journal to their chest.
"How did you get- ... No, one thing at a time." Whumper stopped themselves, putting the blade out of sight. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" They asked instead, nudging the corpse off their feet.
"I'm- ... I'm not hurt." Whumpee responded rapidly, trying not to show they were gasping for breath. "They were going to k-kill me." Whumpee touched their fingers to their chest where their teammates blood was splattered. "And you just... S-saved my life..."
"As much as I want to gloat and say I told you so- I'm just glad I got here when I did. Come with me, let's get you changed and we'll talk." Whumper held out their hand.
To be continued, 2/2
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@parasitebunny @starzabove @frog-hat-fa-ggot @morning-star-whump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @mommymarichatfurever​  @isita-torrrres @tobiaslut @anonintrovert @sausages-things
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My Home Hero Ep 09
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