longingthoughts · 2 years
You Still Have All Of Me
𝅄  ✧  .˚ fandom: harry potter
𝅄  ✧   .˚ focus: harlow archer, harlow archer/harry potter
𝅄  ✧  .˚ content warnings: anxiety, depression, JKR universe(written from an anti-jkr author)
𝅄  ✧  .˚ tags: angst, fear, war, breakup
𝅄  ✧  .˚ music: my immortal by evanescance
𝅄  ✧  .˚ word count: 972  
𝅄  ✧  .˚ originally posted: 2021-10-04  
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       Harlow Archer had always been a stubbornly self reliant young girl. True she was loyal and kind to those that she cared about and who she let in. But in the end she didn't like asking for help, opening up about her emotions, or letting new people in. But Harlow didn't seem too bad off growing up in her self enforced isolation. She had things she loved that she was able to focus on and that anyone who paid attention could see her passions fuel her. She might be alone but everyone figured that her her alone didn't mean lonely. And while it sometimes was sometimes it wasn't and she genuinely did like being on her own, without the world to hurt her more. She had carefully selected people and that was all that she needed.
       This war, it all felt like a cruel joke. It felt like the moment she opened up the whole world decided that she actually didn't need or deserve any of that. It wasn't a new feeling but reccently that feeling would creep up on her in the middle of the night. it was like the feelings that she had been dealing with didn't bubble up so often but now that she was alone running from death eaters and the very real fact she could die or the people she loved could. It was torture, it was torture that she couldn't end without getting the people she loved hurt. It was that thought, the thought of those she loved getting hurt, to keep her going all on her own. She lied to herself telling herself that if she could be alone and perfectly happy for four years at hogwarts she was fine now. She knew it was a lie deep down. But it was easier to lie to herself than to give up and hurt them.
       Harlow would give anything to be home, to see her friends again, to be held by Harry. She hadn't expected the last part to hurt so hard. She always thought that she didn't need a boyfriend and probably wouldn't have one until she graduated. When Harlow realized her feelings she felt stupid, crying in the bathroom to lucy about the fact that she liked a boy. Surely Harlow should know better than to have a crush on Harry. But no matter how hard she would try to ignore it the feelings would always come back. Hearing him from across the hall, catching his eyes in class, being in Dumbledore's Army meetings it would set her off into a flurry of emotions for the rest of the day. Telling him her feelings in sixth year was terrifying but falling in love with him had felt like coming home. They knew it was doomed, Harlow knew he could die that voldemort was back and wanted to kill him. But she found safety in him that she hadn't felt in so long.
       Harlow didn't expect him to break it off the day after he got safely transported to the burrow, it was like a gut punch to her. She hated it because she couldn't even be a normal teenager and blame him for it. She thought back to that day when they got an hour alone.
       "Harry, why" She said she could hear the stubborn sadness in her voice that demanded to be heard.
       "Because" She could hear the heavy sadness in his voice too. "This war is here and moody died, and I can't keep you safe and do what dumbledore left me with. Please understand."
       "I do." Was all she could say, her hazel eyes filling with tears that refused to go away. "I love you you know."
       "I know," She looked up and saw a tear fall down his cheek. "I love you too."
       It seemed everyone could tell something changed because Mrs.Weasley didn't pair them up even though she was very clearly trying to keep him away from Hermione and Ron. And no one bothered her when her shower was a little extra long that night. Ginny seemed to want to say something but ended up deciding not to. That night she held onto her pillow craving the comfort of the teddy bear she left at home.
       The cruel part was that Harlow had understood why. she couldn't even argue. It was something she had practically seen coming. But she fell in love with him anyway. Thinking to that night always hurt her. Thinking about him and knowing there was nothing she could even do. As much as she loved him and she wanted to be with him he had been right. But Harlow had been prepared to risk her life for him, and if she was given the chance she still would. She didn't know exactly what they were doing but she had been able to get out of ron that it was something to do with voldemort. It was scary enough that Voldemort had already been trying to hunt him down but Harry was practically doing the same. The worry kept her awake at night. Of course she worried for her other friends and family. mom, dad, Whitney, El, Lucy, Juni, Luna, Hermione, Harper Ginny, Ron and Harry. It was like a mantra. The people she loved. The people who if they died it could quite possibly tear her apart.
       Harlow had done her best to ignore that constant fear though. She had to stay strong. She couldn't give up. That was always the undercurrent as she camped, ran, and fought. It was the under current when she saw those she loved again. And she managed it. Until the battle seemed over when Voldemort said the words she had feared so much. She lost all her composure and cried out. She just simply could not stay strong anymore.
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primepaginequotidiani · 18 days
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PRIMA PAGINA New York Times di Oggi giovedĂŹ, 05 settembre 2024
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myextracooking · 10 months
Homemade Mediterranean Sugar Syrup {Atter}
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aftanith · 1 year
Dark S2E1&E2, "Beginnings and Endings/AnfÀnge und Enden" & "Dark Matter/Dunkle Materie"
Welcome back to Curious Combinations, a podcast in which I explore new-to-me fictional stories across television, film, books, and even other podcasts! I'm starting with the German Netflix series DARK.
This week, I'm covering Dark Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2.
Coming soon will be coverage of Archive 81 (TV), Marianne, and Vampire Knight.
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vunderjoy · 6 months
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making pongorma a girldad effective immediately
also here's him telling her about how he used to stink so bad it killed people
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paranoid-radio · 16 days
Okay why. Why did nobody tell me there's actual in game dialogue of kim saying he's gay?? Like no beating around the bush or implied subtext it was just clearly stated??? That's so cool what
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smallgronk · 5 months
Why must all the people who want to cuddle me be so far away 😕. I'm trying to be patient but god it literally hurts to be so touch starved. 💔
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thebusylilbee · 2 months
Contrairement au storytelling imposĂ© par les organisateurs des Jeux olympiques (JO) et paralympiques (JOP), la qualitĂ© de la Seine est restĂ©e trĂšs largement insuffisante depuis le dĂ©but de l’évĂ©nement, d’aprĂšs les rĂ©sultats d’analyses officiels consultĂ©s par Mediapart. Ces donnĂ©es Ă©manent des prĂ©lĂšvements effectuĂ©s, chaque jour, par les Ă©quipes d’Eau de Paris, laboratoire rattachĂ© Ă  la mairie de Paris. Elles sont transmises au ComitĂ© d’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques (Cojop), qui contrĂŽle leur communication.
Dans un souci de transparence s’agissant d’un sujet de santĂ© publique majeur, Mediapart a dĂ©cidĂ© de publier en intĂ©gralitĂ© les rĂ©sultats d’analyses que nous avons pu rĂ©cupĂ©rer. Ils font apparaĂźtre que la qualitĂ© de la Seine n’était suffisante pour la baignade olympique que 20 % du temps depuis le lancement des JO, le 26 juillet. Ce taux descend mĂȘme Ă  10 % si l’on applique aux rĂ©sultats des prĂ©lĂšvements rĂ©alisĂ©s les critĂšres exigĂ©s pour la baignade « grand public », que les autoritĂ©s souhaitent ouvrir Ă  l’étĂ© 2025 en « hĂ©ritage » des Jeux aprĂšs avoir investi 1,4 milliard d’euros d’argent public dans ce projet.
Dans le dĂ©tail (lire la mĂ©thodologie en boĂźte noire), les rĂ©sultats montrent en effet que sur une pĂ©riode de dix jours s’étalant du 27 juillet au 5 aoĂ»t, les niveaux de qualitĂ© des eaux fixĂ©s par la World Triathlon – FĂ©dĂ©ration internationale de triathlon – (seuils qui sont plus Ă©levĂ©s que pour le grand public) n’ont Ă©tĂ© respectĂ©s que deux jours, les 30 et 31 juillet. Tout le reste du temps, les rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©passĂ© les exigences de la fĂ©dĂ©ration, qu’il s’agisse de contamination en Escherichia coli (E. coli) ou en entĂ©rocoques intestinaux, les deux bactĂ©ries testĂ©es quotidiennement sur quatre points de prĂ©lĂšvement.
Ces rĂ©sultats expliquent pourquoi tous les entraĂźnements de triathlon ont Ă©tĂ© reportĂ©s, provoquant le mĂ©contentement de certains athlĂštes (lire en encadrĂ©). Ces derniers ont nagĂ© dans une eau trop polluĂ©e le 5 aoĂ»t lors de l’épreuve de relais mixte. Quelques jours plus tĂŽt, mercredi 31 juillet, les niveaux Ă©taient retombĂ©s sous les seuils exigĂ©s pour les Ă©preuves individuelles femmes et hommes (aprĂšs un premier report pour cause de pollution).
Ces rĂ©sultats s’expliquent par le mauvais Ă©tat des rĂ©seaux d’assainissement en amont de Paris, plombĂ© par de nombreux problĂšmes de raccordements (lire notre enquĂȘte), ainsi que des fuites non rĂ©parĂ©es dans les Ă©gouts de la capitale. Sans oublier les pollutions ponctuelles.
S’y ajoutent des problĂšmes plus conjoncturels, liĂ©s Ă  la mĂ©tĂ©o trĂšs pluvieuse de cet Ă©tĂ©. Non seulement cette pluie a favorisĂ© les dĂ©versements d’eau sale en Seine, mais elle a, en plus, gonflĂ© le dĂ©bit du fleuve, qui approche les 300 mĂštres cubes par seconde, presque le double de son niveau habituel. RĂ©sultat : les bactĂ©ries s’y dĂ©placent plus vite et ont de ce fait moins de temps pour se dĂ©grader sous l’effet des UV du Soleil et des organismes qui les ingĂšrent. 
Les analyses montrent enfin que, si les ouvrages rĂ©alisĂ©s ces derniĂšres annĂ©es (notamment la construction du grand bassin d’Austerlitz, mis en service en juin pour stocker une partie des eaux usĂ©es et pluviales lors des fortes prĂ©cipitations) ont permis d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de la Seine, les efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s demeurent Ă  ce jour insuffisants pour permettre la baignade.
InterrogĂ©e par Mediapart, la mairie de Paris ne nous a pas rĂ©pondu sur les leçons qu’elle tire de ces rĂ©sultats, alors mĂȘme que la maire, Anne Hidalgo, tout comme la ministre des sports, AmĂ©lie OudĂ©a-CastĂ©ra, ont multipliĂ© les interviews, ces derniers jours, pour affirmer que le pari de la baignade dans la Seine avait Ă©tĂ© « tenu ». « Nous avons rĂ©ussi en quatre ans l’impossible depuis cent ans », s’est Ă©galement fĂ©licitĂ© Emmanuel Macron, sur le rĂ©seau social X.
Du cĂŽtĂ© du Cojop, le service presse conteste notre interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats d’analyses sur un seul point : la journĂ©e du 5 aoĂ»t, jour du relais mixte de triathlon. À cette date-lĂ , les Ă©quipes d’Eau de Paris ont mesurĂ© 436 unitĂ©s formant colonie (UFC) par 100 millilitres (ml) d’entĂ©rocoques sur l’un des quatre points de prĂ©lĂšvement, celui du port du Gros-Caillou. Or, nuance le Cojop, ce rĂ©sultat « flirte avec la limite » (fixĂ©e Ă  400 UFC/100 ml par la fĂ©dĂ©ration internationale) et « est situĂ© en dehors du parcours du triathlon ». En rĂ©alitĂ©, il se trouve juste Ă  cĂŽtĂ©. [...]
Prestataire de la ville lors de ce « test event », le laboratoire privĂ© Fluidion, qui dispose d’un contrat-cadre avec la municipalitĂ©, a ainsi Ă©tĂ© Ă©cartĂ© des sous-traitants pour les Jeux, aprĂšs avoir alertĂ© sur les niveaux de pollution et pointĂ© les limites des prĂ©lĂšvements effectuĂ©s par Eau de Paris. « En 2023, nous avons prĂ©venu sur la prĂ©sence d’une quantitĂ© trĂšs importante et assez variable de bactĂ©ries prĂ©sentes sur des particules fĂ©cales. Ils Ă©taient au courant, et ils ont fait leur choix en conscience », dĂ©plore son prĂ©sident-directeur gĂ©nĂ©ral, Dan Angelescu.
Le fondateur de Fluidion, qui continue de travailler avec la mairie pour la zone de baignade du bassin de la Villette (oĂč les enjeux de pollution sont bien moindres), regrette que, tandis que « les Jeux olympiques sont extraordinaires, peut-ĂȘtre les plus beaux de l’histoire »,il y ait « dans les discours actuels sur la pollution de la Seine un peu trop de volontĂ© politique et trop peu de science ».Tout en Ă©tant conscient de l’énorme pression gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e par ce sujet : « Comment aurais-je rĂ©agi Ă  la place des organisateurs des Jeux ? Je ne peux pas le dire, je conçois que c’est difficile de rester objectif dans ce contexte », estime le patron du laboratoire, qui publie ses propres rĂ©sultats en « open source ».
D’aprĂšs plusieurs experts en pollution des eaux, le rĂŽle des bactĂ©ries E. coli et entĂ©rocoques ne saurait ĂȘtre surestimĂ©. En plus des problĂšmes de santĂ© qu’elles peuvent provoquer (notamment au niveau intestinal), leur concentration reprĂ©sente aussi un marqueur quant Ă  la prĂ©sence dans l’eau d’autres agents pathogĂšnes. Or, dans la Seine, on trouve de tout : des virus, des parasites, des bactĂ©ries.
Lors d’un colloque sur la baignabilitĂ© de la Seine en juin, l’hydrologue Laurent Moulin, responsable du dĂ©partement R&D (recherche et dĂ©veloppement) d’Eau de Paris, expliquait ainsi qu’il existe un risque de « rĂ©elles infections » dues Ă  la prĂ©sencede norovirus, d’origine humaine, qui sont la principale cause de gastroentĂ©rites aiguĂ«s. Ces derniers sont familiers des passagers des grands bateaux de croisiĂšre, des consommateurs d’huĂźtres ou encore des rĂ©sident·es en Ehpad. Leur impact peut ĂȘtre beaucoup plus grave chez une personne ĂągĂ©e, ou chez des personnes dont le systĂšme immunitaire est affaibli. Or ils ne font pas l’objet aujourd’hui d’un suivi spĂ©cifique dans la Seine, oĂč ils s’additionnent aux autres polluants d’origine chimique (rĂ©sidus de pesticide, mĂ©taux lourds, etc.).
« Pour les Jeux olympiques, ce n’est pas un problĂšme. Les athlĂštes sont jeunes et en bonne santĂ©, analyse un spĂ©cialiste ayant requis l’anonymat. Mais ensuite, qu’est-ce qui va se passer quand la baignade sera ouverte au grand public ? »
Jade Lindgaard, Pascale Pascariello et Antton Rouget
BoĂźte noire Nous publions les rĂ©sultats d’analyses dĂ©taillĂ©s dans cet article. Les laboratoires d’Eau de Paris analysent chaque jour la prĂ©sence de deux bactĂ©ries, les E. coli et les entĂ©rocoques. Selon les critĂšres de la fĂ©dĂ©ration internationale de triathlon, la qualitĂ© de l’eau est classĂ©e comme mauvaise si les concentrations en E. coli sont supĂ©rieures Ă  1 000 UFC/100 ml ou celles en entĂ©rocoques supĂ©rieures Ă  400 UFC/100 ml. Pour la baignade « grand public », la qualitĂ© est jugĂ©e suffisante sous 900 (pour E. coli) et 330 (pour les entĂ©rocoques), selon les seuils fixĂ©s par l’agence rĂ©gionale de santĂ©. Dans le dĂ©tail, les rĂ©sultats montrent : 5 aoĂ»t 2024 : 436 UFC/100 ml d’entĂ©rocoques sur le point de prĂ©lĂšvement du port du Gros-Caillou. 4 aoĂ»t : 1 553 UFC/100 ml d’E. Coli sur le point de prĂ©lĂšvement du pont Alexandre-III. 3 aoĂ»t : 1 300 UFC/100 ml d’E. Coli au port du Gros-Caillou, et 816 UFC/100 ml au pont Alexandre-III. 2 aoĂ»t : Plus de 2 420 UFC/100 ml d’E. Coli au pont Alma et au pont Alexandre-III, entre autres. 1er aoĂ»t : 1 414 UFC/100 ml d’entĂ©rocoques au port du Gros-Caillou. 31 juillet : les rĂ©sultats sont bons. 30 juillet : les rĂ©sultats sont bons, mais le rĂ©sultat au pont Alexandre-III (397 UFC/100 ml d’entĂ©rocoques) est au-dessus baignade « grand public ». 29 juillet : 1 986 UFC/100 ml d’E. Coli au pont des Invalides. 28 juillet : 1 733 UFC/100 ml d’E.Coli au pont de l’Alma. 27 juillet : Toutes les courbes (E. Coli et entĂ©rocoques) sont au-dessus, sur tous les points de prĂ©lĂšvements. InterviewĂ© mardi 6 aoĂ»t, le patron du laboratoire Fluidion, Dan Angelescu, a relu ses propos avant publication. ConsidĂ©rant que les mĂ©thodes traditionnelles de prĂ©lĂšvements ne permettent pas de mesurer suffisamment prĂ©cisĂ©ment les niveaux de bactĂ©ries contenues dans les matiĂšres fĂ©cales (ce qui est une problĂ©matique importante dans la Seine), il a dĂ©veloppĂ© sa propre technique. Tous les rĂ©sultats de prĂ©lĂšvements de Fluidion (mĂ©thode classique et nouvelle mĂ©thode) sont disponibles en accĂšs libre.
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7roaches · 11 months
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assorted old and somewhat unfinished oc art (except the second one thats recent)
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primepaginequotidiani · 18 days
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PRIMA PAGINA La Discussione di Oggi giovedĂŹ, 05 settembre 2024
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teejaystumbles · 2 years
I wrote this after I drew the picture with Hob in a corset earlier. 👀 I needed more background to that scene. I also needed 1789 Hob taken down a peg. ( I usually don't write smut AND I USUALLY DON'T WRITE SO. please be gentle, I don't even know how to tag this) (also on AO3)
The Lord of the Dreaming returns to his castle and to his rooms. He didn't want to end the evening with Hob so early, but for his safety it is the wiser choice. He acknowledges his feelings grudgingly. Talking, nay, bantering with Hob...it has been amusing, pleasant... and he did not wish to leave. He hopes the man did get home safely.
Dream steps up to a mirror in his room and with a flick of his finger the mirror is showing him Hob Gadling. He is alone in a bedroom. So he did get home safely. Dream sighs.
Hob seems to be getting ready for bed, he is currently disrobing, hands untying the lace ribbon from his hair. He has already shed his coat, vest and trousers and is standing in tights, shirt and...corset. Dream raises an eyebrow. It is a common enough fashion choice of men this century, but Dream has never considered Hob would be so vain to choose fashion over comfort.
For you he would, a dark, knowing voice in his head whispers. He watches as Hob slowly untangles his hair. He looks dejected, troubled. Have Dream's words reached him? Or is he only sorry for their evening being cut short?
Is this what you would have shown me, Hob? The way you have forged your new self out of the blood and bones of less fortunate beings? What would you have me do to make you see?
Hob sighs and stretches, cracking the bones of his back and groaning. Dream appreciates the way the corset shapes his waist and silhouette.
Maybe you require...a personal nightmare...
Dream delicately places the tips of his fingers on the glass of the mirror. He imagines laying his hand on the flat expanse of soft fabric above Hob's pelvis, imagines gripping his hips hard and pulling the ribbons at his back tighter.
On the other side of the mirror, Hob gasps and reaches out for something to steady himself. His other hand grapples for the corset's ribbon but Dream blows softly on the glass and Hob shivers and falls to his knees with a broken cry, his hand flying instead to the back of his neck. He looks around wildly, fear and confusion in his eyes as the lights flicker out and he is left in darkness. Dream pulls the ribbons again.
Hob squeezes his eyes shut and moans. The pain is the tightness of ropes digging into flesh, rubbing it raw, drawing blood. It is a hand around his neck, choking him. It is a lash against his back. Another puff of breath from Dream is a gust of stale, rancid air full of the choking smell of sickness and human waste.
Hob sobs and claws at his throat and back. He can't get the ribbon open. His ribs are creaking under the strain. Dream pulls tighter.
"Please..." Hob whines, blind in the darkness, packed in with a hundred other bodies, the floor under his feet rolling, swaying him back and forth against others, inciting new pain on old wounds.
Dream hums and Hob hears a sound like nothing before, the sound of a being larger than the ship, a deep sonorous tone rising higher and higher until it is a shriek of pain, a cracking of bones and Hob sinks to the floor with another cry of anguish as his ribs crack under the whalebone corset.
"Please...mercy..." he begs, voice hoarse and broken, barely being able to breathe. His eyes search the darkness, tears streaming down his face.
"My friend...mercy... I'll change... I'll stop it, I swear! Please..."
Dream's eyebrows rise. Hob...means him, he's fairly sure. He has seemingly connected the dots, that only a being such as him could be responsible for these illusions.
"Don't forget this feeling, Hob. Never forget." he murmurs against the glass, his lips leaving no trace on it. Hob's eyes widen as a well-known voice whispers in his ear, the phantom brush of lips making him shiver and jerk. He tries looking behind him but Dream quickly pushes him down with a strong hand on his neck. Dream, overtaken by a feeling of desire and fondness he's been holding at bay this whole evening, let's his hand on Hob's stomach drift lower, finding his already stiff cock pressing up against his shirt. Dream curls his fingers delicately around it, squeezing him through the cotton fabric. Then he releases the ribbon and let's Hob breathe.
The man lets out a long groan and gasps, drawing in air desperately. He is coming, a whine escaping from behind clenched teeth, face pressed against the floor boards. He gasps and heaves afterwards, short on breath, and stays where Dream has put him. It makes something soft unfurl in Dream's chest. He withdraws quietly and the lights in the room flicker back on.
Against his mirror, the Dream Lord places his lips in a kiss and Hob gives a full-body shudder at the feel of them against his lower back, between the laces of the corset.
"Goodnight, Hob." he bids him the second time tonight, but he is stepping away - Hob can't hear it. The mirror goes dark.
In his room, Hob slowly pulls himself to his knees and just sits for a minute, heaving. He closes his eyes and wipes over his face. He knows what he has to do come morning. With a sniffle he whispers hoarsely: "Thank you..."
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mystyrust · 2 months
#extremely obvious by ppls reactions to kamala Harris who has and hasn't talked to a Palestinian irl#we went from acab to voting for a cop lol#identity politics has killed critical thinking on this site#if yall want political analysis from Palestinians (who's opinions i trust more than my own on this matter bc they are experts) i suggest#salm/a sha/wa (an/at international)#mohammed el/kurd#subh/i ta/ha#and if you're willing to branch out to a couple non Palestinians i recommend#san/a saeed#mehd/i has/an#if France can band together to get rid of far rights out of the elected office#then we can make third party candidates viable#minorities throwing each other under the bus for self preservation has historically never worked#vote b/lue no m/atter w/ho has proven that KHs team doesn't have to work hard on campaigning#you can't girl boss fa/cism and jenoxide#you can't vote for a m3me#just yapping to myself in the notes thank you for coming to my ted talk#unless KH definitively distinguishes her policy on gz she is no different than jenosixe j0e#she has a much bl00d on her hands#s/im kern is decent but did have a few fumbles#chris k middle east guy i can't remb his name was good too#not yuval!!!! he's funny haha measuring ur height finding out where u are in the world but his mistakes are too intentional#i know we spread news via destiel meme but we can't spread analysis this way#get off this app and touch grass go to a protest talk to Palestinians#or listen to Palestinian accounts for history and analysis not just for their gofundmes#celebs can and have depolitucized charity to use as a moral shield against genuine criticism
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kiriska · 9 months
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Haven't posted OCs in a while but rest assured, they continue to live rent free in my brain.
Entertained the idea of giving Niruphma a facial scar, but wasn't super into it lol.
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frankensteinmutual · 1 month
honestly fuck my new roommate. they've genuinely put zero effort into making me feel welcome or just trying to get to know me at all, they're rude and ungenerous and boring and I already don't want to have anything to do with them anymore
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via-rant · 2 years
Hey hey!! Full offense but if you're a minority (POC, LQBTQ+, disabled, a woman, any other religion then Christianity!) And you hate or ridicule or talk bad at all about someone else who is ALSO a minority genuinely FUCK YOU!! "But they're different" So? Learn! That's why we're ALL hated!! And guess what? We're all fucking scared!! We are TERRIFIED RIGHT NOW!! ALL of our rights are being taken away!! Jim Crow laws?! Those are coming back! Look it up! LGBTQ+ rights are being taken away to where we can't even change our FUCKING NAMES!! To where teachers will be ARRESTED FOR TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING TO DO WITH SLAVERY OR LGBTQ RIGHTS!! NAZIS ARE FUCKING COMING BACK!!! Abortion is already illegal but if someone is even suspected that they had an abortion or is planning to have one they will be ARRESTED!! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY SHIT ABOUT BEING HATED FOR NOT FITTING INTO SOCIETY IF YOU ARE DOING THE EXACT! SAME!! THING!! We were already getting killed. But now none of us will get justice. And nothing is progressing. Also I haven't said anything about disabled people because I haven't seen anything for disabled people but if something is happening with us then please tell me. And if nothing is happening with us right now then we're next.
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peterparker-irl · 4 months
just realized that i havent posted art here in a while LMAO. maybe art tomorrow. who knows. if i do post things its probs going to be one piece related so. prepare.
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